#oh cramity
vickysaurus · 1 year
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"Can you imagine it! Me, in the halls of Hexside, studying with Willow and Gus and maybe even Amity-"
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"AMITY! Oh cramity! We're supposed to meet so I can get my Azura book back!"
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sapphosdickandballs · 3 months
@pulim-v thanks for the help and @oh-cramity-its-amity thanks for the idea! Also cramity do you want me to make a separate poll for the a wild prev appeared cause that’s just what I was gonna do but I can do it different
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sergeantsporks · 3 months
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Due to a strike for Palestine happening during the original time Dadrius Week was planned, the week is moving to June 23rd-June 29th. Same rules. Please don't post your Dadrius submissions until this time.
Sorry for the big call, but I'm going to tag everyone who reblogged the original post so everyone knows. Please reblog this version instead
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anonymoosen · 3 months
Another pride month phone doodle!!
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Oh cramity 🤭
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strawberryfaced · 3 months
one of my mutuals did this so I hope they don’t mind I stole their idea….
@scatteredraysofhope first of all the person who inspired me to do this. you’re such a sweet sweet person and just so. genuinely kind. you’re so approachable and sweet and easygoing and genuine and and everything else good in this world. also your face painting skills are TOP TIER!!!
@g0rgeousaurus one of my first mutuals :] I think I have never met anyone kinder than you. I hope you know that all the kind things you’ve said to me have a special place in my heart - a little garden I’d say even. where the flowers are your words + sealed with a heart shaped lock!!! you deserve the world friend!!!!
@socks-swamp one of my first mutuals too!!!! thank you for being here!!!! you’re so so so wonderful and I love seeing you in my notifications:) we haven’t interacted too too much directly but thank u for reblogging from me + I love reblogging from u. our ownspecial little love language I’d say :3 /p
@everyonehateserik ALSO one of my first mutuals!!! I remember the day you sent me a very kind ask saying I helped make your day a little better. I hope you know that you made my entire week :) there are also other things you’ve said to me I never stop thinking about. you are such a cool person and I always smile when I see you in my notifs!!! you are fucking awesome and if you ever stop thinking that just know someone out there does (it’s me. shhhhh don’t tell him guys) !!
@oh-cramity-its-amity we haven’t been mutuals for very long but you are SO SO SO SO awesome. also I think you are my famous mutual (as you should be. you deserve all the friends n mutuals n likes in the world) but I hope u know I’m your one of your biggest fans !!!! I love seeing your posts so much and I love interacting with you. thank you for engaging in long ranty conversations with me :] youre awesome !!!!!
@ezrasageisajellyfish YOU ARE AWESOME. please never forget that. thank you for always reblogging and liking my posts it truly does make me so happy. you are so so cool and I hope many good things come to you <3 (also whenever I like one of your sadder posts just know I am giving u a warm blanket)
@numberninetyreprise you have this sort of energy vibe about you that’s just so. fresh and cool. on the worse days your posts often ignite a sort of appreciation for life I lack at the time - so thank you for that :) i’m sooo honoured to b mutuals with you nd infinitely wishing good things your way :]
@yakultstan we haven’t been mutuals for too long but I just NEEED to tell you how much I love your writing. I love it so much and I love reading it whenever you post :) also not to mention your photography skills!!! SO BEAUTIFUL!!! +on top of that you seem like such an awesome human!!! multitalented AND wonderful!! 
there is more of u but I am slightly more scared to interact with u all. thank you to all my mutuals (even if I was too nervous to add you here!!!!) for making me smile all the time :) i love U all silly people in my phone !!
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incorrectlumityquotes · 10 months
Lumity Episode Master List
Well, this is it gang. It's over. The Owl House is finished. Part of me will always be bitter about Disney gutting season three.
BUT at the same time, part of me is glad that The Owl House is over. Because that means lumity is canon forever and nobody can change that. What's that Disney? You don't like the gay? Well too bad. The only way you can change it is to make more episodes which I know you're not gonna do.
