#oc: veren
tacogoats · 8 months
Having durge/gortash thoughts for my own dark urge, Veren in relation to their old dynamic after reading some people's Big Brain ideas in the gortash tags. Yall are so powerful
But like. Veren is a redeemed Durge and rejects his inheritance - so this is all in the flavour of New Me kind of Durge.
Veren and Gortash absolutely fucked nasty style pre-lobotomy but I'm in love the the idea they were IN LOVE too... not just the love that looks to be there in-game; where Durge was willing to stand atop a dead world with Gortash killed last - but actual total adoration that Veren actually Was going to forsake Bhaal once the plan was in full motion. Bhaal surely couldn't touch him once the world was at his fingertips, and Gortash would rule with him, right?
(Loud incorrect buzzer)
But like I really want to write some things like the theft of the Crown where Gortash has a hard time being back in Avernus and despite Veren being utterly merciless, covered in gore and just general insane murder hobo antics - he stops dead in his tracks the second he clocks Gortash's discomfort. All focus is now on getting Gortash through this as quick as possible and he's Here for him and if they need to stop It's Okay (it's not okay they are in Hell but Veren will fight anything that dares get close - gods help whatever stupid demon rounds the corner if Gortash needs a moment)
I said the Veren/Astarion dynamic is the submissive like a guard dog but like same dynamic tbh. Veren by nature is a super protective guy and will move mountains for His Special People.
I really want to write something too where, although his memories are gone of Gortash and his time together, at the coronation he recognizes Gortash is struggling with Orin and offers him a deal.
They'll team up but he has to come with them and Actually help. He can bring Steel Watchers to 'camp' (outside the Tavern) and whatever else he needs against Orin but he is Helping Actively: this comes after a night of Veren trying his damnedest to rekindle whatever the hell they had going on before that he Forgot - because despite having Astarion now, this is too golden of an oppportunity to pass up trying to manipulate *Gortash*. Astarion even gives him tips!
It doesn't go well but Gortash thinks he can manipulate what little is left of his lover and that Maybe once the stones are secure they can try to mend that once beautiful brain he loved - but he still sees little flashes of what once was and it Hurts Big Time.
Gortash witnesses the Spawn kidnapping attempt and Veren calls the whole thing on pause because they are Dealing With Cazador NOW.
Gortash recognizes that love just isn't there anymore for him; Astarion is what he used to be to whatever scraps are left of Veren. (:
I'll probably add more I'm startin to Cook
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rabbitbatthing · 1 year
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nyoom, oc doodle postin
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eeriedragone · 24 days
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A while ago I came up with my own character for Hades, and these were my first exploratory sketches.
Initially he was meant to literally be the sylvan god Pan, but I later decided that I preferred them being just some guy.
Since he's kind of a self-insert (I liked imagining myself as them when playing), they use a bow (my fave) and keep dying whenever they get too cocky exploring Elysium.
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lenin-it-to-win-it · 1 year
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maja and veren wizardstory are truly the embodiment of "shes everything, he's just ken"
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nonsenseflower · 11 years
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2013 | Mini character refs 🖤
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kimmystimmy · 2 years
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new design for my old ocs ((Redamius + Zemah-nari + Ragura + Rahjii))
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goinbhaalistic · 4 months
This is half-rant, half 'blabbing about OC lore' but like.
I'm immensely confused why so many people seem to make it Tav+Gortash (Tavtash?) VS Durgetash.
I'm very obviously more leaning to Durgetash myself because I just simply prefer the dynamic there - but I can totally see the appeal with a Tav and have my own ideas for a Tav+Gortash ship that I would like to work with one day for my own OCs.
I think the idea of having a Tav grow up with Gortash is incredible; friends to lovers to enemies? The idea of a childhood friend coming back so very different; we all grow up but Gortash had been through literal Hell. Do they stick by his side despite how changed he is, or do they accept he is not the picture they had in mind and can't come to terms with their friend no longer being there? Do they become equals or rivals? Enemies? Do they simply drift apart until one day Tav can't walk throughout the streets of the Gate without hearing the name Gortash? Does it hurt? Does it inspire?
That's just a few flavours I personally like, even.
I have two AUs for my Durge+Tav to play through together.
One, they are adopted brothers who are separated after Durge... kills their parents. They reunite as adults; both tadpoled and don't immediately realize who is who as so many years have past and Durge (Veren) literally has no memory of his brother (Emerik), anyway.
