#oh god I gotta uhhh go to a meeting soon sorry had to rush
jackiebrackettt · 2 years
ok im gonna follow the rpverse blogs but ive missed months and months of their lore since dsmp!cranboo died so would it be possible for U to like summarize what's happened since then? im asking U cos I see how invested in the rp blogs U r its ok if U cant
wait okay I know tubbolul has a lore summary thing I thiiink it might be in the pinned but I’m also not sure how up to date it is. also I’ve only followed non-benchtrio rpverse blogs recently. umm okay I’m going to try my best under the cut bc I have cranboo memory so it’ll be a bit rambley:
siiince cranboo died okay so I might just sum up each individually and see how that goes:
memorybooks: died like how they did in canon but made a deal with dreamxd (don’t remember rp blog name sorry) to come back for a week I think? and the condition was he needed to build a house by the end of the week. did not do that instead spent time readjusting to being alive and hanging out with his family. eventually got foolish (sharktotems? oh god I need to check names huh) to build the house? but it was said they could had to build it so built another one. just before she died again I’m pretty sure she made a deal with kristen (also don’t remember rp blog sorry) to extend the deadline until New Years so he could experience at least one Christmas with his family. also there was a whole rpverse event dance that was planned since b4 he died so benchtrio went to that. he died again New Years Eve. I think maybe a week into this a lot of the rpverse gods had a meeting and decided to bring ranboo back for good? and let’s just leave that there for a bit
Ghostboo: ghostboo spilled a bunch of Ranboo’s memorybook secrets to everyone
Tubbolul (not going into as much detail since it’s already on a doc) spent most of this time dealing with grief badly and also trying to figure out how to bring ranboo bad. originally didn’t know about the deal and that ranboo would only be back for a week until I think just before time was up. after ranboo died again worked on weapons (nukes) to try and confront dreamxd and threaten dreamxd into reviving ranboo for good. dreamxd called her bluff and ripped out her eye. was originally very distrustful when ranboo came back to life. oh wait before ranboo was brought back him and tommy moved to petalsborough/petalsbrough (tubbolul has a tour of that on the pinned post I think) which was a way to get away from the server.
tmmyrp: I don’t remember exactly when it happened but tommy was having conversations(/arguments) with subtotechno and like.. becoming friends with him again. also just in general trying to support ranboo and tubbo while also dealing with his own feelings about ranboo dying. not a lotta communication going on between these guys. also idr when it happened but he locked ranboo and tubbo in a room so they could chat about their problems. has a chicken named Gertrude who’s a dreamon and yeah moved to petalsborough with tubbo
bestnightmares/dream/exile 2 arc:
part of the reason they moved to petalsborough was bc it wasn’t safe with dream about - who starts actively talking with them but since no one knows the locations of petalsborough they’re just shaken but feel safe. during this time where ranboo has been newly revived he ends up getting caught by dream bc he went to the mansion (can’t remember why sorry) who reads through his comm to get petalsborough coords. around this time ranboo is also freaking out about his connection to dream and starts debating leaving petalsborough bc she thinks it’ll make it safer for tubbo and tommy. tommy and ranboo talk a little about how ranboo helped trap tommy in the prison. ranboo does end up leaving - I’ve written so many diff versions of this idr what exactly happened.
during this time subtotechno was bitten by Gertrude and was becoming possessed?/essentially turned into a mob. him and Philza (angelxxreaper) end up getting tubbo’s help (I thiiink tubbo might’ve needed something from them too but idr) since ranboo left, tubbo takes michael with him. there’s a snow storm that happens around this time so he ends up staying over. tommy is in petalsborough entirely by himself and then exile 2 happens. I content blocked this part so idk exactly what happens but he died and was revived a lot. tubbo essentially has to canon kill techno to stop the possession so he does. they sort of have a conversation and end up on okay/good terms. also during this tubbo and techno catch on to what’s happening and eventually ranboo comes back to petalsborough and realises what happened. them + Phil work on a plan to kill dream and save tommy. which is enacted and yayyy rpDream’s Dead ^_^
a lot of just sort of chilling from there on..? idk why this specific section is gone from my memory but they hang around petalsborough for a bit and tubbo works on projects and stuff. eventually tommy moves back to the mainland and then I think ranboo says he wants to as well? tubbo is a little iffy on it but eventually agrees and they move back to the mansion. I am not confident and will need to think some more so be aware I might reblog this (I’ll @ you ig) but I think it’s all mostly chill plot-wise from here on out for them? Ranboo and tubbo are thinking about adopting another child and are getting their place ready for that
Phil and techno recently started having issues with this ender King guy and sorry I’ve been busy so haven’t been able to follow along their plot as closely but I did see the finale bit and techno was paralysed + threatened with death and Phil became like.. a god or something I think and killed ender to save him
Songbird-sunrise (wilbur) and casinoroyale (quackity) have been chatting a lot. Umm before that Las Nevadas was abandoned while quackity was looking for Charlie and wilbur spent a lot of time sort of vandalising the place in like an attempt to get noticed by ppl. had some convos with Phil, techno, tommy and ranboo (and a couple very awkward ones with tubbo) and techno built him a house bc he was just living out of the burger van. also he canonically sometimes hallucinates a version of cranboo (girlboycranboo I think is the blog name? I’m pretty sure it’s run by met but idr) wilbur is in general trying to deal with revival and his actions b4 he died and everything
casinoroyale I admittedly only just followed so you know as much as I do but he’s commissioned tubbo for a pair of prosthetic wings so he can fly and that’s what tubbo’s been working on recently. and in general in still sort of looking for Charlie I think? but keeping that to himself
ummm I think this is everything! I recommend checking out some of their pinned posts bc it might have recaps - at the very least tubbolul’s does. hope this helps a bit ^_^
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safertokiss · 4 years
Concentrated Interests
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A/N: Hola my friends! This fic was my entry for the Secret Fic Swap I participated in with a couple of close friends on here and it was written and dedicated to @nerdgirljen​. It was so much fun to write and thank you guys so much for all the support and love!
Category: Fluff and SMUT
Word Count: 3.3k
Spencer had never really understood the concept of soulmates or love at first sight.
In his mind, it defied pretty much every scientific law about human interaction out there and was simply a coping mechanism for those who were romantically unlucky. At least that was what he had thought until a certain tech analyst walked through the BAU’s doors and into his life. 
He was frozen. Totally and utterly enamored by the woman his eyes were currently attached to. He watched her stumble into the bullpen, a large box situated in her arms, seemingly impairing the entirety of her vision and coordination, evident by the way she kept bumping into things in her path. It wasn’t until she hit a particular desk corner and spilled the contents of the box, her belongings scattering across the floor, that Spencer broke out of his stupor and took action. 
“Woah there, let me help you with that!”, he exclaimed, immediately rushing to her side and starting to collect some of the fallen items to put back into the box.
“Oh, thank you so much. Gah, this is so embarrassing. I promise you I’m not always this uncoordinated and clumsy”, she explained with a nervous chuckle. After everything was picked up and they both had stood up from their crouched positions, she hurriedly straightened out her skirt before outstretching her hand. “Hi, I’m Y/n.” She immediately noticed the slight panic that crossed his features at her gesture and was momentarily confused.
“I-uh-I kind of don’t, um, do the whole hand shaking thing. Yeah, uh, the number of pathogens spread through a handshake is staggering. It’s actually safer to...oh god I’m sorry you didn’t ask for a full-out science lesson. It’s, um, really nice to meet you, I’m Reid. Doctor. Spencer”, he sputtered out nervously.
Chuckling softly, Y/n retracted her hand, opting to instead lightly nudge his shoulder. “Well Reid Doctor Spencer, it’s nice to meet you too”, a teasing smile adorning her face as she spoke. Spencer quickly felt a warm blush spread across his features at the absurdity of his introduction.
“S-sorry about that. What I meant to say is that my name is-”
“Pretty boy!”
Both of their heads swiveled towards the sound, searching for the source, before landing on a man across the room.
“Hotch needs us in the briefing room. Stop flirting with the new girl and get your ass in here!” They watched him walk away chuckling before turning back to each other.
“Pretty boy huh? Well I guess it’s fitting, I mean you do have really nice cheekbones and dimples. And your eyes are kind of beautiful. Not that I ummmm-not that I think you’re beautiful or anything, it’s just uhhh...um...I’m gonna stop talking now.” Spencer could feel the blush returning to his features, watching the same happen to her, from the frenzied rambling that had just poured from her lips, but he found it endearing on her and quite honestly, really adorable. 
“I-uh I gotta go, you know, um deal with that, but it was very nice meeting you”, he sputtered out, sending a small wave in her direction. She shyly giggled at his nervousness which was surely reflected on her end as well. “See ya around Reid Doctor Spencer.”
“Spencer. It’s um-it’s Spencer.”
“Spencer”, she repeated back softly, nodding him off with a gentle smile on her face.
Spencer Reid was in love. The longer she was around him the more he realized he was completely and utterly in love with her, all of her. She was perfect in his eyes, intelligent, funny, a bit nerdy and just so adorable. The problem was just that he had absolutely no idea how to tell her how he felt. He had never really been the type to express his feelings to someone, especially to a girl as beautiful as Y/n. 
The female species wasn’t exactly his strong suit and he was very aware of that fact, painfully aware. However, he stayed hopeful that someday soon he’d muster up the courage to express his affinity for her. Realizing that today was definitely not that day, Spencer tried to push his conflict to the back of his brain so he could try to get some work done. Not before noticing that Y/n was slightly late, though.
Less than a minute after he noticed her absence, she came bursting into the bullpen with the largest grin adorning her features, an obvious pep in her step. Spencer watched as she skipped over to the rest of the team who were gathered around Emily’s desk, close enough where he could pretty much hear the majority of the words exchanged and profile their reactions.
He heard JJ ask what was making her so chipper this morning, and he chuckled softly to himself as he heard her immediately start rambling about whatever had her so elated. 
“Oh my god guys, you’ll never believe it! So a couple of weeks ago a good friend of mine asked me to help her with her website, because well...tech geek and all, so I got to mess around with all the software and went crazy! I was able to fiddle with the source code a bit and authorize a super high CRO and SEO to get her website out there. Not to mention all the growth hacking I was able to curate! Cool right?”
Y/n stopped to take a breath and noticed that the entirety of the team was staring at her with vacant expressions on their faces. She looked on with widened eyes as she asked, “What?”
“CRO?”, JJ questioned. Morgan awkwardly chuckled out a similar questioning tone, “SEO?” Of course that left Emily to bring up the rear. “Did I hear growth hacking in there?”
Her face scrunched up in confusion at all the questions that had just been hurled her way so suddenly. “Huh?”
“Baby girl we have absolutely no idea what any of the things you just mentioned are or what they do”, Morgan explained with a sympathetic smile on his face, as the other members nodded in agreement.
Spencer watched as Y/n’s face quickly morphed into one of utter disappointment at the knowledge that her colleagues had no clue what she was going on about. She had seemed so excited when she entered the bullpen earlier so he assumed she was probably very much looking forward to getting to talk all about it with her friends.
“Oh...that’s ok. Sorry for bothering you guys, sometimes I just get a little too excited and tend to ramble. I’ll um-I’ll talk to you guys later.” Y/n flashed them a small smile before making her way over to her desk, situated across the room near Spencer. 
“Hey Spence”, she shyly waved as she passed, a deflated look on her face. Trying to lift her spirits at least a little, he returned her gesture with a huge grin and wave, happy to see her smile brighten a bit at his enthusiasm. 
Once she was seated and facing away from him, he immediately found himself feeling overwhelmingly upset over her predicament. He hated seeing her look so defeated and down, she didn’t deserve to ever feel like that. She was simply too angelic for those kinds of feelings to permeate her mind. 
Spencer wished more than anything that he knew what she was talking about so she could go to him. He’d let her ramble to him for hours on end if it meant he could listen to her melodic voice and see her beautiful face up close. 
All of sudden Spencer slapped his hand against his head and groaned, “Of course you dipshit”, before pulling up a couple tabs on his computer.
For the next few hours his work was forgotten as he studied and learned pretty much everything there was to know about technical analysis and the programming that Y/n seemed so ecstatic about, anxious to give her, at last, a companion to discuss her passion with. 
“See you later Reid!”
Spencer’s head snapped up as he heard the people around him saying their goodbyes and goodnights, realizing that he had been distracted by his screen the entire day and that it was already time to go home. He watched as his friends walked out together, all laughing about something that Morgan had said, before noticing movement in the corner of his eye. 
As he turned his head he noticed that the only person who was still there in the bullpen with him was Y/n, and she was staring at the posse that had just exited the room, a longing look plastered across her features that broke his heart. Taking a deep breath and deciding it was now or never, he rose up from his seated position and made his way over to her, hoping that he had learned enough to lighten her mood.
“Hey there!”, he exclaimed when he had found himself right behind her. As soon as the words started escaping his lips, she jumped in her seat, her hand flying to her heart.
“Jesus Christ Spence! You scared the complete shit out of me!”
Chuckling softly at her overreactive response, he moved to sit on her desk, facing her heavily breathing sitting figure. “Sorry, sorry. I didn’t mean to scare you. I just saw you that you were still here and was wondering why you hadn’t left with everyone else?” She quickly looked down and blushed at his questioning, embarrassed of her answer.
“Oh I-um they just looked like they were having a lot of fun and I didn’t really want to interrupt so I thought I’d stay back for a little bit to-uh finish up some stuff.” Once she finished her unconvincing explanation, Spencer leaned back a bit and studied her. While this was something he found himself doing often, always getting distracted by her spectacular figure, he focused on her body language more than anything, noticing the dark circles underneath her eyes.
“Y/n, you look absolutely exhausted. Have you even been sleeping lately?”, he asked, genuine concern laced within his words.
“Y-yeah I haven’t really. I’ve kind of been pretty preoccupied in the last few days helping out a friend. It’s really fun, but it’s also very time consuming”, she stuttered out, a small smile gracing her lips.
“Oh right! I had heard you mention that earlier today! That must be awesome getting to basically build your own website!”
“I swear I feel like a kid in a candy store doing that kind of stuff. I just find it so relaxing and exciting at the same time!”
“I totally get it. I was really impressed with how well you were able to manipulate the site’s conversion rate optimization-did you know that a site’s CRO and SEO are considered as two of the most essential tools required to run a thriving website or online business. It’s actually astounding how much the results differ between competition depending on their efficiency.”
All Y/n could do, while Spencer rambled on and on about her most passionate subjects, was sit there in complete awe. The sound of the tech-geeky words that spilled from his beautiful lips was simply orgasmic. Never had she met someone who seemed as enthused as her when it came to all her technical endeavors, and she didn’t know exactly how to react. Her biggest crush on the entire planet was sitting in front of her spouting off facts like they were going out of style.
However, amidst all the wonder that circulated through her being, confusion washed over her.
“Wait hold up! What’s going on Spence?”
“Uhhh, what do you mean?”, he questioned shyly, a blush coating his face.
Narrowing her eyes at him she expanded her questioning. “I’ve known you for months now and I can guarantee I have never once heard you mention anything even remotely technical. In fact I’ve heard you explain time and time again how confused you are by the complexities of the simplest of technology. Spill, pretty boy”, she demanded, maintaining eye contact with him.
Figuring out that he had been caught, he shyly lowered his head as the blush on his face deepened, embarrassment coursing through his veins. “I-I noticed how excited you were this morning when you came parading into the office, the wide grin that adorned your face, the skip in your step. And I heard you ramble on and on about your friend’s website and you just seemed so damn happy and then they basically just shut you down right away because they didn’t understand and I-uh I hated seeing you like that and wanted you to have someone to talk to. So I spent all day today researching and learning so you could have someone to talk to, so you wouldn’t feel alone. I-I’m sorry if that’s creepy or if it’s too-”
Spencer was suddenly cut off mid-sentence as lips smashed against his own, effectively shutting him up. His eyes immediately widened at the bold action, before he melted into the kiss, desperately responding to her fervent advances with an equal passion. 
