#of course i am annoying it is a far greater kindness for me to leave my friends alone
freesidexjunkie · 10 months
actually on a related note: perhaps i should work on being kinder to myself, give myself the same grace i give others, blah blah
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eternallibrary · 2 months
Officer Log 3 - Clarence Clayden.
Name: Clarence Clayden Callsign: Zero. Birthplace: [ Information Forbidden ] DOB: [ Information Forbidden ] Height: 184 cm
Maintenance Protocol: Subject refuses any and all maintenance, even the mandatory checkups we usually require for things like the common cold. During times like these after 3 days of inactivity, a message is to be sent to the officers of the branches under him indicating that he has taken a sick leave and is isolating himself.
Even as he is so smart as to pick up many things quickly, appealing to common sense and logic in these topics is fruitless. No further meddling is to be done unless someone decides to act more mature than a toddler avoiding a vaccine.
Personal Notes.
Zero is an interesting case. I’m somewhat annoyed, but due to the terms of our agreement I cannot add anything accurate to his official document. Is it paranoia? Is it because he wouldn’t bother with such a thing anyway?
Or is it because detailed chronicling of a life is only reserved for those who would be missed?
He probably assumes he won’t be. As it stands to him, he already is a dead man walking. He has accomplished what he set out to do, and is just waiting until I collect his dues.
Indeed, he must see me as the Mephistopheles to his Faust.
And I suppose I am. But as he sees me as someone who is loathsome, I can say the same for him. Our virtues and our sins are intertwined. And when I destroy him, something I love will be destroyed in turn. So, I am writing this as a testament to scar the rest of time. So the stars, and the broken path I walk on will know I had another half. And they will know I miss him dearly.
He was so fragile when we met, and it was so long ago I’m not even sure if the stars that surrounded us have still been burning. A young man with a fire in his eyes, bright, brilliant. He alone stood as a shining beacon in the immense darkness of ‘me’.
He was battered, worn, and his shoulders hung with the weight of everything he placed on himself. He went on a knee, offering his very life to me. I have seen him. Clarence Clayden was a man that had suffered immensely before this very moment.
His kindness spelled the death sentence of his men. His wits and strength of will were no match against opponents far greater and crueler than he. As he had been reminded again, and again, and again. While he was untouched, he still felt the heaviness of blood on his hands.
All of his splendor of will shown before me was the final rallying cry of his spirit before it plunged into the bottomless pit of despair.
Most people would call this the hand of fate. But it was simply what I had to do. I would be betraying an echo of myself if I did not. I have suffered, I have failed. And I do not want someone to experience the same if I could help it.
As nothing in this world is kind, I asked him to make good on his oath.
He would achieve what he desired, at the cost of his own blood, at the cost of his own humanity. He would achieve the world he promised his family. Without endless strife or conflict. Without a single child who knows what ‘cruelty’ even is.
Just as the dawn comes, just as the sun will set, he agreed. Of course he would. He didn’t, doesn’t, and won’t ever know better. He races to such kindness for other’s sake like a moth to a flame.
I feel like I should thank him to an extent. I managed to do something good with myself under him. Building the concept of ‘Alterna’ away from the destruction that ravaged the rest of the universe. He got what he was looking for.
But I still worry about him.
That’s why I even thought this was worth writing about, right? This sort of single-mindedness will just lead him to destruction. If not to my hands, then to his.
If it were up to me, I’d find a way to stop or prolong the inevitable. Someone who is as kind as he is does not deserve to stretch himself until the point of breaking. He does not deserve to have the fate he has handed himself on a silver platter. For he is a good person, having made sure of the prosperity of many eons to come.
I’m so sure I’ll be the one turning against him because of this.
While he is kind, while he is good, I am his pure antithesis.
A beast led only by instinct, choosing to assist him on a whim. Led only by its own selfishness.
I’m saving some pain by mourning ahead of time, really. Because when our goals become too incompatible to match, I will be there to demolish everything he has worked for. This shining city on a hill we live on, the lives he has saved. It will turn to ash, and it is going to be my fault.
Because I don’t think I’ll ever accept what he’s done to create it. He holds his own guilt at a distance, willing himself to close off his heart and complaints. Closing his eyes at the blood he’s spilled ‘for the sake of everyone’. Then deleting all those safe delusions and letting himself suffer in repentance. Night, after night, after night.
He’s selfish for letting me hear that. Just as I am selfish with my wish for him.
Foolishly, callously, the one thing I desire is to see him sincerely happy.
I will be kept quiet until I find a day to ensure that.
And when the day comes, I will let myself drown in ‘bliss’ as he and I die.
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dat-town · 4 years
throw me to the wolves (and i’ll return leading the pack)
Characters: rebellion leader!Juyeon & thief!you
Genre: action, kind of enemies to lovers, historical (set in early 1900s like in Mr. Sunshine)
Warnings: some suggestive themes but nothing explicit, violence, minor character deaths
Summary: As the king’s thief, you had been assigned to get back the stolen map of the palace. It’s easy as pie but you would have never expected such consequences of your actions and you certainly did not expect Lee Juyeon in your life.
Words: 8.3k
Author’s note: title is a Seneca quote as far as I know (and I swear it will make sense), also the concept is very much inspired by TBZ’s Road to Kingdom Reveal and Danger stages.
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Lee Juyeon might not have been of royal blood but he had definitely been born to rule. 
The first time you met him, he pressed the blade of a knife against your neck, pinning you to a dirty wall in the outskirts of Hanseong.
"Not the nicest way to say hi to a lady," you remarked casually as if neither the closeness of his firm, strong body nor the sharp object grazing your skin didn't affect you.  He was a lot stronger than you, you knew that, it would have been useless to go against him with brute force, so you had to be smart about it.
"You are very far from a lady," he sneered at you, dark messy hair falling into his fierce eyes.
Meeting his gaze, your heartbeat stopped for a moment in fear before blood rushing to your face tinted your pale cheeks in the colours of rosy sunrises. His eyes were murderous and he held his weapon steadily, so you were sure he wouldn't have hesitated to slice your throat if things didn't go his way. He was a dangerous man, you knew that already. With a reputation like his, you expected nothing less.
Although he might have had the reflexes and the wits, he might have been able to find you but you weren't going to just let him win so easily.
"Oh, am I?" you tilted your head nonchalantly yet careful not to hurt yourself because of your own hastiness. Then you elegantly lifted your right leg to link it behind his thigh almost as if you wanted to pull him closer. As expected, he faltered momentarily, blinking surprised at your bold and suggestive move, but that was all you needed to pull out your own dagger from its case on your leg and point it at his abdomen with a triumphant smile playing on your carmine lips. Oh men and their confidence, they always overlooked the skills of women.
Juyeon gritted his teeth, pressing his lips together firmly and as he was looking at you through narrowed eyes and you swore you could almost see the cogs in his head turning. 
"Not that I don't enjoy this but what about we continue this discussion in a more civilized manner?" you croaked a brow at him challengingly to which the guy just let out a ridiculing snort. 
"Well, you could have thought of that when you robbed me," he remarked almost as if he was waiting for you to deny it. But you just shrugged, unbothered. 
"Stealing from a thief can hardly count as a theft."
"But it doesn't change the fact that I want my possession back," the young man retorted and you cracked a smile at that. That wasn't unexpected, of course, he wanted it. A lot of people desired the same thing in those chaotic times.
"Well, I don't have it with me but if you are willing to pay me more than my current client I might consider giving it back. I won't risk my life for nothing. Not even for that handsome face of yours," you teased pressing his buttons on purpose, testing him but the guy let out another snort, this time with a roll of his eyes. He clearly didn't appreciate you joking around but you were dead serious about your offer. In this kind of business you were dealing in, betraying a client had a high price.
"What about you giving it back nicely and I will forget about this little incident?" he offered you a chance to come clean and there was a dangerous edge in his voice, a 'because if you don't...' kind of threat. Oh, so he was the revengeful kind. It didn't really surprise you but he also wasn't the first man promising to ruin your life. But also because of that, his words could not scare you.
"What about I start screaming and men will come and save me from a pervert who pushed me against the wall?" you asked and from the flinch of his mouth you knew you had won this time. Because Hanseong might not have been the most righteous place of all, men still liked to play the hero if a pretty girl called for help. Juyeon must have known this as well, so his silence made you smile. "What about we play by my rules? Be at the Eastern altar of the Buddhist temple by the time the bell rings last at midnight and we might make a deal if you bring enough cash."
“Aren't you afraid that I will just take it?” he pondered the thought but he should have known better.
“Aren't you arrogant to think I would let you have it so easily? So what will it be? Should I scream?” you provoked him on purpose and did not like his smirk one bit. But at least he pulled away, lowering his knife, slipping it back to its place while his gaze wandered down to your rolled up skirt and the dagger you held in your hand.
“There are better ways to make you scream,” he said hoarsely and you couldn't decide whether it was supposed to be a threat or he was just being cocky. But before you could have questioned his motives, he swiftly climbed over a wall, disappearing into the shadows. 
Lee Juyeon was fuming. He hated to lose and for some reason, meeting you felt like a slap. He didn't like that you had something over him, something that he really needed, so he had no choice but to cooperate, something he really hated to do with people he didn't trust and he certainly loathed your fleeting loyalty. Your kind, who didn't believe in anything, always chose the side which seemed more favourable, was the worst in his eyes because you two might have been criminals just the same but at least he did it all for a reason, a greater cause. 
"Did you get it back?" Changmin greeted him excitedly as soon as he stepped into their hideout but Juyeon didn't spare him a glance, he went straight to their safe.
"She didn't have it with her," he murmured grumpily and mindlessly but the other boy was quick to catch on that tiny detail.
"Wait... she? It was a girl that almost broke Chanhee's nose?" he gasped to which the guy he just mentioned threatened to throw the closest object at him which happened to be a stolen jewellery box.
"Thank you for the reminder," he spoke up ironically sweetly.
Juyeon just shot them a disapproving look.
"Yes, it was a very annoying girl," he said, blood still boiling because of the fact that this unknown girl managed to break into their hideout and steal the map of the palace. They worked too hard to get it just to get it taken away by a pitiful thief.
"We will get it back, don't worry, but we can't make it too easy for her because then she might get greedy. Get some of the boys. We are going to pray tonight," Juyeon said as he fixed his sword on his side. 
Changmin and Chanhee exchanged a knowing look but neither of them objected. They knew better because if Juyeon was good at something other than having a tongue as sharp as his blade, that was planning. He just didn't like when things got out of hand.
The temple was eerily quiet moments before midnight. When the bell of curfew woke up all the birds that flew away, Juyeon stepped out of the darkness as well, making his way slowly towards the altar but just as he stepped inside the temple, a familiar voice echoed all around.
“Aren’t you curious why I chose this place?” came the rhetorical question from somewhere in the shadows. “Because the acoustic is so perfect that every little step can be heard clearly. So you better leave your boys out and come in alone.”
Juyeon gritted his teeth and signalled to the others to wait outside. He hated that he was outsmarted by you. Not because you were a girl, he prided himself in the fact that he didn't care about that. He didn't like anyone crossing his plans and you were doing that as if you had the time of your life waltzing through his chess board.
He took careful, calculated steps inside the temple. He halted for a moment when he saw you sitting cross legged in front of a golden statue of a deity. He himself had never been religious, no god had given him a reason to believe, so he believed in what he could see and experience: himself and his group.
"Let's cut to the chase. I brought the money," he said, throwing the bag of coins between the two of you.
You hummed, acknowledging the heavy weight of the bag. But if you wanted to be honest, you didn't really care about money. Sure, it was a good safety net in case your previous clients turned against you but money couldn't save your life, you could have done nothing with it dead.
"Why do you need the map of the Palace?" you roll the sheet of paper in front of you, so both of you would see it: the pretty architectural plan of the most important building complex of the empire.
"Isn't it obvious?" Juyeon croaks a brow at that, glancing down on the paper and the candles nearby, wondering whether you would threaten him to set it ablaze if he wasn't cooperative. If you were arrogant enough to think you could be faster than him.
"Hm, no. I can think of multiple purposes," you told him lulling the options in your head. “But you don't have a good thief. If you had instead of trying to negotiate with me they would steal it back, so I guess you don't wish to rob the treasury. Then again you would have much easier ways to get inside if you would like to free a prisoner, so that leaves me with one option: you want to kill the king. Or someone as important as him."
Him, that puppet king so hungry for power that he didn’t even notice how his advisers controlled him.
The corner of Juyeon's mouth twitches. No matter how much he tried to act nonchalant he was annoyed how well you figured him out. His silence was enough of an answer for you nevertheless. So with a content smile on your carmine lips, you tilted your head in interest, gaze fixed on his sharp lines even in the dim lit temple.
"You know, rumours say that you are the bastard son of the late king," you told him paying close attention to his reactions but Juyeon stayed unfazed.
"And you think I will tell you if it's right or not?" he let out a mocking laughter but you weren't one to take it to heart.
"It was worth a shot." you just shrugged, then looked down on the map he so desperately wanted. "I will let you have it for free. On one condition."
"Then it's not free," he corrected you but the way his mouth tilted with annoyance but eyebrows raised in curiosity, he couldn't have been that bothered.
"I want in," you told him, clear and honest, confident. "If you really want to kill the king, I want to join."
For the first time that night the guy seemed really surprised and he didn't hide it. He looked at you as if you thought killing was a children's game.
"That's rebellion, you know, right?"
"We're both criminals, you know, right?" you retorted and he stared into your eyes, cold fire burning in his dark orbs. Moments passed like this, in grave silence and then...
"Accept her freaking condition. We do need a good thief," someone yelled from outside and you let out a chuckle. At least someone was smart on that team, you liked him already. Unlike the infamous Lee Juyeon.
"If you ever just think about betraying us, I'll kill you myself," he gritted his teeth but you merely smiled at him. You had no plans on betraying them as long as they got rid of the puppet king. And your unpaid debt.
"Understood," you stood up, pushing the map to his chest and grinned at him. "Instead of sulking, introduce me to your boys."
The notorious group was unlike any other than you had met before. They seemed more like friends and family than allies from the way they acted around each other. Of course, you weren't taken to the headquarters right away. You were taken to some inn where a guy named Changmin who seemed the most open to your arrival checked whether the map was real. They also stood guard one by one during the night as if you wanted to kill them. Gosh, it was four against one and Mr. Almighty thought girls weren't a match for him.
You immediately hit it off with Changmin over the fact that you had punched someone called Chanhee in the face while stealing the asset from them the last time. Sangyeon was kind but careful from the beginning. But Sunwoo and Juyeon seemed more wary of you but after you gave the last chicken wing of yours to the younger, he softened, so only their leader was hard to crack. You didn't exactly blame him, he just tried to keep the others safe even if he did it in an annoying way.
"Let's get one thing right: I don't trust you. Your kind, only working for money as if that was your god, not believing in something, that's the worst," he told you one evening, right before you were about to meet the entire team.
"I don't have the luxury to believe in anything else than myself. Never had," you looked him straight in the eyes, no tremble in your voice and then, for the first time since you knew him, Juyeon's eyes had a kind of understanding in them as if he knew what you were talking about.
The next day you were heading towards a temporary base and while the guys warned you about possible checks and guards on the road, neither of you expected any connotation. You travelled on horse backs with a farm-wagon like some nomads trying not to draw attention but each of you were known and wanted criminals, so it was almost inevitable to get on someone's bad side.
"Where exactly are we going?" you complained when you noticed that you took a turn that led backwards from where you departed.
"To the base, like we said, we just don't want unwelcomed guests there," Juyeon gritted his teeth, tilting his head towards the mountains. You didn't see anything special in them but he must have been aware of how ambushes around there worked because it didn't take long for the men to show their faces… or well, their intent. The first arrow pierced into the ground only a few steps away from Sunwoo's horse's feet, scaring the animals and alarming all of you. You looked around, drawing your daggers from your belt but you didn't see anyone in particular. The attack must have come from the mountains, from behind the rocks and the first one was soon followed by another again and again arrows raining down on you like a summer downpour.
"Into the woods! Right now!" Juyeon yelled and everybody followed his order without questions asked, leading the horses among the trees, into hiding. You tried to keep up and follow the guys but it seemed like you had lost their sight while watching behind your back too, checking on the approaching attackers. Eventually you decided to let your horse go, far into the woods, away from the danger on its own as you tried to hide from the men. You were like a shadow thief after all, you were good at disappearing into thin air but not if you had an animal three-four times your size with you. You hid behind a rock covered in green leaves, wondering whether you should have climbed the bamboo trees instead when you heard the steps nearing. You suck in your breath, holding it in to not make any noise while mentally cursing Lee Juyeon and his gang for setting you up. The king must have offered a nice sum of money for proving you unfaithful. Why else would they have left you behind?
Just as you thought you were by yourself, a hand clamped over your mouth, pulling your body close to his.
"Keep quiet and follow me," Juyeon, that impossible guy, muttered before slowly taking his hands off you and yanking you towards the growing bushes in the middle of the bamboo forest. There, between two ordinary looking branches he crouched down and climbed into some kind of hole that was unnoticeable from afar. You followed him, knees and hands dirty by the time you got to some kind of cave where you could stand up finally and you blinked, trying to adjust to the dark.
"Welcome to the base," you heard Changmin's cheerful voice and he lit a lamp, filling the cave with light where everybody was safe and sound. Seeing that and how Sangyeon was in the middle of treating an arrow scratch on Sunwoo's arm, you let out the breath you had been holding this whole time. Back there, you really thought for a moment that they betrayed you already and while lack of trust saved you quite a few times, this time you weren't proud of doubting them already.  Not that they had any sentimental reason to get you to safety, they needed you for their mission, only that, you knew that and refused to believe otherwise.
However, the confession that fell from your lips that evening while passing the pot of jjigae around was more out of a sense of fairness than guilt.
"You told me you hate the kind that works only for the money, right?" you met Juyeon's sharp, dark, ever so telling eyes by the campfire, keeping your voice low enough, so only the two of you would hear it.
"I don't really have much choice. I work for the king to pay off my family's debt. It's this or prison and if I can make some side money like that, why not?" you shrugged, not looking at him. You weren't curious about his reaction or opinion, you told yourself. You didn't tell him to pity you.
A few long moments of silence passed while you pretended to cool the food down while stirring until Juyeon spoke up.
"Then why are you betraying him?"
"Isn't it obvious? A debt to the king has no limit, I would have to work for him until the day I die, he would never be satisfied with less. I want my freedom back," you told him, honestly, which was received only by a hum but you were glad that he didn't drag the topic out, he didn't ask about the reason behind the debt.
After that day, you were more involved in the planning phrase of the upcoming missions and eventually you met the whole team. You went out to steal this and that with Chanhee, playfully commenting on how pretty his nose was and grew totally fond of Haknyeon who made the best noodle soup you ever ate. The more missions you had been a part of, the more time you spent with them and away from the castle, the less chance you had to go back and beg for mercy if things went wrong. That was your original plan: give it a chance and retreat if it didn't work out but you had to realise that these people didn't have A and B plans, this was their one and only fight and they believed in it. It made you want it to succeed even more.
"We don't do this to rule," Changmin told you one day, after practicing sword fighting. "Nobody here, not even Juyeon desires the throne. We do this for the oppressed people, for those who suffer the most under this unfair regime."
It sounded too noble to be real but you believed him. Even more so when you heard that their takeover plan considered the loss of people and that they wished to get over with it with the least victims possible. That was why they needed the plan too: to know the best path to the throne room and the king's and his advisers' rooms without getting in the way of many guards. You also needed to know where and when the soldiers did their regular checks in the palace, so your plan's next phase was to observe the place. Chanhee has some connections and you could have your hideout in a courtesan house close to the royal quarters.
"Change," Juyeon said as he put a pile of pastel green dress in front of you. You looked down with clear disgust on your face before looking back up at a disgust.
"Are you for real?"
"You can't walk into a courtesan house dressed like that. You are a girl," Juyeon's voice was authoritative and a bit tense, you scoffed.
"Wow, now you're saying that," you rolled your eyes at him, still grimacing even when you were told that it was expensive to get said dress. In the end, you had to admit, it was the plan possible way to get in, so you picked the clothes up with a sigh and walked into a further alcove to get changed before your departure. It had been a long time since you wore skirts, those weren't too practical for climbing or fighting, so you preferred pants and anything that made it easy to move quickly and comfortably. So it felt strange to wear something like this again, not to mention it was probably silk based on how soft it was against your skin and you probably had never worn something as expensive as that. You ever let your hair down from the usual ponytail that made sure it didn't get in the way, so you looked every bit of a decent lady when you stepped out.
"Wow," Youngjae gave voice to his awe the moment he saw you and Sunwoo had to nudge him in the side to close his mouth.
The boys were either shy about it or similarly amazed, only Juyeon didn't really react. He barely glanced your way before telling everyone to hurry up. You rolled your eyes at his obvious behaviour and stuck to Changmin’s side on the way to the courtesan house. It would have been too conspicuous if everybody went together, so you formed smaller groups.
The plan was to get everyone to the new base before midnight and observe the palace for the next few days in turns. To make it even more believable, in public you had to act as if you were one of the girls working in the courtesan house, that made it less suspicious for the guys to visit you either and you didn’t care about your reputation much anyways. Not that a lot knew you, the faceless shadow thief, anyways. During the next days you gathered enough information to know when it would have been the best to attack but there must have been a whistleblower around because soldiers raided the courtesan house one of the evenings.
“They closed off every exit and entrance, we cannot get out without being caught,” Sangyeon said while Hyungseo looked out the window, confirming that there were soldiers outside as well.
“Chanhee says they are checking every room where there’s no business going on,” Changmin closed the door behind him. You were on the top floor, so you had advantage in time while the soldiers were busy checking beneath.
“Business?” Youngjae furrowed his brows, confused and got a smack in the head from Sunwoo.
“You know,” he emphasized making hand gestures that almost made you laugh despite the tense situation.
“Then hide and let’s make it look like there’s something here they don’t have the right to see,” you said pulling the fancy hairpin out, letting your locks fall onto your shoulders as you threw your red robe onto the ground, leaving a bit of a mess.
“Oh my gosh,” Youngjae shrieked, scandalized and turned his back on you, deciding to hide inside the closet followed by Sunwoo while others moved behind the curtains.
“Come on, I can’t put on a show alone. That would be even more suspicious than having a tea party here,” you complained, heartbeat drumming in your ears as you heard the approaching steps echo from the stairs outside. You climbed on top of the bed that faced the door and raised a brow at the two guys staring at you as if they didn’t believe you were alright with what you had just proposed.
“Showtime, boss,” Hyunjae decided and literally dragged Juyeon’s jacket off him before drawing his sword out, he stood behind the door in case the soldiers would have come inside anyways. That left only the team’s leader, the guy who had once said you weren’t much of a lady, in front of you, looking like he had some internal conflict.
Ridiculous. It was just a fake act, even if he was terrible at pretending, he could have made an effort. You weren’t a bad face to look at, so he really could have at least not suffered so visibly about having to get close with you. Maybe you just imagined him cursing under his breath, maybe he really was that frustrated but at least you didn’t have to force him to get on the damn bed and unbutton his shirt a bit himself. Great.
“Could you not act as if it physically hurt you to touch m–” you muttered under your breath, annoyed but Juyeon cut you off with a simple movement. He climbed over you, hovering over your body and slid a hand onto your neck, angling your head just right for a kiss that never came. Your lips parted in surprise but his only grazed against it slightly, your breaths mingling in the air while his piercing gaze shot right through you. It felt burning, the way he looked at you with those feline eyes from so close. You could practically feel the heat of his body, his skin scorching against yours – or was it you? – and your heart picked up its speed once again. The wait was nerve-wracking because you felt the tension stiffen in the air while you listened to the thuds of doors opening and closing, soldiers shouting.
When the door your room opened, revealing three men in black behind it, you pretended to be shocked and automatically reached to rearrange your clothes while Juyeon turned his head lazily towards the intruders.
“Who are you to disturb me? Did I not pay enough?” he yelled at the soldiers who exchanged knowing looks, but after looking around for suspicious signs, they indeed retreated.
You let out a breath when the door finally closed again and tried and failed not to roll your eyes at how fast Juyeon pulled away. Hyungseo cleared his throat and said something about seeing the two of you slightly undressed in a bed scarring him for life and one by one all the guys came out of their hiding place, only making comments about the recent events behind your backs.
After the visit of the soldiers, the tense atmosphere slowly dissolves into something like anticipation and determination to get done with their plan as soon as possible. You already had a good idea about the daily routine within the palace but with how frequently they changed their guards it would have been almost impossible to get through them without drawing too much attention and that was the least you wanted. If the royal guards knew about your arrival, you would have been too outnumbered to actually do anything, much less to get to the king himself. But you had a good card in your favour.
"So I will be taking the map back?"
"Right. If we have at least a bit of luck, the king and his men only know that you came to get that. Let's say you had trouble getting your hands on it..." Sangyeon explained which made you scoff out loud. You didn't mean to look down on them but it was ridiculously easy to get the map. Sure they had stood guard and they kept it locked away but a group of about ten guys was nothing you who had been robbing much more secured places than their bases. The most difficult part was to actually find them, after that it was like a children's play. So it somewhat hurt your pride and reputation as a thief to admit you had to waste days until you got it.
