#of course i do also think 'lulu maybe you should pick one to start somewhere.' and then i go 'endless possibilities :)'
whoslaurapalmer · 6 months
you ever think about like...........okay so in my original writing i am very interested in a very, particular, i guess maybe existential sort of subject. not in all of my ofic but certainly, pieces of it. it sounds stupid to say it like that bc i don't (and likely will never) talk about my ofic so being vague about the subject is so unnecessary but that sentence is still so pivotal to my thought process here so. and you ever think about how there are so many different ways you could tell a story nowadays!!!!! it could be fiction. it could be a theme in a book, it could be a short story, it could be flash fiction (and if i REALLY wanted a challenge it could be one sentence flash fiction), it could be memoir, it could be poetry, it could be a series of poems, it could be a song! it could be a video game! it could be an interactive website! it could be all kinds of things!!!! and for some reason this does not stress me out at all!!!!! i get so excited thinking about all the different ways i could express this idea!!!!! bc as scared as i am of repeating myself, especially in fanfic, in original fic i always feel like. no of course there's no limit to the amount of times i could talk about This. there are so many things i can say about This and i want to say all of them. and there are so many ways i could do it and some of them i've thought about and some of them i've tried a little!!! and oh that's just so exciting to me. that endless possibility of creation.
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schrijverr · 3 years
Raid on Crown of Five (The Truth)
Before our crew can reach Staketown Port they have a run in with a Navy ship and subsequently sink it. Miekka is on damage control and fully realizes what it means to be part of the pirate crew
On AO3.
Ships: none
Warnings: description of a siren corpse.
The Queen Hermanwas nearing Staketown Port every day. With their bounty from Dunnhouse Cliff, the crew was eager to get there so that they could pawn the corpses for money to supply their ship again.
Miekka had no clue why anyone would buy siren corpses, but they also didn’t want to ask. The Company had never put their claws into it, but it seemed they were worth a lot of money and Miekka did not want to know why people on the pirate market paid highlyfor them when The Company wouldn’t burn their hands on it while they would burn down the whole world for a bit of gold.
They were closing in on the port from what Miekka had gathered. Their arm had been healing nicely and they were allowed to help with the sails again.
It was nearing noon when Stephan called from the crows-nest: “Ship on starboard! Ship on starboard!”
Captain Redfright got out his telescope and looked starboard as he called back: “Can you make out any identification?”
“Looks to be a Navy ship, Capt’n,” Stephan said.
“Navy?” Captain Redfright repeated more to himself.
“Yeah, I can barely make out the name, it says Crown something,” Stephan answered.
“Crown something,” Captain Redfright mumbled to himself, Miekka only heard it because they were nearby, “The name’s familiar.”
“Could be the Crown of Five,” Anna said, “Maybe good old Admiral Teal was assigned these parts after Gunpowder McGee and his crew blew that other ship to smithereens.”
“Aye, Mickey is a right one,” Captain Redfright laughed, before turning serious once more, “But if ‘t is Navy, no m’tter who, then we’d best sink ‘em now. We don’t want stragglers following us to Staketown Port, eh.”
“You give the order, Captain,” Anna told him.
“I sure do,” Captain Redfright said, before bellowing, “Get ready to board, we got a few Navy officers to meet. Sasha, divide the crew.”
There were some jeers from the crew as they set to work sailing towards the Navy ship, hijacking material at the ready. While they worked Sasha walked among them calling out orders: “Voyin, Karter, Lulu, Elijah, Tyrke, Nox and Dána, you board first. Go grab your stuff.”
Miekka heard some affirmations around them, but not every name had a face yet.
“Jonny, Wyatt, Pearl, you get the ropes to board,” Sasha ordered, “The rest of you, focus of getting our ship there. Keep an ear out if I send any more of you there.”
“Aye,” some said, before turning to their tasks.
They were slightly saddened that they had not been appointed to board the Navy ship, but they understood, they were both new and still not completely used to their prosthetic. However, they wanted to prove themself loyal and a good fighter.
Still, they decided that following orders was probably the smartest course of action, so they focused on tying the knot in front of them.
“We’ve been spotted. Incoming!” Stephan yelled.
“Krut!” Captain Redfright yelled, Miekka recognized the name to belong to Krut Cannon, the gunner on the ship. They weren’t entirely sure if Cannon was zir last name or a nickname.
Right at that moment the first cannonballs made impact with Queen Herman. The whole ship rocketed and Miekka was almost thrown off balance, only their years over the unsafest routes to save money kept them standing.
Others also stumbled, but no one fell, expect the few closest to impact. Miekka suspected that they were more used to cannonballs hitting them, a realization that made them swallow heavily.
Krut was meanwhile ordering a few mates around to ready the counter fire.
Sasha yells were heard over the noise: “Miekka, Iris, George, Talita, make sure we don’t loose cargo in the front. Dibu, James, Bertie, Manon, you get the back.”
Miekka tied down their rope, making sure it was secure, before hurrying down into the hold with three others they had vaguely talked to once or twice. As they walked, they heard Captain Redfright order: “We’re going to parallel the ship, get ready to fire!”
Loud bangs echoed from above them, but it was only background to Miekka’s ears as they saw what had happened in the hull. The tank that ran along the middle of the hold had been hit and water was gushing out.
The tank was an unusual feature on the ship and Miekka had been confused about its existence, untilthe Doc had explained it to them. Siren corpses wouldn’t rot as easily in the water and if they caught a live one, they needed it to stay like that until they’d sold it.
Still, that didn’t stop them from pausing on those stairs, watching horrified as water from inside the ship streams into the hold, colorful bodies swishing in the water and light shining through the holes in the hull.
