#oc: river maybank
genuinerio · 2 years
YOUNG, WILD AND FREE ↠ 「 Outer Banks 」
Prologue and first chapter will be coming soon!
NOTE: I named my OC in honor of my favorite actor, River Phoenix, he will be dearly missed and beloved. May he rest peacefully. Also, decided to make her John B’s love interest.
Profile of River Maxine Maybank.
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NICKNAMES: RIO, STARSHINE. (first jj, now kie, john b, pope and sarah), RIVER MAXINE. (everyone), RIO, RIV, KID, KIDDO, SUNFLOWER, MINI ME. (jj), SOUL SISTER. (kiara), SUNSHINE, ANGEL. (john b), POGUE PRINCESS. (rafe and topper).
HEIGHT: 5’8.
FAMILY: LUKE MAYBANK. (father), UNKNOWN MOTHER. (estranged), JJ MAYBANK. (twin brother), RICKY. (cousin).
FRIENDS: JJ MAYBANK. (brother, best friend), KIARA CARRERA. (best friend, like a sister), JOHN B ROUTLEDGE, best friend, eventual love interest), POPE HEYWARD. (best friend, like a brother), SARAH CAMERON. (best friend, like a sister), CLEO. (good friend).
ENEMIES: LUKE MAYBANK. (currently), RAFE CAMERON. (currently), TOPPER THORNTON. (formerly), WARD CAMERON. (currently).
LOVE INTERESTS: JOHN B ROUTLEDGE. (eventual husband, not legally), VARIOUS MEN AND WOMEN. (hookups, flings).
1. River is named after famous actor and namesake, River Phoenix who is also the older brother of Joaquin Phoenix. The name has various meanings, in a general aspect it means a flowing body of water and in a symbolic meaning, it means flowing freely, being connected to nature and having depth.
2. JJ frequently refers to her as his “mini me,” despite the fact that they’re twins and she is only younger than him by ten minutes for the reason given above. Another thing is that if he had to choose, he’d pick River as he sees his sister as the female version of himself like others see him as hers which annoys her constantly.
3. Like my other Outer Banks OC and Kiara, she is known to have a hippie soul, vibe and personality to her as she loves nature and is spiritual. She also really passionate and is adamant about her hippie type of lifestyle as people say around Outer Banks.
4. Because of the clear similarity and resemblance especially in looks to her mother, this causes River problems with Luke.
5. River is considered and viewed to be the female version of twin brother, JJ with the two sharing blue eyes and blonde hair along with other characteristics. One in particular is the protectiveness and defending for one another and their friends. However, unlike JJ, she is not as quick tempered as him but rather, likes to keep her anger and sorrows to herself.
6. Despite their extremely close bond and protectiveness of each other, River is oftentimes annoyed by JJ’s overprotective behaviour towards her with her feeling that he views her as a baby and acts like her father rather than her actual brother who’s the same age as her. At first, she understood it as a young child but she no longer is a child nor the little girl she once was.
7. Growing up, River was very shy and only really would talk and open up to JJ in spite of having other friends, it would just take her time to get comfortable with interacting with others and in gaining the confidence to trust them.
8. Because of the abusive and toxic environment, her and JJ were raised in, she feels that it had caused her major issues when it comes to relationships among other issues. People consider River to have major daddy and trust issues.
9. Regardless of them both being best friends with the pogues, River considers JJ to be her bestest friend of them all with Kiara, John B and Pope following suit and vice versa.
10. It’s pointed out that JJ clearly cares more about River’s wellbeing than his own and loves her a lot, JJ would do whatever for her. He also sees her as having great potential in anything that she’d like to pursue as he views her as very intelligent and is willing to support her through it all. In favour of this, River appreciates this but feels awful that JJ doesn’t see himself as having much potential or others not seeing him as so either when she believes he could have potential if he worked hard for it.
11. Despite how close they are as a whole, River and Pope are always considered to be each other’s “partner in crime” when it comes to important matters as they are both very smart for being pogues and are typically the ones to be the most reasonable in difficult situations.
12. It’s clear that River tries her best in trying to see other people’s perspectives especially JJ with his crazy antics. She doesn’t want it to make it seem like her brother is alone in his ideas even if they’re not the best ones or that she agrees with them.
13. River always saw JJ as the closest thing she had to a father since despite the two being the same age given that they’re twins, he always cared for her in a way that she once hoped that Luke would have and in a way that a loving father would care for their daughter.
14. The female Maybank is an old soul as she is very empathetic and compassionate to those that she cares deeply for. She has been noticed to be very wise beyond her years as well as caring more about her inner self than her outer self.
