#oc: Zesty
cerpiscool · 6 months
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ITS ZESTY!!!!!!!!
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llamahearted · 2 years
When I watched Trigun for the first time in 2003, I legitimately thought e23 was a reveal of some sorta secret fling between Milly and Wolfwood. Kid-me just thought they were actin' way too familiar with each other for it to be their first time alone, I guess. So, here. Have the superchaste first part of their sneak-off au, after the quick draw tournament in e10
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ponpuriitx · 1 year
Thinking about..
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Pairing: Ralak x human! Reader
Warnings: no use of y/n but other than that none, just fluff.
*English is not my first lenguaje, any grammar mistake please feel free to correct me!
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It was mating season.
You didn’t mind that, in fact you loved it. Seeing how the Na’vi couples would spend time with each other, bring gifts and court their mates like they when they were young. And you loved to see the pairs of silly nervous males whom would confess their love in this type of season to their lovely soon-to-be mates.
You loved mating season, until you started to receive anonymous gifts.
It was silly really, when a pair of well woven clothes and a whole fruit básquet appeared on the door of the lab. A little note written in Na’vi, you instantly knew it had something to do with Jake.
You thought it was a Joke since Jake was mated already. But you were quick to put together the pieces when you realized he was an accomplice. But not taking much mind to it you took the basket in, who would’ve told you that that would be a real big mistake.
After the first basket, they started to come more and more often. It got to a point where you would expectedly wait for it at the door, or wait for one of the scientist in the little lab you settled in to come and give it to you. You appreciated the gesture really, but it soon got you thinking a lot about this little stranger who would constantly through the days start to leave baskets of fruit, beautiful stones, well woven pieces of cloth and accessories. It got to a point were you didn’t care anymore you just needed to know already.
So you got your boots, put on your oxygen mask and stepped out of the Lab. Looking for the sullys Marui pod, you found Neytiri Peacefully cooking dinner for her family. “Hey Neytiri have you seen Jake anywhere near here?” Her head snapped at your direction and honestly that scared you a little but you didn’t blame her, she still had her reservations about sky people.
“Yes, he went out to hunt with Tonowari’s right hand, they must be out of duty right now.” She answered quickly going back to her task as you nodded and mumbled a ‘thanks’ walking down the village.
You walked down to a small part of the beach were the fish would constantly go, crossing looks from the fishermen’s as you whispered ‘sorrys’ and ‘excuse me’ when you walked between them. Still not used to be outside this much, you spotted the two big men in the fish as they traced the waters in looks for preys to catch. Quickly, you put your hand in the air taking Jakes attention to go where you were. Being followed by the other Tall blue guy that was besides him. When he stepped out of the water, you took a quick look to the guy in his side.
Big body with a good posture, well tattooed body that was well worked out by the hunting. He was quite handsome if you could admit, really catching your attention right there. Mostly to his tattoo which was on his lower stomach, disappearing on the end he of his loincloth. He catch a quick glance to you soon looking away, you noticed this and asked yourself if there was something wrong.
Now, not paying much attention to that your head moved towards Jake who was waiting for you to speak up. “Hey, I need to talk to you.” You said, now moving a little more to the side from his new friend. Looking quickly again you weren’t too late to speak up,
“okay let me get straight to the point. I’ve been receiving some baskets now, with fruit and cute stuff. Nice right? But I don’t know who is pulling this type of gifts, and I know you have something to do because it’s been coming to me with little notes. In your handwriting, so speak up blue boy.” You spat out rather quickly, taking the big man off guard. But when he analyzed what you said he let out a light chuckle. “This is what is about?”
“Well yeah..” you felt silly, but now you gave more attention to his words. “Look, you know it’s mating season kid. Js’ some guy who trynna court you.” You figured that by now, but what you wanted to know it was who not why.
