#oc: dextra
rosenongrata · 5 months
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Dextra my absolute babey 💙💫
pose by mellon_soup on patreon :-)
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t00nified · 7 months
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"I took your goggles Mr. Brozone~"
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ibims1seb · 2 months
A forever caged bird
The Sypher Trilogy
Tw: mentioned noncon, mentioned punishment, mentioned starving, a hell lot of threatening and fighting, mentioned past abuse, mentioned war, mentioned mass executions, mentioned multiple whumpers, invasion of personal space, blood, a bit of forced to watch (their birds, but intelligent, so I’ll just mention it to be safe), team whump, if there is more, let me know!
Here is the Infopost for Tye Sypher Trilogy and Here you will get to the Masterlist :)
Chapter 0 || prev (this is Chapter 2 for now because I haven’t convinced myself to write chapter 3 yet) || next
Chapter 4
If there was one thing Azriel hated more than Malvik, it would be- no, wait, scratch that, there was nothing in this utterly forsaken world he hated more than Malvik. If there was one thing he hated almost as much as Malvik, it would be Winterson. Sure, the man didn’t start any wars for the hell of it, neither was he a sadistic, arrogant, and corrupt psychopathic dictator that executes at least 27 men and women every month simply because he could, but still. As said, there was nothing he hated more than Malvik, but damn, Pascal wasn’t making it easy to like him!
“So what, one of my people attacked that asshole out of self-defence and you’re just gonna go ahead and punish all of them?!” To say the younger man was pissed was an absolute understatement. The General and he had come to the agreement that his men would do labour and help the troops from the Southern Provinces as best they could for as long as none of them got hurt or treated like less than living, breathing, sentient beings. Now this piece of shit scumbag wants to implement mass punishment for the very well-justified mistake of a single person.
“Why, that is exactly what I’m planning! You’re catching onto me, darlin’.” Azriel hated that stupid accent, and he hated that grin, and the glint of gleeful entertainment he got, not from knowing Soldiers would be hurt, but from knowing he could rile the Strongman’s ex-protégé up so well. Overs forgive him, he *hated* Winterson sometimes! Most times!
“This is ridiculous! I’d understand punishing the woman that punched the bastard, even though I’d still say he fucking deserved it, but no one else did anything wrong! You can’t hurt them simply because you… why are you even doing this?!” Granted, screaming at the man who allows you the very basics more generously than he might have to was not a very clever idea, but fuck it, the Captain felt comfortable doing it! Okay, no, he wasn’t comfortable with how Pascal’s grin faltered slightly into a tiny frown, or how he stepped closer to him so menacingly while showing off his height in all its inhuman glory.
“I’m doing this because I can and have to. We agreed that your… Soldiers were to respect me and my troops as their superiors, and you can’t punch your superiors.” The older stated it so calmly, that it made a chill creep up his spine. How could this man do this?! His Medic punched a lowly Private because he touched her extremely inappropriately, and Winterson was going to punish not only her but his enter commando?! He saw the black feathers of Dextra and Sinistra fluttering with concern as they felt their owner’s growing rage and… hopelessness, but he couldn’t care less right now. They weren’t important right now.
“Hey, if I punched Malvik, you’d give me a fucking medal, how is that different?! He is my superior, technically! The man tried to grope her, why can’t you see the bigger picture here? You can’t punish her for wanting to defend herself, and you can’t punish people who had nothing to do with it! This is completely illogical!” When he felt tiny talons sitting down on his shoulder, he finally glanced at the black-feathered bird, seeing the silent plead to stop this, but he just couldn’t! He shooed Dextra away carefully, before turning back to Winterson, which he greatly regretted almost immediately.
The golden brown eyes held no spark anymore, his ugly smile turned upside down into an even worse scowl and he stood just millimetres away from entering Azriel’s personal space in the worst possible way ever, looking there, over him, like a predator that had been denied food for too long. But a predator of that kind would be desperate, Pascal wasn’t desperate. He was… angry. Utterly frustrated that a Prisoner of War was not only demanding something but questioning and criticising his decisions as a General and leader.