Y/n moaned into his mouth as his tongue probed at her wet lips, begging for entry. The feeling of their tongues entangling was euphoric and they both wanted, needed more. Spencer gently grabbed her and, turning so they were both facing it, lifted her onto the desk and stood between her legs. As the kiss deepened, their hands began to tear at each other’s clothing, Y/n hastily undoing his tie and dress shirt as he all but ripped off her blouse, groaning at the sight. 
“God Y/n you’re so fucking beautiful.” He watched her eyes roll back into her head at his words as she wrapped her legs around his waist, pulling him even closer. “Please Spence, I need you. I need you so much baby.” His eyes sparkled at her desperate plea, mirroring her need wholeheartedly.
Backing away slightly he unzipped her skirt and dragged it down her legs along with her panties, quickly reaching up to also unclasp her bra. “You’ve got me baby, you’ve got me.”
She surged forward and reconnected their lips, her hands weaving their way into his hair and tugging hard. The groan that escaped his throat lit her body on fire and further ignited her need for the man in front of her. His hands, that had been cupping her face, drifted downward stooping to briefly toy with her breasts before reaching his intended destination.
She moaned loud and deep as his hands cupped her sex, gently rubbing his fingers against her. He could feel her buck her hips slightly, searching for more. Receiving the message loud and clear, he inserted his pointer finger into her, reveling in the throaty groans that poured from her lips. As he added more digits into her and gently rubbed her clit, their lips moved rapidly against each other.
Y/n needed more, letting her hands lower to the obvious bulge that was straining against his slacks, palming him incessantly. Moaning hoarsely, he pulled away and quickly undid his pants, desperate for some sort of relief. As he stepped out of his slacks and boxers, he watched her eyes widen as they took in the sight in front of her.
“Woah.” He nervously chuckled at her response.
“Uh t-thanks?”
Giggling at his uncertainty she reached out and dragged him in once again, feeling his swollen tip bump against her, both of them moaning at the euphoric feeling. Realizing how fast things had moved, he pulled back slightly to search her eyes. “Are you sure baby?”
Falling even more in love with him, her smile widened as she nodded. “I am so very sure Spence. I-I love you.” She watched the grin that spread across his face at her confession.
“God Y/n, I love you so fucking much.” As soon as the words left his mouth, he lined himself up at her entrance and swiftly thrusted into her dripping heat. The overwhelming feeling caused both of them to let out matching groans of pleasure, Y/n latching onto Spencer and wrapping her arms around his shoulders to get a grip. Once he was sure she was ok, he started slowly thrusting in and out of her, soon setting a steady pace.
“Oh Spencer! You feel so perfect inside of me! So, so good!”, you exclaimed, cries of pleasure leaving your mouth.
“Baby you’re so warm and tight around me, I love you so much!” 
“I love you t-too!”
He gradually increased his already brutal thrusts, Y/n feeling herself fastly approaching the brink of ecstasy at the hands of the resident genius. Leaning back on her elbows, Spencer used the opportunity to pound even harder into her wanting body, his own release just around the corner. 
“Are you going to cum for me pretty girl?” She couldn’t control herself after hearing his dirty words, unaware that he was capable of such a thing, feeling her eyes roll back once again. She nodded fervently, about to crash over the edge. All rational thought was out the window once his fingers found her throbbing clit, rubbing incessantly, catapulting her into her climax, her pussy clenching around his rigid cock as she came.
“Oh my god Spencer!”
Her reactions were simply too much for him, groaning and moaning uncontrollably, finding his thrusts sputtering out of control as his cock twitched deep inside of her, quickly reaching his highly anticipated orgasm. She felt his seed fill her up completely as he panted out her name over and over again, both of them coming down from their highs, breathing deeply.
“Wow. Fucking wow,” she blissfully sung, a wide grin coating her lips.
“Y/n, baby, that was insane. You’re insane.”
He helped her off the desk so they could redress and finally leave the office, noticing how late it had gotten. They couldn’t help themselves from sending each other giddy smiles as they put on their clothes and eventually made their way down to their respective cars. 
Neither one of them seemed ready to leave each other just yet, some unspoken feeling crackling in the air between them. Taking the initiative, Y/n leaned forward, gently connecting their lips in a kiss that held the same passion from earlier, but was much more relaxed and romantic. Pulling back after a few moments, Y/n’s eyes sparkled up at Spencer’s as she spoke.
“Spence, what you did earlier...no one’s ever done something like that for me. You have no idea how much it means to me that you would go out of your way just to make me feel comfortable and happy.”
“Y/n, I promise you I wanted to wholeheartedly. Nothing matters more to me than your happiness. I just-I just love you so damn much. I think I have since you walked in and dropped all your shit on the floor”, he said chuckling. 
“Heyyyy, that was one time jerk”, she defended, a matching chuckle evident in her voice. “But I know what you mean. I think I’ve loved you since you introduced yourself as Reid Doctor Spencer, that memory will forever be embedded in my mind.” She couldn’t stop the light giggle that fell from her lips at the thought of their first meeting.
Meeting her eyes, suddenly a bit shy, he gently cupped her face, “What if, from now on, I introduced myself as your boyfriend?”, he asked cautiously, anxiously waiting to see how she reacted to his proposition. Instead of answering right away she jumped forward, throwing her arms around his neck and connecting their lips once more.
“I would love nothing more, my gorgeously intelligent boyfriend.”
Taglist: @hopebaker​ @pastathighs​ @psychedellic-phase​ @gloryekaterina​ @sleepysnapesnake​ @racharr​ @etherealgubler @furiouspartyrebelhoagie​ @andiebeaword​ @liaabsurd​ @cielo1984​ @starkeybaby​ @victomizedbyreginageorge​ @rainsong01​ @moonlight-jukebox​ @gretaamyk​ @httpnxtt​ @rachelxwayne​ @watermelonstyl​ @goldnratio​ @peakyblinderficrecs @cheyxminds​
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smallpumpkinboi · 3 years
I've been working on my new wip a bit and wanted to post the unedited version to see if its worth committing to rn or if I should wait a bit
Huge trigger warning (They'll be all in the tags) but it's also missing a few parts so bare with me
Tonks looked down at the picture, the pale man had blood dripping from his nose, leaking from his mouth, eyes blood strained. 
"Harry, it happened again" she shoved the file into his hands. He flipped through it, looking at the torched body, deep cuts ripped black robes, blood pooled underneath him, Harry was far too comfortable with the scene. Throwing the file onto the pile of similar murders he rubbed his head. 
"Again?" Harry glanced at the pile, a high stack of grotesque pictures nearly toppling over, unsettling papers sticking out.
"Yah'' she sighed, this was the 16th poisoning ever since Voldemort's defeat. All people found the same way cases seemingly unrelated, it seems like his death brought the worst out in people. Attacks where becoming more frequent, suicide rates shot up and serial killers running lose. There wasn't enough people in the whole ministry to help build their world back together
"Got any leads on the stabbings" she picked up another file, thinner then the others but deaths just as violent. 
"Yes actually!" Harry smiled "er well it's kind of a lead anyway but we discovered that it's not a spell that's doing the killing and whatever is being used is tainted with dark magic, like dark dark magic." He finished up, most dark objects were being confiscated but if they could trace the magic they could find the object and the owner! 
"That's brilliant, keep it up and maybe we can put away one of these nut cases" Tonks said, relieved to finally have some good news. The war might've ended 6 months ago but it hadn't stopped the death eaters from fighting, people were still going missing, being kidnapped, killed. Last month they put away Fenrir for trafficking magical creatures, selling werewolves and seers to god knows who for god knows what. Harry picked up his file, tired eyes scanning the sheets looking for answers he gave a big yawn before turning to the next page
"You can go home you know" Tonks politely took the file from his hands, she occasionally caught Harry sleeping in her office and was getting concerned. 
"No, there's too much work to be done" Harry picked up the previous file, turning the pages but not looking at the pictures. 
"Hermione's not there, it gets kinda lonely you know? She's busy reading journals from last week's raid but lots of them are burnt up. She wants the piece together what she can, I mean she thinks it's some kind of dark magic they are talking about. Hey maybe it's the same magic that's in my victims!" Harry shot up, throwing the file back into Tonks desk and taking his, 
"I'm going to go see her" he got up. "Coming with? It might say something about your victims too" Harry opened the door, waiting for Tonks to leave. 
"Sure, whatever I can take" she looked at her watch "shit i'm going to be late! Sorry Harry but I'm going to have to take you up on that offer later, I have another meeting" she smiled rolling her eyes, being head of the Auras was hard on her but before Moody died he put in a request for her to be trained as his successor. 
"Ill catch you later then!" Harry waved, running off, Tonks watched him disappear into the crowd. Harry had been a big help in putting away the death eaters, Hermione as well, but they were just children and would soon burn out. Tonks shook her head, a smile still on her face and both kids would do anything to help. Looking back at her watch she swore, swinging her office door shut and making way to her next meeting. 
Rushing along the corridors she looked at the wanted pictures on the wall, most faces of death eaters others who used the war for exploitation. One face always stood out, the young rosy cheeks stood out against the hardened faces, the innocent life vivid in his eyes. She tried to keep Ron off the wanted wall for as long as she could, keeping him with the missing persons, alongside her friends and family but after a while and debate he was slapped into the wanted side, poster saying "traitor, found dead or alive." 
"Oh excuse me! Uhhh- of- oh hi Tonks'' someone ran headfirst into Tonks, making them both fall. 
"Hey Hermione'' Tonks picked the bushy haired girl off of her. Hermione scrambled, grabbing the fallen papers and tucking them back into her arms ``you know Harrys looking for you" she handed Hermione some papers, ink slightly smudged. 
"Oh really? Good I need to talk to him, in some of the books I found the mentions of horcruxes and I think somebody was doing experiments with them, it kept mentioning the " devils fire" and " the others" I don't really know what it means but Harry has destroyed more then me so he's the experts." She said in one breath, eyes wide and full of curiosity. Her hair bounced down her back, papers slowly slipping out of her arms. "I'll catch you later okay?" She smiled, starting to walk off. "I gotta go talk with Harry" her voice waved as she noticed the picture of Ron. His disappearance hit her hard, she could barely go to the burrow neverminded talk the other Weasleys but she was slowly healing, she was even going over for dinner on Sunday. Remembering her previous task she ran off, being late for her meeting. 
"Did you find my baby?" Miss Chang ran up to her, hope in her eyes. Tonks barely has walked into the door before the sad lady interrogates her. 
"Miss if you'd sit down?" She gestured to the couch. She hated this part of her job but no one else was willing to do it. 
"But did you find her?" She clung to Tonks robes as she guided her to her seat. "You found her right? My babys okay?" Tears welled in her eyes,
"We are following up on some leads today, I promise I'll let you know what happens okay?" Tonks tried to reassure the crying woman, she has had far too many "meetings' ' with grieving families and just once wanted to give somebody good news. Cho went missing in february, snatched away from her bed no one knew who took her or where she went but because they never found a body they are going off the motion that she's still alive, even if the chances are slim. 
"Sorry I'm late" Tonks sat down at the head of the table, two auras where waiting for her full aura gear, ready to go out.
"Where are we heading off too?" He asked
"I got note of an abandoned death eater hideout, it was mostly used in the first war and was used for transporting hostages in the second. Cho was moved and I believe there might be evidence there, if not for her for somebody." Tonks said in a breath, anxious for her mission.
The door creaked open, noisily scratching against the concrete floor. It echoed throughout the room, a dim light lit up a cell, blood soaking the floor beside it. A table sat beside the cell, blood dripped off of it, an axe and blood soaked chains draped over each other 
"Hey boys!" Tonks froze where she stood, the voice came from the cell, sounding familiar. 
"Aura Tonks show yourself" she announced,  standing up straighter. Hearing the rattling of chains she stepped forward, coming closer to the cell but keeping her distance. The man shook the door, proving it was locked and rested his hands on the bars, pale skin was covered in blood, it dripped off his long fingertips, falling into the huge pool underneath, dirt matted the parts of his arms that weren't covered in blood, building up under long fingernails. Tentatively making her way over she noticed the man moved, hearing the chains clanking around, 
"Are you coming?" He mocked her, the chains moved again, clanking against one another. Angry she marched forward, and held tightly in her hand wanting to tell off this man for mocking her, but the sight she saw surprised her. 
There he was, thick red hair,  bright blue eyes, well over 6ft and silvery scars wrapping around his arm was Ron Weasley. 
"Took you long enough" he spoke to the ceiling, he was lying on his back, legs raised up against the fall and arms folded under his head. Thick chains clasped around his wrist, connecting to the ground, he laid in a pool of blood, it coated the back of his head, drenching his dirty hair. He looked as if he hadn't taken a bath in weeks, hair covered in dirt making it black, his clothes hung from him, sticking to his body and smelling of sweat, his legs where exposed, all he had on was a pair of shorts, clearly the rest of the jean had been torn off, his bright freckles were invisible under the brown and red, large purple bruises covered his skin, cuts and scrapes alongside them. 
He's been considered missing, no one really knows the true date he disappeared but he hadn't been seen since he left Harry and Hermione
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imaginesbyem · 5 years
Phase 2 - Theo Raeken
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Request: Could you do a Theo Reaken Jealousy Imagine? ☺️❤️
Summary: Secret love notes cause (Y/N) and Lydia to devise a plan. Make her secret crush so jealous, he comes out of hiding.
"Woah there, (Y/N). I think you’ve had one too many. Or maybe 5 too many” Stiles says as he grabs ahold of my shoulders. I blink my eyes rapidly noticing the spinning room now that I’m stood still. 
“Stiles, Silly! It’s my birthday. Of course I’m going to get drunk!” I laugh, slapping my hand onto his shoulder for both support and drunk comedic effect.
“Do you want to sit down?” 
“Not yet! I’m still only in phase 2.”
“What? You’ve definitely had too much.”
“Stiles, hands off. Phase 2 is the hardest phase and you’re not screwing that up!” says an also obviously tipsy Lydia. 
“Not you too...”
“Look, Stiles. (Y/N) has a secret lover boy who we’re wanting to uncover tonight. She’s been getting all these random notes in her locker and presents for the past 3 weeks.”
“Oh that’ll end well. So what’s Phase 2 then?”
“Phase 1: Show up looking totally hot. Tick!” Lydia gestures to (Y/N).
“Phase 2: Gain the attention of all suspects.” (Y/N) slurs. Stiles looks on in awe as she stumbles while not even moving anywhere.
“Phase 3: Flirt with one of our allies to make them jealous.” Lydia continues.
“And finally, Phase 4: move upstairs and have them come to me. Perfect!” (Y/N) interrupts. 
“So who are the suspects?” Stiles finally gives in.
“Okay, possible loverboy one; Isaac Lahey. Just came back from overseas and suddenly two weeks later, (Y/N) starts getting her gifts.” Stiles looks over at the rugged up boy on the couch sipping his drink and tapping his foot away to the music. “Boy two; Brett Talbot. He’s been openly flirty with (Y/N), along with a few other girls for a while now.” Brett stands next to the fridge talking to a girl while his eyes keep flicking over. “Boy three; Jackson Whittemore. His recent change of heart in wanting to be a better person matches the timeline of when (Y/N) started receiving gifts.” Jackson was stood by the snack table, visibly uncomfortable with how out of place he was. 
“Okay, well how about someone like Scott? Or Liam? Guys that are close to (Y/N)?” Stiles quizzes.
“You think you can keep your mouth shut long enough for me not to find out if Scott liked me? You tell Lydia everything, and she tells me everything!” I laughed. Stiles looked over at Lydia who just shrugged. He knew he wouldn’t win this battle. 
“And Liam?” 