Nana-nana, boo-boo. Stick your head in doo-doo.
It's been a fantastic journey and if you ever wanna go through it again, there's always Disney Plus. But if just want your lumity fix without going through every single episode, then here you go.
I did it for starco and now I'm doing it for lumity. Here's every single episode the led up to lumity.
Spoilers for a show that we painfully know has ended.
"I Was a Teenage Abomination"
The revolution was a lie. Do you remember? When we were young and you wanted to set the world on fire? Sorry that's a reference to a song I like.
You can't do a list about a ship without actually starting the ship. The episode where Luz and Amity first meet and thank jeebus they did. Personally, I thought the first episode was okay and I didn't like the second one. But this episode was amazing. 10/10.
Luz feels like she isn't learning as much as she could from Eda so she sneaks into a witch school. With witch kids. We meet Willow and then we meet Amity, who I honestly thought was going to be some kind of Draco Malfoy bully type character. And she's kinda sorta like that in this episode. Little did we know the love that was gonna blossom here.
I get it. It's like coven and convention. OH now I get it. Well, we can't have them be enemies to lovers without them being enemies first. Willow and Gus invite Luz, Eda and King to the local covention where Amity just happens to be checking out the Emperor's Coven panel.
Yeah, she's still upset over the whole 'pretending to be an abomination thing.' We get some classic Malfoy-esque bullying from Amity that pushes Luz to challenge her. Since the Clawthorne sisters refuse to have one up over the other, they both cheat, embarrassing Amity.
The scene where Luz apologizes to Amity was the first hint that Amity would go beyond a Malfoy-bully character. Even though Amity was still upset, she broke the pact and Luz held no ill will towards her.
"Lost in Language"
I'm lost in language and I don't know what I'm thinking about. I'm back on my feet. Eager to be what you want me. Sorry. That's another song.
We get the first seed of the actual lumity ship and my first "I ship them" episode. Luz goes to the local library and the show shock everyone by showing Amity...reading to kids in the kids corner. You guys gotta remember that at the time this blew everyone's minds. The bully character reading to kids in the library? And they love her? Everyone's view of Amity changed, especially Luz's. Then we met Edric and Emira, who unlike Amity, are super cool and nice. All of which plays to the theme of the episode.
We (and Luz) discover that Amity is a lot more than she seems. She's not the bully character. Same with Edric and Emira. They're not the cool ones; they're the bullies. And that's the same way Amity feels about Luz. But with a little teamwork and a horrifying children's character come to life, Amity agrees to try to be a friendlier witch.
"Adventures in the Elements"
We wouldn't see Amity again for another several episodes. Thank goodness for that other country airing the episode early, am I right, people? Anyway.
Luz finally goes out with Eda for some serious witch training after Amity (oh cramity) warns her about the baby class. We get Amity making an actual effort to be nice to Luz, which almost completely goes to hell when Luz takes Amity's training wand. But then she does the "You'll only get hurt bit," and we see more of those little glimpses.
It's safe to say that after this episode Luz and Amity actually did become friends. No ill will on either side.
"Understanding Willow"
Luz and Amity became friends in the previous episode. Just Luz and Amity. Willow and Gus were a different story. Especially Willow. This is that story. It's the full story.
It's revealed that Willow and Amity used to be friends until Amity's parents forced Amity to push Willow away, something Willow still resents her for.
In the lumity side of things, Luz starts wiggling her way into Amity's heart with her upbeat, positive attitude. It's infectious. We even get a lumity hug, even if it was one sided.
"Enchanting Grom Fright"
Come on. Come on. Do I even have to at this point? The episode that blew this ship into the stratosphere.
