tsukana · 11 months
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mayakrish08 · 9 months
Percy Jackson And The Olympians: The Series
Alright fellas, buckle up for the rant. I can’t believe it’s week 4 already and that we are 5 episodes in. I’m gonna start with the current episode. The story is slowly picking up pace, and BOY I loved this episode. The fact that this episode has the FIRST HUG and the FIRST SEAWEED BRAIN are good reasons for that. Another being the way Annabeth dealt with the situation, and how she admitted that Percy was better than her. It must have taken a lot. It’s been… what, a couple of days, and that guy is tilting her world from its axis. Being a self righteous daughter of Athena, and finding yourself with an impulsive guy like Percy? Ha. The most unlikeliest pair, but let’s not forget their parents, hmm? At least their kids don’t have the emotional range of a teaspoon. And I remember thinking that Percy has made Annabeth cry in a matter of few hours. ANNABETH and CRYING do no go in the same sentence that easily. I also remember thinking that Percy was sooo… Percy! “Where is our ride?” And “You think you know me, but you don’t” and ohh, the ultimate, “It’s… smelly.”
Ares was a douche, but I loved his aesthetic with the black leather jacket and the motorcycle. Felt like he jumped right outta the book.
But but, can we like talk about Grover? Ma Man SLAYED it! IS SLAYING IT actually! The way he dealt with Ares, holy gods!! RESPECT!! He was such a SMOOOOTH CRIMINAL! “Pottu vangardhu,” we say in Tamil. That’s exactly what he did with Ares - getting the information he needed from Ares, but in a way that satisfied Ares’ ego. Ah Grover is such a badass. “So, thank you for the emotional abuse and the cheeseburgers. We will take you up on the ride too.” DAAAAMMNNN DUUUDDEEEE!! Ah I feel in love with him right from the consensus song. {Muttering “Oh Golly, the road’s gettin’ bumpy}
Speaking of, that episode was really good too! I loved how Grover kept deflecting every question, how Percy kept questioning the hierarchy, and how Annabeth was constantly rolling her eyes at Percy, BUT they still didn’t give up on each other, and Grover snapped, and hey! They are finally bordering on the friend zone.
Ah, I wish current Percy and Annabeth could revisit their initial years. Or, I keep thinking, how would House of Hades be, with this cast? *Snort* Ironically, when I think about that, it feels like we are JUST five episodes in. It also makes me feel awed because… We may as well be watching these kids grow up! Like, sure, there will be PLENTY of new characters (Personally, after seeing Hephaestus, I can’t wait for Leo), but Percy and Annabeth are going to be constants, even more so than Grover! So, that means, we will be watching Leah and Walker grow, and we will have a chance of coming back to the first few episodes and coo at how small they are. Gosh, watching the cast interviews now makes me see the difference already!
There is one thing with this series: I keep forgetting the book! It feels like that, certainly! I mean, I don’t remember the Golden Throne thingy, nor did I remember the way Medusa was killed! While the scenes fit the series’ storyline, it is making me doubt my demigod-ness 😭 I also think Gabe is too… decent in this series. He is… MUCH worse in my head. Ugh.
All in all, I think they are doing a good job. At first, I was a bit skeptical, but after watching a certain review of a certain YTber I follow, my perspective changed for the better. Like, she is the perfect Demigod and Witch! Finally, someone I can totally relate to!! Check out her content!
Alright, I am gonna wrap up the rant for now. But I am planning on posting a review every Wednesday, because I NEED PEOPLE TO TALK TO ABOUT THIS DAMMIT!!
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snstse · 9 months
Finished watching S3 of the Walking Dead game series. I remember watching a play through years ago and not liking it much… but watching a play through by a different YTber gave me a different perspective. Or maybe it’s ‘cause I’m older that I ended up having a diff opinion.
Either way. I’m glad Gabe lived. He’s a bit of a shithead, but like, he’s getting there. I can’t hate on teen or child characters much TBH. Javi and Kate are okay too.
