#oh and that stupid little run he did around clarence on his way out of the room why can't i kiss him. why why why. why
grahamdollton · 7 months
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l0serloki · 1 year
Aristocratic Standing
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JPM x Reader
Summary : Your best friend forces you to go to a party and it changes your views.
CW : Heated kissing, I tried to make it as GN! as possible but there is a few ‘ladylike’ mentions, 1920/30s era, B/N = best friends name 
A/N : This is chapter 1 to a story idea I had. If you would like to keep up with it - here is my masterlist. 
You were not a fan of the aristocratic life. Even with a best friend that was quite the party animal, you ventured on the side of safe. Besides, rich men only wanted one thing and you were not that.
“Y/N, the party will be worth it! Please, just this once.” Your best friend begged.
“I told you I don’t do those kind of parties! I’m not interested in sitting around with aristocrats talking about their money and stupid issues. Count me out.” You rolled your eyes, sighing at the thought of those people. 
“No! It’s not like that, Y/N. I promise. Clarence said it would be the party of the year!” She yanked at your arm, pleading yet again. You knew that she wouldn’t stop till you agreed and it had been quite a while since you had gone to a party. 
“I guess one wouldn’t hurt but if it’s lame I’m leaving.” You stood, mentally preparing yourself for later. Your best friend jumped, clinging on and screaming in excitement.
“Oh yes! This is going to be so fun!”
The bright lights flashed as you followed your best friend and her boyfriend in. The new hotel in downtown LA was all the talk. You knew you were in for quite a night as you shuffled between the bratty aristocrats. You could practically feel their eyes judging you as you breathed. 
Finally getting a distance away, standing in a corner you scanned the room. You recognized a few of the older women from previous soirees but the rest must’ve been new money. After all, the hotel was built by the infamous ‘James Patrick March’ - the suave bachelor. 
A clink turned the attention of you all, your eyes landing on the most handsome man you had ever seen. His grin made your heart pound and as he spoke your jaw must’ve dropped. He had the most attractive accent you had ever heard.
“I’d like to welcome you all to the opening week of the Hotel Cortez!” He smiled, hands popping a bottle of champagne. Everyone cheered and made their way around him, women fanning themselves. You smacked yourself at the realization that you had thought the ‘James’ was attractive. There was no chance that he would talk to you and no chance that you would date him! Wrong. He smiled and pushed through the crowd, joining your little circle.
“Clarence, it truly is a pleasure. And this must be your fine dame you’ve been telling me about!” James greeted your best friend, her cheeks lighting up at the compliment.
“Well. yes! It’s good to see Clarence is not speaking ill of me. This is such a lovely party you’ve set up Mr.March.”
“You are too kind.” His eyes turned to you, hand held out for yours. You could feel butterflies form in your stomach as his lips dusted your fingers, black orbs trained on your features.
“And pray tell, who are you? I don’t think we’ve had the chance to meet. I would remember a gorgeous face like yours.” 
You could only smile, nodding your head at the slick line. 
“You’ve got quite the silver tongue, Mr.March. I'm Y/N. I don’t normally attend parties like these. Thankfully I got wound into this one by B/N.” 
James glanced at your friend, shooting her a wink before looking back at you. He placed his hand out again, awaiting yours.
“Well I am delighted she did. Please do me the honors of joining me in the perilous conversations tonight. I think with you they shall prove fruitful, doll.” 
Your thoughts were running wild as James led you away, his hand igniting a flame you had never felt before. He was something of a new nature - a perfect challenge. 
The night had gone by in a wink, James introducing you to his close friends and colleagues. They were quite nice but you were more so entranced by the soft touches of Mr.March. His calloused hands rubbed at your skin, the breaths behind your ears drawing you closer into his form. There was something about him that was dangerous and fun. Sadly, the night had to come to an end.
“My dear, this night has been a dream. I do hope you enjoyed it.” James’ kissed at your palm, leading you to the doors. The warmth radiating your body had only gotten worse, a simple hum leaving your lips.
“James, it's been wonderful. Maybe B/N was right when she said it would be the party of the year. It’s definitely made mine.” You had secretly hoped he would ask you to stay, although you would have to decline. You wouldn’t want the high class ladies thinking you were some kind of floozy. 
“I’m glad. If it’s not improper of me to ask, I would like to court you.”
That was the sentence that made you combust. There was no way a man such as Mr.March would truly be interested in you and yet.. Here you were.
“I-I would love that!” You stuttered out, eyes focusing on the carpet. His hand grasped your chin, pushing your face to make eye contact. The world stopped just like your breath, his onyx hues the only thing you could anchor on.
“Perfect! You shall come back here tomorrow? I am off at six and would love to throw you a nice dinner.” James questioned and excitement welled up inside you.
“That sounds wonderful. Thank you again.”
He waved you off making sure you made it safely into your cab. After all, you had a very busy day tomorrow and needed your rest!
B/N almost screamed when she heard the news of you and James.
“You are WHAT?! I thought you hated men like that! No wonder you ran off with him last night..” She cackled at your screech, falling against your bed.
“I did not ‘run off’ with him! He pulled me away and it would’ve been rude to say no! Besides, he is different from the other men..” You cringed at the comment knowing full well how you sounded.
B/N raised her eyebrow. 
“Right.. Different from the rest. Whatever you say, Y/N.”
You threw your hands up in defeat and continued to meander around the room. 
“I called you here to help me, not insult me! Get up and help me find an outfit!” You threw a pillow at the girl, yanking at the nice garments you owned.  
After what felt like hours B/N and you had finally got you dolled up for James’. You were giddy and couldn’t control your wandering mind. Would he like your outfit? Was he serious about you? Was he doing this as a joke? The nerves were eating you alive.
“Chill out, Y/N! You’re gonna be fine.” B/N smoothed out your outfit, her voice assuring you. Even if this date didn’t end up well you could remember what a dashing man James was! And how much you hated aristocrats. 
You sighed, heading for the door. 
“I hope this all goes well and he’s not playing a mean joke on me.” You murmured as you neared the cab. B/N patted your shoulder giving you a genuine smile.
“You’ll be fine. He likes you and you like him! Besides, it’s a free dinner with a rich, handsome man!” 
You rolled your eyes at her comment, saying your goodbyes. 
“Have fun and bring me back a bottle of wine!” B/N joked as your cab started up and she left.
You made your way into the hotel, sweaty hands ringing at the receptionist bell. A young man came out, arms filled with files and a scowl adorning his face.
“Look if you’re here to try and woo Mr.March you’re not the first nor the last. If you have reservations, sign the book.” 
You scoffed at the rude service, looking around for James. 
“I’m not here to woo him nor do I have a reservation. I’m here for dinner at 6 with James.” 
The man snorted and started walking away.
“Yeah sure. Just like every other woman is here to see him. Have a nice day.” The man closed the door to the back leaving you alone and irate.
You decided that if he wouldn’t help you then you would find James yourself. You walked up the decadent stairs and down the halls in search of him. You hadn’t realized just how large and winding the hotel was, getting lost in the endless tunnels.
A door whirled open and made you jump. To your surprise it was James, his normal suit jacket off and his sleeves rolled up. The sight alone making you drool.
“Y/N! I was just coming down to meet you. How did you even find me?” His fingers worked at his sleeves, adjusting them to look more proper. 
“It’s a long story. That receptionist of yours is quite a knob!” You said as he walked you to the dining room.
“Is he? Do tell me more once we sit down.” 
The dinner table was extravagant, rich meats and hearty vegetables lined the plates. You felt an awkward energy everytime his maid came into the room, quickly picking up on her feelings. 
His voice snapped you out of your thoughts and his accent sent chills down your spine.
“Tell me about this receptionist of mine dear and how you ended up on the fourth floor.”
“He was ridiculous! I walked in and rang the bell and he came out with the worst attitude! Gave me a dirty look and told me to get lost even when I said I had a meeting with you! Treating me like I’m a wench throwing myself at you. It was quite insulting!” You roared, fork digging at the prepared food. James’ had a scowl of his own after hearing the news, wiping his mouth with a napkin.
“That is unacceptable. I will deal with him promptly. Thank you for telling me. On another topic, how do you find the hotel?” His voice was serene, his toothy grin filling you with delight. He was adorable.
“It’s wonderful, James. Truly. There’s so many floors, I got lost! I’m glad I found you when I did.”
His hand reached across the table for yours, fingertips tracing your knuckles.
“Thank you. It took a while to get everything in shape but it’s exactly how I want it. Enough about me though! Tell me more about yourself!” 
You and James talked about anything and everything. From childhood memories to your current job. Something about him just clicked. You felt like he would not judge you and he was genuinely interested in you - something you had never felt from a man. The night had gone so well that yet again, you wished you could stay.
“You are beyond words, dear. Stunning in your outfit and a gorgeous personality to match. I’m sorry if my words are blunt but I would like to continue this.” James stood in front of you, face inches away from yours. Your heart was beating out of your chest, your mind running just as fast.
“Yes. I want to be yours.” You let out, hoping it didn’t sound desperate. He had to know you liked him for him!
James let out a breath of relief and leaned even closer. 
“Then I hope you do not mind my brashness. May I kiss you?”
His lips met yours in a passionate kiss, his body shoving you into the door. You let out a quiet moan as he yanked your scalp, attempting to pull you closer. His tongue ran against your bottom lip asking for permission. You yielded, letting him roam freely. It was a battle for dominance that he easily won, his hands touching at any bare skin he could get.
The two of you pulled away, hands gripping at eachother. You wanted nothing more than to pull him back into you, begging to rip off that proper suit of his. But alas you had morals and didn’t want to give everything away on the first date. Mother did not raise a harlot!
“James..” You whispered and he hummed.
“Darling, don’t speak. It’ll only make me want you more. “
“This is unladylike of me but trust me, I want you too. We will have to wait though. When will we meet next?” His cheshire grin only fed into your desire. 
“You are free to meet me here whenever you want. I do want to take you to other places though. How about I take you out to a speakeasy on Thursday?” His nose nudged yours, lips placing a delicate smooch on yours.
“Sounds wonderful. I’ll have to bring you lunch this week too. Get your receptionist to recognize me.” Your finger trailed his chest, the sexual tension in the room darkening.
“Oh, I will.”
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oh-for-fic-sake · 5 years
If They Get Married I'd Be Your Uncle
Warnings: swearing, mentions of sex, flirting, Bruce is frustrated
A/n:So been in a dc mood today and couldn’t get this out of my head i really hope you enjoy it xx
Bruce meets you when you both get called into the school and instantly wants you to himself.
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If They Get Married I'd Be Your Uncle.
You grumbled as you walked up to the pretentious school pissed that it wasn't near any bus routes, cos these type of people don't use that sort of thing. The walk was long and arduous especially after the 10 hour shift you just finished cos some stupid little twat decided he didn't feel like coming in today and called in 'sick' at the last minute even tho you heard his giggling girlfriend in the back ground. Sighing you pulled out your hair tie slapping it up into a neater messy bun as you made your way into the school reception stopping ,you raised an eyebrow at the receptionist as she gave you a side glance pretending not to notice you. You looked up to the ceiling praying for some restraint because you'd had just about as much as you could take today and didn't need the snobby attitude of these people. After a few moments you looked at her.
"Excuse me I'm here to see Mr Koleman I'm running a bit late so could you sign me in?" you said as calm as possible she rolled her eyes.
"Mr Kolman doesnt take personal meetings on the school grounds" she said snidely dismissing you , you growled at the implication.
"I'm Jack Cookes sister you phoned me earlier?"
"oh? you have an appointment?" she said. you grit your teeth.
"Trust me if I didnt I wouldnt be here" she gave you the once over then reached a perfectly manicured hand beside her screen lifiting a clip board
" and your Mrs?" you shook your head
"Miss Cooke with an e" a chuckle and whispers rippled through the office as she checked you in and handing you a visitors pass. You snatched it and made your way down to the hall to a mini reception outside the principles office. As you opened the door you spotted your little brother supporting a bloody nose ,cut cheek and eyebrow. Ignoring everyone you ran across the room stopping before him and his best friend.
"Oh for fuck sake Jack, here let me look" you said tilting his face this way and that you looked beside him swivling on your feet pulling the boys face up.
"Damien are you ok- seriously you to?" you cut yourself off seeing a dark bruise on the boys jaw you tutted rummaging through your bag pulling out a pack of ibuprofen and small bottle of water passing it to them both.
"here take these" stopping as the principles secretary snapped at you.
"Miss! you cannot give medication to other student's god knows what they are!!" you rolled your eyes giving the sleeve of tablets to Jack who then popped out two and gave them to Damien before taking his own.
"Happy?" you quipped at her with an innocent smile then turned to Jack
"Jack please please tell me you still have all your teeth" he smiled showing a full set then looked at Damien who copied. You sighed in relief smoothing both boys hairs then placed a kiss on each of their heads. You continued coddling them unaware of the man behind you watching shocked as damien sat still letting you fuss over him. Bruce didnt know you from adam but damien apparently did
"Was it them again? I told you if your gonna retaliate keep it off campus!" you said kneeling in front of them hand on either boys knee.
"We didn't start it." your brother stated and you believed him , he and Damien get themselves into trouble I mean there a couple of teenage boys there bound to act up but he doesn't just 'verbally disrespect people and attack other students' as the teacher on the phone had put it.
"Ok what happened?" you asked they both looked down Damien spoke up first
"They started calling us names again, kyle tripped and blamed Jack for it getting him told off so i called Kyle out on it then they started calling us names again we told Mrs Hatt and she laughed saying sticks and stones" . Jack continued
"So I called her a drunk fat bitch who was at best a fucking baby sitter, kyle slammed my head into the desk for it cos he's a little ass lick." you sighed as Damien took over
"SoIi punched kyle in the face knocking him on his ass and Clarence hit me and Jack headbutted him then we were pulled apart"
"yeah were did you learn to punch like that? he went down like a sack of shit" Jack asked laughing damien joined him laughing you deadpanned as they high five'd one another.
"Ok guys thats neither here nor there the point is your teacher sat back and watched?" they nodded there teacher seemed to have a problem with your brother due to your social class, he'd been accepted as part of a new law that all private schools must accept a certain number of full scholarship students to give everyone 'an equal opportunity' you'd been complaining to the school about the bullying and the teachers attitude but nothing has been one it seems.
"So you didn't hit them first?" you asked Damien shook his head at you. you believed them they were good kids.
"Good but you know fighting isn't the answer right?" they shook their heads you stood up fully taking a seat beside them.
"Damien thank you for helping him and Jack fuck sake don't you know headbutting hurts you more than the other guy. I'm sorry this is still happening guys but I'm gonna take care of it ok? trust me?" they both nodded at you still looking a little sorry for themselves you swung around in your seat only now seeing Bruce sitting opposite you.
"Bruce Wayne, you must be Jacks sister Y/n was it?" you nodded as his hand devoured your in a hand shake.
"Yep that's me. sorry your boy got dragged into this" he chuckled waving it off
"He will always find trouble at least this time its for sticking up for his friend, im glad to finally have a face to put to the name they talk about you alot" you nodded at that couldn't help your breathing hitch slightly at his smile his eyes seemed to burn into you analyzing you. You flushed slightly under his gaze
"Good things i hope" he nodded at you licking his bottom lip damien sighed you loked away before smirking at Jack.
"You really called her a drunk fat bitch?" he laughed proud of himself
"Yeah, sticks and stone and all that thought id test it" you laughed out loud
"To quick for them huh? I see where your going with it tho smart ass" he smiled sheepishly
"Well it worked for you, had to give you a leg to stand on" you laughed high fiving him . Bruce flinched as the display made you look your age. your relationship with your brother was a strange one. One moment you had to be the 'politically correct parent' the next you could return to being his 'cool older sister', there was 12 years between you but it didn't bother either of you , it wasn't that long ago that you were in school so you understood him. You struck up a conversation with the two boys, Damien had been the only one in the school to get along with Jack and you were thankful that they found each other two peas in a pod and he seemed to be coming round constantly it hadn't taken long before you started mothering him to. They were always together at your house or the manor but youd never met bruce jntill today sure damien had spoke about him, convinced that the two of you would hit it off, you just laughed him off saying it was wishfull thinking, but you couldnt help but wonder as you sat across from the handsom man well aware of his eyes watching your every move. Bruce watched fascinated as you seemed to be on the same level as the boys , if he was honest he was happy to see Damien relaxed around someone. Damien constaly gushed about you to him and he could see why as his eye scanned you up and down taking everything in , you was certainly beautiful petite and slightly heavy set you had a young carefree air about you that still held a nurturing aspect , probably what drew damien to you the boy had never had a motherly type of women around him, hell even he felt drawn to you in more ways then one, he noted as he felt,his blood rush south. It had been a while since any woman had coaxed such a strong reaction from him. He'd never been one for the young domestic type but there was something in him that wanted you. He tried reasoning that it was because of the way you had coddled his son, or maybe it was that he missed that motherly affection himself, but no there was something more then that a deep atraction pulling at him.He could see why Damien had taken a shine to you he'd be lying if he said he hasn't already been thinking of a reason to meet up with you outside of school. It was rare that someone caught him by surprise and you had defiantly caught him by surprise. Clearing his throat he re-position himself on his seat as his boxers became tighter embarrassed and admittedly a bit confused as watching you mother the two teens had begun to arouse him. You looked over to him with concern.
"Are you ok Mr Wayne?" he inwardly groaned at the name and way you looked at him so innocently ,no idea what you were doing .fuck. He forced a charming smile
"Yes just wish they'd hurry up." you sighed pouting slightly
"It seems a bit stupid calling this an emergency then making us wait this long. twats." you snipped crossing your arms across your chest huffing he chuckled hearing the barely held back irritation, imagining just how bratty you could be, and exactly how he could deal with said bratty behaviour a shiver ran down his spine, he sucked through his teeth as his cock twitched at the thought his mind racing to other tempting scenarios of you and him, shaking his head he had to snap himself out of it. The door opened and you were both called in. He watched wide eyed as you rose your demeanor changed completely, gone was a fun loving motherly young woman and there stood a less than impressed mama bear under 5ft tall but walked like a giant. He blinked and staggered in behind you thankful that he opted for a longer blazer that helped cover his 'situation' once in the office you set down in front of Mr Koleman the principle a stout balding man that was king of his own little castle and like to let everyone know it.
Mr Koleman looked at you with distaste then smiled shaking hands with Bruce.
"Ah Mr Wayne good to see you again tho I hoped it was on better terms. Miss Cooke I'm glad you could come down today I wasn't sure you'd make it this time." he said condescendingly you smirked putting on your polite 'adult' voice.
"well I've been trying to get an appointment with you about these issues that I'm sure your fully aware of, however you seem fully booked so I'm glad I finally have the opportunity to straighten a few thing out" he grimaced as he took a seat behind the desk.
" Yes well I am a very busy man." he said
"Yes I noticed that when the receptionist mistook me for a personal visitor." you hear Bruce cough covering a laugh as the principle opened and closed his mouth speechless.
"Any way what was it you wanted to discuss Mr Koleman?" he scowled not used to being shut down by a young women. He leaned forward shuffling papers
"yes well we've been having problems with Jack for a few months as your aware-"
"Yes I'm aware that he is being targeted by his teacher and bullied by other students in the class which is being over looked and in some instances encouraged by the staff at this school. but go on." you interupted him staring at him unblinkingly Bruce gapped before collecting himself sitting back to watch the show the distinct feeling that you were going to rip this man a new arsehole.
"Uh-oh i was not aware of that"
"do not lie to me" you growled 'and here we go' Bruce thought he'd been with enough women to know that all hell was going to break loose as the quiet sweetheart form out side became a little spitfire in the office and couldn't help the a quick fantasy of you being this fiesty for him in his office. You pulled out a small red diary from your bag turning to dates in it.
"On the 4th of March I phoned the school and spoke to a Mrs Hatt to discuss cases of bullying she said that it was being taken care of and that I had no reason to worry. March the 12th Jack came home with bruises on his back caused by the same students they had tied knots in there ties and whiped him with them while getting changed for p.e, I had raised concerns about it nothing was done. I phoned again and once again was fobbed off by Mrs Hatt that there was nothing happening, then Jack comemhome with a sprained wrist, then it was bruised stomach, then a cut forhead and a brokennfinger from them smashing it in a door etcetera these incidents continued and I continued to report them and it was always the same names that popped up, the same three boys. I'd had enough on May 21st I phoned and asked to speak to you instead I got through to a Mrs Hamsten? the vice principle?" you watched as his face became paler and paler as you spoke he nodded. Bruced leant back eyes blown finding himself getting hotter as he watched you tear down the man infront of you.
"Yes and she said that the boys had been put into detention for it which turned out to be a lie another student confirmed that nothing had been done. I then put my issue in writing, I wrote a letter sent by recorded post to you about the issue and received a reply, sighed by you, that you have a no tolorence policy and would look into it, nothing has been done and now you have the audacity to call me up and have me come in here because he finally had enough and stuck up for himself because this little shit split his face open on a desk whilst the teacher watched? tell me Mr Koleman do you still want to pretend you dont know what I'm talking about because I've recored all the calls I've made about this." you tore into him as he shrunk further and further into his seat not prepared for you to come at him so direct. Bruce didnt know what the fuck happened to the sweet little thing he saw outside but what he did know was that was one of the sexist things he'd seen as you asserted yourself beautifully not giving the man time to respond. If it wasn't for Mr Koleman sitting behind the desk he'd already have you spread out on it underneath him. 'Another time'he thought to himself he licked his lips tugging at his trousers again trying to ease the ache in his cock as it strained against its confines.
"Ah yes well, now that I think about it I do remeber a letter" he stumbled over his words you nodded your head
"Yes I'm sure you do. Today was the inevitale blow up." He collected himself looking at Bruce for some sort of back up instead the billionaire scowled at him.
"Be that as it may there is no excuse for calling a teacher a drunk fat bitch." you nodded
"I agree how ever it was for science. Your member of staff who has neglected her duty to keeping my brother safe on school grounds ,has brushed off his bullying useing 'stick and stones' so he decied to test that theory by calling her a drunk fat bitch, turns out names do hurt and caused her to become agitated that she allowed him to have his face smashed into a desk by another student cutting open his eyebrow, cheek and bloody his nose. I dont think she should be able to teach if she cant practice what she preaches and certainly shouldnt be left incharge of children if she is that unstable that she would allow an attack to happen because her feeling were hurt."