15. When they were children, JJ had taught River to surf once he learned himself and ever since then, it was a hobby that the two shared. JJ has said a few times that he believes River is a better surfer than he is, however; River disagrees and explains that she is good but JJ is in fact better.
16. Besides his other two nicknames for her, JJ calls her “sunflower,” as he says that River is someone who can brighten up their day, everyone adores her and is her favorite type of flower.
17. Before she and JJ became friends and grew to know John B and Pope, she’d cling to JJ as a child. Thus possibly hinting to a case of abandonment issues.
18. JJ has mentioned that he has found River to be very special and that she has the ability to make every relationship with someone feel that they have the closest relationship with her.
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ceceliawrites · 8 days
OC Names
Criminal Minds
Spencer Reid's love interest - Alyssa Jackson (oc, no relation to anybody on the show)
Aaron Hotchner's love interest - Olivia Rossi
Luke Alvez's love interest - Sarah Reid
Grey's Anatomy
Andrew DeLuca's love interest - Lindsey Webber
Mark Sloan's love interest - Grace Shepherd
Alex Karev's love interest - Haley O'Malley
Jack Gibson's love interest - Ashley Sloan
Peter Parker - Taylor Rodgers
Bucky Barnes' love interest - Lauren Stark
Steve Rodgers' love interest - Rebecca Barnes
Thor - Alex Maximoff
One Tree Hill
Lucas Scott's love interest - Madison James
Nathan Scott's love interest - Anna Sawyer
Q's love interest - Natalie Scott
Outer Banks
JJ Maybank's love interest - Lily Routledge
John B. Routledge's love interest - Melissa Jane Maybank (MJ)
Rafe Cameron's love interest - Cassie Roberts (progue!reader)
Dean Winchester's love interest - Samantha Singer
Sam Winchester's love interest - Stephanie Bradbury
John Winchester's love interest - Meghan Harvell
Lip Gallagher's love interest - Alison Milkovich
Pretty Little Liars
Jason DiLaurentis' love interest - Andy Rivers
Mike Montgomery's love interest - Emma Hastings
Noel Kahn's love interest - Kate DiLaurentis
Caleb Rivers' love interest - Brooke Montgomery
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Here's a question. Can you list your otps from your stories from least toxic to most toxic?
Sure! I'll only be naming the otps I've been mainly focusing on/have been writing for in my google docs as of recently.
Scarlett Mitchell/Randy Meeks
Maeve Tyrell/Robb Stark
Maribel Mendoza/JJ Maybank
Cheryl Rivers/Marko
Winifred Gordon/Jerome Valeska
Quinn Lennox/Steve Kemp (Okay this is not a pairing but I included them because most of the story is about Quinn having to deal with Steve's obsession. But if I hadn't included them Winifred and Jerome would've been the last because lets face it...their relationship is toxic as f.)
1 to 3 I feel are good/neutral but then once we head to 4 that's when it starts to get toxic
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runningfrom2am · 1 year
the sea around us; chapter one
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In which Rafe Cameron has to choose between his dad and a pogue who's changing his outlook on life more and more every day.
(rafe cameron x f!oc)
(eventual!jj maybank x f!oc)
warnings/tags: violence, drug/alcohol use, smoking, sexual content (if you squint), slowburn, older brother’s best friend, (these tags are obv not exhaustive but regardless it’s pretty PG13)
wc: 1.9k
my masterlist, series masterlist, requests
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The Outer Banks. Paradise on earth. At least, that is what the giant sign on the bridge described it as, as we drove into the city that has been my home since eighth grade. I remember seeing it for the first time, I was so young, so sad to be leaving my home- and so damn tired after a two-week drive. Seriously, it was like my parents tried to get us as far as humanly possible away from Moose River BC as possible while staying on the same continent. My parents had told me we were moving to paradise, in hindsight I see that they wanted us to be less sad about uprooting our lives so they could get us out of the country without a fuss- because we somehow ended up on The Cut. To be fair, it does remind me of home every day. I missed my friends for a couple of years, but I made new ones and moved on. Never looked back.
"Snowy- are you seeing this right now? That's like a three story drop." Pope says to me as I shield my eyes with my hand so I can look his way just as he gestures up to John B standing on the roof of the McMansion to be that were hanging out at this afternoon. I sit up slowly from where I'm laying along the railing of the deck, looking up at the curly brunette as he lifted one foot off the edge of the roof.
"Hey, John B, what if you like, didn't risk your life like this right now?" I say, leaning back on my hand that's steadying me. "How'd you even get up there?"
"They're gonna have Japanese toilets with towel warmers." Kie states, walking out of the unfinished patio door onto the porch with us before John B can respond.
"Of course they are, why wouldn't they?" JJ shrugs. Of course, any of us would have that if we could. I'm actually quite certain that Kie herself has heated bathroom floors at her parent's house in Figure Eight. Oh, the Kook life- I'm jealous.
