#octo coral
maroon-z · 2 years
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MAROON Z - "Give Me Back My Phone!" Maroon Z is Born!!
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starrymarii · 2 years
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Side order 🐙
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fry-or-die · 1 year
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black girl who loves splurging on trinkets and is generally cool and unbothered and nerd whitey with a ego and passive aggressive streak, what will they get up to?
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gingergari · 1 year
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(mostly) gay inkfish upon ye
happy pride everyone
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a-dumbo-octopus · 5 months
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Mermay day 3: Coral Cod :)
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Shantae Headcanons - The Seven Sirens: Definitive Edition
So, you know what I realized recently? I did a headcanon post about the Seven Sirens back before the Spectacular Superstars update when we barely had anything to go off of, did a post comparing my characterization to what official characterization we DID have to go off of now that the Seven Sirens had dialogue, and quietly adjusted my headcanons and characterization to better match canon, I, uh...never made a post about what my NEW headcanons were.
Anyway! I've elected to just go ahead and do that now. I do recommend you read my old headcanon post here, because while I have changed a bunch of things (mainly regarding Water Lily and Octo Siren since those two were the characterizations furthest from what we actually got) a lot of what I said there still applies. Basically, if I don't explicitly retcon it here, assume that whatever headcanon I stated there is still my headcanon now. Now, onto the post!
The Seven Sirens as a Group
This is more for Sirens as a species, but it is relevant for the Seven Sirens here, so here the headcanon goes. Siren have natural longevity as a species - able to outlive humans, which isn't that unusual - but being trapped underwater for centuries while barely aging a day? That IS unusual for most species. So what do Sirens have that those species lack? Simple: they feed off magic. This isn't actually that uncommon in the wilds of Sequin Land; every living thing and even some that aren't have some kind of magic within them, no matter how small, so if you're able to feed off it, it's a plentiful resource. Sirens are simply the only sapient species that does this.
Basically, while Sirens do have their own magic resources, due to a biological quirk it isn't actually enough to sustain their body, with this problem being more pronounced the larger a Siren is. Thankfully, as long as they can feed off some magic (just eating something will give them the magic inside, though if a Siren has some method of extracting magic it's more practical to just eat the magic directly) and make up the difference, they'll be fine. And as a fun bonus, as long as they can sustain themselves, they don't age! Ever. Or at least, they don't age once they reach a certain point in a Siren's lifespan (what would be late twenties-mid thirties in human years), though aging does happen notably slower. And if they manage to get a surplus of magic, that turns into more magical power for their own internal resources! ...though it does mean they have to feed off of more magic to sustain themselves in the future, which is very relevant in regards to a certain Empress.
Anyway, onto ACTUAL headcanons regarding the Seven Sirens - approximately none of them have any sense of personal space. This is partially a species thing; with how BIG some Sirens can be personal space can be a lot less relevant, but it's also just a result of how the Seven Sirens are as a group. Thanks to some of them just being giant, some of them having a habit of getting pulled into their work, or both, usually the best way to get any of their attention is to get right up in their face. Which they won't really react badly to, since they've all grown used to it from living with each other for so long, but this also means they have a tendency to invade everyone else's personal space without really thinking about it. Lobster Siren will just grab you by the wrist or shoulders if she wants to get your attention, and she will teleport to do it, Tubeworm Siren has a tendency to unintentionally loom over whoever she's talking to just to make sure she won't accidentally squish them or that one of her pets won't bite them, Anglerfish Siren will appear directly behind people without warning, the list goes on. The only real exception is Empress Siren, who does know what personal space is from interacting with surface species more and just intentionally violates it to make a point.
I AM still saying that the various boss Sirens (apart from Empress) get redeemed, but I've changed the order around to better fit the new characterizations, which I'll get into in their individual sections.
Lobster Siren
Lobster Siren - along with Empress, naturally - comes from one of several royal lines of Sirens. Technically, there's nothing that distinctly separates them from other Sirens, just that, on account of natural selection and a few other things, their lineage has naturally high magic resources, and since Sirens respect magical power, members of that family were put in charge of several Siren colonies. Of course, that means they have to feed off more magic to sustain themselves, but since members of their line were naturally chosen to be in charge of entire Siren colonies, usually those resources weren't that far out of reach, and they were fine! Usually. Unless, you know, a colony was buried under an entire island, devastating their resources and forcing them to scavenge from the wildlife around them.
You might think that Lobster Siren was on the verge of starving like Empress was, but actually, she managed to get by fairly well! For one, she didn't have nearly the same size of Empress's magical resources, so she had notably less to worry about on the needing magic front. Even with Empress Siren forcing Lobster to hunt Empress's meals alongside her own, she still managed to get enough to sustain herself - though it did help that the other Sirens could be persuaded to share some of their meals with her.
Lobster Siren does know sign language, but as she discovered when she began living on the surface of Siren Island, it's several centuries out of date, and can't really be used as a reliable translation option. This annoys Lobster Siren to no end.
