#of course hy hated me since day 1
3knecrotic · 8 months
I miss hym. I miss those Good memories. I miss it so much right now. God I want to fucking die over it.
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malethirsty · 4 years
And The Beat Goes On - Tomaso Ciampa
Summary: You’d never expected to become so attached to Tomaso Ciampa, first you were a fan, then you were his protege but can the relationship go much further than that? The answer will surprise you.
Warnings: M/M smut (21+), Bareback (Wrap Before You Tap), Violence
Inspired by: https://twitter.com/malethirst/status/1198592781150670848?s=21 & also a request hy @issacloveswwe so if you’re into hot men wrestling and a perspective on it, please check him out, he’s awesome.
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If Tomaso Ciampa considered himself daddy, then you were his son. Ever since he had the NXT Title removed from him, he had been training you for your big debut on the roster. He worked you hard with strikes & promo work “They’re actually one and the same, it’s about mentally weakening your opponent, working them down till they can’t do much else and then striking like a snake.” He told you, and you took his advice to heart. Though many saw an evil Blackheart machine, you saw the kind and good soul that lurked beneath.
You appreciated the times you’d spent with him, but when he finally healed and returned to the roster, you were suddenly half complete, he still trained with you but in a lower capacity as he chased Adam Cole for the NXT Title. You were right there supporting him as he intended to make his trip to a Two Time Champion. But in TakeOver Brooklyn, it all came thudding to a halt, you had been in the front row, as part of the NXT team Showing off their new roster talents, so you were stuck as you watched Tomaso’s ‘friend’ Johnny Gargano take the belt and fuck up Tomasso’s plans, letting Adam eclipse him. Was it anger towards Tomaso or a desire to get back at Finn Bálor who beat him earlier by taking away his longest reigning stat, you didn’t know, all you knew was you had to make sure he was alright. A while after TakeOver ended, you walked up to the meds room to see Ciampa on his back, looking blankly up at the roof. “Tomasso” you got out and he looked up at you “Y/N, please go, you shouldn’t have to see me like this, all broken down.” “Bull” you said “It’s wrestling, if I couldn’t handle seeing you beaten up every now and again, I’d be your aged care nurse, not your protege.” He shot a grin ‘Thank God he’s cheering up’ you thought “Think we can train together, to beat Gargano I need to think sharper than before.” You excitedly nodded, more time with him meant you could alleviate that broken emotion you had once he’d stopped. Not thank you were thankful for either Adam or Gargano, the thought of thanking them made you shudder.
So eventually you trained together, Tomasso picking up some of the brutal tips you had gained on the indie circuit. Perhaps a bit too well, as a few weeks later, Ciampa took the brutality to new heights as he smashed Gargano around. Gargano did give as good as he got, but Tomasso was the main deliverer of pain. After the mess was cleared up, Regal & Triple H demanded their differences be resolved, through one last final match. “Gargano’s come last in these due to recklessness” you said, referring to the Cole v. Gargano match at TakeOver: Toronto “He would have had time to practice since then, we can’t rest on him” Ciampa reminded you. Nodding, cause he was right, you still had the last encouraging word “Listen, if you pull it together, you’ll be fine.” Ciampa locked eyes with you, his blue eyes meeting your warm ones and did something that many would be surprised in, he smiled “Well then help me train Y/N, let’s beat this son of a bitch.”
With the PC short staffed due to COVID-19, you and Tomaso trained in close quarters, keeping a distance apart in case, though both of you were cleared, you didn’t want to run the risk. However, wonder lurked in your head ‘What would happen once this feud is over, what will Tomaso Ciampa do?’ You hoped he wouldn’t leave you again, it was painful enough the first time “What are you thinking of?” Tomaso asked “Whether we’ll continue this after this One Final Beat match is done.” You said “Of course we will! The only reason I was distant is that I love having you around and when I went for the NXT title, I needed to focus.” ‘At least he didn’t hate me or something’ you thought as you smiled at him “You know you have the most beautiful smile.” You turned around shocked that Tomaso would let out a comment like that, he was usually more stoic in his praise “Well thank you!” You said, surprised “What? You think I’m not capable of being nice?” “Well given you ran around as a heel for two years it’s a bit surprising” he humorously flipped you off and both of you laughed as you set back to work.
Finally the day arrived and this time, you decided to watch in gurrella instead of watching in the stands, hoping it would change luck, despite Tomaso’s insistence otherwise “Changing position won’t change the match.” He said blankly “I know that, I’m using gurrella as a look out, if someone’s running up with a steel chair linked to Gargano, I can go out behind them and yell to warn you.” Tomaso’s eyebrows raised “That’s actually a good plan, maybe this old dog has taught you new tricks.” “You. Are. 34. Years. Old.” You exasperatedly said slamming your hands together with every word, causing your mentor to burst out laughing. “Ciampa and Gargano to gurrella, Ciampa and Gargano to gurrella” came an announcers voice over the loudspeakers, you passed Candice LaRae on the way up and gave her a short smile which she returned. Eventually you arrived and you used the pretext of going to the food table to stay there whilst both men were briefed on what the match would be. As soon as both men departed, you turned around to watch.
Unpleasant would be an understatement, both these men went at it with such force, it was like they really were fighting for their lives. It got so damn rough that you weren’t surprised that Candice LaRae ran in through gurrella seemingly in tears ‘She’ll probably get Gargano to stop.’ You figured, and she did with a smooth kick to his groin “That’s gonna cost her, no sex at all tonight.” You humoursly commented to the backstage crew who chuckled, only for the laughter to turn into shocked gasps as Candice delivered one to Tomasso! Gargano covered Ciampa as the ref counted 1, 2 and ... 3. “NO!” You yelled, in utter agony that your companion had lost the final battle, you covered your hands and sunk to the ground, it was like your heart had splintered all over the place, no matter of glue could fix it. Your strategy ruined, Ciampa broken, Gargano & Candice dripped in decedant evil, standing prideful above their fallen former friend.
By the point the cameras went off air, the empty heartbrokenness was gone, replaced by pure, unadulterated rage. “Oh look, it’s the bitch of a guard dog.” Gargano said grinning “Hello Gargano” you said curtly, not wanting to tell them how weak they had made you “Looks like you got an upper hand.” You gestured to Candice “Yes he did” she returned, “Maybe you consider getting with the winning team and stop following Ciampa around with love heart eyes.” “And what’s that supposed to mean?” You asked, your tone ranging to dangerous levels. “Y/N, it simply means you should break off this pathetic one sided crush and be with us, we can train you better, be there for each other, even make you scream better than that old man ever could.” “Besides” Candice said, following Gargano’s venemous statement “Johnny Wrestling is known for being the perfection of wrestling, me a pioneer of intergender wrestling and you could be our sponge, soak up all we have so that you can be the most powerful version of yourself, not what many here say you are, the dick rider for Tomaso Ciampa. That is what they say you are, only relevant for riding Tomaso’s weak cock.”
