#oh actually sam kirk for read said that ‘its not my dream dad. its YOURS’ line which. has there ever been a midtier teen comedy that DIDNT
vulcanhello · 2 years
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au-universes · 8 years
Soup Oprea Pt 3 (Soap Opera AU)
The band members all hooted and hollered out the windows making sure everyone around could see them. Dean opened up the sun roof and poked his head out, Sam was riffling through the mini fridge and popping open a bottle of champagne and pouring some for Ezri and himself. Ezri leaned in to Sam grabbing the side of his face and kissing his cheek. Jimmy and Steve were flipping through the radio stations until they heard *All I do is win by DJ KHALED.
“OOOOOOOOOH! All I do is win, win, win No matter what! Got money on my mind I can never get enough. And every time I step into the building everybody hands go up… And they stay there, And they stay there, and they stay there. Up down up down up!” They all shouted the song at the top of their lungs like it was their anthem. Dean was still hanging out the sunroof with Cas in front of him like Jack and Rose from Titanic. They made every minute in that limo count. They weren’t going to let this moment slip away. The limo pulled up to the club with a big crowd outside waiting to get in. They all stopped and stared waiting to see who would climb out. Everyone in the limo went silent, with excitement and nerves.
“Okay everyone. This is it,” Dean said breathing heavy.
“Wait!” Sam pulled Dean's hand away from the handle.
“Let’s slow down. We should take this moment in. Who knows what’s going to happen. We need this moment to keep us grounded, to keep us humble. We need it for when we feel low, or when we feel like nothing is going right or fast enough.” The group looked at each other knowing he was right. “I love you guys, and no matter how big we get or if we fail, I’ll always love you guys.”
“But we’re not even playing tonight. How is this the beginning?” Dean said going to leave the limo.
“Look outside,” Ezri said pointing to the wall. The group looked out seeing a big poster with their faces on it. Cheesy inspirational soap opera music began to play. They stared out the window, gazing at the beauty in front of them.
“I think this calls for a group huddle,” Dean said pulling everyone close.
“We’ll meet you guys in there and give you a minute,” Jimmy said, grabbing Steve’s hand and scooting out the door.
“What are you talking about? You’re part of this too,” Cas said, pulling Steve back.
“No, Jimmy’s right. You guys need this moment,” Steve said getting out of Cas’ grip. “We’ll save you a seat.” Steve looked back at them with a big smile, knowing that this was just the beginning. The two walked up to the bouncer. He was tall and buff, much like the tall, buff man we ran into earlier. He stood there with his big arms crossed over his barreling chest. His black shirt was pressed tightly to his pecks, and the sleeves were cutting into his bicep. Steve looked at the little name tag and saw it read ‘Gacé’.
“Names?” Gacé said. Steve jolted and took a step behind Jimmy, who was puffing his own chest out trying to intimidate Gacé.
“I’m Jimmy Kirk, and this is Steve Proudfoot. We’re with ‘Supernatural Adrenaline’,” Jimmy said trying not to let the nervousness in his voice through. The bouncer looked them up and down and grabbed his clipboard flipping through the pages. Gacé occasionally kept glancing back to Steve as if he knew him, but couldn’t place him. Steve did the same. Jimmy caught onto the glances and wrapped his arm around Steve’s waist pulling him in close.
“Did you find us yet?” Jimmy said in a stern, overprotective voice. Gacé looked down at Jimmy, knowing damn well he could take him. He chuckled and put his hand on the red velvet rope.
“Yeah, yeah. I found your names. Have fun guys,” said Gacé. Jimmy pushed Steve past Gacé who was still staring at Steve, when finally a light bulb went off. “Wait? Steve? I knew you looked familiar! How have you been!?” Gacé pulled Steve back out shaking his hand. Steve looked back extremely confused before having his own light bulb moment.
             “No way! It’s been too long! I’ve been great! This is Jimmy by the way. Jimmy this is Gacé. We went to highschool together,” Steve explained.
            “Yeah. And don’t forget, we were on the best dance team in the world,” Gacé said as he playfully punched Steve on the arm and turned to look at Jimmy. “This guy can really bust a move. Hey. Everyone is inside. Make sure you say hi to them.” Steve looked confused again and then had another light bulb moment.
