#octane apex legends x reader
your-poetic-lifeline · 5 months
Hello! I hope you’re having a great day/night!! I had this idea but I’m lacking my writing skills so here we go,
Mirage and octane dating their s/o (l HC that octane would date someone the opposite of him, the rare occasion that he will stop just for them) but their s/o want to keep it a secret because they’re scared people won’t like that they are in a relationship in general (like when kpop celebrities date someone and their fans go crazy toxic) idk if this makes sense but thank you and take care!!
HELLO!! I have emerged from finals ٩( ᐛ )و on that apex grind to celebrate. Hope y’all are doing good. :) And that I captured the vision for this one!
also imagine the internet in the 2700s… has to be a thousand times the hell it is right now.
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Dating the Legends in Private
pairings: mirage x reader / octane x reader
content included: private relationship situations, relationship boundaries, gn reader, semi-fluff?
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༻ Mirage has a lot of things. Money and success from the bloodsport he made his career. A reputation and bloated ego followed around by cameras.
༻ But he’s never had love before. Not in the way he does with you. And it’s an entirely different thing from all that…
༻ It’s not something you can just show to the public so easily. But he really wants to.
༻ “I love you, so my fans will love you!”
༻ It doesn’t really work like that… with the Apex games being so big, Mirage is nothing less of a trending celebrity. That’s too many eyes peering into your relationship, you think.
༻ And people online can be heinous.
༻ Though his ecstatic pitch and sweet smile almost had you sold on the idea, you had to mention your concerns over the tougher realities of being in the public eye alongside him.
༻ He knows, but he loved the idea so much he was hoping you’d wanna risk everything for it like he wants to…
༻ He’s a little sad, but of course he keeps you off his social media as you wish; no questions asked.
༻ He probably thinks about it further and also starts making himself less recognizable when he’s in public with you. Wouldn’t want a fan or paparazzi disrupting a date with you after all.
༻ Not to mention the idea of anyone saying something below respectful or endearing of you makes his chest puff a little. He’d have no qualms confronting the source of the act. Online or otherwise…
༻ Wouldn’t be too surprised (or disappointed) if he got into a controversy for that!
༻ We’re well aware he lives on social media.
༻ Phone and selfie stick always on hand. Livestreams during the most casual of times.
༻ So I can imagine that if you didn’t let him know about your boundaries beforehand, you’re gonna find yourself in an awkward situation where a camera is shoved in your face and honestly— depending on how much you really don’t wanna be seen— you might catch your boy off guard with the harsh shove you gave his arm when he moved to pan the camera to you.
༻ He just thought a semi-regular appearance with the two of you together would be nice. Sure, he’s an adrenaline junkie, always doing crazy stunts, and that’s what people wanna see. But daredevil activities are not the only thing that make him happy.
༻ You make him happy too, so he wants to post you. But he completely understands the turn it could take.
༻ Realistically, I imagine him sneaking a photo of you onto his social media anyway. Perhaps a blurry portrait of you. The candid, aesthetic kind that has you mid smile.
༻ Whether you scold him for technically going against your wishes or not is up to you.
༻ And depending on how serious you seem with wanting to keep your relationship separate from his public persona, he’d probably think back on how he handled that. He’d start to feel a little regretful. It makes him realize he may have lost some of your trust. And he definitely doesn’t want that.
༻ He decides to take down the post and apologize to you. Sure, there are still screenshots and reposts out there. But that’s all they’ll ever see of you from this point forward. For once, he’ll take this seriously.
༻ And for a guy who isn’t known for handling consequences well, the idea of negative comments from celebrity articles or the typical weird, possessive behavior from fans upsets him and he now understands your reasoning more.
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ficmachine · 2 years
Bloodhound, Octane, and Pathfinder, reacting to a make reader who always hides his face? Like- always wears these pretty/badass looking masks, and one day it falls off (or maybe brakes, or they catch him without his mask) and he's the most prettiest boi they've met- and he just starts crying cuz he's afraid on how they'll react?
You don't have to reply to this if you don'twanna! Also I wanna say I love your work! Your really talented ^^
Please keep up the great work!!
I gotchu! Dw! And thank you! :0c
Bloodhound/Octane/Pathy x Masc Reader. (Mask-wearing self-conscious reader)
Style: Intro + Headcanons
Wordcount: 1.8k (1808 to be exact)
People get curious. People ask. Not everyone, of course, but those who ask about why you cover your face usually prod to the point it gets uncomfortable. The amount of people – Your “fans” as they call themselves - who blow it out of proportion, make you paranoid about someone pushing it too far.
They're terrifying, especially when they obsess over something. You'd think you would have more than enough shit to deal with as a legend but no, this is a whole different can you don't want to crack open.
Regardless, whether it's just for your own comfort or just because you like looking cool is nobody's damned business.
You have your own reasons. That should be enough.
But bad fortune was going to catch up to you at some point or other, you suppose.
The stray bullet that scraped the side of your face was close, way too close - fear washes over you like a bucket of ice cold water.
Ducking under cover with your heart leaping to your throat you touch your cheek with a hiss – red smeared over your glove – and curse under your breath. Shit. Not good but at least you're not out in the open. Taking a deep breath you grip your gun tighter, chest heaving up and down as your eyes lock with your teammate.
“I'm fine.” You dismiss their concern quickly, pressing the inside of your sleeve to your face to stop the bleeding as you peek out from behind the wall. You can't pinpoint the shooter, neither can you sense any movement out in the open. Sucking in a breath you take cover again, back against the cold concrete wall and gun clutched to your chest. “Can't see them.”
Looking back at your partner your brows furrow. They're staring. Is the wound that bad? You pull your sleeve away to see the bleeding eased up and heave a sigh, breath visible in the cold weather.
Your eyes catch the sight of your face-mask on the ground.
Quicker than you can process your free hand snaps to your face. Panic engulfs your form all over again – eyes shooting up to your teammate to find them still staring – they definitely saw. Your head spins, heart hammering as your throat goes dry.
This is probably the worst time to panic. And cry? Are you really going to cry over this? Right now? In the middle of the field?
Bloodhound -
If there's anyone out there who'd understand the panic you're experiencing now, it's them. They wouldn't want anyone to see their face, especially in the middle of the battlefield.
Bloodhound knows better than to stare. Even if they caught a glimpse of your face they respectfully avert their gaze, focusing on the incoming fight instead.
They've seen you come out of fights with much worse scrapes, but when you hesitate so do they.
Minding to keep their eyes off you, they grab your mask off the ground and hold it up to you without a word.
Thankfully there's nobody around, nor are there any cameras close enough to your cover.
They keep watch over you while you fix the mask back onto your face the best you possibly can, and only when you're done do they look at you.
Noticing your trembling form they try their best to soothe you, resting their hand on your arm and giving it a small squeeze. “Stay with me, félagi fighter. The fight is not over yet.”
As empathetic as they are, they can't do anything but bring your focus back to the battle.
It's hard to get a grip on your panic – eyes blurry and ears ringing, you're disorientated and zoned out - but you know you have to. It's either pushing your feelings to the side to deal with them later, or risking dying.
Bloodhound keeps a hand on your arm until you're calm enough to stand and move. Eyes locking with yours you give them a nod, a thanks, and their whole form relaxes some.
“Good. Let's move, myndarlegur. It is not safe here.”
Carefully they lead you out of the danger zone and towards somewhere quieter.
They keep an eye on you throughout the rest of the game, both out of concern and interest.