Aggravated was not even the word, you were BEYOND furious. You got right up to Candice’s face “Honey, you aren’t known here as a pixie, or as an intergender pioneer, Kimg Corbin has been more of an intergender pioneer than you. For the entire time you’ve been here, you have been Johnny Gargano’s wife. If it wasn’t for the man’s dick you’re riding, you wouldn’t be in NXT in the first place. And you.” You turned your attention to Gargano “You have some fucking nerve, you think everyone is out to get you, and they have power hungry motives. Well I hope you love your power trip, cause soon you’ll turn it to each other and you know what they say ‘Live Together, Die Alone’” Johnny took a swing at you, you blocked it and using your legs, barrelled down Gargano and placed him in an armbar, he writhed and screamed in pain, Candice taking a run up, you then did something that was both very gutsy, and very risky. Using the rest of your body, you swung your right leg forwards striking Candice right in her vagina, causing her to bellow in pain as she collapsed. Suddenly hands were pulling you away from Gargano “Stop. STOP!” Came William Regal’s voice, and upon this, you slunked away, angry as you were, it was dangerous for anyone to piss off Regal, you instead made your way inside the ring area.
Tomasso was still there on the ring floor, utterly in despair, not like the TakeOver Tomaso, who looked at the roof immerly beginning for advice. He looked like someone who didn’t know where to go, or what they’d do. You went through the ropes into the ring “Tomaso” he flinched “Y/N, leave.” “Stop that, I’ve seen you like this bef-“ “I want you to go!” Tomaso yelled, it stunned you, but you refused to give in “No.” Tomasso began to start crying “Why would you spend all your time on me, you heard Gargano, I’m a failure as your trainer.” “That is crap and you fucking know it, how could you have failed me if I have yet to wrestle a match?, Triple H is looking for spots, as soon as Cole looses his belt, I’m in.” Tomaso shook his head “Your trainer should win matches, not loose them.” “If your trainer is perfect, they try to exact the same standard on you and that’s not it, cause everyone has to lose at something. I’m not good at flips, does that mean I’m a bad protege? Of course not! Tomaso I need you, the WWE Universe needs you, more importantly, you need you, wrestling was what you are made for, take that away and you’ll be miserable.” Tomaso finally got to his feet “Give me a reason” “Are you serious? You know in your heart you want to do this.” “Y/N, I need more than my heart right now, cause my heart gets me into this shit, it got me to reunite DIY and look how that turned out, I meed you to give me a reason, why do you need me? Why am I a shattered man so important to your growth here?” “BECAUSE I LOVE YOU TOMASO!”
The words escaped your mouth and a long while ago you’d curse yourself but now you didn’t care “I fucking love you Tomaso, I have done since the day I saw you, when you offered to mentor me, it was like a dove was soaring in me, it was liberating. As we spent more time together, everything deepened, I knew it wasn’t a crush, I knew it was love, pure, utterly reckless love. And that’s when you went back to the main roster to chase for the NXT Championship, I was in such pain, I had spent so much time with you, that time away ripped me open from the inside out. I finally got to get back to that when the whole TakeOver thing went down, I would have liked it to be at a celebration party where we lined up and kissed your ass, but it was in the med room and I didn’t mind, cause I’d rather have you a loser then not have you at all. I love you Tomaso Ciampa, let me know when you have enough balls to love yourself as much.” You finished, breathing heavily, it was Tomaso who looked stunned now as he got to his feet. Knowing you wouldn’t get much else out of him, you turned away, before his hand grabbed you and swung you back around. “I’ve said m-“ you tried to get out but the time for talk was gone, Tomaso was kissing you deeply, wrapping his hands around your head deepening it, like if he let go, you would vanish.
Eventually you broke apart as Tomaso got rid of each article of clothing you had on, along with his gear, so soon both of you were standing naked in the ring. You admired Tomaso’s naked body, he was like one of those Roman gladiators, mattered chest hair, thick muscles and quite possibly the biggest cock you’d ever seen “Get on the floor.” You went down slowly, knowing if you dropped to your knees suddenly, you could bruise yourself or worse, Tomaso laughed gutturally “So damn pretty when you obey daddy. Who do you belong to?” “Y-you daddy.” “That’s right” Tomasso groans out as he moves almost serpent like back towards your mouth, that’s when his dick is near your ass and before you could stop yourself you blurted out “You’re my first.” You blushed a deeper red as Tomaso gazed down at you, moving his hands up your torso “Oh Y/N, I should have known, you shy you were when you first saw me, the timidness behind you when you were trying to ask me things, you didn’t know how to act strong cause you’d never been in love, never knew what it was like to be fucked by a daddy like me. Don’t worry, I’ll help you, like every time before.” Tomasso’s fingers rested on your mouth “Open” he demanded and you did so, sucking his fingers deep down, coating them with saliva. “Good work babe, you know how to make daddy happy, you need a bit of help and that’s alright, relationships are give and take. Relax your ass for me, part your cheeks.” Wondering why you had to part them, you obeyed his instructions, you were about to ask why, only for your question to turn into a gasp as Tomasso shoved a finger in and pushed around, your walls were clamping around him and it was slightly painful “Tomaso, it hurts.” You got out, he quickly pressed his lips to your head “I know, this always happens, do you want me to stop or?” He asked, looking at you for your consensus “Rest a bit” you asked and he obeyed your instructions this time, waiting for a few minutes as you got used to it “Now” you said and Tomaso continued, this time you got a rush and groaned “I’m going to do two now alright? Grip my left hand to numb the pain, if you want to stop say Cold, and I’ll stop, understand?” He looked at you waiting for an answer and you nodded your head.
It was quite an experience, being stretched open by your trainer turned lover in the middle of a wrestling ring, he was right about the pain as he stretched you with more fingers, but by squeezing his hand, you were reassured he was here and would stop if you needed. As with the first, the burn passed and soon you were bucking on his fingers “Daddy, I need your cock” you moaned out in bliss, Tomasso grinning as he removed his fingers and readied your cock “Your hole isn’t Goldie, but I can still tell it “Daddy’s Home!”” With that he shoved his cock inside your ass, the stretch making you rise off the ring, chest first, like an exorcism, but exorcism’s didn’t include a muscular daddy moaning in your ear and stroking your back “So tight for daddy, calm down baby boy, it’s alright daddy’s got you now, I’ll make sure you have the most incredible sex ever.” You nodded, Tomaso’s voice was like molten gold to you and you were desperate to experience all of him.
