#oh crap there went my wifi
crunchywho-comix · 6 months
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hoodieimp · 2 months
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wish-i-were-heather · 2 months
my wifi just crashed for a sec there and my screen went "hmm we cant find that page" and i just had violent flashbacks to when my blog got deleted
omg my heart is like pounding i should sleep
oh crap i have to be up in 4 hours
ok bye 😨😨
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scaththefloof · 3 months
(this is another long post because I guess this is what this account has become)
How.. just how does a mouse crash your computer?!
I use arch linux on a macbook pro now. I installed it around a week ago when I found an ethernet cable because Broadcom drivers on linux is exactly like NVIDIA drivers on linux, an absolute nightmare! Now I am no stranger to arch linux, I installed it on my Lenovo N23 Chromebook a year ago. The funny thing is people say that Ubuntu is supposed to be a "just works" distro, and for literally everyone that I have seen in the linux community that has used Ubuntu, that's true. But Ubuntu has been the bane of my existence.
Oh my god! If you have seen some of my posts you would know that Ubuntu doesn't play nice with me. Now with the Bluetooth issue, it still persists on arch but what I have concluded is it's not the drivers. See my macbook pro 9,2 was made in mid 2012 and while yes it has 5ghz wifi support (funny thing is Broadcom recently revealed the first wifi chipset to support 5ghz wifi at the time because 5ghz wifi was introduced in 2012, and my macbook has that chipset lol). However the thing is my starlink uses 2.4 ghz. Why, because 5ghz yes it's fast, but the issue is reception, that's not it's strong point. Starlink on 2.4 ghz is still blazing fast and great for online gaming too if you want it. And 2.4 ghz will reach you.
Now we get to the issue, Bluetooth also uses 2.4 ghz. Now there is a slight frequency barrier, but there is still enough that those two can clash with each other and cause conflict. And the other part of this whole Bluetooth crap is that you didn't have wireless earbuds in 2012. Yes they do work on 2012 hardware, but still it works fine on my 7 year old chromebook because it was there for Bluetooth earbuds. My macbook was made in the time where you spent the same amount of time that I spend waiting for the Bluetooth manager to see my earbuds so I can pair it, untangling the giant mess of wires so you could plug in your earbuds.
but this isn't the main issue here, it's just a quirk that happens when new generation hardware meets hardware that would be experiencing planned obsolescence if it was kept on the stock OS. The main issue is something that I just recently experienced which is. random freezing that I can't recover. The only way out of these freezes is using the Ctrl+command+power emergency reboot feature that macbooks have. But then one time I had Btop open in the background and I got to see what the issue was (I also could have used journalctl but that's what I was trying to figure out at the time). The issue was the ram, it jumped from 3 gigs used out of 15.5 to 15.5 used. All the ram just ate up like that in a split second, just gone.
I was searching for answers on why a sudden memory leak would happen. I know it wasn't the memory allocator being all Hurr durr me no work. because it was just fine for the week I used it and now it quits. Literally nothing was working. I was trying the same goddamn fix over, and over, and over, and over again. I went the absolute definition of insane over this.
And then I became desperate, willing to do anything. Hell I was about to create a new bootable USB and perform a Sudo rm -rf /* on my system just because that's what it was rendering itself, absolutely nothing. And then I realized something, well not really. I found a mouse that I got from Dollar General a while back, I got it just because I felt like it. But I have been using it instead of the normal HP mouse I use on my macbook, the trackpad is a little small for me. I ended up switching my mouse back to the HP one and looking at the RAM, with the Dollar General mouse, one tab of firefox took up about 2.3 gigs of ram. and the HP mouse dropped it to 1.9. Now this could've be a coincidence. But I after testing it with multiple apps open. It became apparent that the mouse was the problem. firefox (I didn't count the tabs this time lol) and vesktop (the discord client that I use because it gives discord better linux support) which would normally be in the high 3.6 - 4 gigs of ram, now took up the former 1 tab firefox's 2.3. I went more and switched the mice in the same session and the ram instantly went from 2.3 to bouncing around 2.4 - 2.5. now this could be coincidental, but as I said I didn't count the tabs, so it could've been just one tab. Now as I'm writing this I have 3 tabs of firefox open and vesktop is open as well and we are sitting at 3.2 gigs with the normal mouse, but we aren't bouncing around like crazy like we were with the DG mouse.
It really confuses me how a mouse, can cause an entire system to be unstable. All it does is it uses a small camera and it takes thousands of pictures. And then it uses this data to calculate which direction it moved and how much distance it covered in that direction. It then sends a command to move the cursor from point A to point B, and it does this thousands of times a second. so it's crazy that something that issues a simple task for a computer can cause instability and crash the entire system. However I have done research, and I am not the only one who experiences memory leaks caused by a mouse. And it's not even with dollar general mice either. I have seen people experiencing issues with more name brand mice. I came across one that was experiencing issues with a razer deathadder v2 pro. Now what I'm thinking along with the razer mouse guy is that it's the polling rate. I have seen a video a while back where someone experienced issues with their mouse not crashing their computer. But tanking the FPS in their games, and it was all in the polling rate. Now it would be easy for a razer mouse because it has software, but a dollar general mouse is a different story. Now I don't really care about the dollar general mouse not working because you know what, I have a mouse that I have been fine with and my macbook has been fine with it too.
But yeah, some food for thought is that some mice can cause instability, crash your computer and cause bad performance.
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thegenderfluidace · 1 year
mhm! day was good!
I'm glad to be home soon, mostly because I'll be able to sleep without mosquitos bothering me
and I can be online again without worrying about my connection, I'll have WiFi again
I just heard thunder and that means it was really loud, I'm wearing noise cancelling headphones and am listening to music and still heard it
btw, can I ask what the family drama is about? you don't have to share if it's too personal, I'm just curious
Oo fair enough, soon you shall be able to sleep mosquitoless and have Wi-Fi yayyyyyy!!
Oh dang that is some loudddd thunder then :/
And oh geez, well semi recently at this point my great grandpa went to the hospital and some family members just wanna take and use his money without actually using it for him and his bills(yknow illegal stuff) they don’t even wanna actually take care of him so it’s mostly landed on my mom to go and take care of him and his things and family is getting all hissy that she won’t let them basically use him for his money and that they have to actually get a job to pay bills and stuff because he lives with my grandma now since they didn’t want him to actually go back to his home (which is apparently an absolute nightmare of a mess) this includes my great grandma who didn’t want him to come back home cause it would’ve been too stressful even tho they’ve been married for 60+ years. And they’re saying he needs to go visit them and not the other way around even tho he’s got an absolute crap ton of medical equipment attached to him making it hard for him to really go anyway without it taking forever and they’ve literally got nothing making it more a hassle for them aside from the fact that they’re just being rude and just a bunnnchhh of other stuff :/ so yeah it’s messy and hecktic and probably not gonna calm down anytime soon :/
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dragonbinx · 1 year
Existential Halloween
From my Halloween series last fall and the first part of my Jed Explains the Holiday series.  Posted on Ao3 here.
Series: Legacies
Ship: BenJed
Characters: Jed Tien, Ben
“What is this?”
Jed startled, thoughts of Odysseus disappearing from his head. Midterms were coming up and for the first time, he was focused on studying. His head hurt a little and he was pretty sure he was using way too much highlighter because half the book was orange, but he was interested in his subjects and he was pretty sure he could do this. If his boyfriend didn’t distract him too much.
He looked at the thing covering his books, then up at Ben. “Um, that’s a witch hat. Why do you have a witch hat?”
“Because that’s what the woman at the store in town called it, but witches don’t wear hats. And even if they did, I thought humans didn’t know they existed so why are they trying to sell them accessories?”
Jed smirked. “Okay, I’m guessing the Wikipedia in your head doesn’t include Halloween?” Ben’s head tilted his head in confusion. “Which one’s tripping you up, Wikipedia or Halloween? Actually, you know what, never mind, I’ll just try again. Your power that lets you know things doesn’t cover holidays?”
“Oh. No, it doesn’t. It’s mostly for languages and how to perform tasks, that sort of thing. So there’s a holiday for witches and it involves this hat?” He picked up the pointed hat and turned it over dubiously. “Why does is it pointed?”
“Halloween is a mix of Celtic pagan traditions and a Christian holiday from several centuries ago, to honor the dead I think. And then history happened, traditions kept changing, and now it’s a holiday where people celebrate the funny or scary parts of what they all think are totally fake supernatural stuff. Including weird, over exaggerated takes on witches. The traditional ‘witch’ rides on a broomstick, has a pointy nose, and wears that.” He tapped the point on the hat for emphasis.
“That’s … ridiculous. Why would people think that?”
“Don’t ask me. I grew up in a pack, I only know this stuff because I went to a human school on and off before I turned. Which is probably one of the reasons I’m not good at studying. Which is why I should get back to it.”
“Sorry, I didn’t mean to distract you.” Ben dropped a kiss on the top of Jed’s head. “Thank you for explaining and I’ll be in the RV if you need my help.”
Jed chuckled under his breath as he watched his boyfriend walk back to the RV, turning the hat over and over in his hands. Then he turned back to his studying, thinking that was the end of it.
It was not.
“Why are there cats?”
Jed blinked at Ben sleepily. He’d spent the night studying and was running a little late this morning, so he was still nursing a coffee at almost eleven. Ben had already gone into town to pick up some packages they’d had sent to the local post office and apparently had questions. “What, like why did we choose to domesticate cats and not something cool like rhinos or something? No idea. But I like kinda like cats, there’s a lot of videos of them on the internet.” He was really loving having access to WiFi. It wasn’t better than magic, but it was pretty awesome.
“No, I meant for Halloween. There are so many black cats on things. And pumpkins, why are there pumpkins?”
“Oh. Um, black cats are supposed to be unlucky and they have something to do with witches, their familiars - like an animal sidekick, I guess? And pumpkins because fall and jack-o-lanterns. Crap, jack-o-lanterns - so you carve a face into a pumpkin and put a candle inside and it’s supposed to scare away ghosts and stuff. I think. Irish myth or something. That one might be true though. It sounds like a thing that might exist, some ghost carrying around a lantern. I’ll ask Professor Vardemus the next time we talk.” He shook his head and tried to get back on track. “Was that all you wanted to know?”
“I think so. Thank you.” Ben looked more lost than before he’d asked, but he left Jed to his coffee.
Jed was vibrating, waiting for Ben to come home. He’d been updating his student portal waiting for grades to be posted repeatedly all afternoon and they’d finally been posted half an hour ago, and he’d texted Ben immediately. He’d paced their camp a dozen times, lifted some weights, then texted Finch and Cleo the good news, and now he was sitting by the fire pit, knee jiggling, waiting for Ben to show up.
When he did arrive, it wasn’t with the hoped for attitude. He strode into camp, tossed some bags down on the table, and said, “I do not understand Halloween. What could candy possibly have to do with a holiday about honoring those you’ve lost, incorrect myths, and cats? Why are there signs everywhere telling me I should get the candy early? Are they going to run out? And why -“
He was cut off by Jed’s hand over his mouth. “Look, I usually don’t mind your endless Halloween questions. I actually think it’s kinda cute how much this is bothering you -“
“Thank you,” Ben said, muffled by Jed’s palm.
“- but I have news. So we can talk about trick-or-treating later, but right now, don’t you want to hear about my grades?”
Ben pulled Jed’s hand off of his mouth. “They posted them?”
“An A, two A minuses, one B plus and one B minus. Best grades I’ve gotten since the wolf who did my homework freshman year graduated. I kinda killed it.”
“That’s amazing, Jed!” Ben wrapped him up in a hug. “We should celebrate. Whatever you want to do.”
Jed pulled away and looked in the bags on the table. “Did you get anything that’ll go bad? Dairy, meat, anything like that?”
Ben’s brow furrowed. “No. Why?
Jed dragged Ben in by the front of his shirt and kissed him, all open mouth and sliding tongue and dirty intentions. Ben, always quick to jump on board when Jed wanted him, gave as good as he got, digging his fingers into Jed’s hair to pull him closer, the other hand slipping under his shirt to splay over his side possessively.
“Time to go in and celebrate,” Jed said hoarsely when they came up for breath, twining his fingers through Ben’s and tugging him towards the RV, laughing as Ben crowded him, banding his arms around his stomach and burying his face in Jed’s neck. It made getting inside more difficult, but Jed wasn’t complaining.
“Why do they laugh at monsters? Monsters aren’t a joke.”