Whether or not the two of you win doesn't matter. As soon as the game's over and you're free to go Bloodhound checks up on you. They don't bring up whether or not they've seen your face, and with how they're acting you're not entirely sure they did, but if you need to they let you lean on their shoulder as the panic from the day's events catch up to you.
Octane -
Unlike Bloodhound, Octane's a bit too stunned to snap his gaze away from you in time. When your eyes lock he tenses, feeling like he was caught red handed over something he wasn't ever supposed to see.
How can he look away though? Have you seen your face? That's... A dumb question, but he's seen it now too! And MAN, he looked away more out of bashfulness than anything else.
His heart leaps to his throat when he forces out a laugh to dismiss the situation, clicking his tongue. “Ai, amigo, you gotta be more careful. Custom masks like that are a bitch to replace.”
Shaking his head he hands you the mask, frowning when he notices how badly its broken. There's no way you can put it back on.
The realisation draws over you the same second and suddenly it's much harder to breathe than before.
With your vision spinning you lean back on the wall heavily, knees almost buckling under you while the gun slips out of your hand and falls to the ground with a clatter. A vague wave of pain passes through you when you grip your face too hard but you're too zoned out to care.
One moment your vision is spinning, the other you feel fingers prying your hand away from your face. Then, you're staring at maskless Octane grinning his stupid grin at you while he makes sure his own mask sits comfortably on your lower face.
He dismisses you when you ask why, waving his hand in the air as if it was nothing.
“What are friends for, huh? Besides, we have a game to win. Can't have you distracted while we kick ass!”
And kick ass you do.
Sure, he looks kinda dumb with just his goggles and head covered, but with the air filter built in this mask it's much more comfortable to breathe than in your own.
After the game is over Octavio sticks to you like glue, both to check in on you and to let you know you can keep the mask until you can replace yours.
Like hell you're gonna give it back. You're keeping it and he's more than okay with that.
Pathfinder -
Pathfinder, sweet, helpful Pathfinder, notices your mask is gone quicker than you notice your bleeding. Fortunately, he's also the quickest one to jump into action.
“Careful, friend! Faces aren't meant to be shot through.”
You're panicked and shaking, covering your face, and the last thing on his mind is your face. He's focusing on double-checking nobody's near before looking back to you and holding out a medkit to you.
He enjoys looking at your face, of course, so he doesn't look away until you turn away and it finally clicks in his head that you're probably uncomfortable. After all, some people like having their face covered and you happen to be one of those people.
Looking around he pinpoints your mask and dusts it off, holding it up to you.
Noticing you're not moving and your eyes are leaking he tilts his head to the side, only realising you're having a panic attack when his thumb feels the pulse in your wrist.
“Oh no, this isn't good. Don't worry, I've got you.” Immediately his attitude changes from cheerful to deeply worried, and he's wriggling the medkit out of your hand to grab you and get the two of you out of the open.
Thankfully, he holds you close to his chest while he grapples to the safety of the indoors – locking the doors and setting you down in the corner – to make sure no cameras can catch a glimpse of you.
Once inside he rummages through the kit to patch you up, giving you a heads up at the incoming sting loud enough to get through your brain haze so you can brace yourself for it.
With that done he gets to work on fixing your mask up the best he can – he's not great at it but he can get a few strong stitches in quick enough before you need to get moving again.
“There, just like new – only slightly torn.” He beams at you.
By the time he's done you're staring at him openly, eyes dried, mind still foggy but you're grounded enough to bring yourself back into the present. You've been staring at him all throughout and if he noticed he didn't say anything. You're grateful for it.
Pathfinder hands you the mask and you shakily put it on, gasping when he ruffles your head to ground you further.
“Do you need another minute or are you feeling well enough to keep going? We always can outrun the ring with my zip-line, so don't worry about that.”
You let him know you need another minute, and he nods before walking off to double-check if it's still safe in the building. Once he's back he looks at you, head tilting to the left while a question mark pops up on his chest monitor.
“I do have a question for you, friend.”
Your mouth runs dry. There it is-
“Are you alright?” You blink up at him, genuinely expecting him to ask about your mask or why you wear it. Instead, he continues, “I'm sure we can forfeit if you need to leave. Your well-being matters more to me than winning.”
Your heart swells, both with anxiety and appreciation, but you ultimately shake your head from side to side, letting him know you just need another moment.
You might not win, but with a friend like Pathfinder, who's willing to give up winning just to make sure you're okay? You're gonna have to make sure he knows how much he means to you.
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vip3r-r · 6 months
Since asks are open, how about octane cuddle hc's? Would he be the small or big spoon? Etc.. :3
Warning— non, probably bad spelling because I didn’t double check, cuddling HC with slight sleeping HC
To be honest with you, he probably won’t like cuddles…
But who makes anything significantly close to canon in here
He would enjoy it
But not all the time, only times when he feels like it, or when you convince him. Remember he likes to keep moving, but there’s days he doesn’t want to do that, then he would love to cuddle with you
Holding you, feeling your body and remembering this isn’t fake, how a real person actually liked him LIKED HIM and tolerated him enough to stay
Octane would definitely be a switch
Like I said a big spoon would definitely be top, feeling you and just holding you, telling you about his day and his reckless actions, while he plays with you hair
But something he likes being the one being held
Just hugging you and enjoying your voice as he enjoys how your hands just travel around his body trying to relax him, tracing every scar as you tell him how fun, stressful or even boring day you had, how you would like to try a new recipe of a new art technique, maybe you found a new and more complicated way of crocheting and how hard it was to learn it, hell he wouldn’t even care if you tell him about that nice looking rock you found while going to get the mail.
Being held by you reminds him that he has someone that is willing to be there with him…
And his robotic legs are OUT like that’s how comfy he will get
Anyway that’s the rare occasion of him letting you cuddle him, for now it’s only when you two sleep (If he even lets you hold him… he probably sleeps all weird)
He would probably AND DEFINITELY make you move cuz bro would probably be all spread out
Not to be spicy but he would like to kiss your face all the way to your neck before passing out there and snoring
There’s time he just forget to take off his equipment so you have to do that for him
LOVES to show you some of the clips he got from the game that day and show you how cool he was killing mirage
At first we wouldn’t wait for you, just straight up falling asleep as you get ready to go to sleep
But after a while he would just wait (just a little longer, if you take longer than usual he would fall asleep waiting) because he wants to hold you and feel you while he goes to sleep
Then after another while he won’t wait once again, knowing you’ll be there next to him soon
Oop sorry I put some sleeping hc by accident tehe
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ibiggiecheese · 1 month
Okay chat i’ve been brainstorming this idea for a while, but since there’s a small amount of revenant fics, i might have to fix it😔🙏
So i have a lil idea, revenant where like yk he’s like with the reader while she’s sleeping and he’s like just holding her and watching her as she sleeps. And so he gets the idea to like try and get some shut eye even tho he knows it never works. But like somehow he ends up dreaming. SOOO and he like realizes that he’s human again and he’s wearing his regular suit and everything yk, and then he notices the reader in his like complex or apartment(im not sure chat😔) and she like walks out of there bedroom wearing his like shirt or something and she’s still sleepy and everything, and revenant it does ALOT of things to revenant which he hasn’t felt in a long time. Reader goes up to revenant whilst rubbing her eyes and she hugs him, kissing him on his cheek and she tells him to have a good day at work. And revenants still stuck on the fact that he could feel everything, he felt your hands on the back of his neck, he could smell the cologne of his shirt you were wearing. And he felt the way your lips touched his cheek. Revenant didn’t realize that he was holding the reader so tight until reader rested her hand on his own. He just looks at her as if she’s an angel that’s ready to take him to heaven and he kisses her out of pure happiness and likeee from then on it gets a lil wild.
