#oc: merida
Various Picrews Of My Characters
Gonna be kinda long to scroll thru just cuz of the amount of images so im putting it under a read more :)
Just in case you aren't aware. Picrew is a site that hosts artist made character makers. So none of these are my own art. Most of them have a signature on them if you want to look up the artist. If not, ask me and i can probably find the picrew link to give you.
Also as a note: none of these are 100% accurate. Theyre picrews, not my actual art so of course not every detail will be correct.
And another note: OH MY GOD PICREWS ONLY EVER HAVE STRAIGHT HAIR OPTIONS?? WHERE IS THE CURLY HAIR?? ID EVEN SETTLE FOR WAVY??? EVEN JUST SLIGHTLY FLUFFY SO I CAN MAKE ORION?? PLEASE???? But fr anything other than flat sleek hair feels like a godsend. Also good non white skin types??? Pleeeeaaaasssseeeeeee. Its so hard i need smth more than just 30 shades of pale, some non human colors, and then like 2 darker shades which both dont look good. Edit: JUST FOUND ONE THAT JUST????? DOESNT HAVE ANYTHING OTHER THAN PAPER WHITE???? Theres just no other skin options, yall im- i cant do this no more.
Young Cherry:
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She used to wear all black!! No red or pink at all when her and Sana first met, despite them being her favorite colors.
A softer look for Ai
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While she loves the pop of black, white, and gold she gives to her outfits sometimes some softer pastel colors can be a good look as well!
Wyv My Beloved:
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He's talking about dragon types :)
Au ideas:
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So i have a lot of "Bad End" Aus floating around where Ai does give in to Volo's allure of making a better world. I mean, hasn't she suffered enough? Hasn't she worked hard enough for it? In the end i think all it comes down to is Ai's familial bond with Ingo versus her romantic bond with Volo. Who managed to make a bigger impact on her after she was kicked out by Kamado? If it was Volo then i genuinely think she could be swayed to work with him to confront Arceus. In this particular version of it i think the two would strike a deal. Ai pretends to take on Volo and win. Everything continues as normal up until she fights + captures arceus. Suddenly she's giggling like a madwoman. Volo and her had done it. Arceus was hers. But the two quickly realize it isn't enough power in this sliver of Arceus to actually remake the world. But. It was enough to remake themselves. And to change some things. At this point Ai has mostly regained her memory of modern day, and she wants back. Volo wants into her time as well. It sounds so much better than the miserable place they were stuck. Ai just wants to see Orion again and show him how powerful she's become! And wants NOTHING to do with her dad ever again. So her and Volo reforge their own bodies. Volo changes almost nothing, being who he is this isn't very surprising. Ai just wants her hair color gone. The last reminder of her dad. She wants Orions hair color. Why couldn't she have gotten that to begin with? And while she's at it, Orion always had such pretty eyes. She'll look just like her big brother! (That's who she think Orion is with her not all quite there memory. . An older brother who moved out, leaving her alone with her dad. But she doesn't blame him. She would leave too if she could have.) Ai is someone full of a lot of love. She loves Orion so so So much. And she loves Volo so so So much. But in two very different ways. In this Au they arent exactly....healthy ways. She becomes obsessive. And Volo just feeds into it. He adores how dedicated she is to him. And he's dedicated to her as well. She controls Arceus, and she could beat him in battle so he respects her a LOT. Anyway, they go back to modern times, bringing a VERY concerned Ingo along with them. (Ingo knows they shouldn't be doing this. And Ai seems so... different. But he just wants to go home) When the three arrive in modern Unova Orion and Emmet are relieved but when Orion sees Ai they are.... surprised to say the least. They are greeted by basically a tiny femme version of himself...? Ai seems ecstatic, almost maniacally so, and explains to Orion what happened and introduces Volo. Orion finds something familiar in Volos appearance, but chooses to ignore it for now as more pressing matters are at hand. Orion seems concerned, even somewhat judgemental of Ais actions, but when Ai's anger quickly flares and Volo gets a very dangerous look in his eyes with his hand on a pokeball Orion backs off. Orion can clearly see how unstable Ai is but he doesn't know what to do. One false move and Ai might just remake him as well, changing him to a puppet that fits her fantasy world. Anyway yeah thats where i left off in the daydream lol. This will never be canon but its fun to think of what ifs :)
Young Orion: The teen years
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He spent a lot of time with Ai at this point in time and was starting getting serious in his fashion pursuits. Ai was dropped off at him and Aerow's parents house a lot so Orion + his parents could babysit Ai while Aerow and his wife wanted to have a date night. The barretes were placed there by Ai(they were in her hair originally, but toddler Ai knew orion liked stars and so she confidently decided they belonged on him now)
Ai Visits Oliver:
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I do have an eventual meet up for Ai, Oliver, Hime, and Wyv planned one day. Despite 3 of them being based in Unova and only one in Galar, Oliver manages to convince them to meet up in Galar if they pay for the travel expenses. (Oliver is uh... a tad loaded after becoming champion) Oliver cannot wait to brag and show them around Galar so they tell the other 3 to bring "nothing but the essentials". Oliver (after FINALLY getting to reveal their the galar champion) then takes them all on a shopping spree to get the clothes they will be wearing in Galar. Oliver manages to convince Ai to get some more dressy clothes while they are out and about.
