yuseirra · 5 months
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**persona 3 spoilers**
yukari in the answer
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beastblade69 · 3 months
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he-calls-me-kitten · 7 months
Sugar, Spice and a Tempting Vice
VA! MC x OM! Characters
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"Hey Levi, any new game recommendations for me? I just finished the last lot of books Satan suggested." You asked, plopping down your head on his shoulder to look at his screen.
"M-MC! You have to warn me before you do such things!" He muttered, his ears turning red as he scrolled some webpages pages for you. "But okay yeah these are the new games that are out recently... see anything you like?"
"Oh my God! It's out it's out!" You pointed excitedly at the screen. "Pretty Little Things is out! Finally!! I was dying to tell you all about it!"
Levi visibly stiffened up. "You-you were waiting for this particular game to come out? Are you sure it's not another game with a similar sounding name?"
"Nah uh this is the exact same one. Look up the list of voice actors in this game!"
"Yes! This was the new part-time job I couldn't tell you about since it was still in production! Im so glad you can just play it now!"
"...it's uh ready for download on all platforms already...so which character did voice?"
"Oh spoiler alert, my character is the only one that doesn't have a name, you have assign me one, the same way you name yourself. They even designed the characters to resemble all the VA's and add in some of their personalities, isn't that sweet?"
"Hahaha y-yeah definitely sweet! I'll be sure to check it out soon!"
"Great! Lemme know what you think of the game okay?!" You squeezed him in a small hug before you left.
Later in the Demon Brothers only group chat:
Asmo: OMG are they OKAY?? Should I go check up on them in their room!?!
Satan: I'm already on my way.
Belphie: Is MC hurt in anyway?
Beel: Did they pass out from hunger?! I can bring them emergency snacks right away
Lucifer: Can you lot not lose your minds everytime MC is mentioned? Pathetic. Levi, calm down and tell us what's wrong.
Beel: But Lucifer I just saw you hurrying up the stairs to MC's room too...
Satan: Typical Lucifer. By the way, MC is perfectly fine, happy even. Levi what are you on about?
Mammon: Yeah MC can't stop smiling! It's a good thing that happened, you idiot! Why would you scare us like that?
Asmo: Omg apparently MC voice acted in a new game! Levi I need you to download it for me ASAP please!
Beel: Me too, please.
Belphie: Me three.
Lucifer: I've already done it, you all can do it yourselves if you could do your own work for once.
Satan: Oh shut up, MC just did it for you right now as they did it for me.
Levi: It's a Dating Simulator. With multiple H-rated DLC endings. And MC is one of the dateables.
Levi: Hello?!! Did you guys not see my message?!
Levi: Seriously no reaction?! You guys aren't freaked out by this?!?
Beel: I just heard several doors opening and closing at once.
Asmo: Oh come Levi, I think you already know what our reaction is Levi ♥️ How can we possibly hold in our excitement after such a news!?
Levi: Are you all downloading the game together?!!! Y'all are hogging the bandwidth too much, my download speed has gone way down!!
Simeon: Hey
Simeon: I heard some demons in a cafe, raving about a game where MC plays one of the main characters?
Solomon: Indeed MC just sent us all a link right now.
Simeon: Oh is that so? I'll get Luke to help me download it after he's done with his.
Levi: Luke is playing it too?! I don't think it's appropriate given it's certain hidden endings!!
Barbatos: MC already made sure of it. He only has access to the sibling and friendship routes. It's a special version they added for all ages.
Diavolo: It already has downloads in the ten thousands. I'm really glad to see how MC is beloved by Devildom.
Levi: Are NONE of you affected by the fact that there are erotic routes with MC's VOICE?!!
Solomon: Oh I personally cannot wait hear my adorable apprentice's performance.
Barbatos: Ahem. I'd rather not comment on it.
Simeon: Same.
Diavolo: Same.
Levi: Sigh. We really are just a helpless lot at the mercy of MC.
To be continued...
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directdogman · 2 months
Greetings Mr. Man
Any updates on the progress of Rodger DLC?
Oh, yeah! Sorry, I usually just share small, informal updates in my discord server and leave the larger ones to my socials. But, i've been working on it diligently! So here's how things have been going as of late:
I finished 4-5 new pose-sets over the last couple of weeks. One of the new pose-sets is a variant of one already in the game and one is a brand new set for an existing character. Two of them are cameos for characters who've been mentioned but not seen yet (one of them in particular I'm quite excited about, as it features Norm's body model with a rotary phone I physically bought for this cameo!)
Including Peter + Roger's new pose-sets + the new variant I mentioned above, the route has 9 new pose-sets, the most of any route afaik. I'm on the fence about making a 10th, which I might do in the new few days (as there's a fun cameo I've got a few different ideas about how I'd show it on screen.)
The backgrounds are basically all done (just finished another yesterday), the ending slides are all done bar one (though one also needs a mild edit to show Gingi's regrown tail since there's a time-jump.)
Right now, I'm going over the whole script once more and trimming a few parts, adjusting dialogue here and there for a final layer of polish. I got the 'evil' half of the route done earlier today and now I'm doing the 'good' half! The early route is playable in-game and when I'm happy with the last layer of proofreading, I'll be making a major push to finish implementing the rest of the route.
All of the art for the route (minus that one ending slide I mentioned) is finished. A few collaborators of mine finished projects recently and are gonna be working on stuff while I push forward with programming the remaining scenes, including a few new tracks on the OST, a new 3d model for the route and some voice acting for Roger (which obviously won't slow me down as I'll be working alongside them!)
Yeah, the next 3 weeks are gonna be pretty hectic for me. I'm about a week or two behind my own schedule but I'm gonna be pushing to at least have a test version ready for around the end of August. Obviously it's very difficult to predict exactly how long the rest of the route'll take, but just know that I'm busy + working! Roger's route should be out before the Mingus plush campaign goes live, if I can keep my current pace up!
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praise-suns-and-chill · 6 months
On another post a few comments, mine included, had a little chat about what Mashita's thought proccess could have been, during the Confession in the second game.
So I decided to write a little One Shot about it!