If you're familiar with the Ben 10 series - you know Ripjaws? You know how he can switch between a fish tail and two regular legs? Yeah that same logic applies to both Lobster and Empress Siren and their crustacean halves, though Lobster Siren is the only one of the two to actually make use of it. By default, she tends to have her lower half be crustacean, sort of making her a lobster-centaur of some kind (like how her in-game portraits imply she looks rather than her actual sprites), with this going double if she's feeling particularly anxious and is trying to make herself small and less noticeable. But she'll switch to her more humanoid legs if she wants to get somewhere fast or is feeling particularly excited about something, running everywhere with happy chirps.
Also, last thing - changing Lobster Siren's nickname to Bisque. I may have came up with that nickname for a Lazytown AU as an April Fool's joke, but honestly the name feels way better than the last one and also funnier so I'm going with it. The story for how she got it is basically the same as the one for her old nickname only instead of Vera objecting to Zapple's suggestion on account of it being a stupid pun she objects to it on account of "you can't name her after a lobster dish what is wrong with you." Lobster Siren, who eats lobsters rather frequently, did not see the issue.
Empress Siren
So, you know that thing about how Sirens can grow their magical resources by getting a surplus? And how if they do that they'll need to feed off of more magic to sustain themselves? That's why Empress Siren is a decrepit husk while every other Siren is completely fine by the time Seven Sirens rolls around; in the colony's heyday, Empress Siren was able to acquire QUITE the surplus of magic, along with already having notably high magical resources and thus high magic nourishment requirements to begin with since she came from a royal line. She only saw this as a boon, since she had even more power to fling around, but it became an issue once Siren Island was buried and suddenly she couldn't obtain the resources she needed to sustain herself quite so easily. As a result, she eventually began to rapidly age, as is the natural consequence of what happens when a Siren fails to properly sustain their magical resources, while every other Siren was just fine. She was able to mitigate SOME of the consequences by feeding off magic, but it only slowed it down; if not for Empress Siren actually getting some magic in Seven Sirens, she probably would have died in only a few months.
The reason Empress Siren was so hellbent on getting genie magic in particular was because she actually had a taste of it before - during the battle with Harmony's mother, she managed to land a wound on her that would eventually turn fatal centuries later, when Harmony was born. Due to how potent genie magic is, the little bit Empress managed to get from that was able to keep her going for a lot longer than she really should have. This got Empress thinking, and she had a theory - if she managed to get enough genie magic...then, perhaps, the potency of it would be enough to completely override her species biological need to consume magic and simply let her produce her own, thus allowing her to be young, immortal, and powerful forever. And, for the record - that theory would have been right if she did manage to get all the genie magic she needed.
...she did get ONE benefit from her failed plan, though. Ironically enough, despite Rottytops' involvement being the one thing that kept Empress from ultimate power, the dark magic she'd inadvertently absorbed from her (and also Risky, though she didn't quite realize that until later) was what kept her alive, because it let her learn that dark magic can be used as nourishment. Since natural dark magic didn't really become a thing until after Empress' colony was brought down, she hadn't bothered with it, thinking it a cheap shortcut that others used to try and match her natural superiority, but now that she knew that she could feed on it with no real repercussions...well. It did NOT take her long to use her species' natural talent for summoning magic and twist it into a spell that directly drained the magic out of the life around her. It's unnatural, an abomination against nature, but...it gives her far more magic than if she were to just eat the creatures and absorb their magic that way, and that practicality is far more important to her than silly morals or ethics. And it does keep her young - although she's still a bit older than she'd prefer, much to her annoyance.
Water Lily Siren
Okay, onto the supporting Sirens, starting with Water Lily!
Her backstory and role in the Siren Colony as I described in my old Sirens headcanon post is exactly the same, but her personality is notably different. She's very easygoing and carefree, a "go-with-the-flow" kind of gal - a reflection of her plant half, in a sense, given how they often have to just roll with the punches the environment gives them until they die. Granted, a good amount of that was forced under Empress' roof, burying the constant stress that one wrong word could get her head lobbed off, but as the years went by and Empress Siren became weaker and weaker, that stress gradually went away and her easygoing nature became more genuine again, up until now as she lives on Siren Island with her full self restored.
She may not have been a motherly figure to Lobster Siren, but "wine aunt" would be very accurate. She loves the little Siren, thinking of her as just the sweetest little thing, pulling her in for hugs often, letting her play with her plants back when they were in the colony, and taking steps to encourage her hidden, more mischievous side when she can. Maybe not a motherly figure, but definitely a positive authority figure in Lobster's life.
Had she been in her right mind when she fought Shantae, Water Lily Siren would have gone easy on her. Still fight her, because not doing so would definitely get her killed, but, well...to be perfectly blunt, she would not mind if Empress Siren died. At all. She has a LOT of spite towards Empress Siren deep, deep down. That applies now, and definitely applies back then, when the logical outcome of Empress Siren dying would have been Lobster Siren taking over as the best candidate. She would have loved for that to happen, and if she'd actually thought about that, she would have gone easy on Shantae, but...the key word is in her right mind.
