#oc: lady margaery tyrell
rhaenyraslaena · 2 years
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❛ born a bastard daughter of the wayward princess saera targaryen in far off lys and a nobleman of house tyrell, she became to be raised as the trueborn daughter of the tyrell heir. ambitious and wanting to establish the family who raised her in the plotting targaryen court, she established herself with her vast intelligence and scheming. rumored to be a lover of prince daemon targaryen, she possessed an eye on every corner in the red keep. she would further establish herself as the personal confidante and unofficial mistress of whisperers of queen alicent hightower, a fellow woman of the reach. her influence was continue long after the dance of the dragons, as she became the official mistress of whisperers for aegon iii targaryen, the son of the late queen claimant. she is said to have mothered three children — trystane flowers, naerys flowers, and rhae waters — fathered by two targaryen princes. many tyrell lords named their daughters for the influential and highly successful margaery — the most famous of which is the newly crowned queen consort of tommen baratheon. ❜
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wardenparker · 1 year
The Viper’s Bride - ch 2
Oberyn Martell x female reader x Ellaria Sand x OC Co-written with @absurdthirst
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The second Prince of Dorne has lived under the illusion that he would not be forced to wed for his entire life. He has enough lovers and illegitimate children to make him a legend across Westeros, and the love of his soulmate Ellaria Sand to content him. But a contract between his brother and a lord from the north will catapult him into a match that may prove to be as complicated as it is intriguing. Especially when he learns that you already have a soulmate of your own.  
Rating: E for Explicit! 18+ Word Count: 8.1k Warnings: *Blanket warnings for this series: terrible parents, age gap 10+ years, arranged marriage, classicism, cursing, food and alcohol* References to general Joffrey fuckery, internalized guilt, fingering, hand job, vaginal sex, unprotected sex. Summary: A walk with the future queen, a moment with Raeden, and a clandestine meeting all make your first day in King’s Landing a memorable time indeed. Notes: We are creeping closer to that fateful first meeting!
Ch 1
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The invitation that is delivered to your chambers several hours later is a note from Lady Margaery, addressed explicitly to you and asking you to meet her in the gardens an hour hence, that you might walk together. It is incredibly polite and deceptively friendly, but when you nod to the serving girl who delivers it you can't seem to muster any enthusiasm beyond good manners. Lit with the orange sun of the afternoon, you appear at the mouth of the gardens freshly bathed and in a clean gown, still not having eaten a morsel for days. You doubt very much that you will be able to stomach more than a few bites at dinner but since you will also be dining with the future queen, you have to at least try.
“Isn’t the evening beautiful?” Margaery asks, appearing beside you as her lady in waiting falls back so that it is just the two of you.
"It's very...warm." That isn't quite the reply she was hoping for, you know what, but nothing at all in the world seems beautiful right now. And King's Landing is significantly warmer than where you grew up in the Vale, so at least you're being honest.
Her laugh is light, tinkling out and capturing the attention of anyone nearby. Her arm is linked with yours and she tugs you forward to propel you into the gardens. “It is warm. Although the breeze along the sea wall is quite refreshing.”
"The sea is always refreshing." Your windows in your family's estate faced the cliffside, overlooking the Narrow Sea at the very tip of the Vale's Fingers. The sound of the crashing waves has long been your favorite lullaby. "Thank you for the invitation." Remembering your manners, and the fact that this woman will be queen in two days, you do manage to offer her a smile. "You must know that I have not been to King's Landing since my presentation at court, so I truly know very few in the capital."
“You are not missing much.” Margaery leans in and whispers, although it is loud enough that the lady in waiting that is walking three steps behind the two of you giggles softly. “As a future queen and princess, we must stick together, you and I.” She knocks your shoulder softly, friendliness in the gesture. “Otherwise we might expire of boredom.”
"I cannot imagine you are very bored here." Margaery Tyrell seems very fixated on the fact of who you are supposed to marry, and it makes you shudder. Surely she has better things to do than be focused on your own arrangement?
“You would be surprised.” Margaery is terrified here, afraid of misstepping but her grandmother assures her that you would be a strong ally to make. “There is not much I am in charge of…yet.” She decides to switch topics. “Have you already started planning your own wedding? Will it be in Dorne? I have never visited, however, I’ve always wished to.”
You swallow, barely keeping from biting your lip as she steers you through the lush garden. "I have not even met him yet," you admit quietly.
“Oh.” Her eyes widen in surprise, her hand tightening ever so slightly in comfort and she nods. “I see.” She hums, lowering her voice slightly. “He is quite handsome and despite what his reputation portrays, my grandmother says he is an honorable man.” She informs you, seeking to comfort you some. “He does not have rumors swirling as some do.” Her own husband-to-be, for example.
"Our family has a good relationship with Dorne. They are...quite positive that it will be beneficial to both families." There has been no regard for your happiness whatsoever, no reassurance of anything besides the fact that the Prince of Dorne will no doubt give you children as quickly as he desires. "I think, perhaps, that you know far more about the man my father promised me to than I do myself."
“I have met him.” It was long ago, when she was far younger and unconcerned with the dealing of adults and kingdoms. He had come to see if the Tyrells could be persuaded to send money and men across the sea to find the Targaryen prince and princess that were rumored to be alive. Her grandmother had declined but she had privately commended him for his efforts.
"Then you know much more than I do." When it came down to it, your father did not even have a portrait of the man to show you. All anyone can seem to say is that he is handsome, which is not at all helpful if he is a monster in some other way.
“He brought his small daughter with him.” She confides. “My father was furious because she was a Sand, but Oberyn ignored him. He had just taken the girl from her mother.” She bites her lip and leans closer. “The mother was a whore. And he was only a lad himself. Yet he did not employ a nurse for her. She went where he did.”
"I understand he has...several children?" The figure your mother had hissed at you was eight but surely that cannot be true. He would either have to be quite a lot older than you or incredibly promiscuous for that to be the case.
“From my recollection he now has eight daughters.” Margaery confirms with a small laugh. “You will be carrying your own child quickly, no doubt.”
"A fact which everyone has seen fit to assure me of." For the first time, when you turn to look at her, she seems much less a beautiful noble daughter and simply a girl. She may have met her groom already, but her situation is just as arranged as yours is and even more influential. "Forgive me if I seem less than excited," you admit, tucking your hands into the sleeves of your gown. "The arrangement is still so new to me."
“I understand.” The fact that she had been married to Renley Baratheon before his untimely death is not mentioned. Her grandmother had gone to great lengths to have that swept under the rug. She isn’t excited about marrying Joffrey. She’s dreading it, but she can’t show that. There are too many eyes and ears here in the keep. “At least his rumored skills shall bring you pleasure. There are worse things.” She shudders delicately, thinking of the time her betrothed had tortured one of the chambermaids.
"There are also more important things." For all his supposed prowess, you have yet to hear anyone claim that Prince Oberyn is a kind man or an intelligent one. "At least you know the man you are meant to marry. For all I know, I have been sold to a man who will infuriate or despise me." Love does not even cross your lips, knowing that it will be impossible. There is simply no chance that you will ever love this man. Not when your heart already belongs to Raeden.
“Prince Oberyn…admires beauty in all forms.” Margaery murmurs delicately, aware of her brother’s own interest in the man. “He loathes the Lannisters, yet Myrcella Baratheon is fostered in Dorne.” She reveals. “Where the girl is quite happy and not one hair on her golden head is molested. Plays with his younger daughters.”
"Why is Princess Myrcella in Dorne if he despises Lannisters so?" This is more information than you have ever been able to get about the man at once before and from a person that you cannot let know that you do not want to marry him. Curiosity is a virtue that you can afford to have – simply gathering information without ever expressing your own opinion on the matter.
“Peace treaty.” Margaery’s brow raises and she wonders how much you know about the history between Dorne and King’s Landings. “It was promised years ago.”
"I see." Apparently being in the Vale has left you out of a great many things as far as the ways of the world go. But then, you have never been one to enjoy politics and your father afforded you the freedom to avoid such conversations. "So it is his brother who affords her safety, then? The elder Prince of Dorne, I mean." The intricacies between brothers, at least, you understand perfectly.
“No.” The queen-to-be shakes her head, her hair swinging softly behind her. “He does not blame the child for things that happened before her birth. Or for who her parents are.”
“I see.” This time you nod when you say the words, chewing on the information you have been given. It does not make you like the man necessarily, but it is oddly comforting to hear that he is not outwardly cruel, as some men in power can be. “Well…” A stolen glance is met with Lady Margaery’s wide eyes staring back at you, as if she is trying to pull information from deep in your soul. “Mercy is a virtue,” you offer, not quite knowing what else to say.
You are not giving her much, practically nothing, and she wonders if you are in love with someone else. Margaery smiles and nods. “Yes it is.” She agrees, looking out over the gardens again, pleased that several other guests have seen the two of you together. “We shall have to visit more during your time here.” She decides. “If you are not too taken with your betrothed.” Her smirk is small and sly, slightly envious of the fact that you will be sharing the Prince’s bed.
“From what I have been told, there is no reason I should not be.” And yet? You know better. You know that every minute spent with the Prince will be one less minute with Raeden and you want to scream about the injustice of it all.
Your turn around the garden leads you straight back to the entrance and Margaery comes to a stop. “There are still several hours before dinner.” She murmurs. “Most of the staff are taking their own meals now so there are not many in the corridors.” Her eyes watch you for a moment before she tilts her head. “I believe I will go to the library and choose a book myself.”
“You have a library?” There is no reason it should surprise you, but the idea of sitting amongst books is delightful and calming, and you can easily picture bringing a borrowed book of poems back to your room to share with Raeden tonight. This is truly the first good news you’ve had all day. “Would it be presumptuous to ask to accompany you?”
Her smile is slow and sincere. "It is not presumptuous," she promises, winding her arm back through yours and starts walking again. "The library of the keep has been studiously stocked by the maesters." She tells you. "Although the Citadel has a more extensive collection."
“I think reading is better than almost anything in the world.” It is truly the most excited she has heard you about anything so far, and the first time you feel like you have truly smiled in at least a week. “But I read all of the books I brought on the journey here. Something new would be wonderful.”
"There is many to choose from." She laughs. "I will have to select a few of my favorites for you to take back to your chambers."
“How very kind of you.” She has clearly found your weakness – or at least one of them – and you cannot help but be relieved at it. So many women at court care only for gossip and fashion. To find someone else with an active mind is an unlooked for blessing. “My father has the greatest library in the Vale, and I will miss it desperately.”
“I have no doubt you will curate the greatest library in Dorne.” It’s on the tip of her tongue to inform you that Oberyn writes poetry, at least according to her grandmother, but she doesn’t want you to feel as if she is pushing the man on you.
