#ochako should be admired
lentendays · 10 months
Gosh.. Ochako is just so kind
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menuliso · 8 months
i actually think i have some sort of brain damage from chapter 403 because now ive taken my bkdk obsession to a whole new degree. like, i was insane before, but now i feel as if i should be genuinely put into an asylum.
ive gone through a full on awakening.
before this chapter i refused to believe that bkdk would become canon/hinted bc like its wishful thinking. but now? ive fallen into the fucking deep end. i am of full belief that bkdk will become canon or at least be hinted bc horikoshi is cooking something and im so glad im not the only one to see it.
there is no way that man doesnt know what hes doing. bkdks entire arc has been fucking perfect and this man just keeps BUILDING UP. like all this talk about feelings, and how bkdk have never really spoken about them to eachother before??? this is like, building up to a fucking love confession i swear, because katsuki DIED for izuku, and izuku cant control his heart when it comes to katsuki, and like… what other explaination is there? atp i consider it canon that theyre in love with each other.
and the other most likely ship that i thought was gonna be canon, izuocha, just is not feasible. its not like i dislike the ship, no hate to it at all, but making it canon would be so fucking harmful to izuku and ochakos characters and we dont talk about that enough. it would a dissapointing, flat conclusion with barely any build up and itd be the bland, predictable formula. like, ochako has already basically wrapped up her thing with izuku with that entire fight with toga. shes admitted herself that her crush on izuku was more admiration than anything of massive substance. and dont even get me started on izuku. barring some fluster and embarrassed blushing in the early seasons, this boy has NOT reciprocated AT ALL. its actually ridiculous. izuku has been focused on like, two things only: hero work, and kacchan. izuku does not show ANY romantic feeling to ochako whatsoever.
surely, surely if horikoshi were to make this canon, he’d put in a little more effort? add some more chemistry, more development, more than just ‘boy meets girl. blush and get shy. little crush. get married. the end’?
that is bad storytelling, and horikoshi is anything but a bad storyteller. this guy adds foreshadowing YEARS before the chapter. horikoshi is INSANE when it comes to character + relationship + plot development. if horikoshi throws all that out the way, and makes izuocha canon, id be extremely, extremely disappointed. not because i hate the ship, but because itd be out of nowhere, disregard practically ALL development, and be nauseatingly dissatisfying.
talking of which, for the entire day ive been thinking about the foreshadowing for bkdk.
there. is. so. fucking. much. it feels like everytime i read like a new section of the manga, their relationship is described in the most frutti tutti rainbow gay way. im sorry, shigafo, did you just say that katsuki is closer to izuku than ANYONE else? excuse me, aizawa, did you just describe them as pair, a pair that the class revolves around? dont even mention the shit that izuku and katsuki say referring to each other. i cant even choose one to add in here, but every out of context bkdk quote has like these SEVERE more-than-platonic undertones, especially when you consider their past and their development. i feel like horikoshi has been doing some fucking insane foreshadowing for something MORE.
yk, i keep on thinking about how in the double spread in 403, the words ‘the beginning’ are displayed right over bkdk, as they find each other. call me delusional, but that has to be on purpose. i also keep on thinking about izukus green and orange gloves in so many official arts, and the light in both their eyes when they see each other, and the way theyre both always observing the other, never speaking about how they feel directly.
their relationship is just so, so……. and i feel like the only next step is for them to talk. just. fucking. talk. its been hinted at for so long, and horikoshi is doing SOMETHING.
them simply being together would be the most satisfying, developed, beautiful ending.
if they arent canon, i will die. ill say it now. bkdk canon. there is too much proof. as a writer, i know for a fact that i write everything for a REASON. why would horikoshi write this, if he wasn’t going to do anything with it?
bkdk will be canon. i dont care if i sound insane, or get proved entirely wrong. i now fully believe that the last page of the manga will be bkdk at a theme park eating crepes.
thank you chapter 403 for driving me off the rails.
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Deku refusing to pass out because Tomura needs to be healed and he's afraid no one will heal him but kill him while he's knocked out.
Deku still using blackwhip to keep his body in one piece as he guards Tomura's body, shaking from the strain, still refusing to leave his side.
Deku who cannot explain all he saw in their shared memories yet because he's still processing all the grief and hatred and trauma, he's still struggling to understand the man before him. He is the same man who ruined his life and got people he loved killed, the same that had made him suffer again and again. He is the kid he needed to save, the kid no one else cared about. He's all of those things and more and Deku is way too tired right now to do anything except promise they'll have another chance. A tomorrow.
Ochako who hugs Toga to her own body, covered in both their blood. Ochako screaming to get her a transfusion because Toga used almost all her own blood to keep Ochako alive. Ochako who won't let Toga out of her sight after all they went through, because she doesn't want Toga to wake up alone and confused.
Ochako who can't tell anyone how it felt to float in the sky with Toga while they exchanged a part of themselves, how it feels to have Toga's blood on her veins keeping her alive, how it feels to wake up to her own face lying next to her knowing now how much Toga admires her.
Ochako who cleans Toga's face as much as she can and thinks of braiding Toga's hair after taking a nap (she says). Toga is really pretty, even more when she smiles genuinely and she's not trying to murder everyone around her.
Shouto who panics as soon as he wakes up, afraid of it all being a dream. He's dazed from sleep and he doesn't call Dabi either of his names when he asks for him. No, he says " where is my brother? " and Natsuo next to him knows who he's asking form immediately. Their brother is back home.
Shouto who becomes insufferable until they take him to see Dabi, who sits next to him and looks at him, really looks at him for the first time maybe in his whole life. Finally, all his family in one room. No one being isolated, no one being rejected, no one crying tears of anger or fear or frustration. Even when they are all tired and hurt, Shouto has never felt happier. He really really wanted to bring Touya home. He wanted to give him a chance to heal.
Shouto who can't wait to ask Touya if he likes cold soba. Shouto who sits there and catalogues the damage and wonders how he survived so many years alone in the streets. Shouto who memorizes the scars and burns, who counts the staples, who looks at his own hair and then Dabi's. How can he explain the mental image he got of hugging the child version of his big brother while they were fighting? How can he even begin to explain why he believes so much in the criminal who hurt his friends and killed thousands and wanted to end their family? Who to explain his family, at all?
Class 1A taking turns watching over the villains to offer some reassurance to their friends. Most of them are unable to understand what's going on in their heads, some are wisely unwilling to ignore all the damage those villains caused them. In the end though, they trust Deku, Ochako and Shouto and if they want the villain trio alive and well, they will guard them up with their lives so that the heroes can rest.
Bakugo who should be dead by all means, but who wakes up and forces his way up to Deku and Tomura and sits there, telling Deku to accept the medical treatment. He killed AFO, he's not going to allow Tomura to escape or get hurt. Deku can rest, he can trust him. They'll be there when he wakes up. Even after all Tomura did to Bakugo, he owns Deku and he trusts Deku and he'd do that for him a million times if necessary.
Iida who sits next to Dabi to monitor him, because Shouto must stay in bed and stop making the trip up to his brother's hospital room. Iida who lived it with Tensei once, so he goes and tells all the news (or the lack of them) to Shouto. Iida who tells his friends that everything will be alright, that they'll figure it out, Iida who reassures Shouto and tries to distract him by talking where and when and how he'll take Touya to eat cold soba.
Tsuyu who might not be a big fan of Toga, but her friend is barely conscious and for whatever reason she refuses to let Toga's side. Tsuyu who promises to take good care of Toga, who carries her on her back for a while, who remembers all the terrible things and can't understand the fondness in her friend's face when she looks at the villain, but she respects it anyway. No matter what, Ochako can be sure they'll take care of it. She doesn't have to fear anymore. She can go to sleep.
The villains who wake up warm and safe for the first time in many many years. When was the last time they woke up with someone watching over them? They were convinced they'd be murdered in their sleep and yet... They're getting treatment. Clean clothing. They're bathed. When was the last time someone cared to give them medicine to lessen their pain? Although their first instinct is to run, when the person watching over them realizes they're awake, it's immediately pandemonium. They are screaming for Deku, Ochako and Shouto and there are people running and so many voices.
Deku, Ochako and the Todorokis who rush to their side. Never again will they have to face the world all alone. Deku reminds Tomura that he has been saved, he waited for 15 years, but it's finally over. Ochako tells Toga how pretty she is and yes, they are friends and there are still consequences, but she will be there, they'll be there for them. Touya wakes up to his family and isn't that funny? The last time he woke up in a hospital, he thought he was dead. He had to run away soon after burning it to the ground, but now there they are, gathered around him, crying, relieved, a bit scared and a lot concerned. They are looking at him, really looking at him. It breaks him. He had given up on that particular dream the day he burned.
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sukisook · 2 years
Slice of Life Drabble : Tamaki Amajiki
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“Tamaki Amajiki,” you respond easily, if a little too fast, “He’s proven himself to be incredibly intelligent and brave and–”
“And you liiiiiike him,” Mina drawls.
Your protest is promptly cut off by Ochako’s ear-splitting squeal. “That. Is so. Cute!”
