#oc: nathaniel winters
jackiesarch · 2 years
— ocs as literary archetypes
tagged by my beloved @corvosattano @cptcassian @leviiackrman @roofgeese @jendoe @adelaidedrubman @chuckhansen @shellibisshe and @nightbloodraelle to take this uquiz to read some kids for filth, and well. yeah.
tagging @queennymeria @confidentandgood @loriane-elmuerto @unholymilf @florbelles @risingsh0t @marivenah and anyone else who wants to play!
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this doesn't necessarily mean you're childish or naive! i think you're more of a hopeful person, maybe even a bit of an idealist. you might be the one who always looks for a silver lining, or tries their best to comfort and cheer other people up when they feel like shit. dont get stuck in a happy personality though, you're allowed to feel other things besides constant
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i can guarantee you've said "the trauma made me funny" at least once. out of all the archetypes, you're the easiest to read. your emotions, thoughts, and feelings are so obvious to see, but somehow no one sees it, right? you're too independent for your own good. you have a tendency to overshare or vent unwittingly, but you always backtrack and cover it up with some kind of flimsy excuse or joke. you want someone to see that you are hurting too, but that can't happen until you stop brushing everything off and letting yourself feel it. but you're probably scared of being vulnerable, aren't you?
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i think you're pretty stubborn, which isnt always a bad thing. you probably tend to attach your value to your ability to help out; you feel worthless if you're not of use. you cant be strong all the time
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you were probably made painfully aware of the reality of the world at an early age. this might have left you a bit jaded, but it mostly has made you angry. why do things have to be this way? is there really no way to change things, or are people just afraid to do so? you’re very stubborn and determined, sometimes too stubborn for your own good. don’t forget that your way isn’t the only way, be open to discussion. your heart’s in the right place though, and i admire your spirit. the world always needs more people like you, that’s how the course of history keeps on rolling. remember, even small changes can do so much for the lives of others.
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well, aren’t you detached from reality. i dont mean in a delusional sense, i mean you purposefully distance yourself from everything and everyone. you have people you're close to, of course, but they're always kept at arms length. you're incredibly driven though, achieving your goals is extremely important to you. you feel trapped in the life you have now, it's not enough for you. you need more, always more. you are so hungry, and if you’re not careful, you’ll only end up consuming yourself.
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sani-sims · 6 months
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TS3 Legacy | Summer Festival in Hidden Springs...
We finally managed to go to the summer festival :x
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avatarskywalker78 · 5 months
Chapter: 1/1
Fandom: Captain America (Movies), Agent Carter (TV)
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Relationships: Jack Thompson (Marvel) and Original Female Character(s)
Characters: Jack Thompson (Marvel), OC: Alex Thompson, OC: Sarah Thompson, OC: Nathaniel Thompson, OC: Sophia Thompson, OC: Christina Thompson, Peggy Carter (mentioned), Daniel Sousa (mentioned), Sharon Carter (mentioned), Maria Hill (mentioned), Nick Fury
Additional Tags: Post-Captain America: The Winter Soldier, Angst and Feels, Canon-Typical Violence, Survivor Guilt, Introspection, Family Feels, Grandparents & Grandchildren, Minor Injuries, Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder - PTSD, Background Relationships, Past Peggy Carter/Daniel Sousa, Jack/Sarah - Freeform, Everyone Needs A Hug, Finding out the organisation you worked for is evil is traumatising, As is half your team trying to kill you, Jack and Sarah refuse to let their granddaughter be used as a scapegoat, And make sure Alex gets proper legal representation, Both are very protective parents and grandparents
Series: Part 1 of the thompson archives
SHIELD falls. Alex Thompson - granddaughter of Jack and  Sarah Thompson - deals with the revelation that two of her team were  traitors, as well as the fact that now her whole team is dead. Her  career in SHIELD was a lie, everything her family fought for was for  nothing, and she may or may not be having an existential crisis while  making her way across Europe.
Meanwhile said grandparents are just  worried because she’s gone off the grid and the government isn’t doing  anything to try and differentiate SHIELD agents from HYDRA infiltrators,  so they’ve got work to do to make sure she isn’t arrested the moment  she gets back…and they have to believe she will get back, because  anything else is unthinkable.
Tagging: @shrinkthisviolet @dream-beyond-the-fantasy @starstruckpurpledragon @daughter-of-melpomene
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lil-gae-disaster · 6 months
Spidersona Timeline (Novah- Centric)
31st July 2006 - Novah's birth
2011 - Novah, Natja and Natasha move to the US
2011 - visit in Natashas lab, freeing of Coy
31st July 2018 - visit in Natasha's lab, the spider bite
01st August 2018 - start developing of superpowers
Early August 2018 - Nathaniel N.s death
Mid August 2018 - debut as Spiderweb
Late September 2019 - first kidnapping, death of yet unnamed past best friend
Early summer 2020 - second kidnapping, death of Doc Oc / Gwen Stacy
Early autumn 2020 - Coy comes to Novah's class
Early autumn 2020 - Deadpool debut
16th December 2020 - Coy and MJ get together
Late December 2020 - Black Cat debut
January 2021 - Black Cat identity reveal
September 2021 - MJs disappearance
October 2021 - Remarriage of MJs mom
February 2022 - MJs reappearance
01st August 2022 - Recruitment into Spider Society
Summer 2023 - Miles Chase
Winter 2023 - Natasha and Natja fly to Germany
24th December 2023 - Christmas celebration of Spider Society
24th December 2023 - discovery of Noah N as a spider person
Canon drawings(not including the dates of my first attempt of a timeline):
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I have told @ashlamsms a more detailed version in her ask 😌😊
Also: You're free to draw my spidersona if you want I can give you color palettes n designs I've worked out if you need
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sjsmith56 · 6 months
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Regret, Chapter 10 - Eyes of the Father
Summary: The person responsible for the play set makes themselves known. Lacey goes to the funeral of a family member but has to leave early when she is followed.
Length. 4.6 K
Characters: Lacey, Clint, Tony Stark, Phil Coulson, OCs (Lacey’s family)
Warnings: Emotional family issues get addressed.
Author notes: Bucky isn’t directly in this chapter, although he is referred to. I brought in Phil Coulson so that he and Clint could have a moment to resolve what happened when Clint was compromised. The funeral helps to set up other chapters further in the story.
<<Chapter 9
🛝 📷
Shuri contacted Lacey after Bucky returned to cryostasis to learn more about the play set. When the Princess described the toys that were actually sent on Bucky's behalf Lacey didn't know what to think. It was suggested that Lacey take a closer look at the play set and see if there were any marks on it of any kind that could identify it. When she brought it up later to Clint and Laura they both looked concerned.
