#oc: saera targaryen
a-song-for-ages · 2 years
A Thousand Lives and One (B1)
alternately known as ; a thousand eyes and one
Introduction < B1
Note: the amount of times i've written this and had it NOT saved. this is the last time - the third time. if it does not publish... then I'll cry
War came and war went, leaving behind a burning land and sons and daughters of the dead. Such is the price of war - spilled blood and sacrifice... such is the price of the Crown... the blood that the Iron Throne calls for.
And Saera Velaryon paid for it - as did her mother, as did her brothers, as did every Targaryen who rode their dragons into battle. They paid for it - the war they called for - in fire and blood.
And then Saera Targaryen sat on the Iron Throne, if only for a day, before she called for Fire and Blood once more.
For a Targaryen knows no rest, lest dragonflame claim then.
The summary sucks because I suck at summaries and also because this is the third time I'm writing it and I have no braincells left to remember what I originally wrote which was a thousand times better than this muck.
Part 1 | B1
Warnings: angst (of sorts) ; major character death ; the whole "right person wrong time" vibes and and yeah
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They married on the night of her coronation -
"We best get the formalities out of the way," she told Cregan.
"If it is an order, then -"
"What if it were not?" Saera asked, looking to Cregan with a hard gaze. She was queen now, and the so called crown atop her head - a simple circlet of gold, not her mother's crown, or the Conqueror's, for looking at them only brought a sudden urge to weep and rage all at once - glinted as she stared down the man who seated her on the Iron Throne. 
He was a Stark - made of ice entirely, contrasting greatly to the fire that made her whole - and he was her mother's most loyal supporter... regardless of having never met the woman herself, he met her son, and then her daughter, both of them so different, yet so alike. 
One thing rung clear to him, the Warden of the North, that if Rhaenyra Targaryen had not the oath and fealty of his father, he would have still knelt and called her Queen, swearing his banners and men to her, for the children she raised and sent to him were not only of noble blood, but of noble character, and had only spoke of the Realm and their wish for peace. Not war - not like the Green's, who sought the Iron Throne for decades, it seemed. Not the Green's, who were the first to spill blood, declaring an end to a battle of words, and the beginning to a battle of steel.
Cregan managed a smile at his Queen, whose gaze remained hard - cold, it was, and strange, for Cregan could swear he saw a fire burn in the depths of her blue eyes. Fire that burns is surely no match to fire that freezes. 
"I would find myself hoping for festivities that would last a winter," was his response, and his Queen's lip had wobbled in the slightest at his words.
She would have laughed… had they been betrothed, and had there been no war. But all Saera felt after her ascension, was a heavy cloud of grief that began to weigh her down. But perhaps that was the Crown - or the price of it.
Saera wouldn't have known for very long - because she had soon married Cregan Stark in the godswood she would run around as a child, flowers falling from her hair. 
She was dressed as plain as a maid - her hair brought back in two plaits, the gold of the circlet that dug into her crown was removed, and Saera and Cregan knelt before the Weirwood tree, heads bent, appearing as they were… mere servants of the Crown - of the Realm.
And then it was her wedding night, and Saera and Cregan had only sat in the dimness of what was once the King's room - but was how the Queen's, and her Consort's, and Saera had whispered to Cregan, "Am I dreaming?"
"No more than I am," he whispered back, and he lightly touched her knuckles with the pads of his fingers, and Saera had looked at him, desperate for comfort. 
"Does it get easier? The loss?"
"War leaves a mark on men, and women," and Saera's eyes crinkled, remembering their talk on Valyrian and the fact that it was a gendered language, "one that never leaves. The pain never lessens, neither does the loss. You can only learn to live with it - the dagger set deep in your heart, frozen beyond thawing."
And Saera had gripped Cregan's hand just then, and he continued to talk when he noticed her closed eyes and listening ears, "You learn to live with it. But that does not mean it gets easier, or the pain lessens… you only get used to it, that constant presence."
And Saera had let out a ragged breath, before Cregan wiped away her tears, and she whispered, "I wish to see my brother… and my - my cousin."
And Cregan followed her - accompanied her to the room of her brother, who she only hugged and cried with. The boy refused to let his tears fall, but when Saera wrapped her arms around him, whispering in the tongue only they knew, his eyes began to weep. 
And then she looked to Cregan, and said, "Sweet Jahaera… my memory of Helaena. Will you bring her to me?"
And Cregan had nodded, going off to find the only living child of the late Princess, who Cregan knew, Saera never wished any harm, nor meant it…
And when Jahaera came, Saera had made her brother sit beside her, before she called the girl with open arms, crying, "Sweet cousin," and Saera broke down in tears when her eyes fell upon the emotionless ones of the girl who never made a sound - not even in Saera's arms that enveloped her, holding her, rubbing her back. 
