#oc: witch hazel
shrowdly · 2 years
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girl you are everything to me (two of her so the posts not too long)
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kianamosser · 2 years
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Hazel can use magic to communicate with animals, even from a small distance away!
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fossilclaws · 1 year
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I swear that something is chasing me down
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mrsthunderkin · 5 months
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Just some sleepy (and hungover) babies
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chicinlicin · 1 year
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oh hey it’s resa and goixe
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quibbs126 · 1 year
Hello! If you don’t mind if you can make Pure vanilla x white lily fan kid?
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Alright, I’ve mentioned him long enough, time to introduce you all to Witch Hazel Cookie, formerly known as Vanilla Lily Cookie 
So I chose the name Witch Hazel because it’s a yellow flower, and his design was predominantly going to be yellow. Also, White Lily’s a flower and Pure Vanilla is yellow. But also I kind of liked the name because of White Lily’s ties to witches
Witch hazel:
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So I’ll admit, Witch Hazel’s design is a bit simple, but I think it’s fine enough. I decided early on that his colors would be yellow with pink accents, so I just stuck with that
I had made a design for him back in July, but I couldn’t get it to work. From what I remember of that design, I was going to use more green, and that he’d have hair closer to Blue Lily. I think she was a major inspiration for that early design
Though I do also feel like I didn’t capture his height. Hazel’s supposed to be pretty tall, he towers over PV and probably White Lily (I don’t have an idea of how tall she is in my head)
Also, this is completely random, but after finishing the sketch I couldn’t help but feel like Witch Hazel looks like a lesbian. I don’t know why, he just looked like a witch who was also a lesbian. Which was not my intent at all. And frankly I don’t think the name helps. But it’s his design, so you know
Oh also I intentionally kept his left eye covered. We’ll get into it later but he can’t see out of it anymore
So anyways, let’s get into his character, because as I’ve alluded to, I have stuff to say about it
So generally he comes off as a serene and calm individual, similar to his father. He also uses plant based magic with his branch staff
The idea is that some time before the Dark Flour War, he went off somewhere and hasn’t been seen since by any of the Ancients, and they didn’t know what happened to him. Not sure where he went, but maybe he went to take the Twelve Trials of the Sugar Free Road like Pure Vanilla did
I have this idea that some time in present day (as in during the game’s events), Witch Hazel shows up at the Vanilla Kingdom again after he heard of its return, and is welcomed with open arms by his father, as well as likely being received well by the other Ancients (maybe he shows up in Odyssey? I’m not sure, might be too cluttered having both him and the Creme Republic show up with their own separate plots)
However, there are some things off about him. For one, he’s…rather intense when it comes to dragons. He clearly dislikes them, but more so than a normal Cookie, and in a way that implies he has some beef with them. I think another present member at the Vanilla Kingdom in that original idea was Pitaya, and Hazel didn’t make it entirely hidden that he didn’t like them. Another is that despite his serene demeanor, he occasionally showed cracks in his persona, sometimes muttering backtalk under his breath, or his eye twitching when he acts like this for long enough, or being dodgy about what he’s been up to in the past decades
Well, as alluded to in the sketch, it’s because it’s all fake. Not just his demeanor, but his appearance as well, and what he really looks like being partially shown in the sketch (though it’s just a quick sketch, not necessarily the final design). He uses magic to hide his true appearance 
In truth, he’s an angry, bitter and spiteful person with serious temper issues and a pure hatred of dragons. However, his hostile demeanor is more his response to his trauma, lashing out at the world for what happened, but also he finds himself very lonely
His backstory is that sometime after he left the Vanilla Kingdom, he was attacked by a dragon. He tried to fight it with his magic, but it didn’t do much against the beast, and he ended up getting horribly burned by its fire, with it disfiguring his face and body, as well as causing him to lose sight in one of his eyes. In a long, exhausting fight of sheer terror and survival, Witch Hazel eventually killed the dragon, but it was by no means a triumphant defeat. After winning, he took the dragon’s gem and afterwards was able to use dragon fire with it, that being the shape in his real staff, which is made up of a charred old branch. His body is still horribly scarred after the event, especially his face, hence why I kept it obscured. He was never the same after the event, eventually becoming the spiteful person he is today
I think this backstory was inspired by a video I had watched around the same time, in which in talking about the Hobbit movies, the reviewers talk about how Desolation of Smaug implies that Thranduil fought dragons in his youth and that he’s using some sort of glamour to hide his disfigured appearance. I remembered it and then incorporated that into the purelily kid as an idea, which eventually culminated in Vanilly here