Okayokay this was kinda like a lil reminder for me or like to just establish my scenario yk. Bc either way im not sure how to develop the plot bc i just think of one thing and then i immediately jump to like the freakiness
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1-800-c0sm1c · 1 year
꒰win it all !꒱
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to build hype around the new season, your arrival to the games was kept a secret up until it went live, and some legends had more notable reactions than others.
character x legend!reader
includes crypto, octane, and mirage !
a/n : im sorry ive been gone but look i made you some contenttttt daddy made you your favorite open wide 🥳. im noticing a severe lack of apex fanfics rn so here is my contribution 🤲.
warnings : mentions of stalking (average crypto behavior), drugs (average octane behavior), & mentions of hooking up (you guessed it, average mirage behavior).
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crypto doesnt like surprises, period. its one thing if its mediocre like a birthday party, but a whole person was hidden under his nose and he had no idea? unacceptable.
in summary, youve shattered his ego simply from your presence. not cool.
hes not really known for looking approachable either, so unless youve got the balls or stupidity to talk to him, hell keep to himself and sulk. this sets back any plans he had in the back of his mind by a whole season.
when you introduce yourself to him on the dropship he practically ignores you, acting as if anything else is more interesting than this small talk.
"hi im y/n, ive heard a lot about you from mirage. nice to meet you!" he rolls his eyes, witt is always one to blabber about others.
you scoff at his response, "dont expect me to be as open and idiotic as elliott." he almost adds you to that list, but holds back on it. if anything lifeline has told him holds weight, you could be useful to get information from the syndicate.
"im crypto by the way." he continues, if he plays his cards right you could almost be worth his time.
getting paired with you and mirage was almost comical, its as if the games were trying to make his life as hard as possible.
you got along annoyingly well with mirage, but you seemed more hesitant when it came to crypto, which was truly bothered him. (it was not jealousy at all. he was not jealous whatsoever. nope, definitely not.)
hes struggling to interact with you, like he does with most of the other legends, but youre a different case due to how useful you could be to him. thats usually the reasoning he uses when he racks his brain for ideas to come across less mean without irreparably ruining his reputation.
as if his prayers had been answered, a few hours after your first game you appear in the doorway to his room with a piece of high tech equipment in your hand. but your expression is different from how it was before. you appear upset, how can you be angry with him already? youve barely interacted!
if you want to be pissy, so can he. "can i help you? he asks, annoyance in his voice. "im almost sure you can, brilliant hacker." you drop the equipment in front of him on his desk, distracting him from his current project. he scowls. "what exactly am i looking at here?" you roll your eyes. "you tell me, this is clearly yours right? found it in my room." 
he examines the object, looks like a hidden camera. "ive never seen this before, if you want me to fix it call someone else, im not tech support." he pushes it to the side, but youre not having it. "nuh-uh, you cant brush this off. i know youve created the cameras used to record the games, this has to be your tech!"
so you think hes stalking you? thats a good idea honestly, he wish he had thought of it first. "just because i created those doesnt mean i also designed this. looks like someone else wants to keep an eye on you. got anyone in mind?" you pause for a moment, letting his words sink in. why cant it just be an open and shut case?
"i have no idea, i just got here! is anyone else even knowledgeable enough to design something like this?" he shrugs. "looks can be deceiving." "will you at least help me figure out whos stalking me?" he wants to say no. he knows its bad news, especially for someone like him to get involved in. but its a great opportunity to get closer to you. closer to his end goal, and despite it truly not being the only reason, he decides its good enough for him. "i guess i can make time, tell me about your interactions since youve joined." 
from this point on, you and crypto get much closer, it feels like he knows everything about you. (maybe he does honestly 💀.)
but you can tell hes getting frustrated when it comes to the hidden camera, and you cant help but feel like a nuisance. 
on the surface, crypto looks like you are whats stressing him out. why hes angrier than usual, why hes drowning himself in his work. and in a way thats true, but not exactly.
in reality, hes more worried for your safety. your arrival was an entire surprise, so how could someone have infiltrated your room to begin with? he cant figure it out, and almost entirely forgets the original reason he wanted to get to know you. 
its no longer a matter of getting information, that can wait. he has all season after all. but someone else trying to watch you? he wont tolerate it, and wants it to be the first thing thats fixed, he likes you much better when youre not paranoid, not like him.
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HYPED!!! another legend is always exciting to octane, even more so when he gets lucky enough to be paired with them.
octavio can be a bit much at times, but you match his energy almost perfectly! 
dedication to the apex games, and genuinely having a great time, not finding him annoying??? he should ask if youre into hard drugs too at this point.
anyone who goes up against the two of you on a team together should fear for their lives. octane swears hes never had so much fun in a match before. (almost as much fun as id have if kings canyon was in the map rotation this season ☹.)
theres a voice in the back of his head that he cant shake, telling him youre someone sent from the syndicate to mess with him, or maybe something worse.
he doesnt want to risk making you upset with him (like some other legends) so he reluctantly keeps these thoughts to himself, but due to his online personality being so similar to his real self, you almost immediately notice a change.
you decide to confront octane after the match, and originally he completely disregards your questions.
"what are you on about, compadre? im fine, really!" but youre not having it, and octane knows youre not going to drop this so easily.
"i just cant help but think this isnt how you usually act outside of games." you shrug when he asks for your reasoning of pressing on. "well how would you know? you just got here." he chuckles. "which i think is exactly why youre hiding things from me. i understand though, its hard to trust someone you just met. i only had an outsiders perspective up until a few hours ago."
"thats exactly whats so scary about you amigo. you seem like youre some fuckin syndicate spy!" "why? because we get along?" octane sighs. maybe having a legend who understands him is a bad thing. its easier to justify someone who hates him, theres plenty reason to. but like him? enjoy his company? hes confused, to say the least.
hes frantically reaching for one of his stims, if his mind is going to be racing so frantically, the rest of his body might as well do the same. "lets leave this here for now, yeah? ive got some videos to film!" he gets up quickly, but stops dead in his tracks when you offer to help him with his stunts. he whips around back over to you. "you sure?" you nod with a smile that might make him more energetic than any stim could. "alright cmon cmon cmon! i hope you known how to hold a camera, if you miss any good shots im gonna be pissed!"
rumors start about octanes elusive camera operator, all kinds of misinformation spreads too, some of it crazier than others. 
you personally find it funny, sometimes tempting the viewers by almost flipping it around to show your face, but youre stopped by octane and his ridiculously fast reflexes everytime.
"hey hey amigo no need to ruin the mystery! plus you totally just didnt film that awesome stunt i just did! what am i paying you for!?" 
you try your best to stop yourself from laughing, but at this point youre sure it must be obvious its you behind the camera, youre just going along with the "mystery" because octane asked you to by whispering in your ear that it "increases his interaction" or whatever influencer bullshit. (you were more focused on his voice than what he was saying tbh 🧍.)
the other legends are sick of you two at this point, and are just about ready to expose the "secret" to get octane to shut up 😭. when i say you guys are always together doing stupid shit i mean ALWAYS!!