“Come help!” Talita yelled, ey was bailing water back into the tank, something that would be futile if Iris and George weren’t grabbing stuff to patch the holes.
Miekka snapped out of it and ran to grab a bucket to help Talita out.
While they bailed water, they looked out one of the holes in the hull, trying to see if they were closing in on the Crown of Five. They saw the ship, sadly they saw the ship firing right at them. Wide eyed, theyyelled: “Incoming!”
Queen Hermanrocked heavily, throwing them off their feet against the tank. Water streamed over their face and they spluttered as they gathered their bearings, heaving themself up with the edge of the tank.
Iris and George seemed fairly well off, being to the sidelines when the convoy hit and Talita was already getting up as well. Ey saw them blink and offered: “You’ll be okay, just bail the water and we’ll fix this.”
Miekka didn’t know how they could ever fix the amount of damage done to the hull and the tank, but they dutifully started bailing water back into the tank, feeling a bit like they were carrying waterto the sea.
Iris and George were hammering away next to them. The tank would need better repairs later, but the planks they were installing slowed the gushing water considerably.
Slowly but surely the water that had sloshed around their ankles got shallower and shallower until it got it was manageable.
They were now close enough to the Crown of Fivethat any cannonballs would hit above them and not damage to hull close to the sea level. So, they could focus on bailing the last bit of water out to the sea, before securing the cargo and patching up the worst of the damage.
Above them yells were heard of the first people boarding and Miekka faintly heard Sasha yelling out more names, while Captain Redfrights voice bellowed loudly over the commotion to steer the raid.
Since they and Talita still had their buckets, they bailed the water while George and Iris hammered down the planks.
“Do you always have those lying around?” Miekka asked, nodding towards the planks and hammers.
“It’s a safety measure, can’t really get somewhere on a broken ship,” George shrugged.
“Hmm, how curious,” Miekka replied, they’d never seen anything like that on a Company ship. Of course, The Company didn’t much care fore the safety of it’s crew, just the cargo and were not prone to getting attacked regularly, so they wouldn’t offer precious cargo space to something so idioticas spare planks to fix up the ship.
Iris looked up from where she had been hammering and spotted something. They wrinkled their nose and said: “One of them escaped.”
Miekka looked to where she was in confusion, until they saw the siren corpse laying in the cargo hull next to the tank.
“Come on, Miekka,” Talita grinned, “looks like we’re testing the strength in that arm of yours.”
If they were honest, they would rather not carry the dead siren, but even with all em bulging muscles, Talita wouldn’t be able to carry one by emself. Since sirens were not only colorful, but approximately seven feet long.
So, Miekka made their way over to the corpse and heaved the tail.
This particular siren was purple. It had purple stripes running up its side and a purple fin at the end of its tail. Along its cheekbone was a purple ridge and it had wavy fin like hair on top of its head and sharp fangs peeking out from its lips.
They also spotted some blood still under its big claws and the wound on its throat, which had been killing.
It was heavy, more heavy than Miekka had expected. Talita noticed their reaction and grinned: “It’s the muscle. Sirens are faster than you’d think.”
Miekka remembered how they had descended upon them and grimaced, before answering: “I think I can paint a picture.”
Talita cocked a brow, but didn’t say more as they tossed the siren corpse back into the tank, before gesturing up the stairs. Ey said: “We should go see if they need us up there. I would rather not face Sasha’s wrath, she’s mean when she wants to be.”
That made Miekka chuckle and they gladly focused on something other than the siren corpse, so they made their way back onto the ruckus that was the deck.
Most of the noise was coming from the Crown of Five, since they hadn’t made it aboard Queen Hermanyet. Small groups were protecting the ropes holding the ship together, while the others lined up at the side of the ship to stop anyone from entering that shouldn’t.
It was at this point that Miekka first got a good look at the Crown of Five. It was a sixth rate Navy ship if they remembered correctly from the convoys they’d seen around Company ships. That might be lowest rate ship, but those still had a crew of about a 150 people, which meant Queen Hermanwas outnumbered 1 to 5.
Their eyes grew wide and they froze in place for a second. Why the ever loving fuck, would Captain Redfright decide to pick a fight with a ship five times their size? He was famous for sound judgment, so why was he leading his crew to their deaths?
They looked around helplessly, trying to see if anyone else was seeing their impending doom.
The Doc noticed them and walked up to them. She gently elbowed them in the side to get their attention, they looked up and she asked: “You doing okay?”
“I am afraid we’re near the point of all perishing,” they answered honestly.
“The raid?” the Doc chuckled with disbelief, “We haven’t had a raid this good in ages. Admiral Teal really doesn’t live up to his reputation.”
“You must be joking. My good doctor, we’re hilariouslyoutnumbered,” Miekka said.
“For sure,” the Doc agreed casually, “But that’s not the point, the point is keeping them off our ship and sinking theirs. If we want their stuff, we might go for a less protected ship, but we just don’t want them to follow us.”
“Won’t they overrun us at any moment?”
“I mean, they could, but not with those insane bastard we send aboard,” the Doc told them, “Voyin by xemself is enough to make most piss their pants, but they send Flicker and Sam with the second boarding and those two are troublemakers, not to mention Tryke with their axe. We got some heavy hitters, don’t worry about it.”
“Are you sure?” Miekka wanted to believe the Doc, of course they did, it was just on the wrong side of insane.
“Very sure, they’ll come back.”
She was naturally correct. It took a while and Miekka was send into the line to keep anyone of their ship with their sword, but at some point other ship started to sink and they saw a man with an important-looking uniform flee in a life boat, while others jumped ship.
After that, their own people came back. Miekka didn’t count exactly, but it were about twenty armed people, who all differed from each other.
