#of iorek gonna show
All the Things She Said (HDM Series)
Series description: After a rather unlucky coincidence, Lord Asriel is left alone on his supposed expedition to meet the king of Lapland. Thanks to Thorold's advances, he's lucky enough to get an assistant sent over from the University of Oxford.
Pairing: Asriel Belaqua x fem!reader
Author's notes:
I have a few things to say. Be aware that I haven't read The Northern Lights trilogy by Phillip Pullman, so my understanding of Lyra's world might be either limited or wrong on occasion. I'm trying my best to go through all of the information sources I'm able to find on the internet. I've finished The Golden Compass (New Line Cinema, 2007) and His Dark Matters (HBO, 2019 - 2022; I presume) so while my understanding of the setting might not be perfect, it isn't the worst I'd say. The story is set sometime around Asriel's expedition to 'Lapland' so it shouldn't interfere with any other cannon moments of the story since I hate altering the cannon to my liking all that much. And since both the movie and show start with Asriel coming back from the first expedition, I don't think there are a lot of other backstories in the books and the past events are giving us through the characters? (For example, Iorek Byrnison explains to Lyra and the reader/watcher by proxy the situation of the armoured bears but there's not an explicit flashback, only exposition for how things went down?) So I think that events of the past are kept vague for a reason and the author lets us fill out the blanks using our own imagination except for the times he specifically lays out events that we need to take a notice of.
Shortly, I should get away with this series and won't defy cannon.
Asriel's playlist: h e r e
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Read more:
1. Luscinia megarhynchos 2. The Great North 3. The Golden Boy
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clonerightsagenda · 1 month
HDM Season 3 continued!
Episode 3:
Pan sleeping against Will's leg. I saw that.
Asriel and Mrs. Coulter are a couple that truly matches each other's freak (child murder) (derogatory). He was really like hey babe now that we're back together let's torture a prisoner of war.
"You look different." "So do you." Yeah you both grew several inches and she has a chest now. Puberty comes at you fast when you have to wait a while between shooting seasons.
More show-original squabbles to drag decision making out longer for some reason
The show is emphasizing Asriel sucking a lot more. Which I appreciate because he does kind of suck. Mrs. Coulter on the other hand is practically a tritagonist (evil/complicated)
They've switched Serafina saving an arrow to kill Mrs. Coulter to Ruta being hostile toward her. I don't love how I feel like they're skating on the edge of the angry Black woman trope with her.
"It's not about your beliefs. They believe, and they will act on it." Folding this into my conviction that Lyra is only the prophecy child capable of moving a multiverse of Dust because everyone is obsessed with her.
The forging scene was kind of half assed compared to the book. Where is the masterful forge Iorek built out of scraps because he's such a great blacksmith? You could not get the metal hot enough on an open air campfire like that.
Lyra: An angel? I'm gonna poke it.
TV!Balthamos is a lot chiller.
"Perhaps I never needed a knife in the first place." You're on the right track. But you also don't need high tech angel torture devices. You just need a big hole.
Shame they didn't do the bit re: the land of the dead where they cut into a world, then cut again, and end up in a reflection of that world with a former corpse now a ghost. I thought that was cool.
Episode 4:
God, you die and go to the afterlife and the prison guard for the dead is still a British guy. This is like Tell No Tales' load bearing British guy of death.
Everyone's reaction when Mrs. Coulter re-enters the plot is some variation of "are you fucking kidding me"
Mrs. Coulter continues to somehow seduce her way through the Magisterium. Is Mrs. Coulter a masterfully or misogynistically written female character for femme fatale-ing her way through various male authority figures and then losing her shit over her child: famous forum thread closed after 8000 pages of debate.
It's only now occurring to me that Asriel built a craft that can only be piloted by people from his world. It wasn't as important in the books, but in here where the craft can cut through dimensions, it looks more like keeping certain abilities tightly under wraps.
We're finally getting to Mary's lifechanging safari. About time.
It's also now occurring to me that it might've been nice for them to cut the living people stuck in the afterlife waiting room out. Most of them got there accidentally.
No Tialys/Salmakia with the kids in Death. Guess they wanted to focus on Will and Lyra, but it's a shame that we don't get Lyra pissing off Tialys on purpose to summon her death vs just wanting it real hard.
I can't remember how the ghosts knew that Lyra was about to get exploded. Maybe the show will elaborate on that.
Where are their fucking rollerskates
Will spent months searching for Lyra?? I guess they added that in to explain how much the kids grew but a) lots of devotion for someone he knew for like a week and b) Lyra should be in way worse shape if she was in a medical coma for months.
It says a lot that Will pulls a knife on the ferryman for Pan's sake given how much he hates having to be the 'violent' one.
They trimmed the ferryman's speech. I get it because it's quite long but still, bummer.
They didn't have Will screaming in agony! That seems unfair given the emphasis on how he's losing the same thing as Lyra. Maybe they decided it was not manly. Also it would be almost impossible to adapt into television but shoutout to the passage where it describes his experience as if he told someone to kill his mother instead of him because he doesn't love her.
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eerna · 2 years
Do you have criticism of the hdm show other than how it changed Lyra's characterization and removed the humour? I loved the show but I do tend to agree with your opinions on things so I'd be interested to hear them if you want to share. And it's been a while since I last read the books so watching the show I didn't have the specifics of them in mind so I could well have missed a bunch of things. Something was off with Iorek I think, though beyond his voice being weirdly Patrick-Page-from-Hadestown for no discernible reason, I'm not sure why. Maybe that comes down to the show making itself grittier too. Like in the book he is tough and incredibly capable and fearsome but he's also kind and compassionate and a fluffy polar bear friend. And then obviously LMM wasn't a great choice for Lee Scorsby, I think most people agree on that point. And they cut way too much worldbuilding with the mulefa in s3 and I get that sure, it's not the most action-packed thing and maybe would've made sense to cut when you're on a time limit but good god Mary playing anthropologist is my favourite part of that whole book I really would have watched a whole season just building out that world and society without any action or conflict. Also it was such a weird choice at the climax to make Will open a box and that box had god in it and god just kind of evaporates and that's that. Like that was the grittiest part of the book maybe! or ballsiest, at least. He literally stabs god! Why would they cut that?! they clearly haven't been watering anything down up to this point to try and pander more to christian sensibilities so why on earth would they chose this most important moment to water something down. k I kind of went off there and probably I'm forgetting some things but overall I really do adore it as an adaptation.
Go off!! I shall listen, I'm curious what happened bc I haven't finished s1 and have only seen maybe 2 eps of s2. I am sad to hear they removed the mulefa parts because those are my fav too… Idk if we're gonna agree on this one, but here goes. The only thing I remember abt it is that it was just insanely boring to me, I would pick up my phone a million times during episodes and I NEVER do that. I reread the books either during its first season or right beforehand, and I couldn't stop feeling like the show made everyone into dolls with sly faces, walking around and calmly stating their lines, instead of the memorable characters they are. The book has so much heart and color in it, but the show is gritty and gray and SO BORING. LIKE GOD. Every scene lasts 100 hours with Important Glances and Long Silences everywhere, interrupted by expositiony dialogue. And I am so sorry, I know she's a kid, but Dafne Keen wasn't good enough to be a lead on a show, especially in one as devoid of any other things that could distract from the acting as this. I liked Amir Wilson and the rest of the cast, but I was never able to believe her.
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nellie-elizabeth · 2 years
His Dark Materials: The Intention Craft (3x03)
Oh boy, I can't wait for episode four, I have a feeling it's going to make me a little weepy. But let's talk about this one first!
The effect on the Gallivespians is... weird. They've got the scaling situation going, but it doesn't ever really feel like they're in the same place? Like when Lady Salmakia is talking to Lyra and Will, it doesn't feel like they're actually physically near each other. And the scene where she attacks them, angry about the knife being broken, it really did feel like the kids were flinching away on cues from someone off-camera, not to an actual living person existing in their environment.
Mary Malone... it's strange that we're not making progress quicker with her. She's on her journey, and I know where it's going, but there are five episodes left the show, and we're just now getting to the point that I think of as the beginning of her story? So I don't know, that's a little odd, pacing-wise.
Also odd for pacing was to have Balthamos come back for like two seconds just to say "oh, you're going to the land of the dead. Okay, bye, then." I guess I'm glad to see him, but not really sure what the point was there.