"This used to be a turtle habitat, but who cares about the turtles, right?" Kie sighs just as John B looks like he's losing his balance. "Can you not kill yourself?" She adds, shielding her eyes as well as she looks up at the boy who she just noticed was standing on the edge of the roof.
"Don't drop that beer, I'm not giving you another one." JJ says, and right on cue, John B drops the can in question off the roof as he wobbles on one foot.
"Oh shit! Nooo.." He whined as it hit the ground. Everyone laughs as JJ kicks the can and John B is sulking about it.
Pope and I look over to the temporarily gravel driveway and see a small car pulling in. "Security." I state and Pope picks up his bag.
"Uh, yep let's wrap it up." Pope adds, and John B climbs down from the roof.
"Boys are early today."
I shrug a little at John B's statement as I throw my bag over my back. "Alright Humpty Dumpty, let's roll." JJ says, stepping down the exit ramp he was on with John B close behind.
"Let's go boys." Kie says, joining my side as we pick up a light jog through the construction site. We hear a man's voice behind us, who now seems to be chatting away with JJ like they're friends. If you asked JJ, he'd say that, anyway. "He's asking for it at this point." Kie says as we both glance over at him and giggle.
JJ grabs my hand and laughs as he responds, "Oh am I?" We all pick up the pace to a run through the empty house, down some concrete stairs to ground level. I slip a little on the last step, and JJ half falls with me as we hear the man's voice again just to our left.
"Hey! Stop!"
"Gary! Oh my god, you scared me!" I laugh as JJ pulls me just out of Gary's reach and we run the other way. He yells to the other security guard that we're heading toward him, and I step out of the way right as he reaches for us, and I drop JJ's hand as he gets a hold of him instead. "Not much of a hugger man." JJ says as he instantly slips right out of the man's grasp and runs after me.
I sprint out to the lawn and jump into the back of John B's van, the Twinkie, as he calls it, with Kie right as we see JJ and Pope coming and jumping in behind me. "Come on!" Kie and I shout at the boys, and John B guns it right as they get inside. We keep an eye out the door and back window, as Gary chases after us.
"Check out Gary running for a raise!" Pope laughs as JJ continues a one-sided conversation with the security guard running after us and throwing him a beer- because they couldn't possibly pay him enough.
"You little pricks!" Gary shouts after us as he gives up the chase and we speed away. I climb into the passenger seat next to John B and turn up the music coming from The Twinkie's old speakers.
We're a glowing example of what everyone in Kildare county knows as the Pogues. Our mission? Have a good time, all the time. Right here, we're cruising Figure Eight- the rich side of the island. Home of the Kooks, where we obviously don't live. Rich folks with vacation homes in two different places, or, Kie put it best, heated towel warmers at the expense of only a few thousand turtle lives lost. The other, superior side of the island, The Cut, is what we call home. Pogues, pogies, the people of the working class, where our people bust their asses to make a living. Lowest members of the Kildare county food chain. So, a downside of being a pogue is that we're ignored and neglected. Upside? We're ignored and neglected, which means we can do whatever we want, whenever we want.
It's two tribes, one island.
Now, for the interesting part, my crew. The people that make my life go 'round. Firstly, there's JJ. Founding member of our club, and the life of every party, the only one who can beat me at a shotgun. It's never a dull moment with him around. He's got a mop of dirty blonde hair, sunkissed skin, and the most beautiful set of blue eyes I've ever seen. I would never live it down if he found out, though. He's about as local as they come- the latest in a long line of fishing, drinking, smuggling, vendetta-holding salt-lifers who make their living off the water. He's also the best surfer I know. Again, don't tell him I said that. Also a ~light~ kleptomaniac and future tax cheat. If we're including that stuff.
Then there's Kie. Kiara. My best girlfriend and platonic soulmate packed into one. She has the prettiest dark curly hair, and when she's not saving turtles, listening to Marley, or getting Dolphin tattoos, she hangs out with us. I don't know why she chose us, but she did and we're all the better for it. She's a rich kid, technically- a foot in both worlds. Her family owns The Wreck, this Outer Banks institution. Total cash cow with the tourists, and actually my first place of employment. Not sure how much her parents love us though, I kind of lost my touch with them after I threw a drink on a customer while I was clocked in. They didn't fire me though, I still work there occasionally when they need the help.
Next in line, there's Pope. Always the brains of the operation and our collective voice of reason. Taller than me by a mile, and a finalist for the Lucas T. Vanderhorst merit scholarship. Definitely the smartest person I know, but often loses his shot with girls when he brings up that he plans on being a coroner. Someone has to do it, I guess. His father's this legendary character, Heyward. Anything you want on the island, Heyward could get it for you. Now I'm not sure what Heyward knew what to make about his son and his friends, but it didn't matter. He's a pogue like us.
