#oc: Natsuki
ashwithane · 5 months
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new dnd character just dropped! their name is natsuki and it’s a little kitsune archivist gremlin
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tanjir0se · 5 months
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Half-baked backstory below the cut !
Star breather, dual wields two Nichirin that can connect into a long staff. Energetic, reckless, kind but extremely stubborn, thinks she’s really funny but literally isnt.
Met Natsuki at final selection and barely made it through thanks to his help.
Began training in first aid/Kakushi work at the Kocho sisters’ house for wayward girls (very bad at it due to natural inability to follow directions/listen/not make trouble)
That came to an end after Kanae was killed, she wanted to fight for revenge so was paired with Natsuki (Tomioka’s first attempt at mentoring/taking a tsuguko (didn’t work)(made them both weirder))on a mission where she discovered kind of on accident that she could star breathe
Given to Tengen for Tsuguko training 1. Because she is also a dual wielder and he requested and 2. because if she broke one more thing at the butterfly mansion Shinobu and Aoi were going to go insane
Grew close with Natsuki because they were assigned to multiple missions together because 1. Tengen kept volunteering her because he was ALSO going to go insane if Sakuya didn’t learn to grow some fucking responsibility and later 2. Because Tengen found it INCREDIBLY funny that Giyuu’s tsuguko had a crush on his
On a mission that could have made them both Hashira, Natsuki was turned into a demon by Kokushibo. Devastated, Sakuya was unable to slay either of them and later quit her training despite Tengen’s insistence she stay and went back to kakushi work/rogue slaying. Like, kakushi by day and slayer by night. Ig
She has run into Natsuki (now a demon) several times and neither can manage to kill the other so they end up weird half secret friends ?
Natsuki 🌌
Void breather—>Demon. Extremely shy, thoughtful, intelligent and determined but insecure and prone to overthinking. As a demon, superiority complex, hates both humans and other demons, almost feral. Wields a [REDACTED because Cam hasn’t decided yet lmfao]
Self taught with his own breathing style because he tried literally every other one and nothing worked. He had to work extremely hard and do almost everything the hard way to finally make it to final selection. Considers himself to be a naturally unlucky person.
Became Giyuu’s tsuguko because the Master saw something special in him (maybe the fact that he invented void breathing lol) and thought their personalities would mesh, but also that it would be easy for Giyuu because he and Natsuki were fairly similar in age.
They do mesh! But Natsuki is functionally mute so. Um. He learns a lot from Giyuu like sword wise but not so much …socially.
Despite feeling like the odd one out/a fish out of water because his friend Sakuya already knows all of the Hashira due to her learning from Shinobu, and he can barely manage to speak to his own mentor, he gains power and skill extremely quickly because he’s extremely determined and just wants to work hard.
EXTREMELY shy and finds himself disappearing into the background, except to Sakuya, who initially believes he doesn’t like her and makes it her mission to get him to
(He did like her he just sucks at saying it)
(He is completely in love with her and Sakuya, known dumbass, is oblivious)
He opens up to her on their missions and tries to protect her both out of love and out of a sense of ‘paying her back’ for the many, MANY times her medical training has saved his ass. They bond over their as of yet undetermined tragic backstories.
After being turned into a demon he retains next to nothing about his former life but is captivated by the times he sees Sakuya from a distance. The closer he gets the more he remembers so he finds himself seeking her out.
I’m going to start going through my ideas for Star and Void breathing because they’re cool as hell and I want to make move names !!! Also I haven’t made a self insert since LITERALLY 2011 so. Turns out it’s really fun cool and based and everyone should do it always
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mxanigel · 7 months
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Thanks to kind suggestions from @poetikat and @korblez, I have new portraits for my Watcher, Natsuki! I'm pretty pleased with how these images turned out despite the respective picrews not being explicitly for godlike characters.
Her purple hair + blue skin combines my favorite colors. ^_^ And I don't know whether moon godlike are supposed to have pointy ears, but I'm giving them to Natsuki because I can.
picrew links: top right | bottom left | bottom right
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elementkittenklaws · 1 year
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Happy Trans Day of Visibility! (featuring my newest character, Natsuki)
(reblogs appreciated!)
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5poundlobster · 8 months
☆OC: Natsuki
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Name: Natsuki Moriyama Nickname(s): Natsu-senpai Age: 20/21 Birthday: 11/17 Gender: Female Sexuality: Straight
•Appearance Hair color: Orange/red Eye color: Orange Height: 178 cm (5' 10")
•Relationships Parents: Admires them Siblings: Is an only child Friends: very small group for friends Partner(s): Takashi Morinozuka
•4 facts about her: °Insecure about her height °Loves fashion and also wants to be a clothes designer °Is really good at sports and used to sub in school sports teams °She's an otaku
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lovelyrottingcrows · 2 months
that's right, I drew Yuri (not just the chr)
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This might be the funniest art meme to ever exist
og from Twitter
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buttercatrho · 4 months
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i wanted to draw but didnt know what so heres a bunch of ms paint doodles of whoever i could pick out of my brain
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radiantrudi · 4 months
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It's the Cool Ass Trans Club!!!
club members include me, @murninatair, Livvy and Noty!
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axenyan · 2 months
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Wahoo y'all thought I'm done? I play on E-2 too, and he is my MC for E-2 server with Haru as the home character. Welcome, Natsuki Nanaba~!
Nanaba is a chill™ man who likes to play small games, like the guessing game. One example would be him asking you to choose between his right and or left hand. If you guessed right, he will give you a small present! Because of this, he is quite popular with kids. But he won't entertain just anyone~ 😘
In Jabberwock House, he mainly helps Haru. He is also the one to remind him not to overwork. For some reason, he excels in caring for baby animals, it's like they're his little siblings.
Have some trivia under the cut 💞
He was supposed to be a twst OC, but I switched interests before I finished developing him. His original hair color is blonde.
He likes almost all kinds of games but is more into board and mobile games, meanwhile Kurona likes arcade games. Sometimes they go to the arcade together.
His stigma allows him to shoot high-pressure water beams from any source.
