#:^) im so rusty at fic but i Must
tacogoats · 8 months
Having durge/gortash thoughts for my own dark urge, Veren in relation to their old dynamic after reading some people's Big Brain ideas in the gortash tags. Yall are so powerful
But like. Veren is a redeemed Durge and rejects his inheritance - so this is all in the flavour of New Me kind of Durge.
Veren and Gortash absolutely fucked nasty style pre-lobotomy but I'm in love the the idea they were IN LOVE too... not just the love that looks to be there in-game; where Durge was willing to stand atop a dead world with Gortash killed last - but actual total adoration that Veren actually Was going to forsake Bhaal once the plan was in full motion. Bhaal surely couldn't touch him once the world was at his fingertips, and Gortash would rule with him, right?
(Loud incorrect buzzer)
But like I really want to write some things like the theft of the Crown where Gortash has a hard time being back in Avernus and despite Veren being utterly merciless, covered in gore and just general insane murder hobo antics - he stops dead in his tracks the second he clocks Gortash's discomfort. All focus is now on getting Gortash through this as quick as possible and he's Here for him and if they need to stop It's Okay (it's not okay they are in Hell but Veren will fight anything that dares get close - gods help whatever stupid demon rounds the corner if Gortash needs a moment)
I said the Veren/Astarion dynamic is the submissive like a guard dog but like same dynamic tbh. Veren by nature is a super protective guy and will move mountains for His Special People.
I really want to write something too where, although his memories are gone of Gortash and his time together, at the coronation he recognizes Gortash is struggling with Orin and offers him a deal.
They'll team up but he has to come with them and Actually help. He can bring Steel Watchers to 'camp' (outside the Tavern) and whatever else he needs against Orin but he is Helping Actively: this comes after a night of Veren trying his damnedest to rekindle whatever the hell they had going on before that he Forgot - because despite having Astarion now, this is too golden of an oppportunity to pass up trying to manipulate *Gortash*. Astarion even gives him tips!
It doesn't go well but Gortash thinks he can manipulate what little is left of his lover and that Maybe once the stones are secure they can try to mend that once beautiful brain he loved - but he still sees little flashes of what once was and it Hurts Big Time.
Gortash witnesses the Spawn kidnapping attempt and Veren calls the whole thing on pause because they are Dealing With Cazador NOW.
Gortash recognizes that love just isn't there anymore for him; Astarion is what he used to be to whatever scraps are left of Veren. (:
I'll probably add more I'm startin to Cook
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tatoda · 11 months
Guitar Pick | college!conrad x fem!reader
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part 2
summary: you go to Brown and maybe you don’t exactly fit in, but one brown haired boy makes you feel as if you do
pairing: college!conrad fisher x fem!reader
warnings: just fluff <3
wc: 800 (sorry it's short im getting back into things)
first con fic since last year :) a little rusty on the writing i apologize. sorry it’s not so long :(
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It was the smell in the air that brought you comfort. The casual people-watching you would do as you walked down to the music store closest to campus— it wasn’t the best place to shop but it will do for the times you’re in Providence.
The ding of the door sounded as you walked through the store. The red interior with wood floors reminded you of back home, so that is why you kept coming back to the same spot every weekend. No one tried to bother you when shopping. Of course some boys would walk by and you’d glance their way, but they would never glance back at you the same way.
Picking up a guitar from one of the stands you sat down at the small corner couch. You have always loved playing any instrument, you would run around the house singing and hitting any object around the house to make drums until your aunt got you a ukulele at the age of 6 which took your dreams and desires for music to grow. Being at Brown surprised your family. They really thought you would just go to a music school, but you wanted to explore other career paths. Sometimes your parents weren’t proud of it but they supported your decision.
After a few minutes of strumming the instrument, you stood back up to get a new guitar pick. It was time for a new one— well that’s what you told yourself but you just loved shopping for new things. Reaching for a red and green one, another pair of hands reached for the same one.
“sorry.” glancing up at the voice, you see a boy maybe around your age, with brown eyes and brown hair as his cheeks turned a little red at the intersection
“no that’s my fault sorry, go ahead it’s all yours.” you gestured towards the pick.
“no, my mom raised me to be a gentleman. please take it.”
“i-“ but the tall figure cut you off
“please i was looking at another one anyways.” he looked down at you
“thanks, sorry again.” you softly grabbed it as he smiled gently at you before picking up a solid navy blue one
You didn’t think twice before you went to go pay for it and took off out of the store carrying on with your day.
The next day, you sat under a tree strumming your guitar just letting the nice weather hit for once. The shade of the tree helped you relax not being blinded by the sun. You were so busy strumming the instrument you didn’t realize the figure walking towards you.
“guitar pick girl.” the familiar voice called out making you stop in movement, the boy from yesterday. he was walking towards you wearing a Brown sweatshirt and sweatpants
“hi.” you softly introduced not knowing you would be seeing this boy again
“I’m sorry, i know it’s weird for me just to walk up like that and rude for me to not know your name. you left too quickly yesterday i tried to-to get your name but you were gone.” he played with his fingernails as he spoke
“sorry.” you smiled apologetically not knowing why this boy who you totally thought was cute was suddenly approaching you
“no worries,” he rocked on his feet “i-im Conrad, Conrad Fisher” he stuck his hand out to you and you lifted yours off the guitar
“y/n y/l/n” his eyes seemed to immediately remember the future
“how long have you been playing?”
“my whole life basically. you play?” he nods
“yeah just not too long ago maybe like a summer or 2, my mom wanted me to learn a song for her.”
“that’s sweet of you. you must be a mamas boy for the two times you have mentioned her talking to me.” you grinned at him
“yeah.” he sadly smiled and you didn’t feel like pushing him to ask about what it was all about “do you mind if i sit? you look like you need some company.” he gestured to the grass next to you
“all yours.” conrad then sat down next to you criss-cross
“what year are you?” he played with the grass that was in front of him
“junior, what about you?”
“sophomore.” you nodded and you both went silent but it wasn’t a bad silence, it was comfortable
“could i take you out sometime?” your eyes drifted over to conrad and his eyes went wide “sorry! i didn’t mean to come off so strong, i’d just like to get to know you better.” you looked down at his hands as they played with the grass faster and you put a hand over his to stop his movements
“i’d love that.” his eyes went to your hands and his visible relaxed
“i just thought you were really pretty yesterday.” that sentence made you blush and look down biting your lip
“i thought you were pretty cute too, conrad.”
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missxmav · 4 months
new beginnings - tom kazansky
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tom 'iceman' kazansky x reader
Summary: Tom finds his pregnant wife in the heart of their shared home, the sight of her simply takes his breath away. Word count: 1,120+ Warnings: fluuuufffff, SERIOUSLY FLUFFY SOFT TOM, pregnancy, afab!reader (still working on gender neutral tone as best I can), assumptions about size (I play into the plus size side of things because I am plus size, but there's no direct mention), no use of y/n (just she/her pronouns) A/N: This is only rough edited by myself, I'm so sorry for any mistakes. (Im rusty as f*ck at fic writing) I've had this fic in my back pocket for months, please enjoy all the fluff. I'm head over heels for val kilmer as a person, and I'm well aware that the gif is not from Top Gun... this is however an aged up version of Commander Kazansky (;
Tom wasn't typically a man of many words, even after Top Gun and becoming a commander... He was still on track to becoming an admiral in a couple years and his stoic ice-cold exterior has carried him far in the Navy. No, there wasn't much that could get in his way now. 
Except for her.
She melted his every icy edge. Especially now that she's 7 months pregnant with his baby. The way she waddled around the sizable estate that he purchased the year they got married. It'd been nearly 7 years since that beautiful day, but Tom and his wife decided to focus on their separate careers before committing to living with little ones under foot. He was nearing his mid-to-late 30's now and with his career excelling, his mind constantly settled on imagining what her beautiful features would be like mixed with his. 
Would they get his ice-like stare or her warm bright irises that see right through to his soul? Would they get his pin straight hair that stuck up in all the wrong places or her beautiful, textured hair that fell beautifully in every light? 
His mind would run rampant every time he looked at her, his eyes never failing to trail up and down her whole figure. He would linger on her face, taking in how absolutely mesmerizing she was in the pregnancy glow before darting down to her ever-changing belly. It was very noticeable now, and the way she braced the underside of the bump softened his stare every time. Even through the literal growing pains of making a human, she looked ethereal. He subconsciously pulled his bottom lip between his teeth. Tom was fully convinced that she could never be more beautiful than she was in this exact moment. 