“It would be a great pleasure.” Sitting for hours in a stack of books with Raeden and endless pots of tea is perhaps one of your greatest fantasies, but that kind of freedom has simply never existed for you. The ability to fulfill that has never been within your grasp. Still you find yourself clinging to the thought and inadvertently clinging to your companion’s arm. “Have you ever read a book that simply made you feel transformed? It is the greatest magic in the world.”
Her own experiences with magic have not been positive but she understands what you mean. Nodding, she smiles as she leads you inside the keep and towards the eastern wing. “I often lose myself in books of poetry.”
“Poetry is a wonder.” Feeling much more yourself at the prospect of books, you smile a true, broad smile as you pass through the halls of the keep. “I wrote love poems for my brothers when they were courting their wives. They were hopeless at it and begged me to help.”
Margaery laughs and sighs. “I wish someone would write poetry for me.” She admits softly before she presses her lips together. “However the king is more of a physical man.” She corrects quickly.
“Oh.” That was not a revelation you were expecting, but you try to school your expression away from surprise. “Well, there is…there can be no sin in that, can there? As you are to be married so soon.”
“We have not—” She shakes her head and shudders slightly. “The king has not attempted to woo me into his bed as of yet.” She assures you. “He is just not a man to whom flowery words are forthcoming.”
“Forgive me for misunderstanding.” The way she reacts to the mere suggestion, though, surprises you even more. There is almost an edge of revulsion to it that makes you unsure if you ought to be offering her comfort. “I am sure that in time love will help his tongue to find the words he surely feels in his heart.”
Margaery seriously doubts that Joffrey’s tongue will be anything but vile and vicious but she smiles and pretends nothing is wrong. “Love does temper the roughest stones, does it not?”
“I think so.” It brings a warmth through your whole body that could nearly make you sigh if that would not have given you away completely. Instead you clear your throat and affect a demure expression. “My brothers, for instance. They were quite rough once.”
“I see.” Margaery doesn’t ask about the momentarily dreamy expression on your face, needing you as an ally. The large double doors to the library stand sentinel and she stops in front of them. “Here it is.”
The Red Keep’s library is enormous, stretching far above your heads to a vaulted ceiling and far beyond your view to rooms and rooms of volumes just waiting and begging to be perused. The intricately carved banisters and shelves along with the elaborately decorated windows make it lavish and nearly forbidding, but that the familiar scent of old paper and bindings beckons you inside like an old friend. “How lovely,” you sigh out, looking around you with glee. “I swear it is bigger than my father’s library. It must be. I cannot possibly thank you enough for bringing me here.”
“It is my pleasure.” Margaery assures you. In the library, she doesn’t have to worry about her intended showing up here, not even sure if he knows the keep has a library. It was her safe space in a decidedly unsafe situation. “Look around. There is a lot to be offered.”
It is the most welcome invitation in the world, and you find yourself wandering toward the nearest shelf and inspecting every volume you can get your hands on to find just the right one. It doesn’t matter what the right one even is. You will know it when you find it.
Slipping inside the keep had been easy enough. Plenty of servants coming and going, and it was obvious that none of the nobles knew the people who served them. Cal keeps his eyes on you, the description given to him accurate down to the unhappy glaze to your eyes. The crumpled letter is in his pocket, unsure of what it says since he can’t read but after hovering outside the double doors to the library, he slips inside and starts to look for you among the shelves of books.
It seemed like not another soul inhabited this place other than you and Lady Margaery right until you nearly walked head on into a nervous-looking young man standing right in front of the next bookcase you had intended to inspect. “Oh! I— ex-excuse me. I didn’t see you there.” There are already three small books tucked into the crook of your arm and it’s a miracle that you don’t drop any of them. “Pardon me,” you murmur again, rocking back with the surprise of seeing another person.
Cal wasn’t expecting an apology, shoving his hand into his breeches pocket and thrusting the folded and sealed letter into your hand. “My lady.” He mumbles, turning around and rushing from the library. He had done as he was ordered. He had delivered the message.
It’s all a little too odd, and you stare after him for a moment before looking down at the carefully folded piece of paper in your hand with its bright orange wax seal. There is no mistaking that your name is scrawled beautifully on the front, so you crack the seal with careful hands and unfold the letter.
The privilege of your company is requested after supper time this evening to share wine and entertainment at the Coachman’s Tavern. We have much to discuss, Ellaria Sand
“Who…?” You breathe the question out loud but realize there is no one to answer you. Who in the world is Ellaria Sand?
Raeden’s boots strike the stone floors harshly as he strides towards the library. The lady-in-waiting, mistress Mariana Tyrell, had informed him that you had been shown the library but he needs to speak to you. His position as your guard would not cause too much attention, but he must warn you.
Still standing with a dumbstruck look and a letter in your hand when the library doors open again, you turn from your place in the stacks to look out into the main room. “Ser Raeden.” He is a sight for sore eyes at any time, but as you come out from amongst the stacks of books you can see Lady Margaery emerge as well. “Am I called for?” You ask him, wondering if maybe your parents wanted to know how your walk went and sent him to fetch you.
Pulling himself to a halt in front of you, he bows. “Yes, my lady.” He lies, needing to get you alone. “Your lady mother requests your presence.”
“How unfortunate.” At least your frown is not at all false, and you turn to Margaery with an apology on your tongue. “Lady Margaery Tyrell, this is my guard, Ser Raeden Stone. Come to whisk me back to my mother’s side, it seems. Thank you for your kindness, I hope this time together can be repeated before long.” After all, a walk in a garden and a visit to the keep library is a very pleasant way to pass an afternoon, and she is to be queen. You are not foolish enough to think you should not be kindness itself to her.
“Go.” Margaery nods towards your guard, her lips twisted into a small curve. “We will visit again.” She decides. “Soon.”
Striding from the library at Raeden’s side, you wait until you are well past the doors before looking up at him again. “What is it really?” You ask him as quietly as you can. “You look worried.”
“Not until we are in your room.” Raeden insists, his eyes shifting around as he guides you back towards your chambers.
The tense walk seems to take forever and you find your mind wandering to the worst possible news. Prince Oberyn has decided you will wed immediately being at the top of the list.
He opens the door to your chambers, blessedly one that you do not have to share with your mother or maid. Hustling you inside and barring the door behind him. “Your mother knows.” He rushes out without preamble.
“She only thinks she knows something.” Because you haven’t had a moment alone with him, you haven’t been able to tell him what transpired in the carriage on the way here. “She tried to frighten me into saying something but I swear I didn’t give us away, love. We’re still safe.”
“No.” Raeden shakes his head, taking your books and dropping them on the table where a floral arrangement is sitting so he can take your hands. “She– she called me to her chambers.”
“Gods above.” His fingers laced through yours immediately and you hold them tight. “What did she say?”
“She informed me that she knows that we have the same marks, and she will make sure that I am dragged back to the Vale with her, naked and tied to the wagon if I interfere with your marriage to the prince of Dorne.” He shudders, scowling at the hateful diatribe he had been subjected to.
"I am sure she said a great deal worse than that." And yet that is enough. You pull him into your arms with a deep sigh and hold him there, knowing that this is no one's fault but your own. "She has scared you because she could not scare me. I would not cower before her in the carriage when she threatened to take you back to the Vale if I misbehaved, so she struck out at you instead. I...my love, I am so sorry."
“I am not.” Raeden shakes his head. “Your mother is a vile woman, but I needed to make sure you know what I do.” He sighs, understanding why you had not been able to tell him about the carriage ride, but he wishes you had. He would not have panicked.
"I am sorry I could not tell you. It seems nearly impossible to have privacy here." That, it occurs to you, is no excuse for not finding a way. But at least it is honest.
“How do you think she found out?” He murmurs, frowning slightly. “I do not change in front of the men.”
"The only possibility is my maid." It had not occurred to you that there might be more than just the reason of her family to stay behind, or that she might have lied to you about being pregnant, but she is the only one who knew.
“It is possible your mother threatened her, my love.” He knows how repulsive your mother can act, pressing his forehead against yours.
"Whatever happened, my mother's grasping fingers have dug into our lives with certainty." You sigh, tightening your arms around his waist. "What did you say to her? When she confronted you?"
“Nothing.” He promises you. “I said that my lady was mistaken and as your guard, my duty is to protect you with my sword and life.”
"I think you must be the only truly loyal man in the world." It is a relief to know that he gave your mother no satisfaction in her prying, and you tilt your head back to slot your lips against his gratefully.
The mere act of kissing you does more to calm him than anything else could have. Groaning, he pulls you closer to him and lets his hands roam.
"My love..." Who knows who saw him come into this room with you – if your odious mother has paid off the castle servants to spy already. If some spying laundress is already running off to give her an account of a man's moan coming from inside your chamber. "Rae." It is not often that you stop him from free exploration of your body, but caution is in the air now. "There is something else I must tell you."
“What is it?” He pulls away, confusion marring his handsome face. It has been days since he had been close enough to touch you and he is aching with the need to reassure himself of your bond.
"A messenger found me in the library just before you did." Either for comfort or because you cannot resist, you kiss him once more before fishing the letter out of the pocket of your dress. "I have no idea who it is from, but it is very clearly addressed to me."
“What does it say?” He can read, but it is your letter and he would not pry unless you offered it to him.
"Someone named Ellaria Sand wants to meet me." You press the letter into his hand, wondering what he will think of it. "It is certainly an enigmatic invitation."
“Who is Ellaria Sand?” Raedon asks, taking the letter and reading it carefully. “She’s a bastard. Sand is the surname for bastards in Dorne.”
"Dorne?" Fear flits across your face in equal measure with confusion. "She may be an enemy. Or an ally. There is no way to know."
“Are you going?” He asks, looking up from the letter to you. “To see what this Ellaria Sand wants? I will be with you.”
"I was going to ask you what you thought I should do." His sense of the world is more defined than yours. More informed. There are many things that you have been shielded from in your life, and he has been one of those shields. "I trust you, love. Implicitly. Whatever you think we should do, we will do."
“I think you should see what she wants.” Raeden answers slowly. “There are many games afoot here in King’s Landing, it is best we know which one you will be involved in.”
"And you will come with me?" Going anywhere in this city entirely alone is not only foolish but dangerous. Which is precisely why you have a guard in the first place – for your protection. "Wherever this Coachman's Tavern is, I have an inkling that it is not in the most reputable part of the capital."
He nods once. “I will not leave your side. I will be with you the entire time, my lady.”
"Rae." You tilt your head at him. "We are alone. There is no need for formalities."
Biting his lip, he contemplates pulling away, leaving your chambers – but he can’t. “My love–” he murmurs softly. “Let me touch you.”
