#offshore tank
china-cryogenic-tanks · 2 months
10ft Cryogenic Offshore Tank
10ft Cryogenic Offshore Tank is a container-style tank used for storing liquefied gases (such as liquid nitrogen, liquid oxygen, etc.) and is typically utilized in offshore oil and gas platforms or vessels.
These tanks are engineered with thermal insulation capabilities to facilitate the storage of cryogenic fluids at ultra-low temperatures, thereby guaranteeing their maintenance in a liquid phase.
The tanks are usually built in a standard 10-foot size, making them convenient for various transportation and storage applications. Cryogenic Offshore Tank is suitable for use on offshore oil and gas platforms or vessels where space is limited, offering a compact and reliable solution for storing cryogenic substances.
DSW offers solutions for nitrogen, oxygen, LNG, argon, methane, nitrous oxide, ethylenecarbon dioxide, and hydrogen. The 10', 20', and 40' intermodal containers are typically built according to EN, ASME/DOT, or Chinesedesign standards. Available maximum allowable working pressure (MAWP) options include 10, 18, and 24bars for European designs and 100, 150, 180, and 230 psi for ASME/DOT designs.
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kirloskarcorrocoat · 1 month
Coating Application Techniques
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Applying Coating Correctly:
Successful application of protective coatings is pivotal to ensuring infrastructures receiving coatings withstand potential corrosion. There are several detrimental factors to consider if the coating is applied incorrectly and corrosion does occur. Some factors may include:
Bodily harm including irritation and respiratory damage
Loss of production with machinery being inoperable
Financial strain with replacements or repairs
Adverse incidents in public locations
Loss in revenue with downtime
Spray Techniques:
Hand- Striping
An important first step when applying a coating correctly is hand-striping. Before the first general coat is applied it is recommended to complete an extra spray pass or stripe coat. This coats all edges, corners, joints, and other irregular surfaces to ensure all surfaces are ready for the first coat and an adequate film can develop.
Cross-layer application
Applicators often spray coatings with a horizontal pass first which unfortunately can lead to a series of issues that may have a detrimental effect on the coating’s performance and service life. By beginning with a horizontal application, a dry edge can eventuate in the bottom of the spray pattern and from there gravity will drag the liquid film causing an over thickness which can sag and run. To avoid this, it is essential the vertical passes of the spray gun are used first followed by horizontal passes, creating a cross-layer application.
Why is it important to apply a vertical pass first?
Beginning with a vertical pass avoids a defined edge which a horizontal pass can cause. Increasing the stability of the coating, vertical application technique also aids in the uniform thickness of the applied film across a large area.
To maximise mechanical adhesion and encourage optimum surface coverage, the distance of the spray gun to the surface is extended to approximately 24 to 36 inches to avoid an orange peel appearance and give more even coverage.
Corners and Edges
Another critical aspect of spraying technique is the correct approach to spraying corners and edges. When coating a corner or edge, particularly one with a small radius, the natural phenomenon of the paint is to retract due to surface tension this can be exacerbated by incorrect application techniques. If the applicator simply sprays each face and does not treat the corner, the edge will not be protected, and corrosion will occur more rapidly.
Paints and coatings must be atomised satisfactorily to facilitate homogeneous and uniform coverage. When atomisation is not correct, the materials ability to coalesce will be compromised and the coating may have a textured finish similar to that of orange peel. This effect may have an impact on the coatings performance in its intended service.
Thickness testing
Ensuring the thickness of the anti-corrosion coating has been correctly applied is vital to the success or failure of the product. Corrocoat offers inspection services to ensure quality assurance and standards have been met. We perform a thickness test using a coating thickness gauge.
The application of protective coatings can greatly affect whether infrastructures are protected against corrosion. Correct techniques are a simple solution to ensuring the successful outcome of anti-corrosion coatings. At Kirloskar Corrocoat, all our products are applied within stringent standards, and everything we coat with our Kirloskar Corrocoat product range is returned with a quality assurance certificate.
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lavaengineering-blog · 6 months
TOTE TANKS LAVA Engineering Company has been manufacturing Offshore / Onshore Tote Tanks for many years now. Client from Oil & gas Industry, chemical Industry, Logistics prefer LAVA TOTE TANKS for Marine transport and as off-shore containers. LAVA Tote tanks are also used as storage tanks, process tanks and Industrial containers for chemical industries, Oil drilling companies, Pharmaceutical companies and others. KNOW MORE
LAVA, Tote tanks manufacturer India, supplies high quality tanks with precision and meets Intermediate Bulk Container standards with capacities ranging from 300 Gallons, 550 Gallons and 1000 Gallons in SS 304 and SS 316L MOC to suit client requirement and applications.
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LAVA TOTE Models - DOT - UN 31 A ( DNV 2.7.1 Certified With TOTE Frame)
300 Gallons - 42" X 48" X 45" Size - 200 Kgs
550 Gallons - 42" X 48" X 72" Size - 295 Kgs
793 Gallons - 54" X 54" X 77" Size - 475 Kgs
Accessories Of LAVA TOTE TANK
Filling, Discharge, Drain, Pad Eyes ( as per DNV / EN), Document Holder, Fork lift provision and bottom Support Legs.
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reasonsforhope · 10 months
"China is on track to double its wind and solar energy capacity and hit its 2030 clean energy targets five years early, a new report has found.
The country is expected to produce 1,200 gigwatts of solar and wind power by 2025 if all prospective plants are built and commissioned, according to the study from the non profit Global Energy Monitor.
Solar capacity in China is now greater than the rest of the world combined. Its onshore and offshore wind capacity has doubled since 2017, and is roughly equal to the combined total of the other top seven countries, according to the report.
Dorothy Mei, project manager at Global Energy Monitor, said China’s surge in solar and wind capacity was “jaw-dropping.”
The country’s renewable energy boom is the result of a combination of incentives and regulations, according to the report. China pledged in 2020 to become carbon neutral by 2060...
China’s reliance on coal poses a significant challenge to global green energy targets, but the pace of wind and solar development is a positive sign, Byford Tsang, senior policy adviser at climate think tank E3G told CNN.
“China is rapidly and successfully scaling up its deployment of renewable power and has become the largest investor into renewables globally. This is both a cause and consequence of rapidly falling costs of renewable energy as compared to coal power,” he said.
Tsang hopes that relative cheapness of renewable energy will persuade China to kick its coal habit."
-via CNN, June 29, 2023
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orcinus-veterinarius · 2 months
Hiya! Would you be willing to explain why keeping captive right whales is completely nonviable, as you mentioned? I’m fascinated, but the adhd simply will not let me parse scientific papers.
That's a fantastic question! While it would be wonderful if captive breeding were a viable option for this critically endangered species, it just isn't possible under any realistic conditions.
For starters, their size. Orcas are the largest mammals successfully held in captivity, and we all know how difficult (and controversial) that is, with only a very small handful of facilities ever pulling it off with any semblance of success. Tilikum, the largest captive orca (although I believe that record has since been overtaken by a male in China), was 22.5 feet (6.9 meters) long and weighed 12,500 pounds (5,700 kg). Most other orcas in human care, particularly the females, are considerably smaller. Compare that to a northern right whale. Even the smallest adults are over 40 feet long—double Tilikum's length—and weigh 88,000 pounds (40,000 kg)—seven times his weight—while the biggest specimens on record reached up to 61 feet (18.5 m) and an incredible 234,000 pounds (106,000 kg).
A tank for an animal that size would be far beyond anything we have the ability to engineer and maintain. Think of how deep it would have to be for the whale to even turn around! The water pressure would be astronomical, wreaking havoc on the building materials even if it were possible to build the structure. And remember—someone has to dive to clean it! Our theoretical right whale habitat would have to be a sea pen, but even the 100-acre facilities proposed with orcas in mind are nowhere near deep enough. While right whales are considered to inhabit "coastal" waters, they do not live right up by the shoreline, like certain orca ecotypes and other small delphinids. They are a pelagic species, designed to live out in the open water column, as are all baleen whales. So, the pen would have to be a floating habitat miles out into the open water (think of an offshore oil rig), with netting sturdy enough to not be destroyed by a 50 ton whale and long enough to extend hundreds of feet to the ocean floor. We're talking probably thousands of square miles of netting, that would have to be routinely inspected for safety and upkeep. So, you would probably need a submersible, since no human can dive that deep. On top of that, it would be difficult to find such a larger stretch of ocean in their habitat without shipping lanes, underwater noise, or pollution. And let's just forget about the logistics of staffing that place—or worse, funding.
Additionally, we wouldn't be able to feed them by tossing fish into their mouth like with dolphins. Northern right whales feed on tiny crustaceans and zooplankton, cruising along and filtering the creatures from the water with their baleen. Assuming our right whale keepers were somehow able to acquire the insane amount of food the whale requires (potentially over 5000 pounds of zooplankton a day), it would need to be scattered throughout the massive habitat to facilitate feeding. I imagine this would probably look something like the way Georgia Aquarium feeds their whale sharks from a little boat, although on a much larger scale. And since the food obviously can't be kept alive, we would need to develop someway of delivering the daily vitamins that are lost in the freezing process—and to keep hundreds of tons of krill frozen on a floating kitchen in the middle of the ocean.
Of course, the ultimate goal of this project would be to breed northern right whales... that means we need to take everything we just talked about and double it, at a bare minimum. For the breeding program to be successful, it would need a whole lot more than just two whales. And unfortunately, even if we lived in world with magical floating thousand-acre sea pens, unlimited krill, and endless money... we still don't know if it would even work. Right whale breeding habits are poorly understood, with the whales mating in cold northern waters before migrating 1,000 miles south to calve. Despite our best theoretical efforts, these migratory patterns could very well be necessary for successful reproduction.
Thank you again for the ask! This was actually a lot of fun to think about! If you want to read about JJ, the only baleen whale ever successfully housed in (temporary) human care, you can find an article and pictures here.
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girlactionfigure · 3 months
🔅ISRAEL REALTIME - Connecting the World to Israel in Realtime
🔻HEZBOLLAH - Anti-Tank Missile(s) - at Margaliot - HIT, 3 farm workers injured.  
🔻HEZBOLLAH - Suicide Drones - Beit Hillel, Kfar Yuval, Gonen and many surrounding towns.
▪️HOSTAGE / CEASEFIRE NEGOTIATIONS.. A senior Hamas official who is in Cairo told the Wall Street Journal: "The first week of Ramadan - a realistic target for a deal”. 
And a new demand: A report on the Saudi Al-Arabiya channel: Hamas handed the "keys" to the mediators to release the prisoners in exchange for the Israeli hostages. Hamas demands the return of 500 families to the northern Gaza Strip every day of the ceasefire.
▪️GAZA.. Sources in Gaza report that athis morning our forces destroyed several high-rise buildings in the city of Khan Yunis. According to reports - the explosion was also heard throughout the south of the country.
▪️JORDAN.. Jordan is asking for an increased water allocation (Israel provides them a significant amount of water from the Kinneret) after trashing the Israelis for nearly 5 months and downplaying the Oct. 7 massacre - along with arranging threatening along-the-border night exercises of their military.
▪️COUNTER-TERROR BATTLES.. Fatah terrorists shot at security forces this morning in the al-Amri camp near Ramallah, with one of our forces shot and injured. In response the IDF had large forces enter the El Omari camp near Ramallah, the Arabs report at least one terrorist killed.
Tulkarm - IED road mine damaged an armored carrier (a panther).