"Are you of the same cloth as your mother?" Saera had asked. "Do you not like the feel of touch? Does it burn you as it did her?"
And Jahaera only said, "Only the touch of my enemies. And those of my father."
And it broke Saera, and it angered Aegon, and Saera had decided just then, as she let out a breath, "It is alright, then, for you to hate a person. But I ask that you have that person be responsible for our shared pain. I ask that you hate the ones who lusted after a throne that was never meant to be theirs - whoever that may be."
And Jahaera had only looked at her cousin - the Sad Queen, and she remained silent. 
When Aegon had fallen asleep, his hands fisted into her nightgown, Saera had asked, "Should you wish to retire to your own room, little Dragon? Or will you remain with me, the last of your House?"
Saera did not blame her when she said, "There is none left of my house." And the girl's lip pursed as she said, "I should like my room, your Grace."
And Saera bit her lip, reaching to touch Jahaera's hair - but refrained from doing it at the last minute, remembering how the girl expressed her dislike for her. 
She would not force the girl to conform to her ideologies. If she believed her father was the rightful king, then let her think so. If she believed her mother to be Maegor come again, then let her believe so. 
Jahaera was a girl - young, like Saera had once been, and she knew, further antagonizing the girl, would only make her seek to follow the footsteps of her mother… and Saera had seen enough death. So she let her go, the daughter of the Usurper King.
The two of them were similar, Saera had thought, walking with her cousin to her room, flanked by guards, after all, it was Jahaera, too, who helplessly watched her brother be killed.
With a heavy, torn heart, Saera bade her cousin goodnight, before she returned to Aegon's room, where Cregan was sat on the chair beside the bed, his head tilted back, eyes closed - but one opened when she opened the door, and he sat up, greeting her with the intensity of his grey eyes.
"Forgive me," she had whispered, "for I have not done my duty as your wife."
"We've enough time for duty," Cregan said. "Now, is time for rest."
And Saera had looked at him, a sad pout on her lips as her eyes filled with tears once more. Would it ever end? The crying? She almost wanted to ask Cregan if he cried for his lost brother still - but she stopped herself, knowing what it felt like to have the strings of her heart be pulled. She would not dare do it to him. Not now. Not ever.
"Then come rest," Saera had said, going onto the bed, her back facing Aegon's sleeping form, "with me, husband."
And Cregan had joined after her, holding onto her, and kissing her head, her crown, and her fingers - especially when they began to tremble and shake and hold onto the soft cotton of his tunic. 
The three had fallen asleep like that - with Saera's back turned to Cregan, and her arms holding tightly onto Aegon, and with Cregan's own arms draped over her and covering her hands that held the boy. 
They slept, but Saera woke in a sweat, and Cregan woke after her, having to hold her tightly as she began to gasp softly, whispering to her that it was done - the war was done - it was over, there would be no more bloodshed, and Saera had forced herself to calm, especially when Cregan said, "Little Egg is here, he is safe. You are safe. I swear it." And Saera had turned to him, before she made to sit on the edge of the bed, breathing. 
"I shall fetch you some water," Cregan said.
"No need, Creg," Saera whispered, but her husband had only said, "Wait here."
She assumed he needed a walk - wondered if his skin crawled as hers did, remembering the faces of the ones they both had lost. 
She felt ill just then, and even though her husband had told her to wait for him, she felt the world spin and the air burn with a haze, spinning around her.
It reminded her of Gaelithox, her beloved dragon, and the memories of that great loss had her heart screaming for release - for reprieve.
Not wanting to awaken her brother, Saera had brushed his hair past his forehead, and pressed a gentle kiss to it. 
He shuffled, and his hand caught hers, and Saera only left when her tears threatened to spill with the cry caught at the back of her throat.
She left the room, and dismissed her guards, saying, "Protect my brother, and tell my husband I shall come soon." 
And Saera had walked aimlessly - she hadnt recognized the Red Keep, and immediately knew she would remove every inch of Hightower from it. Every inch of the Faith. They were the cause for this, she raged, her heart looking for others to blame.
And before she knew it, she was facing the skull of Balerion - Meraxes was on an altar beside him, and she breathed in, before she fell to her knees, crying as broken Valyrian words left her mouth.
When her tears finally died down, as did the sound of her voice, Saera made herself stand.
"Even when I am brought to my knees," she croaked, staring into the empty sockets of the skull of the great Black Dread, fire dancing in her eyes - as if taunting the dragon - the god of death that he was named after, I am alive, and you are not, is that why you continue to take from me? 
"Still, I will rise." A statement? Or a promise? Whatever it may have been - it was between Saera, who had lost so much, and Balerion, the Valyrian god who had taken so much from her… it was between them two, a secret whispered in Valyrian, a promise that would prove to be true… but only when Saera had felt a sharp pain in her chest, and she had breathed in…
And she registered what was happening…
Balerion. Death. Have you come again?