"Sure, we can say that I tried to seduce your boss to get the map here," you shrugged and glanced at said guy and knew that despite your nonchalant behaviour your words provoked him based on the way he clenched his jaw. "That would explain even if one of the guards recognized me. Though I don't see much of a chance for that. Although this much time would have been enough for you to get what you wanted from it, so the king will be displeased."
"Will you meet him in person?" Haknyeon asked since that was crucial information regarding your plan. If you were about to meet the king, then they must be there, too. But no, you only met the king once and the memory sent shivers down your spine. You were dragged in front of him, clothed rugged, dirt and bruises all over you as two guards held you. You weren't proud of how you had been crying but that day, you were sure you were about to die. As a daughter of servants in the royal palace, you had no way of providing a better life for yourself. You weren't only a subject to the king but his slave. When you were born that way, there was no chance of getting out. Born as a girl you couldn't become a guard, a soldier or a scholar. It was a time when the higher you could go was becoming a concubine but you had no intention of lying under the king or a prince.  You would have chosen death over that.
But no, the king must have wanted something since he didn't kill you with your parents when he learned about their betrayal, about how they sold information about him to his brother. No, he took your life and made sure to form you to his will, to make the perfect little thief and spy for him in exchange for letting you live. But he was naive to think that you would be loyal to the murdered of your parents. Because he might not have been the one to draw the sword but he was the one who gave the orders, him and not his stupid advisers who made your country rot and the people suffer.
"Probably not. He usually gives me orders through his right hand man," you said, knowing too well that said man had his temperament to match the king's. They would beat you just enough, so you could steal more for them. Maybe break only your left hand to cause enough pain but not turning you incapable for them. You were an asset, nothing more and you hated it.
"What will happen to you because of your latency?" came the next question and gulping down your own fears, you waved it off, forcing a confident expression onto your face.
"Don't worry about me and break into the king's quarters like you should," you told them, clear as the sky was on summer afternoons you had liked as a child.
The truth was, everybody knew what happened to those who displeased the king. It wouldn't matter that you bring back the desired map. If you were late, it was the same as not going along with the order.
"You should have someone to be there with you," Juyeon spoke up for the first time for a while, his gaze fixated on the map without a fail and it made the corners of your mouth twitch. It almost sounded like he cared.
"Are you worried about me, Lee Juyeon?" you raised a brow at him, cunningly like a tease but when he looked up and your eyes met, the words froze onto the tip of your tongue. There was something sad in his eyes, something you had failed to notice before. As if he understood you more than you would have thought.
"Of course, we are all worried about you!" Changmin said vehemently and you tore your gaze away from the raven haired boy to turn to him with a grateful smile.
"Then, focus on not getting yourself killed first. I can take care of myself," you claimed and kept acting like it through the meeting, deciding on the upcoming Lotus festival celebration's night for the attack. There might have been more guards around then but with more guests in the palace, it would have been easier to blend in. No to mention that the king being drunk could probably help too.
It was a good plan, one you believed in. One that could finally bring you peace and freedom. You didn't want to delude yourself too early, so you tried not to think too much about it. If the mission wasn't successful you would have been killed for sure since what you were about to do was treason and no traitor could live in Hanseong.
It was a two way street then: freedom or death. Free from the king's chains either way. Yet, the night before the Lotus festival, you found it hard to sleep. You were fidgety, even snapped at Changmin when he tried to make a joke about you finally looking like yourself in your regular clothes instead of the courtesan one. You apologized and he understood, everybody was tense after all but it showed differently. Juyeon for example was even more closed off and quieter than usual. You didn't expect to run into him at night, though.
It was eerily quiet in the corridors and you just wanted to get some fresh air, outside of the suffocating atmosphere of your room. Meeting him by the gate, however, wasn't the plan.
"Are you ditching us?" he asked in a hoarse voice, back leaning against the brick wall as soon as you passed by him like wind. His voice was more passive and sad than angry and you remembered how he warned, threatened you to kill you if you decided to betray their trust. Sure, you could have ratted them out, saving yourself but did he really trust you so little?
"I don't know. Should I?" you retorted just for the sake of it because it was ridiculous: his suspicion of you even after all this time. But he didn't answer, so you rolled your eyes. "I just needed some air. Just like you, I assume."
Juyeon seemed to complement over your reply but he must have deemed it good enough because he turned his deadly gaze away. You didn't intend to have a heart-to-heart talk with him but since you might die tomorrow, it was your last chance to ask questions like:
"You already know my reason for treason but what's yours? And don't give me some crap like for a better and fair future," you turned to him but you were careful enough to look around before talking about something like that in public.
However, Juyeon either wanted to avoid answering or simply didn't like the place as he bob his head towards the courtesan house and as his sign, you went back inside, finding solace in your empty room. It had been a long while since you had been alone with him and you remembered what happened here the last time when you were this close… even closer. Now you both sat on the ground, backs to the wall, no touching, no smart retorts, no audience.
"Have you heard the story of the Crown Prince?" Juyeon spoke up but his question made you furrow your brows.
"About Prince Hyunjoon? What story?" you wondered out loud as confused as you were. Prince Hyunjoon had been sent to study in a prestigious academy as it had been advised to the king but it was probably not for his own good, there were rumours going around that he had sent the boy away because he feared he would try to take his throne from him. He had grown to be paranoid.
"No, not him. The first born prince," Juyeon corrected you and that made sense, you couldn’t recall anything else that was interesting regarding the next ruler of the country. You believed that after his father’s death, even if he was inexperienced, he could make a better king. He was said to be kindhearted after all.
"Ah, the prince who died almost 20 years ago?"
Your question had been left hanging for a few long moments and you even turned to face Juyeon, wondering whether he heard up but what he said next made your eyes grow comically wide.
"He didn't die,” he claimed so sure of himself that it left no doubts even though it was already crazy. “But he has always been unworthy of the title of the crown prince."
"What do you mean? And how do you know?" you sprouted questions because in that moment you could do only that, even forgetting how it came up in the first place. 
"You see, the crown prince was indeed the son of the queen but just as the king wasn't faithful, she wasn't either. She had her child out of wedlock but raised him as if he was the kind of royal the king desired,” the boy continued quietly, looking down at his hands, playing with a ring on his pinkie finger. “The king figured out and he was furious. He got the queen killed but the boy was rescued by rebels. He was only six at the time but from one day to another, his father who had never been a kind man became his biggest enemy, so he had  grown up seeking revenge.”
You had listened to this story, his story, you were sure, and you couldn’t have been more shocked. You knew that the king was an awfully temperamental man but killing his own wife and a child? And these days he got drunk and had multiple women in his quarters? It made you sick.
“That’s my reason for treason,” Juyeon added slowly, quietly, almost gentle and for the first time you wanted to tell him something reassuring, something so unlike you but it wasn’t your place to pat him on the back and tell him everything would be alright.
“I… I never knew. I have grown up in the palace but I have only heard that the first prince had died and his death broke the queen’s heart, too,” you whispered, suddenly feeling naive but who would have thought?
“Not many people know. He hid it well,” the boy gritted his teeth, then exhaled a few shaky breaths. “But Hyunjoon knows and he’s on our side. He will make a good king.”
You hummed along, agreeing, hoping for better days and that you could live long enough to enjoy those.
"Look, I know you hate me..." you started off, not trying to come off as someone close to him just because he told you this but then, he unexpectedly cut you off. His confident voice caught you off guard so much that it had your eyes widen in surprise.
"I don't," he said and you might have only imagined it but he sounded a bit nervous. He probably wasn’t used to talking about his feelings, even if it was hate. Now, that made two of you. "I did hate you but... I hate everything that I associate with the king and you... I have seen the bag of gold coins paid for killing my mother and me."
Ah. So that was why he hated ‘your kind’ so much. The kind that took dirty money and accomplished any task thrown in their way, even murdering an innocent child. It made sense, the murderous look in his eye, the disgust he had written all over the place whenever he looked at you. He probably associated you with those who had taken his mother away from him.
“I’m just a thief. I never killed anyone, even though some I encountered would have deserved it,” you told him. You didn’t owe him an explanation or anything for that matter but still, you wanted him to hear that from you because you knew how your reputation made you sound.
"I know," Juyeon stated, oddly calm and you were dumbfounded to notice the subtle smile in the corner of his mouth before he turned his head to look at you. Dark orbs finding yours, stirring something inside you. "Your aim is too shitty for you to be a killer."
"Yah!" you gasped, pseudo-offended but then laughed it off and for the first time in a long while, for a moment you felt light and at ease. Who knew Juyeon could make you feel that way too and not just boil your blood in an annoying way.
Looking back, you should have known better. You should have seen that something was off. But your mission was planned so well that you believed the smooth execution was thanks to all those long days who had put into it and all those months and years of preparation that Juyeon and his team had behind their backs in order to even dare such a thing.
Getting into the palace during the Lotus Festival was easy. A lot of people came and went during the parade and the palace was buzzing with life. The king looked like he was having fun as well, maybe a bit too much with how often his glass was refilled with rice wine but his recklessness was only working into your favour. By the time the celebrations became dull enough for the ruler to leave, you left your signal in the throne room, wishing for counsel. It was always like this but you never met the king during these times, you didn’t even mind it. Still, waiting in the half-lit room was quite nerve-wracking while you prayed for the others to be able to make their way to the king’s chambers without any hitch. You knelt before the empty throne, head onto the ground, waiting like a good, loyal subject and you suppressed the shudder running through you when you heard approaching, arrogant steps.
“You’re late,” a voice said and you still kept your head down. But you were ready to draw your dagger any needed moment.
“My deepest apology, Your Majesty. I tried to be as quick as possible,” you mumbled out an excuse knowing well that until the right hand let you know that he wasn’t the king, you had to act as if he was.
“Then you were too slow,” the man grabbed you by the chin, forcing you to look at him and with widened eyes, you saw those ruthless ones that had been haunting your dreams since your parents’ death. There was the king in front of you.
But… the whole team had clearly seen him go to his chambers! Then… who was that? Who played that role in the trap? How far would they have gone? What was waiting for the others on their way to the king’s main bedroom? You had to warn them somehow!
"You really thought you could double-cross me? You thought I wouldn't know that you betray me?" the king clicked his tongue, earning your attention again, injecting fear into your veins. You wanted to turn your head, to pull away, to yell at Changmin to go and let the others know but before you could have done any of that, the king pushed you onto the ground.
"Ah, looking for your friend?" he asked mockingly and with a flick of his wristy he called for his guards, the men who carried the luml body of a familiar face.
"No! Changmin!" you shrieked in panic. He was supposed to keep an eye on you, not getting caught. Now, that it wasn't just you in immediate danger, worries took over your chest almost suffocating you.
"Although I should be grateful since you brought my long lost son back home, so I could finish the job my men couldn't," the king tilted his head as if he was pondering over the thought. Your fingers curled up in a fist, glaring at the man with hatred. He played with all of you like a cat played with mice before eating. He enjoyed your suffering and the mind games he played but you weren't keen on being one of his pawns. Not anymore.
Juyeon was ready to kill the king, even if he had to die and in a way you both just wanted revenge and freedom. You had never been a killer but you were ready to die trying in order to end the rule of a tyrant and to save the guys who had become your comrades and friends over the past few days, weeks and anyone who had the same destiny as you. Nobody deserved to have their life hung by a thread of an ultimate made by one side.
So you decided to make a risky move, a reckless one as you reached for the dagger in your belt, throwing it at the smug man the next time he turned towards you. It was a hasty movement, surprising enough for the guards to rush to the king's side but Juyeon was right: your aim was shitty.
Instead of his chest, the dagger barely grazed the king's upper arm and fell onto the ground with a pathetic thud. The man just laughed as if it was funny and picked up your weapon, turning it against you. You gulped as you backed up until the wall. You heard Changmin yelling at you to run while trying to free himself from the guards but you couldn't move, you just stood there, frozen, and watched as the man lifted his hand to strike down at you with the blade. You flinched when he moved, closing your eyes like a coward and only opened them when you felt the man get wobbly in front of you, falling onto his knees from the dagger getting him from behind. Blood spilled from his mouth as his body shook before giving up the fight and you let out a relieved sigh. Such an unceremonious, simple way for a king to die but he didn't deserve more.
"Are you okay?" Juyeon asked, voice honeyed with care and even his dark eyes softened as he stepped closer to check on you, looking for bruises. The same eyes you noticed behind the king when he approached and you had to try your best not to show surprise and relief.
"Yeah. You got here just in time. How did you know?" you gaped at the guy and the others who fought off the guards in the meantime. If the king's bedroom was a trap, how did they get out?
"That man didn't have a limp. I realized he had been a fake one to begin with," he said simply as if it was natural but you had no idea the king had a limp up until now. You still tended to forget he had lived in the palace, close to the king in his childhood and now you tried to imagine him on a throne. It was easier than ever with you being in the throne room with a dead king but Juyeon had never had the ambitions to govern.
"Well, next time you could be faster," you teased, trying to lighten up the atmosphere and luckily, the team's leader didn't seem to mind. His smug smile was back and you would have rolled your eyes if he hadn't just saved your life.
"Will there be a next time? When you're being cornered by a man?" he raised an eyebrow challengingly, a little suggestively but instead of hitting him on the chest, you raised your chin and played the same game:
"Who knows? I keep getting into these situations since I got to know you," you tsked and there was no lie in there. Juyeon smiled at you, sincerely, his eyes holding a secret only the two of you knew but he was practically pushed aside when Changmin came to make sure you weren't hurt, mumbling something stupid about it being his fault.
Juyeon looked around, proud to see his men fight for the same cause and their efforts paying off. When it was finally time for you to leave and start a new chapter in your life, you looked back on the empty throne and the bloody crown on the floor.
“We don’t need a king sitting high on his throne, it’s the time of dogs and wolves,” Juyeon muttered and outside, the Lotus Festival continued as if nothing happened. Smiling, you joined the celebrations.
So this is what it tasted like: freedom.
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nordleuchten · 3 years
24 Days of La Fayette - Day 1
A little something from me for you all to celebrate the upcoming holiday season :-)
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[1 December 1777]
Your excellency ordered me to give my opinion about these three places for winter quarters 1º the chain from about the Sculchill till betheleem—2º this from reading to lancaster—3º building hutts about and quartering in willmington.
I must Confess My being prevented of fixing my Sentiments in a decicise manner by my want of knowledge about very interesting points amongs them as
1º  how far we should distress and perhaps disaffect those persons who schould be turned out from the diferents places they are in.
2º  how far we may expect to collect and keep with the army all the officers who perhaps will think themselves intitled to go home, to occupate themselves with theyr businesses or pleasures if we are not in a kind of warlike quarters, and then we will loose the same advantage of theyr being instructed and disciplined we schould endeavour to gain in going into peaceful places.
3º  What effect can it make upon the people our leaving the country entirely oppened to the excursions, cruelties, and also to the seductions of the ennemy, when we schall give them all the opportunities they can wish to draw all the provisions from every where and in the same time to inlist provincial soldiers.
4º  if our giving a greater idea of the army in covering the country and laying near the ennemy will more facilitate our making recruits than if we were in good confortables towns and not in a place and in a manner, which will seem to the eyes of people a kind of winter campaigne.
5º  till what point those different measures will please or distress the officers and (what is generally to the militar world the less attended to, and deserves the greater attention) our private soldiers.
6º  till what point we may depend upon our intelligences and light troops to avoid equally and being surprised and tiring the troops by false alarms.
7º  if we can hope that the soldiers will now receive cloathes &c. in order to be fit for some winter marches and operations, if in case where they schould be defeated we may hope to meet them again.
Such are the points of knowledge which I am deprived of by my being stranger in this country, and my being stranger in the arrmy, if I can speak so, for I have no officers no soldiers under my particular direction whom I could consult and know theyr temper, theyr inclinations, and all what it is possible to expect from them.
however I’l tell to your excellency my very imperfect sentiments about the matter.
1st  the first proposition seems to me the less eligible, and my reason for it is the scarcity of villages and principally the report of the commissaires and other gentelemen who know the country.
2º  the second seems to me the most prudent. there we schall be quiete, there we can discipline and instruct our troops, we can be able to begin a early campaign, and we shall not fear to be carried into a winter campaign if it pleases general howe. therefore in consulting only prudence, and as far as my little knowledge can go, I am at less certain that I’l have nothing to reproach to me in giving my choice to this second proposition.
however (and in making excuses to your excellency for such an indecision and refering myself to your knowledge about the suppositions I will make) if it was not distressing neither for officers neither for soldiers, if going to lancaster &c. will disaffect and make a bad impression as far as to prevent our recruiting, if we can keep better our officers when we schall be in a kind of encampement near the ennemy, if principally you think that we schould be fit for some winter march’s we should be able to support some disadventages then I am fully and with a great chearfulness of opinion that we must go to willmington. my reasons would be then
1º  this position enable us to do in the course of the winter what we shall think proper to annoy, to deprive of resources of every kind, to attack if possible the ennemy.
2º  this position has some thing shining and military like which will make the best effect and upon the continent and even in europe.
3º  the doctors, and american ones who know the manners and phisik constitution of our soldiers say that nothing is so confortable as well made hutts.
prudence orders me to choose lancaster but if the inconveniences I fear (without being able to know them) if those inconveniences I explain to your excellency are not as strong as they can be, if principally our present civil situation ask from us something shining and perhaps bold then I give all my wishes and all my choice to willmington.
the marquis de lafayette M.G.
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lupinlongbottom · 4 years
Cedric Diggory x Reader
Summary: Being best friends with a Triwizard Champion had it’s challenges, but being tossed to the bottom of the Black Lake was something that (Y/N) never accounted for. 
Prompt: Hi! Could I request #9 from the prompt list with Cedric? Thank you so much :) - Anon
9. “You’re safe here, I got you.”
Word Count: 3.1k
Warnings: none, maybe a swear (like always)
A/N: Cedric Diggory. Golden Boy. Yep. 
Cold. (Y/N) had never felt a cold like this, like ice coating her skin wherever the air touched her. To be fair, it was all in likely possible that ice was coating her skin, as she was wading neck-deep in the Black Lake near the end of the winter months, her vision blurred with water.
“You’re safe here, I got you,” a voice said, pulling her into his side.
When had she been thrown in the Black Lake? Why was she struggling to keep herself afloat? And why—why was Cedric holding onto her so tightly?
The walk to Herbology was always a loathsome one. (Y/N) always pressed her luck with her class schedule—Potions being directly before Herbology—leaving only a few short minutes to venture from the dungeons to the greenhouses without being late—a feat she endured every week. Of course, walking in with a Prefect may lessen the chances that Sprout’ll go off at her, hopefully.
“Cedric,” (Y/N) groaned, her shoulders slouching forward. “I don’t wanna go to Herbology…”
“Oh come on,” Cedric laughed, patting (Y/N)’s back as they ascended the steps. “We’ve got a few minutes of nothing before fifty minutes of something, enjoy the moment.”
“Yeah,” (Y/N) mumbled, fiddling with the textbooks in her arms. “Nothing, just the way I like it.”
“Exactly,” Cedric laughed, effortlessly scooping the books out of (Y/N)’s arms, holding them as if they were nothing. “Enjoy it.”
“Only,” (Y/N) pointed a finger towards Cedric, “only if you promise me that you’ll make more funny faces today. I have a feeling todays lecture is going to be so bleak and boring—Godric, Ced, I might just pass on if you don’t do it,” (Y/N) sighed dramatically, falling into Cedric’s side. The boy laughed, pushing (Y/N)’s figure up.
“Alright,” Cedric said, adjusting the books, “I promise.”
He had been making those faces in Herbology since first year. Neither of them can remember why Cedric began to make those faces, but the memory of (Y/N) nearly toppling to the floor in laughter is etched into their minds forever. The detention the two of them served after was memorable enough, too. Cedric from then on made it a habit to make the faces—if only one or two, not wanting to push his luck with detention again—in each Herbology class that they shared, knowing how much she looked forward to it. Her smiles could rival the sun and stars, but Cedric wouldn’t ever dare tell her that.
“Good,” (Y/N) hummed, a spring in her step.
Cedric and (Y/N) continued to walk along the halls, enjoying nothing together. It was hard to ignore the staring, however. Girls from every year gawked at Cedric as he bounded through the halls—this was nothing new, Cedric was traditionally handsome— but being a Triwizard Champion now was just the icing on the cake. That, and the added pressure of a dance—one in which Cedric Diggory would need a date for—all compiled to the whispers and giggles that surrounded his every moment.  
“Do you ever get tired of it?” (Y/N) asked, leaning closer into Cedric.
“What? The stares?” Cedric asked, glancing around. A group of Hufflepuff first years quickly turned away at the eye contact with the Champion. “They’re all interested in who I’m taking to the Yule Ball,” he shrugged, “at least, from what I’ve gathered.”
“Of course they are,” (Y/N) laughed, “they all want you to take them, that’s why they’re so interested,” she elbowed Cedric in the side, “you have to know that much, right?”
“I don’t know what makes that so interesting to begin with,” Cedric said, stepping out onto the dirt path to the greenhouses. “Obviously I need to ask someone, seeing as I’m a Triwizard Champion—”
“Exactly! You need to ask someone,” (Y/N) said, hopping down the cobblestone steps. “You’re smart, kind,” she began ticking on her fingers, “funny in all the right ways, have a decent smile—”
“And you’re quite a handsome fellow,” (Y/N) ended, nodding her head lightly. “Quite the catch, on all accounts. Any girl would be mental if they didn’t secretly wish you’d ask them to the ball,” (Y/N) said, pawing for her books.
“Any girl?” Cedric said, smirking lightly. 
“Yes—Cedric, give me my books,” (Y/N) said, growing annoyed, her cheeks growing hot. Cedric tightened his grip on the stack, just a bit, if only to tease her.
“Now, where’re your manners?” Cedric laughed, holding the books closer to his chest. “No please?”
“Come on, Ced,” (Y/N) said, hopping in front of the Hufflepuff, stopping him in his tracks. His smirk didn’t fade.  “Please may I have my books?”
“Alright,” Cedric said, holding a book out. (Y/N) reached forward, but just as her fingers grazed the cover, he pulled it upward. “On one condition—”
“Condition!? Diggory, we’re going to be late—”
“Go to the ball with me,” Cedric said, lowering the book. (Y/N)’s eyes scanned across Cedric’s face, as if to decipher the language he had just spoke. “I mean it, honestly. If I can get all these girls to stop staring—well—might as well ask you, right?”
“Is that why?” (Y/N) said, her voice barely above a whisper. “Just to get the staring to end?”
“Of course not,” Cedric said, almost scoffing. “You’re my best friend, and I want to enjoy the dance as much as I can—no pressure to make it a date with a girl I have little interest in spending in the night with. As far as I see it, going with you was my only option,” Cedric shrugged, feeling his cheeks grow warm. “Unless… of course, if you’ve already been asked?”
“No,” (Y/N) said, shaking her head. “I haven’t been asked. Fred Weasley was making a joke of it in Charms yesterday, but never actually asked…”
“Would you’ve said yes? If Fred asked, I mean?”
“No,” (Y/N) smiled, noting Cedric’s worried expression. “Of course not. You know how I feel about those Weasley heathens—”
“Heathens… right,” Cedric laughed, gently placing the books back into (Y/N)’s hands. “Consider it a date, then.”
“Right,” (Y/N) said, nodding curtly. “You, me, the Yule Ball… perfect.”
How unprepared she was, to go to a ball in the first place—let alone be the date of a Triwizard Champion. (Y/N) spent hours trying to prefect her hair, tucking any loose strands that may have fallen out of place. Why was she getting so worked up? It was just Cedric. She’d known the Hufflepuff since they were little, growing up nearly neighbors—homes only fields apart. (Y/N) knew that Cedric would think that she looked fine—beautiful—regardless, but now the added pressure of being on his arm, the eyes that’ll be glued to her… it was daunting.
“You look lovely,” Cedric said, greeting (Y/N) outside of the Great Hall. Somehow she managed to slip on her dress and make it on time, nearly seconds to spare. “As always, of course.”
“You do too,” (Y/N) smiled, noting Cedric’s dress robes. They were plain, but distinguished, entirely charming. It was no surprise that he had such elegant looking robes, they were probably a gift from his parents. “Your robes look nice.”
“They were a gift, from my father,” Cedric said, glancing down at his shoes—perfectly polished, of course.
“Of course they were,” (Y/N) chuckled, feeling herself grow lighter. All it took was a few words from her best friend to was any sort of discomfort she had. A quick glance to her left allowed her to see Harry Potter—the other Hogwarts Champion—squabbling with the younger Weasley brother. (Y/N) had always admired Harry, but when his name was also called for the Triwizard Tournament, overshadowing Cedric, she couldn’t help but feel the slightest bit of resentment.