GOD, everything with Asriel and Marisa is so juicy and interesting. They really did steal the show for me this week. Asriel has control over Marisa, has her at his mercy, and yet Marisa cannot fully be controlled. The moment when he laments, why can't you be what I want you to be, was honestly so powerful and I think encapsulates so much of what this relationship is. There's a deep passion and intensity of feeling between them, but ultimately he cannot fully respect her, and she cannot consent to be subjugated. I love that Lyra's parents have what at first glance seems to be very gendered conceptions of parenthood: Marisa is the one frantic for their daughter's safety, while Asriel is impatient about the whole mess. But then you think back to their history with her: neither is a nurturing, supportive parent, but Asriel was at least willing to see her and admit to the family connection, while Marisa hid in shame, only entering Lyra's life when she feared that her own research would lead to her daughter's harm.
Asriel is so intense: his motives are, I think one could argue, good, in the sense that the Magisterium is evil and what they claim to worship is no good either. And yet we watch him torture an angel to get a message to Metatron. We see what a controlling, dismissive, inconsiderate person he is at his very core. His passion, however, makes him so interesting to watch. He's not some sort of pedestrian evil man grabbing for power wherever he can get it. And Marisa certainly isn't just her ambition, either. The look they share, as Marisa escapes on the Intention Craft, is one of mutual understanding; a strange, angry respect. I can't wait to see the end of the story play out between them. It's bound to be such an intense moment.
Will and Lyra are similarly moving to watch, albeit in a very different way than Coulter and Asriel. The warmth of their friendship is so obvious, and then when there's conflict between them, you get the sense that it hurts precisely because of how much they care for and trust one another. Will doesn't fully understand Lyra's plan to go to the land of the dead, but ultimately he's going to back her play. Yes, his father told him to bring the knife to Asriel, but his mother always told him to help a friend in need. Their hug was beautiful, and I'm already getting weepy about what's going to happen at the end of this show. It's gonna screw me up big time.
It was cool to see Iorek helping Will to reforge the knife, although I think they're cowards to not show Iorek's big huge meaty bear paws holding forging tools. That's kind of all I have to say about that. It's sweet seeing Iorek and Lyra together, and Lyra using the alethiometer again after so long was a treat as well!
I'll stop there. After I watch episode four, we'll already be halfway through the season. Say it ain't so!
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ryttu3k · 2 years
Some thoughts on His Dark Materials 3.05 and 3.06 - No Way Out and The Abyss! Spoilers for the rest of the series below.
I absolutely goddamn adore how they did everything with the Mulefa. Mary’s development from “...I’m following a talking elephant” to “these talking elephants are my besties, actually”, to how they handled the wheelpods, to the babies - but my absolute favourite thing was how they did the subtitles! Things like the Mulefa speech melting into English, but into a much more limited English to show Mary’s grasp on it, to how it just becomes more and more fluent, until she and Atal are just... chatting. Talking. It was so cool.
Completely understand why they redesigned them, too. The diamond-shaped thing would have been, hm, complicated, and this way they felt much more real. And the wheelpods really did look fun. Like rollerblading!
Land of the Dead was proper eerie. Really glad they kept in Will’s reaction to being separated from his daemon, because like. They have to build up Kirjava somehow, even if he didn’t feel it immediately like Lyra and Pan did. The set felt deeply claustrophobic (even if it did vaguely remind me of a Doctor Who stage set) and oppressive, and seeing poor li’l Roger so... lifeless was genuinely upsetting. Got a bit emotional at them talking about their adventures, Roger remembering more and more, seeing the flashbacks of them as little bitty kids (I guess they filmed those when they were doing season one?), and him just... coming back to life. Storytelling as identity!
I don’t know. “Tell them stories” is one of my favourite fictional aesops.
Adored the reunion with Lee. Look I know Lin Manuel-Miranda has been a... controversial choice, but I think he’s fantastic, and I’m so glad Lyra got to see one of her two dads again (the other is Iorek, obviously. Asriel whomst? He’s lost parental rights forever tyvm). And Will’s reunion with John just felt... so much more loaded. Like Lyra seeing Lee again just felt warm and cozy like a hug, but there was so much weight between Will and John, many more things to say. Apparently it was filmed months after principle filming due to John’s actor’s availability, which was why it felt much more self-contained, but honestly I feel it was pretty important for them to have that time. Also built up the concept that you can’t stay in a world that’s not your own for too long, which gives the viewer the thought, “Oh, okay, so Lyra and Will will have to visit each other via windows, they can’t actually stay together.” When the reveal about closing all but one window comes, it’s gonna hit like a truck.
The Abyss was horrifying. Metaphysical l’appel du vide and all. They played up how it’ll be a major part later on well, I think. Seeing Sergi being pulled in, Ruta’s complete helplessness... yikes, genuinely unsettling. I do like that Serafina explained exactly what was going to happen to Ruta, her soul falling forever. Keep that in mind, viewers! It’ll be important later!
Loved Gracious Wings’ rescue, too - I’m not even sure she knew why she did it. The whole thing plays on this big... trusting your intuition to do the right thing, even if you don’t know why you did. Which works very well with Lyra and the prophecy, actually.
Harpy-related note - it did disappoint me that they cut the Lyra/liar part, especially since it felt foreshadowed with the bureaucrat in the holding area. I just wanted to see Lyra come to that realisation that they wanted the truth. Ah well.
Going through the door... emotions. Bye, Roger ;_; Bye, Lee ;_; (I know he originally joined the fight, but I’m guessing they just wanted to streamline the story?)
My desire to slap Asriel continues to grow. Holy shit, dude. His war is going ‘successfully’ but he’s also kinda. Breaking a hell of a lot of eggs to make that particular omelette. Lowkey wish Mrs Coulter had punched him tbh.
On that note, her character has taken such a fascinating turn! Genuinely much more sympathetic - trying to talk for her life in the chamber, her terror and determination trying to stop the bomb (and her success! She pulled out the targeting mechanism so it could only use Lyra’s last known location, and Lyra kept moving, so it missed!), her despair when she believes Lyra is dead... standout scenes, I think, are after she returns to the camp. There’s the wonderful talk with Serafina, where Serafina talks about how Lyra being Eve is a good thing, a transformative thing, because look at how much she’s transformed, and that beautiful scene talking to her daemon. She’s making peace with her own soul again!
Anyway, Mrs Coulter/Serafina.
The contrast between her and Asriel is really interesting. They start out with like, Asriel is the cool uncle/dad who’s doing cool things, and Mrs Coulter is Evil Incarnate, and they’re both... just changing to be significantly more morally grey (or, well, outright terrible). Mrs Coulter is realising she does care about something/someone, she has a daughter she’s realising she actually does love, someone else to care for other than herself. She’s reconnecting with her soul. Asriel, on the other hand, is going into a downward spiral, becoming obsessive and callous, and any love he actually did have for Lyra is just... not a priority any more. Even Stelmaria is more absent. I really wanted to see her reaction to learning that Lyra was dead :-\
Just two episodes left!
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aercnaut-archived · 1 year
the movies (if the other two got made obv) were gonna kill lee in the hydrogen fire instead of the gunfight so they wouldn't have to show lee being eaten by iorek in the third movie
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THINK ABOUT IT. lee's line "i'm gonna die in a rocking chair, not a hydrogen fire" isn't in the books. in book two, lee finishes off the gunmen by shooting their zeppelin and killing what remained in the ensuing hydrogen fire before succumbing to his gunshot wounds. with how censored and watered down the one movie that got made was, it isn't that much of a stretch to think they'd change lee's death to something that would destroy his body and thus remove iorek eating his body from the story (because lets be honest, thats a really upsetting image)
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espytalks · 2 years
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Some doodles from the other day.
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His Dark Materials Season 2, Episode 3 - Rambling/Thoughts (SPOILERS)
You all know the drill by now, bullet points etc. Etc. I may miss some things out because I’m just rambling and going off what I can remember, please bear with me!
Lyra getting ready to go and see Mary but not telling Will omg honey no you should tell him things!
I started laughing at Pan protesting about the bag and then Lyra cutting him off by closing it XD
Will was reading THE LETTERS :’( John Parry loved Will and Elaine so much I’m-
Mary is trying to protect Lyra even though she’s only known her for a day, and I am all for it, I love that Lyra keeps picking up surrogate parents like this 😂
“What a wonderful moustache” - OMFG LYRA 😂 and the little smile afterwards - GOLDEN
Lyra was doing so well at lying up until she slipped up about Will :/
Oh god the police are after Lyra AND Will now, that’s not good D:
I shouldn’t have laughed so hard at the “police” guy chasing her and shouting at one of the people at the university “STOP HER”, only for the response to be “NO RUNNING!!”
Oh honey no, not in Boreal’s car!