Lobster may not have been close to magical starvation, but Water Lily Siren was, on top of some good ol' fashioned regular starvation - being big and extremely slow to move on your own do not a good combination make when you're trapped underwater with very little resources to get food remotely. She did get by, but only barely, and even though Lobster tried to help by offering her food, Water Lily would insist on Lobster keeping it for herself, a combination of spite for Empress and adoration for the little Lobster overriding her self-preservation. She doesn't actually eat sapient species; she makes a few jokes about it sometimes, because her humor is just like that, but she was DEAD serious when she said she was going to eat Shantae, she was that desperate for literally any kind of magic, even with Risky's lie about Shantae's magic being a dud. She got a lot better when the ship exploded and she was surrounded by marine wildlife to eat to her heart's content.
Remember what I said about the changed order of redemption? Water Lily's the second now instead of the first. Part of this is due to the change in personality, part of this is because Tubeworm Siren now has notably better intentions on attacking the surface, but regardless, it didn't take her long to realize Lobster Siren was genuinely happy up on the surface, and join her side.
Water Lily Siren has a bad habit of just dipping underwater and coming up hours later eating a raw fish the size of a car. All the Sirens have an issue with this, honestly (though only Tubeworm Siren will come up eating fish as big as Water Lily catches), but Water Lily Siren does it the most often
Coral Siren
I'll be honest there is nothing to retcon and I have no headcanons to add personally. Coral Siren is perfect as she is god bless
Tubeworm Siren
Tubeworm Siren, honestly, is MOSTLY the same as I characterized her before, just with one key difference that does result in a few retcons. As a Royal General, she's loyal to the CROWN...but not necessarily Empress Siren herself. And while that didn't make a difference while the colony was still running, when the Sirens became trapped, and Empress Siren started to wither away...Tubeworm Siren began to have some concerns.
She began trying to coax Empress Siren to step down and let Lobster Siren take the role of leader, as was tradition for Siren colonies when a potential heir became of age to wear the crown while the old leader was still active. She could enter hibernation and rest knowing her kingdom was in good hands rather than starving to death, wouldn't that be a satisfying end? Except Empress Siren, still having her theory and clinging to every bit of power she could, viciously rejected Tubeworm Siren's offer, time and time again. Eventually, Tubeworm stopped asking, respecting her ruler's wishes, but...well. In her mind, it was clear that the Empress' rapidly increasing age was making her go senile, and while she was content to follow the WORD of her wishes, the spirit of it? That was another matter.
Tubeworm Siren began subtly diverting resources from taking care of Empress to taking care of Lobster, making sure to never get caught. She followed the Empress' orders to the extent she deemed reasonable, but never beyond that, sometimes even outright subverting her orders if they seemed especially bad. She tried upping her training with Lobster to bond with her, quickly realized their relationship was very strained now that she was actually paying attention, talked to Water Lily Siren about how to properly interact with Lobster, and ended up scrapping the intense training in favor of a more gentle approach. Lobster was confused at first, but...she did know already that Tubeworm meant well with the training, and now seeing that she'd clearly reevaluated how she was interacting with her and was making an effort to listen to what SHE wanted? Lobster's relationship with Tubeworm Siren improved dramatically, and over the next few centuries, Tubeworm Siren unintentionally turned into a sort of mother figure for Lobster.
So, naturally, considering all of this, when she heard Empress Siren's plan, she nearly rejected it outright and committed treason right then and there. Just five drops of genie magic, enough to make her unstoppable? Absurd. Clearly the delusions of a Siren long past her prime; a less loyal Siren might even suggest she was just trying to cling to the throne as long as possible, the parasite. But, then again...if genie magic really was that potent...who was to say she couldn't give it to someone a bit more deserving of that power? Like, say, Lobster? So, she agreed to the plan, cooking up a scheme to go along with it until the last minute, then shove Empress Siren out of the way and have Lobster Siren take that power instead. Brilliant. Foolproof. Except for the part where Shantae beat her to a pulp and left her out of commission until the dust had already settled, and the fact that they never got five drops of genie magic to begin with. That, she did not account for.
So, when she rallied up the other Sirens and led an attack on the surface, technically one of the reasons was revenge for the presumed death of Empress Siren (and she did actually feel a little bit of rage at the Empress' death, despite it all), but mostly it was to get Lobster Siren, who she'd assumed had been kidnapped, make her a proper Queen, and then rebuild their colony. When Lobster Siren made her appeal, Tubeworm Siren assumed that she was either forced to say that to lead them into a trap, or that she had Stockholm Syndrome, and refused to listen to reason on the matter, no matter who it was.
Still the last to reform, but with a different reason - Tubeworm was sitting in her cage, still fuming a bit from the loss but gradually accepting her fate and the idea that maybe the surface wasn't so bad, before suddenly hearing a commotion somewhere outside it. She looked around, trying to see what it was, and then she saw- Empress Siren. Alive, maybe not in her prime, but certainly healthy, and...she was attacking both the half-genies and her former subjects indiscriminately. Viciously. Gleefully, even. And as Tubeworm Siren saw her former Empress - no, not that title, former Queen - aim a lightning bolt at her niece with a vicious grin, Tubeworm Siren realized that no, Empress Siren hadn't gone senile. She never did. She was always just like this, and it was only when she had other reasons to question her that she saw it. She was always this cruel, petty, and egomaniacal, and up until they were all forcefully sealed away she hadn't done anything about it. No wonder the Sirens so willingly chose the surface, when they remembered this as the alternative. Well, maybe she hadn't done anything about Empress in the past, but she could sure do something now.