The second is a playthrough where Emerik had grown up with Gortash but Gortash, obviously, also mysteriously disappears one day (shoutouts to his shitty parents). In this run, Emerik and Veren also are still tadpoled and play throughout the game together - but once the coronation happens we get two deeply unhappy individuals who have to come to terms with the image of Gortash they both carry.
Veren has little scraps of memories and is a redeemed Urge who insists Gortash is going to be nothing but trouble, and he knows the man better than anyone.
Emerik protests that there is a good man underneath there that is worth redeeming because he knows him better than anyone. They grew up together.
Why we fightin' when we can be causing extreme emotional distress to that man and our OCs.
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tacogoats · 8 months
more Dark Urge oc thoughts. I have two of them: Veren and Ilryn : )
Veren is very much the favourite child of the two because he's the 'redeemed' run (after FFXIV I need a good ending fix okay) whereas Ilryn is the 'I'm a special little Bhaal boy so I'm gonna deliver a dead world to dear old dad because I'm Soooo special teehee' run but
what they have in common is that they are viciously defensive of their loved ones - Veren adores the entire crew, and while his favourite is Astarion as his lover, Ilryn's favourite is Gale and basically only Gale.
Veren has the entire crew you can get ingame minus Minthara for 'good run' reasons, whereas Ilryn does not have Halsin, Jaheira and won't have Minsc either. He has Minthara, though.
Ilryn didn't side with the goblin camp - he in fact does not side with either party and simply leaves because his priority is himself (and later Gale). He is not being evil at this point, it's simply about survival and he doesn't care about a bunch of random Tieflings making it to Baldur's Gate. They probably won't get there anyway if several Mind Flayers are born nextdoor, too.
Veren on the other hand has a golden retriever personality sometimes and also figures that if his brain is hissing and spitting like a vicious baby kitten at the idea of Helping People then he is in fact doing a Good Thing and Should Do It (also if Astarion whines - he likes Astarion but he's an ass) so he stays to help to the best of his ability. Surely he should be helping because he's Strong and they aren't, right? That's what the Strong should do! (this also pisses Astarion off therefore it must be Correct)
Both of them also want what's best for their respective lovers, but Ilryn's idea of 'best' is making Gale into a God. In his mind, this is the only way he can keep Gale to himself without upsetting Bhaal. If Gale ascends to Godhood, Bhaal can't touch him, and he can deliver what was promised once. Gale is strong, smart, and he was once an Archmage and fellow Chosen - he's the *perfect* partner to Ilryn.
Obviously this is tricky so I have to iron out details but like Ilryn wants to be selfish for this one thing so badly just as Dark Urge was with Gortash in some ways; minus Ilryn actually giving a shit about Gortash. He actually was not romantically involved with the man at all but respected him to a degree - but was totally just playing along with the plan to use him.
Veren was totally head over heels for the guy and was Very Close to chucking it all away to protect Gortash but obviously it never happens because of Orin and the lobotomy.
Ilryn is very pro like, using people to further goals whereas Veren is apprehensive for the most part unless they Really Need To Die. Like he is in no way ever going to take pity on Some people and Will indulge his Urges from time to time - Ilryn however will almost always try to shove them down because he is killing for Himself and Himself only unless it furthers the plan for Bhaal.
Bhaal can wait for the glorious dead world; he'll deliver them all when it's time, and he wants and needs total control of himself for that to happen, it's too delicate a task. Veren cries when he kills Quill. :) (Fun fact I actually failed the rolls not to Urge Astarion my first run and let that play out and while I adore that stupid knife cat smile the fucker does after the camp wakes up, it wasn't planned for at all so I reloaded lmao.)
Veren also desperately longs for his old memories even though he knows it will disgust him, and has talked at length with Astarion that even though he rejects who he used to be, he still feels very empty knowing that there's a whole life locked away to him that he'll never be able to retrieve. For obvious reasons, Astarion can sympathize - and part of that sympathy extended to Veren befriending Gortash again. (Well, trying to. I am staring directly at Larian for spoiler related reasons that was COWARDLY!!!)
Ilryn completely rejects it because it's not relevant anymore. He has a problem ahead of him Now and that's more important, and so is Gale's problem. (Oh also he totally intends to let Astarion ascend even after learning the cost because SHRUGS, one more powerful ally for him! Neat.)
Basically what I'm getting at here is Ilryn is Bhaal's favourite but Veren is my favourite DAGNJKSGDF
I just am glad I made two of them because Ilryn was originally going to just be an evil run for Veren but he kind of evolved into his own shitty little character, oops.
More thoughts another day I need to write fic
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penthepoet · 6 months
"What are these Shin Megami Tensei: The Goetic characters?"
