#oh god this escalated quickly
masquenoire · 9 months
Smash + Pass Robin?
Send Smash or Pass + a name and my muse will say if they would smash or pass on that person.
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The sound of a violent clunk can be heard followed up by the muffled thud of a body hitting the floor. "Do I look like I'm into kids? What a dumb fuck you are." Roman said, his tone uncharacteristically playful compared to the words he'd just uttered. Getting back up to his feet, he raises the baseball bat - laced with rusted barbed wire - lining himself up for another blow. "One sec, missed a spot."
The second c̸l̴u̵n̵k̶ is squashier than the first.
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Rob's exclamations and my thoughts 🤝🤝 the same
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I've Got A Secret, I'm Telling Everyone
Don't wanna keep it, I wanna play dumb
Are they being followed? And, if so, by whom? Will the situation escalate?
Characters: Cylas, Lee (still by @kalid-raven ;D)
Words: 2353
Content warnings: Violence, blood, murder (surprise)
dividers by firefly-graphics and silkholland
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Lee looked up, checking both the rear-view and side mirror with a serious and focused expression. 
“You got an idea who could be following us and why?” he asked, still glancing back and forth between rear-view mirror and street. 
They looked over at him, “Well, I mean... it could be random people trying to mess with strangers, or rob them, or... I don’t know if it even makes sense but I guess it could be those assholes from the rest stop? Can’t say for sure though.” 
“I was thinking the same thing,” he said with a groan. 
Cylas frowned, “You think they’re gonna try anything? Ram the car or try to run us off the road?” 
“I don’t know, not sure how far they’d go. They did seem kinda laid back, but...” he shrugged, “That might’ve just been them being unsure how to act, or thinking their friend would be able to handle it.” 
“Either way, I hope they grow bored and fuck off soon, don’t need some overly confident and self-assured creeps knowing where I live,” she scoffed, “Especially cause there most likely wouldn’t be much I could do except try and avoid or ignore them.” 
“I could let you out early but there’s no guarantee they’ll keep following the car,” he said, frowning while still keeping an eye on the other car, “Serendipity isn’t that big, is it?” 
They shook their head, “Nope. If they figure out I live there, it most likely won’t take them long to somehow find me. Even if they don’t find my exact address, it’s difficult to avoid someone around there, especially if that someone is intent on meeting you.” 
Cylas and Lee sat in silence for a while, getting closer and closer to the town, before the other car suddenly sped up and drove past them, only to then slam on the brakes and stop in a position that was partly blocking both lanes. 
“Ah, fucking hell. Can’t a girl catch a break?” she groaned, letting her head fall back against the headrest with a thud. As predicted, the four men from the gas station got out of the car, slamming the doors with much more force than needed, and her fingers twitched on her thighs. Lee had tensed up as well, watching the men approach. 
“What now?” they said, “I don’t exactly like the thought of being trapped in here with those fuckers blocking the door.” 
Lee didn’t take his eyes of the men and replied, “I should probably just try to turn and drive back into the other direction. Not worth getting into a fight, especially not four on one.” 
“Two,” they corrected before they had time to think about it, “There’s two of us.” 
He took a deep breath, slowly loosening his grasp of the steering wheel, “You sure about this?” 
They chuckled, “I can’t stand people like them, fucking worthless piles of organic waste. Plus, it’s self-defence, isn’t it?” 
“I guess,” he replied, finally glancing over at them, “Where’s your limit?” 
She shrugged, “You wanna beat their heads to pulp, be my guest. Just try not to get yourself killed.” 
Even though a part of him was trying to tell him that this was a bad idea and way too risky, something about the tone of Cylas’ voice convinced him that they were serious, and the look in their eyes showed pure and honest anger. 
“Alright then. You too.” 
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Out of the corner of her eye, she saw him reach for the flashlight, and then she was out of the car, focus zeroing in on the men approaching her side of the car. One of them was the guy who’d harassed her, his nose already bruising, and they did slow down a little when they saw her get out. She figured that they’d probably expected her to run, or scream, or something – instead she stood still, a smile spreading over her face, and slightly tilted her head. Watching. Waiting. 
But then the moment was over and they closed in on her; her former harasser holding a crowbar, the other one what seemed to be a wrench. Not even a screwdriver. People really didn’t seem to get the effectiveness and fun of stabbing someone, just ramming an object into a person’s body and- 
Still, she waited, only just so managing to avoid bouncing on her feet. 
“Gentlemen,” she said softly, inclining her head toward them. This made the second guy falter again, but bruised-and-possibly-broken-nose dude didn’t hesitate to come straight to her and raise his hand, as if trying to let her see exactly what he planned to do. 
However, she dodged out of the way just in the last second, making him stumble. She grinned. 
Simultaneously, a groan could be heard from the other side, and she was sure it hadn’t been Lee. Guy number two looked over, but before he could make any move to leave, Cylas had caught up to him punched him in the stomach hard enough to make him fall to his knees. It was funny how the guys that acted so tough always folded easily. 
Broken-nose man had apparently caught himself and was, once again, nearing her from behind. 
“Come on now mate, this is getting old,” she said, spinning around just in time to sink her blade right into his armpit. The man let out a pretty unmanly scream and dropped the crowbar, instinctively reaching for the wound. 
She giggled, “Really shouldn’t give an opponent such an opening, lifting your arm like that, almost asking to have that used against you.” 
The man looked at her, bared teeth, eyes burning with pain and hatred. His buddy seemed to have recovered as well, although still wheezing, and she was pretty sure what the man before her would do next. So, she stepped back, despite the action bringing her closer to the other guy. Unsurprisingly, gaze still locked onto her and completely oblivious to anything else, Mr Broken-Nose charged at her – and she side-stepped, causing him to ram straight into his buddy. 
“Y’all gotta stop being so predictable for real,” she said in an unsettlingly cheerful voice, before gazing through the car's windows and trying to catch view of Lee. As far as she could tell, he was standing and alright, with only one other man visible and seemingly injured; he wasn’t standing completely straight at least and was holding his side. 
She probably should quit messing around as well. 
While the two guys on her side were still trying to detangle themselves from each other and get up, cursing and swearing at each other the whole time, Cylas bend down to pick up the crowbar. Had the men looked over, they had gotten the view they had harassed her over earlier. She snorted and turned back around to them, being the one closing in on the harasser this time around. He had managed to get up into a kneeling position, and she decided that that was far enough. Her eyes met the one's of his friend, winking at him, before letting the crowbar collide with the other man’s skull, a satisfying crunching sound rewarding her effort. 
Once again, he fell forward, but Cylas caught his shoulder and instead pushed him to the side with ease. His friend, now realising the shitty position he was in, started to crawl back while also trying to push himself up, and she didn’t follow him, instead deciding to step on his knee. Hard. The men screamed, even louder than his friend, and somewhere in the back of her mind she realised that the ‘thwacking’ sound she had heard from Lee’s side had stopped. 
However, she had a plan and she’d follow through with it. The man was still wailing, but she didn’t let that distract her; she decisively grabbed his ankle and pulled him back towards his broken-nosed buddy, who was still on the floor, just groaning and looking around with an unfocused gaze. The mean screamed again, calling out for help, apologising and begging for her to let him go. If he was trying to fight back, she didn’t notice, and just unceremoniously dropped him next to the other one, before rolling him onto his stomach and partially pulling him up by the back of his neck. The men were facing each other now, bruised-nose dude trying to keep his eyes on her and his friend, while the man she was holding was sniffling. 
She smiled, still, and stepped a little closer, opting to hold the man against her chest instead. 
“You wanted something to look at, yeah? Wanted me to show you something?” she asked, eyes locked with the one’s of the man on the floor, who only groaned in response. Not like she’d expected an answer, “I’ll show you something, alright.” 
Apparently having grown somewhat used to the pain, or somehow strengthened by adrenaline, the guy that was pressed to her torso started to struggle, and she rolled her eyes, “Okay, if you’re in such a hurry I’ll just get it over with.” 
Before he could make another sound, she had pulled her knife again and slowly dragged it across his throat, making sure the blood gushing from the cut was dripping all over her former harasser’s head and chest. He seemingly tried to turn his face away, but his movements were very uncoordinated and sluggish, so he still ended up swallowing quite a lot of it, making him gag and choke. 
“Enjoying the view?” she said, grinning, before dropping the other guy’s body right on top of him, “Having fun yet?” 
The man just coughed and sputtered, and she got distracted by the feeling of eyes on her. She looked up to see Lee watching her, his hands, lower arms, and shirt covered in blood, along with some splatters in his face. He let his eyes wander over the scene before him, before meeting her gaze, “Well, are you having fun?” 
“Um, well,” she began, awkwardly shifting her weight and taking a step back, as if she could hide her involvement in the situation, “Yeah, actually. A good way to get out some frustration. What about you?” 
He stared at her for a moment, piercing gaze seemingly analysing her, before he chuckled, “I can’t argue with that. You done there, or...?” 
“Just about, yeah. Probably shouldn’t stick around for too long,” she said, crouching down to slit the last man’s throat as well, “All done. You wanna... move the bodies? I got some cleaning stuff and change of clothes in my backpack, but we really should hurry up.” 
He nodded, “Yeah, I’ve got some bleach, disinfectant and all that as well, did you touch any of their weapons?” 
“The crowbar,” she said, once again grabbing one of the bodies by the ankle, “Wanna just drag them a bit into the forest or the trunk of their car? If anyone comes by, they’ll see the bloodstains anyway.” 
“Let’s do the trunk, faster that way, and you’re right, probably doesn’t really matter.” 
“Alright then,“ she agreed, heading for the men’s car. 
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Clean-up was certainly the most annoying part of these situations, but important anyway. Cleaning the weapons and their skin was simple enough, just as getting changed, but Cylas had also left some bloody footprints that they could only attempt to at least roughly remove with water, bleach, and a sponge. They also moved the men’s car to the side of the road, at this time unwilling to waste any more time by taking the long way around. 
Back in the car, Cylas sighed, “This might have been a very dumb thing to do.” 
“Yep,” Lee agreed without hesitating, “But freeing anyway. Otherwise, I would’ve been walking around with that rage simmering under my skin for the next couple... days. Weeks. Whatever.” 
“Same,” they snorted, “I’ll just hope that they made sure no one saw them leave or come after us. Ultimately, police shouldn’t be able to prove what way we went after leaving.” 
He nodded, “Yeah, guess we can only wait and see now.” 
“I can’t wait to take a shower,” they groaned, before perking up a little, “Oh, I just remembered – do you like chocolate? I got a small box of Celebrations at the gas station and was gonna offer to share, but then these guys... happened.” 
“I mean, can’t really say no to chocolate, can I?” 
“Any preferences?” she asked, grabbing the plastic bag and trying to undo the messy knot she had made earlier, before giving up and just tearing it. 
Lee shrugged, “Dunno. I like Snickers, I guess? But anything will do.” 
“Good choice,” she replied, smiling at him, “Let me find one for you.” 
The rest of the drive was spent in mostly silence, save for an occasional chocolate bar request. Cylas and Lee agreed that he’d just drop her off by her cabin, he certainly had more personal knowledge about her now than an address, and they decided to exchange phone numbers. Just in case something came up, or so she could maybe share some info she got from Tony. 
“Okay, good night then, drive safely and thanks for bringing me home,” she said before closing the door. Lee smiled and waved, and then drove off. 
Cylas yawned, and made her way inside, where she was promptly greeted by her cats. While walking towards the bathroom, she pulled out her phone and saw a few messages by Darrell, asking if she was okay. 
Well, shit. They hadn’t meant to worry him, but over all the stress and trouble she had completely forgotten to check her phone. And she had been kind of busy as well. 
“Hey Dee, sorry I’m only responding now. Got a ride with a nice dude, but had to stop at a gas station basically right before Serendipity, but home now. And more than ready to collapse into bed and pass out. Talk to you later,” she wrote and was just about to hit ‘Send’ when she had another thought, “But I swear on everything, these were some of the longest ten minutes in my life so far.” 
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@rottent33th @bluecoolr @ace-of-hearts-and-spades @myers-meadow @immortal-velociraptor @solmints-messyocdiary
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(Camp unplug) Drew Gooden X Afab!reader smut
Warnings: fingering, hand kink, smut, cursing, mentions of weed
Summary: Drew realises y/n was staring and finger fucks them
you sat at the end of a rocky ledge that just hung over the edge of the river below, your legs hanging over it as you sketched the scenery. knowing I’d most likely have all day to finish it, you took your time trying to perfect the most minuscule of details. you suddenly heard the crack of a twig behind me.
“Kody?” you assumed it was him due to the fact he’d usually come out here to “have the camp special” as he called it “swamp leaf” which basically meant to get high as balls and have me basically drag him back to the campsite. “If you’ve got weed I better get some for compensation for dealing with your bull-“ you turned around not to see kody but to see- “Drew?”
“O-oh I’m sorry was I disturbing you? I’ll leave if you want-“ he immediately started apologising but you cut him off.
“No! It’s fine, come sit if you want” you patted the area next to me, he walked over and sat down awkwardly. “So whatcha been doing to pass the time?” you asked trying to spark up a conversation
“Well I’ve mainly been getting dragged around by Danny to do the most absurd shit for scout badges… but besides that nothing much” he responded looking forwards into the scenery, looking at him closer up you started noticing how… handsome he was? Is that the right word? His sharp jawline, slightly scruffy, dirty blonde hair, the small graze on his knee and the cut in the middle of his nose, both covered up by kiddie bandaids that barely absorbed enough blood to be useful, his hands were slender and defined… fingers long enough to- shit shit shit shit shit! Why was you thinking like this?
“I-I’ve just been drawing and… smoking weed with kody” you snap out of my mini zone out to continue the conversation.
“Were you staring at me?” Drew side eyed me smirking slightly, you went to defend yourself but Drew cut you off “it’s okay if you were, I don’t mind” he slipped his hand closer to my thigh, his slender hands grazing my skin lightly causing me to let out a small whimper.
“Drew-“ you gasped as his hand trailed to your inner thigh as you hugged your sketchbook tight, resisting any noises your mouth wanted to make to indicate pleasure.
“So that’s a yes?” His hand was now between your legs grazing right over the… wetness between your thighs, you let out another small whimper, a dark shade of crimson falling over your face. “Words sweetheart. Words.”
“Y-yes…” you hissed out
“Good.” He slips his hand into your pants. It is all the confirmation he needs before his fingers slip through the fabri, past the wet folds, slipping all the way inside. No warning. No preparation. The wetness gathered at your core is just completely unholy and in the far distance you can hear some other campers muffled arguing. You’re whimpering and he's rubbing your clit with his thumb while his index and middle finger ram into me unceremoniously.
you begin to grind against his fingers, urging him along with your orgasm feeling far too close. "Fuck..." He exclaims with a chuckle in a light dorky way that you unironically love. His eyes clear and he looks down at your shivering body. He jumps out of his reverie and mutters, "-Of course. S-sorry." He stammers then before he rams his fingers into your cunt with extreme fervour and concentration. His brows furrowed and a tongue sticks out over his top lip in sheer focus. your orgasm rips through me like a knife and you buck helplessly against his fingers but Drew doesn't slow his movements whatsoever.
“Fuck- Drew I- Holy- you’re really-… good at this-“ I struggle to get even one sentence out as his long, slender fingers continue to slam into me rhythmically. Your sketchbook is still secured to your chest tightly by your arms, as for your pencil? Lost about 2 minutes ago fell off the ledge unbeknownst to you.
Drew removed his fingers from your pants, leaving me feeling empty. He stuck his fingers in his mouth, tasting your wetness. “To everyone else this never happened okay?” You sat there completely shocked at what just happened.
“Sure. Whatever you say”
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This show is so funny. You know how it is with spaghetti.