"yes well he dragged Mr Waynes son into this-"
"Damien and Jack are friends Damien saw Kyle attack Jack and defended him which is more I can say for the staff at this school. I'm warning you Mr Koleman sort it out before I go to the press. How do you think that would look? when your school board find out that Mr Wanyes son was injured defending his friend when the teacher didn't lift a fucking finger. You wanna go there? cos I fucking will I've had enough." he sat up straighter alarmed, Bruce moaned deep in his chest but watching you was really doing it for him he didnt know why or care in all honesty he just wanted more of you.
"No, no theres no need for that. We can sort this out between us no need for the governors or press. Mr Wayne is there anything you'd like to add." he said trying hard to wrap up this meeting. You looked at Bruce who frankly you forgot was even there he shook his head looking strange, shifting in his chair uncomfortably.
"I think Miss Cooke summed everything up wounderfully, and she has my full support sort out these kids, I know that they have been causing Damien problems name calling getting him in trouble such and he has said the teacher dosn't do anything about it. I wont stand for it any more , if its not sorted out by the end of the week I will bring Miss Cooke with me and we will speak to the school bored in person." You let out a breath you didnt know you was holding relief flooded you as he said this slightly worried that he'd throw you under the bus. He locked eyes with you his pupils were blown wide and he was breathing heavy he winked subtly, you flushed looking back to the man behind the desk as he cleared his throat.
"Right well I will see to it personally and it will be sorted by the end of the week, you both seem to have concerns with Jack and Damien's teacher so as of tomorrow I will have them moved into another class whilst I investigate. I will phone you both up to check in with the boys I'm terribly sorry that it has been left this long." he stood motioning for you both to do the same ending with.
"The boys can leave early today while I deal with this." Bruce opened the door letting you through growling as the principle made a point to oogle your ass as you left, quickly standing between you blocking his veiw of you he glared at the fat prick his message was clear. That hot little spitfire is mine so back off. He stared down at him chest puffed out standing taller and broarder intimidating the little weasel until he looked away. Bruce smirked then left the office slamming the door behind him finding you explaining to the boys what was happening, joining you as they stood up getting there bags .
"you boys go out and wait by the car while we sign out at the front." Bruce instructed they nodded running ahead to the school enterance.
"The car?" you asked looked up at him shyly
"Yes i will give you both a lift" he said leaving no room for argument. You thanked him then spoke quietly looking down trying not to freak out as he stood closer then you thought was neccasary.
"Thank you for sticking up for me in there, I dont usually get like that but you know I get a bit protective." he chuckled at you showing off a brilliant smile
"Its no problem, to be honest I found the whole mama bear thing very sexy your lucky we we'rnt alone" he said winking you blushed
"Wh-what? sh-shut up" you squeeked out he shook his head at you as he put an arm out over you holding the doors to main reception you thanked him queitly skipping through feeling small catching yourself breathing deeper to smell more of his fresh scented cologne.
"No I'm serious any where else and well" he wiggled his brows at you making you giggle
"and the way you are with damien?ive never seen him like that" he asked trailing off
"Yes well he is a sweet kid, he comes over quiet a bit as you know Alfred drops him off and the boys go off doing their thing, just sort of started to mother him a bit sorry" he smirked at you
"Well if I'd known how stunning you were it'd be me dropping him off. And dont apologize I'm not mad just a bit jealous. Tho not for long" he said handing his pass to the snooty receptionist who gave him bedroom eyes before glaring at you for keeping his attention.
"J-jealous? of Damien why?" you stuttered then bit your lip blushing. He groaned the site of it as he throbbed agin nearly cumming as his cock rubbed harshly agains the soft cotton of his boxers, he just couldnt control it. oh he was definatly gonna have you for himself, somehow you turned him into a horny teenager all over again.
"Well he got to have all your attention earlier, hurts a mans pride when his son can capture a beautiful woman's attention and he cant." you looked away from him giving your pass to the secatary who snatched it with a snarl.
"Im hoping you'd show some mercy and come out for lunch with me?" you gasped snapping your gaze at him.
"Wh-what you mean to talk about the school?"
"No as in a date" he explained you froze feeling butterflies in your tummy looking at the gorgeous man.
"Date? now? like right now?" he nodded smirking thoroughly enjoying you being so flustered.
"yes now I dont have anything else planned for today." you gulped when he gave you a heated look you felt like a meal taking a step back
" I'd love to but I have to clean up Jack and-." you began your excuse only for him to cut you short.
"Nonsense he can come to the manor and spend the day with Damien, Alfred is a good nurse he will patch them up." you blinked trying to think of another reason as he stood staring you down at you waiting to for to decide feeling like a deer in the head lights you realized this alpha of a man wasn't going to give you much of a choice.
"O-ok if your sure alfred wouldn't mind watching him." you nodded shyly Bruce gave a triumphant smirk and threw an arm across your shoulders tucking you against him walking to the main doors.
"Alfred wont mind watching the boys." you both walked outside to the boys Damien sighed at his dad before Jack spoke up.
"Told you he was looking at her ass"
"JACK! He was not!" you screeched at him damien laughed and bruce unlocked the range rover
"I thought I was being subtle about it" you gaped at him speechless as he opened the passenger door the boys gagged getting in the back. You got in the car pouting to yourselfand Bruce climbed in.
"Fucking hell I've never seen her speechless, how'd you do that?" Jack said Damien scoffed
"Dad just keep your boner in your pants until were out of the way."
"Yer shes my sister dont need to see her sucking face." You blushed trying to shush the boys
"DAMIEN! He does not have a boner!"
"Uh yer he does look."You tired not to look you really did but it just sort of happend you squeeked covering your mouth faceing forward and jumped as bruce leant over buckling your seat belt whispering in your ear.
"I did tell you the mama bear was sexy" puljng away he spoke to the boys
"Dont worry boys, we will behave until your out of ear shot" You gapped as they cringed with cries of 'ew dad no' and 'come on thats my sister' he laughed at them patting your thigh before pulling out of the school
"So you asked her on a date yet Dad?" Bruce raised and eye brom looking at him in the rear view mirror pulling out onto the main road.
"Well we are dropping you both off at the manor does that answer your question?"
Jack groaned not sure if he likes the idea of his sister dating his best friends dad.
"dont you hurt her Mr Wayne I know where you live" you smiled at that finding it cute him trying to be the protective little man. The drive was quiet for a while before jack piped up.
"Holy shit if they get married I'd be your uncle" you groaned holding you face in your hands bruce only laughed
"Jack its one lunch date jesus"
".....Can I walk you down the isle?"
"What she means is well cross that bridge when we come to it" you stared at Bruce as he smirked enjoying teasing you the boys snickered in the back. You sat back wondering just what you'd gotten youself into.
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the-rad-pineapple · 3 years
Supernatural one-shot: 1389 words
In a weird mood today, so I’m randomly self-conscious about this one. Any comments would be very welcome. Thanks for reading!
I never wanted to see Castiel again.
It started with the secret little glances. The small smile he would only give to me. A gentle brush of our hands as we walked next to each other. Bright blue eyes looking at me with a warmth I haven’t seen him even look at Dean with. At first it was like a game. I flirted with him. I flirted with everyone. It meant nothing. And then he flirted back. It was fun. It was dangerous. He could kill me with a single touch. I was playing with something more powerful than I’d ever seen. I wondered how far I could push it. I never stopped teasing him, and he would tease me right back.
Could I be the first demon to sleep with an angel? But it all changed somehow. Bantering with him became the highlight of my week. The adrenaline in this meatsuit would pick up whenever I saw him. I wasn’t afraid. I never was. I was excited. And then I’d find myself checking my phone waiting for a message from him. It sounded worse than it was. I didn’t care for him. How could I? I’m a demon. He’s an angel. We were on lookout for Sam and Dean on top of a roof of a building above the warehouse they were investigating. I knew what this was. They didn’t trust me. “Enjoying being babysitter, Clarence?” I moved so I was right in front of him and leaned against the short ledge of the rooftop. “We need to be watchful,” came the reply as he stepped left to see around me. “Really?” I slid, so I was in front of him again. “You know we’re only up here, so you can watch me, right?” He reluctantly looked down at me. “They trusted you in finding the location of the weapon we need.”
As if that justified them not trusting me now. It was like my trust could only be rationed, and I already used today’s. “But not enough to let me near it.” I stood up fully, so we were even closer. He didn’t move. “And they left me with the angel, so if I tried anything, I could easily be dealt with.” “I wouldn’t harm you.” He didn’t hesitate a second. I smirked playfully and placed a hand on his chest. I trailed it upward until it reached the base of his neck, my thumb reaching the edge of his hair. “If I didn’t know any better, I’d think you like me, Clarence.” “I thought you knew that already.” His tone serious.
That wasn’t the response I was expecting. My breath caught in my throat. I wanted something playful. Not this...sincerity. His eyes shone with such intensity I almost backed away. Almost. I managed to take back control of my breathing and rolled my eyes as if I didn’t just get breathless over the way he looked at me.
“That was a boring reply,” I retort. “I mean it.”
He grabbed the hand that wasn’t already hooked around his neck and interlaced our fingers. This was the most intimate experience I’ve had since...as long as I remember. I don’t mean physical intimacy, I mean emotional. I hadn’t held someone’s hand like this for as long as I’d been a demon. No one had held me this close or this gently in centuries. This body’s heart was pounding in my head. The adrenaline was going so hard that I knew my hands would be shaking if I wasn’t holding onto him. I looked up at him. He was watching me carefully. “I didn’t mean to scare you.” “I’m not scared.” My voice was quiet and breathy.
He started to take his hand out of mine. No. He didn’t understand. I wasn’t scared. I wanted this. I wanted him. I had to stop him. I surged forward and kissed him. He made a soft noise in surprise but didn’t pull away. Kissing him was a mistake. It wasn’t as sexy or playful like I wanted. It was desperate and messy. I kissed him with the longing ache I felt but kept ignoring. I would never get anything special. He was the best good thing to happen to me. Sometimes I let myself think he actually cared for me. It was a nice fantasy to keep me going. In this moment, I imagined he felt the same way I do about him, and I kissed him as if we were in love.
And that’s when I realized...I was in love. I love him. I pushed him away. He stumbled back. That was a little harder than I meant. “Meg?” I couldn’t do this. I actually care for him. I actually love him. I never wanted this. This would never work out. It would only cause problems. No, it would cause me problems. He wouldn’t bat an eye. You’re so stupid!! How could you let yourself fall for him? How did you fall in love with an angel? “Is something wrong?” he asked and cautiously stepped forward. “Did I do something wrong?” I couldn’t look at him. I brushed past him. “I have to go,” I answered and practically ran away from him. I can’t believe this. I’m better than this. What the hell was I thinking? Am I losing my edge? Falling in love?! How cliche could I be? …But why does it hurt so much? I opened the door to the roof and went down the stairs. I had to get a hold of myself. I’m acting like a middle schooler who just watched Twilight. I paused at a break in the stairs and closed my eyes. I focused on breathing calmly. I wasn’t going to lose my shit over some guy. But he wasn’t just some guy. And that is why I never wanted to see Castiel again. Because I was in love with him. “Meg, are you alright?” My eyes flew open, and I tried to step away but just backed into the wall. He stood in front of me, his eyes flooded with concern. He must have flown down here after me. But I needed him to fuck off. I glared and crossed my arms.
“I’m fine,” I answered harshly. “No, you’re not.” His voice was soft and smooth. He carefully took a step forward. “Stay away from me.” It was supposed to be a shout, but I barely managed to get it out at all. But he stopped. “I’m sorry,” he apologized. “I thought you wanted...” He looked down. He wasn’t making sense. “What?” I asked. “You didn’t want to kiss me,” he answered, “and I didn’t even ask. I didn’t even think...” Oh. He thought I was mad at him for kissing me. But I had clearly wanted it. “No,” I argued. “I wanted to kiss you.” He returned my gaze. “Then why did you run away?” I felt my cheeks get warm. I couldn’t admit this. But I couldn’t think of anything else to say. Why was this so hard? Lying was second nature to me. But then again, I’m not usually this emotionally involved in the lies I tell.
“I like you,” I admitted. He frowned. “I like you, too. I told you.” “No. I like you,” I tried. “Yes, I heard you.” I sighed. He wouldn’t get it. Not unless I explicitly tell him. “No. I like you. A lot.” He continued to stare at me in confusion. “With feelings,” I elaborated. “Yes, I know. Liking something is based on feelings.” “No, dumbass, I have romantic feelings for you.” He stared at me. I glared back. “You do?” he asked. “No, I’m just confessing deep feelings for fun,” I replied sarcastically. “Then why did you run away if you had feelings for me?” “I’m a demon, Clarence. We don’t do feelings. I didn’t know what else to do.” He stepped towards me, so we were close yet again. I pressed my back against the wall. This was it, wasn’t it? The final straw. He was going to kill me. He lightly brushed some of my hair out of my face. “I told you earlier I wouldn’t harm you.” I was terrified. “Why?” “Because I have romantic feelings for you, too.” And then he was gone with a quiet whoosh of air.
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goldenraeofsun · 4 years
in my defense, I have none
A redo of the first installment of this verse!
Castiel scrawls his name on a nametag and offers Becky at the makeshift welcome desk a hesitant smile.
She beams back. “Hope you enjoy the reunion!”
Castiel strides down the familiar halls of Edlund High School and does his best not to regress to his teenage self, dodging glances and hunching his shoulders to make himself smaller. It’s been ten goddamn years; he has changed. 
He passes a couple of his old classmates - he doesn’t recognize them - pointing at a poster with old pictures, excitedly naming names.
“Look at Dean Winchester, oh my god, I haven’t thought about him in years! I had the worst crush on him, you know?”
Her companion snorts. “You and everyone else.”
Castiel snorts. Everyone else, indeed.
He walks deliberately on, following the music to the gym. The bass thumps in a vaguely-familiar rhythm, but Castiel can't name the song or singer for the life of him. In high school, he didn’t listen to much contemporary music. His mother preferred the classical stations at home, and Dean, of course, only played his version of the classics in his car.
“Music stopped being good after the mid-80s,” Dean said as they drove down the dark highway, no headlights, only them. “Don’t let anyone ever tell you any different.”
Castiel doesn’t remember what he said in return, but he remembers the way Dean laughed, how his eyes crinkled, how he tapped his fingers along the steering wheel, how he looked, looking back at Cas.
Castiel steps into the reunion. The gym has been festooned with what looks like old prom decorations. Streamers hang off the walls in Edlund’s school colors, and bunches of mostly-inflated balloons are taped along the collapsed bleachers spelling out their graduating year. A slideshow of old yearbook photos flashes against the far wall of the gym.
Castiel stares out at a room full of strangers.
Inwardly, he sighs. He was hardly a social butterfly in high school. The exact opposite, actually. He can’t name a single person - except one - that would be able to put a name to his face. 
Make that two. 
Castiel spins around at the familiar voice. “Meg?”
He should have known. But if Castiel has learned anything over the past few years, it’s Meg Masters defies all expectations. He’d been surprised enough when she marched right up to him at his old school - Morning Star Academy - and asked him out to lunch.
After listening to him awkwardly explain that he was gay, Meg rolled her eyes and told him she just wanted to catch up. They had gone to the same high school, she said.
She didn’t seem very bothered when he said he didn’t remember her. All she did was make him pay for that first lunch, and that was the extent of his punishment for forgetting. 
When Castiel took his current job at Carver Preparatory in their hometown school district, they started meeting up for drinks instead of lunch.
Meg smirks. “I didn’t think you were going to this little shindig.”
“It didn’t come up,” Castiel says distractedly as he scans the gym.
“Yet here you are, skulking the old hallways.”
“I didn’t skulk.” Castiel turns to her, offended.
“Unlike some people, my memory of high school is impeccable,” Meg says loftily, “You skulked in that coat with all those books in front of your face. I was always surprised you didn’t mow down more unsuspecting freshmen.”
“I -” Castiel breaks off, unable to deny any of her accusations. It’s true he wore his old trenchcoat nearly every day (in his more poetic moments, he saw it as a foil to Dean’s everpresent leather jacket) and he tried to shut everyone out by reading while walking from class to class.
“Don’t worry about it,” Meg says with an easy pat to his shoulder. “Teenagers are the worst. I thought I was so cool back then, with the boots and the bleached hair.” She shudders at the memory.
“I’m sure you were very cool,” Castiel says diplomatically.
Meg snorts. “You bet your ass I was not cool.” She tips her head over to where a group of well-dressed alums stand below the basketball hoops. “They were cool. And now look at them.” She sighs. “I would still set their extensions on fire if I could. Oh well, some things never change. Look at Victor. Talk about aging like fine wine.”
Castiel vaguely recognizes some of them from the poster outside the gym. But for the life of him, he can’t identify which one is Victor.
Meg smiles at his clueless expression. “You seriously didn’t pay attention to anything but your books?”
“I - ” Castiel breaks off, the faintest twinges of embarrassment curling in his gut. He paid attention to exactly one thing outside of his studies in high school.
Meg eyes him critically. “You’re usually chattier than this. I think you need a drink.” She steers him towards the makeshift bar on a folding table.
With newly acquired drinks, they retreat to the far end of the gym. Meg makes a game out of forcing Cas to try to name people from their class.
“I want to say, Jeremy?” Castiel guesses as Meg not-so-subtly points out a man at the end of the drinks line.
“Close,” Meg says with a smirk. “That’s Gordon Walker. He was captain of the football team.” She subtly points to a very pretty woman scrolling through her phone near Gordon.
“She looks like a Mina to me,” Castiel says critically.
Meg throws him an incredulous look. “How did nobody know you were gay in high school?”
“I’m guessing her name isn’t Mina.”
“Bela Talbot,” Meg corrects. “You don’t remember her English accent? Pretentious as fuck. Just like Principal Crowley - not that you have to deal with him any more, since you’re over at Carver, you lucky bastard.”
Crowley was one of the main reasons Castiel left Morning Star. In tightening the budget, he cracked down on students’ late lunch bills among other unacceptable measures. Crowley was not pleased when he found out Castiel regularly squirrelled away peanut butter and a loaf of bread in his desk for emergencies. 
Castiel tried to explain it was for his lunch emergencies, but Crowley wasn’t hearing any of it. Castiel was fired, and, after a harrowing year of substitute teaching, he used his family connection to get his current job at Carver Preparatory. 
“Eliot,” Castiel tries next.
“There isn’t a single Eliot in our class,” Meg says, laughing. “How can you not remember Lee Webb? He wore that stupid cowboy hat all sophomore year.”
It continues. The only person Castiel gets right is Tessa, and that’s because they had gone to the same church.
“You have to remember him,” Meg says as waves over a newcomer entering the gym.
Castiel’s mouth goes dry. Yes, he does recognize Dean Winchester. How could he forget?
Castiel might have been a friendless loner in high school with only his books for company, but he wasn’t dead. He knew who Dean Winchester was, with his leather jacket, muscle car, and stunning green eyes that would make a romantic portrait artist weep.
Castiel can recall with perfect clarity the moment he found out he’d been assigned to tutor Dean in Latin in the beginning of their senior year. A mixture of elation and dread filled his stomach before Ms. Siege had even finished speaking. He’d get to see Dean. He’d have to spend time, probably alone, with Dean Winchester. And, most terrifyingly, he’d have to open his mouth and actually say words in front of him.
When Castiel looks at Dean for the first time in ten years, he doesn’t think about when Dean would do his damndest to distract Castiel from tutoring and tease him to lighten up. Instead, Castiel remembers Dean’s flushed cheeks and grasping fingers the first time Cas made him come, and the way the Impala’s windows had fogged up, just like in the movies.
* * *
Castiel can tell the exact moment Dean spots him because he nearly trips over his feet.
“I - I need to go,” Castiel says to Meg, sheer panic flooding his veins.
“What?” she asks. “Already?”
“Bathroom,” Castiel blurts before he can think of a better excuse.
“That time of the month?” Meg asks with a faux-sympathetic frown.
Castiel doesn’t bother dignifying her question with an answer. Instead, he spins on his heel and makes for the second gym exit, the one that leads to the locker rooms instead of the rest of the school.
He breathes deep as the door closes behind him. Shivering from nerves with the close call, he takes a moment to get his bearings. Are his legs shaking?
At one of the sinks in the boy’s bathroom, he turns on the tap and pats his heated face down with a damp paper towel.
He’s such a mess, and he hasn’t even spoken to Dean yet.
What a goddamn joke. He hasn’t changed in a decade. Still running away from Dean like a coward.
Castiel has been - well, he wouldn’t say looking forward to this reunion - but he’s been mentally gearing himself up for it. Castiel promised himself, ever since he heard Dean took a teaching position at their old high school, to go to their next reunion and formally apologize.
He splashes more water on his face, grimacing as dark spots dot his tie. Somehow it’s already gotten turned around. Castiel halfheartedly fiddles with it, trying to get it to lie straight.
The door opens behind him. Castiel freezes, but it’s not Dean.
The stranger shoots him a weird look before slipping into one of the stalls.
The man’s belt unbuckles, and Castiel inwardly sighs. He can’t hide in here forever. He leaves just as the sounds of a clearly painful bowel movement start up behind him. 
Right outside the gym, he steels himself. He owes this to Dean; the worst Dean can do is make a scene, and it’s not like Castiel has any plans to ever set foot in Edlund High again, anyway. He teaches at their rival school, after all.
He’s here for Dean. He can do this and go home.
Back inside, he spots Meg without difficulty. She’s alone and tapping away on her phone.
Castiel approaches her, already bracing for a wave of uncomfortable questions. “Hello, Meg.”
“Hey,” Meg says distractedly. She squints up at him. “What was with the Houdini act?”
Castiel shifts his weight to the other foot. “Where did Dean go?”
Meg jerks her head to where their ‘popular’ classmates congregate, now with one added Dean Winchester. “Why do you care?”
“I don’t.”
Meg places both hands on her hips. “I think you forget that as a fellow educator, I have a stellar bullshit radar.”
“It’s personal.”
“Come on, Clarence,” Meg says, the faintest note of pleading in her voice, “This reunion is boring as hell. Nobody’s gone into porn or killed anyone since we graduated. I’ve been robbed. You have to tell me, what did Dean Winchester do to you way back when?” Her eyebrows raise as she takes in his conflicted expression. “Or should I say, what did you do to him?”
Castiel sighs. He frowns at the floor. “In senior year we were… involved.”
“Involved how?” Meg asks, her eyes gleaming. “Don’t tell me he broke your heart.”
Castiel slowly shakes his head. “The other way around.”