“McGonagall said that the Champions kicked off the dance,” Cedric said, leaning closer to (Y/N). “Start with a waltz—I think, could be another dance—”
“What? A dance in front of everybody?” (Y/N) felt woozy, her head growing light. “Cedric! I don’t know how to dance!”
“Sure you do,” Cedric said, resting a hand on (Y/N)’s shoulder. His grip was light, but firm, fingers barely pressing into her skin. Grounding her. “You dance around the fields practically every summer—fireflies and all—I’ve seen you dance,” a chuckle, the sound feather light, escaped Cedric’s lips.
“That’s not dancing,” (Y/N) said, feeling herself tense up. “That’s me messing around—you pulling out some music—just hopping around!” She glanced down at her feet, her toes neatly pointed together, closed off. “I can’t classically dance—”  
“Neither can I.”
“What?” Like lightning, (Y/N)’s head shot up, eyes connecting with Cedric’s grey ones. “You can’t…? But I though that you of all people—Cedric Diggory, of all people—could—”
“(Y/N),” Cedric said lightly, hardening his gaze. “You know me. Stop with that ‘Cedric Diggory’ bull, talking as if I’m this bigger and greater person than the kid you met years ago. I’m not. Different, I mean.”
“But you are, Cedric,” (Y/N) pressed, pushing his hand away. “You say that you’re the same kid—the same kid who was bawling his eyes out for his mum, broken arm in tow—but you’re different now, I am too.”
“Doesn’t mean I can dance,” Cedric laughed, “look, (Y/N), you know me better than anyone in this place,” he waved his hand to the vanishing crowd, all headed into the Great Hall. “So, please just… dance with the kid with the broken arm?”
“Well,” (Y/N) took a breath, weighing her options, “I reckon ‘dance’ is a glorified term if we both can’t—we’ll be the laughing stock of the ball, Ced.”
“Let’s let them laugh, then,” Cedric said, holding his arm out. “After all, I am a Hogwarts Champion,” a grin that sparkled like the candles above adorned his face.
Professor McGonagall looked stressed, her features stiff, She was rounding up the Champions for their grand entrance. Harry awkwardly took his date’s arm, the girl grew as stiff as a board, almost unwilling. The other two Champions followed suit, each of their dates gladly adorning their arms.
“Let’s do this, Diggory,” (Y/N) said, looping her hand around Cedric’s arm, resting it lightly. She could’ve sworn she felt Cedric seize up, for just a moment—frozen in place—holding his breath.
She was holding hers, too.
Finally she could breathe again, out of the water and on dry land. Turns out, she—along with a few other students—was just a pawn in the Triwizard Tournament, a means to an end and prize to be saved. When McGonagall had called (Y/N) to her office, she assumed it was about her marks. Why else would an educator need to talk so urgently to you? The idea of alternatives never crossed her mind.
“Are you warm enough?”
Cedric hadn’t left (Y/N)’s side the entire time they had been above the water, always attentive, always doting.
“As warm as I can be,” (Y/N) nodded, “are you sure you don’t need your own towel back?” Cedric had not only given (Y/N) his towel, but begged a few of his fellow Hufflepuff friends to loan their scarves and the like, (Y/N) covered in the bright yellow hue.
“Of course not,” Cedric said, shaking his head. “I knew what I was getting into—jumping into the lake at the end of February—you didn’t,” he said, as if it were the simplest thing in the world.
“Still, you look almost blue,” (Y/N) said, prying an extra scarf from around her neck, looping it around his own. “There, at least your neck will be sort of warm—”  
“Just pretend, okay?” (Y/N) laughed, pulling the end of the fraying scarf lightly. “Besides, I’m just about dried off anyway—hair’s a bit damp—but I reckon I can deal with that later,” she pressed a finger to Cedric’s chest. “You, on the other hand, just got yourself to first place!”
“Tied for first place.”
“Regardless,” (Y/N) said, waving her hand. “That’s still amazing, Ced!” She felt herself swell with pride, her happiness emanating from her smile. A welcoming warmth spread to her cheeks—a nice change from the cold. “You’re amazing…”
“I—uh—thanks,” Cedric said, barely making the words out. He fiddled with the scarf. “So…”
Had it always been this awkward? Just the two of them? Surely everyone had already given Cedric his congratulations, leaving the pair alone on the lakeside—alone. While it would’ve been just as easy to retreat to the castle with the crowd of people, Cedric and (Y/N) took the moment to breathe—enjoy their moment of solitude—even if it was entirely a bit too cold outside.
“You—uh—missed the Weasley twins,” Cedric said, eyes locked on his scarf. “They were taking bets on the challenge.”
“Of course they were,” (Y/N) hummed, feeling her gaze grow towards the horizon, gloomy sky reflecting off the lake. “I missed quite a bit, down there.”
“I’m sorry, again, for that—”
“What do you have to be sorry for?” (Y/N) laughed, turning back to Cedric. “You’re not the one who put me down there!”
“Might as well have,” Cedric said, releasing the yellow fabric from his fingers.
“That’s ridiculous, Cedric! You didn’t—”
“You know why you were down there, yeah?” Cedric snapped, his grey eyes meeting (Y/N)’s in what felt like forever. “Right?”
“Well, no,” (Y/N) said honestly. “I’ve been trying to figure out why—I mean, me, Fleur’s sister, the younger Weasley boy and that Granger girl? Why us?”
“So you didn’t hear, then…” Cedric said, his cheeks growing a bright shade of rouge. “I thought that maybe—uh—that you maybe heard why you were down there and—uhm—well…”
“Cedric, you’re rambling,” (Y/N) said softly. He had a nasty habit of doing that, (Y/N) had seen it a few times before, but it only ever happened in a class he was unsure of—never talking to her.
“Right,” Cedric said, clearing his throat. “Each of the people in the lake were something that we the Champions would sorely miss—like the golden egg had sung about—so…” he twiddled his thumbs. 
“Oh…” (Y/N) said, feeling her body relax. “Oh! Of course it would’ve been me then!” She laughed lightly, feeling herself grow light. “Here we thought it would be your broom all this time! Who would’ve thought that they were going to take actual people!”
“Of course?” Cedric mumbled, his brows furrowed.
“Well, yeah,” (Y/N) said, her expression matching Cedric’s. “I mean, you’re my best friend?”
“Well… Krum’s was Hermione Granger… and they…”
“They…” (Y/N) felt her chest fall, for a moment. Victor Krum had taken Hermione to the Yule Ball, entirely in a more-than-a-friend way. “Oh.”
“I mean, of course you’re my best friend!” Cedric corrected quickly, noting (Y/N)’s change in expression and demeanor. “Of course I would sorely miss you! You’re my best friend and I’d miss you and—”
“Forget I ever said anything to insinuate otherwise—”
“Cedric!” (Y/N) nearly screamed, her hand gripping Cedric’s tightly, effectively shutting him up. His grey eyes flicked over their connected hands. “Cedric,” she repeated, softer this time, “I guess I didn’t realize that…well…I had felt otherwise, until today, I think.”
“Felt otherwise?”
“About us.”
“I know it’s not ideal—probably ruins our friendship—but, when you pulled me out of the lake… I was struggling to keep afloat, but you were there—like you always were,” (Y/N) tightened her grip on Cedric’s hand. “Made me feel safe,” she looked up at Cedric, “you always make me feel safe. I guess… I think—no, I know that I—”
Cedric wasted no time, his lips crashing onto (Y/N)’s quickly. It was soft, like all things Cedric had done before, light as a feather but entirely full of feeling. The kiss lasted no longer than a few moments, but the lingering tingles on each of their lips left much to be desired.
“When,” Cedric began, his face shining with the brilliance of roses. “When I realized you weren’t there, to cheer me on, I realized that you were the thing at the bottom of the lake,” his eyes looked hardened, like stone. “I couldn’t even breathe, (Y/N). I couldn’t see straight, hardly could hold my wand when casting my charm… I felt so helpless.”
“So when I finally got to you—Godric, I got you—it felt like like the weight of the world was pulled off my shoulders,” Cedric said, his lip quivering. “I felt it at the dance too, when you were dancing without a care in the world, dancing with me,” he gulped. “I knew it then, too.”
(Y/N) didn’t speak, she didn’t know how—or what—to say.
“(Y/N),” Cedric said, his eyes locking with hers once more. “I care so deeply about you, I—”
“I love you,” (Y/N) said, finally finding the words. Cedric’s eyes grew wide, his mouth hanging slightly agape. “What?” (Y/N) giggled. “I wanted to be the one to say it first, seeing as you cut me off before…”
“No,” Cedric shook his head, his mouth twisting into a smile. “I love you, too. Always have, I think,” he felt his cheeks grow tired of his grin, aching in the most pleasant way. “Can I… kiss you? Again, I mean?”
“Yes, you may,” (Y/N) nodded, her lips curling into a small smile of her own, feeling the gentle pass of his lips against her own once more. It was tender and loving.
Entirely like Cedric.
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docholligay · 3 years
Ghost Story
Sometimes I can do things for me, as a treat!! Total universe is here for timeline
Pharah was a woman of action. When Mercy did not know what to do or say, she would pray, and while Pharah wished she had the sort of faith that could give her that strength, the only religion she had ever bent to was that of order. This was what she could do. She could clean Tracer’s nails. She could comb her hair. She could wash and dress her, and ready her to be cremated. 
Others had offered, but Pharah had insisted. It would be too much for Emily and Winston, who had cared so much for her in the last months of her life. They should be permitted to simply mourn. Mercy had done the autopsy, sent out the samples to try to learn something from all this, and that had been enough to expect from her. Her family was preparing everything for her funeral. The rest of the Overwatch team had duties Pharah had assigned to them. 
She would have said all of these were the reasons she had chosen to do it, but there was also the matter of care. Pharah knew that few people had her sense of perfection, her sense of drive and completion, and so it was only Pharah that could be trusted to make sure that her body was properly prepared. It was a duty, something she owed Tracer, to make sure her final appearance in this world was a correct one. 
She smoothed the front of Tracer’s shirt. Mercy’s work had been exceptionally neat and careful, even for her, and the stitches had been so tightly spaced and small, with transparent thread, her own labor of love, that you would have been forgiven for not knowing Tracer had been autopsied at all. Pharah looked at Tracer, dressed in the clothes Emily had given Pharah, washed and straightened and ready for the coffin in the corner, a cheap wooden thing Tracer had purchased herself. 
She considered a moment. Something was wrong. She nodded as it came to her, and reached down, ruffling her hand through Tracer’s too-straight hair, letting the cowlicks fly up. 
“You won.” She looked down at Tracer’s body, “I saved your life once, and you saved my life twice. You died with the greater score. Congratulations.” 
“Saved your life once, Fareeha, in a bleeding miserable patch of desert outside Cairo. Not that I ‘ate winning, mind, but its the principle of the bloody thing.” 
Pharah stepped back in what was nearly a stumble, and looked at the body in front of her. It had not stirred, still cold, and grey, the cheekbones still too sharp and sunken, eyes closed, breath still, heart stopped.
“God, but I look bloody awful,” Pharah’s entire body stiffened at the sound of it, the clear, bouncing impossibility of it, “Not to say as you didn’t do your best, Fareeha, but, you know, cor, blimey, and what the ‘ell..” A giggle. 
“I have not slept well in days,” Pharah said, closing her eyes and breathing deeply, “I have been stressed. I have been jailed. Lena was close to me. I have been thinking of nothing but her.” 
“And I am sorry about that, love,” Out of the corner of Pharah’s eye, a motion at her side, “But I suppose it would ‘ave been the same if it were this week or a year from now, right? Right.” The question she always asked and answered. “Sides all that, if Ang was telling the truth, and of course Ang always tells the truth, about these sorts of things, it would have been a bit of a rough go, dying that way. Maybe would have been worse memories, than me just sort of….” Pharah looked to her as she made a fluttering gesture, “fading away in Win’s arms.” She grinned. “Fareeha?” Her eyes widened. 
“You are,” she took a breath,”  a hallucination.”  
“Right,” Tracer nodded, “you're speaking English because you don’t think I can ‘ear you. Makes sense.” 
Pharah looked at her, and down at her body, and back to her. The Tracer in front of her had round, pink apples back in her cheeks, her eyes were clear and bright with no sign of pain in them, and her voice chirped and popped with joy. The blue RAF shirt she wore fit her neatly, all that muscle that had gone from the body in front of her apparently restored, and her tan corduroy pants wrinkled and straightened as she rocked on her heels. 
The effect was so perfect that tears prickled in Pharah’s eyes. Her brain was a cruel thing. 
“Oh, it’s all right, you big ol Turkish delight!” The hallucination swatted at her, and then launched herself onto the edge of the table where her body lay, dangling her feet, “We all die, don’t we?  I always did rush things, a bit. But I’m alright now, nothing to worry about, love.” 
Pharah stared down at the body, unmoving even as the unmistakable feel of her filled the room. She is dead, Fareeha. You were there when she took her last breath. You carried her body up here. You slipped off her wedding ring and gave it to Emily. Lena Oxton is dead. 
“I am hallucinating.” Pharah said it like a prayer, letting it ring out against the walls. 
“No you ain’t, love.” Tracer barely missed a beat. “Wish you’d all ‘ave let me just ‘ave me body dumped out the door. Seems a waste, this, even after all I saved doing it meself.” She jumped off the table and scampered around to Pharah’s other side. “‘Ave you always been able to see ghosts, Fareeha? You never did tell me that! Leave it to you, ‘ave a secret like that. I’ve nothing like that. Me thumb’s double jointed, I suppose.” She giggled and bounced, flashing a bright smile. 
Pharah closed her eyes and took a deep breath. Rest. All she needed was rest. And still, these mantras being true, a tear sprung from her eye, and rolled down her cheek. 
“Oh God Fareeha, but I ‘ate seeing you cry. I’m only dead, love, and you’d be surprised--”
“I am not sad that you are dead.” She said, the words barely coming out. 
Tracer gave a bark of a laugh. “Wasn’t expecting that. Bit ‘arsh, love, bit ‘arsh.” 
“I am sad,” she gave another slow, deep breath and opened her eyes, “Because when I imagine you this way,” she indicated to her side but did not look there, “I am reminded of how very sick you became. I never told you this, when you were alive. I will not burden you with it.” 
Tracer paused for a moment, bouncing on the balls of her feet. “All right love, all right, but,” She dashed around to the far side of the table where body lay, facing Pharah, “‘Allucination is all I am, right? So it’s only you talking to yourself, not burdening me with nothing, innit? And maybe you’ll feel a bit better, saying whatever it is.” 
Pharah looked at Tracer, whose eyes flicked around Pharah’s face, waiting. She had a point. To refuse to say this to Tracer meant she gave her hallucination power. Her hallucination was not real, and it was only a way to cope with the loss, and so she would only be putting in words what she already knew. 
Yes. This was the most logical path. 
“Watching you deteriorate was one of the most painful things I have ever experienced.” Pharah nodded. “Seeing you be taken, slowly. It hurt.” 
Tracer’s voice was soft, and her eyes were warm. “Could ‘ave told me, love.” 
Pharah huffed and shook her head. “Yes, I should have told you how bad your dying, your suffering, your struggle,  made me feel. That is a very responsible thing to do.” 
“Oh ease up, Amari,” Tracer rolled her eyes, “Talked about it with Win. With Ang. Ang cried, even, god but she felt so guilty. Wish I could tell her it wasn’t ‘er fault, and she did all by me, I mean, I did tell her that, but again, right? And you and me are friends. You ‘elped me, Fareeha, and I’s feeling useless, right? Might ‘ave been something I could have reassured you over, felt better. “ 
“Why would I complain to you about something that is my fault?” She looked bad down at Tracer’s body, somehow seeing her dead easier than the firework in front of her. 
“I do ‘ave to say that discovering you’ve been Moira O'Deodorant all this bloody time is a bit of a shock, love.” 
 Pharah turned away from the table, and put her hands behind her back, pacing just a little bit away, eyes flicking to the coffin now and again. 
“Do you remember when we were captured? And tortured?” 
“No, Fareeha,” came the annoyed chirp behind her, “completely bloody forgot about the most painful experience of me life, that ended up killing me, slipped me bloody mind, it did.” 
“My mind does a very good impression of you.” Pharah shook her head and tried to take a soothing breath. “You drew her anger. You needled at her, you annoyed her. You made her furious, and so she did not hurt me as badly as she did you.” 
“Alright,” she walked up next to Pharah, arms crossed, “What were you meant to do then? Die as well?” 
“I could have saved you,” The tears choked in her throat again, the painful guilt that had run through her mind with every one of Tracer’s struggles, her spasms and seizures and suffering, “If I had been faster with my tongue--” 
Tracer laughed. “Right, love, and if I was 190 centimeters, then. Fareeha,” She put her hand on Pharah’s elbow, and Pharah swore it felt warm, “I did what I did because I wanted to do it. You couldn’t ‘ave saved me, love, anymore than Ang could. Moira’d had it out for me for a bloody decade. Would have all ended the same, but,” she smiled, “I got to save you. And when things were ‘ard, I thought of that. She was going to kill me one way or the other, and you can count on that, but now I know Overwatch is in good ‘ands. Your ‘ands.” 
Tracer put her hands on her hips and stood in front of her. “What you’re saying is you wish it was me felt guilty, instead of you? Not very kind of you, Fareeha, I’d be bloody miserable in your position, so you’re saving me a bit of trouble by ‘aving me die instead.” 
Pharah looked at her, letting the tears fall quietly. 
“I will miss you.” 
“Suspect you ‘aven’t seen the last of me,” she stood on her tip toes and wiped a tear from Pharah’s cheek, “Thank you, for ‘elping with me. This, but also, the washing, the cooking, everything, when I was poorly. For ‘elping Win and Em. I love you too, Fareeha.” 
“You can’t really be here.”
“Doesn’t matter, love, if I’m ‘ere or not. Makes you feel a bit better, seeing me, and let’s not worry too much about me reality. I’m ‘ere for now.” 
Pharah nodded, took a deep breath, and turned around, lifting the light body into her arms, and laid the shell of what had been a strange and wonderful friend into the unstained, plain little coffin. 
She chuckled as she stood up. “You spared every expense on this.” 
“Bloody fucking right I did, you see how much a casket is? To be set on fire?  That’s a shipping crate, it is, bought it online, ‘ad it shipped to the ‘ouse.” 
Pharah roared with laughter. There was no one like Lena, in this world, and if imagining her kept her here a little longer, well, maybe she would allow herself a little belief.
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morimakesfanart · 3 years
Sindria's Prophet #13
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((edited because I figured out to add some more history facts that I think are important))
~POV Sinbad~
"The Kou Empire, huh?"
"That is going to make things risky."
With all of the Generals caught up with what happened in Balbadd, they needed to start planning for King Sinbad's trip to the Kou Empire, as well as catching him up with everything that had happened in Sindria while he was gone.
"LadY YamuRAI H AA AA A" A yell came from the hallway accompanied by the sounds of running.
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((Sinbad is hidden on the left. There's a hint of him poking out.))
A panting magician gave apologies for disturbing their meeting and ran to the head of Sindria's magicians. "I wish I knew you were here so I didn't search the tower first~" Then he started explaining about some magical proof. Most of his words sounded like gibberish to the rest, but it was clear that he had made some kind of break though.
Yam jumped out of her seat. "How did you finally figure it out?! Who figured it out?!" She whipped her head to her King, "Sorry your majesty," and then looked back to the other magician.
"It was the work of the Prophet!” the magician answered. "We were talking about her illness and she pulled out scrolls that- you just have to read them for yourself!”
Mori had said that she had written other scrolls before she started coping down Fate. This must have been what she was working on.
Both magicians bowed out to go test out this new information. Before they could leave, Sinbad ended the meeting; there was no way he was going to wait to learn what other information Mori had blessed them with. Ja'far followed as did a few of the other Generals.
When they got into the court yard, the doctors that had been sent to take care of Mori were already pushing their supply cart back to their main building. The magician that had stayed behind spotted them and raised two scrolls up triumphantly. "She let me take the scrolls!"
News of the scrolls written by a Prophet spread throughout the Black Libra Tower within an hour. Yamuraiha and the doctors explained their significance to King Sinbad.
If even a fraction of the theories in the scrolls proved true it would completely changed their understanding of how illnesses work. If Mori wasn't sick she would undoubtedly be swarmed with questions and demands for proof. According to the magicians, nothing in the scrolls went against any known information. Instead, they gave explanations to why certain things that had been attempted in the past had failed. What she wrote about 'cells' was what really caught the eyes of the white magicians and doctors. As an example, according to Mori's writing there were blood types and most couldn't mix; that would explain why most past attempts at blood transfusions had failed.
The 2nd scroll showed a break down of even smaller particles, and how the structures of different particles made up everything. This was going to bring alchemic magic to a whole new era. Sure, such things would most likely be limited to high magicians, group efforts, and the Magi, but it looked possible now. A lot of common magic of the current day took extreme amounts of magoi in the past because they hadn't found the right formula yet. Mori's writing -if true- could easily be used as a guide to finding the right order of commands for many spells.
And even more than that, Mori had said that she had even more information to share; she had just ran out of scrolls and ink.
Mori's presence in Sindria, and everything that went with it were Fate and the Rukh's guidance. King Sinbad could see it -the future he wanted.
~POV Mori~
In Sindria's Palace there is a Great Bell. It is rung during celebrations, and to signify the King returning home like it did earlier that day, but it's main use was to ring every 2 hours to tell everyone the time since clocks weren't invented yet. So even though I was a sick person trying to rest during the day, I was woken up by the Great Bell every 2 hours... which of course is also situated right on top of the guest tower.
For obvious reasons, I was awake again.
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I wish I knew how the others responded to the scrolls. I really wanted to know Yam's opinion most. Those scrolls basically gave away the secret to Yunan's signature alchemy magic.
I still had the first scroll I had worked on -the one on the science behind blimps-, and the last science scroll I had started. That one was on DNA, and reproductive systems. It was the last one I started in Balbadd. I hadn't started working on it until sunrise on my 2nd sleepless night and it showed; there were missing words everywhere, many incomplete sentences, and I couldn't stay in topic.
These mistakes were too great to fix with an ink knife. Editing was going be super annoying and time consuming since I couldn't work digitally. I'd have to physically cut up the first draft to put everything in the right order before making the next one.
Wait- Did this world have scissors???
Back home the first evolution of shears that could be labeled as scissors was in Roman barber shops in the last hundred years or so before Rome fell. China would spontaneous also create something akin to scissors not long after. Reim and the Kou Empire seemed to line up with Rome and ancient China for the most part, so I tend to use them to place the time period, but the dress Princess Dunya wears is centuries off and throws all historical accuracy questions out the window. Rome was long gone by the time boning was added to women's undergarments, and that dress had all the signs of boned corsetry.
Fuck it. I'll ask for scissors and if they don't have them I'll just invent them myself. I had been drafting professionally for the past 4 years. That may have been for microelectronics, but it uses all the same skills; I could do this. I needed to get a ruler -or at least a straight edge- and a drafting compass which they probably have based on the look of maps in the series, and pencils, or at least colored inks if they had them. I probably needed to reinvent the French curve(stencil tool used in art & drafting)...
Since I was struggling to fall back asleep I moved to the table and pulled out my test scroll. It was full of random marks and some of my early drawing attempts that I used to practice with the dip pen -it's also where I wrote down the dreams from the Rukh. I'd write the list of things I needed, rip the section out of the scroll, and pass the list to someone who could get me what I was asking for. I added some living necessities too like sleep wear and a comb.
The maids that came to give me dinner, and next dose of medicine were not pleased that I wasn't in bed -I was an important guest who was sick after all. And I wasn't pleased to have to drink more of that bitter medicine, but we can't have nice things all the time, now can we?
My voices was strained but I managed to communicate enough. I gave them my list, and laundry (the clothes I wore on the boat) before they left. They'd get me the things the next day. I was instructed to sleep until someone brings me breakfast the next day... which is what I was going to do anyway since the sun was practically gone. I might be a bit of a workaholic but I'm not going to let myself pull an accidental all-nighter when I know I'm still sick. I'm far more self aware than that.
And besides, the Great Bell didn't ring at night.
Maids brought my breakfast (& meds) the next morning and let me know that my clothes would be cleaned and dry by the end of the day. I guess they didn't use magic for everything.
They also gave me all of the drafting and inking supplies I asked for except for scissors. In one of the omakes Sinbad was shown cutting his hair with a knife as a part of his normal grooming. I had hoped he was just old fashioned.
For the greater good and the future of my own hair care, I drafted up detailed designs for a few different types of basic scissors. They wouldn't look fancy, but hopefully I had put enough of a detailed explanation on everything for the smith to figure out what I was asking. Steel wasn't developed until the middle ages and some of the counties of this world matched that so I hoped
that God and anime were on my side. I really wanted scissors that would be a good quality.
And if that didn't work I'd just have to get used to using knives and bladed rollers like a regular person.
The Great Bell rung for 10 am. There were at least another 2 hours before someone would show up, to give lunch, that I could ask to take my draft for the scissors to a black Smith.
