#oc: [J.J]
drinking-plum-juice · 3 months
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Sorry I haven’t posted in a bit here’s a dump of arttt
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intoloopin · 2 months
for @ofmanycol0rs !!!
Love had sent an ask about J.J's blonde party guy era but Tumblr tricked me into deleting it, so here is it my second attempt to talk about it as a post. I hate this Hell site mechanics more than anything, BUT! I am very passionate about this one topic as you can see by the size of THIS.
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I am making a little tangent here because this is a great opportunity to talk about J.J's blonde era as a general phenomenon, as well as do a little character deep dive into how Jiahang's mind works when the subject is his public appearance, because I'm yet to fully communicate just how business savvy and attention seeking he is at his core. These two characteristics were very integral to his nightlife downfall.
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⤴️↪️ A MOMENT IN TIME: J.J's BLONDE ERA PITIFUL FINAL AESTHETIC. He is currently recovering from it successfully, but still. The horrors.
One thing that is key to understand about Jiahang is that he is NOT a team player, he wasn't raised by his social climber pageant mom and his millionaire movie director dad to be one. His long term goal is to stand on his own as an 'icon' - notice the use of 'icon' instead of 'musician' or 'artist' or even 'idol'. He wants everyone to see two Js put together in a sentence and immediately associate them with him (as in J.J Xu, not LOOPiN's J.J, and definely not as J.J from That Once LOONA Sibling Group), but he is realistic with his limitations: Jiahang is not a musical prodigy like Zhiming, or obsessed/respectful with the craft as Minwoo, or has the mental discipline to train himself to greatness like Haegon, and when you're in a group with people like that with ambitions like his, you're always in a competition.
To put it very bluntly: Jiahang is too clumsy to ever become more than an average dancer, he doesn't have an easy voice for singing and he can barely call himself a rapper. Artistic kills can't be the base of his brand, because that's what he sees his J.J stage persona as, a brand. He's not an artist. And if conventional talent can't be his selling point, he has to use what's naturally available to him - personality, a face widely considered to be attractive, a shitton of money, and an extremely sharp eye for business.
Seriously, the amount of marketing stunts he has pulled for and come up with for LOOPiN alone is NO JOKE. Jiahang understands the inner workings of the entertainment industry more than any of his bandmates, and that's his head start.
Now, on the hair. Jiahang has a very deep and sentimental history with his hair, a bit too extense to fully explain with this one post, but he's been wearing it very long since he was a child, because he loves it, and he was picked up on for it constantly. Keep growing it out despite everything what his first real way of asserting himself, and it's the one thing Jiahang is authentic with throughout - integrating it into his branding was essential to him.
He went about it very strategically: J.J never had a defined clothing style, instead, he goes out of his way to wear almost anything to prove that his hair doesn't automatically put him on a visual box, and there is no reason for him to sacrifice it for any gig. He won't be a long haired male Idol until someone tells him time's up, he will be The Definitive Long Haired Male Idol (and in canon he has succeed! Like, K-Pop knows he's the final boss).
A lot of iNSYNCs consider him one of LOOPiN's fashionistas for this plus all the design shit he has, side by side with Seungsoo and Haruki, but that title doesn't fit Jiahang at all. Haruki and Seungsoo have a genuine interest in fashion, while Jiahang has none, it's all performance. He simply wants a stable signature attached to him, something he can have the ultimate control of, and that he won't get bored of maintaining. Alas: his very, very adored long hair.
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FROM LEFT TO RIGHT: (1&2) J.J's 'Punch' teasers, a shocking blonde debut. | (3&4) The overall lengths and colors Jiahang kept transitioning between in his day to day life. | (5&6) 'Mess' peeking through near the end, but integrated into his presenting style. | J.J's 'Beatbox - Street Beat Ver.' and 'Internet War - Tell Me What To Do' teasers.