"We must be quiet." That is the only warning you give him before tossing the letter aside and moving to the door to bar it. If anyone has seen him come in, large excuses will have to be made. But as long as nothing is heard, you will be safe.
His eyes darken as he reaches for his belt to untie his sword. “My love.” He murmurs quietly. “I have missed you.”
"I despise travel," you declare, firmly but barely on a whisper as you fairly fly across the room to be back in his arms. "I despise anything that keeps us apart." Unbuttoning his great coat, he doesn’t bother to remind you that soon you will be parted. He cannot know how the prince will react to him being your soulmate.
"Too many layers." Your hands may be smaller but they are determined to shed every layer he is wearing, from his coat down to his stockings. Every button and tie offends you by being in your way. "My love..." The request is unspoken, granted as soon as you look up at him and his lips crash against yours once more.
There have been so many times he has prayed to the gods for forgiveness. He knows that he is wronging you by staining your skin with his touch, but he cannot help himself. You are his soulmate, his other half. He feels complete when he is skin to skin with you.
Nothing can make two people faster to bare themselves than the need for reassurance, and this moment is no exception. Stripped down to nothing, Raeden lifts you off your feet and lays you out on the bed like a feast to be devoured. "Love." The term is reverent even when whispered – or perhaps more so this way – and you reach for him even as you squeeze your thighs together in anticipation. "Touch me. Please."
Nights spent in your bed, quietly stifling your sounds as he learns your body, has made him an expert on how to touch you. He kisses you slowly, sliding his tongue into your mouth as his fingers delve into your folds beneath the thatch of curls covering your cunt.
He swallows your gasp, humming in contentment that you still make such perfect sounds after so many nights together, and you shamelessly roll your hips down toward his hand in a determined motion. His thick fingers are the only possible preparation for a cock as impressive as his and you relish these early moments of intimacy as much as any other time. Sometimes all you need to be satisfied is to have his fingers or his tongue and then to kiss away your essence from his lips afterward. But today you need all of him. After weeks without being able to so much as touch him, you are desperate for him.
The hard muscles from hours of training and practice bunch and coil under your fingertips as he fingers you. His cock already hard at your hip, pulsing as he continues to kiss you. Breaking away from your lips to kiss down your jaw.
Every inch of him is worth exploring, but your focus is entirely on pleasing him right now. Your hand wraps around his cock, squeezing the base and stroking slowly up and down the shaft with a subtle twist of your wrist that never fails to make him shudder. The game is simple: whichever one of you breaks first will inevitably end up begging for the other, or pushing the other onto their back to be taken with pleasure.
“I love you.” Your name is whispered after his promise, his vow to you. You are so perfect, his hips chase the feeling of your hand as his fingers curl up inside you and he kisses down your chest to take one nipple into his mouth.
"I love you." When your hips roll up to meet his hand you let out a shaky breath and your other hand clutches his shoulder, holding him to your chest while his tongue swirls around your pebbled bud and flicks at it like he's trying to spark magic. Perhaps he is – if that were his goal then it is certainly magical the way he makes your legs shake with an impending climax.
It is always sweet the way that your body responds to his touch. Making him grin against your nipple as your hand covers your mouth to stifle your sounds. He knows your body so well that it may as well be his instrument, and he strums you as perfectly as any harpist does their strings. It takes biting down on your own fingers tonight to stifle the sound of ecstasy that threatens to bubble out of you, but your body greedily drags him in in every way that it can. Back arching to urge him to devour your tits, cunt clenching to keep his hand from ever leaving your body again, even your hand tensing around his length to promise him how tight you will hold that wondrous part of him inside you when he does eventually take his hand away.
Making you come apart for him is Raeden’s favorite task. If he were a lord, an idle and wealthy man, he would spend all day with you in bed. Or perhaps go about his business with your trembling body responding to his touch. In the darkest, most shameful thoughts in his mind, he thinks about that. Displaying you for others in the great hall while his fingers or cock are buried inside you and your screams of his name are echoing through the halls.
There can’t be any echo here, no cry of his name reverberating through the keep for all to hear, but you still come apart for him as sharply as if you were under command. It isn’t enough. Not tonight, at least, and you squirm under him like a needy beast already begging for more. “What do you need, my love?” He asks, pulling off your nipple with a wet pop. His eyes are onyx from need and desire, staring up at you.
“You.” The answer may be simple, but the need runs deep, and you have to swallow a moan when your muscles tighten around his fingers again and a gorgeous squelching noise comes back as a result. “Will you let me ride you, love?”
“Always.” Raeden groans, loving the sight of you on top of him. He is not exactly dominant and when you take control, he is blissed out by the time he cums. “Have you taken your tea, or do you need to pull off?”
“I have had my tea.” The recipe was taught to you by your septa years ago. The woman was no fool, teaching you to understand that men who seek to control a woman do it very often by controlling her womb. The tea, therefore, has been your constant companion even when you are too sick for anything else.
He groans, enjoying the thought of staying inside you as he finishes. “Ride me.” He begs, rolling over and dragging you on top of him.
“Shhhh.” Playfully chiding him to keep his beautiful groans quiet, you bracket his hips with your knees and rise up to set the head of his cock at your dripping slit. His hands on your back steady you, holding you in position while you sink down on him and your mouth drops open on a silent moan of pleasure to feel every inch of him inside you again.
His fingers dig into your hips and he bites his lips to stifle his moans. “Shit.”
Going two full weeks without this should be considered torture, but the feeling of coming home to him that you feel makes all of the stress and anxiety melt away. This is where you belong, coupled together with this man, and there is no more natural a feeling to be felt. Love may not always be simple or pure, but these moments together certainly are.
Holding his breath, Raeden watches as you start to move. Sex with you has been almost a religious experience for him. The rise and fall is like a dance, hips seeking out every ounce of pressure they can find and chasing every motion that makes his breath hitch. He has learned your body as well as you have learned his and every movement counts for more than just a simple bounce.
It is hard to keep his hips on the bed, grunting softly while you bounce on his cock. Drinking in the vision and knowing that for now, you are his. One hand reaches up and cups your breast, fingers rolling over your pebbled nipple just like you enjoy and he tugs on it gently.
Some nights could be spent forever in his lap like this, while others must be shorter encounters. Today there is some luxury to be had, but the need is too great. Every day that you spent apart had made you more desperate and that second climax tingling at the base of your spine is already so close.
“You are mine.” He needs to claim you, even if it is for a moment. A fleeting sensation that will be overcome by duty. Soulmates didn’t matter among the nobility unless it was an advantage and Raeden Stone was of no use to your father.
"Always." No matter if another man's ring sat on your finger, your heart will always belong to him. And in the face of the terrible reality that your decisions are not your own? At least you can promise him that.
He hasn’t met Oberyn Martell, but he is jealous of him. Jealous that you will be his spouse and bear his name. That he has a name to give you that is respectable. He closes his eyes and bites his lip.
"My love..." Bending down to him does not stop you from moving, only changes the angle, and you press your lips to his with earnest dedication. As much lust as there is in his eyes, it is mixed with a sadness that you know is your fault and your desperation veers away from your own pleasure in order to bring him as much distraction and satisfaction as you possibly can.
“Don’t.” He huffs quietly. “We know what we mean to each other.” He promises, knowing this is not your choice.
"What we will always mean to each other." Dread floods you, sickeningly thick sadness that makes your limbs heavy and washes arousal away like a cold flood. Instead of the twist of pleasure it's just agony, and you can see it painted across Raeden's face as well, so you slip off of him and burrow into his side to cling to him instead. "I will always love you," you promise him through the veil of impending tears. "Nothing will change that."
He can’t think about this, can’t dwell on it. Rolling you onto your back, he parts your thighs and settles between them before pushing back inside you, “Nothing.” He hisses.
The need for reassurance can have many essences to it, and this one rings the edges of your intimacy to make it lovemaking. His thrusts are slow and measured, pushing you steadily to the edge and toppling over it after you like his last night of life.
Raeden can’t make it hard and fast. He needs this to rip apart the very fabric of his being. Gasping your name with every slow rock of his hips, he kisses every inch of skin he can reach.
When the trembling finally subsides neither one of you will let go. If a sinkhole opened under King's Landing in this instant you would fall into it together as one, arms clinging tightly to each other and dreading it less than you dread the eventual meeting with Prince Oberyn. Tomorrow will be a horrible reality, and for all you know, the Dornish woman you meet tonight might only make it worse.
“I love you.” He murmurs quietly, meant for your ears only. “Only you. You are my soul, my entire reason for being here.”
"As I love you." Your fingers graze his cheek and for the moment a sad smile is the best that you can offer him. "To the furthest depths of the ocean and the highest peak of the sky."
“From now until the gods take me.” Raeden promises, pressing a kiss to your lips softly.
The Coachman's Tavern is just an ordinary building of white and gray from the outside. It signifies nothing, just stone and plaster with a painted sign that hangs over the door to tell travelers they can find shelter inside. The only thing of interest or note that you or Raeden can find as you approach is the sound of music coming from inside and stamping – perhaps meaning there is dancing to be had. The invitation had spoken of entertainment after all.
Ellaria sits at the table she had procured for this meeting, a carafe of wine and two goblets are already sitting, wine poured into the one in front of her. It’s not Dornish, so it’s not nearly as good as what she usually drinks, but a glass to settle her nerves is necessary right now.
No one seems to pay you any mind when you come into the tavern, seeing you and Raeden simply as hooded travelers seeking food or shelter like anyone else. Sneaking out of the keep had been task enough, but now you have to find a woman you have never met in a building full of strangers. As your father says – it is a search for a needle in a haystack. "Which one do you think it is?" You whisper to Raeden, looking around the tavern to find any women sitting alone. Perhaps she did not come alone just as you did not?
The small oil portrait that Oberyn had been provided was accurate, if dated. You are older, more assured than the slightly meek countenance in the portrait. Smiling, Ellaria beckons the serving wench over and points to you, instructing her to send you and the delectable man following you over to her table.
"Miss?" The girl who approaches you is significantly younger than you but arguably far more sure of herself, and she offers you a keen smile when she catches your attention. "The lady in the corner is waiting for you," she says before swanning away to the attention of a table of men near the instruments being played.
The lady in the corner.
You look to where she has pointed immediately and find a beautifully dressed goddess of a woman with a curtain of pitch black curls cascading down her back, sitting at a table that bears two goblets and a pitcher of something that you have to presume to be wine. "My word..." The breath you take is tight with nerves and you look back at Raeden. "I suppose now we will finally find out what she wants."
"And who she is." Raeden murmurs, nodding once. He will follow wherever you go, and in this moment you are already moving toward the table where Ellaria Sand is sitting.