I'm gonna start rambling about my OCs here more, which means I need to make a summary about what these characters are like.
Good thing I made one sentence summaries for a bunch of the currently important NPCs that I can ramble about here!
The campaign takes place in an original setting called Kuroiyakyo - particularly, at a famous international college called Kuroiyakyo Academy for the Immaculately Gifted.
Hopefully this post helps describe a lot of the characters I'll be bringing up in rambling about SMT: The Goetic in the future.
Warning, this post is long.
Azalea: The girl who's death causes all of this. Twin sister of Amelia. Left tapes around the setting that point to a grand plan she orchestrated...
Pixie: Fun-loving party girl who holds grudges. Dating Severin. She seems to hold a grudge against Azalea.
Winston Emmett: Azalea's boyfriend. A brash but well-meaning boy with enormous mommy issues. Seems to struggle with a darker strain of thought inside himself. Obsessed with werewolves.
Amelia: Azalea's twin. A shy girl who dwells in the library. Constantly seen as a metaphorical shadow.
Soul: A mysterious fried rice cook with a lot of connections. After comforting one of the PCs, he's become a witty, indispensable friend - yet is he hiding more than he lets on?
Gaspard: A flamboyant man suspected of killing Azalea. He also appears to have connections to supernatural forces.
Seabrook: A trans girl who just wants to be a hero. She's begun to keep a journal on the goings on at the school.
Weird: The party's mentor, a werewolf-cat-witch who leads an secret society known as the Wine-Darkened, which the players become a part of.
Jurika: A girl caught up in something beyond her control. After the death of one of the PCs, she's become vengeful, and caught up in her anger.
Leah: Azalea's rival-paramour (?) A very bitter, thrill-seeking woman of horrific charm. Though her words are often hurtful, she pushes those around her to do their best.
Severin: Pixie's boyfriend. A sad boy who sees himself as a mistake. Sarneta: A trans man biker with a love of sacred geometry.
Infobroker: The setting's information-gatherer, a former mafia man that lives in the walls. Older brother of Freak. Will give you information on any rumors for the right price.
Freak: A cheerful Irish goober who's dating one of the party members. Brother of Infobroker. Formerly hosted an Occult Club that was dispatched by the Student Council.
Ellis: A headstrong girl who resents her mother Verene and wants to move away. Though she's forced to pursue Dance, her real passion is law.
Obsidian: A quiet boy with a lot of secrets. Ellis' brother.
Sydney: An Aussie girl searching for her missing older sister. Has been keeping a journal that she's been passing back and forth with Seabrook.
Victor Blackwood: The father figure of one of the PCs. An American still-life painter who keeps memories of the past close.
Himari: A rambling, adorkable fisherwoman who serves as a grounding force for one of the PCs.
Verene: A stern, terrifying woman who knows magic. Despite this, she appears to have her own "benevolent" goals at hand…
Victim/[unknown]/"Verse": A OSDD system/plural priest known as the Victim in Triplicate, formed from the trauma of being forced to serve a cult. Despite this, they all forge onward.
Jyoji: A teacher who seems to know a lot more than he lets on. Yes, he's exactly who you think he is, SMT-speaking.
Jimenez: A lazy professor who gets his students into trouble. Yes, he's also exactly who you think he is, SMT-speaking.
Arata: A mysterious, smooth-talking man in a suit who seeks a certain painting in the college archives.
Meli Evans: A bright girl who goes to another college in the area. Dating Ellis.
Daisuke "Touji" Arataka: Uncle to one of the PCs. Was involved with the Wine-Darkened secret society that Weird helped run, and was deeply in love with Weird before the Student Council erased his memories. Died before the campaign began, but he haunts the narrative, to an extent.
Reynard Winthrope: Father to Azalea and Amelia Winthrope. Part of the Wine-Darkened. A taciturn, gentle man deeply wounded by all the loss he's had to face.
Ishin Koizumi: A highly strict but benevolent professor who wants the best for his wife and his students.
Anzu: Former member of the Student Council, now deceased. Served as a Disciplinary Officer.
Heart: Azalea's protege on the Student Council. A frightened trans boy who finds a lot, lot more horrifying sides to himself once he's sworn into the Council.
Sonia: The main Disciplinary Officer. A car-obsessed adrenaline junkie and borderline sadist who enjoys hurting other students and gambling with them.
Tomita: The second-in-command of the Student Council. A deeply smug and ingloriously petty boy with bone-deep body dysphoria and an even deeper resentment towards the world.