Jed turned to Ben. They were sitting by the fire, a beer in each of their hands. He’d noticed that something was off with his boyfriend, but he’d wanted to give Ben some time and see if he’d bring it up. Apparently he was now. “Is this another Halloween thing?” Ben nodded, still looking at the fire. “It’s because they don’t believe in them. They can’t take them seriously, because they don’t think they’re real.”
Ben sighed. “I understand. It still makes me uncomfortable.”
“I get that.” Jed scooted his chair closer and pulled Ben close. Ben gratefully put his head on Jed’s shoulder, and Jed took his hands and rubbed circles on the back of it. “How about we spend Halloween by ourselves this year?”
“I thought you were excited to do human holiday traditions now that you aren’t at the school anymore?”
“And we will have a very intense Christmas, I can promise you that. But we can skip this one. Besides, it’s not like it’s our last chance or anything. We’re going to spend a lot of Halloweens together. There’s no rush.”
Ben lit up like he always did when Jed mentioned their future together. “I suppose you’re right. We can have a pumpkin, if you want,” he offered.
“Maybe.” He pressed his mouth into Ben’s hair and smiled, feeling very fond of his demigod.
“I still hate the witch hat."
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dear-ao3 · 2 years
the saga of saphs terrible, horrible internet
so my friends and fellow romans, as some of you may know, i am currently at home while i wait to go galavant off to the other side of the globe for my study abroad. being at home presents a great many challenges that i will not get into at this time, but the top one is the internet connection.
now i am the proud owner of a 2017 macbook and an iphone se. the macbook was bought refurbished 3.5 years ago and the phone was bought new last august when my iphone 6s finally crapped out 2 weeks into junior year of college. i take....decent care of my electronics. and, this is an important detail here, the phone has an unlimited data plan.
i have never had a problem with this phone. it works great, occasionally it buffers in certain spots on campus that are kind of dead zones due to the buildings being massive blocks of concrete, but it always works, even despite the shitty school wifi i have because i can turn the wifi off and use data. the computer hates the wifi a little more, but i can still usually get it to work with minimal issues.
until now *cue dramatic music*
i have to be at home (my parents house) for a grand total of 18 days. which is not very long. and while at home i had some stuff to do, all of which required me to have an internet connection (fighting the financial aid office, talking to brad, researching grad school, purchasing textbooks, buying the last couple things i need for my trip, etc). i have also had to be in quarantine (long story) so essentially i have been confined to my room.
the internet has always been a little bit meh in my room, with certain spots not working the best (due to the fact that i am furthest from the router) but this is the same room that i took zoom classes from for 2.5 semesters, plus a summer class and a j term class with 0 issues, so i was confident i could make it work.
well. i was wrong.
the first two days went fairly normally. but then, a steady and rapid decrease in internet quality began.
and yes, i am aware that me complaining about internet quality is a very first world problem, but i am stuck in a house with my parents and it is miserable and i just want to facetime brad.
on day three i became unable to send a text message unless i was connected to wifi.
on day 4 i could only connect to wifi if i was standing in one specific spot in my bedroom and even then it didnt always work and would usually drop off by the time i walked back across the room
on day 5 facetime stopped working
on day 6 even standing directly next to the router didnt do anything and plugging into our sole ethernet cable only provided me with mediocre internet
on day 7 i had a mental breakdown and watched youtube all day at 144p complete with buffering that added a good 10-20 minutes to any video.
on day 8 i told my dad that in my deeply unprofessional opinion something is deeply wrong with our router and he said well its just cause your room is far away from it
on day 9 (today) i walked downstairs to get my up of tea in my big christmas tree mug and my dad said "our internet is being very slow, i am going to have to look into it"
you mean
to tell me
that the internet
isnt working?
golly goodness gosh
i didnt know
its not like it took 3 minutes for the blank post im writing right now to load and 30 minutes for a 10 minute youtube video to load and that i get kicked off the wifi if i so much as tilt my phone slightly to the left
its a miracle i havent gone insane yet i swear
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marrikko33 · 3 years
Hallo Hallo idk if ur currently accepting requests or not but if you are could I request some relationship hcs with sukuna if u dont mind? I also wish you a very merry Christmas and i rlly love reading what u write, everyting u write is amazing and im pretty sure im having brain rot right abt now :D
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a/n: I’m not sure if you understand how much this made my day T_T tysm! i had fun writing this and I hope you enjoy, have a merry christmas!
btw, if you'd like to, you could listen to the song i listened to while making this :)
↳ genre: fluff
↳ pairing: sukuna x gn reader
↳ word count: 457 words (it's short ik T_T)
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His duality is just ↘ ↝ ↴ ⇡. One minute he'll be this great, muscular, overprotective guy who'll growl at anyone who dares touch you, the next minute he'll be the most needy, attention seeking drama queen you'd ever lay eyes on. Sukuna never fails to surprise you.
He's a boomer. Ion know how else to say it chief 😭, it's just that a thousand year old curse isn't exactly very adept at handling phones and stuff like that. It'll piss him off too T_T.
"Sukuna, what're you doing?", laughing, you walked over to where he sat, hunched over a glowing screen. "Nothing sweetie, just tryna figure this crappy rectangle out", he mumbled back. As much as you wanted to offer him help and point out the fact that his wifi wasn't on (which was why nothing worked on the phone), it was cute seeing him so concentrated.
Sukuna Ryomen who loves spoiling you, buying you the most expensive shit he'd find. Prada, Versace, Louis Vuitton, you name it. It'll be in your hands (normally) in less than an hour of Sukuna hunting for it. It delights him to see you excited over (what he calls) useless stuff.
Stubborn. As fuck. You'd literally be on a call from your boss at work, trying to figure out something important, when Sukuna (being the jealous boyfriend he is), would snuggle up to you, nuzzling his head against your shoulder. Will just stay there, staring at you with an impatient look till you finally put down the phone.
"Cmon Y/N", you heard him whisper against your warm figure, smirking when an irk mark appeared on your forehead. "Sukuna, wait". "What else have I been doing for the past hour?", he replied, lazily tracing circles on your belly. "Not now". Grumbling as you shoved him off, Sukuna went to sit on an armchair directly infront of you, saying the most embarrasing, cheesy crap until you finally hung up.
Loves cuddling with you. There's nothing better than feeling his warmth around you on a rainy morning, staring outside the window, hand tracing his chest. Oh, did I mention kissing? He loves the feeling of your lips gently pressed against his, roughly making out with you (which leads to a lot of other, uh, unholy stuff I'll leave to your imagination).
Sukuna Ryomen who walks around everywhere without a shirt. It'll be the middle of winter and he'd still walk around half naked, in nothing but a pair of boxers or shorts. It's not like you could complain tho 👀, I mean, his well defined chest and rippling back muscles are definitely one of a kind.
And so is he, his cocky personality and annoying habits.
Which is why you hate/love him ;)
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© ALL WORKS belong to @mariko33. do not repost on any other social media platform without asking permission and don't use my work for monetary gain AT ALL.
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clanwarrior-tumbly · 3 years
Can I request a Spamton X F!Reader where Spamton has a bake sale in his dumpster selling moldy cupcakes and such, so the reader teaches him how to bake cupcakes?-Art anon
"YOU! Light n eR! HOW WOULD YOU LIKE TO BE MY [First Customer] OF THE DAY?!! YOU MUST BE DYING OF STARVATION! TRY MY SPECIL [Byte-Sized Cupcake] NOW! TAKES ONLY EIGHT BITES TO FINISH AND IMPROVES YOUR [Internet Speed]! [Side Effects Include Nausea and Loss of Appetite]."
"Oh goodie, another vendor." You strapped your weapon to your back as you looked at the poorly-made booth, which surrounded the dumpster. A banner hanged loosely above it, reading "SPAMTON'S B@KE S@LE" with a picture of Spamton--ripped off of one of the old posters around the city and plastered onto it.
You've visited bake sales in the Card Dark World. Simple, but clean and organized as opposed to this incredibly sketchy booth. The metal scraps and poles used were rusted and looked very unstable.
You accepted the free cupcake anyway and gazed at it for a moment. It was tiny, fitting between your thumb and index finger, covered in goopy blue frosting with a WIFI symbol topping it, which was....covered in molds.
Any sane person would immediately throw it away.
But you didn't wanna be rude since he did give it to you for free and you were apparently his first customer.
So you sucked it up and took a bite.
At first it wasn't too bad...until the eighth bite.
*Bad choice. Your HP was halved!
'Ouch..I don't think I'm gonna recover from that for a while..' You grunted as you held your stomach for a moment, waiting for the discomfort to pass.
Sure enough, the "burned cd bagel" looked exactly like a regular cd bagel, but burnt around the edges. And when you hesitantly tried it you heard your favorite music genre in a distorted tone, with different pitches and static overlay.
*All your HP was restored
'Thank god.'
"Okay...that one was better."
"GREAT!! THAT'LL BE $264627563 KROMER!"
"....are you shitting me? You gave them away for free."
"AH, NO I DIDN'T!" Spamton cheekily wagged his finger at you with a much wider grin. "I NEVER NAMED THE PRICE! YOU JUST TOOK 'EM WITHOUT QUESTIONING ME! WHATDYA THINK THIS IS?! A [Free Sample Shop] DOWN THE STREET?!"
You probably should've known better than to blindly trust this guy to give away free food. Hell, "spam" was in his name. That should've been an obvious red flag. Now you were stuck wondering how on earth you could repay him...you don't think it's physically possible to carry that much money anyway.
Though as you looked at his booth, and the way he was dressed in such messy clothes and had splotches of dirt all over his porcelain face, you realized he probably wasn't doing this with malicious intent.
He was struggling. And considering the old posters of his face, you deduced that he was popular and successful at one time and..for whatever reason his life went downhill, leading to him selling unwanted garbage and ripoffs of actual edible food.
This was desperation.
But as you thought of his food, you remembered your hobby as a baker back in the Light World. You accidentally entered this Dark World when you visited the Librarby to look for new cookbooks, and figured out how this place worked pretty fast with battles and such.
So...maybe there's another way you can repay him.
"You're right, I shouldn't have assumed that. But what if...I made a deal with you?"
Spamton's eyes seemed to bug out as he sprang up, gripping the dumpster's edge with eagerness. "A DEAL?? WHATDYA HAVE IN MIND?"
"I'm a baker in my free time so..how about I repay you by showing you how to bake?"
"Uh..I mean your food is impressive presentation-wise. I can see the appeal. But I can help you improve their quality and taste."
"LISTEN, I'M A SALESMAN, NOT A [Betty Crocker] WANNABE." He scoffed with a slight frown. "NOW WHAT'S YOUR PREFERRED [Method Of Payment]? CASH? CARD? CHECK? [Hyperlink Blocked]? DEBIT? CRED-"
"I can help you sell them to customers better. That's the point." You clarified, hoping he'd understand.
"....WELL WHY DIDN'T YA SAY SO?!!" He laughed after a brief pause. "I'LL TAKE THE DEAL! SINCE YOU'RE SUCH A [Charming Ladies Near You], YOUR DEBT WILL BE FORGIVEN-!"
But as Spamton tried jumping out of the dumpster, he accidentally hit his head on the sign. This set off a chain reaction that ended with the entire booth crashing down on top of him.
"Oh jeez! Are you okay?" You blurted out despite knowing the obvious answer, removing the rubble to find the poor robotic puppet trapped underneath. You took off the poster that covered his face, seeing his glasses go dark.
"I'm no construction worker but..I'll help you make your booth look more presentable, too." Picking him up, you gently lifted him out of the dumpster and set him on the ground.
The color returned to his glasses as he smiled up at you, dusting off his suit. "THANKS, LIGHT ner!"
You just returned the smile and set off for your temporary home in this world, with Spamton following closely behind.
But in the end, even with the improved recipe for byte-sized cupcakes (and the now reasonable prices), he refused to relocate his shop to any busy parts of the city. He preferred to stay in the trash zone or in hidden alleys away from the people. Only a few Maus purchased his desserts, and they complained about the lack of cheese ingredients.
You thought he needed help working his way up; that's why you agreed to help him to begin with. So to see him stay at the same place where you first met him made you feel like he scammed you again.
But when you questioned him, he admitted to scamming you...for your kindness rather than money.
He went on to explain how you're the only Lightner to give him a chance, and he latched onto you, wanting to spend quality time with you. He enjoyed learning to bake and building a new booth with you even though he didn't care much about succeeding at his bake sales.
After that, well..you couldn't be mad at him anymore.
Why should you be? You got a new friend out of this experience and finally got to teach someone about your passion for baking.
It's a win-win.