“That,” you try again, ignoring the searing heat of your cheeks, “Is irrelevant. We’re talking about heroes we admire, whether or not I have a crush on–”
“You have a crush on Tamaki! This is perfect. You guys would make such a–”
You tune the rest of Mina’s rambling out, burying your head in your hands with a throaty groan. Tsu pats soothingly at your back..
You’re quick to cut your pink friend off when the topic of marriage is broached.
“Nothing’s going to happen.”
“Why not?” Mina demands, looking personally affronted by the statement.
“It’s just not! There’s no way he likes me back. Now can we please get back to the conversation? Tsu it’s your turn.”
“Selkie. You should ask him out.”
“Ask out Selkie?” You, Mina, and Ochako ask in sync.
“No, I admire Selkie. You should ask Tamaki out. Obviously. Ribbit.”
You splutter out a laugh, feeling the flush trail down from your cheeks to your neck. No way. No way in hell. Tamaki Amajiki is so far out of your league you may as well be living on separate planets.
You’re not even sure how this little infatuation of yours started.
Maybe it was when you’d seen him trip over a pot plant outside the cafeteria and apologise to it afterwards. Or when you’d seen him sitting on the grass with his friends and the sunlight had hit his hair just right, turning the messy indigo strands the exact same shade of purple as the mulberries in your grandmother’s garden. Or maybe it was when he’d stopped you in the corridor  after the Sports Festival just to congratulate you on your win and he’d said your name so softly, so gently that you never wanted to hear it said any other way again.
But that didn’t matter.
What mattered was that Tamaki Amajiki absolutely did. Not. Like. You. Back.
Still, you can’t help but let the thought linger.
In the safety of your mind you let yourself imagine that he’d be flattered, perhaps a little stunned, and certainly excited. The pale tips of his pointed ears would flush a pretty pink and he’d look down at you through a curtain of dark messy hair before responding in that beautiful, deep, silky-smooth voice of his…
“I’d like that.”
Yeah, just like that.
“Huh?” Your head shoots up and there he is.
Tamaki Amajiki.
Huh. His ears are flushed a pretty pink.
So are his cheeks.
Mirio stands behind him, and when the third year turns back to his blonde friend, Mirio’s quick to shoot him an encouraging smile and a thumbs up. Tamaki rubs a hand over his flushed neck, gaze darting over your face before returning to the scuffed tips of his shoes.
“You’d like…that?”
Mina squeals.
Your brain stutters to a halt, neurons short circuiting like you’ve been hit by one of Denki’s attacks. “Oh.”
“I actually,” he pauses, taking another glance back at Mirio whose smile only grows. “I uh– I like you.”
Mina’s eyes widen. Ochako starts slapping your arm.
Tsu rolls her eyes.
“Right,” you stand shakily, without really knowing why. Now you’re hovering beside the bench, a few feet away from your long-time crush, and you’re overcome with the bizarre urge to shake his hand like you’ve just closed some sort of business deal. “I like you too. Obviously. You probably already heard that.”
He laughs, and it is perhaps the sweetest sound you’ve ever heard. “Yeah. I heard.”
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aashi-heartfilia · 11 months
Why BakuDeku will be canon and not IzuOcha? Connection between TogaChako and the entire Love Square...
So this is pure hypothesis and I should clarify that I'm not a shipper when it comes to MHA. I just love the story, its premise and the various themes that it involves and I love to see what happens next. I don't particularly support any ships and so with all that being said, let's jump into it!
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So, Ochako said that "You should never hide your true feelings or that face of yours".
Horikoshi is very very clever with the panelling.
While most people were debating on whether or not it was an IzuOcha ship bait, I think it signifies something completely different.
Notice how Ochako was thinking about Deku as she said those lines but even in Ochako's imagination, Deku wasn't looking at her.
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I mean, look at it.
He was a bit embarrassed and looking at someone else. It is most probably a memory from when they were training before the second war (when Bakugo was showing his new move Cluster to Deku)
But why would Ochako think about Deku looking at someone else during such an important time?
It parallels how Toga thinks about Twice in a completely platonic sense. He was more of a brother to her (Toga and Twice->brother sister bond)
Plus it also signifies Ochako's journey of self acceptance. Think about it!
When we met Ochako in the beginning, she had an inferiority complex about her hero motivation and background.
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She met Deku, who played her knight in shining armor, who had this cool quirk and everybody loved him.
He was a Hero, and always in the spotlight. Even All Might was interested in him (according to Ochako because she never knew about OFA)
So she admired him and wanted to be like him as in wanted to be a great hero like him but it backfired because Ochako is Ochako and Deku is Deku.
Throughout the series, we see these feelings grow.
But with admiration, what Ochako always felt was jealousy....envy.
The theme of envy has been very prominent in the series. Bakugo is the biggest example of it.
I admit that Ochako might have had a tiny bit of crush on Deku because who wouldn't?
He is a cute, clumsy boy, well natured, a crybaby at times but a real hero at heart. Who wouldn't fall for that?
Plus it's not wrong to have feelings.
But in Ochako's case, she always felt that Deku is so far away.
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It is such a literal representation!
Deku was moving forward while Ochako felt like she was lacking, like she is behind him, literally and figuratively.
We saw how she was struggling to deal with whatever she was feeling.
At first it looks like she is struggling to deal with her feelings for him, but at this particular moment her feeling could only be described as envy.
Admiration could easily be confused for love but!
You're never jealous of the person you love!!
Because till season 3 Ochako was feeling both admiration for his best friend (which everyone else confused for love) and jealousy.
It was especially awkward because they were friends and their other friends kept on pointing in that direction.
But the real change came in the war arc when Ochako got Deku's letter and realised that maybe Deku is not that special after all.
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They are good friends, and she was worried about him because she realised that behind the Hero persona that Deku has, he is also human.
Being a fellow hero, it was more relatable to her.
"Special powers are one thing but there is no such thing as a special person" she said in her speech.
Humanizing all heroes and villains.
I also wanna talk about this specific panel after Bakugo's apology.
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Something about Ochako's expression here really struck a crod.
As Deku falls in Bakugo's arms, the camera pans on Ochako who just stands there observing, what true love is.
She didn't feel anything, because she realised the bond between BakuDeku is a bond of love.
Which is why she never made an effort to follow Deku's footsteps again.
The famous cliff scene: the day before the second war! Both of them knew they could die the very next day and yet they chose to say nothing... Nothing as in love confession, because there was nothing to confess.
Ochako realised that Deku loves and admires Bakugo and she's ok with that, so she'll focus on more important matters, like the Toga situation.
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Because she realised, she can be her own Hero.
And now she wanted to help Toga. A girl like her, that was crying.
Because she has seen so many happy faces, she cannot help but wonder what made Toga cry.
Plus Toga said that only heroes and the people they protect are counted as people and the rest don't even matter.
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As a person, Toga should be free to love whoever she wants but because of her quirk she is constantly judged by people except LoV.
Toga was mad because nobody accepted her throughout her entire life, her parents, her friends, Heroes and the one place where she found home was also snatched away from her.
Everyone is free to love and admire heroes then why not Toga. Everywhere she went, she was rejected.
Even Deku's quirk pointed out that there was no real malice behind TOGA's actions. Her love is so strong that it puts people in danger.
Heck, Danger sense didn't activate in the beginning because Toga didn't wanna hurt Deku.
But it was after she was rejected so badly, that she turned against them.
It was not about a girl asking a boy out but a villain asking a hero out.
And Deku not only rejected her completely but also judged her.
So if the world rejects her, she is bound to do the same!
Which made Ochako the perfect person to face Toga. Both are girls full of love but hide deep inferiority complexes.
Ochako understood this and told Toga her smile is beautiful.
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Why? Because Ochako realised it the hard way, what happens when you suppress your feelings which is why she admired Toga and told her that Toga is right and she should never hide her feelings or her face because she is beautiful.
She admired Toga for her genuine honesty and told her that it is nothing to be ashamed of.
Toga went on a rampage because Deku hurt her (he was the final nail in the coffin) but just because Deku rejected her doesn't mean the end of the world.
Toga is free to live her own life, just because Deku rejected her doesn't mean her life is finished and if she really wants to have a girl chat, Ochako will always be there!
She'll give her blood to Toga for the rest of her life..!!
It's just Ochako's way of telling Toga that just because a boy rejected her doesn't mean her life has ended. That Toga is beautiful and has a lovely smile. And if toga wants to talk about it, Ochako will be more than willing to listen and support her for the rest of her life.
And such is the beautiful dynamic of TogaChako.
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Cheers! Sunshine!
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codenamesazanka · 20 days
I would have been perfectly fine with Spinner (or the League) kneeling in front of Deku, literally begging him to save Shigaraki. In fact, I was kinda hoping for it. That Spinner, out of his strong feelings for Shigaraki, would turn to their enemies for help. Because, in the end, more than the horizon, more than destruction or villainy, Spinner was remembering his friend, and he wanted Shigaraki back, he pleaded with Kurogiri to save Shigaraki and the others. So Spinner would go to the Heroes, he would go to Deku.