"If it wasn't the Wakandans that sent it then who?" asked Clint. "No one except Fury knows we're here and I can't see him sending this without making an appearance or at least an acknowledgement."
"Could it be one of the Avengers that came here after that mission to hide out?" asked Laura.
"Steve sent a present, so did Natasha," said Lacey. "Thor and Bruce are still missing, right? That leaves Tony and he wouldn't, not after finding out about Bucky."
"What do you mean?" asked Clint. "He's known about Bucky most of the time. What haven't you told us?"
Lacey covered her mouth, angry at herself. "One of the things that Zemo did was to reveal to Tony Stark who killed his parents," she said, not wanting to say anything further but Clint still looked blankly at her. "He revealed it in Siberia, when he followed Steve and Bucky there. It's why he shot Bucky's arm off."
"Shit, the Winter Soldier," said Clint. "It was always thought to be a traffic accident but it was a hit?"
Lacey nodded. "There was traffic cam footage and Zemo showed Stark," she said. "Sent him into a rage and he tried to kill Bucky. He and Steve had to team up and fight him together to stop him. It's why Steve and Sam went underground."
"Damn," said Clint. "But why would Tony send a play set, an expensive one at that, to the son of the man who killed his parents? Unless, the decryption of the HYDRA files has made him realize Bucky was never in control."
Lacey went over to the play set and began to inspect it for any sign it came from Tony, knowing that his ego was big enough for him to put something on it but she found nothing and although she agreed with Clint's speculation there was no actual proof he sent it.
The matter would have been considered unresolved if Lacey hadn't received a visit from the man himself soon after. Clint applied to have his restrictions relaxed. He had to attend a hearing outside of his 10 mile radius so Agent Jones came to pick him up and Laura went with them. The older two children, Cooper and Lila, were at school, leaving Lacey to look after Nathaniel and now 20 month old Tommy. While they were outside playing a sound from the sky attracted their attention. Gathering the two boys close to her Lacey watched as Iron Man descended into the yard. The two little boys were awestruck as the suit opened and Tony Stark stepped out. Lacey said nothing when she saw him, unsure of why he was there but to his credit he came right over, smiling in a friendly manner.
"It looks good," he said, waving his hand at the structure. "Tommy likes it?"
"He loves it," she replied. "Why didn't the installers say it was from you? And how do you know his name?"
"I wasn't sure you would accept it, given the circumstances," he said, frowning slightly, then looking closer at Tommy. "He is definitely Barnes' son. Those eyes ...." Lacey didn't respond. "Look, here's the thing. Yes, I did try to kill Barnes but I was in a rage at the time due to that Sokovian madman showing me something no child, even one as old as me, should ever see. I'm still working on forgiveness but I have acquired understanding of what HYDRA did to him to make him into what he was. He needs treatment and I'm glad he's getting it."
"It might be years before he's well enough to join us," said Lacey. "Are you going to come after him then?"
Tony paused, giving her a sad but understanding look that said it all.  It was probably the only time Lacey would see Tony Stark looking humbled.
"No, there's been too much hate and violence already because of HYDRA.  He won't be in danger from me. I know I'm not the easiest man to deal with. God knows my father and I were at each other's throats often enough. I would give up all my money to tell him face to face that I loved him, just once. Barnes has a chance at a normal life with you and Tommy. I'm willing to let him have it."
Lacey nodded, realizing this was as close to an apology that anyone would ever receive from Tony Stark.
"You still haven't said how you know my son's name," she stated.
"Being a billionaire has its advantages," replied Stark, grinning wickedly once more. "I just put Friday on it. Now, can I see how this little guy moves? I'm guessing he is showing signs of inheriting the super soldier abilities? We'll have to keep what's left of HYDRA and the CIA from finding out. The lawyer said the decrypted HYDRA files will go a long way to exonerating Barnes but it will be a while until he can return to protect his family himself."
"You're paying for the lawyer, aren't you?" asked Lacey.
"I refuse to answer on the grounds it may make me seem like a better man," smiled Stark, then turned back to the two little boys. "Come on, Tommy, Nathaniel. Show your Uncle Tony how you use this thing."
He stayed and played with the boys for almost an hour, climbing up the structure with them, sliding down on the slide portion then encouraging them to use the rope swing, even helping Nathaniel get down when he panicked after being up too high. As Lacey watched she could tell Tony was assessing Tommy's capabilities as he played. Her son didn't disappoint as he jumped up from the ground to grab hold of the monkey bars portion and pulled himself across them. Then he climbed to the top several times and jumped off with a joyous yell. His strength, dexterity and bravery were all on full display and when Tony finally stopped playing, claiming he was too old for this, he came and sat on the grass next to Lacey, still watching the pair.
"He's impressive," he stated. "Just a toddler and he's doing things that much older kids would do. Does he know about his dad?"
"We've had a couple of video calls with him," she replied. "They've restored Bucky's early memories and found other HYDRA memories that set him back a little. They're working on the activation words right now."
"His arm?"
"They haven't really said other than they're working on a replacement," she admitted. "I'm guessing it won't be the heavy burden the first one was. Why do you care, Tony?"
He sighed. "I told you." Lacey looked unconvinced. "I guess what it comes down to is that if the CIA had told my dad after the war that Bucky Barnes was still alive and being tortured to turn him into an assassin my dad would have flown the plane to rescue him. He would have probably bankrolled the rescue himself. He talked a lot about Steve Rogers when I was growing up but he also told me about Sergeant Barnes, Captain America's protector since childhood. Dad and Barnes competed for the same women but also had some good conversations about science and technology. Barnes must have impressed him with his knowledge and understanding because my dad talked about how the differences in their upbringing made Barnes an ordinary soldier instead of an engineer. He thought that was as great a loss as Barnes dying. I'm just trying to honour my dad by trying to help Barnes now, I guess."
"It's true then," said Lacey, grinning. "Tony Stark does have a heart."
"Now you're just insulting me," he said, standing up and brushing off his backside. "Time to go before you say I probably feel guilty about breaking up the Avengers."
He stopped in his tracks, realizing he had spoken that last part out loud. Then he turned to her with a regretful smile before walking over to his Iron Man suit. The boys both stopped what they were doing and watched in fascination as the suit opened up, enclosed Stark inside, and then with a wave lifted off into the sky. Both boys waved back watching him until he was no longer visible. When Clint and Laura arrived back an hour later with the news that Clint's radius had been extended to 50 miles she told them of Tony's visit.