(1&2): I can't even begin to describe how iNSYNCity completely STOPPED when the 'Punch' teasers started rolling out and J.J appeared not only fully blonde, but with these polarizing face covering bangs. The styling came fully out of his own brain, of course, and he wanted all the controversial attention right out of the gate to plant the seeds of the 'elevation' of his stage persona. He wanted 2022 to be his year SO BAD;
(3&4): Up until that point in his career, Jiahang had his hair straight, ironed out to perfection even when he dyed it anything else than his usual black and brown, but while blonde he always kept it very wavy to drawn an even bigger contrast with his former Idol branding;
(5&6): Oh, mid 2023... The roots showing... The messy teeny tiny ponytails... The color... You can clearly see a lack of polish that is very unusual of him. Jiahang wore a lot, and I mean A LOT of hair extensions during this era right here, mostly to cover up how fucking fried his hair was starting to look due to low maintenance (Dongwook and CIA made fun of him if he showed up Too Put Together at the clubs, and after a while it really started to get to him). He adopted a very edgy Y2K style to try to make it all seem intentional, even had stylized black highlight for a while, but Jiahang felt like he wasn't fooling anyone - it didn't appear as such to the public, lucky him. This is pretty much how he looked until he fully cut off his nightlife circle of "friends" in September, and dyed his hair back to black;
(7&8): Ah, his last blonde official teasers... What a way to go. Blonde J.J had such a dramatic styling but that was very well translated into all the eras he was on, he never looked out of place. That's why even the general public now considers this run to be very iconic, as he wanted. But at what personal cost, Jay?! AT WHAT COST?!
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I am still debating on how his 'clean era' looks like. I'm not sure if he would just dye his hair black and cut off the bits that look Horrible (J.J!Bayi) or if this whole experience fucked him up so bad that Jiahang would cut it pretty short and grow it back from the begging, for the healings (J.J!Didi), but anyways! He is doing better <3 currently <3 not for long <3 like at all <3 he is about to get very fucked up by the narrative <3 but on the bright side (????) that means that he'll have another very Intense hair moment, and spoiler alert, it'll look a lot like this (in Vibes, the length is still something I don't know 😁)
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jekyllnahyena · 4 months
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normal day in the JARACA feat JJ and Boro
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stargazer0001 · 3 months
"Wow!! Star finally posted art!!! I bet its gonna be rainworld :3"
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WRONG old oc art.
Its ghost cat AKA Buddy. The human you see there is J.J. No lore reveal bc I forgot the lore I had but it had somethin to do with a cult sacrifices murder and demons. So. Theres that.
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elzore-da-great · 9 months
This is J.J. Jameson in my Spider OC's universe!
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creepymarshmallow3 · 9 months
How would it be like if J.J met Tiny, and Tiny met J.J? (Wants to see them interact with each other)
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Tiny will be scared at first, because she doesn't trust strangers, no matter who they are or how they behave.
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But Jacob will be able to get her attention by making her laugh a little from his puns, plus he is a clown, Tiny loves clowns as well as toys, sweets and her dad, so overall they will be good friends. Eve, her plush bunny smiles a bit)
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mordecai is the first funny bitch like spends 90% of his time literally just standing there going "i'm dapressed" to himself while everyone in the vicinity takes potshots and then he's clocking in for the night shift where for the next 9 hours people go "god mordecai would it kill you to act like you're having more fun at the [kills you] factory"
#The First Funny Bitch as a phrase from the ''cain was the first funny bitch'' post that i will use with some flexibility. yaknow.