Going back to him interacting with other Ancients, I imagine at a point where he snaps, he lashes out at them, saying they don’t know dragon fire like he does, saying that Hollyberry has her magic shield, she’s never actually in danger of it, and Dark Cacao’s dragons don’t even spit fire. His disguise might slip for a bit, with some of his scars on his face showing as he rants about the pain that dragon fire brings
Though at the same time, while he’s afraid of dragon fire, he can be a bit of a maniac when it comes to using his own fire, sometimes getting carried away and burning more than necessary 
Okay, I don’t really know how to exactly describe him. I know who he is, and he’s fun to act out in my head, but I don’t know how to describe his personality. I’m bad at describing things. I just know he’s got a lot of issues
However despite how he acts, he wouldn’t join the Cookies of Darkness or anything. I imagine he might consider it when he learns Dark Enchantress is his mother, but he wouldn’t join
There’s no malicious intent in him coming to the Vanilla Kingdom in disguise. In truth, he really did come to the kingdom because he heard it appeared again and that his father was alive. The reason he came in disguise and acted the way he did is because he was terrified that with how he was, both in appearance and demeanor, his father would reject him, so he put on a fake look with what he imagined his father would like, determined to keep that facade for as long as it takes, never breaking character so that he never faces that rejection. He desperately wants to tell Pure Vanilla about everything he’s been through and to be honest with him, but his fear wins out and he keeps the facade
I want to talk more about the idea I have with Witch Hazel showing up in the Vanilla Kingdom, but I feel like maybe that should be its own post. But I may as well talk about Pure Vanilla in this story
So Pure Vanilla is overjoyed to see his son again, and he’s willing to overlook oddities in his behavior because of it. But when others bring up his odd behavior (and I think Pitaya notes that he’s clearly using magic to hide his appearance), and even he can’t ignore it, he becomes more and more concerned, wanting to assume the best but also aware things aren’t what they seem with Witch Hazel. I also imagine a scene with the two, in which Pure Vanilla goes to talk with Witch Hazel in the room he’s staying in, and the room is completely dark, and Witch Hazel is in his true form, though we (and Pure Vanilla) don’t see it since this is before his reveal. Witch Hazel insists the lights stay off, which only off puts PV more, and he tries to confront Witch Hazel about his suspicious behavior, but Witch Hazel shuts down his concerns, trying to make everything sound fine. Pure Vanilla agrees to leave him alone for now, and at the end of this conversation, Witch Hazel hesitates and almost wants to let Pure Vanilla see his face, but he stops himself before he can
I really want to talk more about the whole storyline, but this is already very long and I explained it better in my notes, so I might as well just post those notes in another post. But for now, I’ll say that Witch Hazel does eventually snap and its revealed what he looks and acts like, and drama happens and I don’t know what exactly goes down, but by the end of it Pure Vanilla does accept him as he truly is despite everything 
I don’t really have much on his relationship with his mother though, I was more focused on Pure Vanilla since he’s actually there
All right, I think I’m gonna stop now, but yeah, that’s Witch Hazel, I really hope you guys like him
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tealst-art · 2 years
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theangrycomet-art · 1 year
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Acmetropolis' Local Witch, try not the get on her bad side
Wanda Hazel
5'9" (6'8" with her hat)
street magician/local psychic
amateur witch (she's master brewing it's her spell casting that needs work)
the comet strike did not help her in this endeavor, giving her a huge power boost that she has verrrry limited experience and training to control
she accidentally curses people often enough she just keeps her spell book (family heirloom) on hand in her side bag to undo them
her hat serves as a storage system but since the comet strike has proven to be more random then helpful
optimistic (sometimes forcibly)
notorious bad luck, she always seems to be at the wrong place at the wrong time
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p1ckledpea · 9 months
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Well uh seeing as I don't post much on here, here's all the stuff I've been doing for the past two months
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sweetdonutsart · 11 months
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Candlelit Ritual 🕯️ 🔥 🔮
Halloween themed i guess? this was a part of a Class101 illustration class by the artist Sonia Stegemann i took in 2021. the theme was to create a character and put them in a background so i chose Hazel during some sort of crystal meditation ritual 💕 i need to give her more witchy things to do 😭
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evils-corner · 3 months
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Finally got the desire to draw while I was at work, so take a handful of receipt paper doodles. Always be drawin Hazel and Emmaline.....with a few bonus Valora's + misc things here and there.
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lovecoredeity · 3 months
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thinking about my old ocs Cinnamon and Hazel and how I’ve still get to give the, designs I like. These are both doodles from Hazel from 2021 and 2022, it’s been so long since I’ve drawn them,,
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Anyway. teehee 👻
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scribophantasma · 1 year
The Phantom Rabbit (Black Butler x Rabbit Reader)
Trigger warning : blood
Deep in the forest on the outskirts of London was a hidden cottage. Within it, lived a 'witch'.