"Good thing I wasn't here," said Clint. "I'm still angry at him. But at least it sounds like he's slowly coming around. He actually played with the boys?"
"For an hour at least," she said. "He was assessing Tommy while he was doing it. He's paying Bucky's lawyer as well."
"Now I have heard everything," grinned Clint.
It remained a source of conversation between the three for much of the day. Two days after Tony's visit a FedEx truck delivered some boxes addressed to Nathaniel Barton and Tommy Chapman.  Inside were several sets and varieties of toddler friendly building blocks.  Clint didn't want to accept them but both Laura and Lacey convinced him that the boys would both enjoy the toys.
Later that week Lacey received word via a Nick Fury phone call that her mother had died. He left it to her whether she wanted to go to the funeral but did say he would provide transportation, accommodation, and security for her, if that was a concern. She discussed it with Clint and Laura, who advised her to go. After sleeping on it she agreed and informed Fury she would. The day came soon enough and she waited for what she thought would be a limousine to pick her and Tommy up. Instead it was a quinjet and a rather straight laced man in a suit stepped out. Clint immediately stepped forward offering his hand.
"Phil, it's been a long time," he said. "I'm sorry I was on the wrong side at the time."
"Clint," the man politely accepted his hand. "It's all water under the bridge. Miss Chapman, I'm Phil Coulson, SHIELD. If you and your son would follow me I'll strap you in."
Clint waved goodbye and stepped back as the quinjet took off. Coulson sat next Lacey on the aircraft and smiled kindly at her.  Right away, she felt at ease with the man.
"We have a safe house in Philadelphia for you and your son to stay," he advised her. "We will transport you to the funeral in Wilmington. Myself and another agent will provide security for you, with a third agent driving. Afterwards we will return to the safe house then return you to Barton's farm the following morning." He looked at Tommy in a friendly way. "He seems to be a happy child. Is he aware of his father?"
"You know?" asked Lacey, surprised.
"I was read in," he said calmly. "This child is unique and mustn't be raised by anyone other than yourself. He must grow up without interference."
"May I ask what your connection to Clint is?" asked Lacey.
"We were colleagues at SHIELD," replied Coulson. "Barton was compromised, his mind taken over by a demi god with delusions of grandeur. He helped attack the location where we were holding the individual. I was killed in the process." Lacey looked horrified as Coulson smiled grimly. "Fury used alien technology to resurrect me but there was a cost. Clint still feels guilt for his part in my death and I'm still angry at Fury for not letting me die. I still trust him as part of SHIELD which is why I still work for him but we're no longer friends."
"I'm sorry," said Lacey. "Clint and Laura have become like family to me. He never mentioned it."
"He wouldn't," said Coulson. "He still wears his guilt inside."
They didn't speak for the remainder of the flight. When they landed a limousine was waiting for them and she was taken to a high rise apartment building. Their "safe house" turned out to be the four bedroom penthouse with a 360 degree view. Two other agents were already there, a young woman named Daisy Johnson, and a rather stern faced man by the name of Alphonso Mackenzie.
"Just call me Mack," he said on their introduction. "I'm sorry for your loss. I'll be your driver while Coulson and Johnson will accompany you to the funeral."
"Is there really a possibility that HYDRA or the CIA will come after us?" she asked.
"Hard to say," said Coulson. "You've done very well staying off the radar, except for allowing your own picture to go with your pseudonym for your second book. If they know of your first book written under your real name they can make the connection pretty easily as you were listed on your mother's obituary as next-of-kin.  Someone may be watching for you and could wonder how you got pregnant with this little guy."
"He is pretty adorable," said Daisy, smiling at Tommy and getting a shy smile in return. "I'll make sure no one touches him."
"Except for my family," said Lacey, quickly. "Although if my brother is still an asshole I'll rethink that."
"Come on, I'll show you to your room," said Daisy. "We don't have a crib for Tommy but it is a king-sized bed so there should be enough room for both of you to share."
She opened the door to a fairly large room with a king-sized bed. There was a bathtub in the bathroom which Lacey was glad for Tommy's sake as she brought some bath toys in her suitcase. Daisy kept her eyes out the window as Lacey unpacked which drew the latter's attention.
"Is everything alright?" she asked.
"Force of habit," replied Daisy before turning her attention to Lacey. "May I ask if Tommy has his father's abilities?"
"It appears so," said Lacey. "Tony Stark gave us a big play set for Christmas and this guy is all over it, even jumping off the top ... a distance of about 12 feet. When I was still nursing him it was pretty tiring. Every four hours until he was a year old, even though I started him on solids at about 5 months. Bucky said it's because super soldiers need more calories than regular humans. Tommy can eat as much as a normal adult now."
"That's incredible," said Daisy. "I'll make sure we have lots of food available for him for dinner and breakfast. Can't have this little guy go hungry."
She smiled at him again and this time he climbed on the bed and began jumping on it, making a show of it, as he touched the high ceiling several times. He entertained both of them for as long as they were willing to watch. After dinner and a bath he tired himself enough to sleep and Lacey joined him soon after. In the morning it didn't take long to get ready for the 11 am funeral. While Mack drove, Coulson sat in the front, as Daisy sat in the back with Lacey and Tommy. They arrived at the funeral about 15 minutes before its start time and both SHIELD agents stepped out of the car first, checking the area before giving Lacey the okay. Other funeral goers were confused to what was going on but several family members recognized Lacey and waved.
"It's okay, I know these people," said Lacey to Coulson, when her aunt and uncle approached her.
"What's going on?" asked her Uncle Bert. "Why do you have a bodyguard?"
"It's a long story but in a way it's related to Tom's death," said Lacey. "Some unsavoury people kept looking for me for a long time after Tom died. I'm still a little paranoid so I have a security detail."
"Who is this little angel?" asked her Aunt Mavis, reaching out to touch Tommy's cheeks. "Look at those beautiful eyes."
"The result of a brief affair," said Lacey. "His name is Tommy."
"Miss Chapman, we are exposed," said Coulson in a low voice. "I would suggest we go inside."
They entered the funeral chapel and were escorted to the family reflection room where her sister and brother were already seated. Her sister Nancy got up right away and tearfully embraced Lacey, then asked about Tommy, making a fuss over him. Her brother Terry was less friendly.
"So, after what, two and a half years you finally show your face?" he said, angrily. "Could you ever have told us where you were? How did you even know Mom had died?"
Coulson looked at her and shrugged slightly indicating it was her choice what she wanted to tell her family.
"You know Terry, if you had been a bit nicer to me and didn't have your entourage hanging around at Tom's funeral I could have told you what I was facing," she said. "But you had to play the big man and told me to stop being a selfish brat."