Also Pan in a bird form somehow managing to keep up with the moving vehicle is a thing?? Okay??
As soon as Lyra got out of that car, I was like “HER BAG. ALETHIOMETER. HE TOOK IT” - AND I WAS RIGHT?!?
The fact that the ice caps of Svalbard are melting because of the tear in the sky and the heat emitting from it, and now the bears are running out of food :(
I love how Iorek was walking away and then when Kaisa mentioned Lyra he immediately turned back around 😭 that bear loves and cares for her so much I can’t-
Will seeing that there’s someone in the tower... oh god it’s happening soon, IT is going to happen soon...
Lee looking bored and as soon as the drunk guy finished talking, just going “... Well that was QUITE a story. ANYWAY...” 😂
That fucking lemur dæmon, can we just not?!?
As soon as that guy started spouting about heretics and everything, I immediately was like “run Lee, go!!!”
I audibly screamed when Lee got shot at
In his defense, he was shooting in self defense but also he feels so guilty at killing a man :(
Hester watching as the lemur dæmon faded into Dust omg
I audibly screamed again when the Monkey grabbed/smacked Hester like I literally was so scared??
Lee admitting that he loves Lyra and that he will do ANYTHING to protect her 😭
“My life is only a tenth of hers” - IM CRYING
That torture scene though was so scary omg
Deadass though, Mrs Coulter is so scary, I know I keep saying it but Ruth Wilson is so gOOD
Lee talking about how his father used to beat him, and how because of it he can take a beating... my heart is so broken. I’m so upset.
But then it happened to Mrs Coulter too??? Oh dear lord my heart can’t take this series I’m-
Hester comforting Lee after him being tortured was so damn sweet
“It’s been a long time since you’ve talked about him” “I know” “you did good” JUST RIP MY HEART OUT IT WOULD HURT LESS
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I love the contrast of Hester comforting Lee vs the Monkey hesitantly just taking Mrs Coulter’s hand, almost like he’s afraid to. It’s like he doesn’t know how to comfort her or something??
Also the fact he took her hand 😭😭😭
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Mary giving her niece and nephew musseli bars and being like “it has chocolate, it’s bad for you, I promise” 😂😂😂
The fact that Lyra tried to hide the fact she was crying when Will found her omg 😭 I love them
Lyra: *eats popcorn* // Lyra:... *eats more popcorn* // Lyra: This is disGUSTING *eats even more of it*
Will admitting that he was worried about Lyra 😭😭😭
Pan peeking his little head out of the bag to watch the film was so cute omg
This scene was basically just a good-hearted murder boy and a feral wild girl on their first date and I’m 100% all for it
And also Pantalaimon watching Paddington bear? Absolutely the crossover this hellfire of a year needed :3
Mrs Coulter helped Lee escape??? I’m... so confused??? But also I kind of understand because she told him to keep Lyra safe so...
Like I really love the complexity that this show and Ruth Wilson are bringing to Mrs Coulter, I’m so for it and I really love it
The fact Boreal has security cameras and knew exactly when Will and Lyra were outside his door o_O
Boreal is just a NASTY motherfucker dear lord
Lyra FINALLY realizing that she’s met Boreal before at the party back in London though like omg finally
“I want you to get something for me” OH SHIT THE KNIFE THE KNIFE THE KNIFE
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shrinkthisviolet · 3 years
Iorek, Aang, and any character from TCW who isn't a main character in the prequels (I don't know how far along the show you are!) for the character asks!
(bear in mind that I haven't read the books)
favorite thing about them
How courageous and protective he is! He fights for the people he loves, and he's slow to trust, but once you have his trust, you have it in full. That's incredibly admirable.
least favorite thing about them
him leaving Lyra to cross that bridge alone was uh...ill-advised, considering they had no idea what she'd find on the other side. Yes, I know he couldn't cross, and this is more of a nitpick than anything else, and Lyra's very capable but...idk. Just bothers me a bit
(might be the older sister in me talking 😂)
favorite line
When he dubs Lyra "Lyra Silvertongue"!
Him with Lyra, and him with Lee!
I think he had a brief love interest that he was trying to win over, but since that didn't pan out...no clue
Him and Lee, or him and Lyra (romantically speaking)
random headcanon
When Iorek rescued Lyra, his first thought was to wonder where Lee was, because it was clear to him from the moment he first met Lyra (and re-met Lee) that Lee had a great fondness for the girl. And briefly, he feared the worst...and once he learned Lee was alright, he wanted to give Lee a piece of his mind for leaving Lyra all alone
(unfortunately, he never got the chance, because he never saw Lee again)
unpopular opinion
Not sure how unpopular this is, but I firmly believe that Iorek inspired Lyra as much as Lyra inspired him!
song i associate with them
"Gone, Gone, Gone" by Phillip Phillips!
favorite picture of them
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look!! look at how soft and sweet they are!!
favorite thing about them
His overflowing kindness and love and courage!!
least favorite thing about them
His outburst at Toph, and the way he was a little pushy towards Katara in TEP. However, Aang is still a kid (mature for his age to some degree, but still a kid), and he's also the kind of person to recognize and apologize for his mistakes!! And I firmly believe he did!!
(in this house, we love and adore Aang!!)
favorite line
"If we knew each other back then, do you think we could've been friends?"
I will firmly maintain that Aang befriending Zuko was the biggest step in ending the War, and it could only have been Aang that did so. It started as early as S1, because only Aang (still touched by the FN's cruelty in a major way but also inextricably tied up in them because of his deep friendship with Kuzon) could've extended Zuko that kind of understanding as early as he did.
Aang + any of the Gaang (+ Mai and Ty Lee and Teo)!
OTP Kataang! And @thinkingisadangerouspastime has recently opened my eyes to Kuzaang.
Romantically speaking...Zukaang, Maiaang, Sukaang, and Aang/Azula. You do you if you ship them, I'm just personally not a fan 😂
random headcanon
After the War, Aang takes Sokka's advice and makes jewelry as a side-business! It's a welcome reprieve from his Avatar duties, and one that he carries on into his adulthood and passes on to his kids (Bumi takes to it the best, but Kya's not half-bad at it, and Tenzin quite likes it as a form of meditation).
unpopular opinion
Aang was not in any way cowardly or naive for choosing to take away Ozai's bending rather than kill him. I'll die on that hill.
song i associate with them
"Hunting Happiness" by W. Darling!
favorite picture of them
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Aang in a flower crown!! <3
I'm not very far in TCW at all, so I'm gonna pass on that 😂 but rest assured, when I'm further along, I'll do one for some of the TCW characters! (I'm on a Marvel-Netflix & BOBF kick at the moment)
character ask game!
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mag200 · 4 years
okay i watched the season 2 finale!
some complaints i’d like to get out of the way:
john parry literally promised lee that he would tell the knife bearer to protect lyra. lee stayed behind to DIE because of this promise, and john finds will and talks to him for like ten minutes and not ONCE mentioned lyra. bro. bro you fucking promised. i mean we as the audience all know will already wants to protect lyra but john doesn’t know that. what the fuck.
would have liked to see marisa drug lyra bc as a book fan i know thats what happened but i feel like if you’re watching and haven’t read the books it’s not super obvious. also um? she just locked lyra in a trunk? does she have enough oxygen in there?? i feel like she would just suffocate
asriels speech at the end was rlly good but having not seen him literally this entire season it felt very out of place. also throwing iorek’s face in there for like one second? idk it felt to me like a “we forgot to write him in this season but he’ll be important later so don’t forget him!”
i feel like mary malone’s story the last several episodes has just been “im gonna do something important!” but we haven’t seen any progress there and. i know they’re setting that up for the last season i get it but it was a little off.
overall the pacing has been pretty weird and i am a little concerned that they have SO many events still to cover and only one more season planned. so much of season 2 was i think more focused on boreal than we really needed.
that being said, i really really love:
lee “i love that little girl like my daughter”. tbh lin manuel’s lee kinda annoys me most of the time but that was a genuinely rlly good moment and i started sobbing.
how they are handling lyra coping since roger’s death and how it shook her confidence in her decision making. i know some book fans over the years have complained that lyra’s characterization changes so drastically after she meets will but i think it’s an important distinction that it’s a change that starts with roger’s death and progresses with finding someone she trusts and believes in again (will).
like lyra’s whole conversation with pan about how she’s not willing to make mistakes that get people hurt again. BIG oof!! i felt that
all the will/pan bonding this season has been so fucking nice. i hate to say it but i think they’ve done a better job showing the relationship between will and pan than between lyra and pan. but it was rlly lovely to hear will staunchly saying “we make each other stronger” about lyra.
like genuinely i was so  scared last season that will and lyra’s chemistry was gonna feel so forced once they actually shared the screen, but actually they’re so good around each other, and i know the events of the amber spyglass are gonna hurt so much but its gonna be sooo good
pretty sure serafina 100% knew the knife ruta was talking about was will’s knife and it was very hilarious to watch her lie to her face and be like “go. go tell asriel you will find it for him” and not fucking mention that she knew the kid who had it. iconic. groundbreaking. i haven’t been deeply moved by serafina in the show (i’m still biased toward eva green its fine) but that moment made up for it.
the music at the end when asriel gave his speech and the angels came down that shit was BANGING i got so hyped up
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hdmsource · 4 years
7, 10 and 13!