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luz is sent to neurotypical camp in the first two minutes
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tacagen · 8 months
gotta say, the new dw intro really scratches my brain just the right way
#like. the instrumentation and reimagining is so beautiful#they added so many little things in there!! and its the most orchestral its ever been!!#gragrhghgrrrh I WANT TO FUCKING EAT IT#doctor who#all of a sudden. wow never thought id return to it#cause usually im a hater but that mightve been just chibnall + moffat apparently#honestly i watched the last 4 eps and somehow i dont want to trash the whole thing and i have no idea why exactly#maybe the subconscious respect for tennant and tate. maybe the lack of the master and active mistreatment from both writers and the doctor.#maybe chibnall's writing of the doctor's character was so off i just got used to it and gave up on the whole idea until watching new eps#honestly the fuck was spyfall 2. the fuck was timeless children. the _fuck_ was the flux. the _FUCK_ was potd.#and oh my god can we talk about how much it felt like chibnall was inspired by cw flash (/neg) all the way from s12 to the very end to me#he put the master in doctor's body and MADE THE PROCESS LOOK LIKE THE FUCKING SPEED FORCE i couldnt make that shit up in a fever dream#and thats just what i recalled first. like the very concept of the timeless child sounds like barry being the sf source/beginning/whatever#the fucking crystal flux dude being an enemy doctor didnt face on screen yet yet knows her THAT KILLS HER FUCKING 'MOTHER'????#..ok that escalated from an intro appreciation quickly. anyway#turns out i actually still fucking love it! turns out it shaped me in so many ways as my first fixation and still kinda resonates with me
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krosiefics · 2 months
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send nudes • bang chan
M D N I 18+
Summary: You accidentally send a nude to Chan and well…he takes it as a chance to act on his hidden feelings
WC: 2.4k
Tags: smut, afab!reader, dom/tease!chan, porn with little plot, piv, unprotected sex (just don't), fingering, oral (f & m receiving), creampie, mutual pinning(?), handjob, chan is a tease, reader calls chan; chris, chan, christopher, channie), use of pet names (baby, sweetheart, good girl, etc), not proofread, im prob forgetting some- sorry (brb gonna touch some grass)
“Shit shit shit!” You quickly pulled your shorts back up as panic spread throughout your body. You quickly look at the open messages to see if the picture has been seen yet. Ugh this is why you don’t send nudes! You screamed at yourself. About twenty minutes ago you were flirting over text with this random guy from tinder when it started escalating into pictures being sent, you took a picture and was going to send it to him but you unknowingly sent it to your best friend.
You hadn’t noticed until about five minutes ago when the tinder guy hadn’t replied yet, you noticed the notification of the image sent was under Chan’s contact and well now you’re trying to figure out how to delete the picture.
You already tried deleting it from your messages but that only deletes it on one end not both.
Suddenly the ringing of your phone fuels the flames of your anxiousness. You dwell on whether you should check the caller ID, peeking at the screen your heart drops, it’s Chan. “Oh fuck.” You snatch your phone, not answering it, before running out of your dorm, down the hall towards Chan’s dorm. His dorm isn’t far from yours so by the time you get there your phone is still ringing. As it’s about to hang up you finally answer it, banging on the front door.
The wood door swings open revealing a confused Chan. God you couldn’t even look him in the eyes.
“Hi,” Chan chuckles, not acting like he’s seen something that he wasn’t supposed to, you sigh in relief, “I was about to text you-”
“Don’t do that!” You cut him off, pushing past him to grab his phone. “Hey?!” He exclaims after you snatch his phone, Chan makes a move to grab but you quickly dodge him, opening his messages app.
“Don’t delete it!” Chan huffs out annoyed. You stop, dead in your tracks, Chan takes the chance to take his phone back, shoving it into his pocket. “What do you mean don’t delete it.” You burst, heat spreading throughout your face like a wildfire. When did he see it?! You thought to yourself as you took out your phone and looked back on your messages, it displayed ‘read 1 minute ago’.
“Chan…” You push, when he doesn’t reply simply wearing a smirk on his face you start getting even more flustered, “Christopher! What do you mean don’t delete it?!” Your face is as red as a tomato at this point, your heart pounding so fast you can feel it in your ear.
Chan lets out a bubbly chuckle, you only ever use his real name when you’re either pissed or are in a teasing mood- you are not in a teasing mood, “I’ve got blackmail. And besides, it's fun seeing you flustered.” The smirk he wore was just straight up menacing. “This kind of situation is weird and makes me flustered- Did you just save it?!” You shriek as you watch him take out his phone and scroll through your texts. Chan smirks at you as he shows his phone’s screen, the save button clearly pressed. “Why would even- Chris!” You cry out his name, he finally puts his phone down on the desk by his bed with a shrug.
“You forget I’m a man.” You stand crossed armed as you stare at your best friend, “Yeah okay, but keeping a nude of your best friend is kinda weird.”
“Would you rather me send you one too?” Chan asks calmly as if it weren’t the most absurd thing he’s ever said. You scoff, eyes blown out by his question, sure Chan’s a flirt and likes teasing you, but it's never actually gone this far between the two of you. Just a simple mistake opened this pandora box.
“Who was that meant for anyways?” The Australian asks, sudden curiosity leading him on. “That’s none of your business-“
“Well you sent me the photo, I should at least get an explanation, no?” Chan raises his brows. “The guy from my date the other day.” You admit embarrassingly, Chan lets out a laugh while shaking his head, “The one that you complained about for the next three hours after your date.”
“I was bored okay!” You throw your arms up in defeat, plopping down on his bed.
A few moments of awkward silence washed over the two of you- well more awkward for you- before your phone interrupted the silence. You checked the notification, rolling your eyes as you opened the message from Chan. Holy shit. The grasp you had on your phone loosened as the electronic tumbles onto your face, smacking you right on the forehead. “You that shocked by the picture?” Chan hums in amusement. You gape at him after massaging your sore forehead, “Well no shit, you just sent me a dick pic!” You shove your phone in his face.
On the screen was a picture of Chan’s crotch area. His gray sweats not hiding the boner he obviously sports, his veiny hands holding onto his intimate area. A sudden realization dawned on you, “Did you just take that?” You stared between him and the same colored sweatpants that he wore. Now it’s his turn to be flustered, sure he had fun teasing you but now thinking about it, it wasn’t exactly appropriate to take a dick pic in front of his best friend even if she wasn’t aware of his actions. Brushing it off, Chan shrugged with a smug face.
“God you’re infuriating sometimes.” You shake your head. “Oh c’mon, you can say it’s hot, your’s was. It’s the reason I’ve got a bone-“
“Chan!” You squeak, your hands covering your face. Chan was too blunt for you sometimes. “You still need help with this?” Chan says, gently guiding your hands down from your face to show you the picture that you had sent him earlier. You pout, thoughts in your head weren’t lining up to how your body was reacting, “Help?” You shake your head in confusion trying to understand what his words meant. Chan hesitantly trailed his hands to your inner thighs, instinctively you spread them apart which he takes as a go-ahead.
“Wait, wait, wait!” You stutter, realizing where this could be going, “We don’t have to do anything, if you don’t wanna.” Chan said, retrieving his hands from your legs. The warmth of his hands still burning your skin despite them not being there anymore. “No, I wanna-” Your mouth moved quicker than you could process, you slapped a hand over it. Chan raised a brow at you in his regular teasing manner, you simply shook your head at him, “Chan…you’re my best friend, I don’t wanna change that.” That was a lie, you did want to change that, you really want to change that, but losing Chan was something that always prevented you from ever telling him how you felt.
“Who says it has to change?” The curly haired boy leans over your body, dipping his bed at the weight. Your hands come up to his shoulders, not knowing whether to push him away or bring him closer. “Chris.” You sigh, eyes closing in thought. “Keep your eyes close, if you want me to stop just tell me…okay?” His words fanned across your cheeks as he spoke softly into your ear. You squirmed at his words but nonetheless kept your eyes shut.
A sudden touch to your thighs made you flinch, the hand hesitantly tapped your knee for your consent, nodding in response. Chan let out a shaky breath as his hands nudged your thighs apart, revealing the wet patch that stained the lining of your shorts. Did you get turned on by the tinder guy? No, it was by Chan and his insufferable teasing, he’s what got your arousal pooling. Chan hums, his breath breezing over your hot skin, sending shivers down your spine. “This okay? D’you trust me?” He asked as his fingered trailed along your throbbing cunt, you bit your lip in pleasure, nodding frantically, yearning for more friction.
Chan begins rubbing his thumb in circles on your clothed clit while his other fingers slip between your slick folds that stick to your panty. Moving your loose shorts to the side, you feel him dip his head down, licking a stripe up your cunt. “Channie.” You whine, hands flying to his curls, entangling them with your fingers. The sudden rush of pleasure has you opening your eyes, the sight of your best friend’s face between your legs, lickking at your most intimate area sends another wave of arousal straight to your core. Your thighs instinctively tense around his face, Chan gaze lifts to you at the action, locking your eyes and you're done. Chan’s eyes stared into you longingly, the smirk that made his way to his face when he sneakily maneuvered your underwear to the side had you writhing under his hold.
Chan continued his assault on your cunt with his mouth, sucking at your clit, swirling iit around your fold. His fingers brought you even closer to the edge as they ever-so-often sunk inside, never past his fingertips as if he was teasing you. That familiar knot formed in your stomach as your thighs began to shake, the movement not going unnoticed by Chan. “S-Stop!” You say closing your legs in an attempt to get him off, he sticks to his previous words and obliges to your command. “You okay?” Chan looks at you, a pang of worry flashing in his eyes, his mouth and chin was wet with what you’d assume is your arousal and his saliva mixed, he subconsciously licks his lips as you stare at them.
You nod in response before climbing onto your knees pushing him back onto the bed, “What are you- Y/N?!” Now it was Chan’s turn to turn pink, his heart pounded in his chest as he watched you pull the waistband of his sweatpants down revealing his hardened cock. “This okay?” You ask innocently, contradicting your actions. “Fuck yeah, this’s okay.” He sighed.
You stared at his dick, the very same one he had sent a few minutes ago, you never thought you’d ever be in this position with Chan. The tip was leaking with precum and the veins on the side evident from the lack of friction, he wasn't too big like the ones you’ve seen in those exaggerated pornos but he’s definitely above average. Your hand wraps around the base of his cock, pumping it a few times, precum coating it making it easier to slide up and down. “Jesus, fuck, you’re so pretty, such a good girl, baby.” Chan rambles as you lean down, placing a small kiss on the tip. Tongue trailing down along the veins before coming back to the tip and taking it into your mouth.
Rolling his head back in pleasure, Chan gently takes a fistful of your hair so that it doesn't get in your way. You hum in appreciation. Chan almost cums, the vibration of your hum going through his shaft towards that knot forming in his abdomen. Hollowing your cheeks, you attempt to take more of him but Chan stops you, pulling you off of him with a pop. “Why’d you- mmph.” The feeling of his soft, plump lips cuts you off. His lips were gentle yet rough against yours, lust and desire making the kiss messier. Without your lips coming apart, Chan guides you to the bed again, laying you down under him. Lips dancing with one another, he adjusts your shorts and underwear to the side again, prompting a gasp from you, he takes the opportunity to slip his tongue alongside yours.
You moan into the kiss as he presses the tip of his cock to your entrance. Your eyes meet once more, he has that same worry in his eyes, asking if he can continue. “Fuck me Channie…please.” Before your words could fully come out he’s already snapped his hips into you, bottoming out and letting you adjust to his size. “You okay, sweetheart?” The pet name draws out an erotic moan from your lips, you nod frantically as you wrap your legs around his waist, pulling him closer. Chan places your knees atop his shoulders, leaning into you as his hips smack against the back of your thighs. The echo of wet noises bouncing off the dorm room’s wall, Chan has never been more grateful that his roommate, Minho, wasn't in town. “S’close, Channie.” You moan into his neck, your nails clawing at his clothed back. It barely occurred to you that you were both technically fully clothed. “God I like you so much, you know that baby?” Chan mumbled as he drilled into your cunt. “Channie, I like you too- oh my fucking God.” You curse as he reaches your g-spot, hitting it dead on. “Actually?”
“Mhm, shit, liked you for a long time.” You say between moans and whimpers, your climax nearing as your legs begin to shake. “Fuck, gonna make you cum. S’fucking pretty.” Chan slurred as his hand made his way to your clit, rubbing circles onto it. Your orgasm hit you like a truck, you don’t think you’ve ever orgasmed like that before.
“Almost there, where d’you want it?” Chan pants over your whines of overstimulation, “Inside, I’m on the- holy fuck- on the pill!” The sensitivity of your cunt begins to be uncomfortable. Your words send Chan over the edge, spilling his hot cum inside of you.
Chan slowly pulls out before plopping onto the mattress next to you. “You really mean it?” He pants, chest heaving. You look at him confused, your mind too hazy for anything at this point. “You like me?”
“Heh, yeah…I do.” Chan leans over and gives you a sweet kiss on the lips. Rolling out of the bed, Chan comes back to you with a towel and some water. “Thanks.” You smile, taking the bottle of water. “Lemme get you some clothes from the closet.” As he makes his way to the closet an idea pops into his head. Chan snatches his phone before walking into his shared walk-in closet.
The ding of your phone grasps your attention, you reach for it and read the most recent message. It’s from Chan.
Send nudes ;)
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skyahri · 6 months
How They Found Out |Naruto Boys X Reader| HC
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Characters: Sasuke Uchiha, Naruto Uzumaki, Shikamaru Nara, Kakashi Hatake
Summary: How your relationship ended up being revealed.
Warnings: Naruto's is short af because he's an open book. Deal with it. NSFW themes. Mentions of sex and being caught. Part Two
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Sasuke Uchiha
You'd been together for about a year at this point. In the beginning, you'd agreed to keep it hush-hush until you'd figured things out.
Before you knew it, it'd been more than six months since your first date, and it was still secret. You enjoyed the privacy of it, but didn't enjoy hiding things from your friends.
So you decided to stop actively keeping it a secret and instead allow things to come out naturally.
But that was six months ago and still no one knew.
Sasuke hated PDA and no one had asked either of you about relationship stuff, so it was still quiet.
That is until today.
You two were victims of Narutos' lack of boundaries and awareness.
It was late at night, about 11pm, you were in Sasuke's apartment.
He was drilling into you, his hands holding down your legs and mouth connected to your neck.
You were too busy enjoying the all encompassing feeling of him fucking you, and he was too busy ravaging you to hear Naruto enter the front door.
Suddenly, the bedroom door swings open. Narutos face very quickly goes from his usual happy-go-lucky to a horrified, dramatic look.
Sasuke is quick to cover you with the sheets before he yells at Naruto to get the Hell out.
Naruto is already way ahead of him, bolting straight out the front door and to God knows where.
After that, it wasn't long before the whole village knew. Honestly, once Gai found out, there was no one who didn't know.
Naruto Uzumaki
Find out? Ha! There is no finding out because he immediately told anyone and everyone the second you agreed to a date.
If he did somehow manage to keep it quiet, it really wouldn't be long until it got out.
Hes just so... excited to be with you.
He likes showing you off like a prize. He likes going on dates and holding your hand and loudly proclaiming that you're his.
You don't mind, of course.
Shikamaru Nara
You two lay around together most days. A while back, you shared a kiss, and it very VERY slowly escalated from there.
It was almost six months before you actually had sex.
Mostly because he'd somehow rationalized kissing was "just something you guys did" and didn't require any extra thought.
The sex was amazing. Slow and passionate, just like you'd expect from the lazy Nara.
And so things continued on like that. A relationship had formed, but it was never something either of you talked about.
You liked his parents and they liked you. You'd help his mom with dinner some nights and played Shogi with Shikaku. They didn't question your relationship either.
Things stayed on the down low for almost eighteen months before someone finally brought up something regarding his romantic life.
"So, Shikamaru, who was your first kiss?" Choji asked one night in the bath house.
The question caught him off guard since he wasn't usually included in these types of conversations. (They mostly assumed he wasn't interested in women, or something like that.)
"Hm? Oh, Y/N."
Cue the silence. Then total chaos.
"What?? When was this?" Kiba asked.
"I don't know... sometime around the solstice last year."
That sparked a lot of questions from his friends, only some of which he'd answered.