Tubas - terrorists opened fire from a building at our forces. The building was charged, the force identified the source of the shooting and an exchange of fire began. No casualties.
Shechem - the Shin Bet and the Israel Defense Forces operated tonight in Nablus and destroyed the house of one of the terrorists who carried out the attack in which the members of the Dee family were murdered.
▪️RED SEA - WORLD INTERNET CABLES CUT.. HGC Communications reports 4 of 15 undersea cables in the Red Sea have been cut - reducing their communications by 25%.
▪️RED SEA - GERMAN NAVY SHIP EXPLOSION.. apparently (from grainy video - if real) a failed counter-missile launch that exploded in the tube. 
▪️RED SEA - UK SAYS.. The British Embassy in Yemen announced in a statement:  The responsibility for the environmental effects caused by the sinking of the ship "MV Rubymar" in the Red Sea lies with the Houthis, and despite international efforts, today the ship "MV Rubymar" has sunk and 41 thousand tons of ammonium phosphate fertilizer and its fuel will leak into the Red Sea.
▪️AID DROP MISS.. Gazans show videos of aid drop misses into the sea, a few close and some a significant distance offshore.
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linipik · 1 year
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"Shiro is determined to know if the new human research base is a risk for his fellow merfolk with the help of a marine biologist and research intern Adam."
rating: T
pairing: Adam/Shiro
tags: Adam (Voltron) Shiro (Voltron), Keith for half a line but he is there, Merman Shiro, Everyone lives, First Meetings, plot-driven action, Alternate Universe Merpeople, Canon-Typical Violence
This fic is part of the Once Upon the Seashore PDF (get it for free on my Ko-fi)
Chapter 1 of 4
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Shiro made it his mission in life to see it all. He swam beyond the limits of his people's realm, he defied the currents that made all other merfolk hold onto coral reefs and quiver. He rose to the surface many times and walked the earth, mingling with humans as he pleased and going back to his home unharmed. Afraid of nothing, he ventured everywhere under and above the sea, infinitely curious and confident.
He was so used to going out looking danger in the eye that he never expected it to bite him back.
This time, the UUV (Unmanned underwater vehicles) that suddenly appeared deep in the open sea was not the first Shiro had seen, but it was definitely the most advanced. Its engines were so quiet that he didn’t notice the noise until the artifact was dangerously close. What was that thing doing, roaming merfolk territory? For the safety of his people, Shiro had to find out. He was also intrigued by such a sophisticated trinket that was able to go great depths, yes, but that was secondary.
Concealing himself in the dark waters, Shiro followed the underwater drone around. It took samples of algae, plankton, and whatever else crossed its path, it took photographs and emitted low noises, maybe mapping the topography of the area. After a while, it backtracked and led Shiro to a big building constructed in the middle of the ocean, much like the offshore oil rigs but this one was different, it was a newly and highly militarized scientific base. Shiro's suspicion grew stronger. He had to know what exactly was going on there and determine whether it was dangerous. 
It wasn’t his first time on a recon mission, with one stolen uniform and one forged pass later, he infiltrated the base posing as yet another young recently scouted intern and began his investigation. He found all kinds of fish living in tanks of different sizes, many measuring instruments he had never seen before, and endless fridges stuffed with samples of everything under the sun, but fortunately, nothing that belonged to merfolk. It all seemed harmless so far, but still, a little more time could uncover any real danger like military bases always provided to anything underwater, so Shiro decided to stay a bit longer.
If he was going to infiltrate for a little more time, Shiro thought it convenient to have an unsuspecting human to ask about the details of the operations there. And was like this, that during a boring afternoon of classifying old files, he found an actual intern, a young man called Adam, who offered him a smile when Shiro presented himself as Takashi.
 While Shiro found most people on the base dull at best, Adam quickly grew on him. He was clever, genuinely passionate about marine life, and didn't pretend that being what amounted to an errand boy was any kind of honor or enjoyable activity, something that Shiro could appreciate.
— o –
Speaking with Adam, Shiro confirmed some of his suspicions and learned new information. The base was a military facility dedicated to research, currently focused on finding new materials on the oceanic soil. Most specialists were engineers and geologists; as far as Adam knew, They were one of only five biologists in the whole place. He was deeply unhappy about the official's lack of interest in marine biology, given that they had collected a huge amount of specimens anyway. It was endearing hearing Adam theorize about the next sea sponge they could discover with that kind of equipment. Shiro wouldn’t worry if most humans were like him, if Adam would believe him if he told him his real motives in the base, or if Adam would mind what he actually is…
“You see Takashi? They only care about their little power struggles and their weapons,” Adam lamented one day during their lunch break, “such a waste! Honestly, if this experience wasn't key for the kind of scholarship at the marine institute I want to go to, I'd have packed my bags months ago.”
“There's nothing else here besides that scholarship, then?” Shiro asked while playing with his food, “You didn’t find anything you like here at all?”
Adam eyed Shiro, apparently pondering something. Shiro held his gaze with amusement, which ended up making Adam smile.
“I admit I enjoy some company, yeah,” he finally confessed and looked elsewhere before clearing his throat, “I mean…”
It was so obvious Shiro had to laugh. He was very clear in his in-and-out mission to uncover the secrets of this specific research facility and then return to the open sea with the necessary information to protect his people, but spending one or two weeks more in the base just so he could have these lunch dates with Adam was not too bad. Not at all.
Far Out at Sea is complete on PDF >> GET IT HERE <<
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imperialchem · 2 months
Preserving Assets:  The Role of Corrosion Inhibitors in Industrial Maintenance
Corrosion is a persistent threat to industrial assets, causing billions of dollars in damages annually across various sectors.  From oil and gas facilities to manufacturing plants, the impact of corrosion can be devastating, leading to equipment failures, production downtime, and costly repairs.  However, with the right preventive measures in place, such as corrosion inhibitors, industrial facilities can effectively mitigate the risk of corrosion and prolong the lifespan of their assets.  As a leading chemical company in Vadodara, Imperial Oilfield Chemicals Pvt. Ltd. (ICPL) understands the critical role of corrosion inhibitors in industrial maintenance.  In this blog post, we'll explore the importance of corrosion inhibitors, their applications, and the expertise of ICPL as a corrosion inhibitor manufacturer and exporter in India.
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Understanding Corrosion Inhibitors
Corrosion inhibitors are chemical compounds designed to protect metal surfaces from the damaging effects of corrosion.  By forming a protective barrier on the metal surface or altering the corrosion process, inhibitors prevent or slow down the oxidation and deterioration of metals in corrosive environments.  Corrosion inhibitors are widely used in various industries, including oil and gas, petrochemicals, power generation, water treatment, and manufacturing, to safeguard critical assets and infrastructure from corrosion-related failures.
The Importance of Corrosion Inhibitors in Industrial Maintenance
1.   Asset Protection:  Industrial facilities rely heavily on equipment and infrastructure made of metal, such as pipelines, tanks, vessels, and machinery.  Corrosion inhibitors play a crucial role in protecting these assets from corrosion, extending their service life and reducing the need for frequent repairs or replacements.
2.   Cost Savings:  Corrosion-related failures can result in significant financial losses due to equipment downtime, production disruptions, and repair expenses.  By incorporating corrosion inhibitors into maintenance programs, industries can minimize the risk of corrosion-related failures and realize substantial cost savings in the long run.
3.   Safety and Reliability:  Corrosion compromises the structural integrity of industrial assets, posing safety hazards to personnel and the surrounding environment.  Corrosion inhibitors help maintain the reliability and safety of critical infrastructure, reducing the likelihood of accidents, spills, and environmental contamination.
4.   Environmental Protection:  Corrosion-related leaks and spills can have detrimental environmental consequences, polluting soil, water bodies, and ecosystems.  By preventing corrosion and minimizing the risk of leaks and spills, corrosion inhibitors contribute to environmental protection and sustainability efforts.
Applications of Corrosion Inhibitors
Corrosion inhibitors find applications across various industrial sectors, where metal components are exposed to corrosive environments.  Some common applications of corrosion inhibitors include:
Oil and Gas Production:  In the oil and gas industry, corrosion inhibitors are used to protect pipelines, well casings, and production equipment from corrosion caused by corrosive fluids, gases, and environmental conditions.
Water Treatment:  Corrosion inhibitors are added to cooling water systems, boilers, and wastewater treatment facilities to prevent metal corrosion caused by dissolved oxygen, scale formation, and aggressive ions.
Manufacturing:  In manufacturing processes involving metal components, such as automotive, aerospace, and electronics manufacturing, corrosion inhibitors are used to protect parts, components, and machinery from corrosion during production, storage, and transportation.
Marine and Offshore Structures:  Corrosion inhibitors are applied to marine vessels, offshore platforms, and coastal structures to protect against corrosion in seawater environments.
ICPL:  Your Trusted Corrosion Inhibitor Manufacturer and Exporter in India
As the best chemical company in Vadodara, ICPL is dedicated to delivering high-quality corrosion inhibitors tailored to the specific needs of industrial clients.  Here's why ICPL is the preferred choice for corrosion inhibitors in India:
Expertise and Experience:  With decades of experience in the chemical industry, ICPL possesses the expertise and technical know-how to develop and manufacture corrosion inhibitors that meet the highest quality standards and regulatory requirements.
State-of-the-Art Facilities:  ICPL operates state-of-the-art manufacturing facilities equipped with advanced technologies and production processes to ensure the consistent quality and performance of its corrosion inhibitors.
Customized Solutions:  ICPL offers customized corrosion inhibitor formulations tailored to the unique requirements and operating conditions of industrial applications.  Our team of experts works closely with clients to develop solutions that address specific corrosion challenges and performance objectives.
Global Reach:  As a corrosion inhibitor exporter in India, ICPL serves clients worldwide, exporting its products to diverse markets across Asia, Africa, the Middle East, and beyond.  With a strong global presence and distribution network, ICPL delivers reliable corrosion protection solutions to industries around the globe.
In conclusion, corrosion inhibitors play a crucial role in industrial maintenance by protecting metal assets from the damaging effects of corrosion.  As a leading corrosion inhibitor manufacturer and exporter in India, ICPL is committed to providing high-quality corrosion inhibitors that safeguard critical infrastructure, ensure operational reliability, and promote cost-effective maintenance practices.  With ICPL's expertise, customized solutions, and global reach, industries can effectively mitigate the risk of corrosion and preserve the integrity of their assets for years to come.  Contact ICPL today to learn more about our corrosion inhibitor products and solutions.
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chadfallout76podcast · 11 months
Fallout: Ocean Song ~ Lore Crafting
I have a pinboard folder of inspiration for Fallout: Ocean Song, the original podcast idea I had to create an entire story on the oceans as opposed to land...somewhere we've never gone before in the games.
I've been thinking about floating offshore supercities that just before the Great War became independent nations for scientists and anti-war think tanks. Post war they were easily conquered by raider pirates...
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As raiders are to the land of the ruined Old World, so are pirates to the sea. Scenic coastal villages once teeming with tourists, are now havens for a new generation of raiders. Centuries after they were hunted to the last, the old flags of piracy fly again.
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mariacallous · 4 months
When turbine blades for the United States’ first offshore wind project left port in September 2023, headed for the Vineyard Wind 1 project off Massachusetts, they were traveling on a barge instead of a wind turbine installation vessel, or WTIV. These purpose-built vessels are common in other parts of the world and make the job much, much easier. A WTIV is a transportation and construction rig in one. Frequently equipped with a big crane, deployable legs, and a dynamic positioning system, WTIVs can support the installation of several humongous turbines per trip.
