#oc: haisley poste
avianreptiles · 6 months
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Drew them a little bit ago. The dress on the left was from a Twitter meme
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ko1-f1sh · 1 year
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yeah I normally don't post on here, but erm, here like, one of my thsc oc's Haisley :3c my main oc !!
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ericac318 · 1 year
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Title: A Reunion in the Multiverse Part II
Summary: Barry leaves his Earth looking for some advice from Bruce. The problem is, he finds the wrong Bruce. (Clooney’s Batman) I’m using the rumored post-credit scene from the upcoming Flash film and mixing it with some aspects from ‘Batman & Robin’
Bruce Wayne x OC
Continue reading here: https://archiveofourown.org/works/47840074/chapters/120607063
Chapter 1
A few months after he nearly destroyed the multiverse, Barry decided it was safe to visit another Earth. He wanted to get some advice from Bruce and Haisley about a special girl in his life, Iris.
When Barry arrived, he began making his way through Gotham until he neared the Observatory and heard Bruce’s name. He rushed ahead to reach his target but stopped dead in his tracks once he was face-to-face with Bruce.
“You’re not Bruce,” Barry said, confusion evident in his voice as he took in the sight of an aging man with white hair and a matching beard, though his deep brown eyes still sparkled with youth.
Bruce glanced down as he shook his head, highlighting his crows feet, “What are you talking about, Barry?”
Before Barry could respond, a younger woman, perhaps a few years older than Barry, approached, “Bruce, I hate when you leave me with those vultures always asking about the potential of an ‘us,” her eyes darted to Barry, causing her face to light up. “Barry! How have you been?” she greeted the distraught young man in a hug.
“Who are you?” Barry asked as he pulled himself from her grasp.
Reagan shook her head, “I’m Reagan Grayson aka Batgirl,” she whispered the last part. “This is a weird day. You like this after that woman we just encountered,” she shared, “Did you hit your head?” she asked.
“I have to wonder the same thing,” Bruce added, “We’ve all worked together on multiple occasions. Why don’t you ride with us back to Wayne Manor and we can figure this out?” he suggested.
Barry started to shake his head but then changed his mind, knowing it was possible that he’d traveled to the wrong Earth, “Ok, let’s go.”
The trio rode in silence until they reached the manor. Once they were inside, Bruce guided them down to the Batcave in hopes that it would clear up the confusion. 
“So … you two really are Batman and Batgirl,” Barry admitted once he saw everything laid out before him. “I think I know what happened,” he began, not sure how ready they were to know the truth, “I’m not the Barry you know.”
Bruce let out a soft chuckle, “What are you talking about? I’m really starting to worry about you, kid.”
Barry sighed, “You’re Earth is a part of the multiverse. I’m from an entirely different world and I was trying to visit a different Bruce and Haisley (his Batgirl). They were a huge help when I almost broke the entire thing a few months ago,” he explained.
Reagan gasped, “You can’t be serious. There’s a different version of us out, many different versions? And how come Batgirl has a completely different name?”
Barry shrugged, “I’m not really sure. Some of the Earths don’t even have a Batgirl. The Bruces always look different but I’m the same in every single version I’ve visited. I know this is a lot and I didn’t mean to burden you two with this knowledge. I’ll leave in the morning and try to land on the correct Bruce’s Earth.”
“No need to rush back home,” Bruce replied, “It seems like there may be a lot we need to learn from you, unless you’re in a hurry.”
Reagan nodded, “I agree. Plus, we are after this new villain, Mr. Freeze. You would be a big help.”
“Sure,” Barry responded, “I can talk to the other Bruce in a few days. Are you two together like them?”
Barry’s question caused Reagan to burst out laughing. Once she sobered herself, she said, “It looks like the press isn’t the only one curious about us. We’re not. It seems crazy to mix romance with what we do,” she confessed as she began making her way back upstairs to change out of her nice clothes and into something more comfortable.
“I don’t think it’s as crazy as she does,” Bruce replied before he followed Reagan.
A few hours later, the three were gathered around the dining room table after finishing their dinner.
“So, do you have a plan to take care of this Mr. Freeze?” Barry asked as he took a sip of his wine, wishing it had any effect on him.
Bruce nodded, “We’re hosting an event tomorrow evening to auction off a prized diamond. Freeze needs diamonds to fuel his suit so we’re baiting him to show his face there.”
“That’s a smart plan,” Barry agreed, “I’ll be there to help you two once he makes an appearance. You two will be going as Batman and Batgirl?”