Nova, A Messy Introduction:
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Nova is a name for another OC who i ended up scrapping. But i realized the name Nova fit my character from Violet VERY well. And i wanted to turn her appearance into an OC anyway. (yeah if u ever wonder why my OCs that are the "main" character for that game story are girly looking its cuz i think "pretty" or "cute" looking characters are more fun to play as. Whether that be male of female is fine w me but u usually get better clothing options as a girl character ofc that didnt end up mattering this time around.) Anyway, meet Nova! She is originally from Paldea but moved to Galar with her mom at the age of 7. 6 years later at the age of 13 Nova moved back to Paldea with her mom. This makes her the youngest of any main characters. She is very childlike and innocent in a lot of ways and is also very proper. The idea of being anything other than a perfect mannered kid is somewhat appalling to her. However, her idea of prefect mannered isn't always the same as everyone else's. She doesn't follow rules, she follows morals? in a way? Which 90% of the time lines up with whatever rules are in place. However if something is against the rules but the correct thing to do she won't even consider before she does it. She doesn't really think before acting as she always has her mind made up pretty early on. Very confident but not in an arrogant way. She isn't your typical middle schooler kid and isn't rude or angsty like many others end up being. She is naturally very curious and loves to do well in anything she tries. A bit of Gifted Kid Syndrome and doesn't know how to handle failure. And take all of this w a grain of salt im just brainstorming lol
Ai At A Festival In Hisui:
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She would love dressing up and always is planning her outfit to be made at the tailor's the second she hears about an upcoming event. That festival hosted at the end of the game was so much fun and it was wonderful seeing al her hard work paying off.
Bad End Ai Versus Normal Ai:
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Quite a difference if i have to say. Normal Ai is still a lil not ok after everything. But she is generally a very well adjusted adult. Just a little prone to panic attacks and could body slam you into next tuesday both physically and in a pokemon battle. Also a lot more confident after everything. But also unable to have confidence in a lot of ways? Like i said she's a lil not ok.
More Nova:
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more picrews of the bby. i think either this picrew didnt have the right skin tone for her or i was just tired and forgot to change it lol.
Unnamed Water/Ghost Trainer:
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I've drawn her a couple times but have no concrete ideas for her. I just know she has really long hair that looks kinda wet and i wanter her to have "drowned ghost" vibes.
More Wyv!:
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I literally love him so much. I wish i could draw dudes easier cuz he's such a great character and i've had so many ideas for his character recently.
Young Ai.... she's so smol...:
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Look at how small the bby is. This is an older picrew i did of her, you can tell cuz she still had blue eyes in this one instead of gold. But yeah this is young Ai before she even started dying her hair. She probably still had a pretty good relationship w her dad and was still pretty messed up over the death of her mom but wasn't an overly unhappy kid all things considered.
Another "Bad End" Ai:
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So basically, she dies after getting kicked out of Jubilfe. She at first tries to make her way to Ingo but manages to freeze to death in the snowy area after being attacked by a pokemon before reaching him. So she turns into a hisuian zoroark. And yeah basically thats it. She's a ghost now and takes her death out on everyone she can get her hands on. Eventually rumors of the banished member of the galaxy team reach Jubilife and Rei goes out to investigate. She spares him and tells him what happened, promising that when she returns to Jubilfe to take out Kamado that she would leave Rei and Laventon alone. Rei nervously thanks her and on sking legs runs back to the nearest base camp where Laventon is. Rei talks to him and they now have to figure out what to do about her. Basically i just like making Ai turn evil and want revenge on the world. She can have a little murder. As a treat :)
Brooke and Merida:
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Two of Olivers friends. They are a tft lesbian couple who specialize in water and fire types respectively. And by that i mean Brooke (the red one) owns a vaporeon as their main pokemon and Meridas (the blue one) ace is a flareon. Yeah. They think its hilarious. Both of em are pretty big gamers and are the only two Oliver would hesitantly admit are better than them at something.