The guys relayed all the information to the girls the next day, where they then went and hounded you for answers.
Despite all of your friends knowing about your relationship, nothing changed between you and Shikamaru.
You just stayed... whatever it is you were.
Kakashi Hatake
Gai, Kurenai, and Iruka all had their suspicions about you two but had nothing to back it up. It's been years at this point, yet they still come up empty-handed.
That is, until Kakashi’s students decided they were interested in his love life, and began to poke around.
It's after the war; Naruto, Sakura, and Sasuke are fully grown adults, but something is just so tempting about reverting to their youthful days of trying to spy on their sensei.
Kakashi is all for it, partially because he's glad his students are getting along again, and partially because he's grown tired of keeping secrets.
This is something he discusses with you, and as he predicted, you're completely on board.
You gradually make yourself seen with Kakashi over the next week- leaving the Hokage tower with him, getting dinner with him, and even allowing him to walk you to his apartment.
The kids watch all of this happen, but there's no evidence that actually proves anything, just like Gai sensei had told them in the beginning.
So they continue to stalk you two around the village. They're better at it than when they were little, but it's still pretty easy to spot them.
At the end of the week, when you're sure all three of them are watching, Kakashi kisses you in front of your front door.
You watch as they all zip away, surely off to meet up or possibly report back to your friends.
You and Kakashi can only laugh.
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flwrstqr · 3 months
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── ୨୧ enha x f!reader 𝗀enre. fluff, angst imagines, ot7 works 𝒘𝗈𝗋𝖽 counts . . . 1387 𝔀arning not proofread, kisses, petnames, crying, them just arguing┊DANi NOTEZ ‎⸝⸝⸝ felt a little angsty today 😈 ◞[ continue on to . . . library , request ]
! feedbacks and reblogs are highly appreciated and encouraged! PLS REBLOG ♡
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as the argument escalates, you find yourself overwhelmed and tears start streaming down your face. heeseung, who had been raising his voice in frustration, suddenly freezes. his eyes widen as he processes the sight of your tears, and it hits him that he might have been too harsh. for a moment, he stands there, stunned and silent, before his expression softens.
"oh my god," he whispers, stepping closer to you. "i'm so sorry, angel. I didn't mean to raise my voice."
he gently reaches out, his hands trembling slightly as he cups your face, wiping away your tears with his thumbs. his eyes are filled with guilt and concern, his voice quiet and soft.
"please forgive me," he continues, his voice cracking a little. "I never wanted to make you feel like this. let's talk about this calmly, okay? i love you so much, and i hate seeing you cry."
rest of the members below !!
JAY (박종성)
as the argument heats up, your emotions overflow, and you begin to cry. jay's expression shifts immediately from frustration to guilt as he sees the tears streaming down your face. his eyes soften, and he quickly steps towards you, his heart aching at the sight of your pain.
"hey, hey, don't cry, princess.." he murmurs, his voice full of regret and concern.
without hesitation, he wraps his arms around you, pulling you into a comforting embrace. he holds you tightly, as if trying to shield you from the hurt he caused.
"i'm so sorry," he whispers into your hair, his voice breaking slightly. "i didn't mean to make you cry. please forgive me."
jay gently rubs your back, trying to soothe you as he continues to apologize. he pulls back just enough to look into your eyes.
"i'll do anything to make it up to you," he says softly. "i never want to see you like this because of me. let's take a moment, calm down, and talk this through, okay?"
JAKE (심재윤)
in the heat of the argument, when your tears start to fall, jake immediately realizes he's gone too far. his eyes widen, and his expression shifts from anger to intense guilt. for a moment, he's frozen, speechless as he processes the sight of your tears. his mouth opens as if to speak, but no words come out; he's too overwhelmed by guilt.
jake steps closer to you, his hands trembling slightly. He reaches out, hesitates for a second, and then gently places his hands on your shoulders. his eyes are filled with regret, and his throat tightens as he struggles to find his voice.
"i'm... i'm so sorry," he finally manages to whisper, his voice barely audible.
seeing the pain in your eyes makes it even harder for him to speak. he feels a lump in his throat. he pulls you into a tight hug, holding you as if he's afraid to let go, trying to convey his apology through his embrace.
"i'm so sorry," he repeats, his voice choked with guilt. "i didn't mean to hurt you. please... please forgive me."
in the middle of the argument, when your tears begin to fall, sunghoon's expression turns from frustration to shock. he freezes, his eyes wide as he tries to process what he said that made you cry. the realization hits him hard, and he feels a wave of regret wash over him.
"wait...," he murmurs, his voice suddenly soft and full of concern.
sunghoon steps closer to you, his heart aching at the sight of your tears. he hesitates for a moment, replaying his words in his mind, trying to understand how he hurt you. then, without another word, he wraps his arms around you, pulling you into a gentle, comforting embrace.
"i'm so sorry, baby," he whispers.
he kisses your tears away, his lips gentle against your cheeks. "i didn't mean to make you cry. please, forgive me."
Sunghoon holds you tightly, his touch tender and protective. he strokes your hair softly, continuing to kiss away your tears, his own eyes glistening with unshed tears of guilt and regret.
"i love you so much," he murmurs. "let's calm down and talk this through. i never want to hurt you like this again."
SUNOO (김선우)
as the argument intensifies and your tears start to fall, sunoo's expression shifts dramatically. he looks at you with wide eyes, immediately realizing the impact of his raised voice. his face is a mix of shock and guilt, and he quickly moves closer to you.
"oh my god, i'm so sorry," he exclaims, his voice filled with urgency and regret.
he reaches out, gently taking your hands in his, his eyes searching yours "i shouldn't have raised my voice. i'm so, so sorry. i didn't mean to upset you."
sunoo starts rambling, his words tumbling out in a rush as he tries to convey just how sorry he is. "i didn't think, i was just so frustrated, but that's no excuse. i should have been more careful with my words. please, forgive me. i never wanted to hurt you."
He pulls you into a tight hug, his embrace warm and comforting. His hands softly stroke your back as he continues to apologize, his voice gentle and sincere.
as the argument escalates and your tears begin to fall, Jungwon's expression immediately changes from frustration to shock.his eyes widen, and his heart sinks at the sight of your tears. he freezes for a moment, trying to process what just happened and feeling a surge of guilt wash over him.
"oh no, please don't cry," he whispers, stepping closer to you with a look of deep concern.
without hesitation, he wraps his arms around you, pulling you into a comforting embrace. his hands gently stroke your back as he holds you tightly, his voice soft and filled with regret. "I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to make you cry."
jungwon places tender kisses on your forehead and cheeks, trying to soothe you. "shh, it's okay. I'm here," he murmurs between kisses. "i'm really, really sorry."
he continues to hold you, rocking you gently in his arms as he apologizes. "I shouldn't have let things get this far. I never wanted to hurt you. please forgive me."
RIKI (西村力)
in the midst of the argument, when your tears start to fall, riki's eyes widen in shock. he stands there, frozen, not quite sure how to react. the sight of your tears leaves him feeling helpless and remorseful, and he struggles to find the right words or actions to make things better.
for a few moments, he's silent, just staring at you, trying to process what he's seeing and feeling. then, he tentatively steps closer, his expression softening with guilt and concern.
"Y/N?" he says quietly, his voice uncertain but sincere. "look, I'm sorry for raising my voice. I didn't mean to."
riki hesitates, then leans in and gives you a quick, gentle kiss on the lips, hoping to lift your spirits even just a little. he pulls back slightly, looking into your eyes with a mixture of apology and hope.
"i'm really sorry," he repeats, his voice more steady now. "i didn't want to make you cry. can we try to talk this out calmly?"
he reaches out, taking your hand in his, giving it a reassuring squeeze.
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gangplanksorenji · 8 months
Kinknuary Day 13: Uniform Kink
Pairing: NewJeans Hanni x Male Reader
Word Count: 5,562
[Kinknuary Masterlist]
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It’s just another goddamn stressful day that you’ll be tackling and you just can’t wait for it to end. Even teaching a class full of boisterous students sends you into a hellhole of utter stress and dismissing them is such a sigh of relief—you still show empathy and enthusiasm to teach and make them learn new things but there are just times where it’s really unbearable but you fight through it, following your moral code of conduct.
Yet one student stood out from the rest, not really because of her academic performance (in which she is already doing decently great) but, in the way she dressed that literally doesn’t follow the campus’ dress code.
As she’s about to leave and get her bangs packed and ready, you suddenly called out her name in a formal manner as you caught her attention off-guard. Of course, she rolls her eyes in subtle annoyance as her friends opted to just wait for her onto the campus’ canteen and Hanni agrees on that and averted her attention towards you.
“What is it, professor?” Hanni asks you with little-to-no-interest as wants this to end as quickly as possible as she has more endeavors to be in with.
“Ms. Pham, I would like to talk about something that I’m pretty sure you’re aware of.” Your stern demeanor intimidates Hanni as the presence of gravitas within you makes her feel a hint of nervousness, unsure on what you may talk about.
“I don’t seem to know what you’re talking about, professor?” She seems to not be cognizant about what you’re talking about as there’s multiple reasons on why you may call her out. It may seem sincere but she may act oblivious just to trick you but you could never be so sure, so you enlightened her with a fact. “Don’t you see what you’re wearing, Ms. Pham? Don’t you see that it definitely doesn’t follow the dress code of the school’s regulations.”
“Oh, I guess I’m sorry, professor. I don’t know anything about this regulation-thingy and what are you going to do about this, hm, strip it out of me, professor?”
God, this girl—Pham Hanni, yes, this girl is not the girl you don’t want to deal with. Everybody knows how bratty and stubborn she can get whenever she’s being disciplined and snapped back to her place, despite her bubbly and friendly attitude. With that iron wall that’s strong within her, you want to teach her a lesson and break it despite the possible risks and you might need to even take it a step further than the most primitive ways of disciplining students.
You let out a deep sight as silence ensues and then, you slammed hard on the desk and gave her a cold, stern gaze that startled and scared Hanni. “Don’t you dare talk to your professor this way, Ms. Pham Hanni—and I know you’re not this oblivious to not know about the school’s rules and regulations, don’t you?”
And as much as you’re having the higher authority right now, Hanni herself didn’t back down without a fight and rather provoked your inner fire that you didn’t absolutely like but your patience is staying stronger than steel, fighting through her stubborn behavior. It became continuous that the both of you are starting to argue like little kids but you still maintain your composition yet Hanni’s erupting like a volcano gone rogue right now and there’s one thing to deal with this, moreso, privately.
“Then why does it matter so much for you, professor? Just say the words and I—”
“Go to my office now, Pham Hanni.” You interrupted her with a single sentence as her heart dropped massively as fear now emanated on her eyes, as she never saw you this serious before. As much as she wants to complain or retaliate, she doesn’t want to get in any trouble or escalate this situation further so, without any choice, she packed her things and went to your office with you, of course—you need to guard her since she might immediately escape and catch you off-guard, unprepared and you don’t want that to happen.
Once you’ve reached your office, you offer her a seat as you turn on the lights and sit on your chair, ready to further talk about her annoying and frustrating behavior.
“Professor, if it’s just another dumb talk about my bitchy behav—”
“Can you just stay quiet, please?” You retort in response with her talkative antics that made you boil in anger and immediately, Hanni shuts her mouth silent and gulps nervously. “You are being a nuisance to a lot—let me repeat it again for you, a lot of professors, whether it’s your stubbornness or you just being incapable of following such simple instructions and being selfish, it’s getting out of hand.” You blow a deep breath as you’re about to tame a beast like Hanni as you’re preparing for another pointless hindrance that further makes everything go down into flames. 
You’re just as puzzled as most of the people that knew her and you hate that one thing that really shows how much the professors despise her—her bratty attitude that will never fade as the boys around her fall in love with that and it’s just something wrong. As much as you don’t like her not following the dress code the school has implemented, you can’t lie and dive into your hypocrisy with the beauty that lies within her because of her aesthetically hot school uniform outfit. Of course, you won’t let your intrusive thoughts win and remain composed throughout the time being of disciplining her and making her snap back to her roots.
Yet you have a single trick up your sleeve whenever this gets out of hand, and you’re just holding onto this for a while, testing your patience.
“We don’t know what to do anymore with you so a little cooperation will be appreciated if you will just—”
“But here’s the thing, professor—” Hanni pushes the chair a little back, before standing and giving you a subtle smirk in aims to lower down your guard. “—at the end of the day, it’s not going to harm anyone and you can’t do anything with it, hah.”
“Hanni, it’s not just that—it’s all about the discipline and the control of your—”
“Oh, stop it, professor—” Hanni walks towards you as your senses heightened, absolutely flummoxed with her eager movements towards you as she’s obviously seducing you into making you fall down her spell. “—don’t tell me you don’t like how pretty I look in this outfit.”
In all means, she’s goddamn right and there’s no way on earth you would say a no but of course, you’re fighting the urge of your primal desires as you brush her approaching advancements to lure you in, retaliating and further wanting Hanni to back down even though you know that she’ll just advance without anyone to stop her.
“Stop this madness, Pham Hanni—you’re not going to—”
“I’m absolutely in this, professor—stop being a hypocrite and tell me how pretty I look with this uniform.”
It’s her accent and her saccharine voice that further doesn’t help with your defensive state against her unstoppable will. You can’t lie how perfectly beautiful she looks in this possibly-cursed uniform as every inch ultimately highlights her slender waist, her beautiful thighs and her perky mounds and you hate it. Maybe, she dressed like this for a purpose but you’re not so sure and you’re running out of time before you unshackle everything that has been caged for so long.
Knowing that hypocrisy is such utter bullshit, you finally give in a little as you start to stutter and mutter such complimentary words that Hanni catches her ears on it.
“You l-look good in this outfit, Hanni—not going to lie with you. Your curves, your thighs, it’s just perfect for you.”
Hanni finally smiles widely with her eyes drawing such crescent moons, emanating her cuteness towards you. She’s delighted to hear your sincere takes on her outfit and decided to take it a step further than ever before. Hanni then closes towards you as her hands palmed your chest, the warmth of it making you overwhelmed and excited as your heart races its beat like it’s catching something.
“I guess you want something to deal with this, right, professor? And don’t you dare say no because—” Hanni looks at your eyes endearingly with aims to further lure you onto her spell as her thick Australian accent followed by her sweet voice seduces you further, “—I can see in your eyes, professor—your pretty, black eyes says it all…” She further puts gasoline on the flames as she caresses her hands slowly on your chest, making you feel the affection and sincerity of Hanni’s eyes and because of your clever mind, you knew exactly where this is going as you fully gave in to your animalistic urges and broke apart your stern, teacher-like persona.
“I do want you, Hanni. I can’t believe I’m saying this but you’re so goddamn pretty and hot.” You took some quick peeks on her impeccable features as she saw this, smiling at the fact that you’re admiring her scrumptious body and her pretty face.
“I know professor—you’re hot and pretty handsome too. You don’t know this but—” Hanni tiptoes as you slightly slouch in order for her to be in level with you as she whispers in your ear, “—I had a crush on you for a long time now, professor.”
This may sound unorthodox for you but you feel your heart beating triple its normal rate, finding Hanni’s advances wholesome and flustering. It may sound wrong as you want to unhear what Hanni just said but you can’t help yourself with your own desires and even wanting more. Knowing that Hanni’s touches are getting bolder enough for you to act up, you gently push her hands off on your chest as she pouts cutely, dejected with your retaliating advances yet she doesn’t give up, at her watch.
“Hanni—we can’t be doing this. This is just wrong, I’m sorry—”
“But professor—” Hanni lays down onto the couch as she displays herself in front of you and all you can see is an angel getting ready to be sullied. “—don’t you wanna think of something else? Like, kissing me, making me rile up or just ruining me with this goddamn uniform? Come on professor, make a girl worth her while…”
With your own desires taking over you, you can’t be bothered to really make yours unattended as her primal calls make up for your time as you were lured by her own devilish remarks. You pin her down at the couch as she yelped in response, feeling a little shocked with your aggressive actions but she never wanted you to break the heated atmosphere that has been building up as she grabbed your collar and kissed you intimately.