Lastly, John B. John Booker, if you want to be technical about it. He's the most loyal person I've ever met, and the other founding member of our club, a true golden retriever boy when you get to know him. You can always rely on JB in a pinch, which happens more often than any of us would care to admit. He's the temporary, not legal, owner of the chateau, our typical hangout and clubhouse. He's the name sake of his dad, and looks just like him. Big John, by now, has been missing at sea for around 9 months. The rest of us have lost hope that he will ever come back, but John B refuses to admit he's gone until his fathers body is found. I understand that. DCS is hot on John B's tail, considering his uncle, his current legal guardian, is quite literally in another state and has been for months.
Then, there's me. Snowy. Snowy Hansley. It's a nickname I never shook from when I first moved to the OBX, being from Canada and all. I'm one to be picked on for using Canadian slang, and an occasional "kick a ginger day" victim. I haven't cut my hair since I moved because my mom says hair holds memories and feelings, so I suppose I'm unintentionally the superstitious type. I was adopted by JJ and John B at a dance a few weeks after I moved to town- my parents wanted me to go and make friends. I held the door for them as they were stepping behind the building to go shotgun before going back in, and JJ asked me to come with them. I'd never drank before, but I supposed I learned to shotgun from the best. Then, the rest is history.
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Hi to anyone who's reading this! I hope it's not too cringey, I'm trying to emulate the right vibe.
(EDIT: This first chapter is so shit- I swear it gets so much better so please don't give up on me just yet, I'm going to come back and rewrite this one when I get the chance)
Anyway, thank you for being here and give me your thoughts! I'm not going to give any spoilers but I've got a lot planned for this :).  That being said, please share your ideas and stuff you want to see here with me! Literally I am open to absolutely any suggestions.
Thank you for reading!! It'll get more exciting shortly- I promise. -R
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soughthopearchived · 2 years
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Hello there! Thank you for choosing to follow my blog I only have a few rules. No drama. No hate. Handle your issues privately like adults. No forced ships or pressure for replies. You can use icons, big ole gifs, or nothing. I don’t care I just wanna have fun with you but please cut your posts. Last but not least I write for me if you don’t like what I do kindly leave me out of it thanks! 
Affiliated with @soughtbirthright, @theolderh3nderson, @pogueland1a, @hawkinssongbird & @deermooses.
Icon credits: @tutorgirlcommissions​ 
PSD Credit: @jaynedits
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Briana Madison ( Werewolf OC )
Spencer McClaren ( Fandomless OC )
Claire St James ( Future OC )
Sylvie Nightbloom ( Human Fantasy OC )
Vanya Ulafiel ( Fantasy OC )
Ruth Rutledge ( Stranger Things OC )
Eight ( Stranger Things OC )
Cordelia Robinson ( Space Ranger OC )
Grace Scott ( One tree hill OC )
Miles Gardner ( Virgin river OC )
Seamus Graham ( Fandomless )
Diego Garcia ( Fandomless ) 
Jackson Harrington ( Stranger things OC )
Aniyah Stokes ( Outer Banks OC )
Charles Foreman ( Stranger Things OC )
Theodore Blight ( Fairy OC )
Annabelle Honeywell ( Human OC )
Mike Yeun ( Fandomless OC )
Hercules ( Headcanoned / Disney Based ) 
The Witcher
Geralt Of Rivia
Princess Ciri
It Series
Beverly Marsh
Eddie Kaspbrak
Marvel Cinematic Universe 
Tony Stark
Stephan Strange
Frank Castle
Jessica Jones
Peter Parker
Kate Bishop
Carol Danvers
DC Cinematic Universe
Bruce Wayne
Diana Prince
Barbara Gordon
Selina Kyle
Pamela Isley
Lena Luthor
Kara Danvers
Maya Hart
Queen Elsa
Tinker Bell
Miguel Rivera
Judy Hopps
Helen Parr
Bella Swan
Edward Cullen
Charlie Swan
Jacob Black
Emmett Cullen
The Last Of Us
Bree Tanner
Uncharted movie
Nathan Drake
Joel Miller
Life is Strange
Dina Fonseca 
Abby Anderson
Max Caulfield
Dana Ward
Chloe Price
Warren graham
Alex Chen
To All the boys
Sean Diaz
Red dead redemption
Sadie Adler
Arthur Morgan
Mary-Beth Gaskill
Karen Jones
Peter Kavinsky
Lara Jean Covey
Stranger Things
Steve Harrington
Eleven Hopper
Will Byers
Jonathan Byers
Dustin Henderson
Max Mayfield
Robin Buckley
Eddie Munson
Eden Bingham 
Teen Wolf
Stiles Stilinski
Derek Hale
John Winchester
Dean Winchester
Meg Masters
Jo Harvelle
The Vampire Diaries
Josie Saltzman
Klaus Mikaelson
Hayley Marshall
Jackson Kenner
Landon Kirby
Lizzie Saltzman
The Walking Dead
Rick Grimes
Glenn Rhee
Beth Greene
Stu Machar
Emma Duval
Tatum Riley
The Office
Michael Scott
Jim Halpert
Kelly Kapoor
Pam Beesly
Brooklyn 99
Jake Peralta
Rosa Diaz
One Tree Hill
Peyton Sawyer
Nathan Scott
Outer Banks
Rafe Cameron
Sarah Cameron
JJ Maybank
Topper Thornton
The Bear
Carmy Berzatto
Virgin River
Jack Sheridan 
High School Musical
Troy Bolton
Rickey Bowen
Gabriella Montez
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ilovefandoms102 · 3 years
OC Question Night!