7. favourite dæmon? my boy pan!! without a doubt!
10. favourite pan moment? i’ve already answered this one so i’m gonna pick a different answer this time bc pan is a legend and how can i choose just one. so this time i’ll say when pan stretches the bond between him and lyra to make her talk to iorek. its the first time we see pan be braver than lyra. it showcases how strong their bond is and shows how pan encourages lyra to be the best possible version of her self
13. alethiometer, knife or spyglass? ohhhh my gut went to say alethiometer without a doubt but like the kniiiife. yeah i’d probably have to say knife
send me some hdm book asks!
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The Great North (All the Things She Said, Part 2.)
Description: After a rather unlucky coincidence, Lord Asriel is left alone on his supposed expedition to meet the king of Lapland. Thanks to Thorold's advances, he's lucky enough to get an assistant sent over from the University of Oxford.
Part Summary: Whatever you imagined North to be like, its actual appearance didn't match your expectations and wasn't as thrilling. On the other hand, it was thrilling to see the first armoured bear in your life - except he hadn't had his armour and started drinking heavily.
Word Counter: 5.3 K
A/N: To be frank, I'd like to tie the story into the concept of the cannon while not specifically writing anything that would change it - so, Iorek already rampaged Trollesund and killed his predecessor and by that logic, he's already bending the steel for people of Trollesund. The witches also are connected to Lanselius at this point. So, why not mention it, huh?
By the way, I was then questioning myself as far as the logic goes and while it's not technically a rightful expedition I think there still would need to be official documents and results written down.
Tagging: @emmyspov
Series master list:  h e r e   | Series playlist:  h e r e
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As you walked through the city of Trollesund, watching people being busy, fully captivated by their work and duties, your head was pretty much fully emptied out. The travel itself wasn't bad - the college paid you a ticket for a zeppelin and a first-class ticket to a ship setting out of Northern Brytain. By that point, you've been on the road for a week and each of them, you've captured in your journal. For each of your expeditions, there was a journal; this one was thicker than the rest of your journals and also vestured in a leather cover. As soon as you landed in Svalbard, the omnipresent cold hit your face, crawling deep into your bone marrow. And you had to add that you were wearing a proper coat, a warm hat, and boots padded with the finest, warmest fur. None of that helped. And you haven't even set out to venture to Asriel's observatory which was located at least two days' worth of travel from Trollesund... Without counting the time you'd use for resting.
"I already hate it here, " Joy mumbled, obediently running next to your foot. She was very curious about the town since it differed from everything you had experienced in Brytain. Everything in this town looked so dishevelled, old, and worn out, showing obvious signs of usage; all of the oil and dirt had its magic, you needed to admit. The people of Trollesund might've not been the richest, but everything they made was sturdy and steady.
"You're such a grouch, come on. We're on an adventure." "We're far from home and everything is so wild and cold here. How can you be so optimistic, Y/N?" "Because we, my dear, will see all of the northern fauna in its natural habitat. There are so few studies originating in taking interest in this rare ecosystem and the bio-cultural symbiosis between animals, armoured bears, and humans. We're gonna make the top ten for sure!" - You answered with a broad smile, trying to remind yourself of all of the great prospects that were ahead of you, waiting for you to explore them. The... Another part of the negotiations, the 'Golden boy part', was something you were trying to forget about for as long as you could. "May I remind you that I still am a coyote, Y/N, an animal that is supposed to live in warm American prairies and deserts? I'm not a snow fox, you know?" "And may I remind you that as long as I'm fed and warm, you're feeling that way too? What's gotten into you, Joy? Haven't seen you like this for a long time."
This time, the coyote looked up to you with its gentle golden eyes, her expression being overshadowed with worries and fear. Not hesitating, you dropped to your knee and looked your daemon deep into her eyes. What Joy needed to hear couldn't be said out loud. "Listen, Joy, Dr Carne has sworn on the law of scholastic sanctuary that this will forever remain a secret. And he never intended for anything but good to happen to us. This man wouldn’t cross us and he wouldn’t give out heads to the Magisterium for free. You have nothing to be scared of, we are safe and fine and we'll have an amazing adventure out here.”
“You’re really this calm about… Well, everything? This man is studying Dust, Y/N, he’s not conducting just some ordinary environmental expedition, you do realize that?” “I’m calm because I have faith in Carne and Asriel. Do you really assume that with the danger that this expedition holds, he’d just take the papers, travel all the way to London, and then wave them in front of the Cardinal’s face to flip him off? Think about the time we’ve been editing his article about Space and time… Remember how much he managed to reveal with this paper alone? His vocabulary and sentence structure, the way he's able to express his opinions or to explain the basics to a person who had never heard of such things... We both know he’s a genius.” “A genius with no sense of self-preservation or an ounce of reason in his mind. This is dangerously close to tiptoeing with insanity, Y/N, and you’ve taken part in this voluntarily.” - Before you could say anything else to Joy, both of you looked at a well-built man who had just approached you. He had a big smile, a fuzzy beard and warm, dark eyes. Since you had a raising suspicion that the man was at least somewhat nice, you smiled right back at him, standing up with the journal in your palm.
“Are you alright, lassie? Couldn’t miss the way you're standing in the middle of the street if I tried to.” “Ah, yes, thank you for asking. Joy, my daemon, is feeling a little bit unsettled because she can sense a huge animal wandering about.” - Even if the man hadn’t ever seen you, based on your blabbering alone he must’ve realized you’re coming up with everything on the spot. Not an ounce of truth in anything you’ve been saying. - “We’ve travelled here all the way from Oxford, you see? I’m an animal and environmental researcher and we’ve travelled here for our newest study, the bio-cultural system of Svalbard. Joy has been just rather unnerved by the presence of Panselbjørns on the island, just as I’ve been.”
“Oi, based on the way you’re talking alone I’m sure you’re a scholar, eh? And your daemon isn’t wrong if that's what you think, lassie. We have a bear living in this town." - The man explained rather proudly as he stepped closer to you, his deamon taking the form of a hound sitting beside him while staring at you with dark eyes. "A bear working for humans?" - The question was filled with genuine confusion on your part. You haven't seen an armoured bear in person before. Still, what you've gathered from all of the literature and official documents concerning negotiations with said bears, these sentient creatures were taking a strong liking in their pride. Proud as all bloody hell; so proud they'd rather die than humiliate themselves in such a way.
The Panselbjørne were majestic bears awaking respect within every living soul that had bumped into them, solitary sentient creatures that bowed to no man. They didn't answer to anyone but their king and even this bond was supposed to be quite loose. So how the hell did an armoured bear get into the city in the first place? "How did an armoured bear get in here? I suppose he hadn't just walked in asking about work applications, had he?" "Lassie it was a bloody massacre. The bear came here one day and started attacking the folk while destroying the city. It was horrible, young lady. After we took off his armour, he vouched to help the folk repair what he broke. He's not a bad bear, our Iorek." "Iorek Byrnison you mean?" - As you looked over to Joy, you'd swear that you had already read this name somewhere. It was a very old and very official document regarding the succession of the Svalbardian throne. Who had written it down and how precisely this document got into the college's possession was beyond you, but it was there. - "I've heard of him. Would it be possible to speak with him? For the... Research purposes, of course."
"It would be wiser not to interruprt him during the day, lassie. Then, it would be smart to ask the bear himself if he'd like to chat with you, I'm not the one to tell you. But if I were you, I'd try asking the folk working with him how much he'd drink. That might help you with talking to him." Drinking? A Panselbjørn drinking spirits? Again, Joy's eyes scanned the man in front of you. This situation seemed somewhat tricky, to begin with; a prideful creature working in a human town, drinking alcohol? No. That was not at all what Panselbjørne were supposed to be like. - "Thank you, sir, I'll ask around about Iorek around Trollesund."