Because that should've been the point, right? That the League regains faith in Heroes and society. That the League feels a definite change happening enough they would feel comfortable going to the Heroes for help. That Spinner would regain hope in Heroes enough to entrust Shigaraki's well-being to them.
Way I imagined it, Deku would be vocal and upfront about his desire to save Shigaraki. That he will stop Shigaraki without killing or gravely injuring him, and he will both save Shigaraki from AFO and save Shigaraki's heart. He advocates for treating Villains as human, is unashamed and steadfast in doing so, and this is noticed by the Villains, who sees Deku as different. As a ray of hope, as the promise of change.
And meanwhile, Deku would realize that besides an Inner Innocent Crying Child, there was something more to Shigaraki as he is in the present. That Shigaraki was an unforgivable man who had done terrible things and wants to keep destroying things, but he did so for a reason and not because Evil Mwahaha. That there was a reason the League is so loyal to Shigaraki, that they loved him for his fairness and kindness, twisted as it may be. Deku didn't need to put all his faith in an inner child innocence, because the evidence was right there that Shigaraki has some good in him, even now. Spinner begging Deku to save Shigaraki, because Shigaraki was his friend, Shigaraki was one of the very few people to accept Spinner and not treat him like a lizard freak and not consider him impure and gave him a place to belong even tho he was a weak loser. Shigaraki wasn't a person in spite of the destruction and rage; he was a person because of the destruction and rage, because he wanted to help the Villains. Shigaraki saved the outcasts when no Hero did.
Deku would realize this not because Shigaraki declared it, but because he gleaned it from Shigaraki's actions and effect on the League, and it would fuel his desire to save. "I want to save that Crying Child—whose pain made him grow up to become a Villain that dreamed of being a hero for all the others in pain. I want to help him realize that goal. I want both of us to be Heroes."
But of course none of this happened. As of Midoriya Izuku: Rising, a chapter that should be Deku's heroic peak, no Villain is looking to Deku for the promise of change. No villain believes in Heroes in general. Dabi wondered why no one showed up sooner. Toga, as she prepared to die, wistfully thought that if someone had loved and accepted her, maybe things could've been different; she only believed in Ochako, and still wanted the world the League would create. (Deku in fact went and made Toga give up her final attempt for understanding when he told her "I understand admiration but you do it all wrong and weird.") Spinner believed that if Heroes win the day, nothing still change. The Heteromorphs didn't stop because they knew or were promised change would come - they stopped because of their own goodness, second guessing themselves and ready to give up their demands out of fear of hurting the people that ignored their plight. They were ready to go back to enduring hate crimes, if Shoji hadn't rewarded them for stopping... by saying they should keep enduring hate crimes until the perpetrators learn to feel shame.
And most of all, Shigaraki continued to desire being a Hero for the Villains, because he knows that's still necessary (pre-419 reveal, anyway). None of this is regaining trust in the world as a whole, in the Hero System.
None of the League, the main villains, the main targets of being saved, are looking to Heroes for hope. That's insane??? What was all this saving even for???
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mettywiththenotes · 1 year
These panels are similar to me
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The first one is Toga in 348 after she talks to Izuku and Ochako, then her eyes are shown, tired and worn, which considering the events that follow, means she has given up trying to get through to them
The second one is Dabi in 389 just before he explodes, seeing how he finally has everyone’s attention but at the cost of his life. He got what he wanted but it’s (seemingly) too late
I think the thing these two panels have in common is giving up. Both people are giving up on the idea of a happy future or being saved
For Toga, she got to talk to the people she admires, but they basically rejected her in her eyes. The question she asked before on Machia’s back (”If they killed Jin-kun, will they kill me too?”) is answered by how, even when she tries to talk about relating to Ochako or wanting to connect with both Izuku and Ocha, they continue to fight her on her wants. And that’s the moment she snaps. That’s the moment the question is answered, in her mind, and she gives up
For Dabi, I don’t think it’s a case of feeling like he is not wanted in this moment, but rather that it got up to a point where there was no going back anymore. Moments before he explodes, he has everyone’s attention on him, they all want him to stop and they all want him alive, but he’s literally just about to end his life. As he recognizes this, he thinks “If it really was that simple, it should’ve been sooner.”, as in they should have looked at him sooner, paid attention to him sooner. But it’s too late for him now, or so he think. He gives up because there’s no other choice in this moment - it has gotten to a point where he cannot control himself or his end anymore
That’s my interpretation of these eyes
Of course, we know hope is not lost with these two. In these moments above, sure, it looks like there’s no options left, looks like Toga and Dabi believe that too. But we know, in reality, Ochako and Shouto haven’t given up
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obitohno · 2 years
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[ k i n k t o b e r ]
truth or
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bakugo katsuki x reader
synopsis ⤸
after being dared to call a sex hotline, bakugo can’t believe his luck when it is you who answers.
themes ⤸
fem! reader, 18+, sex hotline worker! reader, phone sex, guided masturbation, voice kink, praise, mutual pining, masturbation, handjobs, fingering, ejaculation
word count ⤸
2k (unedited)
a/n ⤸
soooo, you guys seemed to enjoy the husband! bakugo hc that i posted the other day, n bc i really enjoyed writing about him, i decided that i just had to add him to my kinktober. pls let me know what you think! ♡
reblogs are appreciated ~
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the evening starts with what bakugo is convinced to be the most ridiculous dare that he’s ever been subjected to. 
at first, he’d thought that he’d misheard kirishima’s request, because he’s adamant that he’d almost been deafened by the obnoxiously loud music that had blared from denki’s speakers, only to be then stricken by disbelief once he’d realised that he hadn’t misheard, because what the fuck? he does not need to release any built up tension, or whatever dumb excuse that his scarlet haired friend had guffawed when he’d noticed the enraged scowl that had immediately marred bakugo’s features upon receiving his dare. 
but now, hours later, he sits on the edge of his bed, thumb hesitating over the green circular icon that has nerves gnawing at the lining of his stomach. it was kirishima who’d given him the number, and as he stares at the digits, he questions why he’d agreed to take part in such a childish game in the first place. 
the answer to his question appears in the form of the memory of the smile that had stretched kirishima’s lips from cheek to cheek, so wide that his eyes had crinkled shut. 
irritation has him scoffing under his breath, because, despite the fact that his shitty haired friend would never know if he decided to forfeit the dare, an annoyingly large part of him is now curious. 
it’s just past midnight, his apartment enshrouded by darkness, and the blinding light that gleams from the screen of his phone has him squinting, brows pinching together. unceremoniously, he slaps his thumb over the dial button, and after being connected to an automated system that has him reading his card details aloud, his options are recited via a robotic voice that makes him feel a tad anxious about the prospect of being scammed. still, he tries—and fails—to place his dwindling faith upon the anonymous reviews that he’d read online, and after choosing a random option from the menu, he listens as the phone rings. 
and rings. 
and rings. 
he’s glaring once more, huffing a string of curses under his breath, when suddenly, the call connects, and he’s greeted by a sultry murmur that has his spine stiffening. 
‘hello, there.’ 
and instantly, the blood in his veins freezes to ice. 
it’s you. 
your absence had been noticeable at kirishima’s monthly get-together, and when you’d passed on your apologies through ochako, who had recited your excuse about being caught up at work, this isn’t at all what bakugo had had in mind. 
it’s hardly a secret, the admiration that he’s harboured toward you for some years now, and yet, somehow, you are the only one who is oblivious to his infatuation. though he would never admit it so, it is the fear of rejection that has aided him with maintaining the strictly platonic relationship that the two of you have nurtured over the years, but he’d also have to label himself a liar if he denied the fact that he’s spent many a night imagining what your voice sounds like when in the throes of passion. 
but today, it seems, he’ll finally receive the answer to that question. 
for a long moment, he’s stunned into silence, vermillion coloured eyes widened as he stares down at the timer that continues to tick with each second spent without a word passed between the two of you. his mind whirls, debating on whether he should end the call and pretend that his entire face isn’t aflame with mortification, or if he should give into the temptation that is spurred on by his curiosity. 
eventually, it is you who breaks the quietude. 
and then because he doesn’t know what else to say, and not because he panics, he loudly blurts your name, the air rushed from his lungs. 
you recognise the rough drawl that can only belong to him, and now it is you who is shocked into silence. frowning, he listens to the gentle sound of your breath, before it hitches, his name whispered from your end of the line. an awkward giggle follows next, strained with a tone that bakugo chooses not to dwell on, solely for the sake of preserving his own sanity. 
you pause, hesitating before you ask, ‘how’d you get this number?’ 
he huffs, because of all the things to ask him, that is what you choose to dwell on? 
grunting, he answers your question with one of his own, ‘s’that what you say to all your customers?’ 
his attempt to ease the tension works, and you actually manage to choke out a genuine laugh, and with it, relief floods from his lips in the shape of a sigh. 
‘never had any complaints before,’ you joke, and he has to swallow down the ugly churning of envy that bubbles at the centre of his chest. 
you’re not his, he has to remind himself. again. 
and even if you were, a job is a job, even if it kills him to know that he’s only just finding out that potentially hundreds of others have heard the way that you sound when aroused. 
but now, it’s his turn. 