There are dozens of WTIVs plying the world’s waters. So, why were the Vineyard Wind 1 blades delivered on a barge? This expensive, inefficient workaround was necessary because of a century-old law known as the Jones Act.
Also known as the Merchant Marine Act of 1920, the Jones Act requires anyone transporting goods from one point in the United States to another to use an American ship. And by a modern interpretation of the old law, an offshore turbine counts as a point in the United States. The trouble is, the United States doesn’t have any WTIVs. And without the appropriate equipment, the country’s offshore wind efforts are being plagued by the need for repeated, smaller-capacity barge trips that have added costs to projects already beset by financial difficulties. Danish energy company Ørsted, for example, cited vessel delays when it canceled two planned projects off the New Jersey coast: Ocean Wind 1 and 2.
The country’s first Jones Act–compliant WTIV, the Charybdis, is currently under construction in Texas. While originally planned for completion in 2023, labor constraints have pushed the Charybdis’s launch back at least a year, possibly into 2025, says Dominion Energy, the vessel’s owner.
The Biden administration’s goal is to deploy offshore wind turbines capable of generating 30 gigawatts of power by 2030. That’s more than 2,000 turbines. To meet this target, the National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL), part of the US Department of Energy, says there’s a need for four to six WTIVs. But as 2030 draws ever closer, the incomplete Charybdis remains the only one.
The Jones Act is tricky to navigate. For a vessel to be compliant, it must not only be built in the United States and running the country’s flag but also be owned and crewed by Americans. Consequently, US shipyards enjoy a monopoly, which allows them to demand massively inflated prices.
When finished, the 144-meter-long Charybdis will boast over 5,000 square meters of main deck area and accommodate up to 119 people, supported by on-board cabins, mess rooms, and shops, as well as a cinema, gym, and hospital. But the WTIV’s cost has climbed from US $500 million to $625 million. Meanwhile, the major shipyards in South Korea could have built a similar vessel in less time, for less money, and with a more powerful crane.
The reason for the Jones Act’s longevity, says Colin Grabow, a research fellow at the Cato Institute, a libertarian think tank, is that while it tends to benefit only a few people and businesses, the act goes unnoticed because there are many payers sharing the increased costs.
The Jones Act is one in a string of protectionist laws—dating back to the Tariff Act of 1789—designed to bolster US marine industries. The Jones Act’s existence was meant to ensure a ready supply of ships and mariners in case of war. Its authors reasoned that protection from foreign competition would foster that.
“Your average American has no idea that the Jones Act even exists,” Grabow says. “It’s not life-changing for very many people,” he adds. But “all Americans are hurt by the Jones Act.” In this case, that’s by slowing down the United States’ ability to hit its own wind power targets.
Grabow says those most vocal about the law—the people who build, operate, or serve on compliant ships—usually want to keep it in place.
Of course, there’s more going on with the country’s slow rollout of offshore wind power than just a century-old shipping law. It took a slew of factors to sink New Jersey’s planned Ocean Wind installations, says Abraham Silverman, an expert on renewable energy at Columbia University in New York.
Ultimately, says Silverman, rising interest rates, inflation, and other macroeconomic factors caught New Jersey’s projects at their most vulnerable stage, inflating the construction costs after Ørsted had already locked in its financing.
Despite the setbacks, the potential for offshore wind power generation in the United States is massive. The NREL estimates that fixed-bottom offshore wind farms in the country could theoretically generate some 1,500 gigawatts of power—more than the United States is capable of generating today.
There’s a lot the United States can do to make its expansion into offshore wind more efficient. And that’s where the focus needs to be right now, says Matthew Shields, an engineer at NREL specializing in the economics and technology of wind energy.
“Whether we build 15 or 20 or 25 gigawatts of offshore wind by 2030, that probably doesn’t move the needle that much from a climate perspective,” says Shields. But if building those first few turbines sets the country up to then build 100 or 200 gigawatts of offshore wind capacity by 2050, he says, then that makes a difference. “If we have ironed out all these issues and we feel good about our sustainable development moving forward, to me, I think that’s a real win.”
But today, some of the offshore wind industry’s issues stem, inescapably, from the Jones Act. Those inefficiencies mean lost dollars and, perhaps more importantly in the rush toward carbon neutrality, lost time.
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requindeterre · 1 year
Scumplane Pacific rim AU pt 3
[Pt. 1] [Pt. 2] More action heavy this chapter.
Oh for the love of- Curse Shang Qinghua’s stupid rotten luck!
It should have been an easy fight - the initial breach was only a Category 3. Well, if not an easy fight at least a straightforward one. That was, until the beast had breached the surface and they’d gotten a visual. By then Cheng Luan had already been in the process of deploying and there was no time for a change in tactics. Liu Qingge headed their most seasoned pilot pair, even if the second half of the set was a revolving door of faces from Bai Zhan, Cheng Luan would come through this no problem. Then the giant shell on the beast’s back lifted to reveal leathery wings and the beast was airborne making a beeline for the coast just five miles north of the dome. The intercept was already in motion, they’d have plenty of time.
Except- whatever had designed these terrible beasties must have been on a bug kick when they’d pieced this one together. Its bloated and bulbous belly writhed as Cheng Luan was dropped and sped toward its opponent with singular focus. Jaeger and Kaiju circled in a lethal dance as Cheng Luan kept the beast, now nicknamed Taotie in the Com-Room, from reaching shore. Taotie bellowed as it swooped toward Cheng Luan with clawed forelimbs extended. Meeting blow for blow, Cheng Luan arced its primary blade up in a sweep calculated to bisect the creature. The blade nicked Taotie’s belly and came into a guard just as the full weight of the creature’s scrabbling limbs locked around the Jaeger, pincer jaws extended toward the conn pod. Amid the tussle, Taotie's belly gave way with a sickening pop and wave of Kaiju Blue. It hadn't been a belly at all but a sac wrapped around the creature's tail and several dark masses. The weight shifted as the clumps fell into the water below. Taotie's wickedly curved tail arched over its back. Overbalanced, Cheng Luan began to tip backwards and spun in the descent to pin Taotie beneath it. Command started to receive visuals on the clumps that had separated and now a small fleet of unidentified foes were a mere mile offshore.
This was bad. This was very very bad. Xian Shu's pair were still laid up in the infirmary after the last attack. Ku Xing's Jaeger was still grounded for repairs to contain and stabilize the radiation leaking from its reactor. Watching the situation unfold from the Command Deck, Shang Qinghua mentally blazed through the list of candidates. Thanks to the increasing rates of breaches they were down to Xuan Su or Xiu Ya and Yue Qingyuan was needed on the deck. That just left - No. Absolutely not. It was still too soon to send Shen Qingqiu out again, he'd just been released from Mu Qingfan's care a week ago from a fight a -month- ago. In a daze, Shang Qinghua looked back at the display broadcasting the battle. His heart plummeted to his stomach. Cheng Luan was holding its own for now but the battle wasn't in their favor. The fight had made landfall in a normally bustling part of the city. If luck was in their favor, which Shang Qinghua had some serious doubts about at this point, Liu Qingge had kept the Kaiju busy enough to allow for most to evacuate. Judging from the hard looks on faces around the Comm Room, it hadn't been enough. Taotie had latched onto Cheng Luan's back and its scorpion-like tail pierced the Jaeger's midsection like a hot knife through butter. By no means ideal but Shang Qinghua had seen Liu Qingge and co-pilot by extension come through worse, maybe it would be okay.
It was not going to be okay. The masses carried through the breach by Taotie had been roughly man-sized when they disengaged. By the time they made landfall they were the size of tanks and getting bigger. When they started dropping from sky scrappers to dogpile onto Cheng Luan, they’d reached the size of semi trucks. Out of the corner of his eye, Shang Qinghua saw Yue Qingyuan’s expression shift from concern to the closest thing he’d seen to terror on the Marshall’s face and a quick shake of Yue Qingyuan’s head. Shang Qinghua whipped around to follow Yue Qingyuan’s line of sight and caught a glimpse of one of Shen Jiu’s signature suits speeding out the door. Shit. Shit shit shit.
Even knowing it was an ill-fated plan, Shen Qingqiu had always believed in the capability of the dome beyond himself. So he went. The couplers from the airlift disengaged and Shen Qingqiu braced for the transition from free fall to a run. Cheng Luan had managed to disengage from the dog pile but was badly damaged by the time Xiu Yu reached the front line of the battle. The Jaeger’s right side was lodged in a building and most of the cabling connecting upper and lower body were severed. Cheng Luan's left arm lay somewhere under the rubble across the road.
“Shen Qingqiu,” Liu Qingge rasped before falling silent.
Even barely conscious, the man couldn’t stand him. Evac was still more than fifteen minutes out. Take down the beasts or distract them long enough for Liu Qingge and disciple to be secured. It was a simple plan and an efficient one, open to permutations as the situation required. The rattled hiss was the only warning Shen Qingqiu got before the kaiju’s maw shot out from the darkness behind Cheng Luan. Acting on instinct, Xiu Ya yanked Cheng Luan forward to step neatly between his brother-in-arms and the oncoming threat. A garbled “rat bastard pretty boy” came through the comms channel as the remaining conscious pilot was jostled. Shen Qingqiu tuned it out as his focus narrowed to the tip of his sword thrusting into the pincered abyss before him. Let Liu Qingge continue to think poorly of him. Just so long as he lived long enough to do so.
With Taotie and company engaged, shifting the battlefield away from the carapace of Cheng Luan was straightforward. However, landing the final blow to dispatch Taotie took more out of Shen Qingqiu than it should have. A blinding headache had begun building behind his eyes making it difficult to focus on the hoard of drones still circling him and there'd been a high pitched ringing in his right ear since he reached the district. Even through the relay gel he could feel sweat gathering at his temples and upper lip. Xiu Ya’s left side wasn’t responding as it should. Too slow, like moving through water. Compensating for the delay was possible but - it was a bad sign. Gods knew Mu Qingfan had drilled the warning signs into him often enough. Still, surrounded by enemies engaging in pack tactics to get the drop on him didn’t leave him with many options.
Mission control was shouting something but the ringing and incessant pounding in his skull made focusing enough to discern it impossible. The words were just an added layer of noise in the cacophony of his pulse and the dying shrieks of his opponents. Unease churned in his gut as the blaring claxons of his mind drowned out any attempt at thought. Unable to think, unable to plan, he would have to rely on muscle memory to push through, nothing existed beyond that.
Vitals blipped and streaked across the panels of Qian Cao’s station in the control room, drastic peaks and valleys in the place of the steady wave form that indicated a healthy pilot. They were going to watch Shen Qingqiu stroke out in real time, Shang Qinghua thought dazedly, they were going to watch, just let it happen, and then pretend regret at the funeral as though nothing could be done. Other parts of Control were a hive of activity, organizing additional ground forces to assist evac under the assumption that Shen Qingqiu would die before Cheng Luan and crew could be recovered.
The years of service, of pushing beyond the limits of the possible for even the first percentile of experienced pilots and Cang Qiong was simply going to abandon him. Toss him away like garbage once he was no longer useful. Fuck that. No.