Tomaso began a gentle pace as he fucked you, moans coming from your mouth non stop, him occasionally adding a groan as well. After a while, whilst you liked this nice nature, you wanted to dance on the wild side, you dug your nails into Tomaso’s back and lent into his ear “I want more”. You drew back to see him grin as he picked the pace up, as his balls began to thud against your ass “Oh yes Y/N! Oh My God, so good for daddy, such a tight hole, desperate and needy for daddy’s cock! Push yourself onto me! I need you close!” You obeyed Tomasso’s instructions as you met, making you both cry out in ecstasy. “Oh Yes! YES TOMASO!” You cried out “Yeah, you like daddy’s big dick?” “Yes! Please never stop fucking me!” “Wouldn’t that be something.” He shot a smile down at you as you continued to work yourself on his cock. You decided to be experimental, you lent forwards as he fucked you and bit into one of his nipples, stimulating it with your teeth, the other with your fingers “OH YES!” Tomasso screamed aloud “Oh fuck Y/N, you’re kinky and I want to show you it all, BDSM, nipple clamps, handcuffs, whips, you name it, we’ll try it! God it took so long for us to say we loved each other but look at us now!”
This was incredible, you were both in the ring, fucking all the tension out of each other, you were starting to experience a hot sensation, not like burning but more a warmth down your lower reigions “Oh Tomaso! Tomaso! TOMASO!” You yelled as your cock shot something over you “Oh my sweet baby boy shot his load all over himself. That’s alright, I’ll teach you cum control.” “W-was that bad to do?” You asked “N-no, in fact your walls are clenching tighter now than before. You can control when it happens though, it’s all experience and knowing when you’re close.” He explained as he bucked faster and rougher “Oh Y/N, daddy’s gonna cum! I’m clean, do you want me to leave it in or take it out?” You thought quickly, knowing as amazing of a fuck Tomaso was, even he would be weak closer to his release like you were “Leave it in, we already have one load out, we need one in.” Tomaso’s face lit up “Yeah, I’m gonna cum in you Y/N, you’re gonna take daddy’s load so good aren’t you?” You nodded your head eagerly as you rose up to meet Ciampa Oh Fuck Y/N! Daddy’s gonna cum, take it all baby boy. Oh fuck yes! OHH! AH!” Other various moans came out as he shot his load all over your tightened walls.”
Tomaso, load free and fuck done, fell forwards onto you, protecting your head from impacting the wood of the ring. You stayed there for a while, catching breath as you got to grips with his thick arms, somehow they made you safe, though you weren’t aware how a pair of arms could do that, but you guessed being around Tomaso, you’d appreciate a lot more. Speaking of Tomaso, he moved his head up to give you a kiss “I love you Y/N, stay with me.” “Of course daddy. I love you Tomaso Ciampa.” You both grinned and laughed, before sharing another kiss. Despite Trips saying the match was one last beat, you knew Tomaso’s blackheart would beat for you and somehow, that was everything.
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thatbangtanbloom · 5 years
house of cards 10 | kth v. jjk
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House of Cards
The Prologue | Chapter 1 | Chapter 2 | Chapter 3 | Chapter 4 | Chapter 5 | Chapter 6|Chapter 7 | Chapter 8 | Chapter 9 | Chapter 10
Subtitle: V for Valiant  
Characters: Taehyung x Reader x Jungkook (Mentions of Jimin x Reader in the past)
Categories: Fluff, Angst, Suspense
AU(s):College!AU, Stalker!AU, Best Friends!AU
Word Count: 2,324
Sypnosis: Some people see life in black and white, and others see it in brown and blue, but Kim Taehyung only sees it in red and you.
WARNING: Mentions of minor character death, violence, abuse
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The sounds of an ambulance brings Taehyung back to the night that he lost you. He hates how vivid his memories are: how metallic the taste of blood is, how cold your body is against his own, the sounds of his father yelling at him for focusing on saving the wrong person. He can’t stop thinking about it as he is thrpown back into the abyss of his memories of when he lost you. However, his memories are not kind enough to bring him back to just you. It brings him back to Hansung. 
“I thought Appa said that we couldn’t go here?” Hansung asked Taehyung. Despite being the smaller of the two boys, he tended to make the more well-informed decisions. He tugged at the shirt of Taehyung who seems to only be focused on you. “Hyung..”
Even at seven, it seemed that Taehyung only knew how to keep his eyes on you. He was always eager to tie your shoes, carry your backpack, hold your hand when you walked across the street.  Hansung always hated that. You weren’t even his brother. 
“I want to see the flowers!” You chirped back to Hansung as you follow behind Taehyung. Ever since Taehyung had mentioned the secret hiding spot that his siblings and him played in when their parents fought, you always wanted to visit. “Taehyung-oppa says that they’re very pretty! It calms him down.”
The memories come back in full force like head cinema and Taehyung wants it off. HE hates seeing Hansung’s face after all of these years. It makes his heart break even more that after all of these years, you still never learned to trust him agan despite his effort to always make sure that you were safe. It hurts knowing that he won’t ever be as close to you as he had been when the two of you were young. 
It almost makes Taehyung feel bad that he discards Hansung from his thoughts so prematurely. He remembers the sly child, who often blamed Taehyung when he broke things; about all the times where the family vase broke mysteriously and Taehyung had decided to be a good big brother who took the punishment. The very thought of it makes Taehyung wince, fingering his back from the countless times that his father had burned him with cigarette butts.
Hansung has to bite back his tongue from quipping about how annoying you are. He hates how much attention you get from Taehyung. Who even gave you the right to spend so much time of them when you had a family of your own? With parents who didn’t fight all the time. He hated that you always managed to be by Taehyung’s side. You must have been an idiot to want to hang out with two kids that had to leave home everyday just to have fun, Hansung thinks to himself.  “You’re ugly.” was the only thing that Hansung can muster to say as he pushes past you to follow Taehyung who was trekking through the uncut forests.
“W-what?” Your bottom lip trembles as you let go of Taehyung’s sleeve to look at Hansung. “No I’m not.”
Hansung doesn’t skip a beat. “Yes, you are.”
“No I’m not.”
“Yes you are.” 
You frown deeply before stomping your foot. “No I’m not!” You scream before turning away to chase after Taehyung. He was so much nicer to you despite Hansung being your age. You immediately feel secure when his hand is in yours and beam happily back to Taehyung. 
“Is everything alright?” Taehyung asks you with a gentle smile. You only nod in reply before turning away from him to take in the surroundings.
The three of you had gathered to see the overgrown flowers that often grew on the trail towards the shore that the two boys always went to. Despite not being well kept, the shore still managed to look beautiful with the lighthouse’s deteriorating paint. The squaw from the seagulls filled your ears as they flew overhead. It almost looked like a paradise lost and the five year old you could have not dreamt of a better place. You were thankful that Taehyung thought of you enough to share his hideout. Taehyung was careful to guide the two of you towards the shore; lifting Hansung up first and then you before joining you two lastly.