Her eyes sharpen when you look her way, wariness and apprehension are written on your features, though you are lovely. Humming to herself, Ellaria straightens and waves you forward, smirking slightly at the protective stance of the gorgeously dark man behind you. She wants to know more about him. Instantly heated and her cunt clenching when she imagines this soldier, this protector in hers and Oberyn’s bed.
"Ellaria Sand?" If your look of concern gives you away, your voice certainly does not. It is the same voice you use with your mother when she is being particularly combative, or with your oldest brother's wife when she attempts to command you about like a child despite being five years younger than you. It is a voice full of confidence, though right now it is at least half feigned.
Her brow arches up, surprised that there is a spine underneath that robe and dress. Nodding, she motions to the free seat and glances at Raeden. “Apologies, I had assumed this would be a private meeting. Please, pull up another chair for your companion.”
"This is as private a meeting as is possible," you assure her, biting back a smile when Raeden is quick to find his own stool instead of letting you find one for him. "I travel with a guard instead of a lady's maid. Anything that would be said to me can be said in front of him."
Quiet for a moment, Ellaria’s eyes flutter back and forth between the two of you before she nods. Looking past you, she beckons the wench again and smirks. “Another cup.” She asks softly, reaching for her coin purse to offer her another coin.
A cup is procured and wine is poured, but you don't touch the cup. You have no more information now than you did hours ago when her servant sought you out, except that you now know she is exquisite. A fact which does not exactly figure into this clandestine meeting. "Can I know what you have asked me here to discuss?" You ask, trying to be polite but also make the point that you have no wish for this time to be wasted. "Your note made it sound most urgent."
“To the point.” Ellaria smirks, her goblet inches from her lips to take a small sip. “And fuckable. That is a relief. Although you are unhappy about the arrangement.”
"I beg your pardon?" There is shock in your voice and Raeden's seat scrapes against the stone floor, already not liking the way this night is turning despite the woman's self-assured countenance having given him less pause than expected when you walked in.
“You are not prudish, are you?” She tuts, clicking her tongue and shaking her head in disappointment at the idea that you would be as boring as the other ladies of the North. “Pity.” Setting her goblet down, the lazy way she unfurls her body is measured. “I am Oberyn’s…lover.” She announces. “And his soulmate.”
That is, without a doubt, the very last thing you expected to hear from this woman, and instantly your eyes widen and you turn back to look to Raeden for some kind of guidance. You feel like your jaw has been unhinged and your heart clenched in a vice, though you cannot tell if it is from dread or relief. "I was..." But whatever you were, or whatever you intended to say, it sticks in your throat.
"My lady was under the impression the prince had many lovers." Raeden recovers his voice before you do, reading your mind as only he is able. The matter of her being the man's soulmate will be next.
“Oh,” Ellaria chuckles huskily, “but he does. Sometimes just the whores we pick out, sometimes a lover that is with us for some time.” She smirks and eyes Raeden and you both with equal interest.
“If your intention was to try to make me jealous, I’m afraid you will not be satisfied.” Confused, more like. As you do not know why she keeps looking at you like a roast beast at banquet. “You must be well aware that I have not even met the prince yet.”
“I know. Just like I know your own lover sits beside you.” She murmurs, smirking slightly at the way you frown and bite at your lip.
“What is it you want?” Raeden bites out, when you do nothing to refute the woman. If word about the two of you has gotten out, it could spell ruin for both of you – putting both your reputation and his life on the line.
“To see what kind of woman my lover will be chained to.” She admits very bluntly, picking up her own wine again. “He had no desire to marry your…soulmate? Or just a lover?”
“I have no desire to marry him, either.” That, at least, you have in common and it makes you sit up a little straighter. “Do you mean to tell me that we were both strong-armed into this match?”
“The problem with nobility is that you are bound by the rules that make you better.” Ellaria shrugs slightly, unconcerned with that since she had always been a bastard. “Whereas I and your lover are not.”
“You presume to know quite a lot about us.” Something which troubles you much more than you are willing to admit. Have you truly been so blinded by love that you did not see the signs you gave to the world? “Spies in the Red Keep, I assume?”
“It is obvious.” Ellaria sends you a tight, woman-to-woman smile. “Oberyn has no issue telling the world that I am his lover, I have birthed four of his children. Though I can see why you would keep your affair a secret.” She flicks her hand in annoyance. “If you were a whore, no one would care who you fuck. But because your person was pushed from a noble woman’s cunt, your existence is monitored, judged.” Her smile turned acidic. “It is a man’s world. Unless you know how to move in it.”
"And yet the only thing I can protect her with is my sword." Raeden cannot explain the feeling, because he would normally bristle at the sort of attitude this woman is displaying, but aside from knowing that she is right, there is a surety somewhere deep in his soul that she can help. Or at least that she is not actively seeking to hurt you, which is far more than you have been afforded by your own mother.
“Protect her?” Ellaria hums and takes another sip of her wine as she contemplates the two of you. “There is no need in Dorne.” She assures him. “Unless your sword is your cock–” she chuckles. “And then I hope you will share.” Draining the rest of her cup, she stands and sets down four more gold coins. “This was much needed.” She tells you. “Now I must return to my lover’s arm.” She smirks. “Good eve to you both.”
Master Tags: @pixiedurango @chattychell @winter-fox-queen @lady-himbo @artsymaddie @princess76179 @paintballkid711 @missminkylove @pedrosbrat @ew-erin @sarahjkl82-blog @sharkbait77 @justanotherblonde23 @lv7867 @recklesswit @mylittlesenaar @f0rever15elf @gallowsjoker @steeevienicks @athalien @sherala007 @skvatnavle @thatpinkshirt @jaime1110 @girlimjusttryingtoreadfanfics @goodgriefitsawildworld @greeneyedblondie44 @katheriner1999 @littlemousedroid @harriedandharassed @churchill356 @ajathegreats-blog @haylzcyon   @beardsanddetectives @kirsteng42 @ladykatakuri @adancedivasmom @madiebear @tanzthompson @emilianamason @bigsdinger @xocalliexo @pedr0swh0r3 @avaleineandafryingpan @charlyrmv @avidreader73 @iceclaw101 @loveslide @elegantduckturtle @becsworld
TVB: @janelongxox @ischysiaclark @amneris21 @septimaseverinaficrec @ficsbynight @inkededucatednnerdy @spookyxsam @fishingforpike @spishsstuff @theolddemon @heareball @thatrageingbisexual @dinoflower @i-am-amora-the-enchantress @smallestsnarkestgirl @kiki13522 @wheresonichedgehogwnt @br33zy-blizzardz @justpeachyandyou @rhymingtree @sophiedore1700 @benwitcher @secretmoonsalad  @emily-12342 @victorian-cherub @princessloveweird @savannaisthebombdiggityyo @darkness-falls-xo @dont-tell-anybody8973 @fishingforpike @julesonrecord @gooddaykate @pedropascalfan221 @trekinthruthestarswars @thgswsnitg @gianlucasnutella @lilwrldbigwlrd @eddie-munsons-mommy @margaridass @monicapennington @im-sylien @we-could-have-been @stinkyfishy @boo8008 @whatthehellisgoingonsblog @rollerblader527 @ace-spades-1 @whydoilovehim @theolddemon   @heareball @coldlonelydays @movievillainess721 @catsandgeekyandnerd @imtheonewhothrewthepaper @bucketbunny  @soivebuiltupaworldofmagic @justgonewild @quinnnfabrgay @s-stark @emilianamason @missmarmaladeth @trimbooksflatlink  @thatrageingbisexual @prostitute-robot-from-the-future @mrsparknuts @sillylittlepenguin181818 @stoneredsworld
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daenysthedreamer101 · 6 months
Mood boards masterlist
Hello and welcome ☺✨💓
Here you will find all the fandoms I like and all the mood boards I made.
General Masterlist
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House Targaryen
Daenys the Dreamer
Aegon the Conqueror
Queen Visenya
Queen Rhaenys
Princess Rhaenyra
Queen Rhaenyra
Prince Daemon
Princess Rhaenys, the Queen Who Never Was
Baela and Rhaena Targaryen
Aegon II
Prince Aemond One-Eye
Princess Helaena
Prince Rhaegar
Prince Viserys
Daenerys Stormborn
How a Targaryen princess might style herself
Daenerys and her female ancestors
Daenerys and her male ancestors
Targaryens and their dragons
Daemon x Rhaenyra
Daenerys conquering KL
Mother of Dragons
House Lannister
Cersei Lannister
Jaime Lannister
House Stark
Robb Stark
Sansa Stark
Arya Stark
Jon Snow
House Arryn
House Greyjoy
House Tyrell
Margaery Tyrell
House Martell
Prince Oberyn
House Baratheon
House Tully
Lady Catelyn
House Velaryon
Lord Corlys, the Sea Snake
Laena Velaryon
Laenor Velaryon
Jacaerys Velaryon
Lucerys Velaryon
Lady Ashara Dayne
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House Slytherin
POV: You're Draco's sister
House Ravenclaw
House Hufflepuff
House Gryffindor
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Mystic Falls
Elena Gilbert
Caroline Forbes
Bonnie Bennett
Katherine Pierce
Katherine Pierce II
Stefan Salvatore
Damon Salvatore
Kassandra (OC)
Pt 1
POV: You're one of the Mikaelsons
Rebekah x Kassandra
Elijah x Kassandra
Klaus x Kassandra
Kol x Kassandra
Finn x Kassandra
Stefan x Elena
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POV: You're the wife of Michael Corleone
POV: You're an actress and a part of the HOTD cast
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firebloodicee · 5 months
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Starter Calls ; Memes ; Promo ; Wish List ; Head canons ;
Rules, Muses & Mains below ;
Rules ;
Please DO NOT rush me with replies. i am kind of slow with replies from time to time. i try to get better with that buttttt. xD
2. Note that this is not my only blog so i may not be on here everyday.
3. i will NOT be writing with anyone who isn't of age. so please if you are under age DNI please & thank you.
4. this blog WILL have NSFW themes on here & yes i do write NSFW threads.
5. i am a shipping whore, 9/10 i'm gonna like the same ship as you.