This includes Spoilers for Case 7 in Death Mark 2, as well as the DLC of Death Mark 1.
"I'm not gonna be surprised by anything that comes out of his damn mouth." 
He was really eating those words now, huh. 
He could only stare with eyes ripped open as Yashiki explained, his words as trembling as his hands, his eyes avoiding everyone else. 
In fear of judgement? 
This was wrong. 
This was wrong on every level. 
He was never one to stick to rules but this? 
Mashita couldn't even speak at first as Yashiki just continued explaining. No, there had to be something else, every second now he would mention that they did find that girl again alive, there had to be more, there had to be. 
This was wrong. 
But there wasn't. 
There wasn't and he looked as guilty as ever. Having just confessed. 
To murder. 
"You must be kidding me." 
Words uttered in pure disbelief. 
This wasn’t happening. 
There is no way. 
"To think you'd kill someone..." 
Actually, he didn't want to think about that. Not a single bit.  
Yes, everyone had the potential to murder, he knew that better than most, but this was Yashiki. Compassionate to a stupid, suicidal degree Yashiki. 
"Don't blame him for that! He was controlled by the Departed!" 
Oh great, the brat was talking. Mashita glared at her out of reflex alone. 
Why the fuck was she so defensive anyways? Nobody would react like that after their best friend just got killed, what kind of weirdo was this girl??
"Insanity or not, murder is still murder", he snapped back, before his eyes stared back at Yashiki. 
He felt more like he was the one going insane, his mind completely elsewhere as old training just kicked in. 
It was the only thing that made sense right now. 
"Article 199, a person who kills another person is punished by the death penalty or life imprisonment or for a definite term of no less than five years." 
He felt sick of even thinking of this as an option. He rattled down those words out of pure habit, as he had many times before, in the Academy back in the day and his job later. 
"I'd slap the cuffs on you myself if I had them with me." 
He should, but he wouldn't. Why was he saying that, he wouldn't, because Yashiki would never kill anyone. 
God fucking damnit. 
His heart was racing as fast as his mind, his entire body tense, ready to spring at the threat and yet violently rejecting the very notion that there was a threat to begin with. 
Wrong wrong wrong wrong wrong, wrong, fuck! 
But Yashiki? 
Everyone else, maybe. 
He'd believe Shou, not planned but in affect, too impulsive. Ai too, stronger than she looked, against a stalking fan maybe. Daimon? Doctor, there was always a chance of malpractice. Yasuoka? That old hag definitely had a skeleton in her closet somewhere, if only because she dug it up once because the bones had some weird powers. 
The man who watched the only friends he had get attacked? 
The man who watched his friends get controlled to attack him? 
The man who watched half his friends get cursed into a coma and nearly die. 
The man who was nearly killed himself by the same goddamn spirit.  
The same man who after ALL THAT, still trembling in shock and trauma, barely aware of his own body, STILL refused to think about himself, just for fucking ONCE. 
The same man who looked at a dead spider, the remains of that goddamn spirit and still decided to show compassion to it before ANYTHING else-! 
Of course. 
And his body instantly relaxed, as did his mind.  
It didn't make any sense, possession or not. He would never do it. So he didn't. 
"...Let me just say one thing." 
It wasn't like him to get distracted. He had nearly forgotten what case they were even working on. 
"The law only applies if the victim is human." 
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errorwarblesrr · 1 year
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No dlc, unless if this is a Nintendo lying to us moment. Though the last quote makes it sound like they're ready to move onto the last game. I was hoping to maybe learn more about the other 3 dragons, the Zonai, and upgrade the master sword (and see Kass again), but oh well. With the middle quote, tho personally I'm ready to move on from this iteration of Hyrule, I love them, but I'm ready to move on.
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reilleclan-blog · 4 months
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They are just dancing ur honor
um i genuinely love this series i think the devs made a game not to "hype up" their main character which a lot of games and story telling does, but they made a game about changing and perspective and I respect them a lot for that. B/c these are just ppl trying to survive not superheroes or op characters. Not that there's anything wrong with stories like that i just think stories like that have gotten old.
So yes Ellie changes Abby changes but I still love the characters a lot , at times I wished Ellie stayed with Dina but I'm like maybe that's just what she needed to do to finally change/let go of the past and further more forgive Joel. It was heartbreaking to see Ellie leave Dina cause I loved their dynamic and how often does unrequited love work out lol. But I don't blame either one for their choices I was upset with Ellie but it is what it is. It makes me think like "yes this person has changed but they are still the person I knew. So do I want to keep them in my life or let them go" kinda thing.
And all power to the audience but I think ppls discourse of the game was a little biased. Everyone hated Abby which yes she killed Joel. (Oh yeah and everyone was being transphobic and homophobic in general) and then a lot of ppl were mad Ellie didn't kill Abby(this is just a lot of shit I saw ppl complain about when the story was first released) but no one really talked EVER about a lot of the symbolisms or "coincidences" that happen thru the game.
Like the switch blade and little Ottie the elephant(i think that's its name) symbolizing the innocence of a child and showing Ellie whos changed and had to kill over the years
Or the fact that Abby is shown in a Halloween store on the "Seattle day 1"(when showing Abby after Joel's death) reminding me of the left behind dlc and they play around in a Halloween store . Or the parallels of Owen and Abby's relationship to Ellie and Riley when they were younger. And one friend wanting to explore but the other is trying to go back home.
Ellie and Abby both having tank tops on during their final fights lol not that important but yah. There's more but that's all I can remember right now I gotta play the rest of this game on grounded I know I'm gonna get my ass kicked playing that shit. I ususally play on story mode cause I want to enjoy the story lol but sometimes I know I can play on normal I just don't be feeling like it.
I'd honestly give this series a 10/10 it was amazing to experience very heavy subjects and topics talked about mostly is revenge worth it or how much are u willing to change for it.