‘really, though… why’d you call?’ 
he could’ve—should’ve—thought of literally any excuse in the world, but instead, he settles upon the truth; ‘shitty hair dared me.’ 
your answer is blunt, and even to him, it sounds forced. 
‘well, i, uh… i’m still on shift, so i’ll disconnect the call and have them send you a refund—’
the words are rushed; you’re opting for an escape, he recognises. the slur of your words is interrupted, however, when his tone lowers to a grunt as he asks, ‘what if i don’t want a refund?’ 
there’s a pause, and then a, ‘don’t be stupid, ‘suki—’
white knuckled, he clutches at his phone, raising the microphone a tad closer to his mouth. ‘what if i want what i’m payin’ for?’ 
eagerly, he listens to the soft exhale that flutters through the speaker. 
something shifts, the atmosphere suddenly charged with a tension that bakugo can’t quite put his finger on. anticipation has his blood thrumming, perspiration forming at the centre of his palms, and he swallows thickly. 
‘you… you want—?’ 
you pause, voice catching on the unspoken question. still, he’d be deaf to not recognise the lilting of your tone, your interest evident in the way that your breath quickens. 
‘that a problem?’ 
‘no!’ your raised voice startles him, almost deafens him with the speaker raised so close to his ear. ‘i mean, uh—no. sorry. that’s… that’s fine. more than fine.’ 
your coy tone is endearing, and he huffs a curt chuckle down the speaker. the noise has you spluttering, and he wishes that he could see your face. there’s a brief moment of silence, but when next you speak, your voice has dipped, taking upon the sultry tone that you’d greeted him with. 
‘i’ve thought about this before, y’know?’ 
surprise have his brows raising. 
‘yeah?’ he’s shifting, moving along the mattress in order to lean against the wall. legs stretched, his feet dangling over the edge of the bed. an exhale is breathed from between his nostrils, ‘what you been thinkin’?’ 
the giggle that he’s come to adore trickles through the speaker, and he finds that the corners of his mouth stretch without his meaning to. 
‘that i’ve wanted to hear you cum for such a long time.’ 
bakugo can’t help the choked moan that heaves from his chest. ‘f-fuck—you have?’ he’s already palming at the bulge that is quickly expanding in size beneath the cotton fabric of his sweatpants, the familiar ache of arousal coiling tight within his abdomen. the sound of fabric rustling follows the quiet moan that comes from your end of the line. 
‘’suki,’ you breathe his name, ‘be a good boy and take off your clothes for me.’ 
he’s never followed an order so quickly. 
the soft grey sweats are shimmied down the muscles length of his legs, and then kicked from his ankles, the fabric flying to the carpet, rapidly joined by the t-shirt that is ripped from over the top of his head. the decision to forgo any form of underwear is one that aids the temptation to touch himself—one that he gives into. however, his fingertips are just ghosting over his reddened tip, when your next instruction has his fist clenching into the bedsheets, a strained groan escaping him.
‘not yet, ‘suki.’ 
‘c’mon,’ the back of his head thumps against the wall, and he forces a strained laugh. ‘don’t—’
‘don’t…?’ you interrupt, and he can hear your damned smile. ‘thought you wanted this.’ 
fuck him, because he does want this—how could you not know how desperate he is for you?
and fuck you, because he’s known for a long time that you’re going to be the death of him. 
his cock agrees, wetly twitching against the crook of which his hip meets his thigh. his head is dizzy with the fire-like arousal that scorches his veins, and he can’t even find it in him to be embarrassed by the way that his slit is leaking a mess all over. his balls are heavy and full where they hang between his legs, and each time that his length throbs, they tighten with the need to spill his seed into a hole that waits for him on the other end of the line. 
your wanton moan has him echoing the sound back to you, brows knitted tightly together as his hips buck, a smattering of sweat beginning to form at his temples. 
‘’suki, i—’ he strains to hear the muted schlick, schlick, schlick of your pretty fingers drilling into the very cunt that has haunted his thoughts and manipulated his dreams since the day he met you. it’s insane, how much it turns him on to know that you’re like this because of him, rendered speechless as you pleasure yourself. the sound of your arousal has the ache worsening, and with it, grows the craving to reach for the length that hums with the need to climax. 
‘please,’ his plea is roughly gasped into the microphone, and your answer is one that has his shoulders sagging with relief. 
‘need you to touch yourself, for me, ‘suki—ah!—just… just the tip, though, ‘kay?’ 
eager, his fingers follow your instruction, gently grazing over the bulbous tip that glistens, stained with the evidence of his arousal. the pad of his thumb strokes over his frenulum, and the twang of electric heat has him groaning, slack jawed as he spreads the translucent stickiness over the bundle of nerves that sing their approval. his toes curl, hips canting upward, and his fingers form a fist, curled tight around the scarlet coloured tip that is yet to stop leaking. 
his fist twists, and it’s a mistake, as his thighs shake with the effort to prevent the inevitable release that begs to be freed. ever so sweetly, you finally grant him permission to drag his palm down the width of his girth, and he swears under his breath, eyelids scrunched shut as his muscles flex, pelvis rolling to repeatedly fill the curl of his fingers. 
you’re giggling something unintelligible, having given up on the pretence of instructing the uneven glide of his fist, moaning along with him as he grunts and gasps and groans his approval in the shape of your name. suddenly, the song you sing crests in pitch, and he holds his breath, greedily listening to the way that you wail his name, a broken sob quickly following the spray of your sap that clings to your inner thighs in a sticky mess. 
he promptly decides that this is his new favourite sound. 
your orgasm has his own breaching with just a hurried tug of his fist, and he comes undone with a sharp yell. pearl-coloured lava oozes from his slit in a rapid succession of spurts that dribble down the ridges of his abdominal muscles like treacle, the pulse of his blood deafening as it thunders down the shells of his ears. erratically, his lungs expand and contract, desperately attempting to settle the uneven hitching of his breath. you recover far quicker than he does, and the sound of your breathless titter has a grin of his own slanting the corners of his mouth, his cheeks aflame. 
‘so… about that refund.’ 
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© obitohno. all rights reserved. do not repost my works.
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The Taming of Man: chapter Ten - Dragon Shifting!Katsuki Bakugou x F!reader
Cranking these out because I missed writing and it's getting good!!! love youuuu!
Words: 2000~
This is incredibly based on the song The Willow Maid by Erutan, I highly recommend giving it a listen for the best experience.
Warnings: Cursing, reader is She/Her and will be AFAB in later chapters, angst, reader had lots of emotional confrontation, Katsuki is hurting, reader is hurting
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"Oh, we must have the chocolate ganache, don't you agree?"
"Oh, and three layers! with sugar columns!"
Your mother kept going, on and on about all the details your wedding cake should have, White icing, a blue gradient, foxglove decals, strawberry crème. Anything she said, you agreed with, as compliant and permissible as wet clay. You were getting anxious, though, as your time with Katsuki was growing shorter and shorter. It had been a week since your last outing with Kat, although you had gone to the circle to meet him every day since.
"Ah, I've been meaning to ask, have you gotten that dress tailored to you yet?" Your mother looked at you, her smile, so close to being genuine, on her face.
"uh, no, not yet. I believe I have an appointment for it tomorrow morning."
"Hm, how about this afternoon-" "No."
"No," your mother echoed, confusion in her tone.
"N-no, uh, I was planning to, um, visit the townspeople. With Ochako."
"Well, surely that can wait..." her patience was growing thin, but she considered this nonetheless. "Although I suppose it's important...how about I go with you?"
"Oh, uh...." Fuck. Fuck fuck fuck FUCK.
So, here you were, a perfectly good afternoon wasted to visiting the town, your mother gracefully gliding next to you on your right, Ochako's arm interlaced with yours on your left. Don't misunderstand, you loved the town and your people...but you love Katsuki more. Love? Did you just say that? You guess you do love him...god, that made everything ten times harder.
You all stopped at the first home in town, your mother knocking on the door. It slowly opened, a squat woman with dirt smeared along her face glancing wearily out of the hovel. When she realized it was the three of you, she immediately brightened up. "Ah! Your Majesties! To what do I owe the pleasure?"
"We simply wish to stop by for a chat, it is tea time after all," your mom chuckled, stepping through with little word. The woman seemed breathless at her presence, the queen seemed to have that effect on people.
The three of you sat and talked, making feeble conversation but still seeming to command the attention of everyone present. It was the woman, her three sons, and her three daughters. Apparently the husband was in the forest, chopping wood. They were carpenters, all of them working. It was admirable to you, how hard they worked for their livelihood.
The next house was hardly different, Another large family in a small home, who gawked at and doted on the three of you, your mother specifically. They were Fabric spinners.
Every single house seemed to follow this formula, each with a different profession the family maintained. It would be impossible to visit each and every home in Gildflå, but you did visit every home on the manor. By the end of this giant excursion, you were exhausted, your entire afternoon had been spent on this, the trudge through the darkening palace halls giving you a sense of disappointment or regret. It made you think, did your mother know? was this all to spite you? No, she lacked that sort of patience.