“It’s not right, this isn’t right,” Shang Qinghua’s muttering was lost in the surrounding din. He ran through their options at breakneck speed. He had little to no authority in the Control Room so trying to leverage a support team for Xiu Ya was off the table. Yue Qingyuan seemed…pained but resigned already grieving a man not yet dead. Or maybe grieving what could have been if he had clipped his Xiao Jiu’s wings earlier. No, no, Airplane was getting off track, he needed to focus. Wait - he could fix this. He could definitely probably fix this.
Everyone had long since learned to tune out his ramblings and even his presence unless they needed something so no one batted an eyelash when Shang Qinghua scurried out of the Control Room at a speed faster than his usual scramble.
There was still a PON headset in the lab calibrated and linked to Xiu Ya’s systems from the last set of upgrades two days ago. Two days. His hands were shaking and a thick nausea rose in the back of his throat as he cleared the Command corridor headed full-tilt toward the labs. He could fix this, he could. He just needed time. Time Shen Qingqiu likely didn’t have but the bullheadedness of his scum villain had worked miracles before, Airplane needed it work another one now.
The adrenaline rush already made him feel half out of his body by the time the headset was secured. Shen Jiu was stubborn and spiteful and mean and if Shang Qinghua could establish a link in time, he knew beyond a shadow of a doubt that Shen Qingqiu would pull through. The control board for the headset blinked a steady green. He took a breath to steady himself, mouth pulling in grim determination as he initiated the handshake sequence. The world around him swayed and distorted like he’d been spun too quickly on a carnival ride not quite up to code and his mind spun out with it.
The drift wasn’t what he had expected, not that he’d particularly known what to expect in the first place. It crashed into him like waves, allowing him enough time to try to catch a breath and orient himself only for the next wave to break before he could get enough air. Shang Qinghua did his best to try and relax into it, to let the waves do the work of carrying him into the Bridge. There was no mistaking it when the Bridge formed. Shen Qingqiu’s fury was palpable with Shen Jiu’s shame tucked behind to hide it, a child hiding behind their mother’s skirts.
Nothing was hidden in the drift. Not the brutal past Airplane had written for Shen Qingqiu that twisted and fractured to fit the new narrative, not Shang Qinghua’s identity as a transmigrator turned spy. Shang Qinghua had thought he might panic at being laid so bare, all of his secrets displayed like wares at a swapmeet. Instead, all he could feel was relief. Relief at being seen truly and completely, at being known in a way that words could never convey, being mirrored and refracted should be disconcerting but it felt like part of him. Arguably since Shen Qingqiu had sprung from his mind to the textblock of PIDW, Shen Jiu was part of him. It was more tangible than that though.
And oh, Shen Qingqiu was going to have WORDS with him later, Shang Qinghua could feel that through the drift clear as day. But for now, the Bridge was doing its job, parsing the mental load between them enough for Shen Qingqiu to claw his overtaxed mind back from the edge. Without being in Xiu Ya’s conn pod, Shang Qinghua couldn’t assist with the actual physical piloting. Instead, his mind acted like the bulkheads of a ship, stymieing the flood to keep the vessel afloat.
Now that he wasn’t bearing the full load himself, Shen Qingqiu tore through the remaining kaiju like tissue paper. Piloting had never been this easy, Xiu Ya this responsive. He wove through enemies, sweeping the battlefield like a selective tempest. Minimizing damages to the surrounding district was easier as well, closer to the precise strikes and flows he drilled in the practice rooms than reality of kilotonnes of steel and cabling darting about in a murderous dance. It was euphoric, though that was likely the adrenaline. His quietly jubilant laughter tumbled out of the speakers in Control sending shivers down the spines of more than one disciple.
They maintained the drift until Xiu Ya returned to base triumphant and by then Shang Qinghua was shaking and exhausted from the effort of holding it over such a distance. He barely managed to pry the rig off, dropping it unceremoniously to the floor before slumping back in his chair. Bone deep exhaustion left his body too heavy to move or even radio over the comms. Shit, no one knew where he was and he was dropping, fast. Oops.
When he swam back to consciousness, Shang Qinghua was hooked up with enough wiring and medical monitoring equipment to convince his addled brain that he was still in the PON rig. The panic he had expected in the drift made itself known, bubbling over and sending him thrashing and tugging at whatever he could reach to get free. A loud tone began sounding to his left, fueling his panic further. The door swung open as Qian Cao staff flooded the room to pin him down. This only increased his panic. Please don't kill him, he had so much left to do still! Bruises were fine but not the face!
“He’s disoriented and babbling. Put him back under.”
Cold flooded one of his hands in a rush and Shang Qinghua fell back into the waves.
When he woke next there was a nurse changing his IV bag.
"Mrrpph?" He mumbled intelligently. His brain was foggy and his tongue felt too big for his mouth. He didn't know where he was. The panic was rising again and a sense of distant distress rose to meet it.
"Head Technical Officer Shang? You're in the medical ward, please try to relax and keep still. You gave us quite a scare last time."
"Hnnrgh," he gestured in what he hoped was the general vicinity of his mouth.
"Oh! Of course Officer Shang. Slowly now, don't choke."
Shang Qinghua sipped his water dutifully until he could finally unstick his tongue from the roof of his mouth to start in on his questions. Lucidity and information did wonders to calm him down but his previous turmoil brought a storm outside his door.
"If you do not let me in this instant I will raise the simulation difficulty for every one of those Bai Zhan boneheads until you are scraping them off the training room floor. Do -not- test me. Now move or I will make you."
The door swung open startling his nurse who quickly pulled back the curtain around the bed. Looking worse for wear but lucid, alive!, Shen Qingqiu hobbled to the bedside on a cane ready to strike down anyone who got in his way. Mu Qingfan trailed behind, eyebrow raised at the spectacle his fellow officers brought to the normally quiet ward. Huffy and dander up, Shen Qingqiu still managed to seat himself gracefully in the bedside chair the nurse brought over. He eyed over Shang Qinghua, taking inventory. Mu Qingfan handled the initial debrief now that both parties were awake and watched the pair closely. Shang Qinghua's hand twitched and Shen Qingqiu was already in motion, gracefully refilling the water cup to pass it over. Mu Qingfan's other brow rose.
Leaping from 'drift incompatible' directly to ghost drifting was certainly…something.
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lavaengineering-blog · 6 months
ADR TRANSPORT TRAILER TANKS LAVA Engineering Company has extensive manufacturing experience to manufacture ADR classified and non-classified transport trailer tanks with different material grades suitable to carry Oil, Hazardous & Non Hazardous chemicals, Food grade Liquids, Juices, Wine, Beer and other Liquids. These trailers are designed for Oil drilling companies, Chemical companies, Food industries that meets Indian, American & European standards. KNOW MORE
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As we are an ADR Trailer Tank manufacturer Europe, our clients include MNC companies from Europe, America that have chemical and hazardous code requirement to comply IMDG, CFR 49, CCOE & ASME XII design code specific for transport trailer tanks.
CHEMICAL AND ACID TRANSPORT TRAILER LAVA Acid transport tank trailers & Semi trailers are constructed as per ASME XII design code and are fabricated to ASME IX weld standards applicable for Hazardous and Non Hazardous chemicals KNOW MORE The model tank and semi trailers are stimulated with FE analysis before under taking fabrication to ensure structural integrity at operational mode. The DRY Bulk trailer tanks are supplied to customers with specifically designed to trim excess weight to carry more material and balance COG vehicle stabilization.
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The Acid tanks are fitted or welded to the chassis of the trailer depending COG requirement. The design stimulation is carried out to ensure simultaneous braking and turning payload of the maximum load at stress points. The semi trailers are equipped with Formed beam chassis, landing Legs, ABS twin braking, Radial Tyres, Chemical spill arrangement & other accessories to meet clients with specific needs.
The Acid tank mounted on the trailer along with pipe lines and manifold are FRP lined, Rubber Lined, Lead Lined to carry Hazardous chemical liquids with Aluminum / Stainless Steel / GRP insulation to hold up to 200 Deg C.
DRY BULK TRANSPORT SEMI TRAILER LAVA DRY BULK transport trailers are manufactured with Single and Multi-compartment tanks with variable compartment sizes are available from 50 BBL to 150 BBL. KNOW MORE
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LAVA trailer Tanks are manufactured to customer specific designs of flanges, manholes, pipelines, outlets and an extensive range of variations and accessories that are available to suit Road conditions of particular country.
LAVA Semi Trailer tanks manufacturer, supplies tanks, which are equipped with emergency Trailer Roll-Over protection, Anti Slip Gruts, Collapsible Hand rails, Glass wool Insulation to accommodate heat up to 200 Deg C, Liquid Spill Collection area, Cassis Guard, ABS Braking, Triple Axle Suspension, Standard 2” Kingpin for universal acceptance and many more.
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b-afterhours · 11 days
Avenue of Sins: Neon
A Sequel to Avenue of Sins
SUMMARY: ‘90s. It’s the aftermath. Jaded, Bill and Alma navigate their new lives as they try to drag themselves out of the dark debacherous trenches they had once ensnared themselves in. It’s easy to forget their evils when a silver lining introduces itself into their lives but can they create a less hedonistic life that would be just as satisfying?
WARNINGS: adult content, mature readers only.
The completed first series can be read and found here.
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Chapter Twenty-One
August 1993
As Alma rearranged her bedroom closet, Bill was in the living room playing with Echo. Her giggles and even his laughter could be heard in the apartment. 
“Silly!” Echo laughed when she placed one of her hair bows on top of his head. 
In addition to making room for his clothing, she also needed to make room for the cash he had brought. She suggested they put it in the linen closet, but even if the apartment was small, that was just too far for Bill. He insisted that it needed to be in the bedroom. While on task, it dawned on her that they needed to move sooner rather than later if they could. With the three of them now living together, it would soon be cramped. 
On the way home from the airport, she asked if he wanted to drive by a house that she had been shown by the realtor. She found it quite quaint, and it was the only one out of the four others she had viewed so far that she could picture her family in. However, on the drive, Bill didn’t want to go on any detours with a cargo of cash. 
After Alma placed some of her clothing and a few pairs of shoes in Echo’s closet, there was finally enough room in hers. She called out to Bill, and it took him a second because their daughter still wanted his company. 
“I’ll be back, baby.” He assured her when he grabbed two black packing totes by the front door. 
Despite her grumbling, she listened to him and stayed in the living room with her toys to occupy her. She was looking at the duffle bags he had placed on the bed and was somewhat nervous to attempt to open them herself. It had been quite some time since she had been in the presence of such a large amount of cash. Her gaze turned from her room and down the hallway when he approached. He had since showered and was wearing only charcoal-colored Nike running shorts. His body had gotten even more toned and cut since she last saw him. She averted her gaze back to the bags to avoid openly gawking. They needed to stay on task before getting in bed to break their two-month dry spell. 
“Are those big enough?” Alma asked with her hands on her hips when he placed the totes on the carpeted floor. Bill’s only instruction was to find the biggest totes, and that they were not see-through. 
“Yeah. Open them,” he gestured at the bags with a smirk. 
After his shower, he took the clothes out of them so that Alma could put them away. She unzipped one, and her eyes widened. 
“Fuck.” She smiled brightly. “How much is it?” 
“I got it down to about a hundred fifty.” He said unzipping the other bag. “The other hundred is half laundered through the club, and the other half is in one of the offshore accounts.” 