“Holy shit,” Meg breathes, her eyes as round as the balloons festooning the walls. She sneaks a peek over at Dean, still standing with his group of old school friends. “You’re serious.”
“I never pegged you as a gossip, Meg,” Castiel says dispassionately.
“Call me desperate,” Meg says, waving his criticism away with an idle hand. “It’s either ten-year-old gossip or watch that fucking slideshow for the fifth time in a row. If you have anything else you’d rather talk about, I’m all ears.”
Castiel jumps at the opening. “I have been wondering,” he starts, “how other schools have been integrating the state board’s recommen-”
Meg interrupts him loudly, “Anything except work.” 
Castiel snaps his mouth shut with a glare.
“Come on,” Meg wheedles, “You got the class loner act locked down, but it’s not like I particularly want to see any of these people ever again.” She gestures around the gym.
“Then why come at all?” Castiel asks, honestly baffled.
Meg smirks. “Did you not hear my comment about the porn and murder?”
“If anyone did, I hardly think they’d advertise it at their class reunion.”
“Can’t blame a girl for trying.” She shoots him a pointed look. “But we’re getting off topic. You and Dean Winchester. Spill, Novak.”
Castiel sighs. “I was assigned to tutor him in Latin at the beginning of senior year.”
“Ohh,” Meg croons, “Somebody got hot for teacher?”
Castiel grimaces at the crude reduction of Dean’s feelings. “You could say that,” he says cagily.
Meg turns to look out across the gym, her dark eyes zeroing in on Dean. “I imagine your little heart wasn’t made of stone either.”
“No, it wasn’t.”
Meg claps her hands delightedly. “What happened?”
“I ended things,” Castiel says hollowly. “We were about to graduate, and I had plans to go to college.”
“And he did not,” Meg surmises.
Castiel shakes his head. “He was considering community college.”
To set a good example for Sam, Dean had said. He didn’t particularly care for higher education one way or another, not like Castiel, who saw college as his one way out of their hometown, out of his family, out of everything he hated about his first 18 years of life.
But somehow Dean wound up getting his degree anyway - he must have, or he wouldn’t be teaching English at their old high school.
Castiel has so many questions, but the likelihood of getting answers from Dean dwindles smaller and smaller the longer he puts off doing the very thing he came here to do.
When Dean breaks off from the group to grab another drink, Castiel seizes his chance.
Meg lets him go with a half-mocking, half-supportive, “Go get ‘im, champ!”
Castiel flips up his middle finger over his shoulder as he takes off after Dean.
He shoves his tingling hands in his pockets, finds walking with his hands in his pockets awkward and removes them, and somehow doesn't bolt in the opposite direction. By the time he catches up to Dean, it’s hard to think through his cloud of anxiety.
He just needs to tell Dean he is sorry; Dean was right; Castiel should never have ended things between them like he did.
Dean always did like being right - that can’t have changed much over the past ten years.
Castiel waits for Dean to see him, staring hard at the side of Dean’s head until he’s noticed.
Dean’s eyes go round, and he almost drops his cup of beer. “Christ,” he says, staggering off to the side of the bar table. “Someone should put a bell on you.”
“My apologies,” Castiel says gruffly.
This is not how he would have liked to start his first conversation with Dean Winchester in ten years. Not that Castiel had expected much better - if he learned anything from their tutoring sessions and later hookups, Dean always had at least one surprise up his sleeve.
Dean inhales a deep breath. “Hey, Cas.”
“Hello, Dean.”
* * * 
Castiel swallows nervously. All that preparation at home and in the bathroom, and not a single word comes to mind.
“How, uh, how’ve you been?” Dean asks first. He takes a quick sip of his beer.
“I’ve been well,” Castiel says stiffly. “And you?”
“Can’t complain.”
The conversation is almost unbearably awkward, even for him. How in the world did Castiel get stuck making smalltalk with Dean Winchester? So much for best laid plans. 
 “I heard you teach here now,” Castiel says.
“I do,” Dean says, his eyes wandering around the gym. “English. Started this year. You?”
“Latin and French at Carver Preparatory.”
Dean’s eyebrows rise. “No shit,” he says, a bitter note to his voice. “You’re teaching those elitist assholes?”
Castiel blinks. True, he didn’t expect Dean to exactly welcome him after everything, but the deliberate antagonism is a surprise. “I wouldn’t - they’re not all assholes,” he stutters. He can’t bring himself to deny the elitism. He’s loyal, not blind.
“Hm,” Dean grunts, not giving an inch. “I hope you’re not here to sabotage anything.”
“Between Carver and Edlund?” Cas asks, baffled. “This is high school, not Soviet Russia.”
Dean tips back his beer and takes a large gulp. “Tell that to the seniors who got sued over a prank.”
“They stole five hundred dollars’ worth of Carver uniforms,” Castiel says incredulously, “for an internet fad.”
Dean’s mouth twitches. “I think you mean a meme. And it was hilarious.”
“A what?”
Dean snorts. “Never mind.” His expression closes off again. “And the seniors only borrowed them. All the uniforms were returned - no harm, no foul.”
Castiel has to put a sincere effort into not letting his disgust show on his face. The whole fiasco did not endear Castiel to anyone at Carver who called for the legal case. Even if they did not make up the majority of the faculty or parents, they had the numbers (and the money) to push it farther than it should have gone.
“The parents who paid for those uniforms definitely didn’t see it that way,” Castiel says to Dean.
“Sucks to be them,” Dean smirks, “If their biggest worry is leftover sweat from an Edlunder, better not tell them how bowling shoes or vintage clothing works.”
From Castiel’s parent-teacher conferences, he’d be surprised if any Carver parent had ever stepped foot in a bowling alley. He’s positive the Naomis and Bartholomews that make up the PTA would sooner give up their second homes than voluntarily wear a pair of bowling shoes.
Dean tosses back his drink. “Anyway, it’s not like they can’t afford to get the douchey uniforms dry cleaned.”
“I didn’t say they were right,” Castiel says carefully, “In fact, I think Carver’s reaction was completely overblown, but you probably don’t want to hear about our administration politics behind the decision.”
“Nope,” Dean says, lips popping.
After a beat, Castiel asks, “How do you like teaching here?”
“Can’t complain,” Dean says as he eyes the dregs of his beer. “Bobby - Principal Singer - retired last year, but he put in a good word for me with Principal Mills.”
“I’ve heard good things about her ideas for Edlund.”
“She’s all about finally bringing us into the digital age. She’s been talking with Charlie - do you remember her?” Dean explains, “She was in our history class junior and senior year.”
The name rings no bells for Castiel. He shakes his head.
“Really?” Dean pauses. “Red hair? Queen of the Nerds?”
Castiel gives another headshake, eyes narrowing.
Dean tries again, “You gotta remember her novelty tee shirts.”
Castiel says dryly, “I think you’re vastly overestimating how much attention I paid to our classmates.”
“Dean,” Castiel says impatiently, “You are the only person I remember from high school.”
Dean balks for a moment, his cheeks flushing. “No way,” he says flatly. “You can’t seriously - I saw you talking to Meg Masters a while ago.”
Castiel eyes the mostly-depleted drink in Dean’s hands enviously. He doesn’t have enough alcohol to discuss his social deficiencies as an adult - or as a teenager. “We worked together briefly,” he admits, “at Morning Star.”
Dean whistles. “Well, I guess Carver is a step up from that.”
“Indeed,” Castiel agrees wryly. “I was only there a year. The administration at Carver is a nightmare, but at least they’re not sadists.”
“I haven’t heard great stuff about Morning Star,” Dean admits.
“There isn’t much good that goes on in that school,” Castiel says wearily. “Principal Crowley - well, the less said about him the better. Meg hates him. The students, though,” he swallows, “they deserve better.”
Dean’s expression hardens. “They always do.”
“Anyway,” Castiel says quickly because going down that road always makes him want to smite something - preferably Crowley’s smirking face, “I didn’t remember Meg either until she told me we went to school together.”
Dean lets out a surprised laugh. “I guess you always did have your nose in a book.” He makes a face and gestures around the gym. “Then why come to this snoozefest? The whole point is to catch up with old friends.”
“According to Meg, the point is to discover who went into pornography or to prison over the past ten years.”
Dean chuckles. “You can mark me down for ‘no’ on both counts.”
“I - I had thought so,” Castiel says awkwardly.
“Oh, so…” Dean drifts off, for once at a loss for words.
As the silence ticks on, Castiel’s reason for coming to the reunion crowds at the tip of his tongue. But he can’t make the words come out.
Dean drains his beer. He lets his gaze drift away from Castiel, lingering on someone or something over Castiel’s left shoulder. “Well, it was nice seeing you, Cas, I’ll see you ar-”
“I came here to apologize to you,” Castiel blurts.
Dean’s eyes snap to Castiel’s face. “What?”
Castiel swallows nervously. “For high school.”
“Okay,” Dean crosses his arms across his chest. “A lot of things happened in high school. Specifics would help.”
Castiel inhales a deep breath. “I’m sorry for how I handled our… relationship.”
Dean’s mouth twists, his expression darkening. “I wouldn’t call what we did a relationship.”
“Right,” Castiel says, biting his lip. “Our arrangement, then. What I did - what I did to you - it’s one of the biggest regrets of my life.”
Dean purses his lips. “What would’ve you done differently?”
“Excuse me?”
“Humor me,” Dean asks, and it doesn't sound like a suggestion. “If you could go back. Get a do-over. What would you do?” His eyes narrow. “Would you have come out? Or maybe stopped me before we got down and dirty in the Impala in the first place? ‘Cause I’ve played this game a few times, and I know which one I would’ve gone for.”
Castiel thinks it over. “Rationally,” he says,slowly, sounding the word out as he tries to put the rest of his thoughts into words, “I should have kept our interactions to our tutoring sessions.”
Dean’s jaw clenches. He nods.
Castiel can’t tell if his explanation is hurting Dean further. He feels like he’s been dumped out at sea while only knowing how to doggy paddle. Mouth dry, he barrels on, “But realistically, there’s no way that could have happened, so I probably should have asked you to wait for me.”
Dean blinks in surprise, his hardened exterior cracking the tiniest fraction. “Wait?” he echoes faintly.
“I couldn’t come out in high school,” Castiel says dully. What he wouldn’t give for another drink. “If my mother got wind of my sexuality, she would have put conditions on my college tuition without another thought, or forced me to take a gap year to do churchwork or something equally horrendous.”
Dean’s tense shoulders sag. “I didn’t know that.”
“I was ashamed,” Castiel drops his gaze to the floor, “You clearly loved your family, and your father… well, even with his flaws, he seemed to accept you. My situation was nothing like that.”
“Dad didn’t know about me either,” Dean mutters. 
“Sorry?” Castiel asks, raising his head.
“Dad didn’t know I went for dudes and chicks,” Dean explains. “But he was hardly around, so if I didn’t tell him and Sammy didn’t tell him, odds were he’d never find out.” He bites his lip as he meets Castiel’s stare head-on. “How long?”
“How long?” Castiel repeats, confused.
“How long would you have asked me to wait?” Dean asks, a hard edge to his words.
Castiel hesitates, wrong-footed at their backtracking conversation. “Until I had started my first semester at college.”
Dean’s mouth falls open. “What?”
Castiel frowns. “I had no plans to be in the closet after I moved away. My mother has too many connections here, with the junior league, the civics board, HOA, and who knows what else. But in my college town, she knew no one. I could finally be myself.”
Dean splutters nonsensically before he says, “You didn’t think to ask me to wait one measly summer for you to get your head out of your ass?”
“But I wasn’t just asking for ‘one summer’,” Castiel protests.
Dean’s outrage falters at Castiel’s air quotes.
“It would have been one summer and four years of long distance. I knew you had… feelings,” Castiel doesn’t pause at Dean’s wince at the word, “for me, but I had already taken so much from you. Are you saying you would have waited?”
“I don’t know!” Dean says, sounding slightly manic. He runs a hand through his hair distractedly, muttering to himself under his breath. 
Castiel inhales a deep breath to calm himself down. He forces himself to look Dean straight in the eye. “A part of me was looking forward to a completely fresh start, too. But, of course, I was the same as ever,” Castiel chuckles without a trace of humor, “friendless, caught up in the details, narrow-minded. It didn’t take long to realize I was only ever a different person when I was with you.”
“Jesus Christ,” Dean says, staring right back, “I had no idea.”
Castiel shrugs. “I never told you.”
“You should’ve,” Dean says shortly.
“I should have,” Castiel agrees.
Dean bites his lip, looking conflicted. His gaze flits around the gym, behind Castiel, where undoubtedly more of their classmates vie for his attention. And, that’s good, because Castiel finally said his piece. He can go home, and never think about Edlund High School or Dean Winchester again.
(Because that worked so well when he left Dean the first time.)
Castiel takes a step backwards. Personal space, he remembers. Stiffly, Castiel says, “Anyway, that’s why I came to the reunion. To see you. To tell you that. I shouldn’t keep you any long-”
“Are you single?” Dean interrupts.
Castiel’s brain takes an embarrassingly long moment to understand the question. “Yes?”
“Do you want to get out of here?” Dean asks, a strange glint in his eye.
“I do,” Castiel says truthfully. “I don’t like social engagements.”
“Some things never change,” Dean says with a small grin. He gestures to the door. “What do you say to a drive?”
Castiel blinks.
“For old time’s sake,” Dean says, with a fucking wink.
Castiel’s mouth falls open. “I - is this a joke?” His brow furrows. “Retribution for refusing to see you outside of our… trysts?”
Dean’s face goes through a multitude of expressions Castiel can barely hope to read - shock, guilt, perhaps cautious optimism? “God no,” Dean says quickly. He coughs and shifts his weight to his other foot. “Shit, I was trying to make a joke. Sorry. Not there yet.” 
“I don’t understand.”
“Look,” Dean starts, “since we’re apparently crap at asking for what we want - we’re both single,” Castiel’s eyebrows rise because this is news to him, “and this reunion is boring as hell, so I’m asking if you want to do something else instead.”
“With you?” Castiel asks because it sounds implied to him, but he can never be too sure when it comes to Dean Winchester.
Dean glares. “Yes, with me, Cas.”
Castiel chews on his lip as he tries to figure out why Dean would initiate an activity with him, apart from the obvious. As Castiel fails to come up with any sensible reason, and Dean’s foot tapping becomes audible in its intensity and speed, Castiel has to ask, “Are you asking me on a date?”
Dean throws both hands in the air. “I swear, you’re being dense on purpose. Since you need everything spelled out for you: will you go out with me, Castiel Novak?” Without waiting for an answer, Dean tacks on, “Jesus Christ, high school really never does end.” 
But he doesn’t really seem all that mad. So Castiel tells him, “Yes, I’d like to go on a date with you.”
Dean grins. He jerks his head towards the door. “Wanna go?”
“But,” Castiel waves one hand in the direction of the multitude of people behind them, “aren’t there people you’d rather talk to first?”
Dean shakes his head. “Not right now, no.”
* * *
Dean takes the steps down to the parking lot at a bit of a jog. He makes a beeline to the very familiar hulking beast, parked at least three spaces away from any other car. 
A frisson of anticipation thrums up Castiel’s spine at the sight, a dormant instinct he’d thought ten years dead. Castiel pauses outside the passenger side of the Impala and tries not to fidget as he waits for Dean to notice him. 
“Everything okay?” Dean asks as he yanks open the car door.
Castiel asks bluntly, “Does this mean you forgive me?”
Dean braces both elbows on the Impala’s roof, his face serious. “You were seventeen.”
That’s not an agreement. It’s an excuse.
“I was old enough to know what I was doing to you was wrong,” Castiel counters.
“Come on,” Dean rolls his eyes. “If there’s anything I learned from teaching, it’s that teenagers are morons. Uncle Sam allows them to go to war and vote, but I sure as shit don’t. Kids are idiots.” His mouth lifts into a tentative smile. “Even the ones with a 4.0 GPA and perfect attendance.” 
Dean taps his fingers on Impala’s roof, but he doesn’t seem impatient, more pensive. It’s a look Castiel never saw on teenage Dean. “I’m sure you were doing the best you could’ve under the circumstances. I might not have got it then, but I get it now.”
“It wasn’t perfect,” Castiel mutters as he gets in the Impala.
“Sure it wasn’t,” Dean says sardonically as he slams the door behind him and starts the engine. “It’s not like I can’t hack the old attendance records and see for myself.”
“That seems like a lot of work to make a point.”
“If you think I wouldn’t do it, you don’t know me at all,” Dean says gravely, eyes twinkling.
“Oh, I don’t doubt you’d do it,” Castiel says, “You broke into Principal Singer’s office to steal back the switchblade that you brought to school for some unfathomable reason.”
“You remember that?” Dean asks, surprised.
“Your detention derailed an entire week’s worth of tutoring,” Castiel says dryly. “We couldn’t finish Cicero in time for your exam.”
Dean chuckles. “Figures you remember that part.”
“I had also recently fingered you for the first time,” Castiel reminds him, “I was very put out about waiting a whole week to do it again.”
Dean chokes on air as they come to an abrupt stop at a red light.
“I forget very little when it comes to you,” Castiel finishes placidly.
Dean shakes his head as the light turns green. “Christ,” he says, his eyes flitting briefly to Castiel’s face before settling back on the road. “You can’t just say things like that.”
“Why not?” Castiel asks. It seems they got into this whole mess precisely because Castiel refused to say exactly what he thought about Dean Winchester.
Dean opens his mouth, but no words come out. A ruddy flush crawls up his neck and face, just visible in the darkened car interior.
Castiel runs a disbelieving hand over the dash, reading the minute grooves and divots like he’s rediscovering his favorite book. “I never thought I’d be in the Impala again.” 
“You were the one who wanted to wait,” Dean rolls his eyes, “I think ten goddamn years is long enough.”
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randomfandomfamily · 5 years
Idk if your currently doing requests or not, but... Sheryl comforting Little Cato??? Can be from a nightmare, panic attack, whatever your up for. :) 🧡🍪
Not gonna lie, this one was fun to write. I love writing Sheryl slowly getting better at people-ing, whether she knows it or not.
“So we just left Clarence there because he’s a total crapwad,” Little Cato said, in the process of catching Sheryl up on what had happened with Clarence, “And then we remembered that we never actually returned Chucky and he was still just hanging out on the ship.”
Sheryl raised an eyebrow. “So...what happened to Chucky?” She took a screwdriver and started replacing the metal plating they had taken off. They were making great strides with the repairs, and she was getting caught up on things she missed between her betrayals.
Little Cato shrugged. “I honestly have no idea. We kinda just… let him go? He probably flew back to his owner. Maybe. I hope.”
“Well, I’m glad you guys managed to ditch Clarence, anyway.” Sheryl frowned. “Disgusting little man, wasn’t he?”
Little Cato hummed. “That’s a nice word for him, I guess. I’ve got about a thousand others I’d like to-"
‘Promximity alert!’ AVA’s voice boomed, ‘Unidentifiable debris is headed for the ship!’
Sheryl and Little Cato were, luckily, already on the bridge with their repairs. “What do you mean ‘unidentifiable debris’?!” Sheryl asked while Little Cato headed for the controls.
‘We’re in an unexplored nightmare dimension,’ AVA said snidely, ‘Everything in here is unidentifiable.’
“Thank you, AVA!” Little Cato said, gripping the back of the captain’s chair. “Where is everyone else?”
‘On their way to the bridge to meet you,’ AVA replied, ‘But they won’t make it before we reach the debris.’
Little Cato exhaled slowly, jumping into the pilot’s seat. “Alright… I got this.”
Sheryl merely stood at Little Cato’s side. Yeah, she was probably the better pilot of the two of them, but only by a slim margin. She prepared to assist where she could, but she knew the kid could handle it.
She had been doing repairs with this kid for weeks. They’d grown… close? Which was almost foreign to her. She wasn’t sure if there was anyone else on the ship she trusted this much, aside from maybe Gary, and even that trust was a little touch-and-go. But she’d spent enough time with Little Cato to know he was honest about his abilities. If he said he could do it, then he could.
So Sheryl watched as Little Cato reached for the controls, gripping them tightly. She held the back of the chair, prepared for the sharp turns he was going to have to take to avoid the hazardous obstacles outisde.
Then she realized the ship wasn’t turning, still heading directly for the ominous black masses in the distance. “What are you doing?” She looked down and saw Little Cato staring down at the controls. “Kid, you have to steer the ship.”
“I… I can’t…” He sounded almost as shocked as she felt.
“What?” Sheryl asked. “Why-” She halted mid-sentence when he noticed Little Cato’s hands start to shake. “Whoa whoa whoa, hey.” Sheryl put a hand on the kid’s shoulder. “What’s goin’ on with ya?”
Little Cato shook his head. “I can’t do this. Not again, I can’t. It’s…” The shock was starting to sound a lot like fear the more he talked. “I- no. I can’t do it, I can’t…”
They were getting close to hitting those things. Much closer than Sheryl was comfortable with. “Kid, tell me what’s wrong.” They just barely glided past a dark mass. “Little Cato!” Sheryl put her hands over his and turned the ship away from another incoming threat. “Come on, talk to me!”
She took a moment to scoop the young Ventrexian out of the pilot’s seat. He didn’t protest, but he didn’t exactly make it easy either, his hands practically glued to the controls.
But she managed to get him detached, setting him beside her. “Alright, now just stand here and-” The ship jerked violently, alarms blaring and red lights flashing. “Crikey!”
Little Cato seemed to momentarily snap out of his trance. “W-what happened?”
“We hit one of the damn things.” Sheryl hopped into the pilot’s seat and turned the ship. “AVA! Status update on the ship!”
‘There are no major damages to the ship, but the impact has triggered a lockdown sequence.’
“What?” Little Cato asked. “Lock… lockdown?” Sheryl spared a glance at him. It was a normal protocol. The ship hits a thing, the ship has to make sure no one goes flying about, so the ship locks the doors. Why was he freaking out so bad? The doors would open up again just as soon as the ship was out of danger.
Her two seconds of distraction cost her, the side of the ship clipping another black mass. “Ah, shit!” A startled shout from Little Cato made her panic momentarily. “Kid, are you alright?” The lack of an answer made her worry. “Say somethin’, mate!” Another long string of curses left her mouth as she steered. She didn’t have eyes on the kid, but he was quiet, wherever he was.
“Bloody hell, will these buggers never end?!” She pulled up to avoid the last of the strange debris. “AVA, is that the last of it?”