Nicknames: Banana (Taiga), Asagao (Towa), Nanapyon (Rui)
Emoji: 7️⃣
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sirtallyopera · 3 days
Master pieces made in Magma (we call it Aggie)
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Bill ciphers divorce vibrator
bottom panel drawn by @squiddybobiddy (I colored everything though❤️)
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Rusber, a original character of mine (left)
July 23 (Right)
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And finally a AU of Dawnrest!Natsuki (or DR!Natsuki for short) concept art
(Dawnrest is a fictional suburban village/town that I created I’ll elaborate more in the future)
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surrtasm · 18 days
Art dump x3 i hate tumblr for having an image limit
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amf-studios · 2 months
You know what, fuck you! *cat girls your Nate, Whisper and Jibanyan*
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I've been on an Academy Y kick lately, so I decided to make a hero form for my transfem!Nate! (I mostly did this because there a like, 3 girls to get transformations in academy y, it's a total sausage fest.)
The hero forms are by and large fusions of the human and their yokai/onryo companion, so I fused Natsuki with both Whisper and Jibanyan to make: Calicutie! (Calico + cutie)
Fun fact, Calico cats are an almost entirely female breed, so it's actually fitting for a cat girl yokai! For the design, I mostly took inspiration from Taokoko
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Honestly, using her for a vase worked not only with the Lolita style I usually put Nat in, but gave me the inspired idea of using braids to represent Buchinyan's tails!
Personality wise, Calicutie is a chaotic mash of Natsuki's sass, Whisper's poor memory and Jibanyan's lack of attention span. Leading to an airhead who can punch like a professional boxer!
Calicutie is an A rank of the charming tribe, and a fire attribute.
Unlike regular yokai, Yokai heros actually have a few different soultimate moves at their disposal. Here's two I think Calicutie would have;
Obviously, she'd have Buchinyan's flurry of fury, with some added weight behind those punches.
And a unique one to this form: Liar Liar, spit fire! Where she lets out a cloud of Whisper's inspiritment mist, then ignites it with Jibanyan's pyrokinesis, setting anything caught in it ablaze!
I hope you guys enjoy!
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toxicfucksaround · 1 year
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Doki doki girlfriends club
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mxanigel · 8 months
Incoming Pillars of Eternity rambles! (I tried to make my thoughts coherent. Emphasis on tried.) Now that I've reached Defiance Bay, I've been devouring the game this weekend to help me recuperate from recent life stuff, but this morning I had to pause to digest how much the events have affected Natsuki.
For context, Natsuki is a crime-solving moon godlike scientist ranger who initially leans clever, rational, stoic (except for certain things). Diplomatic tendencies partly arise from navigating her pursuit of science and clues and from being a moon godlike. Rational thinking because scientist and because that mindset helped her develop archery skills early on. Prefers honesty to lies but will bend the truth if it helps someone else. Yet becoming a Watcher and learning more than she ever wanted to know about Awakening and soul manipulation… well, that understandably changes a person. She never expected to be considered benevolent. But benevolence is understandable when you're able to read someone else's soul, isn't it?
Recent Caed Nua things:
Natsuki explored more levels in the Endless Paths and got gut punched by Kana's discovery of the truth of the Tanvii ora Toha (Book of Virtues, ooooof)
Was called to court over a dispute of ownership and ended up able to keep Caed Nua because said disputer is a pathetic person
Loves her Mechanics bonus from resting at the stronghold -> she's much less likely to trigger traps now! to her companions' relief
Recent events:
Natsuki imprisoned the impostor of a drug dealer (who later escaped…) and probably meddled too much in the relationship between the real drug dealer and his ex? fiancee
She helped a kid get a fancy dagger and totally burst his bubble by revealing she'd already discovered the secret stashing spot near the amphitheater
Wandered catacombs in search of the source of a long-dead voice and accidentally moved forward a main quest by stumbling into the temple of Woedica (a moon godlike trying to wear a hood doesn't go well, haha) -> ended up taking down creepy catacombs dude and then convincing the quest-giver to destroy the amulet
Spoke at length with a talking statue and has a growing concern with how souls are treated in this world (okay maybe that's more me than Natsuki) with a side effect of starting to wonder whether pursuit of science is worth the cost
Was a bit too giddy about offering Aloth as a "volunteer" to investigate his soul duality condition (she made the two of them talk to each other like adults and was adamantly against him destroying the data gathered in the process)
Retrieved a scroll and instead of returning it, she buried it because a god(?!) asked her to
Discovered Durance's involvement with the Godhammer
Later stumbled across a piece of the Godhammer bomb
Was wholly unprepared to enter the North Ward of the Sanitarium (what. the. fuck.) and ended up killing Azo
Found a ghost who didn't realize he was a ghost playing guide at the above-ground entrance(?) to the temple of Woedica
Drooled with Kana over the bookshelves in the Hall of Revealed Mysteries but came to her senses long enough to use Grimda's key to help an animancy researcher get a text useful in their studies
Figured going to Heritage Hill wouldn't be a big deal and then got wrecked
Also now they're getting attacked by assassins in Defiance Bay
But hey, at least those events boosted Natsuki's reputation enough for Edér to access the records he's been seeking…
Okay. So the Heritage Hill thing. It was bad enough to stumble across the plight of a terrified child surviving amidst the unliving. And then find that an undead soldier was luring her compatriots to their deaths. But that damned tower. Specifically, talking to Icantha about it. The pride of hers that Natsuki felt, the pride Natsuki had to chip away from to reach a rational conclusion, the pride that resonated with Natsuki's own sense of identity. The pride that casually manipulated countless souls… for what purpose? Knowledge? Power? Control? People aren't playthings, aren't resources, aren't materials. They are people. The living shouldn't be abused by the dead.
Yet what it takes for Natsuki to chip away at that pride… is talking like she once herself did about being a scientist. About pursuing knowledge and understanding and wisdom. She convinces Icantha to give up that pride under the hope that Natsuki will carry the knowledge forward on her behalf. And then Natsuki overloads the tower so that no one else can abuse those souls. Despite knowing the souls would be destroyed, it's better than them being abused. Isn't it?
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Now Natsuki has too many questions storming through her already overly-taxed mind: What does it mean to be "good"? What does it mean to pursue knowledge? Can knowledge be gained without harm or sacrifice? When is that knowledge worth the cost?
Her remaining tether is helping her companions. Who occasionally seem to notice when she's faltering. Thank the gods for Sagani and Edér and, well, everyone in her party.
