#oc: Kuraiko
goldenkranic360 · 11 months
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This is the heights of the techno-organics as well as an estimation of Sari Sumdac's height. From left to right: Sari Sumdac, Golden Kranic, Kromix, Nightmaranic, Serix, Insurgent, Neon, Sasori, Jax, Kuraiko, Kranix, Theax (and her robot mode).
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cleopey · 1 year
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I managed to get mysef into picking up a Pen in private again. Live's been bussy with Change and new Chapters. Finally learned to leave hurtfull and toxic people behind. Now i have to relearn that this alone won't magically make me happy. Everything feels slightly surreal - i guess that's why drawing my OC like that clicked so much.
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1idiot-person1 · 1 year
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Demon slayer oc Kuraiko Tsuki. She uses shadow breathing a direct variation of moon breathing. She’s half blind.
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diana-westmoon · 3 years
For myself and @zebra-all-the-time here comes Ayra‘s storyline (Yo, this actually rhymes. Wtf?)
This turned out to be a really long post. ^^” If you read this, you‘re my hero. It‘s 11:30 p.m. xD
Before Ayra (Things that happened before Ayra):
•Ayra is a young woman who lives with her 9 siblings outside a little village.
•Their mother died two years ago, so Ayra takes care of most things, since she‘s the oldest.
•On her last birthday she got a self-made coupon from her siblings. They noticed she was exhausted, so they gifted her a holiday and she was allowed to decide where she wanted go.
•And that leads to Ayra (The book)
Ayra (Book One):
•Ayra decides to meet the ninja, since she‘s a big fan and she wants to train her powers.
•She uses her wind powers to fly and lands in a near desert, the moment she‘s exhausted. This is the moment she meets Pythor, who asks her where she‘s going to. Since Ayra is a bit naive, she decides to trust him and tells him about her plan to visit the ninja and her elemental powers.
•Pythor proposes to her to stay for the night, which she agrees on. They go to the serpentines’ base, where Ayra goes directly into the little prison, because she‘s too tired from flying to notice, that the room is a cell.
•When she awakes the next day Pythor lets her out, only to drug her right after that and put her into a serpentine costume (I wrote this 3 years ago, please don‘t judge my 13 year old me)
•He then sends her to the ninja, who think she is a serpentine. They throw her off board after interrogating her and the masks falls off, which is why they see her real face, before she gets captured by Pythor again.
•Ayra manages to escape a few nights after that and is able to go to the ninja. She explains what happened and the ninja mostly believe her, except for Kai (at first) and Nya who thinks that Ayra would steal Jay from her (who Ayra is not interested in the slightest)
•Ayra and Zane share some time together and slowly get feelings for each other, Nya and Ayra make up after Nya being a little bit mean to her and the ninja train the young woman before Ayra creates snow in summer. (Really nice scenes…)
•In the next training lesson Lloyd and the others try to show Ayra how to summon her elemental dragon, but because she thinks of the rage and the sadness she felt when her mom died, she accidentally freezes the upper deck. After that she manages to create her dragon, but is very suprised, which is why the dragon dissolves into thin air and she falls again.
•After that she awakes on the bounty and the ninja go on a mission to find out what the serpentines are planning while Ayra is training.
•The next day (or the day after that) the ninja and Ayra go to the city and play some soccer. While they’re away the serpentines kidnap Wu and send the ninja a letter in which they tell them, that they will give back Wu, if they give them Ayra.
•The teenagers hurry to save Wu and fight against the serpentine, but they’re too many of them and Ayra and Zane get captured.
•Pythor uses a machine to try and get Ayra’s powers (because omg she has two of them (even though they’re not as strong as regular elemental powers (but he doesn’t know that)))
•The ninja come and save their friends and Zane and Ayra spend some quality time together after having a good rest. During the next training Ayra accidently does airjitzu instead of spinjitzu, but is not able to do it again.
•After that the ninja work on a plan to send Pythor to prison. They break into the serpentine base and destroy the machine, before freezing Pythor and kidnapping him.