"I thought you'll be staying about?" - The man wondered, raising one of his eyebrows while watching you as if something was wrong. "Never said that. I'll soon join a colleague of mine in his laboratory far up north. The innkeeper told me you can see the auroras clearer there than anywhere else in the whole world." - You answered, stepping away from the man to nonchalantly suggest that you'll be ending the conversation with him. Your sledge was about to prepare, that was one thing, and you wanted to look around for the Iorek you've been told about. "Aye, I know who you're talking about. We've seen the lad here once or twice, dressed very expansively with the behaviour of a butcher's dog. Haven't met someone with a more punchable face 'til then." "That sounds... Precisely like Lord Asriel. Let me apologise for his behaviour if he had been causing any trouble. It won't happen again. Well, I'll have to..."
"Careful for the witches, lassie. They have their contacts in here." - The man said instead of saying goodbye, turning right on his heels, leaving you in the middle of the road. After watching his back disappear in the distance, you've decided to sit down and start writing your first entry in the journal. The first one was making enough sense - Iorek (An armoured bear working for humans? Drinking Spirits? - Need to attempt to talk to Iorek for the sake of research... Fine, it's just curiosity.) - while your last one was simply - WITCHES??? HERE??? - with three lines highlighting the words.
Obviously, just like every other kid living in Brytain, you've been familiar with the entire concept of witches even though you haven't seen them with your own eyes. These women were supposedly enchantingly beautiful and free-spirited, who were enough to madden one's mind. Unlike the bears, they weren't in your research field and the stories about them were mere rumours rather than actual, historically reliable sources. So while you heard of the concept, you couldn't tell how much of said concept is based in reality. After finishing writing down your notes, you decided to pick yourself up and stroll through Trollesund - it wasn't for long, but you still had around thirty minutes to capture a glimpse of the mysterious Iorek.
As you made your way through the settlement, everything seemed to be in order; which, in translation meant that there were no bears in sight. That was until you came about a big, fenced property from where great slams of pure force could be heard; a huge gate made out of the thickest iron plates you’ve seen was held together by an overly-sized chain, locked together with a massive lock.
“Do you think Iorek is there?” - Joy muttered with curiosity, trying to catch a glimpse of anything under the gate, yet the small crack wasn’t enough for her to get a good look at the scenery. As you formed an answer, another of the forceful slams rang through the air, followed by a painful, horrifying roar which undeniably belonged to a bear. Blood started to freeze in your veins as you listened to the sound of unsaid rage and pain. - “I think he is. Let’s look around for an entrance, he might be hurt.”
As you asked Joy to run around the perimeter, you let the journal fall into your bag before circling around the other side of the property. The walls were made out of various steel plates, some of which were thicker than your thigh, and the spots that were only fenced by wires were blocked off properly. “Here! Here!” - Joy cried out as you saw her tail disappearing into an easily missable hole in the fencing - you could see a woman turning at you, obviously telling you not to go there just as you slipped in, holding your breath so you could squeeze through the tight space. As you pushed further in, you could feel your coat catching on various wires and small pieces of scrapped materials. The curious it’s got the better of you, didn’t it? Because just as you stumbled in, literally falling on your palms covered in leather gloves, you saw Joy cowering in fear; her golden eyes were open wide, he tail low between her back legs as she walked away from anything that was standing right in front of you. The presence of Iorek hit almost all of your senses at once.
First, there was the stench of his breath and the volume of it; the smell of spirits and meat the bear was feasting on after his shifts had ended wrapped around your nose, making you gag inaudibly. Then, there was the size of his enormous paws; one swing would knock you unconscious, and the second would either rip your head off or slice your throat open effortlessly. Only after that, you gathered enough courage to look at the bear hovering over your head - he was furrowing at you, his eyes watching you with anger as if you were the one holding him inside of the gates. His fangs were sticking out of his mouth as he hung it open, trying to figure out what to do, and his scarred muzzle crinkled in a confused expression. Iorek. As you prepared for your head to be chewed on, the bear simply snickered with anger and turned away from you. - “My workshop is forbidden to people and their daemons. Leave now, I do not require company and neither do I want it.”
Before he could make it halfway back to his shop, he began to grunt in displeasure; this time, it was nothing more than mere pain. By looking at the ground, you were quick to deduce what the origin of said pain could've been. There was a small, almost unnoticeable blood trail left behind the animal as it slowly moved forward. "You're injured." - Your tone was quiet and rather gentle in order not to upset or challenge the bear. You still had an awful lot of work to do and you needed to get to the observatory, quite frankly, alive. - "Humans are annoying and I know that, but I'm here to help. I won't pray, I promise Iorek." - Your knowledge of his name caught his attention; he turned his head right back at you and looked at you closer. You, in the meantime, walked over to a crate to sit down on, opening your bag; as you struggled to find any cloth, you simply took your coat off and pulled your cashmere sweatshirt down in order to have at least something to operate with.
"I haven't seen you around before... And yet, you know my name. Who are you?" - The bear asked you with suspicion, looking you up and down. - "It is in your best interest not to lie because bears won't fall for such deception." "Lucky me, I wasn't about to lie anyway." - With a smile, you put your coat back on and sat down, patting your knees. Iorek, even though you tried to be as calm and gentle as possible, was still on the edge over whether he could trust. - "Let me start with the basics, then - my name is Y/N and... It might come off as a surprise, but I'm a doctor of animal studies, operating at the University of Oxford in Brytain, Iorek. No malicious intent in sight so, please, stop being stubborn and let me help you. This bloody sweater cost me a whole fortune."
With a prolonged sigh, the bear sat down in front of you, putting his palm on your new, stylish warmers. You've maybe bought a whole new wardrobe just because you wanted to dress nicely in Asriel's presence; he might've been a private, strange person who had no self-preservation instinct, yes, but you wanted to match his style in this regard. You wanted to feel equal to him. "You differ from the people of Trollesund, miss Y/N, your heart seems to be filled with kindness. They are cruel and cold, holding me inside these gates without mercy, let me out when the sun sets behind the horizon. None of them would've helped me. I won't forget this gesture." "Why do you think that is? Why do you think they wouldn't help?" - While chit-chatting with the bear, you started to pull the bit of metal out of his paw. Iorek twitched a few times, closing his eyes in pain. As you watched it slip out, you grabbed one of the fabrics to cover it, searching for a small bottle of spirit in your bag. Also, Iorek's compliment about the kindness in your heart made you smile blatantly, but you assumed Iorek knew that he is the cause of the said smile. - "I don't have proper disinfection so this has to do. Desperate times, am I right? It will sting... A lot."
Normally, you weren't too big on drinking - but the innkeeper told you that it can save your life in the Northern wilderness. So you've bought a few mini-bottles to have on hand and right at that moment, it paid off. "I don't have to think about their reasoning..." - At this moment, he howled in great pain as you poured the spirit into the wound, covering it with another piece of fabric immediately. - "What you see around is my punishment for all the harm I've caused to the folk of Trollesund. The night it happened... I wasn't myself, Y/N, I was a beast torn from the chain. I couldn't compose myself no matter how much I tried. I've spilt blood, destroyed properties and brought night terrors."
"If I may, you don't strike me as this sort of... Of a bear. I don't know you, by all means, but you seem to be wise and astute. Just as I seem to be kind." "Back then, I've long forgotten who I once was. I've been exiled from my homeland and my friend, Lee Scoresby, wasn't nearby - I shouldn't have accepted the spirits the locals offered me to forget my wrongdoings because when I did... I have been deceived and stripped of my armour - which is the biggest shame that a Panserbjørn can imagine." "I know I've promised not to pray and I hope you won't understand my boldness as an attempt at deceiving you..." - You mumbled while patching the paw together, making sure the improvised bandage will be comfortable to walk around and work with. - "But what happened before you accepted the..." - The rest of your question couldn't be finished because of the metal gate opening loudly with folk pouring in, led by the man you'd met earlier.
"Las, this is not a place you should be at. It's dangerous." "No, it's not, trust me. This sentient, conscious animal needed help and as an animal researcher, it was my duty to assist. Iorek is not to be at fault." - With that, you stood up and patter the side of his enormous paw, letting him know that your job is done. - "I'll leave this workshop at once." - Looking away from the few newcomers, you turned your head to Iorek. - "When I'll come back to Trollesund for supplies, would you spare some time for me? Please?" "I will, Ms Y/N, doctor of the University of Oxford. It was an honour to meet you." "Pleasure was on my side, Iorek."