And her ribs burned, and her blood fell, staining the back of her nightgown.
You coward.
But she was weak, and tired, and she had no fight left in her, not as she remembered the feeling of dying beside her dragon, and only awaking with a shout of a word, "Dracarys," did she repeat it - her first word would be the last she uttered… a whisper, a prayer, a promise.
And so did Saera Targaryen, Queen of the Seven Kingdoms, First of Her Name, fall to her knees as her assailant released the blade that was dug into her back - a cowardly act - with a smile on her face as the blood that stained her gown grew.
At last, an end. 
Man do I hope this is the end of me writing this chapter and editing it a thousand times because I. Am. Tired. Of Tumblr fucking me up.
Anyways hope yall enjoyed thisssss. (It's not the end. Nor the beginning. It's quite literally the middle of a story that's at it end bit also it's beginning - does that make sense? Eh.)
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quiddling · 2 months
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the bastard of volantis and his mummy
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ilynpilled · 6 days
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my stuff for @asoiafpalestine
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sshireens · 6 months
i love seeing people take preexisting characters and just make them their own ocs. i love adopting fanon as gospel. i love stealing from the source and turning mercury into gold. rb and tag with your own
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ilreleonewikiart · 4 months
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Velaena Targaryen of Volantis, daughter of Saera
Thanks to the lovely @aungielina for deciding to be my first client of this month!
It was a pleasure to draw your Oc Velaena ❤️✨
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randomestfandoms-ocs · 2 months
HOTD OC Introduction
(world's biggest thanks to @ginevrastilinski-ocs for dealing with me being very annoying and helping me figure this all out)
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1 – Saera Targaryen ( Elle Fanning ): Aemond ship, Rhaenyra & Daemon’s daughter from the night Rhaenyra snuck out – very scandalous, very secretive, but the implications of her being the child of two potential heirs is a big deal to those who know
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2 – Carlys Tully ( Charlotte Hope ) in Death By A Thousand Cuts: Aegon ship, toxic heartbreak but also she is/was in love, he claimed her as his wife and she never had a say, little miss "I can fix him (no really I can)" to queen "i can fix him (whoa maybe i can't)"
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3 – Lyria Hightower ( Millie Bobby Brown & Synnove Karlsen ): Alicent’s twin sister
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4 – Dorian Tyrell ( Timothee Chalamet): Alicent ship, second son of House Tyrell, recently became a knight, is there when Alicent wears the green dress at the wedding feast and is just immediately so devoted and knows he would die for her, asks Alicent’s permission to serve as her personal guard and has been by her side ever since
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5 – Vysenia Targaryen ( Freya Allen & Morfydd Clark ): Rhaenyra’s younger twin, loyal to her sister but also has been in love with Alicent since they were children
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6 – Cyrissa Cole ( Summer Bishil ): Criston Cole’s younger sister, ends up involved in things when Criston becomes a member of the Kingsguard but will probably have her own plot in Dorne too
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7 – Vaella Targaryen ( Suki Waterhouse ): Alicent’s daughter, Aemond takes her as his bride because Targaryen tradition but is a very absent husband (at least at first), holds her at arms length and she is desperate for his affection
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8 – Daessa Velaryon ( Millie Brady ): Rhaenyra’s daughter, the eldest of her children with Harwin Strong, has long since figured out who her real father is but won't say anything. If Rhaenyra is queen then she is heir to the throne, and she won't sacrifice that just for the "truth"
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9 – Ayron Targaryen & Rhaella Targaryen ( Henry Cavill x Jodie Comer ): Ayron is Viserys & Daemon’s middle brother, technically heir until Viserys names Rhaenyra as his heir. Rhaella is Rhaenys’ younger sister, thinks her sister should have been queen, they are a ship and both just trying to survive the war
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jacaeryssworld · 2 months
spool of flame, spool of sea
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pairing: aemond targaryen x saera velaryon (oc)
trope(s): childhood friends to strangers to lovers, arranged marriage, caged bird
warning(s): typical targaryen incest (uncle x niece dynamic), aemond is very ooc in this, angsty, blood & violence mentions, main characters(s) death
rating: pg-13 (no smut, but suggestive content/themes mentioned)
summary/snippet: “Saera Velaryon likes to describe herself as the sea reincarnated. She much preferred to go with the flow of things, gently rocking back and forth atop the seabed as everything was calm and serene. But just like the ocean, she could turn violent within seconds, destroying ships and villages with her powerful winds and large waves. She had been the true definition of what a Velaryon should be–a twin to the sea. Saera loved traveling on ship, the oceans breeze whispering the secrets of unknown and unclaimed lands as it blew through her hair. She loved the smell of its salty water as it would splash up against the thick wood of a Velaryon ship. Although she was rarely ever given the chance to travel via ship, she always begged her Father to take her to Driftmark just so she could feel the thrill of being on a ship once again. He'd only laugh at his little girl and shake his head, saying that they had no legitimate reason to visit the place and that both of her brothers had awful seasickness whenever they stepped foot on a ship. So her dreams of sailing to wherever she wanted had to be put on hold for a while, hope lacing her wishes and prayers as she prayed to the Gods every night to allow her to experience the sea one more time.” — snippet from prologue
prologue. a girl of the sea and a beast of the skies
act one. where sea and fire meet, tears and smoke emit
chapter one. of dragons and men
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Broken Wings
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pairing: Fanon!Aegon Targaryen x Female OC
summary: Viserys I Targaryen is dead and Aegon's priority is saving his family.