Alma nodded contemplatively, picking up a band of hundreds, and fanned the edge with her thumb. Bill stood beside her, gazing down. He liked the sight of her amongst the money, and it reminded him of old times. When he would throw cash in the air of his bedroom and shower her naked body. Suddenly, Alma felt the sexual air coming off him, and she looked up to meet his lips already crashing down on hers. His hand started to push her tight tank top up, but she broke away from his lips to get some air and stop. 
“Wait. Let’s–” She began to say, but she whimpered as he caressed her breast, kissed her neck, and held her tightly. He was half holding her up as she got weak on her knees. 
“Papa, come back!” Echo had sneakily made her way to their room. 
Reluctantly, they both straightened up then, and Bill quickly closed the totes so she wouldn’t catch a glimpse of all the money inside. 
“See,” Alma said to him. “I’ll just put it all up myself. You can go play with her.” 
“Let’s just deal with it when she goes to bed.” He suggested as he picked up his daughter, who had her arms in the air, reaching at him. 
“Well, do you like it?” Bill asked her, kneeling by a tote as they stacked the cash in neat rows. She was describing to him the house she thought they could all live in. 
“I mean…” she tilted her head. 
“If it’s not a definite yes, then it’s a no.” 
“I’d prefer if you looked at it too.” 
“I’ll like whatever you choose.” Bill paused, noticing she looked a bit uncertain. “I’ll look at it.” He relented.
“Okay,” she said happily. “How was Gian? When you two hung out?” 
“He was a little bummed, yeah.” He said continuing the task. “I gave him my pull-up bar to have. But, uh, he was fishing a little with me when we had dinner at that new Italian place I was telling you about.” 
“About what?” 
“About Bianca’s boyfriends.” He laughed. “He tried to casually mention them in a way that I would think he actually knew. But yeah, I just said that I had thought she was single.” He shrugged.
“He knows. He just wants confirmation.” She laughed. “He just turned fifteen. He can’t be that naive.” 
“Eh,” Bill lightly grimaced because, knowing him, he still kind of was. 
Especially about the girls he’d talk about, Bill would often steer the conversation into something else when he did. He wasn’t interested in hearing about the pitfalls and follies of teenage hormones.  
“It’s so funny,” Alma continued as she straightened up a row. “She keeps her boyfriends on rotation, and they don’t seem to care either. I was surprised when she got with Rashad, but he wasn’t really down with that in the end.”
Bill paused with disbelief all over his face. “What. What the fuck are you talking about?” 
She got cold, realizing she may have revealed something she shouldn’t have. “Nothing. I’m mixing myself up.” 
“No, no.” He shook his head, looking appalled. “When?” 
“Does it matter? It's over. Don’t bring this shit up to her, okay? You work with her every day. I thought you’d know about it.” 
“I don’t like people at Trigger Finger dating. I had Theo fire one guy in security a few weeks ago because he kept chatting up the girls.”
“Yeah, I know,” she sighed.
“It just makes shit weird. Ask me how I know.” He pointed at his chest with a band of twenties. 
“Oh, shut up.” Alma rolled her eyes. “Bianca, isn’t you, though, is she?” 
“Sure,” he rolled his eyes. “Is it over?” 
“Way over.”
“Christ.” Bill shook his head as he looked at what was left inside both duffle bags. 
There wasn’t much left, so he dumped them in the totes and decided that he’d fix them neatly tomorrow.
“Hey?” Alma was taken aback for a second until she saw the look in his eyes. He wanted her now. 
“Get on the bed,” he demanded. 
She slid onto the bed and then turned around, laying on her back, to look where he stood at the foot of the bed. He had a band of fifties in his hand and began plucking bills from it, tossing them at her. She laughed, and when she took her tank off, he threw the rest in the air and dove on her as the currency floated down around them.
August 9th, 1993
Bill didn’t feel up for anything too special for his birthday. It was just another year, and there was nothing remarkable about turning 32 either. Alma asked if he at least wanted to get a hotel room, but he was indecisive. Until he thought about it and felt that since Darby’s wedding was just two days later, it would be a better place to get ready rather than bumping into each other in the small apartment. 
So Alma booked a room at a new boutique hotel on the bay. When Bill asked why not the hotel where they stayed on her birthday with the jacuzzi, she informed him that Darby and Jennifer had booked that same room for their wedding night. 
“Do they know we’ve stayed?” He asked, amused, over the phone.
“No. I just, didn’t mention it when he told me.” She giggled. 
That morning of his birthday, he woke very early, much to his surprise. Typically, he slept like a rock in Seattle. Alma was lightly snoring against his side, her hand draped on his bare hip. He lay there for a moment. Not reflecting and not bemoaning another year, but rather he felt present with himself. That he existed, and for once, that felt okay. 
Carefully, he reached for his wristwatch on the nightstand next to him. Six a.m., it read. He slipped out of Alma’s arm but quickly halted his movements when she whined in her sleep and shifted her body into a more comfortable position. Silently, he dressed himself for a jog. Running shorts, a gray sweatshirt, and Adidas sneakers. Before leaving, he leaned down to kiss Alma’s head and then left to check on his daughter after using the bathroom. Echo was still asleep, haphazardly lying like her mother with messy curls on her Little Mermaid pillow. 
He jogged the hilly neighborhood for the first time. He gave himself a break on visits, so he never worked out besides a few push-ups here and there. Usually on jogs in New York, he’d think about work, what his next plan of action was, what he’d have for dinner that day, or about his family, who were miles upon miles away. Today, he thought nothing. He just looked at the houses passing by and the cars covered in morning dew in the driveway. In the distance, he could see Mt. Rainer in its morning glory. The way the sun shone a pinkish, orange on the snow-capped mountain was so picturesque that Bill thought it almost looked fake because it was just too beautiful.
On his way back to the apartment, it was hitting him now. He was home. He was 32, he was in love, he was a father, and he was home. Those were the facts about him that truly mattered. 
Bill entered the apartment with his broad chest still rising from his arduous jog back up the hill. Alma was awake, turning the stove burner off as she had finished making breakfast tacos. Their eyes met for a moment until he pulled his sweatshirt off while kicking off his shoes. 
“Come here.” His voice was deep and full of want. 
Her eyes scanned his lean, muscular body covered in a sheen of sweat as she approached, wrapping her arms around his neck. Her cold fingertips seared as they touched his hot flesh. He lifted her onto his waist with little effort, which caused her celestial nightgown to bunch up at her hips, and his hands held onto her bare bottom. As they made out, she could smell the salt of his sweat and the smell of mountain air stuck to his skin that mixed with his natural musk. It made her pleasantly dizzy and ignited a fire in her loins.
The passion with which he was kissing her made her breathless. She broke away to catch her breath, but he continued peppering kisses along her neck as he walked them to the room. In passing, he gently closed his daughter's door and then theirs right behind them. 
Together, they fell on the unmade bed. Alma pulled her nightgown off, and he looked at her nude body with so much adoration that it almost overwhelmed her. His eyes were low, pleading, and grateful. 
“Look at you,” he said, his mouth agape as he stood up to take the image of her all in.
“Look at you,” she said breathlessly, peering up at him. 
“You’re fucking beautiful, Alma,” he softly said so earnestly that she felt her eyes well up. “And it’s all mine.” 
When his eyes met hers again, there was a possessive glimmer only a man as certain as himself could have. She subtly gulped in the intensity. Sitting up, she reached out to pull his shorts off along with his boxer briefs. His socks went too. Bill pushed her long, dark hair back and watched as she adoringly stamped kisses on his abs. Her hand traveled up his side and towards his pecs, resting above his heart. She looked up when he placed his hand on top of hers. Her heart swelled with so much love for the man who had given her everything. 
“I love you so much it fucking hurts,” she said with her cheek against his belly as she peered up at him.
His eyes closed as if he were letting his heart soak up her sentiment. The hand he had on top of hers slid down his torso and flexed his abs for her to feel every ridge and dip of his hardened muscles. She indulgently smirked as he did so, and noticed he was as well. He wrapped her hand around his half-hardened cock that had been pressing against her collarbone. 
“Touch me like you love me, then.” His voice dripped with desire. 
She stroked his length slowly with perfect, firm pressure as they looked lustfully into each other's eyes. Her eyes never broke off as she kissed along his thick shaft. When her lips met his leaky tip, he twitched when her tongue darted out and teasingly swirled around it. Giving his balls a quick peck, he watched her lick his length, starting from underneath the base of his cock. Finally reaching the tip again, she took him fully into her warm, wet mouth. A pleasant grunt came from deep in his chest as she sucked on him while her hand jerked him at the same time. Her moans reverberated around him just before she took him deeper to the back of her throat, holding him there. 
“Fuck,” his eyes shut tight at the feeling as his hand harshly threaded into her hair.
Alma’s hand pushed against his hip, and she pulled her head away, gasping for breath as threads of viscous spit still connected them. She stroked him as she gathered herself. 
“Okay,” she said, taking a deep breath and looking up at him with determination. 
“Ready?” He asked, placing his hands on either side of her head. 
She only responded by taking him back in her mouth again. He steadied her head and pushed himself to the back of her throat. He began thrusting lightly, and he leaned back to look at how she was taking him. Her cheeks were red-hot, tears were clumping her long lashes, and drool was falling onto her chest and thighs. He pulled back, and her eyes darted up, almost as if she wanted to say, How dare you stop? Bill flashed her a crooked, devilish smile and nodded, signaling that he wasn’t going to hold back this time. He pushed in again and began thrusting harder, her throat making sounds as he did so. She was taking it, her cheeks now running with tears at the harsh intrusion. Bill could hardly contain the moans and grunts coming from himself. He could come. Not only from the feeling but because of how obedient she was behaving for a change. She was at his mercy.
He gripped himself and pulled out of her throat, and Alma choked, gasping for air. She was just about to wipe her slobbery mouth when Bill bent forward, now face-to-face. His thumbs wiped at her wet, tear-stained cheeks, and then he kissed her, his tongue plunging into her mouth. His hands traveled down to her waist and picked her up. Repositioning themselves, he was sitting against the headboard while she straddled him. 
She leaned back on her knees and held his cock flush against her lower belly as she stroked it with a flat palm. She looked at him with feigned nervousness. 
“Will it fit?” She playfully smirked. 
He lightly chuckled, both at her and at how insanely hard he was. “Make it fit.” He pulled her up with a firm grip on her ass, making her yelp. 
She placed her feet flat on the bed and positioned him at her entrance as he slowly eased her down. His eyes fluttered closed at how wet she was just from sucking him off alone. She moaned loudly once every inch of him filled her fully. His head dove to one of her tits and latched his pouty lips on a nipple as she rode him. She was bouncing up and down on his length like a pro, even if it was a position she didn’t particularly enjoy as much as him. However, it was his birthday, after all. 
He felt her spasming around him, and her hips bucked irregularly from the up-and-down motion. To help, his thumb began to rub circles around her clit, and she moaned appreciatively. She leaned back, her hands on the mattress behind her, and now she was fully on display, taking him deeply. The sight was so mesmerizing that it caused him to still the motions of his thumb. Alma greedily shoved his hand away, and with the tips of her fingers on her clit now she got herself off on his cock. 
“Baby, fuck!” She harshly gasped as she ground her hips on him. 
“That’s my girl,” he said, looking between her face and where they were connected with a smile. He recognized that she was putting his pleasure before her own. She was insatiable, and he didn’t mind that she always wanted to get hers too.