Aaaaaaand that was when Tubeworm Siren broke out of her cage and lunged at Empress Siren herself, with the intent of ripping that parasite to shreds. She lost, but that did not stop her from trying to go after the retreating Empress Siren; only with everyone else holding her back for her own safety did she manage to calm down and apologize for her actions, properly joining the side of good.
Dialing it back to significantly lighter stuff - Tubeworm Siren has names for all the various tubeworms that act as her legs and she always has, and always will, smother them with affection like a dog lover and their dogs. At first she refused to allow anyone to nickname them, because Lobster named the heads and she refused to grant anyone else that privilege, but begrudgingly agreed to allow them to be referred to as translations of those names. Their names are Bonk, Pointy, Shiny, and Wall-Eye.
Anglerfish Siren
Anglerfish Siren is another one that's perfect as is I just need to update like two things
Anglerfish Siren is now the first Siren that properly redeemed herself, sort of - when Lobster Siren made her appeal, and Tubeworm made her stance on what she thought was happening clear, the two groups prepared for a fight, with Zapple remarking that a three on five wouldn't be easy...only for Angler to correct her that it was four on four. It was at that point that the two half-genies and Siren looked behind them to see Angler right there, and when questioned, she immediately attempted to gaslight them into thinking she was with them the whole time instead of answering the question. They had to put it off for the fight, but Lobster revealed the full story of how she and Angler were friends later
So remember how I said Anglerfish Siren and Rottytops got along very well? Slight correction: they get along like a house on fire. Angler's tendency for dramatics and her mastery of magic combined with Rotty's pranking abilities and internal philosophy of "go big or go home" make for a vicious combo. They had to be stopped from committing arson together an hour after they first met.
Octo Siren
Alright, last Siren! Woo!
Now, I haven't made any headcanons regarding the Siren's ages, because...well, they live for hundreds of years. There's not really a point, especially if I'm trying to equate it to where they would be if they were human. Anyway, all of this is to say that, BEFORE the Spectacular Superstar update, I saw Octo Siren as around the same age as Tubeworm Siren and Water Lily Siren, i.e. definitively an adult, but NOW I see her as around the same age as Coral, Angler, and Lobster Siren, i.e. young adult. If she was human she'd be around Harmony's age. Anyway
Octo Siren was the royal secretary and, much like Tubeworm Siren, got her position through nepotism, coming from a line of Sirens that served the crown for generations as secretaries. UNLIKE Tubeworm Siren, however, who was basically perfect for her job as General, Octo Siren was...not that. Prone to bouts of narcolepsy, leaving her tasks to her octopus minions more often than not (and unlike Warp Squids, Brain Octos are a lot dumber than you'd think), and generally being unmotivated to do any work at all, Octo Siren is the last person you'd want as a secretary, even if she is actually fairly good at logistics and other secretary duties when she gets around to doing it herself. However, there was one thing that kept her on the job: her crippling lack of self-esteem.
Octo Siren is well-aware of her flaws. She was well-aware of them before she got the job, and her awareness of those flaws were magnified by a hundred when she actually got it. Though she hides it pretty well, there's a LOT of self-consciousness she has to work through, and for a while Octo Siren had a desperate need of approval from just...anyone. ANYONE. Anyone at all, just to reassure her that she did deserve the job and that she worked hard...and to that purpose, she ended up clinging to Empress Siren like glue.
Ironically, Empress Siren treated Octo Siren more like a niece than her actual niece. It wasn't a good thing by any stretch of the imagination - Empress Siren only cared about Octo Siren to the extent she liked having someone around who was so eager to please - but Octo Siren did have the best relationship with Empress Siren both while the colony was active and while they were trapped below, and because of that, Empress Siren actually put her in charge the few times she had to go out on her own. It was a position Octo Siren both held in adulation and one she got vehemently defensive about.
Octo Siren is still the fourth Siren to be redeemed, but like with Tubeworm, it's for different reasons. She was the most emotionally devastated by Empress Siren's presumed death, and the one who fought most viciously for vengeance on her behalf, but WITH Empress Siren's death, she ended up latching onto Tubeworm Siren as the next best authority figure in her life, and unlike Empress, Tubeworm actually cared for Octo Siren as a person, even if she didn't quite know WHY Octo so desperately wanted to please her now. The amount of positive attention was overwhelming - and, honestly, was making her reconsider just how healthy her relationship with Empress Siren was - and also made her near impossible to budge from Tubeworm Siren's side without outside interference. So, Zapple, Coral, and Anglerfish Siren collaborated to kidnap Octo Siren so she could see reason.
Octo Siren immediately argued that kidnapping her did not make a good defense for their argument that they didn't do the same with Lobster, but they weren't releasing her anytime soon, so she just sat there fuming. But, then, the thing was, besides the kidnapping, everything else was...surprisingly nice? A lot nicer than the constant stress of the Siren colony or, to some extent, even Tubeworm Siren's little camp on the island. The turning point for her came when she got so bored she ended up deciding to file Zapple's taxes - it was Zapple's house she was trapped in, after all - only to stop short, find herself struggling to even start, and for the half-genie to come down and, rather than reprimand her, actually give Octo some advice on how to deal with her issues. It was then Octo Siren understood that, while they may have kidnapped her, they certainly didn't kidnap Lobster.
