#oc cryophobia
underrottengaze · 5 months
2, 3, 11, 13 for Satellite, Phys, Aquila, Cryophobia, Truthspeaker
(dont need to do all if you dont want!!)
Satellite! I was hoping I'd get some questions for her, she seriously needs more development
2. Satellite - Her art! She's a very passionate artist and she pours all of her motivation into her metalwork. She loves making jewellery especially. Her goal is to eventually set up some kind of shop to sell her work! Phys - His friends, corny I know. But it's true! He cares deeply about everyone around him and he tries his best to be as good a friend - and son - as he can. Aquila - She's always been passionate about her studies in general sciences and especially biology, although more recently her main focus has been Prosperity. She would do quite literally anything if it meant finishing the Preservation Project and ending the war. Cryo - Until the war she never really had any passions or interests, being queen is a rather dull occupation and doesn't leave much room for hobbies. Now all she cares for is expanding her army and keeping her kingdom safe, both of which she's doing a very good job at. Truth - Like Satellite, her passion is her art. She's been writing since she learnt how and it's been a major part of who she is for as long as she can remember. When she was younger she wanted to become a famous poet, but now all she wants is for others to enjoy her work.
3. Satellite - Leaving the Sea Kingdom was a big event in her life and I'd say living on land changed her outlook quite a bit. She's always been the spunky rebellious type though, there isn't one specific thing that caused that. Phys - Not a specific moment, but Alluring played a big part in shaping Phys' personality. He taught him to be the kind and understanding dragon he is now! Aquila - Her childhood isn't developed at all; as an adult though, going to live in Teratorn's manor changed her completely. Working for Teratorn fundamentally altered her outlook on life and made her who she is now. She'd always been... somewhat questionable, but he brought the worst out of her. Cryo - She isn't developed enough to give a good answer I'm afraid. Truth - The vase :)
11. Satellite - Nope Phys - His flower crowns are special to him for no particular reason. They just make him feel comfortable! He makes a new one with either Alluring or Star every time the last one dies. Aquila - She wears this sort of necklace and collar thing [that isn't depicted in any of her current artworks] that she values both for its immense monetary value and that it's a symbol of her status. She's rarely seen without it. Cryo - Her crown is an obvious answer, although to her her armour holds much more significance. Even if it's only ceremonial, it's still a symbol of her power and strength, which in Cryo's opinion is more valuable than any expensive accessory. Truth - I need to update her design, so I don't have an answer at the moment.
13. Satellite - She doesn't have any specific recurring dreams, although a common theme in a lot of her nightmares is losing the people close to her, usually either Lilypad or Bluefin. Phys - Nope! Aquila - She never remembers her dreams, which is probably a good thing. You can only imagine the sort of weird stuff going on in her mind. Cryo - She expectedly has a lot of recurring nightmares about losing either her kingdom or her family in the war. She tries not to let it phase her though. Truth - Pretty much the same as Satellite, although the theme is seeing her family rather than losing them.
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papa-puigi · 5 months
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There she is again.
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sl-newsie · 5 months
Cryophobia (Racetrack Higgins x OC) *Winter Special* ❄️
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Summary: Racetrack tries to ask a girl on a date, but seems to regret it when she coaxes him into ice skating. Will a small accident possibly dilate their new love?
“Extra! Extra! Coal inventory down 20 percent!”
“Colder weather expected throughout the week! Get your paper right here!”
I do my best to ignore the huddled newsies, who are currently in my way. It doesn’t help when the younger one looks up at me with wide, pleading eyes, and all but begs for me to buy a paper.
“I’m so sorry! I’d luv to, but I don’t have much spare change.” To make up for what I cannot provide, I give the sad child one of my apples. “It’s not much. I do hope you get better customers.”
I turn to continue on my way, but have now caught the attention of the odda newsie.
“Hey Les, who’s your friend?” He asks. 
The child called Les shakes his head and holds up the apple. “I donno. I tried to sell her a pape but instead she gave me this.”
The questionnaire steps forward, one hand clutching a newsbag and the odda holding a cigar… but it’s not lit. 
“Well hello there, miss.” He removes his hat in a gentlemanly fashion. “And what might a young lady such as yourself be do’n on this crisp evening?”
“Returning from the market. May I inquire who’s asking?”
The man lets out a laugh. “‘Inquire?’ That’s a big word! Ya read much?” He lifts up a newspaper and wiggles his eyebrows. “I could deliver one to you straight away tomorrow.”
