#of course I ended up afamilial
myname-isnia · 5 months
I’ve spent the entire day carefully avoiding triggering any negative emotion in myself because the PMS is hitting me hard and I’m genuinely tired of being hysterical all the time, only for my family to come along and shatter all that effort into TINY LITTLE PIECES
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entropy-sea-system · 10 months
I thought I'd talk a bit about being analterous as I don't often talk about My atertiary identities separately other than apl and afamilial.
Anyways, I should probably start by saying I don't actively crave an emotional connection just for the sake of it. It often involves friendship for a lot of people which already repulses Me. I happen to have emotional connections to My partners but its not about friendship, its about sex and in a few cases also romance bc Im demiromantic and allosexual.
A big reason I realised Im analterous is because people often said thats the attraction type behind qprs, and eventually I realised I didn't want a qpr but just thought I did bc a lot of other aros seemed to, and I felt like I'd be seen as 'aphobic' if I refused to want a relationship that aros and aces came up with. I also was unfortunately feeling like I had to have nonrose attraction to seem 'normal' and 'not sex obsessed' as an alloaro.
When I first heard of alterous attraction, it was kind of defined in a very vague way like 'not being sure if you have a (romantic) crush or just want to be friends', and that didn't make sense to my brain, as I would later realise, its bc Im arospec and apothiplatonic and those are simply not emotions I can feel like to a stranger. And friendship? I literally can't feel that towards anyone.
I define alterous attraction as being an attraction connected to wanting an emotional connection with someone (though of course, one can also have the attraction without being favorable to alterous relationships). My brain often lumps all the nonrose attractions as being something that has no relevance to me, and especially with terms that arent as used in larger society like alterous, I struggle to explain why I am like this.
Additionally, when people talk about feeling alterous attraction or a qpr (though that tends to be more associated w queerplatonic attraction these days) (I am also aqueerplatonic and qp repulsed though) I feel grossed out by it. I don't personally want to hear about it due to my repulsion.
In the past when I questioned if I had a nonrose crush it always ended up either being intrusive thoughts or Me repressing a sexual crush. I learned of things like squishes long before I knew I was aro because I formerly identified as demirose and even after I stopped using that label at one point, I still looked obsessively through AVEN forums where a lot of aces talked about having squishes.
I will admit that with acespec I have some sort of sexual orientation OCD where I have intrusive thoughts that Im 'really' ace when I don't identify that way, but thats a whole other topic. Its kind of distressing for Me to feel that but anyways. Explanation for why I was rather often looking at those forums.
I assumed I had the capacity to have squishes. I felt kind of creepy and genuinely kind of distressed that I was incapable of caring for people as a friend when multiple times, I thought I was having friendship emotions but it turned out to just be sexual attraction. Of course, people can have both emotions at once but I could kind of tell tht I had never even had the platonic attraction emotions, but didn't label it until i realised I could be apl.
I felt like I was obligated to like people in nonrose ways, because it made Me feel arophobic and acephobic, and anti-relationship anarchy, and selfish if I were to say no. But I'm glad I realised Im atertiary, because I'm a lot happier when Im not forcing Myself to have and like nonrose relationships. I'm content with my sexual and romantic-sexual relationships, and also content with the idea of not having any relationships, if at some point that becomes the case for me.
Also, I never ship alterous ships for example, I used to think I did but it was just me shipping characters romantically and/or sexually but thinking I needed to label the emotional care as alterous? And also its worth noting that I'm pretty much an analterous person with no alterous attraction who is alterous repulsed. This will not be the experience of every single person with these identities.
Also, seeing as how people often position alterous and qprs on a created romantic-platonic binary it just irks me that some people act like romantic and platonic are the only attractions ever. Especially when they ignore SEXUAL attraction, like its not romantic OR platonic but ppl act like it doesnt exist when they force the platonic-romantic binary on labels such as alterous and queerplatonic.
Also, I happen to have sexual intrusive thoughts about people, due to hypersexuality and OCD, that I don't like having. Sometimes, I tried to use tertiary/nonrose attractions as a coping mechanism for this by trying to say 'No, I only feel platonic/alterous/sensual/etc. for this person' even though I didn't, and was mistaking emotions like happiness or literally the rush from getting narc supply (NPD) or attention, and being touch starved, sometimes even just being triggered by people acting overfamiliar with Me, for nonrose attractions.