This is totally wrong—you said to yourself but you didn’t care anymore, not when Hanni’s plump, luscious lips are in contact with yours, sharing such an intimate kiss as the both of you find yourselves even indulging deeper and not wanting to end this so soon but speak of the devil, Hanni pulls out of the latch of your lips as she looks at you with need in her eyes. Can’t seem to really contain yourself anymore because of such a hot scene, you thought of something that will change the course of this session and will start things off incredibly well.
“Get on your knees, Hanni. I’ll probably assume you know where this will go, right?”
Getting up on the couch, Hanni eagerly obliged to your request as she knelt down in front of you with her eyebrows furrowed, a little nervous about what you may have in store. Hanni knows what you’re coming up with but she just wants everything to be confirmed by you so she didn’t hesitate to ask you about it. “Are you s-sure about this, professor?”
“Yes, Hanni—I am more than sure. Besides, no one will know any of this and have no secret cameras installed here anyways. Now, do your thing and impress me.”
Your tone makes her heart drop as the heat makes everything intense as your stern face intimidates her but it didn’t bother her to start her own service. Her hands trembled a bit but she didn’t care as she continued unbuckling your belt and then unbuttoning your pants as you mildly groan due to her hurried actions as her touch feels enchanting, the hotness rivaling the cold air that had permeated around the room. Even with the possible uneasiness laced in every move she does when she’s stripping you, you can’t help but be in awe of how she’s genuinely interested in what she’s doing as the lust and anticipation glistens on her dark orbs.
“Have you done this before, Hanni?”
Hanni, still busy with her current activity, takes a second before she could respond as she looks at your eyes endearingly and mutters, “Not really, professor—just on my toys though, so I had some little practice at my end.”
You scoff as you were shocked by Hanni’s dirty, little secret but you didn’t take it as a joke or way too seriously—it’s just great that she had experienced it with even a silicon toy but now, she’ll be trying the real thing and it’s just going to be better than this. Now, with your last defense left before her grand treasure, Hanni didn’t waste any time and let the feral beast inside you be unshackled from its frustrating restraints and god, Hanni’s eyes lit in awe and amazement as she gets her first treatment and a sight of such a beautiful, perfect cock.
“Professor—it looks good and thick. It feels so warm and nice on my hand too—woahh...”You can see how adventurous and how new Hanni is in these kinds of things as she’s just in full-admiration of your entire length now all for her to taste and use. You want to show some mercy with Hanni, even with her bitchy attitude that makes you want to teach her lesson, you’d still keep the feral beast inside you for now as you don’t want yourself to grow impatient, reminding Hanni on what to really do.
“Show me what those plump lips can do, Hanni—show me what they’re really made of.”
“Yes, professor…” With no time to waste, her soft flesh meets your engorged tip as she sends multiple pecks onto it, from your tip down to the base her actions immediately send waves of pleasure and it's a pandemonium of delight. Sudden surge of pleasure does course down your veins and you can’t help but let out moans that screams volumes of peak delight and gratification with the incredible work of Hanni’s lips marking every inch of your shaft with her touch and she’s barely even doing anything on your cock yet. 
Well, you didn’t need to imagine anymore nor Hanni as she envelops her soft lips all over your tip, just pushing it almost the frenulum as she eagerly bobs her head and sucked onto your length like it’s favorite popsicle. With you sitting onto the couch, you may think that Hanni’s struggling a little due to the position but she shows no signs of it as she continues her masterclass of an incredible display of her talented mouth doing wonder all over your length. She definitely knows how to suck a damn cock like yours, even if she said she hasn't had a real one and just done it with her toys makes you think if she’s lying on her teeth but you didn’t mind it as you let do an incredible job between your legs. Inevitably, saliva seeps out at the side of her mouth and onto her chin due to her furious bobbing as it stains the couch and makes it a little wet—adds to the element of a messy, sloppy, and most of all, a great blowjob session.
With now taking more than half of your length everytime she thrusts her mouth on your cock, a gag can be heard resonating around the room as it’s bound to make your arousal soar higher than the heavens, and it absolutely did. She didn’t stop sucking you, moreso, even pull out quickly enough to catch her breath as she gives you the best she could deliver as she’s totally serving the dish hotter than what you expected, all of the elements coming all together in aims to reach a single goal: to make you stimulated enough to blow a healthy, thick load. With her furious bobbing onto your constantly throbbing penis, you grabbed her blonde-highlighted dark streaks as an outlet to fight the constant pleasure you’re experiencing and wanting yourself to give her a treat, you caught her off-guard by simple forcing your entire length down her throat as it hits the back of it, activating her gag reflex and immediately, she forced out of your saliva-sheathed member as she catches her breath in response.
“Wha—What w-was that professor?”
“I just wanted to feel your entire throat and if you can take it whole, Hanni—go on and continue…”
Hanni throwed a slight glare because of your sudden harsh actions towards her but she brushed it off immediately and got back onto sucking your raging length again. This time, it was better considering how she locks eye contact with you periodically, more often that earlier and with a new and a better addition, Hanni’s dainty fingers finding its way to fondle your balls for further stimulation as it became so frequent that you increase the quality and also the volume of your moans and that alone sends Hanni onto a better task at making your brain go haywire.
There’s is no absolute way that this can get any better—Hanni bobbing her up and down furiously as she gags every time she does it, saliva seeping out her mouth and staining the vicinity around her lips, her tears and makeup getting ruined because of her own harsh doings against your length, and the peak of the iceberg is herself in her uniforms which turns you on so fucking much—and there’s nothing you can ask for at this moment. Her pace is just getting ridiculous at this point that it’s all going to get out of hand soon because you’re feeling the familiar sensation growing up in your loins as you have  more plans ahead for this girl as the both of you are just starting.
Well, you never knew that a girl in her uniform would make such a blowjob session thrice as hot as you’ve ever thought about and maybe, you just found yourself a new fetish.
“S-Stop, Hanni…” Your pleas fall deaf onto her ears as the sounds of her constant slurping and her sheer focus on sucking you off makes off a wall to refrain herself from any distraction. Gathering up more strength, you raise your voice in hope for her to hear you as you can feel yourself going near that high you’ve been waiting for but you don’t want it deep down her throat.
“I said stop, Pham Hanni!”
Fear took over her as she’s startled and afraid with your tone, immediately stopping and pulling out of your drool-lathered, throbbing length as connections of saliva were evident.
“Did I d-do something wrong, p-professor?” You could feel the fright laced between her words as felt bad and guilty with it, so you reassured her in the nicest way possible as you don’t want this to end so quickly and anti-climactic.
“No—I want my load to be deep in your pussy because girls like you don’t deserve a load deep down their slutty throats…”
“B-But I deserved it!”
“I won’t repeat myself, Hanni.”
You’re not wrong, by any means. If she misbehaved so badly and acted like an unbearable brat earlier, then it’s just fair making her be deprived of your seed. You commanded her to stand up as she did so, and you helped her with that and not so long after, you ordered her again to bend herself over, her hands palmed all over the wall as she gave out an excited look, Hanni anticipating what you may still have in store up your sleeve.
“Do you w-want me to strip off m-my clothing?” Like your growing fetish onto hot and petite girls in uniforms, you can’t be bothered to see her naked as two brilliant things are the reasons: one, she’s still within the school’s premises as you don’t want her to be utterly ruined and naked when the both of you are done and two, you really want to sully her with her uniforms on as it’s such an arousing sight to see her curvature and her impeccable features being complimented by her uniform. With this conclusion, you came up with a single reasoning and replied to her—
“No, I want your uniform stayed on—you’ll look better ruined with those on and look too great on that.”
Hearing this, Hanni’s lips curled up a smirk as she knew how to really turn you on right from the start. She knows her captivating and alluring aura will send down your defenses and will break your stern persona as a professor and given the fact that her in a uniform turns you on even more than what she expected, makes everything better and more arousing. Now, with her unparalleled pleas of needs towards you, you can’t help but feel yourself inching closer towards a heavenly route towards your own sin—and you’re about to take such a bold risk that will define your limits and Hanni’s and it’s all about to break down. With her petite and slender figure bent over and ready for taking, you take a moment to admire her plump cheeks and her beautifully sculpted thighs that it’s in the right amount of thickness. You caress your palm over it as your fingers slowly run over the hem of her white-laced panties, stretching it out a little in order to tease her and not for long, your deftly swiped it down to her ankles as you were met with her glistening, needy cunt that’s already dripping and you don’t know when it started.
With that desired treasure within your reach, you’re in no state to not dive into it yet your conscience fights with you but you manage to calm it down as you fully indulge on your own needs and immediately, you plunge your length in her with a harsh grip on her thighs as a leverage and god, her moans are basically the purest and the most erotic sound you’ve ever heard in your entire life—such sultriness and sweetness behind her lustful needs makes it such a great symphony to listen as rhapsodies of her delighted feelings escapes her mouth, further muttering such lovely moans that greatly fueled your lust over her.
You know this is wrong—so besmirching yet you’re at the point of no-return and just finding yourself being lured deeply into the abyss of your primal desires.
“God—p-professor—your cock—oh, it’s so big and n-nice up my tight, l-little cunt!”
“You’re t-tight as fuck too, Hanni—let me guess though—” You then inch closer towards her ear and fixed her hair as some of it falls back onto the other side as you muttered, “—you’ve tried shoving up your toys in this tight pussy, isn’t it?”
Hanni’s already at her vulnerable point as she can’t think of any articulate response rather than moaning in need yet she manages to fight through it, uttering a reply before she can let out her lustful profanities again. “Y-Yes—yes, professor! I l-love playing w-with my toys that’s why—fuck, so good!”
As you ensue such powerful yet slow thrusts, Hanni can’t help but voice out her satisfaction each time you do it as her thighs jiggling in response to your harsh movements is bringing you into a hypnotic trance. With her delectable buttcheeks being a victim of such vibrations due to your constant ramming of her cunt and with that such, you gave her a single spank that reverberated around the room and Hanni herself cried in intense pleasure because of it. With such an incredibly hot sight of Hanni in her uniform, getting railed from behind, you can’t help but make yourself unable to maintain the pace even if you wanted it slow with Hanni and you didn’t last long and gave in to your primal instincts and let your hips do the work.
Your new profound pace makes Hanni writhe as her fist forms tight curls from the constant course of pleasure running down her veins, making her stimulated enough to drip around your ravaging member and onto the floor, staining it with her own succulent juices. Your hands now averted its attention towards her shoulders and then her perky mounds in which you slowly groped, and fondled them carefully while still maintaining a breakneck pace that’s been forming such heavenly clouds of gratification that makes the best for both worlds. She lets out a series of satisfied moans, but this time, it’s more sultry and more of a whimper in your words as your intimate actions brings her closer onto her own promised land.
“Oh fuck—professor! P-Please k-keep doing—fuck, ahh—that!!”
It was the same words uttered earlier and until now, and you’ll never get tired of it and will even make her a ruined mess that can only moan such lifeless syllables full of lust. With your relentless pace and such stimulating actions onto her small mounds, you further make it worth her while as you kiss her nape and suckled onto the porcelain skin, making her feel cherished and treasured as it’s all just becoming too much for Hanni that she’s unable to control herself, vulnerable on writhing unstoppably as the quivering of thighs would be a reasonable evidence to start with.
If this is what Hanni wanted at the very start, then she’ll get what she wanted—not because she solely deserved this, yet.
“Is this what you wanted, hm, Hanni? You really decided to dress like this to lure me in—well, you fucking got it because—” You keep fucking her steady as she cries from the stimulating actions your hips has been oscillating as her tumultuous mouth letting out the most lustful profanities are coming into a halt. “—I’ll destroy this pussy and fill you up like a good fucking girl and to teach you a fucking lesson!”
With the venom laced being thrown at her, unlocking the pure devilish deeds in you and putting your merciful façade onto its unfortunate demise, you let yourself be unshackled from the restraints you’ve been cursing yourself onto and rammed her tight, wet cunt like there’s no tomorrow. You gave her nothing but a lightning pace as each thrust aims to break her in half, teaching her a lesson and as the cherry on top, to fuck that living bratty and bitchy attitude out of her. Now grabbing the tie that has been an absolute iconic element of her outfit, you used it as a collar for a leverage to further fuck her into oblivion and with this pace, it isn’t going to be long before Hanni meets the end of the line, setting herself up to the top step of absolute lust and peak quality of pleasure—the long-awaited orgasmic trance of Hanni.
You know how close she is with the constant pulsations of her pussy around your ravaging length as you muster up the fastest pace your hips can do just to chase her orgasm further and with an ear-screeching scream of ecstasy, she announces her anticipated high.
“Oh god—I’m g-gonna—fuck—gonna cum on y-your cock, professor! Holy sh—shit!”
“Do it, Pham Hanni—cum on my cock like a good, pretty girl.”
With the last string of her defense now cut down, streams and streams of her nectar flow around your cock as she catches her breath everytime she lets out rounds of such an intense orgasmic high. You didn’t stop your thrusts though, yet you slow down to give her a breather but she looks back at you, wanting you to fully ravage her tight cunt even with her current state. Marking that as a green, you further resume your frantic pace as the wet squelching of her pussy and the constant clashing of both your drenched bodies became an arousing sound to hear as it draws you further to your own peak, inching it closer yet you fight it in order to savor the tight feeling and an ecstatic clenching of her velvety walls around your throbbing shaft. You support Hanni with your muscular arms as you can see how her orgasm depleted a chunk of her energy as her hands became weak, unable to full grip onto the walls as she just became a lifeless form capable of just uttering the most erotic syllables known to man and god, it’s even drawing you closer to the edge as it stimulates you into oblivion, and can’t draw back.
Chasing your own high as you want it as soon as possible, you use her body like you have something to prove to her as you train her with the aims to derive the best pleasure out of it and Hanni’s, too. Even with the orgasm-drunken state of Hanni, she’s able to encourage you to further release in her as she wiggles her bubble butt leisurely, wanting to get off yourself too as her voice captivates you and lures you deep on your darkest, lustful desires.
“Come o-on, professor—use m-my cunt and cum i-in me—please, I w-want it! I’m s-safe so you don’t need t-to worry—ahh—a-about me!”
Your eyebrows furrowed, reluctant with that approach that you may do the unthinkable but yet find yourself thrusting harder and faster, “Are y-you sure, Hanni?”
“Yes! Yes, p-professor—so please, I w-want your load d-deep inside me…”
With Hanni’s reassurance and her further encouragement for your long-awaited release, you trust her as you give her wet, tight walls the final thrusts it deserves as she constantly clenches with your pace, unable to control herself from it as you gave in.
“God—I’m gonna cum so hard in you, Pham Hanni!”
And then, your final blow decimates the last standing defense within you as your euphorically groaned and shoot spurts and spurts  of your treasured load deep inside her cunt as you bury your whole length in her, in aims to fill her up to the womb as she lets out such ecstatic moans with the warmth inside her painting every inch of her walls white with your seed. Your initial response after a mind-bending orgasm that lasted for like fifteen seconds is to pull out slowly and admire the creamy mess you made inside her emanating heat, as the both of you let out such exasperated breaths after a steamy session that no one can possibly top off. Hanni becomes weak as her legs got a little wobbly from your aggressive actions, sitting down slowly at the floor and recovering herself from the earlier euphoric trance and so did you, letting your cock soften as it twitches in need but you didn’t mind anything and take some time to recover.
“Oh my—you came so much in me, professor…” Hanni lightly laughs as it’s contagious, laughing with her and smiling right after, knowing how satisfied she is as much as you did.
“You too—I could literally feel a faucet leaking out of me when you came.” Hanni blushes from your reply as her hands come down to the hem of her panties, pulling it up as some of your semen leaked out and stained her thighs.
Awkward silence ensues right after as both parties slowly descend into recovery, catching breaths and reminiscing—maybe comprehending too—such remarkable moments throughout the intense session of such intimate sex. 