It's Grom season and everyone's getting a date. Except for Amity who is unfortunately named the grom queen which means she has to fight a horrifying shapeshifting monster. Horray for The Boiling Isles being a safe and sensible place to live. Luz, being Luz, takes Amity's place so she doesn't have her worst fear come to life in front of everyone. But Luz is unable to face her greatest fear, and it takes the power of Wan to put Grom back in his place.
I love this episode. I love talking about this episode. I love how Amity is staring at her note because she's contemplating putting it in Luz's locker. I love how she says "Watch it, nitwit," before she realizes who she's talking to. I love how Luz and Amity randomly meet at the woods. Is it sloppy writing? Fuck you. I love when Amity grabs her dress when Grom tears her note. That's such a kid thing to do.
This is already way too long. I should move on.
"Wing It Like Witches"
The final part of the original lumity trilogy. We get the stupid fakey made up magical sport. Fuck you, Harry Potter. And we also get Boscha being a royal B. Someone tell her to see you next Tuesday. Am I right, people?
Luz, being Luz, wants to stand up to Boscha for Willow but, being Luz, makes things so much worse. Amity pops in and out of the episode to try to help but the gay panic is too much for her. Amity admits, out loud, that she loves how Luz seems to always get herself in over her head when she's trying to help someone. But they lose anyway. Fuck you, Harry Potter.
Enchanting Grom Fright was huge. But this episode was a bunch of fun. Fuck you, Harry Potter.
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"Escaping Expulsion"
After breaking Amity's leg because we didn't want her anywhere near the season one finale, she finally makes her grand return. We also meet her parents and Odalia is one of the biggest Karen's I've ever seen. Luz gets expelled which is bad but she's more concerned over Willow and Gus. She tries to cut a deal with thicc mama Blight, but gets roped into product demonstration. Odalia tries to kill a child and fails when Amity appears from the rafters like Sting and announces to the world, "Stay away from my Luz."
It was awesome. We get a return blush and Luz officially starts crushing on Amity back. Reminds me of another post I did long ago telling everyone to be freaking patient. This episode also marks Amity being a part of the Hexsquad, but not one hundred percent into the friend group just yet.
"Through the Looking Glass Ruins"
I'm looking at you through the glass. Don't know how much time has past...I forgot the rest of the song.
It's funny because I guess the lumity stuff was actually the B-plot to this episode. This episode was very important for a lot of reasons. It introduced Phillip's diary, the galderstones, Matt and Gus kinda became friends. But we're not here to talk about that.
Luz discovers the there was a human in The Boiling Isles who donated a journal to the Bonesboro library. And since Amity works at the library, you know the whole two stones thing. And we see Luz crushing hard on Amity for the first time.
Unfortunately, Luz does get Amity in trouble again for like the fourth(?) time or something. That puts a real dent in things. But Luz comes through for Amity (offscreen) and gets her her job back. Amity makes the first move right at the end of the episode marking the beginning of the purple Amity era.
"Knock, Knock, Knockin' on Hooty's Door"
Hey, hey, hey! Please tell me I'm not the only one that got that reference. Don't make me feel old.
This is it. The most important episode since Grom. Dana and the crew knew that the series had been cut short so they had to speed things up. So they turned to...Hooty? Yeah. Okay. Sure. Whatever.
Luz is torn between finding a way back to the human realm and trying to ask out Amity. And you know that old saying about chasing two rabbits? Yeah. Hooty's solution? Kidnap Amity and force the two into the tunnel of love. Amity is actually totally digging the tunnel of love but Luz is afraid that Amity is going to make fun of her. Both ideas backfire and Amity starts to the think that she's been rejected already.
But that's to Hooty losing his mind, and a little advice from Eda, Luz asks out Amity. And she says YES! Lumity canon! In episode 8 of season 2! That's how you do it, Star vs the Forces of Evil! You give the people what they want. And now that Amity is Luz's girlfriend, she can help get more info out of the echo mouse.
And the love stuff too.
