#oc x oc x canon
punkyyyweed · 2 months
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Chat is it gay to kiss your boyfriend’s boyfriend who’s also your boyfriend??
The first one is my postal OC Comrade!
The silly guy kissing postal dude is @p0stalguy postal oc Guy!! Check out their postal oc to know more about em and their amazing art X3
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know-it-all-and-all · 5 months
This just gives redpaint vibe I dunno
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Well I think this remember me about this poly ship.
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jazzyrazzy157 · 2 months
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gremlinboykevin · 2 years
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MORE !!!
Buggy, Kiki and Veers! Buggy is.... scared of Veers lmao. Veers doesn't mind Buggy... and Kiki loves both with ALL OF HIS HEART. His beloved boyfriends ;A;
And Kiki with THE QUEEN!!!! Kiki ADORES Ivankov as much as I do :')
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Just woke up from my eternal slumber, yall
How y’all been since I was sleeping
Anyways here’s a art dum I did in my dreams. //blonde haired guy with glasses, purple demon guy, the birthday boy and the black and white dude from the video, and the ghost. All of those characters. Yeah you already know. They aren’t mine but they belong to my bestest friend the ever aka BANANAMAN‼️//
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beatendeadcourier · 2 years
Lavina character by @angelic-simp
I never really tried writing before but she gave me the courage and motivation to try with our characters so thank you very much I hope u all enjoy this read :]
Warnings: Angst, stabbing, no blood describe but some murder, Implied stalking, spelling mistakes probably lmao [I think that's all, I can't remember anymore]
"Cosmic Mistake"
Sals pov
    Waking up with a headache was always wack like what is the point in sleeping if you were gonna wake up with a fucked head and joints
Speaking of fucked up things you finally seemed to noticed you were tied up to a fucked up chair bummer, you try your best to recollect what happened before this a lot of thoughts are always a confused blobby mess but it seems luck was on your side and finally your braincells rubbed together just right to remember,,,,
    Ah,, of course this is something you don't forget so easily, you as well as your two beloved have been kidnapped by a shitty horror cult AH! God your head was killing you, you haven't had your daily fix of caffeine. It felt like days you know that's not true but you can't help but be dramatic right now this really ain't good let's see where we are before your disabilities get worse.
    Finally getting out of your thoughts and looking around you see that you are in some sort of torture room, that or it just looks really bad the room is a really dark red so its hard to see anything but you swear you see blood on the walls and floor, it seems as well the chair your in has locked you in place by your hands, feet and neck its so uncomfy but your not surprised you managed to fall asleep in it.
    What a situation this is. You feel hmmm you don't know how to feel but you do know there is a boiling pit in your chest, you're pissed off you're alone in this room so you know that Bob and Lavina your absolute beloveds are somewhere else and not around you, you care about them so much they could be hurt or in danger for all you know right now.
    Well that just won't do for you, using your shapeshifting abilities you twist and enlarge your body to snap off those flimsy chains that tried to contain you all the while your head is pounding for you to stop, you don't care you need out now.
 The chains really didn't put up much a fight with your struggling you stand up oozing rage, you start to faintly hear sirens going off in your head that can't be good but that's not important, you start heading for the door out of this room you don't even give a reaction as you open the door swinging it open so fast it slams against the wall, it seems the door crushed one of the cult members outside your door, guarding it they passed out instantly.   
    ,,Oops you guess anyways that's probably gonna attract some attention so you should skidaddle and fast, you start your jog down the hall of this giant mansion.
Lavinas pov 
    It hurt to wake up literally you haven't opened your eyes due to them being so heavy but you can feel the stiff feeling in your neck from sleeping in an odd angle was really prominent you groaned loudly tried moving your arms to wipe the sleep from your eyes, hmm its seems you can't move your arms your confused and start panicking a bit something feels like metal, getting really worried about your lack of movement you snap your eyes open real fast to see what they problem could be.
    ,,,You wish you didn't, once you opened your eyes all your senses decided to tune in at once finally noticing your tied to a chair by you hands, ankles and neck panic shoots through you as you notice their are people in the room with you and they seem to be talking to you but you still cant make out what they are saying to you, your too busy looking around and seeing all these big machines and demonic looking symbols, something behind you is making the room glow a bright bluish green making it easy to see your kidnappers, you can't really see behind since you had your neck suspended but the glowing light of what you think is magic makes you not wanna look anyways.
    There was a tall looking priest guy in a surgical mask who was surrounded by four other people in cult gear, your ears finally decided it can hear the people that are talking to you 
Mysterious In charge looking Guy: “ -Are you she can ever hear in the first place?? She's not responding to my evil monologue guys and that makes me upset!”
Lavina: “Um W-What???”
The Man snapped his neck towards you speaking up, you are so confused and frightened right now
Priest Guy:” AH! So you Can hear! It's very rude of you to ignore my evil sacrificial plan i have for you, YOU have no manners missy!”
Your stomach sank hearing the words sacrificial come from his lips it completely made you ignore getting angry of him calling you missy and the like, what did they mean by sacrifice YOU?!! What qualities could you possibly have to be sacrificed like this?? Before you could frighteningly speak up and comment, the priest cut you off.