His teasing tugs at my heart and I can’t help but smile. “Possibly. But why should I tell you where I live, hm? I don’t even know your name.”
He nods respectfully and tips his hat. “Racetrack Higgins at your service, miss. Friends call me Race.”
I smile politely. “Good to meet you, Race. I’m assuming that’s a nickname?”
“Sure is,” he states proudly. “I’s one-a the best gamblers in ‘Hattan. Now may I ask who you are, beautiful?”
Normally, my parents’ lessons have taught me not to speak so much with strangers. This Race character may be new to me, but he is certainly much better than other men I’ve had to converse with. 
“It’s Emily, Emily Shelby.”
Race’s eyes go wild. “Shelby? As in Father Shelby, the minister? God… Whaddya do’n out this late? Your fadda won’t like that!”
I laugh at his sudden caution. “Believe me, I’m not as uptight as my family. They think I’m supposed to be a simple girl who stays home and will become a housewife, but for now I’ve been enjoying what freedom I have outside.”
This seems to spark an idea in Race, because he suddenly gets very excited.
“Well, if you’s so keen on do’n something fun, how ‘bout I take ya out?”
I must admit, his boldness is intriguing. Already he’s proven to be polite and chivalrous, both redeeming qualities that I respect very much. Besides, I’ve already grown up 20 years and am still being pushed to find a suitor. It’s time I stop putting it off and start courting.
I snicker and give him a nod. “Alright. You claim the date, I name the activity on said date.”
Race’s smug look shows a quick flicker in surprise to my response. “Well alrighty, then! What’d ya have in mind, beautiful?”
I smirk. “Ice skating.”
The man’s eager face falters darkly in a split second to almost reflect a look of pure terror, almost too fast to notice. But he quickly regains himself and shows a confident smile.
“Very well. I assume you know the best spot?”
“Indeed I do, Higgins. There’s a pond not too far outta town.”
“What about me?”
We both turn back to the smaller newsie, who’s starting to shiver. I kneel down and offer him my gloves.
“It’s get’n dark, Les. You should head back and warm up. Tell Davey I’ll be late.” Race looks over at me with a cheesy grin. “Tell him I’ve got a date.”
Les nods eagerly and scurries off.
“So where to?”
I stand up and point to the trail leading north. Race offers an arm, which I take graciously, and we both start walking through the crisp air. Thankfully we’re on the edge of town and the pond is close by, because the air’s already starting to get colder. Race must notice, because he begins to take off his jacket.
“What are you doing?”
He shrugs. “It’s cold, figured you’s could warm up more.”
I hold up a hand to stop him and gesture for him to put his coat back on. “That’s really sweet, thank you. But I don’t get cold too easily. You need your coat more than I, Race. I promise this won’t be too long- oh! Here we are!”
For now there’s no falling snow, but that won’t last long. I lead Race to the edge and notice that the ice is untouched, which is strange since I thought more people would’ve been here by now.
“Don’t we need skates?” Race asks as he gives the pond a skeptical look.
“Not necessarily. I’ve never been able to afford skates, so I just slide with my boots on.” I grab a nearby stick and give the ice a stiff poke, discovering that it’s smooth enough. “Good conditions for skating. Very smooth, very sturdy. Just one thing-” I turn to Race and change to a serious tone: “Be careful by the edge and the center. That’s where the ice is the weakest.”
He nods in understanding and still seems cautious of the ice, so I decide to show him by stepping out foist. Race eventually seems convinced and carefully steps out too, already slipping all over the ice.
“Hang on!” I help steady him before he can fall. “One step at a time, Higgins- ah!”
Race lets out a yelp when he slips again, causing him to cling to my chest. The closeness sends my heart beating like a crazed metronome, as well as bringing Race to get a mischievous look on his face.
“Gee, Emily. If you’s was so desperate to get close, all ya gotta do is ask!”
I roll my eyes and help him regain his balance. “Careful, Higgins. Remember I’m the minister’s daughter, and boundaries are very important.”
“Yeah, I know.” 
He tests out the ice again and soon begins gliding around as well, each of us leaving trails all over the snow. By now it’s starting to snow, making it harder to see. Eventually Race gets the hang of it and, before I can comprehend what’s going on, he slides up behind me and spins me around.