I should be resting as a sick person. I should be more exhausted and in pain as a sick person. What was making me recover this quickly?
I still didn't feel like laying back down, so I decided to start drafting up the materials and equipment for proving everything I had written in the scrolls I gave the previous day.
Globally, micro-organisms, viruses, and bacteria were not really accept or proved until the late 1800's. Since Magi seems to take place some time around our 100AD-1300, and Yunan hinting at chemical compounds was seen as shocking by Yam, I knew that my bio scrolls were probably causing an uproar in the Black Libra Tower. I refused to use actual people or wait for an outbreak to prove it like how it happened in history -like how John Snow proved it when finding the cause of cholera outbreaks in 1848 and 1854 England. No, I needed to show how to prove these things in a lab, and to do that I was going to need to explain how to keep samples and invent a way to see microorganisms.
First was for a glass petri dish and other containers for samples. I'd need at least 3 -preferably more. I know glass works have been around since BC, and that this world had glass windows in some scenes, but I worried about the quality of the glass contaminating the experiments. I was going to have to boil them beforehand to sterilize them anyway.
Gosh I wish I had access to nonporous, air tight containers, and a temperature controlled environment. The heat and humidity of Sindria could easily mess everything up.
Wait... I suddenly remembered a scene from the Magnostadt arc when they showed how a sample was being stored. They already had good enough glass. I knew there were magic bio experiments but I had no idea how they worked.
With the realization that I was getting ahead myself, I switched to writing about how to use the scientific method to test for germs. It was basically the bread in a bag test to teach young children about germs but with petri dishes. I also wrote about how to analyze samples with a microscope to see micro organisms so I was going to have to figure that out next.
Lunch came as the perfect break.
Just thinking about reinventing this thing made me nervous. I knew magnifying glasses existed in ancient Rome, but they would be nothing like what I was used to. I had to explain how light moves and made multiple diagrams showing how concave and convex lenses affect light as well as the material of the lens. I ended up also showing how to make a telescope even though I knew Yam already had one.
Magicians were the only ones shown with glasses. Maybe now the rest of the world could have them too.
4 o'clock came and so did 3 doctors and a magician. It was less than yesterday, but still more than necessary to treat or analyze one person. I only recognized one of the doctors from the previous day. All of the new faces looked nervous. None of them looked young by any measure, so I really doubted this was their first time treating someone.
They weren't happy to see me at the table and made me return to my bed -their loss.
The doctor from the previous day was the one doing most of the talking. "Your recovery is amazing. You will most likely be better in another 3 days at this rate if not sooner. It's practically a miracle."
I smiled. "It's pretty shocking for me too." As long as I spoke quietly and kept my comments short, I found I could talk again for a bit.
The doctor was silent for a moment before changing the subject. "I know you need rest, but would you be willing to answer a few questions about those scrolls from yesterday?
The 3 other men looked expectant. This was why they were here.
"I don't mind as long as you don't make me talk too much."
Then came the question I was expecting since I had first made the scrolls. "I know you are a Prophet and the information came from your visions but is there any way you can prove what you wrote?"
I pointed to the table with the scroll I had started earlier. "I can't prove it with the current equipment I have, so I've been drafting up the needed equipment and processes for proving it."
They all turned to look at where I was pointing.
I added, "It's not done, but you're welcome to read what I have so far."
I was thanked as they went to the table they had called me away from when they entered.
'He called it 'visions?' Really?' I had to ask Sinbad later what he was telling his people about me so I could keep the story straight.
The magician confirmed for the others what I wrote about light bending. There was magic to do that, but not everyone is a magician. I had just invented a way for non-magicians to bend light.
Just wait until I show them a prism that can split light into colors. Or teach them how light is perceived in the eye. Or even better, show them the double slit experiment that proves that light is a particle not just a wave... Did they know light was a wave yet?
"Lady Prophet."
I was pulled out of my thoughts.
"You said this isn't finished and there is plenty of space in this scroll for more, but would you let us take this back to the tower so we can get started?"
I wanted to say 'no.' I was still coming up with things to add to it, but I also knew that holding things back because I wanted to save paper was a fool's game. Besides, I could always add more to it later.
I nodded and they thanked me before making me promise not to leave my bed. They were grateful for this new scroll but not at the expense of my health -they were doctors after all.
And then they left.
It was probably about 5pm if my internal clock was on schedule, so I had about an hour before the next ring of the Bell.
Even if I wasn't a man of my word, I would have lost the motivation to work with my current project taken from me while I was still in the middle of making it.
So, I did the thing I grew up doing when I was bedridden from illness: I looked out the window. From the bed I could only see the tops of the buildings on the other side of the courtyard. The Tower that was just poking in from the left had to be the Black Libra Tower.
The waves in Sindria were calmer yet stronger than those in Balbadd. It was probably due to Sinbad's influence. He brought stability and security to his people. I could understand why so many chose to follow him or ally with him. But I knew where all this would lead. As he obtains more power and influence he will stop being able to see himself from the pedestal that he and everyone else put him on; his greed will make him blind to the wants and needs of others, and like a middle aged parent that isn't ready for their child to leave the nest he will take out his frustration on the world that was moving on without him. When Sinbad dies at the end of the manga, Drakon realizes that they all put too much on Sinbad's shoulders.
To change Fate, I was going to have to make sure I never put him on that pedestal nor rely on him for much. And I was going to have to convince the 8 Generals to do the same -or at least to start pulling more of the weight.
The 6 o'clock Bell came faster than I expected, as well as my dinner not long after. They brought my clean laundry, a sleeping gown, and some other common clothes and things for my convenience.
I would have preferred something much shorter for the night gown since I hate having a lot of extra fabric around my legs when I already have blankets. I was not going to risk being walked in on by doctors or whoever when sleeping naked, so I would make do for now.
There was no way King Sinbad wasn't going to reward me for those scrolls. If it was some kind of treasure I'd sell it and buy a new wardrobe for myself that actually suited me, and if the reward was a request then I would ask that he pay for everything directly.
The light coming in my windows changed, and I watched my 2nd sunset in Sindria.
When Sinbad found this island 10 years ago, he completely terraformed it. He didn't get rid of all of the vegetation that was here, but he did break down one of the sides to allow for easier access by boat. The side he carved out faced northish towards all of the other known countries, so no boat would have a reason to circle the island. It was a decision that would benefit the merchants and make it easier to defend.
It also meant that my windows faced west, so I could watch the Sun set every day. I couldn't help but see that as a blessing and a curse. Sure not getting the sunrise meant I'd need to put more effort into
waking up in the morning but that wasn't the part I was worried about.
See- The thing is... I have synesthesia (having 2 or more senses overlapping). I see sounds, letters, and numbers as colors and textures. I have it mild enough that I can normally block it out so it's not too distracting (thank God because music is a main stim), but sometimes I'll hear something and get overwhelmed by how it looks.
Each letter and number is a color. So every voice can make every color, but language, pitch, tone, and accent all affect the colors and textures I see from a person's voice like a filter. There have definitely been some people that I struggled to give my full attention to when I first met them because I was entranced by how their voice looked. The more I hear a person's voice the more I'm able to move its visuals to the background so I can focus -desensitizing myself to it.
Luckily, Sinbad's voice is normally not so distracting that I stop paying attention. Since it's like a merger of every voice actor I've heard play him (All the characters I had met so far were like this.) I'm already desensitized. The similarities across all of the VAs meant that his voice looked like a sunset -full of deep purples and magentas, and bright reds, peach, and gold, and with a smooth and flowing texture like painting in acrylic with a wet brush -like a painting of the last moments of a sunset.
His voice was as pretty as he was.
I hadn't actually gotten to see or hear him for a whole day. But I'd get to look at his voice's equivalent every day while living under his protection.
It was frustrating to admit -I barely knew him as a real person- yet I couldn't deny that I missed him. I feel asleep watching the sun set.
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((I wasn't going to write about my synesthesia, but this is my fanfic and I thought it might be fun to reference the colors peoples voices make when the characters talk. I'm not going to paint every VA and head cannon, but I will describe them as I go. Ja'far's Japanese and English VAs have voices that look very different so finding the middle ground is proving tricky.
Also, anyone who noticed that the purple I see in Sinbad's voice is the same as the purple I've been using for the illustrations and comics is super smart and cool.))
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emily-the-fae · 3 years
Sound of a Heartbeat
Part 4. Negotiations, Exortions and Stories of the Past
Part 1 - Part 2 - Part 3 - Part 5 - Part 6
Surprisingly, this story continues to move further for me.
Back to the characters where we left them in the previous part - with some heated arguments and intimate talks.
Pairing: Dracula x OC
Warnings: none, apart from lung diseases, wounds and Adrian being a total sweetheart
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Next morning Shari woke up to sounds of footsteps and hushed speech. Straight away she knew the upcoming conversation will have to be one hell of a diplomatic achievement – how do you explain your sudden desire to leave to a group of half vampire, speaker and a vampire hunter who were most probably fighting for your life during the last three days. Trevor would be completely furious. Better stand next to Sypha when presenting the decision, just in case he suddenly has the wish to use his whip. You never know how the Belmont reacts, though possibly Shari could still drag it through without making a big fuss – Lisa was definitely right about one thing: she has made a habit of negotiating her way with people, especially the ones that were apprehensive or disliked her. Truth to say, nine out of ten were either of the two.
- And don't forget, you are our healer, how are we...!?
- And don't forget, you are our healer, how are we...!?
- So far I wasn't so much required, you guys can carry on perfectly well without me.
- I'm still not sure if it is a good idea, Shari, if you want to get some rest by leaving... It may only be more dangerous for you, - Sypha argued.
- Don’t you even think of supporting her! She took a few years off our lifespans with this incident! We can’t just let you…
- No, wait, you don't get it, I...
- Shari!
- Stop bossing me around, Trevor, I am not a child! I have not finished.
- Trevor, please calm down, she is neither under your command, nor your sibling. If she wants to leave, it is her choice, - Adrian stepped in, clearly annoyed with the three.
- See? I can perfectly… - Shari tried to pick up.
- Shari, - Adrian interrupted. – Can I speak with you privately?
The healer was genuinely startled for a moment. She turned to look Adrian in the eyes – probably for the first time since the incident – trying to estimate his emotions and plan her defense strategy. She was never scared of him – or at least she never showed that he scared her sometimes, because surely being sane and realistic she could not ignore the obvious danger presented by those sharp fangs and golden eyes. Still Shari was used to considering him a friend, his malevolent side almost unable to turn against her.
Now she was startled and – honestly – slightly scared. For a moment she thought she saw it in his eyes that he looked right through her: that he perhaps watched her and Lisa or sensed her thoughts or some other vampire telepathy kind of thing. That maybe he thought she was a traitor.
Then he smiled warmly and nodded his head to the side, gesturing for her to follow him away from Trevor and Sypha – and Shari straight away knew whatever it was, he was ready to be on her side.
- Are you sure you need this resting? I mean clearly you do, you are paler than father when he wakes up, but still… Sari, I know you are stronger than you look, but a witch traveling alone during such a time doesn’t seem the brightest idea to me, - Adrian spoke quickly and quietly, for others not to hear their discussion. Shari felt ashamed for how it continued to surprise her that he sounded genuinely concerned.
- Adrian, I’ll be fine. I swear. I just… I don’t feel well…for, let’s say, various reasons, not only the attack. It just suddenly occurred to me that since your father seems to be watching and purposefully slowing you down, it may be a good decision for me to…
- To not stick around and lower the risk of encountering him or strong specifically directed demons? – she nodded in response. – Well, I can get that… And Shari, - he suddenly took her hand, his tone turning uncharacteristically warm. – I’m sorry.
- You don’t have to. We already spoke about…
- Not about that. About your disease. I’m so sorry. If only I knew how to help you – I could have known the way, you know, I once had the access to knowledge that could have… I’m so sorry for you.
They stood in silence for a few moments. Shari found herself unable to look into his eyes, staring at the ground.
- For how long have you known? – she rasped, barely recognizing her own quiet voice.
- Almost as soon as we met… Shari, I…
- Don’t. It’s alright, Adrian, I just didn’t realize you knew and this struck me a little…
- Do you know where you will be heading? – if she ever was grateful to him for anything – though she was grateful for plenty of things to be fair – it was his ability to catch onto the atmosphere and change the topic when it is very much needed.
- I… yeah sure, of course I do, I have a rough plan of what to do. Thanks, - she coughed dryly a few times, still refusing to lookup and meet his gaze.
- Shari?
- Yes.
- Promise me you will be fine. Not to be dramatic, but I… have gotten used to you quite a lot.
Shari chuckled.
- Will do my best, - she finally looked up at him and saw the half-vampire smile broadly. – I’ve gotten pretty used to you too, you overgrown puppy, - they stood in silence for some time.
- Almost forgot, one last thing before we face the storm of unacceptance named Trevor, - he blurted out, when she moved tostep away and turn back to the campsite.
- Yes?
Adrian did not say a word – he simply opened his arms and Shari fell into the embrace without even thinking. She felt utterly childish for being this familiar with him. She also felt it was nice to have someone to turn to when feeling torn and exhausted without having to explain the whirlwind of emotion in your head.
Shari shouldn’t have been surprised that it was Adrian who let her go with such ease. He knew he could trust her decisions, he always did. She was somewhat flattered by the way he treated her as an advisor and assistant even though she was no way as knowledgeable as him; the half-vampire always showed that he believed she had an own analyzed perspective of things, that she wouldn’t be reckless. This time though his trust in her rationality might have failed him. Any way it was, he openly supported her decision and expressed the hope that she would be able to catch up with them in some time.
Shari knew Trevor thought Dracula hypnotized her into surrender and laughed at it to herself. If only he had a clue that it was the human Dracula's wife who controlled her.
In the end of that emotionally exhausting morning they finally parted ways: the trio went in the direction of the closest town, hesitant to leave their friend, but unwillingly agreeing it should be done for greater good; Shari stayed at the campsite with Rodo for a bit longer, motivating it with the need of rest. Adrian threw a concerned glance in her direction, but said nothing. The vampire felt there was something wrong, but decided to let it slide, since he had already supported her decision; if she said she needed rest, then so be it.
In fact, although Shari did tell him she had a rough plan of further action, in reality she had little to no ideas in which direction to move and absolutely no wish of discussing it with thin air in front of her disbelieving friends: they would definitely not see Lisa and they would definitely think she was hallucinating after the attack. To be fair, she could never herself be sure if that wasn't exactly the case. Maybe she was talking to an imaginary friend. However, since she had already decided to believe in the ghost's existence, she had to play along that assumption.
Lisa didn’t leave her waiting and appeared as soon as they were left alone, Shari sitting by the campfire a little lost and a little tired; a victorious smile played on the ghost's lips, as she sat by the fire next to the girl. Rodo made no sign of noticing their guest, only slightly shaking his furry head and letting out a jawn.
- What? - asked Shari, annoyed by the constant attention of the ghost. She took the cattle off the fire and set it aside to cool down a bit. She needed something warm to drink if she wanted to keep her blood and lungs inside her body.
- We have to move out, - Lisa smiled, now more gently, watching the human's movements.
- It would be nice if I knew where we went, - replied Shari, slowly looking around, taking in the little amount of her personal belongings lying about - there wouldn't be much packing when she would have finally decided to pick herself off the ground.
- I'll guide you.
- What if you disappear?
- I won't.
- What if I don't want to go? What if you only tell me that you are leading me to the castle, while in reality you will lead me to Dracula? That is actually most probably what is going to happen, - Shari finally expressed her greatest worry and doubt. She could not just trust Lisa, she wanted to, but couldn't bring herself to do so. The woman was most probably still here because of them - Dracula and Adrian - so her greatest concern would be to stop their fight in any way possible in order to finally peacefully leave them, not care about some girl getting hurt in the process.
- I believe you will just have to trust me. I have told you already, I only want to stop this war with as little blood as possible, especially when it comes to Adrian’s or Vlad-I meant Dracula’s blood. You will be of very little help to me if I simply spend time leading you to your death. Besides, I shall remind you, that your illness is not exactly leading you to a happy life, so you decided trusting me on that one, - Lisa winked at her and stood up; Shari clenched her teeth: well, that was a very good point, but definitely a blow-below-the-waist strategy. - We should move out, the sooner we start - the quicker we'll be there.
- You know, you're like an older sister that I never wished to have, - Shari huffed in annoyance, but finished her tea quickly and proceeded to pack. The fact that she was annoyed didn't cancel the fact that Lisa was right. She had to move out.
The day trip was completely uneventful. The few villages they had passed didn't show any signs of having been attacked, but Lisa still made Shari keep away from them - maybe it was for the best, people were very unsafe these days, the fear made them aggressive to any newcomers. Especially to ones possessing magical powers and followed by black wolf-demons. Going alone to such a village could be suicidal.
It was only at the age of ten, that Shari found out she had it in her. That one trait that made people wish your head on a pike no matter how you behave. Animals weren't just "friendly" with her, no-no, friendly is one understandable thing, especially with a little child. However, "friendly" is definitely not the most accurate description of the behaviour of the large black wolf that almost attacked her one day on the edge of the woods, stopping in mid-jump as the girl turned to face it - next picture: the wolf rolling on the ground before her like and ordinary dog demanding bellyrubs. The animals would not simply like her, they would obey her as if she spoke to them directly. She had no idea where the power came from and so preferred to think she was born into her witchcraft. Her mother insisted upon it too, saying that poor old gramma was the same odd thing in her youth. At least that was what Shari remembered her saying when they did discuss her little problem. That was until she turned sixteen – until she suddenly was separate from her family and out on her own. Until the first time the people wanted to get her burned. First of many more to come.She had learned to control herself and make use of herself, never expressing anything people would see as dark wizardry, nothing even seemingly malevolent, working for the local healer, helping out as much as she could and learning some things here or there by herself about herbs and illnesses - not a study, barely a child's curiosity.
Then it was a year of particularly poor crops after an awfully dry summer, Shari sensed it was coming before she ever knew why it was so - the villagers had no other way of dealing with such misfortunes. They placed all the blame on the odd girl who learned to cure wounds and diseases and spoke to the wild animals as she pleased. Burning witches was a very common sacrifice, after all.
The night before the burning was the night she ran. She knew they would come for her, so she escaped before they could get her, left her home to set to travel into unknown. And never truly stopped running ever since.
Lisa pitied her for that, even though Shari tried to brush it off as nothing. She was a witch after all and turned to be quite a good thief, quite some reason for the other humans to hate her already, even though she couldn't say theft pleased her herself - she was surviving the way she could: moving about and healing didn't ever buy her enough bread or material. The longest she ever stayed in a town was three months - then the cycle had to start over.
Lisa understood her reasoning for that quite well. At first she wanted to argue that staying longer might have bought Shari some trust, but held her tongue - she wasn't one to give that sort of advice, not now, not after everything that happened to her exactly for staying a little too long.
When they finally stopped for the night, Shari was almost falling - her legs unwilling to carry her anymore - and bending over in loud wet coughs, feeling the taste of her own blood in her mouth and suffocating in attempts to hold back from even more coughing. The freezing weather and bloodloss, even compensated with Sypha's magic, were not going to make this journey easier for her. Shari felt the feather light caress of the ghost's hand on her back and breathed in deeply, trying to calm her heartrate.
There was pain in her ribs now too - she was scratched quite badly a few days ago by one of the attacking demons. They were fighting off several of the things and one jumped her from behind: neither she nor Rodo had noticed it before. Shari succeeded in turning to face it, making the demon bounce off her and back away as soon as she made eye contact - these things were usually not much harder to control than wolves, especially with Rodo at her side. Unfortunately, before she managed to kick it off completely, the demon had left an unpleasant scratch across her ribcage, making her fall to the ground and lose the mental contact - the beast jumped back on her in a matter of seconds and for a moment Shari thought that would be her end. Only by luck Adrian was swift enough to protect her, fighting the thing away and aiding her to recover later - the sharp claws left three deep gashes on her skin and the girl had to spend a long time tending to herself after the fight, hoping the wound would not get infected with whatever those things could carry on their paws.
The wound had been nicely bandaged before, all was going well, but apparently Dracula's attack had erased that bit of responsibility from her memory and now Shari suddenly faced yet another problem: rebandaging was not only desirable, but very much a necessity by the time she dropped to the ground, settling for the night. The soaked and dried blood on the old bands now scratched and tore at the healing wound, causing her pain.
- ‘T is okay, - she told the ghost, quickly going to sit down on the ground. Removing the band did not take much time as well as putting on a new one-not when she was used to doing it anyways, but removing a part of her clothes let the cold bite her even more in the process, so when she was finished, she was freezing to the bone, so she wrapped herself in whatever warm cloths she had left and pressed closer to Rodo, to keep at least some body heat to herself. They decided to make no fires, as Shari was now mostly defenseless and the girl already felt how much she would regret parting ways with her friends. Lisa's care and Rodo's warm side couldn't do much to keep away the cold and her lungs were almost screaming in protest. She looked at Lisa's pitiful apologetic face and whispered: - I'm already used to it, - no you aren't, this is getting worse by second and you desperately need a fire.
- You have to fall asleep quickly. Tomorrow we'll start off at dusk, - Shari lay between Rodo's back and a large tree trunk; Lisa sat next to her head, looking down at the tired healer.
- I wish it was just as easy for me to move as it is for you, - Shari whispered sleepily.
- Trust me, you don't, - both laughed.
- How much is there left? Of the way?
- If you're lucky - and persistent, we may be there by tomorrow night, - Lisa answered reassuringly.
- Really? That's so fast... Too fast, to be fair. I thought the castle was hard to catch, - she stared back at Lisa.
- Parts of it yes, it moves as a whole. But there are stable parts - that one particular entrance was the one I used when I first found him. It was very hard to track - not many know about it, it's kind of in magically protected grounds or something - nobody has the incentive to go there, - the ghost explained.
- But you had, - Shari smirked.
- Of course I had.
- I wonder how he hadn’t killed you straight away.
- Oh, but he wanted to. He tried to frighten me – told me he would drink my blood, all that classical stuff.
- So what did you do?
- Told him his manners needed repolishing.
Pause. Shari chuckled. Then snorted. Then laughed out loud.
- And he did not murder you for such an offense?
- I believe he wanted to for a moment, but was too startled to act… And then it sort of…happened. I believe it was a big “why not” for both of us, until we suddenly saw something deeper to it, - Lisa smiled to herself, seemingly diving through memories.
- Sounds a little like me meeting Adrian for the first time – God knows I saw those large fangs and yellow eyes straight away, I knew very well what he was, just couldn’t…
- Can’t beware the dark, when it’s choice between stepping in or watching someone suffer?
- Something of the kind. My self-preservation goes way below. I called him in when I saw him bleeding out by the edge of the town – half expected him to drain me as soon as I bandaged him and when he… well, as you can see, didn’t… We just talked. He stayed over for a week gaining strength, not attempting to eat me – I guess that was the first out of the only two occasions when someone I have helped did not try to accuse me of devilish business in one way or another and just accepted the help. Of course he had to be not human.
- The second time that happened was with Rodo, wasn’t it? Humans don’t tend to be overly grateful.
Both chuckled.
- Adrian seems quite attached to you, - Lisa turned to Shari. – Thanks for that. For accepting him. I was always worried that he will have a hard time fitting in…pretty much anywhere, being what he is. So thank you.
- No need to. He is nice, your son. Feels like having a friend for once.
Pause. Shari shrugged and sighed.
- Tomorrow, you said, right? Though I can't say that I'm exactly lucky, so your prediction about the time is probably too optimistic, we are bound to have some struggle tomorrow,- she huffed, turning to her side and snuggling to Rodo's furry back.
- The castle shouldn't be so far away, it is quite close to Tragoviste, shouldn't have taken us long, - Lisa explained. - And you are lucky, sunshine - remember? You survived Dracula's bite. That mark on your neck is your lucky ticket now, - Lisa winked and lay back against the tree trunk. Shari wanted to think of a witty reply, but was interrupted by another violent fit of cough and decided to let it go. The healer cuddled into Rodo’s warm side and fell into uneasy sleep, hoping that the morning would bring at least some relief.
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gumnut-logic · 3 years
Callisto (Arrival - Bit 2)
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Prologue Incident - Bit 1 | Bit 2 Fallout - Bit 1 | Bit 2 | Bit 3 Voyage - Bit 1 | Bit 2 | Bit 3 Arrival - Bit 1 | Bit 2
Well, these posts seem to be getting longer. I’m pondering if I should make them shorter and more often.
As always, many thanks to @tsarinatorment​ @scribbles97​ @janetm74​ and @onereyofstarlight​ for their amazing support and who without putting up with my crazy this fic would likely not exist.
We are finally there and things can start happening. Wow, planning makes for longer fics apparently.
I hope you enjoy it ::hugs you all::
As the rest of the family exited the cockpit, Michael watched John deploy the last of the long chain of communication buoys into orbit around Callisto and held his breath.
The space monitor was frowning at his console as they both waited for that final connection to click into place.
A moment and John’s face relaxed.
And Michael with it.
His own board flashed up with a connection confirmed through the chained micro-tunnel drives.