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"Eclipse Lake"
Oh right. Amity. The girlfriend of Luz. The girl who is in a romantic relationship with Luz. Luz's girlfriend. That's Amity.
We have the first episode of Luz and Amity being a couple and hoo-boy, did Amity make sure to let us know. Nervous about having her first serious girlfriend, Amity wants to prove to Luz and herself that she is an awesome girlfriend. By going into the titan's veins to steal some of its blood.
As one does.
Hunter tries to prey on Amity's (and his own) insecurities about having to prove your worth. But it takes King and some well placed emoji messages to remind Amity why she fell in love with Luz in the first place. That Luz is so different from her family and her social circle. She doesn't have to prove anything to Luz. Luz wears her affection on her sleeve.
"Follies at the Coven Day Parade"
Night of the living dead is on its way. I keep making a lot of song references here.
This is the episode were the couple hits their first snag as a couple. Luz has a serious problem communicating when something is wrong (more on that later). After the traumatizing events of the previous episode, Luz can't bring herself to tell Amity that she promised her mom that she'd leave forever, especially since Amity is doing so much to get closer to Luz like learning Spanish. But Amity ain't no dummy. She can tell when Luz is hiding something. It's made even worse when Amity gets a hold of Luz's phone, which anyone who has been in a relationship could tell you, is a trap.
Luckily, trust and compassion win out in the end. Luz tells Amity exactly what happened, and they communicate. But if Luz was honest with Amity in the first place, we'd only have half an episode.
"Any Sport in a Storm"
Again, Lumity takes the B-plot.
While huntlow is becoming a thing, Luz and Amity try to search for the author of the Azura book series. On the way they parody fan theories in the nicest way I've ever seen in a show. And the big twist of the author of Azura turns out to be that there is no twist. It really is just a fantasy book series that Luz really likes that sometimes washes up in The Boiling Isles.
This episode is important because it serves to remind people what Luz and Amity have in common. Pointing out the fact that the two girls are different is fun, but sometimes you just have to go back to basics and remember that Luz and Amity just really like each other, get along, and are both nerds who like the same book series. And that whole opposites attract thing is bullshit. The key is compliments, not opposties.
"Reaching Out"
Hoo-boy. This one is heavy.
It's a special day for Luz, which is not a good thing. She wants to do anything but be alone with her thoughts. Good thing Amity shows up with a problem that could distract them all day.
Amity thinks that signing up for the Bonesboro Brawl could bring her closer to her dad (since her mom is obviously a lost cause) and ditches coven tryouts to compete for the championship title. Luz tries to help, but when Amity has the competition in the bag, Luz tries to help even more to keep herself busy.
But, as usual, Luz gets Amity in trouble and it really hurts this time. Not only did Luz get Amity in trouble (again), but she won't talk to her (again). When Amity has had enough, Luz does what she only does as a last resort and actually communicates.
That's when everything changes. It's the anniversary of Luz's dad's death. And usually Luz and Camila spend the day together. You know, to make it hurt less. But this year, she can't be with her.
This episode is important because after seeing Amity at a low point an unfair amount of times, this time Amity is seeing Luz at her lowest point. Amity makes this one face that, to me, says that Amity is shocked (to say the least) that her girlfriend was in pain this whole time. But she was so wrapped up in her own problems that she didn't notice. Or at least, that's my interpretation.
Luz and Amity make up and pick flowers together. It wasn't pretty or that romantic. It hurt and was kinda sad. But if you want to paint a pretty picture, sometimes you're gonna use some dark colors. And they're stronger for it.
"Clouds on the Horizon"
Oh yeah, baby. You know what this episode is.
When all hope seemed lost, it turns out not everyone believed Bellos' promises of paradise on the Day of Unity. While the adults are trying to stop the draining spell, Luz is sent on a slightly less dangerous mission of rescuing Amity from her mom's house arrest. Thicc Mama Blight even broke Amity's tamagachi thing. That bitch. See her next Tuesday.