"So it's my fault you took off?" he snarled. "You always were immature, weren't you?"
Lacey took a deep breath. "The day after Tom died four Russian mobsters broke into the house looking for a flash drive that he had hidden," she said. "The flash drive contained the location of laundered money that a co-worker of Tom's tricked him into setting up an investment account for. Instead, he hid the money in a secret account and came to see me. He went to tell the FBI but as you know the Russians got to him first. The four that came to my house ..." Terry made a face. "...Grandpa's house that he left to me because I was the only one who was there for him the last two years before he died, were not in a mood to be polite. They were armed and willing to hurt me. I wasn't alone. Bucky Barnes, yes that Bucky Barnes, spent the night and he took on all four men, subduing them and tying them up. He told me to call the FBI and sell the house because they would come looking for me again. Tommy is Bucky's son and if HYDRA or the CIA find out about him they'll come for him. So I've been in hiding ever since, Terry. Not because I didn't want to contact you but because it was safer for me, for Tommy and for you both if I didn't. I don't even know why I came to the funeral, to be honest. Especially since it's obvious you haven't changed.  You're still the asshole you always were."
She glared at her brother, daring him to make a smart ass comment again, like he usually did. Her body was shaking as she struggled to keep herself from crying. Instead he stepped forward and enveloped her in his arms, which did made her cry which made Tommy cry. After several long moments, Terry stepped back and looked at his nephew then at his sister.
"You don't have to be scared of me, Tommy," he said emotionally. "I'm your Uncle Terry and I will protect you as much I can." He stroked Lacey's hair. "I'm so sorry. I was such an asshole then. As you can see there is no more entourage. I blew my knee out last year and the team released me this year. Officially, I'm an unemployed ex-football player with no actual skills to work in the real world. I had no right to treat you the way I did."
Nancy came forward and hugged Lacey again. "I'm sorry I didn't stand up for you at Tom's funeral," she said. "We were all hurting so much and with you being the last one to see him alive it was easy to blame you even though you had nothing to do with it. It's our fault you left without a word. I'm just glad you're okay and that you have someone that means the world to you. He's beautiful, Lacey."
Nancy touched Tommy's cheek and he shyly smiled before laying his head onto Lacey's shoulder. The funeral director came in, advising that it was time to enter the chapel. Coulson and Daisy stood to the side, keeping their eyes on all entrances, while Lacey and her family took their places. It wasn't a long ceremony and when the siblings followed the coffin outside to enter the limousine Coulson advised Daisy to accompany the family while he and Mack followed in their car. The drive to the cemetery was quick and without incident. After the interment a line of people waited to hug the siblings. Coulson, Mack and Daisy all kept their eyes open when they noticed a vehicle enter the cemetery. It stopped some distance away but the driver's side window lowered and Daisy saw a telephoto lens appear. Immediately she went to Lacey, blocking the view to her, while Coulson and Mack approached the vehicle with their weapons drawn.
"Get in the car," she said urgently while she kept scanning the area for any more threats.
Lacey immediately complied, followed by her brother and sister. They all sat in the limousine wondering what to do next until Daisy looked inside to update them.
"Mack and Coulson are checking the guy out," she said. "They're holding his camera and Mack has pressed some buttons. Now they're coming back."
Coulson returned to the limousine and looked inside at the others.
"He was paid to get a picture of you and the baby, for an unknown client," he informed them. "Mack deleted the images. I think it's time you and the baby return to the safe house. I'm sorry to cut your reunion short. He's bringing our car up alongside this one."
Lacey turned to the other two apologetically. "I better go," she said. "I don't know when I'll see you again."
Nancy pulled out a card, wrote her phone number and email address down on it, then handed it to Terry for him to do the same. "If you find a safe way to contact me here's our information," she said. "I wish we had more time. I bought your book and I loved it. I hear it's doing really well and I'm so proud of you."
They hugged affectionately. Terry kneeled on the floor of the limousine and took Lacey's hand into his own.
"I meant what I said about protecting you two," he said emotionally. "If you ever need extra muscle wherever you're hiding let me know. Don't wait so long for the next visit. Take care little sister. I'll see you again little man."
He hugged Lacey hard and ruffled Tommy's hair. Mack pulled their car close and Lacey quickly transferred over. She looked out the rear window as the car pulled away from the limousine trying not to cry. Daisy held her hand the entire time.
"We're being followed," said Mack, just minutes later as he looked out his rear view mirror. "Two vehicles, tinted windows."
Coulson and Daisy both looked back. "Can you get on the expressway?" asked Coulson.
"Only if I double back," said Mack. "That could put them before and after us. I could try to shotgun a left turn up ahead."
"Do it," said Coulson. "Daisy, if we have to ...."
"I understand," she replied. "I'll be ready."
Mack pulled up to a stoplight with a regular left turn. As the traffic lined up in the opposite direction he kept his eye on the traffic light for the cross traffic. Just before that light turned red he spoke.
"Hold on," he warned, then he gunned the accelerator making the turn just as their light turned green.
The oncoming traffic beeped their horns but let him pass. They didn't let the next two vehicles turn and Mack accelerated turning onto another busy road that led to the expressway. He got on it, watching carefully behind him before leaving it several exits later and taking a roundabout way back to the safe house. They entered the underground parkade where Mack backed into a stall then stepped out with his gun drawn and checked the immediate area before giving the okay.
"Who were they?" asked Lacey as they exited the vehicle.
"Don't know," replied Mack tersely, "but I wasn't going to take any chances. They tried to shotgun with us so they were definitely following us."
Back safely in the penthouse Coulson made a phone call, presumably to Fury, to report about the photographer and the two cars following them. After hanging up he looked grimly at Lacey.
"Fury isn't happy about the two incidents," he said. "He's concerned whoever is trying to find you already knows about Tommy. It will delay any chance you have of living elsewhere."
"So back to the farm?" Lacey asked. "I'm okay with that. My family aren't in danger are they?"
"Probably not," replied Coulson, "but you won't be able to contact them through normal channels. They are going to put the photographer under surveillance and see if that leads them to who paid him. We'll also try to locate images of those two vehicles through traffic cam footage."
"Will it always be like this?" asked Lacey, as she watched Tommy approach Mack, who just looked sternly down at the boy.
"I would like to say no," replied Coulson, as he watched with her. "But he is unique, born a super soldier. That is worth a lot to the wrong people. HYDRA had their own aspirations to breed Winter Soldiers that failed miserably because their scientists didn't understand how fragile the reproductive system really is. The fact that Bucky Barnes was eventually able to father a child may have them scrambling, I think."