Priest Guy: “NOW HAVE TO RESTART!,,, no you know what you don't get to hear my magnificent speech i spend so hard on getting a short version you rude girl!”
He was red in the face as he flapped his arms around hitting some of the underlings around him, they all seemed to grumble as he threw his tantrum about not hearing is stupid ass speech.
Priest Guy: “We are sacrificing YOU girly to our lord and savior, The Eyes of The Universe *sighs dreamily*,, We have kept a close eye on your little sin group of the hungry traitor and caffeine obsessed Narcoleptic freak”
He looked very upset and kinda freaked out when he, you presumed, was talking about sal. Your super worried about them right now,, what if they are dead oh no-
 Priest Guy: ”BUT don't worry about all that now we have fixed those little problems-”
You yelled angrily at this imposter priest 
Priest Guy: “WOW,,, aren't You nasty HOW DARE YOU CUT ME OFF LIKE THAT!-”
Before he could go off on another tantrum one of his lackeys touched his shoulder seemingly saying something without saying anything. He seemed to snap out of his anger like this, suddenly looking very happy, touching all his fingers together.
Priest Guy:,,,heh if you will excuse us all we are gonna go prepare you more for your inevitable demise, I can tell The Eyes are gonna love you. “
And in order they all crowd out the door in perfect sync, you were alone now.
You're so shocked and flabbergasted, you don't know how this could be possible,,,, this room is really dark,, you hate the dark the only light that can be seen is the bluish greeny glow of a mysterious contraption behind you. 
Your heart is pounding out of your chest definitely too fast. You can't help but think about all of this where our your loves that guy seemed to imply,,, that they arent around anymore does that mean,,, they could be dead, that thought made you start to tear up almost instantly no no please they can't be, you started to tremble you keep clenching and unclenching your fists, the big amount of grief you feel right now is earth shattering.
You didn't even notice but it seems you started to scream your lungs out, you can't ever hear your own screams but you know you are saying their names over and over, you are too stuck in your thoughts you can't help but get tunnel vision and start hyperventilating in the cold of this quiet and desolate room, all alone. 
in the dark.
Sals pov
    Honestly what is this place you swear you can't be hallucinating right now like you know it's a possibility but you have a feeling this is for real, as you were running through the corridors you passed so many weird rooms like there was a room full of medieval gear or the room that had nothing in it but a jar of,,, something on a pedestal, you didn't check every room as it would be a waste of time but you did figure out most of the rooms definitely intersect into each other in some way.
You finally decided to take a detour through one of these many door and to your surprise it looks like a butcher shop there is meat hanging around, you honestly thought it would be empty but you heard the faint noise of another being in the room with you, you immediately go into attack mode, it seems to be coming from slightly in the back of the weird covered counter, it kinda looked like it was made out of skin,,, ya ok whatever, you sneak ever so slowly past it trying to take this person by surprise, you finally see a blacked out figure ever so close to you
They seem big and imposing, they are hunched over something, you can't seem to make it out though. All your thoughts are mostly made of your gonna fucking kill this guy a thousand times, you have been going on a mini spree of beating the shit out of anyone you see in this place.
Your blood shot eyes have just adjusted to the darkness in this room, you can see the person better than before and,,, wait a goddamn minute.
Sal: “BOB?!?”
What the hell why they hell is he in here of all rooms and why the fuck is he wearing his funky looking devil costume that doesnt really matter now you have found at least one of your group but honestly seeing him has made your headache lessen just slightly and you went a little droopy eyes seeing him.
    Bob straightened up almost instantly like your voice activated him into an attack mode of sorts, he was holding his usual steak knife and his grin seemed to split open on his face even more,,, he actually looked kind of menacing to any other but to you he looked perfect even though it is kinda off he's wearing his costume right now if you are remembering correctly he didn't have it on when you guys were taken.
    But not minding that you open up your arms wide for him but not yet trying to hug him.
Sal: “Omg!! Look who it is, I'm SO excited to see you!”
Your words were laced with affection but strained from the pounding headache still, He did not do anything he didn't even move he even seemed,, hungry he was drooling excessively, something seems wrong but you can't tell just yet.
Bob: “ Oh? A very perfect treat has fallen into my hands, I'm more excited to see you.~ “
His eyes and deep in his sweater glowed cyan, as he looked down at you with an insane crave in his eyes.
 Before you could comment on his weird behavior, if he was ok at all he raised his knife in the air aiming to bring it down on your head, you dodge out of the way just in time for him to get it stuck in the hanging meat that was behind you.
Sal: “OH WOW so this is how everything is gonna play what the hell man!”
Bob: “Come on now don't play hard to get with me!~"
He proceeded to rip his knife out of the body and started advancing towards you, trying to get you into a bear hug to capture you.
    You booked it out of the doorway vaulting over the counter and skidding harshly over to the door, ripping it open off of its hinges, he was hot on your tail.
    There is obviously something very wrong right now he shouldn't be attacking you, you literally make out with his dumb of ass everyday he would never try to harm you on purpose, It has to be this fucking cults fault you knew he was in a cult before sure you pretended not to know you werent that dumb he didnt hide it that well but for his sake of letting him take his time to tell you guys and not to force the info out of him but it seems this daycare of a shit cult was watching him and keeping tabs on you and Lavina wait to use you for whatever the fuck. 