One impish looking kid skipped forwards and reported to Captain Redfright: “It was part of Admiral Teal’s fleet, but the captain here was a wuss and fled when we got near him. Dreadfully boring, he was.”
A tried looking boy next to them grumbled: “He only fled because you bit through the throat of that other guy. He could’ve had useful information, Flicker.”
“Oh, lighten up, Sam. We got them off our tail in the end,” the other kid waved their friend’s concerns away.
A big looking woman with an axe stepped up behind the two and said: “Sam’s right, Flicker. That escaped captain can easily go warn the rest of the fleet.”
“Then we’d bett’r get out of ‘ere,” Captain Redfright said, “To the sails. And Flicker, you’re on clean up,” the kid whined, but didn’t protest, “All the wounded check in with the Doc.”
There were a few scattered ‘ayes’ as people set to work, heaving the sails and tying them down and before soon the boat was gliding over the water to the hidden port of Staketown.
I know nothing of boats and all I do know, is in a different language, so I’m just winging it here, pls show me mercy on my boat stuff
Oh and the strategies are based of me and my imagination
Also there are a lot of new names being introduced here, so I will add a chapter to the first part with an oversight of the crew if you want to go check that out :D
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muthaz-rapapa · 6 years
Embrace Your Shining Future~
Boy, I hope 10 years from now we’ll be lucky to have a future that’s even a quarter this great as Hugtto’s.
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But first, it looks like George returned to his time, no longer a villain (and I guess he wasn’t a ghost, after all) but now an ordinary man again.
And while it doesn’t seem like they really applied the Walking the Earth trope here, his surroundings doesn’t suggest that humanity instantly recovered once time started again either (this all the more supports my theory that it’s a separate timeline from Hugtto’s timeline, where humanity didn’t fall to ruin).
However, maybe it’s just because of his location and they’re all somewhere else.
Whatever the case, the flowers indicate that life will start over once more and perhaps, humanity will reborn, so to speak. 
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As for him, he doesn’t look as depressed as he was previously which is good because hopefully, he can work his way towards redemption by helping to nurture this newly sprung future instead of setting out to destroy it like he originally did.
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Alright, back to you Hugtto, looking quite marvelous and sunny ten years later.
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These two became a manzai duo.
Didn’t expect that but hooray, hooray for them.
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Shoulda known, since they came from the future, that they would still be kids (or at least around the same age as the Cures in present time) when the girls’ time finally catches up to future.
But nobody could’ve really predicted at what age exactly anyway so it’s no big deal.
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Oh, and it’s nice to see that some old classmates still kept in touch long after they graduated middle school.
Nice. Very nice. *nod nod*
It’s especially funny when you don’t find it surprising that Fumito ended up working for….
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…this president of what is possibly Japan’s biggest and most prosperous design company (Hana always liked to draw so not surprised about this either).
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And what a president she is!
Twirling around in her office just radiating POSITIVITY even though she’s HEAVILY PREGNANT AND SHOULD BE ON MATERNITY LEAVE!
Oyvey…that’s our Hana, alright, lol
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Daigan working in the same pediatric ward as Saaya doesn’t surprise me either since we’ve seen him getting along with kids very well.
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And wooot~,  Saaya with short hair looks so pretty (she’s always pretty but now she’s grown-up and living her dream pretty!).
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Then Homare bumped into Papple at the airport (pretty sure Homare recognized her but didn’t have time to chat since she’s in a hurry and all).
We don’t know what Papple’s doing nowadays but it looks like life is treating her well so yay~
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Then there’s this.
I suppose Emiru met up with young Traum sometime ago and agreed to fund his research and development (the Aisaki family is loaded, remember, so again, NOT SURPRISED THERE) all for the purpose of seeing her best friend again…
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…which resulted in the birth of Lulu, the first robot of her kind to have not only a human heart (which we’ve already seen happen) but also the capability to grow just like a normal human does.
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And the reunion is just as you would expect. Tears of joy because hell yea, baby!Lulu may not recognize Emiru since she’s just been born but HELL YEA, they kept their promise to each other!
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And of course, the first thing they do together is sing.
Ugh! So beautiful~! <3
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By the way, I’m declaring it canon that Traum’s first daughter is alive and she probably did contribute some way into the project to create Lulu and the reason we don’t see her here is likely because she’s at school or something.
The Traum family consists of three members and they’re all alive and well and most of all, happy together.
You can’t convince me otherwise! xP
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Homare made it in time and what’s more, SHE BROUGHT A GOLD MEDAL!
What a great auntie/godmother!
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Kotori guiding the next generation of cheerleaders.
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Henri made a musical on ice.
He did THAT!
And who was the producer of this theatrical success?
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The one and only Aisaki Group, DUH!
I mean, what you’d expect from having in-laws (I dare the fool who tries to tell me Masato and Henri are not married, I DARE YOU!) who are such opera/theater fanatics that they LIVE the stage in their daily lives?
So glad the grandfather finally came around as well. Awesome.
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Ranka became the next Best Actress. Congrats.
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100 is the new 20! xDD
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New grandparents rushing to the hospital and they hardly look a day over the last time we saw them from 10 years ago.
*whispers* The secret must be a healthy, happy marriage.
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And this is, without a doubt, Hana’s (wavy, dark-haired) husband (she is wearing her wedding band, go back and check) who’s just heard the news but still made sure to pick up a bouquet along the way to see his wife.
A bouquet of craspedias, the same flower villain!George tried to give to Hana years ago.
Except this person is obviously not the same George.
Again, it’s strongly implied the foremost reason why George spiraled into depression and started doing evil things was because he lost Hana in the future.
But since Hana doesn’t die this time, villain!George never comes into existence and therefore, George is just a normal guy who’s, hopefully, grateful that life has given him such happiness and meaning and is very much anticipating meeting his baby daughter.