“The flowers!” You exclaim as you notice a few wild dandelions bursting through the cracks of concrete. You were even surprised to see that a couple of water lilies had been placed there despite looking unnatural. “Taehyungie! Come look at this.” You exclaim before tugging him over to you.
It started off simple. That’s what Taehyung remembers fondly of that memory. He had known of Hansung’s supreme dislike of you, but he had never known how deep his hatred for you had ran. If he had known, he would have never invited you to the shore with him that day. The last thing that Taehyung had wanted to do was to put you in harm’s way. That was simply not his intention. Yet, that was Taehyung’s fault. He always took his intentions more seriously than anyone else’s. 
“Why is she always here, hyung?!” Hansung screams at Taehyung as he watches you stare up at him with wide, confused eyes. “I-I hate her!” He yells.
Taehyung’s eyes widen at Hansung’s words. “What? What are you talking about? She is our friend-”
“I want her to go away, hyung.” Hansung says darkly before his eyes averted to where you stood. Hansung immediately walks over to you before pulling up the flowers and throwing them into your face. "Why can't you find your own family?! Why do you have to come to ours?" He screams before pushing you back so hard that your back hits the pavement. "Why can't you just disappear?"
“Stop!” You scream in response before trying to force yourself up, but Hansung only kicks your side to keep you down. You immediately whimper while clutching your side.
"Hansung! What's going on?" Taehyung screams before he immediately pulls Hansung off of you. “Stop that!” He immediately turns to you to make sure that you are okay; his hands immediately touching all over your head to discern if there were anything bad. “Hansung!” He screams as he pulls his hand away to be met with crimson.
“I-is she okay?” Hansung stutters out as he notices your eyes becoming droopy in Taehyung’s arms. 
“We need to go.” Taehyung says immediately as he tries to help you up. His only thoughts are to get you home where your parents could figure out what to do. He was only seven after all, but his life experiences made him years beyond that.  
“Leave her.” Hansung quips in response to Taehyung’s widened eyes. 
“What? No!” Taehyung says before holding you closer to his chest.
Hansung gulps hard as he stares at Taehyung and shakes his head. “Hyung. Would you save me if you had to?”
“Yes. Yes. Of course I wo-” Taehyung doesn’t answer fast enough, flustered at the question.
Hansung doesn’t say anything else. His piercing dark brown eyes stare into Taehyung’s own before he takes a deep breath. “Hyung.” He says with a sniffle as his own eyes begin to well up with tears. He immediately begins running towards Taehyung to hug him before tripping over a rusted chain from one of the old boat ports. “Hy-hyung!” He screams before his screams are no longer heard. What happens next immediately etches itself into Taehyung’s mind as he watches his younger brother fall over the railing.
“H-hansung!” Taehyung screams, half of his name breaking in his throat as he immediately puts you down to follow after him. He immediately climbs over the other side of the railing and jumps into the water. It welcomes him like an ice bath but Taehyung’s only thoughts are Hansung, Hansung, Hansung. 
Hansung, his little brother. Hansung, his little brother who couldn’t swim, Hansung his little brother who he took the punishment for just so he wouldn’t bare the same scares as him. For as long as Taehyung could remember, his father had blamed him for what happened to Hansung. His father never had a shortage of ridicule that brought Taehyung back to the day where he lost his baby brother and forced himself to lose you too.
It was that day that Taehyung swore that he wouldn’t lose you in the same way as his brother. He never once wanted you to suffer the same fate and did all that he oculd in his power to make it so that you would never know the pain, anguish, or heartbreak of losing someone. He still remembers how he said goodbye to you. 
Taehyung knew that he was broken. He was well aware that he was damaged goods that no one else could have wanted. His father never loved him and he could not even protect the ones that he loved. Who was he to be deserving of you? He wasn’t. 
Taehyung knew that you would never love him in the same way that he loved you. He was not that delusional, especially considering what he did. Yet, he did wish that in the future that the two of you could move on from it. 
Taking him away from his thoughts, he is slumped into the cold metal chair of the police station, across from Officer Kim Namjoon. He has to swallow hard, finding himself trying to stay calm. 
“Name?” Namjoon asks with a soft tone as he opens up the form.
“Kim Taehyung.” Taehyung says as he stares at Namjoon. His eyes are bloodshot from crying. His palms are painted crimson with the remnant of his father’s blood. “Is he okay-”
“Age?” Namjoon asks without acknowledging his words. 
“22.” Taehyung answers with his head hung low. He was only a senior in university. He slumps more into the chair.
Namjoon nods slowly before he finishes looking over Taehyung’s file and glances over his figure. “I see that you are the police chief’s son.” 
“I am. Now is he okay?” Taehyung asks, evading the question. He was scared. He hated his father, but he never wanted to kill him. If he wanted to kill anyone, Jungkook was at the top of his list for being such a pain in the ass. “Please tell me if my father is-”
“Mr. Kim, would you mind telling me what happened?” Namjoon asks, eyes staring at Taehyung as though he could cut through him. “Because from your sister’s account, it appears that you acted out in self-defense. Do you corroborate this claim?”
Taehyung takes in a deep breath. He knew that his father had a tight hold on all the officers in the department. After all, that was the way that he was able to land Jungkook awaiting a hearing. “No.” He says, with his head held down low. If he had said yes, Taehyung knew that he would have to explain about his father abusing him, his sister, and his mother. He knew tht the reputation of his father preceded his own. “I was acting irrationally-”
“Are you confessing to this then?” Namjoon replies with a raise of his brow. “Are you openly acknowledging that you did this with the intent to kill?” 
Taehyung looks up at Namjoon. He almost feels as though he knows everything with the way that he looks at him. That he knows that Jungkook is being falsely accused, that he knows that Taehyung is so in love with you that he even brought Jimin back from the hospital in hopes that he would smooth things often over him. “No… no…” Taehyung shakes his head. “I..I just.” He pauses before swallowing. “My father and I were having a disagreement-”
“So you tried to kill him out of anger?”
Taehyung’s eyes widen as he shakes his head. “N-no! We were just talking and then we disagreed-”
Namjoon rubs his temples before stopping to type at his computer. “Taehyung, the way that you are speaking is incoherent right now. How did you sustain those injuries of four broken ribs and the cut under your lip? Did you have those prior to your disagreement with your father?”