Hey guys! So I recently hit 2.3k on here and was trying to think of a different way to celebrate, so @halsmultibitch and I came up with this! 
We want you guys to get to know these characters better so what better way to do that then to have an open question night!
Note however that THEY have a right to not answer any question they feel uncomfortable answering!
You can think of it as talking to a friend or a full out interview!
It can be lighthearted or the dirtiest of dirty they do not mind!
This will be taking place today 9-5-21 until 9-7-21!
Elizabeth Adams
Kendall Cooper
Briar Hunter
Amalia Hendrix
River Sanders
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genuinerio · 2 years
YOUNG, WILD AND FREE ↠ 「 Outer Banks 」
PAIRINGS: John B Routledge (possibly eventual love interest, best friend), Pope Heyward (platonic, best friend), Kiara Carrera (platonic, best friend, a potential love interest), JJ Maybank (platonic, siblings)
WORDS: 1312.
NOTES: So, I don’t have an exact definite love interest for my OC, River yet since she’s going to have a few possible love interests and will try her best to allow others to get close and be in a committed relationship, I apologize. Also, River and JJ’s close sibling relationship was inspired a lot by Jesus and Mariana’s close relationship from “The Fosters.”
SUMMARY: River Maybank was a girl who always tried her hardest to fight and get back up when she was down, oftentimes at the hands of Luke, her abusive father. Like her brother, JJ, she was known to be a rebellious person, the girl had always enjoyed taking risks and partying, most times to rid herself of the trauma they had both faced in being raised in such a tragic environment. She loved to have a good time in parties, smoking weed, promiscuity, art and surfing with art being her way of expressing herself through such traumatic moments. River didn’t believe in committing to a relationship, frankly, she was scared to death of commitment and could never see herself staying with just one person for too long or else she’d lose interest. Frankly, she didn’t see herself as valuable enough for anyone else regarding a relationship with River seeing herself as broken and “damaged goods,” and as she continually told others, she was working on herself first before anything else but hopefully, there truly is someone eventually out there for River Maybank.
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RIVER MAYBANK, like her brother is known for being the life of the party on the cut side of Outer Banks. Despite her tragic and abusive home life, she tries her hardest not to let that affect her but coping with it by unraveling in very heartbreaking coping mechanisms like drinking, weed and promiscuity along with a healthy one in art and surfing.
In doing so, River tries her hardest to not get too attached to those who she feels that she could lose in a blink of an eye with the exception of her brother who she knows would never betray her just as she would never to him along with their shared friends who they both know is more like family than they’ve ever had back home besides one another.
Because of how loving JJ is towards his dear twin sister, he can be quite overprotective which could really drive River insane even though he has the best intentions at heart. Within this, River feels that he often acts like her father rather than her brother and takes this into extreme lengths and circumstances with him believing he has the right especially with him being her brother despite her mentioning that they’re twins and she’s only younger than him by a simple ten minutes.
There were numerous times that in not wanting his sister to deal with the same abuse that he had and in protection, JJ would take the fall for River with them both knowing that if Luke was to ever find out, they’d suffer ten times of the abuse that they had dealt with prior. And in times like that, River was always very grateful for him to do that even though, she was okay and accepting of taking the heat for her own troubled actions.
With their extremely close bond especially as they only truly had one another to depend and rely on as children growing up, to their mutual disgust and disappointment, oftentimes, River and JJ are mistaken as a couple with the two sharing a grossed out facial expression. And throughout every fight and argument they’ve had where they were beyond infuriated with each other, they would never let become too much where they hated each other or even if they claimed to do so, the hatred and anger would never last long as it would never break their special bond.