Octo Siren's magic allows her to float slightly in the air. Comes in handy when traversing on land, but mostly she just uses it to sleep in the weirdest places imaginable
Octo Siren's nickname is now Doll. Similar reason to her old nickname - she may have an understanding with Zapple, but she was NOT having her name be a fish pun, so she just chose a name that felt right.
During one of Shantae's visits to Siren Island Octo Siren just drops this conversation onto her:
Octo Siren: By the way, sorry for flirting with you the first time we met - I didn't know you and her were together. Wouldn't have said anything if I knew. Happy for you two, though! Shantae: Uh...thank you? But firstly - we weren't together then, that happened a bit after the Half-Genie Festival. Secondly, when? Octo Siren: When what? Shantae: When did you flirt with me? I do NOT remember that at all. Octo Siren: I mean, I'd think it'd be pretty obvious. Shantae: It really isn't. Octo Siren: I literally introduced myself by saying "Hey, baby!". Rottytops: Wow. Shantae: That's a completely neutral introduction though? I still don't see where the flirting is! Like, at the time, all I thought was that it sounded like something Rotty would- Shantae: Shantae: Oh my god. Octo Siren: Wow. Shantae: Ohhhhh my god... Octo Siren, turning to Rottytops: So, how did you get through her thick skull? Rottytops: Trial and error. Octo Siren, nodding: That makes sense. Shantae: WILL YOU TWO STOP-
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octobrushwizard · 7 months
felt you all needed to see this
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eepyartz · 7 months
Side Order Au
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Story of the au- this au just adds more characters with the ability to switch the character you can play as. Being able to switch characters adds special levels
A simple side order au but, what if it was more oc based
Off the hook
Fatal Ice (seperated)
Toxic Jewels (separated)
Since this is more oc based some boss fights require specific ocs to fight it because of their relationship with the other character that they’re fighting.
Toxic Jewels & Fatal Ice are separate for a different reason because the members of the bands are separated from their female members. So, now they climb the spire of order in hopes to find them before they hit the top.
Boss Fight 1
The Captain of skeletal-Ice
Skeletal Snow
Character requirement- Jinx
Boss Fight 2
The Forgotten one
Jellyton 4
Character Requirement- Violet
Boss Fight 3
Overworked idol
Coral Raisy
Character Requirement-Bevy & Saku
Some of these characters already had gained some of the pallets needed to beat these upcoming bosses.
It would be best for them to get upgrades as they climbed the spire
With 8 being more skilled she took bites at the rigorous stages while everyone else did the hard and normal stages.
Though the ida sisters would have to battle together for the time in forever after finding a secret boss fight
Character switch- María —> Coral
Using coral in a run unlocks a level titled “The Floral Soldier” as plum takes a similar appearance as 4 and heleda looking like the skeletal fish enemies
She throws out flower-based enemies, as she runs to take cover. But, they leave the spire together in his words “He came for one thing and he got it”
Secret Boss
‘Lost Parents’
Character Requirement- Marina & María
It seems order had taken control of their parents so, now they had to defeat them to get them back . Once freed though it was not their fault they grieve that they’ve missed so much of 8’s life
Violet’s Palette
Weapon- Order E-liter 4k
Bomb-Suction Bomb
Most Common Chips-Power
Second Most Common Chips- Homing Shots
Plum’s Palette
Weapon- Order Rose Roller
Bomb- splat bombs
Special-reef slider
Most Common Chips- Range
Second Most Common Chips- Power
Daisy’s Palette
Weapon- Order N-ZAP ‘89
Bombs-Splash Wall
Special-Tenta Missiles
Most Common Chips-Mobility
Second Most Common Chip-Lucky
Bevy’s Palette
Weapon-Order Splash-o-matic
Bombs-angle shooter
Special-ink vac
Most Common chips- Support
Second most common chips- Drone
Saku’s Palette
Weapon- Order Aerospray
Special- Ink jet
Most common chips- Range
Second common chips- support
Helada’s Palette
Weapon-Order tetra dualies
Bombs-auto bombs
Special- Kraken
Most Common chip- Power
Second most common chip-range
Jinx’s Palette
Weapon-Order Foil Squeezer
Special- Splash Down
Most common chip-Drone
Second most common chip-mobility
Coral’s Palette
Weapon-Order Splatana Wiper
Special-Crab Tank
Most Common Chips-Luck
Second most common chips- Mobility
Acht’s Palette
Weapon-Order Jet Squelcher
Bomb-ink mine
Special-Enemy Stunner
Most Common chip type-Range
Second Most Common chip type- power
(Just wanted to make this)
[Edit-and i also will edit this every now and then when i add something new ✨]
Character Switches- character switches can give different things to the run maybe different dialogues or a special level
For example
Switch María —> Enzo(4)- You unlock a boss fight called ‘Child Star’ against a monochrome hypno shades violet with dialogue of him & pearl
Switch María —> Kamau(3)
Unlocks dialogue being confused why the captain is here along with a boss fight call ‘Octo Captain’ up against María
Also unlocks a little song duo between the two, which is a reprise/cover of Candy coated rocks & color pulse
Switch María—> Callie & Marie
Unlocks fangirling dialogue from marina and a boss fight called ‘Double Trouble’ against violet & 4
Switch María —> Glimmer & Shimmer (neo 3 & 3.1)
Unlocks new dialogue
Switch María—> Deep Cut
Unlocks new dialogue & a boss fight called ‘Out with the old in with the new’ fight with the squid sister trio
Switch María —> Octavio
Unlocks new dialogue & a boss fight called ‘The Ida’s’ between Octavio and his brother
Switch María —> Marina
Unlocks alternative dialogue & a Boss fight called ‘Inner 8’
Bonus! using marina in a run unlocks song reprises or song covers
- Marietime memory (Reprise)
Covered by- Marina & María
-Imperfect Majesty (Side order nasty majesty remix)- covered by Violet & María
-City of color reprise covered by - violet & maría
Side Order Au
Secret Boss
Bleached Infinity
Location of Boss battle: A colorless Octo Valley, the place where the storymode of splatoon 1 took place.