“No.” Taehyung whispers as he glances away from Namjoon, scratching at the table. This officer was too smart for his own good. “I-I got used to being his punching bag, but I can’t be okay with him hitting my sister. I-I wasn’t thinking. She kept screaming for him to stop but he just ignored her. He kept yelling, screaming, not letting go and I just couldn’t take it.” Taehyung’s words slur together as his normally cool disposition melts and Namjoon is typing away every word that he says. 
Namjoon pauses to look back behind him, where Officers Jung Hoseok and Kim Seokjin stand listening. It almost feels like deja vu. “Mr. Kim Taehyung.. Are you aware of the accusations that you are bringing forth against police chief Kim?”
“Yes.” Taehyung replies simply before he swallows hard. He had lost too many people. He had lost his brother. He had lost his mother.  He had lost Jimin. And now, he was losing you because of Jungkook. He couldn’t help but think of the disgust that you held for him when he learned that he was the one stalking you after all of this time. “I also have another allegation.”
Seokjin and Hoseok share a look of confusion. 
Taehyung swallows so hard that his Adam’s apple bobs before looking at Namjoon. “My father is framing Jeon Jungkook for something that I did.”
And just like that, the house of cards tumbled.
- - - - 
End of part 1.
- -  - - 
The cat is finally out of the bag! How do you feel about finally learning who Hansung is? And Taehyung confessing?
And yes. This is the end of  part 1. 
Don’t be a silent reader! feel free to send me your thoughts, feelings, or ideas.
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reifromrfa · 7 years
On the Line - Chapter 11
Prompt: Alternate Universe
1  |  2  |  3  |  4  |  5  |  6  |  7  |  8  |  9  |  10  |  x  |  Coming Soon!
On the Line - relinks to fanfiction.net
Whew finally got to work on On the Line again :) I missed this story ;A;
Chapter 11
MC clasps her hands tightly in her lap, not daring to say a word. She glances at her fiancé —the word still makes her shudder —from the corner of her eye and sees the stony expression on his face, his features tense. The way he’s gripping the steering wheel makes her feel like he’s imagining it's her neck he’s holding under his fingers. 
She knows what’s going to happen next. She’s terrified of what he’s going to do this time.
But MC is surprised to find that she doesn’t regret dancing with Jumin Han.
She feels the heat in her cheeks the moment she pictures her masked prince. The way his arms held her —firm but gentle at the same time. The way he says her name —like he knows how to pull at her heartstrings with just his voice. And the way he looked at her… 
MC couldn’t put a finger to it, but there was something in the way the young corporate heir looked at her that makes her feel like…like she’s supposed to remember something. 
The car jerks into an abrupt stop in front of the apartment that Chul Soo bought for her and MC closes her eyes, dreading what’s going to happen next.
“Who told you you could dance with him?” 
“Chul Soo, it didn’t mean anyt—” 
MC flinches when Chul Soo slams his fist down on the dashboard, turning his coal, black eyes on her. 
“You belong to me.” Chul Soo snarls, grabbing her wrist and pulling her close. MC gasps but doesn’t resist. The last time she did, he nearly broke her wrist. 
MC glares at him, hatred behind her eyes. Chul Soo could see the defiance beneath her gaze, that fire inside of her begging to be released. 
He wanted nothing more than to control that flame, make it bend to his will.
“We’re not married yet, Chul Soo.” MC replies, keeping her other fist clenched.
Chul Soo merely chuckles. “Yeah, but I already paid off your aunt, didn’t I?” He releases her wrist, only to reach up and stroke her cheek with his thumb. MC tenses, repulsed by his touch. “Remember how she practically pushed you out of that tiny little apartment, hm? Remember how hard your life was before you met me?”
MC pulls away from his touch, swallowing the lump that forms in her throat. She doesn’t need to be reminded of her horrible aunt or her past. But being with Chul Soo isn’t exactly an upgrade from her previous situation. Sure, MC has her own apartment now. Her own car, beautiful and expensive clothes and she can eat three meals a day.
But at what cost?
Chul Soo smirks at her. “Yeah, remember those the next time Jumin Han even looks at you.”
MC shakes her head and opens her door, climbing out of the car. She slams the door shut and immediately starts walking towards the apartment, not bothering to turn around and watch as Chul Soo drives away.
As she waits for the elevator, MC lets out a sigh of relief, grateful that Chul Soo has business to take care of. She bites her lip, telling herself not to cry, that everything will be okay. But she has the scars and bruises to prove that everything will not be okay —things might even get worst once she’s living under the same roof as that monster.
Hate bubbles in her chest as she remembers her aunt but she immediately dismisses it. She can never hate family, no matter what they’ve done to her in the past.
The elevator arrives and she steps inside, punching in her floor and wiping a stray tear from her cheek. When the doors close, she unclenches her fist and smoothens out the elegant piece of paper she had crushed.
Even the paper screams luxury. The gold-stamped letters reflect against the lights of the elevator and MC holds the card closer to her. Her heart pounds hard against her chest as she skims over the name written on the card.
The card he had slipped into her hands while they were dancing.
The card she kept from Chul Soo the entire ride home.
Who are you, Jumin Han?
Jumin Han has entered the chatroom.
Zen: I really hope I get this part.
707: Cat mom has entered the chatroom!
Jumin Han: Luciel, you’re here.
Zen: Wow he just ignored what you said
707: *glasses breaking emoji*
707: Has our Mr. Trustfundkid been abducted by aliens??
707: Perhaps this is his clone?!
Zen: Or maybe he’s had too much to drink at that fancy party of his.
Jumin Han: I can hold my own liquor, Zen.
Jumin Han: But I have something more important to say to Luciel.
Zen: Oh sure, don’t mind me.
Jumin Han: If that’s what you wish.
Jumin Han: I would gladly ignore you.
Zen: *speechless emoji*
Zen: I was being SARCASTIC.
707: Lololol
Jumin Han: Luciel, how much would it cost to hire you?
Zen: ?!
707: ?!
707: You want to hire me?
707: Is this for a girl, perhaps~?
Zen: Lol no way that jerk will get a girlfriend before me.
Jumin Han: It’s complicated.
Jumin Han: …but yes, it may involve a lady.
Zen: *shocked emoji*
Zen: *shocked emoji*
Zen: *shocked emoji*
707: *love emoji*
707: I accept cash payments or maybe a new baby~
Jumin Han: Baby?
707: Yes.
707: A car
707: That lovely new sports car in the display window of that car store across your building
Jumin Han: Is that all?
Jumin Han: Consider it done.
Zen: *speechless annoyed emoji*
Jumin smirks at the actor’s annoyed response. As he was about to type in the details, his phone rings and an unknown number pops up on the screen. He immediately sits up in his sofa, surprising Elizabeth the 3rd with his quick movements. The cat purrs and stretches before settling back into the couch and going back to sleep.