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Yea, they deliberately did not show his face to continue to cast doubt on who Hugtan’s father is but I’m certain it’s gotta be him.
Knowing the type of person Hana is, there’s no way she wouldn’t be concerned about the man George was before he became President Kurai when she meets (again) in present day. And she likely would’ve stuck by him to make sure he didn’t go down the same disastrous path. As a result, they got close, fell in love, married and are now having a baby together.
It’s still squicky because of the age difference so I hope they got together when Hana was at legal age (and by that, I mean by my standard of 21 years, not Japan’s 13). At least, it’ll make me feel slightly better about them being a couple that way.
Also, it looks like what people have been telling me about genetic traits possibly jumping a generation or two (thanks for further confirming this, btw!) are correct so Hugtan/Hagumi can have blonde hair even if neither of her parents do. The fact that George’s name is written in katakana instead of hiragana (which probably would translate closer to “Jouji”) suggests George himself is partially foreign so perhaps Hugtan got the blonde hair from his side (??). 
To be honest, I was aware of this fact already (really, I’m not lying here). I just didn’t believe that the staff behind Hugtto knew about it and because of that, I didn’t think they would apply it here since it’s more common to see animators make almost all girls take after their moms and almost all boys take after their dads. I especially can’t trust Toei after that whole skin color incident with Towa from Go!Pri but it seems like the writers of this season learned from their mistakes and even did some extra research this time.
Who knows?
Anyways, all evidence points to this person as George and I have nothing more to add.
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Moving along, d’aww, whaddya know?
Mogumogu and the cat he admired got together and adopted Hariham village!
How sweet~! <33
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Finally, they don’t tell how much further off in the future it is when Tomorrow turns up again but can I just say, it’s such a RELIEF that she doesn’t have to suffer through a despairing future like she did in the original timeline.
And that was all thanks to her mom and her friends.
Plus, when the focus turns to her at the precise moment Hagumi is born in Hana’s present time and she softly says “Mama”?
Yea...who else felt that?
*turns into a sobbing mess*
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And that’s it.
Congratulations, Hana. Congratulations, Hagumi. May you have many, many blessed and blissful days ahead of you and may you always be together.
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Thank you, Hugtto, for giving everybody such a huggy, huggy year! ^^
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volcanofireflame150 · 5 years
Flames of the Heart
Story Series
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Chapter 11
After a few weeks I was still a little upset about those 7 doppelgangers vanishing when Thunder regenerated into a full grown adult thunderbird, Chanyeol sees this expression still on my face, it felt like they could've still be around if I had told them to step back before they vanished but I was too late. Yes, I know, my wedding day was approaching but I couldn't get this guilt off my shoulders, do these guys have to go through this every day? Chanyeol walked up to me and asked, "Do you want to pose pone the wedding until you can get this guilt off of you?" "Nah, I'll find a way to move past this," I said to him. Chanyeol said to me, "You know it's not the first time you will witness this, you will see more along the way, it's in the perks of being able to let things happen." "But they shouldn't happen anyway, I should've seen it happen," I said to him, "I was too late to save those 7 doppelgangers. I misunderstood everything, I messed up on focusing what or who made those and not think of anything bad going to happen." "We all think the negative, it comes natural," he said, "Look, I get that you need some time so I'll ask the people to hold off the wedding until you are ready to be my queen." I nodded and went to the library, the fire sapling was glowing brightly than it was before, I went to it and it had an orb.
I grabbed the orb and it showed me that the 6 are resting peacefully somewhere underwater, Galaxy was resting somewhere near a mountain, so they are coming back soon. That made me feel a whole lot better, I showed Chanyeol, he believed me but he told me that only I could see what was being shown to me. Which explains on why he was looking at me weird when I told him to look through, but I was holding it this time, and told him to look into it again, he looked into it again and he saw on what I saw this time. Chanyeol said, "I hope this made you feel better." "Well, of course," I said, "So, should I check on who is going to be next on having a queen?" "Why not, Lulu and Fluorescence did the same thing when they saw you," said Chanyeol. I grabbed my advanced septer and looked through it and saw that Yixing is next. Which explains Raven being a nymph, Yixing is going to have a Nymph as a queen that's awesome, then after him, Chen is next to have a queen that is a Thunderbird. I told all of this to Chanyeol and he was surprised that of all the people Yixing and Chen were next on having queens. Chanyeol said, "Well, Chen needs to hurry up and act like a gentleman for this Thunderbird, also why do I have a feeling that Thunder is going to be his queen?" "You said the exact same thing about my sister Corona falling for you," I said. He gave me the most shocked faces, it was true before I came around, Corona said that Chanyeol was hitting on her even though I was going to be his queen. Chanyeol said, "Speaking of which your sister got married before we did." "To who?" Mingyu asked. I answered, "Fluorescence's brother Jeonghan, sorry Mingyu, maybe next time." "Yeah, I was eyeing Thunder, Wonwoo had a deep crush on Corona," said Mingyu. I winced because that was indeed true but Corona only saw him as a brother nothing more, that's gonna hurt him so much. Wonwoo came up and said, "I over heard that Corona married Jeonghan, don't worry I did have a crush on her but she heard on what I had on my mind and she gently declined by saying that she's never gonna meet my standards of a wife that I want." "Like it or not, Wonwoo, you can't always end up getting on what you want," I said to him.