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thesunicarusfellfor · 3 years
Hello!! Do you think you could do a part 2 of my request? An maybe a lil bit of angst with fluff where the reader comes to the mansion crying because someone hurt them?( Maybe techno or dream? Possibly jack manifold? 👀) Hopefully that's ok I just love the way you write it's so good plus it makes my day whever I read :D hopefully your day or evening is going good
imhereforfan-fic : Omg can you do another yandere tubbo x reader x yandere ranboo romantic relationship please? Maybe where they get kidnapped by the dream team? Oh and adding on to my request can it also have some cuddling towards the end haha I’m touch starved and crap lol but can it a full length fic Okay okay okay. So. I'm so damn happy people loved this fic and I got two requests that I can easily add together. I hope neither of you minds too much having your requests mixed together ^^ I deadass wanna cry from how many positive reviews I've received from Too Sweet. ALSO. I'm a little wary of making romantic fics for characters Ranboo and Tubbo so I'm gonna play with the platonic marriage, just making it really fluffy and affectionate. PS: THIS ISNT AS FLUFFY AS I WANTED IT TO BE SOOOO OOOOPS. AAAAND. TOMMY ONLY TOOK ONE OF DREAM'S LIVES IN THE FINAL DISC WAR
LIKELY TO HAVE MANY ERRORS DUE TO BAD WIFI AND LACK OF SLEEP TW: Knives (+injuries that come from knives), kidnapping, taking of canon lives, Dream being power-hungry, minor panic attack, referenced strangulation.
Part One
Too Sweet (For This World) Yandere!C!Ranboo x F!Reader x Yandere!C!Tubbo Part 2
A few months had passed since you had moved into the mansion and some... How ended up involved in Ranboo and Tubbo's marriage, as well as being Michael's mother. At first, you were quite unsure about being a wife or a mother, but you saw how happy you had made the three boys and realized how happy they made you in return. In the beginning, neither of them wanted you leaving the mansion much without either of them, but then Ranboo started to notice small and minor declines in your physical and mental health. This caused him to panic and study your symptoms for a few days straight, to the point where you didn't see him once and you were genuinely scared he had lost his canon lives to the point where you kept checking your right wrist constantly for the message confirming Ranboo's death. But thankfully you never got it. When he had figured out what was causing your health to be less than absolutely perfect, he had spoken to Tubbo about letting you out of your room more often and getting you the sunlight you needed. It took a little bit to convince him, but once the goat hybrid learned that you could, or even would, become a lot sicker, he decided to allow you to go outside without them, as long as you stayed within Snowchester. You met a man the first few days you were out, who wore white glasses with blue and red lenses, and a headset with a mic, although he ran away from you the second you introduced yourself as Ranboo and Tubbo's (platonic) wife. Foolish had quickly become your friend around the same time though, which caused Tubbo and Ranboo to be a little unsure because of how he made you laugh and smile, but they noticed how you always kept him at arm's length with friendship and almost physically. Sure you didn't mind too much when he gave you a friendly side hug or pat on the head etc, but you were never really the one to initiate the contact unless you had to. Thankfully he didn't mind your awkwardness around strangers, trust issues, or lack of social exposure, so Ranboo and Tubbo didn't have to threaten a literal god. After saying goodbye to Michael for the day and putting him down for his nap, you got dressed into something more appropriate for travelling the snowy lands that Tubbo owned. Ranboo had to go to a Syndicate meeting, and Tubbo was working more on some buildings around Snowchester, saying something about prepping things to attack Dream who apparently escaped from prison? Not sure could've been rumoured or could be true? You had no clue honestly. You trusted Ranboo and Tubbo to protect you. The crackling of a few pine branches caused you to lift your eyes from the icy water below to turn your head. Walking out of the bushes were three men and one woman, pushing their way through the branches decorated with freshly fallen snow. One of the men was your crown-wearing platonic husband, although dressed up in an outfit you had never seen before, although not too far off from his normal get-up. Ranboo had a long black cape with golden edges and a high collar, held up together by a golden chain. His vest was now a deep royal purple with an eye of ender pin clasped on his tie, and his pants were half purple half black with golden designs sewn in. Beside him was a short female with shoulder-length pink hair and nicely done dark purple and black makeup. Her outfit consisted of a thick and warm lavender sweater with dark purple pants. On her hip was an enchanted netherite sword with a diamond-encrusted handle. You were quick to recognize her as Niki Nihachu, the baker who had lived in L'Manberg, but you hadn't heard much of her since the Pogtopia war. Off to the side, was a man you recognized easily as you had only seen him a few days ago when Ranboo invited him to see Michael, Philza Minecraft. His outfit wasn't too different from what he used to wear when he was a resident in the country, except for the black and gold cape and a black mask covering the bottom of his face. Then... The sight of the final male was the one to make you visibly react. A tall and buff male with a golden encrusted netherite
chest plate and a velvet red cape with gold accents as well. There was a rather majestic crown on top of his long braided pink hair and his dark eyes were narrowed behind a set of cracked glasses... His gaze pointing directly at you. Technoblade. Giving a shaky gasp, you stood up from your spot on the edge of the dock and turned to face the visitors. "Where's Tubbo," Techno growled softly, watching as you visibly trembled under his gaze. "Techno, mate. You're scarin' the hell outta her." Phil put his hand on his middle son's shoulder before stepping in front of him, blocking him from your gaze. "Hey, (Y/n), can you tell us where Tubbo is? We just have to ask him some things." "I'm here." An almost unfamiliar voice came from beside you before a hand was placed on your shoulder. When you looked over, you saw the goat hybrid with the coldest look you had seen him wear yet. "(Y/n), please, head into the mansion." Without another glance at the piglin hybrid, you quickly scurried towards the wooden mansion, faintly hearing the worried buzzing noises of your enderman husband in the distance before you slammed the large door shut. You almost ran towards your's or Michael's room in the basement, but then realized if any of them saw you heading down there, Michael's safety could be compromised. So, you quietly sat down in the living room and curled up on the couch, trying to keep your breathing stable as you fought to keep your mind off of the fact that the man who had almost killed you was standing a few feet outside the door of your home. You pinched your eyes shut and wrapped your arms around yourself, trying your best to simulate the hugs you would usually receive from your platonic husbands after a nightmare or a panic attack. ".../n)." "../n)!" "...(Y/n)!" With a terrified gasp, you flung your arms above your head to shield yourself from any oncoming attacker but only felt a gentle touch on your knee. It took a few seconds to muster up your courage, but you slowly brought your arms down and opened your eyes to come face to face with Tubbo, who immediately sat beside you and wrapped his arms around your shaking frame. After an hour or so with your face buried into Tubbo's shoulder, you felt another pair of arms wrap around you, causing you to look up and see Ranboo burying his face into your hair, "I'm so sorry... So sorry... I didn't think they would come to Snowchester..." You murmured a small, "it's okay," to him as you sat up a bit to return the hug for a few moments. Tubbo got up, murmuring something about going to get you a snack and a glass of water, knowing you must've been hungry or thirsty from panicking. After a few moments, Ranboo let go of you and briefly explained that Phil had given him some potions to help Michael adapt to the overworld, and he needed to give them to him. He rested his forehead against yours affectionately for a few seconds before turning towards the bookshelf and walking down the set of hidden stairs after opening the secret door. Once he shut it, you shuddered and rubbed your arms to get rid of the cold chill that had suddenly washed over you. Frowning slightly, you looked around for the source of the sudden cold, only to freeze as you saw the door cracked open, allowing the snow and cold wind to slip in. Ranboo wouldn't have left the door open... "Sorry kid." A deep and growly voice came from behind you, causing you to spin around and come face to face with Technoblade. The tall tusked male watched your expression go from confusion to horror in less than seconds, "It's nothing personal. Really. I just got a favour to pay off." A scream of terror escaped your lips before everything went black. "Hey, Michael!" Ranboo crouched down to greet the small zombie piglin child as he held a few potions of varying colours in his long arms, he set them and a thermos filled with a hot drink down on the table. "I got some new drinks for you to try today! Philza made them a little extra sweeter than last time." The small child squealed and made small tippy tap noises with his
hooves against the quartz flooring before he sat on the chair. He watched as his tall father sorted through the bottles carefully before uncorking one of the light red ones. Before he could pick up the small pipette, there was an almost unearthly shriek that came from the top of the stairs. "(Y/n)!" Ranboo screamed, unintentionally startling Michael, but that wasn't his main concern as he sprinted out the door then teleporting up the stairs and pushing the bookshelf door with his sword drawn and gleaming with enchantments. In his peripheral vision, he saw Tubbo dash out of the kitchen with his axe drawn and bloodlust in his eyes. Glancing around, the only thing the two men spotted was moonlight and snow spilling through the open door. Tubbo ran out without a second thought and screamed your name at the top of his lungs as he spun around, searching for any sort of sign that would give away your location. Ranboo decided to start looking around the mansion, even though part of him grasped that you wouldn't have screamed without reason. "She's gone..." Tubbo whispered, standing in the doorway, the moonlight creating a dark shadow over his wide eyes. "Footprints are leading to and away from the house, but they disappear on the docks..." Ranboo stayed still, a violent growling noise bubbling up in his throat before escaping past his lips as both his eyes turned purple. He threw his head back and took a breath to scream all his anger out, but froze upon hearing sad whimpering. He turned his head and saw Michael standing at the top of the hidden stairs, whimpering and shaking quite violently. There was part of Ranboo that refused to move, but his brain seemed to flick onto autopilot as he walked over to the child and picked him up. "Sorry... Michael... Something happened..." "Mama?" "...Mama... Won't be home for a while..." "Wake up!" A voice growled before something sharply came in contact with your cheek, shaking you awake. Your eyes shot open and came into contact with... A smiley face? "Aha... Sleeping Beauty graces us with her gaze. It's about damn time." A harsh grip landed on your jaw, making you realize there was a dull throbbing pain in your head. "Huh... Dre... Dream..?" You whispered, barely recognizing the white mask that helped destroy your home and turn it into nothing but a crater. "W-What?" His mask was lifted up enough to the point where you could see his mouth curved up into a sadistic smile. "You, my darling pawn, are just the piece I needed to make life easier for me... I just need to raise the stakes enough for them to be... Well... Stakes. I'm sure you understand." You went to move your hand to slap the gloved hand away from your face, only to give a small whine of pain as you felt a tight pinching on your wrists, making you realize that they were shackled together and likely chained to a wall. "What are you talking about you psychop- Ah!" He tightened his grip on your face to the point where you knew there would eventually be dark bruising. "I don't think you're in a position to be calling the king any names, pawn." Screams and shrieks of pain bounced off of the blank stone walls as the two people standing outside of the door put their heads down with their eyes closed. "You still sure he's doing the right thing, George? Are you still sure... He's the good guy in this story?" "You know better than to question him, Nick." "Don't call me that."
(Y/n) (L/n) was slain by Dream using Nightmare. Life: 2/3 (Y/n) (L/n) suffocated while trying to fend off Dream. Life: 1/3
"He just took two of an innocent woman's three lives. Just to use her as a hostage to make Tubbo hand over the nukes and to force Ranboo to follow his orders... He's a stranger, George. This isn't Dream anymore... Don't be stupid." Sapnap lowered his right arm that he read the messages off of and looked in the direction of his former best friend. The screams of agony were almost haunting as they echoed through Snowchester as silence fell down upon the entire Dream SMP. Shock slipped through the veins of everyone who read the message that appeared on their right wrists. - "I'm gonna kill him..." "I'm going to activate the nukes..." - "Techno... What did you do." "I owed him a favour. What he does after that is none of my business." - "...Isn't that Tubbo and Ranboo's wife?" "Yeah... She was my friend..." - "Tubbo's definitely not happy about this..." - "Ah... Atta girl..." Dream murmured in a mock soothing voice as he gently dragged his knife threateningly along your cheek. "Y'know... You would look better... With a smile." He leaned closer to you, the drawn-on eyes of his mask staring into your dull and tear-filled eyes as a stinging pain came from the corner of your lips. "Sh, sh, Relax... They're just shallow cuts, they won't even leave a scar. I'm not a monster." Time had passed quickly, but also excruciatingly slowly. You had no clue how long you had been down here, or how long you had been dead in between respawns. Dream just didn't seem to be leaving you alone. "Now..." He flipped the switchblade closed and threw it in his pocket before tremours shook the earth below and around you. "What the fUCK?!" He growled deeply before the door slammed open. "How did they even find this place!?" The door was blown off its hinges with a loud bang, causing Dream to duck out of the way of the flying piece of scrap. Light flooded into the room as you shut your eyes tightly, your ears ringing from the explosion. Once your eyes got a little bit adjusted, you opened them and saw five figures in the newly widened doorway. "Let's just say... It was an anonymous tip." "Sapnap?! You dare betray me?!" The black-haired male fell silent as he turned around and walked out, putting his hand on the shoulder of the tallest silhouette in the doorway as he walked by. Once you got completely used to the new light, you began to recognize the figures. Tommy, Tubbo, Foolish, and Ranboo. Tommy, Tubbo and Ranboo immediately ran forward and started a barrage of attacks on the masked psychopath while Foolish ran over and began to work on the chains binding you to the chair. After getting them off of you, he silently picked you up as you turned your head to look at the blond, brunet and monochrome boys. Dream's mask got knocked off and was thrown across the room as he was pinned below a growling Ranboo, whose skin looked almost purely black from your angle. Tommy was off to the side, rummaging through Dream's equipment, he already got his revenge when Dream was put into prison, this was Ranboo and Tubbo's revenge now.