You wondered what Katsuki thought, not once did you miss an afternoon together without warning. Did he feel betrayed? Abandoned? surely not. He doesn't yet know the depth of all this, the nuance. He was...ignorant, to all of this, because of you. How would he feel, learning that he was basically being used for a good time? God, you never thought of it that way. Was that what you were doing? basically.
"Are you okay?"
You flinched, coming back to reality. When did you change? You were in your nightgown now, your hair brushed. "Uh...uh huh." You nodded absent mindedly, settling into bed. "Right...you know, your birthday's in exactly one week," Ochako said sweetly, trying to comfort you without actually acting like she was comfort you. you appreciated it, she really cared.
"Heh, you're right, it is," you said, trying to conceal the nervousness you felt over it. You didn't succeed, and you knew that because Ururaka frowned and sat next to you. "I...I know your wedding is gonna be in a week, too, but uh...it's not that bad, y'know? I mean, I'd do anything to marry a duke," Ochako supplemented, smiling a little.
"Yeah...Listen, um..." maybe it'd feel good to tell her more than she knew. "I...I'm in love. Not with the Duke. With a...with...." tears welled up in your eyes, but you took a breath, Ochako's patient and watchful eyes taking everything in and preparing herself. "I'm in love with a Dragonborne."
Ururaka's eyes widened, an level of shock on her face you've never quite seen before. "A...no....this can't...after everything- How?!"
"I've been meeting him, in the forest, and he's not a bad person! He's not a murderer, he's brave, and honest, and he holds my hands, and he looks at me like I mean something..." you trailed off, Ochako's closed off body language showing she wasn't hearing it.
"You- You can't!" It's all she managed to say as she clambered off the bed to stand over you.
"You said that whatever I was doing, keep doing it, because it makes me happy! And I'm so, so happy! I can't remember being this happy before!" "that was before I knew that the thing you were doing was a Dragonborne! Killer of Faeries! I mean, how do you expect to keep this relationship?"
"Well, the queen, um, his mother likes me..."
Her jaw dropped.
"The qu- He's the prince?! That's so much worse, Do you realize that's so much worse?!"
"I love him! A-and I think he loves me!"
"This...I need time to think, I can't do this right now..." Ochako shook her head and backed away, moving for the door.
"Okay..." you said softly. You get it, it was a lot. If she had that time, maybe she'd come to terms with it.
She left, muttering to herself, and you laid there in the dark. You loved him, yes...you couldn't string him along any longer. You had to come clean to him, today was a day of confrontation, putting everything out there. You slowly rose from your bed, sneaking to the door and pressing your ear to it. Silence. Quietly, you opened the door, the creaking causing your everything to tense in fear. The coast was clear. You padded through the hall, going to the window you always climbed out of.
He wouldn't be at the circle, definitely not, but you knew where the palace was. You knew nothing in the rainbow forest would hurt you. By all means, you were perfectly fine to travel alone...at night...where no one will be able to find you...stop it. you were spiraling. By the time you reached the Circle, you had already convinced yourself you were going to die tonight, only to convince yourself minutes later, as you stepped barefoot through Nebel, that you were invincible. The back and forth was going to give you whiplash.
You craned your neck to the sky, staring up at the stars. They were blazing white, although some, very few, were shades of red or green. Each and every constellation made itself known to you, their intricate stories calling to your curiosity. You wished you could have experienced this with Katsuki.
You found yourself standing before the back door of the palace, the path you were most comfortable with, hand hovering just before the metal of it. This was a mistake. Coming in the middle of the night, just to tell him something that quite honestly could have waited until next afternoon? This impulsivity was unlike you, Katsuki was rubbing off on you. You sighed, lowering your hand. Just go home, it's not like anyone would be awake to hear any-
"Oh...hey," a familiar and friendly, albeit confused voice said, preceded by the creaking of the door you stood in front of.
It was Kirishima...the kind manservant whom Katsuki was Partial to.
"Hi..." you said awkwardly, twiddling your thumbs. It was pure coincidence that Kiri was at the door, he was just about to water some plants that needed special nighttime care.
"Should I get Prince Katsuki for you?"
"T-that'd be great, thanks."
He shut the door gently, leaving you Standing in silence, waiting for minutes, as a gentle breeze sent your nightgown drifting to the side.
The door opened again, this time just Katsuki. He stepped out with you, concern littering his face as he shut the door behind him. "Why're you here," he asked quietly, as if someone might somehow hear.
"Um...come talk with me, farther away," you suggested, jerking your chin towards the ends of the garden. He nodded, following you until you were mere feet away from the wall. "What's wrong," he asked, the moment you settled still.
"Katsuki, I..." How do you start things like this? Sorry, I'm actually engaged, better luck next time?
"First, I want you to know that I love you. Like, I really, really love you. You might be the first and last person I'll ever love."
"(Y/n), what's this about?" He sounded anxious in an impatient way, his hand drifting to yours.
"I...We can't-" your voice cracked, choking on your words as you began to weep.
"Hey," he said, almost accusatorily. "What is this?"
"I can't see you again...I'm getting married."
The color drained from his face, his eyes wide, his pupils pinpoint as his hand dropped from yours. "Why? What the hell are you talking about?!" He was yelling.
"I'm sorry, I am, but we can't..."
"How long have you known," he demanded, stepping closer as you stepped back.
You sniffled and bit back a hiccupping cry, knowing how he'd react. "A...A couple weeks...but It's not my descision! my mom is making me-"
"Fuck her, I don't care, why can't you do something about it? Who is she to tell you what to do?!"
"Kat, you don't understand-"
"No, I understand perfectly! You're afraid. You're too much of a fucking coward to stand up to her! Is that it? You can't bother to fight for this?!"
"Katsuki," you sobbed, stepping back and bringing your hands to your face, perpetually wiping away the tears yet never getting any drier. "I'm so sorry," you wailed.
"I don't want your apologies," he spat, clenching his fists.
"I know I can't say anything that'll make it better, but please, just...forget about me," you cried, pushing past him and to the large and craggily wall. It was the best solution- for him to forget. Maybe you should cast a spell...no, he wouldn't like that. He valued honesty.
"Hey," he called after you, voice shaky with both rage and tears, reaching to pull you back but missing by the fabric of your dress. You made your way up the wall, your bare feet giving you a little more grip. He could have chased you, he could have gone and grabbed you and forced you to stay with him forever...but he didn't. He could never... because he loved you too.
He loved you the way a bee loves nectar. he loved you the way a desert loves water. He loved you the way the earth loves the sun. He was drawn to you, he craved your existence, you gave him a purpose and a heart, You were his everything. You in, your sweet and gentle and sassy way, managed to become his favorite smell, his favorite song, his favorite color, and god dammit if he was nothing else he was an asshole, and yet somehow you loved him still. You loved and you loved and you loved, and he had been so ready to do anything to feel he earned it...and yet it wasn't enough. He wasn't enough. Long after you left, he stood there, shaking and crying in silence, able to do nothing but mourn the loss of what might be the best thing that ever happened to him.
You ran home, sobbing the whole way, not bothering to watch where you were going as you made your way through the forest. Everything moved in your favor anyways, no point in dawdling. You truly were a coward, what was wrong with you? How could you allow this to be your life? was it a fear of loss? of pain?
No, you were afraid of change.
losing relationships. living somewhere unfamiliar. Feeling uncertain. You arrived at the Circle in an hour, you never stopped running until you reached that stump. So many memories. Your father. The loss of him. Katsuki. The loss of him. So much pain was buried in this stump's roots, so much sorrow, from long before you. Long before everything.
You stilled as your discomfort willed you to step into the portal, ceasing in thought. What was there for you at home? Your items? Your countrymen? Ochako? You might have stayed for her...but, maybe you could salvage that relationship. Live with Katsuki, send her letters in bottles down the river and hope she recieves them, you could even go back for a little and talk to her...and all of this was doable whilst keeping your relationship with Katsuki intact.
You just made a grave mistake.
You needed to go back, right now. You whipped around, taking a deep breath, you needed to teleport or something, but that'd take a lot of magic...you didn't care. It was for him. You prepared yourself for a teleportation spell, your skin glowing, your fingertips tingling as your feet floated off the ground. glitter rained down from your figure, a warmth encasing you as you focused on nothing but collecting power.
Then, something touched you, breaking your concentration and causing the light around you to flicker out.
It was a hand, yanking you into the underwater portal.
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Oh boy, this was a doozy...good luck, soldier.
Taglist: @sky-angel101@the-galaxy-fiend@chixkadee@ssplague@sappho-the-kitten-tamer@andysdrafts@daria-rona @tanjirofan63@aizawaslut09@tsukiiomii@me1297
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dekusleftsock · 11 months
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Don’t know how accurate this translation actually is (especially since its unofficial) BUT… if she IS saying that you should never hide your true feelings, and she’s thinking about IZUKU, who CONSTANTLY hides his feelings…
Then maybe this was never about Ochakos love or crush at all.