The wedding day is finally here and everything is fire themed because I am a phoenix and I want to be reminded that I'm the new ruler of the Phoenix and the Fire Kingdom. But, since Corona is married to Jeonghan, Corona offered to take the place of being ruler of the Phoenix while I be the ruler of the Fire Kingdom. It was very nice of her, thinking of her sister, but I'm fine not seeing Corona, I just don't think I can handle on not seeing Vernon around since he's in love with Lynn-Rose. Corona was chosen to be my maid of honor but it was a battle because Vernon wanted me to chose Lynn-Rose since Chanyeol had Vernon as his best man, so I went ahead and chose Lulu by accident. I didn't mean to choose her he was pressuring me, then Lulu defended me by telling him that it's my wedding and I chose whoever I want to be my maid of honor so I went back to choosing Corona. Lulu was a great helper because sometimes Vernon chooses to be a pushover, she even made Lynn-Rose move back into the Air Kingdom, and Lynn-Rose listened to her sister because Lulu knows what to do in this type of situation. She told Vernon, "Until you get your act together, you are not allowed to hang out with my sister without asking me first." "You can't be serious," said Vernon, "You can't do that!" "Yeah she can," said Sehun, "Dude, look at what you are doing to Ember? Last time I check she forced you to move out of Chanyeol's castle and forcefully removed you from being her personal guard and banned you from joining Chanyeol's guardsman because on what you were doing." "If I'm not mistaken, she's older than you," said Fluorescence, "Jeonghan is a much bigger difference than you, you should learn from him." "I change my mind on you being my best man," said Chanyeol, "Yixing, is going to be my best man." Vernon was surprised and silently left because he was trying to suffocate me on what he was doing, which is why I made him leave the castle and removed his position, it was painful for me to do that but it had to be done because I was offered by Jeonghan to take that away from Vernon. Anyways, Vernon did manage to calm down because his friends were telling him on what to do and what not to do. Now, he is back to being Chanyeol's best man, but who is missing is King Kyungsoo, I wonder on where he is, then the other guys noticed that he is missing as well, Kai told everyone, "Kyungsoo is handling with something very important that I might need to be where he is because something happened in my kingdom but I wouldn't dare miss this beautiful day." "Go do your king duties over there," said Corona, "Ember understands." "Of course, it's the perks of being King," I said to him. Then he left, Baekhyun took his spot because Kai was very eager to walk down the aisle with Fluorescence, I'm guessing Kai is afraid of her as well? I'm not sure then Lulu said, "Don't worry Fluorescence only terrifies Baekhyun, Kai was concerned about angering you if he left to handle a situation at his kingdom." "I told him I understood," I said to her. Well that explains it all, now we were doing the ceremony, now both Kyungsoo and Kai finally made it, looks like they dissolved their situations a little bit because they looked relaxed. Then the wedding part started and Kyungsoo had to leave again, he said that he can only attend the ceremony because his kingdom's situation has not yet been solved yet. I hope on what happen is not what I'm hoping, then my scepter shined saying that Yixing will be getting a queen after Kyungsoo. Wait Kyungsoo? Is that what is going on? He finally found one already? I thought then my scepter said to me, "Though it's a situation that Kyungsoo is currently trying to defuse." "Oh my, I hope his future queen is alright," I said, softly. Lulu and Fluorescence walked up to me, they saw the look on my face something that Kyungsoo is handling is now got me troubled. Well, most of these things have to happen but what my scepter told me, Kyungsoo's lady in a very different situation on what Lulu, Fluorescence, and myself had to go through. Lulu asked, "What's wrong?" "Kyungsoo left again to handle a situation that I'm afraid that we might have to help him," I said, "Kyungsoo is next on getting a queen, and his lady is in a situation that is WAY different from what we had to deal with." "Oh my, I hope she's going to be alright," said Fluorescence.
After all that, no visit from Kyungsoo, I'm guessing that his issue is still going on, I asked Chanyeol, "Should we go to the Earth and help Kyungsoo on what situation he is dealing with?" "I was wondering on when you were going to ask, but sadly I asked that to him and he said no that he can handle it on his own and he will let us know on when he does need our help," said Chanyeol. I just can't sit here and worry about his future queen, so I flat out told him, "It involves his future queen, Chanyeol." That made him spat out his drink, he said, "Never mind on that, let's go!" "But what about on him letting us know if he needs our help?" I asked. Chanyeol answered, "Forget on what I said, let's just go!" "Alright," I said, got my stuff and headed our way to Kyungsoo's Kingdom. Kyungsoo, I hope you know on what you are getting yourself into, Chanyeol got into one of the biggest carriages and decided to pick up everyone then head to Kyungsoo's kingdom. Luhan said, "Let's hope Kyungsoo is ready for what's coming to him because from what I heard from Kai, it's not good at all." "What do you mean?" asked Tao. Luhan said, "This next queen is a Satyr but in this world female Satyrs are called Fauns, so Kyungsoo is in situation involving a Faun princess who was caught by hunters." "Oh my!" shouted Lulu, "This is very different from what we experienced." "Here’s the thing though, her and her parents have been separated because these hunters were targeting only this faun," said Luhan, "Her parents are worried sick about their daughter, and now she was stripped from all rights and is now being called something that I can't even say it's very bad." "What? Slave?" asked Fluorescence. Luhan nodded, "She snuck out of Kai's Kingdom and was mysteriously brought to Kyungsoo's kingdom and that's what the hunters in Kyungsoo's kingdom are now calling her." Chen asked, "Can we change the subject?" "Sadly we can't because we have arrived in Kyungsoo's kingdom," said Chanyeol. We all got out, we went into Kyungsoo's kingdom and it seems so peaceful, I'm guessing those hunters are hidden behind armor and is using this poor Faun as their personal servant. Kyungsoo please save her from those guys, she's your lady after all.
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kholoudnine · 6 years
Hey guys!
So I have just come out of last weekend's book fest, am writing this at like 4am waiting for my sleep aids to finally kick in because I really should be going to bed now, and I thought It'd be a good time to start a blog post.