‘All clear.’ AVA confirmed.
Sheryl sighed. “Thank Christ.” She stood and glanced around. “Oi, kid! Where’d you go?”
A faint sound made her look to the weapons’ control panel. She walked over and knocked on the top of it. “You alright there? I know it was a bumpy ride, but-” The sound of crying made her pause. “Oh… um…”
She knelt on the floor and peered under the control panel. Little Cato, if at all possible, seemed to scramble back farther into the small space. “Don’t-”
“Whoa, easy there mate, I’m not gonna do nothing.” Sheryl sat back, scooting away from Little Cato a bit to give him space.
She didn’t know what to do about this. Little Cato was always so upbeat. Optimistic. He took on anything, and he had the drive to see it through. This, however, was a very different side of Little Cato. This was unfamiliar territory, and almost kind of scary. It made her wish somebody else was here to help him.
But nobody else was there. Which meant she was going to have to try. “Um… the ship’s safe now. We’re gonna be on lockdown for just a few more minutes, though. But we can find your dads when the doors open up, yeah?”
Little Cato shook his head. “But I- the… the shards.”
Sheryl frowned. “What shards?”
“The time shards! I-I saw…” Little Cato shook his head violently, like he was trying to erase something. “No, nothing. It’s nothing. I’m fine.”
He certainly wasn’t fine. Sheryl was pretty sure he was very far away from fine. “There’s no time shards,” she said, “I dunno what they were exactly, but they weren’t time shards.” She held out a hand. “Come on outta there, alright? We’re in the clear now.”
Little Cato took her hand shakily, slowly emerging out from under the panel. “Is it… really all clear?”
“AVA said it was.”
“That’s what she said last time too,” Little Cato whispered.
Sheryl put an arm around his shoulders. That was a reassuring thing, right? “Last time? What do you mean ‘last time’?” She started putting pieces together slowly. “Did you… have a run in with some time shards?”
Little Cato’s breathing picked up and he started shaking. “Hey, whoa, calm down there, mate. I’m sorry I asked.”
He scrubbed at his eyes. “We’re gonna get out of here, right?”
She was a little taken aback. The kid knew the lockdown protocol would time out in a few minutes. Was he really that scared? “‘Course we are,” Sheryl said, “Just a few minutes.”
“I don’t wanna be stuck in here. I can’t… I can’t do this again…” Little Cato pulled his knees up to his chest. “I want my dads.”
Sheryl sometimes forgot that Little Cato was just a kid. In fact, she was sure damn near everyone on the ship forgot it at some point. It was easy to forget, what with him running around doing repairs and fighting Titans.
“I hope this won’t send ya panickin’ again, but I am kinda curious about this last time you keep going on about.” Little Cato stiffened. “It’s okay if you can’t talk about it. I’m not gonna make ya.”
Little Cato took a breath. “It’s not… it’s not much to talk about, really. I was steering the ship through some time shards. AVA said I missed them all. But I didn’t.”
“You hit one of ‘em?”
“Yeah… I got stuck.” Little Cato hugged his knees tighter. “A-and I guess I should just be thankful Gary didn’t get stuck in there with me, but it still kinda sucked… being all by myself.”
Sheryl was almost afraid to ask but, “Do you remember any of it?”
“All sixty years of it,” Little Cato muttered. He tugged at his hair anxiously. “Kinda stupid, huh? You’d figure after sixty years of being alone, I’d be used to it. I should be able to handle a few minutes of being locked in here.”
“Well, I think that’s just dumb.” Sheryl pulled the kid closer to her. “I don’t think anyone should have to be used to being alone. Hell, I was drifting about for ages trying to get John back. All because I couldn’t stand the thought of being by myself.”
He sighed. “That’s different.”
“Well, of course it’s bloody different,” Sheryl said, “I’m a grown woman who was dumb enough to believe a Titan could give me my husband back. I made my own loneliness, you never asked for yours.”
“I guess.” He rested his forehead against his knees. “Still feels like- I don’t know… like I should be better.”
That’s when it really hit Sheryl for the first time. Literally everyone on the ship forgot Little Cato was a kid. Even Little Cato. No, especially Little Cato.
Everyone else had the luxury of giving Little Cato a good long look and remembering that, despite his capability, the spunky small fry was a kid. Little Cato didn’t have that luxury. Because unlike everyone else aboard the Crimson Light, he had the memories.
“I think you should be a little easier on yourself,” Sheryl said, “I know your dads wouldn’t want to hear you talking like this.”
Little Cato laughed half-heartedly. “You’re probably right.” He dragged his hands down his face. “Okay, I can do this. Everything is fine.”
Sheryl ruffled his hair. “You can be fine when Gary and Avocato get here. You can be not fine for another minute or two, alright? There’s no rush.”
He smiled reluctantly and leaned into her side. “Okay… but only for a minute or two.”
“Only for a minute or two,” Sheryl agreed. Though she would have gladly sat with him longer if he needed her to.
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bobby-hockey · 4 years
arc: gongshow (arc introduction here) tws: vehicle accident, death.  length: 2k. summary: in which i incontrovertibly hurt the capitals. also, sasha “ghost” molchalin gets an unwilling new roommate. taglist: @kidsarentallwrite
Philadelphia Flyers @NHLFlyers - Nov. 4 They may be from Washington DC, but this is the City of Brotherly Love! Bring it on, Capitals! 
Philadelphia Flyers @NHLFlyers - Nov. 4 Mitty, Martin, and Molchalin start tonight. Retweet for a chance to win five gallons of Flyers-themed M&M(&M)s!
Clarence Taylor. Even the mention of his name is enough to make Sasha break out in annoyed hives—no defenseman has ever been able to read Sasha like Taylor does, and it’s literally the most aggravating thing. Like—yes, okay, Taylor is the captain of the Washington Capitals, was the first overall pick in 2012, got the Calder his rookie year and the Norris last year, has been to the All-Stars more times than Sasha cares to count. That doesn’t mean everyone needs to jump on Taylor’s dick. The guy is fucking irritating. 
“Calm down,” Marty says during warm-ups, spotting the look on Sasha’s face when Taylor skates by with a snide little comment lobbed in Sasha’s direction. “I can see your blood pressure rising.” 
“He’s a bastard,” Sasha says. He wants to snap his stick in half and maybe use the pointy ends to commit a homicide. Marty’d scruff him like a little cat and Sasha wouldn’t get more than a few strides before his feet cartoonishly skated out from underneath him. But it’s the thought that counts.
“You’re giving him exactly the reaction he wants,” Marty says. “And you’re not special, Ghost, he does that to everyone.” 
Sasha does not snap his stick in half, but it takes a Herculean effort. “Don’t bother trying your hippie elementary school teacher horseshit on me,” he says. “I hate him.” 
Marty sighs. “Just don’t let him get in your head,” he says, sounding resigned. 
Too late. Sasha takes a wild shot at the empty goal and misses—the puck ricochets off the crossbar. Goddammit. 
The Washington Capitals are a well-oiled machine: a steady, productive offense backstopped by a tenacious, elite defense and an almost jaw-droppingly good goaltender, and Sasha hates playing against them, mostly because they never fall for Mitty and Marty’s fakeouts. By second intermission they’re still deadlocked at 0-0, and the game—already ugly—is starting to get nasty. While there haven’t been any fights yet, Sasha can feel the tension in the air, a heavy weight like a storm brewing on the horizon. 
So maybe Sasha curses at Taylor a little more thoroughly than is strictly warranted when he shoves Sasha into the boards. Sasha hates the guy. It’s been a hard, awful game. He’s allowed.
“Your mother must be so ashamed of you,” Taylor says as the referee whistles the first play of the third period dead, black mouth-guard half-hanging out of his mouth. He’s Canadian, Taylor is, and so is Marty, and while they have the same kind of soft, shallow vowels, Marty is fun and easy to listen to but Taylor’s voice grates against Sasha’s nerves. Sasha’s not a fighter—why would he be, when Marty is 6’10” and impossible to take down—but a single word out of Taylor’s mouth makes Sasha want to drop his gloves and start swinging.
“Go fuck yourself,” Sasha says, scowling. 
Taylor grins and, in a bad imitation of Sasha’s Russian accent and a worse imitation of Sasha’s voice, says “Go fuck yourself,” all mocking like. “Come on, Molchalin, what’re you gonna do? Frown at me some more? Y’know your face could get stuck like that.” 
Sasha sneers. His shift is up and he’s supposed to be getting off ice—Hartsy’s half over the boards, looking at him expectantly—and Taylor’s heading back to the Capitals bench, this grin on his face like he’s pleased with himself at getting the last word. Sasha doesn’t care for it. At all. 
He drops his shoulder and half-checks Taylor as he leaves the ice, sending the defenseman reeling, and when Taylor regains his footing and turns around the grin’s gone, replaced by an annoyed stare. 
“Three months and four days,” Sasha says, although if asked he wouldn’t be able to say why: the number just pops into his head, trips off his tongue. “Keep an eye out.” 
“What the fuck, Molchalin?” Taylor shouts after him. 
Hah, Sasha thinks, and skates back to the Flyers bench. 
The Flyers lose—one of the Capitals manages a nasty goal forty seconds before the final buzzer, and the Flyers make an ignominious retreat into the locker room. But that’s fine. Sasha doesn’t mind. It wasn’t Taylor who scored the goal, and Sasha played well. That’s all that he cares about.
Washington Capitals @Capitals - Feb. 8 Just try to beat us at home, @PSSkimmers. 
Port Sterling Skimmers @PSSkimmers - Feb. 8 We’re setting sail for Washington DC… time to tackle the Capital! 
Washington Capitals @Capitals - Feb. 8 Team bus has been involved in a collision on the I-50E returning from Delaware. Updates will be posted as they come in.
Of course, Sasha thinks to himself, staring up at the floating, incorporeal form of Clarence Taylor hovering over him, Taylor always did have a way to make him regret literally every decision he’d ever made in his life.
“What the fuck,” Taylor howls in his face. “Three months and four days. That’s what you said. You motherfucker. What, you some fucking psychic or something? What kind of sick freak does that and doesn’t give any context? Jesus Christ. You’re an asshole.” 
Literally five seconds ago Sasha was sleeping. Why is this happening. He’s not awake enough for this.
“What?” Sasha says, when Taylor seems to break off, and then he remembers their last meeting, back in November: Taylor’s shocked green eyes peering at him over the Capitals bench, blond eyebrows furrowed as he gaped at Sasha. He rubs his eyes, sits up, and then, around a yawn, says “You were counting?” 
“Wh—Of course I was counting,” Taylor says, floating backwards. Maybe he’d think it weirder, Clarence Taylor literally floating in Sasha’s bedroom wearing a Capitals shirt and sweatpants, but then again, Sasha’s seen weird, and this is not that. No offense to Mitty, but Mitty kind of breaks the scale of weird shit all on his own. “You mean to tell me that if some asshole came at you with some ominously specific date you’d just, I don’t know, write it off, or whatever? Of course not! I thought you were just gonna play some, some stupid prank on me or something, some bullshit like that, and then—” 
His form flickers out, the space he had been occupying suddenly empty. Sasha blinks. 
“And then what?” Sasha says. Silence. “For the record, I would definitely ignore it, because it would be bullshit and wouldn’t matter anyways.”��
Except Taylor clearly hadn’t let it go. 
There’s no response. Sasha reaches for his phone on his bedside table, and blinks again when he turns it on and it starts buzzing almost incessantly with incoming texts. They’d just finished a long roadie through Canada, and they didn’t have anything except practice later today, so the fact that the group chat is absolutely lighting up is something of a surprise. 
Sasha scrolls through quickly, not bothering to try and decipher most of the texts, but he more or less gets the gist of it: some shit happened with the Capitals. Something big. Maybe Taylor did something stupid. 
He rolls out of bed. Shuffles into his living room, scratching his stomach. Light slants in through the window, and Sasha squints at the sun peeking in through the blinds—it’s earlier than he thought it was. Fumbles for the remote, turns on the TV, switches it to the news—
“Oh, fuck,” Sasha says, suddenly wide awake. His stomach churns. 
It wasn’t Taylor doing something stupid. Not even close. They’re playing footage: a nighttime aerial shot of a charter bus, a tipped-over semi-truck plowed into the side like a beached whale. Streetlights and ambulance strobes and spotlights from helicopters illuminate firefighters and EMTs carting out hockey player after hockey player and bundling them into ambulances. 
“It looks better like this,” Taylor says, his detached, oddly clinical voice coming from somewhere over Sasha’s shoulder, and Sasha almost trips over his coffee table and goes headfirst into his TV. “Not as much blood.” 
God. That’s a horrifying thought. Sasha lets out a string of foul curses, running a hand through his hair. If they had heard, all of the generations of women who came before him would have either given him an ass beating into next year or washed his mouth out with soap. Since he’s in America and they’re buried in Russia, they’ll have to settle for turning in their graves. 
“I only caught about three words of whatever you just said,” Taylor says, “but yeah. That.”  
Sasha looks at him—properly looks at him. Taylor looks mostly exactly like how Sasha saw him last, back in December: blond hair spiked up, red Capitals long-sleeved shirt, sweatpants from some brand Sasha doesn’t recognize, a pair of Ugg boots because apparently Taylor is a teenage girl. He’s dressed down, and he’s see-through, but other than that he looks pretty much like Sasha would expect Taylor to look, even if he wasn’t anticipating the boots.
“You’re dead,” he says, almost a question.
“I think so,” Taylor says. His voice is odd, too, echoing and faintly staticky, like he’s standing in an empty room and Sasha is hearing his voice over the phone from far away. 
Clarence Taylor, dead. It doesn’t seem possible. Sits wrong. Sasha presses his mouth into a thin line to avoid admitting that, because he would never. “And you’re stuck with me.” 
Taylor almost laughs. His chest expands and deflates like he’s actually breathing. Do ghosts breathe? Sasha’s nickname might be ‘Ghost,’ but somehow he doesn’t think he’s an authority on whether spirits need lungs or not. “You think that if I could be anywhere in the world, I’d be hanging out with you?” 
“Nope,” Sasha says, “which means you’re definitely stuck with me.”
“Just what I always wanted,” Taylor mutters, in a way that means this is absolutely not what he wanted, in any sort of way, at all. 
Sasha would agree, but that would mean agreeing with Clarence fucking Taylor, and he has absolutely no urge to do so at any costs. “You don’t have to sound so thrilled about it,” Sasha says. 
“Trust me, I’m not,” Taylor says, and then he fades out of existence, like he was never there to begin with. 
If Clarence Taylor simply didn’t exist, Sasha’s life would have been so much easier. 
But now the guy’s dead, and Sasha doesn’t know what to think.
Washington Capitals @Capitals - Feb. 9 We’ve received word that several players have passed away, including associate captain RJ Radulov and Jean-Sebastien Fontaine. We ask that you keep their families in mind during this trying time. Stay strong.
Philadelphia Flyers @NHLFlyers - Feb. 9 Our hearts go out to our friends the @Capitals, their families, and everyone affected by the I-50E tragedy. We’re here for you. #CapsStrong
Washington Capitals @Capitals - Feb. 9 Capitals captain Clarence Taylor remains in critical condition at Pennsylvania Hospital.
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lunsfanatic · 5 years
The Last Titan
Final Space AU/GaryCato
Chapter II
The Galaxy 1 was quiet, the SAMES keep making repairs while Gary was more than happy for finally had someone to talk and play cards without the burning situation , he was enjoying himself so much .
-You're a great player, regardless of your arms and shackles being cuff on ... and your lack of sense of humor ... - Avocato blinked a little, not knowing how to react , he had never laugh out loud and if he didn’t know this man already , he would have already hit him and escape.
-So you're a cat ... -
-Ventrexian -
-Yes, of course, listen, I am very sorry about your arm and I understand that you are in a kind of ultra-secret mission, destroying things and ... people -He was thinking, looking at the cards in his hand , well nobody was perfect and certainly he wasn’t in the position to judge him when he had his hands dirty- But if you don't play I'm going to shoot you, buddy , I also don't know why you don't want to play, you're very good, for someone who is captive -He smiled as he showed his cards to the little green ball who giggled innocently while floating around the table ...
-You have no idea what you have here, right? This little ball of boogers will cause our destruction , it is a planet destroyer and ... -Gary interrupted him getting up from his place to sit next to him - What's the matter ?
-Now listen here buddy, Mooncake is a sweet little ball of love, that saved our lives, an adorable faces hugger from space ! you are just a rude and grumpy cat , should it be expected, my neighbor's cat was always breaking my jars and scratched my back when I tried to save those pigeons also loved to lick itself, I hope you behave for the sake of children in this ship ... -
- I'm not a ...! ¿ Children? - Well, he didn't expect the blond to be a single father too
-Well, yes, Mooncake and according to what HUE explained to me, KVN counts as a child ... a very annoying one ... -
-You are very strange Gary Goodspeed -His tone was somewhat softer than normal , the blond took him from the cheeks and gave them a soft squeeze, making him hiss a little, Gary smiled....
-And you are adorable Mr. whiskers - he mocked him while dodging the bites of the Ventrexian , looked at him for a few seconds and got up
-Are you going to leave me here like this? - He claimed as Gary was leaving the dining room
-Well considering that you tried to kill me and take my green child away, I should give you to the infinity guard, but I think they are idiots so you're lucky
- You are not going to give me up? - But he was already gone
- "For some reason Gary thinks it’s not necessary to surrender yourself to the authorities, after half an hour of pleading from that fool boy ,I agreed " -
-Well, how easy it is to manipulate you AI-
- "Do not underestimate me , the only reason is because Gary asked me, there is no way you can escape by yourself, you are at a clear disadvantage " -
-Yes ... you have a point ... I must warn you, everything I've said about Mooncake is true, the Lord commander is looking for him and won't rest until he finds it ... -
- “I know, but Gary is a hollow headed man with a big heart and that will not stop him, he will continue to see the little ball as an innocent companion…. Oh! It seems that he’s done ”-Avocato just looked at the ceiling confused, heard the door open, a robot entered with a bowl in his arms , wobbly, sparkling with electricity .
-Hey Hank! Gary said that you have to deliver the food to the gigantic kitten and oooh!- KVN entered so flaying so fast that it knocked down Hank, causing Avocato to end up wet and smell of soup, he growled, if he wasn't tied he would have dodged it.
-Well everything is ready , we will free you and ... What happened to you? -
- Oh nothing, just that the stupid robot decided to give me a hot bath! - he shout with closed eyes , trying to protect them from the liquid that as dripping from his head, the he heard hurried steps , growled instinctively, one click, another click, a pair of hands helped him to get up,They walked , walked, Mooncake floated over his head, he felt little bites...?
-Mooncake, don't do that, it's very rude to eat leftovers from someone's head-
-This is so humiliating-
-I know bro, but it is not your fault, I am sure that if you were not injured, you would have already kicked off our heads , it would be super amazing -
-Choookity! -
-I know, it 's crazy, but possible, right HUE? -
- "No Gary " -
-Forget it, everyone is against me, the captain is offended, very, very offended - his tone was so dramatic, Avocato found it funny, smiling with a peaceful mask-Forgetting the offense, HUE Is the bath ready? - There was a sudden silence, he felt like the Ventrexian arched his back and ...
-You know.... I understand, you're a cat, you hate water but ... Was violence necessary? The scratches bring dark memories of my childhood ... my collection-He whispered in a theatrical manner while the wounds were treated, Avocato had not reacted in the best way to the word "bath"
-I'm sorry buddy , but this situation is very uncomfortable for me too, Ventrexians love privacy and our personal space and you have invaded it a lot today - He crossed his legs while passing the alcohol to the man
-It's a shame, I wanted to have a manly sleepover, luckily my intuition is super sharp and prepare a room for you!, ouch ... it's close to mine , well not enough to annoy you, but in case you need something you can visit me ... ah! Mooncake, where did you get that? - he interrupted offended when he saw his little friend with his mouth full of cookies
-Chookity dookity -
- DID HUE GIVE IT TO YOU? The betrayal brother, you have just fallen before the chocolaty charms of the terrible HUE, you have just committed high...treason!-
-Chookity pak! -He shouted in a worried tone as Gary walked away taking exaggerated steps
-Don’t! Now I can only trust in Avocato, I bet he wouldn't eat my cookies , if you'll excuse me, I'm going to cry in the kitchen-
-Well, he does have problems - He chuckled as the the little green ball got closer to his wristband , like a puppy looking to be pet-I must admit that is cute... I mean!...you are cute-He corrected only to see the face of confusion that Mooncake was giving him- Well I'll see how he is-
- "ALERT, SCANNER NOT AUTHORIZED DETECTED " - He heard a scream, a hit and metal falling to the ground, running ,thinking of an accident or the blond on the floor, there he was, using KVN as a hammer tearing apart an object that was too familiar
-Terk- whispered with anger
-So, liquefy me -
-Isn't it a bit drastic? -
-Nothing is too drastic for Lord commander- he explained as he took the blond’s hand, they had been walking for about 10 minutes and Gary had already got lost 3 times
-You should try this street meat Avocato, it's delicious - He offered as he was carrying more of his souvenirs , he looked like a kid enjoying a day at the amusement park
-Save that, we almost arrived, and here the humans are not very welcome, so keep up the plan! -
-Of course, human servant activated, now say Ah! -
-What.hmpf ?! -The blond had put a piece of meat in his mouth, saying it was part of his service, the cat man rolled his eyes, but did not protest, Gary was not so bad, just a little awkward , it seemed he was having fun and Avocato liked that, for some reason -Well here it is, whatever you do, don't touch anything, this guy is a cheater - the human only nodded with mouth full of goodies as they entered the suspicious place
-Ah, Avocato, what brings you to my humble store of cachivaches? -
-Let aside the bullshit Clarence , we came here for papers-
-Well, always so violent, you know that those documents are not cheap- Without hesitation Avocato pointed him with a gun that he took from his pocket
-Let me remind you the day that i saved your life, if I want I can give you to that alien and collect the reward while I see how they destroy this place apart-Gary was shocked at the attitude of the his friend , saw the fear and sweat on the face of that strange little man, decided to analyze the room looking for some distraction , there, on the desk , saw something that moved his chest
-Avo ... My lord , if I may, I suggest you to not waste your expensive bullets on this subject, I’m sure he won’t make that mistake again...- At first he thought it was a rare joke on the humans part, but seeing his expression felt ... guilt , something he had not felt for a long time , at least for threatening the life of someone outside him.
