#of course he loved star wars
alright so I’m super obsessed with the way you write Tedromeda. Everything from the characterization and the dialogue is simply AMAZING! I hope one day I’ll be able to write them good enough like you do 🥺
Also, for the kissing ask 👀 not sure if you are up for a challenge in combining two asks? (It’s ok if you choose one, no biggie!)
7) to shut them up.
46 or was it 47? 🤔) envy or jealousy
I hope you have a great day and know that your writing always makes my crappy day better!
Thank you so much!
I have already written Jealousy from both Ted and Andromeda's points of view, so I went with just number 7.
Shippy Kiss Asks
[Slightly NSFW so putting this some of this one under the cut.]
Andromeda loved going to the cinema ever since the first time Ted had taken her to the small movie theatre near their first flat. She adored it when they were showing older films, the glamour of classic movie stars, Audrey Hepburn, Deborah Kerr, Grace Kelly. Love stories played out on screen in sweeping landscapes to rousing scores.
Ted liked action.
Ted liked guns and explosions, and the good guys winning the day.
They could never agree on which movie to see, so they took turns choosing on their rare nights out, and unfortunately, this time was Ted’s turn.
And he hadn’t stopped talking about it since.
All through the walk home, getting ready for bed, up the next morning, getting Dora ready for the day. Thankfully he went to work, or she just might have strangled him.
She still might. Because apparently, he’d spent all day at work thinking about it and had even more to say.
While they were making dinner together, ‘What a way to open a movie…’
Bathing Dora and putting her to bed, ‘A young boy finding out about powers he never knew he had…’
While they were in bed and she was trying to read, ‘...and talk about world building…’
Andromeda tried everything to get him to stop talking about it, agreeing with him, humming in vague interest, all out asking him to be quiet and let her enjoy her book in peace (admittedly, he did fall silent at that for a while, until he had another thought about lightsabers).
‘...and it doesn’t talk down to the viewer at all.’ Fed up, Andromeda closed her book, sitting up to look at him properly, ‘It’s like we were watching a movie made for someone in…’ Ted trailed off as she rolled over, straddling him as she pulled her nightgown off over her head, ‘...uh,’ 
‘Oh good,’ she mused, running her hands over his bare chest, ‘you can concentrate on something other than that stupid film.’
‘S’a good movie,’ he mumbled, but it faded into a moan as she ground against him, her lips finding the sensitive spot on his neck. His hand found her arse, and he rolled them over, his hips pressing her into the bed. ‘I thought you’d like it, poor boy helping to rescue the princess. It’s a good story.’ 
She would have rolled her eyes if he wasn’t doing such wicked things with his fingers. Instead, she took his face in her hands so his mouth could be put to better uses and kissed him deeply.
Because, though she’d never admit it to him, the poor boy helping to rescue the princess was a good story.
Even if Han Solo was far sexier.
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birtsby · 4 months
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poe is NOT a morning person but he IS a pop girlie 💁🏼‍♀️
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swedenis-h · 1 year
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ohyousillything · 1 year
Boba is small and obnoxious, in a way only small tubies can be, squirming and thrashing around in his crib as he wails. He’s been told that Boba is denominated “a toddler”, by nat-born standards. CC-2224 is not impressed.
“What does the word ‘Boba’ mean,” he asks. The word has been bothering him for some time now.
Jango doesn’t raise his eyes from the datapad he’s frowning at, “It’s an old family name.”
CC-2224 considers this. Boba continues to wail at the injustices of the world. CC-2224 is sympathetic to that, at least.
And then the question pops in his head like an armed grenade.
“Can I have a name?” he asks.
Jango looks up at him, both eyebrows raised up to his hairline. There's a considering silencie, and then he says, like he's already regretting it, “You could.”
CC-2224 stares at him expectantly. Boba wails, mostly ignored.
Jango snorts and shakes his head, letting his attention fall back on his datapad, “You’ll have to come up with one on your own, kid. I’m shit at naming things,”
CC-2224 frowns, looking down at Boba, who’s finally beginning to realize no one paying much attention to his crying and he might need to adapt his strategies.He makes grabby fingers at CC-2224, who watches impassively.
Making an impulsive decision, he reaches into the crib and pulls the baby out, holding him at eye level like a hide up for inspection.
“I like the word kote,” CC-2224 says.
“Very modest,” Jango snorts, but he sounds approving. Newly christened Kote thinks he wasn’t looking for approval, but its nice getting it anyway.
Boba sneezes on his face, and the universe shifts.
Kote's never seen the sun, but someday he'll understand this moment feels like sunrise.
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realmothchu · 1 year
i know that dinluke situationship is crazy
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syn0vial · 6 months
funniest part about the bounty hunter wars by K.W jeter is how palpatine thinks he's screwing boba fett over by hiring him to take down the bounty hunters' guild, completely ignorant to the fact that boba is a sicko who thinks making himself public enemy #1 of every bounty hunter in the galaxy sounds like the most fun he's had in ages.
it's literally like,
palpatine: that fool boba fett doesn't know that he is but a pawn in my nefarious plot to sow desperation and discord among the bounty hunters of the galaxy. he will be completely unprepared for the torrent of violence and retribution he is about to unleash upon himself. how wonderful it is to make a creature complicit in the workings of its own destruction! >:) boba, like 2 pages later: i can't wait to sow desperation and discord among the bounty hunters of the galaxy 😊 it's going to be sooo fun when my actions unleash a torrent of violence and retribution against me 😃 can't wait!