"̷̛̲̪͝Ỳ̵̧̖͒̉o̸̟̔̆û̶̩̟̍͊'̸̧̺̎̉ṟ̷̰͘ế̴͍̰̎ ̶̤͆̎̒g̶̭̋̇o̸͍̐͑i̸̼̟̾ņ̷͊̈́̈́ĝ̷̰̤̈́ ̵̘̉t̵͖͠ȯ̸͎ ̴͎̐̈́r̸̰͙̾̑͝e̸͚͌͑g̴̛̗̦͑ř̷̳̳̱e̵̲̿̕ṫ̶̨͓͗ ̷̢͊E̷̬̪͒͊͂V̷̟̒͝Ë̸̜R̷͐̄̏ͅ ̶̲̟̤͗͋t̴̝̎o̵̖̐ư̴̞̾̇c̶̡̙̐h̵̹̜̣̒͂̂į̴̙̤͠n̴̤̼̻̅̚ǧ̵̹̙̌͜ ̵̥̞̏m̶̱̳̦͗̌y̴̱̮͒̒̄ ̶̮̈͑͆f̸͉̽̄à̵̹͠m̵͕̓̅͋í̸͇̩͔̿l̷̰̫̳͗͑y̸̡͌̊́.̶͓̇͝"̸̡͆ ("You're going to regret EVER touching my family.") Ranboo hissed lowly before he and Tubbo began applying weight to the sword pressed against the speedrunner's chest. You shut your eyes tightly for a moment before you felt a bottle press into your hands, causing you to re-open your eyes to see Foolish trying to hand you a healing potion. You eagerly took a small sip from it, feeling the small slices on your cheeks form back together and the pain from the bruises around your neck vanishing completely.
Dream was slain by Ranboo and Tubbo using Ranord
There was a clattering noise before two sets of footsteps running in your direction. Slowly tilting your head in their direction, you saw Tubbo with dark bags under his eyes and Ranboo with plenty more scars on his cheeks from tears. You were pulled from Foolish's arms and brought down to sitting on Tubbo's and Ranboo's laps, their arms completely wrapped around you. The goat hybrid was nuzzled under your chin while the enderman's face was buried in your hair. "We should have come sooner..." "We shouldn't have even left you alone in the mansion..." "I'm sorry... I should have never left the manor..."
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angelsdevils · 3 years
Osamu x Reader
Title: Need A Break Fluff No warning
Osamu unlocked the doors of his Onigiri Restaurant, and began his typical work day. It was typically slow because everyone was at work or in school, so mornings were always empty. He had already prepped everything and was just wiping down the counter when he heard the bell ring, signaling someone came in. He looked up, and met the eyes of a (h/c) woman. 
“Welcome, are you dining in or out?” He asked with a smile, though he felt a bit nervous because you were absolutely beautiful. 
“Uhm, dining in… do you by chance have wifi here?”
“Ah yes, the password is on the table. Take a seat I will bring you a menu,” he said and you nodded sitting in the corner, and as promised he gave you a menu. 
“Anything to drink?”
“Do you have (favorite drink)?”
“Yes, I will be right back,” you nodded and set your laptop up before looking over a menu. He came back and you looked at him with a smile, which caused his face to slightly heat up.
“Do you recommend anything? I never had onigiri’s before.”
“Ehh? Seriously?”
“Ahh yes, I am actually not from here. I am from (home country).”
“Oh, so far to travel. Well I personally enjoy the salted salmon.”
“Okay I will take that,”
“Anything else?” 
“Uhm…” you looked at the menu puzzled before looking at him and he couldn’t help but chuckle.
“How about I make some of my favorites.” 
“That would be great thank you,” you handed him the menu and he walked away to began cooking. You focused on your laptop and began to get to work for the day. Osamu could barely take his eyes off of you, before focusing on his cooking. You were rather pleasant to talk too and he couldn’t help but smile slightly to himself. He wasn’t the type to fall so easily for a girl but you were different, he didn’t know why though. 
Once he was done cooking he brought the food to you, but you were on the phone so you just flashed him a smile. He nodded and went back to behind the counter, and pretended to be busy with his phone. Though his eyes kept drifting back to you.
Ever since the first day of you walking through the doors of his restaurant, you came every day to do your work. You often stayed from opening til closing and he didn’t mind. You both grew close and his feelings for you only got stronger for you.
Today his brother, Atsumu, Kita and Aran all came to his shop to visit him. He served them food, and was catching up with his friends. His brother could tell that he was anxious because Osamu kept looking towards the door then the clock.
“What’s wrong Samu? Ya actin weird,”
“It’s nothing Tsumu,” he said though he had a small frown on his face. 
“Your face says other wise.” Kita stated bluntly, but Samu ignored them, before seeing you rush in. His face lit up almost instantly, and turned to look at you and the three instantly understood.
“Running late this morning?” You turned to see Samu and flashed him a tired smile.
“Yeah, overslept.”
“Your usual?” 
“Yes please…” You went to the corner and set your laptop up, Atsumu, Kita and Aran all glanced at Osamu. He had a small bounce to when he walked and he smiling slightly.
“Oh my god…” Atsumu said and Osamu looked at his twin confused.
“I get it now, you are…” Osamu quickly covered his twin’s mouth and glanced at you. You heard the commotion and was looking at him with a confused look and he blushed and flashed a smile to you.
“Uh, sorry didn’t mean to interrupt ya (L/N)~san.”
“It’s fine, but uh you are uh burning something,” you pointed to the pan and he whipped around and saw the Onigiri’s he was making.
“Oh crap…” He rushed around and you couldn’t help but giggle at him and shook your head.
“Real smooth Samu…” Atsumu laughed and Aran only chuckled while Kita was drinking some of his tea. 
“Shut up Tsumu!” He huffed and began to remake your dish before bringing you (favorite beverage).
“Uh since I burned the food, it will be on me. Uh did you want dessert until it’s done?” 
“You don’t have to do that, but do you have a blueberry muffin?”
“Yeah, I do… one moment.” He went to grab it and placed it in front of you and you thanked him. 
“Forgive me but ya look really tired…” 
“Yeah, I didn’t get much sleep last night. I was busy with work still.”
“Ya shouldn’t overwork yourself,” 
“Yeah, I know,” you said though he knew it went in one ear and out the other.
“Promise ya won’t anymore?”
“I can’t promise that,” Atsumu couldn’t bare this anymore watching the interaction and got up. He walked towards you too and Osamu began to dread everything because if anything you would end up liking Atsumu more.
“Yer pretty cute…” you turned to him, and grinned and Osamu began to twitch slightly.
“Oh thanks,”
“Are ya single?” 
“Forgive me I didn’t introduce myself. I am Samu’s twin brother Atsumu, nice to meet you. Samu is also single, and I think what he is trying to ,mmmf” Osamu covered his mouth again and you sweat dropped slightly.
“I am sorry for my idiot twin, ignore him~ did ya just lick my hand gross!” Osamu moved his hand away and Atsumu smirked.
“As I was saying he wants to take ya on a date,” 
“Oh,” you glanced at Osamu and he was blushing a bright red. He tried to keep his composer glaring at his twin. 
“Is that true?”
“Uh. Uhm,” 
“Yeah it is…” Aran spoke up and you blinked your blush was slowly matching his.
“Osamu buried his face into his hands sighing,”
“If that’s true, I wouldn’t mind. It would also give me the break you think I need,” Atsumu left back to his seat and Osamu looked at you quickly. 
“Yeah, I~”
“Osamu your burning the Onigiri’s again.” Kita stated bluntly and it got really smokey.’
“Fuck~ I uh be back.”
“Maybe close the shop today… you aren’t exactly in the mindset for this today,” you suggested laughing and he blushed wanting to dig himself a hole. He wasn’t nearly a bad cook, he just kept getting distracted.
“She has a point… how many times do you burn food when she is around…” Aran asked chuckling.
“He never does this is the first.” You said, covering your mouth and he sighed.
“I don’t know what’s wrong with me,” he flipped the sign to closed after cleaning up the burnt food again. 
“It’s okay, today isn’t my day either. If it makes you feel better, well it did get better…” You said with a smile closing your laptop and he looked at you with a smile. 
“I will plan the date when you are free.”
“Well, I am free today…” he perked up slightly and nodded his head.
“Okay, I gotta plan something, but dress nicely. Take your time uh, oh I don’t have your number,” you walked to him with your business card. It had your cell on it. 
“Text me I will send you my address.”
“Alright… see ya tonight.” 
“See you tonight.” You walked out and his friends and twin turned to him with grins. 
“See that easy.”
“Shut ya trap why don’t ya!” He threw something at his twin and Atsumu dodged it.
© [@angelsdevils] all rights reserved. none of my posts or stories should be modified, reposted etc. I do not own the character, but I own the plots to these stories.
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ghostlyhamburger · 3 years
Husband Watches Puppeteer 2
I don’t remember the first puppeteer.
Oh. Oh fuck that bitch. No.
That’s not the right sounds that should be coming out of the piano.
Why does Adrien have two entrance doors and why is one of them the bear door? Where did he get that sign?
Really? Fucking Dance Central?
Why are they all face timing?
Why is Alya’s phone charm antibug colors?
Nino why are you so fucking awkward at this my boy
Nino you’re rambling shut the fuck up
I am much too sober for this.
Props to Marinette for making Manon a little hero outfit though.
Marinette’s chair looks so fucking uncomfortable. 
Also her table does not seem stable.
If this was a good show. Rather than this being Puppeteer 2 they would’ve made a super Manon, kinda like how the Lila episode went
Why are there four seatbelts in the backseat
This is actually kind of a cute episode I hate it
Why is Marinette sitting and wearing her bag? Isn’t that uncomfortable?
oh this is gonna go badly
That is such a weird face
Alya why are you so fucking okay with this? If Nino had just taken the excuse Adrien gave you it would’ve ... rrrrgh!
[he took a longggg drink]
Nino you know what would be better? If you just didn’t talk
What just happened? Why is there brunette Aurore in the background? What is going on?
except you did tell him you stupid bitch. Alya’s a terrible secret keeper. Why did they give her a miraculous?
Why is it okay for Alya and Nino to know their hero selves and not Adrien and Marinette? And why can Chloe have everyone know who she is but not Ryuko? The rules are so inconsisent.
Chloe has been targeted less for akumatization since she ousted herself as Queen Bee.
Why is Aurore there? Why is there a second Jagged Stone there?
This guy? Okay. No. Okay. All right. This actually makes sense. I hate it but it makes sense. He’s a sculptor. He made that Ladybug one. 
Wait are girls just stealing Adrien’s wax hand
That’s a horrible thing to say!
Okay so. I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again. Alya is a dumbass. And gets too into her shipping to realize the awkwardness of what she’s forcing upon people. And she’s a bad friend spilling her best friend’s secrets to her boyfriend!
Marinette what the fuck
You’re ... toilets. You’re toilets. 
I will say this about the show. it may have weird ass faces but it doesn’t have shitty smear frames
How is Plagg lifting that head from inside it?
This is gonna go horribly
Why the akumas? No no no no why the akumas? Why are -- grrr
Here let’s celebrate the parts of these people they really don’t want to relive!
Did you guys forget you’re supposed to be playing with the little girl?
“Children cannot be disregarded” What about your own kid Hawkmoth
The pacing of this episode’s all over the fucking place
[statue scene begins] This is gonna go horribly
I hate where this is going
What the FUCK
that’s fucking creepy
Yeah no Marinette no Adrien I’m just like what the fuck what the fuck
How can this be so bad but you can literally see the reflections off the eyeballs what is this fucking show
Marinette’s scheming face
She knows, doesn’t she?