He could feel her slick, velvety pussy flutter and pulse around him, and he sucked air through his teeth. Wrapping an arm around her, he positioned himself between her legs now and plunged back inside her. Both of them sounded out in pleasure. Alma reached up, putting a hand on his cheek as he thrust into her. His white gold chain swayed over her head. He opened his eyes to see her jaw slack as rapid, shallow breaths escaped her, her brows furrowed, and her eyes welling up again. The vibe changed suddenly.
It was as if everything stopped, and only they existed at that moment. As if everything around them went dim, and they were under a spotlight. A fearsome heat radiated between them. There was a look of bewilderment and awe on both their faces. They were chest-to-chest now, holding on to each other as if the other would vanish. His thrusts met resistance, as she was tightening so much around him. Moans filled the room, but it was as if they came from a distance. It felt as if there was something otherworldly happening while they were connected in full-body ecstasy. As if they flowed into one another. 
“Bill,” Alma choked out. “I. I’m–” 
His hips rocked into hers as she had her ankles crossed over his back. Their bodies moving in one motion.
“Come with me, baby.” He grouted out.
Their joint climax was electric. Hot white lightning flowed between both of their bodies as if they were one unit. Fully collapsing on her, he slammed the mattress by her head with the side of his fist before gripping the sheets while her fingernails dug into his shoulder blades. Even after he had released all he had inside her, he languorously rutted his hips, not wanting this feeling or the connection to end. Even if they were both so sensitive. 
They held onto each other, gathering themselves and evening their breathing, and suddenly the forgotten world opened up again. The morning birds were chirping, and the sun shone through the sheer black curtains. Dust motes danced unbothered in the light streaks. They were lazily kissing before they begrudgingly disconnected to cuddle. Caressing and tickling fingertips across tingling skin. He tipped her head up by her chin and smiled at her. She was still all blushed out, with pouty lips and low bedroom eyes. She thought the same, observing him. 
“I love you,” he said to her softly. 
“I know.” Her cheeky grin, looking a bit goofy, still on a high. 
They went about at a relaxed pace on his birthday. They arrived at the boutique hotel, and while checking in, Alma asked the young, college-aged woman if her delivery had arrived at the hotel. 
“Yes, ma’am. It’ll be waiting in the room for you.” She took a glance at Alma’s accessorized fingers. Covered in rings, some even on her middle knuckles, and she thought it looked cute. 
Bill had been off to the side with Echo, who had taken an interest in the white grand piano in the center of the lobby. 
“What delivery?” He asked as he picked Echo up. 
“You’ll see,” Alma smiled. “Don’t get your hopes up too high, though.” 
The bellhop, who had taken their luggage to their room, was standing outside the door in wait. Alma thanked him and smoothly pulled a loose fifty-dollar bill from her back pocket to tip him. A lost bill she had found still stuck to the sheets. Once she opened the door and let him and their daughter step in, he turned back with an amused smirk. 
“You’re making me feel like I’m one of your good-time girls,” he joked because usually he does all the work when it comes to hotel stays. 
“Yeah, yeah.” She laughed as she walked past him to open the curtains further. “Do you like it?”
Bill looked around the very nice and modern suite. The carpet felt plush beneath his feet, and the bedding on the king-sized bed to his right even looked as if it were pressed. Before joining Alma, he looked to his left towards the little living area and saw what he could of the large bathroom.
The room windows faced the water, the sun shone on the rippling waves, and boats were leisurely sailing the bay. They stood there, taking in the scene before them for a moment. 
“When did this place open?” He asked.
“Around the beginning of the year, why?” 
“Why didn’t we stay here on your birthday then? This view is legit.” 
“The other place had a jacuzzi.”
“Hm. Fair.” Echo was squirming in his arms and kicking her legs to be let down then. “Alright, honey.” He sighed, placing her on her feet. 
“No, no,” she whined. “Bed!” She pointed. 
“Say please, Echo.” Alma reminded her as she made her way to the tiny kitchenette, where the delivery sat on a counter.
“Bed, peeze?” She said, looking at him with her sweet hazel eyes.
He sat her on the edge of the bed and held onto her leg before she crawled on it with her shoes on. Once he took them off, he set her free. He watched as she crawled to the middle and then rubbed her face into the soft duvet. 
“Comfy!” Echo exclaimed, pleased.
“Echo,” he said lightly, chuckling at her behavior, and she turned her head. “Thank you?” 
“Tank yew.” She said snickering. 
“Good girl.” He turned towards Alma, who was inspecting something in a white pastry box. “Is that the delivery?” 
“Yeah!” She said excitedly. “It looks so rich!” 
Bill stood beside her and inside was a six-inch round chocolate mousse cake covered in glossy coco ganache and decorated with ribbons of dark chocolate. Besides Bianca's cupcake, he hadn’t had a birthday cake in such a long time.
Bill couldn’t remember much about his very early childhood. Suddenly, the hazy memory of his late mother lighting previously used birthday candles on top of a single slice of chocolate cake resurfaced in his mind’s eye. She was leaning with crossed arms on the table, smiling brightly at him. It was clear that there was only a slice for him. They didn’t have a lot of money, and she had most likely picked it up from the grocery store bakery. A discounted piece from a sheet cake they failed to sell whole. Even if they had to pinch pennies they didn’t have for it, she made it possible on his special day. The memory stung with how abruptly it presented itself and how quickly it faded.
“Doesn’t it kinda make you want to,” Alma playfully pretended to plunge her clawed hand into the cake. “Do you like it?” She wondered. “Maybe you wanted a pie or something different?”
Bill swallowed. “It looks really good. Thank you,” he said, kissing the top of her head, and avoiding her lips. Keeping Alma from registering the strange expression he was certain was painted across his face. 
The memory appearing that way was jarring, but he decided to let it go while they lounged around the suite having room service for a light lunch, and after an eventual family nap, Alma decided to get ready for dinner. 
They were only going to a steakhouse. Nothing fancy, but she wanted to change her jeans into a skirt and refresh her makeup. She walked in from the bathroom, putting on her hoop earrings, where Bill and their daughter waited in the bedroom. He was holding her up by one hand and gently crashed her down on the fluffy mattress with added sound effects, and she just couldn’t contain the boisterous laughter coming from her little body. 
Alma smiled at them. “Should we do the cake now?” 
Bill took a deep breath. “Before dinner?” 
“It’s alright to be a little naughty sometimes,” she smirked. “So that Echo could have some since we’re dropping her off at Yolani’s after?” 
“Oh, alright,” he said, catching Echo in his arms, who impulsively launched off the mattress into them. 
They gathered in the living area, where there was a small table by the window. Echo sat on his lap while Alma leaned in from the other end and placed three birthday candles in the center of the chocolate cake. 
“Could I see your lighter?” She asked with her hand out. 
Bill nodded, reaching into his front pocket for his gold zippo lighter and passing it to her. While she lit them, this scene before him felt so similar to his memory. It was different, of course. He had a whole cake now, and it was the woman he loved before him. Suddenly, he realized every decision he made in life, even the most fucked up ones, led him right where he needed to be in the end. It didn’t make sense how he could be so lucky, but he wasn’t going to question it for fear it would run out if he did.
While she would have if he asked, she omitted singing the happy birthday song to him. They just felt too cool for that. 
“Happy Birthday, Billy,” she smiled. “Make a wish.” 
It felt like déjà vu hearing those exact words. When she said it, he swore he heard his mother's voice just underneath hers. How could Alma know that this cake would bring this emotion in him? To know to say those exact words? He only just rediscovered the memory himself. He licked his lips nervously, but at the same time, he composed himself well.
“Really?” He chuckled.
“Or don’t?” She said amused. 
“Hm. How ‘bout you make a wish, Echo?” He said, pointing at the lit candles, which were melting quickly, as he looked down at her. 
She smiled, overjoyed, as if she thought they’d never ask, and closed her eyes tightly, making her parents lightly laugh. When she opened her eyes, he told her to blow out the candles. She tried her best, and ultimately her father had to discreetly help. 
“Yeah! Good job!” Bill praised her, which made her clap her hands excitedly. “What’d you wish for, baby?” 
“You can’t tell, or it won’t come true,” Alma said, tapping the side of her pointer finger to her lips. 
“It’ll come true,” he said, tickling her side. “Go ahead.” 
Echo looked between her parents, conflicted because she would really like to tell them. So she peered up at her dad, who was giving her approval to reveal it, and pointed at the chocolate cake before them. 
“Cake, Papa.” She said it like was so obvious, which made her parents laugh. 
The Darby Wedding
Alma was doing her makeup, getting halfway ready during work on the day of Darby and Jennifer's wedding. It was Sunday, so at least the shop closed early. She would be working for a solid four days while they had a staycation for their first days as newlyweds. Their honeymoon wouldn’t come until the following spring. 
Today, her body finally felt in order, with some help from an over-the-counter pain reliever tablet. Her lower back and the muscles in her inner thighs were still sore, though. It felt worse after her and Bill’s night in the suite alone. Even if she knew she was going to surprise him with anal, she got a little ahead of herself. It had been a very, very long time since she had done that, besides a finger or a tongue being in that territory. While he was gentle, and they used plenty of lube, it still took her breath away. For once, she was happy he came quickly. 
Alma was leaning on the circular cash counter, her hand propping her head up, and looking at the store clock. It felt like the minute hand was dragging on purpose. It was only Ash and herself working, as she let one of the teens off the clock early. Ash was asking her another payroll question, catching her attention. She started training her last week to replace herself. Once the shop purchase was finalized, she was going to delegate herself to entertainment and booking.
Alma was halfway through explaining when the front door chimed, and they both turned towards it, annoyed by whoever walked in just before closing. 
“Shit,” Bill said with his hands up, meeting their icy stares. “It’s just me.”
“Good to see you again, Bill,” Ash said, with a nod.
“Hey, Ash.” He turned to Alma and could tell she wanted to know about their kid. “Dropped Echo off with Yolani, already.” He leaned in to give her a peck on the lips. “She was actually very excited to see her. She hardly said bye to me.” He lightly laughed, even though she kind of hurt his feelings.
“She’s not coming?” Ash asked them.
“Mm. No.” Alma said. “Besides, if it’s lame–” 
“We can use her as an excuse to leave early,” Bill said. 
“Ah, I see,” Ash laughed. “Baby scapegoat.”
“Eh, I mean, we’ll stay a bit if it's not.” Bill looked around the shop, seeing that it was empty. “Is it slow?” 
“It’s Sunday.” Alma raised her brows. “We’ve done all the closing stuff. We’re just waiting for the clock to hit the hour.” She sighed. 
Bill looked at his wristwatch. It was about thirty minutes until closing. “Just close.” 
Alma peered up at him. “You’re not the boss, yet.” 
“Hmph.” He puckered his lips and walked over to the neon open sign to turn it off. “Not yet. But no one's here to stop us.” 
Ash began to gather her things under the cash wrap, eager to leave and get ready herself. They were currently missing the ceremony, but at least they’d make it right on time for cocktail hour. While she knew Bill wasn’t exactly her boss, he was right; no one was going to stop them. 
“I’ll see you two there.” She was just about to punch her time card, but Alma stopped her. 
“I’ll be able to pay you the full hour.” She clarified, which she appreciated. They were still on Lewis’ dime, after all.