“Are you done, Azzy?” Of course, not even in this situation, he’d care to use his actual name instead of that stupid nickname. “Because I’m getting bored of hearing you screech over something you have no say in. Food rations will get limited and if you continue with his ugly attitude of yours, I’m going to make it a month and not just a week, do you understand?”
Oh, how the Captain hated himself for flinching and backing away ever so slightly without making it too obvious. He knew that it wasn’t even Winterson’s fault or accomplishment, but the years of conditioning and trauma he still hadn’t recovered from after he left the Army of Peace and practically defected. “I-..” did he have something to say? Could he find a rebuttal to get the General to change his mind?
“I’m surprised you didn’t even get it yet, this isn’t about the woman, or your Soldiers, or that scumbag that thought he’d get away with touching a woman like that, this is about you. The Private has been punished and will be sent back to the main base of operations, and now it’s your time to be punished!”
There it was. That one step too close, right into Azriel’s precious personal space. He took a step back as well but was immediately mirrored by the other man until he was backed into not only a literal corner but a metaphorical one as well.
“Did you honestly think I would continue to allow you to treat my patience and good grace as something you deserve? You are a prisoner of war! You are the son, adoptive or not, of the man I and my men fight against! You deserve nothing! And yet, I have been so kind and gave you respect, food, water, accommodation, and dignity! And you still think you can push my boundaries and fight me?!”
A pathetic squeal, almost like a desperate cry for help sounded from his lips when Winterson stepped forward once more and grabbed his hair, yanking him closer. Their faces were close, way too close for a person with claustrophobia and social sensitivity. The General's hot breath burned on the shorter’s cold skin, his golden brown glare piercing through those wide, night sky blue eyes. He stood over him it’s his whole, 6-foot-7-inch might.
“You don’t deserve respect or mercy, yet I gave it to you. You should start feeling grateful every once in a while, or I might mistake you for the bratty traitor you truly are.” Dextra and Sinistra watched with all the horror their intelligent raven brains could muster as their foster father’s head was punched into the stone wall of the office in the heart of the underground military base with one strong, skull-crushing shove. It didn’t crush his skull, luckily, not like that would have done anything anyway, but damn, it still hurt.
Azriel just gave another pathetic whimper as Winterson finally let go of his hair, letting the 28-year-old sink to the floor, the back of his head bleeding concerningly, but neither cared. He knew the older didn’t like hurting him, or anyone for that matter. He was a respectable and honourable man, but he was also extremely ruthless, so no matter how much he disliked bashing the Captain’s head against the wall or forcing a group of 29 men, women, and people to almost starve, it was a means to an end for him. And hey, the end justifies the means, doesn’t it?
“Four days, half the ration. Should bullshit like this happen again, I’ll make it ten days. The more you fight me, to more your Soldiers will suffer. Now get out of my fucking face, your blood is ruining my office.”
It wasn’t his office. This was once Azriel’s place of work. Before he and his commando got overrun by Southern Provinces Soldiers after Malvik cut off their supply and communication lines simply because that sadistic mother fucker wanted to ‘drop dead weight’. He knew that the entire team on Base 162 was just a garbage bin for the Dictator’s most untrustworthy Soldiers and liabilities. And that included his unruly protégé and ‘son’.
With shaking legs, he got himself up, leaning against the wall, for apparently a bit too long, if the growl from Winterson’s throat and the slight twitch of his hand was anything to go off of. He flinched back once more, before hurrying into the cold labyrinth of grey concrete walls and floor and towards the med bay. Sinistra and Dextra followed loyally, trying to ignore the big, bleeding wound on the back of their Master’s head and the light sway of what was most likely a concussion.
He made it to the med bay. The people there didn’t even try asking what the hell happened, they knew better. Not like Azriel would answer. They stitched him up, brought him to a small, private monitoring room, and let him rest. Rest for what, he thought to himself while the world around him got dark. The mess of black feathers gently took their place on the pillow and the end of the bed, sleeping close by and watching over him. Rest to relive the nightmare once more.
