#ocd bones
dig-jules · 2 months
bones lashing out at Spock’s pursuit of logic because he can only view Spock’s suppression of emotions through the lens of his own constant, compulsive attempts to suppress intrusive thoughts. he can’t understand why someone would ever undertake a cycle that is so debilitating to him just to rid themselves of things like joy and sorrow. So he tries to force them out of Spock anyways
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there's something so good about mcspirk just being this dude with his evangelical ocd and the 2 jewish boys that calm him down
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puppychase · 2 years
I think Bones (2005) is the show with the most neurodivergent characters per square inch
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okkennymay · 6 months
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Speaking of said dad, he went on a lil mini 10 day holiday across the country to Perth to sight see nature and go on a boat ride to see some Orcas (he's retired, it's his way of getting out the house and not turning into an old man potato, and comes back with hundreds of photos of landscapes, plants and flowers and points of historical interests to show my Mum and I, with cool facts and stories in a slideshow~)
Unfortunately i was still sick at the time and didn't get the chance to join my mum in dropping him off at the airport, let alone the chance to give him a big 'ol hug before he left- so I drew him this 💖
You can't escape the 'Ken hugs.
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aphroditestummyrolls · 8 months
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Moodboard for the Engagement Series because I’m trying to distract myself from My Thoughts™️
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joy-crimes · 1 year
had anyone be weird or strange to you aside from that one artist? not in like the creepy way just like. Why Would You Say That yk
i remember trying to chat with a dev of a popular indie game (whom will not be named) & they just straight up Were Not Having it. i wasnt blocking their table or interrupting at a busy time, i just wanted to network & say hi & exchange business cards but oh my god i never felt more like a fish out of water than in that moment. needless to say i did not make a new friend at that con table lmaooo
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ourladyofleeches · 1 month
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Dog Treats.
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hussyknee · 8 months
I need to really focus on figuring out what's wrong with me and unfucking myself instead of burying myself in humanitarian crises and novels. Whenever I'm really struggling to get through the most basic tasks, I keep thinking it's because I'm not pushing myself harder, rather than the fact that something is clearly critically wrong. Even after all this time, disabling myself more and more trying to push myself past breaking point, my knee-jerk response is to feel like I'm failing everyone around me, instead of having the self-compassion to realize I really, really need help. And I know that it's because there never seemed to be any point begging for help, knowing I'd be ignored at best and punished for it at worst. Maybe I avoid thinking about it because it breaks my own heart when I do. I can't figure out if that's self-compassion or self-pity.
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kanenites · 19 days
headcanoning criminal minds characters as disabled like its a job
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firstofficerkittycat · 6 months
Can you talk/elaborate more about your McCoy headcanons... I like hearing you talk about him
sry this took so long!
i think he never really believed in what he was taught religiously as a kid like he asked too many questions and was not satisfied with the answers but the fear still got to him, he was always high strung and sensitive and was bullied rly badly for it, he mostly hung out with his gramma who was the only person in his family who was nice to him, she was a healer and taught him everything he knew about herbalism. the intrusive gore stuff started at like 8-10 and by 12 he was living every day feeling like he had no skin or bones and that someone could just reach inside him and pull something out. if anyone threw him a punch he'd just crumple up on the floor in a ball shaking cus he felt like he was bleeding to death. he started stealing his dad's tools and making armour to wear under his clothes so no one could get to his insides which like. burned the fuck out of him in the heat but honestly very practical for a queer kid in georgia and he was able to start fighting back
he didn't have the vocab to explain to anyone what he was experiencing, all anyone ever saw was him blacking out at the mention of body parts so he was just called squeamish and everyone moved on while he got worse. then one day his gramma was cooking and he saw her cutting up tomatoes and lookked at them a little too long and slammed his head thru the drywall, and his dad went to hit him and she was like no no stop and took him into her greenhouse sat him down and was like you're old enough to know now i think. and she told him he was getting visions from god of what hell looks like + that both of them were being called to service. so he went heavy into evangelism at that point and it lasted a couple years, all the time he was still studying medicine in school, and then he had a massive breakdown because why hasn't god made it stop I'm doing what I'm supposed to. and his family control him and would never let him go get seen in a million years so he stole chemistry supplies from school and started trying to cook his own antipsychotics with herbs in the greenhouse because the kid is a visionary. did not fuckin work he got really sick from it and just kept going and going cus he felt he was so close to getting it right + ended up getting arrested and charged in hospital at some point down the line
then the space program came to his town and he was like please yes get me the fuck off this planet, and he didn't have anything to show for how smart he was because he was too sick to finish, and they looked thru his criminal record (cus thats how they find their starfleet candidates be real) and they were like hey listen, from age 16 u were in ur room trying to make fucking quetiapine from scratch, starfleet needs a freak like you
he met jim in organic chemistry and they got together, he eventually told him he joined starfleet to run away from god and jim was damn that's crazy i joined to meet god and pry my life back from his cold dead hands. and they were both like wow haha. and then they met spock and had this same conversation at the bar one time and spock drunk on cocoa pops was like if we're speaking metaphorically i believe i joined to make out with god sloppy style
*also also when bones is in recovery he fine tunes the stuff he was working on with the plants and sends it to his gramma who would never take meds in a billion years but because he made it himself with the bush knowledge she taught him she was down with it n he gets her better and they repair their relationship
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carcassarkis · 2 months
bro sometimes I think Damn my OCD diagnosis and the autism must be faked, that shit just doesn’t exist
and then I spend an entire day making robot noises when I walk and imitating the zombies from RE1R and then proceeding to state that I’m going to lose it (my mind) if I don’t go and walk three laps around the apartment and follow it up by checking my work schedule
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mosspapi · 3 months
Begging people to stop fucking posting EXESSIVELY gory photos without a readmore or tw or spoiler or anything IN THE WRONG FUCKING TAGS. Like. What the actual fuck is wrong with you people.
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padawansuggest · 1 year
So. My sis and I got some weird ass quirks from our dad, and so I have to ask, how do you guys eat meat?
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mistergreatbones · 5 months
i also just grunt in response to things because sometimes you need to acknoledge a person has spoken but you have nothing to say. also i eat hamburgers with a fork and knife for ocd reasons so i don't think that's weird.
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boredkitkulover · 1 year
Mint green
June 4. @nosebleedclub
every night i brush my teeth with mint green toothpaste. compulsively, devotedly, thoroughly. i would also like to clean the rest of my skull. from the inside.
where are the days when i got a coin for a lost milk tooth? i used that money to buy mint green ice cream that would have tasted like toothpaste if it were not for the chocolate chips.
lost, all days lost, i don't have any milk teeth to spare. i wish i could sell pieces of my skull, cleaned, scrubbed, polished. but no one wants to buy them, exchange them for coins. i do not buy ice cream anymore. 
i only feel that cold mint taste when i brush my teeth. i fantasize about taking the brain out of my skull, scouring the bones, and finally being as clean, innocent, undamaged as when i was getting coins for my milk teeth.
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ringneckedpheasant · 11 months
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editing old fic that was partially beta read & I don’t like the sentence I wrote either but i just realized this suggestion is. the complete opposite of what I was trying to describe. like. ehsaan is often very deliberate about his facial expressions and body language but he never knows if he’s being deliberate enough, if it’s exactly the right look or tone, and part of the reason for that doubt is his inability (at times) to read other people
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