This past week has been crazy and just picking up more and more as it goes on. I've been ordering books, selling to stores(more to come on that little detail soon), signing up for signings in other states, booking meetings, and getting together more places to perform my art live. It's a work out for sure but the more I do the clouser I feel like I am to where I wanna be in life, so it's all worth a little lack of sleep. Although I have been making a commitment to sticking to a decent regemin for taking care of myself. If you read my poetry, you know I struggle with this daily, but if I wanna be at my best on stage and at signings and in my work, than it's an important step. It's also something I wanna encourage. For people not to just accept the narrative of being unhealthy and tired, if you're unhealthy and tired, strive to change that. I have so many ideas for blog posts and videos about how I've been going about doing that which I hope you'll enjoy and take something from. This post though, I wanted to talk about something that I've been asked for a lot lately, advice.
Now I knew when I started this that there would be people who looked up to me and people who want to know I did it and want to know what they can do for their dream and just wanna know more about my journey, the thing about that was just I thought all that as a little kid and I thought it'd be something that came from record deals and being rich and screaming stadiums, never did I think my self-published books and my open mic performances would draw so many people asking me for guidance through their own journey or draw so much curiosity for how I got where I am today (which for a time I thought wasn't very far). I've even been mistaken as a professional in the craft, someone with years of signings and publishing under their belt. This got me thinking, what exactly makes a professional, and what do I have to offer?
So for the people who ask me about my experience, I've pretty much been at this my whole life. It's been a constant uphill battle for me with anxiety and doubt and obstacles of all sort pushing back, but since I was a little child dressed as Hannah Montana and using letter stencils to write songs I was sure this is when I wanted. Something I need. That meant going to every free class I could find. The library funded a lot of my passion and education, with improv and acting classes, guitar lessons, computer courses, open mics, and workshops. I lived in libraries. I would read books about design and flip through adventures, I'd sit in the stacks learning about podcasts, I took photography and leadership in freshman and sophomore year of high school (for the gods' awful times I was in online school *shudders*). I still go to those classes now, the maker's space is going to help me tremendously in the next coming year. I'm so excited about it all still. For a long time with all those classes, I was still the quiet one. Even with all these teachers believing in me, I couldn't beileve in my own voice. I didn't think I could speak, and around my peers I was still weird, so I was quiet. Until JYPS workshop, that is when I was put on a stage for the first time in my teenage career. Working with the group definitely drove me to who I am now, instead of just being taught poetry, I was taught business, I was taught to stand on corners and give out flyers, to promote myself, to be confident and build connections, and I still go now. I'll be there this weekend, learning just like everyone else will be. This is where I found my voice. So as you can see, I've got experience, but I'm still trying to learn more. I don't really think I'll ever not be a student.
Knowing that, I will now give my best advice. I'm going to break it down into FAQ's because I do get a lot of questions, and most are more or less the same things.
1. How Do yoU Find Events?
I find all of my events through my mum and word of mouth. My mother started releasing books about a year before I did and she finds a lot of the events this year since most are ones she researched years prior. Other events I find through the library system and old fashioned word of mouth, it is not uncommon for people to come to my performances or see me at a signing and invite me to another somewhere else. Networking is key. Always remember to talk to people at these things as you'll never know who you'll meet. Do not be afraid to ASK "Hey can I preform here? Hey what signings are there in town? Hey Siri search local book signings?" You'll find something surely.
2. How Do You Find Inspiration?
Everywhere. My life, other books and art, music, dancing, etc. I've been dancing and gotten entire scenes in my head randomly or laying back and listening to music then I'll start replaying the song as a whole outline shows itself to me. It's really a magickal thing, being an artist. It does take practice for some to get to that level of spacey but you can always start by writing about what you know. Many scenes or emotions or characters in my books can be connected to my life in some way or another, maybe an altered moment, maybe a name I heard, maybe a character that reminds me heavily of a friend. Start with writing what you know, I will occasionally write out my thoughts like a novel when I'm trying to sort things out or I'm in a funk, find your thing.
3. How Do You Get Over Stage Fright?
You just do it. Get on stage, it's really the only way I've found to deal with it. A lot of people don't know this but I do have grand stage fright, to the point of running off the stage when I was younger actually. It still bothers me and I'm in constant management with it. If you don't get on stage you'll surely never get over it. Start small. For me going up and performing in front of people who don't know me, acting as a character who was not me, would help tremendously. Occassionally I'll still channel some more confident and emotionally showing version of myself for my performances, it's whatever works as a small step for you. Some people feel more comfortable anon like me, but others may want to start by preforming in front of people they trust and slowly work their way to strangers. Don't push yourself too far to fast, and don't worry about if you start by running off the stage, you get over it.
4. How Do You Self-Publish?
There are several ways to self-publish your books, the way I chose to go through primarily was Amazon. I put my books on their website (not signing their exclusivity contract) and then I can sell it other places. So I've also been trying to add my books to Lulu, I have previews up on Tablo and Wattpad, and I'm selling them to a local bookstore. Amazon prints my books so I do pay them to order the copies but I do not pay the same price as a normal costumer, since they are mine I only pay the cost of shipping and printing. You can find loads of other self-publishing routes with some diligent research, look around and find what's right for you, don't be afraid to ask other authors who self-publish questions at book signings, many are willing to help others.
5. What are the benefits of self publishing?
Since I self-publish my book I get to tell the story my way, without some of the hurtles trade might give me. For instance, my books are quite dark and do contain not only strong language but descriptive violence. When JK Rowling was publishing Harry Potter, Ron actually swore quite a lot, but because the publisher felt the book series would appeal so well to children, they had her change that about the character so as not to poke any parents. Prisoner Nineteen could bring a very wide audience (though I in no way compare my work to Harry Potter) but seeing as the characters are mostly quite young (the main being only fourteen) I could see it drawing in a younger crowd than would be expected for a series like it, because I published it myself, I don't have to worry about that. I market it as YA, and really leave it up to the reader (and their parents) what they feel comfortable reading. This for me is the biggest plus of self-publishing, you get no deadlines and complete creative freedom.