What she’s saying is really quite eloquent but what the fuck is going on
Wait I thought she needed the dolls of that person in order to work their powers. if the powers changed then it’s not Puppeteer 2. Should’ve been called Master of Puppets.
Just say as a friend you dumbass
Okay how did they get a Hawkmoth statue when he only appeared once and the entire city was akumatized
I will say one neat detail about this episode. While they make sound effects they don’t make vocalized grunts because statues don’t have vocal cords
How did she see that trap?
How come only some of them have their powers? Bubbler and Lady Wifi have their powers. Why didn’t Hawkmoth? 
They’re definitely not as durable
If that was a man then he would be dead.
That was somebody’s fetish.
That’s not the real Chat. 
How did he get out of that?
That’s a good reaction holy crap
Weird freaky hands
You’re in a workshop. Just make another wand. 
This is gonna end up real bad.
The wand thing lends credence to my theory that the object akumatized is more important than the emotions of the akuma and that’s what decides the akuma’s appearance
Tikki you fuck. 
Also this is not even the first time they’ve been over that. 
Not a good episode. There was good parts of it but still not a good episode.
[btw husband reads the replies to these posts, so please do not share any spoilers! He’s going in as blind as possible]
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mrslilyrogers · 4 years
Betrayal Part 7
Pairing: Bucky x Reader
Summary: (AU) Set in New York. You and Bucky have been married for 5 years. He’s the love of your life and you are his. At least, you thought you were until he started slipping away from you, coming home late and smelling of another woman’s perfume? You are in denial. Are you just losing your mind or are you really losing him?
Author’s notes: I’m so so sorry this took so long! I redid the whole thing. We’re going to back up a bit in this chapter and visit the past. Please check the warnings before reading. Also, my requests are open. Send ideas if you’re feeling particularly angsty! Or even fluff, I’d like to try my hand at it. As always, let me know what you think of this chapter! For tags, please send in ask! 
Warnings: Cheating, Angst, Abuse, Swearing
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4  Part 5 Part 6
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2 years ago.
Bucky tapped his fingers on the table as he checked his watch again. 8:15. Forty-five minutes late. Again. He let out a huge sigh, barely able to hold himself from scratching his eyes out. The curly-haired waitress went back to him with an apologetic look on her face, “I’m sorry, sir. My manager told me I really need to take your order now. There’s already a line waiting outside…” she let her sentence trail sheepishly. Bucky tried to ignore the heat creeping up his cheeks and gave her an unconvincing smile instead, reciting his order. When she left with visible relief on her face, he picked up his phone and called his wife again. He had tried to call and text her earlier but she hadn’t picked up.
“Hello?” Y/N answered, sounding frazzled and irritated as she cleaned up after her rude customer. He just had the audacity to leave a mess after complaining and whining about the wifi three times. She could barely keep her eyes from rolling. 
“Hey, babe. Where are you? I’ve been waiting for you at the restaurant,” Bucky’s defeated voice on the other line replied. 
“Oh shit!” She shrieked, attracting the heads of the other customers as she glanced at the clock on the wall. She had lost track of time. Bucky had been waiting for her for almost an hour. On their anniversary. Oh crap, crap, crap. 
“Oh my god, baby. I’m so sorry! I’m understaffed and I lost track of time! Could you please wait for me? I’m so sorry!” She quickly took off her apron and changed into the dress she had brought with her that morning for their date. Bucky had been planning this. He arranged for Lizzie’s babysitter and everything, practically bouncing off with excitement for this night. He wanted to try out this new restaurant and between raising Lizzie and making sure Winter Bakery was still making a profit, they haven’t seen much of each other lately. She just couldn’t find the time whereas Bucky’s stable position in Shield gave him more authority to delegate. And he literally had been trained for this for years. All those late-nighters at the university and all the grunt work he and Steve went through have finally paid up. They were at the top of their game, one of the youngest to acquire their positions. They were heroes in the investment banking world. Life was easy for him now, cherry on top of the cake. He only wished Y/N could be there with him. But she was still on shaky ground with her business and he fully understood that. 
“Of course! I already picked our appetizers though. They were trying their best to kick me out gently if I didn’t order anything,” 
“Oh, my poor Bucky. You should’ve flashed them your smile, charmed your way. They would’ve made you stay,” she replied, fixing her ponytail, not having the time to retouch her makeup anymore. This’ll just have to do. 
“Really, now. It was a waitress, you know.” He teased back. 
A beat before Y/N replied in mock seriousness. “In that case, don’t you dare. I’ll be there in 15!” 
“Wouldn’t dream of it. See you, babe. I love you--,” 
But before he could even finish his sentence, the line had dropped on the other end.  
1 year ago.
“Daddy, look, apples!” Lizzie pointed from her seat in the grocery cart. Her legs swinging as she giggled at the heap of apples on their side. “Yeah, baby, you’re right.” Bucky replied absentmindedly, not even bothering to look as he stared confusedly at the bunch of green vegetables in front of him. The list Y/N gave him said scallions, but how the hell was he supposed to know which was which? Scallions, spring onions, green onions, they were all the same right? He suddenly regretted volunteering to do their grocery shopping alone, having no clue what half of the list Y/N prepared even meant. It was the weekend, they were all supposed to go together and then have a quick visit to the toy store after, for one more of Lizzie’s birthday gifts. She had just turned 3 a week ago and he couldn’t help but promise to let her pick out another doll. When Y/N had given him a pointed look while Lizzie clung on and gushed to him, he couldn’t help but to just give her a tiny shrug. He grew up with nothing, he was gonna give his little girl everything. But that morning when he thought the three of them finally had time to spend together, Y/N couldn’t make it again. She was having problems with her manager and had to go into work unexpectedly. Now, she wasn’t even answering his calls when he had to ask her about the most complicated grocery list he’s ever seen in his whole life. 
“Daddy, when are we getting my doll?” Lizzie asked again, looking up at him as she clutched her favorite white wolf stuffed toy. 
“After this, sweetheart.” He answered, preoccupied and calling Y/N again. This time when she didn’t answer, he gave up, grabbed the one nearest to him and hoped for the best. 
When he’s gotten halfway through the list and let Lizzie point at the snacks she wanted for school, he let his mind wander, when the hell had they become like this? He barely saw his wife anymore. Her problems with her bakery cafe, always dragging her away from them. He wished she could find competent people who would stay but if it weren’t her manager, it was her baker and so on. And if she was finally free, he’d be the one who was busy. It was hard and annoying but coupled that with taking care of an over-enthusiastic three-year-old, it was also exhausting.
He missed Y/N and he wished he could spend time with her. He completely understood that she was always needed at work. He had been through that in their early 20s, but they didn’t have a kid then to compete for their time and understanding it was different from actually living it. Their marriage had become stagnant. The banality of their everyday life, a stark contrast to how they used to be when they were just a couple of kids off college who rented a too-small apartment with his little sister, Becca. Time has flown and he’s finally achieved the life he’s always wanted; a big duplex apartment, a steady high-income job and a family he had always yearned for but never really knew he needed. All of the things he promised himself when he was younger and had nothing, he had now and more, yet there was still something missing. He missed the thrill of his life, chasing his dreams had always kept him motivated, distracted. Now that he had it all, he was at his wits’ end. Maybe it was because they were also growing apart, he could feel it. Y/N had always been able to make him happy and whole; he had always been able to rely on her emotionally. She was the better part of him and now that she was becoming distant, he hung onto her like a lifeline but his insistence on going on vacations as a family wherever his wife and daughter wanted went unheard, all his attempts at romancing cancelled. 
Even as he lined up now for the cashier, he whipped out his phone to text her. His hands had been busy typing when a brooding, dark-haired man stood behind him dressed in all black. His arms were muscled despite his age and the sagging skin on his right arm holding a tattoo of an odd skull with tentacles extending out of it was barely covered by his shirtsleeve. 
“Well, well, well, if it isn’t little Bucky,” a familiar husky voice mocked from behind him. 
Bucky immediately felt the hairs on the back of his neck stand up, the voice sending a deep chill down his spine, making him go rigid as he slowly turned around, the blood draining from him when he went face to face with the man who had made his life a living hell, the man who not only broken him physically but in spirit as well. Repeatedly. 
“You some errand boy now? I didn’t raise you to be like that, you know,” He continued to mock, tipping his chin to the cart with Lizzie still on it. 
“Do you know him, daddy?” She asked, holding her little wolf tighter as she watched the stranger warily. 
“Hey there, sweetie. Your daddy didn’t tell you about me? That’s weird. I raised him and your aunt Rebecca a long time ago. My name is Rumlow,” he flashed her a chilling smile, stepping closer to offer his hand. That’s when the fog in Bucky’s brain cleared. He moved with a lightning fast reflex, stepping in between them as he got in Rumlow’s face, fisting his collar harshly in one hand, 
“Don’t you dare go near her,” his dark and low voice had threatened, dripping venom. His eyes had dilated, almost turning black as he shoved him hard. Rumlow’s grating laugh echoed around them, bringing back all those awful memories he had buried deep inside his head. 
“I’ve taught you well, boy. Can’t say I’m not proud,” He clapped and actually smiled at him smugly. At this point, Lizzie had started crying making Bucky even more furious. 
“I don’t ever want to see your face again. And if you go near my daughter again, I’ll make you fucking regret it. Do you understand?” His threats went on deaf ears as Rumlow broke out into a full-fledged grin. 
“I’d love to see you try, James. You’ve grown soft,” He accused, eyeing Lizzie and the grocery he had still lined up, several heads already looking at them. 
“Lucky for you. I have a new son here,” He continued, tilting his head to the boy standing by his mostly empty cart-- save for the beer and the liquor. Bucky flicked his attention to the boy and he felt his world spin as he saw himself in him with his eyes haunted, wary and afraid. He couldn’t have been older than eight. Rumlow smirked at the look on Bucky’s face, already detecting the turmoil brewing inside him. He had succeeded. He always knew Bucky was weak, his emotions his downfall. The fear and guilt clearly written in Bucky’s eyes made Rumlow gloat as he talked to the boy, 
“What did I say, Bert, huh? You’ll only have food if you go get it yourself. Why are you still standing there?” 
The boy looked around the big grocery store, mentally taking note of the stalls and where they were currently at, memorizing it in case he got lost but still, he didn’t move. Bucky looked at Rumlow and he saw the same look he’d always had directed at him before, his taunting eyes daring the boy to go or face the consequences. 
“But I’m scared,” the boy replied, his voice small and frightened. Rumlow moved to him, bending his knees to get to his eye level. “Well then, you just won’t have to eat,” he told him in a hushed voice, pouting and mocking. 
Bucky didn’t have to hear it to know the exact words, buried memories rushing back to the surface. He heard it countless times directed at him. The boy ran to the nearest stall, his heart pounding and hoping Rumlow would still be at that same spot when he came running back. Bucky knew the feeling, it was like he was living it all over again. As much as he wanted to help, he was rooted to the spot, even Lizzie’s crying couldn’t move him. Rumlow stood back up and faced him. “You were always my favorite,” he told him proudly as he pushed his own cart away from them, no doubt to give Bert an even harder chance of finding him. 
Just before he got too far, he swiftly turned around, feigning innocence as he said, “Oh and by the way, say hi to Rebecca for me,”  His lips twisted up into a sneering smirk as he left, whistling without a care in the world. And just like that Bucky was moving, grabbing Lizzie and getting out of that store as fast as he could, hoping Rumlow would stay out of his life forever. 
“I’m never letting you do the groceries again!” Y/N screeched, a horrified look on her face as she stared at their fridge. After the incident with Rumlow, Bucky had brought Lizzie to the toy store, allowing her to buy all the stuffed toys and dolls she wanted instead of just the previously promised one doll. They had gone to lunch after, he kept Lizzie distracted as much as possible to forget the man she had just met. When she brought him up again, he told her it was just a friend he didn’t like very much and that she shouldn’t bring it up to her mom because it was nothing, he promised he never had to see that man again. Lizzie seemed satisfied with his answer and went back to her usual chirpy self. On their way home, they passed by another grocery store. He had mindlessly strolled the aisles and grabbed whatever he thought they needed, his head at a different place, much as it still is now.
“Bucky, we don’t need four cartons of milk, why would you even get this?” Y/N asked incredulously, shaking her head as she chuckled. 
Bucky had been staring off into space, not hearing what his wife had been saying. “Uhm, hello Bucky, you still with me?” she teased, waving a hand in front of his face. 
“Oh sorry, what was that?” He asked, glancing up at her from his perch by the kitchen counter. The coffee he had brewed, now cold in his hands. 