I liked how Kate is so straightforward and how she never really faltered in her feelings. Maybe she’s different if you pick the nonromantic options, but I felt like she was the most clearheaded. Also, I loved her VA. She has a beautiful voice.
David… I pity him in the sense that I pity the fact that he convinced himself that he wasn’t capable of change. I can’t say good riddance—I don’t think he deserved to die—but, like. Yeah. I feel sorry for Javi, mostly. David was so insecure and took it out on him, and everyone around him.
Tripp… Okay, I accept his apology. Too bad they just killed him off right away lmao. Honestly, he was really everywhere IMO. I feel like he warmed up to Javi way too fast (saying he could trust him with his life), when they’d only known each other for a few days… and then the apology after, like. I feel like he cooled off way too quickly. Then again, I suppose the trauma of nearly being killed would change someone lol.
Ava… She was cool and very level and helpful. So disappointed she’s just… killable. She didn’t even get to reunite with Clem, which is sad! (She died first in this play through.)
Eleanor… Oh my god, she pissed me off. Like, did she (and Tripp) fucking forget how Joan’s raids killed their people too!? (And did Tripp forget how Joan raided their town!?) Like, yeah, Javi might’ve been the unfortunate catalyst—but, like, it was Joan’s plan! I cannot believe she and Tripp were, like, maybe we’ll join Joan! Like, fuck offff.
Jesus… He can ride a horse and use a katana. Telltale deprived him of screentime, because he was too high-spec.
Clementine… Poor baby. Also, very awful and anti-climactic way of killing off Kenny. Yeesh. And Clem trying to spin David as Not as Bad as You Think felt like a very weak attempt to try to grasp at sympathy for a character who was not endearing in any way. Ofc, I get that Clem is just so relieved that AJ is alive that it overrides anything else. Plus, she shot David after, so.
AJ… He’s so cute, ugh. Baby boy.
Joan… Perfectly hate-able. There’s always gotta be some raging, greedy asshole. I like how useless Clint was lol. Some kind of system you got there… I also like how IDK few(?) her appearances were? She showed up the perfect amount and exited at the right time lol. I like villains that don’t overstay their welcome.
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skybristle · 2 years
so like when watching a polish ytber play fucking GARRYS MOD hide and seek on a map which is really cool and it looked like some sort of heist or. like a robbery. which gave me the idea of Latte and Espresso being criminal sibiling except that Latte is the one that like, hacks into systems, knows layouts of building and gives espresso missions and Es is the one that just mostly does the job of stealing shit. right. and like i absolutely love the idea of criminal twins au. also espresso has nevef actually killed anyone either knocked them out or didnt do anything and one day he just noticed a certain pretty blue eyed blond haired boy that makes a small talk with him, es gets pretty annoyed and excuses himself to the bathroom to talk to latte through the comms and is absolutely blushing FURIOUSLY LIKE I MEAN THAT and hes like 'LATTE THERES A PRETTY BOY HERE I DONT WANNA MAKE HIM SAD HE LOOKS LIKE GRAND MADELEINES SON AND HES PRETTY AND CUTE AND SHIT' and latte is giggling like a dumbass on the other side like 'idiot you dont have to do the heist if you dont want to' but es is like 'i mean idk you told me this is important but the pretty boy.?' and like. when espresso gets back to their home his mind keeps wandering over to madeleine?? and like I HAVENT DECIDED WHATS NEXT I THINK WE'LL FIND OUT BUT ITS ONLY BEEN LIKE A FEW MINUTES SINCE I THOUGHT ABOUT IT.
Alternative alernative universe where he DOES do the heist and madeleine ends up also being evil (THEY DIDNT KNOW!!!!) and helping espresso and latte and shit, and espresso just changes and warms up to madeleine over time to the point where he doesnt wanna steal anymore and wants to make a normal living and they all just ended up teaching in parafedia, madeleine just there to help around. AND ALSO!!! LATTE MEETS SUNDAE AND SUNDAES STUFF HAPPENS HOW DOES THAT SOUND
im legit so sorry that this ask is so long oh my god
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pinkbarefacedbeauty · 4 years
Call it for what it is....