Word count: 4,2K
Warnings: Angst, imprisonment, incest, threatening pregnant ladies, fighting, childbirth
"Come on, my love" Aegon urged hand tightening around Saera's. She huffed and panted feeling exhaustion seep into her bones the more she pushed herself to run. Aegon pulled her gently to run in front of him keeping an eye put behind him.
"I can't Aegon, I am too tired" Saera sobbed leaning against the wall. Her hand traveled to her eight moons big baby bump. The baby was restless feeling his mother's stress and from her hurried movement. Aegon looked behind him again before leaning against the wall beside Saera.
"You have to my love, we're almost there" He tried to keep his voice quiet. His hand skimmed to her baby bump trying to sooth the pain. She huffed pushing back her tears and nodded her head. He kissed her forehead and continued walking towards their destination.
Saera hated the sight of the dragonpit for the first time in her life, she felt like she journeyed all around of Westeros to reach it. Sunfyre growled sensing them approaching his area.
"Shhh, keep it down" Aegon demanded his dragon. Saera crouched down feeling her knees buckled beneath her. Aegon was by her side in a flash.
"No more running my love, just get on top of Sunfyre and we will be out of here" He assured. She nodded allowing him to help her up from the ground. His heart broke at the sight of her tears, some were shed for his father the dead king and some were form her discomfort, this pregnancy had taken a tole on her smaller body.
"Where do you think you are running off to?" Saera squealed in shock at the sudden voice. She twirled around to find Aemond standing a couple of feet away from them. Aegon pushed her behind his back glaring at his brother. If this were a different situation Saera's heart would have skipped a beat at his protectiveness but now she just leaned her weight on his back feeling exhaustion fill her senses.
"Let us go, Aemond" Aegon hissed angrily. Aemond smirked crossing his arms in front of him.
"Why should I? You are to be King and you decided to run away" Aemond took a step closer. Aegon pushed Saera even further back. She moved her arms to wrap around her belly, she was terrified. She did not know why Aemond was trying to stop them, could it be that he wanted revenge for the bullying he suffered on the hands of Aegon? But that was many years ago, had he not let go of it?
"Please Aemond" Saera begged. His gaze softened at the sight of her teary eyes, she was like a sister to him, Helaena loved her as such too, his dear wife.
"There you are!" Saera screamed when hands wrapped around her from behind pulling her away from Aegon. He turned to look at her shocked, Ser Criston Cole stood behind her holding her in place with his dagger against her neck. Aegon's only weakness and sadly everyone knew, he has never tried concealing his feelings towards her before, he never thought anyone would take advantage of them.
"What are you doing? How dare you threaten my wife?" Aegon questioned angrily. He did not dare take a step closer in fear of Saera getting hurt.
"The queen and Hand are awaiting you, your grace" Cole answered plainly. Aegon knew of Cole preferring Aemond over him but he did not think he would do such a thing to a princess of the seven kingdoms, Saera was still the daughter of princess Rhaenyra and granddaughter of King Viserys.
"You don't understand, I am not suited to rule! I have no sense of duty or knowledge of ruling" Aegon tried fighting. His eyes never leaving those of Saera's. Her hands were still on her belly as of she could protect their child in a situation and position such as this. Aegon felt so useless standing there like an idiot while his wife was being held at knife point, pregnant on top of that.
"Unhand her, Ser Cole" Aemond demanded glaring at Cole. He was not expecting Cole to put a woman at dagger point let alone a pregnant one. If Helaena was here she would have demanded Aemond save Saera, she was the only one other than himself she felt comfortable enough to be herself with, Saera was like the sister they never had. Aemond did not know how Aegon felt in that moment but he knew he would have gone crazy if Helaena was in Saera's position, pregnant nonetheless.
"The Queen awaits you, your grace" Cole's words was cold and his voice sent shivers down Saera's back. She pleaded Aegon with her eyes, she did not want to die, she did not want their child to die. Aegon had no choice, he was cornered.
"Alright just unhand my wife" Aegon pleaded. Cole smirked shaking his head refusing. He pointed to the entrance of the dragonpit with his eyes.
"Out" He grumbled. Aegon's eyes widened in shock. They were going to separate him from Saera.