“Yeah, I knew that. I just wanted to know who is it.” He chuckled again, smirking at you as he turned his head behind him. Taking a glance to the guy fishing, who was now concentrated on the water going back to his task. Although why was he looking at him, you asked him something but he didn’t even answer you—
It dawned at you what he was trying to say, giving you the hint which you didn’t catch at first. Now, your cheeks going a slight pink. Giving yourself the idea again, now it all makes sense. The strange Na’vi cultured clothes, the tropical fruits, the shiny and well carved stones that sometimes would come in the form of a beautiful necklace.
It was mating season, which meant he was trying to court you.
He was handsome and you could admit that without a doubt, but not in a million years would you imagine a Native being interested in a human. Yes you’ve seen it back home, when the humans would get into relationship with Na’vi but they were Avatars. Not natives, so it really dawned at you the seriousness of the situation.
After that day you would find yourself going out more than usual, the tall blue guy never leaving your mind any second of the day. You looked at mated couples and would constantly ask yourself, how would it be like? You started to investigate the guy, he was the chiefs right hand, his name was Ralak and he was a fisherman until a sudden change in his position. He teaches the young Na’vi and he doesn’t talk that much, the more you knew the more questions you had about the situation.
He always had a serious demeanor whenever you would catch yourself staring at him for hours now. Daydreaming constantly of how would it be having a peaceful life by his side, he was really serious about his position. But sometimes, some really little times you would catch a small smile on his lips and a calm demeanor helping the people in the village.
You found it really sweet, you found him really sweet. But god did you hate the fact that you couldn’t find yourself a way to talk to him, you were extremely shy in this type of situation. Avoiding crossing paths with him and just look from afar, felling every time for his beautiful but yet quiet charm.
Maybe you should give it a try, it wouldn’t hurt you. Right?
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Notes: this is my first time writing for Ralak, please check the original creator of this wonderful oc! @zestys-stuff please check the page for more of Ralak! You will find fan art and more fan fictions just like mine, I’m sorry I wrote a little vaguely. Since I don’t know much about how Ralak acts 😭 But I thought of going for a human! Reader and he fell first she fell harder trope as I haven’t really seen any, again English is not my first lenguaje so if any grammar mistake please feel free to correct me! Thought to make this a series “Thinking about” of little one shots of random short ideas I have to write, it would be fun to do
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catfan1000 · 12 days
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zestyderg · 2 months
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Ostrah not only was a skilled scientist but a skilled fighter as well. She was more than capable of backing up her words with sheer speed, agility, icy poison, and ruthlessness.
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deb79ful · 2 months
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Happy birthday to @zesty-lemonss! I've been struggling to get back into art after a busy week, but here's some old art of their OC that I made for his birthday a while back. (Wait, what day is it on again...?) Go and follow them, please! They have a really adorable artstyle.
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lemony-and-zesty · 8 months
Omg not another drabble for hitman!JD :]
This one’s for you especially @elijah-doodle ;)) Since you wanted to know and all :)
Silly side note cause I thought it was funny but this is titled “The one that got away” in my drafts 😭😭
The small apartment John Dory found himself living in was pretty peaceful, all things considered. Especially this early in the morning. JD was fast asleep in that slab of concrete he called a bed, finally having managed to pass out a couple hours ago.
There was a sudden, loud knock on the door.
“Hey! Git up! Boss wants ta see ya.”
John Dory groans, throwing an arm over his eyes.
“C’mon kid, he ain’t gonna wait long.”
He crawled out of bed, rubbing a hand down his face before huffing out an, “Alright, alright. Gimme a minute.”
The voice at the door seemed appeased at this, and JD could hear his footsteps fading.
He took his time getting ready, it really was too early for this.
After sliding on his coat and goggles, he yanked the door open. He wasn’t surprised to see the other troll hadn’t gone far.
He gave JD a sharp nod, “Good. C’mon kid.”
JD held his tongue at that.
He let the other man lead him, despite knowing the way like the back of his hand. Best not to start a fight over something stupid.
They left the apartment building off into a back alley.
JD shoved his hands into his pockets and let his mind stray for a bit. As per usual, he found himself thinking about his brothers. He can’t help but wonder what they’d be up to now. Shit, how old would they be again?