6. ALL muses will be written as Bi.
7. my messages is always open so if y'all have any questions please send me a message. <3
House of the Dragon Muses ;
Alysanne Targaryen FC ; Scarlett Johansson
Rhaenyra Targaryen FC ; Emma D'Arcy { Show-based }
Daemon Targaryen FC ; Matt Smith { Show-based }
Aemond Targaryen FC ; Ewan Mitchell {Mostly book based }
Alicent Hightower FC ; Olivia Cooke { Show -based }
Helaena Targaryen FC ; Phia Saban { Show mixed with book-based }
Aegon Targaryen FC ; Tom Glynn-Carney { Show -based }
Jacaerys Velaryon FC ; Harry Collett { Headcanon-based & some pulls from the show }
Saera Targaryen FC ; Jodie Comer { Headcanon & book based }
Game of Thrones Muses ;
Sansa Stark FC ; Sophie Turner { Show, book & headcanon mix }
Cersei Lannister FC ; Lena Headey { Show & book mix }
Tyrion Lannister FC ; Peter Dinklage { Show-based }
Jamie Lannister FC ; Nikolaj Coster { Show-based }
Daenerys Targaryen FC ; Emilia Clarke { Show up till season 5 then headcanon }
Sandor { The Hound } FC ; Roy McCann { Show-based }
Joffrey Baratheon FC ; Jack Gleeson { Show-based }
Margaery Tyrell FC ; Natalie Dormer { Show-based }
Oberyn Martell FC ; Pedro Pascal { Show-based }
Lyanna Stark FC ; Katie McGrath { Book-based mixed with headcanon }
Joanna Lannister FC ; Lucy Lawless { headcanon }
Jon Snow FC ; Kit Harington { Show-based up till season 5 then headcanon }
Theon Greyjoy FC ; Alfie Allen { Show & headcanon mix }
Viserys Targaryen iii FC ; Harry Lloyd { Show-based }
Ramsay Bolton FC ; Iwan Rheon { Show-based }
Testing Muses ;
Petyr Baelish FC ; Aidan Gillen
Catelyn Stark FC ; Michelle Fairley
Myrcella Baratheon FC ; Nell Tiger Free
Dragons ; Drogon, Syrax, Caraxes, Seasmoke, Vhagar, Dreamfyre, Sunfyre & Silverwing
Direwolfs ; Lady, Ghost & Nymeria 
Ser Criston Cole FC ; Fabien Frankel
OC Muses ;
Valkyrie Targaryen { Daenerys & Jon's daughter } FC ; Katheryn Winnick
Eddard Targaryen { Ned } { Sansa & Jon's son } FC ; Jonathan Rhys Meyers
Alyssa Targaryen { Sansa & Jon's daughter } { twin to Eddard Targaryen } FC ; Tamzin Merchant
Daemon Targaryen ;
Kyra Targaryen ; @amarvelousmencgerie
Cersei Lannister ;
Jaime Lannister ; @notdrifting
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west1rosi · 1 year
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like   this   post   for   a   starter   from   one   of   the   muses   of   main timeline of asoiaf.   if   you   are   a   multimuse,   please   specify   your   muses.   make   sure   to   also   choose   one   of   mine   or   at   least,   choose   a   few   for   me   to   pick   from.   only   liking   and   not   specifying   will   be   ignored.
muse list of main asoiaf timeline era:
lord tywin lannister. faceclaim : charles dance.
lady elyra brax (oc). faceclaim : jessica alexander.
king viserys iii targaryen. faceclaim : harry lloyd.
king robert baratheon. faceclaim: mark addy.
princess orysa baratheon (oc). faceclaim : jennie jacques.
gendry baratheon. faceclaim : joe dempsey.
theon greyjoy. faceclaim : alfie allen.
captain indya sunderly (oc). faceclaim : jessie mei li.
lady myranda royce. faceclaim :  yuliya khlynina.
lord ned stark. faceclaim : sean bean.
lady catelyn stark. faceclaim : michelle fairley.
queen jeyne westerling. faceclaim :  synnove karslen.
lord asher forrester. faceclaim : liam mcintyre.
lady mara mormont (oc). faceclaim : matilda de argelis.
lady jeyne poole. faceclaim : elinor crowley.
wylla manderly. faceclaim : alice agneson.
val of the free folk. faceclaim : frida gustavsson.
prince doran martell. faceclaim : alfredo castro.
prince oberyn martell. faceclaim : pedro pascal.
princess arianne martell. faceclaim : yvette monreal.
lady regent, allyria dayne. faceclaim :  marina moschen. 
lord edmure tully. faceclaim : tobias menzies.
lady roslin tully. faceclaim : rose williams.
ser patrek mallister. faceclaim : aneurin barnard.
marq piper. faceclaim :  jose ramon barreto.
alerie tyrell. faceclaim : joely richarson.
olenna tyrell. faceclaim : diana rigg.
lord willas tyrell. faceclaim :  gwilym lee.
ryna hightower. faceclaim : danielle rose russell.
elinor tyrell. faceclaim :  isabela merced.
margaery tyrell. faceclaim : natalie dormer
lady mina redwyne. faceclaim : claire ferlini.
lady desmera redwyne. faceclaim : charlotte hope.
meredyth crane. faceclaim : caitlin stasey.
jocelyn swyft. faceclaim: tamsin egerton.
addam marbrand. faceclaim: toby stephens.
lady alyssane lefford. faceclaim: sarah bolger.
lady shyra errol. faceclaim: holliday grainger.
alys karstark. faceclaim: gevenieve gaunt.
marei hill. faceclaim: eloise smyth.
ardrian celtigar. faceclaim : tony leung.
syrenia celtigar. faceclaim : dianne doan.
harras harlow. faceclaim : daniel sharman.
ser jorah mormont. faceclaim : iain glen.
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florbelles · 1 year
tagged by @corvosattano​, @nightbloodraelle​, @leviiackrman​, @adelaidedrubman​, @denerims​, @fourlittleseedlings​, @minaharkers​, @strafethesesinners​, @playstationmademe​, @ishwaris​, @shegetsburned​, @aartyom​ & @gwynbleidd​, ty beloveds!!
sending tags on to @unholymilf (>:((), @henbased (>:(((), @belorage, @jendoe, @phillipsgraves, @chuckhansen, @queennymeria, @poetikat, @derelictheretic, @purplehairsecretlair, @strangefable, @arklay, @morvaris, @noonfaerie, @jackiesarch, @risingsh0t, @roberthouses​​, @confidentandgood, @indorilnerevarine, @shellibisshe,  @blissfulalchemist​, @nuclearstorms, @reaperkiller, @steelport, @nokstella, @shallow-gravy, @cybilbennettgf​ (i am sorry i forgot you moved & was like wait where’d she go) & anyone else can @ me xx (for real the brainfog is strong today so if i missed you please take this as a tag anyway)
rules (via @corvosattano​). take this quiz and share 5 (or more! or less! the world is your oyster!) results from the top 50 that you feel really fit your oc(s). if you don’t recognize very many from the top 50, feel free to expand into the top 100.
(actual influences & inspirations that made the list are italicized).
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holly golightly (breakfast at tiffany’s)
villanelle (killing eve)
anna karenina (anna karenina)
love quinn (you)
ciri (the witcher)
honorable mentions. audrey horne (twin peaks), mia wallace (pulp fiction), lucifer morningstar (lucifer), cheryl blossom (riverdale), oberyn martell (game of thrones) (awks because of the eye cutting stuff.)
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lady macbeth (macbeth)
cersei lannister (game of thrones)
joan holloway (mad men)
serena joy waterford (the handmaid’s tale)
beth harmon (the queen’s gambit)
honorable mentions but they’re increasingly unhinged. nina sayers (black swan), alice cooper (riverdale), leland palmer (twin peaks), the wicked witch of the west (the wizard of oz), the queen (snow white and the seven dwarfs), joe goldberg (you) (?????)
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sterling archer (archer) (this was 95%. by the way.)
don draper (mad men)
logan delos (westworld)
jay gatsby (the great gatsby)
roman roy (succession)
honorable mentions but they’re increasingly unhinged. john willoughby (sense and sensibility) (this one probably belongs in the top five but logan & roman were funnier), jaime lannister (game of thrones), neal caffrey (white collar), james bond (tomorrow never dies), count alexei vronsky (anna karenina) (uncomfortable), regina george (mean girls), haley dunphy (modern family), lindsay bluth (arrested development)
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davos seaworth & jorah mormont (game of thrones)
friar laurence (romeo and juliet)
charlie strong (peaky blinders)
samwell gamgee (lord of the rings)
honorable mentions. pete martell (twin peaks), little jon (robin hood), ben scott (yellowjackets), jon snow/samwell tarley/brandon stark all tied for some reason (game of thrones), jane eyre (jane eyre)
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maeve millay (westworld)
daenerys targaryen (game of thrones)
vi (arcane)
yennefer of vengerberg (the witcher)
mazikeen (lucifer)
honorable mentions. freddie lounds (hannibal), tyler durdan (fight club), fleabag (fleabag), fiona gallagher (shameless), hiram lodge (riverdale) (mija she owns that dam), freddy krueger (a nightmare on elm street), the alien (alien)
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dr. bedelia du maurier (hannibal)
shiv roy (succession)
sansa stark (game of thrones)
mel madara (arcane)
rose dewitt bukater (titanic)
honorable mentions. betty draper (mad men), dana scully (the x files), claire standish (the breakfast club), skyler white (breaking bad), lana kane (archer), jackie taylor (yellowjackets), margaery tyrell (game of thrones), betty cooper (riverdale), princess leia (star wars), lucille bluth (arrested development)
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isefyres-archive · 5 months
harwin strong, aemond targaryen, lady in waiting for alicent oc. (dance era).
king torrhen stark, brandon snow (conquest).
margaery tyrell, alys karstark (asoiaf).
possible add on muses.
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welldonebeca · 2 years
The King's Wives (II)
Summary: After the fall of Robert’s rebellion, Rhaegar’s surviving son would be raised in secret as a bastard for the first fourteen years of his life. Six years after finding out the truth, Sansa travels down south to join him and complete his group of seven wives - representing each Region of his Kingdom. Slowly, they become a very happy family. A.K.A.: Jon may get seven wives, but Sansa gets six sisters. Main Pairing: Jonsa Minor Pairings: Jon x Arianne Martell, Jon x Margaery Tyrell, Jon x Mya Stone, Jon x Alys Arryn (OC), Jon x Asha Greyjoy (platonic), Jon x Myrcella Baratheon (Platonic) WC: 1.9k words Warnings: Fluff. Canon divergence.
If you like my work, consider buying me a coffee or subscribing to my Patreon. It’s just $2 a month and helps a lot while I go through these hard times.
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Jeyne crossed the room with her sewing box, placing it on the top of her chest of fabrics, knowing too well Sansa would be using her free time at the trip to continue with making her new clothes.
It was the day right after her 18th nameday, and she was already leaving home.
For six years, she had prepared herself for this, for the day she was going to leave her home and marry Jon, and become his wife.
Maybe even his Queen.
Her parents didn’t want her to leave so soon, but father had already delayed her marriage for far too long. Jon was already married to all six of his wives now, and they were all waiting for her to arrive.
Yes, six wives.
It still turned her stomach, thinking about having to share him with so many women. She wished Jon had waited for her - she wanted to be the first one! - but by the time he was 15, he had already wedded Arianne Martell.