Technically speaking, this is not Chapter one, but it is the first chapter (other than Chapter 0) that I was willing to write. More will likely follow, I have a lot of time and boredom right now, but enjoy the treats I give you now, please ;)
Please son’t be shy to ask me about anything concerning my person, characters, stories or world building and have a pleasant day, thank you for reading this :3
Masterlist for all my writing
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theanoninyourinbox · 2 years
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Umm hi, I was looking around and found your draw request post and I was wondering if you're still open for that
If you are still open, her's my baby girl Pearl named Roselyn or Rosey for short
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Having a Giggle with the Girls (I saw you like homestuck, and from what little I remember the yellow trolls are double so SinDex seemed an appropriate friend)
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farmersakki · 1 year
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Pride 2023 - Day 28: Sexual Identity Pride feat. Dextra (He/Him) and John (He/Him)
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ryaccoon · 2 years
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Some old drawings of my OCs  Eli, Raylynn, Ziola, Cecilia, Damon and Dextra
Twitter Twitch Instagram DeviantArt Ko-Fi
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clockworkreapers · 28 days
is the troll with the cross horns a trigun reference?
I would not know (i know trigun i just didnt design the troll). All trolls in the comic that are not the main 6 characters (or dextra) are other peeps fantrolls. They all belong to real people who all gave me permission to draw their OCs into the comic or use them as side characters- including the ones that die WHICH I CLARIFY HEAVILY BEFOREHAND if a character will get hurt cuz I know how important characters are to people
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apolloprophecy · 7 months
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My ocs actually get attention? Crazy
Meet Axton and Dextra 🩷💜
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zexal-club · 3 months
Mari Lang
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Age: 13
Species: Fairy
Home: Melody
Fairy of Melodies
Family: Musa Lang (mother), undecided father
Friends: Yuma Tsukumo, Kikyo Sharma(belongs to @yukii0nna )(girlfriend), Aiden, Jason Lunaru, Casey Reeves, Tori Meadows (Kotori Mizuki if you prefer sub), Yoru Tsukumo (if crossover with Yuma's twin brother au)
Flaw(s): Can be quick to jump into things or act aggressive
Likes: Fashion, her family, her girlfriend, her friends, strawberries, music, and dancing
Dislikes: Her loved ones getting hurt, not being able to help, evil a$$holes
Mari was born on Melody to Musa Lang and grew up loving music and dancing just as much as her mother, along with gaining an interest in fashion. She and Yuma would often play with each other when they were little whenever their mothers visited each other, causing them to be close friends. After Yuma's parents disappeared, they began seeing each other less. Then, one day (during early S1), Mari decided to go pay her old friend a visit. The two instantly reconnected and rekindled their friendship. She ended up getting semi-roped into Yuma and Astral's whole thing with the Numbers, not that she minded much ("Whooo!! Some adventure!!").
Yuma introduced her to some of his new friends, including Kikyo, the witch of water, who she instantly fell for and started a relationship with when she found out she felt the same way.
Mari is a kind, upbeat, and bubbly girl who enjoys having fun with people and making them happy. That being said, she's also tough and not afraid to speak her mind, and she will not hesitate to slap someone if they're being a pr/ck, especially if they're being mean to those she cares about.
Skills and abilities
Singing: Has a very good singing voice. She learned from her mother
Dancing: A pretty talented dancer
Music: Other than singing, she's also good with a few instruments, namely guitar and flute
Magic: A skilled magic magic user, mainly music-based magic
Creativity: Is very artistic, especially when it comes to fashion or the aforementioned singing
•Her fairy form has a ballerina theme
•Her favourite colour is pink
•She has a pink guitar that she plays and also uses to hit her enemies on the head with ("You sure that's a good idea?", "It's fine if it gets damaged, I can fix it!")