The next morning they made it to the airport without incident and Coulson accompanied Lacey on the quinjet flight back to the farm. Clint came out of the house as the aircraft landed and nodded at Coulson as he escorted Lacey and Tommy off.
"We had to leave the funeral at the interment," said Coulson. "A photographer tried to get a picture. Then we were followed by two vehicles."
"Well, she'll just have to stay with us," replied Clint, putting his arm around Lacey briefly. "She and Tommy are like family now so it's no hardship for us."
"You're a good man, Clint," said Coulson with a smile. "Miss Chapman, it has been a pleasure. You look after Tommy and yourself."
Lacey hugged him, which he accepted somewhat bashfully, then they watched the quinjet leave before going inside. There were worse places to raise a child but there weren't many that were better.  Clint had done a good job keeping the existence of this farm a secret.  Right from the time she arrived there Lacey had felt safe.  The prospect of living there indefinitely wasn't a problem.
Chapter 11>>
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seadcgs-a · 10 months
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NAME: Charlotte Anne Brewster
NICKNAMES/TITLES: Charlie, Lottie ( VERY select people; namely the Washingtons ), Annie (by her papa, sometimes), Mascot of the Continental Army (by everyone in camp), Brat (by Bradford, Arnold, a few others in camp)
AGE: 15, (mainly playing younger)
GENDER: Cis Female
DATE OF BIRTH: 8 July, 1778
NOTE-WORTHY ABILITIES: hatchet throwing, musket firing, embroidery, cooking, horseback riding
CURRENT RESIDENCE: The Continental Army camp, Setauket (Post War, briefly), Connecticut (Post War), Mt. Vernon, Virginia (during winter months)
OCCUPATION: Does being the middle child count? (Thinks shes the oldest, for a while)
AFFILIATIONS: The Continental Army, 2nd Continental Light Dragoons, the Patriots
SPOKEN LANGUAGES: English, French, Latin, a few words in Iroquoian
ALIGNMENT: Chaotic good
ASSETS: switchblade, tin whistle
FLAWS: Naiveté, quick temper
LIKES: going barefoot, the wind in her hair, playing in the woods around camp, spending time in sackett's tent/shop, time on the water with her papa, her younger sister georgie, older sister kaia (eventually), playing hide & seek with uncle robert, playing soldiers with uncle nate, the smell of the salty sea air, campfires, worn leather
DISLIKES: the british, simcoe, arnold, sitting still in one spot for a long period of time, washing laundry, cleaning things, homophobia, transphobia
FEARS/PHOBIAS: fear of abandonment, letting her family down, getting kidnapped, getting hanged
FAMILY: Caleb Brewster (Papa), Benjamin Tallmadge (Dad/Dada), Georgia "Georgie" Lynn (younger sister), Kaia Elizabeth (Older sister), Nate (uncle), Anna Strong (Aunt), Abraham Woodhull (Uncle), Mary Woodhull (Aunt), Thomas Woodhull, Jr, "Sprout" (calls him a cousin), General Washington (surrogate Grandfather, calls him Gampa ), Martha Washington (surrogate Grandmother, calls her Gamma ), Nathaniel Tallmadge ( biological Grandfather, calls him Grandfather), Nathaniel Sackett ( surrogate Grandfather, calls him Pops (learned it from Caleb, he hates it but he can't tell her no), Robert Rogers (Uncle), Robert Townsend (Uncle), Edmund Hewlett (Uncle), Akinbode (Uncle), Abigail (Auntie), Cicero ( sort-of cousin)
FRIENDS: Georgia, Kaia, Nate, Sprout, a few other children in Setauket, New York & Connecticut; her stuffed bear, Bubba
ROMANTIC INTEREST: none, yet, but she grows up to be bisexual, so she has a lot of options, and what with being a Congressman's daughter & the Presidents (sort-of) granddaughter, she has a lot of opportunities for suitors--male, female & non-binary alike.
ENEMIES: simcoe, the british navy, other queens rangers, traitors to the cause, richard woodhull
OTHERS: none atm
FACTS AND TRIVIA: she says she was born in setauket, if anyone asks, but she was actually born in a small barn on the outskirts of the continental army camp. she loves wearing hats, especially her papa's. usually has her hair in two braids or loose, trailing down her back. the only time she has her hair up and (semi) neat is if she's at an event with her grandfather(s), church, or at whitehall. (richard wouldn't allow her in otherwise)
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cyrah-is-cool101 · 2 years
Delinquent World or How The Life of A Delinquent Is Never Easy To Keep A Secret
A little crossover story with my OC, Kate, and a few other characters from other fandoms.
(Note: This is based on delinquent mangas and animes I used to watch and experience, also shout out to the River City Girls franchise. Please enjoy!💪)
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Kate is the student council president of Helix High, a school for it's Japanese origins and history with Delinquents. Delinquents are high school students with special abilities, known as Chikara or 'power' in Japanese. Kate is one of those Delinquents, known as the 'Demon Queen', but she needs to keep a low profile in order to keep some peace in her life. However, that peace was soon interrupted by other Delinquents and this really pissed her off. So, how is she going to stop this? By defeating every single Delinquent with the help of allies and friends. It's time to get out of class and start a fight, let's rumble!
(Note: Helix High often have different uniforms due to color of choice, based on personality or other. Delinquents also have costumes, some of them, depends on their Chikara)
Main Characters
Kate (My OC): The student council president who is also a Delinquent, known as 'Demon Queen', but she tries to keep a low profile, however the other Delinquents are pestering her and it was getting annoying by then, so in order to stop this, she decides to defeat all the Delinquents with the help of her friends and allies. Kate is both kind and honest, her beauty and serious expression make her the 'idle girlfriend', despite that she is quite short tempered and often scold any student who tries to break rules. Her Chikara is 'Demon', which gives her the power of demons and the ability to manifest weapons, she also can transform into a Succubus/Harpy demon.
Strengths: Fast reflexes and inhumane strength
Weaknesses: N/A
Her Uniform
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Her Demon Form (Costume) (Demon Queen)
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Alt. Form (Costume) (Demon Queen Default Ver.)
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Lila (Miraculous Ladybug): The queen bee of Helix High and Kate's best friend. Despite being mean and spoiled on the outside, she's both loyal and snarky in the inside, making her the 2nd 'idle girlfriend'. However, she too has a secret and that, being a Delinquent herself back in middle school, known as 'Volpina' (which is 'foxy' in Italian, due to her Italia heritage). When her best friend was in trouble, she was always there in the nick of time to assist her, like the speed of a cheetah. Her Chikara is 'Fox', which gives the user the power of strength and illusions, Lila's weapon of choice is a magic flute that creates illusions.