Also Abby being so caring for the two young Seraphites was so nice to see her being "motherly" and sweet to them but also gruff with the way she talked. And honestly I got a soft spot for Abby idk is it the muscles? Lol and I saw someone say Dina carried her relationship with Ellie I'd say "yes and no" I think they had a lot of "let's clear the air" but never did that b/c Ellie probably didn't want to talk about it and/ or they weren't ready to talk about it. And Ellie was trying so hard to act like nothing was wrong but it clearly was wrong. So yes they were happy together but couldn't let go. I said this already but Ellie was like a warrior that couldn't leave the battlefield cause that's all she was used to. But she didn't really "try" to be happy either. All the killing and murder and brain trauma I doubt a couple months would cure u of the fucked up shit. Trying to heal from trauma takes tim on e but she didn't really give herself that either .. so idk
Also I woke up to a pic of Ellie's leather strap shotty having 20 ppl interact with it so thank u I didn't think much of the post lol I did like the pic a lot tho. I think it's just tlou stuff is super popular either way thanks
This is a lil jokey joke but THEY HAD TO NERF ABBY JUST FOR THESE MFS TO EVEN STAND A CHANCE AGAISNST HER THAT IS SO FUNNY TO ME. ELLIE GOT A DAMN BLADE FIGHTINF A MALNURISHED ABBY BRUH. Lol Abby was just so cold and cool I loved her bruh. But on god if Dina had died cause of Ellie idk if I could've forgiven her character lmao.
Also please I don't care about shipping ship whoever u like I really don't care I don't want to see ppl arguing about ships please. I liked Dina and Ellie but that don't mean I wasn't sad for Jessie losing his girl he clearly still liked Dina lol. I'm just saying I'm very neutral when it comes to shipping characters don't argue with me argue with ya mama
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tobiasdrake · 1 month
Oh hey. After almost a year of people pointing out that Earthrealm is a sausage fest, they're finally bringing in two female Earthrealm characters!
Yeah, there's been this weird division up to this point where men are from Earthrealm and women are exclusively from Outworld, which also has men too. But the new Khaos Reigns DLC ON SALE IN SEPTEMBER aims to correct that! So, who are we going to see?
Sonya? Nah, she's still banished to the kameo realm for reasons unknown.
Cassie Cage? Jacqui Briggs? No, those are characters from the future, they wouldn't make sense next to young and vibrant classics like Johnny Cage, Havik, and Takeda Takahashi.
Kira? No, they're trying to flesh out the Lin Kuei and she's Black Dragon. I'm not sure the Black Dragon even exists anymore. I think Liu Kang just deleted the U.S. Special Forces and Black Dragon from reality and purged all associated characters. We're talking about Lin Kuei here.
Frost? Who's Frost? You made that one up.
No, the women they're bringing in for Earthrealm are Cyrax and Sektor!
What do you mean, those are male characters reskinned female? No, you're crazy, those are female Earthrealm characters. Always have been. Netherrealm is, at last, ready to explore the stories of some of the brand's iconic Earthrealm women. ^_^
(The funny thing is, you can feel the hand-wringing and "My mom's making me say this," with this decision. Like. They want to stop getting reamed for making the whole female gender exclusive to elves, vampires, and demons.
But they're still the same people who made the creative decision to banish all women from Earthrealm. They aren't going to suddenly decide they like Sonya overnight. Cyrax and Sektor are mech-suited cyborg enforcers whose identities and genders don't really matter, so they're kind of perfect for a gender-flipping compromise with the creatives' own unexplained sudden disdain for female human characters.
We've gone from "Sonya technically exists as a kameo! Johnny Cage can equip her as a special attack he can throw at enemies! Therefore, we are representing Earthrealm women!" to "Cyrax and Sektor got gender-swapped so we are representing Earthrealm women!" When this doesn't make the criticisms stop, the next step will probably be to release Cassie or Jacqui as a continuity-free DLC character like Ghostface or Homelander.)
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skyplayssplatoon3 · 4 months
There's theories running around about the end of the Sizzle Season Trailer hinting to a massive FinalFest where Squid Sisters, Off The Hook, and Deep Cut are all against each other
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What do you think about it? Is it our Idolfest, or something else?
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hawktalonflame · 4 months
Assorted impressions of Monster Sanctuary Nuzlocking so far:
I’m doing Hero Mode (one monster per area, handled for you by giving you a random egg) and Permadeath, as well as Relics of Chaos (find rare- but not overpowered - equipment).
I’ve just fought the alchemist in the Sun Palace; my playthrough is still in progress. At this point I’ve obtained 10 monsters with 2 deaths. Current team is Spectral Lion (Leah), dark Dracozul (Weyr), Frosty (Lumos), Asura (rename pending), Amberlnga (Dewy) and Koi (Kori).
Team related
You start with a spectral familiar and 2 other random monsters
Comic/art-wise, fights move more quickly than Pokemon battles (meaning a lot more happens in a turn, it can still be a marathon at times), but the team each playing vital roles in battle and supporting each other is a good character focus. I like the shielders! such lifesavers
The eggs can hatch into DLC monsters, champions and evolved species– I hatched my G’rulu and Dracozul already evolved. You also don't need to have encountered a monster or be anywhere near its route to get its egg. Abilities seem to work immediately, too, unlike New Game+.
You still get given a free Koi egg! this is not random or area-based as it's necessary for progression.
When a monster dies, its equipment goes back into your inventory.
You can still use dead monsters’ travel abilities, so you can't get stuck. They just look normal in-game but imagine riding a ghostly mount...
What happens if your spectral familiar dies? they have speaking lines!
Losing a monster feels unsettling as it can leave a hole in your team. For example, I just lost my G'rulu healer/restorer (RIP Zoidberg) and I have two monsters in reserve capable of healing but... my team was set up to work together with his passives and multi-debuffs....
According to my spectral familiar: 'The level of enemy monsters is directly based on the number of rooms you have entered that have Monster encounters inside of them'. If I understand correctly, skipping wild fights eventually makes your level fall behind, while fighting everything new puts you maybe a little ahead.
Also: oh hmm I just found the difficulty option in Settings haha... I'm doing Normal. Looks like you get to change that after you start playing rather than when you're setting the mode.
You have your first keeper ('trainer') battle with up to 5 monsters vs Will's 6.