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simplegenius042 · 2 months
Music Monday, WIP Wednesday & Last Line
Tagged by @cassietrn and @voidika
Tagging @imogenkol @inafieldofdaisies @adelaidedrubman @shellibisshe @aceghosts @socially-awkward-skeleton @noodlecupcakes @josephseedismyfather @icecutioner @derelictheretic @shallow-gravy @direwombat @strangefable @rhettsabbott @josephslittledeputy @cloudofbutterflies92 @skoll-sun-eater @carlosoliveiraa @g0dspeeed @wrathfulrook @afarcryfrommymain @strafethesesinners @turbo-virgins @raresvtm @softtidesworld @starsandskies @ladyoriza @la-grosse-patate @florbelles @minilev @yokobai @thewanderer-000 @omen-speaker @justasmolbard @alypink @thesingularityseries @nightwingshero and @lulu2992 + anyone else who'd like to join.
Got songs for The UnTitledverse, Wings And Horns and A Radioactive Calamity Of Love, Bombs & Gore, with a snippet for a new FC5 The Silver Chronicles WIP as well as a last line for You Make My Heart Go Doki Doki Literature Club!. You can listen to the songs and read the WIPs snippets below:
Legend is important. It's part of history and culture. It should always be preserved in the present to better understand our past to make way to the future. Now many of my series divulge into legends and myths and old stories. Some of them outright make reverence to events long passed (the Extermination Purge Wars, the Big Bangs, the fall of the Houses of the Old Gods and the foundation the Time Bureau Authority, etc). Sometimes all that was in the past emerges into the present (with the likes of the Arachnoids, Exterminators, the Old Kin and more). However, one historical text in my series is the abolishment of the (while benevolent, very flawed) Soulmate System, which my Original Work Wings And Horns is set in. The plot is that more and more mortals are being discovered without soulmarks (which come in the form of marks, initials, countdowns, etc, depending on the person and timeline), so the New Gods send Archangel Metatron and an Angel of Death cadet, Azriel, to investigate the phenomenon to see whether it is natural or manufactured. Metatron wants to preserve and fix the system because he believes mortals require it, meanwhile Azriel just wants the credit so her soul can be reincarnated at an earlier date. The duo behind the soulmark removals is a Sloth Demon by the name of Xiang Ba'al and his adopted daughter, a Sinner's soul by the name of Jezebel. This cat and mouse chase is what ultimately dictates the decision the New Gods are debating; should mortals require on the guidance on something as small as love? Or should mortals find the love of their life on their own, a small step to gifting them a responsibility that had drastically the status quo beforehand thousands of years ago; that being, Free Will?
"Legends never die When the world is calling you Can you hear them screaming out your name? Legends never die."
"They never lose hope when everything's cold And the fighting's near." "It's deep in their bones They'll ride into smoke when the fire is fierce." "Oh, pick yourself up 'cause
Legends never die Legends never die Legends never die Legends never die!"
"Legend never dies They're written down in eternity But you'll never see the price it costs The scars collecting all of their lives."
"When everything's lost They pick up their hearts and avenge defeat Before it all starts They suffer through harms to touch and dream." "Whoa, pick yourself up 'cause
Legends never die Legends never die Legends never die Legends never die!"
"Legends never die." "When the world is calling out your name." "Begging you to fight." "Oh, oh, oh, pick yourself up Once more, pick yourself up 'cause
Legends never die Legends never die Legends never die Legends never die!"
"Legends never die."
Walking Fate is a fic series in The UnTitledverse based in Telltale's The Walking Dead video game. The fic classically follows (most) of the game/s, but does diverge a bit off with pivotal focus on Clementine and an OC of mine whose the runaway son of Darling Enterprises, a multi-business juggernaut, Malcrum Darling, and their relationship. They're definitely not "tragic star-crossed lovers". I'd never do such a thing in The Walking Dead universe. Here's a song about Malcrum's feelings towards Clementine that's definitely in no shape or form supposed to be interpreted as inno- I mean twisted. Enjoy!
"Hey, he-ey-ey, he-he-hey
Your lipstick stains On the front lobe of my left side brains I knew I wouldn't forget you And so I went and let you blow my mind
Your sweet moonbeam The smell of you in every single dream I dream I knew when we collided You're the one I have decided who's one of my kind
Hey, soul sister Ain't that Mr. Mister on the radio, stereo The way you move ain't fair you know Hey, soul sister I don't wanna miss a single thing you do, tonight
Hey, he-ey-ey, he-he-hey
Just in time I'm so glad you have a one track mind like me You gave my life direction A game show love connection we can't deny
I'm so obsessed My heart is bound to beat right out my untrimmed chest I believe in you Like a virgin, you're Madonna And I'm always gonna wanna blow your mind.
Hey, soul sister Ain't that Mr. Mister on the radio, stereo The way you move ain't fair you know Hey, soul sister I don't wanna miss a single thing you do, tonight."
Throughout A Radioactive Calamity Of Love, Bombs & Gore, one universal rule is applied; it doesn't matter you are. From a vault dweller who drew the short straw to a psychotic resident of Vault 76 whose a bit too obsessed with wanting to kill her neighbors. A talking Deathclaw to a Ghoul addicted to chems. A brother who wants to uphold the morals his mother taught him in the Wasteland to his amoral sister who kicks old people people and harasses the less fortunate because she's from a wealthy crime family. Because in the end... they have to stand up to Arcane Urias. (Those poor fuckers are gonna die LOL!!!). Because I guess it's the right to do (in the context of self-preservation against the threat of annihilation).
"Up in the morning, up in the evening Pickin' down clocks when the birds get back to eat Oh, to eat
Up on the mountain, down in the king's lair Pushing these boxes in the heat of the afternoon Oh, afternoon
We were never welcome here We were never welcome here at all No
It's who we are, doesn't matter if we've gone too far Doesn't matter if it's all okay Doesn't matter if it's not our day
Oh, won't you save us, what we are Don't look clear, it's all uphill from here Oh-oh
Up in the attic, down in the cellar Lost in a static, coming back for more Oh, for more
Out with the reason, in with the season Taking down names in my book of jealousy Jealousy
We were never welcome here We were never welcome here at all No!"