-What the specimen you have here Avocato, I thought that Lord commander had you punished, a very decorative primate ... -he began to prick his stomach in a mocking way- A little off line, but nothing you can’t fix-he began to analyze in a way too invasive, Gary is more than uncomfortable , even the feline was upset
-Hey dude, take your hands off me, I just saved your life-
- Insolent, speaking without permission, I will touch you as many times i want disgusting primate- The following action of the stupid man made Avocato explode, he did not know how or why, but that store was very much in ruins, the little man was terrified , with trembling hands he give up the requested merchandise, documents,fake ones, and a disguise, they left without looking back, Gary was surprised, he didn’t expect that kind of reaction of the bounty hunter , they walked a little until they reached a dark alley.
-Are you alright ? -
-Yes, well, my dignity is affected, but nothing I can't overcome ... I want to get out of here as soon as possible-He started to put the weird costume
-I understand, let me help you with that- He extended the disguise, a bluish and loose skin, the blond felt disgusted, but this was important , he wanted adventures after all, he slipped inside and tried to digest the situation in the best way possible
-How I look?-
-Hmm, I would give you a two-
- Only a two?!, I could bleach my hair, use extensions, some blush ... -Avocato looked at him amused, while Gary was still listing beauty treatments, rolled his eyes with humor as they left the alley, there he was, Terk, without doubt Avocato jumped over him.
- What the hell are you doing? You're an asshole- The mercenary shaked his body intentionally throwing the Ventrexian down a railing , Gary panicked and threw himself on the troubled pair.
-Avocato! - Scream when he fell into the void, he watched as his partner tried to reach for him before he fell in a strange metal tub and lose sight of him.
After the fight with Terk he wanted to go and look for Gary, but now everything had changed, he was so close, he could not miss this opportunity, his son was there, he didn’t think about the consequences, seen the little one there took his breath away, words of regret exploded from his mouth, desperate , he felt his nails surrender to the thick glass, saw his son scream in silence as he was shot to the ceiling , of course it was a trap.
-There is no deal Avocato , your son will stay here until you finish the job or until the job ends you- he felt a force hit his body, knocking him down easily , he tried to break free and ...
-There you are !, this day has been horrible, except for street meat, but this place is disgusting, I just destroyed a family and ... -
-Ah, you must be The Gary- the scary little man whispered as he analyzed the blond man
-Eh ... only Gary if it’s not much to ask and if you are so kind to release my friend here, we ... street meat attack! - without warning he threw a piece of meat to the maniac's face causing him to get distracted and release Avocato - Let's go ! - He pushed him out , but they didn't get far, something made him float back
-Gary! -
-Oh, Gary, you're not very bright, are you ? Didn’t your parents teach you not to trust a mercenary? - the pressure on his body was painful as he was getting close to the creep
-No, but they taught me not to abandon a friend-
-Ha! friends? Avocato was betraying you , turning you and E3 51 up -The man mock him as Avocato reach for Gary
- Lies! , we are friends, right? - His two-colored eyes pierced the feline's soul, he felt guilt again
-I'm so sorry ... - he saw something die in Gary’s eyes -I was just trying to save my son-
-Your son? -
-Ugh..I don't have time for this, let's play a puzzle, okay? First we separated the pieces - his tone was slow and malicious , his eyes shine as the blond began to scream in pain, then his arm was rip of, he grunts, scream as leaning on Avocato, he looked terrified, blood splashed on the face of the tyrant , blinded him for a moment, the feline tried to calm his partner, he was very shaked off by the shock, he noticed something in his eyes, they were flashing energy , he helped Gary up and seal his wound, but his condition didn’t change
-Gary you have to control yourself buddy! We have to get out of here-The man didn’t listen, he turned his head to look directly at the bloody little man, his eyes expelled energy, flashes shot out making the walls explode -Gary! - he shook him once more, the blond closed his eyes and he fell unconscious, the ventrexian took advantage of the confusion and escaped with the man in his arms.
-And then Gary will die ... - A woman spoke while arranging some furniture, the ship looked like crap, as if a hurricane had swept away all the way down, the beautiful brunette sat down, lit a stopwatch and let it run ...
- “Why are you warning us? According to your statistics, this is or will end in tragedy, there is no hope "-
-I tried every possibility, every possible alternative ending, I've come back thousands of times, I found the multiverse , all I have left is to change this as much as I can, in this case, talking to you is one of those options-
- “What would change with you telling me this? ”-
-That you will be prepared, The Galaxy 1 is destroyed no matter what, Gary saves your conscience but you suffer some complications, you need to prepare yourself, if you manage to save the crew , you would delay certain events , so I would have the advantage i need to give them a chance-
- "You are aware that these actions would create an alternate universe?, yours will not change at all " -The woman just looked down analyzing her watch, a few more seconds
-I know, this is not the first alternate universe that was created , mine was already left behind ... I have to go, see you soon Mooncake- She patted the head of the green ball while preparing to leave - Oh! AND HUE-
- “Yes? ... Nigthfall ”-The woman looked at KVN as it smashed a bunch of cookies watching the show
-You should give KVN a chance, they might be surprised- Without more to say she disappeared into a ray of light
-Choookity- Mooncake said with a tone of amazement
-I know, it was scary, but I think the lady likes me, it's nice I like her,what do you think HUE? -
- "We should not talk about this with Gary" -They remained silent for a few seconds
-HUE , respond!-
- "Guys... " -
-HUE, we need you to come here buddy, Gary is not well-
-"I'm on my way"-
Back on the ship everything was tense, Gary had reacted very badly to the loss of his arm, it was very difficult to convince him to keep calm, his mind was blocked , the AI ​​suspected that there was more than just the physical loss , even the Ventrexian seemed restless , but there was no time to lose, the operation was easy, but it had to be done quickly
- "Gary, we can replace your arm , but we need you to stay calm, you're safe with us, right Avocato? -
- Yes, I will do the procedure myself, is the less I can do, you saved my life - he took his shoulder to give him courage, the blond squeezed his flying friend while he swallowed his nerves, nodded as he lay on the stretcher . The process was somewhat annoying, but Avocato was being very cautious, he almost felt no pain, he stare at him while he thought the following words
-I knew that we would be the best super friends since I saw you - Avocato looked at him confused but he continued- Yes , when I saw you floating while we were fighting to death outside the ship, with a rain of killer meteors in the background, I said “Oh yes, this guy, is the indicated ”-
-Gary, I don’t want you to have your hopes up, I am a mercenary, a bounty hunter , death is my job and I have had a single goal for the last 3 years, I will not let anything get in the way of my mission, save my son-
-Well, you know I like that about you, you are so direct and sincere, I wish you told me before, i certainly would helped even if my brain exploded,if that helped-He said it with such sincerity that Avocato couldn’t d avoid doubting him
-But ... you don't even know me, why would you do something like that for a stranger? -
- You're not a stranger, you really can learn a lot about a person while playing cards also hear me out, there’s a theory that by spending and surviving traumatic events reinforces friendships and KVN stay away from me ! I AM AT AN ULTRASENTIMENTAL MOMENT , don't ruin it-
-Very good Gary, I'll go play in your room with Mooncake- he could only see the horror face that adorned the alien, but he could do nothing but look-I hate that piece of tin -
-It doesn't seem so bad-
-Oh believe me is the worst ... returning to the topic and cutting off the talk since I lost my inspiration -he look him in the eye as taking him by the hand, the feline just froze -I promise that we will save your son, now that will also be my mission-
-What do you want? -
-That you get your son back -
-You must want something, it is a very dangerous mision and I have nothing to give in return ... -The blond teased rolling his eyes, accommodated his new arm as he stood up holding his hands
-This, cato, this is enough ... and a round of cards from time to time would not be bad- The Ventrexian smiled, grabbing his other hand while swearing his friendship and promising protection for both, Gary and Mooncake .
-Lord Commander, we brought your prisoner-
-Ecxelent, you can leave... So, any idea what your father was thinking ? He almost killed us, he warned me that this would be dangerous, but I never believed that Gary had such skills , maybe i should raise the price of your rescue -
-Yes, well I have no idea what you're talking about, you have the power of killing me from boredom-Said Little Cato as rolling his eyes with indifference
- Ah, I see that these years have been very soft with you, your level of insolence increases every day, but I didn't bring you here to kill you, I brought you here for this ... -The little man turned on a screen with a photograph in the center, the little one looked terrified
-Oh yes, it was not easy to find them, you ventrexians are so jealous with you lives , but although this Ventrexian is interesting, it is not what I am looking for , its what he’s caring in his arms- pointed to the image while looking at the eyes of the little fella
-And what do you need me for? -
-Oh well, you know that I still appreciate your father, it would be a shame to have to kill him, after all he has been very useful to me these years, I have a message that I want you to deliver -
-He'll know it's a trap-
- I just want you to send these coordinates, he can pick you up there-
-What? - He was defensive, incredulous to what he had just heard , the little man rolled his eyes
-I thought you were smarter, I'm going to free you, I don't see the point in keeping you apart , after all the universe is about to disappear under the grip of my hand, a little compassion wouldn't hurt me -
-What are you planning?-
- Hey, it's an adult theme, kids like you don't have to intrude, just do what I tell you-
-And if I refuse ?-The dictator smiled sideways, his eyes shone as the room darkened , the little ventrexian was lifted from the ground, he felt his neck tighten and his body tensed before energy shocks him out
-Oh little fool, I don't need your permission, you're just a pawn on my board and now it 's my turn to move the pieces-
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Anomaly (Divergent AU)
Plot: AU Leaving his former faction left people questioning if he made the right decision. He looked every bit a Dauntless and his new faction seemed the opposite of what he previously stood for. However, you’re one who believed that there was more to the handsome transfer than the old piercings and haircut.
Characters: Dauntless Transfer!Xiumin x Erudite Born!Female Reader, Erudite Born!Suho, Dauntless Born!Kris, and mention of others.
Rating: R (Bad-mouthing, language, Choosing Ceremony (hands cut to put drops of blood into the faction bowl of choice), implied sex, flirting, mention of a parent dying)
Notes: This is incredibly overdue since I came up with the original idea. Seeing as Xiumin left for his active duty recently, I thought it was appropriate to finally sit down and write it. I do not own the factions or elements associated with the Divergent series – only the idea for the story. I dedicate this to @xiubaek13. Tagging @oh-beyond as it includes her favorite bunny being a little nerd.
Best of luck on your service Xiumin!
He avoided his friends as he wiped the blood on his jeans, eyes zeroed in on the group clad in blue, now applauding him with smiles on their faces. One member rose from their seat and offered it to him.
“Thank you,” he murmured as he sank into the seat.
The young man who gave up his seat nodded and extended his hand to introduce himself.
“Welcome to Erudite, I’m Junmyeon,” the young man said. “How is your hand?”
Xiumin extended his uncut hand and shook the other’s. “I’m Xiumin and it’s fine. I’ll probably run it under water and bandage it later.”
Junmyeon gestured for the injured hand, while his other retrieved a small dropper bottle from his pocket. Xiumin hesitated as he lifted the hand he cut for the Choosing Ceremony, watching as Junmyeon removed the cap from the bottle. Two drops of clear liquid fell from the dropper onto his cut, which began to mend his injury.
“It’s a new invention,” Junmyeon explained. “I’ve been trying to come up with a better way to mend small cuts and bruises without using traditional bandages and finally made a breakthrough. I thought it might be wise to test it today, seeing as everyone has to cut their hands for the ceremony.”
Xiumin blinked as he stared at the area, now healed with no sign of fresh blood. He looked up at Junmyeon and thanked him, unable to tear his eyes away from the sight.
“Welcome Initiates,” a woman clad in blue said, “we are delighted to have you joining our network of gifted minds at Erudite. Over the course of your time, you will be learning many fields and information regarding our society. Eventually there will be a test to determine who truly belongs here – a written exam that all initiates are required to complete using their own intellect and no shortcuts.”
Some of the transfers began to complain and Xiumin tuned them out, crossing his arms over his chest. He figured there would be something to prove that they belonged – his former faction Dauntless put everyone through a two part competition that tested everyone’s physical and mental strength. He guessed that perhaps the only faction who probably didn’t have a rigorous test or exercise to weed out people was Amity, the faction focused on peace.
Once the woman finished addressing them, she appointed Erudite born members to direct the transfers and returning members to various dormitories to change their clothes before dinner. Xiumin fell in behind a Candor girl and looked straight ahead, trying to ignore the stares he got as he passed.
“You took out the eyebrow piercing?” the Candor girl asked him at dinner. “But it looked really cool on you.”
Xiumin shrugged as he reached for his napkin and put it in his lap. “It didn’t belong here,” he reasoned before reaching for the salt and pepper shakers.
“So why’d a hellion leave? Got scared you were gonna break your neck?” another Candor asked.
Xiumin grit his teeth and ignored the question, trying to keep his blood pressure down. He knew he was gonna get all these stupid questions for changing factions, but he didn’t think the Candor transfers were going to be this nosy.
His old faction, Dauntless, were known for being tough and a bit reckless, with their black clothing, piercings, and tattoos. He could have stayed, but after taking his Aptitude test, he discovered he was more of a problem solver and interested in the facts. It was hard to leave his family behind, but he didn’t want to stay in a faction where his future would be patrolling the borders or possibly dead from a dangerous fall.
“Looks like my theory was correct – former Candors are incapable of being nosy,” a female voice noted.
The table looked up to see a young woman accompanying Junmyeon standing near their table with trays in hand. Junmyeon nodded and added something about the Candors wanting to know the truth, hence their inability to let something drop.
The two Candors looked at each other and muttered something under their breath, picking up their trays and excusing themselves. Junmyeon flashed a smile at Xiumin and put his tray down beside him.
“I’m sorry about that – they seemed to be bothering you,” he apologized. He gestured to the young woman, who was taking a seat across from him. “This is my colleague Y/N. She works in the technology labs here.”
You extended a hand and Xiumin reached over to shake it. “I hope I didn’t sound snobby,” you said as you glanced over at the Candors. “I understand they are curious because we rarely have transfers from Abnegation or Dauntless, but they need to remember that they’ll need to acclimate as well.”
Xiumin nodded and asked when you and Junmyeon joined the faction. Junmyeon chewed on his lip and tried to recall the exact time, while you explained that you rejoined almost two years ago. “Both of us were born into Erudite and we showed that we would do well here,” you explained. “I sense you must have a bright mind if you wished to join us.”
“It’s early to tell,” Xiumin mused as he cut his food into smaller pieces.
You put your fork down and looked him in the eye. “You took the first step toward your future, even if it wasn’t expected by anyone else. I say that’s brave and shows you are capable of making sound decisions.”
“We house an extensive library of media, information, and subjects here in the library,” the librarian explained. “If you choose to do so, this is an option for a position after you pass the final exam.”
“Snore,” the Candor girl mumbled with a shake of her head.
It’s one option, Xiumin thought as he followed the librarian, occasionally glancing at the various sections from the corner of his eye. So far they had learned that the Erudite offered a variety of positions for post-initiation life: teaching, medicine, laboratory, technology, and historical preservation. He wasn’t sure what he wanted to focus on after the exam, but all of it sounded promising.
The librarian stopped and addressed the group, proposing that they do a little challenge. “Whoever can locate a piece of media on the foundations of our nation first will get time with a specialist from one of our faction’s divisions on their field.”
Xiumin stared at the librarian, waiting for him to give the signal that they could split off and start looking. The librarian set his watch before allowing the group to start, watching in amusement as people scattered in different directions.
History seems like a good place to start, Xiumin thought as he dodged carts with books and other Erudite members to reach the history section. He skimmed the aisles and chose one that was empty, eyes scanning the spines for something that would fit the bill. He checked one side of the row and changed to the other when he didn’t find one.
As he neared the end of the row, he spotted you in his peripheral, leaning against the wall, with a book in hand. Another Erudite passed you, warning you that your current stance was bad for your posture.
You jerked your head up in annoyance to see it was Clarence from the Medical department, a transfer from Abnegation that was a few years behind you. While he had been a bright addition to the faction, you found him to be a nuisance, seeing as he always seemed to find you at the most inopportune times and sharing obvious facts that you didn’t care to hear.
Junmyeon guessed that perhaps this was the young man’s strange way of wooing you, but you were far from impressed. Not that you had anything against his former faction like a majority of Erudite did, but you wondered if he left because he was driving the girls in his old faction crazy with constant chatter.
“Clarence I’m busy at the moment,” you replied with a flat look. “I know Medicine is your discipline, but I don’t wish to sit in one of the chairs today. After all, our past citizens prior to this nation discovered sitting for extended periods was as bad for your health as smoking.”
You spotted Xiumin out of the corner of your eye and thanked your luck that he was here. Perhaps today was going to be better after all...
“Good afternoon Xiumin, how are you enjoying our library?” you greeted the young man, giving him your full attention.
Xiumin stepped out of the row he was standing in and smiled pleasantly as he approached you. “I’m well, thank you for asking. I am trying to fulfill a challenge set by the librarian.”
“Oh hunt for the books huh?” you remarked. “Yeah, I did that too. He tries to make it interesting since walking through a library like this one can be overwhelming the first go-around.”
“You must be a transfer,” Clarence chimed in, stepping closer to Xiumin. “The earrings gave you away.”
Xiumin straightened up as he met the other’s eyes, a fake smile plastered on his face. He extended his hand for a handshake and introduced himself. “Yes I’m Xiumin, originally from Dauntless but I found that my true calling is with the Erudite.”
You shot Clarence a glare at the swipe about the other’s earrings, which were a plain black pair of simple circles. “There’s no rules about Erudite transfers retaining piercings from their previous faction if desired. Also, they do not distract from what his intent is, which is to absorb knowledge.” You closed your book and added that Clarence needed to go. “I wanted to check in with one of our transfers to ensure they’re acclimating well, and you were not invited into the conversation. We may not be Stiffs, but mind your manners and remember to listen instead of always interrupting. Someone’s information may be vital for everyone to hear.”
Clarence reddened and mumbled that he needed to head back for some appointments anyways. “Amity children again – at least they don’t act half as obnoxious as the Candor ones do,” he said.
You turned to face Xiumin and held out the book you were reading. “By the way, I apologize for holding you up during the search. Here, this book covers the history of Chicago prior to our nation’s formation.”
“Are you –”
“Yes, I’m definitely sure,” you insisted. “Go on, you should share that with the librarian.”
“I’m surprised you chose me,” Junmyeon admitted when he met with Xiumin the next morning.
Xiumin shrugged and murmured that he wasn’t exactly sure what he wanted to do in Erudite after initiation, but he thought it wouldn’t hurt to start where one of his friends worked. Junmyeon beamed at the compliment and fixed his glasses before leading Xiumin through their biochem facilities.
“So did your healing formula get approved for broader use?” Xiumin asked, thinking back to the clear liquid that was dropped onto his hand after the Choosing Ceremony.
Junmyeon nodded excitedly and explained that he was given permission to meet with Dauntless, who seemed to garner the highest number of minor to major injuries, to try out his formula for a few weeks. “If it works for them, it will be distributed to all of the factions!” he said. “I don’t mean to boast, but it’s exciting to think about my work helping so many people.”
Xiumin congratulated him and stared as they wandered through the facilities, examining the machines, equipment, and people working away to develop new cures and medicines.
“So you won the librarian challenge?” Junmyeon prompted.
“Ah...Y/N sort of lent me a hand. She was reading a book that fit the challenge and loaned it to me,” Xiumin confessed. “She started chatting with me after a colleague approached her that she wasn’t thrilled to see.”
Junmyeon paused at the entrance to the hospital and health ward and shot the other male a knowing smile. “Clarence?”
“That’s his name?”
“He used to be from Abnegation – did pretty well in the final exam,” Junmyeon recalled. “I wonder how much he liked or didn’t like of his old life – I think I saw a sister react a bit too happily when he left them. There was an older woman with her who scolded her for being rude.”
“He picked me out as a transfer,” Xiumin muttered. “I guess I’m that obvious, huh?”
Junmyeon shook his head and crossed his arms over his chest. “Clarence probably said it to slight you. I believe he’s trying to use flirting techniques that would appeal to someone who identifies as sapiosexual to get Y/N’s attention. However, he’d be disappointed to learn she doesn’t identify as such. Please don’t ask me what she prefers – it’s her business.”
“At least let me carry them!”
“I should feel insulted,” Junmyeon teased as he watched Xiumin pick up a few heavy crates of the healing serum.
“Well someone should help!” Xiumin huffed. He set them down in the loading area and walked back to retrieve more.
Junmyeon stood by the first set of crates and scanned the area for the Dauntless representative, who was scheduled to arrive via train any moment. Xiumin retrieved the remaining crates and began carrying them over.
“Junmyeon, you forgot the paperwork,” you announced as you emerged from the Erudite buildings, a two page document in hand. You flashed a smile at Xiumin before handing off the document to Junmyeon.
“Thanks Y/N, I think we’re set,” Junmyeon replied. He turned his attention to the train and watched as a slender young man jumped with ease from it.
Xiumin put down the final set of crates and squinted as the black-clad young man approached them. He straightened up slowly, lips parted slightly. “Kris?”
The Dauntless male paused as he neared them, blinking as he met Xiumin’s eyes. After a pause, Kris walked closer and crushed Xiumin in a quick hug. “Small world huh? How are they treating you?”
“Not bad,” Xiumin reassured the other male. “How are the recruits?”
Kris shrugged as he waved a hand side to side. “They’re promising, but they’ve got a long way to go. So you’re the guy I gotta meet for the healing stuff?”
Junmyeon cleared his throat and slowly raised a hand. “I am – Xiumin was kind to do the heavy lifting, despite my protests,” he replied. “I hope my serum helps with the minor injuries. Please let me know right away if you have any issues or have feedback.”
He settled into a private cubicle in the library, deciding it was a good time to study for the final exam. Xiumin underlined and marked areas in his notes that seemed like key topics they would include. His eyes darted up to check the clock every now and then to make sure he had enough time to depart before the library closed in observance of the nation’s curfew.
“Still surprised he’s here...”
He jerked his head up at the sound of the familiar voice, spotting Clarence talking with another person from the Medical field. Thankfully, the pair hadn’t seen him and he put his head down, wishing he was allowed to bring his earbuds from Dauntless to block out their talk.
The Candor male and female had left initiation a while ago, realizing that their new faction was a bit dense and heady for them to handle. Most of the other transfers and Erudite born left him alone, which suited him just fine. While he hadn’t run into Clarence very often since the first encounter, he had a feeling the other saw him as competition for Y/N.