With a warm but soft chuckle under his breath, he stood slowly and made his way over to her. The book she'd been perusing at the kitchen counter happened to be a cookbook he got her for Christmas in the early years of their relationship. He'd assumed she must be craving something specific by the way she quickly flipped through the pages. He placed his hands over the tops of her shoulders, giving a gentle rub to the tense muscles in her shoulder blades and leaned in to kiss her neck. The smell of her conditioner and body wash from her shower this morning is almost intoxicating. His body was warm, causing her to lean back on his chest.
"You're absolutely radiant dear," Tom stated, a smile forming across his lips. "And absolutely distracting..." He hasn't been able to take his eyes off her since she entered the kitchen adjacent to the doors of his office. He'd been trying to get through some paperwork before finding her to ask what you might want for lunch as she graced her way into the heart of their shared home.
She was one of the only women that could ever truly take his breath away, though many tried. Even in a moment like this... with his wedding band heavy on her finger and growing the fruit of his love for her in her tummy, he still had to remind himself to breathe.
His large arms made their way down her body until they gently embraced her and her bump. He supported her belly gently, the same way the two had learned in the parenting classes Tom insisted on attending once she confirmed her pregnancy. The soft hum that escaped her throat told him that she needed this. Her eyes fluttered closed as he stood there, swaying gently with her in his arms.
“Blueberry.” Was the only thing that snapped the quiet of the moment between the two of them. Her words were soft in his ears. Tom raised an eyebrow in curiosity as he leaned forward to place his chin on her shoulder. The pages of the cookbook landed on a muffin recipe that had been dog-eared and made enough times to sport the stains of baking chaos. 
Another low chuckle reverberated through his chest. “Cravings?” Tom placed another gentle kiss on her neck as he slowly released his childbearing wife to turn to the refrigerator behind him. This recipe was one he was familiar with, having made it several times over the years. He grabbed out the bowl of blueberries, buttermilk, butter and eggs while his wife gathered the remaining dry ingredients. 
A quiet melodic sound filled the kitchen as Tom watched his wife pull up the large glass bowl from the cabinet. The smile spread across his face as he recognized their wedding song falling from her lips. “I wanna know what love is…”
Tom set the cold ingredients out on the counter, crossing the kitchen swiftly to pull her back into his arms. “I want you to show me…” He whispered to her, a hum parting his lips as he twirled her around slowly in the afternoon light of their kitchen. He mirrored her radiant smile as they slowly swayed together, her baby bump separating them a little more than usual but neither of them cared. 
After enjoying the embrace of her husband, Tom’s wife pushed him away gently as she resumed making the muffins lil’ kazansky was craving so badly. The blonde commander only laughed as he kissed her hand before parting their embrace. He too busied himself making muffins again wordlessly as he reached into the bottom drawer of the oven. Grabbing out the old muffin tin, he paused to preheat the oven as he lingered there for a moment.
Tom’s hand immediately found his wife’s lower back as he brought the tin over to the island countertop, using the other to place the white liners in each cup. A devious giggle caught his attention and before he could even blink, she’d managed to touch his nose with a flour-covered hand. His steely eyes closed suddenly as she swiped at his face, unable to hide the slow grin that parted his lips as he dipped his own hand into the bowl of flour. 
He laughed as he pulled her back from the counter slightly, his flour covered hand landing gently over the top of her baby bump. The white handprint was stark on her dark dress. The gasp that escaped from the woman in his arms only made him laugh harder as she rolled her eyes and shook her head at her husband’s antics. 
"What am I going to do with you, Thomas Kazansky? ” She said exasperatedly despite a smile growing on her face.
“Love me.” He said simply, his eyes gazing deeply into hers as he pulled her in close again. “And make muffins with me forever.” She laughed, her heart full, as she accepted his proposal.
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yandereunsolved · 2 months
Hii Im not sure if youre taking requests rn but if you have the time I would love for a yandere Kit Walker hc set or a yandere post death Kyle Spencer fic where the reader tries to leave him at Misty’s :)
The Honey In My Honeycomb - ,, yandere Kit Walker pre and post Asylum
tw(s): yandere themes, mentions of baby trapping, mention of murder of child(ren), descriptive gore
♡ It all started out like a cheesy romance movie. Your car broke down, and Kit just happened to be driving by. He fixed your car and invited you back to his shop. He ended up changing your oil and tires for free. It evolved into the two of you dating shortly after. You never saw the warning signs—none of them. You never saw through Kit's honeyed words and his charming smile. You would have been better off if you just listened to that tiny voice in the back of your mind telling you to run while you still could.
♡ You were stuck at his shop all day. He had gone home to retrieve some tools and never came back. You got worried that something may have happened to him. You weren't prepared for the gory scene you found. A trail of blood led to your bedroom, where you found Kit passed out near the mutilated corpse of a woman. Your clothes were thrown all around him, and he was cuddling them in his sleep. You freaked out and shrieked, which woke him up. He desperately tried to explain it to you. He pleaded with you to just listen to him. You didn't. You ran and reported him to the police. A part of your mind did want to believe him. The more time that passed, the more you believed in his innocence. Only you were wrong. He did murder all those people that he was accused of killing—over fifteen. He did it all for you. That is the secret he will take to the grave with him.
♡ He was put in Briarcliff Asylum while awaiting his trial. You were allowed to visit him, although it terrified you. You had heard such bloodcurdling stories about that place from the few patients that had survived it. Your visits with him always had to be monitored. Sometimes, though, no one would. That confused you, but you never verbalized it. Kit just threatened to kill the nuns if they interrupted your time with him. All of the nuns thought he must have been possessed by some lust devil. He just could never seem to get enough of you. Day and night, the only thing that came out of his mouth was praise about you—how pretty you looked, how vulnerable you were, how he had to protect you from the vile world that threatened to taint your purity.
♡ It was irritating, really. Protecting your visage wasn't easy when so many people tried to interrupt him. He had to get rid of Grace. It was really her fault. She just shouldn't have been flirting with him. She shouldn't have tried to come onto him. She shouldn't have ignored his warnings. He said multiple times that he was a man who was happily dating such a beautiful thing as yourself. Grace just didn't seem to listen to that. She even had the gall to interrupt one of your meetings with each other. He was in the middle of showing you how much he missed you. That was the last straw.
He made it seem like it was Doctor Arden's fault with a botched sterilization. He can clean that up himself. He's a big boy, and Kit isn't helping. He can't make himself look guilty in any way, of course. He could never let you know how much of a monster he really was.
♡ He has kept a ring in his pocket since the day he met you. The ring belonged to his grandfather. It's practically a family heirloom. He so desperately wants to put it on your finger. He just wants everyone to know that you belong to him—his darlin', his one and only. The thing is extremely shiny, too. It'd look so good on your hand. 
♡ That's not the only jewelry he has for you. He has a lot more tucked away in his trusty, rusty old red tool box. He stole all of it from the people he killed for you. He plans on giving it all to you as wedding gifts. He'll fix all of the pieces, of course. He'll wipe the blood away and make sure none of it stains your beautiful figure. He also stole their money from their bank accounts. He has more than enough to keep you both financially stable until you die. He would never let his little house spouse work with some other man. The thought of it just makes his hand itch to reach for an axe. 
♡ He fantasizes about what your wedding would look like. You'd look like a god(dess) walking down the aisle toward him. You wouldn't need anyone but him and the priest. He would kill the priest after. You wouldn't know that. It's just that he can't let anybody see such a holy sight except for him. He wouldn't want to risk somebody making an off comment or lusting over your figure. 
Your body is yours and yours alone. It's also his, if you'll allow him to have it. 
He can't wait till the wedding night. He has it all planned out. After your dinner, you'll both bathe together. He'll set the mood. You both will have each other for the first time in marriage. It's something that makes his mouth water when he thinks about it.
♡ If you can get pregnant... He will immediately try for a baby with you. He just thinks your belly would look so adorable swollen up with a mixture of you and him. You'd be completely dependent on him. You wouldn't be able to leave, and he'd be the best father to your children. Not to mention, he can teach them how to be protective of you. It'll be absolutely perfect! You'll have no way to escape!