If what happened had happened somewhere else outside of America, media and social media would be quick to labelling whatever group that did it as terrorists. Keep it a 100% and don’t be hypocritical. These were homegrown terrorists. If any other political group or ethnicity did what they did, they would have been labeled thugs, terrorists, etc. These were TERRORISTS. 
These were not patriots and not proud Americans, these were terrorists determined to undermine democracy by any means necessary which resulted in death and injury to many because of what they ‘believed’ in. 
You can be a republican and not a trump supporter. My issue is not with the actual true republicans, but with trump supporters. I am glad Trump’s account was finally banned, I hope it stays that way.  This man has incited or supported violence on multiple occasions and it was always given a pass. 
Then some of these same people were butthurt when Trump did a video condemning their actions. They weren’t butthurt when Trump was offending every other group and ethnicity, but the minute THEY are called out, all of a sudden they are in their feelings. I can’t respect people like that. 
I heard they are planning another raid. If it happens again, the police should do their job and mow them down like they would have done if it was any other group.
The police that posed for photos should be fired and banned from government/taxpayer positions. (I did hear that some of the terrorists dressed up as cops which is a crime and disrespectful to ‘the men in blue’ that they always said they supported. In fact one died directly due to their actions).
“Only us can help us!”- said one terrorist. What does this mean? Help you do what? Destroy the democracy making it that only YOUR vote matters and no one else's? Trump lost plain and simple. You weren’t complaining when Trump lost popular vote by millions but Electoral college decided to vote him in.
They love calling Trump a true leader, but for the life of me, I can’t see it. He doesn’t hold himself as a leader would, doesn’t act as a leader would, doesn’t speak as a leader would, doesn’t have the qualifications of a leader, doesn’t sound or look like a leader. Everything he stands for is the opposite of a leader and a patriot. 
I am one of the main ones in my household that doesn’t like President Biden as I did former president Obama. But, in no way possible can you say that Trump is on a higher or same level as Biden. Biden is wholly more capable, intelligent and qualified.
Then I see people waving confederate flags along with the American flag. Those two flags don’t go together. You can’t be a proud American but fly the confederate flag. The confederacy split from America and murdered countless Americans. In the end, they lost and America was one again. If you can’t support America fully, then what is their favorite saying?? GET TF OUT!.
These ‘patriots’ are the same people who were also chanting ‘hang mike pence’ ,attempted to kidnap officials, hanging nooses everywhere and other deplorable violent behavior (oh but it’s not about racism, huh?). If they keep calling themselves ‘patriots’ I am going to be convinced they are talking about patriots of the devil’s kingdom. Because you can’t be talking about America and God. 
Trump started this. He called them down there and then he and all of his lackeys incited violence, then they bounced. Him and his family all bounced and then turned right around and condemned the very actions that they knowingly incited. You can’t even say there were insurgents started violence because Trump is the one that advocated for it and then they all went and followed. They even brought guns and bombs. In what world are these not the actions of terrorists??? 
Edit:.........they smeared feces on the walls. Uhh Isn’t this what monkeys and apes do?? I wouldn’t expect ‘patriots’ to desecrate our U.S capitol like such. smh.
On another side note, the actions of the few idiots, is going to hurt the majority. I guarantee that eventually this will result in a control issue. The government has already been trying to control the public as far as what we can post and get paid off of. This will hurt youtubers as well more than usual. Look at where youtube started to how controlled it is now. Why is there a yt kids if they’re just going to overly control what people posts. As long as it is not real life violent or threatening, then who cares if a ytber slips a couple curse words. 