    Bobs thundering footsteps matched the pound of your brain against your skull it hurt so fucking much. He sure was catching up to you his ass was laughing as this chase began, spewing out words like he's the cat to my mouse and he can't wait to eat my meat, you would make an inappropriate joke right now but his ass has started to try a swipe at you like a cat with his knife.
    You make a really sharp turn in the corridor to your left making Bob smack right into the wall with a surprised look on his face as he wasn't expecting it, he made the wall and the bit of the floor shake from him smacking full force with all his weight into it, as you continued to run you started laughing your ass off seeing it happen, he grew very angry at that shaking his head around trying to get rid of his dissociation and the pain, He growled loudly as he pressed on following you.
    You saw at the end of this hall two big curved doors now that looks like something you are so tired of this fucking maze of doors it feels like your in the backrooms right now,
    You make it fast to the door and slam your body weight into it, you trip a bit but catch yourself before you end up on the ground, you catch your footing and look around you wildly and pause….
Sal: “,,,,why the fuck would a cult need a disco room?!"
You were so fucking curfuffled what the fuck is going on in this place like good for them but why?!
You have frozen, really questioning your reality right now, headache still beating your ass. You don't even care if Bob's thundering steps are right behind you, this night is turning to hell so fast you're about to combust into a cosmic horror just so you can go home and relax.
Bob:"HAHAHA We aren't always doom and gloom, now come here so I can gut u properly" 
He seems to have heard your comment, over the booming disco music that makes your nose wanna bleed and the disco ball that was high on the ceiling spinning you were going insane.
    You turn around with a fuck all sort of face for once your eyes arent drooping as they usually do and your eyebrows are knitted so hard they might as well be in the ground by now. You are clenching your fists so hard you are so about to be the nonsense back into him, lovingly of course. 
Sal: “ I do NOT care what this cult has done to you our little magician is somewhere in this fucking disappointment and confusion mess of a cultist temple.”
You don't mean to be so rude to him but this is really getting to you and no matter what you're gonna save him even if you have to throw down with him in the disco party room at least the music is good to rock his shit too.
    Bob lets out a bellowing laugh, it echos off the walls in this room somehow, it's intimidating but he's never scared you not even slightly, you get into a position of jumping around on your feet a lot to gain momentum and started cracking your joint mostly your shoulders and neck to get ready for him, you hate hurting those you love but this will be good for him.
Bob: “HAHAHA I don't know who you're talking bout darlin, there is no us that you speak of but I do know you're gonna make a great meal, You really are stupid person I would love to see you try to hurt me!”
And with that he lunged at me with his knife.
Bobs pov
Oh fuck oh fucking shit-
This was such a freaky situation to you, fighting like this with one of your darlins like this and what's worse is you cant even control yourself at all, you are a copilot in your own body the cult has your body captured and you were stupid to think they wouldn't try to come back for you to use you again for something else you just regret bringing them into all this.
    But you can't focus on that right now, your controlled body is trying to kill your love sure it was really hot with how they look like that, their face is a perfect shade of red with the most angry eyes you have even seen on them god it's making you hot and bothered, you can't believe this is what your mind goes to you are so down bad but you can't help it if that looked was pointed towards you, you would have smothered them in affection by now you really were so happy to see them again and not harmed by what you can tell.
    As your stuck in your head with your thoughts your body has gone into attack mode and trying its best to stab Sal but surprised to you they are blocking you perfectly it really hurts that they keep jabbing you when they see their opening but you really hope they win and if your body wins,,, well you don't think you would ever recover.
Bob: “You sure are a slippery little thang!”
They didn't say anything to his body shit talking them, they looked like a focused killer *sighs* oh how he loves that look on them.
    They were bobbing and weaving him with focus, every time he tried to swipe or hit them they would reflect they both were on the dance floor trying to fist fight each other and it actually seemed Sal was winning they really were wearing you down but as they dodged one of your attacks, it made you fall to you knees surprising you they grab at the neck of your sweater were the pendent was it was glowing very harshly against you but as they were doing that the music suddenly boomed through the room making them let go and hold their ears having a very painful expression wash over their face, they hunched in on themselves, 
oh no,, their headaches
My body took the opportunity to pick up the dropped steak knife and stab them into their thigh
Sal: “ ARGH! “
Oh no no no please don't do this! you tried to plead with your body but it wasn't listening to you at all.
    Your body laughed hard as you stood up, your beloved open mouth surprised that you stabbed them.
Bob: “HAAHAHA of course my prey always falls into my hands, you had no chance of winning this.~”
    Your body spread its arms out wide as it straightened up, advancing slowly towards them, you were looking down in a daze not moving at all.
You couldn't handle this, this is too much you want this to stop!
Just as you body got right in front of them trying to grab at them, they suddenly spring up and winding up their fist and punching you hard in your chest, were the pendent that kept its control of you was laying, they shattered it with their first in one punch it hurt so bad, knocking you down on the floor immediately, you couldn't breathe for a second it almost felt like you just died.
What a hunk they are. <3
Sal pov:
    This motherfucker stabbed you what da hell!