He starts trying to add it up in his head, counting it out with his fingers.
It’s been, what? 10, no 15 years? Maybe? He couldn’t be sure until he got a glimpse at a calendar.
His mind continued to wander for a bit before he’s suddenly jolted out of his thoughts by a hand on his shoulder.
Reacting quickly, he spins around and sweeps the assailant’s legs. They tumble to the ground with a, “Aw SHIT-“
JD unsheathes the spikes on his glove’s knuckle, preparing to strike the person before coming to a dead stop.
Oh fuck.
“-HELL kid, the fck’r ya doin!”
JD stumbles back, his hands going to his coat. He brushes at it, not just trying to play it off but also to soothe his shaking hands, “Sorry. Don’t sneak up on me like that.”
The man who’d been walking him glared up at him - partly out of shock, partly out of fury. After a moment he shakes his head, “Whatever kid.”
JD snarls at that, “For the love of- Stop. calling. me-“
The door behind JD slams open, “Ah! Johnny! You’re right on time.”
A stocky pale yellow troll with golden, slicked back hair dressed in a gray pinstripe suit sets his hands on JD’s shoulders turning him around and lightly shoving him into the room he’d just burst out of, “Now, if you’ll excuse us.”
He kicks the door shut behind them, not sparing the man another glance.
He leads JD to his desk, his grip tightening on his shoulders before releasing him altogether.
“B-Boss I can explain-“
He holds a hand up to silence him as he rounds the desk and takes a seat, “No need. It’s not my business what you get up to outside of work. As long as you don’t kill any of my employees, I couldn’t care less.”
JD gulps, once again rubbing his hands against his coat.
“Now, what is my business is, well, my business. So,” He reaches into a drawer, pulling out a slip of paper - his next hit, JD assumes - and sliding it across the desk for him to look at, “Let’s talk business.”
John Dory freezes the instant his eyes see the paper. No, not paper. The poster. It was a poster for a concert for an up and coming solo artist.
No. No no no no no.
Staring back up at him were the eyes of a troll he hadn’t seen in 15 or so years.
No. Anything but this. Please.
Staring up at him was none other than Floyd. His baby brother.
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tupiksdurak · 8 months
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So like, theres digital art
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funyjuice · 3 months
MOAR ART !!1!1!1!1!1!!!
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strange0-0storm · 3 months
okay outfit anon here, sad shit is I kinda go with the flow when I draw fits so I don't have it in my mind as we speak. Like I don't build outfits or search for references, the outfit gods just kinda bless me as I go. Tho I guess I would appreciate if I knew what he didn't like to wear so I wouldn't put him in anything that's uncomfortable for him 👍
There's not really much SMG8 WOULDNT wear to be honest, I feel like he doesn't like flannel or plaid things, or skinny jeans. HE HATES SKINNY JEANS.
He's too fabulous for that stuff fr, he likes too make impressions. Making show stopping outfits FR RAAAAH
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cerpiscool · 3 months
Zesty reference sheet!!
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hes my little guy ever
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Thank you at @mintsdraws this is sooooo good! Look its me and Yanma!
Ohhh! Its so cute! I love this!
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blanketorghost · 10 months
This is for Azul & Yuu. Yuu, please have fun with this bother my housewarden ^^
* drags large speaker out of… somewhere *
* clears throat, puts music on *
Percussion! 🥁
Strings! 🎻
Winds! 🪈
Words… 🎼
There you see her, sitting there across the way~ 🎶
She don’t gotta lot to say, but there’s something about her~ 🎶
And you don’t know why, but you’re dying to try
You wanna, kiss the girl 🎶
- Kazumi ( @octazumi )
quick comic!
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(they then proceeded to make out for the rest of the song)
count your blessings, Kazumi-san....
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zestialmorde · 3 months
🕸️fun lil bingo thingie🕸️
are you zesty for the restie? see if he feels the same :)
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thekazinoman · 9 months
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So much better than the last ref sheet fuck that shit
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zestyderg · 1 year
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