An long FC5 WIP for The Silver Chronicles, a new one at that, one I'm naming after the lyrics of David Kushner's "Daylight"; because David Kushner and his songs fit The Silver Chronicles on a scary level. Anyway, the WIP is called Oh, I Love It And I Hate It At The Same Time. You And I Drink The Poison From The Same Vine. Hiding All Our Sins From The Daylight... also known as "the fic where Silva and Paul survive the Tumultite Massacre together and their father/daughter relationship worsens into co-dependence in Montana". Where's Elsa and Persephone at? Well, they'll arrive in the later half of the fic... along with Kamski. Despite the fact their relationship not being "gonna kill you for hurting me even though you were good once", this is far from a good and healthy outcome for both Silva and Paul. In spite of this, they make a dangerous duo (as expected of the two), something the Seeds kind of suspect when they meet them. Enjoy being as lost as the Seeds are in this scene snippet below when Paul interrupts them meeting the Muse herself at a social gathering Pre-Reaping. [Would like to add that the WIP is fairly new, and I'm still working on this scene, and may make a few changes in the near future when I have the time. Expect some mistakes]:
When the question left Joseph's mouth, he felt a pain clutch his shoulder.
With a surprised hitch of his breath, he glanced down to gloved fingers that dug into his shoulder blade with an astonishing unnatural amount of strength.
"Her padre, of course," the soft gleeful voice of the hand's owner answered from beside him, the tone sickeningly sweet.
The stranger's head faced Joseph, his eyes closed to Joseph's seeking blue. His lips curved up in a polite and cheerful smile, one that should be dripping with honey.
The man's eyes briefly opened to reveal burning yellow eyes, bordering on an intense gold. Joseph could not shake the feeling that he's seen those eyes before. A vision perhaps?
Joseph felt himself tense as he recognized the way this man looked at him; the way John sometimes gazed upon the Sinners. A predator that has targeted its prey. And it was Joseph who was already in his clutches.
The man blinked, and the inhuman hue was gone. Instead, a pale hazel resided in its stead. He drifted his eyes away from Joseph, locking with the oblivious grey of the deputy that heralded the coming of the Collapse.
An inexplicable dread coiled in his gut when the man's features genuinely lightened at the sight of his family's judge.
"Ah, il mio piccolo Boa!" he greeted with a beaming grin, letting go of Joseph's aching shoulder to push past him, swiftly making his way to Silva to the Seed's collective daze. The man wrapped his arms over Silva's body, embracing the slightly shorter woman. She seemed delighted by his unexpected appearance.
They both pulled away, though gloved hands remained on the other's arms. The man, though a stranger to the crowd around her, seemed to be a familiar face to Silva. Joseph watched the stranger's hand glide caressing fingers across her dark hair affectionately, following the slivers of the dyed silver trails that reached to her braid, "And how are you fairing this fine hour?"
Silva graced the question with a smile; not the formal and polite smile that served to keep a front up to strangers, but one with an undeniable sincerity shining through.
"Hola to you too, Paul," Silva returned with bemusement, "I was just making some new friends. What brings you over?"
From behind Paul, Joseph could see the man's head tilt. Through the abrupt gesture, Silva's features suggested she understood the meaning, "Um, amigos, Paul."
"Ah," Paul seemed to understood, sneaking an obvious glance towards Joseph and his siblings. There was no trace of gold in those hazel eyes, and the intensity lesser than when he locked eyes with Joseph, but the suspicion directed towards them held a sharp edge to it. Paul let another word roll down his tongue, but the tone matched his gaze, "Amici."
In spite of the growing uneasiness, Joseph willed himself to keep a calm front. He was unsure why Paul off-put him. Joseph regarded the man; his stature was slight taller than Silva's, but similar to Joseph's own height. He was older than all of them, including Jacob; perhaps a decade older. His hair was blonde- or rather, dyed blonde, as Joseph noted the light brown at the sides of his head. His complexion wasn't too dissimilar from Silva's own, maybe deeper.
Joseph took note of the few faded scarring scarcely scattered around his face, and like Silva's, time had laid its healing hands on Paul's own wounds.
Joseph paused his observation, about to make introductions with the askant man when John stepped forward first.
"Yes, we were giving our compliments to Silva for the couscous salad you've brought. She was just telling us it was a co-opted effort," John stated with a grin, one Joseph's had become accustomed to over the years. John's move peaked Paul's interest, his suspicion replaced with curiosity. With his audience captured, Joseph watched approvingly as John continued, a hand outstretched, "I don't believe we've met mister...?"
Recognition shined in Paul's eyes, though it was swept away with a grin bigger than John's as his gloved hand grasped John's in a steady shake, "Yellowjack. But please, just call me Paul. I've always felt the term "mister" gives off the impression I'm married, or worse, boring."
Jacob raised a brow, though refrained from commenting as John replied when letting go of Paul's hand, "Noted. So, are you a friend of Silva's or family?"
Paul shared a glance with Silva and replied, "Family. I'm her padre. I've taken care of her for a long time."
Joseph focused on both Silva and Paul; he couldn't find anything indistinguishably shared between both, though he considered that Silva might just take after her mother than Paul. However, he didn't discard the possibility that Paul was Silva's adoptive father rather than her blood relative.
He kept his thoughts to himself though; reasoning that bringing up the question wouldn't be appropriate so early now. Especially if there's a layer of deception underneath Paul's relation with Silva; he didn't want to unintentionally compromise her safety if Paul held more sin than Joseph already suspected he did.
Silva spoke up, grabbing everyone's attention as she pointed out, "You know Paul, you never answered my question."
Paul seemed to stiffen; clearly a dramatic display rather than serious, as Paul finally answered Silva, "Well, you see, I had caught up with good ol' Virgil before he had to run off for his own business and I saw you speaking to these truffatori impopolari, quindi volevo solo controllarti. You know?"
Joseph and Jacob shared a glance; none of them could interpret the words Paul had sputtered out, though Joseph relaxed when Silva gave Paul a soft smile, "I'm grateful for your concern. But I've got this handled. Gracias, though."
Paul relaxed his stiffness, and Silva brought his attention back towards them, "Now how about some introductions?"
"Great idea," Paul agreed, hazel scanning across the four siblings, "How about we go oldest to youngest?"
Jacob's mouth thinned, blue eyes narrowed as he scrutinized Paul with harsh judgement. Joseph watched as his brother scanned the older man's black and yellow attire. It was flaunting a level of wealth, typical of someone who indulged in vanity. However, that didn't sit right with Joseph. He decided to dwell on it later as he watched Paul and Jacob.