“Liam’s not mature enough to write the things (Y/N) has been receiving. I’ve never read something so mysteriously raw.” Stiles looks slightly offended by Lydia’s comment. “Oh, you know I’m not counting you, babe.” 
“So they’re all the suspects?” Stiles asks.
“Well, they’re our main ones. There’s always a possibility of it being someone like Derek that we just don’t expect but he doesn’t have the ability to deliver the notes without help and I’ve never seen him display any kind of love. The closest I’ve seen is probably when he went missing for a few days and ate for the first time.” Lydia laughed.
“Okay, you guys are distracting me. I gotta get the guys attention.” I say quickly before looking down at my phone. “Shit, it’s already 11:30?! Everyone will probably start leaving soonish. I gotta move fast.” 
I pull Lydia onto the middle of the floor with me and start dancing. She focuses on looking around and making sure the guys are watching while I try to focus on putting on a show. I run my hands along my body as I move to the beat of the song.
“Got them” Lydia whispers in my ear. 
“What should I do now?” I ask. Lydia has acted as my mentor this entire time. I was dependant on everything she said. 
“Phase 3.”
“Whos the ally?” As I’m looking around trying to find who Lydia would have picked to aid our plan, my eyes meet with Theo’s. He gives me a small smile that looks somewhat pure. I stop moving and smile back. He looks like he’s going to come over. What do I say? I’ve only spoken to him a few times and he’s definitely not someone you want to embarrass yourself in front of. 
“There he is.” Lydia says as she pushes me backwards. I stumble back and fall into Scott’s arms. 
“Woah. You feeling okay, (Y/N)?” He laughs.
“Oh, Scott. Thank god you caught me I thought I was gonna die for a minute there!” I let out my breath. “So you’re aware of Lydia’s plan?” I giggled.
“As of about 10 minutes ago. She forced Stiles to force me” He joked which made me feel guilty.
“If you don’t want to, you don’t have to. It’s kind of embarrassing.”
“no, no, no. I phrased that wrong. Look, I’m more than happy to help you out. After everything with Kira I’m in need of some girl company again. And not like that, just... Wow I’m bad with words.” He laughs at himself.
“Well, that’s how we know you’re not our loverboy!” I laughed. “But seriously, Scott. You’re a great guy. Don’t worry about a lack of girl company in your life right now. You don’t want to rush something that isn’t meant to be. You could ruin something great by doing that!” I said realising I was trying to do just that. Tonight was all about rushing something along. What if this whole plan scares off my secret admirer.
“God I’m an idiot.” I say out loud. “Sorry, Scott. I need a second alone.” I say before making my way upstairs. I could see how clearly confused he was and afraid that he had said something wrong. 
I sat on the bathroom floor with my head in my hands, thinking about my life choices. Why was I like this? Why do I always get so obsessive and crazy about trying to keep control. I couldn’t bare not knowing who had secret feelings for me. And now I might have ruined the chance at ever finding out. Great job, (Y/N).
“Hey, you okay?” I look up to see Theo standing at the door with a glass of water in his hand.
“Hey, yeah. Just needed a break.” 
“Was it Scott? Did he do something?” 
“No, no! Scott’s been great. I’ve just been an idiot.”
“Great huh? He’s okay I guess.” I laugh at his reply as he sits beside me on the ground. “So what stupid thing did you do this time.” I lightly chuckle at his joke before exhaling deeply.
“It’s hard to explain.” 
“I’ve got time.” He smiles.
“You know, for the whole bad guy persona, you’re really not that bad.” 
“Me? The one who literally tore his sisters heart from her chest.”
“Okay, please don’t remind me about that.”
“Sorry. I should think more before speaking.” 
“No, it’s okay.” I smile softly, still a bit off put. “Anyway, theres this guy who Lydia and I wanted to show off to tonight.” I see Theo visibly tense and I pause for a second. “I know, not something typical me would do. Anyway. There’s a guy who’s been leaving me random letters in my locker, sending me flowers at work, and all this other romantic stuff, but I have no idea who it is. So Lydia came up with a plan that tonight at my party we’d invite all the suspects and try to force them to act on their emotions through making them jealous. But... here I am.”
“With me. Is that so bad?” Theo laughs slightly, but I could tell he wanted a serious answer. 
“Of course not. I just feel like I’ve scared him away for good.”
“So who were the suspects?” Theo asks.
“Uhhh. Isaac, Jackson, Brett. Lydia thought Derek possibly... I don’t know. It’s a long list that she worked out.”
“Was I on it?” He asks, more serious now.
“I-uh. I don’t think so?” I ask confused.
“Maybe she should leave the detective work to her boyfriend then.” He snorts. 
“What do you mean?” I ask, already knowing the answer. He looks back at me with a stupid smile, feeling half excited to get it off his chest, but half nervous about what my response will be.
“I may not appear to be the most romantic guy, but I’ve been saving a few moves up from movies and conversations I’ve overheard.” He pulls the side of his lip up into a half smile, feeling completely vulnerable now.
“You’re not... disappointed are you?”
“What? Of course not! I just definitely did not see that coming!” I exclaimed. He looks down at the ground, obviously taking that as a bad thing. Shit. Quick (Y/N), fix this. “So. When are you taking me out?” I nudge him with my shoulder.
“You don’t have to humour me, (Y/N).” Theo hides his pain with a smile.
“Don’t be stupid. I’d love to see what’s under this whole bad boy persona.” He smirks. “No, I don’t mean what’s under your clothes. Although now that I think about it that wouldn’t be too bad.” I laugh. He leans in to kiss me but before he can, I put my fingers against his lips. “As perfect as this moment is, I’m not having my first kiss with you next to a toilet that has probably been vomited in 20 times tonight.” I stand up and pull him up by his arms. 
“Thats a poor excuse to get me into your bedroom.” He jokes.
“Are you complaining?” He shakes his head no before following me eagerly. 
A/N: Hey, so this ended up taking a very different turn to what I was going to write. I thought it might be interesting to show a different type of jealousy to what Theo’s generally portrayed as. I’m definitely feeling like writing a more angsty jealousy imagine which I’ll start up soon, but yeah like I said I found this idea of a reserved jealousy fascinating with his character!
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achtung-attitude · 4 years
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The sun rises over Los Angeles, bloated and golden. The first rays of the summer day spill through the windows of the San Gabriel mission chapel, falling upon the man kneeling before the altar. He has been awake for most of the night. The news of Hotel California’s destruction, and Paul Mann’s arrest, have reached him almost as soon as they occurred.
Someone barges in through the chapel doors, but Dust does not turn to see them. He already knows who it is. He is the one who summoned her here. She approaches him swiftly, impatiently, her dreadlocks swaying with each sharp, jerky movement. “Where’s Toto?” she says, standing over him and crossing her arms.
Brother Dust inhales, and sighs. “You know how your brother is…”
“Typical. Fucking typical! Always, he gotta do this, don’t he…? I swear if he don’t show up in the next minute, I’m outta here-!” she rages, stepping over the divider and pacing back and forth in front of the altar.
“Knowles, please…” he says, standing, “Don’t behave that way. You know that patience is a virtue…”
“You ain’t my dad!”
He chuckles. “No. No, I’m not…”
“Why the fuck we even gotta have a meeting in person anyways?! It’s the modern age, padre, just text me the deets!”
“Eyy, now that wouldn’t do. I ain’t even got a phone, so…” says a languid, new voice. Knowles stops pacing as quickly as she starts. Dust turns to watch him enter, a young man with an unruly afro and wearing clothes two sizes too big for him. He frowns at the sight of the blunt hanging from his lips.
“Toto, please do put that out. This is a place of worship.”
“Oh, yeah, sorry ‘bout that. Forgot…” Toto replies, removing the spliff and crushing it under his foot. Dust sighs in resignation.
“And just where the hell have you been?!” Knowles demands, “What took you so long?”
“Whaaat? I woke up on time and e’rything…!” he yawns, “I ain’t woken up this early in a while, not since I stood in line to get the next Lamar album!! You lucky I’m here at all...”
“You goddamn no-good bum! A sloth, is what you are!”
“Now, now, children, be good to each other. There is business to attend to…” Dust says, raising his hands, calming them. “I’m sure you both know why we’re here.”
“... Nah, I don’t.” Toto replies bluntly.
“What the hell you think it is?! It’s all fucking falling apart, Toto! Phantasma been murdered and our cash cow’s been got by the pigs! I seen it on the fucking news! The whole plan’s FUCKED!”
“Ohhh, right, right, I remember… Wait, sorry, which plan is that?”
“THE PLAN!! The plan we been working on for years now! The plan to get Paul Mann into Congress and eventually into the White House, so that we can run the fuckin’ country! That plan, motherfucker!!”
“I heard, I heard, I was kidding… Man, you takin’ this real personal, aint’ya?”
“I respected Phantasma. She was a powerful woman, so of course that four-eyes asshole All-Kill wanted her gone! We can’t let him get away with this!”
“In time, my dear, in time… I share your pain, and your worries for the future, but fear not. Despite the loss of our Sister and the capture of our political asset, hope is not yet lost. Toto is right: although our original plan may have fallen through, we have but simply to hunker down, and find another way. The Lord will provide us with a new opportunity, I’m sure of it.” Knowles sniffs, then turns, jumping up to sit cross-legged on the altar.
“Soon, all our enemies, those that stand in the way of our enlightenment will be vanquished… All our enemies…” he says, glancing at Toto.
“Uhh, right…” he says, pulling photographs out of his pocket. Polaroid pictures, depicting secretive shots of Shizuka and her friends. He cycles through them, scrutinizing them, “So, I ain’t learned much more after they left the hospital. Joestar girl showed up in town a few weeks ago, looking for her momma…” 
“Her momma? … Could she be related to someone in All-Kill’s crew?”
“Maybe, I ain’t confirmed yet… What makes you say that anyways? It ain’t like all Asians know each others, right?”
Knowles’ eyes go wide. “That’s not-- That’s isn’t what I meant, I just thought, since-- I mean she keeps on getting in our way, I thought that maybe--!! D-don’t put words in my mouth, you--!!”
“Yeah yeah, whatever. Anyway, they pulled up at the Hotel California last night, like I told you, and we figured that was that, right? Well… obviously, that was not that. ”
“Quite. Underestimating them is clearly folly. What more?”
“Uhhh, that’s all, I think. Already told ya she here lookin’ for her momma... Oh, right, there was somethin’ I wanted to ask… All-Kill’s thing, his coup, he probably definitely gon’ get T’onga to do us in, right?”
“Indeed. T’onga Kim is Brother All-Kill’s most valued asset, it is only natural he would entrust our elimination to her. It was she who eliminated Phantasma, after all, as she would now do to us.”
“The treacherous bitch,” Knowles hisses, “How could she? Murdering a sister in solidarity like that… It’s a disgrace!”
“You surprised?” Toto asks. “This’s kinda her thing.”
“That’s not the point, damn it!! The plan’s been ruined because of her!! How are we supposed to rise above the oppressors if we gotta worry about turning against each other?!!”
Dust lays his hand on Knowles’ shoulder. “You are right, child. Absolutely. That is not the Paradise I have envisioned, where the Chosen bring peace and order to the world! Hear what I say now, my children.
“We are those Chosen. The true light shines out of darkness, in the hidden places where the Hands of God moves the world! It is the truth I’ve seen, for us to be those Hands on Earth! It was my dream to share that vocation with my Congregation… But All-Kill has rejected it utterly. 
“This, now, is more than a mere battle, but a Crusade! We will prevail, for we are garbed in the protection of the Lord!”
Dust’s pontification hangs in the air. Knowles has calmed down dramatically, drawn in by the preacher man’s sheer conviction. Toto stands apart, his hands in his pockets. He raises his hand to pick away his spliff, only to notice he no longer has it, having put it out not long ago. Scratching the back of his neck, he retrieves a dustpan from the corridor and sweeps up the burnt ashes left on the chapel floor. 
The preacher man sighs, contented. “That aside... Hear my words well, children. Go now, and prepare.”
Knowles partially breaks out of a daze and ambles away, out of the chapel. Toto watches her leave for a moment, glancing at Dust before following her. 
The old man turns and stares into the eyes of the angels above the altar, then moves and crouches behind it. With deft fingers, he unlocks a secret hatch hidden beneath. Inside is a gym bag full of CDs. He opens it, and the Stand discs inside shimmer in the low light.
He grins tightly. “It seems I’ll get to avenge you after all... Pucci.”
“There’s something I want to say before we go any further.” Moya declares. She sits on an armchair in C-King’s living room. Shizuka and Jerome sit across from her and  watch her expectantly, while Kilo stands next to them, arms crossed. In Moya’s right hand, she holds a crisp, white envelope. Written on the envelope in permanent marker is the name ‘JOESTAR’.
They had hardly been back in the mansion for more than a few hours before the doorbell had rung. Moya and Kilo had gone to answer, their Stands at the ready. When they stormed out of the door, no-one was there. No-one, and nothing but the envelope. Inside, they could clearly see the outline of a letter.
“I’ve told you this before, Shizuka, but I’ll say it again,” Moya stresses, “Your mother is a dangerous person. No matter how much you want to see her, I will not allow her to harm you. If she tries anything… anything… then I won’t hesitate to deal with her. If I have to, I will kill her.”
No one says anything for a moment. Kilo silently agrees. 
“... I’m sure it won’t come to that. I know not to expect any hugs and kisses.” Shizuka declares, smiling, resolute.
Moya sighs. “Alright… Kilo.” she says, flicking the envelope to Kilo. SATURN BARZ catches it and cautiously opens it, ready to neutralize anything that might emerge from it. But the paper is a normal piece of paper. After inspecting it for a moment, he presents it to Shizuka.
The message is simple, containing only these words, again, in permanent marker: I WILL MEET YOU AT ANAHEIM. Alongside it are three tickets to a convention. At the bottom of the letter is no name, but a simple drawing of an impossible triangle.
Shizuka inhales, and exhales as a rush of adrenaline causes her fingers to shake, rattling the paper.
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Criminal Minds-The Good Ol’ Days
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Tagging: @marvelfanlife​, @itsmeedee​, @cynbx​, @jaqren​, @gabriellewritermua​, @princesswagger15​, @screaminginbi​, @tleighstone12​, @cosmicmelaninflower​, @ssadavieboy 
A collaboration fic with @princesswagger15​.
After a long hiatus, the wait is finally over
Chapter 8-Crash
  Meanwhile, Kate has been standing outside for a while, looking at her watch to see that an hour has passed and sat down, wondering where Stephen is and what’s taking him so long. She then texted him a few times, only for him to not respond. She then called him a fifth time, but like the previous calls, there was no answer. Each passing second left her impatient.
“Hi, this is Stephen Walker. I can’t get to the phone right now, please leave a message.”
“Steve, it’s me, Kate.” She paused. “Where the hell are you? I’m outside the campus center right now. You said that you’d be here at seven and it’s almost 8. I’m getting a little worried right now…..i-if something is going wrong, could you at least tell me right away? Please call me back.” She hung up as she continued to wait. Just then, she heard a couple of footsteps approaching her. Curious, she got up and turned around to see who it was.
“Stephen?” She smiled, only to frown when she sees JJ instead. “Oh, it’s just you, J.”
“Yeah its me, were you expecting someone?”
“Uh, yea, I guess you can say that.” She crossed her arms. “And to think that I was actually looking forward to eating tacos with him.”
“OOOhhhhhHH so a date stood you up then?”
“I-I seems like it.”
“Oh honey! Don't let him get you down. He probably wasn't even worth your time.”
She rubbed her eyes. “You’re right, the guy’s a complete jackass.”
She nodded. “If you want, I can join you for some tacos. Just a little girls night for us.”
“You know, that sounds really nice right now. I mean, i shouldn’t let this outfit go to waste.”
“Well, it’s a pretty nice outfit. Too bad, I’m a little…...underdressed.” JJ looked down to see herself in a demure blue shirt, black jeans and converse sneakers. “But whatever. We’re just gonna walk cause apparently there was some huge accident on the road not too far from here.”