•She helped Yuma with understanding magic when he was still new to it and even gave him some flying lessons
•She doesn't really get duelling but supports Yuma's interest in it
•Didn't like Shark and Flip much at first bc of what they each did, but warms up to them
•Has a good relationship with her mother
•During Episode 96, she (along with Jason) had to he physically restrained by her friends to stop her trying to go up to vector and beat the $hit out of him for what he did
•Gets along with Tori the most due to shared interests
•Has a bonded pixie named Tika
•Hates Dark Mist/96 because of what he caused to happen to Kikyo (see here)
•Hates Laurent both bc of what he and 96 did, and because of how he treated Aiden
•Hates vector because of everything he's done
•Hates Miyuki bc of how she bullied Kikyo
•Regularly disses the villains
•Was seriously p/ssed off at Flip for what he pulled in episode 37
•Was even more p/ssed off at Nistro and Dextra bc of how they treated Kikyo for being a witch
•Kicked Miyuki's (oc belongs to @yukii0nna ) a$$ after all the torment she put Kikyo through
@yukii0nna @fair-night-starry-tears @bibookdemon @kousaka-ayumu @gritsandbrits @lovelyllamasblog @bakawitch
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bunniibones · 2 years
To all OCs: Favorite foods?
Answer under the cut because they're many ocs!
Ampere: Fried/roasted rat lol also peanut butter
Angel: Oatmeal honey cookies or alfalfa sandwiches
Cipher: Muffins
Cyani: Anything with color red
Byte: Choco Chip Cookies
Dextra: Coffee Candies
Grim: Strawberries and anything sweet, he loves desserts and pastries
Arcane: Anything, really
Obsidian: Red velvet cake and dark chocolate
Illusion: Mangoes
Fortune: Chicken in Bechamel sauce
Onyx: Anything fancy
Pearl: Jelly
Penumbra: Anything with a soft taste
Spella: Strawberries with whipped cream
Sprout: Salad
Velvet: Dark chocolate
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lord-squiggletits · 2 years
How do your OCs do when working on a team? You can specify whom and how however you'd like.
Gravesteel: Does fine working on teams, isn't a leader at all but will follow orders without complaint and will try to work with others to reduce conflict/discord. Sometimes she has criticisms of whoever's in charge, but she doesn't say them because she doesn't have the confidence or authority to do so.
Auric: Does fine working on teams, though probably is one of the ones that needs to be held back/be told very specifically to keep her act together because she has a tendency to get carried away. Sociable and gets along with her teammates (though her company isn't always welcomed because some find her annoying lol). Is too trusting of superiors/the Autobot cause to question or criticize her orders.
Dextra: Doesn't mind working on a team, but prefers to work on solo operations because she can't exercise her unique style of doing her job (espionage and spying via her acrobatic abilities) with larger and clumsier mechs holding her back. But she'll gladly chip in on a team operation when asked/ordered, and generally keeps her criticisms to herself or trusted friends.
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rosenongrata · 5 months
wishes for another day – 2/11
summary: A collection of birthday fics for Genshin Impact characters, feat. a variety of OCs from a private fic – Divine Spark.
a/n: yes this is OC-related yes you will enjoy it– anyway... this was meant to be finished on Alhaitham's birthday, but i didn't get around to it until this month >.< OC's name is Dextra Corvi! they're from my original story, The Great Rift/Starfield ~
c.w/s: OC x Canon, OC-insert, Crossover. fluff!!! there's an elderly cat. cyno makes a single pun. kaveh is sleep-deprived (no surprise there). birthday celebrations :3
w.c: 2k
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After Alhaitham left the house for the day - off to work as he always does - Dextra visits his home. Well, his shared home - with Kaveh, of course. Dextra - as observant as ever - took mental notes about Alhaitham's schedule throughout the day. Not that they're stalking him, but they noticed after knowing him for long enough. And why did they choose to arrive once he left? Well…
Knock, knock.
Two taps against the wooden door of the home are all Kaveh needs to drag himself to the door. He had been up all night again because he was slaving away at refining his blueprints. He desires nothing more than sleep right now, wishing this headache he calls "work" would disappear for a little while.