Keeper battles are few but much more serious than wild battles, which become pretty routine once you’ve got a good team going. It’s easy to think you’re ready for a keeper battle but then you lose a monster (painfully aware of a couple moments where I could’ve lost two or three in one turn, if I hadn’t remembered oh yeah, MASS HEALING ITEMS) (I wonder how likely it is to end up with less than 3 monsters... that sounds like a game over scenario)
You can trade a set of rare items for an extra monster; it seems like a late game option. I just got one of those items and used it immediately to power up my Dracozul instead! so.... priorities...
According to the new game/mode screen, if all your monsters die, the save file unlocks all your monsters and permadeath is turned off. that's kinda nice for people who want that
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berryblogofhorrors · 4 months
My journey into horror games (And Amnesia)
WAS supposed to be for autism awareness month, BUT I got sidetracked with other stuff!
I've decided to make a whole post talking about my journey into the horror genre, easily one of my favourite genres of game as WELL as how I found the Amnesia franchise, my main special interest!!
This is gonna be a long one so strap in
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My earliest memories of experiencing horror games was watching my dad play games such as Silent Hill: homecoming, Left 4 Dead 2, The Evil within, Resident evil, so on and so fourth.
Even though I was too young to really watch these games, I felt comfortable watching my dad play them as he'd always tell me that they're just games and not real. : )
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When I was around the age where I was allowed onto the internet, of course my morbidly curious brain would seek out more horror media, obviously regretting it because I was so easily scared.
I remember my first experience with anything Amnesia related was when I stumbled upon the My Little Amnesia videos featuring Fluttershy, Rainbow Dash and Pinkie Pie as the three Suitors from Amnesia Justine. NEEDLESS TO SAY THIS SHIT ME UP, the Fluttershy in particular scared me so bad.... and also left me curious.
THAT'S when I stumbled upon the game Amnesia the dark descent, or, well. The custom stories. I remember every day after school I'd sit down and watch different playthroughs I could find. Either from Pewdiepie or CrazyShootin's (Now known as the Click) trolling the Amnesia monsters videos. Some were funny, some terrifying and yet I couldn't look away.
I would forget about Amnesia for a while, not completely as it would always pop into my mind now and then, but it never lingered.
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Years later I would play Resident evil 7, my first step into Resident evil as well as Baby's first horror game (I believe I was only 14-15 when I played it), it remains as one of my favourite horror games (and favourite Resident evil game) to this day.
My curiosity in horror games grew stronger as I started playing the games I remember watching my dad play like Resident evil, Silent Hill and The Evil within!
But it wasn't till 2020 I finally bought the games that started my fascination with horror games in the first place.
The Amnesia games.
I LOVE the Amnesia franchise, it's literally one of if not my main special interest! But when I first played it I was not expecting it to impact my life as much as it has.
I actually didn't even play Dark Decent as my first game because I was too scared, so instead I played A machine for Pigs (which to most, probably isn't the best way to get into Amnesia fgh)
I was instantly hooked despite it being one of the lesser Amnesia titles, but for me it was a good way to ease into what would await me in The Dark Descent.
Now PERSONALLY, I'm actually a fan of A machine for Pigs! I personally love the story, but what it makes up for in story, it heavily lacks in gameplay.
Now. The Dark Descent...
Oh my god. When I played this game, I truly was not ready for the ride it would put me in. Up until that point, I had only experience the game through playthroughs of custom maps and stories, never actually knowing the full story of the game.
And needless to say... yes, I was fucking terrified the first time I played the game. But I loved every second of it!! I loved it so much that I played it again. And again. And again. And again. And- you get the picture.
The collection also came with Amnesia Justine! Which.. still scares me to play to this day. For a short little DLC it still captures the same eerie vibe and intensity of The Dark Descent.
I love the collection so much that I was determined to complete it... which I did. I got every single achievement in the collection including collecting all 151 tinderboxes (Which. I had to do twice.), collecting every note in all three games AND playing Dark Descent on hard mode. I've played The Dark Descent more than I've played any other game so much to the point where I know it better than the back of mind hand and now I play it to find new ways of glitching it and to see how far I can push the AI. It's genuinely one of my favourite games (and franchises) ever made.
It was then in 2020 when Amnesia Rebirth was announced! And I was ecstatic to say the least as it would be the first Amnesia title since 2013. When I finally played the game it was.... bittersweet to say the least. Obviously I had fun playing it the first time! But I couldn't help but feel slightly disappointed. And that feeling persisted the more I played it. My opinions on Rebirth have slightly changed recently however. I still believe it is a rather disappointing Amnesia game, BUT I would be lying if I said I didn't think it was also fun and quite scary in places! THIS GAME GAVE ME STOCKHOLM SYNDROME IDK MAN.
Now despite the bad taste Rebirth left in my mouth for quite some time, I was... oddly content with it probably being the last Amnesia game for a good while. It didn't end with the bang I was hoping for, I wasn't upset about it.... WELL- Okay I was at first- but after a while I kinda just didn't care!
Where do I even start with this game?? I remember finding out about the game from my friend Delta and I literally freaked out (I was in a VC at the time so my friends heard my yells lol) as I was not expecting a new title, once again I was content with Rebirth being the last game for a good while if not the last title ever.
When it finally released I was NOT expecting the game to play the way it does. And honestly? it's probably the best Amnesia game in term of gameplay in my humble onion, whereas Dark Descent still has the better story! The fact the monster is an omnipresent threat is such an improvement from the AI of the other games. Honestly for a rather short game it leaves such an impact, the Halloween update is also such a fun touch!!
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In general the horror game genre and Amnesia games mean the absolute world to me. I don't usually care about game studios but FrictionalGames have become one of my favourites and I'm genuinely excited to see where they go next with their games, because at least to me, Frictional always seem so genuine with their games.. even ones like Rebirth, though disappointing I can tell it still had a lot of care and thought put into it.
Whether their next title is a horror game or not. Whether they decide to continue the Amnesia games or not. I don't care, I'm excited to see what they bring next to the table either way!