#i love going like oh boy a coworker triumvirate. their funny little guy (other duo going ''i want him dead'')#though it's unfair to the savoys lmfao if he's at best sometimes a desk toy to them: they do at least keep calling him babygirl#and giving him special mordecai invitations (by not inviting him) to their hotel room to try to marry him#so if nothing else we do appreciate adding a ton of flair to [afflicting the autistic coworker]#in turn i appreciate that mordecai and viktor's dynamic probably consisted of mutual ''i Do Not Care if my coworker seems weird''#but outside of that; was anyone at lackadaisy aggrieving mordecai with the style & variety that the savoys bring....perhaps not#an upgrade in that realm....and there seems to be Some mutual [i do not care if my coworker seems weird] there again too lol#even while they've all probably been working together like half a week & haven't all worn their getalong sweater long enough#and already mordecai is doing his [not just literally standing there] rogue lone mystery solving deal lmao. wild card that he is#lackadaisy#oh also speaking of [before mordecai went grr i Hate still working here; ripped off the fridge door; went & got a new Hated job]#it's pure bonus comic realm & particularly Elevated Silly Goofs genre at that; but#points for ivy having that Younger Sibling dynamic w/mordecai w/the implication she takes his forbidden condiments index seriously#and like; in general lol not even just a [it's serious when it comes to dealing with this weird guy] way. all the more powerful for that#wait i nearly forgot to mention the hot new otp: mordecai / j.j.#that's right [sad trombone] providing guy. i know enough. first funny bitch 4 first funny bitch.#[guy doing his own thing & everyone's like Get His Ass] 4 [guy doing his own thing & everyone's like Get His Ass]#and ofc because it is funny in & of itself. & basically like Your New OC. so much room to maneuver that you cannot crash#also hmm like if your nickname for someone is Maybe ''annoying mf'' does it cancel out....eh#numbers flying around intense focus like everything points to ''hatchet would directly translate to hatchette not petit hache''#and if you mon petit hache it (read this w/such a meter that it all rhymes)#900 tons of restraint not going ''wow this is just like analyzing billions'' & by even saying i've managed to avoid as much; now i haven't
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gaylizzard070 · 2 months
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Crying cause I feel bad that this drawing is shitty. Have no idea how to draw men correctly T-T
((NOT my oc. @imsogayyippee oc actually. They are better artist))
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peachesfrompluto · 3 months
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warm up scribble to remind myself that there are, in fact, other characters that exist in soldier of magic [comic i'm working on] besides percy and zero
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sweetbunpura · 2 years
Meeting the Headmistress.
Here it is, I wrote a fic featuring my OC’s that’s based on the Headmistress Rosehearts AU that @adrianasunderworld and @mangacupcake (sorry for the @’s just in case). The AU has held my intresest and given me these ideas as to how my OC’s would react hearing or interacting with Mother Rosehearts.
Also OC bios will be added in at the end of the fic.
No response.
“Excuse me.”
“Excuse me.”
A single ear flick but no response.
“Excuse me, young man!”
J.J. growled and opened his eye, peering down at the woman standing at the base of the tree who was looking up at him with folded arms and a tapping foot. Her short hair a shade of red that reminded J.J. of his dorm leader, she wore a dark red pants suit with a white undershirt. Her large silver eyes stared holes into the student.
“What.” Came the near snarl from the 4th year.
The woman looked offended. “How dare you speak to me in that tone.”
“How else am I gonna speak to you?” He snapped, red and black eyes glaring at her.
“In a proper and respectful tone,” She placed a hand over her chest in a way that mimicked Riddle. “Is the correct way to address your headmistress.”
“Headmistress?” A thin black eyebrow raised as J.J. moved away from the upper trunk his back was against. “You ain’t our headmaster.”
She smiled almost smugly. “I am now and you shall address me as Headmistress Rosehearts.”
‘Rosehearts... shit, she’s Riddle’s mother.’ J.J. nonverbally groaned and felt his body slump it’s way out of the tree, where he landed on his feet in front of her.
Rosehearts grimaced. “Must you be so uncouth?” 
“Where’s Crowley?”
“Gone. The students here need to be properly taught and he wasn’t doing his job. Which is evident because you’re the only 4th year still on campus.”
“Evan came back, didn’t he? So why am I being singled out?”
“Because you’re the only one with a track record.”
J.J. snorted. “So you know me?”
“I read your file. You’ve caused quite a few problems, for the school and for my son.”
The fae opened his mouth but shut it, choosing instead not to say anything about Riddle’s overblot. “So, if that’s the case, why come to me?”
“I’m introducing myself to all the dorms here and you weren’t at the meeting Riddle called.”
J.J. shrugged. “Whoops.”
“Such flagrant disregard for the rules!” She screeched, causing J.J. to flinch from the sound. “How could your parents have raised a child such as yourself? Surely they must not know a thing about parenting.”
“Hey.” The 4th year glared. “My parents raised me just fine, thank you very much. And I don’t take kindly to someone insulting them.”
“It’s not an insult if it’s fact.”
J.J. felt something inside him snap and he let out a growl, smoke passing through his clenched teeth. “Listen here-”
“Mother.” Riddle has chosen at that time to appear. “Shouldn’t you be off to the other dorms?”