"Unhand my wife" Aegon stepped closer. Cole pulled Saera further away from Aegon. She whimpered when the dagger caught some of her skin causing a small cut. Aegon froze at the sight of blood.
"Hand her to me, I will take her to her chambers" Aemond tried bargaining. Aegon was definitely against the idea but Aemond was much better than Criston, he would not hurt Saera. Aegon trusted Aemond with Saera.
"Take your brother to the queen" Criston did not yield. Queen Alicent demanded he take Princess Saera to her chambers and lock her there, not Aemond or anyone else.
"Go Aegon" Saera whispered. His eyes showed his conflict. She reached her hand out to him with difficulty with the dagger still against her neck. He grasped her hand desperately trying to comfort her. Criston pulled her away from her husband making her stumble a little. She cried out loud, the movement hurt her, the baby did not like that and began moving frantically.
"Careful you cunt, she is with child" Aegon yelled. Criston ignored him and moved Saera to walk away from the brothers.
"Come on princess" Criston taunted in her ear. She did not know why he hated her, was it something she did? Or was it because she was her mother's daughter.
"Please, my baby" She cried. He ignored her as he strapped her to a horse with her hand bond in front of her. He climbed behind her before urging the horse in the Red Keep's direction.
"Shut up" He hissed in her ear. she tried stopping the sobs leaving her lips but there was no use. She was terrified for Aegon, for her baby and for herself. What will happen now? Will they kill her? Will war rise?
"I said shut up" He yanked her down from the horse in front of the doors. He raised his hand to strike her but was stopped by a smooth voice. Queen Alicent stood by the doors adorning a green gown.
"How dare you raise a hand at the future queen?" She hissed stepping over to the pair. Saera wanted to tell her that she was no better having raised her hand at the future King Aegon.
"Unhand her" She demanded. Criston moved away from the women leaving mother and daughter in law glaring at each other.
"If you had not ran away you would not have been treated this way" Alicent pulled out a small knife from her dress and began undoing the ropes holding Saera's hand together.
"This is treason" Saera hissed pulling away from Alicent. The queen flinched when she met Saera's glare, she may not have her mother's eye colour but she defiantly had her glare.
"The King whispered to me that-" Alicent began but Saera was quick to interrupt her.
"We both know that is a lie" Saera's tone was sharp now that there was no dagger at her neck she felt free to show her true emotions. A sharp pain in her belly ended the conversation.
"Ser Cole, escort the princess to her chambers" Alicent ordered. Saera pulled away from his hold when he reached over to her. Her face was scrunched in pain and her arms wrapped around her belly.
"Do not touch me again you filthy piece of shit, I know my way on my own" She growled face flushed from anger and fisting her dress. Criston did not seem fazed and moved closer again and this time Saera had enough of him belittling her. With no hesitation she raised her hand and punched him square in the face. She bit her lip to not let put a pained cry as her knuckles protested from the contact with Cole's nose.
"Fuck" He spluttered moving back with his hands on his face. Queen Alicent gasped in shock at the violent act coming from her daughter in law. Saera smirked knowing if Daemon were here he would be immensely proud.
"I said I know the way on my own, cunt" Saera spoke with sanguine evident in her voice. She puffed her chest proudly seeing the blood seep through Cole's fingers and Alicent trying to console him. Saera did not wait for them and made her way into the palace in search of her husband ignoring the kicking and squirming of her child inside her.
"Where are you?" She whispered to herself. She paused a little outside the king's chamber hearing voices inside. She was relieved that there were on guards outside and barged in to see if her husband was in there and he was with his grandsire glaring at each other.
"Aegon" Relief washed over her seeing him unharmed. He gasped at the sight of her, her hair was sticking in all places and her wrists were red along with tears still streaming down her face other than her bloody lip from biting it hard and her busted knuckles.
"Saera" She wasted no time running into his arms. Her body relaxed in his comforting embrace. Aegon glared over her shoulder at his grandsire who was smirking at him.
"Are you alright?" He pulled away hands on her cheeks inspecting her body for any injuries. His eyes paused at her knuckles, swollen and bruised.
"I punched Criston cunt when he tried manhandling me" She explained. Aegon looked at her shocked. She has never used violence before in her life against anyone ever. He felt proud of her for defending herself.
"I am sorry I was not there, my love" Aegon's eyes filled with tears. He hated himself even more if that were to be possible, his mother, father and grandsire made sure to make him hate himself for eternity even after he changed for the better.
"It was not your fault" She whispered. Her hands reached up to his face holding it gently minding the fact that his grandsire may have hurt him, still he flinched at the contact and it made anger boil inside of her.
"Your maids will help you into your ceremonial clothes" Otto Hightower retreated leaving the couple in the King's chambers alone but he locked the doors behind himself.