It became habit for him to take meals with Junmyeon and you, provided that both of you weren’t busy with work. Clarence had tried to join once, but you quickly snapped at him to find another table, before sitting down and nursing your head as a headache came on.
“Excuse me for saying this,” you apologized that time, “but he’s fucking getting on my nerves.” You addressed Xiumin and half-joked that you needed pointers for throwing a proper punch in case.
“I mean I could,” he admitted. “I’d maybe wait for the right moment before using that. It would be unexpected and deliver the point very clearly.”
“Maybe don’t do it in front of Jeanine,” Junmyeon muttered. “She’d question how loyal you are to the faction if you’re punching like a Dauntless.”
His comment sobered both of you up, remembering that the current head of Erudite was looking for suspicious people that didn’t fit neatly into the factions. She was brilliant, but if anyone started exhibiting traits of divergence, she’d call them in for questioning and see to correct the issue immediately.
He felt bad for you, seeing that Clarence continued to hound you about making things more than a professional relationship. At first it seemed ridiculous that the other male saw him as competition, but over time, Xiumin realized that he felt quite comfortable around you and Junmyeon.
Both of you had been quick to come to his defense if anyone questioned his decision to leave Dauntless. Lately you had confided in him your curiosity about the other factions, wondering what their childhood was like prior to the Choosing Ceremony.
“I almost wish I could ask someone from each faction,” you revealed in private. “See I’ve always wondered if pressures within their former factions encouraged change or if it is truly the aptitude test. Also I wanted to know what regular habits and practices were. How did parents treat their kids?”
You never pushed him to share details about his youth as a Dauntless, but he found it easy to talk to you. He had been honest about his life at home: he had been the man of the house after his father died in a jumping accident trying to get home. His mother was kind but fair – she wanted him and his sister to learn from their mistakes and didn’t smother them as they grew up. He shared that many of the piercings he discarded were done at the suggestion of friends, only he felt indifferent about them.
He could picture the excited look you had when he talked about his childhood and the Dauntless kids, eyes lit up and head tilted toward him. It was hard to describe how he felt seeing you look so enthralled as he spoke. Sometimes he felt a warm, tingly sensation looking at you, surprised that someone wanted to hear an accurate account of what life was like in another faction. The interaction had been cut short, due to your lunch break ending, but he found that he looked forward to future interactions with you like that one.
Xiumin quickly snuck a look at the clock, silently hoping Clarence and his friend would leave already so he could slip out undetected. Thirty minutes to curfew...
"Is it early to predict that your feelings for Xiumin are more than professional?” Junmyeon asked when he came over to pick up a replacement piece for a medical device he was using.
You looked up from tightening a screw in place on handheld scanner and slowly put down the screwdriver. “What makes you think that?”
Junmyeon allowed a soft smile to cross his lips as he leaned against the wall. “I’ve never seen you talk so informally around anyone else, let alone comment that you wish to use violence against a colleague.”
“Clarence isn’t a colleague of mine,” you cut him off. “He’s a nuisance and no wonder no Stiff girls back home wanted him.”
“Hey, no need to raise your voice,” Junmyeon reminded you. “It’s just observations. I think he might reciprocate as well.”
You snorted as you swiveled in your chair to face your friend. “I could say the same for you and Mr. Cool Guy that picked up the healing serum a few weeks ago.” You leaned forward and allowed a smirk to cross your lips.
“So, he apparently needs more and will be coming later tonight, huh?”
Junmyeon coughed and stumbled as he straightened up. “Wha? How did you –”
“You’ve been looking at your pager an awful lot lately,” you noted. “Plus you got all sparkly eyed when he talked to you that first time. Puffed your chest up when he thought Xiumin was the Brain supervising the pick-up.”
Junmyeon pouted and you laughed as you leaned back in your seat. “All right, we agree to keep out of each other’s business, especially if they involve possible partners, fair?”
“That means hacking my pager!”
“Congratulations Xiumin, your score was excellent and it qualified for you to remain in Erudite,” an instructor shared. She allowed a bright smile to light up her face as she patted Xiumin on the shoulder encouragingly, before moving onto the next transfer to share their results.
Xiumin let out the breath he had been holding in and rolled his shoulders back a few times. It didn’t feel real, but it was. He was officially a new Erudite member and he could start thinking about his future profession in the faction. He packed up his pens and threw them into his bag, exiting the testing room to find Junmyeon and you to share the exciting news.
He decided to go by Junmyeon’s office, only to be told by the secretary that he did not come in today. He thanked the woman before heading in the other direction for the technology labs where you worked.
He had been walking in the direction of the lab you worked in when he felt someone grab his hand and intertwine their fingers with his. He turned his head to the right and blinked when he felt your lips press against his cheek.
“Clarence,” you breathed. “I’m sorry Xiu.”
Taking the hint, Xiumin stepped closer so it looked more natural as you walked away from the prying eyes of annoying Erudite male. Quietly you directed him toward your apartment and he made a left turn before the entrance to the lab.
“Please don’t apologize,” he murmured once you rounded the corner. “I get it – he’s very persistent but –”
“Stupid,” you finished.
“I was going to say dense, but that other term is acceptable for him as well,” Xiumin replied. He turned to look at you and shared that he passed the final test.
You stopped outside your door and let go of his hand. A huge smile spread across your face and you tapped his shoulder. “I knew you had it in you. Congratulations! We should celebrate!”
Xiumin smiled modestly and pushed his hands into his pockets. He looked around the hallway and asked if Junmyeon was okay. You smirked as you crossed your arms over your chest.
“Ah...he saw a little visitor from Dauntless last night and I’m pretty sure they had fun after the work part was done,” you replied.
Xiumin blinked as the information sunk in and you giggled at his reaction. He shook his head and murmured, “Who knew my old friend would be into my new friend at Erudite?”
“Hey brains are pretty sexy if you use them correctly,” you teased as you nudged him.
He nodded in agreement and paused when he heard someone turning down your hallway. His gut was saying it was Clarence, judging by the footsteps and coughing, and he quickly leaned in for a kiss.
You spotted Clarence rounding the corner from the corner of your eye before you closed your eyes, tugging Xiumin closer. The footsteps stopped, then you heard them retreating quickly in the direction they came from.
Xiumin reluctantly broke off the kiss and mouthed an apology to you. “I’ve come to recognize his footsteps and the fact that he tends to wheeze when he coughs,” he explained. “You did a good job setting things up earlier, so I thought we’d continue to keep up the charade.”
You touched your lips and stared back at Xiumin in amazement. “Thank you. Um, hey, please don’t think I’m using you only to get Clarence off my back. I’m glad Junmyeon introduced us and I’m really happy we’ve bonded and that you’re staying with us.”
“I didn’t think you were just using me for that reason,” Xiumin confirmed. “If this isn’t too forward, I really like spending time with you and I appreciate our friendship. But, um...would you maybe like to try seeing if this could go anywhere else?”
He scanned your face for your reaction and watched as your surprised look softened and you nodded with a smile.
“I’d like that.”
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Jack Burroughs
January, 3rd 2015
Havekost, CA
“Cuthbert The Carnivorous Cunt-Louse did it again.”, said Jake while opening the trunk of his warhorse, showing me the large bag of marijuana. It is a clear five-gallon garbage bag. Inside were smaller bags of weighed out weed. Anywhere from ounces to dime bags.
“My God, I’ve never seen so much weed in one place before.” I say before looking around the school parking lot,” How did you fit it into your car, Jake?”
“Easy, gumption and my ever-growing need to make that money, Jack”
“Yeah, but aren’t you super-rich?”
“Bitch I’m gonna be richer than that.” He laughs and hands me an ounce. “Here, this is for letting you leave the concert while you were tripping. I’m really sorry we lost you, man, but I ended up hooking up with twins. You know the Breenes?”
“Wait, aren’t they a brother and sister?”
“Jack, did you forget I was bi?”
I pause and go,” I guess it has been a while since I saw you making out with some jock.”
“Ahh yes, the good ole’ days. Anyway, while you were tripping balls with furries, I was getting it on. I’m, again, sorry Jesus and I lost track of you.”
I light up a cigarette and shrug, “So what if I lost my girlfriend and ended up stranded in a diner for several hours and was taped by the local news helicopter taking a piss in the woods while a furry orgy happened behind me. It’s cool that you let me walk off with a homeless man while you and Jesus did random shit.”
“You sound bitter, Jack.” He smiles and hands me another ounce. “Are you still grounded?”
“OF COURSE I AM, THIS JUST HAPPENED A WEEK AGO. My grandparents saw me on the news and now they think I like people in animal costumes! “
“Well...This is something you can tell your grandkids, at least.”
“...I guess.” I look at the weed in my hands and I open the bag and I smell it. “Oh my god. This smells amazing, what is this?”
“Oh, get this, it's called ‘Strawberry Pussy Blast’.”
“What? No way, that’s fucking great.” We laugh and I throw down my spent cigarette and we head to class. I hide the two ounces in my bag, which I then hide in my locker.
First-class of the day and its Mr. Perry’s Homeroom class and I’m doodling and everyone is still looking over and snickering at me. The kid next to me, Clarence, has his shirt over his nose due to my smoking and I feel bad as he’s nice but on the other hand I just want to tell him to quit being such a pussy.
Mr. Perry is sitting at his desk, reading a book about superheroes during the war. He thoughtfully strokes his beard and sips his coffee. He is my Arch-Nemesis. Well, besides Anxiety, Depression, my seeming forever-virginity and I guess my addiction to Shirley Temples.   I have pranked Perry so many times, as of this moment I have tied him to a chair, crashed his birthday party that his wife threw and kidnapped him for a better grade and we ended up bonding over history and goth music. He didn’t press charges because I accidentally helped him get out of a dinner with his in-laws, you know, because he was in my attic.
Jake is behind me doodling as well and I look over occasionally and I see that he’s drawing The Masked Avengement, who is some guy who’s running around the city, claiming he’s a superhero but apparently he’s been fighting random homeless people on video for money. His ‘sidekick’ Owly is even worse, I hear he sells PCP to girl scouts. These guys are our local legends and I’ve seen a kid dressed up as Owly, and I fucking laughed.
The intercom squelches and whines, “Jake Stone and Jack Burroughs, to the principal’s office. Jake Stone and Jack Burroughs, to the principal's office.” 
Perry looks up and makes eye contact with me and points to the door and I pull Jake’s arm for him to come with and he whines saying, “But I haven’t finished the crack pipe!”
 When we walk inside, The Principal is waiting for us. He looks grandfatherly, but like, the kind of grandfather that used to be a nazi and probably molests himself while dressed as a clown.  “Ah, gentlemen, I've been waiting for you. Please have a seat.” 
We do and after a few seconds, he gets up and opens the closet. He pulls out the five-gallon clear bag of weed Jake had in his car.
Oh shit.
“No, Bruce the security guard did after he saw you hand Mr. Burroughs some weed.” 
He opens the bag and takes out a dime bag and sits back down at his desk. He then opens a drawer and pulls out a bong that is shiny and orange. He fills it up with water and weed and takes a hit. He coughs while blowing out smoke. He then presses an intercom button and says, “Ms. Abner will you come in here. I have some chronic.” and she says, “Yes sir, right away.” and comes into the office and Ms. Abner looks like the kind of lady who’d play the organ at church, but badly, and would leave her estate to her cats. She takes a hit and coughs and she says “Oh, oh my.” and coughs some more and the Principal says “Quit being a bitch, Martha.” 
Jake and I are surprised and uncomfortable. He takes another hit and says, “This weed is so good, I might not expel you from school. Now listen clearly, you can keep the two ounces you have in your locker, Mr. Burroughs. You two have bought our new computer lab with this...donation if you will.”
“Wait, you’re selling weed for the school?” I say, still in shock.
“Well, we have to get funding somehow. So for the last decade, we take the weed stupid kids as yourself bring to school to sell and sell it ourselves. It's pretty brilliant. Wouldn’t you agree, Ms. Abner?”
“Yes, sir,” Ms.Abner says while opening a bag of Cheetos and eating some. Her eyes are red. 
“YOU BASTARDS WILL PAY!” Jake roars and I hold him back and The Principal just smiles and laughs and then asks, “Burroughs, what is this strain called?”
I tell him before leaving as I pull Jake away, “Strawberry Pussy Blast.”
I hear nothing but laughter as we walk away.
Jake and I are in front of the Principal’s house, the lights are off and I’m nervous and Jake is applying war paint on his face and I’m cold. Its 10PM and I’m not supposed to be outside. 
“What’s the gameplan, Jake?”
“We’re going to find dirt on this bastard, anything.”
We check the backdoor and its unlocked. We go inside and the house smells like old hard candy and cat litter and clown makeup. We search high and low but find nothing. I find old playboys, handcuffs, zip ties and superglue in a bag but that’s it.
Then we hear noises from the basement. Jake looks at me and I shrug and we walk to the door and the noises get louder and I can tell there are at least two people downstairs. 
We tiptoe down quietly and we hide behind old newspapers and a dresser, and from we are standing we can see the Principal in Mormon underwear, tied to a rack while Ms.Abner is dressed as a nazi, whipping him and I’m not even a little surprised.
Well, I’m surprised he doesn’t have makeup on.
Jake starts filming on his phone and Ms. Abner really goes to town on The Principal. She screams at him in German and he’s crying saying he’s been a good boy and after a particularly brutal slap, he pisses himself and I stifle a giggle.  Ms. Abner then grabs a bucket of ice-cream and pulls out a handful and rubs it all over the Principal’s face. He keeps screaming between bites and breaths, “Thank you, Mommy, thank you, Mommy. Gimme More.”
I fucking die at this point and Ms.Abner looks behind her and sees Jake and I. Ms. Abner faints and falls over and I laugh harder.
“What are you boys doing?!” The Principal is shocked and ashamed and is trying to get out of his ties but he’s stuck and helpless.
“Mr. Principal, I see we meet again. Now, I know you’re doing a good service. But you stole what is rightfully mine. If you don’t tell me where the weed is, I will ruin you. Do you understand?” Jake holds up his phone and plays the video. The Principal is crying and he keeps apologizing and says the weed is in the closet, by the clown costume. 
We grab the weed and leave him on the rack. Ms. Abner, still very much asleep and looking the most peaceful a woman dressed as a nazi can be, murmurs random things. We leave the house and Jake posts the video to the internet later. It goes viral on shock sites by the morning. The next day at class, we see that the Principal and Ms. Abner have been fired and everybody's watching the video and laughing.
Jake turns to me and says “Operation: Strawberry Pussy Blast was a success!” as we sit down in class. Perry looks up and looks at us and Jake winks and shoots him a few times with finger guns.
 No teacher bothers us again for the rest of the year.
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rattledazzlebones · 6 years
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Supernatural Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Castiel/Dean Winchester Characters: Meg Masters, Michael (Supernatural), Dean Winchester, Castiel (Supernatural) Additional Tags: Drug Use, Alternate Universe - Rock Band, Mechanic Dean Winchester, Light Angst, Fluff and Angst Series: Part 7 of Destiel Oneshots that I’m too lazy to make one book :) Summary:
Castiel’s in a band and has a slight.. drug problem, Dean finds out and they actually talk about feelings.
Read here, or on Ao3^
Castiel wiped the white dust off his nose as he stood up, eyes dilated and steps staggered as he made his way over to the couch in the middle of the room where Alastair, Meg, and Michael were waiting, just as high as him.
It was the afterparty after their past concert of the tour. Their band was called SkyRockets, and was decently popular.
Dean didn’t know Cas did drugs, and Castiel intended to keep it that way.
What he didn’t notice was for Meg to be recording him the next time he goes and sniffs a line, sneezing a little blood up afterwards.
He also didn’t notice when Meg then sent that video to his steady boyfriend, Dean.
But when he got home two days later, Dean wasn’t waiting for him at the airport.
Nor was he at their apartment.
Castiel frowned as he walked in and set his guitar beside their bed. It looked like it hadn’t been slept in for a few days.
He pulled out his phone and scrolled to Dean’s contact and called him.
He went to voicemail after a few rings. A moment later he got a text, the only thing was the video of Cas taking the coke.
Castiel’s face drained of all color as he watched the video.
“Fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck!” He yells, throwing his phone onto the bed and clutching his hair. “He wasn’t fucking meant to see that!” He cries, hurriedly getting his phone again and calling Meg with shaky finger, shaky from desperation and rage.
“Clarence, nice to hear you,” she drawls, adding to Cas’ rage.
“You fucking took a video of me and sent it to Dean!” He snarls.
“Oh, this is about that, yeah, I did, I was high and you’d pissed me off about, well, something. Obviously, or I wouldn’t have done it,” she says all of this as if it didn’t just uproot Castiels whole fucking existence.
“Son of a bitch!, do you know, where he is?” Castiel growls, pacing back in forth in front of his bed while running a hand through his hair.
“Nah, after I sent that he didn’t reply. I wouldn’t bother looking for ‘Im anyway, you can better, Michael’s been all over you lately, Dean’s a no good loser who works as a mechanic and doesn’t even have a high school diploma,” Meg rants, trying to make Castiel change his mind about the man he loves.
“You better shut the fuck up, right now, or I will fucking throat punch you the next time I see you,” he says lowly. Meg thankfully listened. He didn’t say anything and just hung up.
He looks at his watch and is relieved that it’s during Dean’s working hours, maybe he would be there.
Castiel quickly ran down the apartment steps to his car and drove to Singers Locomotive Fixings.
He pulled up and nearly cried at seeing the Impala. Castiel quickly got out of his own car, a continental and walked very quickly into the open area of the shop, heart beating wildly at seeing Dean’s leg sticking out from under an old rust covered car.
He looked around, seeing that everyone must be on their breaks, and walked over to Dean.
“Dean!” He called, nudging the man with his foot.
The man in question jumped, hitting his forehead in something under the car. He quickly slid out and looked at Castielbwith narrowed, angry eyes.
“You said you fucking stopped, you lied to me. Castiel, you fucking lied to me, and about something like this, do you know how much that hurts?” he asks, voice rough.
“I’m so sorry, Dean. I did stop, for a while.. but then Michael brought some of his stuff and the temptation was so much… Dean I’m so sorry, I didn’t want to ask for help,” he cries, hands in his already mussed up hair.
Dean started at him for a moment before standing up and pulling Castiel into his arms, hugging him. “I love you, you fucking bastard, and you will be going to some therapy, you need to get over this,” Dean says quietly into Castiels ear.
Castiel just sobbed softly into Dean’s shoulder, the guilt of what he’d done finally sinking in. Dean rubbed his back and rocked them side to side for a couple of minutes.
“Shh.. you’ll be okay Cas,” he says quietly, kissing his forehead.
“Can you please take the day off,” he sniffs, “I know this is stupid, but I just want you to hold me.”
Dean nods and quickly goes to find Bobby to request his day off. He comes back five minutes later and they both go home.
“Three months clean, Dean,” Castiel grins, kissing Dean snack on the lips, eliciting a surprised grunt from the man.
“Congrats, babe. Right before your next tour too,” Dean replies, holding Cas’ hips.
“Um.. about that.. I fired Meg, and she was our lead vocalist, and I’ve heard you sing and was wondering.. if you’d be on the band? You could probably ask Bobby to hold your spot open while you’re gone,” Cas says, quieting once he realized he was rambling.
Dean just kissed him quickly, pulling away with a smile. “Of course I’ll come, Cas. Don’t worry,” he replies softly.
Cas jumped into Dean arms and wrapped his arms and legs around him, hugging him tightly.
This was gonna be fun.
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quecksilvereyes · 7 years
kings and queens
this is based on this edit by @queensusan
„Victim’s names are Helen and George Pevensie, according to their driver’s licences.“ He kneels down next to the woman who has been thrown out of the car when it hit the slam barrier. She had likely sat on the front passenger’s seat, seatbelt unbuckled. “When will people learn to use their seatbelts, honestly?”
“Did you say Pevensie?” His partner, who would retire soon and needed reading glasses, knelt down next to him. “How is that spelled?”, she asks. He shows her Helen’s licence and she pales. “Oh God.”
“Are you alright?” He puts a hand on her shoulder, the rough fabric of her jacket hard against his palm.
“You don’t know who they are, do you?” She takes off her glasses and looks at him.
The Pevensies rule this town. Some say, they could rule the world if they wished, that they could sweep up cities with a smile and a laugh and a prayer. There is no criminal that hasn’t faced them, hasn’t stared down the barrel of a gun, hasn’t choked on a knife to the throat, lips to their mouth. They’re children wielding weapons and darkness and prayers filled with blood.
They’re dangerous and he has to call them in for questioning.
“Mr Pevensie, I’m just going to ask you a few questions, pure routine.”
The boy smiles, jovially, all white teeth and twinkling eyes, his glove clad hands lie folded on the table. “Of course”, he says, voice silky soft. The scar tissue on his cheek stretches as he smiles.
“How was your relationship with your parents?”
“We were estranged. I didn’t agree with their political stance and they didn’t agree with the tight bond we have.” The boy’s blond hair falls just below his ears, like golden thread caressing his cheekbones.
“Tight bond?”
He laughs, low in his throat. “They always found it curious that we didn’t fight like siblings ought to.”
“And why didn’t you? Fight, I mean?”
“I don’t know. I never felt compelled to. I think it is rather idiotic to turn against each other for sweeties.” He smiles, as if he made a clever joke.
“Well, in general siblings do fight over idiotic things: toys, food, their parent’s love, accomplishments at school, the list is endless. And a five year old, for example, rarely understands the concept of sharing.”
“I thought this was about my parents, detective.”
“Of course. What do you mean by ‘political stance’?”
“They believed in pacifism and listening to every point of view. A rather short sighted affair.”
He furrows his brows. “Short sighted?”
The boy, Peter, the one who allegedly rules the rulers, the one they call king, the one they kill for, smiles again, wide and friendly. “Well, sometimes you cannot respond with peace to violence, detective.”
“I see.” He clears his throat. This smile makes the hair on his neck stand upright and he can’t tell why. “Was it a habit of your mother’s not to use a seatbelt?”
“No. She always wore it and wouldn’t let father drive without it. I take it she wasn’t wearing it?”
“Thank you for your time, Mr Pevensie.” He holds out his hand and Peter takes it, the fabric of the glove feels soft against his palm, and warm. “I’m sorry for your loss.”
 “Already done with that family?” Jane, who is on guard duty, grins at him. “They’re exhausting, assholes, aren’t they?”
“He was pretty cooperative actually. He just creeps me out. How is a guy in his early twenties this calm and collected?”