“Oh gosh—well, y-you proved your point already, professor.” Your face paints a confused one as you vaguely remember what she could be talking about.
“Of what, Hanni.”
“Of teaching me a lesson, professor. Would definitely follow your orders from now on.”
You faintly smile from her possibly sarcastic ways of a response of your “discipline” but you can sense the sincerity deep within her despite her unfathomable attitude.
“You know, we should clean up and fix ourselves, Hanni.” 
The both of you then hurriedly got up as you helped Hanni since her legs are weaker right now (but it’s in a state where she can still walk) thanks to your constant ramming at her cunt for like umpteenth times. The both of you fix yourselves and become more presentable and as she’s about to leave, you chat with her for a short while and then waved goodbye at each other but now, both of your faces emanate delight and comfort.
As Hanni is walking her way down towards her friends who've been waiting for forever, probably in the school’s canteen, she notices a small note stitched onto her backpack that says, “Thanks for that, Hanni. I’ll be calling you later for something… :)”
Knowing that it’s from you, she can’t help but smile as it went all troublesome but in the end, it all fell down onto curiosity and possibly, a stronger connection.
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edenesth · 9 months
The General's Wife
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Pairing: military general!Seonghwa x wife!reader
Word Count: 1117 words (I'd normally put it as 1.1k but uwu)
'Crazy Form' Comeback Special Series | Hongjoong | Seonghwa | Yunho | Yeosang | San | Mingi | Wooyoung | Jongho |
ATEEZ Masterlist
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"Ooh, what's a pretty little thing like you doing in a place like this?"
You sighed, wondering when these men would ever learn. It wasn't your first time paying this bar a visit; they should know better by now to not mess with you.
Pushing your drink aside, you turned to look at the brave soul who was stupid enough to put his hand on your shoulder. He smirked when you remained quiet, "You're a shy one, aren't you? No worries, I can make things more fun for you."
The men around him were muttering fearfully amongst themselves, wide-eyed, "Does that fool really not have a single clue who he's dealing with?"
You shrugged off his hand and felt sorry for him, "Oh dear, I pity you." Confused, he followed your gaze as you showed him an emblem you'd pulled out from your pocket. His heart nearly stopped when he finally realised who you were.
"Y-you're... shit, you're the general's wife."
You winced, realising those might be his last words, especially when you saw your husband walking into the bar.
Seonghwa halted just behind the man, fixing an intense glare on his vulnerable back. In a voice that sent shivers down spines, he growled, "Have you grown tired of living, soldier? If you're looking for dumb ways to die, consider today your lucky day."
The man visibly trembled as he turned around slowly to face his superior, falling to his knees in fear, "G-General Park! I swear, I d-didn't know she was your wife—"
A resounding smack cut off his sentence as a powerful backhand slap connected with his face, sending him sprawling to the ground.
You gave a subtle shake of your head, silently urging Seonghwa not to escalate the situation. However, your plea proved futile as your husband, with a wink in your direction, assured you, "Don't worry, my love. I won't be too harsh on him. I'll give him just enough punishment to ensure he understands never to lay a hand on my wife again."
Despite his comforting words, you knew better than anyone those were lies. The man probably wouldn't see the light of day again. Beneath the sweet exterior he reserved for you, your husband harboured a ruthless side, a quality that propelled him quickly up the military ranks, earning him a formidable reputation.
Before becoming your husband, General Park Seonghwa was a fearsome military commander, striking fear into almost everyone. Uninterested in academics or any other pursuit, he was a natural-born warrior. At the mere age of 12, he knew he was destined to be the god of war.
However, amidst the battlefield and bloodshed, there was one thing he treasured above all else – you. His first and only love; he stumbled upon you in your backyard, clandestinely wielding your brother's sword in an attempt to learn self-defence when no one else would teach you. A noble lady yearning for more than a mundane life.
At first glance, he knew you were special.
Seonghwa vowed to make you his wife someday, and he did. Not one to follow rules, he sneaked into your backyard one day, scaring the daylights out of you. With sharp critiques, he pointed out the flaws in your stance, inadvertently teaching you enough to defend yourself.
In short, love blossomed before you discovered that he was none other than the renowned General Park, the King's most trusted warrior leading the royal army. When he sought your hand in marriage, your parents were more than delighted to see their only daughter assume the esteemed title of the general's wife.
Due to Seonghwa's crucial role in the kingdom, he frequently found himself deployed to battle whenever political tensions arose between Wonderland and neighbouring nations.
Despite his repeated warnings, you always made the journey to his war sites to be with him. During your visits, much like the current one, many of his inexperienced men, unaware of the situation, would mistake you for a lost civilian in a war zone and foolishly attempt to make advances.
Now, this unfortunate man, like those before him, would meet his end before having the chance to serve his country—all because he couldn't keep his hands to himself.
You were escorted out of the dimly lit bar before you could witness what your husband's right-hand man did to the poor bastard. Whatever it was, you knew it would be far from pretty. To distract you from the unsettling thoughts, Seonghwa wrapped his arm around you and kissed you hard.
Pressing a hand against his chest, your attempts to push him away were useless. He was well aware of your shyness, with his men watching and all, but that was his intention. He needed these fools to understand that you were his woman.
Sensing your discomfort, your husband gently cupped your cheeks, pulling back slightly to assure you, "It's alright, darling. I'm here. No one will dare touch you again. You trust me, don't you?" Without hesitation, you nodded; there was no one in the world you trusted more than him.
His heart melted at how swollen your lips looked, and he couldn't resist pressing his lips softly against yours once more.
With a self-assured smirk, he withdrew slowly, his arm securely wrapped around your waist. He turned to cast a cold gaze at the men who instantly cowered under his scrutiny, "What are you imbeciles standing around for? Don't you recognise who this is?"
They gasped and immediately straightened up, bowing deeply before offering salutes in your direction, "Welcome to the base, Lady Park!"
You acknowledged their greeting with a nod, and with an elegant wave of your hand, they finally dared to disperse. It was an unspoken rule that everyone under your husband's command had no choice but to follow. Those who defied these rules deserved nothing less than severe consequences.
As you nestled into Seonghwa's temporary quarters that night, a comforting warmth enveloped your heart as he drew you close in bed. Planting a tender kiss on your head, he asked, "My love, do you ever regret marrying me?"
Given your dislike for violence, it was truly ironic that you found yourself wed to a military general, of all people. He often wondered how a refined lady like you could fall for a man of his rough demeanour.
Before his thoughts could linger, you gently cupped his jaw, compelling him to meet your gaze, "Never. I want no one else but you." The intensity in your eyes conveyed a steadfast conviction, reminding him you were different from other women.
Indeed, you were special.
After all, you were the only woman audacious enough to capture the intimidating General Park Seonghwa's heart.
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Would you believe me if I told you this man isn't my ultimate bias? Yeah, me neither. He wrecked me so bad this comeback, I'm barely recovering. Y'all stay safe tho lmfao.
Anyway, thank you for reading and hope you enjoyed! As always, let me know your thoughts! <3
Tag list: @aurasblue @marievllr-abg @itsvxlentine @minghaoslatina
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cameronluvr · 4 months
JAILED — toxic!rafe x fem reader
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summary: the cops pull rafe over for speeding and erratic driving, but things only escalate when they find you crying in the passenger seat.
warnings: arguing/fighting, speeding, domestic abuse, toxic relationship, DUI, cussing, rafe literally putting readers life at risk, oh, and he goes to jail.
: ̗̀➛ 𝓶𝔂 𝓶𝓪𝓼𝓽𝓮𝓻𝓵𝓲𝓼𝓽 ⋆.ೃ࿔*:・
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what started off as a perfect evening, soon turned into a dreadful night all thanks to rafe. the two of you were at the beach, drinking and having fun with a few kooks before an argument broke out between the both of you.
you don’t even remember what caused the argument, all you could think about was how he verbally abused you in front of his friends, and physically forced you to get into his car.
your house wasn’t too far away from the beach, but getting there felt like a lifetime sitting in rafe’s passenger seat as he screams in your ear the whole time.
“what the fuck were you thinking showing me up in front of my friends like that?” rafe asks, turning to look at you instead of the road. he looks at you for so long that his car begins swerving into the next lane. “watch the fucking road! jesus!” you yell at him, quickly reaching over to grab the wheel and swerve it back into the proper lane.
“keep your hands off!” he shoves you back, making you hit the door. “ow!” you cry out. “that didn’t hurt” he tells you, shaking his head at how dramatic you’re acting.
“yes it did! pull over i wanna get out.” you tell him, but he doesn’t listen. he doesn’t respond, he just drastically speeds the car up. “rafe!” you yell at him, “stop!”
“no. i’m taking you home so you can fucking chill out.” he tells you, not even looking in your direction as he continues to speed up. “rafe this isn’t funny! you’re gonna kill us” you argue, panicking as you watch his speedometer going up and up, well over the speed limit.
“no i’m not, relax” he smirks, mocking you as if you’re overreacting. “rafe! i swear to god if you don’t slow the fuck down i’ll—”
“you’ll what?” he interrupts you, snapping his head in your direction. “i— i don’t know— just stop! i want to get out!” you stutter, unsure of what to do. he isn’t even looking at the road, and begins swerving into the next lane again, only this time there was an oncoming car.
“rafe!!!” you scream, causing him to divert his eyes to the road and swerve out of the way just in time. he finds the situation rather amusing, and can’t help but smile and laugh at your reaction, thinking that scaring you is funny.
at this point, tears are forming in your eyes. you’re terrified to be in the car with your boyfriend, given that he doesn’t care if he injures you or kills you. “really? you’re gonna cry?” he looks at you. “don’t look at me. look at the fucking road” you turn your head to face the window, crossing your arms over your chest.
“no, i’ll look at you, bein’ such a crybaby” he teases, reaching his hand over to grab the back of your neck and force your head back around. “ow!” you cry out again, trying to slap his hand away but it only makes him dig his nails into your skin. by now, the tears in your eyes are streaming down your face.
he pulls his hand away, focusing back on the road while you sob quietly in the passenger seat. less than a minute goes by, and you suddenly see flashing lights in the mirror. turning your head around, you see it’s a police car.
rafe groans loudly as the cop car gets closer, instructing rafe to slow down and pull over to the side of the road. when he eventually slows down and comes to a stop, you let out a sigh of relief.
with tears still rolling down your face, rafe turns to look at you. “stop fucking crying” he tells you. the cop soon approaches the car, asking rafe to roll down the window. he complies and begins talking to the officer.
“do you have any idea how fast you were going?” the officer asks, leaning his arms on the rolled down window, peering into the car before noticing the state of you in the passenger seat. “are you alright there, ma’am?” he asks you before rafe could answer his question.
“uh— can you please get me out of this car?” you ask, causing rafe to look at you with a frowned eyebrows and a wtf? look on his face. “let me have my partner come over here, wait a sec” the officer tells you, before signalling to his partner in the car. the other officer gets out and approaches your side of the vehicle, before he gives you permission to open the door and step out.
he walks with you to the police car, where he allows you to sit and calm down before talking to him. the other officer stays with rafe to ask him a couple questions. after asking him for the basics, name and ID, he asks rafe to step out of the car to talk.
“again, do you have any idea how fast you were going?” the officer asks rafe. “no, sir” he replies, playing dumb. “you were going almost 90 in a 50 zone. have you had anything to drink tonight?” he questions him.
“uh, a couple.” rafe shrugs. “how many’s a couple?” the officer asks, smelling an odor of whiskey coming from the young man’s breath. “i don’t know. i jus’ had 4 or 5 of them little bottles of whiskey” rafe explains.
“right. and you wanna tell me what’s going on tonight? is that your girlfriend?” the officer questions him further. “yeah, she’s my girlfriend, and nothin’ even happened. we were just at the beach and had an argument, that’s all” rafe tries to explain, but the cop is gonna need more than that.
“that’s all? if that’s all then why didn’t she hesitate to get out as soon as i came over here?” the cops suspicion grew as the look on your face when he saw you said more than terrified.
“we just argued. she’s emotional like that” rafe tries to bluff, rolling his eyes at how much worse you made the situation, but takes no blame himself. the officer can just tell the type of person rafe is just from a 5 minute interaction
— over in the cop car, you sit in the back with your legs hanging out of the open door while the officer stands and listens to your side of the story. “… and then he dragged me into the car and wouldn’t let me out when i asked him to, then he just kept speeding up to scare me and he kept laughing at me when i begged him to slow down.” you explained after sharing what happened at the beach which started all of this.
“he physically put his hands on you?” the officer asks, concerned for your safety as he glances over at his partner talking to rafe. “…yeah. he grabbed me and literally dragged me into the car.” you sob while you tell him, wiping the tears that hadn’t stopped. “did he put his hands on you while he was driving? he asks.
“uh, yeah, uh…” you stutter. “he grabbed me by the back of my neck and.. and forced me to look at him. and he shoved me into the door when i tried to turn the steering wheel because he was literally swerving into the opposite lane…”
after explaining all this and more to the officer, they have more than enough reasons to arrest rafe at this point. he leaves you alone for a moment to gather his bearings with the other cop.
“right, bud. go ahead and put your hands behind your back for me” one officer explains as the other grabs rafe’s hands, preparing to put him in handcuffs. “you’re arresting me?” rafe asks, not putting up a fight but wanting to know more about what you told them.
“yes, sir, you are going to jail.” a cop explains as he is locking the handcuffs around rafe’s wrists. “why?” he asks, acting as if he had done nothing wrong. “really? speeding, driving erratically, and driving while under the influence isn’t enough reasons for you?” one of the cops asks, making rafe tut. “what did she say to you?” he asks, looking at the one who spoke to you.
“that’s none of your business.” the officer tells him straight, which rafe doesn’t like. “yeah it is” he tries to argue, at which this point the cops are fed up of him, and start walking him over to the police car.
he sees you standing near the car, and decides to start verbally abusing you instead of staying silent. “what the fuck did you say to him?” he asks you, but you don’t answer. you just stand wiping your tears still, looking at the ground to avoid seeing him.
“don’t ignore me, you bitch” rafe says, attempting to move closer to you but both officers grab his arms and force him into the back of the cop car. “quit it!” one yells at him before slamming the door once he was sat inside.
with the door closed, rafe starts shouting at you. “is that how you speak to your girlfriend?” one officer yells at him through the closed door. rafe just tuts and rolls his eyes.
they both speak to you for a little longer before they decide to let you go, and ask you drive rafe’s car home while they take him down to the jail. you agree and get into rafe’s car, watching as the police car drove away.
you hadn’t stopped crying, and more tears flow after that whole interaction sunk into your head. you sat in the car for a whole 10 minutes before deciding to drive away. you start driving to rafe’s house to tell his dad what happened.
— you arrive at tannyhill and park the car outside, getting out and walking into the house. you quietly walk through the house not wanting to wake anybody up considering it’s nearly midnight. you see ward standing in the kitchen, so you walk over.
“ward..” you say, seeing him turn around. “sweetheart, is everything ok?” he asks you after seeing your red stained eyes and cheeks. hearing him ask you that made you tear up again, “uh…” you sniffle.
“me and rafe got into a fight and… he kinda got arrested..” you explain, afraid of how he will react. “arrested? what did he do?” he asks, walking closer to you and gives you a kind hug, rubbing your back as you cry. you’ve been going out with his son for years, so you have always seen ward as a father figure.
you explained the whole situation to ward like you did the officer, but ward’s reaction was understandably different. he was angry, ashamed of how his son would do that to the girl he supposedly loved. “i’ll speak to that son of a bitch. i won’t let him get away with that shit. i’m gonna go down to the jail. you can stay here if you want to, sweetheart” he tells you, grabbing his car keys and putting his shoes on.
“yeah, please. i’m just gonna go up to bed” you nod, sniffling and wiping your cheeks. “of course” he says, parting his ways and heading into his car. you quietly walk up the stairs and enter rafe’s room, closing the door and sighing.
what a dreadful night. you think, taking your clothes off and getting into a pair of pajamas you had left in his room. you get into bed and try to go to sleep, though too much was on your mind to get a good nights sleep.
you knew rafe would be bailed out by his dad, possibly by the time you wake up in the morning. maybe staying at his house tonight wasn’t such a good idea, you thought.