You took the opportunity of knocking his ass back, you ripped the knife out of you, Ough it hurt but your shapeshifting abilities cleared up the wound for you only now making you feel the phantom pains of it.
You fell onto the ground rolling around and groaning just because you can, you were ready to get the fuck out of here but you cant till everyone is safe, you really fucking hope the neckless you punched was the thing controlling him as freed him.
As you were doing that sounds of suffering Bob sat up breathless taking off his headband and wiping his face of the red paint not getting all of it but it did make his black hair pop out, he had his hand placed on his chest trying to control his breathing.
He finally landed his eyes on your crippled form and immediately panic crawled over to you.
Bob: ‘ Oh my! Honey i am so sorry I-I couldn't stop myself AH and now your hurt because of me.``
    He had a pained look as he picked you up like you weighed nothing and started cradling you spewing out apology after apology. It looks like he's ok now hehe oh you're so glad.
    You look up into his face while he holds you bridal style sitting on the ground, you look him in the eyes and your face just softens so fast your eyes get droopy with happiness and you let out a big wobbly smile break out onto your face for him. 
    He blushes so hard as you grab his face with both your hands and nuzzle into his cheek feeling his stubble scratch at your skin, you missed this feeling so much already. You sigh and stand up out of his hold.
Bob: “Woah Woah let me see your wound first”
He forces you still as he holds your thigh in his hands as he examines you he finds,,, nothing just a slit where the knife went through your pants, he's speechless. He looks up at you as he's on his knees.
Sal: “heh don't worry bout it dude :].”
He looked at them with confusion and love as he slowly got up from the ground as he did so he opened his arms wide and quickly pulled them into a hug.
Bob:” Oh I'm so sorry sweet pea, I never meant to drag you guys into this, this is my burden not yours.”
     He was really squeezing the life out of you but even so you can hear the tiredness in his voice, you guys aren't done yet. You still hug him back of course then you let go.
Sal:” look babe we all can have this talk when we all get out but right now we need our Lavina literally were the fuck is she i swear i heard screaming earlier.”
You say with the utmost serious voice ever, it seemed to have affected Bob a little but he snaps out of it as he puts his hands to face and drags them down.
Bob: “ We have to go get er right now! She is in the basement and they tryna sacrifice er to the deity they worship!”
Sal: “,,,,,ex-fucking-cuse me,, then we have no time to waste come on!”
You grab Bob's hand and make a run for it out the second double doors on the opposite side room.
Third person pov 
    Hand in hand Bob and Sal make their ways down endless corridors and random rooms to try and find the basement, Sal is super frustrated.
Sal: “ouagh who built this place, how the hell are we gonna even find the basement, what kind of maze is this!”
    They say using their free hand to rub between their eyes trying to lessen their headache. Bob put his free hand on their hand and lovely pet their hair trying to help, not used to seeing them act like this. It made him worried and nervous in a good way.
Bob: “ yeah we have a map. But uh, don't be surprised when it ain't on paper, it's actually pretty close to where we are."
He started leading their limpish body to an off looking corner of the grand hall, He both stopped them in front of a map that looked like it belonged in a mall to show where all the departments are. Sal was speechless as they looked at this “map” nothing on it made sense literally but they could make out the “You are here” with what looked like stickers of all of their heads in correct places but obviously Bobs and Sals sticker was in the rooms their were hold up in, but it shows a clear picture of where Lavina is and her sticker head was looking pretty cute and kissable, the both of them thought that but there was no time to think about that right now.
Sal: “Im going to make this place explode, lets fucking get it!”
They said with so much vigor in their tone dragging Bob by the hand as they started sprinting with a certain fire in their eyes Bob has never seen making him blush, but looking at them like this and how pissed and energetic and even brushing off a stab wound, Bob has a feeling they will all make it out he felt very safe with them even though their angry and serious look was making him go feral. 
Lavinas pov
    This was it for you, you have already screamed your voice horse, you can still feel the big globs of tears rolling out of your eyes catching in your eyelashes every now and again.
    You feel,,, numb, you still feel your fear but they don't matter to you anymore you're empty.  The priest guy and his team already has came back into the room to prep for your sacrifice, The Priest keeps droning on and on you have already tuned him out long ago, all you can really hear is your shorten breath and your hiccups from sobbing everything else around you just sounds like white noise, what's the point in caring anymore if the ones you have devoted your lonely life too are not here anymore, you can feel the scream bubbling up at that thought trying your best to curl into yourself, you can feel all your muscles clenching at once from the emotional pain your mind is afflicting onto you.
    The Priest and his crew seemed to have everything set up, ready for you.  Still being tried down to this chair The Priest pulls a leveler that he was standing next too on a platform he seems so fond of standing there looking down at everyone, the chair seems to move backwards, spooking you it gets more into a laying down position you finally look up trying to see what was behind you that emulate a glowing cyan color, the room was still pretty damn dark but if it wasn't filled with darkness it was filled with the color.
    It looked like a portal and on the other side of it was a gigantic creature with multiple eyes. It looked like a giant mushroom cloud after you drop an atomic bomb with many appendages of mostly tentacles.  You made eye contact with it making you flinch and closing your eyes tight making more tears roll off of your face, the portal exhaled wind out of him constantly, having your hair and clothes whip around you, you didn't wanna look please don't make you look at it.