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kae-karo · 6 years
today i watched an old dnp gaming vid where they played popjam and there was a moment where phil noticed he wasn’t in the ytber collage and it was mentioned at end where dan was like oh tell us if you got us if you did the same ones and phil was like oh i probably wasn’t one of the answers since i wasn’t on the collage and im :(( poor boy it got me sad he deserves all the love in the world
oh my god okay first of all yes phil deserves everything he is a blessing and a lovely human but i also find it interesting to compare how dan reacted then and how i think he’d react now? like this was in 2015 right so like. common at the time was dan sort of laughing off stuff like that, exactly like he did in the vid, maybe teasing phil for it. i genuinely think we’d have a joking-fond reaction now? like dan being like “phil, you should be the biggest face on the collage, you’ve literally been around yt since before the dinosaurs” or “can you believe phil basically started youtube and they had the audacity not to include him?” like subtle shade @ the app, subtle support for phil, overlaid by like. that teasing tone he tends to take when he’s being serious but trying not to sound too serious.
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alien: isolation, 2014
quotes, some actions + some youtuber reaction quotes
replace [+name] with your muse’s name, replace [-name] with my muses name, replace [^name] with a random muse’s name, change pronouns if necessary, ladeda you get the drill.
“ i know why you’re working in the region that she went missing. you’re still looking, aren’t you? “
“ [-name], it’s certainly not ‘good’ and i very much doubt it’s ‘morning’ either. “
“ uh, have you seen [^name]? he’s probably been up for hours. “
“ well, i don’t really need as much sleep as the rest of you. “
“ hmm, hadn’t noticed. she’s a skilled executive though, should help us with any legal issues we might encounter. “
[“all personnel to the bridge. approaching sevastopol station.”] “ looks like we’re up. “ ( bold over speakers )
“ does everyone have their briefing documents? “
“ is that damage? “
“ it looks like damage. “
“ looks like the dry-dock bay is screwed. “
“ [STATIC]..waits, colonial marshal..[STATIC]..sevastopol station..[STATIC]..serious situation..[STATIC] “ ( over radio )
“ my contract doesn’t cover bloody space-walks.. “
“ [-name], [^name], HOLD ON! “
“ shit. “ ( context: fire comes out of something/something blows up )
“ the torrens..! i’m here! i’m right here! VERLAINE! god damn it! “
“ this whole damn place is falling apart.. “
“ i think i need this more than you do. “ ( taking a maintenance jack from a dead body )
“ stay. still. “ ( a gun is pointed at my muse’s head by your muse )
“ now, turn around. “ ( connected to previous quote )
“ yeah, there’s something on this station. something you wouldn’t believe. “
“ a killer! you get it?? “
“ what’s in it for me?! “
“ how do i know i can trust you? “
“ let’s go, sweetheart. seegson comms is in the systech spire. it’s quite a distance, but we can get to a transit through the freight area. “
“ was that you following me back there? “
“ hey, don’t move! “
“ they’re just some assholes, we don’t have time for this. “
“ i-i’m sorry, good luck. “
“ everyone’s running shit-scared, keeping to their own. safer that way. “
“ i’d appreciate it if you told me what the hell was going on. right now. “
“ listen, darlin’. when we get to the ship we can kick back, braid eachother’s hair and chat all you want. “ ( ooc note, ironic because axel has no hair at all )
“ yeah, when we get to my ship. i need to know what’s going on. right fucking now. “
“ i ain’t seen it, but it’s here. picking us off one by one. “
“ shit, we need to move! this way, get down! “
“ this is bullshit, man! we should be looking for a way off! “
“ then we shoot the crap out of them! now shut up, you’re making me nervous. “
“ i ain’t pulling your chain, darling. you want to go and say hello? it’s your funeral. those guns aren’t for show. “
“ everyone’s turning on eachother. the fear..it makes people crazy. “
“ you’ve been living here? “
“ i hate this place. “
“ [name], is this it? “ ( by a vent )
“ quietly! “
“ sevastopol not quite what you’re expecting, eh? “
“ [-name], behind you! “ ( someone’s behind my muse )
“ this is about survival! do you understand?! “
“ what have i got on me?? “ ( there’s a liquid dripping onto your muse’s arm from a vent above )
“ w-what the hell was that thing?! “ ( your muse witnessed someone dying to the xenomorph/the sevastopol drone )
“ an access tuner..she was trying to hack the elevator’s security. “
action: send 🕸 for your muse and my muse to get into an encounter with the xenomorph.