"I am so sorry, so very sorry" Aegon's knees buckled and he fell in front of the love of his life. His sobs shook his weak body. His hands fisted her dress at her hips, wider than usual preparing to birth their child soon, and his forehead pressed against the swell of her belly.
"Shhh, Aegon, it was not your fault" Saera repeated her words again. One hand rested atop his on her hip and the other ran through his hair. He looked up at her, even during times like this her smile was gentle and comforting.
"Stand up, my king" He flinched disgusted by the title. They both knew that there was no running away from the reality.
"I am so sorry, my love, I will do anything to save you two" He stood up again. His hands rubbed her belly and his lips skimmed over her forehead.
"Just hold me for now" She whimpered. He hugged her close to his body as they both sobbed into each other's arms. The maids took pity on the couple and gave them some extra alone time before they were unable to delay helping them bathe and change.
Saera was not ashamed of the tears streaking down her cheeks as she walked through the dragonpit now packed with the smallfolk and soldiers. The soldiers bowed their heads to their new Queen as she passed by with her arm linked with Aemond's. Deep down she had forgiven him, she saw him falter and how he tried getting Cole to let her go.
"Everything will be alright" Aemond whispered trying to comfort the distressed pregnant woman on his arm.
"Nothing will be alright ever again" She hissed stepping beside Helaena. Aemond sighed defeated moving to stand on his wife's other side. Their three children were in their rooms too young to be here and neither Aemond nor Helaena wanted them witnessing this.
Saera felt her throat close when she felt someone step close behind her. She turned her neck to find a guard staring straight ahead. She was barely able to conceal the gasp when she felt the edge of a dagger dig into her back.
"Eyes forward, your grace" The guard whispered. She felt the shakiness in his voice and grip around the dagger, he did not want to do it but he must. She took pity on him and turned around again to watch.
Aegon had tear tracks on his face as he walked through the manmade arch of swords. His eyes glared with hatred at his mother and grandsire. Saera could not deny the pain on Alicent's face, she sacrificed the love of her eldest son for the throne. Otto only smirked proudly at his grandchild.
Saera wished she knew where The Cannibal was, he had flown off a couple of days ago for some reason and has not returned. She was already scared for him since she was had not been able to ride him for the last couple of moons since her belly swelled more and more.
Saera turned her gaze to the smallfolk watching Aegon being crowned not knowing the price they had to pay for that. She at the same time was unable to watch as they anointed Aegon or as they placed the crown on his head. She gulped trying to stop the streaming tears but was unable to, her poor mother will think her a traitor as well.
She raised her hands to cover her ears as the smallfolk cheered for Aegon. She felt disgusted with herself but what other choice did she have. She wanted to run and hide or to run to her mother and tell her the whole story, she wanted her mother to wrap her in her arms and comfort her, oh what she would pay to be in her mother's embrace.
"Oh gods" She gasped when Meleys emerged from the depth. Aegon did not hesitate to run over to Saera. They wrapped their arms around each other fearing what Rhaenys Targaryen would do. Saera did not doubt that Rhaenys would not harm her, she was her granddaughter after all. Aemond had moved his body in front of Helaena's to protect her not like a human body would be able to stop dragon fire.
Rhaenys' held unshed tears as she watched her granddaughter bury her face in Aegon's shoulder whimpering. Aegon himself had his head buried in Saera's hair accepting that they would die together, two people in love and their unborn child. Aegon lifted his head for one second to look at her and that was enough for her to see, he did not want this.
Meleys let out a loud roar shaking the ground and walls before flying away leaving the greens unharmed. Saera felt her body shut down, too much stress and too much pain. Aegon's shouting was the last thing she heard before her world turned black.
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When Saera woke again it was late in the night. There was no one in the room except her and Aegon. He was sat on his side of the bed, a hand holding her own hand while he stared off at the wall. His face was red and puffy from crying and he was still in his ceremonial clothes.
"Aegon" Saera whimpered. He turned to look at her showing her his red eyes.
"Oh my love, what do you want? Water? Food? Shall I call a maester?" He was off the bed quicker than she could blink. He moved to her side of the bed and kneeled down beside her. His hair was a mess with no crown to keep it down anymore.
"Water" She answered. She used her elbows to sit up against the pillows as he scrambled to get her some water. She gulped it down in one go and handed him the cup again, it was disregarded on the nightstand in a second.
"I should call a maester" Aegon moved to walk away but Saera moved quicker than she thought she could in her condition and grabbed his hand before he could leave her alone. He was running away from the reality of the situation.
"Stay" She begged her eyes watering. Aegon's face softened at the sight of her tears. He silently joined her in the bed, wrapping his arms around her small body.
"Aemond left to Storm's End to gather allies, they are not wasting any time. My guess is they are going to betroth Daeron to one of the Baratheon girls" Aegon whispered. One of his hands moved up to push some of Saera's hair back.