John hit his comms. “Tracy Island, this is Thunderbird Excel. Do you copy?”
They waited.
A heartbeat.
“Thunderbird Excel this is Tracy Island. Great to hear your voice, John.” Even Michael could hear the smile in Kayo’s voice. “I have a lot of green and pretty lights here. Send me the tests and I will bounce them back.”
“Sending now.” John’s fingers darted across his board and Michael watched the system take on the workload and churn data all the way back to Earth. “And I must say, Kayo, it is lovely to hear your voice, too.”
“Looking forward to hearing yours often. Data incoming. Will apprise results.”
“Looking forward to it, Thunderbird Excel out.” John’s fingers flicked again and the comms signal closed.
“Thunderbird Excel?” Michael arched an eyebrow at the astronaut.
John shrugged. “Well, I think she’s earned it now, don’t you?”
“Mmmm.” He looked back down at his board. The thought of having contributed to creating an actual Thunderbird...
He was startled when a shadow passed over his hands. “You’ve done well, Michael. Thank you.”
He looked up at the red-headed Tracy floating beside him. John was an enigma. He was a brother like any Tracy, but unlike the eldest who hated him with a passion that saw no border, John was quiet, even kind. Michael had been working alongside Brains and John and occasionally the youngest, for over a year now, and while he doubted he and John would ever be close friends, there was a mutual respect.
Plus, the distinct feeling that if Michael ever laid a finger on any of John’s brothers ever again, he would not survive the attempt.
It was definitely the quiet ones who should be worried about.
Not to mention Eos.
Michael really wished he could get his hands on that piece of code.
But again, he felt that it would be his last action in this universe.
Not that John had ever threatened him.
He didn’t need to.
“Are you feeling okay?” Turquoise eyes were peering down at him.
“I am well. No need to worry.”
The astronaut smiled. “Good. Monitor the comm network and liaise with Brains regarding the T-Drive’s performance. Let’s see if we can cut down on the jumps on the way back. I’d prefer to go through as little of the nausea as possible.”
John arched an eyebrow and his lips curled up. “I’ll be in Thunderbird Five assessing the danger zone and coordinating with Thunderbird Three.”
The astronaut stared at him for just an extra moment longer before pushing off Michael’s console and throwing himself towards the cockpit exit.
“Thank you, John.”
A flicker of a smile and the last Tracy disappeared through the door, leaving Michael alone.
Virgil hated the IR spacesuits. They were far too tight and left nothing to the imagination.
Also, the red baldrics clashed horribly with his green stripe enough to rip his eyeballs out.
But although his standard uniform was satisfactory for short forays into space, it was not enough for a space mission of this magnitude as it did not have the survival and safety mechanisms needed in an emergency. So, here he was dressed like some kind of spandex wearing superhero, his heavy lifting muscles providing a great anatomy lesson to any within eyesight.
“Looking good, Virg.” Gordon’s eyes were laughing.
“Shut up, Fish.” The aquanaut was used appearing all but naked in front of thousands. Hell, Virgil had nothing to be ashamed of, it was just difficult to keep a straight face in a professional capacity.
How the hell John lived in one of these things was a mystery Virgil had no interest in exploring.
The alternative was wearing something like Alan’s spacesuit, but that had its own issues regarding his exosuit and despite the...exposure, this was the best option.
At least he had a little security with the addition of his exosuit support padding and his harness – never leave home without it. That and his baldric covered a little of his modesty.
Didn’t stop his brothers’ comments though.
Alan actually snorted in laughter.
Scott raised an eyebrow, but then their commander was dressed the same and, much like John, was giving the Greek gods a run for their money in the process.
Virgil felt like a dwarf from The Lord of the Rings. What was his name? Gam? Gim? Gimli? Standing next to that bleached elf.
Virgil grunted. “Let’s do this, already.”
Okay, the grin on Scott’s face was both worth it and damned annoying.
Dad had chosen a version similar to Alan’s suit. Due to his health concerns, Virgil had recommended extra support with arm guards and greaves built into his boots. He had glared at Virgil, but Virgil was a Tracy and just as stubborn as his father and if he wanted to go on this mission he could damn well meet him halfway.
Dad wore the protection.
They had Uncle Lee’s ‘space skivvies’ measurements on file and the IR fabricators had churned out an IR uniform echoing their father’s. Considering the astronaut’s skillset, Virgil had coloured his baldric stripe as green as his own and thrown in some of his own kit.
The colour combination still ripped out eyeballs.
Thunderbird Three was nestled into the Excel much like she had been into the XL, but higher up, leaving the massive thrusters behind her and nestling instead of providing the main superstructure of the craft.
To compensate for the loss of One and Two, the Excel now had a third engine on her dorsal plane to offset the two massive pectoral lightspeed engines. Together the three engines provided the huge ion thrust needed to propel them vast distances. And when the T-Drive was required, the third would go dark, the original two engines would flare up and give him his next case of nausea.
Three still connected with Five for extra stability, but she was no longer mandatory for the Excel. Where the XL had basically been an exosuit for Three to break the lightspeed barrier, the Excel was now more Five’s exosuit as she was the one Thunderbird the Excel needed to operate at her best.
Johnny’s ‘bird now had wings.
Very, very big ones.
The cockpit was crowded but quiet as Alan smoothly disengaged Three from the bigger craft, spinning her in space and pointing her towards the moon.
Virgil shifted in his suit, uncomfortable as hell. Not enough to be world ending, but annoying. Beside him, his father glanced in his direction with a concerned frown.
“Are you okay, son?”
That, of course, prompted an equally concerned frown from Scott in front of him.
“I’m fine.” It wasn’t a complete lie, he could live with the suit. His arm was still aching and his stomach had yet to forgive him despite the food he had shoved into it, but he could probably get away with that.
The worst of it was the lack of sleep.
Scott’s eyes were far too knowing.
The medic in him knew that they were going into a potentially dangerous situation. Hell, they were in space right now, not exactly Tracy Island’s pool patio for relaxation. They needed to be alert and ready.
He had tried to sleep. He had sent all of his brothers to nap during the voyage out here. But he doubted any of them managed much.
He certainly hadn’t.
Scott knew because Virgil could see it reflected in those blue eyes of his. He still looked worn, though he tried to hide it, ever the professional.
Dad was still looking at him with questioning eyes.
Virgil sighed. “I’m just tired. I can manage.”
Those lips pressed together, obviously displeased.
His father was so like Scott in so many ways that having both of them to contend with on this mission was going to send Virgil grey.
It was okay for them to go out on a limb, risk their lives for the greater good, but if someone they cared about did the same, they were all worry and you can’t do that.
As if to emphasize that thought, his father’s frown fixated on Scott. Virgil followed his gaze, but from his angle could only see the back of his brother’s head.
Another glance at his father and the concern was clearly there.
Perhaps something was starting to sink into Dad’s head. Maybe he was realising what he was risking.
Who he was risking.
Three shook a little as she breached the minimal atmosphere of the moon. Alan was muttering orbital calculations. Each large planetary body was different and required a catered approach.
The Base had sent vectors and the conditions that constituted ‘weather’ on the barren moon, but there were many firsts in this mission and this was one of them.
For the benefit of the rest of them, Alan threw up a hologram of their approach.
The massive crater known as Asgard swelled on the screen. It was very bright, even in the weak sunlight. Probably ice. To the north of it lay an even brighter splash of white, rays extending out across the heavily cratered surface for miles.
As they sank, the horizon formed in a sharper curve than Virgil was used to. Sharper than Mars which was the only other planetary body beyond Earth’s Moon Virgil had ever set foot on.
“There it is.” Alan, ever enthusiastic in his element, pointed out a spot quickly growing on the display. “Callisto Base.”
It was a white cross with a massive airlock at its centre. Surrounding the arms of the cross was machinery, storage tanks and energy production facilities. It shone ever so bright, like a blunted star plastered on the side of the moon.
As they drew closer, the Tracy Industries logo could be seen branded across the airlock doors.
The base was a massive endeavour. Almost entirely underground taking advantage of a small crater in the Doh crater wall, it had capped the landform and sealed off the space creating a series of caverns to house the transport ships moving between the Base and the Jefferson or any other destination they chose.
Entirely self-sufficient, TI’s hydrogen technology gave it power, TI’s heavy duty excavation equipment gave them the power to dig the base out of the rock and ice. It had helped to find unexpected caves under the surface. All and all the Base was a robust structure, protecting its fifty-odd inhabitants from the hazards of living on an exposed and radiated moon.
“Callisto Base, Thunderbird Three requesting permission to dock.” Virgil was suddenly irrationally proud of his little brother.
Commander Walters answered immediately. “Permission granted Thunderbird Three. Hold in the airlock for repressurisation and permission to proceed.”
“FAB, Callisto Base.”
“One of these days, Jeff, you are going to tell me what that means.”
Both Alan and their father snorted.
As they approached, the big airlock doors slowly began to open, splitting the TI logo in half. The hologram stayed fixed on their destination, but Three pivoted her nose to the darkness of the sky bringing the ever-hovering presence of Jupiter back into view through Three’s windows. Alan flicked a wrist and the Thunderbird started lowering into what was now a gaping maw below.
Three slipped into the airlock and the doors closed behind them.
Alan was a professional, but he had to admit that he was internally bouncing around in joy. The air was still thick with tension, his family caught up in this thing with Dad, but Alan was doing his best to ignore it and focus on his job.
And oh my god, he was landing on his second moon of Jupiter! This had to be a first. He could go down in history as the first person to land on several moons, another planet and multiple random comets and asteroids.
Okay, so Virg and Scott had been with him, even Gordon on Europa – that had been one hell of a mission that still gave him both dreams and nightmares – but he had been the only one to land on all of them.
Alan Tracy, astronaut extraordinaire. He couldn’t help but grin as the airlock repressurised and the Callisto Commander finally gave him permission to land.
He slowed his ‘bird to a perfect touchdown as the secondary airlock doors closed above him.
He killed her engines and let her begin her cool down sequence.
The whole cockpit sighed a little in relief. A pause as if to reset and then everyone was moving.
Gray Walters rubbed the back of his neck as Thunderbird Three coasted smoothly from the decontaminating airlock into the main hangar. The pilot of that ‘bird had to be a Tracy. The huge red rocket barely fit nose to tail with only inches to spare between the two massive sets of doors. After all, they had never expected such a large craft needing to dock.
He had Kate to thank for arguing the hangar’s size...with Ju backing her up as usual.
The thought of his wife froze him for a split second. Ju was going to be okay. Jeff was here now. He had always been their good luck charm. Hell, the guy had survived eight years in space alone. Ju could manage a few days.
Couldn’t she?
“She’s docked.” Mary, his second, looked up from her station. “Shall I shunt her into a bay?”
“Leave her in central for now. We’re not going anywhere and they may need to leave in a hurry.”
“That will piss Benji off.”
“Benji can stew. His team still has a week left of their Jefferson rotation.”
“He will cite regs.”
Gray turned away. Let him cite regs. “This is an emergency and takes priority.” He sighed. “Run decon in the central core. Anyone not crucial to this operation is to steer clear of International Rescue. Lock off environmental systems. Keep the two crews contained to keep the risk of contamination as low as possible. We can’t afford an accidental bug in the system.”
“Will do.” She paused before bringing up the topic he knew she would. “What about Jeremiah?”
“What about him?”
“You need to tell them.”
“One thing at a time, Mary.”
“First we find Kate and Ju.” He swallowed. They had to find Ju.
They had to.
Stepping onto a new world was never as grand as it appeared. Hell, landing on Mars for the first time had been a trip over his own toes’ moment.
Stepping onto Callisto was no different.
It was Scott who grabbed him before he could flip head over heels across the gantry. Changes in gravity always took time to get used to and less than twenty-four hours ago, it had been Earth oppressive.
Callisto gravity was a relief…if a little disorientating.
His eldest’s strong grip wrapped around his arm and held tight. Jeff looked over at Scott and was pinned with such worried bright blue eyes that his heart clenched.
All the tension, the argument, the resistance to his presence on this mission boiled down to the emotion in those eyes.
And fear.
Scott was terrified.
Jeff did it without thought or care for what anyone would think. He grabbed his son and yanked him into a hug, holding him close. The squawk across comms and the scrape of their helmets against each other did nothing to stop him.
“I’m sorry, son.”
Scott’s arms wrapped around him, ever so hesitantly.
That hesitation hurt almost as much.
He clung that much tighter.
“Dad?” It was breathless.
He clung a second longer, but… Yes...right.
It was a moment stolen.
Because they were on a mission.
Jeff let Scott go.
His son pulled away slowly, not quite fully releasing him, and again those blue eyes were fixated on him in worry.
So much worry.
“You okay, Dad?”
Jeff straightened with more ease than he had managed in a long time and became aware of all the other eyes on him.
The ever-present echoes of Lucille’s beautiful brown eyes were assessing him. That was a given. But another two pairs of blue and a frowning fishy amber had him targeted as well.
He looked at each of them before turning back to the massive cavern around them. A mix of rock wall, structural support and storage, the docking cavern was lit with strong lighting, the red of Three reflecting on patches of frozen water embedded in the walls.
They were standing on a walkway that had been extended out to Three’s hatch. It was obviously of variable height and length and Jeff couldn’t help but admire the design.
He wondered who was responsible.
He wondered if it was Kate.
Her green eyes smiled at him at the back of his mind.
His lips pressed together as his sons and brother-in-law continued to shoot concerned expressions in his direction.
A breath.
“Let’s do this.” And he led them out and into Callisto Base.
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jonahlovescoffee · 4 years
Hi! I hope you are well : ) So, I was trying to think of an idea and then I saw the title on your blog - loving can hurt sometimes- and that kind of gave me an idea...Maybe one of the wdw boys is in a relationship with the reader, y/n, and they hit a rough patch and things are kind of hanging on a thread. Neither of them know whether it's going to work out. Hope this inspires you! I'll send some more if I can think of something.
Grey | J.M.
a/n: @randomlimelightxxx thanks so much for sending in an ask <33333 and I’m sorry for replying to it this late :( i love love love your idea!!! but i hope u don’t mind if i make it a little sadder (◐‿◑) whoops. 
(ps: this turned out worse than i hoped but i do hope you like it)
summary: a happy ending isn’t always guaranteed, even when you love someone with every fibre of your being, because life isn’t a fairytale.
warnings: angst
word count: 2517
“i can’t believe i let you go.”
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Jonah doesn’t know for sure how long he has been staring at the framed photograph that has been hanging on the living room wall for as long as he can remember. It was taken during one of the few 4th of July celebrations that you both had celebrated together. In the picture, your smile was brighter than ever, even brighter than the fireworks that were bursting through the dark night behind you, fiery blooms amongst the stars. He had an arm around your shoulders, his green orbs looking at you lovingly as you took the selfie.
Both of you seemed so happy back then—something you both hadn’t felt in a long time, even before your dramatic fallout. You were going strong, weren’t you? Both of you used to be the poster children of the perfect couple — you had each other backs and lifted each other up when the going got tough, which led you to believe that nothing could ever come between the two of you.
But life did. When his career started to blow up, your relationship with him did too.
Every time he closes his eyes; the vivid memory of the horrible night months ago starts to play before him like a movie.
“Jonah Marais Roth Frantzich, have you been drinking again?” You tore your eyes away from the TV and directed it towards him instead when you heard the sound of the door opening then closing, followed by the rattling of keys as he threw it into the small box beside the door. The stench of alcohol filled your apartment almost immediately, indicating that he had a heavy intake of whatever alcoholic drink he consumed at the party.
He didn’t answer, or even bat an eye at you as he made his way into the kitchen to get a glass of water. Your lips pressed into a thin line as your blood boiled upon being ignored by him. You glanced at the clock. It was nearly 3am. This was the latest he had ever been home after attending a party, which was something he had been doing almost every day lately.
You hated his new habit of getting absolutely wrecked after every party, and he knew that too. He also knew that you hated him getting too friendly with the alluring LA models that were up to no good, as much as you hated him spending most of his time on his job, resulting with him neglecting you far too often for your liking, until you guys were basically nothing more than strangers living under the same roof.
He knew many things, but he never cared, because those were the requirements of his job — to constantly socialize and make music — so he thought that you’ll understand but from the look of the annoyed scowl on your face, that didn’t seem to be the case tonight.
“Jonah, answer me,” you ordered sternly from where you sat on the couch in the living room.
He didn’t know whether if it’s the fault of the alcohol that was coursing through his veins or the fact that both of you hadn’t really talked in days (maybe months) had started to drive him over the edge, but he found your displeasure oddly infuriating, although he knew you were merely looking out for him.
You are his girlfriend, not his fucking mother. 
“Yes, not that it’s any of your business,” he seethed and you seemed taken aback by his reply. At least that’ll shut you up for now.
He placed the cup into the sink with a greater force than he intended before leaving the kitchen to head towards the master bedroom, trying his best to ignore your accusing glare that was still boring into his back and hold back the rest of the harsh words that was threatening to spill out of his mouth.
He knew he was drunk and he didn’t want to say anything that he would regret later in the morning so staying silent was currently the best option. Everything would return to normal the next day once you forgot about this, like you always had for the past few weeks. The tension would be gone and you both would return to playing the role of a lovey-dovey couple that, unbeknownst to others, barely talked in what felt like forever.
But you had other plans. You weren’t letting this matter go this easily. This had been going on for too long. You had enough of his immature behaviour that was gradually driving a wedge between the two of you. You wanted -- no, needed -- this to stop right now, for his own good and yours.
You wanted the old Jonah back -- the Jonah who’d walk to the ends of the world for you, who’d join you in bed at night to ask about your day and who’d put you as his first priority. You walked briskly towards him and captured his wrist in your hand.
“I’m your girlfriend, Jonah, and I have the right to hold you accountable for your dumb actions,” you purposely emphasized on the three words that you knew would get on his nerves. You wanted him to talk, to explain why he was suddenly so obsessed with getting drunk. Was he stressed? Was something bothering him? 
Once again, you received no answer from him.
“Drinking is bad for your health, Jonah,” you softened your tone, just by a little. “And you barely get enough sleep recently, it’s--”
“Just shut up for once, can you?” He jerked your hand away. “Always ‘Jonah don’t do this’, ‘Jonah don’t do that’ like I am some kind of dumb baby that needs help. Just so you know, I’m a grown man who is perfectly capable of making my own decisions, mind you.”
This was the first time Jonah had ever raised his voice at you. You tried not to let his words get to you, you tried to convince yourself that it was the alcohol talking for him but tears ended up welling up in your eyes anyways. You held them back as you continued to speak. 
“I was just trying to advise—”
“I said shut the fuck up! Even if I do need help, I won’t be asking it from the likes of you!” Before you could react, the glass vase that was once placed beside the TV went flying against the wall behind you, shattering into a million pieces.
“What the hell is wrong with you, Jonah?” You cried out, your hands fisting the front material of his shirt. “What the heck was that for?”
“Get off me, you psycho!” he pried your hands off him and pushed you away forcefully, making you stumble backwards and fall to the ground due to your loss of footing.
Tears were streaming down your cheeks uncontrollably now. “You’ve changed. The old Jonah will never do this to me,” you stood up, wiping off your tears with the back of your hand.
“Maybe it’s because you don’t know me well enough.”
“You know what?” You were jabbing your finger on his chest. “If this is the real you, maybe I shouldn’t have dated you in the first place,” you shouted at him.
“Fine, don’t date me then! Maybe I finally can live a lot more freely without your constant nagging!”
Your breathing stopped for a moment and you swore his did too. Silence ensued, the only sound being the tv that you forgot to turn off before the fight.
Shit. He said too much.
When you finally came back to your senses, you pushed pass him to make your way into the bedroom, pulling out your luggage and set it open on the bed.
“You should’ve told me earlier that you didn’t want me in your life,” you said breathlessly as you proceeded to dump all your clothes into your luggage before slamming it shut, ignoring his pleas for you to stop.
“No, baby, I don’t mean what I said,” he grabbed your arm and you flinched at his touch. That was how he knew he messed up. Badly. “Let’s just forget—”
“I’m so done with always sweeping our problems under the carpet and pretend like they don’t exist, Jonah!” You yelled frustratedly. “Let me ask you, when was the last time we had a heart-to-heart talk, Jonah? When was the last time we had a peaceful meal together without arguing? When was the last time we actually spent quality time together?”
He couldn’t answer any of your questions.
“Can’t you see it? We haven’t been a couple for quite a while now,” you explained, pulling your closed luggage out of the room towards the front door, not forgetting to pick up your purse along the way. “What happened just now was just one more sign that we,” you gestured between the both of you, “are not meant for each other so maybe it’s for the best if we break up.”
“No, please, no,” he fell to his knees before you, his hands moving to grasp your arm. “Don’t go. I’m sorry. Please.”
“I’m not wasting any second more of my life with you,” you spat mercilessly in his face. “Now let go.”
“No, please, stay with me, baby,” he continued to beg, the grip on your hand unfaltering.
“I’m sorry,” you said and felt his grip loosen at the two simple words. He knew there was no point in holding on once you already made up your mind. “Goodbye, Jonah.”
You yanked your arm away and walked out the door, not looking back, leaving a distressed male behind, in tears.
Yes, Jonah remembers everything from that night, especially the slam of the door behind you as you walked out of his apartment and his life, forever.
And he is the one to blame.
Fast forward to the present, he misses you so much that he is starting to lose his mind.
He thinks about you so often that sometimes he forgets that you aren’t his anymore. He still finds himself reaching out to what used to be your side of the bed the first thing in the morning, only to find it cold and empty; he still looks forward to coming home from work every day to run into your arms that used to be his safe haven, only to be reminded by his quiet house that your laughter, your kisses, your touches are luxuries that he can no longer afford, no matter how wealthy he is.
You gave him a chance—scratch that, you have kind-heartedly given him countless chances in the past for him to make up for his mistakes, to prove to you that loving him was worth all the suffering, but all he did was disappoint you over and over again by choosing to walk away from you when his career was at stake.
It wasn’t until you were gone that he noticed all those valuable chances that have unknowingly passed him by.
He runs a hand through his hair and heaves a sigh, throwing his head back so that he is mindlessly staring at the ceiling.
He was cowardly fool, for putting his needs above the person who he swore to love till the end of time, for giving up when he should’ve fought a little harder to preserve what’s left of their love, for doing nothing as the distance between them grew by leaps and bounds until you eventually slipped out of his grasp into nothingness.
Most importantly, he was the world’s biggest idiot to ever think that he can live without you.
He knows that he should stop missing you; he knows that he should forget the past, or at least lock all the fond memories he had built with you into a box and shove it into the darkest, deepest corners of his mind, not to be opened ever again; he knows that he should move on, like you already did.
But “I know” and “I can” are two completely different things. Yes, he is terribly exhausted from holding onto the past, holding onto you, even as he feels the remaining shred of hope that you might one day return to him slowly diminish as days passed but at the same time, he is still too in love to let you go.
Therefore, for what seems like the thousandth time that month, he pulls out his phone from his pocket, and dials your number that is still marked as favourites in his contact list. As expected, the call goes to voicemail right away, after your recorded voice says, “Sorry, I can’t come to the phone at the moment but feel free to leave a message instead!” in a cheerful tone, as if you are mocking him for not being able to talk with you like he used to anymore.
After the beep, Jonah hesitates a moment before opening his mouth to speak, but no words escape. He has no idea where to start. He knows a simple ‘sorry’ isn’t going to fix everything, for the pain you had endured because of him is definitely not worth to be forgiven with a simple two-syllable-word. He contemplates if he should end the call, like what he has done for the past thousand times.
No, he has spent too much time dwelling in his misery without making any effort to win you back It’s about time he at least tries to start a proper conversation with you because even if you don’t reciprocate his feelings, you still deserve an apology from him.
“Hi,” he breathed nervously. “How are you? I know I should not be trying to contact you after what I did to you that night but,”
A pause.
“It’s not the same here without you, y/n. I miss your cooking, your terrible singing voice, your hilarious pep talks – hell, I even miss your long boring lectures whenever I forgot to wash the dishes,” he smiles a little at the memory.
“And I’m sorry, I really am, for ruining everything. I know it’s not enough but it’s true. Not a day passes where I don’t regret what I did to you that night and all the mistakes that I’ve made before that.”
“Please baby, give me one more chance to make it right. Just one more, please. Come back, be here with me because,” another pause.
He searches his brain for the right words to say, rubbing his temples with his fingers as his mind whirs.
Because of you, his life used to be filled with endless love and laughter. Your love was like the warm daylight, illuminating his world in golden, chasing away all the darkness. You painted his life with the vibrant colors of the rainbow whereas now that you’re gone, everyday it rains, the previous sunshine you provided long gone. He should’ve never let you go. With a swipe of his tongue over his trembling dry lips, he finishes his sentence before he decides to chicken out.
“Because I still love you. Without you, now everything’s grey.”