But hope comes in the form of a Noceda as Luz enters through her bedroom window, Romeo & Juliet style. She promises Amity a slice-of-life future and Amity can't hold back anymore and
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Gifs you can hear. Am I right, people?
We get it. Our first kiss. Our babies grow up so fast.
Actually no, that took forever, but you get my meaning.
Season 3: "Thanks to Them" "For the Future" "Watching and Dreaming"
Okay yeah, this is a bit of a cop out, but also, not really. Since Disney decided to be, well Disney, season three was cut short. Just enough to finish the story, but not enough to get lumity centric episodes. Everything was mashed together into 3 forty minute episodes.
Yes, we do have a lot of important lumity moments, but they're generally spread around all three episodes. None of them are more important than the other.
"Thanks to Them" had Luz coming out to her mom and introducing Amity. "For the Future" had Amity comforting Luz about her palisman. "Watching and Dreaming" had more kisses.
Unfortunately, I have to end the list by just saying watch all of them or none of them. Not very specific for a post that's supposed to be a specific list. Sorry, gang.
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aceofstars0 · 1 year
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✩ ℍ𝕖𝕝𝕝𝕠, 𝔸𝕔𝕖 𝕙𝕖𝕣𝕖! ✩
Welcome to my happy place where I obsess over avatar: the last airbender, my little pony, ocs, post art, and ramble!
You are welcome to stay, check out the rest of this post to get to know me!
This is not a spoiler free blog!!
Less active Monday - Friday, 7 am - 2 pm
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☾︎ 𝔻ℕ𝕀 𝕝𝕚𝕤𝕥
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☾︎ 𝑺𝒉𝒐𝒘𝒔:
𝐴𝑣𝑎𝑡𝑎𝑟: 𝑇ℎ𝑒 𝐿𝑎𝑠𝑡 𝐴𝑖𝑟𝑏𝑒𝑛𝑑𝑒𝑟
𝑇ℎ𝑒 𝑂𝑤𝑙 𝐻𝑜𝑢𝑠𝑒
𝑇𝑟𝑎𝑓𝑓𝑖𝑐 𝑙𝑖𝑓𝑒 𝑆𝑀𝑃𝑠
𝐺𝑟𝑎𝑣𝑖𝑡𝑦 𝐹𝑎𝑙𝑙𝑠
𝐻𝑜𝑤𝑙'𝑠 𝑀𝑜𝑣𝑖𝑛𝑔 𝐶𝑎𝑠𝑡𝑙𝑒
𝐷𝑒𝑚𝑜𝑛 𝑆𝑙𝑎𝑦𝑒𝑟
𝑂𝑣𝑒𝑟 𝑡ℎ𝑒 𝐺𝑎𝑟𝑑𝑒𝑛 𝑊𝑎𝑙𝑙
𝑇ℎ𝑒 𝐴𝑚𝑎𝑧𝑖𝑛𝑔 𝐷𝑖𝑔𝑖𝑡𝑎𝑙 𝐶𝑖𝑟𝑐𝑢𝑠
𝐿𝑜𝑣𝑒 𝑖𝑛 𝑡ℎ𝑒 𝐴𝑖𝑟
𝐻𝑒𝑙𝑙𝑢𝑣𝑎 𝐵𝑜𝑠𝑠
If you see me reblog something from another fandom, that doesn't mean I'm secretly in it, I just like it.