“Hey, you okay?” she asked, looking at him with concern in her eyes. 
“Yeah, just didn’t sleep well,” he waved dismissively. Y/N felt a pang of guilt. He’d been bugging her to spend more time together, planning outings and dates that she never seemed to find time for. 
“Well, I finally have the day free. Why don’t we go out, watch a movie or have a picnic? It’ll be fun,” she suggested, draping a hand over his shoulder while her chin rested on the other, her elbow propped up on the countertop to keep an eye level with him. 
“I can’t, I’m sorry, babe. I promised to meet up with Thor,” he moved away from her touch, standing up. Y/N looked at him confusedly, “Okay, how about after?”
“Gotta go over some accounts with Sam, sorry love. I’ll be back before dinner,” He gave her a quick kiss to the cheek before heading out. Y/N stared after him, brows knitted, before shrugging. She’ll just get her errands around the house done then. 
After pounding the punching bag in Thor’s gym incessantly, Bucky found himself aimlessly walking around the streets, he just needed to clear his head. The little boy’s face was still etched in his mind as he opened the door to a bar. A little too early, he knew but he couldn’t shake off the nagging thought plaguing his mind. 
How could he have let that monster roam free while he had lived his life without even a glance back? 
Years ago.
Bucky held Becca’s hand as they ascended the rickety steps of their new home. They had just lost their parents and were now moving into an unfamiliar house. The case worker had told them they were lucky not to be separated and that they shouldn’t worry; they were getting a good foster father who would take care of them from now on. 
“I had interviewed him myself, you see,” She told the children, beaming with pride. 
“I couldn’t have found a better one for you guys, why, this area is still very close to where you grew up in. You could still visit your old haunts,” She ruffled Becca’s hair, trying to lighten the mood while the little girl just moved farther away, hiding behind her big brother. The worn-out door which at once might have been painted pristine white but now had chippings hanging off of it suddenly opened with a creak, a man with a charming and easy nature stepped out with a warm smile on his face that didn’t quite reach his eyes. 
“You guys are here! Welcome, welcome, please come in!” He gestured humbly to his house. Becca squeezed Bucky’s hand tighter which he squeezed back in return, reassuring her. There was something about this man that wasn’t quite right. He seemed relaxed and easy-going, a smile continuously plastered on his face but there was a lethality to him that the children couldn’t seem to shake off, almost as if it was buried deep inside waiting to be unleashed. The case worker hung on his every word, giggling as they talked. She slapped his arm with the horrible looking tattoo that gave Becca a fright. The children barely moved from the sofa they were seated at after the introductions. 
“It’s usually like this. Don’t worry. They start to open up after a while,” the case worker sympathized with Brock, the man who introduced himself as their new foster father; he would treat them as his own, he had promised. 
“It’s alright. I understand. After my wife, I’ve been all alone and this, this is a blessing to me,” He told her as he turned to the children. Her hand strayed to his arm again and lingered there. 
“Oh, Brock, you are a good man. They’re great children, they won’t give you trouble.” She replied, patting his arm for reassurance. It didn’t miss Bucky how she hung off his every word. 
“But I should get going, I will check up on you in a week. Children, be good. You have my number if you need anything,” She stood up, smoothing the wrinkles on her blazer.
“Wait, you’re leaving us already?” Bucky couldn’t help the whine that escaped his voice. He didn’t miss the darkness that spilled over Brock’s face for a split second before he carefully put his smile back on again. 
“I’ll be back in a week, Bucky. Don’t you worry,” the case worker smiled before she walked out the door leaving him and Becca to a stranger. 
When she was out of sight, Brock had suddenly changed his demeanor. The smile on his face had turned into a scowl when he faced them. “Alright, listen up both of you,”  he boomed, his voice cruel. “Grab your things and get on to your rooms. I don’t want to hear any noise. No running around, and if I see you making a mess. You bet your little asses, you’ll pay for it,” He stood up and left them to their bags. 
“But Mr. Brock, I’m thirsty,” Becca piped up, looking up at him timidly. The man’s grating laugh rumbled as he threw his head back, shaking it.  
“That’s Rumlow to both of you, you hear me?  Don’t make that mistake again. Now, come here,” He said, beckoning both the children to come over. Once they reached the kitchen, he pointed to the high cupboard. “You see that?” He asked Becca, dropping low to get to her eye level. When she just nodded her head, he continued, “That’s where the glasses and the plates are. If you want something in this house, you go get it yourself. I’m not your nanny,” He held Becca’s face in his hand roughly. His fingers wrapped around her cheeks tight as he held her by the chin. Bucky felt his fists clench at his sides, pushing Rumlow as far as he could with his eleven year old might.  
“Stop that!” He screamed. Their parents never hurt them. How dare this man think he could do this to his little sister? 
“Oh you wanna be the man of the house?” Rumlow jeered, shoving Bucky back making him fall to the floor. Becca’s sniffles grew louder as she tried to stop her crying, her shoulders shaking from her effort. As Bucky lay sprawled, Rumlow scooted down menacingly to him, 
“You dare push me when you were just whining like a little bitch a while ago, you wanna man up? Alright, I’ll allow it,” he taunted, pondering it for a moment before his sinister smile came back on. “Let’s see how long you’ll last protecting your little sister.” He gripped his face by the chin, fingers squeezing exceedingly tight on his cheeks before he pushed him off and he hit the floor. 
“I won’t be some parent to you that you could twist around your little fingers, no. I’ll make you into the best man you could be. I will teach you about order. And order only comes through pain,” He drilled into him like a soldier as he stretched his legs back up, his measured steps going to the fridge to fish out a beer. He took a long gulp before he continued, 
“And the sooner you learned that, the better,” 
Bucky sat alone at one of the benches by the field at his school, choosing solitude over the roar of the cafeteria after a particularly bad morning at home. Their foster father had woken up drunk and had haphazardly thrown things at them when Bucky accidentally burnt the eggs he had been cooking for his and Becca’s packed lunch for school. He picked on the peanut butter sandwich he prepared, not having the appetite to eat when he heard jeering voices from a group of boys and sounds of flesh being hit again and again with accompanying grunts of pain. He felt his feet move on instinct when he found them by the bleachers, a scrawny boy at the center of a group huddling over him, they were laughing as he tried to fight them off, not once being able to land a punch. The blood pumped in Bucky’s veins, a constant beating in his ears, as he grabbed the biggest of the bullies by the collar and harshly yanked him off the tiny, blonde boy now sprawled on the floor with his skinny arms covering his face. When one of the other kids tried to punch him, he deftly moved out of the way and delivered a swift blow to his stomach, making sure to spare his face so as not to get in trouble. That was how Rumlow did it, might as well use the same trick right? 
“What? Who wants to go next?” He threatened, loving the adrenaline coursing through his veins, the power he had with defending someone so helpless. The lanky blonde boy stood up beside him, blood dripping from his mouth as he held both his fists up, “I can do this all day,” he said, catching his breath but his stance clearly indicated he could barely stand up straight. Bucky just looked at him weirdly, not knowing whether to find him stupid or brave. The bullies stood against them, unsure. Bucky was the same age as them, only slightly bigger. Him and the blonde boy were still clearly outnumbered but Bucky’s eyes held a lethal strength in them, his body coiled with unleashed brutality, ready to fight. The bullies scrambled out of there as fast as they could, their feet tripping over them. 
“Yeah next time, pick on someone your own size!” he hollered before looking back at the blonde boy who looked younger than them but held himself with such maturity that it didn’t seem possible. He decided right then and there he was going to make him his new friend. Rumlow had always taught him about his belief of the natural order of the world, that strength and might always won the day and that order could only be achieved through pain. If you could inflict it on others, you were stronger, better. Weaker men were useless, had to be beaten up and put in their place. “That’s just the way of the world,” he had said. But Bucky was old and smart enough to see right through his facade. He was a bully, feeding off of people who couldn’t fight back. Bucky was going to be different, he wouldn’t bow down to his will. He just needed to protect his sister, spare her from the taint of Rumlow’s anger and prove that he wouldn't become the man Rumlow has been conditioning him to be. 
“You alright?” Bucky asked the boy standing beside him who was touching the bruise forming on his forehead.
“Yeah, thanks for helping me,” he replied sheepishly, ashamed he couldn’t fight for himself.
“Next time, just don’t provoke them, they aren’t worth it.” 
“But they were wrong. Bullies, I’d always stand up to them,” the blonde brushed his hair back from his forehead, determination steeling his voice. Bucky smiled, maybe he could learn a thing or two from this boy too. 
“What’s your name?” he asked.
“Steve, what’s yours?”
“Bucky. Steve, you’re a little punk. You know that?” he said teasingly, laughing. 
Steve grinned back, “Jerk,” 
The light filtered into the room as the curtains were drawn back harshly causing Bucky to groan on his bed, flitting a pillow to cover his eyes. 
“Buck, come on. Get up,” Steve’s firm voice spoke through the fog in his mind. 
“Get out, Steve, I’m sleeping.” he replied, turning his back to the hand shaking his shoulder.
“How long are you going to do this? It’s been two weeks. Have you even talked to your family yet?” Steve’s judgmental voice rang out, hard and unforgiving. 
“She doesn’t even wanna see me,” he huffed, anger at himself boiling in his veins. He hasn’t seen his daughter in two weeks. Y/N’s short, cold replies to his messages were just updates on how Lizzie was doing, anything regarding Y/N, he had no idea about. He didn’t even know what sort of excuses she made up for Lizzie, how his “work trip” kept getting extended. When the hell could they keep that charade up? He was lucky enough she was letting him talk to his daughter on the phone for a few minutes every once in a while. He sat up on the bed, rubbing sleep from his eyes as he reached for the bottle of whiskey at the bedside table. These days he could only fall asleep when he’s had one too many to drink and even then, he’d still wake up with a headache that could only be dulled by alcohol. He barely even made it to work everyday. Sam had been good enough to cover for him, staying on neutral ground with everything that’s happening to his marriage although his eyes said otherwise, disappointment etched in them. All the while Steve had ignored him the entire time since the hospital. No amount of apologies moved him from his stance except today, when he suddenly barged into the hotel room Bucky has been renting like he owned the place. 
“Jesus, Bucky, stop that!” He swiped the bottle Bucky held between his lips, splashing amber liquid on his shirt and bed. 
“Damn it, Steve! Look what you did!  Give that back,” Bucky held his arm out, his reflexes slow as he tried to grab it from his friend. 
“Jesus Christ. You smell terrible. How much have you had to drink last night?” Steve fanned the air around him trying to rid the stench of alcohol and sweat.
“How the hell did you even get in here?” Bucky’s pissed off voice grumbled but one look at Steve’s intense stare with his brows furrowed and his jaw clenched, standing straight as a drill sergeant, arms crossed at his chest with his muscles bulging out of his fitted gray Under Armour shirt; he knew. The punk had intimidated his way in. No doubt leaving a poor breathless, flustered receptionist in his wake. 
“You could get that receptionist fired, you know?” He tried appealing to his best friend’s better nature.
“You wouldn’t tell. Plus, it isn’t as if she didn’t get a hefty tip. Go take a shower, Buck, you stink.” Steve didn’t budge, staring him down with a disgusted look on his face. Bucky just scoffed, 
“And then what? I don’t know if you’ve noticed, Y/N kicked me out, man. Just go home, you’re wasting your time.” 
Steve’s hardened face softened as he looked at his friend. His eyes were puffy, his skin pale as he scratched his wildly unkempt beard, his greasy hair sticking out on one side. What the hell had happened to Bucky? How had it gone so bad for his friend in a matter of days? He suddenly moved out of instinct, collecting clothes strewn everywhere and packed them into the suitcase at the corner of the room. 
“Steve, what the hell are you doing?” Bucky exhaled loudly. It was too early for this. Where the hell was his drink? 
“Get your ass moving, Bucky. You’re staying at my place,”
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DEH Incorrect Quotes Pt. 8 I Think??
Jared: If I'm extra sarcastic with you it probably means I'm flirting with you or you really annoy me and I can't handle your crap... have fun figuring out which one.
Jared: I feel like doing something stupid.
Evan: I'm stupid.
Jared: ...?
Evan: Do me?
Jared: oH-
Miguel: As the top of this relationship, I think we should-
Connor: I can't believe your pulling rank on me.
Evan: I still have no idea how I'm attracted to you...
Jared: Too bad. You're stuck with me now, honey.
Evan: My life is a mess.
Jared: Relax. Go get a beer.
Evan: I don't want a beer?
Jared: Who said it was for you?