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tybee island horse ghosts
I began my journey into the first track of Car Seat Headrest’s first album with research. I quite honestly still have no idea how Tybee Island falls into the life of WIll Toledo, but it is a real place. Tybee Island is a small island located near Savannah, Georgia and is apparently a popular beach destination in the state. With some TripAdvisor reviews I discovered two things. 1) Savannah, Georgia is one of the most haunted cities in America, and 2) Tybee Island is definitely (allegedly) haunted. A lot of the island seems to center around an old lighthouse, where lots of people have reported paranormal experiences from inside. Aside from this it's actually a pretty average, innocent beach town that really doesn’t have a lot going on, but iIf anyone knows how Will ties into Tybee I would be interested to hear.
Now onto the actual music. I will never understand the hate that 1 gets. Controversially the numbered albums are some of my favorite works of Car Seat Headrest. There’s something so gut wrenching about the rawness of them. If your reasoning for disliking the numbered albums or any of Car Seat Headrest’s early work is the production quality you are one of the most annoying people on the planet. This album was produced by Toledo in the back of his car at 17, of course you aren’t going to get the studio quality you desperately crave for reasons I will never be able to understand. Believe it or not but the album is just good and that's okay.
Lyrically the song is pretty empty. It consists of two verses and then the word asteroid repeated multiple times after each verse. Some have claimed the lyrics to be a reference to The Little Prince, but this remains unconfirmed by Toledo, and I will not be examining the lyrics from that perspective. When reading the lyrics in the first verse, I see it as someone has died. 
“When I look at the sky at night
I can hear you laughing on your star
All the other stars laugh along with me
I can hear them from down there”
Perhaps Toledo believes this person to be looking down on him and laughing. Whether the laughing is of comfort or of spite is up to your interpretation. Upon first reading them I had assumed it was of a spiteful manor, but after some consideration it could also be a comforting laugh, some other worldly joy that has come after death. Either way they're laughing together and Will can “hear them” from the earth. This is what leads me to believe it is laughing out of spite, the sting of being talked about behind your back and everyone reacting like it’s the best thing they’ve heard. I guess this theory also comes from the shame I feel from many Car Seat Headrest lyrics. 
After this asteroid is repeated 6 times. I am not entirely sure of my own thoughts of why this occurs. Maybe it represents some kind of mental explosion, a breaking point of sorts. Maybe it references a death, but I haven’t been able to find any discussion on them. When reading the next lyric I start to channel my thinking into death. 
“When it's over all the lights go out
But let's stay and watch the credits
Let's move over a little and watch the sunset
Tybee Island horse ghosts”
“When it’s all over and the lights go out” is the lyric I’m most heavily drawn to. I’m not sure why, but I take it as it represents some kind of life after death. Could these Tybee Island horse ghosts be some lost souls who ended up in Tybee? Are they there observing from the background for an eternity, watching the ending of life as one big movie? The “credits” could be the ending of a day or a life being watched by some force greater than humans. The lyrics, or lack of them, leave many questions for me, but maybe that’s how it should be. Death is a mystery to all those who are living, maybe the lack of information is some kind of metaphor for the little we know about what’s next. 
Asteroid is repeated 18 times after the second and final verse, in 3 sets of 6. I don’t believe the meaning to change from my original theory, maybe this time it represents some kind of closure or acceptance, but that doesn’t really lead anywhere. Maybe these horse ghosts have just accepted the hit, it’s inevitable at this point so why try to fight it. 
Beyond the lyrics is the actual musical composition of the song. It’s sharp and metallic and gritty which is something that is seen a lot in the early work of CSH. There’s also a lot of background noise, including talking, with words I can’t make out. There’s some subtle acoustic guitar throughout the duration of the song as well. Sitting at 4:55 it’s actually one of the longest songs on the album, only beat out by kid war and mortgages for veterans. I actually was really impressed by the musical composition of the song, it’s extremely unique and very impressive for Will only being 17 at the time of its release. 
There is so much that has gone unknown about 1, and the numbered albums in general. Even in online spaces centered around the band the discussions of them are few and far between. I wish more was known about these albums and the thought and meaning behind all of the songs, but I hope I have managed to open someone’s mind to further investigate what these lyrics and others could possibly mean. If you know anything I haven’t mentioned please feel free to share it with me. I want to give all of Car Seat Headrest’s work the recognition it deserves, but I definitely don’t know everything. Thank you for reading and hopefully joining me on this journey through the many works of Car Seat Headrest.
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ga-yuu · 3 years
~Kurama~Main Story Chapter 9~
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Chapter 8
------Part 1-----
Kurama: "-----Those eyes."
Yoshino: "hmm?"
The fingertips on my cheek, come up within a touching distance of my eyeballs.
I didn't have to raise my voice because----
The emotion in Kurama's eyes was neither anger nor contempt.
Kurama: "I don't like your eyes. I hate the way how it's shining so strangely in the dark night."
Yoshino(blushing): "Kura..ma..."
(Why are you looking like that?)
I exhale and search for the answer as quietly as possible.
Yoshino: ".....I think it's Kurama's eyes that are doing the talking."
Kurama: "I can't see my own eyeballs, and maybe I should take yours out, carry it around."
Yoshino: "Take my eyes out....!"
This time I backed away in a panic and Kurama snickered at me.
Kurama: "I was joking. I have no such vices."
(Thank god!)
1. Don't joke...
2. Kurama's jokes are not good for me...(+4/+4)
3. Don't scare me...
Yoshino: "Kurama's jokes are not good for my heart.....they're life threatening."
Kurama: "You already have a short life span...how can shorten it even more?"
Kurama is still keeps looking into my eyes even after he let goes of his fingertips.
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Kurama: "I don't mind having shiny things at hand, but if you hollowed them out they wouldn't shine as brightly as they do now. It makes me angry for no reason."
Yoshino: "What do you mean?"
Kurama: "Don't ask me, I don't like this kind of idle sentiment."
(Even Kurama himself doesn't know what's inside Kurama, despite the fact that he attracts so much human awe and admiration.)
(.....He’s distorted.)
No more questions were answered by Kurama as he tipped back his cup.
A few days later -----
Morinaga and Shigehira hurried back to Kamakura to report before Yoritomo.
Morinaga: "I apologize, Yoritomo-sama."
Shigehira: "With the rebels in retreat, I was caught off guard that Yoshino-san would be taken. Once we got the information we went after the rebels to get it back..."
Yoritomo: "But they were out of reach. Well, that's understandable. Morinaga and you were both busy cleaning up after the battle, right?"
------Part 2------
Yoritomo: "But they were out of reach. Well, that's understandable. Morinaga and you were both busy cleaning up after the battle, right?"
The clenched fists of the two men convey their frustration.
Yoritomo: "I was on the lookout for suspicious activity at court, but I didn't realize until it was too late. The court must have been involved in Yoshino's abduction in some way. Yasuchika's people are lazily dodging us because they have no proof."
Shigehira: "Crap..."
Morinaga: ".....Is Yoshino safe with the rebels?"
Yoritomo: "That’s upto Yoshitsune. But at least he won't take her life right away."
Morinaga: '...In the last war the rebels lacked more strength than the Shogunate. That's why Yoshino is likely to be kept around as a bargaining chip. .....At least that’s what I think.”
Yoritomo: "That's right. Also given, Yoshitsune's personality, he would never kill a woman without a good reason."
After Yoritomo's quiet announcement, a short heavy silence fell over the three of them.
Shigehira: "......We have to do something to get her back."
Morinaga: "Yeah, she's one of us."
Yoritomo: "Will have to keep an eye on the rebels and wait for the right moment. It will take some time, but we've Kagetoki already working on it."
Shigehira and Morinaga: "Yes."
Same time, at the Rebel House----
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Yoshitsune: "I can't say...I'm happy to welcome you. I've already informed them that you're here, fox princess."
Yoshino: "Minamoto no Yoshitsune.......sama."
(We've come this far at last.)
One word from this person or even a slight lift of the eyelashes can change the atmosphere.
(....My body feels heavy. What is this intimidating feeling.)
Yoshitsune: "Kurama and Benkei must have had a hard time."
Benkei: "No, it was my fault that the damage was greater. I'll accept any punishment you give me."
Benkei with his broken knees bowed his head deeply.
Yoshitsune: "It's not your fault. Benkei and Kurama both broke their bones to rescue those below them."
Kurama: "..............."
Yoshitsune: "The turmoil of the war was unpredictable. Isn't that right? Yoichi."
-------Part 3------
Yoshitsune: "The turmoil of the war was unpredictable. Isn't that right? Yoichi."
Yoichi-san, who had been standing in the corner looking a bit sluggish, shrugged.
Yoichi: "We did manage to find out that part of the Court was involved, though. The unity of the noble families who seem to be involved is strangely strong. The reason why no information was leaked to the Shogunate or to us until the war began is that there is a considerable mastermind on the other side."
Kurama: "Is that man and Ibuki related?"
Yoshitsune: "The demon mentioned in your letter."
Yoichi: "It’s still under investigation. We don't know for sure but at least Yasuchika-dono is probably related to Ibuki."
Kurama: "-------That fool."
(He's a Onmyoji and also involved with demons? What's going on inside the court?)
Yoshitsune: "Continue to investigate, Yoichi."
Yoichi: "I will."
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Benkei: "What about Yoshino?"
Without blinking, his amethyst eyes turn to me and I feel nervous.
Yoshitsune: "----Yoshino."
Yoshino: "Yes."
Yoshitsune: "You will be held in this house until the war with the Shogunate is over. If you don't resist, we will guarantee your life for the time being. I'll give you a room. If you are bored, you can take a walk in the garden."
Yoshino: ".....I understand."
(I'm glad.....for a change that they didn't kill me...)
(If I try to escape, I won't be forgiven....)
(And I also promised that I would return to everyone in the Shogunate.)
My heart ached for my friends.
Kurama: "So you've just arrived here and now you’re already in tears? You miserable little puss."
I was a bit annoyed when I heard the unkind voice and I replied back.
Yoshino: "I'm not here on a picnic, and I think it's normal to be nervous."
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Yoshitsune and Yoichi: “....!”
Yoshitsune: "By the way, was it Kurama who brought Yoshino to the camp?"
Yoichi: "Yeahhh....Also she understood our ‘Kurama’ quite well? Our ‘Kurama”
Kurama: "Why are you saying that twice?"
Yoichi: *whistling~*
Yoichi-san whistled deliberately to disguise the fact.
Yoshitsune: "Just as well. Kurama, Yoshino is in your care."
------Part 4------
Yoshitsune: "Just as well. Kurama, Yoshino is in your care."
Yoichi and Benkei: "............!!!"
Benkei: "....Are you sure Yoshitsune-sama?"
Yoshitsune: "We don't want anything to happen to the prisoners in our care. Whatever her everyday needs are, we must make sure that she gets everything, except for freedom."
Kurama: "I refuse. She might be the prisoner, but I'm not going to babysit her."
Even when Kurama glared at him coldly, Yoshitsune-sama shakes his head nonchalantly.
Yoshitsune: "It's rare to see Kurama talk to anyone else other than us. Don’t you think Yoshino would be better off in the enemy territory with someone she knows a little better?”
(Apparently, he is speaking as if he has good faith.)
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Yoichi: "Heh......Hahaha..."
Yoichi-san laughed, shaking his shoulders as if he couldn't bear it.
Yoichi: "Haha....it's okay Kurama.....there is a first time for everything... I'll support you for sure."
Kurama(glares): "Don't pat on my back. I don't want your support."
Kurama raises his eyebrows as Yoichi-san laughs and pats on his back.
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Benkei: "Being taken cared by Kurama....... I'm a bit worried about it."
(Then what about me, buddy? I'm the most anxious one here...)
Kurama: "If so, Then Benkei, you do it."
Benkei: "No, Yoshitsune-sama's orders are absolute. Kurama, I'll add some extra snacks for you tonight. Promise."
Benkei patted him on the shoulder, and Kurama looked down at me with an annoyed expression.
For some reason, Kurama agreed to show me to my room....
Kurama: "....................."
Maid: "Ku-Kurama-sama."
Kurama: "What?"
When the maids saw Kurama and me walking down the corridor, they came up to us as if in a panic.
Maid 1: "I have already prepared the room. I'll be back later to burn incense, so I'd like to ask Yoshino-sama what she likes...."
Yoshino: "Ehhh...umm.."
Kurama: "Not necessary. Back off."
------Part 5------
Kurama: "Not necessary. Back off."
Maid 2: "So, what time would you like to eat?"
Kurama: "Same time as everyone else."
Kurama shows no interest in the maids, who asked him fearfully, and they continued on their way.
(Kurama accepts being cuddled by humans as a matter of course.)
The arrogance is so natural that it's almost refreshing.
Kurama: "Yoshino, don't be shy."
As we were about to turn down the corridor, Kurama noticed my delay and glanced at me.
Yoshino: "Oh! Yeah! Sorry.."
(....As long as I can remember the front and keep my feet on the ground, I’m in Kurama's sight, right?)
I thought to myself as I walked quickly after him.
Yoshino: "By the way, why are the rebel soldiers and maids call you 'Kurama-sama'?"
(When you and I met again in Kamakura, you ordered me not to give you any unnecessary honorifics.)
Kurama: "They say that it is only right to be humble to the guests of Yoshitsune, a foreign warrior. It's unconscionable that a human should make a distinction without knowing who we are. It's annoying, but it's no use trying to reason with the ants that keep springing up. I've decided to leave them alone."
(So that's it...)
Yoshino: "I can honestly see why you'd want to use the honorific, whether it's your position in the rebels or not. I mean, you give out this intimidating feeling."
Kurama: "....You seem to have soon came to treat me with a sullen attitude, huh?"
Yoshino: "I didn't mean to..."
The suspicious look in his eyes made me squirm.
Yoshino: "....I mean, my emotions are all over the place and I feeling nervous and crazy at the same time."
Kurama: "-----You're a really strange woman."
(Not really the words I want to hear from Kurama....)
While we are thinking about whether to say something back or keep quiet, we arrive in front of a room.
Kurama: "This is your room."
(So big....!)
Yoshino: "It's a very nice room for a prisoner...."
Kurama: "Are you dissatisfied?"
Yoshino: "......Not at all."
(I should be grateful that I am not treated unkindly. But it's indeed unsettling.)
Kurama: “You may be smart, but you’re still a lapdog. Remember that the only reason you’re still alive is because you’re not a threat.”
(....That’s right.)
Kurama looked at me with amusement as I fell silent.
Kurama(evil smile): “Tell me what it’s like to be in such an appalling situation, little puss.”
Yoshino(blushing): “-----This is a nice room.”
Kurama(evil smile): “Ohhh...really”
I manage to smile through my anxiety and Kurama raises one end of his lips.
(It’s infinitely more difficult to get out of here on my own by any stretch of imagination.)
(But try not to lose heart and believe that the time will come when we will return to the Shogunate.)
Kurama: “Good nerve. It’s quite impressive.”
I looked at Kurama’s face as he closed the distance between us, and his red eyes had a mysterious glint in them.
(Oh no! I think I’ve provoked something!)
I was slowly backing away, but----
Yoshino(blushing): “Wh-Why are you coming closer???”
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Kurama: “Because you’re running away.”
My back hits the wall, and I lose my chance to escape.
Kurama: “Are you done?”
Kurama calmly stops in front of me and touched my hair.
Slowly, the fingertips combed through my hair and traced down my neck.
Yoshino(blushing): “Wa-Wait....not this....again...”
Kurama: “Don’t make me say it again. I’ll do what I want and when I want.”
Yoshino(blushing): “No....you should.....Mm....Ah....”
His lips touched the edge of my ears.
Kurama: “The temperature of your body has risen.”
Yoshino(blushing): “Stop it now!”
I try to pull away, but Kurama’s hands were holding my shoulders and he was laughing lowly.
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Kurama: “Heh...I don’t love you. So does that mean, you react like this when any man touches you.”
Yoshino(blushing): “No...it’s Kurama.....”
My ears are bitten even more sweetly, and the rest of my words are swallowed up with my breath.
Kurama: “Kurama, what?”
I shivered as a hot tongue crawled over my ear and pecked at my soft skin.
Yoshino: “Mm...a.....Ku.....rama.....ahh....”
The slightest resistance is contained by a sweet stimulus rather than by force.
Yoshino: “Mmm....”
(I feel hot.)
I looked up and stared at Kurama with my tearful vision. <-- her orgasm face.
However, the contrast between the black hair and red eyes that adorned the well-formed shape drew my attention.
Kurama: “................”
Kurama looked at me as if he was observing my expression...
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Kurama: “.....I see. So you like the way how I look.”
Chapter 10
15 notes · View notes
likeholymary · 4 years
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— one with the force
the phantom menace ii: 4.6k words
AU: What if the Clone Wars never happened, but instead Darth Sidious cast aside the Rule of Two, forging a new way for the Sith and began amassing an army of Sith warriors to overthrow the Jedi and the Republic?
A/N: (not my gif) (excerpt below is from The Clone Wars: Wild Space by Karen Miller, slightly altered to fit the story). hello beautiful friends! the beautiful gif credit goes to @pixelahsoka. this chapter has a LOT of content so just keep that in mind! also, kind of cheesy ending but whatever, hehe. also, yes, to confirm, obi-wan and rhea are a force dyad. however, it will (hopefully) be better than the sequels, bc i felt like it just came out of nowhere. their romance will be a slow-burn to them actually accepting it, with them still being at least semi-romantical along the way, so look forward to that! this chapter is filled with a lot of fluff, and a very angsty ending. this is the last chapter set during the phantom menace, so the next chapter will be set during attack of the clones, where most of the AU aspect will begin to pick up! comment below or send me an ask if you would like to join the taglist and be notified about the upcoming chapters! again, i am so grateful that you are even reading this, and if you feel compelled to do so, please reblog this post so your mutuals can read it as well! i love you all:) masterlist
mentions: death, blood, fighting, MAJOR angst, force connection, sadness.
The Master and Apprentice began their departure from the Jedi Temple on their Naboo, and Obi-Wan did not think it wise. 
Not after the Dathomirian man had appeared on that Maker-forsaken dustball with a red lightsaber, which only meant one thing – the Sith had returned.
He breathed in the pale glow of the planet’s moon, not taking time to look up and watch the stars glitter above, instead making short strides behind Qui-Gon, the shadow of the Naboo ship creeping its way across to cover them in more darkness, further darkening Obi-Wan’s mood and attitude towards the continuation of this ill-fated mission. 
Having just left the council’s chambers, he felt immense frustration, not only at the council, but at his Master as well. Not only was he ready to face the Jedi Trials which the council seemed to be denying him the right to, now his Master was all too eager to take on the latest lifeform they had picked up on their Naboo adventures, a boy believed to be the Chosen One by his Master.  
Not only was the boy too old, but Obi-Wan could sense it just as the council had – a great fear was buried deep within this Anakin Skywalker. A fear that was all consuming, and was growing slowly within him since they had left Tatooine and the boy’s mother behind.
Why could his master not sense it as he and the council did? Did he just assume ignorance for the possibilities to witness the forthcoming of a prophecy? He never understood his Master’s obsession with the old Jedi prophecies. It was an area of interest he sorely lacked, something that he felt put a strain on his relationship with Qui-Gon, something he realized that Qui-Gon probably wished Obi-Wan was intrigued by, but both of them knew that their Master-Apprentice relationship would never be like that of Dooku and Qui-Gon. 
Rhea, however, had been Dooku’s apprentice and shared a similar, if not less, affinity for the supernatural and old ways of the Jedi. Perhaps he could pay her a visit once his mission was completed, or even send her a message over their datapads like they used to before they got increasingly more busy as padawans. 
Surprise began to grow in him when he saw Rhea standing on the platform beside the ship. She had been waiting on him. As Qui-Gon began to speak to Anakin privately, Obi-Wan ran over to her with a small grin on his face. He should have known she would be here, for every time he simply thought of her, it seemed she was always nearby, as if she were watching over him.
“What are you doing here?” He beamed.
Obi-Wan couldn’t help but notice the blush dusting her cheeks, even in the shadow of the ship. 
“I couldn’t just let you leave without saying goodbye, now could I?”
“You said goodbye to me before the council meeting.”
Rhea rolled her eyes, groaning in annoyance before she began to simper quietly, punching him in the shoulder. “Well, yes, but I couldn’t give you this in front of the council, now could I?”  She held out her arms, opening them in anticipation for one of their rare hugs. When they were younglings, it was of course more sociably acceptable for them to embrace, however as the years began to pass and after many scoldings from each of their masters, they hid it away for special occasions or the few moments they would ever share alone, which were few and far between.
Obi-Wan buried his face in her shoulder, breathing in the sort of meadowy scent she always seemed to carry, as if she were the greatest meadow within the galaxy, filled with thousands of flowers constantly doused by the warm air and golden sunshine, only to be damped by a cool spring rain. She was a wonder, in his eyes.
Rhea’s arms wrapped around his neck as he lifted his head so he could carefully place his chin on top of her head, ever so sweetly. She equally breathed him in, sighing as she inhaled the overwhelming musk of rain, leather and perhaps even some old oak and a few of his dusty books. He always did become overly invested in his new findings, nose deep in his studies, but she wouldn’t have it any other way.
The two stood there for but a moment, taking every part of each other in as if it were the last time they would see each other, and to Rhea, she felt like it was.
“Promise.. promise you’ll come back?” Obi-Wan pulled away, simpering down at her with a twinkle in his eyes.
“When have I ever not?”
Rhea scowled for a second, her face quickly softening once more. “Just promise me, you idiot.”
“Fine, I promise you, dearest.”
She rolled her eyes at the nickname, breathing out a short laugh, before launching herself further into his arms, her fingers lacing through his shortly buzzed hair. Now for this, well, she wasn’t sure what Master Windu would have to say if he saw her like this, but she knew that it would be a deep scolding. It seemed so stupidly forbidden for her to just be lacing her fingers through his hair, but she paid no mind to the Jedi Code in the moment. 
Rhea was his dearest, and he her Ben, and yet, the pain of the loss of her Master still fresh on her mind, reminded her why she could not become attached to this overly-complex relationship the two padawans shared. 
It’s time to let go. 
And yet, she couldn’t. And neither could he.
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Obi-Wan Kenobi sat on the Queen’s ship while they flew through hyperspace back to Naboo. It seemed such a foolish idea to be returning to the invaded planet, but he did as he was told just as he always did, and followed the willful lead of his master. They were but a small force, two Jedi, a Queen and a handful of her people. What could they really do? If the Sith really had returned, could they really defeat them as well as an entire army?
The Queen had suggested they call upon the aid of the Gungans, but Obi-Wan questioned if that would work as well. The Gungans seemed to have a deeply seeded hatred for the people of Naboo, as it was obvious that in the past the former had treated the other like insolent fools. He wasn’t sure that he could disagree after spending so much time around Jar Jar Binks.
A light bit of laughter echoed in his mind, and it sounded like Rhea. He must have just imagined talking to her, Rhea giggling at his comments and avidly agreeing while coming up with her own quippy comment.
Obi-Wan could not help but miss the girl.
Alone in his small room aboard the ship, he tried closing his eyes so as to meditate, folding his hands together as he crossed his legs, breathe in, breathe out.
But she was still there.
Get out of my head.
He thought almost mockingly, knowing that she surely couldn’t be listening to his thoughts from such far a distance.
Why don’t you get out of mine, Ben?
Obi-Wan was shaken. There was absolutely no way-
I’m still here. Could you help me get out? You’re thinking about me too much, and I’m a little offended that you’re annoyed of my presence.
Obi-Wan then snapped his eyes open, and there sitting in front of him was none other than his dearest, greatest life companion, Rhea Illyria, with a smile of a thousand stars.
╔═━────━▒ ۞ ▒━────━═╗
Rhea Illyria sat on her bed in her quarters inside the Jedi Temple, breathing in, breathing out, as she performed her daily morning meditation. She knew many other padawans and younglings who hated the act of meditation, but she found it rather peaceful, a time to focus on the energy of the Force, to feel it moving around her and all other life forms.
She, however, became momentarily distracted by the thought of Obi-Wan Kenobi and his departure back to Naboo. She sighed, wishing she could have gone with him. There was something in the Force, something that felt like a warning about the planet of Naboo, and those who invaded. No, not the invaders... The ones controlling the invaders, pulling the strings. Who were they? The Sith? Or was it something... something much greater and evil in all forms and aspects?
Rhea worried for Obi-Wan and his mission, and she couldn’t help the thoughts consuming her not only of the danger of his mission, but of the padawan and their untold and unseen embrace. 
However, there was a nagging feeling in her gut. The Force pulling her towards something... No, someone.
She could just reach out, and suddenly her eyes were meet with the galaxy, planets dancing by as the stars glimmered all around her. She was walking among them, slowly, as if moving through the tides of the deepest oceans.
Breathe in, breathe out. What is the Force pushing you towards?
Rhea could see something ahead, a silver shape slowly getting closer as she continued to wade her way through stars and the black dusts of the galaxy.
Someone was thinking intensely. Someone was annoyed.
She couldn’t help but giggle at the notion of the Gungans being quite unintelligent creatures, or at least Jar Jar Binks, the creature someone was thinking about.