Cocktail hour at the Darby Wedding was held just outside the large event tent on the green grounds. The hedges and garden beds were shaped and pruned to perfection. Alma was holding onto Bill’s arm as they approached a cobblestone pathway. She paused, looking wary at the uneven stones and the thick gaps between them, revealing the earth. She was wearing high-platform heels and was worried about tripping. When Bill helped latch the thin ankle straps, he warned her again that they would be in a garden, not on flat grounds. She didn’t listen because they looked good with the long Belgian silk slip dress that he gifted her. To wear it well, it required some height.
“Just hold on to my arm tighter,” he said, feeling her trepidation. “I won't let you fall.” 
She gripped his bicep tightly and took steady steps while he walked at her pace. He had dressed in a black blazer, a gray mock neck tucked into pleated black trousers, and his Louboutin chelsea boots. He got ready in hardly any time compared to her, who still needed to fix her hair, which she chose to put in a sexy updo.
They weaved through wedding guests and servers holding platters of bubbling champagne flutes and hors d’oeuvres when they found their record shop friends. Ash had beat them there and was wearing an evergreen bohemian dress that looked great on her complexion, and her locs were put into a neat bun to show the heavy, intricate earrings she had on. She spoke to Ulyssa and Gregory, who were shoving hors d’oeuvres into their mouths. The two of them had the munchies, clearly.
Gregory looked a bit put together in his button-down with a bolo tie and trousers that fit him well thanks to Ulyssa’s help. She was in a cornflower blue Betsy Johnson dress that she had bought on a shopping date with Alma a few weeks ago. Her bleached hair was grown out, revealing dark roots, and was styled in a choppy, textured pixie. It was the most hair Bill had ever seen her have since meeting her. 
“Hey!” Ulyssa said, waving at both of them from the standing table they were at next to a bushel of violet roses.
They joined them, and suddenly a server approached and took their cocktail orders. Alma eased her grip on his arm, as she was now stationary for the time being. While Ulyssa described the ceremony and mentioned how beautiful Darby and Jennifer’s vows were, Bill peered down at Alma, gauging her reaction. She was only attentive to her friend's retelling, but nothing more. 
After two drinks and Ulyssa hoarding hors d’oeuvres in a random sandwich baggie she found in her tote bag, guests started queuing to enter the large event tent. Once again, Alma held on to Bill tightly. He peered over heads to see inside the tent and informed her that they had laid flat event flooring, to which she was relieved. Before entering, Bill was asked if he’d like to check his blazer, and he quickly said no on reflex. In New York, he never checked his coats because his gun was typically in a hidden pocket. Even without it, he still unconsciously operated as if he did. 
They entered the dim, cozy, lit tent. Twinkling lights above and flickering candles on dinner tables. Pink and cream-colored fabric was draped from the pinnacle of the tent and pinned to line the walls cohesively. At the far end were a pianist and a violinist playing calming melodies in harmony as guests filtered in.
They were seated at a table reserved for those who worked at the record shop, and took no time to choose one of the three meal options on the menu. Steak and baked potato with a side of sautéed broccoli. Grilled chicken fettuccine alfredo with a side of roasted asparagus and a sourdough roll. Salmon with a lemon-butter caper sauce on a bed of white steamed rice and a side of roasted rainbow carrots.
The menu was impressive and Matt, who had shown up late because he picked up two teen coworkers, Chrissy and Donnie, expressed as much.
“This is fancy as hell!” He said, earning some side glances from guests seated by them.  
Bill looked around and wondered just how much this wedding cost. The food alone was quite a lot. He was calculating in his head, but then he took notice of all the other guests. Besides cousins, siblings, and friends, the other guests were a bit older, maybe aunts, uncles, or colleagues of either of their parents. Darby and Jennifer’s union meant their generational wealth would combine, and some were here to witness the merge and get happily drunk about it. 
He caught Alma looking around then, too. She took notice of the nearly three-foot-tall ivory cake decorated with a cascade of pink roses that the wedding party sat by. He gazed over at her again, and while she looked at the decor appreciatively, she looked rather neutral. Bill was going to propose to her once he found the right ring, but what their actual wedding would look like, he wasn’t so sure. They had the money for a similar wedding but not the number of guests to invite, making it worth it. 
“Very pretty.” Alma slightly smiled at him, feeling his gaze. “A lot of people.” 
“Mhmm.” He said, rubbing her cool silk-covered thigh underneath the table. 
Everyone at the table was lightly speaking about this and that while waiting on their dinner, when Bill decided to look around at the guests again and noticed a group of older men, clearly ones with money, with intrigue. 
“One more bleach and tone and I would have been bald again, but worse,” he heard Ulyssa say to her friends.
The older men had tumblers of whiskey in one hand and cigars in the other, obnoxiously laughing with one another. One thing about being in Seattle he didn’t particularly like was that he didn’t really have any pull here. He’ll have to schmooze for it. While it was annoying, he wasn’t above getting what he wanted. His gaze turned towards the entry as he tried to give the table his attention again, but suddenly he abruptly let go of Alma’s hand, who had been holding his in her lap.
Her brows furrowed, looking at her empty hand with confusion, and then at him for his rudeness. He straightened up in his seat and even scooted a few inches away from her. 
“Bill?” She said in a harsh whisper. 
“Don’t look at me like that.” He told her under his breath, causing Alma to take offense, even if his tone wasn’t one of condescension. “Your boss is here.” 
Alma's back snapped against the chair as if she were being cornered. Bill discreetly pointed in Lewis’ general direction. He was indeed there with his wife, Helen. However, they sat with the Seattle elites, then relegated to the Sheisty Sound Record employee table. 
Alma swallowed. “But. But he introduced us. You know me.”
“I do know you. But we can’t touch. I’m sorry.” He frowned apologetically as he scratched his temple. 
She took a deep breath to settle her quickened heart rate. “Okay.” She nodded. 
No one else at the table seemed to notice Lewis’ presence except themselves, whom they kept an eye on every so often. Once dinner had arrived at their table, they relaxed, as he seemed to be focused on the meal just as much as everyone else was.
“Do you want to taste the pasta?” She whispered to him. 
“Mm,” he paused, leaving the bite of salmon he speared on his fork as he peered towards Lewis and saw him occupied. “Hurry.” He said, quickly trading forks for a taste of each other’s dinner.
As Bill ate, he realized he’d have to approach Lewis first. If he came up to the table, there were just too many chances for someone to slip up and mention or allude that he and Alma were a couple. Besides Ulyssa, Ash, and Darby, the others knew he was in the middle of purchasing their place of employment, but not the intricacies or the scheming behind it. 
After dinner, there was still a whole hour of wedding points on the reception timeline. Such as Darby and Jennifer's introduction to their reception. It seemed as if they chose to have dinner together in private up until that point. Then came their first dance to At Last by Etta James. Once they joined their wedding party, drinks began to flow, and soon after, the toast and speeches by family and friends came. The last speech was given by Darby's mother, who was quite drunk as she slurred and did an awful job of holding the microphone to her mouth to be heard. Maybe it was for the best, and ultimately, his sister stepped in to cut her off. 
“Well… alright then,” Ash said of the awkward moment and held her drink up so that everyone could tap glasses with hers. 
Bill scooted back in his chair and acted as if he was tying his shoe, even if they didn’t have laces to speak to Alma directly. “I’m going to go talk to Lewis.” 
Alma looked ahead to keep from looking at him. “Well, wait a second. Darby and Jennifer are coming over.” 
“Hey, guys! Thanks for coming.” Darby smiled in his three-piece tuxedo. 
“Was the food good?” Jennifer asked in her big ball gown of a wedding dress. She looked like a princess with her Hollywood waves. They looked great together, especially with how giddily in love they seemed. 
Everyone was talking over each other to congratulate them and shower the newlyweds with compliments. 
“Darby,” Bill said, as he was just next to his wife, who was taking all the compliments and dishing them back. 
“Yeah, man.” He said, turning to him. 
“Those guys over there where Lewis is. What are they about?” 
“Ah,” he raised his brows. “Money.” 
“Eh, well, I’m sure you've met patrons at your other establishment who maybe... don’t operate ethically.” 
“Right, right,” Bill smirked.
“A few of the guys there are my uncles. The main one, talking to Lewis, likes me.” 
“Got it.” He nodded. “And congrats, man.” 
“Thanks! After all this, I can finally get my neck tattoo. I’ve been holding off for the wedding.” 
“He’s been chomping at the bit,” Jennifer said, turning her attention to her husband now. 
Together, they left to greet others, and the DJ started playing tunes. He was actually surprised this crowd was getting up to dance, but everyone had been generously watered with cocktails. Even Matt began to chat up the older women who had given him disapproving stares earlier, making them blush and laugh.
“I’m going.” He said to Alma. 
She inconspicuously squeezed his hand before he left her. “I love you.” She smiled. 
“I love you, too.” He caught himself leaning in to kiss her, but she turned her head quickly. “Shit.” He chuckled under his breath, running a hand through his hair to play off his affections. “You just look so pretty.” 
Her eyes darted towards him disapprovingly. “I have a boyfriend, sir.” 
“Will you dump him for me?” 
“Get out of here!” She chuckled, nudging his knee with hers under the table. 
When Bill approached Lewis' table, he spotted his tall frame and happily waved him over, offering him the empty seat that Darby’s uncle once occupied. Quickly, he introduced his wife, Helen. She was a white, blonde, and blue-eyed woman. She looked great for her age, but Bill suspected that she may have had help from some tasteful Californian cosmetics.
“Nice to meet you,” Bill said, shaking her hand with ease. 
“And nice to meet you!” She smiled. “And Lew’ this is—” 
“It is. Bill is the gentleman who is purchasing the record shop.” 
“Oh, how lovely of you!” Helen was relieved that they wouldn’t be attached to the place anymore. They had made memories there as a family, too, but it was time for them to spend the rest of their days with margaritas and beach days under the Mexican sun instead of Malibu. “I’ve heard a bit about you.”
Oh. Shit… Bill thought. 
“You’re from New York. You have a daughter?” Bill nodded, relieved, even if being from New York wasn’t entirely accurate. “Oh, she’ll have so many good memories growing up around the record store. Our babies bring up fond memories all the time.” Bill found it endearing of her to still call her grown children babies.
“Yeah,” Lewis smiled, patting his hair down. “So. I’m glad to see you here.”
“Darby extended an invitation,” Bill explained. “I visited a few times after the show, and well, now I’m here.” 
“Good deal. I saw you seated with the others from the shop. I’m glad you’re getting to know them.”
“Yeah, me too.” 
They were speaking a bit about some minor hiccups with the sale. Mostly on the slow process of licensing and the dreaded roof. Helen had somewhat checked out of the conversation then and chose to watch the dancing wedding guests illuminated by colorful party lights. 
“Oh, hello!” Helen cheerfully greeted. “You two look so lovely!” 
“Thanks,” Alma smiled as she stood next to Ulyssa. “You look great too!” 
Inconveniently, the route to the bathrooms had them past Lewis’ table to get to them. It would have been rude not to greet them in passing.
“Ah, this old thing,” she said of her modest plum-colored dress. “You’re too sweet. Did you bring your little girl with you?” 
“She’s with the babysitter tonight.” 
“My twin sister,” Ulyssa added. 
“Oh, it’s always good to have an evening to yourself sometimes. Actually, I find them to be important. Don’t forget to do stuff for yourself when you can.” 
Lewis noticed Bill glancing a few times at Alma and Ulyssa while they spoke to his wife. He turned towards the two employees and quickly greeted them before they went on their way. 
“Have you spoken to Alma much?”