Paul glanced to Jacob, and after a pause, he leaned closer, "Let's start with you ragazzone."
Jacob stared down Paul, who was an inch or two shorter than the red-head. He exhaled out an annoyed huff, and gruffly stated, "Name's Jacob."
Paul hummed and straightened up his posture, hazel eyes trailing Jacob's forest green jacket and body. His eyes seemed to linger on the American flag, Jacob's burns and, oddly enough, his biceps more often. Paul clicked his tongued and nodded his head approvingly, "That checks out. But man, sei una delizia per i miei occhi."
Silva had a bemused expression at Paul's words. Jacob, though, raised a brow, "Mind sharing on what's on your mind?"
Paul had snapped out of his trance, and he swiftly blurted out, "Oh, I just said you looked good, is all."
Paul's attention hastily turned to John and Joseph. He looked between the two, but when the older man focused on him, Joseph witnessed his cheer drop abundantly when their eyes met.
The cold dread surfaced once more. The dead-eyed scrutiny the older man reserved for Joseph alone alarmed him. Joseph could not understand Paul's behavior. Neither could he recall any cases where he could have slighted the man, despite this being their first meeting. He'd never seen Paul in any of his visions, only Silva.
Regardless, Joseph chose to retaliate with a gentle greeting, "My name's Joseph. My family and I run the chapel over on the island by the Henbane."
"Oh yeah, I know," Paul calmly told him, all the playfulness gone, "You're the head of the Project at Eden's Gate, correct?"
Joseph curtly nodded in confirmation, and Paul continued, "Yes, I've heard quite a lot about you. Folks around here always have something to say about your little project."
Joseph's lips thinned, disappointment resonating in his chest. So the sinners lies are spreading swiftly. He was displeased by this knowledge, but he resolved to help Paul see the light. If not for his own soul, then the sake of his daughter's.
John stepped in, interrupting the exchange, "All good things, one would hope."
Paul turned attentively to John with an upbeat rejuvenation, disregarding Joseph, "Well, they can't certainly be all bad now, can they?"
Paul's change in demeanor reminded Joseph of John; both hid their emotions behind a carefully crafted mask and would only reveal their true feelings to those they liked or trusted. However, Paul had more self-control over his emotions and mannerisms.
"And I don't believe you shared your name," Paul pointed out to John.
"John. And if I may, we'd encourage you and your daughter to come for at least one sermon," John invited. Joseph smiled at John's attempt to salvage Paul's soul.
The man in question gave a brief glance to Silva, who shrugged, before returning to John and saying, "Preferirei di no."
John waited for Paul to specify but the latter's attention shifted to their final sibling. Joseph caught a flash of an offended scowl on John's face, so Joseph reached a calming hand on his younger brother's shoulder. It worked, the scowl lost in a practiced exhale.
"Oh, look at this, they have a sorella Silva," Paul said with a grin as he stepped closer to the shorter Faith. Silva narrowed her eyes suspiciously at her father.
Admittedly, so had Joseph.
"What's your name?" Paul asked. Faith shifted, hands behind her back as a delighted smile stretched across her lips with an answer, "It's Faith."
"Faith," Paul repeated her name, seeming to break it down before giving a small bow, adding with sincerity, "A powerful name for a powerful woman. It suits you."
Paul's compliment had three separate effects from what Joseph could see; it had flattered Faith, who thanked Paul for his kind words. It had annoyed John, who rolled his eyes at the exchange.
And it had concerned Joseph, at least as the Father; while he had entrusted Faith in a role that required her to attract converts to their flock, he was weary of those with perverse sins that would embolden them to act on certain depravities.
There had been minor incidents that had occurred, at least in earlier years, though Faith had shown a strength and belief that always reaffirmed him in his decision to bring her in. Especially when she purified the souls of those who indulged in such vices, allowing them to serve the Project free of their sinful shackles; as angels.
He monitored Paul, watching as the man gazed into Faith's eyes, and saw once again how he lightened up. Paul noted aloud, "I must say, you have such lovely green eyes. Is that a recessive trait?"
As Faith gave an explanation to Paul, Joseph was more confused. The way he stated the detail was too specific. And he had stated loud enough for only their small group to hear.
He glanced to Silva, and was met with a menagerie of changing expressions; first was confusion, then came analysis, followed by baffled realization, until she finally settled on looking unimpressed.
With her reactions, Joseph was at a loss on how to view this interaction between Paul and Faith. Until Paul pulled out of his conversation with Faith and attentively singled Silva out, "You know Silva, se volevi solo parlare con la ragazza, non dovevi fare di tutto per incontrare prima tutta la sua famiglia, right?"
Silva blinked at Paul, staring agape as she processed the stream of words he told her aloud. A blush darkened her skin, grey eyes wide in astounded and embarrassment.
Ah, I see now, Joseph deduced, glancing from Silva to Paul, He's teasing her.
Evidenced by the cheeky grin that grew across Paul's face as he continued, "Lei è certamente una partita. Se vuoi, posso impartirti un po' di saggezza sul primo appuntamento. Purché non riceva un invito a nozze entro la fine dell'anno, eh Silva?"
Silva furrowed her brows at Paul, the blush expanded. She traversed over to grab Paul, telling him, "¡Ey! ¡Ya es suficiente de tu parte!"
Despite an irate Silva telling off a snickering Paul who fruitlessly tried to calm down his daughter, Joseph couldn't help but be endeared by the display in front of him. There was something else too... but he elected to push it away for the time being.
Joseph turned to address his family, and paused as John commented to Faith and Jacob, "Who here suspects this isn't an uncommon occurrence between these two?"
"I don't doubt it," Jacob affirmed, eyeing the duo, specifically Paul, "He's definitely the embarrassing parent."
And here's a few short paragraphed snippets for my DDLC WIP called You Make My Heart Go Doki Doki Literature Club! for the Last Lines tag. Sayori (plus Yuri and Natsuki) enters the club and interrupts... something:
The door class door clicked open, and both students snapped their heads to Sayori entering the class, who freezes once her blue eyes took in the sight of a frazzled and flushed Monika whose uniform was unkempt and fists were gripping the opened blazer flaps of the equally more disheveled and flushed new student Haoyu, both of their faces in close proximity of each other.