The closer Rhea got to the shape, she noticed it took the form of the ship from Naboo, the ship that carried its queen, the ship that carried him.
Someone was Obi-Wan.
This had to be some dream, she thought. She must have drifted into some sleep while she was meditating. But at the same moment she drifted through space, she breathed in, and could feel the sheets of her bed curl around her fingers, sense the starflower in the corner of her window, could smell the caf she so desperately needed each day after her meditations.
Despite trying to refocus on her true surroundings, Rhea became lost in the stars once more when something pushed back against her.
Get out of my head.
Rhea huffed, and began to more faster, willing the stars around her to move, to allow her closer access to the ship. She continued to wade and move through slowly, yet determined.
Why don’t you get out of mine, Ben?
She could feel his confusion, and despite her own, she couldn’t help but find some joy in this strange place. How she was able to drift through the stars to the other padawan was certainly not a normal occurrence among the Jedi, nor within the Force.
He couldn’t believe she was there either. He was thinking about her, thinking about how he missed her, which tugged at something within her she had never noticed before.
Her fingers finally grace the cool metal of the ship, however, they moved through its surface, and she was able to pass through, allowing the Force to guide her to her dear friend.
At the same time, he became frustrated by her presence distracting him from his own meditation.
I’m still here. Could you help me get out? You’re thinking about me too much, and I’m a little offended that you’re annoyed of my presence.
She was no longer floating within the ship, and instead now found herself grounded, sitting cross legged across Obi-Wan.
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“Ho-how are you even here? I must be dreaming, there is no way that this could possibly be real. I mean, have you ever read about Jedi being able to communicate with each other over vast distances such as this? This is simply impossible!”  Obi-Wan rambled, tugging at his chin, brow furrowed as his mouth gaped slightly at the sight of Rhea.
She however, rolled her eyes, unamused this time by his consistent desire for the knowledge of just about everything. This had to be under the category he loved the least, and she treasured the most – the supernatural ongoings of the Force.
“Ben!” She finally shouted, smacking him on his forehead to get his attention.
This brought Obi-Wan to attention, but also caused both padawans to touch their forehead and hand respectively.
“How did you do that!” “How did I do that?”
Rhea and Obi-Wan were, to say the least, perplexed and befuddled by the situation before them. Obi-Wan, deciding the best course of action was to hypothesize how this anomaly could have occurred in the Force, decided they should each ask one another questions regarding just how this had happened.
“What were you doing when this,” he motioned between them, “happened?” Rhea bit her bottom lip, furrowing her brow just as he had. “I was meditating. It’s morning back at the Temple, so I was doing my morning meditations...” Obi-Wan’s hand remained on his chin, his forefinger rubbing incessantly across his upper lip. 
“As was I. Continue, please,” he spoke so softly, she almost wondered if he was trying to be quiet so no one would hear them and come looking.
“Well, my meditations were interrupted by thoughts of you.” Obi-Wan paused his menstruations, his eyes darting to meet hers.
“You were thinking about me?” 
“Well, yes–” “Why?” She grew flustered, a growing pain pounding in her chest, sharp and yet harsh. Her hands began to sweat as she started to wring them out like some old tunic on washing day, her eyes swooping to avoid his ever piercing-blue gaze.
“I don’t know, why were you thinking about me!” She retorted.
It was one of the few times Obi-Wan got speechless and she could not help but gleam with pride at catching his tongue. She knew this trait would probably die with age, the older her got the further he became closer to the title of a silver tongued master, however she knew she would look back on this moment and know she had trumped him at his own game.
“I–” However, he never got a singular thought out, as Qui-Gon began to shout Obi-Wan’s name like he were some incessant father trying to find his son after a long game of hide-and-go-seek.
Obi-Wan cursed under his breath, a moment of panic coursing through him, but when he looked back from the door to Rhea, she was gone, and he once again was alone, feeling a strange and overwhelming sense of sadness.
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Rhea tried to continue her day as usual, but her gut instinct inside of her told her that there was something more to her apparent Force projection than it just being that. No... she knew there was something more to this event that had just occurred in not only her life, but Obi-Wan’s. Everything felt like it was going to change.
Unfocused in her training with Mace Windu, he scolded her throughout the day, noting her lack of focus and charging her with consistent complaints about her lack of balance. 
How could she feel balanced? How was she supposed to feel balance after she lacked control over her own capabilities through the Force? How could she feel balance when it had alluded her since the day her Master abandoned her for a life without her as his apprentice? 
How could she feel balance without anyone there to guide her? “The Force, guide you, it will.” 
Rhea nearly ran over Master Yoda who now stood in the Temple’s halls in front of her, smiling just as knowingly as he had every day she could remember. 
“Master Yoda, I didn’t see you there.” “Loud your thoughts are. Many things on your mind, are there not?” 
Rhea could not help but feel guilty and caught. Surely though, Master Yoda could be the one to help her. She had so many questions weighing her down, aching to be asked, and yet she felt ashamed to even think them to herself. Now, it seemed that there were those who were listening. 
“Master, I just feel so lost.”
Yoda hummed, chuckling to himself as if he held all the secrets of the world to himself and would just become amused by the ongoings of the beings around him.
“Come with me, you will.” Yoda motioned for her to follow him, as he guided her toward the meditation room. He sat down on a small chair meant for younglings, and she sat adjacent from him, not really knowing if a meditation session was going to help. After all, it’s what got her into this conundrum.
“Close you eyes. Focus not on your surroundings, but the Force.”
Rhea breathed in, breathed out, closing her eyes as she began to let go of her surroundings, allowing them to fade away. 
“See what is in the Force that troubles you, and tell me what it is.” 
She wasn’t sure if she should reach out again. What if she connected with another Jedi like she had with Obi-Wan? But surely, that would not happen. She had been thinking of him, just as she was now.
Images then began to flow through her mind. A beautiful green planet under siege by the droid armies of the Separatists, a cloaked man with a red lightsaber watching over her as she slept, Dooku the day he left her without even looking behind, her connection with Obi-Wan earlier that morning, him falling...
“I see the droid armies invading Naboo.. A Sith watching over me. Dooku leaving the Jedi Order.... and..”
“More there is?”
“Yes..” Rhea whispered, but she couldn’t focus on the grainy voice of Yoda. She kept reaching out, as if pulling the Force towards her like a rope, trying to yank it so it would release all of its secrets it was holding from her.
And into the Force she fell.
Everything around her was blurry, she couldn’t focus on anything except the strength of the Dark Side coursing before her. It was Obi-Wan. And he had given into all of his anger and hatred, an overwhelming tsunami of darkness coating every inch of him and not it began to creep upon her, splashing her with the emotions flowing out of him.
No, he cannot give into this. She thought, watching as he fell into the pool of darkness waiting to swallow him whole.
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His master was dead. 
Obi-Wan watched as Qui-Gon crumpled to the floor, and he screamed in agony as he was trapped behind the laser shield, hopelessly witnessing the death of his Master.  And he could not help the growing rage and hatred that began to engulf his entire being, becoming greater with each second as he practically jumped, ready for the laser shield to move so he could slaughter this hunter before him, this Sith, this darkness.
His face twitched, his mouth curling downward into a snarl, complete loathe shining in his eyes which now darkened as he turned his gaze upon the Dathomirian. 
The Sith trailed before him like some wild beast waiting for its prey, stalking like some dark creature.
A moment before the laser shields even began to move once again, Obi-Wan ignited his lightsaber, seconds before a red bladed lightsaber was ignited as well. The shields moved, and Obi-Wan raised his saber, going to strike the beast of red and darkness down, going to strike for the kill out of the rage and hatred in his heart.
The darkness was consuming him, but Obi-Wan did not care. How could he care now? His master was dead, and this creature seemed a powerful foe within the Force, something that should be put down for the sake of the Republic and the safety of its citizens.... something that should pay for its crimes against the Jedi, it’s crimes against him.
He blocked every twist and twirl it made with its lightsaber, blocking its attacks by pushing back against it with more fervent and less coordinated attacks. If he could only strike it down... 
Obi-Wan lifted his lightsaber, slashing through the center of its double-bladed saber, cutting the pieces in half as one went out. He flipped over the creature, slashing at his center and sorrowfully missing him by an inch. 
This creature was quick, but he had to be quicker, he had to be. What would his Master say if he failed him? What would Rhea say if he were to fall, just as Qui-Gon had moments ago? He would not dare break a promise to her.
The creature kicked him in the face, but he did not let it affect him, instead holding out his lightsaber in front of him, looking for the best place to strike him down.  As their blades locked, Obi-Wan gritted his teeth as he pushed against the creature, his eyes glaring deeply into those sickly-yellow ones, now pushing down against his blade. Anger filled him, and rage too, however, the Sith lifted its hand, using the Force and propelling him across the room, and into the shaft. Obi-Wan grabbed ahold of a light as he began to fall, holding on for dear life as the Sith once again began to trail above him, stalking like a creature in the night. He watched helplessly as it kicked his lightsaber down into the shaft, the weapon, his life, now falling down just as hopelessly as he felt. 
Obi-Wan had to keep on holding on. He had to get back up there, he had to avenge his Master’s death. 
As the Sith caused sparks to rain down from above onto him, attempting to get him to lose grip and fall, Obi-Wan could hear her speaking to him.
Do not give into the darkness. Do not give into the anger or hate. Rise above.
A second voice this time came.
Trust only in the Force.
Rise above. 
And for a moment, Obi-Wan closed his eyes. Rhea was there, almost floating before him, but he couldn’t see anything around her, only she was in his mind. 
I will stand together with you. Rise above. 
“It occurred to Obi-Wan then, with a clarity that was startling, given the dark side hurricane howling through him, that Yoda was wrong about the dangers of attachment. Or at least that he wasn’t altogether right. It was true that attachment could weaken a Jedi’s resolve. But it could also strengthen it … as he was strengthened now by his love for Qui-Gon, and Rhea. Without them he would have failed long before this moment. And so, leaning on them, he continued to fight.”
And so, Obi-Wan opened his eyes, using the Force to propel him upwards as he jumped, landing behind the Sith and now focusing his energy, not through the Dark Side, but now back through the Force, allowing it to guide him now. Qui-Gon’s fallen lightsaber now flew into his hand as he landed, and with a swift movement of his wrist, Obi-Wan cut through the Dathomirian man, ending the terrors he had caused, as he fell down the shaft, thus causing yet another fall in the rise of the Sith.
For a moment he stood and just breathed, thanking the Force for his strength found in his love for his Master and friend.
Obi-Wan, sensing his Master’s lifeforce still flickering within him, ran to his side, cradling his head as gently as he could, holding onto some form of hope that his Master could still live. 
“It’s... it’s too late.”
“No, no!” 
“Obi-Wan..” Qui-Gon croaked, as best he could, the color draining from his face slowly, marking him with death as his lifeforce continued to flicker, dimming with each passing second. “Promise... promise me you will train the boy.”
“Yes, master..” Obi-Wan wept in response. Qui-Gon raise his hand to wipe his tears, and Obi-Wan rested his cheek lightly against his finger, wishing that this wasn’t the end.
“He is... the Chosen One. He will bring balance. Train him. Help him. You and Rhea must help him....”
Obi-Wan now momentarily forgot his grief, filled with confusion at the mention of his friend. 
“Rhea and I? Master, what do you–”
“There is more to the prophecy than what you know..”
“What, Master, I–”
Qui-Gon hushed him, before uttering his final words. “Train him.” He uttered his final breath, and Obi-Wan, cradling him, felt as if he were destined for some infinite sadness.
╔═━────━▒ ۞ ▒━────━═╗
Rhea supposed Naboo was a truly beautiful planet, one to behold amongst the galaxy, but it seemed so bleak and somber now with the death of Master Qui-Gon Jinn. 
She watched the pyre his body laid upon gather with flames that rose to meet the stars in the sky, the smoke dancing among the small lights glittering above.
Standing beside the young boy from Tatooine who introduced himself as Anakin Skywalker, she listened silently to the loss of sound in the Force that was Qui-Gon’s lifeforce. They all felt it, the small darkness that passed over them at the loss of such a wise Jedi.
Obi-Wan stood on the other side of Anakin, who looking up to him, asked, “What will happen to me now?”
“The council has granted me permission to train you. You will be a Jedi, I promise.”
Rhea still could not believe that Obi-Wan had not only become a Jedi Knight, but had also defeated and killed a Sith lord. How they had come to rise again, was still a mystery, but it caused a shroud of confusion and chaos to flow through the Force.
It was hard for Rhea to muddle through, her mind now more clouded and confused than ever, the events having transpired seeming to all be connected — Dooku leaving the Order, the Chosen One supposedly being found, the Sith returning, her bond with Obi-Wan...
It all seemed too obvious in her mind to not be connected, but Mace Windu continued to tell her to be mindful of her thoughts, even if he didn’t know of her bond with Obi-Wan, he still saw her point of view as a quick jump to conclusions.
As the procession ended and people began to filter out from the area of the funeral pyre, she stayed even as little Anakin left along with the other Jedi, staying by Obi-Wan’s side, just as she had promised.
“You’re still here.”
He said, nonchalantly, not even bothering to turn to face her.
Rhea looked up, turning her gaze to fixate on his face. He looked... tired, almost old, held down not only by exhaustion but by the overwhelming sense of loss and sadness which was now being carried by the duty he felt to honor his masters final wish.
“Just as I said I would always be. Right by your side.”
He sighed, turning to look down upon her, his blue eyes meeting with her darker ones.
“So, you really were there, speaking to me.”
“I suppose I was.”
The two were silent for a moment, simply staring into each other’s eyes as if understanding everything they wished to say. Rhea reached up, cupping his cheek softly as tears began to fall down his face.
She then got up on her tippy toes, being much shorter than him, and placed a slow kiss on his forehead, soft and lovingly and holding every hope she had within her.
Obi-Wan sighed softly, “We can’t tell anyone about this bond. Not until I have figured out what exactly it is.”
“Not until we have figured out what exactly it is. We’re in this together. I told you this already, but you don’t seem to be getting it through your thick skull. I stand by you. Always.”
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rhosyn-du · 3 years
Never make a mess when a total catastrophe will do - Chapter Seven
Pairings: Jimon, past Clace, background Clizzy, a bunch of other minor background pairings Rating: Explicit Art: @cor321​ Beta: @all-thestories-aretrue​ Tags:  Alternate Universe - College/University, fake dating, oh my god they were roommates, friends with benefits, idiots to lovers, pining, miscommunication, holidays, drinking games, mistletoe, symbolically significant Oreos, domestic fluff, brief mention of past character death, Jace’s self-worth issues deserve their own tag Summary: What do you do when you find out your sister is not only dating your ex and love-of-your-high-school-life but is also bringing her home for Christmas? Bring your annoying, hot, annoyingly-hot roommate as your fake boyfriend to show them you're totally fine with it, obviously! There's no possible way this could backfire. Link: AO3 , Tumblr Master Post
Chapter Seven
Jace knew they were in trouble as soon as he saw Maia’s face. The Cheshire Cat had nothing on her grin as she sauntered into Java Jones Monday afternoon, the last of their group to arrive.
She pulled a chair up between Jace and Simon, spun it around with a flourish to sit on it backwards, and flung an arm around both their shoulders. “So, is this the part where I say mazel tov?”
“I am going to literally murder my sister,” Simon announced.
Lily perked up. “Wait, what happened?” She looked between Simon and Jace, then fixed an intense gaze on Maia. “Did one of them finally break down and call you? Why didn’t you assholes mention anything? Who won the bet?”
“Oh, I got a call,” Maia said. “Not from either of these fools, though.”
Jace drained his coffee cup, wishing it were vodka instead. There was clearly no stopping this, so he might as well just face the music now.
“According to Becky, she and her grandmother caught these two in a storage closet about to get down and dirty, and Jace tried to cover up what they were doing by pretending he was down on his knees to propose.”
“Oh no,” Maureen said through a fit of giggles. “That’s terrible.”
Jace flipped her off, which only made her giggle harder.
“Don’t worry,” Maia said, patting Simon’s shoulder, “Becky said she’s like ninety percent sure your grandma didn’t know what was really up.”
“I can hide two bodies,” Simon told her. “I have a van.”
“And my sister is studying forensics,” Jace added. “I bet she’d tell me how to cover up a crime scene if I asked.”
“Every time you bring up your family, I just have more questions,” Lily said.
“Wait,” Maureen said suddenly, holding up her hands. Everyone looked at her. “If you guys are giving each other clandestine blowjobs, does this mean everyone in our friend group has slept together now?”
“Nope,” Bat said, and Jace shook his head.
“Wait, really?” Simon sounded genuinely surprised.
“We thought for sure you two were hooking up back when Simon and I were dating,” Maureen added, looking at Bat. “Jace was over at your place pretty much all the time.”
Jace stared intently into his empty coffee cup. He wasn’t about to tell them he’d spent so much time at Bat’s because he couldn’t quite stomach spending time in his apartment when Simon and Maureen were there, together.
“Jace was over at my place sulking because he got his ass dumped.” Which was the excuse Jace had given him. “He swore me to secrecy because he didn’t want you guys giving him shit for getting his heart broken.”
“You seem to be a little confused about the whole concept of secrecy, though,” Jace said.
“You could’ve told us,” Maureen said, earnest and sympathetic. “We wouldn’t tease you about something if you were really hurting.”
“Well, I’d tease you a little,” Lily said.
“You had your heart broken?” Simon’s voice was soft, and when Jace met his eyes, he found a confused curiosity there. Which of course there would be, Jace realized, given the conversation they’d had on the drive home, where he’d admitted that he hadn’t been serious about anyone since Clary.
“I wasn’t heartbroken,” Jace said, putting as much disdain as he could manage into the word. “Sasha just had some very strong opinions when I told her I didn’t want to get serious, and I kind of wanted to lay low for a while after.” The part about Sasha wasn’t even a lie.
“Oh,” Lily said, dragging the word out with relish. “You were embarrassed because she told you off in public.”
Bat looked skeptical. “You really expect me to believe you spent three weeks curled up on my couch eating Double Stuf Oreos because your ego was bruised?”
“Of course not.” Jace grinned at him. “That was because you’re a sucker who kept buying me Double Stuf Oreos.”
Maia smacked his arm hard enough to sting. “No taking advantage of Bat’s kind and generous spirit.”
Bat looked unconvinced. “Well, next time you decide to hide out at my place because you definitely didn’t get your heart broken, you’re on your own for Oreos.”
Simon was still watching him. “I would’ve shared my Oreos if I knew you needed them.” His tone was far too serious for a conversation about Oreos. Like maybe he knew Jace was hiding something. Like maybe he suspected what Jace was hiding.
Jace flashed him a shit-eating grin. “I hope you know I’m taking that as an invitation to steal your Oreos whenever I want from now on.”
“Dude, you can’t just steal Oreos!” Maureen protested. “That’s like rule number two of the roommate code.”
“What’s rule number one?” Bat asked.
“Booze,” Maureen and Lily answered in unison.
“And for everyone who keeps asking how we managed to share a dorm and not murder each other freshman year,” Lily continued, “this is the answer.”
“Truth,” Maureen agreed.
This sparked a lively debate about what did and did not constitute violations of roommate code that lasted until Jace had to leave for his evening class.
Two days later, a package of Double Stuf Oreos appeared on Jace’s desk. He didn’t bring them up, and neither did Simon.
Jace wasn’t sure exactly how they started studying together on the couch instead of their separate rooms. It might have been that one group study session where everyone else had to bail early. But somewhere along the line, he’d started dragging his textbooks and laptop out to the living room any time he needed to get work done. Half the time, he found Simon already there, and the times he didn’t, Simon usually joined him pretty soon after.
And it was…nice. Comfortable in a way Jace tried not to think about. Just another item on his ever-growing list of things not to think about. Conveniently, his assigned paper on the Thirty Years’ War didn’t leave room for thinking about much of anything else.
Which was probably why it took him so long to notice on this particular evening that he and Simon had somehow migrated from their usual spots at either end of the couch to sharing its center. And once he did notice, all thoughts of the Second Defenestration of Prague went out the window, the warmth of Simon’s leg against his own and occasional bump of their shoulders as they worked driving him to distraction.
It was stupid, really. It wasn’t like they never touched. In fact, Jace would bet they’d spent more of their time together over the past few months touching than not, in increasingly creative ways.
But they didn’t touch like this, without teasing or seduction or intent. It made Jace feel twitchy. Restless. There was a part of him that wanted to sink into it, to let the warmth of Simon’s touch seep under his skin. But a far greater part was telling him to pull away, to retreat back to his end of the couch. Or maybe to turn and press Simon back into the couch cushions and turn this into something far more familiar. Something safer.
“Hey,” Simon said, making Jace flinch in surprise. If Simon noticed, he didn’t let on. “I was gonna make stroganoff for dinner tonight, and I’m pretty ready for a break. Any chance I could talk you into slicing mushrooms for me while I start on the beef?”
It took Jace several seconds to process the question, so far from what he’d been thinking. “Um. Yeah. Sure, sounds good.”
Once they made their way to the kitchen, Jace was grateful to be back on familiar ground. They didn’t cook together often—didn’t have much time for cooking at all, really—but they’d done it a handful of times, and they worked well together in a kitchen, which was not something Jace could say about most of his friends, or his family.
It was also, he realized as he stood next to Simon at the stove, boiling egg noodles while Simon stirred the roux, acutely domestic. It was another addition to the list of things he wasn’t going to think about.
When they returned to the living room, bowls of saucy noodles and beef in hand, Simon sat right back down in the middle of the couch, where he’d been before they got up to make dinner. Jace hesitated only an instant before reclaiming his spot next to him. Simon flashed him a quick smile before pulling his financial analytics textbook over to balance precariously on his knee so he could read while he ate. Jace tore his gaze away, turning his attention half-heartedly back to his notes.
By the time he finished eating, Jace had realized two very important things. First, he needed to make another trip to the library if he wanted to have enough sources to back up his thesis. Second, it would be far too easy to get used to nights like tonight, and that wasn’t something he could allow himself to do. Before he could make himself do something about it, though, Simon shifted, half-turning to pull his knees up onto the couch and letting his head rest back against Jace’s shoulder.
“This okay? The light’s better like this.”
Jace took maybe a second too long to answer. “It’s fine.”
He placed his empty bowl on the coffee table—gingerly, so as not to jostle Simon—and returned to his reading. When he shifted a few minutes later, tossing one arm over the back of the couch and letting Simon rest against his chest, it was just a matter of comfort, really. Letting his hand come to rest on Simon’s chest, fingers absently toying with the neckline of his shirt, was not, but Simon didn’t object.
When his fingers encountered skin-warm metal, it took Jace several seconds to realize it. By the time he did, his fingers had already followed the line of the chain down to the center of Simon’s chest, where the object that hung from it rested beneath his t-shirt. He recognized its shape at the same time he felt Simon go unnaturally still.
“I didn’t want to lose it,” Simon said in a rush.
Jace traced the shape of the ring through Simon’s shirt. His ring. “It’s a good place to keep it.”
“Yeah,” Jace agreed, flattening his hand against Simon’s chest. The ring pressed into his palm, the telltale beat of Simon’s heart thrumming behind it. He wondered if his own were beating just as fast.
“You know,” he said slowly, “Alec is getting married next month.”
Simon relaxed against him with a soft huff of laughter. “Yeah, I think I heard something about that in the approximately five hundred phone calls you’ve had in the last couple weeks.”
“A best man’s work is never done, apparently.” He took a breath, let it out. “But, I was thinking, you should come with me.”
Simon craned his neck to look at him. “Like, to play your boyfriend again, or…?”
As my date. It was on the tip of his tongue, but he couldn’t force the words past his lips. He wasn’t ready to risk that he might be reading this wrong. He’d done it before, and for reasons he couldn’t put his finger on, it felt so much more dangerous now.
“I mean, it would be weird if you didn’t, right?” he said instead. “Since my entire family thinks we’re together still.”
“Right.” Simon looked back at the book in his lap, but he didn’t make any move to pull away. Jace could almost imagine he sounded disappointed. “Totally weird. I think Clary’s expecting me to be there, anyway.”
“Cool. I’ll RSVP you as my plus-one.”
Simon made a soft noise of affirmation and returned to his reading. Jace tried to go back to his, but he found himself unable to concentrate. After reading the same paragraph five times and not retaining a single word of it, he gave up and let his head loll against the back of the couch, cheek resting lightly against the top of Simon’s head. He closed his eyes and let his mind drift.
Jace was pulled out of sleep sometime later by gentle fingers stroking through his hair. He scrunched up his face and made an unhappy noise; he wasn’t ready to be awake.
“If you’re going to sleep, you should go to bed.”
Jace cracked an eye open to find Simon watching him with a fond smile. Still half-asleep, it was easy to smile back, something warm and soft settling in his chest. Sometime while he slept, they’d shifted again so Simon was leaning back against the arm of the couch with Jace sprawled half on top of him. Simon’s books were stacked neatly on the coffee table. Jace wondered how long they’d been there.
“‘M comfy.”
Simon chuckled. “You won’t be if you stay here all night and wake up with a sore back.”