“Whoa! Wait- aah!” I giggle and laugh as the brown-eyed newsie twirls me through the billowing snow. No one has ever made me feel this full-hearted, so free-spirited… As if we’re skating in a magic snow globe apart from reality itself.
Race must notice my dazed state because he slows down to try to look at me more carefully through the white, blinding blizzard. He has a strange look too, as if he’s thinking about something serious.
“Emily, I just wanna say that- Oh God!”
We both hear it before we know what’s going on. I feel Race shove me away just as the crack forms, ripping open the ice and swallowing Race into the frigid water. My heart stops, as well as all the happiness I’d just felt, as I scramble over to see what’s become of my new friend.
“Race? Race! Oh my God! Where are you?!” I shriek as I feel around the cold water, hoping to catch him. It appears that God has heard me, because I feel a hand grasp mine and Race resurfaces. He’s coughing and shaking as if he has personally met Death, leading me to react with panic.
“Here, here! Up, up, quick!” I help him crawl up outta the water and carefully lead him back off the pond and onto solid ground, where I immediately start to tear his waterlogged clothes off.
But Race sees this differently.
“Wait- What-? Emily, whaddya doing?” He asks in a confused manner.
“You’s soaked to the bone, and these icy clothes is just gonna make hypothermia even worse!” I explain as I strip him down to his knickers and undershirt, then remove my own cloak to wrap it around him. “Quick! We need to get you someplace warm. Do you have a place to stay?”
“Th- Th- The lodging h-house,” he tries to answer through shiver fits. “‘S- ‘S not t-too far.”
My mind forms out a plan and I sling an arm around him. “Alright, let’s go. Hurry! We’ve gotta be quick if you don’t wanna catch cold.”
“Too late,” Race tries to joke, but this is no laughing matter. He’s pale as snow and his lips are turning blue.
Time drags on, apparently wanting to torment me with worry as we rush back to town. When I ask Race for directions he points to a street leading further into ‘Hattan, and thankfully I am quick to spot a sign that says Newsboys Lodging House. I don’t even bother knocking.
“Where’s the bathroom?” I ask Race.
After I help drag him up what seems like an infinite number of stairs I finally get him to the bathroom and have him sit in a tub, but leave his clothes on to give him privacy.
“We can’t heat you up too fast, so just bear with me.” I start the water with a steady temperature, meanwhile Race is grasping my cloak around him for dear life. After a while he finally starts to get some color back on his face.
“Are you still numb?” I ask hesitantly.
He gets a funny grin on his face and shakes his head. “I can feel my feet again!”
I nod again and again, trying to remember if there’s any treatment I forgot. There doesn’t seem to be, so all I can do now is kneel down next to Race and look at him with guilt and apology. 
“Race, I am so sorry! This is all my fault, and I will replace your clothes. And… I understand if you wanna forget about this-”
“Are ya kidding?” The short newsie finds sensation in his hand to grasp mine and he starts laughing. “Doll, that’s gotta be one-a the most terrifying moments of my life, and I luved it! I mean, all my life I’s been too scared to skate, and here you are look’n all innocent and gorgeous ask’n me to skate with ya! God, Mush is gonna laugh when he hears this!”
But I don’t laugh. All I can do is gawk and stare at his laid-back response.
“Emily? You ok?”
Jaw still on the floor, shake my head. “I just- You… You almost caught hypothermia and you’re just- just laughing about it? How are you so calm?”
Race shrugs. “Gotta laugh sometimes. If you don’t, life gets too sad.” He sits up straighter and his smile grows softer. “I’d never wanna forget you, Emily. Not if it means never having adventures like this again. Besides,” He gives me a teasing wink. “Was really sweet to see how you’s really care ‘bout me.”
I let out a heavy groan and hold my head in my hands. “It’s called adrenaline. Makes people do crazy things.”
“I disagree.” I feel Race trail his thumb across my cheek. “I think it highlights who a person really is, how they really feel. And if I’s right…” I feel him shift in the water and look up to see his face only inches from mine. “Now that I can feel my face again-” He pauses to cup my face in his hands and leans in impossibly closer. “I can feel your soft lips.”
And then he kisses me. Full-out and deep-hearted. He ironically makes me go numb, and sends a million emotions coursing through me. I don’t even hesitate when he wraps his arms around me and pulls me into the tub with him, both of us lost in thought.
Race pulls away foist because I’s too dazed to think, and he looks up at me as if I hung the stars.