Normally you’d be 8 but, now you’re 3 as you now play as Kamau the captain of the new new squidbeak splatoon wearing a colorless but, tweaked version of his old agent uniform but, still bared his captain hat and main weapon now tasked with the objective to take down 8 taken over by bleached coral sticking out the side of her head.
The boss battle has 5 phases against 8 with her using two of the six maxed out power chips in each phase. Which includes Power, Range, Mobility, Drone , Support & Lucky.
During the fifth phase 8 is slower since she has progressively gotten tired out trying to use different chip combinations to help. The end of the fight finally getting the coral off her face though it left a mark it was a victory.
Extra Fun Fact!- Since the boss battle takes place in the digital version of octo valley after every phase the background always changed to a different area when 8 super jumps to the boss kettle of that respective area
And when you finally defeat her it goes back to the Octo Valley. The music of the boss fight is probably like distorted remixes of the splat 1 bosses, boss music
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dooxliss · 5 months
yes please show us your agents in the boneless sweater 🙏
ask and you shall receive 🙏🏽
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(drawn june 2018)
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yesyourstalker · 8 months
Neta: so I went to the doctor right. And he looks at the mole and he's like 'oh yeah that's melanoma all right' like he was so fucking casual about it too I love us hehe
Candi: Tell me how I had one on my fucking butt hahahahahaha! left butt cheek I was kind of sad they removed it cuz it looked like a heart.
Neta: I'm so lucky that thing wasn't on my tattoo. I would have died!! Hahahahah God I'm so jealous of these kids nowadays, they don't have to deal with this shit. I told my daughter 'oh when you get to a certain age you have to check your body for weird moles' and I remember she was on the surface since she was 6 so that doesn't really apply to her. Cod these fucking kids.
Candi: I have this old giant can of sunscreen you know the one they used to have them in tin cans.
Neta: uh huh. Captain Coral sunblock I still have some and my bathroom cabinet
Candi: yeah those. I pulled it out in the park to put it on Bowie.......these fucking surface dweller moms. You know the bitches from the fucking canyons
Neta: oh shit...
Candi: This mom came up to me tapped me on my shoulder and told me "I think that stuff is expired and it's full of toxins you shouldn't put that on your kid"
Neta: not the toxins! HA! what the fuck hahahahahahaha
Candi: I swear if my husband wasn't there I would be in jail
Neta: I would have had a fit! They think everything from the underground is toxic where did that even come from?!
Warabi: are you guys going to help pick out nice furniture or are you just going to sit there and gossip all day!!
Neta: you only invited me is because I get a military discount!
Candi: I agreed because I need to do my own shopping.
Neta: I was thinking like a nude wedding cake. He not into sweets all that much
Candi: yeah he does look like someone who doesn't like sugar
Neta: yeah he's boring that's why I fucking love him. I was thinking a chiffon cake would be nice like this one.
Candi: ohhhhh that was really nice I like the detailing it's really nice- *gasp*.... Oh my God look at this!
Neta: ohhh That's so sweet little cuttlefish on it you need to get that..... Do you know what you're going to paint the room?
Candi: I was thinking of-
Warabi: Neta come and lie on this mattress with me!
Neta: no!
Warabi: please!!
Neta: no!!
Warabi: please!!!
Neta: no!!!
Warabi: I won't make it weird I promise
Neta: I don't believe you but okay. Ugh.................. This is nice. A little too soft for me personally but it's comfortable.
Warabi: I like the mattress but mahi likes to sleep on slabs of fucking stone........ You're really close.... it's kind of like that time when we kiss-
Neta: and you made it weird I'm getting up...*ugh*.... just get separate mattresses
Warabi: two separate beds.... I don't know
Neta: it'd be nice, just get two separate beds maybe separate the loft into two living spaces.
Warabi: that would be nice...... Let me call mahi.
Neta:I was thinking of something like this. it's closer to the floor. It also has a built-in bookshelf and some drawers.