“ please take a seat. someome will be with you shortly. “ ( ooc note, honey no nobodys gonna be with me shortly everyones dead )
“ apollo has the situation in hand. your registration is almost complete. “
“ you are becoming hysterical. “
“ good day. “
action: send 🤖 for my muse’s reaction to being chased by a working joe android
“ [-name]! you’re alive, it’s [+name]! “
“ okay. [-name], listen to me, it’s not safe here. seegson’s got this place locked tight. their goddamn androids are killing people! “
“ and there’s something else here. a creature, it’s big and it’s lethal. “
“ it’s a lifeform, an unknown type, some sort of alien organism. it’s extremely dangerous, you need to... “
“ the radio is broken, i can’t contact verlaine. we’re on our own. “
[“ unauthorised communication. please wait to be attended by a member of seegson personnel.”] “ shit. “
action: send 👾 for my character’s reaction to your’s dying to a xenomorph attack. optionally, specify a way for your muse to die. ( impaled by it’s tail or a headbite )
“ [-name]..? is that [-name]..? “
“ ‘we’? do i look like i’m in any fit state? “
“ i need your help, and you need mine. you find the passcode for the service elevator, and then i’ll come down to the hospital with you, okay? “
“ damn you, [-name]! you knew that thing was here! “
“ of course. of course. a promise is a promise. i’m sorry for putting you through this. “
“ oh god. “ ( after seeing yet another person die )
“ shit, i think they’re dead. i think they’re fucking dead! check the camera feed! “
“ how can i help you? “
“ just keep the noise down, okay? “
“ identify yourself. “
“ is there anywhere safe left on the station? that creature’s running around and the seegson synthtics are less than friendly. “
“ someone’s shut everything off. “
“ maybe we’ll be safe here. for now, anyway. “
“ but you sure as hell found something else. what happened out there? “
“ let’s take it slow, i want to get to that beacon in one piece. “
“ don’t worry. if it’s a distress signal, they wouldn’t have lasted. which means we get the salvage rights to anything we find. “
“ check out those rock formations. bizarre. “
“ ain’t nothing natural about this place. “
“ hello? hello? can anyone hear me? “
“ yes, [-name]. me. you son of a bitch. you locked me in. you blew the lab into space and- “
“ i had no choice. no choice at all! you saw that thing! you saw what it could do! i had to get it off the station! by any means necessary. “
“ yeah. use me as bait. leave me to die. “
“ there’s that. and there’s the fact you’re a heartless bastard. i’m heading back to the bureau. we can discuss your methods there. [+name] out. “
“ he’s a ruthless son of a bitch. always has been. stubborn too. if he’d ever listened to me, things would never have gone this far. “
“ i’m sorry for fucking up with the lockdown earlier. “
“ sit tight. lock the fucking doors and don’t let anyone in. look after me. i’ll come back for you. “
“ in charge? in charge of what? a room of dead people?! this is fucked up! “
“ right. then i’ll have to find a way to talk to apollo directly. “
“ i don’t have time for this. “ ( ooc note, GO SAMUELS GO )
“ nothing. just more shit on this station fucking up. the usual. “
“ yes, far too dangerous. wish me luck. “
“ [-name], DON’T! “
“ you talk like i’ve had an actual life. i...thank you for that. “
“ you did that for me..? “
“ i wanted [-firstname] [-lastname] to have closure... “
“ turn off the electrics, take some deep breaths, squeeze...easy.. “
“ i am not coming up there to pull you out if you get stuck. “
“ huddling up to a live conduit is gonna hurt though, right? “
“ i’m going to catch you. “
“ come with me, please. “
“ it isn’t on the damn station! “
“ you’re from the company. tell them you don’t give a shit and to do what you say! “
action: send 😥 to see my muse’s reaction to having to crawl through a small vent
“ going dark on comms, [-name]. this isn’t good. “
“ waits really did a number on this place.. “
“ i will find you, you know. “
“ oh fuck! [^name] forced an overload...the ship’s going to tear itself apart! “
“ torrens. torrens, this is [+name] on the station. are you reading me, [-name]? “
“ oh god, [^name], oh no.. “
“ [-name], i’m heading up to the bridge now. “
“ this is [+name], last survivor of the nostromo, signing off. “
youtuber reaction time! some ytbers may have less quotes than others, shh