This is not so say nonrose attractions are unhealthy, but the way I conceptualised of them back then was. It's astounding to me that people think my atertiary identity is what's unhealthy when forcing myself to seem allotertiary was what was unhealthy for me.
At one point, when I was initially with a few of My current partners, I kind of felt the need to split every emotion I had about My partners into being a nonplatonic nonrose attraction, even when I knew I was apl. That was kind of unnatural to Me personally as a way to label My emotions. Because it wasn't any attraction other than sexual.
The way people talk about sexual attraction as fleeting and meaningless influenced this as well. I feel a lot of emotional care and enthusiasm towards people I am sexually attracted to, and I only like sexual relationships that are long term and involve affection. This made Me feel like it couldn't JUST be sexual attraction because people around me, even in aro spaces that included alloaros, acted like sexual attraction can never include these things.
Maybe thats just how people who either are alloromantic and/or are allotertiary feel because they label anything thats not 'I want to have genital sex' as some attraction other than sexual. But thats not how my sexual attraction works. I support people whose sexual attraction is not that deep/is fleeting or does not involve much emotion or desire for long-term involvement, and those who engage in casual sex. I just want people to acknowledge that thats not the only way sexual attraction and sexual relationships, especially nonromantic ones, can be.
Actually, anaesthetic was the third atertiary label I found myself realising I am, but I though I was aestheticflux. However it turned out that I am just completely atertiary. Also I think at one point that. It got kind of too much of a cognitive effort for me to want to classify my attraction into so many nonrose types. It made me feel kind of split apart and dissociated from my identity personally.
Anyways, this was a lot and I meant to just talk about My analterous experience, but all My atertiary identities seem to be tangled together in ways that mean they aren't very separable. I think I did only realise Im analterous around the time I realised Im completely atertiary, but it was also very linked to Me realising I'm aqueerplatonic.
Anyways, I'm also realising that maybe I feel My atertiary identities are all interconnected in a way that means I see a lot of them as lumped together for Myself, and how much I talk about them tends to depend on the percieved way I find societal norms regarding relationship types to be antithetical to My way of existing.
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variousqueerthings · 9 days
so ok, having finished rodeo, a movie I've been excited to watch for over a year, lotta thoughts
definitely worth the wait for me
the ideas explored in this movie are so very very complex, it's almost difficult to fit plot around them and yet it does so pretty immaculately
my biggest downside i think would be that it had space for a longer runtime. there were definitely bits that were rushed and the ending seemed to come... not out of nowhere, but faster than i think it needed to. some of the character dynamics (especially mr crime boss) felt a little underbaked
but. BUT: it doesn't really matter to me so much for several reasons - the story trajectory was fucking solid (I saw some people say not enough happened/that it was purely a vibes-based film, which was odd to me. i thought this film careened forward plotwise, it was very easy to see the direction it was going in, it wasn't trying to trick us or slow us down to get there) - the acting was great across the board. read that they were non-actors, and that naturalism really did come across, but i also don't think there was awkwardness or a lack of direction in the acting that can sometimes come from working with non-actors. probably because they were in their element - obviously, especially the lead -- can't tell if she's a non-actor or a newcomer, but either way she was amazing. every time a movie creates a female character who is SO SO off-putting and abrasive and angry and unwilling to give an inch an angel gets its wings, and she really commits, but also i thought she was incredibly vulnerable, it was simply that the language for who she is is completely impossible to access so what has she got left as a girl-who-may-not-be-a-girl from a rough estate, multi-ethnic, desperate to access a macho environment? like. of course she's got her hackles up near-constantly - the haunting???? THE HAUNTING?????? THIS WAS A GHOST STORY???????? HELLO????????????? what if you were a girl-who-was-an-incorrect-girl-who-wanted-to-be-like-a-boy-but-mainly-you-wanted-to-go-fast! and this man who helped you start getting your wings haunted/possessed you and you knew the only thing that mattered was being on the bike, that moment when you're going as fast as you can, that's who you really are, and you get it via the ghost of this dead man who comes to you in your dreams and claws his way inside you and gives you sage advice (and is also stunningly beautiful) - the gender, obviously. the overlap of