Strengths: Speed, endurance, and strength
Weaknesses: Get dizzy and tired when creating too many illusions
Her Uniform
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(Note: Image does not belong to me)
Her Costume (Volpina Default Ver.)
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(Note: Image belongs to @zoe-oneesama)
Alt. Costume (Winter)
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Ace D. Copular (Powerpuff Girls): The bad boy of Helix High and leader of the Gangreen Gang. Ace is one of Kate's many friends/allies when it comes to busting other Delinquents' operations and a famous ladies' man. His Chikara is 'Ice Gamble', which he wields both ice and 'cards', which each has it's own ability: Heart-Fire, Spade-Water/Ice, Club-Plant/Earth, Diamond-Light/Dark, Joker-Illusion. He has a bad mouth and often gets him into trouble which Kate often scolds him for that.
Strengths: Ice manipulation and hand-to-hand combat
Weaknesses: Girls
His Uniform
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His Form (Costume) (Dark Ice Default Ver.)
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Alt. Costume (Knight)
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Aran Ryan (Punch Out!): His family move from Dublin, Ireland, Aran is a bit of a prankster, always getting in trouble for his antics. He is another friend/ally when it comes to combat since he has been taught boxing at a young age. Aran's Chikara is 'Luck', to which when he gets beaten up, he then gains luck and often spread bad luck to anyone who tries to tick him off.
Strengths: Boxing
Weaknesses: Lack of strategy
His Uniform
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His Costume (Mad Clover Default Ver.)
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Alt. Costume (Wonderland)
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Narcis Prince (Real Name: Nathaniel James Howard) (Super Punch Out!): Helix High's rich prince and 'Mr. Popularity', who is currently dating the president Kate. But under that exterior, he's a well-known Delinquent 'Narcis Prince', his Chikara is 'Midas Touch', which gives him the ability to touch anything into gold, that's why he wears gloves to school. Nathan is both narcistic and handsome but with a generous heart of gold, always protecting his friends.
Strengths: Swordsmanship and boxing
Weaknesses: His hair and face being messed up
His Uniform
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His Costume (Narcis Prince Default Ver.)
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Alt. Costume (Golden Prince)
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Ryuji Kenta (Mine)
A famous Delinquent known as 'Laughing Hyena'. His Chikara is 'Fast', which gives him the ability to run fast. Ryuji is the prime arch-enemy of Kate and one of the biggest bullies in Helix High, who is both cocky and proud.
Strengths: Hand-to-hand combat
Weaknesses: Allergic to Dust
Support Characters
Rainbow Dash (Alias: 'Thunder') (MLP)
Chikara: Weather
Bushroot (Full Name: Reginald Bushroot) (Darkwing Duck)
Chikara: Plant
Angel Dust (Hazbin Hotel)
Chikara: Lust
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theoriginalladya · 2 years
Ten Random Lines
I was tagged by @tealenko - thank you so much for thinking of me!!!
Rules: Pick any ten of your fics, scroll to the midpoint, pick a line (or three) and share it. Then tag ten people.
Let's see what we've got here...
Must You? Mass Effect - Gianna Parasini x Kaidan Alenko
God, it was so much easier to do this kind of thing when she was alone.  Had anyone walked in on her, she could just dive for cover under a desk, behind a cabinet, in a ventilation shaft.  Quick, safe, easy.  But, with two of them involved, it more than doubled the risk of getting caught, and that was tying her stomach up in knots.
2. Neverending Winter Nights Dragon Age - OC x Nathaniel Howe
He rose and took a step back from the bed before reaching out to help her to her feet.  When she followed, he stood before her, removing each piece of her armor until only the lightweight tunic and leggings worn beneath remained.  But he also noticed as he focused on the armor that her hands were not idle.  They moved to her braid, easily and quickly loosening the tie.  He half-considered asking her to stop when they started to unweave the braid, for he liked how it looked on her, but he noticed she removed a few small metallic items from it, items that stopped him cold as realization dawned. 
“Maker’s breath!” he rasped, attempting to recover his breath even as his eyes widened in surprise.  It didn’t take much to understand they both could have been injured had they not been removed.  “Why?”
Slender shoulders shrugged as she finished loosening the rest of her hair.  It fell into a long, heavy, thick curtain around her shoulders only ending at her waist.  “In my line of work,” she explained, her voice nonchalant, “I do what I need to in order to survive.”
3. Home Mass Effect - Kristofer Shepard x Kaidan Alenko
Kris half-turns toward him, and it’s like the sun breaks through the clouds to shine directly in Kaidan’s face; Kristofer’s smile is so bright and brilliant, such a contrast to what Kaidan has come to expect over the years they’ve known one another. Not to suggest that Kris is never happy, by any means, but this is taking it to a whole new and completely unexpected level.
4. Brain Freeze Mass Effect - Aubrey (Shepard) (clone) x Kaidan Alenko
Aubrey frowned.
“It’s a popsicle,” Kaidan told him.  “Haven’t you ever had one?”
Aubrey tilted his head to examine the bright blue tube he held more closely.  “No?”  Cautiously, he brought it close to his nose and sniffed.  Whatever a ‘popsicle’ was, it was cold and made his nose twitch.  “What’s a popsicle?”
5. Bait & Switch Mass Effect/Mass Effect Andromeda - Reyes Vidal x Kaidan Alenko
“I don’t necessarily expect trouble,” Reyes explained, “but I also know better than to arrive at a rival’s base unprepared or unarmed.”
Alenko eyed him quietly, then lifted his hand. As he made a fist, a sheen of bluish-white energy skimmed over his skin, wrapping around his fingers as he closed them. “I’m never unarmed.”
It was impressive, charming even, in an odd sort of way. Reyes had never been up close to a biotic like this before, though he’d heard others talk about it. “Good.  Because there is always the chance they’ll take our weapons from us when we arrive.”
6. La Vie En Rose Mass Effect Francesca Shepard x Kaidan Alenko
“What happens next?”  She lifted her head to look at him.  He could see she was still in discomfort, but her expression seemed a bit easier than earlier.  
Sighing, Kaidan told her what he knew.  “My parents are supposed to meet me when we arrive.  Take me home.”  Keep me under house arrest?  He shrugged.  “After that, I don’t know.”
He saw her draw her lip in between her teeth, biting down on it as she considered this.  “What if ….”  Was that fear he saw in her eyes?  “What if we don’t have a home to go to?”