Jace thought that spending the night with Simon as his pillow might be worth waking up with a sore back, but the fog of sleep had lifted enough that the feeling of impending danger was returning. He pushed himself up to sitting and immediately missed Simon’s warmth.
“I think I’m a couple decades away from waking up with a sore back from one night spent on the couch.”
He reached for his dirty bowl, still sitting on the table, but Simon stopped him with a hand on his arm.
“Leave it. You’re tired; I’ve got the dishes.”
Jace frowned at him.
“Go to bed,” Simon insisted with a laugh. “You’re obviously exhausted.”
It was the laugh that got him. The way Simon’s eyes crinkled at the corners. The way he always smiled wide enough to show teeth. The way it never failed to tug at something inside Jace, urging him to smile back no matter how much he might resist it. Except this time it was less of a tug than a wrench that threatened to break him wide open.
Jace remembered, with sudden, vivid clarity, that drunken conversation he’d had with Maia last year. The one he tried to forget ever happened.
They’d all be hanging out at Maia’s new apartment, a tiny studio that wasn’t really big enough to host a six-person housewarming party, but they’d made it work because she was so proud of finally making good enough tips she could afford to live in her own place off campus.
Everyone but Jace had early morning classes that semester, so he’d stayed behind to keep the party going with Maia while the others had headed home. Jace didn’t remember how many shots it had taken for him to start complaining about Simon’s propensity for wandering around the apartment in only a towel, but he absolutely remembered Maia’s knowing grin.
“Someone’s got a crush.”
“It’s not a crush,” Jace had insisted. “He’s just annoyingly hot.” If he’d been sober, he wouldn’t have spoken the next words. He wouldn’t have even let himself think them. “And I bet he’d be stupidly easy to fall in love with, too.”
And then Maia had laughed so hard she’d fallen over onto her cheap, beige carpet that still smelled faintly of new plastic while Jace was left to deal with the slowly dawning realization of what he’d just said.
“Before you fall asleep again,” Simon prompted, snapping Jace’s mind back to the present. Where Simon was smiling at him with an indisputable fondness that made Jace feel raw and exposed.
“Right,” Jace said, practically jumping up from the couch. “Bed. Thanks. For,” he waved his hand vaguely, “dishes and whatever.”
“No problem,” Simon said, bemused. “Sleep well.”
Jace understood what that feeling of danger was about now. It seemed there was some truth to that old adage about finding answers at the bottom of a bottle; it had been so easy, he wasn’t even sure when he’d fallen in love.
“You’re sure this is a classic?” Jace eyed the grainy opening shots of the movie playing on Simon’s laptop with some skepticism.
They normally did movie night out in the living room, on the flat-screen TV that had probably cost more than every other piece of furniture in their apartment combined, but Simon insisted a film this old would look ridiculous on a large HD screen. Considering how bad it looked even on Simon’s old laptop, it was probably the right call. And Jace wasn’t going to complain about having to squish together on Simon’s bed so they could both see the screen, even if that did make it feel perilously close to being a date.
“Cult classic,” Simon corrected. “Sorority Babes in the Slimeball Bowl-O-Rama is, like, peak so-bad-it’s-good 80’s horror comedy. And they’re making a sequel with the original cast, so you have to watch the original.”
Jace grabbed a fistful of popcorn from the bowl in Simon’s lap. “You mean so you can drag me to the sequel when it comes out?”
“Exactly.” Simon grinned at him. “Thanks for offering to see it with me.”
“That’s not what just happened,” Jace said around a mouthful of popcorn.
“Agree to disagree.”
The movie turned out to be surprisingly entertaining, film quality and 80’s aesthetics notwithstanding. And the atrocious special effects. And, well, the entire plot, really.
“Do you think sororities were really like that back in the 80’s?” Simon wondered as the titular sorority babes outlined the hazing their pledges would undergo.
“It wouldn’t surprise me if some of them still are,” Jace said. “But Greek life isn’t really my thing, even if I have seen the inside of a few sorority houses in my time.”
“Was that supposed to be a flex?”
Jace ignored that comment and pulled out his phone. “Alec might know, though.”
Simon leaned in to watch Jace type, resting his chin on Jace’s shoulder. “I know I’ve only met your brother once, but I’m having trouble picturing him anywhere near a sorority.”
“Alec was in a fraternity in college,” Jace explained.
“Yeah, no, still not seeing it.” Even after Jace sent the text, he didn’t move away.
Alec’s response came only moments later.
why would I know that Phi Beta Kappa is an academic fraternity and sorority girls are well outside my areas of interest
“Okay, that makes sense.” Simon slid the bowl of popcorn off his lap so he could lean more fully into Jace’s side.
maybe ask Iz
Jace snorted and slipped his phone back into his pocket. He reached for the popcorn and gave an irritated huff when he found it just out of reach.
Without taking his eyes off the screen, Simon grabbed the bowl and moved it to Jace’s other side. On impulse, Jace caught his hand and laced their fingers together. They hadn’t talked about that night on the couch—not about the casual intimacy or Simon wearing Jace’s ring around his neck or Jace falling asleep on Simon or any of it—but there was no question things were different between them since. Or maybe it was just Jace that was different, knowing how deep he was in this just making him more reckless with his heart.
Simon’s fingers curled around his, his arm coming to rest draped over Jace’s hip as he let out a small, contented sigh.
Okay, so maybe it wasn’t just Jace. But Jace wasn’t exactly sure what to do about it. He could probably have written an entire treatise on navigating hookups, but he had no idea how to navigate…whatever this was. The only experience he had with actual romantic relationships was with Clary, and despite how fucked up they’d both been back then—or maybe even because they’d both been so fucked up—there had never been any ambiguity about how they felt, no questions about what they were to each other. No wondering if she knew she could do so much better than him.
It was different with Simon. Simon, who never seemed fazed by the shit life threw at him. Simon, who actually dated, and always seemed to leave a breakup on good terms. Simon, who held him like he was afraid Jace might break, who fucked him like he wanted him to break.
Simon, who had to know he could do better than Jace.
“Let me guess,” Jace said as the two characters he’d mentally tagged as the protagonists ducked into a closet to escape a demonic minion, “the nerd and the hot bad girl are the only survivors, and they get together at the end.”
Simon gave him an unimpressed look. “You don’t get any points for guessing that. This is a comedy made in the 80’s that leans heavily into the tropes of the era.”
“Yeah, but that’s not why I guessed it. I just figured you’d be into the whole ‘nerd gets the bad girl’ thing.”
“That’s not why I like this movie,” Simon said. “But Spider might have been part of why 12-year-old me liked this movie,” he admitted.
“Thought so,” Jace said smugly.
“You’re the worst.” Simon’s arm tightened around Jace’s waist, belying his words. “I’m seriously questioning why I even like you right now.”
“Because I’m charming, witty, and great in bed.”
The smile Simon flashed him probably shouldn’t have made Jace’s stomach do a pleasant little flip, but it did. “Those are some pretty great selling points.”
“Watch your dumb movie,” Jace said, trying and failing to hide his own smile.
When Jace’s phone buzzed several minutes later during a particularly tense scene, they both jumped. Jace pulled it out to check his new messages, then chuckled and turned the screen so Simon could read Alec’s message.
Magnus says there was at least one sorority exactly like that five years ago also I’m now being subjected to this atrocious movie, so thanks for that
“I knew Magnus would have good taste in movies,” Simon commented.
“I’m disturbed you can even talk about this movie and good taste in the same sentence.”
“Oh, come on,” Simon said reproachfully. “Didn’t you once tell me that any movie with boobs and explosions was a good movie?”
“Yeah, but this movie doesn’t have any—” On screen, the nerd threw a Molotov cocktail at a possessed sorority babe. Jace sighed. “Objection withdrawn.”
Simon flashed him a smug grin. “Admit it, I’ve got fantastic taste.”
Jace smirked. “I do like the way you taste.”
“Not what I—” He cut off as Jace illustrated his point by licking a line up Simon’s throat.
Simon let out a hiss. “You’re going to miss the end of the movie.” He didn’t pull away.
“Told you,” Jace murmured, scraping teeth along his jaw, “I already know the nerd and biker girl are going to survive. I don’t need to see the end.”
Simon turned his head to catch Jace’s lips with his own in a surprisingly gentle kiss, his hand coming up to cup Jace’s cheek. They stayed like that for what felt to Jace like hours but couldn’t actually have been more than a minute or two judging by the tinny screams coming from the laptop speakers.
“What do you need?” Simon whispered when he finally broke the kiss. His tone was teasing, but the way his thumb caressed Jace’s cheekbone was all sincerity.
“Just this,” Jace whispered back, and it was the truest thing he’d ever said.
Then they were kissing again, slow and soft, and Jace thought he might drown in it, thought he might want to drown in it. He kissed Simon like he’d been wanting to for weeks, for months. Maybe longer. He put everything he felt into the kiss—his hope and his love and his fear—and prayed that Simon would understand, that he wouldn’t pull away.
He didn’t.
They kissed until they were breathless with it, until the last strains of the movie’s closing credits had long since faded away, until there was no room for anything in Jace’s thoughts and heart and dreams but Simon. He knew he was grinning like an idiot when they finally broke apart, and he couldn’t bring himself to care. Especially not with Simon grinning back at him.
“See?” Jace combed a hand through Simon’s curls. He couldn’t stop touching. “Way better than that movie.”
“You don’t know that,” Simon protested. “You didn’t even watch the end. It could have been twenty straight minutes of boobs and explosions, and you’d never even know.”
“Weirdly, I think I might like kissing you even more than I like boobs and explosions.”
“Wow, high praise.” Simon was still teasing, and Jace suddenly needed him to understand how much he wasn’t really joking.
“No, seriously.” He wrapped a hand around the back of Simon’s neck, drew him close enough to feel his breath. “I—” Words he meant far too much—that would be too much—stuck behind his teeth. “I’m not really here for the movie,” he said instead. “No matter how many boobs or explosions it has. You get that, right?”
There was something subdued and almost vulnerable in Simon’s voice, something that didn’t quite track with the conversation they were having, but before Jace could even catch the thread of it, he was being pushed back into the bed and kissed breathless once again. By the time Simon was tugging his shirt over his head, brushing calloused fingertips over a peaked nipple and making him gasp, Jace thought he must have imagined it.
Simon took him apart slowly, deliberately, maintaining a calm focus even when Jace teased, never altering his pace even when Jace begged. And Jace did beg, edging on desperation before they even got all their clothes off. By the time Simon had him spread out on the bed, opening him up with slick fingers and teasing his dick with strokes far too light to even approach enough, Jace wasn’t sure he was capable of anything but begging.
“Simon, please.” He scrabbled ineffectually at Simon’s shoulders, trying ineffectually to drag him close. The angle was bad for it, but Simon was also strong, something that was easy to forget until they were like this. It was also seriously fucking hot. “Please. Fuck. Need you in me already, please.”
“You’re so beautiful.” There was an edge to Simon’s voice, but Jace still thought he sounded far too composed for what they were doing, for what he was doing to Jace. “God, do you even know?”
Jace couldn’t even begin to answer, because Simon chose that moment to press his fingers very deliberately against Jace’s prostate, and the only words Jace was capable of anymore were garbled curses and Simon’s name.
“You have to know.” Simon withdrew his fingers and all Jace could do was whine in protest. “I bet people tell you all the time.”
Jace shook his head, not sure if he was disagreeing or just objecting to the sudden tragic lack of Simon’s hands on him and in him. Simon pressed a soothing kiss to his knee before pulling away to roll a condom onto his own dick, which took way too long in Jace’s opinion, but it was enough time for Jace to find his voice again.
“Please, Simon.” His voice was half a sob, and he didn’t even care. “Need you.”
“You’ve got me,” Simon breathed, the faintest tremor in his voice as leaned in to line his cock up with Jace’s hole and brushed the lightest of kisses against his lips.
“Yes,” Jace whispered. “Yes, please.”
And then Simon was finally, finally pushing inside, and Jace was rocking down against him, desperate and greedy for everything Simon was willing to give him. It took exactly two thrusts for Simon’s composure to crack completely, and Jace swallowed down his moans as greedily as he took everything else, licking into Simon’s mouth to chase every sound.
Jace would have been embarrassed by how quickly he came after that, lasting maybe a full ten seconds after Simon wrapped a hand around his dick, except that Simon was right there with him, following him over the edge with a barely audible, “Fuck, fuck, Jace, oh god.”
After, they lay next to each other on the bed, catching their breaths. This would normally be when one of them left to go back to their own room, or went to take a shower, or make food, or anything, really, to keep this thing between them from seeming like more than it was. Except it was more for Jace. Maybe for both of them.
“You’ve got me.”
Jace wasn’t sure if Simon had meant the words the way Jace wanted him to, but he wasn’t ready to let go of the possibility that he did. Trying not to overthink it, he curled into Simon’s side, resting a hand on his chest.
For a few seconds, Simon went absolutely still, and Jace thought for sure he’d fucked everything up. But just as cold dread was beginning to claw its way up his throat, Simon let out a shaky breath and cuddled closer, pulling the blanket up to cover them both and covering Jace’s hand with his own. Jace smiled into Simon’s shoulder.
“You’ve got me.”
He would hold onto that for as long as Simon let him.
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mouxesaint · 3 years
Dorothy was ignoring him. She could say it easily, it had been almost ten days since the last time they met to share a date, considering that they were not separated by work or their social responsibilities it was obvious that she did not want to see him, what she did not understand very well was the That is why, even from the first time they met, she used to look for him to spend time together, of course she also reciprocated their attentions with gifts and missions together but in general it was she who approached. - Nozel. - Fuegoleón approached to greet him after the meeting that had just ended, he wanted to comment on some matters to be dealt with by the nobility, however his attention was focused only on the witch with the lilac cape who was smiling at Charlotte, she was awake and her outgoing personality it flourished in all its splendor. - Nozel. - The redhead called her name with greater volume - If you are distracted we can talk later. - I'm not distracted. She - She firmly denied keeping her lips in a tight line when she saw him tease slightly. - Of course not. - He said condescendingly - You just keep your eyes on Dorothy. What happened? - Nothing has happened and it is not true that he is looking at her. - He growled turning on her feet to leave, frustrated when he heard her footsteps follow him. - Don't you have things to do? - Yes. But it's more fun to see how lost you are. - I do not know what are you talking about. - Please, Nozel, if I were anyone else I wouldn't realize that you and Dorothy are far apart, but I know you so well that I know you're worried. - With a complacent smile he kept pace with him as they advanced down the hall - What happened? - I do not know. -Have you forgotten her anniversary? "No." He answered after thinking it over carefully, "I haven't forgotten any of our anniversaries." - Do you have more than one? Sorry I can't see you as a romantic. - Fuegoleón hid his smile behind his hand. - I'm not sure what happened, until a couple of days ago everything was fine and suddenly he started avoiding me. - Doesn't it have something to do with the fact that they were announcing your engagement to the Miss of the Vandlevoir family? - That's kind of silly, take care of that rumor immediately. - Of course, but you have never declared your relationship with her. What have you done to piss her off? - I can't think of anything specific. I have not forgotten any important dates and I have not done anything that could be misinterpreted. - Then ask him Nozel did not agree with that idea very much, if he asked Dorothy why she was upset perhaps it would only make her annoyed with him, however he did not have too many options so before nightfall he ended up using the communicator to call her. - Dear Cousin, I am glad to see your beautiful face. - Kirsch greeted with an enthusiastic smile, Nozel breathed to be patient while she tried to be heard - The Captain is sleeping, she said she felt especially tired today. - Have they done any special training? - No, particularly not one where the Captain participated. She has only been feeling a little drained these days. - I understand. He hung up the call before Kirsch's overly enthusiastic farewell caught him in a conversation longer than expected, he pondered for a few minutes in his office before deciding it was time to go to the Peacocks base, he used his magic to enter the woman's room. - Nozel? - Dorothy's voice surprised him in the dark, the woman was standing in the doorway that led to the bathroom, one hand resting on the wooden frame while the other kept on her stomach. - What's going on? - Nozel rushed to her side, the look in her eyes showed surprise and some relief. - Why did you come, Nozel? Although the question was asked with a calm tone of voice, the man felt it like a bucket of cold water, despite his concern he seemed to be unwelcome at that time, the hands that he had extended towards her returned to his sides , forming fists, the woman seemed to understand his train of thought quickly but before he could say anything his free hand covered his mouth as he returned inside to vomit, seeing the situation he ran after his girlfriend until he saw her hunched over the toilet. - Are you OK? - Question removing the hair from her face at the same time that she sighed and leaned on the bathroom. - No, I have returned all my dinner. - Musito looking for a way to lean against the man's chest, she looked pale and tired - I don't want to vomit anymore. - Has any food been bad for you? Shall I take you to the doctor? - No no no. She - He quickly denied leaning all of her weight against him which caused him to lose his balance and end up with her sitting between her legs.
- You do not look well. - He murmured passing his hands through her bare arms, she had on a shor and a short-sleeved pink shirt, she was cold and looked a little pale. - I'll be fine. She - She commented smiling softly when she felt the heat of her - I did not expect you to come, Nozel. - You have been avoiding me the last days, I wanted to know what I did wrong to make you angry. - Stammering in her ear, ashamed of her, she turned Dorothy to look at his face. - I'm not mad at you, Nozel. - Not? - I ask with bewilderment. - Not. - And this last week? - I've just been busy. With the help of the witch of the Black Bulls she was thinking about the probability of having the queen on our side. - Why did not you tell me? - I know you don't like the Queen too much. - I'm trying to hold you against your will. - Yes, good… - Why are you throwing up? - You may have eaten more than necessary. - I confess ashamed - I have felt sick to my stomach these days, maybe the queen tried to poison me. - Owen ... -She already knows. I am taking the treatment indicated. - Nozel sighed in relief, with one of her hands caressing her hair gently while she left kisses on her cheeks - I just vomited, Nozel. She - She said using her hands to prevent him from kissing her on her lips, in response she took her hand to kiss her palm, while she gave him an intense look, she could not help but blush under the intensity of her eyes. - I'm glad to know that you're not mad at me, but you could have told me about your discomfort ... You can trust me. The completely new situation was too exhilarating for the young woman, having a prince sitting on her bathroom floor while holding her in his arms asking her to trust him made her face blush slightly, Nozel used to be so serious and shy about the demonstrations of love that lunged throwing her arms around his shoulders to hug him tightly. - I am sorry. I trust you, a lot, a lot, I just didn't want to worry you. He made an adorable pout that warmed the man's heart. - I promise I'll make it up to you soon. - I'll keep that in mind, however, now I'd just like to see you rest properly. - Will you stay to sleep with me? - Her words sounded more suggestive than she expected, she hoped they could enjoy the night, but a new wave of nausea returned to her. - I'll stay to make sure you're okay. Dorothy had no complaints so once a few minutes passed without her vomiting, Nozel helped her get to her bed, the woman crawled into the center, waiting for her partner to take off his clothes leaving only colored pants Celeste, once she lay down she snuggled quickly, keeping her close to her body, put her arm under her head while her free hand hugged her stomach, one of Dorothy's favorite ways to sleep was to feel her lover holding her in his arms, he loved being the little spoon, and his short stature helped him a lot, Nozel for his part was grateful that it was all just a misunderstanding.
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skymagpie · 3 years
Rank your favorite daedric princes from best to worst? At the top of my personal list is Peryite mostly because of those 2 cultists in Summerset who panic when you accept their offer to join their Peryite cult.
Actually those are the only valid cultists in the game, I hope we get to see them again in Blackwood because that legit made me cry laugh when I saw them appear in Summerset and then in Elsweyr too 😭
Okay but I think I more or less separate the Daedric Princes in two categories: Bad and Molag Bal. Everyone goes into Bad because they all suck, Molag Bal sucks so severely he gets his own category. If I had to rank them based on who I like for various reasons, from most liked to least, it would be something like this (also WARNING for various spoilers below):
1. Meridia - I think Meridia is actually pretty bad. Like she is against free will, she was fine with the Ayleid owning slaves and her purification is basically enslaving people by wiping their free will, dreams and desires and leaving them only serving her as they say "body and mind". She is 10/10 Bad. She is also a weird fav of mine because I would love to see her fail? I would love her to be the big bad villain in ESO because I love light-themed villains. Like with her entire fall from grace lore you can even argue she would be a tragic villain. I exist in this space of simultaneously loving and hating Meridia. I have OCs who are followers of hers and who hate her too. Like I really love villains who think they are good and serve the greater good and are saving humanity from itself but are actually very evil in doing so. Great concept. Want more Meridia content in general.
2. Azura - everyone that thinks the Tribunal sucks is my friend. I have nothing against the Tribunal, I love them in the same way I love Meridia. Also the moon and star theme is 10/10. I mean she looks like prime 2015 tumblr aesthetic with the flower crown and all. I don't know what she even does? She sounds like your shady aunt that definitely killed someone but would come pick you up from a club at 4 am. She should've ranked higher.
3. Nocturnal - NOCTURNAL USED TO RANK 1st! SHE USED TO BE MY FAV! SHE WAS MY FAV IN SKYRIM! She is down here because she killed one of my favourite characters in ESO and I can't forgive that. I love her Blackfeather Court, I love her Shrikes just being these naked topless feral women, I love her goth woods. She is a whole Nightwish song. And Nightwish is my fav band. Everything about her is made for me to stan her. But I just can't forgive her stupid Summerset arc. I hate it. She was good in CWC though.
4. Jyggalag - Now listen. I just really like light/order/"good" themed bad guys. Bad guys justifying being shitheads with doing "good" or bringing "order" or just looking like knights and paladins in shiny armor? Yes!
5. Sheogorath - I am basic okay, of course I like Sheo. And I really like what he has going on with Jyggalag. Like their whole 15th century knight and nobility act they have going on. Really great aesthetic. Love the Alice in Wonderland feel. Love the sexy lady warriors. It's that kind of wacky movie concept I can appreciate. Not a big fan of your character becoming Sheogorath, I feel like it's a huge burden to bear as good as that DLC is, kinda hate the outcome. I hate him in ESO and steal his stupid hammer in PvP.
6. Mephala - She sucks. But she is a huge sexy spider lady. I still think she sucks but I have an OC that has this love-hate relationship with her so I have to rank her up high like this.
7. Peryite - So far he has done nothing serious except having Zaan the Scalecaller serve him in ESO and I don't know about the other games but he is like a skinny dragon. And his followers are funny. Like some king of plague Timon and Pumba. So he gets a pass.
8. Clavicus Vile - Like a annoying little dude with his dog? It's funny, I give him that. I have a Clavicus Vile demi-prince in ESO actually, used to be a joke character but I am now serious. I think he is mostly harmless too, except for the whole Morrowind - Summerset thing but they kinda had it coming there.
9. Mehrunes Dagon - He sucks. He will cause me a lot of grief in this new ESO chapter. Generally evil demon guy. But-- them back muscles tho. 👀
10. Sanguine - His like Skyrim quest is funny and I like it. I don't know what he does actually? One of my friends used to have him in their url on here. I've been told he is as bad as Molag Bal, but I can't say I remember what specifically. So might reevaluate this.
11. Hermaeus Mora - Had to copy his name from the UESP. Anyway he is cool I guess, I love those knowledge type of bad guys. Though when it comes to floating eyes and knowledge, I do prefer Vel'koz from LoL. But still 11 is high ranking in my book.
12. Namira - Because one of my friends loves her. I don't know much about her so she really is getting ranked low here because I just don't know the lore. She seems to like the outcasts and the ugly and I fit right in there so that's pretty cool, someone will care for me. If she is recruiting I think I am qualified for the job.
13. Vaermina - I honestly mix her up with Namira and Boethiah. I thought they are the same till like few months ago. Anyway I don't know her but I will play the ESO Stormhaven quests soon and I heard she is the Daedric Prince of Nightmares so it might be fun!
14. Boethiah - I hate Dragonstar Arena. That's it. Sorry you are ranked this low because I hate farming that motherfuck-
15. Hircine - Yes I know. I am one of the rare people ranking him this low. People usually like Hircine. He seems to be pretty cool. Actually he isn't all that bad? He is one of the better daedra. You deal with him and you know what you are in for. I love werewolves. I just got really pissed off that he turned Vykosa in ESO into a werewolf against her will. I know Daedric Princes are like this, but I really like Vykosa and I have an OC who was turned by her experiments so in honor of my character, I rank him this low. He looks cool. Like Herne the Hunter. I like that.
16. Malacath - I will be honest I actually don't know anything about him. Orc lore isn't my forte. The orcs are mad about him so I guess he is their local town boy playing in the big leagues? I don't know, I am sorry I didn't rank you higher.
17. Molag Bal...I guess - I hate Bal. His voice in ESO is really good though, kudos to the voice actor. But I hate him. Who doesn't? Even if ESO tried to sugarcoat his shit he is still like an entirely different brand of evil from all the others. I would vibe with any Daedric Prince but him. I have a Xivkyn OC and he hates him too. -1/10 I hope he stays dad after I anime slashed him in ESO xoxo
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