trans/non/agender/dyke-gender/boy/boi/girl-not-girl coming-of-age explorations in there and the thing is, the beautiful beautiful thing is... i was expecting this film to go in the direction of "ah yea, and then she discovers her innate womanhood via this straight romance clearly being established between her and this guy" OR later on "she discovers her innate lesbian womanhood via this romance possibly being established between her and this woman" and neither of these things happen!!!!!!!! - this movie is for the aroaces, is what I'm saying. the triple-a's even. heck possibly the pentagon a's tbh: she's giving us aro, ace, aplatonic, afamilial, agender, she's giving us "all that Matters is the bike, stealing them, riding them, cleaning them up, going fast" she even sleeps with the bike at one point (literally sleeps, not sexually), that's who she is! - for the objectums too i just realised. the bike is the most important relationship here - and all of that Lack Of Romance that gets established is kind of at the heart of untangling a lot of her gender as well. she never does have a traditional coming-of-age, because to her all that mattered was getting to ride bikes, getting to steal those bikes, being the baddest bikerider, becoming something mythological and she did that! - so the ending is probably not for everyone, but i did see it as a positive. she wasn't in it "to be accepted" in the end (that was her first need, but really it was a means, and while she did take the kindness and give it back at times, esp to the wife, and i think one can read it as subtextual lesbianism, i do think there are textual moments to suggest she feels mostly sorry for her and her solution is: BIKES!!! like she wants to get her away from her husband, and she likes her kid, but it's not necessarily about getting her to herself, it's about offering freedom), she was in it to ride bikes forever and she does get that - fucking. it's a ghost story!!!! about asphalt pirates!!!!!!!! it invokes cowboys and pirates and highway men!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
so in the end ok yeah, maybe the movie is a little bit about The Vibes, but I'd say more about The Themes and i can imagine a lot of people are seeing setups and expecting certain directions and feeling let down when that's not what the movie does. i did that at one point, specifically related to either having a heist go wrong or the crime boss guy acting out, and neither of these really happen, she's like. very good at what she does, consistently, and the only thing that goes wrong, every time, is that her innate being -- her Otherness (she calls herself Unknown arghhh) -- gets her into trouble with the guys (later just one guy who can't let go) who cannot square that with their reality of how the world Should Be, which is very very interesting. the plot doesn't come for her, her own hubris doesn't come for her, it's simply that Who She Is is threatening
but also that "Who She Is" is never totally spelled out -- it could be dykery, gender (which is also dykery in many ways), aroness, and really it's a mix of all of these because these things overlap in a multitude of ways (AND the movie definitely lends deliberate credence to all of them -- at one point someone disputes that she's "a tranny," at another point she's playing house with a married woman for a day and is warned away from her, at a third point a guy asks her if she "has a pussy" it's all "wrong gender/sexuality/relationship-structures")
which is. very very queer of this film
anyway. so. queer asphalt pirate haunting. but not as a series of tropes, if you expect tropes you will be disappointed. as an exploration and a kiss towards subculture and a feminist coming-of-age that's not about love for once
also this as double-feature with titane, although i wouldn't call this eroticism of the machine, because crucially julie in this film does not want to fuck anything or anyone, she just wants to be spiritually connected to a motorbike forever, unlike ofc alexia, who is consistently very very horny for the cars/trucks
spiritualism of the machine, if you will
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The aplatonic experience is feeling guilty when you were a child to not wanting or feeling the need to have friends especially when everyone around you is having friends so all your life people will see you lesser than them because they see you being alone all the time and even if you end up making some "friends" it does not feel genuine and it's just people who use you to fill an empty space, you end up getting hurt in the process and then they just throw you away when they doesn't need you anymore but it's also struggling a lot with loneliness especially when you are also afamilial so you end up being alone.. and that's the only thing you know
(and of course nothing wrong with being completly alone for people who wants it and enjoy being on your own and i also like it because you do not feel attached to anyone, you just enjoy yourself freely, it's just personaly i struggle a lot with this loneliness because i end up self isolate myself in a toxic way so i kinda want some companionship.. as long as it's not about friends (or family))
yeah, the guilt is just. really bad.