“Wait, there’s was an accident?”
“Yeah, they say it’s really bad.”
As they walk farther down the road, they come in contact with the accident that’s been wildly talked about. They see a few people from their campus along with a few civilians standing next to and nearby the car. As the girls get closer to the scene, they slow their pace to see what was going on.
“What happened here?” Kate asked as many people surround the the area.
“There was an accident. One of the students in this campus is in critical condition right now.”
“Wait a student? Who?”
“We’re trying to find some ID on him.”
Both Kate and JJ then looked around to see if any of their friends are present. Fearing that something could’ve happened to them. 
“Kate, do you see them?”
“No I don’t. Let’s hope it stays that way.”
Just then they hear someone from the crowd shout, “Does anyone here know a Stephen Walker?!” Kate turned around and raised her arm. “Wait! Wait! I know him!”
“You know him? Are you sure ma’am?”’
“Yes, he’s a friend of mine. What about him?”
“He’s been severely injured. He needs medical attention and soon. We’ve all called an ambulance but none has showed yet.”
“Wait what?! He’s-” She and JJ looked over to see Stephen, badly wounded and knocked out.
Just then, an ambulance and police cars showed up and immediately ran to tend to Stephen’s car.
“No.” Kate croaked, feeling her eyes watered as she caught sight of Stephen being strapped down onto a gurney and taken into the ambulance. “S-Stephen.” She cried.
“Kate, why are you crying? What happened? How do you know him?”
“H-He was supposed to pick me up at 7. W-we were supposed to go out for dinner.”
“Oh my god Kate….. I’m sorry. I’m sure he’ll be fine.”
As JJ comforts Kate, Blake pulls out her phone to dial Rossi’s number. 
“Hello, David Rossi speaking.”
“Hey David, it’s Blake.”
“Oh hi Alex, did you find something to do with the case?”
“Umm well….. Not really.”
“What’s happened? Is everything okay? Where are my students??”
“Well um if i’m not mistaken, two are at the crime scene.”
“Crime scene!!? Blake whats going on?” 
“There was a huge accident on the road near campus, i guess they got curious about it. Oh and uhhh by the way Rossi, does the name, Stephen Walker mean anything to you?”
“No, why? Is he a suspect?”
“No, he was the young man in the crash, they just put him in the ambulance and left. But i had this feeling that, something about this accident just isn’t right. You get my drift?”
“Yeah i do. I’ll be down there in a few minutes.” After she hung up, she turned around to see JJ and Kate walk up to her.
“Oh uh, hello.”
“Hello there Miss….?”
“Blake, I’m Professor Alex Blake. What can I do for you?”
“Uhm, we just couldn’t help but notice that you mentioned ‘David Rossi’ on the phone. Do you know him?” “Why yes, I’m a friend of his.”
“Is he on his way here?”
Blake nods. “Mm hmph. I’m sorry, but I didn’t get your names-”
“I’m Kate and this is my friend JJ.”
“Hi, nice to meet you.” She shook their hands as they continued to watch the wreckage. 
“I’m sorry about your friend, Kate. I can only imagine how you must’ve felt when you found out.”
“Yeah, thanks for the support.” “You’re welcome.” Just then, they see a police officer approach them.
“Evening sir.” “Ma’am, we’ve search the entire wreckage.”
“We’ve managed to retrieved the young man’s backpack.” The officer then hands Blake Stephen’s backpack. 
“Oh uhh, my goodness, thank you sir.” As the officer walks away, Blake unzips the bag, scourging inside while JJ and Kate watch.
“Did you find anything?” JJ asked.
“Let’s see……….” Blake stops when she feels something wrinkled inside the bag, pulling it out to reveal a crumpled up piece of paper.
“It looks like a-” Just then, Blake turned around to see Barnes and Strauss approach the young professor and two girls.
“Oh, Linda, Erin. I didn’t see you there.”
“Evening Alex.” Barnes tilted her head to see her holding a red backpack. “I see that must be Mr. Walker’s bag.” “Uh yeah, as a matter of fact, it is.” “You mind if we take a look?”
Blake nods. “Uh, sure.” She picked up the bag, while at the same time, sneaking a piece of paper into Kate’s pocket. “Here you are.” She then hands the bag to Barnes and Strauss.
“Thanks.” Barnes smiled as she and Strauss walk away. Not long after, Blake decides to follow them, but not without turning back to JJ and Kate.
“If I were you two, I’d hurry and leave the scene immediately. Try to be careful.” As she points out Kate’s jacket pocket. The two girls nod and flee the area while Blake watched. Once they fled, the two stop for a moment as JJ wondered what Blake put in Kate’s pocket.
“Why would she point out your jacket pocket?” “I have no idea…….unless.” The two walk up by a corner consisting of some large trees, looking around to see that no one else is present nor if there were cameras around, as Kate reached into her pocket, pulling out a crumpled piece of paper and unwinding it.
“Just a piece of paper?” Kate complained, while JJ stared longingly at it. “I don’t think it’s just any piece of paper….look at it.” She points out the edge of the paper, being partially ripped. “Looks like it was ripped out from some fairly old book.”
“An old…...wait JJ, you don’t think that this paper happens to be a page from….”
“Rossi’s journal. Fuck. We gotta go back to campus and warn the team.” The two girls then rush back to the campus to warn their friends.
     Kate and JJ rush back into the campus when they see the rest of their friends standing beside the entrance. The two girls ran up to hug them, being somewhat relieved that they’re okay.
“I assume you all found out what happened.” JJ said as she hugged Tara. “You don’t know how worried Kate and I were. When we found out that a student got into an accident, and judging from how things have been constantly happening to us, we thought one of you guys were hurt.” 
“We all thought the same thing J.” Tara replies. “But we’re glad you’re both okay.”
JJ gave a crooked smile as she hugs Tara. “So am I…….but Kate…..” She pulls out from the hug as she turns to a distant Kate.
Elle was the first to walk up to her. “Kate….you okay?”
 She wiped the tears from her eyes. “It’s Stephen.” She whimpered. “S-Stephen Walker.”
“I’m so sorry.” Elle reached out and pulled Kate into a hug, comforting her while Garcia pulls in, even offering her a tissue. Hotch rubbed his forehead in frustration.
“Why must this happen?” Emily asked. “First Gideon, then Kyle, now Stephen? When will all of this stop?”
“I don’t know, Prentiss, I don’t know.”
As Elle pulls out from the hug, she felt something crumple from inside Kate’s jacket. “What was that?” “Oh.” Kate paused as she took out the piece of paper. “I almost forgot.” She unwinds it, revealing the torn out page to the rest of the group
“There was a professor on the scene when we found out it was Stephen in the car. Said her name was Alex Blake. She told me and Kate to run to find you all on campus after she stuck a piece of paper in Kate’s pocket. She said find Rossi, and give it to him.”
“It looks like a page...” Said Hotch, as he analyzed the paper.
“Is that from some type of old book? The page look really old.”
“Wait a sec…...you don’t think it’s from his journal, is it?”
“What does the page say? Did you ever read it?”
“Uh no?” Kate unfolds the paper as she reads the writing out loud.
“I know he’s still out there. He hasn’t forgotten about the massacre of 90’ and never will. He’s fueled with hate, I know he is and I may or may not deserve it. Despite all, he’s still his son and he will never rest till he seeks justice, even if it means going after the people I loved. When he was arrested, I thought that was it…….but it turns out that I was wrong. I’ve lost Gideon, and I can only imagine who else he’ll come after. After his death, I received a letter, saying ‘There’s more to come’, and I know it was from him. Who else could he possibly go after? Blake or Erin? Or worse……..my students, the twelve teens that have been for me after Gideon’s death. My heart can’t handle it if anything happens to them, not again….”
“What the hell is the massacre of 90’?”
“I-I don’t know.”
“Garcia, is there anything that pops up when you type massacre of 90’?”
“Uh, let’s see…….” Garcia sat down, pulling out her laptop as she searches online. 
“Massacre of 9-Oh.”
“Garcia? You okay? What happened?”
“Uh guys, you might not like this.” She turned her laptop around as the group all looked at the article. “Campus mourns as 10 students were brutally murdered….my god.” Tara gasped.
As they scroll down, JJ leaned over as she took a look at the photo of the students. “Wait stop.” “What is it?”
“T-those students, their faces look familiar.”
“What like you’ve seen them before?”
“Yea……..oh my god!”
“At Rossi’s cabin, there was a photo……..those students, they were on that photo with Rossi.”
“OH YEAH! I remember that!”
“That explains why Rossi looked upset when we brought them up.”
“Rossi……...We need to find him.” Emily said.
“How…...and where?” Derek asked.
“Do we have the professor’s email or phone number?”
Everyone shook their heads.
“Sure, it’s *** *** ****.” They all turned to Reid.
“What? I memorized it on the syllabus….and his list of contacts when we were snooping around in his cabin.”
“Damn Reid, Is there anything you don’t remember?” 
“Uh…………….nope.” He shrugged his shoulders.
“Anyway.” They all took out their phone, calling their professor while Elle and Tara text him a message. As they wait for a response, JJ noticed Ashley staring at the floor. 
“Ashley, what’s wrong?”
“Nothing, I just wondered why that page was found in Stephen’s car.” 
“Well, based on what the note said, i think whoever this is maybe is sending a message to Rossi. Like maybe like this could be another 90’ massacre.”
“Yeah, but that page was ripped out, meaning that he could have had the journal.”
“So someone broke in after us, or it could still mean one of us have it.”
“Maybe that’s it, maybe that’s why it happened to Stephen.”
“.....cause he knew what was up.”
“Damn, we need Rossi here asap.”
“What’s going on?” Matt asked JJ and Ashley.
“I think the accident must’ve been a set up.” “What do you mean?”
“The page was found in his car, meaning that he had the journal. Earlier, he asked Kate if she knew where to find Rossi…...It all adds up.”
“It seems like it.” He rubbed the back of his neck. “He saw something he shouldn’t have and the unsub ensured to keep him silent.” “Oh my god, that explains it.” Kate thought. 
“Not everything, it still doesn’t tell us who exactly would go through this length in endangering another student’s life.”
“Maybe if he wakes up in the hospital, we can interview?”
“I’m afraid that won’t happen.” The group all gasped and turned around to see Blake watching by. 
“What? Why? Who are you?!”
“I’m Alex Blake. And as for Stephen, the doctor says that he’s currently comatose. It’ll be a while before he wakes up again.” 
“But he’ll be alright Ms. Blake, will he?” Garcia asked.
“Hopefully he will, but right now, he’s in critical condition. He’s lost so much blood, multiple fractured ribs, there’s even some pieces of broken glass and shrapnel found on his legs.”
“Oh my goodness! That’s horrible. But, why are you here?”
“Because it seems that you all need someone you could rely on for help.”
“Says who? Who sent you?”
“Rossi, I happen to be a friend of your professor.”
“You know what’s going on?”
“Yes, as a matter of fact, I do.”
“Would you maybe want to give us some of your theories if you have some?”
“Wait.” Elle stopped JJ before she could answer. “Why should we even trust you? No offense.” “Really? You’re not gonna trust a reasonable professor like me?”
“If we do, how do we know that you’re not gonna turn us over to Barnes or Strauss?”
“Why would I try to turn you guys in? That would be foolish. I want to find out who’s doing this as much as you and Rossi.”
“Guys, this is a friend of Rossi’s. If we trust him we can trust her.” Marissa says. The group all gathered, whispered amongst themselves while Blake watched.
“Are you sure about this Marissa?” Derek asked. “I still think it’s weird that she’s willing to trust us.” Derek, she’s a friend of Rossi’s. If he can trust her, why can’t we?”
“She’s got a point.” Hotch adds. “I mean, there’s no way she’d want to turn her back against him.” He sighs. “Fine, do whatever the hell you want, I don’t care.”
“Derek, I don't know what the hell your problem is, but pull it together.”
“So, Miss Blake, do you know a place he would go besides his cabin? Or at least another way to communicate to him?”
She shook her head. “Not that I know of.”
“So we got nothing, is that it?”
“I wouldn’t say that…….” Blake nonchalantly responded. “We have a spare page found in Stephen’s car. And he ends up into an accident. You guys want to fill in the blanks?”
“A-are you saying that someone planned this?” JJ asked.
“It’s very possible. It could be another student in on this or some high in the ranks.”
“But why would someone do this to him? Stephen couldn’t possibly do anything that could make him a potential target.” “Well Callahan, it’s possible that he was near someone who was having a conversation and maybe thought he heard them and they decided to off him. Or this could be their way of saying they can get to any of us at any time. Because they could’ve easily kill Stephen but they decided to let him live.” Blake explains.
“If that’s the case, should we notify our significant others or other family members about this? Put them in protective custody?”
“I think it’s too soon for that.”
“Well how do we protect the one we love? If it’s true that he could get to us at anytime, then we should be doing all we can to protect ourselves and our family.”
“I get that, but you have to understand. It’s Rossi that he’s after. 
“Okay fine, but we need to find Rossi quick, these people are escalating quickly.”
“Okay.”  She then looked at her watch. “I think we had enough for one night. I suggest that you all get some rest.”
The gang all nodded, walking away before Blake stops them. 
“And guys.” “Yes?” “It’s nice to know all of you. I hope we can meet again.” 
 The group all part ways, returning to their respective dorms as they ponder over Stephen’s accident and Blake. 
“Well that was a hell of a night.” Emily muttered as she and Elle get ready for bed. “Poor Stephen, I hope he recovers.” “Hopefully he does. I especially feel bad for Kate, seeing how she was supposed to meet with him today.”
“Which gives me one question: Why is it that a lot of bad things keep happening here let alone us?”
Elle pulled out her blanket. “I don’t know, but I’m getting real tired of all this bullshit.”
“Me too.” The two lay lay down on their respective beds, both staring at the ceiling above them.
“I still don’t trust her.” Emily turned her head. “Who?” “Blake.”
“Why? She’s helping us big time. We need more people on our team.”
“I don’t know.” She stammered. “I just sense a weird vibe from her, that’s all.”
“Oh Elle, I’m sure we can trust her. After all, she is a friend of Rossi’s.” “I know, but what else could she help us with?”
“Well she’s helping. That’s all that matters right now. Just hope that Rossi gets back soon. We’ll need him.”
“God, I can’t believe I’m saying this, but I miss him, I really do.”
“Me too.”
28 notes · View notes
CONDUCTOR: Ah, good evening, Traveler. And welcome… to The Penumbra. Take your seat, please, take your seat.
The junction lies just ahead, Traveler. If you'll allow me just a moment.
(CHUCKLES) Well, next stop? Hyperion City.
The Proctor’s final words have haunted Detective Steel ever since she died on her devious riddle. “A place of heroes, as far as the stars but as close as the heart of every child.” And apparently, the home of Ramses O’Flaherty, in some way. But where is that home, you ask? Well, Detective Steel is just about to find out. It’s unfortunate that he didn’t do earlier – if he had, perhaps nobody would have had to die.
Our next stop: Juno Steel and the Dragon’s Den.
JUNO (NARRATOR): An election makes a lot of noise – and, after months of the rallies and speeches and the fights in the street, it’s nice to escape to the quiet of the Martian desert for a while. Because the history of politics in Hyperion City is loud: a bunch of corporations in a bidding war over the Mayor’s office, with enough money changing hands that it’s not a question of whether your candidate’s in some big corporation’s pocket, just – whether this pocket is cozier than the last one.
My name’s Juno Steel. I’m a private eye, and I never thought I’d be helping one of those corporations’ candidates win, but… Ramses O’Flaherty seems like the first politician in a century who might care about people more than profit margins.
And even if he is funded by Northstar Entertainment, a company that mostly sells kids’ movies and cheap T-shirts? Compared to his competition, Ramses sounds like a saint.