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a flirt wbk. expect to be invited to lots of yacht parties.
mirage is known to have a very welcoming aura, and you noticed this the second you first interacted on the dropship. (anyone wanna take me out? come find me 🤭.)
you guys are on the same team for tdm, and he is almost constantly by your side.
someone sneaks up behind you? hes already sending a decoy their way so you can get the upper hand.
in case you miss? no worries, hes right behind you with pinpoint accuracy. (talk about a great first impression.)
you guys absolutely crushed the opposite team 50-15, and mirage hurriedly rushes over to you the second the match is concluded to invite you to his celebration party that night.
youre more surprised he has the energy to still keep going after such an intensive match, and you barely get the chance to say maybe before hes walking away excitedly.
uh, actually i might sit this one out-" "cool, cool, cool. ill see you tonight!"
lets just say things get… interesting on the mirage a trois 😀.)
you hooked up on the boat okay, youre not the first (and might not be the last either.)
parties werent necessarily your thing, but after elliott had practically won the game for you today, you figured showing up was the least you could do to return the favor. you were honestly just hoping the yacht didnt blow up like youd heard about his other ones doing…
you arrive way later than everyone else in hopes that you arent the first person there, but your current situation is almost just as awkward as everyone assumes you managed to get lost on your way here. (as if you could miss mirages yacht if you tried…) however, you probably did look just as lost as everyone assumed you were while trying to find mirage in the sea of decoys and other party guests.
when you finally stop getting bamboozled and find the real mirage, you try to explain you were only stopping by out of politeness, but hes not having any of it. "what do you mean youre leaving already? weve gotta make up for all the partying time lost while you werent here!" he hands you a drink and leads you to a table with crypto and wattson, who seem to have just had an… important conversation interrupted with your presence.
"if theres anyone you wanna get to know in the games, other than me of course, these are the legends!" youre almost amazed at how mirage chooses to ignore the awkward atmosphere hes created, and manages to smooth it over in record time as well. crypto looks as annoyed as ever, meanwhile wattson attempts her best at a conversation with the group, and you almost wish you never showed up in the first place.
‘almost’ is the key word here, you knew deep down you didnt really have anywhere else to be, and going along with whatever such an attractive legend says was surely better than staying in your dorm room and missing out on a night of fun. which is exactly why when elliott leaned closer to your ear and said something that definitely wasnt pg-friendly, you downed your drink and made quick goodbyes to his friends before leaving to a secluded area of the yacht with the party host himself. 
i think by now the other legends are just waiting for you two to finally announce theres something between you. 
everyone, and i mean everyone seems to know, and i swear rampart is one more flirtatious comment away from exposing your corny asses during the next match.
however, youre hesitant. youre still incredibly new to the games, isnt it odd for things to be moving so fast?
sure, elliott is great, but you cant help but have an anxious feeling in your stomach, and making the mistake of looking at comments online surely isnt helping either.
mirage noticed your shift in behavior immediately, hes been around you more than any of the other legends, and he expects to be the first to hear of whats troubling you (if youre okay with it, of course).
he might not seem like it at first glance, but mirage really is a great listener. despite your first impressions of him making him out to be well… a party-loving flirt, he has so many more layers to him than whats on the surface level.
when he gets serious, hes not cracking his usual jokes, although hes still got his awkward charm. 
"i just… feel like were moving too fast. its only been a month since ive joined the game after all…"
he thinks for a moment before responding calmly, "well i mean, if you wanna take things slower, all you had to do was ask. besides we have all the time in the world! as long as you dont have some secret plan to leave the games or something, than were fine!" you smile at him.
okay, maybe he does still joke a little bit, put i promise its fine in context 😭😭.
can you tell i like crypto (especially jealous crypto) a totally normal amount 😦 totally not inspired by the mcc song by derivakat 🫶
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cryptonite-exe · 2 years
the funniest thing about revenant is how this motherfucker really believed humans can casually climb a hundred story building
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r-ando-m-w-rite-r · 1 year
Secrets Not So Kept
basic idea: you and rev have been secretly dating for a month or two and the others are starting to catch on
-the others were starting to get suspicious
-you could tell the little secret that you and rev were sharing was starting to become more public, and it seemed that he was fine with that
-you, however, weren’t so sure
-you loved him, but the idea of ajay, octavio, and all your other friends knowing that you dated a murderbot made you shudder
-whether it was the little things he did for you in game (aka going outside of the ring to save you when you got downed) or the fact that he literally went to paradise lounge with you the other night, it was becoming obvious, and elliott had been the first to point it out not only a day before
-you had been looting the deathbox of someone on a recently slaughtered team when he had approached you 
-“so...heyyy, question” he had said while fumbling with his wingman, drawing your attention
-he was unpredictable, so you had no idea what was about to come out of his mouth “what?”
-”wellll, not-i mean, well, not to offend you, dont get me wrong, but” he said nervously, eyes darting left to right 
-you raised an eyebrow as he continued “you and, well, you know-revenant” he spat the simulacrum’s name like it was the most disgusting word ever “seem to be up to something”
-you felt your face flush and you quickly turned away as he narrowed his eyes “listen, i dont really care-well, i do, but only if im involved in whatever you two are doing”
-the excessive color faded from your face as you realized where he was going with this; he thought you and rev were plotting something
-did everyone else think this? was this why the other legends gave you dirty looks when he would walk down the halls of the apex legends facility with you? or when he would sit with you on the dropship? this was news to you
-holding back your amusement, you turned back to him and played along “oh, well, you see, if you were involved, why would i tell you?” 
-elliott’s color drained from his face and his eyes went beserk as he said “w-w-well, because i-im your friend?”
-”even the best of friends dont always know the deepest of secrets” a familiar grating voice from somewhere above echoed down onto the two of you, and you watched as elliott froze
-looking to you desperately, he whispered “hes above me, isnt he?”
-”better get out of here before i add another kill to my count” with that comment from your less friendly teammate, elliott was gone
-”so everyones catching on, maybe not to the right things, but still” you said exasperately, sighing and hanging your head as you sat down on the floor of the building you were in
-you didnt know why you cared so much if people found out about you and him, but it was nerve-wrecking
-there was a thud as revenant landed behind you, and a cold claw slowly inched its way underneath your chin, turning it upward to display your face to the bot’s, which hovered over you
-his yellow LEDs bore into your eyes as he surveyed you with a look of possesion “and why exactly should i care? remind me, skinsuit”
-to outsiders, what he was doing may have looked like a threat, in fact, everything he did to you may look like a threat, but secretly you liked the protective nature of your lover; he made you warm inside
-that was when you came to your desicion; if anyone asked, they would walk away knowing you were dating a 300 year old serial killer
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If you could, could you write a fic about Octane and (fem or gn) reader going to an arcade where he wins the reader a plushie from a claw machine then later proceeds to fuck her whilst she holds the plushie?
Sorry if this is too much. Feel free to ignore if you don't want to do it 💚
OOoOoOo naughty naughty… I love it 😈
I’m still not super experienced with writing smut so I’m sorry if it’s not what you wanted!
Warnings: smut obviously, swearing
Hermosa - Beautiful
Mi Vida - my life
Princesa - Princess
también te amo - I love you too
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Dating Octavio Silva is incredible. He’s never boring to say the least and he always takes you out on the best dates. This time it was another time at an arcade, a common date for the two of you but that didn’t make it less fun. You two played most of the night laughing and racking up those digital tickets to trade in later. You guys didn’t get to always go out, him being busy with the games and you not being a legend, so any time you guys could go out and do something you did. It was very rare that you stayed in and relaxed, which was perfectly fine for Octavio. After winning countless games and grand prizes you look over at your green haired lover and smiled. “Taaavi~” immediately his eyebrow quirked and he looked over at you, “yes, Princesa?” You looked at him and gestured over to the crane games, “think you could win me a prize to take home?” You gave him a playful pout and he laughed. “Just one?! I’d win you all of them!” He said confidently as he rushed over to the machines. “No!! Pick just one! The best one!” You laugh as you attempt to catch up to the speed demon. He groaned hearing you say you only wanted one, so now he was looking in each and every machine they had in this damn arcade finding you one.