            “The whole gang is in there?” Steve’s eyes lit up. “I haven’t seen them in years. Will you be in later?”
            “Oh yeah. I’m just waiting for the other bouncer to show. He called saying he’d be a little late. Go in, I’ll come find you guys later.” Gacé patted Jimmy on the back as he walked past and went back to being a scary buffshell.
The camera follows the boys in, where they stop in the door way and the camera pans up to a big windowless space, lit with blue lights and different color laser lights dancing around the club. Beautiful people were lounging on over stuffed black leather sofas and chairs. Scantily clad waitresses were carrying trays of brightly colored drinks to the thirsty patrons. Aerialists were doing their tricks above the crowd, as lights flashed and music banged. Across the room, Paris, Ashley, and Matt were behind the bar making drinks, and doing what they do best, bossing people around.
“Hey guys! How’s it going?” Kara bounced up on a bar stool with Kaia closely behind her.
“Hey! You made it! You guys want the usual?” Ashley said already mixing a cocktail together. She shook the silver shaker right, then left, one handed then tossed it around her back to Paris who caught without looking. She did her magic, making the tumbler turn from silver to gold, then tossed it under her leg to Matt. He did a back flip over the tumbler and caught it while his back was to the ceiling, and continued doing handless backflips until he was at the end of the bar. He pulled out a couple glasses and poured the drinks like salt bae, and slid them down the bar where they stopped abruptly in front of Kaia and Kara.
“You guys still got it,” Kaia said picking up her drink and sipping.
“Alright. You guys ready?” Ashley asked polishing a glass with a towel.
“But Gacé isn’t here yet,” Matt said frantically looking around.
“Here I am! Travis just showed up for his shift. Let’s do this,” said Gacé. The six of them looked around at each other and nodded. Out of nowhere, six spot lights came down on them, the music changed to *Ain’t your mamma by Jlo. Paris, Ashley, Kara, and Kaia were all dressed in sparkly corsets and a choli top over their shoulders, and black pants. Matt and Gacé wore white button downs with a sequined black vest, and black pants. They broke out into an incredible dance. They were all in sync, not missing one step. They were like a fleet of dancing machines sent to earth to spread the beauty of dance to the world. And they did. They did flips and tricks, spins and leaps! They finished with a bang, literally. The dance floor was broken, fire was surrounding them. Smoke cleared to reveal the gang silhouetted by the fire. The only movement was the crowd standing to their feet, and cheering. They hooted and hollered until their voices were hoarse. The gang finally broke formation, smiling and waving at the crowd. Ashley took the mic and turned it on to make an announcement as the cleanup crew scrambled to fix the stage before the next act came on.
“How’s everyone doing tonight?!” The crowed went back to cheering, as they always do when the owners of the Cocktail Lounge perform. “That’s what I like to hear! Now settle down everyone, I have a couple things to say. As you can see, we are decorated for Arabian night. The amazing dancers at Rhythm Fusion Dance Company are here tonight to wow and amaze us with their tantalizing belly dance. So be sure to give them just as much applause as you gave us tonight. In a couple days, we will have a rising star on this stage, so don’t miss that. And as always, thank you for choosing The Cocktail Lounge for your night. Now everyone, enjoy your night, order drinks, and don’t forget to tip your waitress!” Ashley dropped the mic and the spot light went off. The crowd was silent for a moment before going back to its normal banging music and bustle.
Jimmy and Steve were sitting at a little circular table with three little black couches around it. Steve caught the rest of the band walking in and began to zealously wave his arms in the air.
“Hey guys, over here!” Steve shouted. He was standing at this point, pointing at the empty couches making sure they saw him in the sea of people.
“This place is really nice. Can you believe we actually get to play here?!” Dean said as giddy as a school boy on Christmas.
“I know. And it’s all thanks to this girl,” Sam said pulling Ezri down on a couch next to him and kissing her on the forehead. Ezri lit up.
“I told you. It was all my dad’s doing. I had nothing to do with this,” Ezri said. She picked up a drink menu and began to scan through it.
“No girl. You talked us up to someone who could get us here. So by that logic, you got us here. Drinks are on us tonight,” Cas said pulling out his credit card.
“Actually, all your drinks are on the house tonight. Talent always drinks for free,” Paris said pushing his hand back down toward his wallet. “My name is Paris, I’m the owner of The Cocktail Lounge.”