One explosive fight was over a guy that River was trying her hardest to commit to but struggled with nonetheless. Upon meeting him and in any possible romantic suitor needing JJ’s approval to date River, he had deemed the guy to be a total fuckboy to which a chuckling River felt JJ to be a total hypocrite since he was exactly of the same sorts.
A particular guy who no doubt had JJ’s approval was John B Routledge, JJ’s best friend since the third grade and someone who he along with their shared friends had believed the two to harbour crushes over one another despite potentially breaking the “No pogue on pogue macking” rule. River and John B were believed to have a flirtatious relationship with their joking around and bonding moments but truthfully neither saw it as romantic but rather pure friendship and a sibling type bond.
Something that neither her brother nor her friends knew with the exception of Kiara was that River was very much into women just as she was of men but also loved anyone of any gender for that matter with identifying herself as pansexual. Kiara had once saw her friend making out with a woman slightly older than her and in accidentally overcoming this, she could surely tell River was the one withholding the upper hand and in proving her belief that she was a dominant woman.
Her promiscuity was something that she felt saved her in a lot ways but also hurt her in causing her to be fearful of commitment and in relationships that were not strictly sexual and nothing more. She could never truly see a committed River in any romantic relationship that wasn’t sexual, it just wasn’t something that was in her nature nor even had wanted for herself whatsoever.
Throughout their years of shared childhood abuse, JJ and River have promised to never keep a secret from one another which of course River tried to keep except with one major secret that she vowed to take to her grave with how explicit and traumatic it could be as she knew it would JJ to quite fury and create even more painful moments than they already endured. Because if she did, JJ would blame this upon himself and see himself at fault when it never truly was nor had he known about it.
And as much as she didn’t want to believe it, she oftentimes at her lowest felt like she deserved the pain and abuse that Luke put her through regarding all the rebellious and troubled acts that she had committed in a way to remove how terribly the abuse affected her from childhood to current teens.
As a way to remove herself from such a toxic situation and mindset, she would abuse substances, sleep around and oftentimes would paint since art was a great passion of hers. River felt that art was the perfect example in removing such pain and trauma with also being an excellent way in expressing herself.
She wanted to believe that the abuse her and JJ suffered from their dick of a father didn’t affect her as much as she’d like to believe with drinking and smoking her sorrows away. It felt like the better option than any of the others that she had thought of at least.
Another way that had helped her cope with surfing which JJ had taught her in once he had learned himself. It was a hobby that they bonded over amongst all the other shared hobbies that they endured together.
Regardless of all the struggles and trauma that sixteen year old, River Maybank had gone through, she wasn’t going to let this get to her nor let Luke bring her down without a fight because she deserved vengeance both for her and for her brother as well considering how much pain, suffering and emotional distress they’d gone through. Because as River famously quoted herself saying, if someone kicked her while she was down, they better hope and pray that she doesn’t get back up with her love of vengeance.
She didn’t want to make herself get used to such a toxic environment and just accept it for herself like her friends believed she would nor let herself feel like she does not deserve a loving relationship with whoever she felt a strong connection with. They wanted happiness for her and wanted to get her to believe that she deserved it as well. This girl who viewed herself as not worthy of anything good, seeing upon herself such a broken soul and as someone who was simply just “damaged goods” was much more than that.
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genuinerio · 7 months
Idk if I already asked. But are you going to continue writing young, wild and free (John b story)?
Hi. No worries in asking again, I am in fact continuing the story. I apologize for such a long delay as I have been dealing with some major writer’s block among my stories but it’s coming soon.
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Which Love Interest of Your OC is More Likely to Do This?
1. Who is more likely to wake up early to surprise their significant other with breakfast in bed? ☀️
Several love interests come to mind. Stan, Randy, Steve, and JJ. I was going to include Jerome but I’d imagine he more likely would steal from a fancy breakfast place and then act like he made it for Winifred. You know what, nvm. I will include Jerome. Because it is still considered breakfast in bed. It’s just stolen breakfast. 
JJ we are know is not a morning person but for Maribel he’d wake up early to surprise her with breakfast. They’d all try to make their OCs favorite meals. And you can bet JJ would be the one to leave the kitchen the most messiest.  
Obviously Eddie can’t cause by the time he is with Alexandra he’s already a vampire. Unless you count a late breakfast for dinner kind of date.
2. Who is more likely to buy their significant other a very expensive gift? 💸
The word buy is important because if it wasn’t included I would have said Jerome.
 I say JJ but I’d imagine he’d buy Maribel something expensive only after saving up money. 
Steve is an obvious choice. 
I also would say Randy because he would save up money too. Only the best for Scarlett in his mind. 