After a few minutes of quickly looking he found one. It was a big soft bunny plush with extra long ears. He looked at you for approval and he got to work, it was a heavy one so it took a few turns to get it to grab right and lift it to the winning slot. Hearing the plop of it on the bottom he pulled your new buddy out and held it high. “Haha! I’m the best!” He announced, not that you could disagree. Octavio held the plush out of your reach and he looked at you. “What do we say hermosa~?” He asked with a purr in his voice. You blush and roll your eyes. “Thank you, Baby.” You cup one of his cheeks and place a sweet kiss on the other. You felt his smile grow, man did he adore you. You decided to be playful and leave a kiss on his neck before you pulled away, he gave you a smirk and you knew all too well. Looks like you were gonna show just how thankful you were when you got home.
Octavio in a playful rush to get going now was getting (more) restless. He grabbed your hand and asked “Ready to get out of here?” He wiggled his eyebrows and winked to really lay the message on thick. You laughed a bit and nodded. With that you two quickly made you way back to your place. It wasn’t immediately to sex, you two had some snacks or dinner and cleaned up for the evening, getting ready for bed. With the occasional tease from Octavio saying you were taking too long to get ready for bed. You had already placed your new bunny friend onto the bed, Octavio waiting for you with it in his hand.
When you walked in you saw Octavio shirtless, holding the bunny. He looked up at you with those eyes of his and he gestured for you to come close. “C’mere babygirl.” You felt the heat already rising in your core, when he wanted to he could get you going without even touching you. The mixture of not seeing him often and the fact he was so good in bed that got you excited. He bit his lip and his eyes are you up from head to toe. “Get undressed.” Without hesitation you strip, giving him a little show as you did so, soon enough you were in front of him with nothing on your body. You heard him growl lowly as he himself was getting excited just from the sight of you. He loved your body, the way it looked. Your imperfections that made you, you. Drove the man wild.
He grabbed your hip and tugged you close smashing his lips into yours, you immediately wrapping your arms around him and tangling your hands into his hair. It got hot quick, body temperature rising and the heavy breaths to accompany it. He flipped the two of you over, laying you down onto the bed. He kissed down your jaw and onto your neck, finding you special spots that drove you crazy, your soft moans and breathing telling him that he was nailing it. As he made his way down your body, leaving a trail of kisses and marks here and there, his hands beat him to his destination, touching your almost dripping core. He chuckled lowly, sounding almost victorious on how much he effected you. “My God you’re so wet for me, princesa. He spoke against your skin. His fingers slid inside you, massaging your walls and sending pleasure through every inch of your body. Moans escaped your lips and your breath hitched when you felt him speed up. We all know Octane has fat legs, that wasn’t the only thing that was incredibly fast. His fingers were much faster and he loved proving that to you.
With his fingers not even going full speed you felt your climax coming quickly and you felt it shot through your body as he finger fucked your through your first hard orgasm. He only added his tongue after you were over that hill, not letting up on his pace. It was so much but you both had a love for overstimulation. You moaned through it and you instinctually went to grab something to muffle your lewd noises, you grabbed the bunny he just won you. You hugged it close and moaned into it’s fur. It didn’t take long for you to get to a second, leaving a mess on his tongue and fingers. He pulled away, a trail of cum connected from his lips to you. He wiped his mouth and smirked seeing how dazed you already were.
He finally undressed himself, revealing his hard, leaking dick “You ready for me?” It was mostly telling you he was about to get started for real but wanted to warn you.
You felt your wrists get grabbed and pulled you up, he grabbed that bunny from your hands. “Wrists together now.” He commanded and you look at him confused, complying. He took the bunny’s ears and tied your hands together. Making you hold it close. He pushed you back down to the bed and lifted your legs, inserting himself in slowly, a pleasured groan leaving his throat. “Fuck…” He breathed out, clutching your thighs as you wrapped around him, ready for the ride about to come. After a couple of slow thrust the man didn’t take long to go an insane pace. It was like he was a machine with just how fast he could go, yes his legs helped but from you could tell, Octavio was always this way, just had a little boost now.
Pornographic sounds being absorbed by the walls from the both of you, the new bunny friend getting the best seat in the house, your moans being muddled still by its fur, biting onto its arms or head to help with the intense pleasure being given to you. Nails most definitely being clawed into the poor thing. Octavio was getting drunk off the sight of this alone, the prize he had won you not even an hour ago was being used to hide your filthy noises paired with your eyes rolling back from what he was doing to your soaked pussy. It got him so excited, he didn’t need his stun to get an extra boost of speed, that image was plenty. With this new pace you couldn’t keep still, your body was moving on its own to back away from the overwhelming pleasure building up within you. The tip of his dick kissing your cervix at such a rapid pace would be the death of you.
“T-Tavi-!! I-I.. I’m gonna-!” You could hardly get words to properly form, he kept this pace up, grunting and groaning as he saw your body be filled with euphoria as you had yet another orgasm, cumming hard. It was so much that you squirted, you didn’t know you could do that. Making a mess all over his dick he kept pace, riding this orgasm out with you. “Shit- yeah I’m gonna cum baby, you feel so fuckin good.” He had a trail of curses in Spanish as he finally reached his climax, pulling out of you and making a mess all over your body just to return the favor you gave him.
Both of you panting, getting air back into your lungs seemed to be a chore currently but it was so worth it. You felt high, you hadn’t ever felt that good before. This feeling was addicting, “oh my god Tavi… that was…” you said between breaths. “Fucking awesome?!” He plopped beside you and laughed. “That was amazing Mi Vida, I didn’t think you could make that big of a mess.” He chuckled and he looked over at you and then to the bunny, untying your hands. “Whenever you look at that guy I want you to remember this~ just so you can miss me more.” He winked and you blushed a bit because that’s exactly what you would do. But only it wouldn’t just make you kiss him, you’re gonna crave him. You playfully hit the speedster and roll onto your side to face him, ignoring the obvious mess on the bedsheets.
“I love you Tavi.”
“también te amo, y/n”
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bewitchedleague · 2 years
When someone asks when's the marriage with Bloodhound, Crypto, Octane and Revenant.
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a/n; a simple, yet cute concept as the legends ponder about the question.
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    It didn't surprise Bloodhound when they were eventually the subject of their taunting because teasing wasn't uncommon among the legends, especially from Fuse or Loba when it came to tease others about their love partners. They didn't mind because neither legend ever said anything inappropriate and kept it in check, but when the question was so casually posed to them, they became paralyzed. Marriage? It wasn't unfamiliar to Bloodhound; they had occasionally expressed an interest in asking for your hand in marriage but had never given the matter any thought—at least not before tonight. They would dismiss both legends with a single statement and a laugh coming through their voice changer, saying that they needed some quiet time to reflect. Although they didn't have a certain date in mind for their wedding, they would frequently daydream about the specifics and how to make it ideal for the two of you. Only their thoughts would cause them to feel the heat quickly rise to their cheeks as they struggled to control the giddy sensation they were experiencing.
“Marriage?... Perhaps one day, do not worry. I’ll invite both of you.”