“He probably wanted information from you. Cause of death there yet?”
“ME’s still working on it, but I’m pretty sure it’s gonna be a variation of ‘didn’t see the road turn and slammed against the window’.” He opens the file they keep on Peter Pevensie. “This little? I thought he’s a huge terrifying crime boss.”
Jane shrugs. “That’s why we don’t have much. Guy’s too cautious to let us find out anything more than where he went to school and that he was rushed to the emergency hospital years ago. Him and his brother had a disagreement that ended in a little stabbing.”
“Why?” She takes a gulp of her coffee. “We know they’re violent bastards, the lot of them.”
“He just told me they didn’t fight. Apparently that was the reason why them and the parents didn’t talk much.”
“I mean, it’s probably the fact that they run around killing people and then going to church, still blood stained.”
“Another rumour?”
“I can’t count them all. Apparently the small one, Lucy, is a devoted Christian and makes them all pray after they kill someone. No one has figured out where they pray, though, and the priests are either helping them or don’t know. It’s infuriating.”
He hums.
 “Miss Pevensie, right?”
She smiles, cherry red lips and black hair twisted into a knot at the back of her head. “I didn’t marry within the last few days, if that is what you are asking.”
“Well, Miss Pevensie, I hear that your relationship with your parents wasn’t the best.”
She cocks her head. “Is that a statement or a question, detective?”
He coughs. “A statement. Do you know why your relationship with your parents was troubled?”
“We didn’t see eye to eye.” She leans forward, the fabric straining against her skin. He blinks. “They didn’t agree with our life choices.”
“Your life choices?”
“Our parents are traditional people. Wait until marriage, go to church every Sunday, don’t even think about issues that didn’t publicly arise until about fifty years ago.” She laughs, a quiet pleasant laugh behind deep red lips.
“And you’re not?” He clears his throat. “Traditional, I mean.”
She cocks her head. She paints poison on her lips and drinks the secrets spilling from dying lips, hair impeccable, smiling. “No”, she says. “I don’t agree with traditional.”
“You do go to church.”
“I go to church when I please, detective, not because the calendar tells me to.”
He nods. “Did your parents take safety seriously?”
“In what way?” She leans forwards.
“Well, we found sedatives in both their systems, quite substantial amounts. Where they in the habit of driving drunk?”
Susan furrows her brows. “No”, she says. “Mother wouldn’t let father drive if he even had just half a glass of wine.”
“Can you think of a reason why they would do it on that particular day?”
She leans back and smiles. “I’m sorry”, she says. “But I cannot help you with that.”
He thinks about the scar on Peter’s cheek and the poison on her lips.
 “Goddamn it she’s pretty.”
Jane grins. “Told you. She’s one of the most beautiful people you’ll ever see.”
“And secretive. I thought Peter didn’t say much but questioning her is like pulling teeth. She says a lot and when she’s done and out you figure out she said so little you could’ve asked the next door neighbour.”
“What did she say?”
“Parents don’t agree with their values and that they drove responsibly.”
“That’s it?” Jane puts down the crossword puzzle she was brooding over and folds the newspaper.
“Well, she said a lot more, but she didn’t tell me anything else. Please tell me her file is larger.”
“Sorry, not really. All we know are stories without proof.”
“Didn’t you say she’s immune to the poison she uses to kill people?”
“Allegedly. But we can’t place her at any of the crime scenes and without proof it’s pretty hard to pin her down. It’s a wonder she even agreed to talk to you.”
“I’m pretty sure they’re all using me for information. Susan and Peter seemed eager to figure out details without giving me any.” He sighs and runs his hand through his hair. “Oh, cause of death is here. They were already dead when the car hit the slam barrier. Overdose.”
“With what?”
“Belladonna.” He sighs.
“That doesn’t exactly help narrowing down suspects. That stuff grows in the woods in the outer districts.”
“Exactly. And they had saved up a lot of money, seems like good old fashioned greed to me.”
Jane furrows her brows. “Susan uses it sometimes”, she says. “That’s how she kills.”
 “Mr Scrubb, thank you for agreeing to speak to me.”
The pale boy nods. His hair is cut in short, sharp edges around his ears. “Of course. I want to help.”
“How was your relationship with your aunt and uncle?”
The boy bites his lower lip. “I didn’t know them much. My parents thought they’d give me stupid ideas.”
“How so?”
“My parents are atheists and very rational people. They figured Aunt Helen would try to convert me.” He shuffles his feet.
“Did she?”
“She dragged me to church with Lucy and the others, but I always thought it was nonsense. Never picked up a bible until a few years ago.” He twists his hands.
“Why did you pick it up?”
“I had an eye opening experience.”
Eustace Clarence Scrubb pissed them off, called them stupid and foolish and childish and he stared down Edmund’s gun. Edmund doesn’t shoot from up close, he’s like a shadow, killing you before you realise he’s even there. He’s part of their web now, people say.
He’s so nervous, so small, so different from his cousins who ooze confidence and experience like people at least twice their age. Eustace looks and acts like the boy he is. It’s almost comforting.
“And did it do the trick? Did it convert you?”
“Do you think your mother might have blamed your aunt for that?”
“I don’t know. I think so.” He runs a hand through his short hair and smiles, a shivering small smile.
“Do you think she may have been angry enough to-”
“Are you saying my aunt and uncle were murdered?” His voice is loud and shrill and there is almost something like relief in the air as the boy acts on his feelings.
“That is my current theory. I’m sorry.”
“We found large amounts of belladonna in their systems. They were likely already dead when the car crash happened.”
“Excuse me”, the boy whispers as he storms out.
 “I call bullshit on the Scrubb boy working with them.” He slams his notes on his table.
Jane looks up from her newspaper. She’s still working on her crossword puzzle, several rows completely black because she crossed them out so often. “Why? Apparently he’s the one figuring out the torturing techniques.”
“He was pretty upset and ran out crying when I told him his aunt and uncle were likely murdered. He was emotional the entire time, I don’t believe that he has the detachment for what people say he does. I couldn’t even ask him if someone wanted them dead.” He sighs and thinks about what his partner told him. The Pevensies are dangerous, children with blood on their hands and in between their teeth, with prayers spilling from their lips and death on their fingertips. Anyone who angers them, who wrongs them, winds up dead.
Jane shrugs. “Maybe he’s manipulating you. I mean, he did get it out  of you that they were murdered. If he tells the Pevensies, they may figure it out a lot faster than we will.”
He nods and takes his coat from the hook.
Jane raises an eyebrow. “Where are you going?”
“Edmund Pevensie refuses to come to the station and since I don’t have enough to call him for an interrogation, I’m going to meet him in the park.” Edmund is the one he’s most curious about, the boy without face, the executor, the one who’s loyal to Peter to the grave. He was stabbed, people say. He was stabbed and he survived it, carries the scar next to the tattoo they all share, the tattoo of a lion, teeth bared, crouching down as if it would jump from their skin.
Jane cocks her head. “Good luck”, she says. “Don’t die.”
“Yes?” He turns around. The boy in front of him is small, lithe, his hands bare unlike his brother’s posture straight and aware. “Edmund Pevensie?”
The boy nods. The scarf he’s wearing obscures half his face and his hand lies steady at his right hip, scarred skin stretching over his knuckles. “May I?” He gestures to the park bench. The words are muffled.
“Ah, yes of course.” He nods and scoots over. Edmund sits down next to him, back straight. “So, Mr Pevensie, can you tell me if your parents had any enemies? People who would benefit from their deaths?”
The boy hums. “Aunt Alberta had a standing feud with mother, but I doubt she would have killed her over a theist disagreement.”
“According to their financial records they had saved quite a sum over the past year. Do you have any idea why?”
“They were saving up to contribute to Eustace’ tuiton. He wants to go to a very expensive private university and Aunt Alberta begrudgingly asked for help.”
“So there was money for your cousin and none for you?”
Edmund laughs, a cold, sharp sound. “Oh, no, don’t mistake this for jealousy, our parents would have done the same for us if we asked.”
“But you didn’t?”
“No. We didn’t. Is that all?”
“Yes. Thank you for your time.”
 “Look at this.” Jane slams a bulk of papers on his table. He picks up the first one and raises an eyebrow.
“What am I looking at?”
“Everyone who was caught with large amounts of belladonna in possession and had a reason to want to take revenge on the Pevensies. It’s mostly people who already have a police record but there’s someone standing out.” She pulls a file from the pile. “This is Jadis Charn. She’s a noble from a country I’ve never heard of and she has this garden filled with poisonous plants. She says it’s for health reasons. That already seems fishy, but the Pevensies pressed charges against her years ago because she allegedly kidnapped Edmund. According to the stories going around, she was the first person the Pevensies targeted. They didn’t exactly kill her, but she’s in a wheelchair now.”
He looks at the picture accompanying the file. A woman so pale she almost disappears into the wall stares at him. “That seems like a pretty good motive”, he says. “She knows she can’t get to them, so she does the next best thing, she kills the parents and tries to frame the children.”
 “Miss Pevensie -”
“You can call me Lucy.” She smiles, bright white teeth and shining eyes.
“Alright, Lucy. ” He smiles back. “Do you know someone named Jadis Charn?”
Lucy drops her hands on the table. The prosthetic replacing her right hand makes a loud banging sound. “Oh, I’m sorry, sometimes I don’t know where my limbs are.” She laughs. “Still growing, you know?” She leans back. “The name rings a bell, but I couldn’t tell you why.”
“Well, your family pressed charges against her for kidnapping your brother, Edmund.” He crosses his arms.
“Oh, that. I don’t remember it very well, I was so small when it happened.” She pulls the chair closer, muscles rising and falling and he has to think of the soaring knife burying itself in the throats of people unwise enough to cross her. “Now that you mention it, I do remember her being very pale, but I don’t know more.”
He hums. “Well, we found belladonna in your parent’s system. And your brother Edmund told us that your parents were saving up for your cousin Eustace. But from what I gather, there was no money for you?”
“Because we didn’t want it.” She shrugs. “They worked so hard, we didn’t want them to work even harder because they thought we depended on them.” She smiles again and he thinks about how they call her lioness, the muscle, the little girl with a lion’s roar beneath her teeth. “Why did you ask me about Jadis?”
“I just want to cover as much as possible, and to find out who may have wanted your parents dead, we have to dig in their past. And that includes this incident. Routine.”
Lucy cocks her head. “Of course”, she says.
“Miss Charn?” He knocks on the old wooden door. “Miss Charn, please open the door, I would like to ask you a few questions.”
The silence that meets him, feels heavy and strange and he knocks again. “Miss Charn, this is the police, open the door!”
When she doesn’t answer, he experimentally pushes down the door handle. The door swings open. “Oh my God”, his partner whispers next to him. The apartment is covered in mud and dirt, ripped out plants adorning the floor. “Miss Charn?”, he calls out and cautiously steps into the living room.
All of the furniture has been pushed to the walls, flowers surround the table in the middle of the room. A woman has been tied to it, pale blond hair dangling to the floor, eyes staring at the ceiling in horror. The wheelchair lies broken in the corner and a dagger protrudes from her chest, lipstick marks adorning her face.
“They found her”, he says.
The Pevensies rule this town. And God have mercy on those who dare cross them and the lion sleeping in their bones.
If you enjoy my writing, consider buying me a coffee <3
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Chapter Five: Part One
“Discuss the various roles of the witches in ‘Macbeth’ with special emphasis on Coleridge’s remark that “the witches have the power of tempting those that have been tempters themselves.”” Louise asked reading from the pile of papers that were in front of her. 
Louise was currently helping Madeleine study for her Literary Analysis class but Madeleine, as of late, couldn’t concentrate on anything related to school. 
“Uh, I don’t know.... tacos?”
Louise gave her friend a small smirk, trying not to laugh. “Tacos? Seriously, Leni. Try to take this serious.”
“I know, I’m sorry. I just can’t think today.” Madeleine replied with a sigh. 
Louise neatly placed the papers back into the folder they came from. There was clearly no studying on the agenda for tonight. 
“You still haven’t heard from him, huh?”
Madeleine ran a hand through her curly hair and shook her head. “You know what pisses me off the most? When you pretty much insist on seeing someone for the weekend, you get their hopes up. He got my hopes up, Lussan and I hate him for it.”
It was Saturday night, meaning it was the weekend. And Madeleine planned on seeing William this weekend, but she hadn’t heard from him since they spoke earlier that week. She knew he was back in London too, that was the worst part. Louise made her watch the news coverage of him outside of Clarence House with his brother from last night.
“Well maybe it’s for the best, Len. I mean you came to London to be normal, not date a future king.”
Madeleine exhaled. “Yeah, that’s what I thought too. You know, I blame my parents. If it weren’t for them I would’ve never met stupid Prince William of Wales and I wouldn’t be here ruining our Saturday night.”
Louise raised an eyebrow at her friend. “Your parents didn’t make you have a thing for him.”
Madeleine threw her hands up in the air. “Must you always correct me? I need someone to blame, let me blame them.”
“Fine, as long as you’re not being serious.” Louise paused. “You could always call him, you know. The phone works both ways.”
“And let him think I was looking forward to seeing him? Never.”
“You know, you would’ve had tons of boyfriends by now if you wouldn’t play so hard to get.” Louise said as she rose from her spot at the kitchen table to grab a snack from the cupboard. 
“Yeah, well I’m not easy. And anyways my way is more fun, especially with him.” Madeleine said as she threw her head down on the table and buried her face into their red and white checked tablecloth.
“Want some ice cream or chocolate? I can run to the store.” Louise offered, trying to think of some way to make her best friend feel better.
“You’d have to, we both know I can’t leave this godforsaken flat with those savages camped out outside.” Madeleine responded crestfallen, her head still buried in the tablecloth.
“Well you could, if you called your father and got him to authorize your security. But we both know you’re too busy being dramatic for that to happen anytime soon.” Louise teased as peeled back a banana. 
“Uhg, why did I.....”
Madeleine sat straight up in her chair as she heard the trill of her cellphone ringtone from the next room. She immediately sat up and bolted into the living room, tripping over the couch, nearly face planting on the coffee table as she made a swoop for her phone. 
“That wasn’t pathetic at all!” Louise yelled as she laughed at the show Madeleine just put on for her. 
“Oh shut up, Lussan.” Madeleine snarled at her as she picked up her phone, not looking at the caller ID. “Hello?” 
“Rapunzel, Rapunzel let down your hair.” A voice, William’s voice said once she answered. 
“William are you fucking drunk right now?” Madeleine asked, desperately trying not to smile as Louise watched her from across the room. 
“No, Princess. I’m here to break you out of your tower, if you’d just tell me which flat and floor you live on.” William replied, while clanging noises of what sounded like metal came from the background.
“Wait you’re here? Like at my flat? Right now?” Madeleine paused to give Louise a look of sheer panic. “I guess, I’ll just buzz you in?”
“Well, that would be great. But, well, you see, I’m on your fire escape. Now what floor?” William asked, acting as if this scenario was completely normal. 
“Uh fifth floor, apartment four.” Madeleine replied as Louise rushed around the apartment tidying up for their surprise guest. 
“Great, be there in a jiff. Go to the window that looks out your fire escape so I make sure that I’ve got the right flat. I’m not sure how my father would be able to cover that story up if I got caught on this fire escape.” William replied, with more clangs of metal sounding off in the background as his long legs trudged up to the fifth floor. 
“Uh ok.” Madeleine said to him as she looked at Louise who was rushing back and forth from room to room, desperately attempting to tidy up their flat. Madeleine made her way into her bedroom and sat on the windowsill that outlooked the fire escape. 
“Can I hang up the phone or do you want me to wait for you to get up here?” Madeleine asked as she walked over and checked her reflection in the mirror before William got there. She was just about to put on lipgloss when she heard a tap at her window. 
“No need, and stop looking in the mirror. You’re gorgeous.” William said as she looked over at him and he waved to her from outside the window.
“Oh um ok.” Madeleine said into the phone as she stared at him, frozen in place for a moment.
“Yeah?” She replied as she continued to stare at him.
“You can hang up your phone and let me in, unless you’d prefer to make me wait all night.” William said, smiling at her.
“Oh right, coming.” Madeleine said as she tossed her phone on her bed and went over and opened the window for William to climb in. 
William climbed into her window effortlessly and smiled down at her. “So, miss me?”
Madeleine just exhaled loudly and hit him in the shoulder. “What the hell!? I have a front door, you know!”
William winced and put his hand over the spot Madeleine just hit. “I take it someone doesn’t like surprises.”
Madeleine scowled at him. “Well no, especially if I don’t get a phone call from . you to confirm plans. How do you know I don’t have other plans for tonight? What did you expect from this little show of yours!?”
William began to chuckle. “You’re cute when you’re agitated. I told you that you’d be seeing me, I thought that was enough. You should know that I always keep my promises.”
“Oh quit complimenting me.” Madeleine replied, rolling her eyes.
“Aw you did miss me and by the way, nice place.” William said as he walked around Madeleine’s room, picking up various objects to examine.
“Why are you here, William?”
“First of all, some appreciation for my entrance would be nice Rapunzel. That took some major creativity on my part. And second of all, do you have memory loss? Because I told you four days ago that you’d be seeing me this weekend.” William said as he began to flip through Madeleine’s Vogue magazine on her dresser. 
“Well I figured I’d have some notice and preparation, excuse me for thinking you weren’t this rude.”
“I gave you a three minute phone conversation to prepare, like I said you look gorgeous. And I sincerely mean that, Princess.” William paused as he shut the Vogue magazine. “Now, are you ready to go? My bike is in the alley. But we have to go back down the fire escape because the press are out front.”
Madeleine threw her hands down to her sides out of frustration. “You’re kidding me, right!?”
William crossed his arms. “Don’t make me carry you down that fire escape.”
Just then Louise appeared in the doorway and smiled at William and Madeleine. She’d clearly been eavesdropping on their conversation. “Madeleine, quit giving him such a hard time and get your ass down that fire escape.”
William turned to Louise and grinned. “You see, I like her. Get your ass down that fire escape, Princess.”
Madeleine scowled at both of them. “I cannot believe you two right now.”
Louise turned to William. “Beleive it or not, she gets easier to deal with. You just have to be patient.”
“Ha! I’ll believe it when I see it.” William replied, grinning with satisfaction as he looked over at the scowl on Madeleine’s face.
“I’m standing right here, you two.” Madeleine paused as her eyes met William’s. “Now, maybe I’d consider going if you tell me where you’re planning on taking me.”
“Sorry it’s a surprise and I can’t wait to see your reaction, because you’re such a fan of surprises.” William teased as Madeleine rolled her eyes.
Madeleine crossed her arms. “No.”
Louise threw her head back and sighed at Madeleine. “Good lord, you are exhausting. Get your ass down that fire escape and live a little, Party Princess.”
William gestured as he grinned at Louise. “Yes, thank you!”
Growing tired of this charade, Madeleine couldn’t help but be interested in William’s plans for them tonight. And she was impressed on his entrance too, although she’d never admit that to him. “Ok, give me five minutes? You can wait in the hall.”
“Fine, I suppose I can give you five minutes.” William said as he and Louise headed out into the hallway and closed the door behind them, leaving Madeleine alone in her bedroom.
Fifteen minutes later, Madeleine and William were readying themselves to climb back down the fire escape. 
Madeleine had changed her outfit from her jeans and white sweater into a blue, floral print dress and her jean jacket. She’d pulled her blonde curls back into a braid and decided to put on that lip gloss that William told her not to put on. 
“You’re not afraid of heights, right?” William asked as he was opening the window for them to climb out.
Madeleine shook her head. “You wish, Prince Charming.”
William rolled his eyes. “For being a princess, you have zero manners.”
William began to climb out the window and reached out and leant Madeleine a hand to help her out. She looked at his outstretched hand hesitantly, and after a moment took it.
“Ok Princess, let’s do this quickly and quietly. Last thing we both need is to fuel the rumors in the press.”
“Agreed.” Madeleine said, still holding William’s hand in her’s.
William began to smirk. “Hey Princess, as much as I enjoy this skin to skin contact, I need both hands to climb down safely.”
“Oh right, of course.” Madeleine said, immediately dropping his hand from her grasp.
Minutes later they found themselves at the end of the fire escape. William with his long legs and athletic build was easily able to jump from the fire escape to the alleyway. Madeleine, however, was having some difficulty trying to safely make it off the fire escape in her dress. 
“Want some help?” William asked after watching her examine her situation for a moment.
“No, now quit being so....”
And before Madeleine could say another word, William had her lifted into his arms and was carrying her over his shoulder to his Ducati parked near the end of the alley.
“I didn’t need your help! I have legs, you know!”
William began to chuckle. “Quit your whining.”
“William, I swear to god if you don’t put me down this instant I’ll....” Madeleine began and he once again didn’t let her finish.
Before she knew it she was being shifted in her arms and being lifted down to the ground. William set her carefully down to the ground, she was inches away from him as she looked up into his eyes.
“I’m not the only one who doesn’t have manners.” Madeleine huffed as her blue orbs stared into his.
“Oh I know, that’s what makes us perfect for each other. Remember, Peaches?”
Madeleine huffed and turned on her heel. She walked over and grabbed the spare helmet from the back of William’s bike and put it on. She then climbed on the back of the bike and watched as he stood there with his eyebrow raised, grinning at her.
“Are you coming or do I need to drive?”
William came over and adjusted Madeleine’s chin strap on her helmet. His hand lingered on her cheek as he grinned at her. “You’re something else, you know that?”
Madeleine couldn’t help but notice her heart skipped a beat whenever he touched her, and how it drove her crazy at the same time. “Oh William, sweet sweet William. You have twenty seconds to get your ass on this bike before I...”
William shook his head and put his own helmet on and then climbed on. “Quit giving me ultimatums and hold on.”
“Don’t drive like a...”
Once again before letting Madeleine finish, William started the bike and flew down the alley and into the busy London traffic. 
A/N: I so hope you guys enjoyed Part 1 of Chapter 5! I can’t wait for you to see where William is taking Madeleine! Any guesses? As always, I can’t wait to read your feedback on this chapter. I hope to have the next chapter out soon. :) Thanks for reading!
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asks for 08/16/18
spooncryptid asked:
Good morning Tommy! How ya doing?
Tom: *mouthing why me?* what do you want cat freak?
spooncryptid asked:
I just wanted to hang out! Like friends!
Tom: *sigh* do whatever you want.
spooncryptid asked:
So what’re you doing?