The other wives came through the years, she heard about the weddings from letters he sent Robb.
His wedding to Arianne had a lot of dancing and display of power from both the Martells and the Targaryens. The one to Margaery Tyrell was the second and still the biggest, with three days of partying, and so much luxury she had almost wanted to be invited.
She couldn’t, though. It would be an insult to show off one wife to the families of his other wives and brides. It made father really sad, though, because she knew he wanted to be there for Jon. No one knew how much he would be missed until he was gone. He was an important part of the family.
His third wife had been Mya Baratheon, Lord Robert’s bastard daughter who King Rhaegar had legitimised, as Lord Stannis’ daughter - the only legitimate Baratheon child in existence - was even younger than Rickon, no more than a little girl. Their oldest son would be marrying Shireen, to unite the families. Their wedding was very traditional and small compared to the previous two, but apparently, it was something the bride had wanted. Her uncles were present and were seemingly happy with everything.
Jon married Alys Arryn just half a year after Mya. It was the only wedding that happened in the bride’s home. She was the Lady of the Vale since her father - Lord Jon Arryn, the one who had fostered her father - died, as she was his only child. King Rhaegar had agreed to let him go there, to have a wedding with the local traditions. When he came back with her, a council was elected to assist Lady Alys rule from afar, until their oldest son was old enough to go back to the Vale and rule it.
When she heard about his wedding to Lady Asha, the year after he married Alys, it was not through letters but through Theon's rage. It had happened on one of the beaches of the Capital, which had been cleaned spotless just for that. He wasn’t invited, even though he was her only brother, and was overly frustrated that Jon had shown his respects to their god - the drowned god - by having the ceremony in its traditions. Father had explained that Theon couldn’t go because of his wardship, but Sansa imagined it still hurt.
Apparently, it had taken so long because his bride wasn’t very enthusiastic about it.
His last marriage so far was half a year ago, and it was what worried Sansa. Jon’s sixth wife was Lady Myrcella Lannister, the only living child of Lady Cersei Lannister - Lord Jaime Lannister’s sister and a widow - and just turned fifteen, when he was nineteen. According to Robb, Jon would have waited for it for much longer, but when it was arranged by her uncle, Lord Tyrion, he had insisted it happened already, as the girl had recently flowered.
She could only imagine how much it had hurt Myrcella to leave home at such a young age.
Sansa wondered if Jon had bedded her. She hoped he hadn’t though, that the South hadn’t corrupted him to the point of taking the innocence of such a young girl.
She hoped he remembered she was just as young as Arya…
The thought of her sister was interrupted by the sound of her door slamming open and revealing her, looking very annoyed.
“I can’t believe I can’t go with you!” Arya nearly screeched.
“Arya…” she sighed.
“Jon is our family too!” she argued loudly. “We should all be able to go!”
Sansa was going South alone, with just her father and Jeyne as her company.
It wasn’t a malicious decision. Everyone knew Jon still saw the Starks as his family, and that it annoyed King Rhaegar very much, so father had made that decision to keep any jealousy or rumours of them being favourites at bay
Yes, it hurt a little. Sansa was the one who wouldn’t have her mother and siblings to see her wedding date, when every other wife had the chance of having their family members at their wedding.
“We have to trust father and his decisions,” she affirmed, though a little gloomy. “You know that.”
Arya tilted her head, interested, and stepped closer to her.
“What’s wrong?” she asked.
She sighed.
Over the last six years, Jon had written letters to almost everyone. He wrote to father, told Robb about his marriages through letters, and wrote to him almost every month. He wrote regularly to Arya, Bran and even sent a gift to Rickon once.
But he never wrote to Sansa, never sent her anything to show her he remembered her.
“Jon never wrote to me,” she confessed. “Have you ever noticed that?”
Arya shrugged, and Sansa crossed her hands on her lap, watching Jeyne just glancing at the two of them before continuing her packing.
“When I learnt I was going to marry him, I was so excited to marry a prince and be like the princesses in the songs,” her lips curled in a sad smile. “I don’t even know if my prince even wants to marry me.”
The agreement regarding Sansa’s wedding to Jon was that she would be representing both houses Stark and Tully and their lands as she married Jon. She was going to be his last wife, he wasn’t marrying anyone after her.
Honestly, she doubted she was really going to be his Queen like he had promised to Robb, in secret, that time. He had been married to his first three wives for over four years now, they were probably his favourites already. Sansa had heard about Princess Arianne’s wit and Lady Margaery’s beauty for a long time, she wasn’t going to be the dumb girl thinking he was going to be impressed by her, out of all people.
“Why wouldn’t he?” Arya asked. “You are you!”
“He has six other wives, Arya!” she reminded her. “Have you ever heard of Arianne Martell? People literally say she is the most beautiful woman in the seven kingdoms!”
Her sister rolled her eyes.
“No stuck up princess holds a candle to you!” she affirmed, firmly.
Sansa scoffed.
As if.
Her sister looked down when Lady nosed her hand, looking for pets, and Sansa smiled a bit.
“At least you have Lady going with you,” she scratched behind her wolf’s ear.
There was a knock on their door, and Sansa stood as it opened slowly, revealing her father.
“Everything is ready,” he told her. “It’s time to go.”
Sansa nodded, and before she could say anything, Arya wrapped her arms around her, silently squeezing her, so tight Sansa could feel the words she couldn’t quite say.
“I’ll miss you too,” she whispered, kissing her cheek and caressing her hair gently.
Her goodbyes were relatively quick. There wasn’t a lot she could say to her siblings, and just a little bit of time until everyone would be crying and too emotional, she didn’t want that.  So, she kissed their cheeks and promised to write to them, and boarded her carriage before she could start crying herself, sitting with Jeyne, with Lady on her foot.
She didn’t look back until Winterfell was just a dark blur.
. . .
"The King's Wives" was posted on my Patreon back on June! To read the full story before anyone else and have early access to all of my works, subscribe to my page! It's just $2 a month!
. . .
Forever Tags: @emoryhemsworth​​​ @amythyststorm33​​​ @shaelyn102​​​ @yknott81​​​ ​​ @maximofftrash​​​ @kgbrenner​​​ @thefridgeismybestie​​​ @magpiegirl80​​​ @mogaruke​​​ @shadowhunter7​​​ @musicalcoffeebean​​​ @megasimpleplan4ever​​​ @deemoriarty​​​ @05spn18​​​ @malindacath​​​ @kdcollinsauthor​​​ @random-fandom-fangirl2112​​​ @widowsfics​​​ @frozenhuntress67​​​ @averyrogers83​​​ @notyourtypicalrose​​​ @nerdypinupcrystal​ @giruvega
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isefyres · 4 months
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𝔑𝔢𝔴 𝔞𝔡𝔡𝔢𝔡 𝔭𝔩𝔞𝔶𝔢𝔯𝔰 𝔱𝔬 𝔱𝔥𝔢 𝔤𝔞𝔪𝔢:
Lord Tommen Costayne: is the Lord of the Three Towers and the head of House Costayne in the Reach. Currently, sensing the loss of power of the Tyrells in the Reach and fearing an inside war within the Reach, Tommen plots alongside Willas Tyrell and the Martells to do a second queenmaker plot, with Myrcella to be crowned queen of the realm. Tommen only asks for House Costayne lands to remain the same and for Dornish bride to settle alliance as well gold. Canon.
Ser Alyn Ambrose: is a squire from House Ambrose. The son of Lord Arthur Ambrose and Lady Alysanne Hightower, Alyn is betrothed to Elinor Tyrell. He is knighted shortly after King Tommen ascends to the throne. As a squire, Alyn takes part in the Battle of the Blackwater, wearing Elinor Tyrell's favor. Alyn accompanies Elinor when she goes for a ride with her cousin, Queen Margaery Tyrell. A good friend of Willas Tyrell in his youth, After the explosion of the Septon of Baelor, Alyn seeks revenge for his bethroded and her family. Canon.
Lady Alla Tyrell: the eldest daughter of Ser Leo Tyrell and Lady Alys Beesbury. She is a granddaughter of Ser Victor Tyrell, a cousin of Lord Mace Tyrell of Highgarden. Alla has a beautiful singing voice, and can play the woodharp. Alla is one of Queen Margaery Tyrell's ladies-in-waiting. She had a thirst with Tallad the Tall during the feast of Sansa and Tyrion wedding, although nothing more than kisses. Queen Regent Cersei Lannister conspires to have Queen Margaery implicated in extramarital relations, so she has the Blue Bard confess that Margaery and her cousins had sex with many men. Alla allegedly only watched, however, and tried to persuade Margaery to stop. Cersei thinks this would make the confession more believable. Taena tries to persuade Alla to confess and bear witness against Margaery and their cousins, and any confessions done are under torture of the Faith and wrongful. Canon.
Princess Isleen Labyrtheos of Tyrosh: Claiming descend of Valyrian blood and the old Mazemakers of Lorath, they are believed to have helped House Gardner to construct their mazes in Highgarden and eventually perfected them for the Tyrells. Isleen is constantly founding new sellsword companies and giving her money for well armed men for Tyrosh who are prideful of their heritage to be called upon arms if another war of the sisters were to be claimed. She had specially favoured Daario and his company and is believed she thought he would be pleasing for Queen Daenerys. Tyrosh has yet to make a claim to help her regain her throne. OC.
High Prince Malakai Veltheos of Myr: New head of House Veltheos, one of the ancient houses of Myr who claim the Old Blood and control the city. Veltheos power is on the sea and control the shores and ports of Myr as well the construction of ships. It is said they plan to make an unsinkable ship made of dragonglass for experiments with what was found in Asshai of the Shadow and given by Red Priest proven to be fruitful. Malakai refuses to help Daenerys until a deal is striken for him to get a Westerosi bride upon her coronation and for the Lyseni and Myrosh to finally strike a peace. OC.
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brckentales · 1 year
hey there! this is a new multimuse rp blog, that features characters from dc & marvel (with more to come later!) . crossover friendly & headcanon based. i'll have a detailed muse list soon, but feel free to pm me or interact to set up RPs in the meantime! the writer is 18+, and i ask anyone who follows to be an adult as well, as this blog will feature mature themes, including heavy adult content, so please bare that in mind. i'm also completely open to writing on discord, if that's your preference!
also, this pinned post and everything else is mostly temporary. i'll be working on making everything look nicer as i go along!
under the cute, i’ll include a few things, including my muse list, some muses / characters i’m looking for to write opposite with, and a few other details for rp!
my messages are always open, feel free to dm!
i'm open to most kinda plots and pairings, open to any themes and ideas, we can discuss whatever tbh. i don't have any real limits here.
there’s a more detailed muse list below, but honestly? i can play most any male character tbh, whatever fits the plot or pairing we go for! i can do canons, crossovers, or ocs —— it's all a yes from me! feel free to suggest someone who might not be on the list.
again, i’m pretty flexible and can write some characters outside of this, whether canon or oc, so feel free to suggest anything, this is more just for inspiration, tbh.