    The lying down position was making you nauseous, it felt like eternity before the chair started to transform more and move you towards the portal making the wind come out even harsher against your skin. 
    You could faintly hear The Priest cracking loudly, you refused to open your eyes keeping them so tight you saw sparks in your vision. You were bracing for impact.
    Your eyes snapped open violently to the sound of a door breaking off its hinges flying through the air in one swoop. It slammed right into The Priest who gave out a high pitch earth shattering scream and cowering into himself, flinghing hard.  The flying door makes a hard impact with his body making him slam into the wall making it ricochet, spin a few times and finally falling onto the floor with the crippled body of The Priest under it. 
    Your watery eyes shoot over to the now doorless doorway. Standing there is a figure cloaked in darkness standing perfectly still with an imposing stance, they stood there for a few seconds in tense silence that has fallen around the room they moved by only cracking their neck really loud and looking up with a very pissed off face, for you to find it actually to be.
Sal: “Guess who?~”
    What??  Your jaw felt like it hit the floor.
Sal: “ If any of you don't want that happening to you next i suggest you scram. NOW! “
    As though a pin had been dropped, the very sweat soaked looking cult members almost tramped each other to head out the emergency door that you didn't notice till now that was in the room tucked in the corner.
    You dont think your face has ever been hotter in your life than at this moment, your eyes were sparkling with tears as your pupils dilated to their full size.
    Sal advanced into the room as the last of the members shut the emergency door behind them and right behind them was a flustered looking Bob.
    Bob immediately ran over to you trying to find a way to free you of this chair speaking sweet nothings to you as your other beloved walked over to the leveler resetting it to make the chair go back into its original form as they ripped the lever from its holder and started beating the shit out of the multi machines that was in the room making the portal function, the portal dissipated as well as the cyan glow now putting the room in more darkness but you could still see as well as feel Bob petting your hair trying to sooth you as you nuzzle against his hand in tears again from all the emotions that are wreaking havoc inside you making you speechless. 
    Finally Sal seemed to join the rest of you, your metal bindings were still in place it seems Bob was in no success in getting them off.
Bob: “ These really are a Bitch to get off, “
    His gaze landed on Sal who was right next to him.
Bob: “ Im for once lost on how these things work hehe.”
    He chuckled nervously, sweat dripping from his forehead, Sal slowly guided his hands out of the way so they could get to the metal cuffs.
  They laced their fingers slowly under the cuffs that were touching your wrist and in one harsh pull they broken the metal completely off, that shocked you so much you didn't even try to move your limbs as they continued to lace and rip your cuff off your other limbs, finally getting to the one holding your neck in place, they paused for a moment rocking a stoic face and corressed you check softly wiping away the tears that just kept falling, they were being so soft with you making you heat up, your whole body feeling like it was on fire and cooled off with their cold touch.
You brought one of your freed hands up to grip the hand that was on your check closing your eyes as you hiccup a bit. You felt them pull off the neck cuff with all their might, like the cuff offended them in some way by holding you hostage. 
Third Person pov
After Sal just freed Lavina Bob scoped the two up into a big bear hug attacking both with face, forehead and hair kisses. 
Bob: “ AHA OH MY TWO GOOBERS NOW that was a moment!”
    He both set the two down after attacking them with affection, making the pair look more disheveled and flustered, and it seemed to make Sals face unfurl a little less from it. 
    Sal quickly shook their head making their head feel more like shit but they really needed to sober up more. They grabbed Lavinas hand as Lavina grabbed Bob's hand, making a chain of holding hands.
Sal: “Right! Let's bounce from the very uncool joint.”
    Hand in hand they all went towards the exit all the other cult members fled from, it seemed this emergency door helped lead them straight to outside.
They stopped once the exit door shut behind them unlinking hands.  Honestly this whole situation and the rescue has finally caught up to Lavina making her wanna do fire crimes against these motherfuckers that gave her emotions trauma for no reason other than they stupid ass cultist plans that make no sense.
Lavina: “ *Huffs* That's it guys, I need to be a bad person just for a bit right now!”
    With that being said she sparked a giant magical flame into her hands running straight up to touch the mansion, once she touched the walls of the place the flames started spreading quickly. 
    Bob didn't even try to stop her as he watched her attack the building with all her might and her magic, he looked on at her with a pleased and smug face turning away as she started summoning raccoons to go chase anyone they saw with a cult hood.
Bob:” Our girl sure is feisty-”
    He cut himself off as he looked at Sal, who seemed to be completely face planted onto the grass and passed out on the ground. It seems that the headache and their affiliations have caught up with them for the night.  Bob let out a dreamy and breathless sigh as he picked them up, tossing them over his shoulder holding them in place with his big arm.  Bob supposed it was time to get the hell out of dodge now. 
    He raced up to Lavina who was knees and hands on the ground screaming obscenities at the rapidly burning up mansion, sirens could be heard in the distance.  Bob reached Lavina and quickly grabbed her by her ankle and started dragging her away.
    Lavina crawled at the ground and scurried around as Bob dragged her by the ankle. Starting his track away from the half charred half ablaze mansion he let off another warm checked smile, with affection in his voice leaning his head on Sals limp body.