Candi: ehhh it's nice it's very.... Minimalist
Neta: I like minimalism I think it's a nice aesthetic
Candi: hmmm is it though
Neta: I don't know maybe because I used to live in squalor so you know sterile environments are comforting for me
Candi: That's valid.....maybe if it was a darker wood.....if you stain it it'll look better
Neta: huh .... yeah that could work .....sounds like a plan ... I order it later
Warabi: I'm sorry but we're buying furniture for myself! For my apartment! Can you guys please pretend to care and help! Why are you even buying new furniture now anyway you said you're going to move after getting married what's the point in wasting the money like???
Neta: first off you have been looking at coffee tables for the last hour and you're one to talk about wasting money!! Go call mahi or something I'm busy fuck!
Warabi: *huff*
Candi: why do you need to get a new bed frame?
Neta: the one I have is broken
Candi: ohhhhh Netaaa hehehehe what did you do to break the bed frame
Neta: gained 50 lbs
Candi: *pppffth*
Neta: hehehe yeah.... Oh and having an active sex life.
Candi: oh realllly
Neta: yeah we're suuuuupppperrr active almost every night............. My man has the libido of a devout nun
Candi: HA! You're going to get yourself in trouble hehehehe
Neta: I love him tho....don't tell him I said that.....being serious though I actually bought it broken for cheap.
Candi: no wonder your back so fucked
Neta: yeah.......Did you get the link to those wedge pillows I sent you?
Candi: I have in my cart I need to get them before I start blowing up like-
Warabi: ok which swatch do you think would go great for the living space I was thinking of a nice burgundy but this blue is speaking to me.
Candi: I like orange
Neta: get it in green
Warabi: Cod you two are no help!!!
Neta: Cod I'm starving
Candi: you know what I could eat right now
Neta: absolute garbage... Like shit from shanty's
Candi: Yes exactly like I want their lobster bisque pasta on a roll.
Neta: I could go for a prawn patty.... With pickled kelp .....*gasp*.... Oh my Cod.... No ..... Is that? Phoebe sweetie!
Phoebe: neta! Netanetanetanwta hiiiiiiiii heheheh
Neta: Hi sweetie! Awwww look at you!!! You've gotten so big!! Ohhh big hugs!
Phoebe: uhhhhehehe hi hi!!
Candi: oh Hi Phoebe!
Phoebe: Candis!! Hi Candis!!
Candi: aww what are you doing here baby?
Phoebe: my.... Mommy is in the store!! She buys shoes and clothes and panties and necklaces!!
Neta: oh she is? She left you here to play?
Phoebe: yes I like.. I like to open the re-frige-rators and the washie machines
Neta: oh you do? That sounds like fun
Phoebe: yeah..... . I like hiding in the curtains!!! scare people!!!
Candi: you do? How do you scare people?
Phoebe: like this!!......(hopping)... BOO RAWR WAR WAR !!!
Neta: heheheh she is so precious!!
Candi: ohhhhh she is
Phoebe's mom( in the distance): sweeties time to go!!
Phoebe: MOMMY!!!!..... Bye bye neta!! Bye bye Candis!!!
Neta: bye bye!....*sigh* I miss when my little girl was like that
Candi: I know what you mean my little Bowie growing out of it right now it's breaking my heart
Neta: makes you want to have another kid doesn't it?
Candi:* inhale* *exhale*................... No
Neta: (wheeze)
Neta: look at this cool bath tub. It has a water jet massager.. with 12 settings.. I know this isn't made for ink fish but I'd risk it
Candi: I feel like my Donn wouldn't know how to get out and die in a very embarrassing way.
Neta: hahahaha he would die in a bath tub!!
Warabi: I'm fished shopping.. here's your military card... Thanks for helping me.......I guess
Neta: hooray!! let's see what you got...... Two dressers, nightstands .... The dining set looks nice perfect for four people. One mattress?
Warabi: they're buying their own mattress by themselves
Neta: alright
Candi: a mini sectional.. that's cute
Warabi: yep I bought most of the expensive stuff now mahi and Baja are going to buy the rest of the furniture and this own shit. The store is going to hold onto it until Baja shows up with the truck.....*sigh* I'm hungry.
Neta: fucking finally it's starving!
Candi: same here I really need to eat something and sit....*huff* I'm tired. Neta take my card can you buy my things? thank you
Neta: sure
Warabi: *humpf*
Candi: *sigh*........ I could go for a nap right about now.
Warabi:.... I'm going to order some food you said you wanted a lobster bisque roll?
Candi: yeah.
Donn: hey babe
Bowie: Mommy!
Candi: Hi my precious little baby boy! [Kisskisskiss] Hi hubby [kiss]
Donn: how you feeling?
Candi: just a little fatigued but I'll live.
Donn:.. ok.... What did you get?
Candi: just a chair, some shelves I found a really nice swing-
Neta: alright everything is bought and packed up heres your card back and car keys. Heeeey Donnie how you doing lover boy.
Donn:....... Neta... It's nice seeing you
Bowie: Mr Neta!
Neta: hey little man! You're behaving for your mom and dad right?
Bowie: hehehehe yeeees!!!!
Neta: alright.. Y'all get settled.. I'm gonna check on my subordinate upstairs. I'll be right back.
Warabi: okay I got your lobster bisque on a roll prawn patty for neta.. My lobster dog.. i. I got you something to drink. hyperade raspberry lemonade your favorite.