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sugar-omi · 1 year
what are your general thoughts on step 3 baxter bc i was replaying OL1 and i trying hard not to cackle at the fact baxter is 19 years old in like 2016. bc all i can hear is halsey, p!atd, arctic monkeys when i look at him; it's giving tumblr, hot topic, that specific period of alt fashion. like he looks like a k-pop idol, but has a weirdly deep voice and overly formal way of speaking. like that is a rich sheltered gayboy emo nerd, not a suave daddy dom. his ass is grass and mc is gonna mow it. i'm saying i find his whole aesthetic ridiculous even tho i do have a soft spot for his fear of emotional vulnerability.
honestly the only reason i don't clown him is bc I think him being older is 🥵🫣 but yeah I had to laugh when they called me Pepe le pew and Victorian emo man
I was literally getting ready to go out the one day after playing the dlc, and was trying not to fuck up my eyeliner from laughing bc pepe le pew is abnormally funny n idek what or who that is
take em off
OH NO WHAT DO YOU THINK HIS UNDERWEAR LOOKED LIKE.... ik in step 4 he had fall leaves on his butt but what abt step 3.... im afraid 😟
okay I totally almost forgot your question, thank god I read things like 5 times before I'm sure I'm not missing smth but general thoughts....
well first thoughts was "who tf is this flirting w my man🤨"
now it's "who let this vampire out the house" bc baxter is so pale... pls I feel like if I put a firefly on him he'd burn like?!)!&*!^!??
final thought: "are you still looking to be sandwiched" bc poly cove/baxter/mc sounds PERFECT for all my issues (will never recover from the dialogue being different if you have cove at fond or crush when you start dating baxter.....)
also I'd like to eat him, did I say that alrdy? well I'd like to shrink him n nibble on him
knowing he's going to break my heart...... pls... 5 moments wasn't enough imma need reimbursement for this heartache
I wanna sneak into his condo and lay in bed w him and make him laugh until he falls asleep n then I wanna wake him up w breakfast and then I wanna go on a lil stargazing date n walk along the edge of the water, the water only touching his feet when the wave goes up shore
n I wanna find all his lil freckles and moles n count them n be all close n tell him he's pretty like the moon and I wanna put on some song idk the lyrics to bc it's some Spanish love song or smth and make him dance w me even tho the most I can do is spin I a circle and circle literally one hip
and I wanna take him on a long drive w his dumb metal music blasting n make him yell it out w me and I wanna feed him his dumb fries w pie or whatever it was and I wanna make him lay in the grass w me and I wanna go build a dumb sandcastle and get him a silly lil toy that's prbly meant for kids n giggle abt it for a stupid amount of time and when we get home laugh abt it some more and i wanna play my dumb instrument and sing him a dumb song n AKAJHAGA I JUST WANT A FUCKJNG COMING OF AGE MOVIE W HIM I AM JAGADFALAH LOSING MY SHIT
I'm normal 🧍 ... I like this man a Regular amount
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sarahsmi13s · 11 months
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whumptober day 25: stalked
pairing: mickey 'fanboy' garcia x youtuber!reader
characters: mickey garcia, fem!reader, reader's ex
warnings: 18+ MDNI, language, stalking, blood, threatening, violence, toxic ex, assumptions of abuse, please let me know if I missed any
word count: ~3.1k
a/n: this is for whumptober! please please please proceed with caution and use discretion, protect your peace
also if you are on the whump taglist but are not familiar with a character, you can skip it will not hurt my feelings!
i'm so so sorry for how late this is
whumptober 2023 masterlist
summary: parasocial -> one-sided relationships, where one person extends emotional energy, interest and time, and the other party, the persona, is completely unaware of the other's existence. most parasocial relationships aren't violent... until they are...
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Mickey smiled at you as you both sat in front of your camera as you read the live chat.
You looked over your shoulder at him, “You ready?” “As ever.” You grinned and turned back to your camera.
“Hi my darlings! Today I’m here with my boyfriend,” you beamed at the camera as he settled in his gaming chair next to you.
“Today we are playing Five Nights at Freddy’s… again. Yes, I know we’ve played it before but the DLC for Security Breach came out a while back, however, Mickey was super busy but now we can finally get to it!”
You and Mickey sat next to each other, taking turns in sections of the game and reading the chat.
At one point you were watching Mickey focus as he went through the daycare section, his tongue poking out of his mouth just a little. That portion of the game was quieter and a little calmer, so you were focusing on your boyfriend.
So focused that when your phone went off with a notification from your ring doorbell app.
“Oh!” You yelped as you jumped in your chair. Mickey looked at you and chuckled, “You okay?”
You nodded and grabbed your phone, “Yeah yeah fine. Phone just spooked me.” He hummed and continued as you checked your phone.
Your ring camera had apparently picked up movement at your door.
Tilting your head, you watched the video of the feed.
Your eyes widened in slight fear as you watched a figure in a cap and sunglasses with his hood pulled up walk up onto your porch. He moved around a little and approached your door, but you couldn’t see if he did anything because the door was in the camera’s blind spot.
He hummed to let you know that he heard you but didn’t look away from the screen. 
You reached over and paused the game, “Mickey… look at this.” 
This time he looked at you concerned before looking down at your phone and taking it from you to look at the footage.
You watched his face carefully, your trembling fingers tapping against your lips. 
Seeing a strange, hooded figure on your porch would freak anyone out. They could be someone scoping out the place to rob, they could simply be someone at the wrong address, you could never be sure. 
And that’s what made it horrifying.
Mickey looked at you and then at your camera, “Hey, I need to go check on something, I’ll be right back.”
He got up, taking your phone with him as you turned back to the stream.
You didn’t even look at the chat, knowing that it was blowing up with questions and concerns, theories as to what was happening.
“Everything’s okay guys. Don’t worry about it, let’s just have fun and finish this stream okay?” You tried to muster up a smile despite how scared you actually were.
You took a deep breath and tried to finish the section for Mickey so you could just continue when he got back.
About ten minutes later he came back in, he was holding something as he came over. 
Mickey was horrible at hiding facial expressions and emotions, so you knew something was up when you saw both fear and anger on his face. You muted your mic before he spoke.