Reagan replied, “We are and we can have a special guest if you want to be ready. Be warned, this event is extremely misogynistic. The diamonds will be around women’s necks and auctioned for dates along with the gem.”
Barry couldn’t stop himself as he replied, “I bet you’d be upset if Batman made a bid.”
Bruce interjected while wearing a knowing smirk, “I think that’s enough for tonight. Let’s get some sleep.”
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avianreptiles · 5 months
I realized i actually dont know much about kenny, so if you want you can take this as a prompt to talk about him cuz he intrigues me....
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This is not a place of honor
Okay so this is the general summary of his bullshit. I have a lore doc on the way. The lore doc goes soooo much into more detail on particular events and especially more on the reasoning and psychology of the actions in the story. The whole story itself is insane and gruesome and horrible, but i singled out on Kendrick cuz he's the most interesting in my opinion and I don't like him.
If you are waiting for the lore doc, I applaud your patience. It's coming, I swear.
Tw for talks of death, brief mentions of gore, suicide, main character deaths, politics, drugs, alcoholism, whatever. There is no happy endings in the shay/avian cinematic universe yadda yadda yadda okay
OKAY so Kendrick Poste was a transgender man born in 2098 in the right-winged, one-party dominant "democracy", the United States of Albany, to his parents, Mac and Haisley Poste. Mac and Haisley were both left-leaning and tried to raise him away from being rightwinged, but Kendrick ended up growing up not caring that much for politics. Anyways important bit, THEY WERE GOOD PARENTS. Haisley was a wonderful woman. Mac cared deeply for his son. Kendrick was When Kendrick was 12, the three of them got into a car wreck by a drunk driver, with Haisley passing away rather gruesomely, with the nature of the direction that the car hit. Namely, a good chunk of Haisley's lower and mid face had been ripped off by the carnage of the passenger door. Kendrick saw this in full view. It is very important to know that Kendrick saw this.
Kendrick and Mac are neverrrrrr the same after this. Like at all. Kendrick ends up recovering enough mentally after a couple of years and graduates high school early, applying for and getting into college at 16. The first half of the year goes by without a breeze. The second half of the year rolls by, and Kendrick falls like Icarus, got a little too close to the sun, a little too confident. After he lost all the drive to finish school, he started taking up smoking and ended up becoming "friends" with the guy that deals him weed, Percival. I can write so much on how Percival sucks but instead, I'm gonna write about how Kendrick is worse. So this guy manipulated and threatened anyone and everyone to his benefit, including his ex-girlfriend and his father. He was just some egotistical, jackass kid who got caught up gang violence and drug deals who took advantage of the people around him to make a name for himself in almost every circle of the city he lived in. He was known for just about one thing, though: Percival's big scary personal guard dog. He was a violent and often times cruel kid, cementing himself as one of the morr dangerous people to butt heads with AT FUCKING 16.
Anyways I am skipping a lot of important info but the day he turned 17, he got drafted into the war that Albany was in at the time, the Massachusetts/Albany war. The draft was basically a death sentence, as kids who got shipped off to war tended to not come back at all. For what he thought was going to be his last three weeks on earth until he had to go to the selective service office, he proceeded to let himself go almost entirely. Specific events? Threatened to kill Percival a couple times, did cocaine off of a hooker's leg at a party he went to, broke someone's wrist, and drank almost every other night. Mac at that point had given up on him, but their last conversation was when he was dropping him off at the service office, where Kendrick told him to go to hell. Anyways that was fucked up. What's up next is worse
Being drafted sucked dick. He was already pretty damn fit, and the government determined he didn't really need any physical training, but he was still a rebellious, jackass kid, and that needed fixing. Recently in the war, more draftees were going awoll, so the govs solution? Deadend. Deadend was a compound/training facility that I once described as "not supposed to make you love your country, but to fear it." At Deadend, it was basically physical torture under the guise of "if you dissent from the army/go awoll, you will have wished that the enemy had flayed you alive, with the shit we're going to do to you". It was about 2 months of that. This compound is also the reason why a lot of Albany soldiers, especially in the later years of the war, were reported to have looked "empty" or "souless" in the eyes. You had to drop your morals at the door, cuz if you didn't do everything your superior told you to, you were getting shoved into the drywall.
After 2 months, he got put into a special little group called Great Lakes Special Forces. Now I'm going to summarize some of the shit that happened in GLSF in some sort of timeline, because so much happened in the period of about a year:
-Late July 2115, placed into group with four other members.
-Late August, 2115, first kill, a girl about his age
-December 2115, Kendrick (Huron 01) is ordered to kill Ontario 01, to which he complies out of fear.