MAYBE, maybe she’s smarter and more observant than people give her credit for. MAYBE, she realizes that Izuku is someone who bottles up everything, especially his love and insecurities and selfishness, and believes that Izuku is someone she absolutely doesn’t want to admire.
Maybe a stretch, we’ll see.
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kate7h · 9 months
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Deku to Ochako - (don’t remember which ep this is…)
One of the main reasons I like this ship (and any other ships that I ship) is because in my time on this earth, I’ve seen what kind of relationships bring true joy, and what kinds don’t. I’ve seen ‘vanilla’ be labeled as a bad thing, or a boring thing. But with genuine, human connection, it’s better to feel loved and secure in a romantic relationship (or any relationship) rather than just passion or drama or spicy or whatnot. Feeling passion is good, but it’s only one aspect of a romance that really isn’t the most important part of that connection. The drama of tension and clashing of wills without complete emotional fidelity brings insecurity in a relationship that should be your most secure place. A healthy relationship is of cooperation and selflessness, where you seek to bring joy to one another, and it can give a safe place away from anxiety and fear, etc. I know it has for me.
This is the kind of potential I see for izuocha. They genuinely care for one another. They admire each other, and are lifted up by one another. They both genuinely enjoy each other’s presence, and bring happiness to each others’ days. I’ve seen accusations of them not having much development, but I think that’s a misunderstanding of how a genuine, joyful, healthy relationship works. They don’t need to have passion or lustful longing to show romantic progression. What’s been developed between these two is trust and friendship and connection. There is attraction there, yes, but that is secondary to those more tangible aspects. They make each other happy and safe, and that is what makes real relationships last for decades.
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serxinns · 4 months
Members of 1A Kabedon[s] Darling? [Hows others reacting]
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[Sorry If I asked this already. I couldn't remember if I ended up sending the question or chickenining out.]
(NO NO U WERE FINE Also you asked one time! :3)
Izuku- Blushing madly and stuttering while covering his face but in the inside he's literally fangirling and squealing imagining doing the same thing to you to see your flushed face, He just wanna pick you up and run away with you after that he's now making doodles in his notes of HIM doing the same
-Ochako Like Izuku Blushing so hard her head is like a tomato but she floats away and is broken after that she'll secretly asks you to do it again but is angry when realizing you're doing the same to your classmates as well, the aftermath is that she's begging u to do it to her and only her
-Tsuyu- Acts all shy and avoids eye contact is repeatedly Ribbiting in embarrassment but in the inside she just wanted you to kiss her right then and there, she quickly tells you to stop pushes you gently and runs away kinda of regrets it because she might think you rejected her so she tries to do the same but fails epically
Iida- Is just a whole Mess dude who doesn't know how to react he's just blushing red his glasses are getting foggy and is just starting at yin after that he scolded you for doing that stunt chopping in the air while blushing red he wants to think its wrong but why does he like it..
Shoto- Dude is just frozen in shock and confusion he was just asking a million questions "Why are you doing this?" "Is this a threat?" "Should I be doing the same" When you explained this to him the challenge it took him seconds to realize and started blushing he wished to do it to you so he could see you blush madly
Bakugo- Hes shocked, blushing and pissed shocked for doing such a bold stunt of him, Blushing cause it's you who's doing it, and Pissed because well dudes bakugo what's he's not pissed about? And what's pissing him off even more is that he's seeing you do it to other people as well he's dragging u away right then and there he wants to be the only person you can do it to
Kirishima- The Dude is just a Blushing nervous wreck Hes looking around to see if anyone is looking he may look like a nervous wreck on the outside but on the inside he's just admiring you now he does obsess over everything you do but this is a jackpot for him he's looking at you with love hearts in his eyes and if he had a dogs tail it would wag after you walked off he whined a bit he wanted more
Denki- Does the Same Yall keep doing it over and over again giggling mischievously to see who will win
Sero- Stunned and flushed at 1st but tries to regain himself and Flirts with a rose in his mouth 2 can play that game
Mina- Girl is Just squealing flapping her arms around tries to avoid contact but You just look so beautiful in that position So she's starting at with flush cheeks and crooked smile after that he urges you to do it again or to have her turn
Momo- Girl is just blushing holding her hands to her mouth and closing her eyes she's asking you what are you doing what's the context of this and ur just standing there with a smirk (W rizz) she couldn't stand it and accidentally does the same when she realizes she apologies repeatedly quickly running away
Jirou- Poor girl just wanted her soda and now she's back against the wall with you she's trying to act a tsundere saying you're doing it wrong but you wouldn't budge she threatened to use her earbuds on you (she wouldn't she could never) but you still wouldn't budge she pushes you off a bit stomping away processing wtf just happened
Hakagure- A flushed mess Girl is waving her Arms telling you what's going on but you didn't say anything but just smirked Shes confused about why but she soon realizes it Aha! She must be in her romance manga dreams so she tries to kiss you back which made u flushed and walks away saying forget it while she whites and chases after you
Ojiro- is just flushing he's trying to prevent his tail from wagging so hard dudes blushing questioning why are you doing this but you stood there and smirk he just embrace it like a man and accepts his defeat 😭
Koda- you broke him you fucking broke him dude was just having a lovely day talking to his rabbit and u broke him now he's flushed Confused and a bit scared you quickly apologize to him
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Tokoyami- Dudes just stunned he asked you what's the meaning of this you didn't say anything but just smirk he acts tough saying what you're doing is ridiculous that was until Dark Shadow appeared outta nowhere and said "It's not he thinks it's cute~" Tokoyami quickly grabs a hold of him and rushes off while apologizing
Sato- "Lemme guess you wanted your favorite sweet don't you"
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tired-teacher-blog · 2 years
Hiya, teach!! It's been a while since I've made a request, and I didn't see anything about your requests being closed?? Feel free to ignore it if they are, tho :D
So, I have an idea based off of situations I've found myself in. Which is to say, I'm just over 5 feet tall (5'3 - 5'4), but I'm also super strong! So, I was wondering if I could request a gender-neutral reader picking up Bakugo, Dabi, Shigaraki, Ochako, and Toga and their reactions to getting picked up and carried around? You don't have to write all of them if you don't want, but they're some of my favorite characters :D
Ok, hope you have a good day/night, and take your time if you decide to write this ♡♡♡
You know? This was such an adorable request and I truly enjoyed it so thank you so much for requesting babe ❤️ and I hope you have a great weekend.
Title : I'll carry you to heaven
Characters : Bakugo/ Dabi/ Toga/ Ochaco/ Shigaraki/ Gender neutral reader
Genre : Fluff/ angst/ suggestive
Trigger warning : Mentions of bodily injuries
Please do not read if you're a minor
Masterlist|Second Masterlist
Bakugo :
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_ "Katsuki, are you not done yet?" you leaned against the door frame, crossing your arms over your chest as an irritated expression plastered itself across your face, "I'm getting really bored without you."
_ "Then maybe you should join me." his smug smirk and suggestive wink were the last thing you needed at that moment.
The tapping of your foot quickened as you watched him get back to his sit ups, only to come to a swift halt as a devilish idea popped up in your head.
_ "I don't need the extra workout and you know it," you approached him slowly, arms still resting across your chest until you were towering over his big sweaty muscled form, "I can easily kick your ass sweetheart." and that was your turn to offer him a teasing wink.
It wasn't strange that his only response was a sarcastic roll of his eyes since he knows first hand how powerful you can be.
In fact, your strength is one of the sexiest things he's seen in his life– something he never fails to remind you of, and in a few seconds, he was able to witness that side of you again but with a dash of playfulness, as you squatted down hooking one arm under his knees as the other supported his back, before standing back up with him in your hold and waltzing out of the room.
_ "The fuck! Put me down y/n this isn't funny!" his screaming protests invaded your poor ears, but it was worth it.
_ "I beg to differ, how does it feel like to be carried around by someone smaller than you are?" your teasing continued until you reached your full length bedroom mirror, "you always rave about my strength so why don't you feast your eyes on what I'm capable of doing?"
He did, silently checking out your reflection with a mixture of embarrassment and obvious admiration that he couldn't– for the life of him, hide from you.
_ "Alright you win," his lips moved closer to trace your ear, "let's go to bed and I'll show you how impressed I am gorgeous."
His words weakened your resolve, and you almost, almost lost your composure straight away.
Toga :
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_ "This is getting boring to be honest, don't you think?" Himiko leaned her head against your shoulder as she observed the new scribbles on the walls, "I was hoping for something new, but they keep writing down the same things each time." her smile was fake– though it might've been convincing to a regular onlooker, but that is not who you are.
You are the one who knows her better than anyone else in the world, "I know right? Fucking idiots." you glared at the poorly written insults which were obviously done hurriedly.. like usual, "let's go back sweetie, you don't have to keep coming here." but you knew it was useless to suggest that, since for some reason she kept coming back to her abandoned family home in order to erase the vicious jottings people liked to leave on the walls.
_ "Let me just clean this up first." she giggled as she started with the task that kept bringing her home every couple of days.
But you were sick of it all.
Sick of the way people never missed a chance to punish her for something she was born carrying, something she had always struggled with and failed to control.