“Babe, stop the stream.” 
His voice was low and serious, so out of character. It was concerning and was setting off alarms in your head. “Y/N, I’m serious. Turn it off.”
You didn’t question him, knowing that unless it was serious, he wouldn’t ask you to stop streaming. 
Turning your mic back on, you spoke, “Guys, um, something came up. I’m gonna stop the stream here. Everything’s fine, don’t worry. We just need to take care of some things. See you next time. Turn and burn darlings…” 
You ended the stream and turned off your camera before turning to your boyfriend, “What’s wrong?”
Mickey showed you the items in his hands. A note and a photo. 
You covered your mouth as you looked at the photo. 
It was of your bedroom window, you and Mickey by the window as your arms were draped over his shoulders and his hands on your hips as you kissed. 
Neither of you had taken that photo.
With shaking hands, you pulled up the note that came with it.
You gasped and tears filled your eyes as dread and fear shredded your core.
“Do you really think you can get away from me? You know you’re mine… don’t you?”
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Mickey sat in the ready room, not actually ready at all to get in his plane with Reuben.
It had been two weeks since the initial incident with the man and his note.
“Hey, Garcia, you okay? You look spaced out over there,” Hangman said from across the way. 
“Hmm? Oh yeah, I’m fine. Just… I’ve got a lot on my mind…” Mickey said as he looked at his hands. 
You and Mickey called the police immediately afterwards. You gave them the note and the video of the man on your porch. They said they would do what they could, but with this being a seemingly one off incident, what they could do at the time wasn’t much.
But, over the course of a few days, things got worse.
You had gotten emails and more notes in the mail. Each more threatening and disturbing than the last. Photos were sent to you of you and Mickey, all of them covering Mickey with red spray paint.
When you were both at the grocery store, you were looking over your shoulder constantly. You wouldn’t stray from Mickey’s side. And normally he wouldn’t have minded, but you were genuinely scared for your safety and his safety.
Mickey was frustrated that he couldn’t make it better. He felt awful that he had to leave for work all the time.You were terrified to be home alone and you were scared to stream or even upload videos – afraid that even the slightest movement on your end would tip this guy off.
Your fans had zero idea what was going on, theorizing everything since you announced that due to “personal issues”. Some even theorized that Mickey was abusive after what happened on the stream, but you were so quick to shut that down.
Mickey hated that you hate to take a break from what was essentially your job. You loved what you did and you knew that you were doing what this guy wanted, but you had to protect both yourself and Mickey. 
You had actually told Mickey to live on base and stay away from you, but he wasn’t about to do that. He wasn’t about to risk you being vulnerable 24/7.
Mickey rubbed his face before he went to explain but Hondo came in, “Hangman, Fanboy and Payback, you’re up.”
Mickey sighed again and got up. 
He just needed to get done here and get home.
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You glanced at the clock on the stove. It was 4:45 and you had about 45 minutes to an hour before Mickey got home. 
You groaned, rubbing your face before shaking about your hands. You were so tense, so anxious. You were on edge from the moment you woke up to the moment Mickey got home. 
And it had been like that for days.
You were getting near daily emails and physical mail as well. You barely left the house and when you did you felt like someone was always watching you. You’d stick to your list, not allowing yourself to check something out that piqued your interest just so you could get back to your home as soon as possible.
But even then you felt anxious cause what if they weren’t following you around the store or around town? What if they took your absence as an opportunity to sneak into your home and then wait for you?
You couldn’t rule it out. Because even though this person had never made physical contact with you beforehand it was clear from the notes and the photos that they knew where you lived and weren’t at all worried about getting close to your home with you in it.
You were scared to leave, but you needed food. You could get them delivered, but what if the delivery person that came to your door was your stalker? 
 There was no winning in this situation for you.
Every sound you heard was someone trying to hurt you. You were constantly on alert and you were sure you were going to have blood pressure issues by the end of this. You were making yourself sick with worry all the time and you most likely had a stress ulcer from it all.
You just need a distraction. 
So with the hour you had until Mickey got home you decided to just start cleaning.
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You started in the living room, vacuuming the rug and sweeping the hardwood.
You would have to thank Mickey for suggesting you get a quieter vacuum because at least it helped you to hear everything around you a little better.
Once the floor was done, you moved to the tv stand dusting it off and organizing the movies on it. 
You had gotten in the zone, so when the front door opened and made you jump. You quickly checked your phone, seeing that Mickey texted you at 5 pm on the dot that he was off and would be home soon. It was currently 5:30. 
Smiling and feeling the tension leave your shoulders a little, you walked over to greet him at the door.
“Hey Honey how was-”
Your phone slipped from your hands and clattered to the floor as you took in the man in front of you.
“Oh hey sweetheart, you miss me?”
This wasn’t your boyfriend.
Your heart starts to race and you can hear your blood rushing in your ears.
You started backing away, reaching behind you to feel your way out but you still bumped into things in your haste to escape.
He slowly followed you, taking bigger steps in order to get you to move faster. “Oh c’mon, Y/N. Why are you crying? Aren’t you happy to see me?” 
You hadn’t even noticed your dampened cheeks until he had pointed it out, but it didn’t matter. You were the furthest thing from happy right now.
“No, Ryker, I’m not happy to see you. We broke up 10 years ago. What the hell are you doing here?”
Ryker was your ex-boyfriend from high school. You broke up because you had moved and the long distance attempt was awful. And after you broke up, you realized that some of his behaviors were toxic and controlling.
What you thought was him being protective was actually him snapping at any remotely attractive guy in your class for looking at you. He also would make comments about your outfits all the time. And then when you tried long distance, he insisted on knowing your address and that you send photos of your outfits for him to approve.
You only complied with the second request, but it only lasted for about three weeks before you had to break it off. It was too stressful on you and your friends at this school pointed out how his behaviors were huge red flags.
Back then you wouldn’t have thought so, but with him now standing in front of you after breaking into your home – everything clicked into place.
Ryker kept walking toward you, forcing you to take bigger steps backwards and keep your eyes on him and not turn around to run.