VOICE (FROM RADIO): In a move that analysts have been calling “inevitable,” Nadia Bellevue announced this morning that she will be dropping out of the Hyperion City mayoral race, citing poor polls and a drop in Armada Firearms and Fine Liquors’ stock price over the last fiscal quarter. That leaves only Ramses O’Flaherty and current mayor Pilot Pereyra on the ballot when the citizens of Hyperion vote just five weeks from today. Mayor Pereyra had this to say about their opponent:
PILOT PEREYRA (FROM RADIO): Ramses who? (LAUGHS) Yeah, yeah, I’ve heard of Ramses. And I mean, he seems like a good guy. You don’t get as far as he has, doing all that philanthropy, and kids’ movies, and whatever without having some good rub off on you. And I respect that, to a point.
RITA: Ooooooh, Mista Steel, are we there yet? I can’t wait another second!
JUNO: Shh! I’m tryin’ to listen!
PEREYRA: But the fact is that Hyperion’s a tough town, and it needs a firm hand. And all this junk I keep hearing about police reform, criminal rehabilitation? We don’t have time for that. In a city this covered in crime, we need the HCPD more than ever, and we need someone who knows what they’re doing more than ever. So, leave it to the Pilot, eh? I’ve gotten us this far, haven’t I?
RITA: Mista Steeeeel? Are we there yet? Are we there yet, are we there yet, are we there yet, are we there yet, are we there yet, are we there yet—
PEREYRA (IN BACKGROUND): And let me tell you, guys like Ramses… they think they know everything.
JUNO: How the hell am I supposed to answer that? I don’t even know where we’re going!
PEREYRA (IN BACKGROUND): But as soon as it gets time to actually do something?
RITA: Oh come on, that riddle was so easy, boss! You gotta know!
PEREYRA (IN BACKGROUND): All that talk shows exactly what it was: just talk.
JUNO: Hey, driver? Just turn the damn radio off. My secretary’s decided she’s all the audio entertainment I need.
Why did you come along, again? You have the day off, Rita.
RITA: And that’s why I came! You’d understand if you’d solved the riddle, boss. It’s so easy: “A place in the heart of every child”? You don’t have to be a detective to solve that.
JUNO: Brain’s full of about six hundred other mysteries, Rita. Who’s tryin’ to kill off Ramses O’Flaherty, for example. So just knock it off, and tell me where—
RITA: Nuh-uh-uh, no way, boss. I ain’t tellin’ you until you figure it out yourself– WHOAMYGOD WE’RE ALMOST THERE!
JUNO: Just tell me where we’re going!
RITA: I can’t take another second boss I feel like I’m gonna burst! Just figure it out already!
JUNO: Is that a gate?
RITA: C’mon, I’m gonna EXPLODE! Pleaeaeaeaease?
JUNO: “Northstar presents”– what the hell?
RITA: It’s Polaris Park boss! Oh gosh oh gosh I can’t wait! I’m so excited!!!
JUNO: Polaris… that Northstar amusement park?
RITA: Mista Steel, you gotta be kiddin’ me! Did someone kill all’a the magic inside’a you or somethin’?
JUNO: Yes.
RITA: Polaris Park! The Place That Fun Calls Home, TM! You gotta know about Polaris Park!
JUNO: I try not to pay too much attention to Northstar movies, Rita.
RITA: Act tough all you want, boss; they might be kids’ stories, but they got all kinds’a things for adults, like jokes, and deep themes, and sometimes advice, like how to kill an evil goat-wizard if you meet one and—
JUNO: Not kids’ stories. Just Northstar. (SIGHS) Let’s get this over with.
RITA: Boss? Is everything—
(GASPS) We’re here we’re here we’re here we’re here!!
JUNO (NARRATOR): Polaris Park was, I’ll admit, a masterpiece. The greatest minds in the solar system had come together to build ‘The Place That Fun Calls Home, TM,’ and the faces of the people we passed said they’d succeeded. They were smiling, every one of them, kids clambering all over their parents with sticky fingers and… stickier voices.
It made my stomach turn. Places like this have always given me the creeps. What people forget is that manipulation is always manipulation, whether you’re being duped into a big debt or a big smile.
RITA: Oh, oh! There’s Orion’s Tower, they sell all kinds’a belts, Mista Steel – also insurance for some reason – and that ride is the Frozen Spinner, they make you put on real mittens before you get on and everything, and that’s—
JUNO (NARRATOR): We walked down the park’s main drag, surrounded on all sides by bright buildings and cartoon robots and foot-long ice cream bars. I was ready to go home by the fourth step in.
That wasn’t on the menu, though. Before we left the parking lot, our driver gave me an entry pass and a letter which said, in Ramses’ rushed handwriting: “Keep an eye out for Lorenzo Vega.”
Whoever the hell that was. Thanks a lot, O’Flaherty. Just tryin’ to save your life over here, no big deal, really.
RITA: I wanna go on a ride! No! I wanna have a hot dog! No! I wanna go on two rides, and have two hot dogs, just for me!
JUNO: Rita, we’re here to work.
RITA: Come ooooooooon, boss! What job could you possibly have to do here?
JUNO: That’s what I’m trying to figure out. Ramses gets a lot of his campaign funds from Northstar. If someone wanted to really hit him where it hurts, they could try to strike here… or dig up some dirt here, at least. Security Office might not be a bad place to start.
RITA: Well… if Ramses sent you here, that must mean security ain’t caught ‘em yet, whoever they are. We probably won’t find anything there.
JUNO: Not a bad point. Might be worth snooping around a little on our own first.
RITA: And while we’re at it, I was just thinkin’… a good place to snoop… might be… on… a ride?
JUNO: You’re really not gonna drop this, are you?
RITA: Never.
JUNO: Alright, alright. One ride. Then we get to work—
RITA: Got it Mista Steel okay thanks byeeeeeee!
JUNO: Rita! …Lousy theme park. Lousy rides…
JUNO (NARRATOR): At the end of the street stood a mountain. A big, red, craggy thing with molten lava holograms flowing down its sides. It was the centerpiece of Polaris Park, and everyone on Mars knew what it was called.
RITA: Andromeda and the Dragon’s Peak.
Mista Steel, I’m gonna ride that ride six hundred times today.
JUNO: Good luck with that. Sign over here says it’s closed for repairs.
RITA: What over what says it’s WHAT?!
Oh, you gotta be kiddin’ me, it can’t be closed! Andromeda and the Dragon’s Peak is the whole reason to go to Polaris Park! It’s got everything, Mista Steel, music and big drops and real fast and everyone’s favorite chainmail warrior Andromeda and—
JUNO: That’s coming from the Dragon’s Peak, isn’t it?
RITA: Y– yeah. But maybe, it– maybe it’s just some people havin’ fun, y’know? Screamin’ on the rollercoaster and—
VOICE 1: Oh God, it’s horrible, it’s horrible! They’re all dead!
JUNO: Sounds real fun. Rita?
RITA: I’m comin’, boss!
JUNO (NARRATOR): I shoved us through the crowd, up the long line to the Dragon’s Peak, until it all stopped at a wall of security two guards thick. The park cops had big grins across their faces, but the smiles were all a little too uniform and a little too green to be real. Whatever they were keeping us from wasn’t gonna be pretty.
VOICE 2: I’m so sorry, sir, but you can’t come through here.
JUNO: Pretty sure I could if you’d get that club out of my gut.
RITA: Mista Steel…
VOICE 2: No, I mean, um… visitors do not have access—
JUNO: I work for your boss. Let me through.
VOICE 2: I’m… fairly certain that I work for my boss?
VOICE 3: Is there a problem over here?
VOICE 2: Uhhh… I… uhhhhh…
JUNO: No problem, I was just giving Officer Dental-Plan over here some orders from the top. Who are you?
VOICE 3: The top.
JUNO (NARRATOR): The woman in front of me was equal parts strong jaw, sharp eyes, and grit. Her badge said ‘Chief of Security,’ her eyes said that she didn’t have time for this, and her smile said that Northstar customer service training really was the best on Mars. The only times people smile that genuinely at me are right before they hit me.
But she didn’t. Instead she turned to her toadie and asked:
VOICE 3: Who is this guy and why isn’t he out of my park yet?
JUNO: Ramses O’Flaherty sent me. I have a hall pass, I promise.
VOICE 3: Ramses?
(SIGHS) Of course he did. Let him through, Rick.
VOICE 2 (RICK): But—
VOICE 3: Did I ask?
RICK: Of… course not.
Have a fun-filled day.
JUNO: You don’t sound so happy to see us, Chief.
VOICE 3: Simple reason for that. I’m not.
My name’s Yasmin Swift. I’m chief of security here at Polaris Park.
JUNO: Juno Steel. And this is my secretary, Rita—
JUNO: Who’s… maybe… deflating?
RITA: Why, hello there, Ms. Swift. I like coffee, and squid cream.
JUNO: Rita, what the hell—?
VOICE 3 (YASMIN SWIFT): Breakfast, huh? I’m more of a dinner gal myself.
RITA: (GIGGLING) Oh, Yasmin!
SWIFT: I’m sorry to rain on your day at the park, but, Ramses had pretty bad timing, sending you here this morning. We’ve had a little bit of an… accident. Come on, I’ll show you.
JUNO: …Rita? …What was that?
RITA: She’s preeeeeetty.
JUNO: (SIGHS) I don’t have time for this. I do not have time for this. Come on.
JUNO: (SNIFFS) The hell is that smell? I thought all the food carts were back on the main path, but… it smells like jerky or something in here.
SWIFT: Yeah, about that. If you’re at all squeamish, I’m gonna recommend you close your eyes now.
JUNO: Oh, no.
JUNO (NARRATOR): We found them in the loading area for the ride, sitting in a cart on a track facing a dark tunnel. The cart was looking nice and toasted around the edges, and inside it sat three charbroiled shapes that probably used to be people.
SWIFT: I’m guessing this isn’t how you expected to spend your day.
JUNO: I generally try to assume the worst, but somehow the galaxy keeps finding ways to surprise me.
RITA: Who are those people? We gotta help ‘em, don’t we?
SWIFT: That’s sweet, doll, but I think they’re a little past help. This was bound to happen one day. I’ve been saying that to Vega for years.
RITA: Oh, it’s just too horrible! Somebody hold me!
JUNO: Oof!
RITA: (MUTTERING) Not you, boss!
JUNO: Bound to happen, you said?
SWIFT: You know anything about this ride, Juno?
RITA: No, he doesn’t. Mista Steel said all the magic’s dead inside of him.
JUNO: Andromeda and the Dragon’s Peak is a roller coaster that tells a story about Chainmail Warrior Andromeda trying to find her way home through Lion Village, has to go through Draco’s mountain for some reason, almost gets roasted, doesn’t end up going home. Just like all her other stories.
RITA: Wha—? But you said– you didn’t know anything about it—
JUNO: I said I didn’t want to know anything about Northstar’s junk. But sometimes not wanting to listen to stuff just makes you listen harder. No offense, Swift.
SWIFT: Hey, to each their own. We don’t all have to enjoy the story, even if it is a modern classic and you’re a moron for not liking it. Want to take a guess where the barbecue went down? Because I have a theory or two.
JUNO: I’m guessing the part where Andromeda gets almost-roasted dropped a word.
SWIFT: The ride’s needed repairs for years, if you ask me. The carts on this thing barely outpace the fire by half a second. All it’d take is for one of the brakes to flip early and, boom. Instant fricassee.
JUNO: Why was anyone on it if the ride was closed, though?
SWIFT: One of the carts started acting up yesterday, so I shut the whole thing down this morning, sent the engineers in, and then… this happened. On their test ride, I’d guess. With a bunch of guests watching from the line, too.
RITA: There are people who get to test roller coasters for their jobs?! Lucky!
JUNO: Rita, are we even looking at the same crime scene right now?
SWIFT: Crime scene? Honestly, Juno, negligence is the only crime I���m seeing here. (SIGHS) Why don’t you take in the park for a little while and I’ll find you later? HQ’s gonna have me behind red tape for a long time. They didn’t like me shutting down the ride for a few hours this morning, and I doubt they’ll like closing it for good.
RITA: You’re closing the Dragon’s Peak?! You can’t do that! That’s the reason everyone comes to Polaris Park! And also I never got to ride it!
SWIFT: Security’s got to be my number one concern, doll. Should’ve shut this ride down years ago.
VOICE 4: Over my soggy corpse, Yasmin.
JUNO (NARRATOR): There was a man walking toward us on two metal legs ending in rusty boots, and his nametag said “Doctor Lorenzo Vega, Head of Resmirks and Developgrins.” Despite the title, he looked like he hadn’t smiled in about a century: age and anger had carved deep enough wrinkles into his face that I could barely make out his eyes, but from what I could see they looked about as greasy and mean as the rest of him.
VOICE 4 (LORENZO VEGA): Yasmin. I see your attempted murder continues apace.
RITA: Murder?! Not my Yasmin!
SWIFT: He doesn’t mean the engineers, doll.
VEGA: I don’t. If anyone mourns my staff it will be their own fault for leaving someone behind to mourn them. Marriage, children, friends… the Northstar work ethic has rotted off the bone. No, it’s not my staff I’m concerned about. Sir, I’d like you to arrest this woman, for the attempted murder of Andromeda and the Dragon’s Peak.
JUNO: That’s, uh… He knows you can’t murder something that’s not alive, right?
VEGA: For all of Polaris Park, then.
JUNO: Yeah, also, not alive. You… a little confused, doctor?
VEGA: Perhaps not murder, in that case. But much is on the line here, detective. My life’s work, and probably someone else’s, somewhere, if you care about that kind of thing. This park won’t last a month without that ride.
SWIFT: Maybe so, doctor, but the park doesn’t stand much of a chance if its star attraction’s deep-frying guests, either.
VEGA: You’d best zip up your ego, Yasmin. Your ignorance is showing.
VEGA: The Dragon’s Peak could not have burned my engineers for one very simple reason: there is no fire on this ride.
SWIFT: I hope you’ll give Dr. Vega the benefit of the doubt here, Juno. This might not be very Northstar behavior he’s demonstrating, but he’s a good guy at heart. Probably. If you’re willing to dig down a few hundred meters.
VEGA: Attempting to turn them against me. It won’t work for two reasons, Yasmin. First: I am naturally charismatic, and second: Ramses sent these two for me.
JUNO: Ramse– what?
VEGA: I received the message earlier – direct orders that I’d receive a private investigator to do whatever I say for one full day. Ramses spoils me so. Now tell me: what is your name?
JUNO: You expect me to buy that Ramses gave me to you without even telling you my name?
VEGA: I don’t need you to buy it, detective. Only lease it. (CHUCKLES)
JUNO: What the hell are you even saying?
SWIFT: Look, do you have those orders on you, Vega?
VEGA: Of course not. Do you carry all of your mail everywhere you go?
RITA: I mean, it should all fit on your comms pretty easily—
JUNO: —yeah, Swift, he actually has a pretty good point.
RITA: Oh. Nevermind. Forgot who he was talkin’ to.
VEGA: These deaths cannot have been caused by a malfunction, because the Dragon’s Peak couldn’t burn a fly, and I should know: I built it. Sabotage, detective. This must be sabotage. And you are going to prove it.
JUNO: Sabotage… that’s a pretty serious claim. Should be worth looking into, Swift.
RITA: Really, boss?
SWIFT: Worth looking into? We’ll see about that. Hey, doctor? Can you prove the ride doesn’t generate real fire? Do you have the plans anywhere?
VEGA: Of course I do. And it’s written into the most reliable storage available to humankind.
RITA: Oh, I always wanted to see the plans to the ride! Might be some nice readin’ for bedtime or snacktime or—
VEGA: My cranial fluid.
RITA: Actually nevermind, not gonna take that anywhere near my bed or snacks.
VEGA: I have the plans memorized. In here, no prying eyes can see them.