"You see, we could call for Sysselman to arrest you at once." - One of the ladies who were accompanying the gentleman, and who was yelling at you before, hissed in your direction. Now, you were standing outside the workshop and listening to repeating enormous slams coming from there. Iorek was back at work. "Yes. You definitely could." "You're lucky we're in a good mood..." - She muttered, letting you scoff under your breath. Not even Joy was able to hide the grin on her face. "Good mood, sure." - Joy's voice rang inside your head as you walked among them, not listening to the rest of what she had to say. - "They're just scared because they don't want to get tangled up in a diplomatic dispute with Jordan, as simple as that, Y/N. Sometimes it's fun, having some sense of authority." "Just don't let it mingle with your mind too much. I wouldn't stand listening to hours of your self-praising dialogue." "Oh shush, Y/N."
Not long after being forced out of Iorek's workshop, more like forced-labour tiny space for a bear that was far too intelligent and big for it, your sledge was ready to set off on a journey through the Great Northern wilderness. On your journey, being accompanied by a local hunter, you've taken two photograms (one belonged to a waste, endless snow plain with the sun setting on the horizon and the second belonged to a pair of snow foxes who were staring at you and Joy with pure interest) and made countless journal entries to describe the excitement that filled you up. The pages were filled with plain reflections and observations, occasionally you also drew a sketch, trying to capture the essence of the place inside your mind.
To be frank, the further you were from any signs of civilization, the darker the nights got and the colder the climate was - snow usually came late at night or very early in the morning, but that wasn't anything Samuel couldn't handle. The reindeer pushing the sledges with all your belongings was well-tamed and calm, even though the biggest snow storms you had to push through. On a late evening of the second day, you stopped yourself for a second to look at a majestic cliff covered in snow that was frozen solid.
Your cheeks were on fire, stinging with each blow of the ice-cold wind, you've been dressed with God knows how many layers of clothing just to be able to use your limbs and keep warm. Samuel made you both a strong herbal tea mixed with some of the spirits to keep your bloodstream bumping that hot fluid into your body, so you unfastened the staple off your belt to take a sip out of the thermos while taking in the sight. On the very edge of the cliff, probably built into the rock, there was the observatory you've heard all about. The lights were on, almost welcoming and inviting. It wasn't excessive but it wasn't too small either, the outer walls made out of, presumably, insulating panels to keep the place warm. So far, the place itself didn't appear to be too bad.
"Almost there, miss. I'll get you inside in about an hour before another snowstorm hits us. How are those cheeks of yours doing, huh?" - The hunter asked with a scoff, poking fun at you. Sure, you should've expected the North to be very cold (that's why you bought so many warm clothes in the end), but you didn't expect your mimic muscles to stiffen up in a rather uncomfortable smile which you weren't able to shake off for the most part of today's morning. Now, you scoffed at the question, but you'd been crying seven hours ago since the spasm hurt really bad. You had to close your eyes and push your face above a fire for the muscles to finally relax. "Much better now, Samuel, you're a wizard. Now I'm better off knowing I'll need to pack a face mask with me." "Don't call me that. Don't want the Magisterium coming after me." "Oh, don't worry." - You answered in a similarly amused tone of voice. - "Your secret is definitely safe with me."
As you pushed closer and closer to the observatory, the night was getting bleakly cold; you had high snow boots on with a pair of woollen socks inside, but you couldn't feel your feet for at least ten minutes by that point. As usual, both your daemons hid under the fabric holding all of your stuff in place so they wouldn't freeze to death. Thankfully, the doorstep was just a small bit away now, not even ten minutes of a painfully slow pace. "Are you sure you're supposed to be here? Doesn’t add up to me!" - Samuel called out all of a sudden, trying to shout over the strong wind howling in your ears. - "I know I shouldn't stick my nose into your scholar business, but... You seem nice and I do mean it in the best way possible." "I'm pretty positive I am, Sam, this is my home for the next four months. Shame I won't be able to take morning strolls under the morning sun!" "Well, technically you can but you’ll need to dress properly and take a cup of hot coffee! But that's beside the point! I'm talking about that scholar who's living here! Asriel IDon’tRememberHisLastName!" "What about him? Has he been acting up around you? Was he rude?" "You see, you're nice and he's... How should I put it delicately?" "I know what he's like, don't worry! I've already worked with him previously. And to answer your question, I'm totally in the right place. Only Golden boy would choose this place to in voluntarily."
“Golden boy?” - Samuel repeated with an amused expression creeping all over his face. - "I like that. I like that a lot. I’m just worried because sometimes he doesn’t seem to have an ounce of reason. Asriel is smart, smarter than all the folk in Trollesund with me included, but he has the look of a madman.” “Really? Either I’m blind or he never looked at me that way. I’d never suspect that, to be honest with you!” “Or never look at you in that way, probably. As I said, you’re a nice person to be around.” “Samuel thank you for the kind words but stop complimenting me. All the blood will flow into my cheeks and instead of pushing my face above a fire, I’ll have to push my head into a sink full of boiling hot water.” - And with that, you’ve both stopped at the summit, standing right below the entrance. The storm was getting worse, the wind now picking on both intensity and cold.
As Samuel helped you carry all your bags and replenishments of supplies, you started to look for your copy of the keys that had been sent to you by Thorold; you managed to open the door wide, putting it all into an entrance hall before saying your goodbye to Samuel, wishing him farewell as you watched him pushing back through the snow, his reindeer never leaving his side. The night was just getting worse and as you watched him disappearing into the void of darkness, you hoped he'd make it back home alright. It was hard to tell if it was the journey’s toil that had left its mark on you or if it was the numb feeling in all of your limbs, but you’d never been in a warmer and nicer place than Adriel’s observatory. It was visible at the first glance that he doesn’t bother with cleaning too much; the place wasn’t wreaked by strange smells or dirt visible by the eye, but pure chaos had overtaken every surface visible on the first floor. It was dimly lit, feeling almost overly secretive and intimate, but you’ve been able to recognize the kitchen and a door cracked open, leading into the bathroom.
As you walked further into the building and took off your gloves, hat and the hood of your coat, the feeling of a burning, almost painful sensation overwhelmed you; your limbs remembered that they were indeed still attached to your body upon regaining sense. It felt strange… To have all five fingers again. The sudden warmth difference also wore you out instantly. Now that you were in safety, you were ready to sleep through a whole day's worth of time. You could’ve been standing in one place for around five minutes, just taking in the interior of the place and regaining control over your body when you noticed fuss coming to you from the upper floor; Asriel wasn’t seen for a few moments as he made his way to the stairway, pulling the sleeves of his sweater up to his elbows.
It was unclear who Asriel was expecting to appear on the doorstep... Yet simply the way Asriel stopped in his tracks to look at you with disbelief made you realize that you certainly weren't who he'd been awaiting. He froze in place, still holding the hem of his sleeve between his fingers while watching you awkwardly smile at him, even raising your numb hand to wave his way; Stelmaria was accompanying him, tilting her head to her shoulder as she let her eyes ponder over you and Joy.
Asriel still looked the way you remembered him - and mind you, it was a few good years since you’d had the time to look at him properly, without any sense of rush. When he was around Jordan, which wasn't too often, you'd pass each other in the hall while walking to entirely different parts of the college - once in a time. The man was clearly in good condition (given the circumstances outside, he had to be in the best shape possible), letting his clothes delicately outline his frame; his sweater was tucked into cosy pants that highlighted his hipbone as well as emphasized the width of his shoulders. The features on Adriel’s face had grown a little deeper, worried, and the wrinkles were standing out more than you remembered - but that could be easily explained due to the dim lighting of the observatory. Sure, his hair was quite overgrown and wavy, but that could be understood due to the absence of any professional barber. If someone would ask you if there was a feature which remained just the way you recalled it, it was his eyes - the shape and intense blue checked out perfectly, just like the intensity with which he was watching you.
It was still there. Throughout the years you’ve spent building your own academic career, you managed to persuade yourself that this must've been a fabrication of your mind, something that would make you feel better about spending your evenings in utter silence disturbed only by the music coming from the gramophone located in the back of his office. Now, standing in front of him as you returned his look, it clearly wasn’t just a delusion. The lingering sensation in his stare, unsaid words you wished to hear. Thoughts locked in the fortress built out of cold logic and knowledge, topics that were never brought up even though you’d both enjoy talking about them; you’d maybe even laughed, who knew?
Before you could say anything out loud, just as you opened your lips to greet him and send regards from Dr Carne, Asriel outran you by a long shot. As he made his way down the stairs, you could hear him breathing out loud as if you had just upset him somehow. Then, he spoke; in a tone that sent chills down your spine and made you shiver. First, there was the frown and second, there was the thunder taking the form of his voice. - “What on Earth are you doing here, Ms Y/L/N?”