“Fucking leave, Ryker. I will call the police. And Mickey will be home soon so you need to leave and stop whatever shit you’re doing,” your voice was trembling as you blindly grabbed the first throwable item you could get your hand on.
“You know, Y/N-”
In the middle of his statement, you threw the item at him to distract him before running upstairs to get to your room to use the fire escape. 
As you scrambled your way up the stairs, you could hear his heavy footsteps behind you. 
You just needed to get to your room, and then you could get out and get help. 
When you got to your bedroom you shut and locked the door before running over to your fire escape as Ryker banged on the door. “Y/N open the door! Do you really think you can get away from me?!”
You whimpered and tried to get the latch open but it’s stubborn. “C’mon you mother fucker,” you hissed as the rusted latch barely moving. “C’mon c’mon! Come on!” You used your weight and finally the latch popped open.
Unfortunately Ryker was able to kick the door open.
You screamed and tried to push the window up but he was faster and managed to grab you.
Thrashing and kicking, you tried to get free. “Let me go! HELP SOMEONE H–”
As you struggled, Ryker grabbed your hair and slammed your head into the window, shattering the glass. “Stop squirming! I don’t want to hurt you, but I will if I have to!”
With your adrenaline pumping, you grabbed a piece of glass and cut the arm pulling your hair to get him to let go before stabbing the arm holding you by the waist.
“Fucking bitch!” He cursed as he dropped you. 
You gasped and immediately ran out of the room and tried to get out through the front door.
But in your haste, you tripped on the last step. 
This is straight out of a fucking horror movie, get your shit together, you cursed yourself as you pushed yourself up.
You sprinted to the door, but as you opened it, an arm wrapped around your waist and a hand covered your mouth as you were drug back to the living room and thrown on the ground. 
Groaning, you crawled for a little and rolled onto your back before looking up at him as you propped yourself up onto your elbows. “Why are you doing this? We haven’t seen or spoken to each other in 10 years…”
He squatted down, “Oh Y/N… you’re still mine, I have the right to do whatever I want.”
Mickey rushed out of his car when he got home. He was ready to finally be home with you and help you to feel safe.
But he froze when he made it to the porch. 
The front door was open just a crack and he could hear shouting from inside.
“I’m not yours Ryker!” 
Mickey’s stomach dropped at the fear in your voice, but the voice that followed sent both panic and anger through him.
“I will carve my name into your back if that’s what it takes for you and everyone to know that you are mine! You’ve been mine since we were 16!”
Mickey fumbled with his phone as he dialed 9-1-1 and reported everything as he moved to go inside.
“Lieutenant, you need to stay on the phone with me, okay? There’s a unit not too far from you.” “I’m not leaving her alone with him, I’m going inside.”
Mickey hung up the phone and ran inside, trying to follow the sound of your voice.
He made it to the living room only to find you sobbing on the floor with Ryker kneeling on your back with your shirt cut open at the top.
“Ryker please stop!” 
“They need to know that-”
“Hey!” Mickey shouted, getting Ryker’s attention before tackling him to the ground and knocking the knife away.
With the weight gone off your back you did the first thing you could think of, run.
You pushed yourself up off the floor and sprinted to the front door and out into the yard, falling to the ground as your adrenaline faded. Now all that was running through your mind was that Mickey was alone with your crazy ex...
But you saw a glimmer of hope.
Red and blue lights and sirens came flying down the street, the cop car coming to a screeching stop in front of your house.
All you could do was point towards the door and an officer knelt down next to you, requesting you an ambulance as her partner went inside.
“My-my ex is-is the one with-with longer hair… The one-one with the buzz is my boyfriend…” 
She nodded, “My partner will make sure he’s safe okay?”
You nodded and clung to her, sobbing into her shoulder.
It was a few minutes before you saw the other officer come out with Ryker and put him in the squad car. 
The officer with you looked at you, “I need to go talk with my partner, I’ll be right over there okay?” You nodded and she got up, leaving you to pick at the grass with shaking hands as you waited for Mickey.
“Y/N? Y/N!” 
You inhale sharply and look up to see Mickey running towards you. “Mickey!”
He slid on his knees, pulling you into his arms, “Oh my goodness, I’m so so sorry I wasn’t home. I’m so sorry, mi amor.” He held you close, mumbling things in Spanish and English in your ear.
You pulled him back gently and looked him over as he rambled, seeing some bruises but nothing serious. “Hey hey hey, you were there, Mick. You were there just in time, baby. I’m safe, and we got him. He’s going away,” you cooed gently as you cupped his cheek.
He rested his forehead on yours, “You’re moving in with me.” “Mickey, I can’t do that, you live on base and I can’t be there,” you said quietly. “I’m moving off base.” You furrowed your brow, “W-what?”
Mickey nodded, “I’m moving so we can live together. It’ll be a place off base, but close enough that it’s threatening to anyone wanting to try anything.” 
You smiled softly at him, “Oh Mickey…” He kissed your forehead, “And we don’t know if that jackass doxed you or not, so moving is your best bet at being safe.”
“You’re right. But I’ll need somewhere to stay tonight, my house is a crime scene.”
“We’ll figure it out, maybe we could stay with Penny?” You raised a brow, “We?” He nodded, “Yes we, I’m not leaving your side until this is settled. I’ll set up a meeting with Cyclone and Warlock to talk about it. But I’m staying with you.” 
You smiled softly at him, “Thank you, Mick.” “Don’t gotta thank me, just let me hold you until we stop shaking,” he said and he squeezed your hips gently. You nodded and let him pull you into his lap.
You buried your face into his neck before tears of relief began falling onto his neck. He shushed you gently and rocked you as you clung to him, keeping you close.
You know that with your job, you were never 100% safe. But right now, you were safe, and that’s what matters.
