#offering pot
lailoken · 1 year
Oblation Vessel of the Wending Way: Reborn
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After two years of heavy use, having utilized it continuously for my monthly Lunar Rites, the Attercob's Oblation Vessel has begun to show signifcant wear and tear. Given its preciousness, my husband and I came to the conclusion that it was time to "retire" this vessel from active use. Instead, we plan to place it upon a simple corner shelf altar we'll be constructing with the purpose of giving spiders a place to have free reign within the the boundary of our Fane, while allowing us to keep the rest tidier (we've been struggling with letting spiders just sort of colonize our domestic temple, given their holiness within the context of our tradition, but ended up finding this compromise.)
Knowing that a new vessel would be needed to fulfill the aforementioned Lunar Rites—and specifically one we find through providence—my husband and I started casually keeping an eye out in places of interest, in hopes that one would present itself. Finally, one day, I experienced a fairly in-your-face Spidereal Omen, which made me think we would be finding the new vessel soon, and lo and behold, I came across it later that same day.
The moment I saw this pot—which came from an estate sale in Britain—I knew it was the right one. Between the intuitive response I had, the fact that its Celadon coloration matches the color of our Fane exactly, and the fact that it's marked with twelve eyes for each month of the year it will be used to fulfill its purpose, it was glaringly apparent. What's more, the Eye, and Multiple Eyes in particular, are an important symbolic motif within the context of my tradition in general. Plus, as a cherry on top, it was quite cheap and was constructed/glazed in a way that should stand up much better to long-term moisture exposure.
I love it, and look forward to the years ahead with it.
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magic-as-hell · 3 months
rip local union organizer forced to share pot lid with cantankerous scab 😔
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poorly-drawn-mdzs · 8 months
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Sorry for not having a Year of the Dragon MDZS artwork; Unfortunately, I can only picture Dragon LWJ in this particular flavour.
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pythonstrid3r · 6 days
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kobochasketch · 2 years
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A cool Lady rockin’ a fur coat! (inspired by @fabdante‘s lovely Devil May Cry art of all the various fun alternate outfits and fabulous fur coats!!!) ;D
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2docked · 2 years
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door · 1 day
thrilled to be back at home with my daughters, and my bed, but perhaps most importantly i am reunited with my coffee grinder 🥰
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crowkip · 2 years
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just a reminder all my WIP updates go on my insta!!
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abimee · 6 days
i am hoping this pie shop calls me back about becoming a dishwasher cause i think id quite enjoy working somewhere where ill smell like bleach and cooked meats again
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seasonallydefective · 6 months
Everyone says they’ll be there for chronically ill people and they want to make sure we feel supported …
Until we keep not being able to do things and we never get well. And it becomes clear that this is just our daily normal.
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corrodedcoughin · 1 year
Hello!!! How're you?? Hope you're well!! I'm currently having Munson family feelings lmao
Please imagine lil pre teen Eddie settling in with Wayne, finding his footing, becoming more open in a way that he wasn't with his father. And he's really getting into his dnd. Has the manuals Wayne got him for his birthday one year. A mini or two. And he wants to get better at DMing, but he can't practice with his group because that would ruin the surprise of it all. So one day, he shyly asks Wayne if he'll practice with him. Fidgeting with the hem of his shirt and shuffling his feet. Isn't 100% sure what Wayne will think just yet
And to his surprise, Wayne says yes. And Eddie just... lights up. Smiles a big megawatt grin and starts talking about how it'll be super fun uncle Wayne you won't regret it!!!
They spend an evening making Wayne a character - a human called Wayne, they're keeping it simple - while they eat Mac n cheese for dinner. Wayne loves how happy it makes Eddie. How carefree.
And on Wayne's next day off, when Eddie doesn't have school, they play together. A mini campaign, just for the two of them. Eddie practices his skills, gets to play dnd, and hang out with his uncle all in one go. It's kind of everything to them. It's a lighthearted adventure where Wayne goes on a quest to get the perfect bait so he can go fishing and catch his dream fish. Eddie tells him what dice to roll, helps him fight a goblin and a bear, and puts on all sorts of voices for the characters Wayne meets. Eddie gets so wrapped up in it all, so excited. But when it ends he's all nerves - bitten lips and wringing his hands.
Did Wayne like it?? Did he have fun?? Was Eddie good??
And Wayne honestly says it wasn't quite his thing but he had a lot of fun. Eddie is a damn fine storyteller, has a real knack for the dramatics. He'll impress his friends, for sure.
And idk!!! I love Eddie and Wayne exploring their dynamic and figuring out where they stand with each other those first few years. It would have been a bumpy ride but they love each other!!!
Wayne getting in from grocery shopping on a Saturday, he likes to go really early so he can avoid Sally Knowles town gossip extraordinaire who Kees letting Wayne know ‘people are gonna talk if you don’t give that nephew of yours a Mothering presence in his life’ Wayne’s heard enough of it. So while it means he has to get up early, he’ll do it to escape the song and dance of busy bodies.