"I do not want to think about it, please" She tightened her grip around him. He nodded against her head. His hand trailed down her hair and down to her waist stopping at the edge of her bump.
"I am the worst husband in Westeros and beyond, I should have protected you both. I should have known that I was not fit to be a father" Aegon sobbed. He was an emotional reck but he held it together but now that Saera was alright and awake he was unable to hold it back.
"Shhh, do not say such things" Saera sat up to look at him. He was unable to look her in the eyes anymore as tears streamed down his face.
"It was not your fault, you did your best, you protected us for as long as you could, Aegon" Saera placed her hand on his cheek raising his head up to look at her.
"Oh my heart" She leaned her forehead down against his. He smiled at her genuine words but it was soon wiped off when she groaned in pain.
"What is it, my love?" Pulled away to look at her properly.
"I think it is my labors" She answered. She huffed a little as the pain returned. Now thinking about it her pain has been on going and off going since that morning but she was too preoccupied to notice.
"What now? It is a whole moon too early" Aegon panicked getting off the bed.
"Aegon please, help me" She begged crying out as the pain worsened. Aegon ran to the doors trying to open them but they were locked.
"Open the door you cunts!" Aegon screamed fists banging against the wood. This must be his grandsire's doing. The doors opened to show to guards standingt here.
"Call a maester, the queen's labours has begun" Aegon demanded. One of the peeked inside to see the Queen clutching her belly. That ticked Aegon off and rose a more violent part inside of him. He pushed the guard back as hard as he could.
"How dare you?-" Aegon began but stopped when the guard scrambled away fearing his temper and to call a maester. Alicent appeared at the end of the corridor just as the guard passed her hurriedly. She watched him for a second confused before turning back around, she intended to check on Aegon and Saera despite how much she disliked the young girl right now.
Aegon took one glance at his mother before going back inside the room. He did not hesitate to pull Saera into his arm trying to comfort her. Saera has never felt this kind of pain before in her life, she has always been afraid of giving birth but she has never imagined that it will be this painful.
"What is the matter?" Alicent questioned stepping into the room. Aegon was unable to answer as Saera let out a loud scream of pain. Alicent walked over to the bed immediately and pushed the blanket to the side showing the nightgown Saera was put into when she was unconscious and pulled that up as well to show Saera's private parts.
"What are you doing?" Aegon hissed trying to push his mother away but she had already pulled away from Saera.
"Her water broke, you should leave the baby could be coming any minute now" Alicent's words came harsher and colder than she meant. Aegon glared at her, how dare she demand he leave his wife's side while she was in need of him, he doubted Saera needed him more than she did now.
"No, I will stay by her side and support her" He shook his head in denial. Alicent's argument was cut off when the doors opened and a maester walked in followed by Helaena.
"Oh my dear good sister" Helaena occupied the space beside Saera. Saera clutched Aegon's hand along with Helaena's. She was trying not to hurt them but she couldn't, she was in too much pain.
"I want my mother" The ten and six namedays old girl begged. She was still so young for the birthing bed. Alicent felt pity on her but she was once the same, four and ten namedays when she was married off to Viserys and five and ten when she had Aegon.
"Your grace, you must be patient, it is still not time to push" The maester pulled away from her to say. Saera glared down at him feeling a sweat begin to build on her back and forehead. Her body felt like it was on fire.
"Somebody take that cunt out of my room before I kill him" Saera hissed angrily. Her sentence ended with a scream of pain. The maester shook his head and moved to the corner waiting for when he was needed.
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Saera did not know how much time has passed but the sun was slowly rising when the maester deemed it time to start pushing. Aegon moved to sit behind Saera when she kept complaining that the pillows were uncomfortable. Her hand clutched his tightly but he did not mind nor did he care of she broke it. Helaena was sitting to the side whispering encouraging words to Saera who was too polite to tell her to shut the hell up, she loved Helaena but her words were not helping.
"Keep going your grace" The maester encouraged. Alicent had left earlier when one of the maids whispered something to her, making her turn as white as a sheet of paper, all Aegon heard was Aemond's name.
"Yes!" The maester cheered followed by a baby's piercing cries. Saera sobbed hearing the sound for the first time.
"Oh my gods" Helaena had her own tears streaming down her face. The maester handed the bloody baby to it's other.
"Congratulations, your grace, a healthy prince" The maester had a smile on his face.
Neither Saera or Aegon paid him any attention too deeply engrossed with their son. He was tiny with tuffs of white blonde hair. His eyes were scrunched up as he wailed.
"Shhh, my darling dragon" Saera shushed rocking him slowly. The baby's cries slowly quietened down and his eyes opened showing the stark violet identical to Aegon's.
"He looks just like you, gevie" Saera whispered. Her gaze shifted to Aegon's face over her shoulder. He had tears running down his cheeks, she was the only one to call him beautiful in his life.