Despite the fact that i could keep adding picrews forever and ever i'm going to stop here as to not make it obscenely long. Expect a part 2 :)
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kitschykricket · 2 years
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If you recognize the title thank you <3 This is Merida, the daughter of Princess Sunset Shimmer and Consort Tempest Shadow. I adopted her from MoccaBliss! She loves the emo/scene vibe and is always in a hoodie, contrary to what she is shown in this piece. This is from Merida's third visit to Canterlot as part of the Royal Summit where all of the rulers in Equestrian territory meet to discus stuff leaders are involved with. Merida arrived in her usual garb but was whisked away and got a surprise makeover from some of the stylists that are available to those who are attending. Merida did not want a make over. Nor did she like being used as a dress up doll. Don't worry too much though, she is luckily saved by her moms walking in. Sunset has a few choice words with the stylists while Tempest helps Merida with removing the unnecessary jewelry and makeup. I would write more, but I'm kinda outta energy for writing whoops Background: www.deviantart.com/thurder2020…
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marchdoodlesalot · 1 year
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So….. it happened lol. I am falling deeper and deeper into Nostalgia. Rise of the Brave Tangled Dragons but they’re all dragon riders. They all come from different tribes/islands UwU 🖤 (and yes Jack is Norths son cuz I said so)
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The plan was "cool character poster vibes" and my inadequate art skills said "not even close lol"
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Anyway, drew these to help myself visualize some of my ideas for the fic I'm planning.
Edit: y'all are very nice ;-;
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laurenillustrated · 1 year
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Drawing my oc in Disney outfits 🤭
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skyrimpolice · 24 days
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lilyoffandoms · 6 months
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Countdown to 2024 by artbyainna (IG)
@choicesfandomappreciation December 31: 1+ fandom friendships that made you feel special
To @jerzwriter and @storyofmychoices for always supporting me and sending kind words and messages (even when I’m not here). Thank you for always reminding me of how beautiful this world truly is! Thank you for being in my life! I love the little world we created for these three and I love you both so much! May the next year be the best yet and fill with all the good and beautiful things you both deserve 😘
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bluejaybird12 · 2 years
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Keighan Lon by suzakudarknight on A&C
Twisted Merida!
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wodnikszuwarekx · 9 months
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Young Macguffin, Wee Dingwall and young Macintosh from pixar's brave fanart by me
Love these guys and this movie 🐻
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storyofmychoices · 3 months
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Harmony of Hearts
Pairings: Bryce x Olivia, Ethan x Merida (@lilyoffandoms), Tobias x Casey (@jerzwriter) Book: Open Heart Word Count:>800 Rating/Warnings: general (only warning is bad song writing, I'm not a song writer 🤷‍♀️)
Synopsis: Tobias, Ethan, and Bryce surprise the ladies with a song they wrote for them.
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"Not so fast, Ramsey–" Tobias's arm shot out in front of the head of diagnostics, blocking his path to the door.
"We all agreed to this," Bryce added, folding his arms as he leaned against the wall, a playful smirk playing on his features. "For what it's worth, I think you sound good."
The blue-eyed doctor's brows narrowed, and his lips pulled into a frown, although the corner of his lips betrayed the sentiment. "It's not too late to book a spa weekend."
"You know this will mean more. And, isn't today about celebrating them?" Tobias turned Ethan back toward the living room. Bryce followed closely behind as Tobias led the way, keeping Ethan trapped between them.
The guys gathered together, each holding a worn piece of paper as they stood in front of the couch where the girls had gathered. Their light-hearted conversation quieted as their attention curiously shifted. 
"It was your idea, Lahela—" Tobias nudged him forward. "Would you like to do the honors?
Warmly, Bryce stepped closer, his eyes filled with warm affection for his wife and their friends. "Today is not just any day—it's a day dedicated to celebrating the strength, grace, and brilliance of women around the world, but we couldn't let it pass without expressing our love for the incredible women in our lives."
Ethan's stoic expression softened to offer a nod of agreement with his colleague's words.
Bryce continued, picking up the ukulele that had been lying on the coffee table. "So, we've prepared a little something for you."
"It might not be Grammy-worthy," Ethan added, attempting to lower any expectations. "Songwriting wasn't covered at Hopkins."
Tobias couldn't resist a teasing grin, his eyes sparkling as he glanced at Casey. "Don't expect Taylor Swift-level lyric writing or an Era's tour performance. No outfit changes here! We're more like... 'shower karaoke on a Tuesday' level."
Casey shot Tobias a playful smirk, crossing her arms as she relaxed on the comfy couch. "Well, if it's shower karaoke on a Tuesday, then I expect nothing less than a chart-topping hit."
Bryce skillfully strummed the ukulele strings, each note resonating with a gentle warmth, the instrument itself echoing the affection he felt for Olivia. He nodded to Tobias, signaling he was up.
With a confident grin, Tobias cleared his throat, placing his paper on the end table. He knew the words well enough. His voice, smooth and melodic, filled the room:
🎶 "In a world of puzzles and diagnostic charts,
Casey, you're the melodic beat in my heart.