The band looked up at her as if she were an angel. No one knew what to say, they just gawked at her in awkward silence. Dean finally shook out if it and stood up.
“Thank you so much for letting us play. Your lounge is amazing, it’s always been a dream of ours to play here. We just can’t believe it’s finally happening,” Dean said shaking Paris’ hand.
“We’ll Ashley does a great job finding talent to perform here, and if you’re as good as she says you are then we’ll have a good night. Kara, our best waitress and other owner, is gonna take care of you. Enjoy your night,” said Paris as she walked away.
“So, what can I get you guys?” Kara said taking their orders.
Dean, Sam, Cas, Ezri, Jimmy, and Steve all danced and partied the night away. They had so many people come up to them and congratulate them on their success, and buying them shots and drinks. They were completely ready for the life ahead of them. They were singing to the songs playing and dancing like there was no tomorrow, when someone came up to their group handing only Sam a drink.
“Here hot stuff. Drink this before the next group comes on,” said the girl. Sam took the drink and before he could look the girl in the eye to say thank you, she was gone. He looked all over to see if he could try to pinpoint them, but was not successful. He shrugged and downed the drink, not thinking anything of it.
Steve and Jimmy were dancing alone in a corner, intertwined with each other, eyes locked and passions growing. “I need some water!” Steve shouted into Jimmy’s ear.
“Okay, be careful,” Jimmy said nibbling on Steve’s ear and smacking him on the butt as he walked away. Steve skipped a little with a big smile on his face.
“One water please,” Steve said jumping up on a bar stool. He could feel someone staring at him from the stool next to him. He glanced out of the corner of his eye to make sure. The two made eye contact and Steve quickly turned away.
“Steven?” The man asked in a thick southern drawl. “Steven Proudfoot? It’s me, Billy! Billy Ray Cyrus.” Steve turned back around at the familiar voice, his eyes lighting up meeting a second old friend for the night.
“No way! Oh my gosh! I can’t believe this. What has it been? 2, 3, maybe 4 years? How have you been?” Steve said giving Billy a hug.
“Oh, I’m better now that I ran into you. My heart has been so achy breaky after my man left. I’m writing a song about it. How about you come into the back room with me where it’s quiet and I’ll play it for you.” Billy was leaning in closer and closer, running his hand up and down Steve’s leg slowly getting closer and closer to his crotch. Steve was one too many drinks in to compute quickly, and just when he went to say something, Billy had pressed his lips to Steve’s. Just steps away was Jimmy, watching the whole time. Tears brimming in his eyes, he walked out into the street, freshly wet with rain.
Steve pushed Billy away from him and slapped him across the face. “No, Billy! I’m with Jimmy! I’m not jeopardizing what I have with him again, and not with you. Just stay away from me you horny hick!” Steve got up from the bar, grabbed a drink from a tray passing by, and threw it in Billy’s face. He ran away, back to the group he came with. “Hey, have you guys seen Jimmy? I can’t seem to find him.” Everyone looked at him thinking about the last place they saw him.
“I think I saw him run outside. He looked a little upset. Did you two have a fight?” Cas asked as Dean sucked on his neck. Steve’s eyes widened, his heart began to pound, and his stomach felt like it was going to fall out his butt. “Steve? You okay?” Cas pushed Dean off going to offer some support to his friend. Steve’s eyes filled with tears and he ran for the door. He had to find Jimmy so he could explain what happened, before it was too late. Just as the doors closed behind him he saw Jimmy in a tight embrace with Ashley. Steve backed up in disbelief, and ran home as the rain poured down.
Back inside the club, Dean, Sam, Ezri, and Cas all sat down confused over what had just happened. But before they could get to into it, the lights in the house went out. Smoke began to fill the stage, and the only sound you could hear, was a pair of Zils. Ting, ting, ting……. Ting, ting, ting. There was a drum roll and then a girl yipping. The crowd’s eyes were glued to the stage wondering what was going to happen. The stage lights flashed on, and on it were dancers dressed in beautiful costumes. The zils were being played by the front woman. She had vibrant red hair and piercing green eyes. Her makeup was on fleek just like her dance moves. The music picked up and the group danced furiously, making all the men, and some of the women, go crazy. They were incredible, everything was spot on, not a single thing out of place. They danced and danced making the patrons feel like they were in another land. Sam watched in awe, fixated on the one in the front. He couldn’t take his eyes of her, she was mesmerizing. Finally, the dancing stopped. The crowd hooted and hollered as the dancers took their bows. The front one went last, bending deep and coming back up to lock eyes with Sam.