♡ If you are unable to get pregnant... Kit doesn't want you to worry. He'll just pick a random kid off the street if he needs to. He'll kidnap a baby from the hospital and say he adopted them. He could go the legal route for adoption as well, if that would better please you. Anything to keep you with him until you both die in each other's arms.
♡ He ideally wants anywhere from two to five kids. He's always wanted one girl and one boy. He'd ultimately want five because you'd never leave him all alone with five children. Sure, you could run off with two, three, and a slim chance of four, but five? No. You have absolutely no chance of escaping him, then. Unless you wanted to abandon them and him, that is. That's fine! He'll just threaten their lives. He'll kill one of them if it convinces you to stay. There are no lengths he wouldn't go to to prove his unending love for you.
♡ He already has your shared casket picked out. He picked it out within the first week of both of you dating. He's already written both of your wills with your future children in mind. He has the plot of land picked out and everything. He may not be a rich man, but he'd spend every penny he has to make sure your shared resting place is envious to the heavens.
♡ The day he is released is a day that will live in infamy within his mind. He finally knew that he had to tie you to him, both literally and figuratively. He understood how fickle humanity is. He needs to save you from the dangers and trauma he faced while in there. The same Kit that came into the asylum isn't the same one that came out. He's a lot more open about his obsessive and possessive tendencies. That crazed look in his hazel irises isn't clouded by his sweet and homey nature anymore. You could see it; you can see it now. You couldn't escape.
♡ He doesn't allow you to leave the house for the first few months. If you try to escape, then it'll be even longer before he allows you to roam free without many restraints. You are trapped within a prison of his own desire. He gaslights you into believing it's for the best. You know how dangerous the world is out there. He's been through the asylum. He knows. He just wants to protect you. Can't you see that? He's traumatized and wants to protect you from that trauma. So that means locking you away in your shared house and keeping you there. Don't worry about boredom. Kit will buy you anything that will make a smile appear on your features. He's addicted to it. You have no shortage of books and other trinkets to keep you entertained while he is out working. Just not anything that you could use to communicate with people. The last thing he needs is you getting that silly little idea in your head to call the police on him. 
♡ After about a year in captivity, assuming you haven't made numerous escape attempts, he'll propose to you and allow you to take short excursions with him. The wedding is just as he thought. It's just you, him, and the priest in the middle of the woods, only a few miles from your shared house. You may not have any guests or family, and he may have foraged the wedding certificate by signing fake people as witnesses, but your marriage is still real. A piece of paper doesn't define your love for each other. Of course, he murders the priest after. He chopped him up into tiny pieces with his axe, soaked his body in a mixture of chemicals, and then left those pieces of him at the bottom of lakes, rivers, and streams at least twenty miles away from the house. If you ask him what he's doing, he'll simply say that he's doing some spring cleaning. He's just taking out a bunch of old trash, that's all.
♡ Even when you gain more privileges, Kit still always has an eye on you. He's always close to you. He'll give you the illusion of space and privacy if he needs to. If you distance yourself too much from him, then he'll sweet talk you into letting him into your space once again. You don't feel good? It's because you haven't let him make you feel good in a while. You feel depressed because you aren't around him as much. You're isolating yourself from him. That's the problem. The problem is you. He'll be right here when you inevitably crawl back to him. He'll shush you and pepper kisses all along your body. You'll realize that you need him even more than he needs you. 
♡ Give it two to five years and a lot of begging, and he'll let you help him while he works. He doesn't let you do any hard labor or interact with the customers. No, honey, he keeps you safe and sound in the back of the shop. You can clean his tools, sort his things, and perhaps even handle the money if he trusts you enough. It may look mundane to most people, but you crave it. You've been starved of any autonomy for the past few years. Being able to control a small workplace is like being somewhere safe, somewhere without Kit. You can allow your mind to drift off and fool yourself into thinking that you are safe. You can just imagine that Kit is nowhere to be found. You can almost taste freedom on your tongue during those fleeting moments.
♡ If you ask for help from someone, he kills them and burns their bodies to ashes in the hearth in your home. He finds it extremely romantic. He'll cuddle into you and whisper sweet nothings into your ear. He'll nip at your skin and mark you up. He's just a bit jealous. He's just a little more possessive. He can't believe that you thought someone else was better than him. He can't believe you wanted to leave him. He'll show you how good you have it. He'll just have to show you again how good he makes you feel—inside and out. The vile dead bodies of the people who have tried to help you take you away from him will keep you both warm at night. He'll take you right in front of the fireplace. He'll claim you again near the sizzling embers of those who dared get near you.
♡ Kit Walker is still as in love with you as the day he laid eyes on you. He has fallen even further into the depths of his own obsession with you. He's ready to take the next step and start a family with you. He can't wait to see your little ones running around the home. He can't wait to see them graduate with you. He can't wait to grow old with you; his devotion to you never faltering. He just needs you to be with him forever, even into the afterlife. He loves you. He'd kill the devil and every god in existence if he had to, just to keep you in his arms forever more.
ׂׂૢ taglist: @coentinim @bluerthanvelvet444 @cxndiedvi0lets @doll3tt33 @lacucarachapisser @fear-is-truth @slutforgarlogan @newwavesylviaplath @marchsfreakshow @violet1737
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pervertedreams · 2 years
𝐟𝐚𝐫𝐦𝐞𝐫𝐬 𝐝𝐚𝐮𝐠𝐡𝐭𝐞𝐫 - 𝐞.𝐦
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summary: you go to run some errands for your father, but on your way back home your car breaks down. eddie is more than happy to help, but unfortunately you have no money. you don’t mind giving pretty boy a little exchange do you?
cw: mechanic!eddie, farmer!reader, reader has a slight southern accent, eddie is older, m receiving, angst?? ig, afab!reader, fem!reader, creampie
feedback on this would actually be so appreciated cause im proud of this one!
minors shooo ! (not proof read) moodboard for this fic
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“shit shit shit.” you swear, vulgar words muffled over the red lollipop you’ve been sucking on. you’ve been out all day handling business while your dad handles things back at the farm, but somehow someway on your way back you’ve gotten lost. all the roads around here look the same, and you should know them from the back of your hand. but sometimes you still get lost. after driving all this time, your car is starting to slow down and you have not a clue where you are.
the harsh rippling sound of a busted tire echoes throughout the empty lands, anybody within fifty feet is gonna hear you coming. and eddie definitely did.
sitting up from his rusty wooden chair, he stands in the road as the sound gets closer and closer. you saw him way before his garage, a random man in the middle of the road. before you get the chance to shoo him off to the side, your car comes to a complete halt, making the entire car jerk to a stop. you slap your hands against the steering wheel in frustration before getting out of the car. your now filthy sneakers hitting the gravely ground, and skin again being exposed to the southern heat.
“why the hell we’re you in the way?” you’re now shouting at the tall man before you, you gotta blame somebody right? he was definitely older, not too much maybe in his late twenties. you wanna bet twenty-seven. his hair is longer than most of the men around your way, daddy would definitely call him a girl. his black wife beater clung to his body deliciously, you must admit he was attractive. big nose and full lips, his build wasn’t too bad either. but your attraction to this stranger wasn’t important right now.
“i heard you comin’ down a mile away, sweetheart. y’need any help?” his voice is muffled too, lips fixing around the wobbly lit cigarette in his mouth. “i need a mechanic.” you whine.
“then you’ve come to the right place!” he smiles around the cig, waltzing closer to you and your now broken vehicle. he’s eyed you down as well. jean overalls with a pair of dusty white sneakers to match, nails are neatly painted and they match the bandana handing out of your pocket. hair in two low braids so it won’t be on your neck in the heat, and lips stained from the red lollipop you were sucking on. he definitely was paying attention to that, but unfortunately that was the least of his worries.
“it’s clear you got a flat tire-“ he’s using his cigarette to point around the car, “and probably a dead battery.”
“can you please fix it, sir?” your voice is painted with nothing but southern sweetness ‘sir’ is gonna replay in his head forever. “you can call me eddie.” if he didn’t stop you now, the two of you would be breaking a sweat in the backseat. not that you’d complain.
“eddie can you please help, papa is waiting at home for me.” you plead, he can’t help but think of other ways those pretty red-stained lips would plead for him. he takes a puff of his cigarette with a nod, “y’gonna have to help me push this to the garbage, doll.” you nod coming up next to him, behind the car in an attempt to push it further down the road.
he can’t help but stare when you bend over, how your overalls cling in a way that he can see the cup of your ass. so tempting, but again not his priority. so the two of you try your best to make it to his garage.