"Thank you, my love" He leaned his forehead against hers. They pulled away at the sound of a throat being cleared.
"What shall you name him, your grace?" The maester asked not caring that he ruined the familial moment. Saera turned to look at Aegon hoping he does not give their son a stupid name. He turned to look at her with a soft smile through his tears.
"You birthed him, you bled for him, you name him" Aegon whispered. Saera's eyes widened in shock along with the maester's. Helaena however smiled at the display. Aemond had also chosen the names she liked for the twins when they were born. They once sat beside the fireplace and disgust names for their children and she mentioned like the names Jaehaerys and Jaehaera once and that was then and now was now.
"Aenar" Saera said turning to look at the baby in her arms. She remembered reading this name one time in a book about old Valyria and it has been a favourite of her ever since. She looked up when the doors to her room opened showing a terrified Alicent along with a soaked Aemond who also looked traumatised.
"Aemond?" Saera questioned confused. She thought he was at Storm's End for Daeron's betrothal.
"I'm sorry..."
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vaegonposting · 2 years
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thank you very much to everyone who suggested names, please welcome Saera, Saera, Saenora and Saelaena :-)
Or, if you're like me and find that the common comparison between Valyria and Rome results in hilarious traditional implications; Saera, Saera Prima, Saera Secunda, and Saera Tertia
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alicent-boleyn · 29 days
Melaena Targaryen
Daughter of King Jaehaerys and Queen Alysanne, twin of Maegelle
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- Unlike her twin, she is not religious and grows up to become a closet atheist. After her death, her memoirs are deemed heretical by the faith, and their reading and reproduction are suppressed.
- She tried to claim Dreamfyre as a young teen but failed. The experience did not scare her off dragons, though, and begged her siblings to take her on flights.
- When she was seventeen, she was betrothed to a young Otto Hightower, but she disliked him immensely, and so ran away with Rolf Tully (OC), brother of Elmo Tully.
- She is alive when the Dance begins... she does not survive.
Song from her playlist:
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a-song-for-ages · 2 years
And so, she became known as Saera Targaryen, the Queen for a Day.
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quiddling · 1 month
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little doodle between working on comms [:
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librosamarillos · 1 year
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I write to you again, out of need, at five in the morning
the only thing left standing in this world is you
I’m doing everything except sitting down and writing this thing, but I wanted to draw something today! Also, for the first time I’m gonna have an entirely greek playlist for a fic, which is rare for me, since y’all know how much I love my blondie. Sad songs in your mother tongue just hit different imo.
This is a scene from a fic I’m currently writing on the side, between Baelon and my oc Vaella (or Ella for short.) while she’s staying with Saera in Volantis. I promise I’ll eventually post the first chapter 🤧♥️
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jedidajo-writes · 11 days
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chapter ten preview 
"What they put forth is blasphemy in the highest levels!"
"Efforts to besmirch my wife's reputation will not be taken lightly."
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Saera wore the colors blue, red and white at the first years of her marriage to Ser Harwin Strong. She hoped to please his family, and show everyone that she would be a legitimate lady to Harrenhall. But after a while, she decided to change and wore black and red instead. She needed everyone to know that she was a dragon.
To everyone's surprise she wears white, a few weeks after Lady Laena's death.
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Cleopatra by The Lumineers
"But I must admit it, that I would marry you in an instant Damn your wife, I'd be your mistress just to have you around"
taglist: @sweetybuzz25 @newtsniffles @loveandlewis-reads @lovecleastrange @julkaamazing @mirandastuckinthe80s @duhitzdae @schniiipsel @areaderinlove @i-yam-awesome @ladystardvsts @brezzybfan @rockerchick05 @flawroses @joygirlmelii @princessmiaelicia @prettybiching @sweetybuzz25 @saraandthejets1 @naturallyspontaneous @hnybitches @lxdyred @inpraizeof @claudie-080102 @wallace02sblog @teenagephilosophersandwich @1-800-isabellapotter @my-dark-prince @mamamooqa @3wwn @uniquenightsheep @23victoria @curiouser-an-curiouser @queenofshinigamis @alexisabirdie @fulla02 @kindaslightlyacidic @dearpetal
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Archive Classics ✤ House Of The Dragon
Aelys Targaryen in Sin Begets Sin
Aemma Velaryon in Bittersweet Symphony
Azalais Martell in Bedroom Hymns
Carlys Tully in Death By A Thousand Cuts
Daenyra Targaryen in The Prophecy
Rhaeya Targaryen in Funeral March
Saera Targaryen in My Tears Ricochet
Sarisa Celtigar in If You Love Me For Me
Vaella Targaryen in Golden Crown Of Sorrow
Visenya Targaryen in Forgive The Children We Once Were
Inspired by some of these same covers made by @themildestofwriters for our discord, who also had the idea to make it “archive classics” for ao3
Tag List: @airwolf92– want to be added?
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