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clonerightsagenda · 1 month
His Dark Materials season 3 continues!
These were slightly less grueling although part of it might be that I had a task to work on while watching. I still get the sense that they dragged out every beat with a bunch of additional conversations whenever they could. Maybe that would be more welcome if I was watching this week by week as they were released rather than in a row.
Episode 5:
Oh thank god the mulefa do have their seedpod wheels, just not all the time.
I bet Mary wishes her degree was in botany, zoology, or anthropology, not theoretical physics.
We really speedrun the mulefa plotline in this. I wonder if it's difficult for show only people to follow? I naturally can fill in the gaps without thinking about it too much. The take that Eden is a savanna filled with rollerskating elephants remains bold.
They put Mrs. Coulter back into skirts... the monsters. Mrs. Coulter x pants is the real flagship of this tv show.
Will misgendered his daemon but then immediately switched to "her" when he talked about her being with Pan. Maybe the reminder that Pan is male tipped him off.
Going to the land of the dead and saying 'do you guys want to like. leave' remains a power move. Love a good harrowing of hell/afterlife breakout. The walls being piles of cast off objects from the living world is an interesting addition.
Roger: I've changed. My mom: I got a lot older. Me: It turns out if you die you can still go through puberty. It's part of our torture.
They cut the liar/Lyra bit with the harpies which is a shame. I guess they sort of used it earlier with the guard in the entry area of the land of the dead calling her a liar. Still all the harpies stuff is kind of out of order, with Gracious Wings saving her before they made their deal. Also instead of human heads the harpies look like they are part turtle.
Will and Lyra: languishing in hell Mary: hot girl summer
They sure dragged the bomb thing out. Honestly I don't hate it missing Lyra because the target locked too early, considering 'a ghost magically knows about the bomb and they defeat quantum entanglement by giving her a haircut' was kind of an ass pull. I also don't necessarily hate the rift being the angels retaliating, since it makes Metatron a more major player before his defeat and it makes the increasing loss of Dust a more direct part of the 'battle'. It does sort of undercut so much of the damage to the worlds being humans fucking shit up in the name of the Authority though. The angels in the book really don't do much, and I think that's by design. Also talking to you, Good Omens showrunners.
Episode 6:
Nooooooo not more voiceovers
Ruta lampshades it in the books but really how did Lord Asriel build his massive compound with foundries in like 2 months after crossing universes with nothing but the clothes on his back.
Asriel seeing a giant rift rip open between worlds: clearly this is about me
Mrs. Coulter: Our daughter is dead. Asriel: *read 4:16 pm*
Mrs. Coulter is like what they say about converts being the biggest zealots except she's converted to parenthood
Sergei got sucked into the rift? Ok so they racebent Ruta, made her clash with Serafina as the more violent/impulsive one, gave her the tension with Mrs. Coulter, and then killed her off even though she doesn't die (at least onscreen) in the books. Not a good look, guys!
Adding some Roger/Will active jealousy rather than Roger just sadly observing how close he and Lyra are now while Lyra doesn't even realize it. Suppose that's harder to do in video. But Will are you really gonna beef with a dead kid. Let him have this
Asriel and Iorek talking is show!original but I'll let it slide because it was satisfying to see someone finally hit Asriel
Will's dad finally (vaguely) drops the lore about the wrong world killing you, even if he didn't make it sound fatal in the same way. You guys couldn't have even had him dramatically coughing up a little blood in the last season? That's a classic
IDK why Will's dad got to explain what happens to ghosts while Lyra keeps saying she doesn't know. Babe you have the alethiometer
They didn't have Lee and Will's dad stick around to be a gay ghost warrior duo! I'm genuinely surprised considering how they went out of their way otherwise to give LMM more scenes.
Mrs. Coulter heart to heart with the golden monkey. Golden monkey sympathy arc has been THE most surprising adaptation change tbh. Not even joking about this
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thanks for tagging me @highwarlockkareena! 💕 (ooh look at me, doing this the day i was tagged for once~ 🙃)
rules: post your 2 favourite episodes of 3 of your favourite shows and tag 6 people!!
(i love that it’s two faves for three of your favorite shows; rly takes some of the pressure of off my poor ‘but i love them all!! 🥺’ ass)
his dark materials: 1x04 iorek and lee, just a real fun time before 1x05 comes to make you real sad lol. i’m not too sure about season two, bc i’ve only seen it once, but i’m gonna go ahead and say 2x02 based on my notes: “no capes, lyra. *mimics him* nO cApEs *gets hit by a car* icon. ‘it’s fine, it’s the good kind of murderer…’ pan: you shouldn’t have called him a murderer. lyra: 👁👄👁” i love lyra and will lmao.
the gifted (2018, the thai one): i fucking love this show so much, dude...! the way they gave each of the main characters their own episode, and the tone of the episode reflects their character, so like each one’s a different genre...! so much fun. when i first discovered this series, i watched the whole thing twice in one week. 🤪 but for faves definitely ep 4, claire’s episode. i mean claire is such an icon, and the dramedy/theater theme of her ep is perfect. + her having a really cool potential on top of that, the fourth-wall breaking, and who doesn’t love a good sailor moon reference?? for the other fave, i would probably say ep 10: 3rd testament. i don’t want to give too much away for anyone who hasn’t seen the series (pls pls watch this series!!), but let’s just say wave rly Did That. he filled the void moriarty left in my heart lol i love him so much~ i’m also gonna leave some of my notes from after i finished the series for the first time here, bc i can never pass up an opportunity to promote this show sorry not sorry:
“this is like that caleb city video where the hero is just as smart as the villain and they keep going back and forth duping each other alsdkf. goddamn. this show is so fucking good. i mean, it’s all about corruption and greed and not treating human beings like human beings and a shitty school system and classism and how separating us and treating us differently is really bad and dangerous and we need to be united not divided and the last episode?? how even if you lose the battle you have to keep fighting the war and we can’t do it alone; it takes all of us and just wow. 10/10 i’ve never seen a drama like it. also i’m in love with wave. it’s been ages since i’ve seen a character this cool. i mean the angst, the lack of fucks given, the style, the flair, the grand reveals and entrances when he wasn’t expected—art. filling the void moriarty left when he died, and wave’s slightly less immoral lol.”
stranger things: 2x09 - the gate. i’m actually rly not sure what my fave eps of this show are; i’m basing this purely on babysitter steve. isn’t this the ep where he goes “yeah, that’s a no?” for whatever reason the way he says it is iconic for me; it’s my username in some app lol. 3x08 - the battle of starcourt. i enjoyed all of s3 but i remember being particularly impressed by the finale~ i think it tied up the whole season pretty well and it’s what we’ve been left with for however the fuck long as we wait for s4... so it sticks in one’s mind, lol.
mini bonus: i adore ep 4 of like in the movies~ what’s not to love about vlad coming to terms with his feelings, being a sulky needy sad boi and acting up like a cat or dog seeking attention while home alone, and then having a sweet ending after the angst~?
i don’t have that many ppl to tag, but i’ll double down on tagging @purplexedhuman along with kareena hehe. also @chenqingssuibian @lady-of-the-lotus if you wanna~
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callioope · 4 years
Thoughts on His Dark Materials “Æsahættr” (S2, episode 7)
Also just a warning, despite the fact that I have forgotten much of what actually happens in the books, I have read them (at least three times) so there’s a chance I could spoil things for someone who has only read the show, even if you’re caught up on the show
Okay, so, first of all, going into this episode. I do distinctly remember that The Amber Spyglass starts with Mrs. Coulter hiding away with Lyra, so, presumably they’re going to show us how she got ahold of her. (Vaguely recall that they didn’t necessarily show that in the books? But hey, I remember very ittle so who knows.)
Also been wondering if they’re going to divide the last book into two seasons. I do think that would be reasonable because it’s pretty long and so much happens! So much! And it gets really -- it really dives into fantasy. Angels and Lilliputians and Metatron and a war with the Authority...! Just to start with. I mean the things that happen in the next book -- they are going to need time to breathe. Time for the audience to digest and think about it. That’s really the point, you know? to *think* about it all. free will. consciousness. 
okay WELL on that note! We just got some sentient, human-size bat-like creatures [edit; CLIFF GHASTS, right, that’s what they were called], so yeah, guess we’re getting Into that sort of thing. I know people who found it difficult to suspect disbelief about the mulefa so it should be interesting to see how they do it. 
um Will and Pan hanging out and talking??? YESSS
“she thinks you’re the bravest fighter she’s ever seen. as brave as Iorek Byrnison, king of the armored bears.” 