Jumin hurriedly scrolls past Zen’s rant about him and types with shaky fingers.
Jumin Han: I have a call. Luciel, I will contact you.
Jumin tries to calm himself but he can feel the harsh beating of his heart. In nervousness? In anticipation? Both?
He slides the button to accept the call and puts the phone to his ear.
“Hello?” he says in his usual tone. Inside, his heart is drumming against his chest in anticipation; he wants nothing more than to hear her sweet voice once again.
A smile spreads across his face as her voice echoes in his mind. A calm feeling settles over him and he relaxes back into the couch, happy. He’s grateful she didn’t throw away the card he had slipped into her hand and even more grateful Chul Soo didn’t find it.
“MC. Are you alright?”
“…yes. Thank you for asking.”
She pauses and Jumin scrambles for something to say to her. He doesn’t want to scare her off by telling her he is madly in-love with her, but he doesn’t want to pretend she doesn’t matter to him as well.
Because she does.
She means everything to him.
“What a weird question to ask.”
“I don’t understand.”
“Why would you think I wasn’t okay?”
He smiles to himself. Her perceptiveness is just as he remembered. But then the image of the bruise on her neck flashes in his mind and removes the smile from his face. He can’t risk scaring her off by telling her he saw the bruises; Jumin reminds himself yet again that this MC doesn’t know him yet, doesn’t remember their past like he does. He has to take things slow.
“Ah, your cheeks were a bit red earlier this evening. I hope you didn’t catch a cold this evening.”
MC blushes on the other line. Oh my God. This man didn’t miss anything, did he?
“Ah, no no, I’m alright. Just had a little too much to drink perhaps.”
Okay, it was a teeny, tiny lie. But MC isn’t about to tell him she’s attracted to him! Especially since he’s Chul Soo’s new business partner.
Jumin resists the urge to chuckle. He had watched her all evening and she never had a drink.
“I hope you feel better now. Is there anything I can help you with? Why did you call?”
MC fidgets with the edge of her oversized shirt. Why did she call him? The real reason —she wanted to hear his voice again. His deep baritone calmed her and she wants to understand why.
She isn’t going to say that to one of the most powerful men in Korea though.
“Um. I just wanted to thank you for inviting me to the party tonight.”
I wanted to propose to you tonight, Jumin wishes he could tell her.
“Of course. It was my pleasure, MC.”
“I also wanted to ask...Why did you give me your card? I was surprised when you slipped it into my hand.”
“So you can call me if you ever need anything.” Jumin answers without hesitation.
MC can feel the heat radiating from her cheeks.
This man…what the hell is he making her feel? She’s never felt this way about anyone before. No man can make her blush or grin like an idiot like this man is doing right now.
“I...Why not give me your assistant’s number though? I mean, I really appreciate it, Mr. H—”
“Please, call me Jumin. Mr. Han is my father.”
MC giggles and Jumin melts. He would give her anything just to hear her laugh.
“Jumin. Sorry. This feels so unnatural. You’re one of Korea’s most powerful businessmen and…this is unnatural.”
“There’s nothing unnatural about this at all. I am also just a man, MC. I hope you would change your view of me someday…There is more to me than wealth and power. But please, don’t ever hesitate to call me should you need anything. I’m always here for you, MC.”
Tears blur her vision as she clutches the phone in her hands. Jumin Han might be the first person to ever say that to her. Scratch that —he is the man to ever say that to her. Now she feels bad that she knows nothing about him except his fortune and business. Apparently, he is a kind and caring man too and she wishes she could have met him before getting engaged to someone else.
Not that she has any chance with him in the first place.
“But why? Why do you care so much about a stranger you just met tonight?”
Because you’re no stranger, MC.
Out loud, he says, “Perhaps it’s because I don’t want us to be strangers to each other any longer.”
“…Excuse me?”
“It is indeed odd to care so much for someone I barely even know. I would like to change that and get to know you better. Is that alright?”
MC can feel the warmth spreading across her cheeks again and wonders if it’s possible to combust just from hearing someone’s voice over the phone.
This is wrong, MC.
If Chul Soo finds out she’s been talking to Jumin Han, she’s dead. 
She can’t resist him. It’s like there’s a force that’s making her gravitate towards him, making her dream of a better ending to her story —maybe a happy ending with him. Jumin rekindled the one emotion MC thought she had lost a long time ago:
She grins and hugs her pillow to her chest.
“Well…since I can’t sleep, I’ll humor you.”
Jumin lets out a soft chuckle, smiling. It feels like yesterday when he said the exact same thing to the MC from 1950.
“Why don’t you try counting sheep?”
MC laughs.
“You’re so weird, Jumin. I never thought I’d hear you say that.”
“Like I said, there’s more to me than my wealth and my business.”
“Do tell. I’m very intrigued.”
He tells her about Elizabeth the 3rd and the RFA. About his best friend who’s a famous photographer and his father, whom, despite being a womanizer, he loves dearly. He tells her about his fascination with the dark arts and his hobby of reading.
MC giggles and it’s music to his ears.
“So let me get this straight: this Zen guy doesn’t like you because you’re rich?”
“It would seem so.”
“He doesn’t seem like a very nice person.”
Hallelujah. His smile grows bigger as does his love and respect for her.
“I mean, it’s not like we can choose our families, right?”
“I agree with you completely, MC. However, I’m being quite rude. I’ve been talking about myself for a while now and I would like it if you told me a little about yourself. Do you have a family? What are they like?”
The line goes quiet for a moment and Jumin has to check the screen to see if the call has been cut.
“I don’t think you’d like my story.”
“Unless you’re Zen’s sister, I would very much like to hear about your story.”
MC laughs.
“No, I'm not his sister. That would’ve been nice though. It means I could’ve met you earlier.”
Jumin resists the urge to go to her then and there.
But then MC sighs and he hears her shifting on whatever she’s sitting on.
“Well, for starters, I’m not rich. In fact, I’m the exact opposite.
My parents died when I was little and my aunt had no choice but to take me in. She was struggling as well and had her own children, so she hated me from the moment she saw me in the hospital.”
Why am I telling him this?
MC wonders, biting her lower lip. She barely knew the guy. But there’s just something about Jumin Han that made her feel at peace, made her feel like she could trust him.
She takes a deep breath and continues.
“Her first husband left her for another woman, a wealthier woman. Her second husband was a drunk and an addict so she left him. Her current husband is part of —”
Jumin can feel her hesitating and makes a mental note to do a background check on MC’s family.
“—part of Chul Soo’s business. He earns money and keeps my aunt and cousins alive, but he doesn’t earn enough. My aunt used to take the salary I got from work, but with the amount of debt her second husband left her with and her children’s university fees, nothing was ever enough.