“I had to find this ruffian first and reprimand him for his rule breaking. Shouldn’t you have taught him better by now, Riddle?”
“I’m sorry, but he’s been... very adamantly against the rules. I’m teaching him to respect them more.” Riddle sent J.J. a look, eyes telling him to calm down before he sets anything on fire. “Go on and apologize to the Headmistress, J.J.”
J.J. crosses his arms in a huff and snarls out a “Sorry.”
Rosehearts seems to take it as she announces she’s leaving and makes her way to the Heartslabyul mirror. The pair watch as she departs before Riddle turns to J.J.
“Don’t. Nothing you say could make what she said hurt any less.”  His eyes moved towards his dorm leader. “Then again... like mother, like son.” He turned on his heel and made his way into the dorm, completely ignoring Riddle’s attempts to call him back.
“Heard the new Headmistress is causing problems for the dorm leaders.”
“I heard she forced Shroud to start attending classes without his tablet.”
Xavier listened to the various whispers around him as he looked through a selection of books at the library. He thumbed through a few of them before the whispers got too distracting and he left. Dusk had hit Sage Island as the 1st year began his trek back to the Scarbia dorm. Students passed by him, a few called his name which he gave a simple wave and a smile in return. Passing by Sam’s shop, a familiar voice called out to him. 
“Yo Xav!”
Xavier stopped and turned, seeing someone sprint up towards him from the shop. His long navy hair was tied back in a loose ponytail and he wore the dorm uniform of Octavinelle. His mouth was stretched in a wide smile, showing up his rose of sharp teeth. His gray eyes were bright and happy as he slowly approached him.
“Hello, Rascal. Are you picking up stuff for the Lounge?”
“Nah, I just got off and I didn’t have time to change cause I forgot to pick something up from Sam’s.” Rascal waved a bag up before looping an arm around Xavier as best as he could. “Where ya coming back from?”
“The Library. I was studying but the whispers got too much for me.”
“Eh, I guess. Dude,” Rascal leaned forward. “The Headmistress is a total dictator though. All this stuff she’s making the ghosts and the teachers do, like yikes man.”
“I’d hate to have a mom like that for real. I mean my mom can get a little too much sometimes, but Rosehearts has to deal with that every time he comes home and stuff.”
“I don’t want to talk about this right now.” Xavier sighed. “I’d like to go an hour without thinking about this stuff.”
“Right, right, sorry.” Rascal leaned away from him and the two walked in silence for a bit before he spoke up again. “Hey, wanna come over and play some cards or play games or-”
“You two!”
The pair of them froze as a yell came from behind them, followed by the telltale sounds of heels clicking against the pavement. Both of them slowly turned to face Headmistress Rosehearts in all her fiery glory.
“Mr. Gallucci.” She spoke, hands on hips as she stared at Rascal.
“Why did I hear a report of you casting illusion spells on students to make them see giant spiders?”
“Just a prank.” Rascal laughed but stopped upon seeing Roseheart’s glare grow in intensity. 
“I’ve come to confiscate what’s in the bag.”
“Uh, no.” Rascal put the bag behind him. “That’s my business and not yours.”
“How dare you!”
“Ma’am.” Xavier stepped in. “His brother asked him to pick up some medicine due to him not feeling good. If we’re late in delivering it-”
“And you are?”
“Huh?” Xavier blinked in confusion at being interrupted. “X-Xavier Soria.”
“Soria... Soria...” She frowned. “You’re the son of the Ruffians who live to the south of Queendom, aren’t you?”
“R-Ruffians? My parents aren’t anything of the sort, ma’am.”
“I beg to differ. That stuff they call ‘music’ is nothing more than attracting the bad side of the Queedom. The riff raff side.” 
“My parents make wonderful sounding music, ma’am. They bring joy and happiness to the people who listen.”
“And poison their brains. They can spend their time being more productive.”
Xavier frowned and closed his purple eyes in an effort to calm himself down. He felt Rascal reach out and grab his hand.
“If that’s what you think of my family, Headmistress, then I am sad to hear that. Now if you’ll excuse me and Rascal, we’ll be on our way back to our dorms.” Xavier all but pulled Rascal away and made a fast track towards the hall of mirrors.