"This isn't what it looks like!" a horrified Monika quickly utters out, letting go of Haoyu's blazer and letting the green-dyed brunette troll drop to the floor with an ignored 'oomph!' as she went to address her club's co-president.
Only to stutter when, much to her horrifying embarrassment two more familiar faces entered the room beside Sayori; that of Yuri who didn't immediately comment on the situation and Natsuki who rushed in with a burning question to Monika's poorly timed outburst, "What doesn't look like what? Wait..."
Monika watched as Natsuki regarded her appearance, and then her pink eyes shifted to Haoyu leaning up nearby the coral brunette; who was repeatedly trying to blow hair away from their face, to a miserable degree of failure.
Once pink met emerald green, Monika could feel sweat start to break when she unfortunately witnessed a mischievous and teasing glint shine in her clubmate's eyes. With a teasing grin, Natsuki asked, "So what's going on in here?"
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nanaosaki3940 · 3 months
Feels Like A Family [Sakamoto Days]
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I'm currently working on my next chapter and decided to share a small snippet of it... Please let me know if you liked it or not... 
Fanfic Name: Love In The Line Of Fire [Sakamoto Days]
Pairing: Yoichi Nagumo X OC
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Nana's POV
I walked down the bustling street, my hand securely holding the small, warm hand of Hana, my cheerful five-year-old niece. The summer sun bathed us in a gentle, golden glow, casting long shadows as we made our way toward a popular dessert shop known for its delectable treats. The air was filled with the sounds of laughter, chatter, and the occasional bark from dogs being walked by their owners.
“So, Hana-chan, what kind of dessert are you in the mood for today? Ice cream? Cake?” I asked, glancing down at Hana with a warm smile.
Her wide, innocent eyes sparkled with excitement as she pondered the delicious options.
“Ice cream! I want strawberry with sprinkles!” Hana replied cheerfully, her voice filled with enthusiasm.
Her excitement was infectious, and I found myself grinning in response.
"Of course. We'll get the biggest ice creams they have…" I promised, imagining the joy on her face when she would see the towering scoops of her favorite flavor.
As we continued our walk, Hana suddenly pointed excitedly at something ahead.
“Aunt Na-chan! Look at that big dog!” she exclaimed, her voice high with delight, her tiny finger was directed at a fluffy, golden retriever that was trotting happily beside its owner.
“Yes, Hana-chan, it’s a very big dog. Maybe we can say hi to it on our way back…” I suggested while chuckling at her excitement, picturing the scene of Hana petting the friendly dog and her face lighting up with pure joy.
The sidewalks were crowded with people enjoying the pleasant weather. Vendors lined the street, selling everything from fresh flowers to colorful trinkets. The scent of freshly baked bread wafted from a nearby bakery, mingling with the aroma of street food being cooked at various stalls.
As we approached the dessert shop, the bustling crowd momentarily parted, revealing a familiar face striding towards us. It was Nagumo, easily recognizable in his signature brown trench coat, a printed shirt peeking out from beneath, and black pants. His long rectangular-shaped suitcase, undoubtedly filled with his assortment of weapons, was slung over his shoulder with a casual air.
“Yo-chan?” I called out, my voice tinged with surprise as I spotted him.
“Hey, Nana-chan! Fancy meeting you here!” Nagumo greeted, his trademark grin spreading across his face, radiating his usual infectious energy.
“What are you doing here?” I asked, my eyebrows raised in curiosity as we closed the distance between us.
“I was actually heading to your place to meet up with Sakamoto-kun. But since I ran into you, I’ll stick around and we can go back together…” Nagumo replied in an energetic tone, his eyes sparkling with mischief.
“Did you come here to talk about the Death Row Inmate assassins?” I questioned further, a hint of concern in my voice.
“Yeah…” Nagumo responded, nodding his head solemnly, though the gleam in his eyes remained.
Just then, Hana tugged gently on my hand, her eyes wide with curiosity.
“Who is this, Aunt Na-chan?” she asked, her innocent voice breaking the moment.
“This is Yoichi Nagumo. He’s a friend of mine and your dad’s…” I explained with a smile, introducing her to Nagumo.
“And who might this lovely young lady be?” Nagumo asked, his grin widening as he crouched down to Hana’s level, making sure to look her in the eye.
“I’m Hana! I’m my Daddy’s daughter!” Hana giggled, introducing herself with a bright smile that could light up the room.
“It’s a pleasure to meet you, Hana-chan!” Nagumo responded, extending a hand dramatically, his grin widening even further.
“Nice to meet you too, Uncle Yo-chan!” Hana grinned back and shook his hand, her small fingers wrapping around his with an endearing enthusiasm.
Immediately, Hana's cheerful demeanor meshed seamlessly with Nagumo's playful nature, and seeing that brought a smile to my face. Nagumo had always had a special talent for connecting with kids. His blend of cheerfulness, playful energy, and undeniable charm made him irresistible to children. They found him fun yet safe and harmless, a figure who could effortlessly bring joy to their day. Women, on the other hand, were naturally drawn to his magnetic personality, while men admired his effortless confidence and charm, often wishing they could emulate his captivating presence.
I understood that feeling all too well. My first encounter with Nagumo occurred when Taro first got into JCC. Back then I was only 8 years old while Taro and Nagumo were 14 years old; they were just 6 years older than me. At that time, Taro was just beginning his training to become a professional assassin, and through this journey, he formed a fast friendship with Nagumo. Through Taro, I came to know Nagumo, who quickly became a significant presence in my life. He was everything one could admire: charming, charismatic, funny, witty, incredibly handsome, and endearingly cute. His boundless optimism and ever-present smile created a magnetic aura that drew people in effortlessly.
Nagumo's friendly and approachable demeanor made him popular among his peers and endeared him to those younger than him. His quick wit and humor kept everyone entertained, and his genuine kindness won the hearts of many. It was no wonder that children adored him and women found him irresistible. His ability to make anyone laugh with a quick-witted comment or lighten the mood with his infectious smile had always captivated me. It was easy to see why people were naturally drawn to him.
As a child, I had admired him from a distance, and as I grew older, those feelings blossomed into a quiet, persistent longing. I had been infatuated with him, and over the years, that infatuation matured into a deeper, more profound love. Even now, standing next to him as he effortlessly bonded with Hana, I felt that familiar flutter in my heart. Despite the years that had passed, my feelings for Nagumo remained as strong as ever, a constant, unspoken presence in my life.