Bob: “Ah my little heroes, all for me? You two were so brave what would I do without you, my precious darlin’s.<3”
Aftermath bonus:
    It only took a couple weeks for anything to go completely back to normal or well if you mean your normal is having a polycule consisting of some form of criminal in their own way than ya things have gone back to normal so far, the group is mostly recovering for emotional damage the cult has inflicted onto the trio but in each others presence it is melting away faster but two of the others still have a pretty little question that been on their minds for some time now ever since they left that mansion burning far behind.
    It all started where most of their serious conversation happened, on the coach in the middle of a movie night it just popped up out of nowhere Lavina couldn't hold it in anymore she had to know.
    Holding a pillow to her chest she looks Sal directly in the face. Bob sees the face Lavina is making and perks up, seeing as they both have talked about it when their middle man was not around.
Lavina: “ Soooo,,  I knew you could get serious but didn't know you could get that bad.”
Bob; “ Ya, you were like a beast with the cult,, not that i'm complainin’ "
    Sal looks up with a dazed look staring into the ceiling, pondering both of their words thinking back on the time they were in their manic rage fit they had to save both of them. It took them a moment and a few frog blinks before they finally decided to say something that shocks both of the beloved.
Sal: “Oh that ya, mmhhh I wasn't even really that angry to be honest, not that big of a deal.”
    Huh?!? What did they mean they weren't that angry?! Both of them literally saw them lose their goddamn mind, did they just imply they can get even madder.
    Bob and Lavina couldn't help themselves, they both sprung up out of their relaxed positions to basically get in Sals face, Both of the stalkers also couldn't help the hardcore blush that covered their faces, they kept imagining an even worse off Sal.
    But instead of answering that question Sal just chuckled and pushed both of their faces away 
Sal: “ heh come on guys no more questions we are watching a movie right now.”
Bob: “ How are we supposed ta’ be normal after that comment?”
Lavina drapes herself over Sals lap, giving them her best puppy dog eyes as her ears go down to give her more of a puppy look.
Lavina: “ Come oooonnn you can't just leave us hanging like this, please??”
    Sal just hits them both with a smirk then goes back to watch the tv with their normal expressions again instantly killing them both, Bob and Lavina can't help the hearts in their eyes and the warmness in their faces. 
[I just want everyone to know this is 6,000+ word count on Google docs WTF-💥]
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nightflower-stuff · 3 months
SHIPS AU/Stuffs:
• Rules:
- For my opinion, these are my good ships. I rather both all artists' ships that I would like them. I'm sure they can support me & my ships. Don't make me mad & be happy to your own heart & comfront with them ❤️
• Disclaimers:
- For OC X Canon shippers:
These Canon characters are not belongs to me. They belongs to the director of entertainment. Only the artists' OCs & my OCs can only ship the Canon Characters. You can comfront them. That will be your OTP ships to used imagine ❤️
- For those haters, if they don't like my ships. Leave & also I don't like your ships because of these toxic opinion & problematic 👌. And for me, I don't like their opinions, I don't make a deal those ignorant, narcissist behaviors, especially I don't support homophobic, pedophiles & bad stuffs. Don't ever interrupted them or we will stalking these post for my callouts if we gonna hate them to be exposed everyone. That's for their own good.
No more apologize to me & the artists. Leave them alone or you'll get touch grass. You'll get misunderstood your opinion & problematic. That's for a "KARMA"
• Supa Strikas AU + Ships:
• Canon AU (My Ships + without OCs):
- Shakes X El Matador
- Cool Joe X Twisting Tiger
- Skarra X Shakes
- Skarra X Dingaan & Dooma
- Ja Nein X Uber
• Other Ships that I shipped them by an artists/followers fav. characters (Their AU aka my ships):
- Meda X Klaus
- Dingaan X Dooma
- Kylo X Miko Chen
- Kendo X Miko Chen
- Other Nakama players [couple themselves each other]
- Etc...
• Canon (With My OCs):
• My AUs:
• Immortality AU (Collab or Not):
- Shigeko X Carolina [OC X OC]
- Steve X Miko Chen [OC X Canon]
- Pearl X Dingaan [OC X Canon]
- Méiguī X Oscar X Dooma [OC X OC X OC]
• Headcanon AU:
- Steve X Miko Chen [OC X Canon]
- Ema X Twisting Tiger [Supportive OC X Canon]
• Horror AU:
- Steve X Miko Chen [Monster AU ships, OC X Canon]
• Other Ships that I shipped them by an artists' followers (Their OCs & AU):
- All OC X Canon & OC X OC Ships that I love their OTP. I don't hate them & I always support them 🤗❤️. If you guys wanna ship your OCs with my OCs. I don't mind if it is okay or not 😄❣️
• Fandoms Ships: (w/OCs + AU):
- Crossover (AU):
• Title:
Supa Drawn Cartoon (SDC) & The Elemental Heroes (TEH):
Lists [Collab or not]:
- Flora X Helia
- Sun Wukong X Macaque
- MK X Red Son X Mei
- Pigsy X Tang
- Fang Hua X Buzzstrike [OC X Canon]
- Yua Hyuga X Sumira [OC X OC]
- Runaan X Ethari
- Tarzan X Jane
- Zoe X Peng [OC X Canon, she'll be single if she will be asexual with her fiancee]
• Next Gens (Collab or not):
- Terry X Itsuki
- Ling Yun X Chang Rin [OC X OC]
- Loreleia X Valindra [OC X OC]
- Miko II X Xavion X Cherry [Canon X OC X OC]
• Fanmade/Full Fandom Ships (Random OCs):
- Rayburn X Irina [OC X OC]
- Pei X Mike
- Krystal X Yōrisā X Fred
- etc...