“How dare she speak that way about my family.” He muttered. “They’ve done amazing things for the Queendom, donated to multiple charities, and did a non-profit concert to help those in need. And then she insults them, right to their son’s face.” 
“Xavier, calm down.”
Xavier sighed and let go of Rascal’s hand, choosing instead to drag them through his light brown hair and fiddle with his braid. “I’m sorry, she just... had no right.”
“Want to come over? Or I’ll come over to your place, maybe we could hold our own mini concert?”
“I’d... I’d like that.”
“She’s getting out of hand.” Rouge muttered to themselves as they watched Rosehearts reprimand a set of Savanaclaw students in the hallway. “Wish someone would just put her in her place already.”
They turned on their heel and quickly walked away before they could be spotted by the Headmistress. Alast they weren’t fast enough as they heard their name being called.
“Rouge Willow.”
“Damnit.” Their ears fell as they turned to face her. “Yes?”
“You and the other one attached to you-”
“Yes, him. Are the pair of you not Kingscholar’s caretakers?”
“Caretaker is a strong word.” Rouge crossed their arms as their tail flicked behind them. “Why?”
“It seems he didn’t heed my warning about going to classes.”
“To be honest, miss, not even Ruggie and I can get him to do that on a good day.”
She made a sound of exaggeration. “I see. So it would seem I have to cancel any Spelldrive-”
“Woah, woah, cancel?” Rouge blinked. “All because Leona ain’t going to class? Ain’t that a little extreme?”
“One must be punished for not heeding when warned.”
“But one person?”
“Yes. This is how it works in the real world, Willow.”
“Yeah but don’t punish the whole pack for one bad hunter.”
She stared at them. “You and Bucchi said the exact same thing.”
“Cause we’re both right.”
“Sure, you are. I may refrain from shutting down the club if you and Bucchi get Kingscholar to his classes. Am I understood?”
“Perfect, and one more thing. You and Bucchi get proper fitting uniforms.”
“This is all we could afford, Ruggie and I don’t come from a place of money, yea know.” 
“NRC is a prestigious school, they don’t need people like you and Bucchi weighing it down.”
 Rouge let out a faint growl and their ears fell sideways as they watched her walk away. “Yeah, she needs to go.”
Goliath adjusted the flowers in his vase while he hummed to himself. Next to him, sitting on the floor, was Night. The Diasomnia student, snapped photo after photo of the various flowers the pair of them had managed to find on this last hike the mountain lovers club had gone through. The pair had already bid a farewell to Jade as he had left earlier to attend to stuff at the Lounge. 
“Goliath?” Night’s soft voice broke through the peaceful night in the botanical garden.
“What do you think of the new headmaster?”
“I have not spoken to her yet, but from what Rascal has told me, she is not good.”
“I’ve heard bad things too. But I can’t speak ill of her.”
“Mmmh.” Goliath put the finishing touches on his arrangement and snapped a picture of it. “Then don’t. I’ve heard she’s been catching students who talk bad about her and giving them detention.”
“Yes, I heard it from a few in my dorm.”
“I see...”
The pair began to pack everything up and headed to the hall of mirrors, quietly chatting to one another as they did.
“You two are certainly out late. I believe the curfew was an hour again.”
Speak of the devil and she shall appear. Rosehearts sood in front of them, blocking their path back home. Night shrank back, and fearfully glanced up at Goliath.
“Our apologies, Headmistress, we were busy finishing up some projects. It shall not happen again.”
“See that it doesn’t.” She paused and stared at him. “You wouldn’t happen to be the brother of one Rascal Gallucci, would you?”
“I am.” Goliath spoke firmly.
“Atleast your parents raised one of their sons correctly.”
Goliath gripped the vase in his hands and took a deep breath. “Our parents raised us to be ourselves, Headmistress.”
“Well your brother was raised wrongly it would seem.”
Goliath handed Night the vase before he could break it. “Forgive me for speaking up, but perhaps every parent is different in how they raise their children. Some raise theirs to be perfect while others raise their children to be happy.”
Her eyes narrowed, sensing the jab at her parental skills. “What was that, Mr. Gallucci?”
“Simply using an example, clearly not one that happens to be true after all.”