With your brilliance and laughter, you light up the day,
Here's a little song to say, 'I love you' in my own way."🎶
Casey's eyes sparkled with delight. She had always loved his voice when he sang along to songs they loved, but to have him write this for her—it was something altogether different, something she couldn't believe how much she needed (and now wanted more)
Ethan was next. He carefully adjusted his tie before stepping forward. The world-renowned physician wasn't used to such nerves. His fingers trembled slightly, holding the paper tightly in his hands. His gaze flickered between it and Merida.
🎶 "Merida, my love, you were once a mystery to me,
But in your eyes, now, all the answers I see.
Your brilliance and grace cannot be denied
My love for you, I could never hide."🎶
Merida, usually composed, had a soft smile drawing on her lips. She reached for Ethan's hand, squeezing in gratitude. "I love you," she mouthed the words quietly. His thumb brushed over her fingers.
Bryce looked at Olivia, his warmed with affection for her. His gentle touch on the ukulele continued:
🎶 "Olivia, my partner in this life's beautiful dance,
In the realm of hearts, you're my favorite chance.
With a scalpel in my hand, and every healing word,
It's our symphony of love, forever to be heard." 🎶
Olivia's eyes misted at the beautiful song. Her hands clasped over her heart as she marveled at the men and their song as they continued:
🎶 "Hand in hand, through thick and thin,
Together we stand, let the melody begin.
For the women we cherish, our hearts take flight, 
In the symphony of life, you're our greatest delight.
To Casey, Merida, and Olivia so dear,
With love, laughter, and the occasional tear.
With this song for you, our voices combine,
Forever grateful, forever thine." 🎶
The simple melody filled the room and the hearts of the girls. Olivia, Casey, and Merida exchanged surprised glances. Their initial amusement at the idea of them writing a song turned into genuine appreciation.
"Never again," Ethan grumbled to Tobias.
"We'll see about that," he offered with a wink. "Thursday's Karaoke night—I already signed us up!" 
Their conversation was cut short as Casey, Merida, and Olivia showered them with praise, offering each their own affections of gratitude for the thoughtful gesture and the words of admiration they'd forever hold dear.
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hypnodigitalis · 2 months
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Wanted to do a fun outfit design for Dallion and decided to draw Merida too :3 I'm lovin' the drip lol
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cadaver1ne · 11 months
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it's amazing what a little trim can do for the servant's attitude.
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nantosueltas · 1 year
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“love is a place & through this place of love move (with brightness of peace) all places”
— “love is a place”, E.E. Cummings
that is it, the third piece is finally finished ✨🌺 i cannot promise i won't make any more of them or at least something in this style but for now that's it hehe
which one is your favorite? 🥰
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alsopartgekkos · 1 year
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@havenmaefowler I just got inspired and think kid Hemera is neat.🐍
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superloves4 · 8 months
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Curufin and Tyelko reflect on how to deal with explaining the kinslayings to their daughters.
Introducing my oc's:
Post-reembodiment Curufinrod baby: Italmë* R��ëlairë (I'm naming the way I did when I was ten, by putting things together and hoping the dictionary is correct! It should mean Sparkling Blessing, and Summer Crown)
Everyday someone thanks Eru for the fact that she wasn’t born in the first age, girlie is feral! If Tyelpe is the best parts of Curufin and Finrod then she is the worst of them, but for everyone’s well being she was also born when Curufin and Finrod are at their best and most stable so instead of murder and destruction she is merely mischievous.
Curufin is rather upset that neither of his kids got his eyes.
(*: Father name slightly pending, my original idea was Italinquë, the Ita being non-negociable as it's meant to be a connection to Itarille/Idril, but linquë could be hyacinth, grass or wet, and while I think I could argue for grass I don't think I can for wet, other options being: Itarinya, Itelena/Italena, and Ithilmë)
And Post-reembodiment Aretyel baby: Mírestel Áraiel (should be Precious Hope, and Daughter of Dawn)
Aredhel and Tyelko fully decided not to get married (yes I am disregarding LaCE) and everyone got very confused when they anounced they were expecting (and Turgon very violent)
The birth gets Aredhel emotional because her whole family is with her this time.
Áraiel has a mean look, and considering Maeglin and Tyelko, a lot of people on first meeting think she’s a cruel person but she’s really nice and helps keep Riëlairë in check, again she is getting her parents at their best and stable, but she’s also getting Maeglin at his best and stable and so she really likes her older brother.
(This prompts her to become a smith which leads Tyelko to joke that Curvo is stealing his kids, plural)
Also, everyone decides on very special and meaningful names meanwhile Curvo just pulls a Nerdanel and goes "Look at my baby, it's the most beautiful baby, everyone should just look at the baby I made!"
Better background and no writing under the cut:
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skyrimpolice · 4 months
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