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True Love’s Kiss
Summary: Jefferson loves his family but when Regina puts (y/n) under a sleeping curse he risks it all to save her only to end up separated from them for more than 28 years. Also shout out to @fangirltrash15 for asking for this fic. I know you didn’t ask me specifically but I hope you like it.
Warnings: Spell check? We don’t know her!
A/N: This is the longest story I have ever written in one sitting and I loved writing it. I honestly love writing for Jefferson. He’s such and untapped potential for fanfiction and I blame that for his lack of screen time which I blame on the fact that he was dating Jennifer Morrison and they broke up so I guess it was weird for him to be on the show but there was a wonderland spin off and there is no reason he shouldn’t have been on that.
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Jefferson was making his way down the street like he did every night. Only stopping outside the Tea Grove cafe to look through its window on the other side of the street where he couldn’t be seen. He watched as the young woman in the store turned off the open sign and began to sweep away at the floors. He just loved walking by her store to watch her close up at night. He knew he could never talk to her. In this life she didn’t know him and he couldn’t tell her what he knew because knowing was the worst curse.
The enchanted forest.
(Y/n) was running through the forest. Dodging every tree she could and jumping over the big roots of trees that stuck out of the ground. She ran until she eventually found a hollow tree to hide in. She did her best to remain silent while she caught her breath but her hiding place must not have been good enough...
“I found you!” Said the little blonde as she popped her head into the tree (y/n) had hidden herself in.
“So you did sweet Grace,” she laughed “at least tell me you found your father first.” (Y/n) climbed her way out of the tree and finally stood up.
“She did.” Said a slight grumpy voice from behind the tree.
“Oh well good, that means at least I didn’t lose.” (Y/n) said smiling and laughing at the handsome man who was leaning against the tree.
“Just because grace found me first does not mean I lost.” He huffed.
“It kind of does,” He rolled his eyes. “Oh come on, admit it, you're just upset that you lost to a girl at hide and seek. Come on admit I beat you.” She said teasing him and pointing at his chest.
“Ok find you beat me, you always do.” He laughed.
“Damn straight.” (Y/n) said finally getting close enough to Jefferson to throw her arms around his shoulders and pull him down for a quick kiss. Making a mental note that grace was still there.
She had been living with Grace and Jefferson for a couple of years now but she was always sure to keep things g-rated around Grace. Especially since she wasn’t Grace’s actual mother, though she loved Grace no less, (y/n) knew she could never fully replace her like that.
“Come on papa let’s go back to the house and have our tea party.”
“Of course my dear Grace,” Jefferson said holding his hand out for his little girl. Grace took her fathers hand and then offered her other hand for (y/n).
Present day.
(Y/n) finished locking up the store and turned to head toward her car. It was pouring down rain and as she opened her umbrella a gust of wind blew it out of her hand and down the street. She quickly chased after it down the road. She paid no attention to the road as cars tried to swerve around her. As she made it to the other side of the road she ran down the sidewalk never getting much closer to her umbrella till a strange man finally caught it and walked over to her.
He set the umbrella straight and held it over her head. “You uh... dropped this I think.”
“Thank you, so much really.”
He seemed nervous or even panicked. She had never seen him around before which was so strange for this small town. “Here I’ll walk you to your car.”
They both walked back up the street till they reached her car. He helped her get in and handed her the umbrella. “Thank you so much, uh I actually don’t know your name.”
“Jefferson,” he said with pain on his face.
“Well it’s nice to meet you Jefferson, I’m (y/n). I guess you’re sorta like my knight in shining armor tonight aren’t you? You really saved me out there.” She laughed.
He frowned at the ground before looking at the girl in the car again. “Trust me I’m no knight and you didn’t need my saving.” He said before walking away from the car.
The enchanted forest
After having visited the market that evening with Grace, (y/n) came back home to find the queen's Carriage sitting by their house. (Y/n) bent down to her knees so she was at eye level with the young girl. “Wait, stop Grace. We should hang out in the woods for a bit ok? We can play our game for a while.” She smiled at the little girl.