7. Give Me Peace Mass Effect Female Shepard x Kaidan Alenko
“Kaidan,” she gasped, their faces near enough he could hear her soft grunt, “I -”
“Don’t!” he hissed back, struggling to find an advantage somewhere.  “You don’t get to call me that - only she did.  I don’t know who you are, but you aren’t HER!”
“I AM!” she returned, meeting and matching his every move.  Time was slowing down a bit, she had a chance, if only he would listen.  “Kaidan - I am her … but I’m not."
8. Lonely Sunday Morning Mass Effect Michaela Shepard x Kaidan Alenko
It's then she notices her last chance, her one saving grace.  Lying on the coffee table and flipped onto its face is her music datapad.  She crosses the room in three strides and grabs it as well as the earbuds and returns to bed.  A simple touch of her finger to the pad starts the playback.  Something soothing and gentle, she hopes.  Something that will transition her failure into sleep so she can get proper sleep to deal with whatever the reapers or Cerberus throw at her next.  You win some, you lose some, she recalls her father saying once so many years ago.  With a sigh, she thinks, Yeah, Pop, but today we lost an important one … one that might just keep us from winning the whole thing …. 
She desperately hopes she is wrong on that count.
Lying back, her eyes close and she sighs heavily as the first soft strains of piano filter in.  It isn’t any song she is familiar with, but it has a nice sound to it … and then a deep, powerful, rich voice starts to croon.  Resonate. 
9. Shepard in Sherwood Mass Effect Female Shepard x Kaidan Alenko
“Shepard, you’re going to an awful lot of trouble just for a movie,” Kaidan observed.  But, he snuggled down next to her.
Shepard shook her head as the intro started.  “Not at all,” she countered.  “This movie is sooooooooo worth it!  Now … HUSH!”
The opening strains of music was actually a strumming sound which confused Kaidan for a moment.  Most movies began with huge orchestral pieces.  And then the animation appeared on the screen … and a …
Kaidan frowned.  “Is that a chicken?”
10. Run Away With Me Mass Effect Michael Shepard & OC
He really shouldn’t be making promises, especially important ones – powerful ones – but to hell with it.  She needs hope right now… and maybe he does too.  Leaning his back against the wall, she moves to lie her head on his lap, curling against him like a contented cat.  What better proof that looks can be deceiving?  Gently, he combs his fingers through her curls.  “You know, you can go with me when I leave.”
Joelle huffs softly, but does not pull away.  “Alliance is your dream, Johnny, not mine.”
“You could do a short enlistment.  Go to school, study afterward, become whatever you want.”  He waits a minute.  Then two.  When still she says nothing, he adds, “Can’t be any worse than here, can it?”
Looks like the randomizer came up with some good ones (I have far too many (148) to just pick ten!)!
Not going to tag anyone specifically since I'm not sure who has done this already, but anyone wanting to participate, consider yourself tagged by me!
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randomstupidchaos · 2 years
OC Name Meanings
I was tagged by @talesofsorrowandofruin
I have a lot of different stories to pull from here so we're gonna go with mains only and see how many I cover before 8:30... All name meanings will be from Behind The Name.
Sonora: Behind the name says the meaning is uncertain, but I'ma be real here, I 100% picked this name as a joke because Nora is the daughter of a Siren and the play on sound was funny to me.
Malcolm: Irish, Disciple of Saint Columba. Definitely just picked this to call him Mal.
Dustin/Dusty: An English surname based on an old Norse surname that meant Thor's stone. The diminutive is literally someone who is dusty.
The Hidden Stairwell:
Megan: Welsh diminutive of Margaret.
Flynn: Anglicized version of an Irish surname which was derived from the given named Flann which means blood red.
Charlotte/Charlie: French diminutive of Charles, which apparently means either 'Man' or 'Army' depending who you ask.
Thea: According to behind the name, it's the short form of many different names, including Dorothea. I did a separate search on this one 'cause I knew it was more than that. Apparently it's Greek, and means Goddess or Godly.
Philomena: Greek, 'to be loved'
Fractured Starlight:
Robin: Diminutive of Robert, meaning bright/fame.
Kipling/Kip/Winter: He goes by many names... Kipling is an English surname from a place name meaning Cyppel's people. Kip apparently just means kipper, haha. Winter is just the season.
Jessamine: English variant of Jasmine, as in the flower.
Iris: Greek, meaning Rainbow. Also the flower.
Oscar: Old Irish or Old English, depending who you ask. Deer friend, or god spear?
Crossing the Storm:
Gemma/Ailith: Gemma is a medieval Italian name meaning gem. Ailith is... complicated? Something something Old English for noble and war.
Colton: English surname meaning Cola's town.
Aiolos: Greek, Quick-moving/nimble.
Virginia: Uncertain, but associated with Virgo/the virgin
Levi: Hebrew, possibly 'joined' or 'attached'.
Nathaniel: Hebrew, God has given.
I think I'm gonna stop there 'cause otherwise I'm not going to be done by my cutoff time. Apparently I use a lot of names based on surnames.
Tagging: @daisyneptune @jealous-rage @gigglebug and anyone else who wants to do this.
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dsdualstudio · 1 year
【D's Speak】教師ポイントの変更についてのお知らせ(2023年4月18日~)
いつもD's Speakをご利用頂きまして、誠にありがとうございます。
時期:4月18日(火) ※一部教師は、4月8日、11日に変更あり人���:227名 <ご注意事項>
40→50 Abbott Alicent Arrezo Ashtra Asja Asunta Audemars Beat Billious Calzado Capuyan Cecelion Clefairy Cradily Emperial Forever Gleankie Grunfield Guinevere Hemlock Heracross Hershberg Idaho Ilacad Imelda Kate Khimo Kindat Kumala Lawin League Leticia Lutherine Mentrix Nafisa Nathaniel Nessa Nifty Nimuel Panyo Pentax Roserade Sheldon Stanley Stilgar Storian Surskit Sylvester Tedros Tekkari Tula Twist Velmani
Calzado, Nimuel = 4/8に変更
Lutherine, Panyo, Asunta, Roserade, Surskit, Hemlock, Beat, Imelda, Sylvester=4/11に変更
50→60 Abigail Adelaide Ady Aida Alena Alicia Anjeaneth Astradell Ayden Balmond Beatrice Blanca Bogota Brencis Cassandra Charyl Clark Curlyn Dasovich Delray Deniza Derby Derick Donita Echo Emmy Fandral Faramis Fe Flores Gamgee Georgia Gia Gunther Heimdall Helsinki Herrera Idris Ilbert Issarey Jace Jellyfel Jenessa Jeralyn Jillmee Jojo Joya Keanu Kefiah Keon Khufra Kinshasa Kirlia Lamira Lorelie Madera Magayon Marife Marikris Meldiv Nahmae Nemesia Neymar Oce Oprah Ortiz Priscilla Quinto Rabica Rabor Ranilyn Ravina Rhisan Rowland Sameri Shasta Sifra Sim Sixto Sneasel Soul Tanella Thea Valir Zenobia Zinnia
60→70 Alivo Bastille Coraline Costello Damian Dawn Dice Fem Hymn Infinitee Japhet Justine Kathniel Nelsie Sherlock Yeddah Zach
70→80 Brick Chu Connor Elise Emery Frente Lady Macauly Mayward Roseth Shaina Sola Tobin Yuda
80→90 Armani Delta Drip Kelsey Kian Leonard Liza Myrna Paxton
90→100 Anson Giv Slovene Spirit Sundae
100→110 Chill Push
110→100 Shelby
100→90 Apechi
90→80 Akio Arycris Balinger Issa Jerika Peura Raelynn Romeda Sarika Shefra Winter
80→70 Beluchi Fayre Heidi Judge Leica Lormil Munch Nayrobi Solovey Valentine
70→60 Abby Chansey Goen Jadis Tory
60→50 Archieven Dandelion Gwinnie Rollins Vortex
50→40 Alucard Cepheus Custodio Dolores Jaycel Kadita Niklaus Raisharen
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Nate x Maxson
Did any of their friends or family want them to get together?