“here should be about good enough.” y’all finally bring the silver truck to a pause, stopping at eddie’s heated garage. as if it wasn’t already hot enough. you lean against your hot truck, the heat stinging your already warm flesh. you watch as he struts towards his tools and equipment, you can’t help but giggle at the sight of his ass. you like the way it looks.
“what’re you over there gigglin’ about?” his smirk is mimicking yours, digging in his dirty toolbox for the proper items. you shake your head, the slick sucking sound of your lollipop makes his stomach clench.
“m’not gigglin’ at anything sir.” you shrug, feet kicking against the dirt.
“eddie.” he quickly corrects, earning yet another chuckle from you.
he comes towards you with a few metal tools and something that looks like a box with two clipping cords. you think it’s jumper cables but what do you know. you should know these things, but you could care less as long as there’s someone else to do it for you. you notice his muscles slightly flex as he lifts the hood of the car and begins working on it. your heavy stare is making him nervous, making it harder to focus on the task at hand.
attempting to break the silence he finally speaks up, “so what’re you doin’ around these parts lil’ lady?”
“nothin’ was runnin’ some errands for daddy n’ got lost.”
he hums, using the hood rod to prop it up in place. he’s looking over at you, this time it’s his time to stare. “like what you see googly eyes?”
“do you have a way of paying for this?”
you shake your head.
“don’t have anymore of daddy’s money left?”
“no sir.” you’re closing the space between the two of you, now bumping arms. you watch how his adam’s apple bobs before looking at his full lips. you’re still sucking on your lollipop, he swallows at your cheeks hallowing around the sweet candy. eventually you neglect the tasty treat for his bitter cigarette. giving him eye contact as you pull it from his lips before taking a heavy drag.
“there’s gotta be another way i could pay right?” you’re batting your lashes, pressing your jean clad chest to his arm. that’s when he realizes you weren’t wearing anything beneath the overalls. “give me a moment on your truck, and i’ll get to your payment as quick as possible.” you flash him a sweet smile before taking a space back in your previous spot.
some time has past, the sun is already started to set. not that it was super bright when you arrived anyways. you’re nothin glistening with a thin sheen of sweat, and you both notice the lingering stares at each other. you’re ogling at his glistening arms, he’s peaking at the bead of sweat running from your neck and down the hidden valley between your breasts. you’ve finished his cigarette and your lollipop by now, sat on a crate you’re now looking up at him waiting to give your exchange. giving him big doe eyes, a visual of a similar position he might see really soon.
“so you from around here at all?” you finally chirp. at first he blinks down at you with a lost expression. the way you were sat did give his perverted brain all the privilege to wander. getting a good view of everything.
“no ma’am. from the city.” you nod telling him you figured he was, due to his accent. the heavy sound of a lid dropping makes you perk up, indicating that the job was finally done. and you could finally let out your frustrations. you step forward towards eddie, closing the gap between the two of you, chest to chest.
without warning, you’re palming him through his jeans. the heaviness from his hard on makes your hand curve around it. “i knew it.” eddie is taken by surprise, didn’t think a little lady like you would be so forward, be so bold. “woah now lil’ lady. y’don’t waste any time do you?”
“nope.” you pop the ‘p’ before bringing both your hands around his neck, “y’gunna let me pay you or what?”
he puts his arms up in defense, “be my guest.” you give him that same sugary sweet smile from earlier, getting on your tippy toes to place as kiss beneath his jaw. then his neck, then back to his cheek. eddie’s eyes are closed, hands gripping the side of the vehicle to steady himself. all the pinned up tension is slowly releasing itself with each wet kiss you place.
“i bet you wanna kiss me don’t you.” your hot breath heats the side of his neck, lips brushing against the pale skin. he opens his eyes again to look down at you before placing an unaimed kiss on your lips. the both of you moan into each other, this sudden rush of desperation getting stronger and stronger by the minute. he's drinking down any moan or whimper you let out greedily.
your brings your manicured hands over his shoulders and down his chest, lowering yourself as you glide down his frame. he has quite the muscle to be so skinny, you thought.
you’re now leveled with this crotch, dick fighting against his dark pair of jeans. you decide to give it some relief by unzipping his pants. the small sigh from him doesn’t go unnoticed by you when you start paling him again. but this time through his thin boxers.
“don’t wanna take too long. don’t want daddy coming and looking for me.” you give him a fake pout, hands reaching for the waistband of his underwear to finally pull him down. eddie winces at the way his painfully hard cock springs against his belly.
you hum greedily, finally placing your hands around his shaft. you give him a squeeze or two, spitting on your hand for lube. the sloshing sound of your spit slicking around his dick has him rolling his eyes back. “haven’t gotten any head since i moved here.” he pathetically admits.
“well today is your lucky day isn’t it?” without warning, you’re wrapping your lips around his pink tip, tongue swirling around and prodding at his hole. you can smell his musk, can smell his arousal and it’s intoxicating. all it does is egg you on to take him in deeper. earning a wobbly whimper from him, he’s now patting your hair with his ring clad hands, stroking your hair until both hands are wrapping around your braids.
he holds you still, stopping your from bobbing your head around his length. his paste starts off slow as he starts bucking his hips towards you face. you try your best to open your mouth as wide as you can, and to loosen you throat up for him. regardless of your attempts, he can feel your throat spasm against his thickness. hitting the back of your throat the quicker he goes, brain fuzzy as he lets out moan after moan. the sounds coming from the two of you are lewd, thank god no one lives around these parts cause it’s be painfully obvious what the two of you were up too.
the sounds of you gagging around his shaft, your spit frothing a ring around his cock and your mouth, his lewd whimpering as his mushy tip hits the back of your throat repeatedly. it’s complete filth.
“you’re like a fucking wet dream come to life.” he groans through his teeth, trying his hardest not to spew his warm cum down your throat. as delicious as that sounds, he’s gotta be inside you. he’s gotta see what that pretty ol’ cunt of yours looks like.
after a few more bobs, he pulls you off his cock by your braids, a lewd squelching sound echoing as he pulls himself from your throat. globs of saliva connecting you two together before dribbling off his tip and thudding onto the ground. you knees are sore against the gravel, ground scratching and stinging at your delicate skin.
you finally stand up, brushing the dirt and gravel off of your bruised knees. he’s already peeling your overalls off your shoulders, jean fabric tickling you as he slowly slides it down your arms. eddie’s leaning down to place a kiss at the junction between your shoulder and neck, then a kiss on your collar bones. “i need to be inside you, sweetheart.” his tone is desperate, wet lips grazing your skin as he speaks. “cumming inside of you would be the ultimate payment. what’d you think?”
you arch towards him when he takes one of your sore nipples between his thumb and index, head rolling back when you hum in agreement. after pinching and pulling for a bit, he finally crouches down to take a nipple in his mouth. mimicking what you did earlier, he sucks at the nub, swirling his tongue around it. eventually he pulls off it with a ‘pop’, admiring the now swollen nipple.
he peels the overalls down further, exposing more of your bare stomach. he’s grazing his fingers across your body, and your soaking him all in. your open your eyes to look around occasionally, but you’re both sure no one’s creeping around here now that the day is winding down.
“don’t forget about daddy.” you whine in his hair. the sound of his dark chuckle goes straight to your buzzing pussy. it’s like your whole body is on fire. “daddy will be fine. you’re a big girl hmm?” it’s you’re turn to smile this time. you could care less about arriving home at your fathers preferred curfew. eddie’s right, you are grown, handling grown folks business. and the most you’d get is a lecture and a shitty chore anyways, mind as well enjoy your fun.
your overalls are completely off by now, jeans pooling at your ankles like eddie’s once was. you giggle at the fact that his dick has just been dangling this whole time. but that smile quickly contorts your an open mouth moan, when he places his hand flat against your mound, underwear creating a addictive friction against your clit. he’s slowly running circles through your panties, satisfied with the way your rut your hips against his hand. filthy with the way you fuck yourself on his palm.
he’s close, mouth grazing the shell of your ear, “pull em’ down for me, doll.” there’s that smile again when your turn around on the balls of your feet. bending over as your wiggle yourself out of your panties. his lip trapped beneath his teeth as he watches you.
fucking minx.
when you finally kick them off, you help when you feel his large hands pull at your hips. swinging your around to push you up against your car, gasping at the way your erect nipples press against the now cold car door. he’s grunting on the back of your neck when he rushes to kick your foot up, wasting no time to finally slip himself inside of your sopping hole. a sigh of relief come out the both of you, felt like you’ve been waiting for this moment forever. he’s grabbing you by your chin, back not pressed to his chest so he can get a good look at you. you’re in pure bliss, you choke and pant with a slack jaw as his speed quickens. sobbing when he brings his free hand to rub circles along your sore clit. your body is completely out of your control with the way you’re rutting against him. the sounds of your bodies slapping against each other is egging the two of you on.