_ "No, this has to stop today." you muttered through clenched teeth before picking her up without a warning, and walking out of that suffocating place.
_ "Y/n, what.. wait.. how," and for once she was at a loss for words.
Was it because– for once, you stood firm against her wishes? Or was it since you did so by carrying her in your arms when you had never done that before?
_ "We're leaving sweetie and that's final, so don't protest."
And she didn't, instead she held on to you tightly, nodding her head as a sincere smile adorned her features.
It was unusual witnessing her quieter side, was she perhaps shy?
_ "You're awfully quiet love, are you feeling alright?" it wasn't an attempt to tease her, you were genuinely worried.
_ "I'm fine just, don't put me down." your heart swelled witnessing this new discovered side of her.
_ "I would never."
Dabi :
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_ "Careful!" Touya yelled before pushing you roughly out of danger's way.
You stumbled and fell, crashing onto the hard ground, but that was unimportant.
What mattered the most was your man's condition after receiving the blow in your stead.
_ "Touya! What did you do?" you wobbled back to him, tears already threatening to fall.
It all happened in the blink of an eye, that one wouldn't believe your crew had the upper hand over the heroes just moments ago.
_ "Fuck! Where did that come from? They're using weapons now?" he growled as he struggled to get back up, but his leg was badly injured for him to move anywhere.
_ "Let me see! How bad is it?" you were no longer able to hold back your sobs, "Why did you do this?"
_ "I wasn't gonna let you die idiot, now get out of here before one of them arrives." he was in pain, yet his smirk hadn't left his face since he was trying to reassure you in his own way.
_ "No way, I'm not leaving you behind! Our friends are covering for us so don't worry about a thing," you inspected his injury before tearing up a piece of your shirt to wrap around his thigh, "this should help with the bleeding for now, but we have to get you out quickly."
_ "I can't move y/n," he shook his head and watched as the ferocious fight got nearer, "please listen to me for once and get out of here."
_ "No way, I'm capable enough to carry you in my arms." you mumbled confidently and slipped your arms carefully around his body before standing up with ease and hurrying out of the battlefield.
He was too shocked to say a word, and for a moment, forgot about his busted leg, yet his eyes had never left your determined features.
_ " You're full of surprises y/n," he was clearly impressed, "I wasn't wrong about you, you're one of a kind."
Your expressions softened as you listened to his praises, the one who loves you the most, your biggest supporter.
Ochaco :
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You yawned, stretching your arms over your head as you watched the end credits roll up the screen.
_ "Come on gorgeous, it's time for bed," your eyes moved down to your chest where your girlfriend had chosen to settle, "Ochaco, are you asleep already?" your voice dropped to a whisper as your lips rested against her soft hair.
Her only response was a quiet whimper and a tighter hold on your shirt. Cute.
You contemplated staying that way on the couch, cooped up with your girl until morning, if not for the idea of you both waking up with sore muscles in a few hours.
_ "Hey babe, can you hear me?" you tried again, but her soft snores and warm breath fanning over your neck were enough proof that she was indeed sound asleep.
You moved carefully, sneaking your arms around her unconscious form before sitting up and bringing her with you.
She was still comfortably slumbering and you couldn't help the chuckle escaping your throat as you lovingly observed the steady rise and fall of her chest.
Getting off the couch while carrying her in your arms was no big deal, even despite not being much bigger than she is. Though apparently moving around too much had pulled her back from dreamland.
_ "Y/n, what's going on?" her beautiful big eyes blinked in clear confusion and you couldn't resist kissing her cute pouty lips.
_ "I'm carrying you to bed gorgeous."
_ "It's a dream, 'must be a dream." she nuzzled your neck while mumbling against your skin, and you would have thought she was joking if she hadn't fell back to sleep afterwards.
Granted, that was a first for you– picking her up and carrying her in your arms, but her reaction was teasing, even if she wasn't fully conscious of it.
_ "Well then sweetheart, maybe I should start doing this more often until you believe it." you smirked as you finally walked into your bedroom.
Shigaraki :
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You pulled on his hair and whined longingly as his lips left yours and moved to devour the warm skin of your neck.
Ever since he possessed full control over his quirk, you became unable to keep your hands off one another. It was as if you wished to compensate for all the time you couldn't freely feel each other's touch.
_ "Tenko, take off your shirt now, I want to feel more of you, please." it was an unending craving you had for one another.
_ "Me too beautiful, this isn't enough." he sat up, removing his shirt and leaning in immediately to recapture your lips.
Your moans were swallowed by his eager mouth and his rough skin against yours felt like heaven.
_ "I love you, Tomura, I love you so much." no matter how many times you've said it, it was never enough.
_ "Me too sweetheart, I love you the most, I fucking love everything about you, especially how your strength can easily match mine." he muttered between a trail of fervent kisses on your neck, chest, and tummy. Only to stop and lift his head up when your chuckles vibrated against his lips.
_ "I'm happy to know that's how you feel," your fingers ran through his messy hair, "most of my previous partners were intimidated by that, especially considering my short stature."
_ "Don't mention any of those bastards again," he was obviously irritated, "keep your eyes on me, only on me." he looked like a little puppy burying his face deep in your chest.
_ "I'm sorry Tomura, I will never do that again," you didn't mean to upset him, so you tried to find a quick way to cheer him up.
And suddenly, your smile returned as you sat up, sneaking your palms to support his butt cheeks before getting out of the bed.
He wrapped his legs around your waist to avoid falling, and the high pitched scream he let out pierced your ears.
_ "What the hell are you doing?! Put me down right now!"
_ "I'm not gonna, I'll carry you around until you forgive me." and you meant it.
_ "Alright I get it! I'm not mad, I'm just jealous." he whispered the last part against your neck.
_ "You shouldn't be, you're the only one I've ever carried this way, that's why I'm doing it." you wanted to show him what he truly meant to you, and as simple as your way of doing it was, you still hoped it would work.. It did.
_ "Never put me down then."
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mudhamster · 6 months
CHWHWN: 15. December - "a meal"
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Kacchan: wtf Why? Deku: hahah what is it Kacchan: *image attached* I don't know what I find weirder. Eating somewhere else with you or eating something you claim to have cooked Deku: I have my rice thingy!! And I can cut potatoes and fry meat too ᕦ⊙෴⊙ᕤ Kacchan: Equating frying meat with cutting potatoes is a red flag in itself Deku: Why? Kacchan: 'Why' he asks What do you want to cook? Curry? Deku: What do you want to eat? Kacchan: Curry. Deku: Ah. Ok. Curry then i guess haha Today? Kacchan: Today is Friday Deku: Shit, it's movie night. Well, then… Tomorrow? Evening? I think some of the others are home for the weekend. Or are we going to cook for everyone? Kacchan: No You and me on Saturday. I'll buy the meat. Deku: Then I'll buy the potato. Kacchan: And the rest Carrots Celery Onions Paprika chili pepper Curry cubes And not just one potato, you total culinary catastrophe!!!!!!! Deku: hm hm Watch out, bold question: Shall we go shopping together? Not the meat, Your Highness, but the rest? Kacchan: Would probably be for best …did you actually get everything you needed yesterday? There were only Doritos in the picture. Deku: Yes! And I wanted to ask something... What did you delete? Kacchan: If it was any of your business, it would still be there Deku: ಥ_ಥ
"We could have just cooked together, you know," Izuku pointed out, standing in the doorway with his arms full of bags of chips, pretzel sticks and crackers. Kacchan stood in front of him, scanned the selection and then picked out the Doritos, not caring if anything else fell out of his arms. But that didn't happen. "I know," he replied slowly, tucking the bag under his arm and licking his gums thoughtfully, "but it felt like shit knowing you all hang out together every fucking Friday. While I'm alone in my room." Izuku's eyes widened and he fought off a serious wave of pity. "That's actually the time you go to sleep…" he started to explain, but it sounded a bit pale on his tongue, "But we should have asked more often. I'm sorry." "Not your fault." … He closed his mouth and blinked at the boy in front of him, stunned. He was right, it wasn't his fault. But Izuku had the feeling that less than a month ago, he was to blame for EVERYTHING that went wrong in Kacchan's life. "The idiots accepted it too," he finally said, curling the corners of the chip bag and the second wave of pity hit Izuku harder than the first. "I'll ask you next time, Kacchan. Even if we just go to the mall after school." "You and your nerd gang?" Izuku nodded, thinking that the prospect of eating frozen yogurt at the mall with him and Shouto and Iida Tsuyu and Ochako wasn't something Kacchan would want to be a part of at all. "Yeah. We usually go when a new place opens. Last time it was churros. Before that, frozen yogurt. But it's just me and-" "Cool." "C-cool?" "Yeah," he growled into his face, then finally took a step back, leaving enough room for Izuku to step out of the space between Kacchan's solid body and the door, "Better than meeting at the arcade every other weekend and spending a bunch of money on stuffy air and empty hands." "Oh," Izuku breathed, blinking sideways, "that sounds really… not very smart." Kacchan reached behind him to close the door before Izuku could try to do that with a sleeve or an elbow. His internal mountain of astonishment and admiration grew with each of these actions. Kacchan carried the chips Izuku had bought for him in his arms and had picked him up from his room on the way to the common room. Besides, he assumed that their little conversation had led to the idea that Izuku would ask Kacchan… if he wanted to accompany them (HIM AND HIS FRIENDS, not particularly cool or badass!!) into the city. Right? He cleared his throat and started walking, "Just to make sure…" "Do you know the Nikoman booth? At the end of the main street by the library?" "Ugh. Yeah." "Dad told me they're going to add grilled meat and spareribs to the menu in the new year." ... if Izuku's arms weren't full, he would have squealed into his hands like a toddler at Christmas. That was the sweetest 'I want to be part of it' Izuku had ever heard. As it was, he could only bite his lips and watch Kacchan with raised eyebrows and eyes full of devotion as he grumpily finished his thought: "That would be something similar, wouldn't it? It's not a new place, but the menu-"
"Absolutely!" he interrupted him and Kacchan looked up as they reached the landing side by side.