☾︎ 𝑮𝒂𝒎𝒆𝒔:
𝐴𝑛𝑖𝑚𝑎𝑙 𝐶𝑟𝑜𝑠𝑠𝑖𝑛𝑔
𝑆𝑢𝑏𝑤𝑎𝑦 𝑆𝑢𝑟𝑓𝑒𝑟𝑠
☾︎ 𝑯𝒐𝒃𝒃𝒊𝒆𝒔:
𝐽𝑒𝑤𝑒𝑙𝑟𝑦 𝑚𝑎𝑘𝑖𝑛𝑔
𝑃𝑖𝑟𝑎𝑡𝑖𝑛𝑔 𝑚𝑢𝑠𝑖𝑐
☾︎ 𝑷𝒓𝒐𝒈𝒓𝒂𝒎𝒔:
𝐼𝑏𝑖𝑠 𝑝𝑎𝑖𝑛𝑡
𝐹𝑎𝑣𝑜𝑟𝑖𝑡𝑒 𝑐ℎ𝑎𝑟𝑎𝑐𝑡𝑒𝑟𝑠:
Princess Luna
Sunset Shimmer
Starlight Glimmer
Twilight Sparkle
𝐹𝑎𝑣𝑜𝑟𝑖𝑡𝑒 𝑠ℎ𝑖𝑝𝑠:
Me and Akira are friends irl so if you see us ever threaten to go to the other's house that's why
𝑀𝑢𝑡𝑢𝑎𝑙𝑠: @slayfics @cloudymistedskies @tokito-dulya20 @tinyperson00 @rion-isnot-an-ai @larz-barz @moongrxpes @hoteltrivagoallday @mrs-k0zume @kimetsu-chan @kiyokatokito @animelover32456 @frostburn-shoto @shycroissanti @ta-ni-ya @vexinghearts @ryn-loves-cheese @ayunakatsukiwolfhashira @boo-simplified @circus-gone-wrong @mooechi @dreamcorechild @axolotl321 @squidifier @naramaiz @your-local-demon-slayer-nerd @ @drinkingmelonwater @emmaestrella @niko9255 @airmailfox @definitelycommittingcrimes @pulim-v @anyknot @tor-the-tortilla @uponthefantasy @pinkwisteria @soni-darkness @nothingtoseehere1-2-3 @risingscorchingsuns @hihello-idraw @knyinfinity @theinsomniacindian @milomilesmib @muichirolover12 @zero-arts @sapphosdickandballs @tamblerdraws @zenitsustherapist @livs-random-blog @anime093se @foxonrollerskates @starri @beabubbz @oh-cramity-its-amity @saikarye @stellapuffs
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✩•ℍ𝕒𝕧𝕖 𝕒 𝕘𝕣𝕖𝕒𝕥 𝕕𝕒𝕪 𝕞𝕪 𝕝𝕠𝕧𝕖𝕝𝕪!•✩
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slightecho · 4 months
Out of Context WIPS
Rules: if you're tagged, make a new post and share one or two sentences (or lines for artists) from your most recent unposted WIP with zero context.
I got tagged by @fynn-arcana !! Thank yoooouu friendddd 😆🫶
This is from the chapter I’m currently writing for Ashes, so I guess this will double as a preview of sorts lmao. I did three sentences, which is a little bit more than was asked, but oh well 🤪 the full paragraph was only three sentences so it didn’t make sense to cut the last one off.
This time, the sound wasn’t just clanging, but crashing as Hunter unceremoniously let go of the bar without letting them down easily. His hands slipping as his stomach suddenly cramped up in intense pain, jolting through him with a yelp. “Whoa, whoa, whoa,” Wrath quickly reached forward to put a hand on Hunter’s shoulder, steadying him as he collapsed forward, desperate to just get a break.
Sorry it wasn’t more happy go lucky 🤭 that’s just where we’re at!
Tagging: @silvvergears @childlikegoblinqueen @threegoblinart @oh-cramity-its-amity @unniebeans @daydreams-and-honeybees and anyone else who might want to! Sorry if I forgot anyone!