His charming presence reminded me of countless moments from our shared past. His ability to make anyone laugh with a quick-witted comment or lighten the mood with his infectious smile had always captivated me. Watching him now, I was transported back to those days when I first realized just how special he was. He was more than just a friend of Taro’s; he had become an indelible part of my life story, someone who had always been there, quietly shaping my dreams and hopes.
And now, here he was, effortlessly winning over Hana, just as he had won over everyone else in his life. It was a poignant reminder of why I had fallen for him in the first place, and why those feelings had never truly faded. His presence was a testament to the enduring nature of my love for him, a love that had stood the test of time and continued to thrive in the quiet corners of my heart.
Nagumo and Hana continued to chat animatedly as we made our way to the ice cream parlor, their laughter filling the air. Once inside, the shop owner greeted us with a warm smile, her eyes twinkling with delight at the sight of us.
“Oh, what a cute family you are! You make such a lovely couple with your adorable daughter!” the shopkeeper remarked, looking between the three of us with a beam of approval.
My face turned crimson upon hearing the comment. I felt a rush of heat spread across my cheeks and quickly opened my mouth to correct her.
“O-Oh, we're not actually—” I began, my voice wavering slightly from the unexpected embarrassment.
But before I could finish, Nagumo, ever the opportunist, cut me off with a mischievous grin.
“Thank you! Yes, I'm quite lucky to have such a young wife and cute daughter!” he chuckled, wrapping his arm around my shoulders with an easy familiarity before winking at me.
“Yeah! We're a happy family!” Hana giggled, catching on to the playful ruse as her eyes sparkled with delight at the game Nagumo was playing. “Daddy, can I have extra sprinkles on my ice cream?”
“Yes, anything for our dear Hana-chan! My sweet daughter!” Nagumo responded, his voice full of mock seriousness.
He tickled and hugged Hana gently, making her giggle louder, her laughter bouncing off the walls of the dessert shop. I stood there, flustered and at a loss for words. My mouth opened and closed a few times as I tried to find the right thing to say, but all I managed was a small, awkward smile. The shop owner's eyes were full of warmth and affection, completely convinced by Nagumo's and Hana's playful act.
As we ordered our desserts, I couldn't help but notice how natural Nagumo seemed in this role. He exuded a warmth and charm that made it easy for others to believe in the illusion he had created. His dark hair and eyes matched Hana's so well that it was no wonder the shop owner had mistaken them for father and daughter. With my presence completing the picture, it was easy to see why she had assumed we were a family.
“Here you go, a big strawberry ice cream with extra sprinkles for the little princess…” the shopkeeper said, handing Hana her treat with a fond smile.
“Thank you!” Hana exclaimed, her eyes wide with excitement as she took her ice cream.
Nagumo and I both received our own desserts and coffee and he, in his usual generous manner, took care of the bill before we made our way to a cozy spot at a small table. Throughout the entire interaction, I could feel the amused glances of the other customers, and it only added to my flustered state. Sitting down, I couldn't help but glance at Nagumo, who seemed entirely unbothered by the whole situation.
“Enjoy your treat, everyone!” the shop owner called out as she returned to her work.
Hana, her face lighting up with delight, dove into her strawberry ice cream adorned with colorful sprinkles.
“This is so yummy!” Hana exclaimed between giggles, her eyes sparkling with happiness.
“I'm glad you like it, Hana-chan!” Nagumo replied warmly, casting a fond glance at her before turning his playful gaze toward me. “Nana-chan, you were positively adorable back there, all flustered and blushing.”
“Yo-chan, you really shouldn't have played along like that. It was embarrassing!” I chided, a slight frown betraying my lingering embarrassment as my cheeks retained their rosy hue.
“Oh, come on, Nana-chan. It was harmless fun!” Nagumo chuckled, tousling Hana's hair affectionately as she giggled along with us. “You should have seen your own expression! And besides, Hana-chan seemed to get a kick out of it.”
“Yeah, Aunt Na-chan! It was so funny!” Hana chimed in, her laughter bubbling with infectious joy.
“But you have to admit, we made quite a convincing family…” Nagumo teased with a mischievous smirk.
“Still, you didn't have to... to...” I huffed, crossing my arms and searching for the right words.
“To what? To acknowledge how lucky I am to have such a beautiful young wife and an adorable daughter?” Nagumo interjected playfully, his grin widening. 
“Stop teasing me, baka!” I scowled, though a hint of a smile tugged at the corners of my lips.
“You two are funny! Just like a real mommy and daddy!” Hana added with a wide grin, clearly amused by our banter.
Despite my initial embarrassment, I couldn't help but smile at Hana's innocent comment. The warmth between us was palpable in that quaint confectionary shop. As Nagumo and Hana continued their playful interaction, a sense of contentment settled over me. For that brief and sweet afternoon, sitting together like this, we truly felt like a family.
As I leisurely sipped my coffee, I observed Nagumo and Hana engrossed in lively conversation, their laughter and chatter creating a warm ambiance around our table. Nagumo, with his characteristic charm and animated gestures, was deep in conversation with Hana. He asked her about school life, her friends, and her hobbies, and in return, regaled her with amusing anecdotes about her father Taro Sakamoto during their days at JCC. Hana, wide-eyed and fully attentive, hung on every word, finding immense amusement in learning about her father's youthful antics.
Notorious for the intricate tattoos adorning his whole body, Nagumo even showcased a few to Hana which were on his arms and neck, sharing stories behind some of the designs. His playful side emerged as he performed magic tricks with his dice, deftly making them disappear into thin air, leaving Hana marveling with wonder.
Nagumo possessed a natural affinity for interacting with children, a skill that seemed effortless for him. Not everyone could engage with youngsters as effortlessly as he did. Beyond his knack for connecting with kids, Nagumo genuinely enjoyed their company. Whether it was indulging in sweets together, sharing stories, or simply engaging in playful banter, he thrived in their presence. It made me reflect on what kind of father he might one day become. I couldn't help but imagine him as the epitome of a cool, fun-loving dad—someone his children would undoubtedly adore. His inherent warmth and ability to create joyful moments would undoubtedly make him a cherished figure in his children's lives. It was a thought that filled me with a sense of certainty and warmth.