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    Lifeline asked him what would have been the most absurd question possible while he was droning. She would be able to see the flatter of the drone's movement if she was looking at it, which would demonstrate how surprised and flustered Crypto was by her question. He would look at her with a flush on his cheeks, ashamed at how easily he could lose his cool over something as basic as a question. He would nearly mumble an answer before lowering his voice and turning away from a bewildered Lifeline.Even though he appeared calm on the inside, Crypto had an undeniable soft spot for you that everyone knew about just by looking at his flushed face when you were around. As a result, the man would grow impatient throughout the rest of the match because his mind wouldn't stop overanalyzing the question. That's presumably what prompted Lifeline to ask him; did she anticipate him proposing to you? Did she want to go to the wedding? You didn't even want to marry him, did you? He couldn't get his thoughts to stop racing, and he returned home with a simple straight forward question.
"Will you marry me? No, not right now! I was wondering... maybe in the future."
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    Octane would think about marrying you on a daily basis. Everything he could have ever imagined was there, including his entire family, your family, and this enormous, extravagant, magnificent wedding with innumerable decorations, food, and friends. When he thought about it, he could feel adrenaline rushing right through his veins; he needed to run or do something else to burn off the energy the thought had given him. He would run off without responding, leaving the person who asked him staring at him in confusion. He would give you a huge bear hug the moment he saw you and then be overly attached to you for the rest of the day. Would go on and on describing what had occurred, who had asked the question, when it had been asked, where it had been asked, and every single aspect of his day before the question. After that, he would go on about the wedding preparations he had already made in his head and seek your advice on what to wear and the style of the wedding  you should have. Praying inside that you would say an extravagant wedding.
“Mi amor, mira! Can you imagine? Me, you and all our children - ... I know we don’t have children yet but just imagine!”
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    A silent, menacing stare was directed towards the questioner. Even Revenant was taken aback by the bravery and audacity with which someone dared to ask him that. His responses would be a scoff as he simply turned around and walked away without saying a thing. Revenant wanted to get married when he was still a human, but after becoming a simulacrum, he was nearly nothing like the person he once was. He had believed that there was little hope of achieving the human life he had always wanted. He pondered about wedding rings and becoming legally yours after this incident—not that he didn’t consider himself already yours.For the rest of the day, Revenant would keep staring at you, leaving you to wonder what was wrong with your less-than-loving lover since when you inquired, he would just turn away and act as though you had just offended him. Can't force himself to ask you because he is so terrified of receiving rejection from you. It would break his heart to learn that you didn't see him as a lifelong companion. At the end of the day, just blurts it out quickly while sounding hostile, but only because he has been thinking about it constantly.
“Would you marry something like me?”
Do not copy or translate my works.
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moonsporemoth · 1 year
Caustic x Reader NSFW Headcanons
Caustic x GenderNeutral!Reader (and some extra bits at the end for trans men) Headcanons:Warning: NSFW, Food Kink (slight), Mention of possession, Mention of underwear stealing --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
*Caustic considered himself a man above simple things like desire. He simply didn't have the time nor interest for it.
*At least that's what he thought until he met you.
*You were also a contester in the games. A good-looking one at that. He was intrigued immediately when you introduced yourself to him as if he was an average Joe.
*Surely you had watched the Apex Games and seen him before? Why were you so nonchalant with him?
*At first, it infuriated him. You acted as if he wasn't this amazing man of great capabilities.
*Then it excited him, to his extreme surprise.
*He liked that you treated him like a normal man, not a psychopath like everyone else did.
*It started slow.
*At first, it was just simple, innocent thoughts about what you could be up to when he was alone. Were you preparing for a game? What did you do for fun when alone?
*Then it got a little less innocent. He thought about how you'd sound in bed. Were you breathy and quiet? Or gaspy and loud? Were you a screamer? Maybe if he did it right, you'd be.
*He wasn't ashamed of these thoughts, but surprised. He hadn't thought about sex in a while, with all the games and hiding he was doing.
*Sure people had made approaches. Usually, younger girls who liked the mysterious vibe he gave off (and the idea of a sugar daddy), but he always declined with disgust.
*But here he was, fantasizing about you the way those girls did him.
*It was awkward at first for him. He'd think about you and then have to work with you in a game. It was often harder (wink wink) to work when he wanted to just take you right then and there.
*Especially when you teased him.
*It was innocent enough. You making jokes at his expense about his stamina in game or how old he was. But it made him want to prove you wrong and fuck you sore right there in the abandoned building.
*Or when you cooked food on off times. It was a love language he found very enticing, especially when you hummed and wiggled your hips while cooking him something.
*It made him want to skip over the meal and have you instead. (Or integrate the meal into bed ;))
*Speaking of food, he loved when you ate in front of him. You weren't really messy, but you weren't careful in the slightest and he enjoyed watching you scarf down your favorite food after a rigorous match.
*It made him wonder (and jerk off to the thought of) how you'd go down on his dick.
*He often spent multiple nights fisting his cock at the thought of you bouncing on him.
*He often came to the thought of you riding him in one of his coats.
*He didn't know why, but he enjoyed "owning" you in some way.
*And don't even get him started on the idea of stealing your underwear.
*It's taken him all of his self-restraint some days to not grab a few pairs and stuff them in his pocket while you had him help with laundry.
(A few extra for my fellow trans men) *He's surprised.
*He didn't know he was attracted to men?
*He's pretty chill with it though, often telling you scientific proof that gender is a social construct to make you feel better if you're dysphoric.
*If you still have a pussy, he'll have you sit on his face for HOURS. He wants to make you feel good.
*Grab his hair while he eats you out and suddenly you're riding him?
*Like? How tf did that happen? Jk jk, he'll give you a warning (and see if you're okay with riding him when you're so sensitive)
*If you have top surgery, he'll trace your top scars with his tongue, looking up at you all the while. 🤤
*If you don't he'll just lick and suck at them like a starved man. (and look up at you ofc)
*He'll also suck you off (whether you have bottom surgery or not). He'll sit there are suck on your T-dick and afterward tell you how nice you taste.
A/N: I think I went a liiiiiiittle crazy with this one, (704 words for a list of headcanons kinda crazy) but to be fair I haven't written in like 4 or 5 months and I actually was able to write this without much trouble… (also this is my first time posting a fic on Tumblr so idk if this is good, but I might start posting here more)
Links: Ao3: https://archiveofourown.org/users/LV2Obsess Music: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X_WueKCrCs0&t=550s (don't ask idk)
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wattsbaby · 2 years
mirage, ash, octane and lifeline with a gf being harassed for having OF
tags: misogyny, supportive! legends, emotional hurt/comfort, murder (ash), protective behaviours
he's head over heels for you
adores your line of work too, he's almost your main provider
elliott is very upset when he starts seeing comments under his posts with you in them, they would shame your career and call you nasty things
immediately gets his pr team to laser all of those comments off the face of the world, starts blacklisting insults on his posts because he knows you see them
comfort for him is literally cuddles and good food, so he orders your favourite foods and cuddles with you all night
assures you that your job is nothing to be ashamed of, especially if you enjoy it
hears snide comments behind your back
thinks they are very disrespectful, if they had something to say, they could at least say it to your face
ash is angry, very angry, whereas leigh wants to comfort you
those people are gone without any word, never to be seen again; and ash relishes each kill
you dont get too concerned when they disappear, and give them a soft smile when they return
they dont tell you, yet ash is extra protective and leigh is very clingy
they take time to compliment your outfits and costumes for your posts, view your work over your shoulder, and gently runs their fingers over your cheeks as they admire your makeup
leigh feels like she's falling in love all over again, and ash does too she's just less emotional about it
some random guy started making rash assumptions about both you AND tavi during a livestream
octavio is relaxed, not instantly banning the person, making a few jokes and trying to move on
you were visible in the background, relaxing and enjoying some mutual time with your boyfriend as he streams
the commentor starts focusing you, assuming you had an OnlyFans, which you did, and started calling you all sorts of names
tavi reads out a few comments to you, and you both laugh openly and make fun of the guy
tavi doesn't hesitate to defend you, even flexing that you're in the top 100 creators and pulled in a lot of cash for yourself
the guy gets banned soon after, and all octane-fans around the world flux to defend and support you
he and his community have your back until the end
you just stopped by to drop off lunch at the medical bay, giving her a soft kiss
the guy she's treating recognises you and immediately starts badmouthing you after you leave
ajay snarls a little, but does her best to keep composed
starts defending you avidly, and almost kicked the guy out- yet shes the bigger person
"ey, shes pulling in fair cash and likes her job. give her some respect."
the guy falls silent after a while, yet ajay is visibly irate
gives you extra pampering and love when she gets home
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your-poetic-lifeline · 4 months
⋆౨ৎ˚⟡˖₊˚⊹ Eve’s Masterlist °❀⋆.ೃ࿔*:・
All my works in one place | check out my rules!