• Bonus:
• Canon X Reader (Y/N) or OC X Reader (Y/N) or Do Both:
- You can read on Wattpad & some text stories. Hope you like them 😊
• Other new ships /w AU (Coming Soon):
Go to my pinned post 📮
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nugget--daddy · 1 year
A wedding sneak peak. 🥹
Sabrielle's hands shook as she felt the fabric. It was happening today... The last time she-
No. She would not think about them today. Today was a day for happiness and celebration, not sorrow. She could hear Void happily chatting in the room next to her. Believe it or not, Void and Sabrielle were walking each other down the aisle, since Void said she didn't have parents to come, and Sabrielle.... Sabrielle wasn't comfortable with her father walking her.
Merfy waited with the rings and Sarin, both of them ring bearers.
Nyx awaited by the simple (but elegant) wooden arch, vows ready (saved on the notes of his phone) to be read and wed the three.
The music started. It was time to begin.
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lnky-dreamer · 2 years
For: @batteredcourier
Part 7 of: "Can I borrow your steak knife?"
/Part 2/ /Part 3/ /Part 4/ /Part 5/ /Part 6/
Songs I listened to while writing this: Witches - Alice phoebe lou, what once was - hers, where'd all the time go - dr dog, Maeve - indigo.
Warnings: cursing, bob is his own warning, mentions of stalking if you look for it, group snuggles, romantic gestures, BOB TAKES HIS SHIRT OFF, not proofread (tell me if I missed any.)
"Make yourselves comfortable, Sal I swear, don't you dare steal my fecking steak knife."
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Walking up the steps in the back of Lavinas coffee shop up to her house wasn't hard, but the stairs were steep.
Four large white arched windows were to our left, showing off the woods and storm that continued outside.
Potted plants would be at the bottom of the stairs as well as a mirror facing the stairs and a large dresser drawer stationed beneath said mirror, plants and trinkets lined the drawer with an occasional candle or two.
Looking upwards I notice there were hanging planters above our heads, filled with unique plant life and strangely colored moss.
Finally at the top of the stairs we would stop in front of an arched door, "Don't be surprised when the interior is bigger than the exterior." I would shrug at her comment.
She would open the door, a large living area met with a kitchen to the side, five doors down a hallway tied together with a Victorian cottage style.
Lavina would put her hands out, "Jackets please. Shoes at the door if you don't mind." Bob would shrug off his black coat and hand it to her with a smug smile, I would hand off my own coat, Bob and I would take our shoes off and set them near hers by the door.
She would place the coats onto hooks near the door, "Thank you Lavina." She would nod with a smile.
"I'm going to get some tea started in the kitchen, you can turn on the TV if you'd like." As she would walk into the kitchen I would follow.
Observing the kitchen for all its worth I notice a knife rack and extend my hand toward it, "Make yourselves comfortable, Sal I swear, don't you dare steal my fecking steak knives." Looking towards her I notice she hadn't even looked up.
With a pout I retract my hand, crossing my arms, "I wasn't going to. Wasn't even thinking about it." She would turn toward me and raise a brow in my direction while brewing tea.
"Uhuh. Bob's turning on the TV, I suggest you go relax in the living room with him while I make us snacks and tea." She would turn back to the brick stove with a porcelain top and a metal door to the oven.
With a huff I would walk out of the kitchen and into the living room, sitting next to Bob on the couch he pulls me in for a side hug.
"What'cha wanna watch sweatpea?" He would lean back and glance down toward me with a grin.
Looking up at him I would think for a moment, "How about... Labyrinth?" With a nod he would go to Netflix and turns the movie on.
Lavina would come out of the kitchen 15 minutes later, a silver tray holding a plate of cookies three cups of tea along with sugar and cream and fruit with junk food on the side.
"Sorry for the wait loves, would either of you like cream or sugar in your tea?" I would nod, pointing to the sugar and she would drop a cube in.
Bob would pour cream into his tea as well as add three sugar cubes, "Thank you Darlin." He would sip his tea and kiss her cheek as she sat down beside me.
Looking to the screen with her own tea in hand she gasps, "The labyrinth? How'd you know I adore this movie?" With a lean on me she sips her tea again, intently watching the TV.
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When the movie had ended, the rain still hadn't let up.
Infact, it had worsened.
Thunder and lightning would light up the sky and ring like an alarm, loud and blaring.
Lavina had offered Bob and I our own guest rooms situated next to each other, her room across from ours and bathrooms situated across from each other as well.
"There's fresh towels in each bathroom, as well as the types of shampoo and conditioner you both like." Afterwards she had came to knock on my door, handing me one of her stuffed animals with a polite smile.