"Oh. Dextra." As the other holds the heavy door open, Kaveh yawns behind his free hand, "…Alhaitham has already gone to work if that's who you're looking for."
Dextra shakes their head, which is still covered by their trusty masked helmet. The digital expression on their mask, though, clearly signifies their upset mood with the sad face it shows. Kaveh plants both of his hands on his hips, waiting for them to use their words instead of having himself guess away at what could be wrong.
"Dextra. Words, please—" Kaveh sighs.
"Sorry…" Dextra finally speaks up, their voice raspy and low - like always. "Humans celebrate their date of birth, yes? And today is Alhaitham's birthday…?" They ask quietly.
"Oh." Kaveh blinks, his arms immediately dropping to his sides, "Do…Starlings not celebrate birthdays?" Dextra shakes their head in response, "Well, then. But you want to try getting him something, I guess. I wouldn't bother, though. He doesn't care about his birthday at all." He explains with a bit of bitterness in his tone.
The expression on Dextra's mask somehow seems sadder than before, but their tone gives no hint to their disappointed mood.
"Alright, then. I will leave you be, then, Mr. Kaveh." Dextra bows a little before turning on their heel.
"Wait a second—" Kaveh sighs, reaching out to them but never touching. "I'll help you, okay?" He retracts his hand before Dextra turns around, "Even if he doesn't celebrate his birthday that much… I think he'd somehow appreciate you the most if someone were to give him something for his birthday." And finally, their mask's expression turns neutral.
"Thank you, Mr. Kaveh." Dextra nods, "Please…teach me how to celebrate a human's birthday."
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That's what Kaveh and Dextra do in unison.
"All he likes is books and…more books." Kaveh groans, dragging his hands down his face as he flops back against the couch rather dramatically.
"I do not believe he'd…be able to translate Starling books, my apologies. I suppose I could translate them - as Starlings are omnilingual—" Dextra begins.
"…You're omnilingual? What is that even like?" His hands drift to his lap, pinkish eyes firmly locked onto Dextra - giving them a mild spook mentally.
"Oh, uhm… I am unsure how to explain it as it is an evolutionary trait of my species…" They twiddle their thumbs.
"An evolutionary trait?! You've got it all, huh…" He exclaims in wonder.
"…Oh." They mumble as their stellar heart sinks at his insensitivity, but they are so quiet and withdrawn that he doesn't notice.
"I'm - uh - sure he'd be fascinated by those books you have, though. Give it a shot. I'm still certain he'd appreciate anything from you of all people." He recommends; crossing his arms across his chest.
"I will…try. Thank you, Mr. Kaveh." They abruptly rise to their feet, "I will leave you be now. I apologize if I was a poor guest." They bow before turning and walk to the door, "Goodbye. Do have a good rest of your day." They leave.
"Hey—!" He jumps to his feet moments too late, "Ugh… They're about as careless as him sometimes…" He sighs, "…I need more sleep."
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Dextra wanders the sunlit city of Sumeru - feeling a bit hopeless after their discussion with Kaveh. They meander - walking from shop to shop, eyes failing to catch onto anything of interest. As they mosey through the city, they fail to notice a stray cat tailing behind them - and then the elderly cat meows. Dextra jumps in surprise.
"Huh?" The Starling whirls around and looks down, immediately spotting the greying face of an old cat. "Oh… One of those…felines." They crouch down, rubbing a hand over the animal's back.
The cat then promptly crawls up onto them, clawing their way up to rest comfortably against the stranger's shoulder.
"Oh—" Dextra laughs lightly, "Alright… I guess I've been adopted." They smile beneath their mask. "…Perhaps Alhaitham will enjoy you, too. He could use a cat to take care of instead of reading all the time. A nice furry friend for both of us…."
Standing upright once more, they cradle the cat in one hand - holding them firm against their chest and shoulder. As they return to cruising the streets, they find themself in the Grand Bazaar, a newfound hope rustling in their chest. They stop at several shops in the bazaar - still failing to find anything that would make a good birthday gift.
They sigh a little.