Who gets jealous easier?
Who uses cheesy pick-up lines?
How do they celebrate holidays?
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Nathaniel Owen + Arthur Maxson
No one asks me about some of my older OCs anymore so thank you so much 💖 Fallout 4 / Blind Betrayal Spoilers Ahead | CW filicide
1. Did any of their friends or family want them to get together?
No one actually knew until they both went public with it. Except Danse. When Nate and Danse are out procuring the parts for the teleporter thing, Nate is an anxious WRECK about going through with it. He's always worst-case scenario about it all, or if he'll even survive it at all. So once they get back to the airport with everything and are debriefed and cleared from their trip into the Glowing Sea, Nate drags Danse to his quarters aboard the Prydwen and tells him. Because he knows what will happen to Arthur if he loses another person this way, and he wants to be sure Danse will be there for him as a friend. Obviously this is all before Blind Betrayal but STILL.
After Blind Betrayal, Danse is still having a major identity crisis (understandably of course) and when Nate visits he goes off on a lot of self doubt spirals. Which leads to a lot of passionate arguments and rationalization. One time Danse fires back with Nate needing to choose between his loyalty to Maxson both as a soldier and a boyfriend, and choosing Danse as a friend. This did not tear them apart as friends, but they did not speak for a few weeks after that.
Ianto figured it out through spending all his time with Nate in Boston. Actually Nate told Ianto first... while they were high... and drunk. Nate MAY have made comments about someone's thick thighs and luscious lips.
2. Who gets jealous easier?
Nate does, for sure. He is actually really insecure about himself as a partner/boyfriend. Especially after watching Bailey get shot, and after he himself shoots Shaun in the head, Nate withdraws into himself. He'll spend an hour in front of a mirror questioning everything he's ever done, and feel worthless and undeserving of the things he does have. In addition to feeling the "Why would he want someone like me? Someone so fucked up in the head like I am?"
3. Who uses cheesy pickup lines?
... Nate does. All. The. Time. Whether they just kissed the first time or have been together for like 4 years.
Especially when he's on pain medication after a mission and he walks up to Arthur like "I love your beard, it's like an enchanted forest!!"
Or my favorite when he's drunk and puts his hands on Arthur's chest and goes "Max on, Max off."
4. How do they celebrate the holidays?
In my personal canon for Nate, in his goal of restructuring and reshaping the Brotherhood, he also makes sure people have the freedom to practice things like religious beliefs (not that there's much faith in anything left after the bombs drop that isn't totally whack... aka mothman cultists and the freaky children of Atom). But during the Winter Solstice and Christmas holiday, Nate LOVES it.
When they're all drunk on eggnog or high off Jet, Nate INSISTS on calling Arthur 'Elder Grumpy Santa'. And instead of his enchanted forest beard comments he says "Enchanted Winter Wonderland where are the elves Mr. Grumpy Santa?????"
But Arthur secretly loves it.
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jackiesarch · 2 years
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tagged by @leviiackrman and @echo3-1 to make some kids in this picrew — thanks beloveds!
tagging @chuckhansen @queennymeria @phillipsgraves @jendoe @loriane-elmuerto @devil-kindred @confidentandgood @unholymilf @florbelles @risingsh0t @marivenah @indorilnerevarine @roofgeese and anyone else who wants to play!
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sani-sims · 6 months
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TS3 Legacy | Full House...
Sarah & Theo have new housemates, first the siblings came along, then the best friends and now we have a full house… which we have also extended for the 3rd time, I have to say it is now really very homely here and it finally feels like a home. They will spend half the summer at Hidden Springs before they all move on to college :3
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mooreaux · 4 years
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Love like a moonlight sonata.... been too long since Faye and Nate
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lothrilzul · 6 years
OC Meme
Tagged by: @solesurvivorkat
Rules: Say the first three (3) things that you think of your OC(s)! (Without an explanation, of course)!
Nuclear Winter (Fallout 4) Winter: vitiligo, quirky, scarred for life Nate: Cambridge, police, sweet man Lucy Keller: brash, naive, ambitious Caitlin MacLaine: negotiator, right hand of Arthur, loyal
Other Soles: Max: kind-hearted, loyal, prefers confrontation up-close and personal Danger: lantern, bowler hat, Taffington Boathouse Crystal: cleopatra cut, cruel, cold and effective
Dragonborns: Zinnia: over-archiever, bittersweet, rasping voice Yrgrod: calm and reserved, tol, protective Casty: sassy, drinks your blood or spills it, avoids the Main Quest and the Civil War Nicholaus: named after Santa, barefoot, gay Shurag: one-eyed, shield, Markarth Serefe: turqouise green, thieving little elf, patchwork Surh’jo: master thief, effective, watercat
Other Skyrim OCs: Sindri: blacksmith, just father, gaiety Hroda: proud, has strong political opinion, fierce mother
Tagging: @val-rampage​ @scorpio-skies​ @beckiboos​ @evil-is-relative​ @marvilus73​ @purple-martin111​ @metalforhands​ @scarecrow-forest​ @norroendyrd
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bosdansefanatic · 7 years
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Nathaniel (Nate) Winters aboard the prydwen with Danse, Maxson, and Grace.
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