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my first published piece of writing..!! idek if this is good or bad but we’ve all gotta start somewhere i suppose:) heavily inspired by ALL the rafe writers bc i spend so much time reading them all lol. lmk what you think! <333333
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cuteselle · 2 months
⊱ 𝐲𝐨𝐮'𝐫𝐞 𝐚𝐜𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐥𝐢𝐤𝐞 𝐦𝐲 𝐞𝐱.
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𝓢 — enha maknae line saying you remind them of their ex in an argument
maknae line 𖹭 fem reader , angst , cussing , breakup in riki , u don't let it slide w jungwon , not proofread — 991 wc
ac 𖧷 .. when fluff comes yk i gotta double it w angst! this isn't that good because i haven't written it in months.. enjoy!
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YANG JUNGWON ᰋ you and jungwon had been bickering all evening, and the tension in the room was thick. it felt like every little thing was setting the other off, and you were both getting more and more frustrated by the minute. as the argument escalated, jungwon's frustration finally boiled over. "you've been ditching our dates for two weeks, this is the first time i've seen you!" you yelled, not minding the fact that everyone else was only upstairs.
“oh my god yn, you're acting like my ex can you calm down?” he snapped, his words cutting deep. your eyes widened in disbelief at his words, and you felt a rush of anger and hurt. "i can't believe you just said that," you shot back, your voice shaking with emotion. "i'm not going to stand here and take that kind of disrespect."
jungwon looked taken aback by your reaction, but he didn't back down. "well, maybe if you weren't acting like her, i wouldn't have said it," he retorted, his voice defensive. you felt your anger rising, and you knew you needed to get some space before things got even worse. that's when jake had stepped down, listening to the argument and debating when to step in.
"i need you to leave," you said firmly, trying to keep your voice steady. jungwon looked at you in surprise, but he didn't argue. he grabbed his jacket and headed for the door, but before he left, he turned back to you. "yeah okay," he said, his voice softening slightly. "we can talk about this when we've both had a chance to cool off."
you didn't respond as he walked out the door, and you heard the click of the lock as he left and slammed the door. you fell to your knees, feeling exhausted and drained from the argument. everyone quickly rushing downstairs to your side, “aish, don't cry yn.. i'm sure he'll come around, yeah?”
KIM SUNOO ᰋ “really, sunoo? it's not even that big of a deal, he's my friend.” you continued, running your hands through your hair. you've known gyuvin longer than sunoo, so why would be be so mad that you want to hang with your friend every now and then?
“do you not see the way he looks at you? it pisses me off,” he started, you and sunoo had been arguing for at least an hour, and you could feel the tension building between you. you were both getting more and more frustrated, and it felt like every word was just adding fuel to the fire. "you're acting like giselle, she always said he was just a friend." he snapped, his voice filled with frustration.
your heart sank at his words, and you felt a wave of hurt wash over you. giselle was sunoo's ex, and he had always spoken of her in negative terms. to hear him compare you to her was like a knife to the heart. “how could you say that?” you asked, your voice barely above a whisper. "you know how much it hurts me to be compared to her.”
sunoo looked away, his jaw clenched. "i'm sorry, my love" he muttered. "i didn't mean it, i swear." but the damage had already been done. you could feel yourself starting to overthink, wondering if sunoo still had feelings for giselle, or if he thought you were just as bad as she was. you knew you needed some space to clear your head.
"i think i need some time alone," you said, your voice still shaking with emotion. "i'm going to go for a walk." you grabbed your jacket and walked out the door, not looking back as you headed down the street. you didn't know how long you would be gone, but you knew you needed to sort through your thoughts before you could face sunoo again.
NISHIMURA RIKI ᰋ you and ni-ki had been arguing for what felt like hours. it had started out as a small disagreement about household chores, but it had quickly spiraled out of control. you were both tired from a long day at work, and your tempers were short. you felt like you were doing more than your fair share of the chores, while ni-ki felt like you were nitpicking and being overly critical.
the more you tried to explain your perspective, the more defensive ni-ki became, and before long, you were both shouting at each other. you knew that this wasn't productive, but you couldn't seem to stop yourself from engaging in the argument. “ni-ki it isn't that hard to just clean up around the house, i get you're busy but sometimes you're doing nothing!”
"you're acting just like my ex, can you quit it?" he spat, his words cutting deep. “i clean around, i tell you i'll do things later.” he continued on this rant, but you were still stuck on one thing. you? acting like his ex? he must have just hated you then cause he hated his ex with his heart. your heart sank at his words, and you felt like you had been punched in the gut. you knew how much ni-ki had been hurt by his past relationship, and to hear him compare you to his ex was the ultimate blow.
"if i'm such a terrible girlfriend, then maybe we should just break up," you cut him off, your voice trembling with emotion. "if that's how you feel, then there's no point in continuing this relationship.” you turned around to get your bag, ni-ki's eyes widened in surprise, and he immediately tried to backtrack.
"baby, i didn't mean it like that," he stammered, trying to apologize. "i was just upset, i didn't mean to hurt you.” you scoffed, opening the door to what was your shared apartment. “well you did, i won't be a burden to you anymore.” you took off the promise ring he gave you, and his eyes swelled with tears. “bye riki.”
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© copyrighted by cuteselle. do not repost, ask to translate. comments and reblogs appreciated !
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ghouldump · 2 months
God Complex | Lestat x Reader x Louis
ෆ you want out, realizing your little family isn’t as perfect as you thought, but they would never let you slip away so easily.
i definitely went overboard 😅
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“Lestat, you don’t have to do this,” Louis stressed.
“She has to learn, it’s either this, or we are exposed,” Lestat said, shutting the coffin. Under the pebbles you laid, crying, begging for forgiveness. Despite your attempts to break free, the coffin wouldn’t budge.
“Louis, please, Lestat, I’m sorry,” you screamed, your voice falling on deaf ears, as he shut the door of the basement, leaving you alone at the bottom of the townhouse.
“Neither of you are to let her out, a few days will teach her a needed lesson,” he pointed at the two. Louis looked distressed, knowing his companion was right, despite his desire to argue. While Claudia frowned, saddened by your cries, but knew better than to go against her father’s words.
“I’m sorry,” you kept crying. If only you could take it back. This was your second time acting so careless, and you knew better than to think Lestat would let you do this a third.
From the moment Lestat turned you, you were a wildflower. He loved how animalistic you became, while Louis enjoyed how sweet you remained. Claudia was happy to finally have someone new in their lives, other than the two.
You were exceptional at hunting, and Lestat became lenient, oftentimes letting you wander. You’d find your meal, and quickly and efficiently discard the mess. However, when the arrogant salesman came into the bar, speaking to everyone as if they were beneath him, your tongue tingled at the sight.
The thought of him submitting and begging for mercy turned you on beyond comprehension. Biting your lip, you stood, approaching him, intentionally bumping his shoulder. His hand went to your waist, as he began to apologize, while his eyes not so discreetly roamed.
“Garret Anderson, darling,” he introduced, as you shook his hand.
“Hi,” you smiled, mischievously.
“Not him, choose someone else,” you heard Louis’s voice. Usually, you’d listen, but you couldn’t this time, not when the smell of his blood made you feel feral in the best way.
“Would you like to dance-
“Come with me,” you ignored him, grabbing his hand to pull him out of the establishment. He grinned, thinking he had won a prize when he was walking straight into the trap.
Pushing him into the dim alley, you slipped your tongue into his mouth, pressing your body against his own.
“Oh, I don’t think I got your name”
“You don’t worry about my name, sugar, just focus on my voice,” you told him, as he looked into your eyes.
“Ok,” he nodded, hypnotized.
“Y/n, Lestat doesn’t want you to choose him,” Claudia said, as you bare your teeth.
“It’s too late,” you spoke, biting his neck, drinking his life away.
“Please,” you heard him inaudible beg, his grip loosening from your arm, as his form began to weaken.
“What part of not him did you not understand?” Lestat asked, snappily, standing behind you, as you released the man, watching his corpse sink to the wet ground.
“Was I supposed to play with my food?” You pouted, the action usually worked, but this time he kept the harsh gaze.
“This man is related to Tom Anderson and the last person he has been seen with, was you,” he said angrily.
“I didn't know, and I always clean up after myself,” you defended.
“That isn’t the point, you get the order to choose another and you still chose to disobey, putting all of our lives at risk, again,” Lestat said, trying to keep his composure, feeling himself about to yell.
“We can talk about this when we get home, Claudia and I will clean up,” Louis said, hoping to de-escalate the situation.
However, after the body was burned, Lestat continued to yell, before deciding to bury you in the rock-filled coffin, as a punishment. 
You weren’t sure how long you were locked away, starving. It could have only been days, but on an empty stomach, it felt like weeks. You cried for too many hours, begging, trying to communicate with Louis and Claudia - but no one ever came. No one would come, you’d be left here to starve to death until Lestat was ready to release you.
You began to dream, imagining yourself on all kinds of adventures. Traveling to different countries, tasting the different people, none of which Lestat planned on doing soon. He made the rules and you all went along, occasionally finding compromise. Finally, after what felt like forever, the coffin was opened.
Louis worriedly pulled you out, Claudia dusting the rocks off of you. Lestat didn’t say a word, standing behind the two, watching as they tended to you. Slowly approaching you, he placed his hand under you jaw, making you look up.
“I hope you’ve learned your lesson,” he said, before making his way upstairs.
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“Y/n,” you jumped, snapping out of the trance as Louis opened the coffin, holding his hand out for you to grab.
“Sorry,” you smiled sheepishly, as he grinned, helping you out.
“It’s alright, why don’t you get dressed, and we’ll be waiting on you,” he winked, leaving you to change.
As you made your way down the stairs, you kept your eyes down, feeling his gaze.
Claudia was first to swing the door open, excitedly skipping out of the house - Louis not too far behind. Gulping, you went to follow him, when Lestat grabbed your waist, stopping you.
“You look nice, ma chèrie,” he complimented.
“Thank you,” you smiled, rushing to join Louis.
You didn’t wander, staying close with the group, choosing the easiest target. You’d always preferred your meal flamboyant, the loudest in the room always had the sweetest blood. However, you were too afraid to upset Lestat, ending up in the cramped coffin again.
Cleaning your mouth, you sat on one of the many benches in the park. You were still hungry, starving actually. The pathetic excuse of a human was no where near filling. As Lestat and Louis approached, their meals close behind like lambs being led to the slaughter, you got up.
Entering the house, you were about to follow Claudia upstairs, when Lestat grabbed your hand, leading you back down.
“I want you to be more vigilant about prey, not neglect and starve yourself, come, we have a plus one,” he told you, before announcing to the trio of men you’d be joining them.
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“Do you think there is more to life than New Orleans?” You asked your coworker, Carol.
“I ain’t got time to think about that Y/n, I’m 24 and already a widow with an infant,” she huffed, wiping the table.
Opening your eyes you stared up at the coffin, trying to think back. You didn’t remember too much about your mortal life, not even your family. You worked at a bar when you met Louis and Lestat, both incredibly charming. You were interesting to them, this wasn’t anything new for Lestat, he had no problem admiring multiple people. Louis on the other hand, was surprised by his interest. You were easy on the eyes with the kindest soul, lighting up the room with your presence.
You ended up getting pneumonia and despite taking the needed medication, you began to succumb. On the brink of death, you saw him, was he a god? angel of death? You didn’t know, tiredly watching as the two men exchanged words of agreement, before he lifted you, biting your neck.
You remembered the agony, throwing up as your body rejected your soul, killing itself. Louis carried you, while Lestat led the way, and the rest of your memory was gone.
Opening your coffin, you looked around the room, each side of you was a black coffin, empty. Noticing the small note on Lestat’s as you climbed out.
‘Louis and I have business to attend to this evening, I trust you will hunt with Claudia, ma chèrie’ - L
Sitting the letter down, you walked down the stairs. Knowing Claudia, she had already left. Slipping on your shoes you began to walk the streets. The memories replayed in the back of your mind, as your feet aimlessly moved. Recognizing your surroundings, you slowed down, staring into the bar you’d plucked the Anderson relative from.
Suddenly, someone bumped your shoulder, catching your attention. An older woman, holding shopping bags.
“Oh my, I’m so sorry-Y/n?” You were stuck like a dear caught in headlights.
“God has brought my baby home, don’t just stand there and give your mama a hug,” she sat the bags down, as you cautiously approached, letting her tightly wrap her arms around you.
You were thankful for the times you practiced restraint and self control. It had been nearly three years of being a vampire, stuck at 26 and you grew better and better at controlling your urges around mortals, despite the occasional slip ups.
“Oh baby, I knew you’d come back eventually, how was New York?” She asked, wiping the tears from her eyes.
“New York?” You questioned, confused.
“Why don’t you come home, just for tonight?” She asked, hopeful. Slowly you nodded, letting her lead you to her car, handing the bags to her driver, you sat in the back seat next to her. Looking around, you hoped your surroundings would seem familiar but you had no clue where you were headed. After nearly fifteen minutes of driving, and your mother gushing about how much you were missed, the car began to slow down.
As the large house came into view, you frowned, unable to remember living there. The driver parked, and the front door opened.
“Did you get-Y/n? Y/n is back,” the younger boy who was exiting the house stopped, jumping for joy, screaming inside. A few more people came out, a familiar face catching your attention.
“Y/n,” the woman screamed, running to you, colliding into you, as she wrapped her arms around your waist.
“Carol, can you make sure Y/n is made comfortable,” your mother asked.
“Of course, mama,” she nodded, grabbing your hands, leading you into the house.
“What’s with your eyes?”
“What do you mean?”
“Nothing,” she let it go, as you stopped near the stairs, seeing all of the portraits. Family portraits. You stood amongst them, in the photos, even a painted portrait of yourself, along with your siblings.
“Daddy is going to be very happy to see you,” she smiled, pulling you up the stairs to a bedroom.
“Where is he?” You asked, eyeing the room before you sat next to her on the bed.
“At the sugar mill, duh, you know he’s a workaholic,” she laughed, before sitting up.
“So how have you been? The last time I saw you, you were going on and on about that De Pointe Du Lac,” she smirked, biting her lip.
“I’m fine, Louis is fine,” you nodded.
“My god, you married him? I hear he has a popular business in the quarter-
“No, we have a…companionship, if that makes sense,” you mumbled, as she raised her eyebrows.
“Oh? That’s nice-
“Daddy’s home,” the younger boy burst into the room, his eyes focused on you.
Standing up, you followed Carol from the room, down the stairs. Seeing the men and women standing downstairs, you stared plainly. These were your siblings and yet you couldn’t remember or feel a thing.
“It’s good to see you,” the man, your brother, smiled, pulling you into a side hug before you followed them into the dining room.
Your father sat already, at the head of the table. Turning to face you, he stood up, you could hear his heart pounding, trembling. Slowly approaching you, you spoke up.
“Daddy,” you tried to sound as normal as possible, when he slung his arms around you. He began to cry, while you listened in on his thoughts. You were his favorite.
“You two come sit, stop crying before I start too,” your mother laughed, as your father pulled away in agreement.
“So how was New York?”
“Yeah and why didn’t you say goodbye, like you send a letter and disappear for three years,” your younger sister interrupted.
“Deloris, stop it, I’m sure Y/n wanted to stop by but couldn’t,” your mother interjected.
“I-New York was fine, very beautiful,” you said, accepting one of the many bowls of food being passed along. Taking a small piece of meat, you sat it on your nearly empty plate.
“You came just in time for Joseph’s engagement, he’s met a fine young lady from Gretna, Sarah, she’ll be here in a few days,” your mother pointed at your brother.
“Finally, he’s nearly 30 and we never thought he’d get married,” your younger brother said, making everyone laugh.
“Congratulations,” you told Joseph.
“Thank you, and have you married, or are you with someone?”