3. Who is more to do something very disturbing, but in their head it's seen as a romantic gesture? 🤪
Do I really need to say who?
*whispers the name Jerome*
4. Who is more likely to cry during movies and ask their partner to comfort them? 🎞️
JJ...but only if it’s just him and Maribel. The guy is so touch starved and always wants to be near Maribel. If they watch a sad movie he needs her to at least hold his hand. 
5. Who is more likely to use their significant other's toothbrush? 🪥
I see JJ doing this and when Maribel asks why he’d be like, “Sunshine we’re not kissing anyone else. So why should it matter?” And then he proceeds to brush his teeth with her toothbrush. 
6. Who is more likely to take their partner's hand and placing it on their head, wordlessly telling them that they want them to play with their hair? 🥺
7. Who is more likely to show an excessive amount of PDA? 💋
Psh, this is easy to answer. 
Marko, JJ, and Eddie.
8. Who is more likely to enjoy quiet and relaxing evenings with their partner? 🤫
Randy. Even though it’s fun going out for dates he will always love staying at home and watching movies with Scarlett. 
The same with Stan and Gwen. Stan loves being able to stay at home with Gwen and working on a puzzle together or just cuddling on their couch. 
9. Who is more likely to get jealous over the most illogical things? 💚
Jerome. He gets jealous super easily. Marko does too. Followed by JJ and then Eddie. 
10. Who is more likely to offer to give their partner a ride, because they might not be the best driver? 🚗
Randy. He loves Scarlett enough to be honest about her driving skills. 
11. Who is more likely to track their partner? 🕵️‍♂️
Randy. But listen Scarlett does the same with him. It’s something they’ve agreed to do because of all the shit they’ve gone through. And it would be done through their phones. 
Also Jerome with Winifred. His reasoning is because he’s obsessed with her. 
I don’t think I have to include Marko and Eddie do I? I mean they’re vampires....okay maybe I will include them. 
12. Who is more likely to make teasing remarks about their significant other's height difference? 📏
JJ. He loves poking fun at Maribel for being so short. He loves being taller than her. 
13. Who is more likely to demand for regular date nights? 👩‍❤️‍💋‍👨
Demand more? Marko with Cheryl and Eddie with Alexandra. 
14. Who is more likely to be very serious about anniversaries? 📅
Randy. He likes making the day Scarlett and him got married really special. And Stan with Gwen. Like you already know Stan will go all out for Gwen. 
Also in Dimensions Of The Heart I see Steve planning a romantic dinner for Gwen to celebrate how long they’d been dating. 
15. Who is more likely to have a dedicated folder on their phone that is full of their favorite pictures of their partner? 📁
Stan. He’d have a bunch of photos of Gwen and him. I also think JJ would too with Maribel. You know he’d post a bunch of pictures of them together on his Insta.  
16. Who is more likely to kill with no hesitation for their partner? 🔪
Jerome. Someone gives Winifred the stink eye? BYE. 
17. Who is more likely to be pouty in the morning because they had a dream that their partner cheated on them and they still didn't apologise for cheating on them in their dream? 😂
JJ. Even though it’s a dream, and Maribel assures him she’d never do that, he’d still pout throughout the day.
18. Who is more likely to have a dance battle with their significant other? 💃🕺
19. Who is more likely to watch their love interest sleep for an extended period of time? 👀
Three people come into mind.
Jerome, Marko, and Eddie. 
Jerome...because he’s Jerome. Anything Winifred does is fascinating to him, including sleeping. 
Marko and Eddie because they’re both vampires, so it’s like required. In fact at this point in Beauty Has Her Way Marko has already watched Cheryl sleep.  
20. Who is more likely to make doctor appointments for their significant other, because they hate making phone appointments? 📞
I immediately think Randy because I totally see Scarlett as the type to be stubborn and not want to admit she's sick. And also because she doesn't like calling the doctor. She’s like every introvert I know. 
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soughthopearchived · 1 year
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Hello there! Thank you for choosing to follow my blog I only have a few rules that I wish you to follow:
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Personal blogs please don’t interact with my content.
This blog is multiverse & multi-ship but I ship based on chemistry.
Mun is well over the age of 21 so NSFW & Triggering topics will be here although they will be tagged.
Please do not use me as a meme or image source, I've had problems with that in the past.
If we have an issue I ask that you be respectful and speak to me about it in PMS or unfollow me if you're childish.
I use big gifs/icons, resized icons, gif icons, and gif hunts or nothing at all based on the convenience and how I'm feeling at the moment. ( Blacklist: CW: large image ).
If you need anything tagged let me know okay? I will always tag flashing images, gore, bugs, drugs, guns, etc.
Lastly, I have dyslexia and ADHD so if I miss a cue in the writing or my reply has some grammatical errors be nice! I'm sensitive, thank you lol.