6. How Do You Write A Book?
I can't exactly tell you that. Everyone has a different way of writing their book, I've seen a million different writing styles and writing processes, it's really up to you how you write your book. As for finshing it, what helped me was having a clear goal and deadline in mind.
7. How Do You Balance Everything?
Chaotically. I'm definitely not going to lie and say this is all super easy. Meetings, school, art projects, volunteering, blogs, writing, signings, performances, and whatever else I have to do that week balanced on having a social life and not going crazy? It's not exactly easy. And occasionally you will probably freak out and/or cry from stress and anxiety, that does happen to me sometimes, but if it's what you want to be doing and I mean really want to be doing? Oddly enough, it doesn't feel like work a lot of the times. It feels great to be able to be doing something you actually love and want to be doing. If going a little bit crazy is a part of the process, eh, just makes for better writing and more theatrics. Did the sane man really ever make great art or great changes?
8. How Do You Get Your Stuff?
So usually this is directed towards my merch. Everything you see on my tables is customised and designed by yours truly (save for things like my lights or shell). I get an idea, I plan it out, and I then search all over the internet to find my supplies. (Honey really helps with this. Save money, create smarter.) Look on Pinterest or Tumblr or at other cons to try and think of something that fits your book.
9. How Do You Find The Courage?
Caffeine. Straight to the vein. I just get an iv drip before every apperence.
No but, really it's a lot of channeling your nerves into your work. Of deciding if this is really really really something you wanna be doing. If the answer to that is yes? You'll find your courage and strength. A support system doesn't hurt. If that can't be friends or parents, then you can find it in groups. Look around your local art scene. I'm sure somewhere there's a workshop or two, check on NaNaWrimo they do video chats, join a group on social media, find a pen pal, but nothing can really replace knowing people are rooting for you and knowing that you're working towards your dream goals.
10. How old are you?
I am eighteen years old and my birthday is June 24th, so. You're certainly not too young to do something and make decisions with your life. There is no "starting age" that's when you decide it is.
And to close, the thing that makes you a professional. I really didn't know, but a friend of mine posted online a few days ago "You are a rapper if you are rapping." This I think is true in all things. Especially in art, there is no point when you should ever stop learning, but you are what you are. If you sing, and you're serious about it, you are a singer. If you dance, and you're serious about it, you are a dancer. If you act, and you're serious about it, you are a dancer. If you write, and you're serious about it, you are a writer.
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crystallinekingdom · 7 years
"Are you scared? ... Then why won't you look at the screen?" (Prompt)
hey this got a little long… also im sorry it took 2 days
Movie Night
Taako’s sprawled out on the couch in their suite, painting his nails a shimmering blue and watching the world below through the now-exposed porthole that makes up most of the living room’s floor, when his Stone of Farspeech starts ringing where he left it on the coffee table.
He had expected this to be a quiet day. Apparently, in the aftermath of saving the world, nobody cares if you take a few extra days off work - Merle was planetside visiting his kids, while Magnus had gone to spar with Killian and Carey.
Whilst attempting to grasp for his Stone with semi-wet paint all over his nails, Taako drops the bottle of polish onto the counter, and the device is suddenly covered in tacky blue sparkles. He curses three different gods as he brings it up to his ear, inwardly praying that the person at the other end isn’t Brad ready to lecture him for thirty minutes about his use of expletives and how it isn’t beneficial to a teamwork environment.
It’s not. His sister’s voice crackles through the speaker, muffled by bad reception but still audible, and a grin spreads across his face.
“How’s it hanging, dork?” Lup asks. Taako can hear gravel crunching under her feet as she walks.
“Just chilling up here. What are you and the nerd up to, do-gooding in some random village again?” Lup and Barry had not been as blasé about the aftermath of the apocalypse as him and the boys - every day they were assisting a cleanup effort somewhere, trying to get areas that had been hit hard by the Hunger back in working order.
“Not today, actually, and that’s why I called. We aren’t scheduled to be in Goldcliff till Wednesday morning, which gives us, like, a day and a half free. Figured we’d drop by the moonbase and say hi. Want to hang out, or do you have better things to do?”
“No can do, sis, I’m busy curing cancer and making shoes for orphans - of course I’m down to hang out, who do you think I am? What time are you gonna be up here?”
“I just summoned a sphere, so.” The audio crackles a bit as she pauses, presumably to check her watch. “Around six, give or take?”
“Hell yeah. I’ll be in the suite. See ya then, goofus.” Taako puts the stone in his pocket, taking care to cap the bottle of blue polish on the table before hefting himself off the sofa.
The glass face of the clock on the wall has a large crack down its middle, but he can still make out a time that’s somewhere around 4:50 p.m. Enough time to whip something quick up, he thinks as he makes his way over to the kitchen.
Taako is halfway through mixing a bowl of dough for a yet-unfinished batch of glazed lemon cookies before he hears a light knock at the door. It’s much earlier than the ETA Lup had given him, but he trudges over, leans against the wall with one batter-sticky hand, and looks through the peephole.
In the hallway is Angus, newsboy cap slightly askew and clutching his wand to his chest. Taako is momentarily taken aback until he remembers what day of the week it is. Oh, shit. Monday is magic day.
He unlocks the deadbolt and pushes the door open with a flourish, feigning ignorance as to why the kid is here. “Hey, Django. What brings you to our neck of the woods?”