She blamed me for her situation though. Said she never should have taken me in. I was the bane of her existence until Chul Soo and I met.”
Jumin has a feeling he knows what happened after that. If history was repeating itself, then the aunt must have arranged her marriage with Chul Soo.
“Long story short, she sold me off to Chul Soo for a huge sum. And now here I am. The bargaining chip for my family’s brighter future. My aunt didn’t think I was so useless after that.”
MC lets out a sad laugh. “I’m sorry, that’s terribly depressing, isn’t it?”
“I’m so sorry.” Jumin says softly. He didn’t miss the sadness in her voice —the same sadness from all those years ago.
Jumin closes his eyes. How could he not have known? How could he not have searched for her? She has been right here all this time. He could have saved her from ever meeting Chul Soo. Saved her from her terrible fate.
“Oh don’t be. We can’t choose our families, right? It’s okay. I’ve accepted my fate.”
If MC is trying to reassure him, she’s doing a terrible job of it. He could hear the tremble in her voice, the uncertainty behind her words. She doesn’t want this and the two of them knew it.
“You don’t have to pretend with me, MC.” Jumin says softly.
For a moment, there’s silence. And then he hears her quiet sobs over the line and he gets to his feet.
“MC —may I go to you?”
“Please. I can’t stand the thought of knowing I made you cry without being there to comfort you. If you would allow it, let me be there for you.”
“But, Jumin…Chul Soo—”
“I can take care of him.”
“No, Jumin —”
“Please, MC. Please let me see you.”
Sorry for the cliffie! Haha I’ll try to update soon!
1  |  2  |  3  |  4  |  5  |  6  |  7  |  8  |  9  |  10  |  x  | Soon!
While waiting for the next chapter, check out my other works here :)
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fashiontrendin-blog · 6 years
The Cult of Supreme: Everything I Learned From the Kids in Line
The Cult of Supreme: Everything I Learned From the Kids in Line
hy do people love Supreme so much? I’m not asking because I’m against the hype — I’m generally pro-hype when it comes to streetwear — I’m more so asking in amazement. Even if you’re not a fan of the brand, its success is arguably impossible to miss. Take its recent New York Post cover takeover as evidence; newsstands sold out of copies within hours, defying the notion that print is dead.
In my eyes, defiance, or perhaps rebellion, is so much of what Supreme is about. According to its website, the brand opened its doors in 1994 as a hub for skaters, but eventually grew to cater to other counterculture movements, like “punks,” “hip-hop heads,” and downtown kids.
Supreme’s business strategy reflects its unorthodox roots. The brand’s decision to release product in highly controlled limited releases (a.k.a. “drops”) strays far from the traditional retail approach. And while most brands seek to maximize their target audiences to in turn maximize profit, Supreme doesn’t seem too worried about losing customers along the way. In fact, I’ll take this moment to share that I am currently blocked by Supreme on Instagram. Sadly there’s no juicy explanation; I can’t for the life of me recall what provoked this. Nevertheless, since I’m not an internet troll or a spewer of hate speech, this act proves my point: Supreme doesn’t give a fuck about rules or the status quo. And to be honest, it’s working: The only two Supreme pieces I own were purchased after I was blocked.
“At the core of Supreme’s power to drive demand for its products is its ability to cultivate a community,” Business of Fashion wrote of the Supreme phenomenon. “It’s the critical ingredient that turns drops into rituals, and T-shirts into trophies.”
I’m increasingly intrigued by Supreme, and have no doubt I share this sentiment with the customers who line up down the block every week in the hope of buying something from one of its highly anticipated drops, in which certain pieces sell out in minutes. Through denying people access and defying traditional rules of retail, Supreme has created a loyal customer base that is hooked on the chase.
To gain a better understanding of how Supreme has established such unfailing prominence, I decided to speak to its biggest fans right at their mecca: the Supreme Soho store, minutes before the next drop. Continue below for the five most striking things I learned from those keeping the hype alive.
1. Supreme Isn’t Shy About Playing Hard to Get
“Supreme has always been a thing that you have to know. They don’t spend any money on advertising, they don’t do photoshoots and exposés — maybe every once in a while in a skate magazine or something raunchy like that — but they don’t really publicize the brand at all. You kinda have to know the brand to know what’s going on. The fact that it isn’t so publicized is what [brings] a lot of people here. Even though you have to wait in these stupid long lines, it was almost like a privilege to do so because you know people didn’t know about it and people aren’t able to do it. Even though more and more people know about Supreme, that ‘people aren’t able to do it’ aspect is very heavy. There’s still such a demand because it’s still such a privilege to go in there and shop. They’ve turned it into a real thing; it’s an honor to get that spot, it’s coveted just to be able to go in there and buy the items.” – Andre, @solestreetsneakerco, 35
“Shopping wise it’s okay, but sometimes the workers inside assume you’re a reseller and sometimes don’t give customers stuff.” – Tony, 26
2. Further, Customer Service Seems Not to Be of Much Concern
“You gotta figure 80% of the line is tourists and this a thing. People come on vacation and one of the things on their checklist is ‘visit the Supreme store.’ The coveted item of Supreme is a box logo tee. A plain T-shirt with the logo on it; it’s the simplest thing and nobody understands why it goes for so much money. [Ed note: Supreme box logo T-shirts are not sold on the Supreme site; if you want to purchase from a reseller it will put you back anywhere between $650 and $2000.] It’s just because it’s that core item. These tourists don’t know much, so 800 people walk through that door on a regular day and 450 of them ask for a box logo T-shirt, which is never there. So I know [the employees] get frustrated working there and having to deal with it all the time, so they’re a little brash. That is what Supreme is. I wouldn’t want to walk in there and have employees that are like ‘Hey, welcome to Supreme! How may I help you?’ That’s not what this place is, that’s not what this place has ever been. The employees sorta act the way they act.” – Andre, @solestreetsneakerco, 35
“I don’t really like going into the store, they’re kind of rude to you. When I was younger, I was very naive and scared, but you get used to it. They’re not nice to most customers that go there, but they recognize that almost every single person goes there multiple times a week and [the employees] realize they’re just buying the same thing to sell. So, it’s understandable.” – Edison, 19
“They’re not nice, but they’re really cool. I admire them. They have personality. No other store can have an employee like this; if employee had this attitude at other stores they’d get fired. They’re dope, they’re special.” – Lox, @iamyourshoes, 21
3. Some Customers Have Turned Shopping at Supreme Into a Business
“It’s a business. I mean, I am a fan as well, that’s what started the whole thing, but it’s primarily a business at this point for me. I was always interested in sneakers, one of my first jobs was at FootAction. I wanted to be a manager, I caught the bug, it stuck. The first time I discovered Supreme was when they released a [Nike] Dunk Low, I think it was 2010-ish, maybe 2009. It was only available at Supreme and I wanted it of course because I was interested in the sneaker aspect of it. So that was my first time coming down here and finding out where the place was. Once I discovered the sneaker and I went in the store and saw everything, I started doing more research. At the same time, my son is kind of into skateboarding and knew about the brand and he thought it was cool that I had something Supreme. I started coming down here a bit more often and following more of the stuff they were releasing. At first it was just for me, but then it started growing. I was always able to sell sneakers casually; buy two pairs or three pairs to help pay for my pair of it. That started growing coinciding with me finding out about Supreme.