“jesus fucking— fuck.” it’s like he’s knocking the wind out of you, and he’s not even going that hard. that’s just how horny you are. he’s giving you everything you need and more. the boys that usually linger around here aren’t this good. maybe you should find city boys more often.
a certain buck of his hips has you going silent, pleasure too overwhelming to make a sound, just him moaning, and your ass slapping against his pelvis. his chin is hooked over your shoulder, “please tell me you’re close, doll. i can’t hold out much longer.”
your clit is aching, walls pulsating around his shaft, jaw slack with empty moans, eyes rolls back so hard it hurts, your lips are swollen from all the biting, you’re a filthy mess. you can feel it bubbling in the pit of your stomach, and just the right rut of his skilled hips makes you snap. a spew of incoherent whines come falling out of your tongue, saying anything that pops in that cock drunk kind of yours. your body is exhausted, now going limp as he’s still fucking you to reach his high. the sob at the overstimulation of your cunt.
you whine a small “shit.” when he sinks his teeth into your shoulder, using that as the only way of grounding himself as he fills you to the brim. hot streams of his cum filling right inside of you, panting you hold onto your truck trying to keep yourself up. you’re both tired and sweaty, hot pants against each other’s skin as he holds you closer.
there’s a shlicking sound as he pulls out of you, beads of his cum falling right after. what a sight to see.
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feedback on this would actually be so appreciated cause im proud of this one!
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soulslimes · 8 months
a clip from a fic im working on hehe. (aka: pushing aside you, through my eyes because i can't get a specific part perfect so by doing this and writing something else, i don't kill my love for writing it)
“You’re right, I’m not unfamiliar with all of that,” Sanji interjects, “I’m not judging you for whatever you used to do either. I just don’t understand how people who’ve hooked up with you didn’t immediately fall in love with you. I did, and we didn’t even need to hook up for that to happen so those other fuckers must be idiots if they were able to get close to you and not fall even a little in love.”  Immediate regret, not in the feeling itself but in expressing so candidly like he just did. Sanji knows he’s just said something that Zoro will hold over his head for the rest of time itself. He can feel it in his cheeks, face flushed and warm immediately.  Of course, the brain that resides in Zoro’s head sometimes takes a moment to truly gear up. Like winding the rusty gears of an uncared for grandfather clock, Zoro is oblivious to what he’s just said for the most part. He doesn’t truly  process it until a good thirty seconds after the words have left Sanji’s mouth before he lights up.  “Did you just confess to me, curly?”
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twyz · 11 months
hey all folks!! me and @fanficwriter284 have decided to collab!! This is gonna be a continuation of their fic that they wrote a while back that was a crossover between our two aus!!
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The kingdom of Rein and the kingdom of Cruor have been long since been allied. Both between the kings, as well as a more secretive alliance. The Madeyed King and a vampire, more commonly known as The She-Bat, have formed an alliance in exchange for goods and services on both ends. It was mainly protection for the vampiress whenever she traveled during the day. During the night she had no problem, of course. In exchange for the King’s services, she would send him vials and grant him supernatural protection that would last him a life time.
This alliance was kept a secret for a very specific reason. King Earnest Burtram was a man who despised vampires to his very core. Despite being rumored to be one, he despised them nonetheless. He would lose his cool over the mention of them being in his kingdom. That certainly didn’t help his case.
Things were normal in the castle. Maids and servants were busy in the kitchen preparing endless meals. Earnest himself was in his study, signing some documents pertaining to a foreign land and alliances. He elegantly stroked the paper with the quil, carefully yet skillfully making letters on the paper. He looked up for a moment as he heard feet rapidly approaching his study. The door was gently opened and one of his many servants stood in the doorway.
“Sir, a hawk approached the castle with a letter. We assume it’s from one of.. them,” the servant announced as they handed him the rolled up letter.
The parchment was a cream color and was rolled up neatly. It was held close due to an amulet that was wrapped around it. The amulet itself was a black gem that shone a ruby red color in the light. It had a carving in the back of it that could only be identified as a vampire’s marking. By that alone, he was put on edge and a very angry one at that. He slid off the amulet before unraveling the the letter and reading it.
Salutations, Sir Madeye
I must commemorate you on your sudden action of sending more men over to me during my time of need. With the summer on it’s way, I’ve needed as much help as I could get, and your men have been more than sufficient.
I couldn’t thank you enough for protecting both me and my drudge from any harmful forces we may encounter. As a token of my appreciation, here’s a charm. On the back of it, my symbol is carved into it. While we may be im different parts of the land, my protection is still as strong and should you be in supernatural peril, you should find this amulet very useful.
Eternally grateful,
Tiffany Valentine
That name. That name drove him up the wall. That was the name of the vampire he had been looking for for decades. Long, painful decades. His face grew hot as his anger damn there boiled over. He hastily wrapped the the letter back up and handed it to his servant.
“Summon a carrier pigeon, I have some business I need to attend to,” Earnest demanded in a gruff voice.
The servant knew immediately what this meant and nodded diligently. Earnest pulled out a sheet of parchment and immediately began writing his note to King Madeye. He was due to pay him a visit.
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hoooo boy this was super fun to write!! i haven’t written in ages so i apologize if anything sounds odd, i’m a lil rusty hehe. Hope y’all enjoyed!!
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sapphire-weapon · 10 months
Sending this so you have smth to answer that isn't racist children (as a black girl,,,,man these people are too comfy online)
ANYWAY i can't get the idea out of my head for a fic from Ashley's pov where she's incredibly lonely and doesn't trust that anyone actually wants to be around her for her but rather for her status/who she is, and that's why she's super distant with Leon to begin with.
And throughout the game her and Leon start bantering and getting closer and she's like well okay maybe he actually likes me for me, he's already got status, but she's not fully trusting
and then they get flirty and shes like oh god oh fuck i LIKE this guy???? and is like mildly panicky about it (im imagining she's never had an actual relationship bc of the trust issues, slept with people but never anything more) so she like awkwardly flirts back while freaking out about this + the whole, you know, mutant thing
and she convinces herself he's not actually into her and is just trying to keep her mind off everything/insecurities flare up UNTIL we get to the bit where Leon breaks free of Saddler's control for a second and drops to his knees trying to stop him touching Ashley. and she's like ?!?!!!?! oh god this is real he actually cares but it's too late now to do anything bc we're gonna DIE and she thinks all this while unable to move and watches him get thrown into the pit.
if i were to actually write this I'd make it SO angsty and maybe end it at that point lol I love to put my faves in Situations. i probs won't write it so here's an idea if ur interested lol <3
Anon we must be plaga'd or something, because I have had a very similar fic idea in my head for DAYS, only with the roles reversed. Because like... I was thinking about how many times Leon whiffs with his attempts at flirting with Ashley throughout the entirety of the game (he really doesn't actually "crack the code" so to speak until the dining hall convo), and I was like
When was the last time Leon actually got laid?? Why is he so rusty at this, why is he so bad at it at the start when he clearly has game once he, like... remembers how? Why's he out of practice?
And then I started thinking about my headcanon of how Leon probably went out with other guys from the army to pick up girls and stuff and how that probably stopped within a year or two, and I realized... the last time Leon got laid, he probably looked completely different. He was probably still, for the most part, his lean but cut RE2make self, and there's a non-zero chance he has a really minor sense of body dysmorphia because of how much he's changed physically in such a short window of time.
And I was like... you know, there's a shitton of fics of Leon helping Ashley cope with the aftermath of what happened, but I don't think I've ever seen it the other way around. I've never seen a fic where Ashley looks at Leon and goes "you're crazy for thinking no one would want you or want to be with you." And have the whole thing sort of tie back to how Ashley brings out his RE2 self again, and make it so that she helps him just feel like a person again.