Evan: We vegetarians love the environment. Carnivores are sick freaks.
Connor: How can vegetarians possibly love the environment.. you keep eating all the fucking plants.
Jared: I'm bored, any suggestions?
Alana, trying to get him to have a decent sleep schedule: Sleeping is nice.
Jared: I acknowledge your suggestion, and I’m deciding to ignore it.
Connor: When life gives you lemons, what do you do?
Alana: Make lemonade! :)
Connor: No! You throw the lemons back up into the sky and make life deal with it's own shit!
Evan: That's illegal, right?
Jared: Why do you care, are you fucking a cop or something?
Evan: No-
Jared: Then shut the fuck up.
7 year old Zoe: I lost my fish, can you help me find it?
9 year old Connor, cooking the fish: What? Speak up, I can't hear you.
Alana: Just be yourself, say something nice!
Jared: Which one? I can't do both.
Zoe: Are you drinking enough water?
Evan: Sometimes my tears get in my mouth.
Evan: I wanna die.
Jared: We all do, you're not special.
Evan: Pick a card, any card.
Connor: Fine.
Evan: Wait, that's my credit card-
Connor: You said any card.
Miguel: So, what would you do if you were in bed with me?
Connor: Depends. Is your bed comfortable?
Miguel: Uh yeah, I guess-
Connor: Then I'd sleep.
Evan: Where are you going??
Jared: Hell, eventually.
Zoe: Hey besties-
Jared: Die.
Zoe: What did I ever do to you-
Evan: Jared, I sense hostility.
Jared: Good, because I fucking hate you.
Miguel: Happy October 32nd! Second Halloween!
Connor: That doesn't exist-
Miguel: Not with that attitude.
Miguel: I wanna be called cute 21/7.
Connor: Why not 24/7?
Miguel: Snack breaks.
Connor, annoyed af: Why can't trees give off something fucking useful... like wifi.
Jared: So then just fuck oxygen I guess.
Alana: *Sharpens knife* We have ways of making people talk.
Alana: *Cuts piece of cake*
Evan: ....Can I have some?
Alana: Cake is for talkers.
Evan: What are you drinking?
Jared: Vodka.
Evan: Straight???
Jared: No, gay. Why?
Connor: I need you to come meet me, and I need you to come alone.
Zoe: And I need you to be less vague and weird-
Alana, texting: Answer your phone
Jared, texting: Wait a minute, I can't find my phone.
Alana: Understood.
Alana, five minutes later: You're a terrible person. You know you're killing me. You're killing me, Jared.
Evan: A mosquito tried to bite me and I slapped it and killed it.
Evan: And I started thinking.
Evan: Like, it was just trying to get food.
Evan: What if I went to the fridge and it just slammed the door shut and snapped my neck?
Alana: Are you ok?
Miguel: What is the one thing I told you not to do?
Connor: Burn the house down.
Miguel: And what did you do?!
Connor: I made dinner.
Connor: Okay fine. And burnt the house down.
Evan: Hello, Jared. Made anyone cry today?
Jared: Sadly, no. But it's only 4:30.
Alana: When's the last time you slept?!
Jared: Uh.. a few days ago, I think??
Alana: How many days?
Jared: *Starts counting on his fingers*
Jared: I need more fingers.
Alana: What yOU NEED IS S L E E P!
Connor: Calm down, we're only in six feet of water.
Jared: What'cha doing?
Connor: Stealing my neighbours cat.
Jared: Scandalous.
Jared: Can I help?
Jared: Standing next to sunflowers always makes me feel weak like ‘look at this fucking flower. This flower is taller than I am. This flower is winning and I’m losing.’
Evan: Wow, you are not ready to hear about trees.
Connor: *makes Miguel a cup of tea but puts salt in it*
Miguel: *sips tea*
Miguel: *finishes tea*
Connor: Didn't it taste bad?
Miguel: Yeah, but I didn't want to hurt your feelings so I drank it all.
Connor, tearing up: Oh, okay.
Alana: So I have made the decision to trust you.
Evan: A horrible decision, really.
Evan: Hopefully, Jared has learned a lesson about respecting other people's feelings.
Jared: Oh shut up and die, Evan.
Connor: Alright, listen up you little shits-
Connor: Except you, Alana. You're an angel, and we're thrilled you're here.
Zoe: Can you pass the salt?
Jared: Can you pass away?
Zoe: Too much salt.
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amenomiko · 4 years
Masterlist 3
IkeRev MC and IkeSen MC’s Dilemma
Merry Christmas OC Photo
Sleeping MC vs Me
My Male Cos vs Fem Cos
Another Meeting of Cybird’s MCs
My random OC
Attack on Titan x Cybird’s MCs
Masamune with ‘Traveling the World’
Tall MC
IkeSen Lords to their Son and their Daughter(Situation 1)
Lords x Twerking
Lords x Among Us
Lords x MC’s Asshole Boss
White Day
Lords x Eevolutions
Lords... and Museum
Games & Challenges to Win Her Heart
Lords x Southeast Asian Cultures
The IkeSen Guys to A Crying Baby (Not Theirs)
Closet Pervert MC
IkeSen Daddies and Pregnancy Test
Meow Meow Lords and Cockroach
Meow Meow Lords
IkeSen Guys Reactions when MC Smacked their Butt Playfully
The Lords and Crane Game
His Reaction When She Sleeps in a Weird Position
Child Lord and Santa
Lords and Mistletoe
When IkeSen Daddies Change Diapers
IkeSen Lords Meets SLBP Lords
IkeSen Guys x Pokemon
MC Brought Gadgets from the Future 
His Vassal and Him
Secret Relationship (Mitsuhide and Kenshin)
MC that Hides Her Real Feelings (Nobunaga, Hideyoshi, Masamune & Shingen)
How He Acts Around Her When He’s Drunk (Hideyoshi, MItsuhide, Ieyasu, Kenshin)
Not to Make Her Worry (Ieyasu & Mitsuhide)
Comparison - SLBP Ieyasu’s Retainers Meet with IkeSen Ieyasu
Comparison - IkeSen & SLBP’s Nobunaga and Ieyasu
Comparison - IkeSen & SLBP’s Ieyasu and Mitsunari
Compete (Kenshin & Mitsunari)
Musical Theater MC (Nobunaga, MItsuhide, Kennyo, Shingen)
Humble MC (Nobunaga & Kenshin)
Lords and Waterpark (Ieyasu, Mitsuhide, Kenshin, Yukimura)
Lord Turned into a Child (Nobunaga, Ieyasu, Mitsuhide, Kenshin, Shingen)
MC didn’t Exist (Nobunaga, Hideyoshi, Shingen, Sasuke)
Hideyoshi babysit Mitsuhide’s Daughter
MC that can turn into a Tiger (Masamune x Shingen)
IkeSen Lords as Werewolves
Onmyouji MC
Mitsuhide that Turned into a Fox
Mitsuhide x MC went to Italy
MC that Afraid to Tell Mitsunari that She is Pregnant
Retrieve that Smile Again Part 2 (Ieyasu x MC)
Retrieve that Smile Again Part 1 (Ieyasu x MC)
Ieyasu’s NIghtmares and Good Dream
Ieyasu’s Birthday Special - That Love & Hate Relationship
Mitsuhide - 0, Kyubei - 1
Come Clean (Mitsuhide x MC)
If Only this thing Happen to Kenshin
Pampering the Bunny Lord
Belly Dancer MC
Monkey See Monkey Do
Single Mother MC with Twins (Kenshin)
MC that Sneezes like a Thunder
Happy Birthday Hideyoshi!!!
Helping Her With Rice
Living in an Apartment
Mitsunari and Standee
Pointing Game
It’s about the Sword
Stop Being Cute
Huge Storm
Sengoku High School Random Moments
Sengoku as High Society Workers
Ieyasu’s Version of Barney Song
Pick-up lines (Mitsuhide x Hideyoshi)
April Fool
Kind Poo is Kind
Azuchi Lots and MC During Dinner
Road Block
Purple Cucumber
Mitsunari as Secret Agent
Cleaning Day
Ice Lemon Tea
Mitsunari’s WiFi Password
Azuchi and Getting Old
Sweet Talk
Hideyoshi in a Nutshell
Mitsuhide as a Cat
Mitsunari in a Nutshell
Breakfast in Azuchi
NO! I love you MORE
Hideyoshi’s Route
Framed Ieyasu
Mitsunari as a Diligent Worker
Pool Game
Mitsuhide as Kindergarten Teacher
Mitsunari as Tour Guide
Went for a Swim
How to Stop Hideyoshi from Nagging
If Masamune + Mitsuhide Combined
Yukimura or Muramasa
Be Glad Our MC is not like this
OH Crap
Flirts Like Nobody’s Business
Endure Like Armpit Hair
Kasugayama and Getting Old
Sasuke and Bottle MIlk
Chestnut Bun
Kenshin and Cutting
Call of Nature. Yeah Right.
Oh, Murphy’s Law...
Dat Ass
Jingle Bells, Jingle Bells
Kenshin and Thumbprints
Yukimura vs Can Opener
Method to Hold in the ‘Need’
Giving Attention
Hotel..? Trivago.
Grass vs Yukimura
Petting Zoo
Lords x C*nd*m
Their Secret Time Together (Nobunaga x MC)
Anxiously Good (Mitsuhide x MC)
You and I Knew (Kenshin x MC)
Enchantress Specially for You (Yukimura x MC)
MC Flashing her Bewbs Challenge
Soulmates in Pleasure (Shingen x MC)
Missing One Another (Kenshin x MC)
He Might be a Man of Virtue (Hideyoshi x MC)
Accompany (Yukimura x MC)
Sway of Lavender (Masamune x MC)
Thanks to Compatibility (Shingen x MC)
Even an Angel Could Change (Mitsunari x MC)
Mutual Needs of Pleasure (Nobunaga x MC x Shingen)
His Reaction on Sexy Body MC (Masamune, Kenshin, Shingen & Yukimura)
Them x Toaster
Taking Care of Sick MC
IkeRev Army Guys Reaction when Watching Horror Movie with MC
Red Army (Only) to IkeSen World
IkeRev Guys Reaction to MC that Brought Lingerie and BDSM Items
IkeRev Guys Reaction to MC that Forgot to Put her Bra on
Red Army Crack
Sirius as Asian Mom
Choosing Anesthesia Method
Stepped on SHIT
Pain of the Singles
Haunted House
Nothing can make me Faint
If Kyle is in Black Army
Nightmare x Love Story
Breakfast with the Armies
Happy Insect
Reason for Lancelot’s High Fever
If Lancelot is a Cat
If Magic Tower is Genius
When MC Give Birth (Lancelot & Ray)
Sequel to ‘Endless Teasing’ a.k.a Papa Harr
Plus Size MC (Lancelot & Ray)
Jealous Harr
When She Feeds Him Food (Nobunaga, Mitsuhide, Kenshin, Ray & Sirius)
MC is Pregnant (Ray & Jonah)
MC as Underground Hero (Lancelot, Sirius, Oliver, Edgar, Harr)
Baby’s First Steps (Lancelot, Edgar, Ray)
Him and Jealous S.O (Ray and Lancelot)
Getting Caught When He’s Being OOC - Edgar
Getting Caught (In Loving Their Child and Getting Out of Character Secretly - Baby Girl) - Lancelot, Edgar, Ray, Oliver
IkeRev Guys Reaction When MC Tells Them She is Pregnant (Lancelot, Jonah, Edgar, Kyle, Ray, Harr, Oliver)
Endless Service (Lancelot x MC x Ray)
Secret Fantasy (Lancelot & Ray)
Got Walked In When... (Lancelot & Ray)
When She Called him “Daddy”
Endless Teasing (Harr & MC)
First Time in History of Their Love (Lancelot x MC)
Wet Dream (Lancelot & Ray)
That 1% Chances is the Winner
His First Play (Sirius x MC)
What Have You Done to Me (Sirius x MC)
7 Minutes in Heaven (Lancelot & Ray)
His Reaction when she Squirts (Lancelot & Ray)
Scandal with the King (Lancelot x MC)
When the Impossible IS Possible (Lancelot x MC x Ray)
151 notes · View notes
five-rivers · 4 years
Interview With a Ghost (part 3: Break)
(PART 1) (PART 2)
The call came shortly after Danny had informed Tucker of his (disastrous) interview with the police and had left to go fight a giant bird ghost that had made its way to Elmerton. That bird wouldn't know what hit it. Well, it would know that Danny hit it, presumably, but not that Danny was hitting it so hard due to repressed anxiety regarding his body and the fact the police had it.