His ears were red. A corner of his chip bag was suspiciously black. "This is definitely worth a visit," he repeated, and to relieve Kacchan of some of his tension, he awkwardly raised his overloaded arms: "My elbows still hurt from the day I fell down the stairs."
Red eyes flitted over his fingers and the many bags, "not to mention my back..."
Their eyes met.
"Could you maybe help me?"
Izuku saw that Katsuki took a deep breath. In a way that showed how agitated he actually was. But the moment passed quickly and he lifted enough of Izuku's burden that he could see the stairs at his feet and slowly began to walk down to the common room.
Kacchan followed at a minimal distance, but quickly caught up with him as Izuku threw him a fond, affectionate grin.
Every day felt more and more like… progress. Hope filled him to the tip of his nose and made his heart tingle for the rest of the evening.
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aussie-the-hedgehog · 4 months
Okay, I think I need to do this for myself.
I've been rewatching MHA to gear up for season 7. However, it seems I'm also watching to prove something to myself.
It's been nearly a year, and I still greatly struggle with shame of having Ochako as my favorite character. I realize this is a drawn out topic on this blog, but I must air this grievance for the good of my mental sanity.
I feel whenever I'm on Twitter, I see many brutally slander her character. I see criticisms that she has no use in the show. I have witnessed posts circled with threats concerning the topic. It is making me further question why I enjoy the character as much as I do.
To be frank, I care A LOT about what people think - honestly to a fault. I was verbally bullied as a kid for how I looked (I had buck teeth, glasses, and social struggles due to sensory disorders and autism). I struggled to fit in through my elementary and middle school days. I was labeled as "weird" and "a teacher's pet" just to name a couple. I always felt compelled to prove myself to fit in with the kids of my classes.
I also was made fun of for being a Dallas Cowboys fan. Granted, I live an hour away from Philadelphia, but I was picked on quite a bit for liking them.
One day after school in fourth grade, I was on a bus heading to a rec center for after care. The Cowboys were playing the Eagles the ensuing Sunday. If you know anything about the NFL, these two are bitter rivals. They absolutely hate each other. The bus driver was aware I liked the Cowboys. He decided to start a chant on the bus ride, "Dallas sucks!" all the way there to the rec center. All the kids jumped in without hesitation.
I was horrified. I broke down crying. I felt like in that one moment the world was against me. There was a kid sitting next to me who tried to comfort me by saying he's on my side rooting for Dallas. I appreciated his support, but in that moment I just wanted to get off the bus.
When I got off, my mom was waiting and saw me in tears. She scolded the driver for making me cry over a football game. The bus driver was fired the next day.
I will admit I have come to terms with the teams I like (it helps the Cowboys are a meme), but it's still difficult being honest with the things I enjoy. This is especially the case when it comes to the hopeful, compassionate trope in shows.
I look on social media sites such as Twitter. I see all these vitriolic comments directed toward those who enjoy Ochako for no reason. I feel I've been indirectly abused because I am a part of her fandom.
I've said this before, and I'll say it again - she follows the trope I like. She's the glue that keeps the group together. She's loving and kind to everyone she meets. I honestly see her as an honest to goodness daughter. You can call it weird if you want, but it's how I feel.
Now, you can look at all of this and conclude I shouldn't be on Twitter. That is totally fair. I do need to limit my time on social media. However, this remains discouraging in my life. I started watching MHA last February and this issue STILL remains. I'm ashamed for enjoying something morally okay since the fandom is extremely harsh concerning her.
I feel it has to do with my past in being criticized for what I enjoy and seeing the fandom crush anyone who likes the character. Both have come together in such overwhelming ways.
Another factor is one I've mentioned before. I am a guy and should be liking more masculine things. In no way should I be interested in female characters or how they give hope in dire predicaments. Yet, it's something I find admirable because that's just what I like. I have to be alright with that.
In no way am I victimizing myself. This is a grievance I've had to get out. The toxicity from the fandom and my own negative thinking have gotten to my head for me to at least put my fingers to the keyboard. Writing is a cathartic practice for me. Crafting pieces like this is extremely healthy for me.
There isn't much more to be said about why I like Ochako Uraraka. I've made several posts why. You can look at those if you're so inclined. All in all, I hope one day I can be confident in why I enjoy characters like her and not feel a need to care about what others think.
Thanks for coming to my TED talk.
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aashi-heartfilia · 1 year
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Who you are really? TogaChako's brand of Love
So, finally we have a confirmation of Ochako's feelings about Toga. Yes, she's saving her and yes it's gonna be good.
Honestly, TogaChako's development is the one I'm looking forward to the most, and I like it even more than Deku and Shigaraki cause unlike Deku who got his magical visions about a child crying inside etc, Ochako sees Toga for who she is. A person, who deserves to smile and it didn't happen instantly...
Ochako started out as a young student with a shallow motive, to a person who wants to save people to a hero who wants to save her fellow heroes to an ultimate hero who will save anyone in need.
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Yes, Ochako loves seeing people happy and yes, Toga comes is that list. This is so dear to me because this is what MHA does the best, i.e. handle the emotional beats of the story.
Here, Toga goes through an existential crisis where she doubts if her love for her found family is genuine or not.
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Ofc she loves Dabi and Shigaraki to bits. Lov us her family but she doesn't want to become them, completly.
Theoretically, she should be able to copy quirks as well like with the real Twice but she can't maybe because deep down she doesn't want that either.
She's not interested in this world domination thing, she just wants a world that is easier to live in but if she wants to live, she has to follow orders, she has to pick sides.
Toga lived a hard life because of her quirk and all she wanted was to be accepted for who she really is. She has very less self worth, so her quirk allows her to become the person she wants to; very literally.
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So, I think what she feels deep down is dire admiration, born out of her own self hatred.
Bloodlust = self hatred
When she was little, she was always asked to be normal.
She was different but she was asked to be like everyone else, which made her hate herself unknowingly and served as a drive to become other people.
We know her first incident happened during middle school and everyone else reported how she was a very cheerful and social girl.
But very likely, her parents weren't that supportive calling her demon and taking her to quirk councelling sessions which made matters worse.
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If she was satisfied with herself, maybe she wouldn't feel so blood thirsty. But this has never happened before cause the formula keeps repeating except for the Lov where she found true love and acceptance.
She had a connection with all members of Lov but with Twice it was different. She was devastated by his death and that actually made her question the ideology of the heroes.
Ochako is pretty similar. She wants to be like Deku because he's cool and all but she doesn't love him, at least not in that way.
What she has always felt was a deep admiration for her closest friend which is why people like Mina, mistook it for love.
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Of course, you would love to keep stuff from your idol close to your heart and of course, you would want to become like them.
But admiration isn't the only thing that Ochako feels.
In the start, Ochako also had very less self worth. Coming from a lower class family, shallow reasons for becoming hero but as the series progressed , we see her develop not just as a person but as hero who is willing to save anyone in need.
She always thought that Deku was amazing but after the Deku Retrieval arc we see her acknowledge him as a normal person with a special power.
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Deku is still her close friend but she's also her own person now.
And this is where the connection between Ochako and Toga comes from.
Ochako found a healthy environment to learn and grow while Toga was always rejected and neglected until she joined the league.
But the connection lies in their admiration as well
They both the admire the same person, Deku.
Not love but admire.
Because reasons. But Toga also loves Ochako, Stain, Izuku and even Twice?
It's very simple actually. You can admire a lot of people at the same time and want to become like them.
Toga just wants an easier world for herself to live in and just like Shigaraki and Dabi she wasn't a born villain.
But aspiring heroes like Ochako are brainwashed into thinking that villains are bad and heroes good. They don't have any problems and they just like to wreck havoc.
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So, when Ochako's saw her tears, she realised that even the labelled villains that are seen as nothing but menace can have their own problems.
What makes her interesting is that she realises that things done by Toga are wrong and that they are way past the point of forgiveness.
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But what made her do those terrible things?
What are the driving factors?
What drove her to insanity?
She's already thinking about all of this and we know that if there is something that she could do to put an end to this sad Girl's Parade, she'll definitely do that.
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Ochako has already gotten past this and accepted herself for who she is and she needs Toga to do the same.
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