And now I get your ask and I'm like
What if I combined these ideas?
What if there's issues on both sides for them to work out together? Ashley's trust issues + Leon's self-worth/self-image issues.
I actually did want to try to explore my initial idea through fic this upcoming weekend (today is my Friday! So I have the next two days off) and now having this to flesh it out more is like 👀👀👀 maybe I got something here.
I'll try to keep u guys posted!!
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acidmatze · 10 months
Yeah nah im gonna be annoying and make the list now
Things that rub me the wrong way re: How Vashs disability is written/drawn in fanworks Before anyone gets the wrong idea: Im disabled myself, in so many ways you cant even imagine. My body is a minefield and every step is the wrong one
When its just left out. Big one. WHY? Why are you doing this? Is it not sexy enough or something? Is the prosthetic too hard to draw? Leave it out then and be happy about having to draw one less hand When he doesnt take his prosthetic off when showering DO YOU WANT THE ELECTRONIC PARTS TO MURDER HIM TO DEATH???? Also why would he need it in the shower? Thats not how you clean a prosthetic
Also when hes not taking it off when sleeping Why are you so against him being comfortable? Do you sleep in shoes and jeans? With your backpack still on? And your glasses? I only need a knee brace but you bet your ass i fling that shit into the next best corner as soon as i get home. Cant imagine how uncomfortable a prosthetic gets when you have to wear it for longer than absolutely necessary and also do all the shit Vash does. Sweaty sweaty yikes
When people think its metal No its not metal. Yes it is metal. It is complicated. Its NOT the metal people think it is. Yes arms are heavy but that doesnt mean we have to make prosthetics just as heavy. Have you ever thought about how heavy it is? Why do you want him to haul FUCKING METAL around? Also why do you want it to get rusty and be shitty to clean and heat up and be overall extremely clunky when much much cooler materials exist? Whats next? A peg leg? This is the future, get creative.
THE PAIN I have seen Some fics that Do mention the fucking pain but most dont. I read phantom limb pain is nerve pain, which I have. Randomly. Its excruciating and the worst kind of pain i know. Period cramps are fucking harmless compared to it and my cramps were horrible terrible horrifying. I still take them gladly over just ten seconds of You Are Being Electrocuted Nonstop Flop On The Floor And Just Scream. Like.. existing is just painful. And if its not his arm then all the damn wounds must get painful as shit from time to time. Look at the guy. Ouch.
This is a newer thing i have seen creeping up from time to time but NO Vash is NOT ashamed of his disability. I got no idea what That came from but i hope it crawls back into the corner it came up from.
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s3a-s1ug · 9 months
Mmm after 3 seperate breakdowns with 20 minute breaks in between im in questionable mood, my eyes are still burning from tears so i will use my fragile state of mind to request a fear and hunger nsfw scenerio... fic... thing?
How about Ragnvaldr × Cahara? I know its a joke in the fandom that Cahara is a size queen for all the fucked up reasons you can imagine, but from the ingame art to fanart, he seems kinda like a hoe ngl. I know he has a wife but come on, let a girl dream. Basically the fic would be in the canon setting of the game, and the two would meet as normal, but Ragnvaldr notices that Cahara attempted to steal his shit. However, instead of getting mad and kicking Cahara on his merry way in the dungeon, he decides to keep a close eye on him. The dungeon is a dangerous place and its always good to have more hands for weapons.
One thing leads to another, you'll be the judge of that, and they end up sharing a bed. And Cahara once again proves himself to be untrustworthy by feeling around in Ragnvaldr's pockets. But what he touches isnt his pocket, unfortunately.
God I hate myself. Its 4 am, i need to sleep
Oh and also happy christmas
“The Thief’s Tricks”
Cahara x Ragnvaldr Fic - Part One
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THIS REQUEST SAVED ME!!! This is actually so fun. The next part should be out soon! I’m that case enjoy!!! …and merry Christmas to you too..? Time is a construct I guess.
The prisons. The heavy oppressive nature of the sights to be seen in there would shake anyone to their core. Bloodied empty prison cells captured the true horrors of what happened to its unfortunate prisoners. All for except one.
“…hey…hey big guy..!”
Ragnvaldr stopped in his tracks and locked into the prison cell. A man with dark messy hair on the other side. He seemed to be in shape but he looked very tired. Bags under his eyes. He gave a tired smile
“Look.. I’ll give it to you straight… I’m in a tough one here and I could REALLY use your help. You look strong. You think you could get me outta here..?” He asked with a hint of desperation in his voice
Ragnvaldr analyzed the man on the other side of the bars. Could he be trusted?…then again…the dungeons are very dangerous and it could be better to traverse them with some help…
“Hmm… what is your name?”
“Cahara..! Of the south.”
“Ragnvaldr. If I were to help you out of here you will have to help me too.”
“I am on a quest to find a person..and kill him. He is long way down these dungeons so if you are willing I could use the help.”
The mercenary didn’t even give himself time to think and answered immediately
“Yeah sure! I’ll help. I’d say I’m a pretty useful asset. Im a mercenary so I think I could be of good help.
Ragnvaldr only nodded in agreement. He held the bars of the cell. They were rusty and worn out but sturdy enough to keep someone from getting out. He gripped the bars and slowly separated two of them to make an opening for Cahara to get out.
“Woah…damn…you ARE strong..!” He said in awe. A little intimidated even.
“Ja. But you must promise me one thing. You will not deceive me. Since I have helped you, you must return the favor.” He held out his hand for Cahara to shake
“Yeah sure thing”
Cahara shook his hand then brought him into…a hug..?
“I can’t thank ya enough, man. I mean it”
Ragnvaldr was taken aback by this. He swore he felt something in his pocket but before he could react Cahara pulled off from the hug and smiled
“Well I’d assume you know the way?”
“U-uh ja. Follow me” He said with a hint of confusion. He was still cautious mainly due to Cahara’s “off” vibe.
They walked for a bit trying to find their way out of the prisons. Multiple corners were turned in silence. Ragnvaldr went to grab for something in his pocket but…it was gone… he stopped in his tracks. Cahara, who was pretty far behind him now, stopped us well, pretty taken aback.
“Cahara.” Ragnvaldr said sternly, not looking at him
Cahara seemed nervous
“Uh, yeah..?”
“Give it back. You took it.”
“Took what? I wouldn’t steal anything from you. Uh promise! I’m here to help after all heh”
Ragnvaldr turned around and looked at Cahara. He walked up to him and grabbed Cahara’s wrist.
“Give. It. Back.” He squeezed Cahara’s wrist tightly while giving him a stern glare
Cahara gulped. He was in a tight spot. Cahara was in no way weak. He had a fine build and could try to fight back but… that probably wouldn’t last long.
Cahara sighed. He shuffled through his pocket using his other hand and grumbled pulling the vials out and giving them to Ragnvaldr
He let go of Cahara’s wrist
“You made a promise. Next time I won’t be so forgiving. As it may seem I actually need to help. So don’t try this again”
Cahara nodded silently, clearly getting the message.
“You will walk by my side. You’re very sneaky. This will not happen again.”
Ragnvaldr turned around again and continued walking with Cahara catching up to his side silently
‘Damn this guy is tough. Really tough. I don’t want to stay here but I did promise… if there was just a way I could find to leave…hmm’
They walked for a good long while, encountered some enemies, nothing too bad, but it was beginning to get grueling
Cahara yawned and groaned loudly
“Ughhhh… man how long have we been walkin for? My legs are starting to sore….”
“…hmm…ja I suppose we have been walking for… a while” Ragnvaldr didn’t say it but even he was starting to feel tired “well perhaps there is a room nearby, keep a look out”
They walked for another long while until reaching a small stone room. Wasn’t much in it. A tattered rug, cabinet with some old drinks, and one singular bed. Cahara slightly glanced at Ragnvaldr
“Soooo…um… should I like… sleep on the floor? Or..”
“Nej, we will share it. We both need rest. We will make do”
“Oh..! Alright then”
This was certainly gonna be…interesting.
To be continued…
Next part will be NSFW muahahah so stayed tuned!!!!