Hazel Jane was her name. She appeared to be just as average as every other middle-class, young adult. But behind closed doors, she secretly practiced 'witchcraft'. The reason why? To have whatever she wanted.
Hazel was never satisfied with anything in her life. Although she had a roof over her head and plenty of food to eat, she dispised being 'poor'. Hazel was better off compared to the people who lived on the streets or in workhouses, but Hazel only cared for her own selfish self. Also, nobody from the higher class would ever notice or marry her.
Hazel believed for a long time that marriage into a noble house was the only way she could live the lavish lifestyle that she desired. But all her efforts to snag a rich man were in vain.
Hazel also grew disenchanted with Christianity when God did not heed her prayers like a genie would. And so she decided to use witchcraft instead. Hazel then obtained her 'magic' by making a deal with a devil. 
After sealing the deal with a contract mark on her lower back, the demon gave Hazel a strange device. He told her that it was a 'magic wand' that could conjure anything out of the 'holes' she would slice in the air with it. All Hazel had to do was will with all her heart, mind, and soul for whatever she wanted, and it shall fall out of the hole. 
It looked nothing like a magic wand in Hazel's opinion. It was large and heavy, she had to yank a string on the shorter end a few times to get it working, the noise it made was extremely loud, and the device had several, jagged ends that rotated swiftly. Hazel was quick to discover that the device could also cut through anything it touched!
But just as the demon had promised, Hazel was able to conjure items out of the air she sliced with the device. 
She supposed it truly was a magic wand, and she didn't mind at all- taking the demon's further advice to separate herself from society and hide in this cottage (lest they find out, burn her at the stake, and take away her 'magic wand'). She would need nor want for anything anyway now that she has 'magic'!
It's been a year since she struck that deal, and Hazel was happily practicing her 'magic' when it happened: a sudden, burning sensation in her lower back. It felt like she was being branded!
At first, Hazel thought she slept wrong. But how could she, when she has the most comfy bed with silks and furs that she conjured with her 'magic'?
Perhaps she pulled a muscle?
No way. The only time she strains herself physically is when she does 'magic' for hours on end, with no breaks. Plus, she was far too young to be having severe back pains.
It was at that moment that she realized it was the devil's mark. Hazel had totally forgotten that she sold her soul in exchange for the 'magic wand'.
It was that time already?!
But there was so much more she wanted to do!
Frantically, Hazel 'conjured' a ticket for a one-way trip to America. But the burning contract mark prevented her from taking one step out of her room. 
Hazel then conjured a large barrel of salt. She spilled it sideways, and then she conjured a broom so that she could spread the grains all over the carpeted floor. 
She drew crosses on every wall with chalk, conjured 'holy water' to sprinkle at every corner (and to drink), and Hazel even conjured a lamb with no blemishes.
She slaughtered it (after conjuring a dagger) and dragged its corpse across the sides and top of the door frame to spread its blood. 
Hazel refused to pray to God for deliverance. Instead, she figured that if the blood of a freshly-killed, spotless, white, lamb could make the Angel of Death pass over whole houses in the Book of Exodus, surely it would keep a hungry demon out of her room, right?
Hazel Jane forgot several key points:
For one, she did not place her faith in God. 
Two: she's not an Israelite in the story of Moses during the reign of King Ramses II. 
Three: this demon is not the Angel of Death.
Lastly, to back out now would be a breach of contract. The demon has every right to her soul.
Even if Hazel cried out for God, nothing would happen because she would have gone back to how things were: living her life fulfilling her greedy, covetuous, desires with the 'magic wand' rather than living a life glorifying God. 
And so, the demon broke through the door- causing Hazel to scream and jump backward. In doing so, she slipped and fell- getting blood and salt all over herself.
The demon laughed at the sight. It was a jeering, distorted laugh in several different pitches. As he did so, the room got dark, and Hazel was paralyzed with fear and pain from the contract mark. It burned more than ever!
"I see you took the time to marinate yourself in salt and lamb sauce. Very creative! But most unnecessary." The demon taunted as black tendrils encircled Hazel.
"I quite like the decor, too. Most befitting for our little dinner party~" the demon snickered.
"P-please, d-d-don't kill me-e." Hazel begged through her sobs before she gasped in pain. The tendrils were squeezing her tighter.
"That's not how it works, Ms. Jane. I provided your 'magic', you used the 'magic', and now you must fulfill the contract requirements."
"B-but I-"
"If you didn't like the contract, you shouldn't have signed it." The demon flashed Hazel its own mark on a humanized arm before liking its lips and opening its mouth impossibly wide.
"WAIT! I can conjure a soul for you. One even better than mine!"
This made the demon pause.