•Ayra summons her dragon and takes Pythor with her, but halfway back to the bounty, he breaks out (he brought a dagger (he knew the ninja were coming. :0)) He threathens Ayra (this is one of my favorite scenes) and then throws her off the dragon. The dragon vanishes and Zane catches her. They kiss and then Ayra gets unconcious again.
•Ayra awakes, the ninja chill and Ayra gets a letter from Morro, in which he explains that she and all her siblings are adopted and that he’s her half-brother and she decides to visit him. Wu looks like he knows something about him, but he doesn’t say anything. (I mean it‘s Wu)
And that’s when Ayra II happens:
Ayra: Foul Play (Book Two)
•Ayra goes to Morro, they share some time together and Ayra has a nightmare the first time she sleeps in the beautiful house Morro owns, that stands on a beach. (describing the plot of Ayra II is way easier, because I haven’t fully figured it out yet)
•Ayra’s love interest is introduced, who’s a friend of Morro: It’s a young woman, who’s name is Alara and the girls immediately fall in love with each other.
•Both of them go on dates and nothing big happens, but then:
•When they come back from one of their dates, on which they almost kissed (almost), they see that the house is on fire.
•Morro dies right in front of Ayra’s eyes and Ayra griefes for a week, before Alara visits her again and tells her about a scroll, she heard about, where a ritual was written on to bring dead people back.
•Ayra remembers the scroll, which her mom owned and goes back to her home village. She takes the scroll and goes back to the house to perform the ritual, but a new villain makes their appearance: Maida, an older woman between 50 and 60.
•Maida threathens to kill Alara with a dagger (like Pythor threathening Ayra before) if Ayra doesn’t perform the ritual, but not to bring back Morro, but Ayra’s and Morro’s mother, since Maida isn’t related to her and can’t perform the ritual to bring her back. (It’s also explained that Ayra was frozen for over 20 years (because of timeline stuff))
•Maida is revealed to be the elemental master of illusion. Evertything written in italic actually didn’t happen. It was all an illusion.
•The moment Ayra tries to perform the ritual and Maida’s soul is eaten by a beautiful souleater (idk if you call her that in english. x3), who’s also @speren0x ’s wonderful oc Kuraiko. The whole illusion breaks and Alara vanishes into thin air. Not even she was real.
•Ayra is traumatized to the bone and pleads Kuraiko to stay, but she leaves and Ayra is left alone and scared.
•She returns home and rests, before the siblings decide to go on a big adventure to find their true potential.
The end (of book two)
Omg… This took so long, but I think it was worth it. x3 I actually need to go to bed now, so idk if there are any mistakes. If you have any questions please feel free to ask me. ^^
Have a nice day/night! I‘m going to bed. x3
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baebeyza · 4 years
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On a blast today drawing OCs and here is one I’ve never drawn before and just designed as I went! ~ Hmmmm, she be rocking those germany colours xD Wasnt until I was done colouring that I noticed xD
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pillcasso · 5 years
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Decided this will be an art + rambling blog from now on, cause honestly fuck Twitters character limit.
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Kuraiko is the daughter of Amon
reference for my oc Kuraiko
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dramaticblue · 6 years
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Naruto OC Kuraiko Yasei Character Sheed by Okami-no-ko
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goldenkranic360 · 2 years
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Kuraiko (2022 Darkia Redesign)
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cleopey · 2 years
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A snipped of Kuraiko to cure bad moods <3
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baebeyza · 4 years
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One of those memes I havent done in ages with my dumbass characters :D ~
Jafer there is just happy because being dead means he won’t have to interact with people anymore
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cleopey · 2 years
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Some older things of my OC Kuraiko Yurei
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OC that you can ask: Black, Kiko, Kuro, Shadow Demon, Kuraiko, Amon, Noname, Mira, Nera, Jax, Deerpy, Toru, Tororu
OC that you can't ask at the moment: Kiroru-chan, Jack, End, Yoyo, Chrono
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