“Who’s at the house with papa?” She questioned being the smart girl she was.
“I think it’s the Queen.”
“The Queen, at our house. What does she want? Shouldn’t we go inside and check on papa?”
(Y/n) rubbed up and down Grace’s arms. “No sweetie. Me and your father made a deal a long time ago that if our past ever came back that one of us would stay with you. He doesn’t want you to ever be alone. Ok? So for now let’s go into the woods and play our game. Your father can handle this.” She smiled.
After spending sometime in the forest the girls walked back to the house. This time with no carriage in sight. When they went inside they found Jefferson sitting at the table in the kitchen contemplating the box in front of him.
“Papa!” Grace ran and hugged her father.
“You're both back late. Did you enjoy yourselves at the market?”
“Yes we did but when we got home we saw the queen's carriage so we stayed and played in the woods for a while.”
“Oh I see. Grace why don’t you go play in your room while I talk to (y/n) for a moment.” She smiled and ran off to her room.
(Y/n) frowned and set down beside Jefferson. “What did the Queen want?”
“She wanted me to portal jump.” He said running his hands through his hair.
(Y/n) began to rub calming circles on his back, “and what did you tell her?”
“I told her I didn’t do that anymore. I have a family now.”
“And so she just left?”
“Yeah I think so.”
“ I doubt that she doesn’t have a plan to come back.”
“I know. When Regina wants something she’ll get it. Whatever the cost.” (Y/n) rest her head on his shoulder.
“Is that why you brought out your hat? Incase she comes back?”
“I don’t know. I just keep thinking maybe it wouldn’t hurt to just do one more job. We wouldn’t have to worry about money ever again. You and Grace wouldn’t have to live so poorly.”
“Jefferson, me and Grace are just happy with the life we have. We don’t need money to be afamily and we need you here. With us.”
He smiled faintly and kissed the top of her head. This was why he needed (y/n) she reminded him of why he put that hat away. He belonged here.
A couple of days later
It was getting late and (y/n) still wasn’t back from the market. She left hours ago and it was almost supper time. She should be back by now and Jefferson was beginning to worry.
With the sun beginning to set he grabbed his hat and told Grace to go stay at the neighbors house till either he or (y/n) came home. He knew they had once said that in times like these one of them would always stay with Grace but he needed to bring (y/n) back home.
He knew exactly where she was; he didn’t need to look. He quickly made his way to the queen's castle and by nightfall he marched through the doors. No guards stopped him so obviously he was in the right place and the Queen wanted him here.
He finally reached the queen's quarters and tossed his hat bose on to the floor. “Here that damned hat Regina, now where’s (y/n)!”
“Calm down mister Jefferson. We both know that I don’t know how to use that hat without ending up somewhere useless. Only you know how to use it properly. It’s useless to me but if you're looking for your little girlfriend I’m sure I can help you with that.” She stood up from her seat and walked over to the middle of the room where Jefferson stood.
She waved her hand and a mirror appeared. “Here this will show you anyone you wish to see.”
He cautiously took the mirror from Regina and held it in his hands and thought of (y/n). The mirror in the cloud of smoke showed through a picture of (y/n), she appeared to be unconscious, almost appearing to be dead.
“What did you do to her!”
“She’s fine Hatter. She’s only sleeping.”
“Wake her, I know you can!”
“Well of course I can but why would I do that? Not to worry though, if you want to wake her on your own all you have to do is give her true love's kiss.” Jefferson's face dropped. “That is if you believe in your true love?”
“I love (y/n)”
“Yes but is it good enough? I mean does she truly love you? All you can offer her is a small house with little money and a daughter who's not even hers.”
“And what do you want? What would I have to do in exchange for you waking her?” He said through gritted teeth.
“Like I said before. I want to go to wonderland of course.
Present day.
Jefferson set alone in his house like always, using his telescope to check on his family. He hadn’t been able to stop thinking about (y/n) since he last saw her on the street.
Ever since Emma came to town he’s had this annoying hope that maybe she could break this curse and he could be with his family again. He knew it wouldn’t be that easy though. He abandoned his family many years before the curse, who says they would want him back now. Besides, Emma was convinced in not believing in magic. He tried to show her and despite all his proof she didn’t believe him.