He’s making his way up the trailer steps, bags of groceries in hand (he’s a one trip kind of man and won’t be changed) when he hears a voice behind the door. The muffled and rushed but excited voice of his nephew barely audible through the rustling of groceries and the clattering of god knows what in the trailer - ‘okay. Okay he’s here. Go time. Show time. Time to shine. Story telling powers on.’
Wayne can see Eddie in his minds eye, turning an invisible switch at his temple. A ritual he started for their very first session. The boy had been nervous then and now, four - games? Chapters? Wayne wasn’t sure - in the nerves were still there but the excitement far outweighed them.
Opening the door, Wayne flicked his eyes over to the couch were Eddie was propped up, books spread out on the coffee table and rudimentary map laid across the table top.
Eddie’s head shot up, ‘I’ll help!’, scrambling to his feet to take some of Wayne’s provisions off of him.
‘You in a rush, son? Normally I’m shouting you through to give me a hand with these?’ Wayne was teasing. Could see that Eddie was conflicted, had Wayne forgotten that he promised to finish the story today? That it was going to find the Pond Of Dreams? Wayne loved the kid but he wanted to have a little fun too.
Setting the bags down and putting the freezer items away, everything else could wait. Not even glancing down at Eddie, Wayne stretched tall and exaggerated ‘think I need a nap after that. Don’t mind me Ed, gonna get some shut eye.’ And the thing is he couldn’t look at Eddie, if he did he’d crumble and it would all be for naught. One glance of Eddie in his home sewn cape and it’s be over.
So he hot footed it to the bathroom, hoping Eddie wouldn’t question the pre-nap detour or the backpack he was taking with him.
He could hear Eddie mumbling, frustration and disappointment evident in his tone. Then the tv going on, cartoons on high volume as he tried to distract himself. Which is when Wayne decided to re-appear, clad in his full fishing gear and rod. Along side a toy lizard he velcroed to his shoulder.
‘Well boy, you ready to go fantasy fishing? Heard there’s a dream pond waiting to be found’ Wayne tipped his fishing hat like a cowboy as Eddie’s eyes grew wide, scanning the outfit. It wasn’t much but Wayne tried to add the little details as he could; the potion belt of healing (an ammo belt he borrowed from somebody at work), the spear character wayne earned in his first battle (a pvc tube Scott Clarke was happy to provide after their last dinner where Wayne recounted Eddie’s tales) and of course -
‘Is that Creedence?!’ Eddie finally speaking up and pointing at the lizard, the decided companion and helper to Wayne in his journey.
‘Sure is kid, think he’s ready to roll. The question is, are you?’ It’s not the easiest thing for Wayne to do, sometimes he feels silly with all the fantasy and character voices that Eddie insists upon but when it makes the boy this happy? This unguarded and free? Who is Wayne to say no? Maybe the sillyness is good for him, good for both of them.
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jamiesfootball · 10 months
@sighonaraa I couldn’t find drowsy : (
here is a different post-sleepy scene. have some platonic cuddles.
Between the early hour and a bastardization of new and old sensations, there was a handful of time after Roy woke up where he couldn't piece together what the fuck happened.
The dry pounding in his head was familiar; the ache behind his eyes, not. The stiffness in his knee, an old neighbor. The warmth of another body stuffed up against his chest like a greedy teddy bear, new and important.
Between falling asleep and waking up, Jamie had burrowed his face into Roy's shoulder.
For a delirious moment Roy considered just being done with it and renaming it Jamie's shoulder -- it was the same one every time.
Even the smell of his hair was familiar now; the same way that he knew his sister by the smell of antiseptic and his niece by the smell of her strawberry shampoo, he could pick out the woodsy notes of Jamie's obscenely expensive hair products. A wave of relief rolled through him at the very clear signal that, whatever else had been going on, Jamie at the very least had been taking care of himself like he promised.
And then reality tilted slightly to the left and slipped back into focus.
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gotyouanyway · 7 months
like it's been this slow decline for almost a year now and i've just been lying and pretending about being "managing okay" because i don't want my parents to be the way they are about it. but it's not fine i'm not managing anything and idk what to do about it anymore
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greenerteacups · 1 year
most of my AO3 comments are really amazing but every now and then i'll get one that is just wildly entitled
like someone just wrote a comment on ch38 that's like "please have them get together soon i don't want to wait. also [x] needs more character development." ??? bitch i'm not a menu why are you out here trying to order
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cookinguptales · 1 year
so if you sent me any messages, please just know that when I went downstairs to get a snack, my father gave me a cup of coffee and I took a sip and I was like holy shit because he put "a little bit of alcohol" in it
so I'm not answering anything rn, I am just zoned out and watching antiques roadshow. he just told me he put 5 oz of whiskey in it. lmao
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toytulini · 2 months
i am so normal. about. the library
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