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Apex Legends
the murder bots showing affection | ash / revenant
the legends receiving gifts | revenant / loba / caustic
making the first move | revenant
dating in secret | rev’s edition | mirage / octane / revenant
general + relationship hcs | alter
words of affirmation | lifeline / wattson / vantage
Fics & Drabbles
confessions | lifeline / ash / rampart
flashy (coming soon!) | revenant
by the way!
I’m thinking of writing for:
Transformers (bayverse/knightverse, prime)
TMNT (bayverse)
if any of you are interested let me know ^-^
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foreverlilmeowmeow · 1 year
Helloooooo!! Can you write a one shot about Octane from apex proposing to the reader please I realized there’s no fanfics abt it. Can it also be a fem reader? Thanks man🤘
Omg! I love this idea and I don't see much either as I love Octane just as much. I'm sorry it took me so long to write and I'm sorry if the fight scene is a bit messy. I'm not really good with fighting scenes but I feel like Octane would do something like this so enjoy :)
requests are still open, they just might take me a while as I'm shuffling between jobs and some drama at home, but please fill free to send me your ideas :) I'll get to them as soon as I can! Thanks :)
~Sleepy Ash
Summary: You were in the middle of a fight on Broken Moon and your boyfriend of what felt like years decided now was the time to propose to you.
Warnings: nothing too big? Maybe the characters getting shot, but nothing too bad I would think.
Words: 1269
“What are you doing? Are you crazy?” Lifeline asked as bullets were going past her head. 
“I’m gonna ask her to marry me. I mean I don’t see the issue here, plus she and I have been dating for a while. I don’t see her saying no.” Octane said as he peaked over the ledge to see where the enemy team was. 
“But we're in the middle of a fight right now. Are you sure she’s not gonna say no because we're preoccupied?” Lifeline asked as Octane shook his head. 
“I don’t think so. If in all honesty I think everyone will be shocked that Octavio Silva is finally settling down after all these years. I know I would be.” Octane laughed as Y/N made a winge noise over mic and then called out that she was downed by a second team. 
“Well, here’s your chance to be the hero. Go get them I guess.” Lifeline said as she rolled her eyes. She peaked over the ledge that Octane had just looked over and had seen where Y/N had gone down and sighed knowing that if he didn’t hurry the ring was going to pinch them and that was something she didn’t want to deal with.
“I’m coming Y/N! Just hold on!” Octane called over mic as he jabbed the needle of his stim into his chest and jetted out of the building on the north east side of The Mirage Voyage, grabbing the zipline, and then down to the second floor where he saw Mirage finishing Y/N and Wraith guardian the door.
“Wow, that's quite the predemis—Pruh—Preh... Predicam—uh... It's a bad situation for you.” Mirage smiled as he started moving backwards in some type of moonwalk dance and kick up his foot to finish Y/N but ended up stopping as Octane pulled out his R-99 and started shooting him, stopping him from finishing Y/N, and had both Wraith and Mirage focused on Octane so Lifeline could pick Y/N up.
"On yuh feet. Lifeline's gotcha back." Lifeline smiled as she had quickly followed Octane down the zipline and through the building to pick Y/N up. The three of them now dealing with Wraith and Mirage that when Y/N did finally heal up Lifeline had gotten shot by their third member Bangalore and groaned seeing her down weapon was a G Scout fully kitted.
“Tango down.” Bangalore smirked as she and Y/N locked eyes. Bangs was about to go after Y/N when Octane got between the two and sat down on one knee nearly confusing Bangalore and Y/N on what he was doing.
“Le-et me have this moment real quick, please?” Octane said as he shot at Bangalore giving her a warning and then downed Mirage as he tried to finish the job with Y/N.
“What are you doing? We have to finish them!” Y/N growled as she was aiming her gun at Bangalore looking around to figure out where the hell Wraith had fazed off too.
“Something I should have done a long time ago but was too chicken to do so…” Octane said as he reached into his pocket and pulled out what could only be but a small square velvet box. 
“You gotta be kidding me.” Bangalore said while shaking her head, “You're doing this now?!”
Octane nodded his head, “Uh, yeah, I don’t see a better time than doing it now.” 
Lifeline rolled her eyes as she and Bangalore waited for Octane to continue. The three of them standing on the bottom floor of the building just watching the ring grow closer as Mirage was knocked down in a corner, probably talking to Wraith and figuring out what to do while the other team and Bangalore were off proposing to people.
“Well, get on your knee Silva, got less than four-five.” Bangalore said as Octane quickly nodded and turned to face Y/n. His left hand removing his goggles so everyone could see his brown eyes and his cheeks a bit pink as he, himself, couldn’t believe he was doing this.
“Come on Silva we don’t have all day.” Lifeline said as she was starting to join the group of annoyed people.
“Right, Y/N, -” Octane began as Y/N nodded smiling from ear to ear, “-I know we haven’t been an item for a long time and I know we’ve been friends for twice as much, but ever since that day up on Kings Canyon on the jump course, where we did some sick teamwork on the jump pads, I knew I wanted to spend  foverever with you. You're fun and amazing and when you do that thing with the P2020.” She flipped it around her pointer finger and then threw it up into the air before catching and putting it back into its holster, “I knew you were the love of my life, my partner in crime, my life long duo…” the list goes on and on as when Octane finally pulled out the ring Y/N gasped. The diamond was green wrapped around pure silva (see what I did there??). It was the same color as his stim and green hair. Tiny but on point as he didn’t want something flashy, but enough to catch someone’s eye. He wanted the ring to represent him and her put together and to show that Octavio Silva can be locked down. He just had to find someone special enough to do so.
“Awe, babe, you… shouldn’t have…” Y/N said as she held out her hand and waited for Octane to finish. 
“Come on Silva pick it up we gotta go!” Bangalore said as she tapped her foot against the concrete. 
“Ooo, right…” Octane said as he nodded. He pulled the ring out of the velvet box and smiled, holding it up to Y/N with a smile, “Will you make me the most happiest man alive and marry me?” 
Y/N smiled nodding, “Of course you idiot. Of Course.'' and when she slipped on the ring Wraith came out of nowhere and finished off the three of them. First throwing a grenade and weakening them and then knocking all three of them with a R-301.
“Jesus, Wraith, couldn’t come fast enough? Where did you go?” Bangalore said as she threw down and heat shield and started looting through Octane’s box.