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kov-nyn · 8 months
Obi-Wan watching with morbid fascination as Cody puts a mug of water in the space microwave.
Obi-Wan: ...What are you doing?
Cody: I'm making tea?
Obi-Wan: Oh, dear... Do you know what temperature the water is?
Cody: Um...hot?
Obi-Wan: Oh, darling, no...
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andi-o-geyser · 1 year
i love my boys in blue (the 501st Legion of the Grand Army of the Republic)
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lieutenantselnia · 3 months
A little comparison of Lieutenant Lyste's voice in the English and German dub (+ a little bit of Kallus too); because I find languages interesting and this made me really think about how a voice actor can influence how a character is perceived.
First of all, I've watched Rebels primarily in German so far (though I've seen a good amount of scenes in English as well), partly for nostalgia reasons (I was in my teens, probably around 14 when I first watched the series and my English wasn't that good at the time to just casually watch an entire series, plus I was watching it with my younger sister), but also because I think the voice actors especially for the main and recurring characters are genuinely doing a really good job. Heck, for some characters I might actually prefer their German voice because it is that good! Kallus might actually be a good example for this if he's already here, I think he has such a pleasant roughness in his voice. For Thrawn it's also a pretty close match, he sounds wonderful in both variants but I might prefer his German voice just by a teeny tiny bit.
Who I actually wanted to talk about is Lieutenant Lyste though. I'm mainly familiar with his German voice, and as he's a fictional crush of mine, this is also the voice of his that I've fallen in love with. When I imagine him talking - regardless in which language - the sound is that of his German voice. Personally, I feel like that voice makes him seem a little younger and more naive compared to his English voice. I've always headcanoned him to be fairly young, in his early to mid twenties, and that by the start of the series he had just completed his military training recently (his position as supply master might have been the first one where he had to bear more responsibility). I've always seen him as a guy who's motivated and just trying his best, but at the same time he's lacking experience, plus, if we're being honest, when it comes to his military career he's a pretty average guy. I think he'd learn and improve over the years, but he isn't the "best of his academy year" or "promising young talent with innovative ideas" kind of guy, and he's far from a mastermind like Thrawn. He's literally Just A Guy, and personally, that's actually something I really like about him and that makes him endearing to me.
In contrast, I think his voice in the English dub makes his age a bit more ambiguous (I still wouldn't guess him older than 30, also based on his appearance but I feel he seems less "boyish" than in the German dub). I think it also gives him a bit more of an arrogant tinge and less of the playfulness that at least I hear in his German voice. He still conveys that dutifulness, but he seems a bit more uptight as well. I wouldn't go so far to say that that's bad, and I still like his English voice as well, but I think for me it won't come close to the charm that his German voice has to me.
Towards the end I want to point out though, that the voice, while being an important aspect, is not everything that makes a character. Appearance, behaviour, body language, actions and decisions contribute to that as well. What I found interesting is that most headcanons that I read about Lyste actually still overlap closely with my own as well, even though I heavily assume that not all people who wrote them are familiar with his German voice. I would say that this is a good thing, because his core personality is still conveyed across language barriers, even though the way that different actors voice him may emphasise different aspects of his character more or less.
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attheairportbar · 8 months
I want to grab him by his hair and swing him into a concrete wall several times
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p4nishers · 2 years
cody was EXACTLY what crosshair needed. like someone who's SO fundamentally kind and good, someone who'll fight for people, someone who IS a good soldier, a perfect one infact and STILL questions orders. orders he's PROGRAMMED to obey. i wholeheartedly believe this was a turning point in crosshair's story.
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fictionadventurer · 4 months
I don't care if The Last Jedi "ruined your childhood" or "destroyed a beloved character". I'll always defend it because this is the Star Wars movie for scrupulous people.
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hedonistbyheart · 2 years
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Ataru lessons!
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jessicas-pi · 1 year
Star Wars Rebels Tangled AU
Hear me out: Ezra grew up alone, living in a tower.
So, for your consideration: an AU where a family band of thieves find a boy trapped in a tower and decide "yeah, we're adopting this kid (who looks suspiciously like the missing prince but I'm sure there's no connection). what's your name kid? Ezra? Great to meet you, Ezra. Wanna go steal something?" and Ezra's like "oh my gosh this is the coolest thing that ever happened to me"
(Featuring Maul as Mother Gothel)
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cutetaka · 10 months
I came up with a scenario and maybe i'll draw it someday😭😭
Imagine this... Hunter, Echo and Wrecker finally found Mount Tantiss. Rex and some other clones are with them. It's a huuuuge rescue mission. Chaos reigned, but thankfully every prisoner was saved from crumbling imperial facility. Then Crosshair noticed that Hunter was missing. He came back for him and carried him like he carried Mayday before. Hunter then asked him this: "why did you come back for me?" and Crosshair answered after a minute of silence: "we don't leave our own behind". And then Hunter broke down and started crying feeling so much guilt and shame because his little brother still loved him so much despite the fact he left him behind... a few times. 
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momojedi · 1 year
My boyfriend: Ah yes. Me, my boyfriend and his 2.3 million clone trooper husbands.
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