“I think I luv you…” he thinks out loud in a dreamy voice.
“My my, whadda we got here?” Anodda voice taunts.
I nearly leap outta my skin and jerk my head around to find anodda newsie standing in the doorway, one with an eyepatch. God, how’s this gonna look? The minister’s daughter caught with a half-naked newsie in a bathtub.
Race don’t seem as fazed by it. Instead he just sighs and gives the intruder a warning glare.
“Blink, you so much as utter a word-a this, and I’ll bust your odda eye.” He says this so lightly, as if simply asking for a glass of water, rather than how harsh it’s supposed to sound. Though the message is just as dominating, because ‘Blink’ holds up his hands in surrender and starts walking back. 
“Enjoy, c'est la vie, have fun. Forget I was even here.”
Race nods. “That’s what I thought. Now, where were we?” He trails kisses down my still-shocked face. “Don’t mind him, he won’t tell.”
I stir myself outta my trance and get a grasp at what’s happening. “Race… My father won’t like this. You gotta keep it secret, please!”
“So there’s no objection from you?” His face light up and he pulls me closer.
I shake my head and rest it on Race’s chest, giving him a playful smirk. “None at all. I kinda like this.”
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momgana · 2 years
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I remade Cryo’s ref because I don’t like the first one at all-  Also cause I’ve gotten better at drawing Sonic :P - (plus reworking his story as well)  Edit: Scratching* 
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bitterestbuggy · 3 years
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Day 15: Cryophobia, fear of the cold
The anxiety setting in as the street lamps turn on earlier each day
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cumuluscrow · 4 years
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keeping cosy
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berosgarden · 4 years
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i should write their story one day
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the-comfort-den · 2 years
You can ask for Heacanons of any characters on this list, and the link bellow has info about asks! Please do not ask for anything on the ‘topics i wont do’ section, I will ignore your ask,
Post type masterpost here!
Masterlist here!
Note! i only do male or gender neutral readers!!
Fluffy alphabet(Link here): Open!
SFW alphabet(Link here): Open!
Angst alphabet(Link here): Open!
NSFW alphabet(Link here): Open!
Headcanons(General and x reader): Open!
Headcanon ask additional info(Link here)
Scenarios: Semi-Open!
Imagines: Semi-Open!
Character max: 10(say for bitties)
Topics i wont do: Pregnancy(Uncomfertable), things like incest, anything nsfw with minor characters, things with characters and large age gaps, or unhealthy relationships, unhealthy themes are fine but no abuse with the ships!
I also feel uncomfortable doing much with female readers, tho im afab/transmasc myself and she/her pronouns are hard to write for, i just prefer ftm or amab or gender neurtral/nonbinary readers!
Mythical au(Link here): Open!
Bittybones(ask me for bitty cards and ill give them to you! they count for everyone(and yes i run Fantasy Fields lmfao but the bitty cards here wont be as detailed, and a bit more specific!))
-(character list below!)- (Note, these are all with my headcanons and interpretations and au(with my boyfriend) so they mind not line up to what you your hcs are nor canon)
Creepypasta:(Og au, soft au, chaos au)
Inner world(My oc’s!)(Character post here)
Insanity, Sanity, Morality, Anger, Joy, Sadness, EDD, Paranoia, Anxiety, Depression, Imagination, Fear, ODD, Monophobia, SPD, Enochlophobia, Algophobia, Hyper, Cryophobia, Empathy, Apathy, Disgust, Bipolar, Astraphobia, Thermophobia, Trypanophobia, Athazagoraphobia, Acrophobia, Achluophobia,  Cynophobia,
CountryHumans(Character post here)
America, Australia Canada, China, Egypt, England, Finland, France, Greece, Italy, Japan, Mexico, Norway, Poland, Russia, South Korea,
Undertale:(heigh chart/list here)
John Doe: 
John Doe, Human!John Doe
House Hunted: 
Maison Talo(Maison), Soft au!Maison(Talo), Hotel!Maison(Utel), Hospital!Maison(Haigla), Arcade!Maison(Portico), Movie Theater!Maison(Kino), Restaurant!Maison(Etterem), 
ocs(technically): Dom, Inzu, Maja, Hus, Ty, (info about them here!)