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blimbo-buddy · 9 months
Scourge typically doesn't leave Bloodclan's central area of busy work, and usually had Bonnie (AKA Brick) and Bone rely messages to other outside itz knowing that he has a hard time coping being outside of the Center so when Tigerstar comes and practically forces Scourge to come, he had multiple mental breakdowns on the way Everytime, especially when near Thunderclan, knowing he has kin that might recognize him (for example Ruby, AND ESPECIALLY Ruby because of reasons that will be answered) He also feared going near Twoleg places sometimes and seeing someone from his kithood also freaks him out
Scourge killed Socks as a way to get back at Ruby, and Ruby stole Socks's collar and began wearing it on her tail, and quickly began thinking the world was out to get her, and when Rusty told her about him joining Thunderclan she begged him not to go, trying to physically force him deeper into her teoleg's house but he was able to escape, leaving her wailing right beside the cat flap (omg a fic idea I must use oh mah gosh)
This is such a refreshing and new take on Scourge, he's so deeply scared of the world and overthinks to himself that cats are out to get him, which is only heightened when he becomes leader, a position that makes him a target for many who want him dead. Bloodclan's central area was his comfort zone, Bone and Bonnie/Brick were his biggest supporters and helped him through his agoraphobia and anxiety as much as possible. And now he's suddenly face to face with the cat who nearly killed him as a child? It'd be so overwhelming for him and I wouldn't be surprised if there were whispers around Bloodclan that Scourge was heard hyperventilating and crying from a mental breakdown the night before they were all to head into the forest.
That stuff with Rusty is sad as hell, she just wanted Rusty to stay, she knew those forest cats wouldn't be kind to him, that they would tear him to shreds whenever they could, she feared that they would kill him. But after seeing Rusty- No- FireStar on the battlefield, she believes they already have.
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I am eating this up I am feasting like a fucking KING
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i3utterflyeffect · 1 year
Triple Affirmative
it's once in a blue moon lads. that means it's fic time (even though im very rusty) anyway i wrote this in 30 minutes or smthn bc i had the idea and thought it was cool
AO3 Link
Summary: Two mysterious stories become one. Sometimes, you must join the cycle to end it.
Sliver knew this was risky. How could fae not know? 
The danger of gene editing had already made itself clear when iterators had begun to come down with the rot. The process of creating creatures was safe, of course.
But to control to a new, separated puppet was completely unheard of.
Nonetheless, Sliver was sure that if this worked, everyone could escape this damned cycle.
The triple affirmative was not something other beings needed, but none of the iterators had a choice in it. If they could all ascend, however, there was nothing left to stay here for.
Faer sat down in front of the new puppet.
It was a green, furred slugcat— a variety special to Sliver’s cold reigon. They were adaptable, clever, social. They could travel long distances.
It was perfect.
Faer began the process.
Despite the tingling of faer neurons reaching out, the alien feeling of a new body, it came quite easy. Fae’s mind wanted to flit about, the excitement getting to faer, but the distraction was too costly to risk, so faer set into a low power mode, only focusing on the work.
Cycles and cycles passed. Faer did not know if the others were calling.
All they knew is that the solution was close.
So close
that they could
touch it.
The notification was jarring, startling fae out of faer focus. 
Faw could feel the defined surrounding of the slugcat. That was a good start.
Sliver moved one paw.
Then the other.
Slowly, fae stood, and a thrill rushed through their body.
Sliver had found the way out. They were free. Everyone could finally, finally be free!
The excitement overwhelmed faer systems, and at first, faer didn’t care to monitor that feeling.
That is, until fae felt a spark.
Suddenly, agony ripped through every piece of faer— from the smallest neuron to the surface of their can— and it hurt, IT HURT— 
A scream ripped from faer vocal cords as everything began to malfunction in an agonizing series of individual processes.
First, faer cooling systems.
Then, the gravity of faer rarefraction cells.
The spine carrying faer puppet began to seize as faer body thrashed in the air, and neurons dropped dead one at a time.
It was at the very end, where the chill of death settled in, that something happened.
The scorching pain became background to an unusual sense of peace.
Fae could see it. 
Fae could see it all. 
Every ancient that had built faer and faer siblings. Every creature that had journeyed to the void sea. A cycle that spun on into eternity.
Sliver was not sure where fae was, or even who fae was, but the knowledge of ten thousand eons poured into their mind.
Fae thought faer processors would not be able to take it, and yet somehow, faer mind was clear as ever. The knowledge wound through every part of fae, before neatly furling in faer chest, like golden thread on a spool.
Fae felt more awake than ever, not weighed down by every process that had plagued faer mind anymore.
Somehow, the feeling didn’t quite dissipate with the high that came with it.
Sliver’s senses returned to faer, and fae found faerself staring up at faer hanging puppet, limp in the air.
Fae could feel their eyelids over their eyes still, but vision remained with them all the same.
When fae opened faer eyes, fae saw golden string.
It hung from every surface, somehow denoting a date in faer mind.
The answer finally came to faer as fae stared into the yarn intertwined with everything.
Fae could cut these threads.
Fae could cut a cycle short.
My string...?
Looking down at faerself, fae found a thread spiraling all around them, tangled and knotted, unruly.
It did not end. In fact, it seemed to go on forever. Fae’s paws went through the wires when they tried to cut it.
Eternity was designated to the thread.
It would never end.
But if fae could cut each thread but faer own, that meant fae had found the Triple Affirmative. For everything.
Everything but faerself.
A grim whisper of a laugh escaped faer lungs, sounding more like a breath of air than a sound.
Fae finally wobbled up onto faer own two feet.
If fae was the solution, then fae needed to get moving. Faer siblings would not free themselves.
Silently, fae wondered if eternity would be more bearable if fae could journey.
Fae would have to find that out for faerself.
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boralogues · 11 months
Hello i have more two wuv headcannons :) this time it's how well the freaks can see (idk why i just thought of this) zubin- Because zube's hair is always covering his eyes he can't rlly see, so he relies on hearing a lot more. he can tell who's walking into/out of a room just by the sound their footsteps make. sometimes he parts his hair over one eye so he can look at ppl, especially meeting them for the first time (like seeing random ppl in the forest). sometimes his hair pokes his eyes so he has to brush it out the way before it inevitably falls back (i had a fringe that was exactly like this it sucked) joe- since half of joe's face is burned and he can't see out of one eye he uses glasses (those tiny oval ones in like, every photo ever) to help his normal eye work better. the normal eye is still a little bit fuzzy due to the burns, but the glasses cover that. rob- he's always crying so even when he isn't his eyes are all cloudy and wet. he wears his glasses but they don't do much due to how much he cries, and how cracked they are. andrew- andy lives in the forest like 99% of the time so he's gotten really used to the dark, to the point where he can see better when it's dark than light (basically semi-nightvision). he's developed a sensitivity to bright light so he wears a pair of stolen sunglasses if he's ever somewhere too bright (like if someone shone [is shone the right word? im in extended english i should know this] a flashlight near him) ross- since we still havent gotten any ross lore >:( (/j) i dont have much to work off of. im just gonna say he can see normally, just a little fuzzy due to injuries bora- also dont have much to work off. he has the best eyesight out of everyone. he pays reaaallly close attention to things. mostly his rats. (he can tell all of them apart by their fur, but he gives them little fabric bows or something so everyone knows which ones which) casey- i think in an older post (i think it was that fic someone wrote i forgor who) it mentioned casey falling and hitting his eye on a rock. so that eye is either completely or mostly blind. he wears an eyepatch over it bcs he finds it cool and practical. candi made him do a pirate voice while he was wearing it and that was one of few happy moments these freaky little guys have. its now a running joke between them steve- i think it was the first post/ask w him in it where the asker mentioned he could dilate his pupils like a cat so screw it. his eyes are exactly like cats. everyone thinks its cool and steve just nods cause he doesnt speak. candi- i think i already mentioned it but because of the scar over her eyes, everythings slightly blurry for her. she struggles with objects that are too far away, but it's nothing too severe. she's probably tried out the other's glasses/stolen ones from people in the forest and they might help a bit. but she doesnt want to take them when the others need them so she doesnt wear glasses (she probably put a pair of glasses on and was like. "wait why is everything in hd?")
AAAAAH YES ! need more headcanons about them that's just. Mundane stuff like this I adore it.