Then Complex did a documentary that I was involved with a couple years ago and that blew me up… When it aired, [Supreme was] banning me [from] buying [anything but] size XLs. There were times when I’d go in there and be like ‘Can I get that black t-shirt?’ they’d be like ‘Nah it’s sold out,’ then three guys behind me got the black T-shirt in their hand. I had to eat shit for a while to get back in good graces. But that [documentary] took me from 5,000 followers to 50,000 followers. It legitimized me in the eyes of a lot of buyers, it did more good than bad in the long run. – Andre @solestreetsneakerco, 35
“Nothing, I just like the money.” [Ed note: In response to “why do you like Supreme?”] – Jalen, 18
“I would honestly say [I own] upwards of 400 pieces. It’s like moving inventory. For a while in high school I was working for Grailed (I was a moderator), that was my thing, collecting old Supreme, early 2000s/90s Supreme. But that’s a big part of it, keeping some stuff, selling some stuff — I have some stuff in my house that hopefully in a couple of years will be worth something.” – Edison, 19
“When I was in high school, I used to wear skate shoes like Nike SBs, and I wanted to wear Supreme and the SBs together because that was the trend, so that’s how I got started. What I don’t like, I’ll sell; if I like stuff, I’ll keep it myself. Like, see this bag? [Points at camo Supreme duffle bag.] It’s 2005, no one has it. This is a very rare bag, but if I wanna resell it’ll probably go for $500. But I like keeping stuff for myself. “ – Tony, 26
“We usually resell so that we can get more stuff. I like to buy the bags, the tees, the sweatpants, and the decks also.” – Ericson, 16
4. …While Others Truly Cherish the Sentimentality
“There’s kids like [Jalen] now who come and buy everything, so I gotta go and figure out how to get it. I go in and just buy stuff for myself. The brand has always been cool, even in 2006, this shit was always known as the dope brand.” – Jimmy, 28
“I like the culture around it… that you have to wake up early to try to get everything, how many people you can meet on the line — it’s really cool. It’s in New York and most times in New York you don’t get a collection of people standing around waiting for one thing because everybody’s so busy.” – Gregory, 17
5. Regardless, Many Customers Aren’t Ashamed to Admit That They’re In It for the Hype
“I thought it was a cool brand — I thought cool people had the brand. I was pretty into Odd Future at the time too; Tyler, the Creator is very cool and he wears Supreme. Then a lot of kids at my middle school and high school wore it too, so it kinda pushed me further into wearing it.” – Edison, 19
“I started shopping at Supreme three and a half years ago. I got into it from my boy. He told me ‘Yo, just stop by, come with us to Supreme.’ We used to camp out from like Monday to Thursday.” – Zane, 25
“Just the limited quantity and how you have to line up and everything.” [In response to “Why do you like Supreme?”] – Max, 14
“Through the vibe.” [In response to “How did you discover Supreme?”]  – Miguel, 13
“This is the second time I went, the first time was two days ago — but I obviously know what it is. Everyone is hyping it up.” – Alexis, 15
“I just find it super trendy and I love the idea of items you can purchase online that are hella limited and once they’re gone they’re gone. It’s really an indescribable feeling, like you’re one of the few that were able to get this.” – Zach, 17
Photos by Louisiana Mei Gelpi.
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auduna-druitt · 7 years
400 Follower Celebration
I’m doing drabbles for my 400 follower celebration! I’ll be doing ten of them again and as before it may take a while for me to get them done. I’ll be marking off prompts as I get them so I don’t get multiples of the same one. Depending on the prompt and character the dribbles may contain smut (but no promises). It depends on what pops into my head. ;-D
Pick a prompt and a character. 
Characters/pairs I’m most comfortable with:
Characters/pairs I am willing to write:
1. “This isn’t gonna end well!”
2. “Did you enjoy yourself last night?”
3. “Are you kidding me? We’re not ‘fine’! (Jim @yourtropegirl)
4. “You’ve only heard his side of the story. You never asked for mine.” (@mccoymostly)
5. “Well, this is where I live.”
6. “Oh my God! You’re in love with him/her!”
7. “You make me feel like I’m not good enough.”
8. “For some reason I’m attracted to you.”
9. “I am not losing you again.” (McKirk - Anon)
10. “Why don’t they just kiss already?”
11. “I think I picked up your coffee by mistake.”
12. “All I wanted was your honesty.”
13. “Why do you keep pushing me away?”
14. “I can’t explain right now, but I need you to trust me.” (McKirk @insurgentinsomniac)
15. “I’ve never felt this way before….and it scares the shit out of me.”
16. “Are you really taking his side against me?”
17. “Wait a second are you jealous?”
18. “I wish I could hate you.”
19. “I’m sorry if this upsets you, but I’m going to marry her/him.”
20. “You know, it hurt when I realized that you’re not in love with me. But nothing can compare to the pain I felt when I saw you fall in love with her.”
21. “Come over here and make me.” (McKirk @pinkamour1588)
22. “This is by far the stupidest plan you’ve ever had. Of course I’m in.” (McKirk @skull-in-a-jar 
23. “You’re the only one I trust to do this.”
24. “I thought you were dead.” (McKirk- Anon)
25. “This isn’t just about you. It’s about what’s best for all of us.”
26. “I love you, you asshole.”
27. “You did this for me?”
28. “You can’t protect me.”
29. “You know I wouldn’t do this if I had any other choice.” (McCoy @outside-the-government)
30. “Promise me you’ll look after your mom.”
31. “I’m so stupid to make the mistake of falling in love with my best friend.”
32. “Stop talking about the past, I could be dead in a matter of hours… make me up a future.”
33. “The way you flirt is shameful.”
34. “I waited and waited, but you never came back.”
35. “I want to go back to before….” (McKirk @t-hy-lla)
36. “I just wanted an easy day with my girlfriend/boyfriend. What’s so wrong with that?”
37. “Go then, leave! See if I care!” (McKirk @emmkolenn)
38. “Why are you up so early?” (McKirk @captainsbabysitter-blog)
39. “You braided his hair?”
40. “She’s been missing since Friday and you’re not worried?” (Spock @storiesfromstarfleet)
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