Night hid his smile behind the vase, knowing that Goliath was basically insulting Rosehearts to her face but in a more polite way.
“Get back to your dorms.” Was all she said as she stormed off past them.
“Goliath, that was mean.” Night teased and handed the vase back to him.
“And yet it was the truth. I can see why Rascal does not like her, insulting families left and right without a care in the world. I simply feel bad for Riddle now, to live with such an unpleasant mother.”
Evan crossed his legs in the plush chair in the Pomefiore Lounge as he listened to the complaints of his fellow 4th year.
“And then Rosehearts, Riddle by the way, says he’s basically training me to follow the rules!” Evan ducked as J.J.’s tail lashed around. “And sevens! It made me so pissed, I could've transformed right there and bitten her head clean off!”
“Think of the mess that would’ve caused, my dear.”
“Yeah, but who would’ve missed her?”
“Riddle, the Queedom once they learned their prestigious doctor was murdered by a dragon fae.” 
“Oh please, I’d probably be doing him a favor.”
“You’re saying that because you’re angry.”
J.J. growled. “And how are you so calm about this!?”
“Because I haven’t had a negative interaction with her yet.”
“Cause you haven’t run into the she-devil.”
“Oh I have, multiple times in fact. She seems to believe I'll help her whip the school into shape. How naïve of her.” Evan messed with his long white braid that hung over the side of his right shoulder. “I work for no one but myself.”
“There’s the manipulative asshole.” J.J. slumped down in the chair across from Evan and used his tail to point at him. “Can’t you and Schoenheit get rid of her? Or hell even Draconia or Kingshcolar? You guys got lawyers, they’re princes. Surely you can figure something out.”
“Regrettably, she hasn’t broken any major laws yet. She’s keeping everything above the books, not a single hair out of place.”
“So...” The fae leaned forward. “We just gotta make her do something illegal, right?”
“J.J., at the rate she’s going, I predict she’s bound to hit a lawsuit somewhere. I mean the worst she could do is shut off all communication we have with the outside world.”
“Ain’t that illegal?”
“For us? No. For the 2nd and 1st years? maybe, given they still need to be able to contact their guardians in case something goes wrong.” Evan smiled. “And my, have things gone wrong in our absence. Truly a shame, since it looks like the school won’t contact the guardians about the things happening here.”
“Damn, even out on tour, you never missed a beat, did you?”
“J.J., no one messes with my cute underclassmen and my darling without something happening to them in return.”
Night Alexander
Rouge Willow
Xavier Soria
Rascal Gallucci
Goliath Gallucci
J.J. Tulgey
Evan Montgomery
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boiling-potato · 1 year
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I already post this on my account but I wanted to show you (btw I love your art it’s sooo pretty)😅💖
Precious moth baby, precious moth baby, precious moth baby, precious moth baby!!
Ack!! She look so stunning!! I love her design and color palette!! It really suits her! Please feel free to send more info/back story/lore about her!! (⁠✯⁠ᴗ⁠✯⁠)‼️‼️💕💕💖💖❤️❤️✨✨
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Goodness I love getting to know new ocs! Guys! If you ever have one, my ask blog is always open!! ^^ ✨✨
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drinking-plum-juice · 3 months
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Silly white board doodles!!
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intoloopin · 2 months
"The Rich Girl/Weird Friend dynamic is based on the idea of two completely different people changing each other’s lives in huge ways. Unlike other ship dynamics, however, Rich Girl & Weird Friend is always destined for tragedy: they can never end up together, for the storyline can’t advance unless their relationship is destroyed (or one of them dies.)" [x.]
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jekyllnahyena · 4 months
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it's always sunny in the Jaraca
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stargazer0001 · 3 months
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shrud3tigl they are in my brain
also color for J.J!!! Sorry that its messy I just did a quick doodle
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lefanartist-archive · 2 years
How would your ocs react to Mandy?
J.J do you have that second form? (The tall one in the background of his song?)
Legion: *Mocking Bf* "Short, I'm way taller than you lol"
Joey: *gets out of the water the size of a freaking great white Shork* "Hey sorry to interrupt heh, I was suppose to hang out with Raven"
Bf: *Smugly* Taller huh?
Legion: Shut it...
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Ask 3:
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