Tom: prepping the suit for it’s first flight test.
spooncryptid asked:
Oo! That sounds fun!
Tom: it’s not fun, it’s dangerous… you probably wouldn’t know the difference though, would you?
spooncryptid asked:
I mean sometimes danger is fun, not always, but this sounds like a fun danger!
Tom: … i’m not doing any weapons testing yet. i’m just testing to see if it can get off the ground and hover.
spooncryptid asked:
Ye! Flying sounds fun!
Tom: not when there is a very real risk of explosions.
ew-unfinished-au asked:
What kind of flight mechanics are on the suit?
Tom: The back mounted rockets give lift through guide channels that run the thrust away from the body and down while the boots allow for directional control based on their angle and individual output.
spooncryptid asked:
Like fireworks!
Tom: maybe if fireworks were filled with blood and viscera.
spooncryptid asked:
Well I can’t handle big noises, you have fun with your fireworks! Imma go find Matt
Tom: good luck finding him. he’s doing an “exercise” with the new recruits. he’s basically playing hide and seek, except he’s always the one hiding.
anonymous asked:
Sounds like it might have been hard to set up. I hope the test goes well.
Tom: … me too.
spooncryptid asked:
Oh! I’m good at hiding! I’m not the best at finding though. maybe I’ll uhh.. darn, there’s no one else that tolerates my existence
Tom: just wonder around for a bit, the soldiers will eventu-
Matt: good job! now report to your superior your thought process.
???: yes sir!
spooncryptid asked:
WOA!! Oh! Hi Mattie!
Matt: wha- oh! hi weird cat! *energetic waving*
Tom: prince! what have i said about hiding in my work room!?
Matt: not to…
Tom: and why not?
Matt: because it’s dangerous and i could hurt myself…
Tom: and?
Matt: and i forget to lock the door…
Tom: exactly.
spooncryptid asked:
That was loud! I got spooked! You spooked me!
Matt: OH! i’m sorry!
Tom: whatever… prince you need to leave. i don’t want you getting hurt if this thing blows.
spooncryptid asked:
It’s ok! Loud things happen, can I hang out with you?
Matt: i don’t see why not.
Tom: remember, don’t bring him into the restricted section.
Matt: got it!
Tom: repeat.
Matt: don’t bring him into the restricted section.
Tom: good.
spooncryptid asked:
Oo, what’s the restrict section?
Tom: matt?
Matt: the place visitors aren’t allowed to go!
Tom: good.
Matt: *happy bat noises*
spooncryptid asked:
Well I’m not a visitor, I live here too! In the trash cans!
Tom: are you signed up as a soldier? if so we need to take a look at ALL the personnel files. there is no way something like you would get through the vetting process.
Matt: but you don’t have Clarence?
Tom: clearance.
spooncryptid asked:
No! I don’t wanna go to the vet!
Tom: … only soldiers?
Matt: with the proper clearance may enter any restricted areas.
Tom: excellent.
Matt: *very happy bat noises*
spooncryptid asked:
If it means going to the vet I don’t wanna go to the restrict section!
you have just given tom a very powerful weapon. he won’t forget that. matt drags you away with him.
spooncryptid asked:
So what do you wanna do Mattie?
matt is confused. he’s just taking you with him to do his daily jobs. his next job is delivering medical supplies from storage to the med bay.
spooncryptid asked:
Oh! I probably can’t help with that
Matt: oh thats fine! i don’t need help.
(it will take about three more asks to get to storage then two more to get to the med bay)
spooncryptid asked:
What are we bringing over?
Matt: bandages, needles, drip bags, just normal medical stuff.
spooncryptid asked:
Mm, I don’t like needles
Matt: thats okay too, i don’t have to take them out of the crates or anything. i just have to move them.
anonymous asked:
How often does the med bay need supplies delivered?
Matt: not too often, they only really deal with accidents on base. and things like red’s injury maintenance.
spooncryptid asked:
What kinds of injuries happen on base?
Matt: not much. mostly just recruits making mistakes in training or burns and cuts from research and development.
spooncryptid asked:
Have you ever been injured on base?
Matt: … do paper cuts count?
spooncryptid asked:
I’d think so! Paper can be evil!
Matt: yes paper is evil and mean! here you go.
???:thank you, prince sir. would you like your daily drink?
Matt: i think i’ll wait until dinner today.
???: of course sir.
spooncryptid asked:
Ooh, are you a prince?
Matt: *wistful sigh* i wish, but no, that’s just my code name around base.
spooncryptid asked:
When Tordie takes over the world is he gonna make you a real prince?
Matt: that would be lovely. *wistful smile*
spooncryptid asked:
Where would you want to be prince of?
Matt: red said it would all be one place when he was finished… so there.
spooncryptid asked:
Ooo, prince of the whole world
Matt: that sounds so luxurious! *happy bat noises*
spooncryptid asked:
You could do anything you wanted!
Matt: yeah!
spooncryptid asked:
What would you wanna do if you were a prince?
matt is content. he just shrugs.
spooncryptid asked:
I’d turn into a normal cat again
Matt: why would you need to be a prince for that?
spooncryptid asked:
Well I’d have to be able to find the person who can turn me back, and I can’t do that right now, if I was a prince I probably could!
Matt: i guess i never thought of it that way.
spooncryptid asked:
Yea, also I’d be able to make her do it, cuz even if I could found her now she wouldn’t do it
Matt: her?
spooncryptid asked:
She’s the one that made me an ugly potato baby!
Matt: does she have a name?
spooncryptid asked:
I don’t think I ever learned her name, if I did I don’t remember it
Matt: that’s too bad. maybe we could have helped you find her.
spooncryptid asked:
Really? You’d do that?
Matt: i don’t see why we wouldn’t!
spooncryptid asked:
I mean you and Tommy are the only ones who don’t completely hate me.. I mean, I don’t understand why even you’d go out of your way to help me
Matt: red says it shouldn’t matter what our personal opinions are we should always help if we can.
spooncryptid asked:
Oh.. I mean, I still feel like I’d be an exception to that rule, I haven’t been the best to people since I’ve been here
Matt: you could always ask him yourself. he’s in his office if you wanna.
spooncryptid asked:
He really doesn’t like me though, what if I get yelled at?
Matt: … so long as you just got to the point and asked he’d be pretty calm.
spooncryptid asked:
I dunno..
Matt: i mean you don’t have to. i just think it would make you feel a little better.
spooncryptid asked:
He’s kind of scary
Matt: why? what about him scared you?
spooncryptid asked:
Death threats and insults, I’m usually fine with it but talking about Her makes me feel things more
Matt: well… i’m almost done here, do you want me to come with you?
spooncryptid asked:
Mm, yea, that would help
Matt: alright! lets go!
spooncryptid asked:
matt picks you up and rushes off to tord’s office.
spooncryptid asked:
Oh, am picked up! That’s.. it’s ok?
matt got a bit over excited… he put you down outside tord’s door.
spooncryptid asked:
Mmm, ok, we can do this
Matt: yeah.
Tord: *through the door* prince? you can come in.
spooncryptid asked:
//hides a bit behind Matt//
Matt: *shifts into a bat and flutters into the room clinging to tord’s back*
Tord: … well alright then… oh! what do you need?
spooncryptid asked:
//cough// uh, hey there.. Tord, good to see you
Tord: … did you need something?
Matt: *squeak*
spooncryptid asked:
I was just, uhh, I mean.. I-I was wondering if um... //nervous shaking// y-you uhm.....
Tord: *whispering to matt* does it have a point that it will be getting to.
Matt: *affirmative coo*
spooncryptid asked:
I-I’m uhh..... I-I don’t wanna be an ugly potato baby anymore.. um... I-I wasn’t before.. so, uh....
tord is waiting.
spooncryptid asked:
Th-there was, uhh.. I was- I can’t... //nervous silence// I-I’ll just go! sorry!
Tord: just calm down. really what do you need?
spooncryptid asked:
It’s nothing! I’m just- uh, I need to go find Pat and see if he’ll set me on fire again, right now, at this moment
matt screeches again as tord presses a button that closes and locks the door before raising an eyebrow.
spooncryptid asked:
Nevermind, I can die here, that’s fine too
okay stop. your doing the opposite of what Matt told you to do. what’s goin’ on here?
spooncryptid asked:
Tord spooky, emotions hard
Tord: that i understood. keep going.
spooncryptid asked:
I.. I-I just came in here to say that I can’t give you any candy today cuz my wittle paws hurt, that’s it! I’m just a bit more useless than normally!
Matt: *HISSSS*
Tord: i don’t like being lied to… i can tell you’re nervous but this is getting ridiculous.
spooncryptid asked:
If you let me out I’ll just go get run over by a car and stop wasting your time
Tord: that would upset matt. so no.
spooncryptid asked:
I just... //tears up// I-I don’t wanna do this!
Tord: … to… fucking… bad…
spooncryptid asked:
I’m fine! I don’t need it! I’m happy! //tries and fails at blinking back tears//
Tord: *glares*
spooncryptid asked:
I-It doesn’t matter!! It’s nothing! P-Please just let me go
Tord continues to glare at you as he grips the pen he’d been holding so tight it cracks down the middle and finally snaps in half… it was metal… in his flesh hand..
spooncryptid asked:
//flinches at the pen breaking// p-please it doesn’t even matter... y-you’d think it’s stupid
Tord: you have… one… last… chance.
anonymous asked:
Are you seriously playing the pity card after what you did dude?
he knows there will be consequences if he goes to far… so hush.
spooncryptid asked:
//chokes back sobs// I-I was a n-normal cat a-and I just w-wanted to be normal again!
Tord: *blinks* oh… is that all?
Matt: *affirmative nuzzle*
spooncryptid asked:
//ugly cries on the floor//
Tord: oh… oh my…
Matt: *worried squeaks*
Tord: …
spooncryptid asked:
//sniffling// C-can I go find a c-cliff to jump off of now?
Tord: no. matty batty would you be a sweetheart and go find somethings for me?
Matt: *affirmative flutter*
Tord: thank you. i need my necronomicon, tommy’s magic book and a first aid kit please, i seem to have metal and ink embedded in my palm. *unlocks and opens door for matt and closes it quickly*
spooncryptid asked:
Wh-what? What’re you gonna do?
Tord: look into if there is a magical fix for your problem. i haven’t tried to do magic in years but it’s worth a look.
spooncryptid asked:
Y-you’re gonna help me? W-why would you care?
Tord: someone should always be able to ask for help. and so long as it doesn’t hurt anyone else they should always receive it.
to that anon i told to hush…
spoon was giving me an opportunity to demonstrate something very difficult yet very important. an aspect of tord’s character that i had yet to really show and i wanted to capitalize on that. i apologize if i came off as rude or as if i was picking a side.
spooncryptid asked:
B-but... I thought you hated me?
Tord: what i feel towards you should not impact how you are treated.
spooncryptid asked:
That doesn’t make sense...
Tord: how so? you are a sentient being. you deserve everything any other sentient being receives.
spooncryptid asked:
I’ve hurt you and others, why would I still deserve help?
Tord: because, being an ass doesn’t make you any less then anyone else.
Matt: *squeak*
Tord: ah thank you. you can set that stuff on the desk. we can get started once I’ve dealt with my hand.
spooncryptid asked:
But wouldn’t you try to stop people who hurt you so they don’t do it again?
Tord: wounds mend. sometimes they get ripped open, but that doesn’t make a new wound, just makes it take a little longer to finally scar.
spooncryptid asked:
But what about hurting other people? You don’t know if I’ll still hurt people after this
Tord: you’ll be a cat. a cat with no claws. what are you gonna do?
spooncryptid asked:
I could still bite people!
tord finds it funny that you think that would scare him.
spooncryptid asked:
I mean, what if I got rabies or something and bit someone?
Tord: then you would be dying too…
spooncryptid asked:
I’d still be hurting someone!
Tord: okay. shut up. if i went by your logic i’d want most of the world dead. i don’t by the way.
spooncryptid asked:
... I don’t deserve help..
Tord: are you alive?
spooncryptid asked:
I guess??
Tord: then you deserve help.
endragoneel asked:
(is it okay to jump to tom?) hey tom! how’s your work going! it seems really rad!!! you e been working hard! have some tea-!
Tom: … uh… good… thank you?
(just so long as you don’t just randomly leave a conversation it’s fine)
endragoneel asked:
sorry for randomly popping up like that- i’m just excited to see your work! it looks awesome!
tom is flattered.
endragoneel asked:
you meantioned earlier you were gonna test it? :O!
Tom: yeah i just finished the first flight test. i’m about to start making adjustments.
endragoneel asked:
sounds exciting!! good luck with it!
you confuse tom at the same time as you flatter him. he likes you but thinks you’re a lot to handle.
endragoneel asked:
oh- sorry i try not to be overwhelming, but sometimes i can’t control it— can i watch the test? i’ll stand over there
tom doesn’t know where you’re gesturing to but it doesn’t really matter as he’s almost do-
tom exploded.
endragoneel asked:
no-! ah... is he okay? he can come back if he’s dead if not, right? SHOULD I GO GET EVERYONE?!
you act like they didn’t hear. yes he’ll be fine, he just needs to grow his legs back.
endragoneel asked:
i cant really help with that, can i... what should i do then?
not stand in any door ways… tord isn’t gonna stop so you can get out of the way.
endragoneel asked:
yeah... maybe i could fix the coffee maker if there’s nothing else? i could probably do that
as the only ones who drinks coffee tord and pau would appreciate that.
endragoneel asked:
it makes tea and hot chocolate too-! let me see— ah! it overheated. i wouldn’t worry tho, there’s plenty of parts around i could use (if i have permission?)
you’d have to ask tom, who’s unconscious… and bleeding out…
he’s lucky only the boots were out or tord would see.
spooncryptid asked:
tord did not appreciate having that screamed in his ear. the moment he gets to the lab he’s dropping you.
anonymous asked:
oh no... i’ve come at a bad time >~<; -shy anon
not really… tom’s gonna fine in like half an hour.
(don’t be shy shy anon you are welcome here)
spooncryptid asked:
I have no idea why he was carrying me but ok
he wasn’t gonna leave you alone in his office.
spooncryptid asked:
That’s fair
you have been dropped rather abruptly. tord can’t hold you and open the door.
spooncryptid asked:
if tom weren’t bleeding out tord might have cared.
spooncryptid asked:
Sounds fake but ok
i said might.
endragoneel asked:
oh, well luckily i didn’t much extra parts, i asked another soldier, they said yes! do, good news is that machines fixed! (i got some tea, your chamomile is excellent) bad news is, well... *sips tea* you know
tord does not appreciate your humor. he’s glaring.
endragoneel asked:
sorry tord, i don’t mean to be insensitive, i’m still new... how about i find out what else i can do to put myself to good use. Pat, what else can i do?
pat: *surprised* you noticed me? most people don’t. i’m sorry what was the question?
endragoneel asked:
what can i do to help? i just got here and tord already doesn’t like me... but i did fix the coffee machine!
pat: pau will be glad to hear that you fixed it. to help? could you go grab us a meal from the cafeteria, a big one, tom is going to be quite famished when he wakes up.
dudawakmax asked:
Ha ha... this is a bad time to come back.
tom will be happy to see you when he wakes up though and tord has relaxed quite a bit. matt wants a hug.
dudawakmax asked:
*hugs Matt* It’s gonna be fine buddy, Tom is strong.
Matt: duda!
Tord: hello again. we know but it still gets to us at times to see him like this.
Tom: *groan*
endragoneel asked:
sure! i’ll go see what i can find-
Pat: protein is best.
dudawakmax asked:
Funny how you guys used to hate me. Author-Chan sends kisses, she hopes Tom get better soon.(I wish I could use magic or something to help Tom, but I doubt the mod would let me)
Tord: we never hated you, we just distrusted you. you didn’t make the best first impression.
Matt: hi author-chan!
tom: … ow.
(did no one read the rules post! i actually MADE A RULES POST! its in the important info.)
endragoneel asked:
alright! i guess i’ll just ask if all else fails-
endragoneel asked:
i’m back- how’s everyone? here’s the food! *hands tord two trays* also, someone gave me this to give to matt
Matt: i’m not supposed to take food from strangers.
Tord: it’s okay blue can eat it, right blue.
Tom: fine. i need to regain mass anyway.
endragoneel asked:
this isn’t from me, a random person told me to give to you, matt... it’s packaged!
Tord: even more reason for the immortal one to be the one to have it instead.
Tom: most myths about vampires are just that but some are true.
Matt: i need to be careful not to eat too much garlic and to avoid certain types of mineral water.
endragoneel asked:
i don’t know what it is! but please be careful! how’re y’all holding up?
Tom: better, my legs have grown back, i just need to regain some muscle mass before i can walk again.
Tord: i’m okay too, just needed to calm down. sorry about the glaring and all, i was a bit… tense.
Matt: i’m hungry! i’m gonna go to the med bay and pick up a snack.
endragoneel asked:
oh! i think that’s what the package was matt! also, i’m glad y’all are okay <3
Matt: still can’t. sorry.
Tord: who the fuck sends blood to someone?!
Tom: at least it will make it easier to transform the mass into a usable form.
spooncryptid asked:
I hit my head and passed out, what’s going on?
tord dropped you on your ass.
spooncryptid asked:
I’m just making an excuse for disappearing, I guess my tiny legs just couldn’t keep up with everyone else being fast
Tord: oh quit complaining tom didn’t even have legs.
Tom: no matt carried me here, you were the slow one.
spooncryptid asked:
Ah, everyone hates me, finally things feel normal again
Tord: hate is to strong a word for what we feel for you, more like mild annoyance.
Tom: pat hates you, we just don’t really like you. there is a difference.
endragoneel asked:
well we could forget about it... tom do you need anything?
Tom: at the moment? just time. and maybe another blanket, its kinda cold here without matt.
spooncryptid asked:
Oh! I can be warm! //starts attempting to climb onto Toms bed//
tom picks you up and drops you between himself and tord.
(they all sleep on one huge bed at this point. if they didn’t matt would have night terrors, tord wouldn’t sleep at all and tom would be to restless an paranoid to even close his eyes.)
spooncryptid asked:
Why am I being picked up so much today?
Tom: because you small and slow?
Tord: *yawns* yeah, pretty much.
spooncryptid asked:
Well yea, but I was also small and slow on other days and I wasn’t picked up at all
… have you not noticed them warming up to you at all? i get that it can be hard to tell with tom but you must be able to see it from matt and tord.
spooncryptid asked:
Yea but it’s just the change from not really being physically integrated with at all one day, and being picked up by all three of the bois the next
think back to the show… how often was tom LITERALLY THROWN INTO SOMETHING BY HIS FRIENDS… these boys are grade a assholes. they found you annoying yes but tom and tord used to find matt annoying. also, you fed tom and you showed weakness to tord. matt just likes picking things up. your actions over today and yesterday did this. you fit in just fine. (also tord wants to keep you as a pet when he figures out how to change you back to a normal cat, if you wanted to stay of course.)
endragoneel asked:
i have another blanket! here~ stay warm! how’re you feeling now?
Tom: admittedly better, thanks.
endragoneel asked:
how’re paul and pat?
they are a couple rooms over getting ready for bed. you can visit if you want.
anonymous asked:
aaah >~> i’m back... it seemed better at this time- shy anon
spooncryptid asked:
//cuddles Tom// am warm! Am useful!
Tom: very *yawn* useful
anonymous asked:
lmao can i m!ask tom to be stuck in a monster form (once he recovers of course uwu) for 10 asks? like one that’s pretty big but small enough to fit in the base
… technically yes, but… mod t is under a lot of stress right now and art is not their main focus so it would still be just written responses for a little while longer. also ten asks seem to pass really fast on this blog… you still wanna do this?
endragoneel asked:
if everyone’s sleeping i think i’ll call it quits for the night- wait matt is still there! i’ll go introduce myself then
matt is on his way back from the med bay after having a midnight snack.
endragoneel asked:
hey matt~ i’m ever! *puts hand out so he can shake it*
Matt: ever what? *shakes hand very confused*
endragoneel asked:
Ever is the name! short for Everey! it’s a bit confusing and there’s lots of puns haha - how’re you?
Matt: puns?
(you’ve made matt very nervous. tread carefully.)
endragoneel asked:
oh uh... don’t worry about it! how’s life on the base? i just got here and it seems really rad !
Matt: life is good! better… good!
dudawakmax asked:
Nope! No puns! Not here, not now
Matt: DUDA! *squeezes*
(this is how he will always greet you.)
endragoneel asked:
oh! a person appears! the famous duda! nice to meet you<3
Matt: yeah duda is the best! they made tom and tord feel better after they had a “red” day.
dudawakmax asked:
Hey! Its nice to meet you. (Love ft too ❤) *hoop Matt* heya matt! How are you feeling?
Matt: *blink* boop!
(matt has returned the boop. he is very happy.)
endragoneel asked:
they sound very nice! hope i can help like that someday... i don’t think tord likes me that much...
Matt: … i kinda hope you never have to. but your willingness to try is sweet.
anonymous asked:
lmao (guess lmao anon is mah name) sounds good! i expected text... if ten asks goes too fast how about TWENTY YEEHAW
alright, i’ll start tomorrow cause right now he’s asleep.
endragoneel asked:
i didn’t mean it that way... well anyway, what’s your favourite thing to do here?
Matt: it’s fun to put on different uniforms and exploring the base! if my make-up is good enough they don’t recognize me and i get to learn how to do something new. every one is really nice here.
anonymous asked:
lmao he’s gonna be pissed when he wakes up
not really. his monster form is more natural to him than his human form. but he will get kinda annoyed when he remembers in his pure monster form he doesn’t have thumbs.
anonymous asked:
oh no they’re asleep >~< -shy anon
tom and tord are asleep. matt pau and pat are still up for a bit longer.
dudawakmax asked:
Awn! This new person is so sweet! I like them!!
yes they are! duda meet ever, ever, meet duda.
endragoneel asked:
that sounds fun! can we try it? also, very nice to meet you duda !! : D
Matt: maybe in the morning, i’m gonna head to bed soon. i don’t want to have to sleep alone after red and blue wake up.
endragoneel asked:
i should head to bed too! g’night! sleep well!
Matt: sweet dreams!
dudawakmax asked:
Goodnight honey!! See ya tomorrow
Matt: night. *yawn*
spooncryptid asked:
//whispering// hi Mattie, I’m useful!
he literally just walked into the room, saw you there and shrugged before picking you up, again, taking your place on the bed and plopping you onto his chest. he was out like a light.
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