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thebutter · 7 months
genuine vitriol towards all the fucking assholes on this site, from the lowly terf blogs to the mighty matt, all working in unison to silence my trans sisters on this platform. all i want in this world is to be able to exist and live a peaceful life, but people like him work day in and day out to impede us.
genuine fuck you to staff, matt, and every low life terf, alt-righter, or otherwise bigoted piece of shit. genuinely hope you have a miserable life. go fuck yourselves, every single one of you miserable cunts.
if i do get nuked for this post i just wanna say a couple words. i really appreciate all of my moots, and if you wanna keep in contact, shoot me a DM.
thanks to @djmet for reblogging all the neat okegom stuff i wanna see, @aniki-price just in general, @oh-cramity-its-amity for the good vibes and asks i forgot to answer (so sorry!!!) and @imhumanguysiswear for being there since the beginning and consistently flooding my notifications by liking and reblogging my reblogs. i have had bouts where my phone is unusable because of the notifications, thanks :3.
i doubt ill get obliterated. but just in case, thanks all, and go fuck yourself with a rusty hammer, matt.
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thousand-winters · 5 months
WIP Tag/Ask Game
RULES: make a new post with the names of all the files in your WIP folder, regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. Let people send you an ask with the title that most intrigues them, and then post a little snippet or tell them something about it! and then tag as many people as you have WIPs.
Thanks to @candyskiez for the tag! 💖
I have. Huh. Problems, so:
Tsuchiya and Mukai
Post Confession Mob being a menace
Sir, that's my emotional support commoner
Teru being a bit pathetic about his crush
Stupid with love (terumob)
Start again (Serirei)
Dimple overprotective papa
Wolfpack + Dadrius
Send your troubles on a Penstagram text
Then the quiet came
idk drawing
Shape of a human 1
light of your love 1
Children of dust and ashes
Read all their dreams to the stars
The, huh, the economy is in shambles (these aren't even all the wips, just the ones with actual stuff written on them. Screams)
Anyway... tagging @justmagicalgirl @oh-cramity-its-amity (I know you were tagged already but shhh) @mtndw-whteout @ygodmyy20 @neoncherryblossom @therivergirl @drbtinglecannon
If any of you didn't want to get tagged, you can tell me, sorry, I don't have nearly enough people for my monster list of wips 😭
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acearcane · 6 months
Hell yeah, now that I’ve achieved ultimate boops, it’s time to pause and make a little post inspired by the ones @kittiwittebane and @willowsz-plants did.
I’ve only been on Tumblr for a few months, and already it’s been a lifesaver because I’ve met so many cool people who like the same things I like!! It’s great!! But that being said, there’s a few special moots who mean extra to me…
@lunar-jewels Literally my favorite person on this silly hellsite. The amount of chaos she and I have gotten up to is amazing… the headcanons we’ve procured… the memories will last a life time 😌✨ Plus, she’s my extra super cool beta reader, and QKD would be in deep shit without her!
@childlikegoblinqueen I’m sorry, but I’m with Katta; you’re hella cool. I get it I get it, you’re just some average joe, but when new-TOH-fan me, who had just binged SCOM, saw that you were my mutual, it was like the coolest thing ever.
@seafoamwolf Cousin. 🫵😐 But also the bestest person everrrr, and don’t you forget it!! Let us all remember her inspiring words when I came out to her… “Hell yeah, be gay do crime!” And so I shall… so I shall.
@yourlocalbimexican You may be a newer moot, but now not only are we both a part of the Veezine, but you always leave the best comments on QKD and it means a lot. Thanks for making this silly person in your device happy!! 🫡
@kittiwittebane Boop. But also you gave me a good laugh last night, and seriously, thank you for that!! It helped ward off the Monday blues. So anyway, we’re gonna be best friends now /lh /nf
@unniebeans We don’t interact much outside of tags or the occasional reblog, but you have a great vibe, and your posts usually make me laugh. Also, I’m usually not one for the spicier flavors, but your fics… 😏 that’s good shit there.
Honorable mentions to @oh-cramity-its-amity for being the coolest and letting me spam boop them, and @coffee-n-sleep for always saying “mate” in his comments on QKD. I read them and go, “Hell yeah, someone called me mate!” Don’t ask me why. It’s just cool.