"You mentioned not liking sleeping alone, so if you'd like you can snuggle with this while you sleep." She would let off a smile, hugging the stuffed animal close to my chest I would open and close my mouth.
With an inner pep talk I would open my mouth again, this time speaking,"Can I, can I instead sleep with you tonight?" She would let off a sudden blush, looking down and picking at her nails with a stutter.
Bob would pass by and look between us, "Wha's goin' on?" I would look at him with a wonky smile.
"Asked if I could bunk with Lavina in her bed tonight." Bob would raise a brow giving Lavina and I more reason to be embarrassed.
Waving my hands with the stuffed animal in one hand I would stammer, "No- Not like that! I- I just have trouble sleeping on my own!" Bob would let out a soft 'oh'.
"Well what're ya' goofs waitin for?" He would grab the two of us, setting me over his should and dragging Lavina by her dresses collar.
Opening the door to her room he sets us on her bed and takes his shirt off, keeping his black (and very soft) pants on.
Lavina and I would eye him from top to bottom, Lavinas eyes flicking to anything in the room to distract her while she while picking at her nails nervously.
Getting on the bed in-between us, he would set me on top of him and Lavina on top of me.
He sets a kiss on both of our foreheads with a lovesick smile, "Goodnight Sweatpea, Goodnight Darlin." He looked as if he had hearts in his eyes.
We would drift off, content smiles on each of our faces while we snuggled in a dogpile.
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Probably a bit shorter than the others, really wanted to post it ouagh
Labyrinth obviously mentioned for a good ass reason, GO WATCH IT. Please<3
Part 8
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anllithix · 2 years
Parte 2
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moraltonbackalley · 2 years
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plagues01 · 1 year
Night sketches before heading to bed
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Funky little family that I have brainrot for rn
Trying a new way of drawing sangheili based on an attack I had on art fight,, that causes me to start brainrotting rn sbsnsn
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incorrect-st4r-ocs · 1 year
Izzy: You've seen Felix?
Tony: He's passed out on the couch
Izzy: Okay
Tony: You gonna ask why?
Izzy: No, I'm gonna lay with him and sleep
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bitty-bytes · 11 months
"Your boyfriend is evil!" "Your boyfriend is cruel and horrifying!" Well, he's a joy to me. Maybe it's a you problem.
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daistea · 3 months
Please draw your oc x canon please be unashamedly loud about it please post it without embarrassment please make dramatic emotional edits of them please indulge yourself
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nightflower-stuff · 1 year
Doodle art of Miko (II) + OC interaction/Rivals 💖
• 1st art doodle:
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👴 Miko's great great 10x grandfather 🏆
Miko & his unnamed friend going to sneak the Ga Shuku Stadium where does the players lives it on Earth. We don't know sure about the next coach of the future was hired 😎♥️. The picture of Nakama FC was the past players on Earth & the future that the players' bodies are humans/creatures/robotics or maybe they are halves 💁💞.
They sees the man holds the golden champion of Super League. He looks like him & that was his great great 10x grandfather, the previous man on Earth was Miko Chen (The former lead striker/Captain of his team) 😎🥺❤️💖
• 2nd art doodle:
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😔 His ex girlfriend 💔
Miko search his ex girlfriend on social media. He sees her with her perfect love. His ex girlfriend was Vida. Vida & Miko are couples in 3 weeks until Vida break up with her ex boyfriend. They are both separate. She was found her new boyfriend & Miko feeling sad about her. He's ignore his ex girlfriend, while Yang (his pet friendly) was feeling sad about him. She can support him always. She's a cheater & ruin the couple relationship. 😭💕❤️
His ex girlfriend was straight + cannot support LGBTQ couples 😭
• 3rd art doodle:
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🍺 Lizzie's bar ♠️
Miko (II) ride his bike when he saw Cherry standing. She's get hop on Miko's bike & he ride it with her 💗🙌☺️. They goes to the bar restaurant called "Lizzie's bar". They are inside & so many people can dance on the club knowing as Brain dance club.
Xavion was the humanoid robotic & he's trying to ask the two visits the bar, he couldn't stop them for what are they doing. These two gets blush & couldn't stop working when they looked at him hot 💗👁️👄👁️💅🔥🛐
Meet Xavion, The bodyguard of Lizzie's bar 💁🙌❤️
Fanart Gift for @/janajakovleva35 on Instagram
I hope you like them 💖🙏
• 4th art doodle:
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❤️ Tonight's party 🍷
Miko, Cherry & Xavion are invite the party tonight while they are very excited 🤩💘🥰💞💖part
Fanart Gift for @/janajakovleva35 on Instagram
I hope you like them 💖🙏
• 5th art doodle:
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👮 Chased by officers 🏍️
Miko has his motorcycle & he was riding it since he gets caught by the officers can catch him. Xavion saw him riding it fast. He asked him to hop on when the officers got them. Xavion was mad at the officers trying to chase them at all 😂💞💖❤️
OC/Canon AU:
Miko (II) (My 9th OC, Reincarnation of Miko Chen I)
Cherry (@/janajakovleva35 on Instagram)
Xavion (Humanoid Robotic OC)
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