Batman, Nightwing, Red Robin, Robin, Signal, Batman Beyond, Green Lantern / Kyle, The Flash / Barry, The Flash / Wally, Impulse, Green Arrow / Oliver Queen, Green Arrow / Connor Hawke, Arsenal, Aquaman, Aqualad / Kaldurah'm, Superboy / Conner, Superman / Jon, Cyborg, Booster Gold, Hawk, Hawkman, Deathstroke, Deadshot, Black Adam, Vandal Savage, Scarecrow, Flashpoint Batman / Thomas Wayne, Bane, Reverse-Flash, Black Manta, Ocean Master, Lobo, Swamp Thing, Jimmy Olsen, Joker
Daredevil, Punisher, Hawkeye, Spider-Man / Peter Parker, Spider-Man / Miles Morales, Spider-Man 2099 / Miguel O'Hara, Spider-Man Noir, Cyclops, Wolverine, Magneto, Archangel, Green Goblin / Norman, Green Goblin / Harry, Doctor Doom, Human Torch, Deadpool, Bullseye, Iron Fist, Luke Cage, Winter Soldier, Nick Fury, Havok, Kingpin
GOT era: Jaime Lannister, Joffrey Baratheon
HOTD era: Aemond Targaryen, Jacaerys Velaryon, Gwayne Hightower
Ben Tennyson, Kevin Levin, Zuko, Mako
now here's the main gist of of what i'm looking for! if you can play any of the following characters, i would absolutely love it!
Cheshire / Jade Nguyen, Artemis Crock (from Young Justice), Yara Flor, Lois Lane, Donna Troy, Wonder Woman, Talia al Ghul, Black Canary / Dinah Lance, Zatanna, Ravager / Rose Wilson, Huntress / Helena Bertinelli, Jessica Cruz / Green Lantern, Poison Ivy, Star Sapphire / Carol Ferris, Punchline, Supergirl, Spoiler, Lian Harper, Catwoman, Batgirl, Dawn Granger (Titans TV), Starfire, Lilith Clay, Hawkgirl, Lady Shiva, Mera, some Arrowverse girls (Iris West, Sara Lance, Thea Queen, Laurel Lance)
Elektra Natchios, Psylocke, Jean Grey, Emma Frost, Rogue, Kate Bishop, Lorna Dane, Susan Storm, Sersi, Felicia Hardy, Gwen Stacy / Spider-Gwen, Wanda, Laura Kinney, Black Widow, Wanda Maximoff, Danvers (MCU), Mary Jane Watson, Hope van Dyne (MCU), Claire Temple (MCU), Agatha Harkness (MCU)
Ashe or Kiriko
Tifa Lockhart, Aerith Gainsborough, Jessie Rasberry
Abigail Roberts, Sadie Adler, Mary-Beth Gaskill
Leia or Rey
Daenerys Targaryen, Cersei Lannister, Margaery Tyrell, Melisandre, Alicent Hightower, Rhaenyra Targaryen, Helaena Targaryen, Visenya I Targaryen
Azula, Suki
Teddy Duncan (Good Luck, Charlie), Alex Russo (Wizards), Carly Shay (iCarly), Tori / Trina / Jade (Victorious), Sharpay Evans / Gabriella Montez (High School Musical)
Heather, Gwen, Courtney
Starlight / Annie January (The Boys), Gwen Tennyson (Ben 10 Alien Force or older), Daphne Blake, Kim Possible, Colette (Ratatouille), Cinderella (Disney), Betty Cooper (Riverdale), Ellie Williams (TLOU2), Yennefer of Vengerberg (The Witcher show)
Margot Robbie, Megan Fox, Gemma Chan, Madison Beer, Anne Hathaway, Anya Chalotra, Victoria Pedretti, Jessica Chastain, Emeraude Taubia, Jenna Dewan, Candice Patton, Sydney Sweeney, Alice Eve, Caity Lotz, Kim Kardashian, Kylie Jenner, Olivia Wilde, Selena Gomez, Vanessa Hudgens, Taylor Swift, Dua Lipa, Conor Leslie, Minka Kelly, Alejandra Guilmant, Kennedy Walsh, Olivia Rodrigo, Hailey Bieber, Doja Cat, Hailee Steinfeld, Dakota Johnson, Corinna Kopf, Florence Pugh, Lili Reinhart, Ariana Grande, Scarlet Johansson, Bridget Mendler, Madelyn Cline, Sabrina Carpenter, Anya Taylor-Joy, Jenna Ortega, Olivia Cooke
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thaliajoy-blog · 6 months
My abundance of Reach girls ocs, revealed 💚 chronologically ! I'm in the process of drawing them too but it's gonna be slow so I'm laying it out here.
Conquest OCs !
- Gloria Gardener ("Lady Glory"), last female Gardener and wife of Harlan Tyrell, the first Tyrell to hold Highgarden.
- Lysa Oakheart, née Tyrell, first daughter of Harlan & Gloria, wife of Lewyn Oakheart.
- Lady Laura Oakheart, born Kidwell.
- Selyse Redwyne, née Oakheart. Eldest sister of Lord Lewyn Oakheart. Step-sister & occasional lover of Lysa Tyrell ; daughter of Laura Kidwell. Sister of Alys Oakheart (canon character).
- Fauna "the Fox" Florent. Head of House Florent, and wife of ser Alyn Tyrell (2d son of Harlan Tyrell) ; step-sister of Lysa Tyrell. Occasional lover of Gloria Gardener.
- Bedelia Redwyne. Step-sister & lover of Selyse Oakheart.
- Lora(s) Flowers. Trans half-sister of Selyse Oakheart.
Early post-Dance OCs !
- Margaery Meadows : the unamed (& estranged) mother of Alicent Hightower. Yeah she survives her. She's my OC now.
- Daleyne Oakheart, née Flowers and legitimized Hightower. Eldest daughter of Lord Lyonel Hightower & Lady Samantha Tarly. Wife of Loren Oakheart & later Harbert Oakheart. Lover of Daenys Hightower & Laena Velaryon II.
- Alys Flowers (full name Alysanne). Daughter of an illegitimate son of a Lord Redwyne who became a winemaker. Dressmaker & embroiderer herself, after her mother's profession.
- Irene Osgrey. Daughter of ser Clarence Osgrey of Standfast.
- Bliss Rowan, born Ambrose. Wife of Lord Perwyn Rowan. Lover of Viserys Plumm.
OCs from a time of my own conception, more than three four hundred years after the restauration of the Targaryen dynasty by Daenerys Targaryen I (not Reach girls this time)
- Queen Valaena I Targaryen. Descendant of Daenerys I and ruler of Westeros.
- Prince Aegon Targaryen. Grandson of Valaena and only living Targaryen aside from her.
- Aaricia Blackwood. Heir to house Blackwood and companion of Queen Valaena. Distant cousin of the Queen, besides. Killed the former heir of House Bracken, Arthur Bracken, during a duel.
- Arabella Bracken. Heir to house Bracken. Caretaker of prince Aegon. Distant cousin of queen Valaena too.
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echos-muses · 7 months
Rayanna Mormont (Helaena’s lady-in-waiting)
Maegelle Velaryon (product of that one time Criston and Rhaenyra fucked)
Tamora Stark (Cregan’s older sister)
Argella Baratheon (younger sister of Borros, definitely the reason their mother died)
Selyse Hightower (POV: Otto remarried soon after Vizzy T cradle robbed Alicent and this is his only child from the new marriage)
Daeva Celtigar (Bartimos Celtigar’s daughter, younger than Clement but older than Arthor)
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Clea Greyjoy (Theon’s older sister, Asha/Yara’s younger sister)
Rowena Stark (Robb’s twin sister)
Theia Velaryon (The last Velaryon daughter; after Robert’s rebellion, House Velaryon largely died off due to their support of House Targaryen)
Devana Lannister (Tygett Lannister’s daughter, Tywin’s niece)
Cressida Tyrell (Margaery’s younger sister. What if she married Tommen instead?
Bellenora Baratheon (Younger sister of Robert, Stannis, and Renly)
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gcldensnitch · 1 year
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a game of thrones/asoiaf oc: eira baratheon.
She was the firstborn daughter of Lord Stannis Baratheon and Lady Selyse Florent. Being born into one of the great houses of Westeros was definitely not something Eira felt happy about. Her mother did not show love toward her and she barely met her father. Her only joy was her baby sister, Shireen. During her sixth nameday, her father made an agreement with his younger brother. Princess Eira got engaged to her uncle, Lord Renly Baratheon. He promised to take Eira as his wife once Eira is old enough. After that, her family sent her to Highgarden to keep her safe. That’s where she met and got close to Margaery Tyrell. 
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daenysthedreamer101 · 6 months
What Ladies of Westeros would wear
Hello and welcome! ❤✨👑
Here you will find what I think the Ladies, Queens and Princesses of Westeros would wear in their day-to-day life.