Spooky Month:(og au(with headcanons ofc), chaos au, chaos swap au(no swap og for now!),)
The lost boys:(my au, and Sam, Alan, and Edgar are just out of high school(18-19))
David, Paul, Marko, Dwayne, Alan Frog, Edgar frog, Sam Emerson, Michael Emerson,
(other notes: in my au the Emersons are werewolves, as in my au non humans(like werewolves and vampires) are pretty common, so the boys dont have to hide either, Max and Lucy are married and they have a funky mixed family(i will so ramble about my au if you ask)
Hazbin hotel: 
Adam, Lucifer, Alastor, Peter, Vox, Valintino, Lute, Husker,
(notes:(my au) Alastor is Demi/Demi(still ace, and it takes him months to care enough, other than that he’s pan), Val doesnt rape people in my au and prefers things to be consensual, still a hot head though, Lute is trans(ftm) so when writing for him ill be using he/him pronouns)
Helluva boss: 
Stolas, Blitzo, Moxie, Crimson, Wally Wackford, Stricker,
(notes:(my au) Crimson isnt an awful father, he’s not the best but he’s not horrible, he just didnt get Moxie(he was a lot softer than Crim), but he tried and got his son out of the Greed ring so he could be somewhere safer, well, as safe as he could be in hell-,
The Walten files:
Jack Walten, Felix Kranken, Rosemary Walten, Linda Thompson, Susan Woodings, Charles Brook,
(notes:(my au) a lot is different but the main thing is that Jack is an alternate(his mom ended up being infertil despite wanting to be a mom, so she ended up trying something not the best, but she loves her son and she still has her soul(and her husband still loves her lol) i will happily ramble more about this au! 
Also Jack is bi and poly, Rosemary is pan and poly, Linda is also bi and poly, and Felix is gay(panromantic tho) and poly, jack is married to Rosemary and dating Felix, Felix is married to Linda(and loves her romantically) and is dating Jack, Rosmary is Dating Linda and Married to Jack, and ofc Linda is dating Rosemary and married to Felix! Charles is bi and Susan is a lesbian(tho as i dont write for fem readers im willing to bend my own rules lmao this is a place for fuckery and fun not rules XD))
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deathlybetrayal-vt · 6 years
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Phobiatober Art Challenge! Day 25!
Cryophobia - Fear of Ice
Character's in this: My OC Olympia and Human!Flowey who belongs to @channydraws
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rhunae · 6 years
OC Profile
I was tagged by @ielmoe & @goblin-deity . Thank you! I’m gonna tag: Anyone who wants to do this! Go for it!
Serafina | Inquisitor
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full name: Serafina Viera Lavellan gender: Female sexuality: Hetrosexual pronouns: she/her
family: Terys Lavellan (father), Viera (mother), Siona (younger sister), Soufeis, (younger brother), Shathor Lavellan (uncle, deceased), Luda (aunt. after Shathor died, she remarried and joined her new husband’s clan), Luc (cousin), all of the Lavellan descendants. birthplace: late spring in the Vimmark Mountains northwest of Kirkwall job: Dalish Mage / Keeper’s First  / Inquisitor phobias:  Cryophobia,  Arachnephobia guilty pleasures: Drinking with Iron Bull and the Chargers, sharing frilly cakes with Solas hobbies: Reading, exploring ruins, herbology, learning to dream with Solas (latent talent that the anchor tapped into and remains after the anchor is gone)
morality alignment? Neutral good
sins: Desire / Despair / Envy / Fear / Hunger / Pride / Rage / Sloth
virtues: Charity / Chastity / Diligence / Humility / Justice / Kindness / Patience
T H I S - O R - T H A T
introvert/extrovert: extrovert
organized/disorganized: disorganized, that’s what Josephine is for, right?
close minded/open-minded: open-minded
calm/anxious: calm
disagreeable/agreeable: agreeable
cautious/reckless: reckless
patient/impatient: impatient
outspoken/reserved: reserved
leader/follower: leader
empathetic/unempathic: empathetic
optimistic/pessimistic: optimistic
traditional/modern: traditional
hard-working/lazy: hard-working
otp: Solas
acceptable ships: Iron Bull
ot3: Solas,Iron Bull
brotp: Cole, Varric & Dorian
notp: Cullen
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goldenhydreigon47 · 2 years
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Full Name: Drakonis Alemvar Tremaine
Gender and Sexuality: Transfemme Lesbian
Pronouns: She/They
Ethnicity/Species: Caucasian Human
Birthplace and Birthday: Okay so I can't really say her birthplace since 1. its being kept as a secret until later in the story and 2. She kinda destroyed it because of the transphobes living there, but I can say her birthday is September 17th :)
Guilty Pleasures: Her girlfriend (JoJo), spicy foods, guns, any black clothing, and having others care about her
Phobias: Cherophobia, Cryophobia, and Autophobia
What They Would Be Famous For: Being a defeater of autocrats/tyrants/dictarors
What They Would Get Arrested For: Murder of a tyrant, arson, possession of a firearm (depends on country), etc.