As he peered through his telescope he spotted a glitter in the sky. It seemed as though it was moving closer like a wavy. Before he could even process it the wave washed over him. At first he felt nothing, like nothing was different but he looked back through his telescope this timing aiming it at the town square. He could see everyone coming out of their shops and houses and hugging and reuniting with people on the streets. He couldn’t believe it, there was no way this was possible. They were waking up.
Jefferson passed back and forth through his whole house. This was all he had waited for for 28 years, even longer when counting the time he spent in wonderland. But he couldn’t muster up the courage to go find his family. He finally forced himself to go outside onto the street. Families and reunited loved ones pass him all around. He slowly made his way down the street but not long after the first wave he saw another come toward him. This one was like smoke, purple smoke. No one had time to cover for shelter but as soon as it covered the street it was gone. Everyone began to panic but he knew what this was. He had been a dabler of magic; he could feel it here.
Pain rang through him as he thought of what would happen now that magic was in town. He quickly ran down the street toward the little tea shop he had passed millions of times before. When he finally reached the shop there was a small crowd of customers who crowded around the entrance. As he approached the crowd and tried to push passed through them, he heard a familiar voice.
“Grace, my darling” he hugged his little girl as hard as he could, too scared to let her go.
“I was going to find you but (y/n) found me first. She was fine but when the smoke came by she collapsed. I don’t know what’s wrong with her papa.” He did his best to calm the girl and then stood up and pushed the crowd away to finally reach (y/n).
“No no no, this wasn’t how it was supposed to happen. You were supposed to be fine in this world.” He knelt beside (y/n) and held her unconscious form in his arms.
“We tried to help her but we can’t tell what’s wrong with her. Someone already called 911.” Said some man in the crowd.
“They won’t do her any good. This is a magic problem and it needs a magic solution.” He snapped. He tuned the rest of them out as they all stood around them. He leaned his forehead down to hers as he brushed some hair out of face. “(Y/n) if you can hear me… I I need you to wake up. Ok?” He paused for a second but she didn’t move. He closed his eyes and pressed a small kiss to her forehead.
(Y/n) eyes flew open and she jumped as she quickly awoke from her sleep. She looked around her and saw Jefferson and sweet Grace by her side. She smiled, finally being able to remember them after seeing them everyday but never truly seeing them. She cupped Jefferson's cheek with her hand and smiled. “How did you know that would work?”
He laughed slightly as he took her hand and placed a kiss in her palm. “I didn’t.” He swiftly pulled her into a passionate kiss with all the love he could conjure. “I love you”
(Y/n) smiled, “I love you too”
Jefferson pulled his family into a hug as they all sat on the floor. He had been dreaming of this day for too long. “Let’s go home” he said smiling at his small family.
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mama-forum-ch-blog · 5 years
New Post has been published on http://mama-forum.ch/question/asiame-2/
Should blacks date whites
this will depend on the course. If you’re playing a busy nchampionship caliber course and you’re simply a 30 handicap hacker, Don’t play the champion tees, Nwhatever color that they’re. It will slow down play for anyone. you will discover, On friday afternoon nat West Fencepost Municipal, hits the mark is most serious hazard is those hot dogs that go nround and around on the weenie treadmill, There’s no reason not to knock yourself out. m.
NIn other words, Use comman sense. Stand on the back tee at the foremost and tenth and ask yourself nif it looks like fun or torture. If the scorecard lists the rating and slope of every rep,in between each nof tees, Use it as helpful tips. if for example slope is under 113 (and that is essentially average), do it now. NSlopes a lot more than, for example, 130 are for pretty motivated golfers. NAnd if you get four holes in and discover you made a mistake, enhance. ( Full pickup )
thanks to the fact black guys date white women..
I wonder who asked this enquiry? Maybe its since they are fun, they will cook, he or she can dance, and perhaps they are good in bed. capable handle that? there are various reasons why people date other people besides their own race. there isn’t one specific answer, But many honest ones. And it goes for every race. And im not vibrant, Nor african american. I am a puerto rican females. Jajaja.