“Hello, sir!” Angus shifts from one foot to the other. “Uh, I’m sorry to trouble you, but I was just wondering if our magic lessons are, um, still a thing that’s happening? I mean, I totally understand if you’re busy, or if you’re finished training me now that I’m done being a Seeker and not really useful to you guys anymore, or-”
Taako cuts him off with a wave of his hand. “Sorry, kiddo. Don’t think we’re going to be able to do a lesson today.” Angus’s face falls and he opens his mouth to say something, but Taako continues, “Lulu and Barold are coming up for the day. Want to stick around and ask them all those nerd science questions you’ve been asking me? Might even be some baked goods in it for ya.”
He leaves the door open and turns around to retreat back into the kitchen, catching Angus’s “Th-thank you so much!” and the sound of the door shutting, then small footsteps following him inside.
“Now that you’re here, bubbeleh, I’m gonna have to put you to work. Child labor isn’t illegal if it’s on the moon,” Taako says, lightly clapping Angus on the back. “Want to go grab me a half tablespoon of vanilla extract so I can add it to this sick batter?”
Lup and Barry open the door an hour later to the sight of cookies left to cool on the stovetop and Taako sitting on the couch with Angus, teaching him some particularly nasty Fantasy Yiddish curses.
After a bout of small talk (considering the twins have fallen back into their old habit of constantly keeping tabs on each other for blackmail material, there isn’t much catching up to do) and a brief trip back to Lup and Barry’s makeshift moonbase quarters, Barry lays out a stack of old DVD cases on the kitchen table in front of Angus.
“It’s my movie collection from back on the Starblaster”, he explains. “First thing I salvaged once we got the ship back up here. We haven’t seen any of these in at least a decade, so take your pick, kiddo.”
Angus takes his time opening each plastic case and reading the blurb on the back. By the time he’s done, the other three are in an angry debate over the Fantasy Star Wars prequels (“They give context for episodes four through six, you uncultured swines!”), and Angus has to throw the case he’s chosen at Taako’s head to get their attention.
Taako looks at the case - Fantasy Alien. He briefly questions whether the whole chestburster thing is too frightening for an eleven year old boy, until he realizes that said eleven year old boy has fought eldritch abominations and been thrown off the back of a moving train. So much for childhood innocence.
“Good choice, Agnes,” he says, twirling the case in his hand.
Twenty minutes later, the lights are off and they’re all piled onto the couch under a knit throw covered in yellow embroidered ducks. Barry’s got an arm around his girlfriend and is staring at the screen with an expression of childlike wonder, Lup is whispering suggestive comments into Taako’s ear between mouthfuls of cookie, and Angus…
As the characters onscreen argue about what to do with the young halfling lying on the operating table with a squid-alien-thing on his face, Angus’s eyes are anywhere but on the action. The blanket is wrapped tightly around him up to his chest, and he’s staring directly into it.
Taako wrestles his right arm free from where Angus had pinned it while leaning on him and uses it to ruffle the boy’s hair. “Are you scared?” he asks softly. Maybe Angus is more squeamish than he’d thought.
“Oh, no, sir! If this were a real mission, they would have listened to containment protocol and prevented all this from happening. This whole situation could have been avoided if not for the sake of dramatic irony!” Angus responds, without looking up from his blanket cocoon.
“Then why won’t you look at the screen?” Taako lightly noogies him, then tugs on Angus’s piece of the blanket.
Out falls a small spiral-bound notebook with blue and silver trim, hitting the floor face-up with a small thump. Honestly, Taako doesn’t know what else he expected - he reaches down to pick it up, and surveys the page it opened up onto.
Below some indecent Fantasy Yiddish phrases (he’s both proud of the kid and terrified Lucretia will come after him once she hears Angus using said phrases in conversation) is a detailed sketch of a spacecraft. It’s surrounded by liner notes, detailing the workings of each part of the craft, its name - SS Nostromo - and physics equations describing what looks to be its capability for interstellar travel.
“Woah, is this the ship from the movie?” Taako asks.
“Yes, um. I’m sorry for not paying attention, I just thought it was a really interesting concept and-”
“Angus. It’s really dang good. Consider me thoroughly impressed.”
“Thank you!” Angus grins. “I’m just wondering, I know the Starblaster was made for hopping between dimensions, but did it have the raw power required for regular-old third dimensional travel on a larger scale like in this movie? Like, interstellar spaceflight?”
Lup, who has apparently been paying more attention to this whisper-conversation than Taako would have thought, turns towards Angus and wipes a few stray crumbs off her face. “See, the thing with bond energy is that because it’s freakin’ everywhere, it only takes a small core to process a huge amount of it. That’s how we could use such a small exploratory vessel. Of course, traveling in five dimensions takes a lot more power than in three, but if you factor in gravity and antimatter-”
Taako cranks up the volume on the television just as Barry shifts to face them, presumably to point out some obscure law of astrophysics. Adorable. They should set up their own little think tank. Taako smiles fondly at them as they continue their conversation, his face lit by the dim glow of the screen, then turns back around just as the alien bursts out of the halfling’s chest.
By the time the credits roll, both Angus and Barry are out cold - Angus holding his notebook and curled up against Taako’s chest, Barry clutching a throw pillow with a picture of a corgi on it. Lup has extricated herself from the cuddle pile and is raiding his pantry, and Taako is trying to figure out the best way to reach for the remote without waking up the two nerds asleep on his couch.
“You know,” Lup calls out from the kitchen, “I still feel kinda bad about blowing up his macaroons. He’s a good kid. You think it’d be cool if I made it up to him by baking him some more?”
Taako looks down at Angus, takes off his glasses, and places them on the coffee table. “I think he’d like that a lot.”
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