Tsumiya August Mitsuhide: The Student Council President. A horrific overseer who takes great, great pains to veil himself in mysticism and secrecy. He is hated, respected, feared, loved, worshipped and revered in equal regard, his shadow looming over the lives of all in the school.
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eeriedragone · 20 days
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Some more of Veren, my... Hades oc? Hades sona? idk
He was quite a nervous guy in life, but he's slowly learning to unwind now that survival doesn't really have a point anymore.
Their only big goal now is to sneak out of Hades long enough to give their own body a proper burial. At least that's what they say...
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toygraveyard · 4 months
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Im making ref sheets of all the characters from my story Roserybell
This is Veren his stage name is Hollywood he is a writer and likes to perform even though he never gets a part in his plays he still dreams of becoming an actor
He is actually a really old oc of mine but I changed his backstory a lot and this is the best I’ve come up with that still applies to the narrative
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deepspacedukat · 4 months
Screw, Marry, Kill OC edition 😈
•Jorik, Kollos, Denak
•Soven, Kash, Veren
Best Friend, Rival, Gossip Buddy
•Melody, Sandra, Camille
🥷 *smokebomb* *disappears*
OMG MY HEART. I've been looking at these three trios and my heART–
Thank you for this ask, oh mysterious anon! Sorry I'm late, I got caught up doing stuff last night and only got around to my remaining asks this afternoon.
Okay so for the first set (my OCs).
Screw: Jorik - Listen, he may be my OC, but I'm down sooooo bad for him. He's adorable, he's precious, and I would ride that an into the sunset. Also, since he's severely repressed, this man has a lot of frustration to work through, so uh...he can take it out on me...if he wants... 👉👈👀
Marry: Kollos - I didn't even mean to make this man, but I'd so tie the knot with him. Seriously, all I wanted was to give Koss's dad a name for a fic, and instead I ended up with this absolute dreamboat of an OC. I'm not mad about it. *pulls on Vulcan wedding robes* So uh...where's that Vulcan priest? We've got a wedding night to get to...
Kill: Denak - I'M SO SORRY, DENAK. I adore him, I really do. And I intend to give this man a happy ending in "Praetor's Pride." But...I've known Kollos and Jorik longer. I know more of their stories, and I'm more attached to them at the moment. Don't get me wrong, Denak is a charmer, a precious mans, and I adore him...but I just can't bring myself to get rid of my OG Vulcan boys.
The second set (azora's OCs).
Screw: Soven - You can't tell me this Pointy Boi wouldn't be good in bed. There's just...there's something about him that sends up a solid Smash flag. Like...10000000/10 would go there.
Marry: Kash - I don't know what it is, but I'd chew through steel for this man. Kash strikes the same chord in my brain that Shran does, so uhm...👉👈 *reads up on Andorian marriages*
Kill: Veren - I adore Veren. I do. But as much as I love him, I don't think I could make myself give up either of the others. (Probably because I'm more familiar with them tbh.)
Oooohh and then the third set (more of azora's OCs).
Best Friend: Melody - She just seems so precious and sweet. I wanna protect her and cuddle her like a teddy bear.
Rival: Sandra - Honestly, this wouldn't be an unpleasant rivalry. This would be chaos and it would be so fun omg. Absolutely I'll be rivals with Sandra.
Gossip Buddy: Camille - Listen, being with Kash, she'd have the good tea, okay? She'd know all the things. She'd be the first person I went to with things like what crew members were dating or fighting or whatever.