“ but..it’s not the alien that’s the most dangerous part, is it? or is it actually. “ - 8bitryan
“ i’m too stupid to press a button my dude. thank you. thank you for pressing a button for me. “ - 8bitryan
“ oh, we gotta wait for the agonisingly slow elevator, huh? “ - markiplier
“ shrjdjdhdn access tuner! what a dumbass! “ - markiplier
“ crouching is gonna be my new favourite pastime activity. it is! i’m not gonna do anything else. “ - fxgamerofficial
“ stop it with the loud horn orchestral movements! alright?! there’s no need for it, mozart. “ - fxgamerofficial
“ that scared the shite out of me. “ - fxgamerofficial
“ what was that for then? whhhyyy- why did the music decide to do that to me? i’m only in a locker, it’s not that exciting for a crescendo like that. “ - fxgamerofficial
boom! first post done. i’m so cool and pog /j
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clyde-wy · 5 years
[spoiler talk of The Master of Doom marvel comics]
I'm still having a hard time believing Marvel would go and accept a story, or more so a character, like the Marquis of Death.
The extremism of this man is unbelievable. Marvel really went from likeable ppl like Thor and Captain Amerikanksi to "ok so this dude brings the dead back to life" "oh what a nice dude" "to torture them" "bro deadass?"
Worst of all? Even though the Marquis has a great, symbolic death, one of his powers is ressurection. He might come back, he might not...I guess it is left to your own interpretation. I like to think he is coming back. He wears his name like a king. It truly fits the man's mentality. The Marquis of Death. I ain't seeing him dying for good anytime soon. He embodies death but also so many other dark themes.
Before I start going off, I wanna say the story takes place in our world, where superheroes are characters, totally unreal persons.
First off, we all saw the discrimination in X-men movies. We all know how mutants are treated by humans who dot understand them. But here? It is taken to a whole new level. Obviously, he is so powerful that he can't control his powers. So much so actually, that he revived his dead father and brought all the people in town to his house by mind control without even him knowing about it. His mother, not caring about how much it also affected her son, broke a vase on his head, making him go to a catatonic state and then sent him to a psychiatric hospital where he wasn't allowed ro have his comics with him. So what did he do? Yeah you got it. He made the vilians of the marvel comics come into the real world. Galactus shows up, Thanos too.
What's really sick about this is that his friend Toby goes into the Wyncham house and finds portals that lead to Earth-616, where the superheroes are real. After being saved by Spider-man, he tells him that he knows everything about him because he saw his stories in comic books. Toby later comes back the real world with all good guys behind him like "oh yeah".
What's even more epic is that Clyde Wyncham becomes the Marquis of Death when his other friend Jerry dies and his mother wants him to use his powers to revive him, but he still doesn't know how. But instead of saying "I don't know how to", he says "I can't". That's the interesting part of the life of Clyde. He doesn't tell him mom that he doesn't know how to use his powers for good, he tells her that even though it is for the good reasons, he is ready to do something terrible just because she's the one who asks, just because it would mean she uses him and his powers when she feels is right; and for what she did, he finds it unacceptable.
Clyde Wyncham Jr. becomes the Marquis of Death. He is made into it. He doesn't want to hurt anyone, but he is forced to. His latent sadism is born after trying so hard to fit in society despite him being a mutant.
The story has a lot of plot twists but no plot armor (God forbids), and overall good writing. There's also, as previously mentionned, a lot of symbolism to be taken into account. We cna draw parallels with the Joker and how one individual, who tries so hard to just be a random person, is made into a monster. It is beyond me that the story was almost unknown before famous ytbers (God bless), talks about it. You can sometimes interpret it the way you want to, but it wil shock you. This is why I wanna thank Marvel for accepting a tragic but also epic story like the one of the Marquis of Death.
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