Contemplating Nagumo's future, I couldn't shake the question of whether he would ever find it within himself to settle down and create a family of his own. His career as a professional assassin, aligned with both JAA and the Order, presented formidable obstacles to such aspirations. I reflected on my cousin Taro's experience—he had made the difficult decision to exit the assassin world in order to build a family with Aoi. Their journey underscored the sacrifices and challenges inherent in balancing a life of danger with the desire for domesticity.
In contrast, my parents had boldly chosen to defy the odds, navigating the perilous waters of their profession while choosing to marry and eventually bring me into the world. Their decision to start a family despite the risks spoke volumes about their love and commitment. I had always felt their affection deeply, and their words of gratitude for having me in their lives were a testament to their unwavering devotion. I cherished the bond we shared and considered myself fortunate to call them my parents.
Turning my thoughts back to Nagumo, I couldn't help but ponder his stance on relationships and marriage. He was a different case altogether. From what I knew of him, he had never ventured into a serious romantic entanglement despite his charm and affable nature. While he had casually dated during his tenure at JCC, those interactions had never progressed beyond the superficial, likely due to the inherent risks of his profession. His profession as an assassin imposed significant barriers to forming lasting attachments, and I wondered if he harbored any desires for a more settled life.
The thought gnawed at me—did he envision a future that involved settling down and sharing his life with someone?
Presently, Nagumo remained single and unattached, with no apparent romantic interests or crushes on the horizon. If there was someone he fancied, I believed I would have been aware of it by now. And yet, despite the passing years, my own feelings for him had not waned. I still harbored a deep affection, nurtured from the innocence of childhood. Now, as a young woman, I found myself contemplating whether it was time to disclose my feelings to him.
I had grown since those innocent beginnings of admiration when I harbored a childish crush. My experiences had shaped me into a mature individual, and I knew Nagumo must see me differently now—a woman rather than the girl he had once known. If he didn't, then it was up to me to make him see me in a new light. I resolved to take the initiative in altering his perception. The thought emboldened me, stirring a resolve to confront my feelings and perhaps take a chance on love with Nagumo, despite the uncertainties that lay ahead.
The question lingered in my mind like a persistent whisper, echoing through the depths of my thoughts. If I were to muster the courage and convey my feelings to Nagumo, would he reciprocate? Could I dare to hope that he might accept me as more than a friend—a potential girlfriend, even?
It wasn't merely a matter of summoning bravery; it was about navigating the uncertainties that accompanied such a confession. Nagumo, entrenched in a perilous profession as an assassin, had forged a life defined by danger and unpredictability. His world was a stark contrast to the stability and security that traditional relationships often required. Would he be willing to venture into uncharted emotional territory, to explore the possibility of intimacy and commitment with me?
My heart fluttered with a mixture of anticipation and apprehension. I had known Nagumo for years, watching him navigate life with his characteristic charm and wit. Yet, beneath his affable demeanor lay a complexity that intrigued and, at times, perplexed me. Would he view my confession as an unexpected revelation, or had he perhaps sensed the undercurrent of affection that had lingered between us?
I replayed our interactions in my mind, searching for signs—subtle hints that might indicate his feelings toward me. Had there been moments when his gaze lingered a fraction longer, or his smile held a deeper warmth? Or had I been projecting my own desires onto our friendship, seeing what I wished to see rather than what was truly there?
These questions swirled within me, intertwining with memories of shared laughter, meaningful conversations, and the undeniable bond we had forged over the years. If I were to take the leap and confess my love, would it risk our friendship, or could it potentially blossom into something more profound—a partnership built on trust, mutual respect, and a shared journey through life's uncertainties?
The thought both excited and terrified me. Yet, as I contemplated the possibility of revealing my feelings to Nagumo, I knew that uncertainty was an inevitable part of love. Perhaps, in embracing vulnerability and expressing my truth, I would discover that our connection ran deeper than I had ever imagined—a bond resilient enough to weather the challenges that lay ahead.
"Nana-chan, my dear wife?" Nagumo's teasing voice interrupted my reverie, his smirk pulling me back from my thoughts. "Looks like you're lost in deep contemplation. What's brewing in that pretty little head of yours?"
"Nothing much…" I sighed softly, a smile tugging at my lips as I took another sip of coffee before glancing affectionately at Hana, who was immersed in her delight over the ice cream. "I was just thinking how much Hana-chan is enjoying herself here."
Noticing a smear of ice cream lingering at the corner of Hana's lips, I reached out instinctively, gently wiping it away with my finger before casually licking it off. Nagumo's eyes widened slightly at the unexpected gesture. In response, he theatrically smeared a bit of cream from his pastry near his lips, turning towards me expectantly.
"Honey, could you do me a favor and wipe this off?" Nagumo's request was playful, his pout exaggerated, eliciting an eye roll and a playful scoff from me.
"Handle it yourself, hubby…" I retorted playfully, tossing a few napkins in his direction.
"Aww, Hana-chan, see how mean Mommy is?" Nagumo exaggerated further, continuing the playful charade.
"Yeah! Mommy, stop being mean to Daddy!" Hana chimed in, giggling mischievously as she joined the game.
"Okay, you two, enough!" I laughed, pretending to scold them both, before reaching out to playfully pinch their cheeks simultaneously.
Our laughter filled the air around us, creating a warm, lively atmosphere in the cozy confectionery shop. As we bantered and teased each other, I couldn't help but revel in the joy of the moment. Despite the teasing and the playful dynamics, there was an underlying warmth and closeness between us. It felt almost like a glimpse into what a real family might feel like—filled with love, laughter, and genuine affection.
The afternoon sun filtered through the windows, casting a gentle glow over our little tableau. Hana's laughter echoed in the background, blending with Nagumo's teasing banter. In that moment, surrounded by sweetness and laughter, I couldn't deny the fondness that had grown for Nagumo over the years. He had become more than a childhood friend; he was someone who understood me deeply, someone who brought lightness and joy into my life.
As we enjoyed our treats and shared moments of lightheartedness, I couldn't shake the lingering thought—the possibility of what could be if I dared to express the feelings that had been quietly simmering within me. It was a daunting prospect, yet one that held the promise of something beautiful and profound.
But for now, I was content to bask in the warmth of our playful camaraderie, savoring the simple pleasures of being together in that cozy corner of the world, where laughter flowed freely and love lingered in the air.
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