And then something small - maybe even cute - catches the corner of their eye. Their head pivots in the direction of the object of their desire, spotting little plants in equally little painted pots. They stalk up to the vendor - accidentally spooking the owner, causing them to gasp and clutch their chest. Dextra's mask's eyes slant upward to take the shape of quiet remorse.
"Oh!" The owner pieces the puzzle together with ease, "My bad. I didn't mean to offend." They smile wearily.
"Hardly. It is my bad - I did not mean to scare you. I—" They go to speak more but are interrupted by the cat meowing at them - as if being told to not overexplain. "Alright, kitty…" They sigh under their breath.
"Hehe, I like your friend here." The vendor smiles a bit brighter. "Anyway, you interested in these succulents? I grew them myself!"
"Ah… Succulents…" Dextra nods as if they understand what those are - they don't, though. "Would they…make an appropriate birthday gift? It is my friend's birthday today, he is a wielder of a Dendro Vision. So, I was thinking he might like it…"
"Haha," The owner giggles, "Sorry, I don't mean to laugh at you. You kinda talk like you've never gotten a gift for someone before," She shrugs, "But that's not my business. My business is to know if you'd like to purchase one or not!"
"That's quite alright." They nod, "Ah… Let me…look over each one."
They observe each one, finding their designs rather colorful and - above all - fascinating.
But one in particular stands out the most…
The deep red one has a bright green center - the red almost appears black in most lighting. Dextra stares long and hard at it before pointing to it.
"This one, please." They murmur.
"Of course! That'll be 500 Mora." She nods.
"Ah, right, money…" They fold their spare hand behind their back, manifesting falsified Mora from thin air - and double the amount required. They hand the bag over to the vendor. "Here. Keep the change. I…imagine having to buy and grow your own plants can be costly."
"W-Wow! Thanks, stranger!" She sputters out, having to hold the heavy bag of gold with both hands. And when she glances up to speak once more, her mouth hangs agape - they had already disappeared, all with the red and green succulent in hand.
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"No cats allowed, Dextra."
Cyno says firmly to the lonely Starling that stands before him, his hands firmly placed on his narrow hips. The eyes of their mask turn upward and blue, depicting their sadness.
"Do not give me that face." He retorts.
"But it is Alhaitham's birthday." Dextra mumbles. "This elderly cat and the succulent are his gifts."
"…You got him a cat and a plant." He echoes, putting a hand to his chin. "I am not certain how he would feel about that… But…this is Alhaitham we're talking about."
"Yes, these are my presents. I understand he finds solace in my presence, so I would like to leave him with something that is not book-related and a reminder of my…affections for him." They explain softly.
"You sound like you're about to leave him forever…" He murmurs, "Are you?"
"I must return home to The Great Rift for a while - which is very far and quite dangerous to get to from here." They nod, "I do not wish to leave Teyvat for good yet, but my matriarch requires my presence." They sigh.
"…Alright." He nods, "You may drop the cat and plant off at Alhaitham's office." His arms drop to his sides.
"Thank you, General."
"Call me Cyno, please. And I will…C-ya." He mentally grins before striding off, feeling rather proud of himself for that joke.
Unfortunately, the joke goes right over Dextra's head.
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After sneakily stumbling around the Akademiya for a while, they finally find themself at the Grand Sage’s office – quickly spotting Alhaitham at the grandiose desk, packing things away to return to his former place of work as the Grand Scribe. The career he finds most comfortable – something that doesn’t require and beg for his attention at every turn.
He hasn’t spotted Dextra yet, though. He appears to be quite engrossed in packing his things. When they approach the desk with hesitant and silent steps, he barely manages to spot them from the corner of his eye – and not without his shoulders jolting in slight surprise.
“Dex.” He greets them with a nod, straightening his posture and turning toward them from behind the desk, “…What’s with the cat and plant?” He asks, dual-toned eyes glancing from one to the other. For once, someone’s intentions fly right over his head.
“I have…recently come to learn that humans celebrate their birthdays and that…today is your birthday.” They inform him, “So, uhm… Happy birthday, Alhaitham.” They mutter, shyness overflowing from them.