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cointahmin · 7 months
Geleceğin teknolojilerine istikamet veren isimlerden biri olan Elon Musk, yapay zeka konusuna ilgi duyduğunu daha evvel tekraren lisana getirmişti. Son açıklamaları ise bu mevzuda ne kadar önemli olduğunu bir defa daha ortaya koydu. Bu açıklamalarının akabinde, birtakım yapay zeka coinleri yükselişe geçti. Yapay zekanın tesirleri konusunda iki farklı görüş: Elon Musk ve Max Keiser’in açıklamaları Twitter kullanıcısı @iamharaldur’un yapay zekanın insanlık üzerindeki tesirleri konusundaki kaygıları, yenilikçi teknoloji teşebbüsçüsü Elon Musk ve Bitcoin savunucusu Max Keiser üzere kıymetli isimlerin dikkatini çekti. Bu ünlü isimler, yapay zekanın gelecekte insanlığı nasıl etkileyeceği ve uzun vadeli sonuçlarının ne olacağı üzere bahislerde farklı görüşlere sahipler. Elon Musk, Neuralink isimli şirketi aracılığıyla insan beyni ile yapay zeka ortasında bir simbiyoz yaratmak için çalıştıklarını söyledi. Musk’a nazaran, yapay zeka ile insan beyni ortasında bir temas kurulursa, beşerler yapay zekanın yeteneklerini kullanabilirler ve tıpkı vakitte da onu denetim altında tutabilirler. Musk, Neuralink’in uzun vadeli bir tahlil olabileceğini belirtti… https://twitter.com/iamharaldur/status/1639368422763970562 Musk, @iamharaldur’in tweet’ine cevap olarak “Sorulması gereken gerçek sorular bunlar. Uzun yıllardır beni rahatsız ediyorlar. Neuralink, insan+yapay zeka simbiyozuna muhtemel uzun vadeli bir tahlil olarak yaratıldı” diye yazdı. Elon Musk yapay zeka sıkıntısına tahlil sunuyor Bununla birlikte, Musk birebir vakitte “uyanık” olarak nitelendirdiği yapay zeka eserlerine tenkitler getirdi ve kendi yapay zeka şirketini kurmayı düşündüğü belirtiliyor. Musk’a nazaran, yapay zeka eserleri, politik doğruculuk üzere kavramlara dayalı olarak değiştirilerek kullanıcıları rahatsız etmeyen bir hale sokuluyor. Max Keiser ise yapay zekanın insanlık için bir yok olma olayı olduğunu düşünüyor. Keiser, yapay zekanın insanlığı yok edebilecek kadar güçlü bir teknoloji olduğunu ve bu nedenle insanlığın kendisini bu tehditten korumak için tedbirler alması gerektiğini savunuyor. Keiser’a nazaran, yapay zekanın fonksiyonu için gereken gücün Bitcoin madencilerine aktarılması, Bitcoin’in güçlenmesine ve yapay zekanın insanlığa ziyan vermesinin önlenmesine yardımcı olabilir. Sonuç olarak, yapay zeka konusu hala çok tartışılan bir mevzu ve gelecekte insanlık için ne üzere sonuçlar doğuracağı şimdi tam olarak bilinmiyor. Lakin, bu bahiste farklı görüşlere sahip olan ünlü isimlerin görüşleri, yapay zeka konusunun kıymetini ve üzerinde daha fazla çalışılması gerektiğini gösteriyor. Bu tartışmaların akabinde, yapay zeka ile ilgili projelerin ve teknolojilerin yatırımcıların ilgisini çekerek yapay zeka coinleri üzere kripto para ünitelerinin bedellerinin artmasına neden olduğu gözlemleniyor. Bu yapay zeka coinleri harekete geçti  cointahmin.com’dan takip ettiğiniz üzere, Elon Musk en son tweetlerinde SingularityNET’e (AGIX) yer vermiş ve %30 bedel kazanmasına yardımcı olmuştu. Yeni açıklamalarıyla AI coin piyasasında en çok kıymet kazan projeler şu biçimde: OceanEx Token (OCE) %29.44 artış AllianceBlock (ALBT) %22.69 artış Raven Protocol (RAVEN) %9.10 artış SENATE (SENATE) %8.19 artış Hacken Token (HAI) %7.65 artış AIMatrix AI Network (MAN) %8.38 artış Ispolink (ISP): %5,87 Günün en fazla bedel kaybeden AI coin’leri şu iekilde: Aion (AION): %69.71 Presearch (PRE): %13.87 GNY (GNY): %14.82 Arcona (ARCONA): %9.58 Raze Network (RAZE): %10.54 Measurable Veri Token (MDT): %7.84 Aimedis (AIMX): %7.34
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voregrunt · 1 year
(If you don't mind me asking, can you draw my OC as human? ~Ruby♡) W. Bonnie Crystal: *Red tears can be seen coming from their eyes*
I can try in a bit)
Veren: *They gently hug them*
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noratilney · 2 years
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Verene Sand, ASOIAF + a moodboard for every oc (90/?)
tag list: @akabluekat, @arrthurpendragon, @booty-boggins, @bravelittleflower, @bubblegum-barbie, @foxesandmagic, @waterloou, @jvstjewels, @kendelias, @nixdragon, @ocs-supporting-ocs, @starcrossedjedis, @sunlitscrib, @villain-connoisseur
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tacogoats · 9 months
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so I remade Emerik who was my first char, and made his guardian my dark urge Veren
and it's honestly hilarious seeing Veren not have all those funny dark urge expressions. he looks so normal. he is fixed now
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so logically i have to put veren not being normal to remedy this
the last pic is my fav pic of him it has knife cat meme vibes.
unfortunately i durge'd astarion in it. oops.
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