“I have companions,” you smiled, nervously.
“Multiple?” Your father asked, stunned.
“One of them is Louis,” Carol clapped.
“The De Point Du Lac? I hear he lives with that French man-
“Lestat De Lioncourt, god to be under him for a night”
“Deloris, watch your mouth”
“You managed to stay in contact with him, but couldn’t reach out to your family?” Your father spoke, a saddened expression.
“It’s complicated,” you mumbled.
“You don’t think it’s a bit…scandalous to have two lovers, who is the other?” your mother asked.
“Lestat,” you said, clearing your throat, bracing yourself as nearly everyone gasped.
“Lucky,” Deloris snickered.
‘Y/n, where are you?’ You heard Clauia’s voice, but you didn’t respond.
“Y/n, please tell me you're joking,” your father shook his head.
“I don’t think this is a laughing matter,” you said, straightening your posture.
‘Y/n, where are you at?’ Louis asked, making you clinch your jaw.
“You kept in contact with those peculiar men, but it never crossed your mind to come home,” he slightly raised his voice.
“I said it was complicated,” you screamed over him, stabbing the fork into the meat, breaking the plate, before standing up, going to storm out of the house.
“Y/n, wait,” your mother chased you, stopping you before you could leave.
“I’m sorry I came here,” you apologized.
“No no, everyone is handling you being home differently, stay, you can go up to your room, here, I have something for you,” she reached for your cold hand, her warm thumb brushing over your veins. Leading you upstairs in the room, she went to the nightstand, pulled out a diary, handing it to you.
“I kept it, in case you ever came home, and I made sure no one read it,” she smiled sadly, kissing your forehead before she turned to leave.
‘Ma chèrie, enough of this, come home’ Lestat said. You knew they were probably worried, for him to also use his powers to reach out to you.
‘I won’t be home tonight,’ you spoke, sending the message.
“Did you say something, honey?” Your mother stopped, turning to face you.
“No, ma’am,” you shook your head, watching as she exited the room.
Opening the book, your fingers traced down the words, the minor annotations, and little drawings on the side. You could still hear your vampire family faintly in your head when the room door opened.
“Hey, Daddy is sorry, he’s too ashamed of how he acted to face you right now, but I’m just letting you know, that Joseph, Antony, and Loretta left,” Carol spoke.
“Ok,” you chuckled.
“Also, I apologize in advance for the noise, Frankie is coming home soon and he is still a handful,” she laughed.
“Yes and he is going to be so excited to see his favorite Aunt,” she said, before shutting the door.
Closing the curtain, grabbing a pillow, and climbing under the bed, you read the diary. Entry to entry, you consumed the thoughts of your former self, your heart growing more confused as you began to remember. By the time you finished, Claudia and Louis became silent while the sun was peeking into the room.
Slamming the book shut, your mind ran wild, questioning everything you thought you’d known. Your nails digging into the floor. Feeling the bloody tear slip down your eye, you quickly wiped it, as a you heard a soft knock.
“Y/n? Y/n?” Your mother called out, a bit of panic in her voice.
“I’m under here,” you called out, waving from under the bed.
Lifting her dress, she moved to the floor, her eyes widening seeing you.
“What are you doing under here, honey?” She asked.
“I…I recently was diagnosed with a disease, my skin doesn’t react well in the sun anymore, burning, irritation, the doctor says I should avoid it altogether,” you said, almost feeling guilty for lying, hearing how much it saddened her thoughts.
“I see, give me a few hours and I’ll make sure things are more comfortable around here, you try to get some sleep, love you”
“I love you too,” you said, watching as she left the room.
‘Y/n, please tell me you are okay, we can’t sleep’ you heard Louis’s voice.
‘I am fine’
‘Where are you?’
‘That is none of any of your concerns’
‘Don’t be like that, what's the matter-
You shut your eyes, blocking out Louis’ voice, taking deep breaths, you thought about the words from the diary, as the sleep passed over you.
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‘Mama and daddy have been arguing as of lately. I’m 25 with no boyfriend or engagement, still living with them. Daddy doesn’t see a problem with it, I have more time to find the perfect husband he argues, while Mama thinks I’m not even looking. I haven’t been, but that’s because as special as New Orleans is, no one seems special enough to catch my attention. Since the issue has come up, I’ve found myself with Carol more. She is trying to find a new husband, a new father for Frankie, since his dad died in the Navy’
“All of the bachelors come here, you just might find yourself a treat,” Carol giggled, as the two of you sat at the table. The fancy restaurant in the French Quarter wasn’t too interesting to you. You were already wealthy, and guaranteed quite the inheritance, while all of the women stood around, almost looking as if they were waiting on their lottery ticket.
“Do you ever wonder if there is more to life, than New Orleans?” You asked her boredly, as she made eye contact with the banker, waving at him.
“I ain’t got time to think about that Y/n, I’m 24 and already a widow with an infant,” she told you, standing, before walking to the man, sure to sway her hips, reeking of seduction.
Now alone, you sipped your wine, leaning back in your seat. The few men who looked your way eventually backed away, as you kept a scowl on your face.
“If you keep your face like that, it might get stuck,” you heard, making you turn to face the crèole man.
“If only I could see the appeal of this restaurant, then I wouldn’t frown,” you told him, as he sat down.
“I agree, everything is so tasteless and looks so-
“Cheap,” you and the blonde-haired man said at the same time, making you smile.
“I’m Y/n,” you held out your hand.
“Louis de Pointe du Lac,” he accepted your hand, his thumb brushing against your knuckles.
“And you, do you have a name?”
“Lestat De Lioncourt,” he said, taking your hand from Louis, kissing your knuckles.
“Would you like to get out of here?” Louis started.
“Sorry boys, I hope you didn’t think I was that easy,” you pouted, laughing as Carol approached.
“You ready to go?” You asked, seeing the look of disappointment on her face.
“Yeah,” she said, crossing her arms.
“It was wonderful to meet you both, goodbye”, you told them, standing up, and walking with Carol back to the car. Looking back, your eyes met theirs once more before you were on your way.
‘Lestat and Louis, there had been plenty of rumors that the two were lovers, even I was sure they were. However, they continued to reach out, inviting me to spend time with them. Carol’s friend, Lucy, thinks they might be competing to win my hand in marriage, but I think it’s far from that.’
“Mr. De Lioncourt hasn’t taken his eyes off of you all night,” Lucy bumped your shoulder, as you stood amongst the women. You were trying to not be “shameless” keeping your contact with Lestat and Louis to a minimum. However, their eyes had been glued on you from the moment you entered the party, and they weren’t even hiding it.
“Don’t flatter yourself,” one of the women rolled her eyes, perking up, as they approached.
“Ma chèrie, you never responded to our letter,” Lestat told you, as you stared at the two of them surprised but confused.
“With your flowers,” Louis said, as you gasped.
“Oh, I’m sorry, I didn’t even notice a note with them, they are in my room, I’ll look when I’m home”
“Please do, we’re dying to know your response,” he told you, slinging his arm around Louis as they walked away. All of the women frowning in jealousy, while Carol laughed at them.
‘They are together, Lestat and Louis are together, but they like the idea of sharing? After a night of passion, I think it’s best that I stay away from the fabulously handsome men. I could never explain what happened to anyone without being judged, and so I will keep it to myself. They have been trying to reach out, but I am throwing every letter away. I hope they can understand.’
“I’m assuming you’re not a party girl?” Louis asked you, making you jump, swiftly turning around.
“This kind of party isn’t my thing, all of these people, hoping to get on my father’s good side, it's pathetic,” you crossed your arms, as he approached.
“How did you find where I was?” You asked him, tilting your head. You were hidden in your mother’s miniature hedge maze, sure no one would find you.
“I followed your scent, you always smell nice,” he grinned, while you rocked back and forth on your heels.
“You shouldn’t have followed me, what if I was a monster? luring you away from everyone,” you smirked at him.
“Trust me, you wouldn’t be the monster”
“Why do you think that?” You squinted at him, making him laugh.
“You’re too cute, too precious, you should be more careful, you could’ve been being followed by a big bad wolf,” he taunted.
“I can defend myself perfectly fine”
“Is that right?”
“Of course,” you smiled, watching as he leaned forward, his lips pressing against your own. Wrapping his arm around your waist, you moaned, before he pulled away.
Gasping, you noticed Lestat standing only feet away. Taking his usual confident strides, he stopped in front of Louis, the two sharing a passionate kiss. As the kiss broke off, he walked around to you, his hand softly going to the back of your neck, before he pulled you into a kiss.
“Be our companion…”
“Our’s alone…”
“Ok,” you agreed, not understanding at the time, the situation you'd put yourself in.
Standing in front and behind you, they took turns, kissing from your neck to mouth, slowly removing the articles of clothing. By the time you were finished, they laid in the grass, smiling, praising you, while you hurriedly dressed.
“I have to go,” you told them, running away, your hand going to your neck, where a bite mark resided.
‘My intuition was wrong about the two, Lestat and Louis are dangerous. Lestat seemed possessive, he didn’t like the idea of me entertaining another man besides him or Louis. But Louis, he seemed convinced I was perfect with the two of them, they both just seemed delusional. I recently caught the pneumonia virus and I’m trying to heal, and get over the fact that I was sick for my birthday but their constant sending of gifts isn’t making me feel any better.’
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“Y/n, honey,” your mother called out, making you open your eyes.
“It is safe to come out,” she said, as you slowly made your way out, noticing the windows covered by a board.
Leading you down the stairs, you felt uncomfortable seeing your siblings stare at you like an animal in zoo.
“Mama told us about your skin condition, I’m sorry, I-we can have the engagement at night,” Joseph offered.
“I couldn’t do that to you-
“It would be a pleasure, I want you there, and Sarah won’t mind, she’ll be here tomorrow”
“Then I’d love that,” you smiled, nodding.
“Wonderful, I have something you can wear,” your mother clapped.
“I was hoping I could talk to you, about something,” you told your mother, as she sat on the sofa.
“Okay, what’s on your mind?”
“Do you remember when I was sick, with the pneumonia?”
“When I was staying in the hospital-
“Hospital? You didn’t stay in a hospital, you were in your room. We were so worried, when you first caught it, but your body fought hard, you were better in no time,” she said, her hand on her heart.
“How long was I here before I left, for New York? Reading the diary has my brain a little foggy,” you told her.
“Only a few days after, I believe, before you left your letter,” she said, looking away at the memory.
“I’m sorry,” you apologized, trying to remember what happened. The fuzzy memory slightly coming back.
“It’s okay, honey, you’re here now,” she waved.
Sitting up in bed, pillows propped up behind you, you listened to the vinyl jazz music. Playing low in the room you hummed lightly. Everyone had left the previous day, going to see relatives, but you were still too sick to go. Although you were already feeling better, no longer bed-bound with a nasty fever. Hearing the sound of the front door opening, your ears perked up, as you climbed out of the bed. Stopping the music, you slowly tiptoed out of the room, stopping at the top of the stairs
“Ma chèrie, it isn’t nice to ignore people who care about you,” Lestat said from the bottom of the stairs.
Shaking your head, you went to run, bumping into Louis. Who also, didn’t look too happy, backing down the stairs, you froze, seeing Lestat slowly walk up to you. You were trapped, dropping to your knees, you shielded yourself.
“Please,” you covered your face, gasping in confusion as you were lifted, carefully brought to the sofa in the living room.
“You haven’t seen any of our letters?” Louis asked angrily before Lestat spoke.
“You ignored us out of society-inflicted shame,” Lestat started.
“No, it was nothing more than casual sex,” you said before he squished your cheeks together.
“If you weren’t so afraid of being judged by society, would you continue to deny yourself the pleasures you deserve?” Lestat asked, sitting next to you.
“One of you bit me, I don’t think I want either of you,” you told him as he chuckled before you noticed his abnormally sharp teeth. Fangs.
“She doesn't want us, hear that Louis, we’re being rejected by our companion,” Lestat laughed loudly, as Louis stared at you as if you had two heads.
Suddenly, the front door opened, and your parents and your younger siblings entered the house. Doing a double take, your father frowned.
“What's going on in here?”
“Nothing Daddy, we're just talking,” you stood up, moving in between him and the two peculiar men. Looking at them, you noticed the fangs in Louis's mouth.
“I don't think so, you two boys need to leave my house,” he said, the look on their faces showed they were highly offended at the choice of words.
“I am no boy, I am much older than you…” Lestat stood up.
“Don't hurt them,” you told them, your eyes going from Louis to Lestat.
“Perhaps we can get to an agreement, they are spared, in exchange for your companionship,” Lestat offered. You searched for his face, trying to see if he was serious, while he stood, waiting on your response.
“Fine,” you sighed, watching as Louis approached your family, putting them into a trance.
“You came home and went straight to bed, Y/n was feeling better and decided to spend time with some friends tonight-
“You should grab your things, ma chérie, and don't worry, that shame and fear instilled into you will be no more in a short while,” he told you, ushering you to go upstairs, while Louis made up a story to your family.
By the time you finished packing, they were gone, only Louis and Lestat waiting for you at the bottom of the stairs. Not saying a word, you followed them to the car, trying to let the realization sink in, but it still all seemed surreal.
Entering their home you nervously followed them, into the bedroom.
“You can meet Claudia later,” Louis said, as they stared at you.
“Your daughter?”
“Our daughter,” he corrected you, but nodded.
“Y/n, the love that we’ve grown for you, it’s inhumanly, meant to be shared for an eternity, we can give you that,” Louis told you.
“You’re scared, I can make sure you don’t feel any pain, I can give you a piece of everlasting life. None of the things you have in this life hold any value to you, but I can give you something you will cherish,” Lestat told you.
“Choose us and we’ll choose you for the rest of eternity,” Louis said, before you hesitatingly nodded.
“You won’t be in pain for long,” Lestat told you, before he pulled you close, biting into your neck. Falling limb in his arms, he laid you on the bed, cutting his wrist, feeding his blood to you.
Shortly after, your body felt like it was on fire, your vision blurry. The two men stood over you, talking, Louis asking for a favor and Lestat debating on if he wanted to give in.
“Do it, before it’s too late, please,” he said, before Lestat looked at him, nodding, and facing you.
“Look at me, ma chèrie, you used to be a waitress at a bar…we were frequent customers when you met us….” As Lestat told you the fabricated story, he made sure to completely conceal your memory of your mortal life, as Louis requested.
As the memory came to mind your hands went to your eyes, trying to stop the bloody tears from leaking. The memory that changed the way that you viewed your maker and companions.
“Are you alright dear?” your mother asked, worried.
“I'm fine, mama, just happy to be home,” you told her, making her smile.
“Awe, honey, I'm glad that you are home, we all are,” she gushed, pulling you into a firm hug, before continuing with her conversation with your sibling.
‘Y/n’ Louis called out to you.
“Excuse me,” you said, getting up, going to the bathroom.
‘Leave me alone, please’ you told him.
‘Where is this coming from?’
‘I just need this time away, it’s just me time’ you told him, staring at your reflection.
‘Y/n, are you coming home?’ You heard Claudia.
‘Alright, love you’
‘Love you too’ you told her, before leaving the bathroom.
“Y/n, I just wanted to apologize for my outburst last night. What you do in your private life is your business, and I’m happy you’re home,” your father said, nervously, as you came back into the living room. Smiling, you didn’t say anything, approaching him, pulling him into a hug.
As night fell, everyone turning in for bed, you went to the backyard, thankful to find a few rodents to feed on. With your hunger satisfied, you went to your room. Sitting at the desk, you ripping a piece of paper from the diary, grabbing an envelope from the drawer.
‘I don’t think this companionship will work out anymore. Lie after lie, neither of you have been honest or truthful with me. I thought relationships were built and thrived on trust. Not ours, a big lie to feed both of your delusional obsessions. Stay away from me. I will be leaving New Orleans soon, probably headed back to New York’ you wrote, placing a stamp on the envelope.
“Hey,” you called out, as you went outside stopping the teenage boy on his bike.
“Bring this to Lestat De Lioncourt, his address is 1132 Royal Street,” you hypnotized the boy.