“Uh, yeah, a little.” He nodded.
“Besides Darby. You’re going to want to keep her. She, uh, she’s very good with money, if you get what I’m saying. She’ll keep the place booked.” 
“Right, right. That’s good to know. I’m not planning on letting anyone go, though.” He assured, as it seemed that Lewis was wary, that he would lay everyone off even when he said he wouldn’t. “Ulyssa is great too.”
“A little odd, I think, but I agree. I’m hoping the transfer of the shop and such is settled before the holidays. If it happens earlier, even better.”
“Yeah, same. Just trying to get everything squared out.” 
“Of course.” 
“Uh, before I become a bother—” 
“Oh, you can sit here for as long as you like, dear,” Helen said, taking a sip of her prosecco. 
Bill gave her an appreciative, purse-lipped smirk. “Thanks. But, uh, why me and not one of these guys to sell the place to?” he asked, nodding his head toward the obnoxious men close by.  
“Well. Have you taken a good look at those jokers? It’s the pot calling the kettle black for sure, but a few of them there are ancient.” He laughed. “The Californian partners were too aloof for me. But, eh, what I’m saying is, well, it needs someone young like yourself. The year 2000 will be here in six years. When you’re old like me, that’s just around the corner. Hell, this year alone is basically over. It’s coming in no time at all. And well, you emailed me. No one else did. I know I stink at answering the phone.”
“That’s putting it lightly.” Helen retorted. 
“Okay, honey,” he sighed, patting her hand. “I know email is relatively new,” he continued. “But you seemed more determined to reach me by doing that. More modern.” 
“Hmm. I see. Well, I’m glad it was me then.” He lightly laughed. 
“For sure. I think you’ll be really good for it.” 
Bill dismissed himself and, by luck, Lewis mentioned that he and his wife would be leaving shortly.
“Past our bedtime,” Helen winked at him. “You’ll get it one day.” 
Going back to his original table, he noticed Alma hadn’t come back from the bathroom. He heard his name being hollered over the loud music. It was Darby calling out to him with his hands cupped around his mouth. He had ditched the tuxedo jacket and was just wearing the vest and his sleeves pushed up to his tattooed forearms.
“Hey, you want to meet the old fucks?” He chuckled as Bill approached him. 
“Oh yeah. Sure.” He laughed with him. “Have you seen Alma?” 
“Uh, no man.” He said apologetically, to which Bill just nodded with worried furrowed brows.
They were all rambunctious even at their age, but it might have been the help of the scotch loosing up their old bones. They weren’t all so old though, but they were the loudest. All of them huddled and crowded two tables, where plumes of heavy cigar smoke rose above them. He was introduced to two uncles by Darby when there was a slight opening. Through the haze of smoke, he noticed Alma and Ulyssa sitting with the men.
His eyes met Alma’s, and he gave her a strange look, while she sat there smoking a cigarette and lightly laughing at whatever joke the thinning gray-haired man next to her had said. Ulyssa sat there incredibly uncomfortable, seemingly thinking of a reason to dip out of the situation. This was a side of Alma she hadn’t ever seen.
Bill recognized, then, that she had noticed him noticing them earlier in the evening. She wanted to know what these men were about, too. And she knew how to get information that a man like himself just couldn’t. Ulyssa sat there, turned off by the underlying crudeness in their liquored words and their demeanor. Their leering eyes that Alma opened herself up to and invited. If it weren’t for their setting, this group of men would have felt a lot more dangerous. She turned towards Bill, wondering if he was upset with his girlfriend's open flirtations, but he was given a glass of scotch by a server replenishing the others and was speaking pretty amiably with Darby’s uncles. He was unbothered. 
“Sorry. What was that?” Alma said, leaning toward a gentleman to hear better or to reveal more of her cleavage. Both, mostly likely, Ulyssa thought. 
“I said, surely you’re taken, darling!” He laughed, deepening the creases around his eyes and with old, yellowed teeth on display.
“Oh? Lucky for you, I just dumped him this evening.” She playfully said, making him and the men around him laugh.
Ulyssa's eyes darted towards Bill with worry. However, he had overheard and smirked before biting his lip as he listened to Darby’s favorite Uncle Harold. Alma playfully bantered back and forth with the men next to her, and she noticed now what she was doing. Asking about vacation spots, asking about what cars they drove, and playfully asking who was the real boss at the table. To which they laughed and started lightly arguing amongst each other about who had what. Which further revealed more information she hadn’t realized there was a question for. As Alma played along using her provocative wit and body with these nauseatingly unsavory men, Bill was there, listening. Gathering. Ascertaining who was worth his time to bother to even know. 
They were like vultures as they worked the table for the best pickings. For Ulyssa, it was vicious to see. It was also the most captivating thing she had ever witnessed. It was ruthless—even merciless—and these people had no idea. One thing was quite clear to Ulyssa if it hadn’t been before, that these two people, Bill and Alma, were those who always got exactly what they wanted and weren’t afraid of the lengths to get it. 
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zvaigzdelasas · 11 months
[Morocco World News is Moroccan Media]
29 Jun 23
In December 2020, a month after the end of the ceasefire between Morocco and the Polisario, then-President Donald Trump declared U.S. support for Morocco’s sovereignty over Western Sahara. The recognition contravened the United Nations’ position, which considers Western Sahara a “non-self governing territory,” a euphemism for a colony. In return for U.S. support on Western Sahara, Morocco joined the Abraham Accords, a series of diplomatic deals brokered by Trump and his son-in-law, Jared Kushner, that resulted in the United Arab Emirates, Sudan, Bahrain, and Morocco normalizing relations with Israel. Since then, Rabat has gone from having covert ties with Tel Aviv to becoming its open ally, and Israel has sold at least 150 drones to Morocco.[...]
Since 2020, the two countries have implemented a long series of economic and military agreements beyond the sale of drones. For the first time, Israeli troops from the elite Golani unit participated in Africa Lion, an 18-country joint military drill in Morocco, which completed on June 18. In 2021 and 2022, respectively, Gantz, Israel’s then-minister of defense, and then-Head of Israel Defense Forces Aviv Kochavi visited Morocco and signed several military deals, including a $500 million contract for the delivery of the Barak MX missile defense system to Rabat. Early this year, one of the Pentagon Discord leaks allegedly revealed that the system was scheduled to arrive in Morocco in mid-2023. Morocco is reportedly also in advanced negotiations to receive Israeli Merkava tanks. Rabat and Tel Aviv are also cooperating at an intelligence level. Morocco has widely been reported (and accused by other countries) as one of the most eager users of the Pegasus spyware developed by the Israeli NSO Group. Meanwhile, economic cooperation is booming. According to U.N. data analyzed by The Intercept, in pre-Abraham 2019, trade between Israel and Morocco was at $70.7 million. In 2022, the figure reached $178.7 million, and Tel Aviv has declared it is targeting $500 million. From 2019 to 2022, exports from Israel to Morocco increased tenfold, from $3.8 million to $38.5 million. Western Sahara plays an important role in the love story between the two countries. In 2021 and 2022, two Israeli companies, Ratio Petroleum and NewMed Energy, obtained from Morocco rights to research and potentially exploit two separate offshore blocks in the Atlantic Ocean just off Western Sahara’s coastline. Moroccan local news also announced Israel’s Selina group would soon open a hotel in Dakhla. For Morocco, foreign investments in what it considers its “southern province” mean external recognition of its claims on the territory.[...] In March last year, WSRW reported the first shipment of phosphate rock from Western Sahara to Israel. Erik Hagen, board member of WSRW, told The Intercept that the cargo was very small, and it is the only one they observed toward Israel. OCP, the Moroccan company extracting and exporting phosphate rock in Morocco and Western Sahara, hasn’t replied to a request for comment about the episode.
1 Jul 23
[Atalayar is Spanish Media]
As part of the US Senate debate on the National Defence Authorisation Act (NDAA) for fiscal year 2024, a law that supports the Armed Forces, modernises the Air Force and strengthens US national security, Arizona Democrat Senator Mark Kelly proposed integrating the Royal Moroccan Armed Forces (FAR) into military exercises led by the US Central Command (CENTCOM). Part of this law states the need to assess threats in order to reduce those related to Iran's nuclear capabilities: 'It seeks to improve coordination between the United States and regional partners to counter the shared threat from Iran by supporting Morocco's integration into military exercises led by CENTCOM', as reported by media outlets such as Yabiladi and Morocco Latest News.  The operations carried out by this body seek to "improve coordination" between the US giant and "regional partners" in order to counter the threat posed by Iran to the whole. The US Central Command is one of nine unified security commands within the US Department of Defense and is responsible for US interests in 27 nations, operating in the Middle East, Central Asia and South Asia. [...] Morocco is a permanent partner of the US Africa Command (AFRICOM) and an important player in the annual 'African Lion' exercises, in which a large number of African nations cooperate with the United States to promote defence and security against threats such as jihadist terrorism and organised crime. Now, it appears that Morocco may be close to joining the US military command in the Middle East (CENTCOM), and in addition to the scheduled AFRICOM exercises, Morocco may be called upon to participate in exercises organised by the US military in the Middle East region, thanks in part to a proposal by Senator Mark Kelly. [...] With this possible entry into CENTCOM as the second African country after Egypt, Morocco, a great ally of the United States on the African continent, would thus strengthen its military and security cooperation with the US and, by extension, with other allied partners such as Israel. This privileged position gives Morocco the option of having access to an important market for weapons and technology produced by the US and Israel, which further strengthens the Moroccan military.
1 Jul 23
27 Jun 23
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gemstone-gynoid · 2 months
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while i just got started producing solar panels and accumulators, i was watching my electricity graphs. as i dont have enough accumulators to cover the night deficit, the boilers kick in to full production. i realize i can just slightly stockpile steam in excess steam engines for more juice. after taking this screenshot i just added a row of tanks on either end so even more steam is stockpiled during the day. the ratio is 1 offshore pump can fill 20 boilers that provide steam to 40 steam engines, but that's full capacity. if i'm producing more steam during the day, that can be kept for night. luckily steam doesnt condense on it's own in factorio
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girlactionfigure · 7 months
ISRAEL REALTIME - "Connecting the World to Israel in Realtime"
Afternoon Nov 14
🔸DRONE ATTACK - ACCO… 9:55 AM.  Intercepted offshore.  Hezbollah from Lebanon.
🔸ROCKET STRIKE with Injuries, Ashkelon, 11:45 AM  2 men in their 30s moderate condition with head injuries. In addition, 2 anxiety victims were treated. Hamas from Gaza.
🔸MISSILE - EILAT… 12:44 PM.  Smoke from a strike outside populated areas.  Likely from Yemen.
🔸ROCKETS from Gaza… 1-1:20 PM, short range, Gaza surrounding towns.
◾️TULKARM (Samaria)… 14 hours of battle, gunfire, explosions, IDF drone airstrike, bulldozers, still in progress.
◾️HOSTAGE HORROR… In the area where the hostages are believed to have been held in Rants hospital in Gaza, a knife covered in blood was found. Forensic investigators of the Israel Police will examine it with the aim of gathering additional insights about the abductees who were held there. (Doron Kodesh, military correspondent)
◾️GAZA BATTLES… Heavy exchange of fire in the west of Beit Lahia, north Gaza. IDF has taken control of several Gaza government building.
◾️LEBANON BATTLES… anti-tank fire x 3, artillery returned.   IDF attacking Eitaron in southern Lebanon.
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