-Later in December, Ontario 02 is assigned to the group, a reminder that anyone is replaceable.
-December 2115 to about July 2116, Kendrick, distraught about having to carry out Ontario 01's execution becomes more reserved and West (Superior 01), starts to place him on more solo missions. In a combination of unsupervised warfare, cruelty, bloodlust, guilt over Ontario's death, and what not, becomes the most dangerous man on the Eastern Seaboard. His existence becomes a boogeyman tale, with titles such as "Deerhead" and "the devil with white eyes" become tossed around while describing assassinations, killings, and what not that happen within his domain. West (technically his commanding officer) around this point realized that this would be her fatal flaw, letting Kendrick get too cocky.
-In late July 2116, he is sent on more cooperation missions, and actually talks to Ontario 02, the replacement for Ontario.
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avianreptiles · 3 months
wow avianreptiles from tumblr, talk about that sad pathetic cunt again!
Assorted things I've been thinking about lately/not so fun facts/extremely intricate lore doc snippets:
So tw for death/brief mentions of alcoholism and drug use/vaguely talking about suicide
-I based Kendrick's personality and general attitude on my brother. They're both extremely arrogant and hard-headed. I also gave them extremely close birthdays (they're both Tauruses)
-Kendrick's bday used to be on 4/20, then I realized that was kind of mean given his history, so I changed it to the day after
-I always talk and think about "If Kendrick lived xyz," but honestly? He was doomed from the start. There was no getting better for him, if he lived past 2125, it was just prolonging a guarantee.
-Moving on from that depressing statement, here's another one: Kendrick looked a lot like his paternal grandfather, but not much like Mac. His horns took on the more curved shape of his grandfather's, as apart to his father's. When Kendrick drunkenly attacked his father, Mac definitely got flashbacks to when his own father drunkenly attacked him decades prior, when he was the same age as his son.
-Mac's father, a once renowned politician turned alcoholic abuser, more than likely drank himself to death after his son and wife left him
-so here's how aromantic allosexual Kendrick can work: trust me
-Kendrick's official Albanian military records for confirmed kills are extremely inaccurate. He lowballed his estimates and straight up lied and said he didn't do some things entirely. He did way worse and way more things than what he reported back
-If this guy were a real person I'd hate him
-While the government is mostly to blame for what he turned out to be (a relentless and cruel individual who slaughtered his way through any situation at hand, who realized way too late what he was doing was wrong), he did throw away literally any ounce of respect for human life just to live to see the sun rise in the morning.
-There was no justification for what he did and he knew that
-There was no redemption or coming back from what he did and he knew that
-Lore doc is at 19k words rn
-Jay was a little in the wrong for sticking around and defending continuation of Kendrick's position in gov/military. The emotional damage received in 2125 was kind of on him. He knowingly stuck by the side of a man he thought he could "fix." Jay's ultimate decision, when it came down to him, to keep Kendrick not only in the military, but in such a high, commanding position, after it was revealed he was an Albanian Dissenter, was a very bad one.
-Kendrick's night vision/vision in general was magnitudes greater than the general population and his peers. On the same coin, because he was so reliant on his sight, he was way more susceptible to eye damage, whether it be from flash bangs, the sun, or even on one occasion, having old car oil thrown at his face.
-He killed 2 men in cold blood because they stole his boots
-For the last couple years of his life, when half of his face got ripped off in the car crash, he was not an avid fan of mirrors or reflective surfaces. He witnessed the dead, mangled face of his mother when he was 12. Due to their facial similarities, he did not want to see the dead face of his mother every time he looked in the mirror, so he just didn't look in mirrors.
Anyways I'm done with fun kendrick facts with avianreptiles, most of them weren't fun, most of them were demeaning and kind of terrible to think about, but this guy is engraved on every single neuron in my brain so oh well
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avianreptiles · 10 months
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Crispy woman and her pale as fuck husband
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avianreptiles · 1 year
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Anyways here's wonderwall
| Image ID: A digital drawing of two humanoids dancing together. One has boots, jeans, and a flannel on with large horns and a tail that curls around his partner. He's looking at his partner with a smile and open eyes. The partner is a woman wearing a yellow sun dress and black flats, as she is leaning back. She has small horns, and a tail that seems to hook around her partner's. She has long, wavy red hair and has her eyes closed while she smiles. The two are holding eachother's hand as they hold eachother. The background is simple with trees casting shadows over the ground and a pale yellow sun in the sky, setting behind them. They're bathed in a soft yellow glow. End Image ID |
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avianreptiles · 1 year
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Kenny's parents (there are no happy endings in the Shay/Avian Cinematic Universe
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