Affiliated with @soughtbirthright, @theolderh3nderson, @pogueland1a, @hawkinssongbird & @deermooses.
Icon credits: @tutorgirlcommissions​, find out exactly who it is on my ( credits page ), and please commission them! They're lovely.
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You can find a WIP collection of my muses below the cut:
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Briana Madison ( Werewolf OC )
Beatrice Lafoux ( Vampire OC )
James Barlowe ( Vampire OC )
Spencer McClaren ( Fandomless OC )
Claire St James ( Future OC )
Sylvie Nightbloom ( Human Fantasy OC )
Vanya Ulafiel ( Fantasy OC )
Ruth Rutledge ( Stranger Things OC )
Eight ( Stranger Things OC )
Cordelia Robinson ( Space Ranger OC )
Grace Scott ( One tree hill OC )
Miles Gardner ( Virgin river OC )
Seamus Graham ( Fandomless )
Diego Garcia ( Fandomless ) 
Jackson Harrington ( Stranger things OC )
Aniyah Stokes ( Outer Banks OC )
Charles Foreman ( Stranger Things OC )
Theodore Blight ( Fairy OC )
Annabelle Honeywell ( Human OC )
Mike Yeun ( Fandomless OC )
the witcher
Geralt Of Rivia
Princess Ciri
it series
Beverly Marsh
Eddie Kaspbrak
marvel cinematic universe 
Tony Stark
Peter B Parker ( OC )
Stephan Strange
Frank Castle
Jessica Jones
Peter Parker
Kate Bishop
Carol Danvers
dc cinematic universe
Bruce Wayne
Diana Prince
Barbara Gordon
Selina Kyle
Pamela Isley
Lena Luthor
Kara Danvers
Maya Hart
Queen Elsa
Tinker Bell
Miguel Rivera
Judy Hopps
Helen Parr
Bella Swan
Edward Cullen
Charlie Swan
Jacob Black
Emmett Cullen
Bree Tanner
Nathan Drake
Nadine Ross
Cassie Drake
the last of us
Joel Miller
Dina Fonseca 
Abby Anderson
life is strange
Max Caulfield
Dana Ward
Chloe Price
Warren graham
Alex Chen
Sean Diaz
red dead redemption
Sadie Adler
Arthur Morgan
Mary-Beth Gaskill
Karen Jones
to all the boys
Peter Kavinsky
Lara Jean Covey
stranger things
Steve Harrington
Eleven Hopper
Will Byers
Jonathan Byers
Dustin Henderson
Max Mayfield
Robin Buckley
Eddie Munson
Eden Bingham 
teen wolf
Stiles Stilinski
Derek Hale
John Winchester
Dean Winchester
Meg Masters
Jo Harvelle
the vampire diaries
Josie Saltzman
Elijah Mikaelson
Klaus Mikaelson
Hayley Marshall
Jackson Kenner
Landon Kirby
Lizzie Saltzman
the walking dead
Rick Grimes
Glenn Rhee
Beth Greene
Stu Machar
Emma Duval
Tatum Riley
the office
Michael Scott
Jim Halpert
Kelly Kapoor
Pam Beesly
Brooklyn 99
Jake Peralta
Rosa Diaz
one tree hill
Peyton Sawyer
Nathan Scott
Haley James
Karen Roe
outer banks
Rafe Cameron
Sarah Cameron
JJ Maybank
Topper Thornton
the bear
Carmy Berzatto
virgin river
Jack Sheridan 
high school musical
Troy Bolton
Rickey Bowen
Gabriella Montez
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genuinerio · 2 years
Hi. I am the writer for a JJ Maybank story, “Back To You,” and I wanted to let you know that I might slightly be changing my OC’s name from Eden to River in honor of my favourite actor but instead, her middle name will be Eden or if not, I will name another character after him. I hope you all don’t mind. I will publish the first chapter very soon. Thank you.
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ilovefandoms102 · 3 years
River what’s your favorite thing to do with JJ?
Swing in the hammocks🥰
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ilovefandoms102 · 3 years
too or bottom ? - to all !!
Lizzie- bottom👀
Ken- bottom😛
Bri- top😁
Amalia- top😘
Riv- idk🙃
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ilovefandoms102 · 3 years
Describe your style River
I’m a pogue so whatever that is😂
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ilovefandoms102 · 3 years
River have you ever had a crush on another pogue before?
No actually 😂
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ilovefandoms102 · 3 years
river, what do you like the most about your best friend(s)?
I’ll just make a little list😂
I love Pope’s smarts and his willingness to help anyone
Kie’s laughter is infectious
John B’s need for adventure
JJ’s recklessness
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