SWIFT: Welcome to our argument for the past two years, Juno. I say this is a deathtrap; Vega says it isn’t. I try to close it down; Vega tattles to the managers of Polaris Park, they have a tantrum about ticket sales, and then the thing’s back on its rails again. This could’ve been avoided. It could’ve been avoided twenty times over.
JUNO: But, I mean… come on, doc. You can’t really expect us to just take your word for it, right?
VEGA: I can expect that, actually… but I’m beginning to suspect I’ll be disappointed if I do.
(GRUNTS) There’s one other place I stored the plans for the ride: in its brain. Follow me.
JUNO (NARRATOR): Vega led us over to a monitor on a stand overlooking the ride’s track. He flicked the monitor awake, tapped out a hundred-digit password in a second and a half, and we were in.
VEGA: The full ride is too complicated for any human mind other than my own to control it, so I designed it to handle all its own functions. Completely automated. The computer has uplinks throughout the track that my engineers can use to access and interact with all data gathered while the ride runs: power levels, terminal activation logs, security feeds of every room, roaming snack bar—
JUNO: Wait, wait, hang on. What? You have security footage for every room in this ride?
SWIFT: Yeah, doctor. This is the first I’m hearing of it, too.
VEGA: The security footage wouldn’t be very secure if I gave it out to every Tom, Dick, and Yasmin who asked for it.
SWIFT: I’m your Chief of Security!
VEGA: Then I’m sure I told you at some point. I don’t bother remembering details like that.
SWIFT: If I knew that, do you really think I’d have waited this long to shut down your stupid ride?
JUNO: Just bring up the footage already, doc. If you’re so sure the ride’s innocent, your video should prove it.
I’ll have you know that the last time someone ordered me around like that, they died.
RITA: You– killed someone?!
VEGA: Of course not. The two events were unrelated. It just means I have terrible associations with being told what to do that you should be sensitive to.
What? The footage!
SWIFT: What is it now?
VEGA: The data! It’s– it’s disappearing!
JUNO: Disappearing?
VEGA: Self-deleting! This is impossible! My baby! My giant, metal, highly-intelligent baby!
JUNO: How long has this been going on?
VEGA: How should I know? I don’t check! If it’s flawless, there’s no point in checking, because there are no flaws to check for!
SWIFT: Well, what do you call this, then?
RITA: It looks like it just ate another video.
And that musta been dessert.
VEGA: It’s gone. The schematics, all the footage from the past ride, and assorted footage from the past week. Gone.
SWIFT: Deleted? And you didn’t even do anything?
VEGA: What do you think I was doing?
SWIFT: Deleting it, maybe. Covering your precious baby’s tracks.
VEGA: You—!
JUNO: What are you doing now?
VEGA: Shutting down the ride.
There. Everything but the audio cues and lighting, off. And now, Detective Whoever-you-are, you’re going to go in there and figure out who’s harmed my creation. Who has attempted to murder Andromeda and the Dragon’s Peak!
RITA: He… is?
VEGA: Ramses gave orders that you are do to whatever I say, didn’t he?
JUNO: I don’t know. Did he?
SWIFT: Hang on, doctor. If you think I’m going to let anyone run an investigation in my park without my say-so—
VEGA: Then you go with him. Someone has to take care of my ride. I don’t care who.
JUNO (NARRATOR): I remembered that letter that Ramses’s driver had given me: “Keep an eye out for Lorenzo Vega.”
If Ramses was suspicious of Vega, this might be the only chance I had to figure out why. Especially if he was trying to push the blame onto someone else.
SWIFT: I’m sure Detective Steel has better things to do than—
JUNO: I’ll go along. Rita, you stay out here and enjoy the park.
RITA: Nuh-uh, boss! If you think I’m lettin’ you take a behind-the-scenes tour without me, you’ve got another thing comin’!
JUNO: Rita—
RITA: No buts!
Now come on, Yaaaaasmiiiiin. Do you wanna show me all the spookiest parts of the ride?
SWIFT: If… that’s what we’re doing, I guess I don’t mind doing it with you.
Y’know, you don’t have to hold my hand so tight, doll…
RITA: (GIGGLES) Yeah, I do.
VEGA: Just a minute before you go, detective.
JUNO: Yeah, yeah, you want me to keep an eye on her. I heard you the first time.
VEGA: It’s not that. What did she just call you? Detective Steel, was it?
JUNO: Juno Steel, private eye. Finding it kinda hard to believe Ramses didn’t tell you that.
VEGA: He did… it just didn’t sound familiar until I’d heard it.
JUNO: Y’don’t say.
VEGA: Steel… why does that sound familiar…?
JUNO: Uh… probably because you build your rides with it?
VEGA: No, no, that isn’t it. I was thinking about that name just this morning… but why?
JUNO: Okay, well, have fun figuring that out, doc. I’m gonna go get murdered by your ride now. Bye.
VEGA: (DISTANT) Steel… hmmm… Juno Steel…
JUNO (NARRATOR): We walked along the tracks for a while because riding the cart seemed dangerous. After all, the last couple of people to do that were currently being scraped out of their seats with a spatula. After walking through the first tunnel, we found ourselves, weirdly, outside – in a big green plain, surrounded by stone huts and yawning lions lounging in the grass.
RITA: Oh my gosh, look at all this stuff! It’s gonna take forever to explore all this! Hold my hand, Yasmin, I’m worried I’m gonna get lost!
SWIFT: I’m already holding your hand.
RITA: (GASPS) What was that?!
SWIFT: Just the ride going through its cycles. Vega said he left the audio on – he’ll take any chance to show off.
NARRATOR VOICE (OVER SPEAKERS): And so, after years of searching for a way back home to Polaris, Andromeda the Chainmail Warrior found herself in the Lion Village, where it was said a portal to her home opened once every thousand years.
SWIFT: If we want to get onto the main track without a cart, you’re going to need a retinal scan from a high-ranking employee. Just give me a second.
JUNO: Rita, what’s your read on Vega?
RITA: Huh? Oh, I ain’t barely read any of him, boss. I been a little distracted today. (GIGGLES)
JUNO: Yeah, I can tell. Come on, doesn’t it seem a little convenient to you?
RITA: Hmmm?
JUNO: Vega gets warned for years that someone’s gonna die on this ride; then, someone dies on this ride, and who does he send into the deathtrap but the people sent to watch him, and, the woman that’s been trying to shut him down for years? This is gonna be dangerous… whatever roasted those engineers could get us too, and with him at the controls, this one might not be an accident.
Rita, are you even listening?
RITA: I mean, yeah, it seems convenient, boss. But you’re the detective and this is my day off, so you figure it out, alright?
SWIFT: Alright, we’re in. Should be the last lock.
NARRATOR: And so, after years of searching for a way back home to Polaris, Andromeda the Chainmail Warrior—
JUNO (NARRATOR): The door led us into one of the lion’s huts. The lion it belonged to was musclebound and gray-maned and sitting on his haunches next to everyone’s favorite chainmail warrior, Andromeda.
NARRATOR (IN BACKGROUND): —found herself in the Lion Village, where it was said a portal to her home opened once every thousand years.
RITA: (GASPS) Andromeda!
NARRATOR: “Andromeda!” said Leo, the lion-chief. “Our portal opens in one short hour, and then only for a few minutes. But if you want to use it, you will have to pay. On that peak lives the dragon, Draco, with all of his treasure. Bring me a treasure from Draco’s hoard, and you will have your way home!”
RITA: She’s real! I always knew she was real! Mom said, and Mista Steel said, and even I said sometimes – but I always knew, Andromeda was real, even when I knew that was impossible, and, and, and, and—
JUNO: Real, huh?
RITA: Oh. It’s a hologram. I knew that. Mostly.
SWIFT: Everything here’s a combination of robotics, practical effects, and holograms, doll. Here, touch Chief Leo if you want. A mechanical skeleton covered in real lion fur, grown in a real lab.
RITA: Wow, he’s so soft. Can we see him roar? And maybe pounce on Mista Steel?
SWIFT: You can’t turn on the robotics without turning on the carts, too: they run on the same power source.
JUNO: Sounds and lights on the same breaker? Robots and carts– this doesn’t exactly sound up to code.
RITA: I don’t know what you’re talkin’ about, boss, that’s basically how I got the office hooked up.
SWIFT: I think being unsafe is part of the thrill for Vega. He’s good with holograms, but he doesn’t like them. He says they’re cheating. Anything safe is cheating with that guy.
Hope you’ve got hiking shoes on: this next part’s supposed to be the mountain, and the doctor went for authenticity.
RITA: Ohh, it’s so dark and spooky in here – how do we know where to go?
SWIFT: I haven’t been on these tracks since my first trainings, but I’ve ridden it enough times to know the way. Just stick close to me, sweetheart, and you’ll be fine.
RITA: Hmmmmmmm.
NARRATOR: Andromeda said:
ANDROMEDA: You’re making a terrible mistake, Leo. Anger Draco, and all the lions will pay for it.
NARRATOR: But Chief Leo only laughed, and called her a fool. And so Andromeda climbed the mountain with a heavy heart.
JUNO: So what’s up with you and Vega, anyway? Hell of a feud the two of you got going on.
SWIFT: How do you mean?
JUNO: I know you’ve got safety reasons for wanting this tilt-a-whirl closed, but he seems to think it’s personal. Granted, he seems to think most things are personal, but still…
SWIFT: Just… different eras of Northstar butting heads. Call it a family squabble.
Vega’s old school – from back in the days when Northstar was just a little movie studio over in Hyperion City. Used to work on building fancy new cameras, now he works on ways to shoot people through a block of ice without hurting the ice. Back then, Northstar was cutthroat: scrappy little movie studio with scrappy little ideas. Great tech, great talent, but no investors. It meant everyone who worked there was… out for blood.
JUNO: And they had plenty of ways to get it, I hear.
SWIFT: Yeah, actually. How did you—
JUNO: —doesn’t matter. You said you’re different. What’s the new era of Northstar like?
RITA: Yeah, Yasmin! Tell us aaaaaall about you. Every teensy weensy little thing.
SWIFT: Either of you have any kids?
JUNO: Eugh.
RITA: No, but I’m… very suggestible.
SWIFT: Well, I do. A little lady, only five years old. Too young to remember the war. Too young to remember all the stuff humanity showed it could do to itself. And when I think about her growing up in a galaxy capable of all that… (SIGHS) Let me just put it this way: the old Northstar was all about making something great. But now? Most of us now… we just want to make something good. Something that the kids can look up to. Heroes that’ll risk it all for what actually matters… not some dumb new camera.
JUNO: You sound like Ramses now.
SWIFT: O’Flaherty might be an old-timer, but I always felt like he was one of us. (CHUCKLES) Call me a sap if you want, but… I think my Esta’s better off with Andromeda around. And I’d do anything for her.
RITA: That’s so beautiful and perfect.
SWIFT: Definitely makes getting up for work a little easier. It’s leaving her in the morning that’s the hard part.
(CLEARS THROAT) Uh, just be ready. Next part gets a little loud.
NARRATOR: Then, at long last, Andromeda arrived at the Dragon’s Peak!
RITA: Ahh!! What was that?!
JUNO: It’s just the stupid ride.
SWIFT: The noise was, but… did either of you see that?
JUNO: See what?
SWIFT: In the lightning, that—
NARRATOR: Then, at long last—
SWIFT: There’s someone up by Draco’s lair!
NARRATOR (IN BACKGROUND): —Andromeda arrived—
JUNO: What? I don’t see anything—
RITA: Yasmin, save me!
NARRATOR (IN BACKGROUND): —at the Dragon’s Peak!
SWIFT: You two, keep up with me! If someone really is sabotaging my park, I’m not gonna let them get away with it!
JUNO: Swift! Swift!!
NARRATOR (IN BACKGROUND): Then, at long last—
NARRATOR (IN BACKGROUND): —Andromeda arrived at the Dragon’s Peak!
JUNO: Yeah, yeah, we get it! Come on, Rita, let’s go!
RITA: Okay, boss!
JUNO (NARRATOR): While we ran, I held onto Rita as best I could, but I couldn’t save her from her own clumsy feet…
JUNO (NARRATOR): …or, uh, mine.
JUNO: Oof!
RITA: Get offa me, Mista Steel, get offa me! I wanted this day to go like this with someone but it sure ain’t you!
JUNO: Damn it, where did Swift go?
RITA: That’s what I said! She was followin’ the tracks, so hurry, boss, hurry!
JUNO (NARRATOR): So we ran up the rest of the way into the Dragon’s Peak. A set of big stone doors parted, and a set of big glowing eyes stared down at us.
NARRATOR: And there, in all his rage and glory, stood Draco, the mighty dragon!
RITA: OH NO OH NO! PLEASE DON’T KILL ME MISTA DRAGON DON’T KILL ME– oh hey would you look at that he listened.
JUNO: Huh. …He did.
RITA: Careful there, boss! You don’t know what that dragon might do! They’re tricky! Probably.
JUNO: They’re not real, Rita.
This is just another robot puppet, like the lion at the bottom of the hill. Deactivated like everything else. …It looks like the track hugs the wall for a while – come on. Swift can’t have gotten that far ahead yet.
What the hell?
RITA: M-m-mista Steel! The– the dragon, i-it’s—
JUNO: —moving, I can see that!
NARRATOR: Andromeda grabbed a sparkling crown as Draco unleashed its fiery breath!
RITA: Boss!! That’s SO much fire! And boy, is it hot!
JUNO: Step back! Hopefully that’ll be the last of—
RITA: Mista Steel! It’s coming closer!
JUNO: And faster than I’d like, too. Rita, there’s a control panel on the wall by the tracks. Do you think you could hack into it?
RITA: Okay, boss!
The password– I was watchin’ Dr. Vega’s hands when he was puttin’ the password in—
Oh no, oh no!
JUNO: Rita, we’re running out of time, here!
RITA: It’s like a billion-digit password, boss, you’re gonna have to buy me some time!
JUNO (NARRATOR): So I did what I do best: I bought time.
RITA: Did it work?
JUNO: Made its head snap back a little, but it’s coming back. It’s getting kinda warm in here, Rita!
RITA: You think I can’t feel that?!
JUNO (NARRATOR): The fire was close. We were backed up onto the tracks, now, and I swore I could feel the huge workings of the mechanical dragon rumbling in the walls and the floor.
Or… was that the dragon?
RITA: There! I got us into the terminal, boss.
JUNO (NARRATOR): And suddenly it hit me. I put my hand into the fire…
RITA: Now I just gotta– Mista Steel, what are you doin’?! It’s gonna roast you alive!
JUNO (NARRATOR): But it didn’t. I was fine – the fire was just hot air and holograms. The rumbling, though… that got bigger. And then, I remembered what was on the same circuit as the robots.
JUNO: The cart.
RITA: The what?
Hey, let go’a me, you– oooooaaahh!
JUNO: Oof!
NARRATOR: And there, in all his rage and glory, stood Draco, the mighty dragon!
RITA: That rollercoaster cart… almost splattered us, boss!
JUNO: Yeah. It got real close, didn’t it.
NARRATOR: Andromeda grabbed a sparkling crown as Draco unleashed its fiery breath!
RITA: And now– it’s… gone.
JUNO: Sticks around just long enough for you to think you’ll get roasted, but there’s never any real danger.
It’s not fire. Just like Vega said.
RITA: But… then how did those engineers get all burnt up?
JUNO: I don’t know.
Rita, didn’t Vega say the computer kept a log of whoever accessed it last?
RITA: I think so.
JUNO: Check the log, then. Hurry!
RITA: Okay, okay, I don’t see what the rush is. First, I just gotta deactivate the carts…
There. Now I’ll check the logs…
It… doesn’t say who used it, but… it says it was in the next room. D’you think it’s whoever Yasmin saw?!
JUNO (NARRATOR): Aaaaaaand that’s when I figured it out.
JUNO: Turn on the security footage for that room.