“Iorek Byrnison. That’s a compliment. But I think Lyra’s even braver than me.” 
“She can be, but sometimes she’s not.” 
“She’s the best friend I ever had.” 
“You’re her best friend too”
AHHHH. lol omg lyra awake and evasdroping. i was wondering if pan was awake walking around if that meant lyra was awake.
yeah, I think I do remember this shoot out with will’s dad. well, specifically what i think i remember is will’s dad taking shelter behind forest matter at the top of a mountain.
wut she can SUMMON the spectres? smh. nope nope don’t like.
wait a minute does lee die
does he die
i thought will’s dad died
“think about anything think abotu bacon just keep shooting” HESTER........
“this is my fault isn’t it” HESTER!!! </3 
no no no no no i didn’t remember this noooo lee..... </3 </3 </3 T_T
um sorta seems like mrs coulter made ridiculous time??? they had a very long lead on her how did she already catch up??? what????
OH!!! TIME FOR FATHER AND SON REUNION!!!! this is too many emotions at once. i definitely thought will’s father was severely wounded if they talked to each other at all.
I mean, I knew Mrs. Coulter HAD to catch up with them in order to kidnap Lyra but I just sorta feel like they should have made the timeline make a little more sense bc she caught up way too quickly.
oh, also, interesting, the mother and daughter reunion paralleling the father and son reunion.
also i didn’t think they were supposed to tell them how much the universes were counting on them why is his dad telling him all this
“you must do this will” 
nah fuck that shit will and lyra are gonna do their own thing so. there.
“and your duty was to be my father” you tell him will you tell him
oh we do get a little glimpse of what asriel is up to. interesting. TBH ... i was expecting to see him in his fortress next... but again maybe that’s something from The Amber Spyglass. And we got a glimpse of angels! sorta seemed like they were implying all the angels were pledging their support but i’m pretty sure the angels were split. i mean technically metatron is an angel and he’s literally the leader (bc we don’t count the authority) of the other side, so...
OH THAT LITTLE PREVIEW -- does lyra meet roger in the land of the dead? i forgot about that!!! oh boy. 
So apparently Baruch and Balthamos were cast for series 2 but obvs they didn’t show up in it. Sorta disappointing, but I don’t remember *when* they show up. I thought it was.... around the time of will’s reunion with his dad.
okay so i think i’m gonna at least reread The Golden Compass and The Subtle Knife, and see how I feel about The Amber Spyglass, and maybe wait and maybe read it.
anyways, overall pretty good. very intense. i thought it was well done. will and lyra’s actors are amazing. and ruth wilson. very interested to see what they do in the next season!
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ryttu3k · 4 years
Thoughts on His Dark Materials 2.05, spoilers for the whole trilogy!
jfc you ever see a character so magnetic... If Ruth Wilson doesn’t get an Emmy and/or a BAFTA I’m gonna riot (and unfortunately, that’s likely since SFF rarely gets big results in the award shows). Like how are you literally making me sympathise for Mrs Coulter. How. Because, yeah, she loves Lyra. She loves her so much that it informs every one of her actions in Amber Spyglass, including that one. But god if Lyra had accepted...
Also found it fascinating how Mrs Coulter was given three foils in this episode. Three direct comparisons! With Lyra - she even openly says how alike they are, with Lyra later denying that they’re anything like that - that she had not liked herself when she had Pan attack the Golden Monkey (subtitles used the non-canon Ozymandias name for him from the... stage show, I want to say? Or radio play? One of those. Pullman didn’t like it much, I believe, and I agree - I like that he doesn’t actually have a name, and someone in the sub pointed out it basically meant Mrs Coulter isn’t on speaking terms with her own soul).
Regarding Lyra: really enjoyed saying she’d rather be like Ma Costa or Lee. I just had this great image of her going, “I’d rather be like Ma Costa... or Lee Scoresby... or Iorek... or Mary Malone... wow, what the fuck am I bothering with biological parents for?”
Second foil - Mary. The sheer fascination mixed with absolute envy that Mary had these opportunities that she was denied. Like damn, what kind of a visionary would she have been in our world? ...Probably terrifying since she’s an Objectively Shit Person (how was it phrased? ‘Cess-pit of moral filth’? I doubt that’s just due to the world she’s from!), but still! And their reasons for wanting to help Lyra - Mary’s from curiosity and fascination and wonder, Mrs Coulter’s from... I guess possessive love.
Copypasting an entire comment here by GunstarHeroine from the subreddit:
SO MANY THINGS stood out in tonight’s belter of an episode, but Marisa Coulter’s meeting with Mary Malone and her subsequent Blue Screen Of Death on realising the reality of the patriarchy was something I will not forget.
Look at her. Look at her eyes, listen the words she uses. Marisa is absolutely fucking full of blinding rage at the truth she’s suddenly been hit in the face with. All her life she has been better, clever, smarter, and stronger than the men who dominate her society. And she has been forced to kowtow to these pissants, these simpering dull crude oppressors, slaving constantly in labour and cunning to secure the meagrest of breadcrumbs of respect and recognition in her academic and political fields. She has been forced to swallow the bitter pill of being ineligible for a doctorate, despite the undeniable superiority of her work. She has had to submit to her papers being published under the names of male peers and them taking her rightful credit. She has had to smile and simper and be agreeable and claw her way to power and respect through the utmost ruthlessness and cunning - and even though those things were always in her nature, the mental and emotional toll it’s taken on her is crystal fucking clear. She’s destroyed her own soul to rise to her rightful place.
And then she steps into another world and meets Mary. A doctor in her own right, with academic research in her own right, with her own brilliance in her own right. No fuss. No compromise. Just recognition on the basis of merit. And she realises, in that moment, what has been kept from her all her life, and how incandescently fucking furious she is.
Marisa Coulter is one of the greyest characters I've ever seen, and her handling in this adaptation is masterful. The way you can simultaneously despise her cruelty and feel desperately furious at what she's been forced to endure. Amazing.
And third foil, Boreal. Just flat-out calling him out on his greed. ngl I laughed when Will sliced the statue in half. Also his opening monologue about how there’s too little faith and too much consumerism... he says, from his Tesla, before they go to his mansion full of expensive items.
lmao god I can’t wait for *** ******* ** **** ***.
Speaking of Mary - she’s been told her role! I wonder if non-book readers have worked out who Lyra is yet, if Mary is the serpent? I want to say that’ll be in episode 7, not 6, since it’s just before the camp is attacked.
Also thinking that episode 6 will have Mary encounter the Spectres while passing through Cittagazze - in the book, it just says ‘you will be protected’, so it’ll be really cool if it confirms either of the two main theories, which is either a) the angels are protecting her (which would also be a fantastic way to introduce the angels in general, especially Balthamos and Baruch!), or b) the spectres recognising her as the Serpent and being fucking terrified.
Saw a preview image of Mrs Coulter surrounded by spectres and that’s gonna be a sight.
Want to kick Boreal somewhere uncomfortable after he hurt Will. Pretty sure Lyra did too. Leave him alone you bully!!
Side note, I am so amused they’ve made Pan’s new battle form a wolverine. And it’s still completely narratively appropriate! Like, yeah, it’s a reference specifically to Dafne Keen’s last major role, but also, the wolverine is the largest and strongest member of the mustelid family! It’s completely in character for Pan to use it!
Mrs Coulter and the Golden Monkey - li’l seatbelt was cute as hell. Rest was depressing as fuck. Daemons are souls, they reflect the human they’re attached to, and goddamn but you can learn so much about her by looking at him. The self-loathing - off the charts. The silence - she’s completely shutting herself off. If her daemon speaking reveals anything about her, then she has to cut herself off at all costs. Physically hurting him is literal self-harm. Just. Ouch.
The preview for next week showing Lee and John is giving me a heckin’ frighten. I’m sure they’re going to save Alamo Gulch for episode seven but I don’t want it to happen ;_;
Finally, on a meta note, it’s really fun watching all this come together for the non-book readers! Like someone on the sub was excitedly talking about a part in the opening credits where you see angel wings coalesce out of Dust. And that was a beautifully subtle note from the very start of season 1 that book readers picked up straight away, but now it’s all coming together for the non-book readers, and they’re going, “Wait, that’s not just cool imagery, that’s actually a depiction of canon!” Because yeah I do know the books, so I’m having quite a different experience to those who haven’t read them, and it’s just really cool seeing the non-book readers have these pieces falling together.
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