Ashley came back up to the stage, a little later than usual to thank the performers, fixing her dress and looking slightly guilty. “How about another round of applause for Rhythm Fusion!” She waited for the applause to die down. “Thank you so much for being here tonight. You really do make our theme nights something special.” Ashley smiled at the dance group and got off the stage, heading back to the bar.
“Where did you sneak off to?” Kaia asked. She was cleaning glasses off the bar giving Ashley a knowing look.
“What do you mean? I was doing paper work in the office,” Ashley said avoiding Kaia’s eyes and wiping down the bar.
“I don’t think so,” Kaia chuckled. “Right when you went on the stage, I saw Paris go in there with Gacé and one of the guys that came with the band. The one with Steve I think,” Kaia gave her another knowing glance. “So? Where were you?”
Ashley put the rag back into the water bucket, took a deep breath, and looked back at Kaia.
“Okay, don’t judge me,” She took another deep breath. “The alley behind the bar.”
Kaia looked at Ashley with a long blank stare. “HAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Out of all the places you could have done that and you choose the alley?! Oh my gosh! Okay, okay. Hooooo.” Kaia was bent over with laughter out of breath.
“Hey, I told you not to judge me,” Ashley said laughing with Kaia and flicking the wet rag at her.
“I know, I know. I’m sorry. That’s just the craziest thing I’ve ever heard,” Kaia picked up a tub of dishes and took it to the kitchen, laughing the whole way.
Out on the floor people were dancing, and talking, and drinking. The walls were shaking with the beat of the music, the ceiling was showering the crowd with confetti, the speakers were sending beats into the air. It was a magical experience, for some more so than others. Sam still couldn’t focus on anything other than that one amazing dancer. He scanned the crowed for her in hopes he would find her. Every time he thought he came close, the girl would turn around only to disappoint him.
“Hey. I’m gonna run to the bathroom. Watch my stuff,” said Ezri.
“Okay, sweetie,” said Sam. He watched as Ezri hurried off to the bathroom and then went back to his search.
“Hey, hot stuff. What did you think of the show?”
Sam turned around to see the dancer in front of him.
“It’s you. I can’t believe it. Oh my gosh, I can’t believe you’re even talking to me,” Sam said scratching the back of his head. The girl walked up to Sam, closing the gap between them.
“Well of course I would talk to you. You’re so hot,” she said. The girl put her hand around Sam’s waist sliding down to his rear. “I’m JJ by the way,” she said, giving him a firm squeeze. Sam felt so happy but guilty at the same time. He still knew he had an amazing girl that he didn’t ever want to hurt, but he couldn’t break whatever this spell was.
“I’m Sam. Were you the one who gave me that drink?” he asked, trying to back away.
“Yeah. Did you like it? It’s my own invention. Makes people fall in love,” JJ said, following Sam as he backed up. Sam found himself stumbling on a couch and plopping down. JJ started to climb on top of him, breathing lightly on his neck and then whispered in his ear something he couldn’t quite understand.
Sam looked over JJ’s shoulder to see Ezri, looking down on them in confusion and anger. “What is all this?”
“Oh. I am so sorry. I was dancing and I tripped. He was just on the unfortunate end of catching me,” JJ said. JJ got up, brushed herself off and hurried away. Ezri glared at JJ as she walked away, then looked back at Sam letting him know they were going to argue when they got home.
Back at the bar, the staff was falling behind.
“I need three Margaritas, two seven and sevens, six blue moons and a Cherry Pie!” Paris yelled out. “Where the hell is Matt!? He was supposed to be back from his break 10 minutes ago.”
“I’ll go look for him,” Ashley said just wanting to get away from the insanity. She looked everywhere with no luck. Just when she was about to give up she saw him coming in from the back door buttoning his shirt.
“Where have you be-“ Ashley stopped talking when she saw Jimmy following in only seconds later. “Oh, I see.”