RITA: Mista Steel—
JUNO: Now, Rita!
RITA: Oh, alright, alright…
(GASPS) N– no… The one who activated the carts– was– Yasmin?!
JUNO (NARRATOR): Yasmin Swift. Security Chief of Polaris Park. The camera feed showed her inspecting the cart that failed to crush us, and I saw Draco’s controls up on the terminal in front of her. Vega was right. Swift had been briefed on the security footage before, and in fact, she knew how to use it better than he did. She proved that about two seconds later when she deactivated the camera we were watching her through.
JUNO: What the…? Rita, bring it back!
RITA: I’m tryin’, boss!
But… it’s just… deleted! Everything that camera’s recorded in the past twenty-four hours is gone!
JUNO: So we have no proof. Great.
SWIFT: Oh…! You’re alright!
JUNO: You sound surprised.
SWIFT: Relieved is more like it. I’m glad you two are so hardy. Surviving what even our engineers couldn’t… I could’ve sworn you’d be charcoal briquettes by now.
RITA: Y-y-y– Yasmin…
SWIFT: What’s the matter, sweetheart? Aren’t you happy to see me?
JUNO (NARRATOR): If she knew we knew, she wasn’t saying a thing; and unfortunately, it was going to have to stay that way.
She knew this ride better than we did. If we let her run wild in here, I’m sure she’d know a hundred ways to roast us, crush us, and fun us straight into our graves. But we couldn’t take her into custody yet, either, because we didn’t have any evidence, and unless she slipped up right in front of us, we’d never get it.
So for now, the safest place was just where I didn’t want to be.
SWIFT: Did you see anyone come through here? I was chasing after someone, but they slipped away…
You two alright? You look a little pale.
JUNO: I’m ready to keep goin’ if you are.
RITA: What?!
JUNO: If you want to go back, Rita, I’ll bring you back first. But we still have a saboteur to catch. And I’m staying in here until I catch ‘em.
SWIFT: Like a dog with a bone, Juno. I like it. What do you say, doll? Coming with?
Yeah. I’m n-not gonna leave you alone, Mista Steel. Not again.
SWIFT: Alright then. Let’s go, ladies.
JUNO (NARRATOR): Yasmin Swift had gotten me, with that strong jaw and that bright smile. It costs nearly twenty creds to get a bottle of water in this stupid theme park, but the smiles, they say, are always free.
Ma wouldn’t’ve agreed. Good old Sarah Steel always said that there was only one thing in life that came free – and that was death.
SWIFT: Keep your eyes peeled. We don’t want to let the murderer get away.
JUNO (NARRATOR): And from the look of things, the alternative was getting more expensive by the minute.
CONDUCTOR: If you've enjoyed this tale, please consider donating to The Penumbra on Patreon. Our artists work tirelessly to bring you these stories, and if you have the means, we hope you will support our efforts. Every dollar helps. You can find that page at patreon.com/thepenumbrapodcast. If you support us on Patreon at the $10 level or higher, you'll receive access to commentary tracks like this one, from actors Kate Jones, Joshua Ilon, and Sarah Gazdowicz:
SARAH: …to be manipulative, but I don’t think that that is true. I think that she thinks Rita is very cute.
KATE: How—
KATE: —can you not?
SARAH: I don’t– I don’t know.
JOSHUA: You have to be around her all the time. [unintelligible mumbling – speak up, Joshua]
KATE: Alright.
JOSHUA: No that’s what we’ve seen! We’ve seen what overexposure to Rita does. That’s what this episode has shown us, more. It’s-it’s beginning– before and after. It’s ‘oh, that’s charming!’ and then, now ‘I can’t get rid of it.’
SARAH: No, but you couldn’t live without Rita.
JOSHUA: No, you couldn’t.
SARAH: You can’t. Rita’s one of a kind.
JOSHUA: Yeah. You can drown in too much water, though…
CONDUCTOR: You can also support The Penumbra by liking us on Facebook, following us on Twitter @thepenumbrapod, following us on Tumblr @thepenumbrapodcast, telling your friends about us, telling your friends to tell their friends about us, and especially by rating and reviewing our podcast on iTunes. Every rating, comment, and kind word spreads our stories further and inspires us to keep creating more and better tales to come.
We would like to give special thanks to all who support us on Patreon, but especially to Lynné Herman, Gray, Jaimie Gunter, and the Princess and the Scrivener for their incredibly generous contributions per episode. Thank you.
This tale, Juno Steel and the Dragon’s Den, was told by the following people: Joshua Ilon as Juno Steel, Kate Jones as Rita, Sarah Gazdowicz as Yasmin Swift, Bob Mussett as Lorenzo Vega, Simon Moody as Mayor Pilot Pereyra, and M. Sutherland as the narrator.
On staff at The Penumbra: Kevin Vibert is our lead writer and recording engineer. Sophie Kaner is our director and sound designer. Grahame Turner is our script editor. Noah Simes is our production manager. Alice Chung is our designer and financial manager. Original music by Ryan Vibert. Promotional art by Mikaela Buckley.
The Penumbra is created and produced by Sophie Kaner and Kevin Vibert.
I'm afraid this is the end of the line for today, dear Traveler. We hope you will ride with The Penumbra again soon.
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vitaminhosh · 6 years
anon requested: “prince cheol i will lvoe u forever”
pairing: seungcheol x reader
under the cut bc it’s ridiculously long
oH boy i am so ready for this au
one of the most charming and endearing princes out there??
there isn’t anyone one within a 100-mile radius that dislikes seungcheol like..... have you met him
and anyone who does kind of feel some sort of dislike towards him
they see him smile and oops
how did I not like him before?? he’s an angel??
he is genuinely hard working and kind hearted though, he works very hard to make the lives of his people better
when he was younger and wasn’t allowed to go out he would have to learn about the kingdom’s history and,, all the war and bloodshed absolutely broke his heart
he swore that when he was older he would never allow something like this to happen again
when he was finally allowed to go out and saw some of the people struggling to just make do, he was determined to make a change
nowadays he makes it his mission to go out and meet everybody and see how they’re doing as often as his busy schedule allows
he’ll have lunch in the town and chat with the people, anyone who saw from the outside wouldn’t even suspect that he was royalty and just think that it was a table of old friends
plus his absolute favorite meal of all time is in this small shop tucked away in one of the small streets in the heart of town, and it was,,, a burger
sure the food in the palace was obviously amazing with top chefs cooking there and all but,, nothing really beats the burger made in this small shop that people barely even knew about
we all know seungcheol will be a well-dressed prince 
like,, he won’t want to be super over the top in full on capes and stuff but,, he sure as hell isn’t just walking around town in sweatpants or something
he cares about his image okay
(even though everyone will swoon even if he were to go out in sweatpants and a hoodie)
everyone in his kingdom is basically in love with him
as are the people in neighboring kingdoms 
and far away kingdoms
the other princes are jealous
have you seen his smile though? it can cure diseases
he takes his responsibilities very seriously, but obviously, he’s still a young man who likes to have fun and gets bored too
he doesn’t like to sit still, so when he’s finished with all of his duties he’ll be off to go do something
even at odd times at the night, you can find him in a nearby kingdom trying to find this specific comic book or something
people don’t find it weird anymore
“oh look prince seungcheol is here again did you want more of these sweets?”
he’s often seen hanging out with the other princes when he can
the people die when they see their princes hanging out together
has public social media accounts but also secret personal ones
spams the group chat full of princes,, just because he can
ok enough background stuff onto you and cheol
you work in one of those small tucked away shops that prince seungcheol likes to frequent
however you’re not from this kingdom, and you only work the night shift so it’s not like you know a lot of people or much about this kingdom
you’re just taking this job to try and make some cash while you’re away from home traveling, you happened to choose to stay here indefinitely
you’re not entirely sure who this strangely good-looking man is who only comes in at 3am every week is but ?? business is business plus you’re not gonna judge,, it’s not like you’ve never had cravings for junk food in the middle of the night too
since it’s late at night cheol is dressed in very casual clothes so nothing really gives away the fact that he’s actually the goddamn prince of this kingdom
since he comes so often plus he just likes to get to know people he makes small talk while you gather up his stuff
after a couple of weeks, you soon become kinda like friends ?? it’s a weird circumstance but hell it’s 3am nobody’s really functioning well enough to question this
 you’re sitting at the counter on your phone when the bell on the door rings signalling another customer
you just know it’s him again cause,,, not many people would be here at this ungodly time of night so you don’t bother looking up
you stop scrolling through instagram when you hear tutting in front of you
“I should complain to your manager you know- I’d rate this customer service a 1/10″
seungcheol watched as you finally looked up and chuckled at him
“sorry old man..... how can I help you, your highness”
seungcheol froze- did you finally find out who he was?
the reason he was so interested in you was because you didn’t seem to know who he was, and treated him like a normal person
his mind was going 100 miles a minute until you suddenly snorted
“god imagine it,, you ?? a king ?? pfft”
he smirked once he realized he wasn’t busted
“what do you have against me being a king huh?”
“idk man what kinda king buys junk food like three times a week at 3am,, plus ur a dork”
“wow,,, is that all i am to you,,,,,, a dork,,,, im hurt”
you smack his arm before starting to scan the things he’s put down on the counter
“how do you eat all this and stay in shape... tell me your secrets”
“god given metabolism sorry sweaty you can’t buy this :-)”
you snorted once again as you begin to pack his things into a paper bag
“did god accidentally spill all the ego into you as well”
“well i mean to help god out i do go workout too feel free to join me if you’re not too unfit to keep up”
“uhhh excuse me who are you calling unfit..... give me a time and place and I’ll fight beat you in a race”
“fine when do you get off tomorrow I’ll walk you to the hill and see who can get to the top first”
and that’s how you ended up at the bottom of a hill at 5am with a man you’ve never seen outside the shop
“whoever wins gets treated to breakfast”
“wipe that smirk off your face seungcheol I’m not getting beat by you”
surprise surprise,,,,, you lost
unfortunately he was much faster than you thought he would be
you were both lying on the grass, panting from running up a sizable hill 
you punched his arm
seungcheol sat up, mouth open as he was about to whine when a voice came from the bottle of the hill
“your highness! there you are! you were supposed to return an hour ago you father will find out you’ve been out!”
seungcheol’s eyes widened before cursing under his breath
“I gotta go but you still owe me breakfast okay I’ll explain everything tonight ok bye !!”
you just sat there in shock as seungcheol dashed down the hill, even faster than before as the worker followed behind him
“y-your highness?”
you had flashbacks to seungcheol smirking when you laughed at the idea of him being king
you make your way back home, with a permanent blush on your cheeks and a million thoughts in your head
how could you not know that he was the prince?
oh god you’ve been smacking the prince for weeks when he makes a stupid dad joke
you can’t sleep that day and when you’re back in the shop you’re barely conscious
you’re too tired to even think about seungcheol saying he would explain tonight
when seungcheol comes in and makes his way over to the counter, he expects to find you on your phone again but instead sees you asleep on the counter
he smiles softly before grabbing an old receipt and a pen and writing a note
“sleeping on the job? strike two y/n. I really should complain to your manager, guess I was just too fast for you ;). I’ll be back tomorrow, get some rest. p.s. you might want to wash that hoodie, you drooled a little bit”
you woke up with a panic when your phone chimed at 5am, reminding you it was time to close up
oh god seungcheol was supposed to come
after you finally orientate yourself you notice the note on the table
after reading the note you flush red again
oh god you were asleep in front of the cute prince and d r o o l e d
you stumbled home after closing up and immediately went to sleep
later that day you rushed to the shop, almost late since you were so tired you slept through your alarm
as 2 am came around the bell on the door rang and you sat up straight
seungcheol didn’t usually come till around 3 so you assumed this was an actual customer
"I hope you washed that hoodie before coming back here tonight”
you looked down and noticed that you were in such a rush that you didn’t even change out of last night’s outfit
flushing pink, you quip back with a “so what if I didn’t huh”
seungcheol finally appears from around the shelf
“its a bit gross i gotta say”
“not as gross as you”
seungcheol looked at you with a soft smile on his face, trying to get the words in his head to form coherent sentences
“im sorry”
you looked at him with a blank face
“what for ?? i mean i know its kinda gross but like i was gonna be late for work and-”
“no, I’m sorry for not telling you”
you sat there with your mouth half open and closed it before looking down at your hands that were on the counter
“it’s okay”
he took your hands in his, making you look up
“it’s not, I shouldn’t have kept it from you. I’ve just never had someone treat me like everyone else and it was... refreshing. But you deserved to know, I was being selfish. I’m sorry”
you gave seungcheol a soft smile, giving his hands a soft pat as he looked down at his feet to try and get his attention
“seungcheol really, it’s fine. I understand why you did it, I’m not mad”
“I still feel bad, it wasn’t right. You should be mad”
“well I mean I am....”
seungcheol looked up, ready to apologize again
“but only cause you beat me in a race,,,,, outrageous”
you smack him again, trying to lighten the mood
“but a deal is a deal, and I still owe you breakfast”
seungcheol started giggling, and you swear your heart skipped a beat
“im trying to be serious here and all you care about is getting beat”
“cheol, i really don’t mind. plus, I’m a woman of my word, I can’t have you owe me, that’s ridiculous”
“I’m busy later, how about you just treat me to a late night snack here instead”
fast forward to a couple weeks later, and you’re back at that hill waiting for seungcheol to come so that he can introduce you to his prince friends as you have a couple of days off
you can actually hear them before you see them 
who’s even surprised at this point it’s seungcheol + 12 rowdy boys
“guys please don’t be embarrassin- oH hi y/n you’re early hahaha”
“hi I’m jeonghan are you cheol’s girlfrien-”
seungcheol shoved the guy out of the way before he could finish his sentence
“sorry,,, my friends are idiots”
you chuckled as seungcheol sheepishly rubbed the back of his neck, a light pink dusting his cheeks
“don’t worry, I like them”
you giggled before heading over to the group of guys to go meet them properly
seungcheol stood still for a second, watching you introduce yourself to his friends a couple feet away
jeonghan came up to him, watching you with him
“when are you gonna ask her out, I thought you were going to the other day when you guys hung out at her place”
“she was tired so I let her sleep, some other time jeonghan”
they headed back to the group and you turned to them as you noticed the two join the circle
“cheol !! is it true that you tripped over a log and fell into the lake while trying to impress a girl when you were 6? i knew you were a dork but I didn’t think it was that bad”
as the day began to end and everyone had to head back, seungcheol insisted on walking you back to your apartment
you had refused at first, but you were tired and it was late
when you got to your place you turned to seungcheol, about to thank him for walking you back when you saw him looking nervous
“cheol, are you okay? what’s wrong?”
“nothing,, I just,, y/n would you want- I mean- do you,, uh,,,, will you,, go out with me?”
you could barely hear him as he was mumbling but you just managed to catch his words
you put your hand on his cheek and pressed a quick kiss onto his other cheek
“of course seungcheol, it’d be an honor”
you smiled and said goodnight before heading inside
seungcheol stood there, frozen in shock as you had not only agreed but ???? you kissed his cheek ?????
you began to get ready for bed, a smile and a light blush on your face
you can’t believe you’re dating the biggest dork on the planet
seungcheol, on the other hand, was shouting at jeonghan down the phone; he practically skipping home
a/n: this is,,,,,, the longest thing ever im so sorry i got excited about this au
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claraeclair-blog · 7 years
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The first date: late. Not everyone can edit.
I traveled around my room in a repetitive pattern. Bed, journal, mirror, bed, journal, mirror, bed etc.etc. I’d rise from my bed thinking writing may help, worry I’ve messed up my hair while laying in bed, check in the mirror, return to my bed, then try to write again.
Nervous? Yes.
I don’t understand those girls who are like “oh I’m not nervous, he’s just another boy after all” right, just another boy who’s incredibly handsome and will one day rule all of illea. It’s okay it’s okay, just breathe.