Tucker had been, as it so happened, waiting for the call.
"Hey, Sam," he said, not bothering to so much as look at the caller ID.
"So, Danny's gotten himself into a mess."
"Yep," said Tucker. "A pretty big one. Not all his fault, though."
"He did make it worse."
"Yeah. What are we going to do about it?"
"How do you feel about breaking and entering?"
"You're going to have to be more specific," said Tucker. He rolled over on his bed to stare at the ceiling. "We do that pretty frequently."
"The city morgue. ME's office, specifically."
"There'll be guards," said Tucker, "what with the rumors and all."
"I've got the Box Ghost in my thermos. He's a good distraction."
"Working on it. You'll take care of the security cameras and locks?"
"As long as they're digital," said Tucker, pulling up his data on the city cameras as they spoke. "The outside ones are, but I don't know about the insides. There might be analog machines in there. Tapes. Can't do anything to anything not on a network."
"I know, I know. Hey, maybe you could send a text to whoever's supposed to be guarding it tonight? Get them to leave?"
"Mmm. Maybe. If I could figure out who that would be."
"That could backfire, though," said Sam. "If they don't send messages like that. Sorry, I'm just thinking out loud."
Tucker pulled up a building map in another window. "I think we'll probably need more than just us, though. Remember the first time we had to move... it?"
"Yeah, but who else are we going to get to do this?"
"Jazz, maybe? She has a car, too. She can be transportation."
"Tucker, we're not looping Danny in on this. Do you really think that Jazz is going to be any more cool with this than Danny?"
"I don't know, Jazz can be pretty savage when it comes to protecting Danny."
The phone made Sam's considering hum crackle with static. "We do need transport," said Sam.
"Yeah. What were you looking into for that, anyway?"
"Ugh. Cult connections."
"Dude. Danny would not be happy if we gave his you know to a cult."
"Yeah, but he can steal it back from the cult with no guilt, unlike with the police."
"But what if he just gave it back to the police?" asked Tucker, looking up the city's purchasing records, trying to determine if they had any cameras that used tapes or that weren't internet connected in or near the morgue.
"Come on, he wouldn't do that."
"Probably not, but he does do weird stuff, sometimes. Like agree to an interview with the police and almost give away his secret identity."
"Yeah," said Sam. "You keep checking how feasible this is, and I'll call Jazz, okay?"
"Sure," said Tucker. "Talk to you later."
Jazz eased her car into the alley behind the building that housed the city morgue and ME's office.
"Stop here," said Tucker. "I can see their network."
"I can't believe I'm doing this," Jazz whispered, putting the car into park.
"You don't have to whisper," said Tucker, sitting in the passenger's seat and typing away at his mobile workstation (he insisted that it wasn't a laptop). "No one is going to hear you. Okay, yeah, I'm on their wifi. Give me a minute."
"Take your time," said Sam, who was lying down in the back seat, dressed in blacks and grays, thin gloves over her hands. "Were you guys able to sneak out okay without Danny?"
"Yeah," said Tucker.
"It was a bit trickier without him," said Jazz. She was lucky that her parents wore earplugs to sleep, and she was fairly certain Danny was out of the house entirely. Fighting a ghost, probably. She always told him to wake her up before he left, so at least one person knew where he was and could help him, but he never did.
"Okay, Jazz, you can get closer, now, then Sam can hop out and Box 'em."
"That was fast," said Jazz, starting the car forward again.
"What can I say?" said Tucker. "Pure talen-"
Something in the car started shrieking. Jazz jumped, momentarily pressing too hard on the gas, and the car lurched forward. Sam swore.
"What is that?" asked Tucker, hands over his ears.
"Who care?" shouted Sam, over the noise. "Turn it off, turn it off!"
"It's the- It's the anti-ecto alarm! I told them not to put it on my car!" She leaned across Tucker and opened the glove box. Sure enough, a sleek chrome-and-green monstrosity sat in her poor, innocent glove box, flashing screens, dials, and indicator lights at them. The car cabin lit up like a disco.
Jazz and Tucker jabbed at buttons until the thing shut up.
"Okay," said Tucker. "I think we're going to have to abort. I'm gonna bet my aunt in Chicago heard that."
Jazz blushed. "Sorry guys," she said. She was going to have words with her parents after this. What if she'd been on the highway when that thing went off? They really didn't think these things through.
"We can't abort!" protested Sam. "We need to get the thing! Before they start running tests on it!"
Jazz started backing up the car.
"Yeah, I know, but we needed stealth. We don't have that anymore. Hold up, Jazz, I need to erase my presence from their system."
Sam grumbled. "What set it off, anyway. Boxy?"
"No, it looks like this was calibrated to only go off for a class seven or above," said Tucker, peering at the alarm.
"Class seven?" repeated Jazz. "But... You don't think Danny-"
"No, he's in the suburbs, dealing with Skulker." Jazz looked over at Tucker's computer to see the Ghost Watch app icon blinking in the corner of his screen. "This is Vlad. Crap."
The door made a thunk when Sam swung it too far out and it hit a wall. Jazz winced, but rolled down her window. "What are you doing?" she hissed.
"We can't let Vlad get away with it!"
"And what are you going to do? Sam!"
"Getting back into the cameras," muttered Tucker, typing furiously.
"I'm calling Danny," said Jazz.
"Won't answer, he's fighting Skulker."
"Well, maybe he's finished!" said Jazz, dialing.
There was a flare of blue white light from up ahead and an angry shout. A glowing silhouette joined Sam's dark one. She had released the Box Ghost.
Jazz groaned. "Why did she do that now?"
"Shhh!" said Tucker. Something began to make little beeping noises. "Oh, jeez."
"What's that?"
"My ghost detector. It's tuned to Vlad." He opened his door half way. "Sam!" he shouted. "Incoming!"
She pressed herself to the side of the alley just in time to avoid a dark, horned figure swooping down on her from above. The Box Ghost was not so lucky.
"... and it's got a lower range," said Tucker, faintly.
Vlad Plasmius, rimmed in fuchsia light, floated twenty feet in the air. He had one hand around the Box Ghost's neck, the other full of neon pink fire. "Oh," he said, his voice echoing clearly in the alleyway. "It's you. What are you doing here, pest?"
"Uhhhhh," said the Box Ghost as Sam tried to make her way back to the car.
"And with Daniel's little friends no less?"
Sam broke into a run, slammed Tucker's door shut, yanked open the passenger door behind him, and slid in. Jazz wasted no time in slamming on the gas. If her car got a few scrapes, so be it.
There was a second Vlad behind them. She dropped her phone and slammed on the brakes. It was still ringing.
Smiling like a villain from a slasher movie, this second Vlad stepped intangibly into the car.
"Well, now," he said, smoothly. "What's this? Daniel's friends, but no Daniel? Whatever are the three of you doing here of all places? And at this hour?"
"What are you doing here?" asked Sam.
"No need to be rude, Samantha, dear," said Vlad. "Daniel doesn't know about your little excursion, does he? He's still across town, occupied with Skulker. You can tell him he won't have to worry anymore. I'll take good care of his body."
"Dude," said Tucker, "do you have any idea how gross that sounds?"
Vlad scowled and flicked his fingers. A ray of pink burned a quarter sized hole in the back of Tucker's headrest.
"If he had a problem with me taking it, he should have hidden it better," said Vlad. "I have no desire to have the existence of half ghosts revealed simply because Daniel hid his corpse in same park the police have their annual picnic!"
"Actually," said Tucker, "they usually have it in Marley Park. Aren't you the mayor? Shouldn't you know this?"
Vlad's scowl deepened further. "Drive safely, Jasmine." The duplicate dissolved into magenta and pink mist.
Sam sneezed. "Gross, I think I got him in my nose."
"Guys," said Tucker. "I've got alerts on the police lines, someone reported a disturbance. We really need to go."
"Vlad stole my," Danny waved his hands in the air in place of the word. "Are you serious? And you guys know, because you were going to try to steal it, and you didn't tell me?" His friends and sister looked sheepishly at the ground. "Why did you wait 'til now to tell me? I've been having anxiety attacks about it all night. I thought that the stupid ME had, I don't know, insomnia or something! It was Vlad?"
"Yeah," said Sam.
"Argh!" said Danny, starting to pace. Thank goodness his room was large enough to have a good pace in, even with three other teens in it. "I don't even want to think what he could be doing with it, but I am! What if- What if he goes full-bore Frankenstein and freaking reanimates it? What am I supposed to do then? And the police! They're going to think I did it, and there goes my credibility with the police!"
"You were on Ghost Watch fighting Skulker when it happened," offered Tucker.
"Ghosts can be in two places at once! The police know that! That's not a good enough alibi!" He put his hands on his face and groaned. "Am I going to have to break into Vlad's house? Again? He has to have a ghost shield up around it by now. And a human shield. And a ghost-human shield. I'm dead."
"You're not dead, Danny," said Jazz.
"I am dead. In ever sense of the word. Dead, I tell you, dead."
"Deep breaths," said Jazz. "You're hyperventilating."
It was true. He sat down on his bed and buried his face in his hands. "I don't even know what secret lair he's brought it to."
"Wait, you mean, you can't tell where it is?" asked Sam.
"No," said Danny. "If I could, I would have known when Vlad took it."
There was a howl from downstairs as someone rang the doorbell. Danny jumped up. "I'll get it," he said. The group bundled down the stairs, trying to keep up with him.
Before opening the door, Danny glanced out the window.
"Oh, heck, it's them."
"Them who?" asked Jazz.
"Them. The detectives!"
"Alright," said Jones, looking at the place where Phantom's body should have been but wasn't. "This is officially too big for just one team. Paterson, Collins, what were you going to do today?"
"Interview high school kids," said Collins.
"Right. You're still going to do that. I'm going to get Murphy and Madison on the break-in, talking to witnesses, but first, your opinions."
"It wasn't Phantom," said Collins. "He could have just come in and taken it, at any time, not just the middle of the night."
"And he wouldn't have needed to take out the cameras and security system," said Paterson, looking over her shoulder at the tech people set up in one corner.
"It was a human. Or a ghost who didn't want us to know who they are," finished Collins.
"Great," said Jones. "That's what I thought, too. I was hoping you'd tell me I was wrong."
"Sorry, cap," said Collins.
"Go on, get out of here," said Jones, making a shooing motion.
"Still can't believe that his name is Wesley Weston," said Collins. "Or that he has a record for trespassing and stalking a classmate and claiming that he's a ghost."
"Want to bet that the classmate in question is Fenton?" asked Paterson.
"No thanks," said Collins. "It would have been better if the victim's name hadn't been withheld." He avoided the word 'wish.'
"Yeah, yeah," said Paterson. She knocked on the door.
A balding red haired man with thick glasses opened the door. "Oh," he said. "Please tell me this isn't about Wesley again. Do I need a lawyer?"
"He didn't do anything," said Collins, quickly. "We just want to ask him a few questions."
"It's unrelated to the stalking charges, which were dropped," added Paterson.
"Great," grumbled the man. He turned. "Wesley! The police want to talk to you!"
"Well," said Collins, drumming his fingers on the steering wheel. "That was enlightening."
"His room belongs on a movie set," said Paterson. "Jeez Louise, we're going to have to keep an eye on that kid. He has a freaking conspiracy theory board."
"It was pretty convincing, though. The kid can talk."
"We need to confirm his data, though."
"Yeah. Talk to more witnesses. See if Fenton really does run off whenever Phantom shows up."
"Fenton?" asked Paulina Sanchez, wrinkling her nose so prettily that Paterson suspected she practiced the expression in the mirror. "What about him? I thought we were talking about Phantom. Mi amor." She leaned a little farther into the doorway. She had not let the detectives inside. "Not Fenton."
"We're investigating a number of different angles, Miss," said Collins. "Now, if you could tell us, does he seem to leave class before ghost fights break out."
"Yeah," said Paulina. "He's got some kind of sixth sense thing going on, but he's such a coward. He only ever uses it to run away. Doesn't even try to warn anyone else! I don't know how his friends stand him."
"You're talking about Phantom?" asked Sophia LaMar. "You'll want my parents. I'm only an initiate. I'll go get them." She closed the door.
"Do we run away from the cult house?" asked Paterson.
"No, it'll make us look bad."
"You know," said Paterson, "if I'd wanted a lecture on how time doesn't exist, I'd drive over to the university and sit in on a class on relativity. Not whatever that was."
"At least now we know that ghosts can time travel?" asked Collins, weakly.
"Let's hurry up and get to Fenton's house," said Paterson. "Do you think he'll even talk to us?"
"Who knows?" asked Collins.
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