“Shut up Ashley. You did the same thing!” Matt said raising his eyebrow. Ashley didn’t argue, and they went back to the bar in silence.
“There you are. It’s about damn time! Get the next drink order ready. I need to go find my other help. I swear, if I didn’t love you guys so much I would kick you all off the fucking payroll and run this place myself.” Paris said as she threw her hands in the air and disappeared around the corner. She leaned against the wall pulling out a cigarette and lighting it. She took a long drag and held it in for a minute before letting it out. The music went quiet for a minute as Ashley made a drink special announcement. During the silence Paris could hear some clattering in the mop cupboard. She flicked her cigarette and put her hand on the door knob. She opened the door slightly and peeked in to see Jimmy, with Kara and Kaia. Paris quickly shut the door and rushed back to the bar with her cigarette still in between her fingers.
The sun rose the next morning, clearing the fog from the streets and the dew off the grass. Jimmy was stumbling through the door of his apartment building and up the stairs. He made it to his door and pushed the key in. The door opened and he crashed in, knocking over a lamp and shattering the glass lamp shade.
“Really? That’s how you’re going to show up after what you did last night?” Steve was drinking his morning coffee looking out the big floor-to-ceiling windows overlooking the city. Jimmy slumped onto the counter holding his face in his hands looking for the right words to say.
“Jimmy, what I did was a mistake, and you didn’t give me any time to explain. Billy came onto me. I was too drunk to think clearly enough to stop him right away, but the whole time I knew it was wrong. What you did to me was out of spite, and anger. I can’t believe you would do that to me. And with her!? Why her?” Steve turned back around hiding his tears. These words only made him feel worse, because he knew Steve only knew about the one, not the other five he had been with that night. He walked over to the fridge, and poured himself some water.
“Steve, I know what I did last night was wrong. And I know I should have talked to you first, but when I saw that it was him it just brought back all those old feelings from years ago. I couldn’t handle it, and that’s why I did what I did. It doesn’t excuse what I did but you need to know why I did it. And I’m sorry. I’m so, so sorry. Please tell me what I can do to make this up to you.” Jimmy placed his drink down and walked over to Steve. “Please, I’ll do anything.” Jimmy fell to his knees and hugged Steve’s legs. Steve looked down, tears streaming down his face. He knew Jimmy was sorry, but he couldn’t let him off that easy. Steve needed Jimmy to know that what he did hurt him.
“I just need to be left alone right now,” Steve said. Steve wiggled loose from Jimmy’s grasp, went back to their room and slammed the door. Jimmy stayed on his knees crying, knowing damn well he hurt the one person he loves most.
“Ezri! Will you listen to me? I don’t know that woman, and I don’t want her. I only want you!” Sam said trying to stop Ezri from packing her things.
“Oh yeah? Then why did I find you two together in the coat room? Explain that, asshole!” Ezri was frantically throwing clothes, shoes, and her other belongings into luggage.
“Ezri! It didn’t mean anything! I honestly don’t even know what you’re talking about! Ezri, stop! Please!” Sam grabbed her arms making her stop momentarily. “I love you. You know I wouldn’t do anything to hurt you. Please?” Ezri wiped the tears off her face trying to muster up something to say.
“Miss? Are you ready?” Tom, Saruman’s driver, poked his head into the room.
“Yes. I am.” Ezri grabbed her bags and stormed out the door. Sam chased after her trying to reason with her but ended up getting a door slammed in his face. He grabbed the door frame and slowly fell to the ground. Cas and Dean sat silently at the kitchen table, awkwardly staring at each other.
“Do you want anything, Sam?” Cas asked. Cas looked over at Dean who had about the same expression as Ezri did when she first caught JJ and Sam all over each other.
“I can’t believe you would do that man! She was a nice girl and you just disrespected her in the most awful way. I can’t even look at you right now,” Dean stood up so fast his chair fell back, and he stormed out of the apartment. Cas sat there for a few seconds before getting up to put the chair back. He turned around to his bedroom but before closing the door turned around and said, “You know I don’t agree with what you did, but I do know you were under the influence of something strong and dangerous. But that isn’t an excuse to do something stupid.” And that was that, Cas didn’t say another word. Sam sat there in a haze of emotion knowing that in that moment, he lost everything he had.
By: Professor Ashlex
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