Now this isn’t to say all my other moots and followers aren’t important. I smile every time I see any sort of like, comment, reblog, or ask. And actually, I’m 99% sure there’s someone I’m forgetting right now. I love you guys, and I hope you have an absolutely lovely day!!
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sapphosdickandballs · 3 months
Mouse Picrew
Tumblr media
@pulim-v @illiteratesblog @fangirling-heart
@aceofstars0 @oh-cramity-its-amity
@negative-speedforce @foxonrollerskates
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dykrophone · 6 months
rank all of your url yuo've had over the time (yes, i just read your last post and this was my first thought)
snixx (i fought tooth and nail for this url its so special to me you dont even know)
loosutanam (me fr)
elena-alvarez (someone took it now but that was such a good time. she is me i am her)
kirk-off (SO ICONIC)
badidearight (theme song of my life)
kaadhalkannadi <3
annamaeharkness (mother)
eels-science-docx (hahahahahahahaha)
parijati <3
souperache (only reason its this low is im not the biggest fan of soup. like i like it and i love my mutual soup but i dont love soup itself yk. also this was a stolen idea. superache though >>>>>>>>>>)
lebanese-lilies (if you get this one im in love with you. if you were there during this era literally let's get married)
favouritecrime (only reason it's this low is because its not the spelling of the og song and that bothers me a little)
rinaslayawamma (get it. amma cause she's mother)
ian-kabra (would be higher but i got nataliekabra without the hyphen so its less special now. ftr im an ian over natalie stan tho. just not a hyphen fan)
mazhaipilipiri (weirdass nonsensical url but it's so me)
grassberry639 (its only this high for nostalgia value. still my username in so many places)
saphrodesiace (this was a pride month url. get it cause aphrodisiac but sapphic aro desi and ace. cringefail af ik BUT IT WAS PRIDE MONTH)
notfanumeha (this would have been a lot higher before but it's related to my irl ex best friend and she sucks so it goes last now)
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noenbyssky · 3 months
sorry to tell yall @oh-cramity-its-amity is a gay
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Heyloooo :D
Fun game ahead! List 5 songs you like listening to, publish and then ask 10 mutuals of yours to do the same!
Take care :D
This was so hard to decide why would you do this to me 😭
Okay here I go-
Ordinary by Joriah Kwame
Goodbye My Danish Sweetheart by Mitski
Michael in the Bathroom from the musical Be More Chill
Friend Crush by Ros Mo
Art is Dead by Bo Burnham
There are SEVERAL more believe me, I just wrote the ones that come to mind first 😅
Okay, now 10 mutuals...
@child-of-homosexual-divorce @theshippirate22 @dumdumdumsalot @chaoticsweettooth
@just-a-gender-fluid-puddle @bug-hearted @annabannnananana
@oh-cramity-its-amity @elherself134 @megabunnie
I've probably never interacted with some of you but join in if you want! 😁
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pulim-v · 19 days
boo! when u get this, list 5 songs u like to listen to, publish. then, send this ask to 10 of your favorite followers/mutuals
Wait do I already make the top 10??? Wgdhfhjshcnd
Ummm just as a warning my music taste is kinda weird lol
Butcher Vanity by Vane
Housewife Radio by GHOST
Little Miss Perfect by Taylor Louderman
Karma by AJR
Femininomenon by Chappell Roan
I don't feel like sending asks so I'm just going to tag some people aghdjsjfjdjf
@verishere @larz-barz @foxonrollerskates @sapphosdickandballs @matthew-knyshait @illiteratesblog @lavenderbrigade @sarosthewizarddude @negative-speedforce @butterfly-cadaver @oh-cramity-its-amity @circus-gone-wrong @gayoticbeing
Tagged more than 10 people cuz I can't choose hdjshfjsjfkjfks
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