Lol maybe its very similar to what black women say about white women all the black men are with white women so why not take the white guys=))) ( Full manage )
If you want a White girl and a Black one who should you?
You ought to decide whoever turns you on the most and who has the beliefs and character traits that align closest to what you value most. A little difference in those techniques is good, As it keeps things cool, But too much difference may cause huge arguments later. Leave sex out of it since you won’t be able to think objectively once emotions get into the image. That is why normally, folks don’t have sex until marriage and have one year engagements. like this, although dating, You can look for spiritual match-ups, And while engaged you’d look for emotional matchup. After wed, confidently, You should be physically compatible along. But many couples do it in overturn order. They see who turns them on sexually and then speedily turn to physical attraction. They assume for emotions that they may just fight things out as the time arises, and they do. Then they never make time to see if they are spiritually compatible and share the deepest core beliefs. That concept doesn’t usually work. ( Full treatment )
Do white men date black most women?
not, Me and my white friends sort of see it as taboo and if my friend was dating a black chick i gives him SO MUCH $% for it and I’m not even sure why. Its not even the interracial thing as much as it is just the cultural differences between black women and black men. The white men I know who marry black women do so because they do not give a crap about race. They such as woman, Find her attractive and pleasant to be around, And fall in love. Cultural differences abound in every marriage, it does not matter “run, I’m married to a man who grew up 4000 miles from the me. He forces me nuts, oftentimes, along with stupid accent, And his elbows on the table, And his passion of bowling. But I’m crazy fond of him. ( Full way around the problem )
What should a black women who grow up in a very dysfuntional famly and has only dated white men would a black man be more idea her childhood or does it not matter?
I’m sure it’s possible that a black man can relate more to your family and cultural environment, But that doesn’t mean that black men are more suited to you if you prefer white men. The right man is offered, Be he black or white or whichever race, And you shouldn’t settle for anything less than a man who truly loves you for who you are deep inside your soul. ( Full response )
Should you date the man you’re dating if he is black and you are white and your parents do not approve?
I do not think it really matters what the skin color is. You could be purple and he could be orange and it still wouldn’t matter. Just because somebody looks different on the outside of does nothin to reflect how they are on the inside. Don’t always try to make your mother and father approve of them. If they see that he makes you happy then that’s all that will matter I have similar situation as you. I am women and My boyfriend is white. His parent don’t approve me because I have 2 kids but mostly i know to expect my race. The way my boyfriend told me that his parent told him that i am hunting for a baby daddy to support and think he gonna get me pregnant and using his money which is I AM NOT. to expect LOVE thats all. This is bothering me. ( Full say )
Can vibrant guys date black girls?
obviously, no matter, It only matters if they show you the way you should prepare be treated and respected. Problems will exist as much as people think questions like this need answers I don’t see why not. Do as you please and know that at least a person (us all) Isn’t knowing you. ( Full pick up )
exactly why do people black men date white women?
towards the White Women often treat Black Men better, And will usuallygive them the time; Not expecting Money, Or choice thingslike most Black Women do. Black Men want a romantic relationship with aFamily, And aside from having appreciable lower Abortion Ratesthan Black Women, White Women will be more approachable, truly asShallow, Materialistic and is always to be able to make sacrifices,Doing the required steps to make her man Happy. ( Full respond )
Should I get Pokemon ranger 3 or Pokemon non colored documents?
Pokemon white or black have brand new Pokemon over 150. you should getting black or white maybe both. In the end it is what you truly what you look for best. It depends an advanced ranger fan or an adventure that you can trade and connect with your other Pokemon games. ( Full best solution )
Which starter should you pick in Pokemon monochrome?