While it is true that he supplied Hazel with the 'magic wand', he could not actually use it. 
To use such a device, the wielder must have a soul. And he, being a demon- does not possess one.
The ability to even conjure a soul by itself is impossible. It must always be attached to someone (or something). However, Hazel displayed an aptitude for conjuring things- be it alive or inanimate, as evident by the freshly slaughtered lamb. Surely, she could manage to conjure a soul by itself. If not, a human would do- he’d just have to kill that person once they arrive.
Now, a soul even better than Hazel Jane's would not exist for at least two centuries. The reason why is due to ancestral sin. The more sin that an individual inherits from the generations before, the more potent the taste, and the more power it gives the demon.
Due to this, it is impossible and forbidden for demons to time travel and devour souls from the past or future. But the forbidden factor would make this soul much more delicious! The demon drooled at the thought.
"Very well. Get me that soul!"
The demon placed Hazel down and shoved the 'magic wand' into her arms. 
She huffed at the sudden weight but quickly regained posture and revved up the device. Hazel sliced a wide arc into the air above her with all the strength and 'magic' that she could muster, whilst willing so hard with all her mind and heart that this soul would be better than hers. Perhaps the demon would take it instead and leave her alone. 
A bright, green light and mighty wind erupted from the portal - something that has never happened before due to the breaching  of time and space. The human and demon both watched with bated breath for what would happen next.
Suddenly, something flew out- landing on the bed with a THUMP! Simultaneously, the portal imploded on itself in a flurry of sparks and stardust, sending Hazel to the other side of the room and making the demon stumble! 
When the wind died down, the demon inhaled deeply in search of the soul. Smelling nothing, he creeped closer to the lump beneath the blankets.
It was very small. An infant human, perhaps?
The demon pulled back the covers with a clawed, shadowy hand and peeked inside. Shortly afterwards, he snarled and shot some tendrils at Hazel. They grabbed her by the neck and yanked her over to be face-to-face as he roared at her.
Hazel could only gasp incoherently as the thing on the bed squeaked in fright and bounded out the door. 
It was not a soul. Not even a human! It was a rabbit. Hazel had conjured a white rabbit!
She could have sworn it was a soul that she conjured. Hazel had never messed up her 'magic' before! The nerves and pressure she felt must have interfered somehow.
But Hazel couldn't voice these thoughts, and she couldn't even scream before the demon devoured her. 
Unbeknownst to either of them, Hazel truly has conjured a person from the future. And that poor, unfortunate soul is now stuck in a different dimension as a rabbit. 
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quibbs126 · 9 months
I feel like redoing Witch Hazel as well, since I just copied Vanilla Lily’s story and just tried to make it work with this design, if that makes any sense. But also maybe with the White Lily update I’ll be able to have more interesting things to work with
You know I’m noticing that basically every Ancient x Ancient kid I do, I eventually want to redo. Berry Cheese has changed the least since it was just minor changes to her design, Charcoal Cheese needs a whole revamp but that’s because the Golden Cheese update made it necessary for me to do so, Snowdrop I feel like was just White Lily 2 and didn’t have enough Dark Cacao, Choco Wafer I’m changing because I’ve grown too attached to the old story before making a design, and Witch Hazel I now want to change for the same reasons, only I went through with sticking a pre-existing lore to a fankid I haven’t designed. Oh I guess there’s also Ruby Choco, who I’m debating because I feel like I can do better with her
*Okay this is a secondary thing that isn’t entirely necessary to my point, I’m just trying to give context for what I mean with Choco Wafer and Witch Hazel and me being too attached to their pre-existing lore, since on its own I feel like I’m not making sense
So basically, when I do fankids, I usually like to have an idea of what I’m going to do with them before I start, so that I have a jumping off point to start working, but sometimes that isn’t necessary and I just figure their character out as I draw, or I end up changing things as I continue the design because I just feel it’s better. An example of which (that I haven’t posted) is with Peppermint Mocha, who was going to be a boy but as I drew I decided to make a girl instead. However with Choco Wafer and Vanilla Lily (Witch Hazel’s old name), I’ve come up with ideas for them, and I’ve let them fester for so long that they have a ton of story without me even drawing them, as well as coming up with vague ideas of their design in my head (for example, Choco Wafer having brown hair and Vanilla Lily having blonde hair and pink eyes). But then when it comes to finally designing them, that restrains me, as I have to try and fit these designs I’m making into a predetermined box instead of letting myself be flexible and make a new character based on what I’m drawing. So for example, Witch Hazel isn’t really “Witch Hazel”, he’s Vanilla Lily in Witch Hazel’s skin, a different character entirely from the one I designed. If this at all makes sense
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jimmerzz0905 · 1 year
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