Gosh I haven’t even made any friends to gush to about.
Suddenly there’s a knock on my door.
I open it wide, “Hey Prince Nathaniel, Ready to bake and frost?” I ask with a smile.
“More like am I ready to completely makes a mess and a fool of myself.” in just that one sentence all of my worried melt away. Yes he may be a very handsome soon to be ruler, but I’m a very attractive already ruler of baking.
I laugh, “You’ll be fine. I once taught a baking class for a kindergarten class you can’t do worse than them.”
He seemed to look at me like my previous statement only made him more ashamed.
“Oh yes I can.” I feel a grin stretch from ear to ear. This would be just as fun as I had hoped.
“Well, if you make a mistake I’ll be here to fix it. There’s always a way to fix in baking.”
“Ready to go?” He holds out his arm for me to take. It feels so sturdy. So real. Well no duh it’s real Clara.
“Yup, let’s go.”
We soon arrive down in the kitchen. Most of the staff seems to be gone, I wonder if he moved them somewhere. I hope our date isn’t causing too much of a problem.
“So what do we need?” He asks.
“It depends on the type of cake we’re going to make. How ambitious are you? Would you rather a chocolate, fruity, or neutral flavour?”
“Chocolate.” I giggle a bit at him only answering one of the questions. Maybe it was a bit too much to ask all at once. Probably why Alec is in charge of the customers.
“Hmm okay so that’s one thing. Would you feel ambitious enough to try a harder cake or would you rather a safe and simple one?”
“Simple, I don’t want to completely mess this up.”
“Alright how about a chocolate sponge cake with a marble icing?” I ask. I admit that is not really too simple. But I couldn’t help wanting to show off a little bit. This was my turf after all.
“uhhhh I’ll attempt it.”
“It’ll be fine.” I then pat his back trying for some subtle encouragement.
He grabs the materials we need and I feel myself slip into autopilot.
“Thank you, alright. I brought paper and pen and I already have the recipe for a chocolate sponge cake memorized. But I’ll work on the frosting while you work on cake mixture. Mix all of the dry stuff on here and put it in the mixer bowl. Then I can mix the wet stuff and put them together. Sponge cake is only slightly complex in the mixing of wet and dry because if your mixture doesn’t whip It’ll fall and you’ll end up with almost a gummy cake.”
I can see the fear on his face which snaps me back into reality. Oh right, kindergarten mode Clara.
“Okay okay, I’ll do this step by step. First put 2 cups of flour in the bowl. I’ll put in the coco powder.”
I watch him very carefully measure out the flour. His care for it being adorable to watch compared to what I’ve seen more experienced bakers do. Just tossing in the amount of flour that feels right and moving on.
“I did it.” He says with a smile.
“Good job. And if you’d like to restore your honor some time you could try to teach me to play guitar. I guarantee you I’d do worse at guitar than you will at baking. Alrightttt next up we need just a little bit of baking soda, could you put just 2 teaspoons in?” I ask. Bringing up the next step to hide my fear of embarrassment at hinting at a second date that I may not even get.
He measures again. “boom.”
I chuckle at his enthusiasm and then the idea hits, “Okay so don’t get scared, but what if we made like a really liquidy chocolate filling for the center of the cake. Then it would be a lava sponge cake with marble frosting. It would just fit so well.” I say the whole idea combining into a wet and warm and chocolatey cake.
His eyes widen, “uhhh sure.”
I laugh, “Sorry, didn’t mean to threaten you. I just work with cakes so I can’t let a good cake idea go to waste. I guarantee you it will make the cake taste so much better.”
“Here I have an idea-” He sits on the counter “-you make the cakes and I sit here and watch you.” He smirks. I can’t help but blush as he smirks down at me.
“Hmmm…but then you aren’t helping with the cake. How about so you still get to participate you can be my taste tester.”
He smiles, “I’m down. I’ll be the best taste tester you’ve ever had.”
“Hmmm well that’s up for debate. I have a golden retriever named soup who eats everything when I bake. Though he lacks in feedback he certainly tastes a lot.” I joked.
I was delighted at him laughing hard at either my joke or my tale. Get it tale because it’s about a dog.
“Soup? That is the best name for a dog.”
“It was the only one that fit. All he ate the first week we got him was soup. Then it was cakes.”
“That dog lives the best life.”
“He really does. Have you ever had a dog?”
“No, my mom won’t let us it will ‘ruin the furniture’.” He adds in air quotes around ruin the furniture.
“Well, maybe you could get a very calm dog. Soup only destroyed things if he thought it was food.”
“I’m going to get a dog as soon as I can.”
“Wise choice.” I dip my finger into the bowl then almost offer the mixture to him. “Taste? Oh wait that’s weird you aren’t a dog.” I laugh then taste it myself and tilt the bowl a little towards him.
Next I put the mixture into the tray and in the oven it goes. “We need to wash out the mixer now to use it for the frosting. Would you like to help clean, taste tester?”
“Of course.” He smiles and motions for the spatula.
I hand over the tool and begin to wash out the remaining cake mixture.
“So tell me about yourself.” He prompts.
“Well, first there’s the stuff you already know I bake, I have a dog named soup, andddd I have chicken family traditions. Some other things are that I’m a very big optimist, I like to dance, I have a cat too, andddddd off the top of my head the last thing I can think of is that my favourite vegetable is celery with peanut butter.”
“What’s up with all the girls loving vegetables?” He asked with a chuckle. Must be why we’re all so attractive.
“They’re very good for your nutrition. Not to mention I eat a lot of sweets because of my workplace. Gotta balance it out.”
“I’m sure we have celery if you want some.”
I laugh, “I’d rather save my appetite for the cake.”
“Didn’t you say you dance?”
“Yup. I took classes when I was still in school. I can do ballroom, hip-hop, ballet, and contemporary. It was a lot of fun to take it.” Good thing he asked. It’d be horrible if he thought I was a stripper.
“I bet it was, what is school like?”
“It was very boring, except for the dance parts. It was way too early in the morning, you’d sit in a room with 19 other people minimum who also didn’t want to be there, at the crack of dawn, and talk about a bunch of dead men.”
“Wait… that’s actually what schools like?”
“Yeah it sucks. It’s like a prison. My mom wanted me to go to business school too but I asked for a year to just be at the home.” I am a four after all. Business will be my future if I don’t find a way out of it.
“It’s good to take a break every once and awhile.” That made me wonder. How is he able to take a break when his occupation is hand in hand with his life?
“Do you ever take a break from your occupation?”
He thinks for a moment, “It depends, like I’m always working but sometimes I only have to work for an hour. But I don’t have to do much on weekends.”
“What do you like to do for fun on the weekends?”
“Play guitar, go somewhere.” he shrug. “I don’t know.”
“You about you, what do you do for fun.” My eyebrows furrow. He doesn’t seem to like questions about himself. I wonder why.
“I like to do those really big puzzles. With like 5000 pieces.”
“They’re very fun, though very time consuming.” I glance over and see that the timer on the oven is about to finish in a few seconds. So I put some oven mitts on and go ahead and take out the cake.
The excitement on Nate’s face grows visibly as I set the cake down, “I’m so ready.”
I pipe the filling into the cake then pour the marble glaze frosting on top after it’s cooled. Then I slice off some for him and plate it.
It’s the moment of truth, for some reason all of my nerves come rushing back to me. I’ve never made a cake for someone as high up as Nathaniel. Oh no what if he hates it.
He takes his first bite.
“Oh my god that’s so good.” and once more the relief washes over me. I grin as he takes another bite and cut myself a slice.
“Yes! Successful cake. And you helped at the very beginning and with taste testing.”
“I’m a professional baker.” he says with a bit of a sassy tone. I cut my slice and look up at him. This first date has gone so much better than I thought.
He loves the cake, we had pleasant conversation, we got to know each other, and as he sat on the counter just a little higher up than me I wanted to kiss his cheek. That’d be weird though. A cheek kiss on the first date? Show some self restraint Clara. I fear though the nerves coming back, and with my urge now to do something horrible that would ruin it I find myself wanting to run away. Make it seem cool though, make a cute and flirty exit.
“Clearly. Never would have been able to do this without you. Well I assume you’ve got 34 other girls to meet with and loads of work to do, so I’ll leave you be. Feel free to eat more cake.” I excuse myself and put a small fingerprint of flour on his nose as I make my way out of the date.
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spider-man-and-i · 6 years
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11. Pieces of an unknown puzzle
It had been 2 weeks since I had fallen asleep while Peter and I were supposed to be working on our project, which we aced by the way. Summer starts in 2 days and while I was glad, I couldn’t escape the dread of an upcoming anniversary. May 19th, the day our lives became hell. The day our parents died.
“It’s alright, Eve. We got this.” Sam said, brushing a strand of hair behind my ear as she seemingly read my mind. “Shall I drive you to school?” “Yeah.” i say with a small smile. The ride is mostly silent until my sister tell me to have a good day. “Yeah, I’ll try.” I say as I look around for M.J. who is with Ned and Peter is no where to be seen. With how much school that boy misses I’m surprised he’s still passing.
“Hey, M.J. where is Peter?” I ask and she just shakes her head. As we walk we talk about what we did over the weekend but as soon as Ned walks to his class M.J. smiles largely, pulling her nose out of her book and wiggles her eye brows at me.
“What?” I laugh, already knowing where this is going. “So are you going to tell me what’s going on with you and Pete yet? I’ve never had  a best friend but I’m pretty sure that this is not how it works. You’re supposed to tell me everything.” M.J. says using her hands to speak.
“Why do you insist something is going on?” I fire back with a smile on my face.  
“The midnight meet ups. The fact that when he’s here you 2 are basically stuck at the hip. Oh and don’t think we don’t notice how much happier you both are around each other.” M.J. counts the list on her fingers, pointing the last one at me. “So are you guys…?” She didn’t have to finish the sentence, what she was implying was clear. My face heated to a blush.
“No..We’re just..” I think of the easiest way to explain what exactly it was that I had with Peter Parker. Just Just friends. Just Best Friends. Just best friends who have kissed. Just friendly flirting. Just movie marathon cuddle buddies. Just friends with crushes, who are too shy to do anything about it.
“Juust?” M.J. asked bating her eyelashes innocently. “Just best friends is all.” I say before going into my class. It was a quiet and lonely hour with out Peter and I found my self looking at snapchats we had taken of each other and pictures we had sent each other. I smile to my self as I look at him.
God, he’s as close to perfect as it gets.
I put my phone away and decide I need a bathroom break. “Ma'am? Can I go use the loo?” A round of laughs and a displeased grunt coupled with a nod and I was walking through the hallway.
I should have been paying at attention  but I was texting Pete, trying to find out where the hell he was. If I hadn’t been staring at my phone I would have seen the person I slammed into before I slammed into them..I fell straight on my ass.
“Oh god. Eve I am so sorry. I shouldn’t have been in such a rush..” The person who just so ended up to be Ned, said quickly helping me to my feet. “Nah, it’s okay. It was my fault.” I said brushing off my pants. “So what are you doing Ned?” I ask gesturing to the head set he was sporting; my question seemed to catch him off guard, making him appear more nervous than he usually was.
“Uhhhhh….Just guy in the chair stuff.” I raised an eye brow. Then it hit me, a faded memory of a couple weeks before.
“But the only people who know who I am are my guy in the chair….” First the same nickname and now….No. No way. My mind was just trying to connect something that isn’t even there. Always had a big imagination.. There is no bloody way in hell that Peter Bloody Parker is running around Queens in red and blue spandex.
“What does mean, Ned?” I ask and he becomes increasingly nervous.
You over analyze things Genevieve. My mother had said to me one night when I had come home from a sleep over crying because I thought the other girls were being mean.
“Uhhhhhhmmm……I’m part of an online gaming community that battles mythical creatures.”  He says before all but running away. Even after school ends for summer that conversation, Ned’s nervousness stay in the back of my mind…It just gave me a feeling and for some reason no matter how hard I tried I could not for the life of me ignore it.
6:14 pm From Petey-Pie Hey! Wanna go get some ice cream?
My phone buzzed, I smiled after reading the text.
6:15 Me: Sure
Petey-PieCoo! Pick you up…
There was a knock on my door and then my phone buzzed again.
6:16 Petey-Pie Now!
I jump up and run to the door. “Okay, but you gotta give me a minute to change first.” I say as I walk back to my room. Peter is stopped in front of the door. His eyes wide, roaming my outfit. “You look fine like that Gen.” There was that name again. “Come on, lets go.” Peter said before dragging me by my wrist out of my front. I look down at my outfit and cringe at the variety of animal prints on the stretchy leggings and the crop top showing my horribly pale stomach. My hair in a bun on top of my head. Face makeup-less
“So what does a huge nerd like yourself do in the summer. When school is over for an entire 3 months.?” I asked being overly dramatic, earning a heart stopping, stomach dropping smile from Peter. We continue walking the streets of Queens.
“Well, uhm, I usually just focus on my internship. They, uh, They keep me pretty busy this time of year. They have retreats sometimes…Uh…Mr. Stark, he uhm, he says working in the field is a good thing for an intern to, uhhh, to get use to.” Peter says and I cock an eyebrow at him. “Mr. Stark?” I ask, “As in  the Tony Stark?” I ask. Sure I had heard about his internship with Stark Industries, but I didn’t think he had ever actually met the Tony Stark. Not even Sam had met him.
We walked into a little ice cream parlour, Peter insisted it was the best in New York.
“Well, yeah I guess so.” Peter says as he leads the way to the counter. “Go pick a booth, what do yo want?” “Uhhh, surprise me”  I say as I walk to the farthest booth, it had a nice view of the surrounding city buildings. Peter came back holding 2 ice creams and smiling like a bloody idiot. I laughed as I seen the Spider-Man logo on the cup. The cup had red and blue syrup over vanilla ice cream and was sprinkled with black sugar on the top. There were also 3 cherries place on top.
“Glad that made you smile.” Peter says sitting down. The syrup ended up being strawberry flavored and I personally hate strawberry after I drank over half a body of the stuff as a dare back in 6th year. I got sick and have just hated stawberry anything sense then.
I tell Peter all of this, back story included and he gave me his ice cream after laughing at me for a solid 5 minutes. But I didn’t care. The sound of his laugh was something I planned on listening to for the rest of my life. I hoped.
“So back to the internship. I’ve decided to call bullocks on you ever actually working with Tony Stark” I declared as I take another bite of the coffee flavored ice cream. “No, really! I can even prove it, hold on.” Peter says getting out his phone and scrolling through the gallery. My eyes widened and I’m sure my mouth formed an “o”  shape. I grabbed the phone and on it was a video with Tony Stark, the Tony Stark, his arm over Peter’s shoulder. While it all seemed forced and awkward it was real. Peter looked a little bit younger then. I click play.
“Hey May! Just wanted to say what an incredible job your nephew did this weekend on the-” The phone fell from my hand as a loud explosion shook the entire building.
“Oh My God!” I heard a lady scream, followed by 2 synced cries, I looked over to see a mother holding twins to her body. I followed her eyes to the front of the building where 3 big men carrying what I assumed were guns. The explosion hold where the door had been. I frantically look at Peter. My heart throbbing in my chest.
“I am so sorry Gen, but uh I gotta…I gotta go.” Before I  could stop him or even respond , Peter Parker had slipped out the back door. Leaving me and everyone else alone with guys who had the guns.
“Listen up! I am Rex you will all call me Red Rex.” Said one of the men. He was tall  and easily the biggest one there. He seemed to have been the leader while behind him was a smaller man who was still huge. And standing right beside him, his twin brother. They were identical other than the hair. While Rex had blonde hair, the other had raven black hair. Rex also had a big scar going down his neck, then disappearing under his shirt collar. “This is my brother Dex, you will all call him Dead Dex.” I had to silence a laugh at their pathetic twin names. Oh, today proved to be a fuuuuun day in Queens, New York..  
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