General Masterlist
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Princess Rhaenyra Targaryen
Pt 1
Pt 2
Pt 3
Queen Aemma Arryn
Pt 1
Pt 2
Pt 3
Lady Laena Velaryon
Pt 1
Pt 2
Pt 3
Lady Margaery Tyrell
Pt 1
Lady Baela Targaryen
Pt 1
Lady Rhaena Targaryen
Pt 1
Princess Elia Martell
Pt 1
Pt 2
Lady Ashara Dayne
Pt 1
Lady from the Reach
Pt 1
Queen Visenya Targaryen
Pt 1
Princess Daella Targaryen
Pt 1
Queen Alysanne Targaryen
Pt 1
Princess Daena Targaryen (OC)
Pt 1
Pt 2
Pt 3
Pt 4
Pt 5
Pt 6
Pt 7
Red Priestess
Pt 1
Queen Rhaenys Targaryen
Pt 1
Queen Daenerys Targaryen
Pt 1
Pt 2
Lady Lysa Arryn
Pt 1
Pt 2
Queen Rhaena 'the Black Bride'
Pt 1
Tyene Sand
Pt 1
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rozsesandart · 2 years
• ART MASTERLIST - @rozsesandart •
{All artworks belong to me, do not steal or repost without permission. Reblogs, comments and likes are appreciated}
My linktree
IG - Twitter - Tumblr - Pinterest : @rozsesandart
“Rhaena of Pentos with her dragon egg, Morning”
"King of the Narrow Sea" - Daemon Targaryen
“ Naerea Targaryen” - OC
“ Aurora and Valeria” - OCs
“Laena Velaryon and Rhaenyra Targaryen “
“Six characters fan art challenge” - Daenys the dreamer, Daenerys Targaryen, Visenya Targaryen, Bran Stark, Missandei of Naath, Lyanna Stark
"Six characters fan art challenge part 2" - Genna Lannister, Ashara Dayne, Aerea Targaryen, Shiera Seastar, Daeron II Targaryen, Bloodraven
“Six characters challenge part three”- Saera Targaryen, Arianne Martell, Margaery Tyrell, Rohanne of Tyrosh, Daemon Blackfyre, Naerys Targaryen
“Kagome Higurashi”- Inuyasha (anime)
“Nana Osaki ”- Nana (anime)
“Catelyn and Robb”- the newly lady stark with her firstborn
“Lyanna Stark” - Robert’s Rebellion era
“Cregan Stark” - sketch
“Sansa Stark”- with her house colors and a winter rose
“Robb Stark” - The King in the North
“ Rhaegar crowning Lyanna Queen of love and beauty”
“Jaime and Brienne”
“Cersei Lannister” - Robert’s Rebellion era
“Jaime gives Oathkeeper to Brienne”
“I Want to be The Queen”- inspired by show! Margaery
“ Highgarden’s rose” - Margaery Tyrell
“Lady Olenna and her granddaughter Margaery”
“ Robb Stark and Margaery Tyrell” - AU made for #housetyrellweek
“ Garlan Tyrell and his wife Leonette Fossoway”
“ Prince Oberyn Martell” - a younger version
"A quiet evening in Pentos"- Laena, Daemon, Rhaena & Baela Targaryen
“Lady Shiera Seastar” - bastard daughter of Aegon IV and Serenei of Lys, paramour of Brynden Rivers and Aegor Rivers
“Jocelyn Baratheon & Aemon Targaryen” - Parents to Rhaenys, the queen who never was
“King Jaehaerys and Queen Alysanne” - mourning their little daughter and firstborn princess Daenerys Targaryen
“Book! Rhaenyra Targaryen”
“Book! Daemon Targaryen”
“Baela and Rhaena Targaryen” - (show version)
“Baela and Rhaena Targaryen”- ( Book version)
“Laena and Laenor Velaryon” - (book and show versions)
“Rhaenyra Targaryen and Harwin Strong” - the queen and her lover
“Rhaenys Targaryen” - The Queen who never was (book version)
"My sweet sister Helaena" - Helaena Targaryen and her half sister Queen Rhaenyra Targaryen
"Velaryon queen and Targaryen king" - Daenaera Velaryon and Aegon III Targaryen
“Rhaegar Targaryen crowns Lyanna Stark” - Tourney at Harrenhal
“The maidenvault’s princesses” - Rhaena, Daena and Elaena Targaryen
“ The three heads of the dragon” -Rhaenys, Aegon I and Visenya Targaryen
“ Queen Alysanne and her daughters” - Saera, Viserra, Maegelle, Gael, Daella and Alyssa
“ Rhaena Targaryen and Elissa Farman” - The Queen in the west and her lover
“ Viserra Targaryen “ - daughter of king Jaehaerys and the good queen Alysanne Targaryen
“The dance of dragons”- team black vs team green
“Lady Rhaena of Pentos” - Rhaena and Morning
“Queen Naerys Targaryen”
“Daemyra” - book version
“Ceryse Hightower” - Maegor the cruel’s first wife
“Alys Harroway”- Maegor the cruel’s second wife
“Tyanna of the Tower”- Maegor the cruel’s third wife
“Elinor Costayne” - Maegor the cruel’s fourth wife
“Jeyne Westerling”- Maegor the cruel’s fifth wife
“Rhaena Targaryen” - Maegor the cruel’s sixth wife
“Six Wives” - Maegor the Cruel Targaryen’s wives
“ Lady Falena Stokeworth” - first mistress to Aegon IV Targaryen
“ Megette” - second mistress to Aegon IV Targaryen
“ Lady Cassella Vaith” - third mistress to Aegon IV Targaryen
“ Bellegre Otherys, the black pearl of Braavos” - fourth mistress to Aegon IV Targaryen
“ Lady Barba Bracken” - fifth mistress to king Aegon IV Targaryen and mother to Aegor Rivers (Bittersteel)
“Lady Melissa Blackwood” - sixth mistress to Aegon IV and mother to Brynden Rivers ( Bloodraven)
“ Lady Bethany Bracken” - sister to Barba and seventh mistress to Aegon IV
“Lady Jayne Lothston” - eight mistress of Aegon IV and rumored bastard by Falena Stokeworth
“Lady Serenei of Lys” - ninth mistress of Aegon IV and mother to Shiera Seastar
“Aegon IV Targaryen nine mistresses” - complete portrait
“ Prince Daeron” - youngest child of Aegon and Betha
“Rhaelle and Ormund” - future grandparents of Robert, Renly and Stannis Baratheon
“The Dothraki”
“House Martell”
“The Night’s Watch”
“House Bolton”
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tilmyworldfadesaway · 2 years
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2D & 3D
♡ = personajes que están en mi álbum y a los que les busco más actividad, sin embargo yo feliz de rolear a cualquier niña de esta lista.
Avatar: The Last Airbender
Black Clover
Noelle Silva
Rangiku Matsumoto
Orihime Inoue ♡
Yoruichi Shihōin
Bambietta Basterbine
Maria Renard
Sypha Belnades
Chainsaw Man
Makima ♡
Power ♡
Code Geass
C.C ♡
Kallen Kōzuki
Euphemia li Britannia ♡
Cowboy Bebop
Faye Valentine
Morrigan Aensland ♡
Lenalee Lee ♡
Ais Wallenstein
Devil May Cry
Dr. Stone
Kohaku ♡
Yuzuriha Ogawa
Dragon Ball
Zamasu Female
Bulma ♡
No. 18 ♡
Edens Zero
Rebecca Bluegarden
Fairy Tail
Lucy Heartfilia ♡
Artoria Pendragon ♡
Ereshkigal ♡
Fujimaru Ritsuka (Gudako) ♡
Gilgamesh Female ♡
Ishtar ♡
Jeanne d'Arc ♡
Karna Female
Mash Kirielight ♡
Mordred ♡
Nero Claudius ♡
Okita Sōji
Rin Tohsaka ♡
Scáthach ♡
Arjuna Female
Final Fantasy
Aerith Gainsborough
Tifa Lockhart ♡
Haruka Nanase Female ♡
Fullmetal Alchemist
Winry Rockbell ♡
Reika Shimohira ♡
Genshin Impact
Lumine ♡
Raiden Ei ♡
Yae Miko ♡
Yelan ♡
Jean Gunnhildr ♡
Beidou ♡
Zhongli Female ♡
Granblue Fantasy
Sandalphon Female
Hibike Euphonium
Reina Kousaka
Honkai: Star Rail
Kyoko Hori ♡
Howl's Moving Castle
Sophie Hatter
Hunter x Hunter
Hisoka Female
Kurapika Female ♡
Machi Komachine
Kagome Higurashi ♡
Mari Inuyashiki
Jujutsu Kaisen
Nobara Kugisaki ♡
Mahito Female
Utahime Iori
Kasumi Miwa
Kanojo, Okarishimasu
Chizuru Ichinose
Kimetsu no Yaiba
Shinobu Kocho
Mitsuri Kanroji ♡
League of Legends
Ahri ♡
Caitlyn Kiramman ♡
Kai'Sa ♡
Luxanna Crownguard ♡
Nami ♡
Seraphine ♡
Xayah ♡
Irelia ♡
Sona ♡
Life is Strange
Chloe Price
Magi: The Labyrinth of Magic
Kougyoku Ren ♡
Metal Gear Solid
Eva Sears
Naomi Hunter
Erina Volkova (OC) ♡
My Hero Academia
Katsuki Bakugō Female
Shōto Todoroki Female ♡
Momo Yaoyorozu ♡
Nejire Hadō
Rumi Usagiyama
Mobile Suit Gundam SEED/Destiny
Lunamaria Hawke
Nana Osaki
Layla Serizawa
Nanatsu no Taizai
Elizabeth Liones
Hinata Hyūga ♡
Ino Yamanaka ♡
Sakura Haruno ♡
Sarada Uchiha
Sasuke Uchiha Female
Ada ♡
Neon Genesis Evangelion
Asuka Langley ♡
Hiyori Iki
One Piece
Hiyori Kozuki
Nami ♡
Reiju Vinsmoke
Trafalgar Law Female ♡
Yamato ♡
Nico Robin
Vivi Nefertari
Boa Hancock
One Punch-Man
Ranma ½
Akane Tendō
Ranma Saotome Female
Resident Evil
Ada Wong ♡
Ashley Graham
Claire Redfield
Jill Valentine
Rebecca Chambers
Sherry Birkin
Rurouni Kenshin
Tomoe Yukishiro
Kaoru Kamiya
Shingeki no Kyojin
Historia Reiss ♡
Mikasa Ackerman ♡
Sono Bisque Doll
Marin Kitagawa ♡
Spy x Family
Yor Briar ♡
Street Fighter
Sword Art Online
Asuna Yūki ♡
Alice Schuberg
Suguha Kirigaya
Tenjō Tenge
Maya Natsume
The King of Fighters
Athena Asamiya
Mai Shiranui ♡
Iori Yagami Female
The Legend of Zelda
Zelda (TP, SS ♡, BOTW-TOTK ♡)
Tokyo Ghoul
Touka Kirishima
Tokyo Revengers
Emma Sano
Hinata Tachibana ♡
Izana Kurokawa Female ♡
Manjiro Sano Female
Akane Inui
Wolfs Rain
Yū Yū Hakusho
Keiko Yukimura
DC comics
Barbara Gordon (Batgirl)
Donna Troy (Wonder Girl)
Kara Zor-El
Pamela Isley (Poison Ivy)
Selina Kyle (Catwoman)
Cassie Howard
Jules Vaughn
The Walking Dead
Alicia Clark
Rosita Espinosa
Game of Thrones/House of the Dragon
Alicent Hightower
Cersei Lannister
Daenerys Targaryen
Lyanna Stark
Margaery Tyrell
Rhaenyra Targaryen
Sansa Stark
MARVEL comics
Christine Palmer
Gwen Stacy
Jean Grey
Wanda Maximoff
Yelena Belova
Maze Runner
Teresa Agnes
Star Wars
Padmé Amidala
The 100
The Vampire Diaries
Elena Gilbert
Katherine Pierce
The Witcher
Yennefer de Vengerberg
Faceclaims asiáticos para diversas tramas
Hanni Pham / NewJeans
Jin-ri Choi (Sulli) / F(x)
Jennie Kim / BLACK PINK
Kiko Mizuhara
Soo Jung (Krystal) / F(x)
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