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taglist: @bradleybeachbabe @mamachasesmayhem @kmc1989 @lovinglyeternal @horseshoegirl @hangmansgbaby @fanboyswhore9 @nightowlalltheway @86laura11 @els-marvelvsp @valmare @startrekfangirl2233 @malindacath @nyx2021 @chaosofmanyfandoms
hi, if you're seeing this and are currently not on the taglist and would like to be please fill out the taglist form -> whumptober taglist
i can not stress this enough, but whumptober can have some very serious and heavy topics and i want to make sure i am doing my part as an author to prepare my readers for what they are about to experience and that includes not only warnings above but my taglists as well
so if you want to be added check out the masterlist and read that carefully and fill out the form -> whumptober 2023
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matchbet-allofthetime · 8 months
An open ask box *wiggles fingers* don't mind if I do! What are your thoughts on Quan Chi?
(Me babbling) After playing some of the games and joining the fandom, I fully expected him to be more popular??? I think he's cool as shit and APPARENTLY underrated! Like, Oh Em Gee, when his DLC dropped? His move set in MK1 is insane. We should be talking about him more.
(and like everyone in the new game, very attractive for no reason.)
Welcome to the ask box! *Wiggles fingers back* get ready for utmost babbling and Quan Chi loving hours under the read more, because he deserves it.
OKAY, so- I adore Quan Chi. Always have.
I played the original arcade games growing up (local arcade was the only one within miles and it kept the og games years after most arcades started to shut down) and when I tell you Quan Chi made me so happy when I was super young.
I really, REALLY love him in all the games, but MK1 especially. We get to see him pre-shang's-experiments, then after, when his eyes turn red, right?
But he just- he's beautiful. His voice is phenomenal, his emotions and inflections are stunning, and he's so wonderfully modeled that it actually hurts my heart in such a good way.
He's sexy as hell and I'm not afraid to say it.
He's MORE than cool as shit, he's fucking awesome! Not only is he cocky and keeps his massive grin, but we get to see so many little sides to him we as a fandom haven't ever explored before (such as- the apparent tenderness he actually seems to have in MK1, because there's a few scenes where he's actually pretty gentle-seeming.)
He seems far more... Drawn out? Or his words do. His movements are only sharp and quick when he wants them to be, but he holds himself high despite it all.
We get to see Quan Chi with far less of his experience from decades of sorcery unlike other games, where he's, of course, used to his powers. He's still equally good with them, but there is that sense that he's still learning in MK1 because it all just happened, yk? As in, the events that made Quan Chi go from his normal self and his life as a miner to more of Quan Chi as we know him.
Even still, he remains incredibly powerful, talented, and intelligent, able to manipulate about as well as Shang, but he's got a genuine side to him Shang just doesn't. (Perhaps it's Quan Chi's voice?)
I stand by the idea that Liu Kang was making this timeline one-handed, because hhhhhooooooly fuck, everyone is sinfully gorgeous, and Quan Chi is NOT an exception to that whatsoever.
Between his voice, his outfits, the way he holds himself, that massive grin he as in certain finishes, his smaller smile he gives Shang Tsung a few times during the storyline, and that arched nose??? Oooh boy, he ruins me.
I actually need more people to love him (and several other characters) more, and I need more Quan Chi content.
His powers are always wicked cool- and powerful- but in MK1, he just EVISCERATES anyone he's pitted against. It's insane!
His moves are not only crazy cool, but also crazy strong! He's so awesome dkdjfj
And as a long-time player, lemme say- when I was a kid, I thought he'd be more popular too. He's more mentioned, rather than content really being made for him, unlike more popular characters like Johnny or Liu Kang. (And frankly, there's several characters that I think need more love throughout multiple MK games, MK1 included ofc)
All in all?
Quan Chi is:
-hotter than sin
-his voice made me need to put down the controller and force myself to breathe for several minutes on multiple occasions
-his moves and fatalities are badass on so many levels
-he's cool and sexy and badass and I might be a little obsessed with him but there's NO content of him 😭
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windchimesgames · 2 years
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A little bit of a late celebration, but Emberfate: Tempest of Elements has received over 50 positive reviews on Steam, getting a Very Positive rating overall! Have some cute chibis to celebrate the occasion, done by elRion!
Thank you so much to everyone who left a review on the game! 💖If you haven't yet, please please consider doing so — the more reviews we have, the more likely people will find and give the game a try!
This will likely be my last update post here about Emberfate for a while until I'm ready to work on Potato's route DLC later this year after my main project, Reanimation Scheme, is finished. I'll still be answering any Tumblr asks about Emberfate or the characters though, so feel free to keep sending those in!
As a closing note, if you enjoyed Emberfate, please consider:
Supporting our Patreon! We offer early sneak peeks, monthly short stories of Emberfate characters, and even cute chibi cgs (like the one above!) or doodles + accompanying drabbles of the Emberfate LIs! Your support will help me fund future Emberfate content and more projects! Oh, and helping me pay for studio expenses and my IRL bills so I can focus more on making games instead of taking commissions / doing part-time jobs — that'd be really cool too 🥹
Joining our Discord server! We have a small but friendly community that sometimes shares fanart / fanfictions or headcanons about the Emberfate characters, as well as just chat about otomes and games in general! PS: You also get access to a free walkthrough for all the Emberfate endings & achievements if you join our Discord!
Donating to our KoFi! We're currently 32% to the goal to fund Potato's route — and there's a limited reward where if you donate $200, you get to design one look / outfit for Potato's in-game Bishop character and have it appear in game in the upcoming DLC!
Thank you so much to every single player who gave Emberfate a shot. I'm really happy I got to share my experimental little creation with you all. May we all one day find a guild as lovely as Serendipity! 😂
Until next time, guild leaders!
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potato-salad-uk · 1 year
Ok quick rant
I AM SO READY FOR SIDE ORDER LIKE OH MY COD!!!!! I really love the ink colors being all pastel and the enemies not just being a revamped octoling or something. Also ive heard many people on YouTube say that it might be like a roguelike gameplay which I really like, its one of my favorite generes of video games. Also, DEDF1SH IS ALIVE AND WE GET TO INTERACT WITH HER OMG IM JUST EXPLODING WITH HAPPYNESS!!!!!!!!!! Pearl being a little robot that can act/throw bombs is really cool because I like companions in my games that can do damage, its like having a child that craves violance and thats just great. Another thing, the music was sooo cool. I can't wait to see the full DLC I'm very exited.
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