crothfoto · 6 years
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North of Flag Road, 2017.01.23 © Justin Craig Roth
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journeyoutward · 7 years
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Much of the world watched as the events in Standing Rock, ND unfolded. Many posted in protest of the pipeline drilled through sacred treaty protected land belonging to the Natives, some even gave their physical presence to the cause, subjecting themselves to the frigid cold, mistreatment from police officers; tear gas, rubber bullets, and imprisonment. One beautiful thing about Standing Rock was the community there, if dapl had a bright side, it’s that it brought more like-minded people together to connect over a common cause. I met a guy on my flight to ND who had actually been adopted into a Lakota family, Standing Rock gave him more than just friends, he felt at home on the reservation like he never had before. When I first arrived, it was the beginning of the end of this community. There seemed to be this confusion combined with sadness, many seemed to have found a home at Standing Rock like my friend Jahnny, but what now? Regardless of it being the end of the line for many here, I was still invited in without hesitation, given food and drink, asked my purpose for coming to Standing Rock. Everyone that showed up here, had a reason for being here, and everyone took care of everyone. At one point during the evacuation, I was running from police over Lake Oahe, I fell through ice and got completely drenched head to toe in ice cold water. In a state of shock, not fully realizing the urgency of my situation, someone grabbed me and said, “we need to get you to the med tent, NOW!” A few people stripped off my clothes, gave me a space blanket and threw me on a quad that sped me to a warm tent where I was given tea and warm clothes. I felt safe and a part of this family just for showing up and standing up for what I believed was right. 
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indigenous-scholar · 7 years
"We Are Still Here"~Solidarity with Standing Rock
I don't usually do something like this, but getting the message out there is something very important to me. Nawáh, sšúxu`. KatatAxaáA Gidybaus. Taatačitaá'A káNIt, wiitatshánu na sahnish. Hello, my relatives. My name is Bright Eyes. I come from the Mandan, Hidatsa and Arikara tribes. I am a Standing Rock activist within the state of Montana and I am originally from North Dakota. I go to Montana State for paleontology and Native American studies. I have been to the Oceti Sakowin and Sacred Stone camps numerous times before this and I am currently sitting in one of my afternoon classes as I write this. Today has been particularly hard for me since the evictions are still taking place at Standing Rock. Innocent people are being arrested and this is all for an oil pipeline. A pipeline. A piece of machinery. I don't know about you, but this is just wrong. Since when have human beings stooped to a level where a man-made structure is more important than people's lives and wellbeing? Where did the love for people of different religion, sex, color, etc. go in this short of time? This pipeline has affected my view on the entire world and it saddens me that law enforcement would rather protect a black snake rather than men, women, children, two spirits, elders, etc. North Dakota has turned from my home state to something I don't even recognize anymore. I don't talk about race here because it's not about that. This is about human decency and we have lost that as a species. Only when we cut down the last tree, killed the last animal, and polluted our last water source will people realize that we cannot eat or drink money. My Indigenous brothers and sisters, along with people of all different colors and genders are standing against the creed of oil companies and state governments. I stand with Standing Rock and I ask you to stand up. Aho! ✊🏽
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crystalinecoyote · 7 years
Please everyone
At 2 pm North Dakota time-- please-- hold prayer, light a candle, hold space etc for all the water protectors in oceti oyate camp as they are being forcibly removed from oceti Please hold our brothers and sisters in your hearts and minds.. They are expecting the worse
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our-revolution808 · 7 years
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cvptainbucky · 7 years
police disrupting a women’s ceremony at the oceti oyate camp with arrest threats
LIVE HERE: https://www.facebook.com/johnnykdangers/videos/1888312961410481/
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vhyg0-blog · 7 years
This day has been shit. I can’t believe trump is trying to start dapl again. I thought this fight was over. I should say “hoping” it was over. I hoped and prayed this day wouldn’t come.. So my people wouldn’t have to fight anymore for clean WATER. People don’t realise this is a big thing. How many people were hurt during the protest? Yet we didn’t try to start anything. It’s depressing to see that the fight isn’t over. I guess people still dont realise that money isn’t power. Water is medicine. We need to realise that. Im so saddened that all the people who joined the fight, who put their effort in, traveled how many miles just to fight for water, their work means nothing if trump starts the pipeline again. All of us will suffer now if we don’t stop it.
I want to cry badly.
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cancerian-midheaven · 7 years
Anybody got the time? #sunrise #standingrock #gotime #ocetioyate #✊🏾 #🙏🏾 #🐕 #🌄
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43wolves · 7 years
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#Repost @indigenous1492 ・・・ Today I witnessed a stand off at the 1806 bridge barricade north of #OcetiOyate camp. The National Guard was present in riot gear as a bulldozer built up the barricade. Today, fortunately, no force was used. However, last night I witnessed an intense confrontation between protesters and police that lasted long into the night. The police used rubber bullets, bean bag rounds, pepper spray, and tear gas on unarmed #waterprotectors. A group of protesters who left the bridge and flanked out to the edge of the razor wire fence was rushed by police on snowmobiles and snow cats. One protester was run over by a snowmobile. Someone on the legal team told us that through the whole night, 13 people were arrested. One of the 13 was my dear friend Sam (@greenteamochi666), and her front tooth was chipped after being thrown to the ground by a policeman. Another friend, also named Sam, was sprayed with pepper spray while he was praying and singing, and he spent the whole night in jail with his hair and clothes soaked in mace. #standingrock #NoDAPL #mniwiconi #waterislife #NoPipeline #DakotaAccess #NorthDakota #standwithstandingrock #solidaritywithstandingrock #Indigenous1492
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crothfoto · 7 years
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DAPL Lights on a Windless Night, 2017.01.24 © Justin Craig Roth
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eyewashdesign · 7 years
#NoDAPL #WaterisLife #MniWaconi #SRST #UnicornRiot #CampEviction #OcetiOyate #WomenWarriors #StandwithStandingRock #DivestDAPL
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cvptainbucky · 7 years
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darksevier · 7 years
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The Last Moments of Oceti Sakowin
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crothfoto · 7 years
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Echo One Burns on E-Day, 2017.02.22 © Justin Craig Roth
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crothfoto · 7 years
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Prayers on Backwater Bridge, 2017.01.16 © Justin Craig Roth
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crothfoto · 7 years
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Prayer Ties at Oceti, 2017.01.25 © Justin Craig Roth
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