“I had to take care of some outside squads. I heard some strays while shielding up earlier and just sorry I came back late.” She said as she picked up Mirage who was mumbling some nonsense to himself. He looted through Y/N’s box as when the three of them were done. Heading out of the building and took off on the zipline.
“Did you know he was going to propose all this time?” Mirage asked as he looked back at Bangalore.
“Yeah, but I wasn’t expecting him to nearly kill us all with ring.” Banaglore sighed as she felt the heat from the ring burn her skin.
“Damn. Such a shame they all had to go out like that. Would have been rom-roman-uh cool if they got to be the champion squad in the end.” Mirage stumbled as Wraith nodded.
“Yeah, it would have, but I decided to end things. Now come on. We have less than three squads left and this ring is really burning us here.” Wraith said as they jumped off the zipline and headed to the next. They had a long way to go, but in the end Octane was happy and so was Y/N.
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vip3r-r · 4 months
Please please PLEASE request some apex legends !! I’m so desperate and bored right now, I was in an apex brunt last month but I’m back in action !! I can do sfw of nsfw
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maskedteaser · 2 months
Hello!! I hope you are having a nice day / night!! I saw that your request was open so I wanted to request an octane x Fem!reader HC — what if octane is dating someone who is the opposite of him, like, reserved and calm, nice and friendly, plus a support legend if you want to make her a legend! In open view they look weird together but in closed doors they match each other energies! Reader laughs loud at his jokes, does weird stunts with him and heals him when he gets hurt doing them. Etc etc
I hope it’s not too weird and take as long as you want!! Thank youuu
"take as long as you want" so i came and took longer than a month... I'm so sorry for that! But I hope you will enjoy that :) I changed the idea a bit...But I hope that's not a bad thing haha....... I will include few headcanons and a short fic :) Not proofread, sorry for any mistakes! warnings: slight mentions of drugs :)
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1. Octane would always make sure that you feel happy. Always trying to think of the best ideas when he's around you. He might not care about safety tho! So make sure that before going out on a date with him you will check if it won't kill you.
Once he actually wanted to go and do DIY bungee jumping off of one of the high bridges and you stopped him last second before disaster. He was actually convinced that his hand-made harness was safe enough to hold his wholy body weight.
He also forgot about what would happen after you both jump...Because...Who would pull you up back on the bridge?
2. First person to know about his feelings towards you was suprisingly not Lifeline (he trusted her but he was 100% sure that she'd try to convince him that it was not a good idea to date you since he could ruin your life with his personality and addictions) so he told that to...Wattson. She was so happy to help him ask you out but it was a big disaster.
3. He barely sleeps but when he's cuddling with you - he always gets sleepy really fast! Give him two minutes of back rubs and he's sleeping like a baby. He also prefers to be a big spoon, he uses you like a big pillow he can hug and that makes him feel warm. [He detaches his legs when he's laying on a couch, but sometimes he forgets about it and sleeps with them on, which leads to a cold metal touching your legs in the middle of the nights]
4. He lives in social media so your relationship would be shown to all of his fans. He'd also make sure that everyone knows that you're taken. Octane might not get jealous easily but he's also not a cheater, he is loyal and he wants you to be loyal as well.
5. Octavio is the best at making surprises. He'd give you lots of gifts no matter if there would be a special occasion or not, he'd love to give you small things like sweet treats, bottles of your favorite drinks, but sometimes he'd just come to you and give you a really expensive figurine of your favorite characters and he'd be like "whoops! I might've spent some money on it...But at least youre happy, right, chica?".
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Octavio was known for always being in a rush, running around, stimming, he couldn't sit in one place for long. You were unique, quiet, and you had all the earmarks of being the specific inverse of him. Your first meeting might not have been perfect, well, it was, in fact, a mess because Octane, for the first time in his life, was speechless. Couldn't keep his eyes off of you, not uttering a word, simply seeming to be a weirdo. Ajay had to physically move him away because he started to get overly energetic, playing with his fingers, not being sure what to do. He was just stunned, and you were too embarrassed to even think about it.
Time passed, and with that you and Octane grew closer and closer. When he discovered the fact that you enjoy the same games and activities as him - he almost proposed to you on the spot, but back then you weren't even together yet. The only thing you shared were slight, delicate touches, soft glances and quality time. Hours you spent in his room, having fun, feeling happier than ever. And he felt like for the first time in his whole life - someone understood him. Oh, how could he not love you?
So, with the help from Wattson he was finally able to confess. It was a mess, as I mentioned before, because nothing went as planned, but that only made his heart race faster, and we all know that he loved that. His cheeks were flushed, he was not sure what his body was doing, but when you walked out of your room, all pretty and in best clothes you could find, all the plans, all the things he wanted to say to you were gone. You took over his mind so easily, it was almost scary. If only you knew how much power you had… He'd do anything you asked him to, and more.
⎯⎯⎯⎯  Oh, muñeca, you look…incredible!⎯⎯⎯⎯  He whispered after a moment of silence. He grabbed your hand and pulled harshly, almost making you fall, but you managed to stay on your feet. You didn't know where he was heading, and if he had to be honest - he was also unsure of your destination. The only thing he knew was that Natalie had found this place, and it was supposed to be great. Well, everything was great when it was with you, at least that's what he thought.
Everything was beautiful. The streets he ran across, his laugh, the softness of his skin. Everything glowed on its own. And you smiled, surrounded by that beauty, even though you weren't surrounded by anything special. Everything was beautiful. Not that there was anyone to share it with except Octavio, anyone to tell. Just the beauty that was bright and worth remembering.
And Octavio couldn't wait, he was impatient, so to make sure you wouldn't run away from him, he hugged you tightly. He took off his mask when you didn't look, and then sighed when you wanted to ask what was going on. ⎯⎯⎯⎯ Shh, I just… I don't know how to tell you that, but… You make me the happiest man alive, and… I don't want to loose you if you don't feel the same. Can you please hold me tight so I can at least feel… Your warmth for the last time, if that is the last time we talk? ⎯⎯⎯⎯  That confession was rushed because Octane was not the one to wait and be elegant.
You didn't understand what he tried to say, you actually didn't understand anything because he was speaking so fast. ⎯⎯⎯⎯ So what you're trying to say is… ⎯⎯⎯⎯  you started, but got interrupted once again.
⎯⎯⎯⎯  Hold me. Please. ⎯⎯⎯⎯  he asked, his voice close to breaking. And so you did, your arms around him felt so right, like they belonged there, and the cheap perfume he decided to wear on this special occasion seemed just enough to make you feel safe and good.
⎯⎯⎯⎯  What I tried to say is that… I love you. I can't get enough of you, and I don't know if I can even live without you. I cannot make any promises to you as the world may as well end tomorrow, however, this love is my drug. If I could, I'd spend whole days with you by my side, you know? I hope I don't sound like too much of a psycho, ha? ⎯⎯⎯⎯  He giggled, not letting you go, waiting for a response, and trying to mentally prepare himself for rejection. You could feel that weird feeling in your stomach, and the heart that was bumping so fast that it was almost insane. Shallow breaths and sweat on your palms that you tried to ignore.
⎯⎯⎯⎯  Oh, shut up you stupid man and just kiss me… ⎯⎯⎯⎯  you replied, and then a moment of silence stepped in between you. Octane was ready for dismissal, yet nobody set him up for a cheerful closure, so he was simply remaining there like a robot whose program had quit working.
You looked up and met his eyes, which were shining, happily. And a kiss on the lips that he shared with you was the closest thing to heaven you ever experienced.
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bee-sidiomycete · 1 year
when ur in a game w Octane and Mirage, it’s like the fanfics foretold
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