OC You Ship Them With: JoJo (actually canon in the story and I call it Stardust Bullet. Will draw art of them once I get good at drawing humans.)
OC Most Likely to Murder Them: Sunork (he actually almost did canonically)
Favorite Movie/Book Genre: N/A (Movies don't exist in Calamity mod and she doesn't read books like she did as a kid)
Least Favorite Movie/Book Genre: N/A (See above answer)
Talents and/or Powers: Can manipulate her bullet trajectory using Mana, immense strength, surprisingly great singer, and very good at aiming for weak points.
Why Someone Might Love Them: Edgy but also very relatable
Why Someone Might Hate Them: Edgy and, if they're a filthy transphobe, she's transfemme
How They Change: *[inhales]*
They start out as extremely stubborn and independent, not wanting to work with anyone, much less a group of people. This is all part of her "tough-girl" persona. But, she eventually meets and begins falling in love with JoJo and once she is nearly killed by Sunork's cryokinesis, she eventually joins up with Mariko's group, which includes JoJo whom she immediately forms a love relationship with. She keeps her extreme sarcasm and edginess around most people (it fades away completely around JoJo) but she learns why working in a team is so effective, why friendship is so effective for morale boosts, and she also learns to care about her allies other than JoJo.
Why I Love Them: Several Reasons:
1. She's very edgy
2. Super relatable in her previous relationship with her family
3. Has many similar flaws to myself
5. Is written to be a very well developed character by the end
6. Is inspired by several characters in media, especially Ryuko Matoi from Kill la Kill and another OC that one of my close friends has (I won't name drop them or their OC but the story they're a part of is utterly fantastic and very well written and their character is especially a highlight)
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underrottengaze · 5 months
1, 2, 3, 7, 12 for Pyrr, Physalis, Truthspeaker and Cryophobia
16, 17, 21 for you
(this is for the pride one btw :3) dont need to do all if you dont want !!
ohhh !!! I was hoping I'd get these characters :]
for characters
1. Pyrr - He's unlabelled, although in a sense his gender is just transmasc. Not male, specifically just transmasc. Phys - You wouldn't assume it since he only uses he/him, but Phys is genderfluid! He's still exploring his identity but this is what he finds fits him most Truth - She's librafluid, which she only discovered about herself recently! She's had a weird, disconnected relationship with her gender her entire life, but she's pretty content with where she is now. Cryo - She's a cis woman, and has never really explored her identity that much! She doesn't actually mind what she's referred to as, but she's fully comfortable with her gender.
2. Pyrr - Aroace king! He's always been pretty repulsed by the idea of relationships. Never understood it. Phys - Also aroace. Almost all of my characters are ace/arospec in some way. Truth - She's bi, with a preference for fem presentation [regardless of gender]. The fact this corresponds with her main colours being pink and blue was unintentional,, Cryo - She's heterosexual, and is actually one of my few cis-het characters! She's a good ally :]
The rest I didn't do because I don't really have any good answers and/or I just have nothing to say about it, sorry^^
for me
16. Yeah, quite a few! I'm very indecisive and pretty regularly retcon past ideas I've had for characters. Pyrr was changed because, well, I changed. Phys and Truth's genders were changed more recently because, I mean, look at them. These two are anything but cis.
17. Pyrr, obviously. And like I said before, a LOT of my characters are ace/arospec because I am too. I don't have many transmasc characters, surprisingly. Plenty of non-binary characters to make up for that though.
21. my characters are so cool I wish queer people were real :(
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papa-puigi · 4 months
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Silly guy! I like him!
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papa-puigi · 5 months
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A piece that, even though it took so long to finish, I am very proud of.
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papa-puigi · 5 months
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A gif that I finally completed! Woohoo!!
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papa-puigi · 7 months
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hi. *descends from the sky and throws this at you*
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