It really depends on your decision and what other Pokemon you’veplanned for your team. The Striation City Gym Leader’s main Pokemon come up with a typeadvantage. If you use Snivy, You’ll battle the hearth monkeyPansear, If determine on Tepig you’ll battle the water monkey Panpourand if determine on Oshawott you’ll battle the grass monkey Pansage,You can get a monkey of one’s by talking to the old lady in theDreamyard, She provides the one that is weak to your StarterPokemon’s type but has the advantage against the Gym Leader’sPokemon, You can get your monkey before your Gym battle so it willbe very useful and in the case of the monkey that you will get; Ifyou chose Snivy you have access to the water monkey Panpour, If youchoose Tepig then you’ll get the grass monkey Pansage and if youchoose Oshawott require get the fire monkey Pansage. One recommendation in regards to the choice of Starter is Oshawottsince it can learn all of the water HMs and it has balanced statson Attack and Defense. Another opinion This depends on variety of battler you are. All 3 opt for a combinedbase stat of 550 (True along with Starter Pokemon of allGenerations). The grass types are good for regular Attack andreally good for Speed, The fire types are good for HP and Speed butare really good for regular Attack and the water types’ stats arepretty much evenly divided apart from Special Attackwhich is very high. The cons of each include this amazing. Thegrass types have low Defense and Special Defense additionally verylow HP, The fire types have low Defense and very low SpecialAttacks and the water types stats are not very special with theexception of the Special Attack so if you want regular Attack statswith very high Speed then you should go for the grass type, If youwant HP and Speed with very high regular Attack stats then youshould go with fire types and if you need very high Special Attacksand the other stats not very high then you should go with [url=http://www.digitaljournal.com/pr/3417037]asiaMe[/url] watertypes. Here are the exact base stats for each Starter in relation to theirtypes Grass Type HP=70, Attack=100, Defense=85, very special Attack=90, [url=https://twitter.com/asiamereview]AsiaME[/url] SpecialDefense=85, Speed=120 Fire type in HP=100, Attack=120, Defense=85,certain Attack=60, SpecialDefense=90, Speed=95 Water write HP=85, Attack=80, Defense=85, original Attack=130, SpecialDefense=80, Speed=90 and the exact base stats for the Starters in grayscale are asfollows: Snivy HP=45, Attack=45, Defense=55, individual Attack=45, specific Defense=55and Speed=63 Tepig HP=65, Attack=63, Defense=45, out of the ordinary Attack=45, extra Defense=45and Speed=45 Oshawott HP=55, Attack=55, Defense=45, important Attack=63, memorable Defense=45and Speed=45. ( Full take )
Should government entities stop the racism between blacks and whites?
n’, The government should not actively stop any racism between blacks and whites or any other race as one should be free to form their own thoughts and opinions. Whenever someones racism goes for to infringe on the rights of others, That’s another story and is unlawful in the US. ______ Improved I’m really sure that all 3 starters stats add up in total are indifferent. Tepig has good proceeds too but, many of them are Fighting. the otter is good, yet the moves sucks but, Can learn very great moves out of the HMs/TMs. i’d personally choose Snivy. Snivy stats are good. i would recommend either Snivy, Or Tepig to the starter! ( Full solve ).
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myname-isnia · 5 months
Suiren is Aplatonic
#bc I said so. argue with a wall#she's my character I can do what I want#look once I realised I was spec and claimed a bunch of identities under that umbrella#I began wanting to give some of them to my characters#alasie fulfills my aroace rep needs and honestly that's enough for now#bc with how prominent family is in my stories I can't really go for afamilial#but it very recently occured to me that suiren straight up doesn't have friends#of course for the most part it's because of trauma and her entire community hating her#but even after her recovery.. I just never gave her a friend?#she has her family + people like opal and bolin who are considered family and kuvira. that's it#the only friend she's ever had in my multiverse of madness is alasie. and even then 'friend' is pushing it#they would only know each other for a few weeks before Suiren has to bail and probably didn't interact all that much#and honestly. even in utos I don't see her as someone who'd go around making friends#maybe there are a few people who she's on good terms with but not quite on friendship level#if any of that makes sense#and hey. why am I making excuses. suiren is mine if I say she's aplatonic then she's aplatonic#she feels romantic/sexual and familial attraction but not platonic. end of story#but since she does have that thing with alasie I will say that she's once again like me. plato-indifferent aplatonic#though technically I’m demiplatonic but yk. same difference#she doesn't care much either way whether she has friends or not and will care if she has them. but more as a person than a friend yk?#she is a kind and caring person by nature even though her demeanor hides it. it comes with her set of beliefs#so she will care for and love people. but not consider them friends#it's nearly midnight so I'm yet again on tumblr with my batshit insane takes#sotrl suiren
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