“Hmm… So you…picked up a cat and a plant for me? I can’t say I expected this, but I’ve come to learn that you have your own special ways of doing things.” He smiles softly, walking away from the desk to approach them.
His hand hovers above their shoulder – they can see a slight tremble in his fingers – before grasping it with tender strength, giving them a reassuring squeeze. He’s not adept at physical affection, but he concluded a while back that even the stars need a healthy dose of it – or, at the very least, desire it from time to time.
“…Thank you, Dex.” He smirks a little more, his free hand running over the elderly feline’s head – eliciting loud purrs. “Quite the noisy one…” He chuckles.
“Oh… Is it unusual?” They ask wearily.
“Hardly, some simply happen to be quieter.” He answers, “Let me guess… The cat found you first?” He teases lightly.
“Uhm…” They turn their head away, flustered at being caught, “Yes…” They sigh.
“It’s nothing to be ashamed of, Dex,” His head tilts, “I’ve come to notice that Starlings attract a lot of wildlife – I suspect it’s due to your elemental presence that lures diurnal creatures… Including humans…such as myself.”
“Ah—” They clear their throat, it had suddenly tightened and dried up from the sudden onset of embarrassment. “Is this what humans call…flirting?” They whisper.
“Hmhm, perhaps.” He teases, “You know… I’d like to request one more present.”
“Like what…?”
“Even if this is not the last time I get to see you – let me see your face.”
“I…” They trail off, their whole face burning, “Alright…” They nod – their helmet dissipating with faint flurries of sparkles and colorful dust, “A-Are you happy?” They look away from him until he grabs their chin between two fingers and tilts them toward his gaze, “Ah – what…”
“You’re beautiful, Dextra,” He mutters, leaning toward them until they’re mere centimeters apart, “Don’t let anyone tell you otherwise, alright? And honestly…” He whispers hotly against their ear, “Your scars are pretty attractive to me.” He smirks before pressing a loving kiss to their hot cheek.
“I-I—” They sputter out, eyes blinking on repeat and their head filled with a dizzy type of confusion.
“You know what,” He whispers against their skin – letting the heat burn his lips until they tingle, “I’ll be more than happy to take care of both of them – the cat and plant. I will treasure them to the very end.” He sighs, “Thank you, Dextra.”
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t00nified · 9 months
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Sketch page of GothGoggles with Ripper egg
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victoriasartsus · 5 years
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I really wanted to draw my chaotic pirate OC ewe
She a frilled lizard halfbeast~
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thievinghippo · 6 years
OC of the Week - Dextra Fangweaver
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Name: Dextra Fangweaver
Game: Guild Wars 2
Race: Charr
Class: Thief
Background: Blood Legion, Honorless Gladium, Euyrale
Tag: Dextra Fangweaver
Fun Fact: Dextra was my first ‘second wave’ characters. Back before GW2 came out, I spent hours figuring out who my top eight characters would be. Then Dextra was basically number 9. 
To say she’s not good with people is an understatement. There’s a reason she prefers to be in stealth. She even wants to hide from her warband, the people closest to her. 
Now that she’s stumbled into this crazy life as the Commander, she’s trying her best not to hide. Sometimes it even works. Most of the time though, people don’t bother with her, knowing she’ll just do what she’s told. 
The only person who tries to actively get through to her is Rytlock Brimstone. They celebrated together after the downfall of Zhaitan, which resulted in a daughter. Neither Dextra nor Rytlock are looking for any sort of romantic relationship. They’re happy being colleagues who occasionally celebrate victories together. 
Their daughter is being raised in the Blood Legion fahrar. She’s too young to have taken a surname, but they already know she’s got magic. Before her daughter was born, one of Dextra’s favorite things to do was volunteer with the fahrars. She still does, but she works with the Ash and Iron Legion fahrars as she doesn’t want to get too close to her daughter.
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farmersakki · 2 months
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Character reference sheet and height chart for "Twin Day at Mayfield High" (and my unnamed thesis)
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