Candi: you can have it, it's starting to give me indigestion plus I can't have caffeine not for a while anyway.
Warabi: oh ok...why ?
Neta: and he gave all of his old stuff to Baja which is nice but I feel like he only did that just to buy new stuff.
Mahi: well his parents did give him a little bit of his freedom back he has access to a savings account. I feel like they're testing him and he's failing horribly but you know it's not my place to say anything.
Neta: ehhh it's a lesson that he has to learn himself. So how's Seth doing?
Mahi: He's doing great, doing his job piercing ears and belly buttons all day.
Neta: I'm going to check on him............ Hey Seth? (taping chair) you doing good kid?
Seth: ...[signing]...I'm doing just fine boss! A lot of great clients today!
Neta: alright... You work tomorrow and Monday at the same time. That's today we're going to put you in the system so you'll get your schedule through your phone okay?
Seth: [signing] All right cool I left my portfolio in your office along with a copy of my tattoo license. You have some cool tattoos, Hope there's some space for my work.
Neta: ohhh we'll see, we'll see. Keep up the good work let me head to my office and-
Warabi: SHE'S PREGNANT!!!?!?!?
Mahi: duh.
Seth: [signing] what did he say? what happened?
Neta: *sigh* .......he just found out why I needed to hire a new piercer.... Sorry about him.......you'll get used to all of this eventually. Trust me. It's never a dull moment in this store
Seth: [signing] I'm having fun already
Warabi: so everyone knew everyone but me!
Mahi: yeah pretty much she told me last week when she came in late....
Neta: she sent me a pic of a pregnancy test at 2:00 a.m.
Candi: I also posted it on my splattube channel and my squidtter and my inksagram. You don't follow me on any social media I thought we were friends
Warabi: I am! I am your friend! My FYP is full of so many people right now... I can't even find my mutuals......Cod if I knew I wouldn't have let you help me with buying furniture now I feel like an asshole!!
Candi: hehehehe it's fine it's really I wanted to go cuz... I needed to buy new furniture too I might as well kill two birds with one stone.
Warabi: no feel bad let me get you something, anything you want.
Candi: oh don't need to
Donn: a new crib would be nice, one that turns into a bed like we have for Bowie.
Warabi: Done! What color?
Candi: uhhh what color did we agree
Donn: I like the Corel paint you picked
Candi: ok Coral it is.
Warabi: Great!.......I can't believe you're going to have another baby! We're practically the same age and it feels weird! You're too young
Candi: I'm 27
Warabi: exactly it's way too young to raise a kid Neta how old were you when you had a kid?
Neta: 19
Warabi: ok well you're a bad example. anyway I'll get you the crib I promise.
Candi: awww thank you
🎶Mahi maha Mahi ha ha 🎵🎵 belongs to @fish-at-fish-fish-resort
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pop-n-schlock · 1 year
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maroon-z · 2 years
the octo twins are basically/approximately 16 years old
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akascow · 8 months
the splat3 side order looks so fucking cool i hope its not like super depressing or anything lmao
new promo pic from splat twitter👇🏻
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motheline · 1 year
More OC content featuring the best Orion face I've ever drawn
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(For a bit of context: the shark woman - Mara used to date Coralle - the Inkling shown in the second picture, Orion doesn't understand why Coralle found her attractive until he meets Mara's brothers and has a gay panic attack)
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gingergari · 1 year
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i forgot i finished this over the weekend 🤡
anyway this is agent 8, now known as coral!
after escaping deep sea metro and slowly recovering her memories, she figured that her name used to be something similar to coral, so that is the name she adopts for herself!
her birthday is currently unknown, but she ultimately celebrates her escape day as her birthday, aka octo expansion release day (june 13)
bonus golden toothpick!
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malicious-spectrum · 1 year
Sploon OC Dump! (Agent Edition)
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This is Bleach! On her way to Inkopolis Tower, he saw this creepy old guy (the first game’s nickname, not mine) peeking out of a grate, &&&& their curiosity killed the catfish & followed. Thus becoming Agent (Eventually Captain) 3. They can seem a bit distant & uncaring at first,, but Bleach tries his best to keep everyone safe & sound.
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Rail is Rail. I never really fleshed him out bc there isn’t much canon Agent 4 content (Side Order PLEASE) but basically, all he wanted was Marie’s autograph & stayed bc “OOH MY INK’S SPARKLY NOW”.
I do actually have a Splatoon 3 OC rewrite where Rail & Ori (next OC) are also in Alterna, allowing Coral (oc after Ori) to get all the parts quicker.
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This is Oriiiii she’s one of my faaaves. She’s non-verbal autistic & her special interests are Splatfests. Ori, unfortunately, didn’t manage to grab all the Mem-cakes so her memory IS a bit fuzzy…
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Coral is Bleach’s sibling… Zey’re also a famous influencer & didn’t tell Bleach that for some reason. So yeah, those two totally have issues to work out. The funny thing is, the reason zey became an Agent is exactly the same as her’s. So that’s at least one thing they have in common.
Anyways those are the main Splatoon sillies (I have more) so expect me to post about them. :)
Reblogs > Likes! (Especially for art!)
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