“But that’s all the way in the French Quarter,” he said in a monotone voice.
“I know, you will go right before the sun rises and it is okay because you were paid to do this,” you told him, watching as he smiled.
“You’re right,” he nodded, accepting the letter, before taking the money in his other hand, stuffing it into his pocket.
“Go on now, it’s getting late,” you told him, as he nodded, riding home to his house as you went inside.
“Y/n, you okay, darling?” Your father stood at the top of the stares.
“I’m ok, daddy,” you smiled, going upstairs to your bedroom.
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Just as the sun began to rise, the young boy peddled his bike, careful to stay out of the way of any cars. For a second he wished his dad could have driven him, the 30 minutes bike ride would have been much shorter in a car.
Finally, he arrived, panting, he approached the townhouse. Opening the gate, he approached the door. Knocking softly, before speaking.
“Mail for Lestat De Lioncourt,” he said, pushing the letter through the mail slot, before he left to peddle home.
Still wide awake, Lestat stood from his piano, approaching the door, stopping. He watched at the young hand slipped in, the letter floating to the floor, before the sound of the footsteps became distant.
Reading the letter, he felt a series of emotions, sadness, rage, disappointment.
“Louis,” he called out, his companion jogged down the stairs in confusion.
“Y/n remembers,” he gulped, as the two looked at each other.
“Looks like we’ll have to make a stop tonight,” Louis said, before going back to his coffin.
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“You’re just as beautiful as Joseph said you were,” you gushed to Sarah. The house was filled with guests, the sun had set not too long ago, and the night was still young.
“Oh my, thank you, he talked about you all the time, I never thought I’d meet you,” she said.
“Y/n, come here,” Carol called from the kitchen, before you excused yourself, joining her.
“Mr. Alexandre is asking to see you,” she lightly pushed you in the direction of the living room.
“He’s one of Daddy’s associates, he’s young, rich, and handsome,” she said.
“And why don’t you talk to him?”
“He wants to speak with you and I’d prefer his brother, I hear he’s a widower,” she whispered, as you turned, walking towards where the man stood, amongst a few other businessmen.
“Miss Y/n,” the man called out, stepping forward.
“Mr. Alexandre,” you said, accepting his hand.
“If I could have a moment with you…”
“You may,” you said, walking into the hallway with him, near the stairs. You could feel his colleagues staring at the two of you.
“What is it?”
“I was hoping I could take you out for dinner, perhaps the steamboat, there is a nice band that plays-
“I am sorry, but no thank you,” you shook your head, about to leave, but he gripped your forearm.
“A little birdy told me that you have a thing going on with the European and crèole man in the quarter, I thought they were homo-
“Mr. Alexandre, my personal business is none of your concern”
“Then to have that little girl with them, like she’s their daughter, it’s twisted. You don’t need to get involved with them, tarnishing your reputation,” he said, making you think back to the society-inflicted shame Lestat spoke about.
“Do not speak about my reputation or any of them,” you shoved him, watching as he collided into the wall. A few people gasped, coming to see what was the commotion.
“Y/n, what happened?” Your father asked as the front door opened.
Along with a gust of wind Lestat, Louis, and Claudia all walked in, heads turning as everyone murmured about them. All of the eyes were on them and they never looked their way, solely focused on you.
“Y/n, why haven’t you come home?” Claudia ran to you, pulling you into a hug. You could feel how tense she felt, you frowned at the thought of her being upset.
“I’m sorry,” you told her, closing your eyes and taking in her usually sweet scent.
“Y/n,” your mother called out, now standing next to your father, a confused expression in place.
Before you could say anything, Lestat turned her way, gasping, you stepped up, when he turned facing you. Immediately you stopped, your eyes going down, while he moved closer.
“Madame,” he held out his hand, accepting hers, before placing a soft kiss on it.
“Get away from my wife,” your father said, taking her hand back.
“So you was gonna leave home?” Louis asked you, taking off his glasses.
“You lied to me, both of you did,” you told him.
“Louis, what is she talking about?”
“Nothing, go wait outside Claudia”
“It’s okay, go wait outside,” you told her, watching as she walked away, bumping the shoulder of a few guests, scaring them.
“You…both of you, did this to me, and for what? to satisfy your fantasies-
“To save you, you don’t belong with these people, their rules and principles, your nature goes against all of it. You could have never been happy with the way they wanted you to become,” Lestat told you.
“Y/n, it’s not safe to be around any of them, how long do you think you’ll be able to resist your urges, it’s best to leave them where they’re at,” Louis told you.
“Is this the brainwash they both feed you, two queer men trying to destroy and isolate everything you’ve known. I wouldn’t burden you with such ideologies,” Mr. Alexandre said, standing up, limping off the pain.
“And what are those ideologies, you speak of?” The tension thickened in the room as Lestat was in front of him within a flash.
“I-I-“ he began to stutter.
“These ideologies include being unapologetic even if it goes against society, not putting limitations on yourself, and redefining what family is. None of these things you know anything of because you think Y/n is as brainless as the rest of these women,” Lestat said before roughly grabbing his jaw.
“You could learn a thing or two before you let your mouth run so loosely,” he said, shoving him, watching as he collided with the wall, breaking through the wallpaper.
“Now you-
Lestat raised his hand, freezing everyone in the room, as your father began to yell.
“Your memory was wiped away, but everything has been real. Our love, Claudia’s love, nothing was forced. These people have caused you nothing but anxiety and shame, but if you want to throw us away, for them, I won’t stop you,” Lestat screamed, storming away, as the bloody tear slipped from his eyes.
“I thought I could balance both lives, it isn’t possible,” Louis told you, as you kept your head down.
“Is it possible to take away their memory, I won’t kill them, if they could just go on with their lives like before I was here,” you asked, while he immediately nodded.
Lestat had been right about so many things, how different you were, the restrictions you felt in your previous life. You weren’t ready to be on your own, you still needed your family. Perhaps it was better for you to not have been aware of the truth, to begin with.
“That can be arranged,” he said, motioning for you to go outside with Claudia. Stopping in front of your mother, you kissed her cheek, before leaving the house.
Getting into the backseat of the car with Claudia, she intertwined her fingers with your own. Lestat didn’t say a word to you, walking back into the house, as everyone unfroze.
After nearly 15 long minutes, the two left the house. You could see the party continuing, Carol could be seen with a small boy in her arms, accepting him from an older woman. The entire ride home was painfully quiet. The faint music from the locals could be heard as the house came more into view.
Claudia went to her room, while you meekly followed the two to your shared room. Stepping out of their clothing, they were preparing for rest, when you stopped.
“Lestat, I-please make me forget again,” you asked, making them look at each other, before staring at you.
“After all of this-
Moving to your knees, you crawled to him, prepared to beg to him, as if he was your god. Raising his eyebrow, even he looked surprised by your actions.
“Please make me forget, and we can go back to how we were,” you told him. Reaching for his hand, your head laid upon it, begging for your wish to be granted.
“Stand up, ma chèrie”
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“How was the hunt?” Louis asked as you and Claudia both entered the house.
“Wonderful,” you laughed, plopping next to him. Lestat sat at his piano, idly pressing the keys that still managed to sound effortless.
“What are you doing?” You asked Louis, leaning your head on his shoulder.
“Catching up on the paper, gorgeous,” he smiled, flipping the newspaper.
Your eyes widened at the image of the article, L/n Sugar Mill family home is burned down, leaving no survivors after an extravagant engagement party.
“Wow, and that was such a nice house,” you said, pointing out the picture, before picking up a nearby book.
“It was,” Louis agreed lowly, the trio briefly making eye contact.
With your memory wiped once again, the last thing any of them wanted was another situation that could cause you to want to break away from them. No one could ever come close to loving you like the three and they made sure there was no would who would awaken your memories, tearing you away from your little family.
this may or may not be deleted later …
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xoluvx · 2 months
all the ways i love you; b. eilish
Request: OK SO UMMMM I HAVE THIS IDEA BILLIE BROUGHT READER TO THE CHICKEN SHOP DATE INTERVIEW nowww reader got HELLA jealous on the way home (or the hotel?) they got into a heated argument bcs reader didn’t want to admit she’s jealous SO WHEN THEY GOT HOME OR HOTEL BILLIE PROVED HER THAT SHES THE ONLY GIRL SHE LOVES AND WANTS ‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️ a/n: i adore this request. it took a softish smut turn? idc i love it.
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“Just admit it, you’re jealous,” Billie hung her head back on the seat. She was staring at you through those hooded lids. She was doing that annoying thing where she licks her lips like she wants to eat you whole, but right now was not the time and you hated her for it.
“I’m not jealous,” you uncrossed your arms slamming your hands on your lap sighing heavily. You inhaled deeply before exhaling. She was pushing your buttons. You turned to look out the window to cool down. The situation had escalated as soon as you’d set foot in the car. Poor driver. He hadn’t dared look back once, but you knew he’d heard the whole altercation.
Billie’s hand rubbed your thigh soothing the area where you’d smacked. Then it rested there for the duration of the ride. Even when you tried scooting away, still staring out the window replaying the way she looked at Amelia like she was you. God, why was your girlfriend cursed with such good looks and charm?
You fumbled for the keycard searching through your purse. You cursed under your breath remembering you’d slipped it into your wallet on the car ride to the interview. When you finally retrieved it, you screamed quietly when it didn’t scan.
Billie was standing behind you, hands in her pockets. You hadn’t uttered a word to her since the whole ‘I’m not jealous’ remark and when you sped walk in front of her towards the elevator, she just hung behind you.
“Do you need me to call someone to get us a new key?” Billie asked.
You groaned trying again and this time you heard the little ring letting you know it’d unlock.
“Ha,” you smiled triumphantly opening the door. Billie quickly walked in after you afraid that you would let the door slam on her face.
And you probably would have because sharing a hotel room right now sounded like a horrible idea. Not while your blood was still boiling and your stupid stupid brain couldn’t get rid of the snide comments Billie had made. Like the one about her boobs? Oh my god, did those windows open so you could jump out of them?
“I know you said you’re not jealous-“ Billie started speaking and you turned to look at her with daggers. Your lips formed a straight line as you dropped your purse on the dresser.
“Watch your words, Eilish.” You threatened removing your shoes searching for your slippers.
“You know what, no.” Billie’s voice was pissed.
Your feet slid into the slippers. Ignoring her, you searched through your suitcase for a pair of clothes to wear after the much needed shower that would hopefully wash away all your anger.
“Did you hear me?” Billie called again. Her voice growing closer. You sighed closing the suitcase turning to her.
“I have ears,” you snarled.
“Oh I see,” Billie chuckled, her face softening as you pushed past her with your clothes in your hands. She grabbed your arm stopping you. Her fingers wrapped around your arm in a tight grip as she made you face her.
“Put that down,” she growled taking your clothes and chucking them hard to the loveseat in the room. You watched her with furrowed brows. You were about to go off when she grabbed your other arm holding you in place.
“You just need me to show you,” she whispered the last two words now bringing herself closer. She was so close you could feel her warm breath and smell the spearmint gum she’d been chewing. When she got rid of it, you hadn’t noticed but the scent lingered.
When she pressed her body on yours, crashing her lips on your mouth, you tasted it, the hint of mint. Her tongue ran along your bottom lip and you caved opening your mouth. You stifled a moan when her tongue pressed on yours. They fought for dominance as she let go of your arms to grab your face. Your own hands fisted her large white t-shirt. You pulled on it bringing her closer if that was possible.
“I’m gonna show you why it’s only you,” she groaned trailing her hands down to your ass.
“Is that what you want?” She muttered squeezing.
“Mmhm,” you mumbled nodding and allowing her to lift you so you were on your tippy toes as you continued kissing feverishly lost in the heat of the moment. You didn’t want to let go, your arms wrapped tightly around the shoulders as she walked you towards the bed.
When the back of your legs hit the mattress, your bodies tumbled on the cushioned area, limbs intertwining. Your legs wrapped around her waist still kissing. Billie was the first to pull away and you whined hating the absence of her warm mouth. She removed her shirt revealing a nude mesh bra that almost melted into the color of her skin. Her nipples were very much visible and you groaned when her tags hit her skin. The cap she’d been wearing was long gone. Her hair hung in a ponytail under her bandana. Oh my god you could cum from the sight.
You raised your chest wanting her to touch you. To undress you. But she wasn’t done. You heard the thud of her shoes on the hotel carpet. Then she fumbled with her belt still looking at you while prying off the jeans. Her underwear matched the watch on her wrist and you hummed in delight at the way she’d meticulously matched her watch.
“You’re such a nerd,” you couldn’t help but comment. Billie smiled removing the bandana but leaving her hair tied. She was going to need it out of her face for what she was about to do. She reached for the tags, but you held out your hand.
“Keep it on,” you hummed. “And that too,” you smiled deviously motioning to the watch. Billie grinned. Normally she would’ve told you to strip already so you were half naked, but she wanted to do the honors tonight.
She grabbed your arm pulling you up. Switching places with you, she sat at the edge of the bed pulling you between her legs. Her hands ran up the back of your thighs, fingers burning and slowly tracing leaving a trail of smoke.
“I love your thighs,” she exclaimed looking up at you through hooded lids. Her same ‘I want to eat you alive’ expression from earlier in the car, but this time you wanted her to. You gripped her shoulders trying to stay up as her fingers dug into your thighs before slapping your skin. She loved the way it sounded and the way your thighs moved each time. She tugged at your underwear now, pulling off the pesky fabric until it was sliding down your legs.
You stepped out of them. Billie ran a finger between your folds. You shivered. She smiled in delight.
“You’re so wet already,” she teased resting her chin on your chest as she looked up at you, her finger now teasing your entrance. You moved your hips wanting more. Billie tisked and removed her finger altogether bringing it to her mouth. She tasted you and moaned. Then she flipped your bodies swiftly so you were trapped under her once again.
“I love the way you taste,” she whispered in your ear pushing a finger into your pussy. You moaned sharply trying to toss your head back but she was holding you in place forcing you to keep eye contact.
“And the way you moan. Fuck, it’s so hot,” she moaned adding another finger and pushing them both further into your pussy. You moaned again and whimpered when her eyes widened and her lips pouted with each anticipation of your next cry.
She pushed your top up revealing your bra. She was desperate to see you and touch you with her tongue. She pulled down your bra so she could see your breasts. Your nipples were hard, goosebumps coating your skin.
“I love your amazing tits,” she moaned, maneavouring her body so her tongue could flick your nipple. You whimpered holding her head. With closed eyes she took your nipple in her mouth sucking gently. She was still pumping her fingers in your pussy and with the way her tongue was rotating on your nipple, you were quivering.
Billie desperately trailed kisses down your body, on your skin and over your clothes because she’d been too ravenous to completely undress you. She removed her fingers from your pussy and opened your legs hooking them under your thighs pulling you closer to her face.
She ravished your pussy like it was her last meal. Her tongue circling your clit, lips wet as she slurped. Her tongue pressed on your pussy as her tongue broke through your entrance. Your hips shifted pushing yourself closer to her face. She cupped your ass, tongue fucking your tight hole. Then she was stroking your pussy with her tongue as you moved up and down grinding on her face.
“Fuck Billie,” you chocked holding her head. It messy and falling out of the hair tie.
“I love the way you scream my name,” her voice tickling your sensitive bud. She sucked your clit gently and released it with a pop and loud breath. Then she dove again, her tongue flat, head moving side to side coaxing a string of curses mixed with moans.
There were so many other things she loved about you. So many she hadn’t told you yet.
She loved the way you laughed at all her jokes. The way she could be herself around you and how you weren’t afraid to call her out of her bullshit. She loved how you dropped everything when she needed you and traveled with her. Even though she’d been doing this for a long time, your company always brought her comfort.
She loved how fucking stubborn you were, but she knew it just meant you cared deeply and loved hard.
And when it came down to this moment, she loved the way you clenched around her fingers right before you’re going to cum and never fail to announce your orgasm, chanting her name through labored breath.
She just loved everything about you.
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