Zubins is. Scarily accurate this guy would be basing everything off of hearing shit that is too real
JOE W THE GLASSES YEEEEES OH MY GOD !!!!!!! AHGH I love that I must draw Joe w the glasses ... too real
Oh yeah Rob :(.. his glasses would be all cracked n broken and even rusty from the excess of tears ... sigh :(
Shone is the right word!! Andrew would absolutely be sensitive to light, he'd hiss like a cat if some random hiker flashed a flashlight in his direction, or even getting near a campfire hurts his eyes. I love the idea of him having some sunglasses so he can explore brighter areas with campfires/lights :>
I PROMISE ILL BE WRITING OUT SOME ROSS LORE SOON MY APOLOGIES.. I got that procrastination ADHD ... but yes I do think Ross would have the best vision out of all of them.
AWWW THE IDEA OF BORA PUTTING LITTLE BOWS N STUFF ON HIS RATS IS SOOOO Q_Q <3<3<3 LOVE THAT !! I think Bora would have pretty bad vision but he'd get Andrew to steal him some glasses... he'd definitely lose them and his rats would have to find them and bring them back to him 😭
Steve eye dilation realness <3
HAHDHAHDHD YESS CANDI TRUTH !!! I love the idea of her stealing the others glasses / trying them on 😭 IMO I think the others wouldn't notice but Joe would definitely notice his glasses gone and he'd get frustrated...
I love these soo much I'm so sorry i replied so late... I read these a while back and smiled so big and these made me smile so big again :)) thank you <3 I promise Ross lore soon..
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imsorryithurts · 2 years
im torn between writing essays on what the symbolism on disco elysium means to me and writing fics in which i shake the shit out of those middle aged men in a jar until they threw up. i can not choose both im swamped with work and other junk 😭
anyway, glad to see another DE whump enjoyers, if you had any fic recs please please please tell me (esp if its kim centric, i really like the caretaking reversal trope)
I FEEL YOU. DE is such a deep and beautiful game but also. I want Kim's picture framed on my wall like that one person in the news.
I remember thinking "I'm not going to fandom-fy this. I will enjoy this like a normal adult person". Which is pretty good, but then you have the writers posting stuff like "yeah, I think Jean and Harry fucked", and fan artists posting the characters as c.alico critters, and fanfiction writers writing literal novels as fan sequels, how can I resist??
But then someone comes and does a deep analysis of themes, characters and motifs and I'm like "damn. should I be poor meow meowing these men?"
Anyway, I guess the conclusion I came to was:
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DE is such an amazing game and it leaves space for both brain rot and intellectual reading. It's not often I get this involved with media that tackles complex and real issues and criticisms, with characters that are not really great people but they are so incredibly charismatic you forget, and at the same time makes silly jokes, has an idle animation of them cracking each other's backs and makes you want to pet these greasy/balding middle aged men. So I'm managing to balance both Fandom Brain and Enjoyer of the Actual Game and it's Brilliance Brain so far. I guess what I'm trying to say is that most fandoms I'm in I don't take the media so seriously, but I absolutely would submerge myself in a pool of DE source material and be serious about it.
I don't know. I'm not rusty with words. All I know is DE good, and I want to see them hurt.
I'll rec some fics under the cut so this doesn't get too long!
So, you might have already filtered AO3 by "whump" and "hurt/comfort" and found these. But here are some I really enjoyed and have saved:
Tenth of a Second by SupposedtobeWriting
AU where Kim gets shot after the tribunal and Harry is the one that takes care of him. One of the first fics I came across when I first searched the fandom tag. One of my favorites, I remember having to pace myself while reading it to make it last longer!
Small Light in a Dark City by SupposedToBeWriting
Kim has a nightmare after the case. More psychological whump.
An Impression of Smoke by nicpic
I'm just going to copy the tags: kim is sick, jean is soft, That's it, that's the fic
Also really like this one :) The Day After comes before in the series, and it's also fun, just short and lighter on the whump.
nicpic also has Blood on Snow, it's a bit more heavy on the hurt, and Jean is the hurt one. Plus, they seem to have some really cool fics I havent gotten around to reading yet.
In sync by DistressPlop
Tribunal aftermath, Harry whump, with some Kim psychological whump. I remember reading this, but I must have read it in bed before sleeping because I don't remember much about it lol. Guess I'll get to enjoy it fresh one more time.
sans sommeil by narramin
Kim, who was undercover until then, shows up hurt at Jean's door. Now that I think about it, this one might have been one of the first fics I read. I was finishing up this list and my brain went "wait what about that undercover Kim one?" and I had to search for it, because I read it before making my ao3 account. I don't remember much about it, except that I really liked the whump in it.
Ace's (All-Time) Low by new_career_in_business
Kim shows up hurt at Harry's door. TW for homophobia
I believe Ace's (All-Time) Low was the last one I read before deciding to not pick up new ones because I really need to focus on studying for the admittance test of the master's program I want to get in. So now I only have a bunch marked for later, both whump and non-whump. Maybe I'll do an updated list in the future, I'd like to have a neat little list so I can revisit them easily :).
Happy reading, and feel free to rec back! Here's to more DE whump in our lives! *raises glass*
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vampirekinn · 3 years
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(neglects all the essays n work that is overdue) el oh el :') anyways here's a summary of a fic i'm planning (mxy & wwx) n posting it here to hype myself up hhhhhh
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fishoutofcamelot · 2 years
[Send me a book emoji and I'll explain the plot of a fic i haven't written by daydream about]
Oh you just know i gotta talk about one of my favorite unwritten WIPs, "Pennies On the Eyes".
Merlin is a ghost. Which means he died. How this happened is beyond him, but it's also the least of his worries right now. Between steampunk necromancers, decades-old conspiracies, and the world's most prattish exorcist, Merlin has bigger things to deal with than some stupid little murder.
Besides, it's probably for the best that he can't remember his death. After all, the more powerful a ghost is, the more painful their death was - and Merlin is the most powerful ghost in Camelot.
This fic takes place in a modern setting, with Camelot as a town instead of a kingdom and the Pendragons as a wealthy family living in a big mansion in the outskirts of town.
For generations, the Pendragons have been members of a secret society of exorcists known as the Arodnes Court. Twins Arthur and Morgana are nearing their 21st birthdays, meaning they will finally be allowed to take up the mantle of the family business.
Merlin is a ghost who's in town visiting Camelot as a favor for one of his ghost friends. Unfortunately Merlin has horrible timing, because he's not the only new person in town. Nimueh, a disgraced necromancer, and her mysterious masked accomplice Norcadet, have begun capturing ghosts and using them for unsavory experiments.
Since Camelot is in Uther's territory, any supernatural activity that happens there is his responsibility to deal with. If the Arodnes Court finds out there's a necromancer on the loose in his city, he'll face penalties. So he blackmails the only three people who know about Nimueh's actions - Merlin, Gwen, and Gwaine - in attempt to cover it up.
Merlin, Gwen, and Gwaine have all been threatened and blackmailed into working for Uther and helping him apprehend Nimueh. For Gwen, he threatens to hurt her family. For Gwaine, he threatens to expose some dark secret he's been hiding. And for Merlin...well, for Merlin, Uther threatens to tell him his name.
See, ghosts don't remember their past life, nor their name. So they go by nicknames, usually. When a ghost remembers their real name, the horrors of their death become so unbearable that they transform into horrific, malevolent spirits called a poltergeist. Yeah, not ideal.
And yes, it is profoundly concerning that Uther knows what Merlin's real name is. But Merlin can't even investigate the matter or else he runs the risk of turning into a poltergeist.
After realizing they won't be able to defeat Uther legally, Merlin, Gwaine, and Gwen devise a new solution: just as Uther blackmailed them into working for him, they need to blackmail him into letting them go. Of course, this would involve digging up all of his dirty little secrets, of which he has many. Including a mutilated corpse thats been buried in his garden and is still bleeding, even twenty years after its death.
So yeah! It's a classic "catch my killer" ghost story but with the twist that they all know exactly who did it - Uther! But the mystery comes not from who did it, but how. If Uther killed Merlin in such a way to make his ghost THAT powerful, it must have been horrific. They probably don't want to know. Unfortunately, they don't exactly get a say in the matter either.
There's a ton of worldbuilding that went into this idea, and I've got countless dozen pages of planning for it. AND a playlist! The only reason I haven't written it is that I'm not super confident it's the kinda thing people will actually want to read. Also i havent written much lately and im getting a bit rusty, so i wanna get more practice in with a few oneshots before committing to any longer projects like this one. But eh it's still fun to think about.
Thanks for the ask! <3
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