#i was supposed to get. stuff done.
I've Got A Secret, I'm Telling Everyone
Don't wanna keep it, I wanna play dumb
Are they being followed? And, if so, by whom? Will the situation escalate?
Characters: Cylas, Lee (still by @kalid-raven ;D)
Words: 2353
Content warnings: Violence, blood, murder (surprise)
dividers by firefly-graphics and silkholland
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Lee looked up, checking both the rear-view and side mirror with a serious and focused expression. 
“You got an idea who could be following us and why?” he asked, still glancing back and forth between rear-view mirror and street. 
They looked over at him, “Well, I mean... it could be random people trying to mess with strangers, or rob them, or... I don’t know if it even makes sense but I guess it could be those assholes from the rest stop? Can’t say for sure though.” 
“I was thinking the same thing,” he said with a groan. 
Cylas frowned, “You think they’re gonna try anything? Ram the car or try to run us off the road?” 
“I don’t know, not sure how far they’d go. They did seem kinda laid back, but...” he shrugged, “That might’ve just been them being unsure how to act, or thinking their friend would be able to handle it.” 
“Either way, I hope they grow bored and fuck off soon, don’t need some overly confident and self-assured creeps knowing where I live,” she scoffed, “Especially cause there most likely wouldn’t be much I could do except try and avoid or ignore them.” 
“I could let you out early but there’s no guarantee they’ll keep following the car,” he said, frowning while still keeping an eye on the other car, “Serendipity isn’t that big, is it?” 
They shook their head, “Nope. If they figure out I live there, it most likely won’t take them long to somehow find me. Even if they don’t find my exact address, it’s difficult to avoid someone around there, especially if that someone is intent on meeting you.” 
Cylas and Lee sat in silence for a while, getting closer and closer to the town, before the other car suddenly sped up and drove past them, only to then slam on the brakes and stop in a position that was partly blocking both lanes. 
“Ah, fucking hell. Can’t a girl catch a break?” she groaned, letting her head fall back against the headrest with a thud. As predicted, the four men from the gas station got out of the car, slamming the doors with much more force than needed, and her fingers twitched on her thighs. Lee had tensed up as well, watching the men approach. 
“What now?” they said, “I don’t exactly like the thought of being trapped in here with those fuckers blocking the door.” 
Lee didn’t take his eyes of the men and replied, “I should probably just try to turn and drive back into the other direction. Not worth getting into a fight, especially not four on one.” 
“Two,” they corrected before they had time to think about it, “There’s two of us.” 
He took a deep breath, slowly loosening his grasp of the steering wheel, “You sure about this?” 
They chuckled, “I can’t stand people like them, fucking worthless piles of organic waste. Plus, it’s self-defence, isn’t it?” 
“I guess,” he replied, finally glancing over at them, “Where’s your limit?” 
She shrugged, “You wanna beat their heads to pulp, be my guest. Just try not to get yourself killed.” 
Even though a part of him was trying to tell him that this was a bad idea and way too risky, something about the tone of Cylas’ voice convinced him that they were serious, and the look in their eyes showed pure and honest anger. 
“Alright then. You too.” 
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Out of the corner of her eye, she saw him reach for the flashlight, and then she was out of the car, focus zeroing in on the men approaching her side of the car. One of them was the guy who’d harassed her, his nose already bruising, and they did slow down a little when they saw her get out. She figured that they’d probably expected her to run, or scream, or something – instead she stood still, a smile spreading over her face, and slightly tilted her head. Watching. Waiting. 
But then the moment was over and they closed in on her; her former harasser holding a crowbar, the other one what seemed to be a wrench. Not even a screwdriver. People really didn’t seem to get the effectiveness and fun of stabbing someone, just ramming an object into a person’s body and- 
Still, she waited, only just so managing to avoid bouncing on her feet. 
“Gentlemen,” she said softly, inclining her head toward them. This made the second guy falter again, but bruised-and-possibly-broken-nose dude didn’t hesitate to come straight to her and raise his hand, as if trying to let her see exactly what he planned to do. 
However, she dodged out of the way just in the last second, making him stumble. She grinned. 
Simultaneously, a groan could be heard from the other side, and she was sure it hadn’t been Lee. Guy number two looked over, but before he could make any move to leave, Cylas had caught up to him punched him in the stomach hard enough to make him fall to his knees. It was funny how the guys that acted so tough always folded easily. 
Broken-nose man had apparently caught himself and was, once again, nearing her from behind. 
“Come on now mate, this is getting old,” she said, spinning around just in time to sink her blade right into his armpit. The man let out a pretty unmanly scream and dropped the crowbar, instinctively reaching for the wound. 
She giggled, “Really shouldn’t give an opponent such an opening, lifting your arm like that, almost asking to have that used against you.” 
The man looked at her, bared teeth, eyes burning with pain and hatred. His buddy seemed to have recovered as well, although still wheezing, and she was pretty sure what the man before her would do next. So, she stepped back, despite the action bringing her closer to the other guy. Unsurprisingly, gaze still locked onto her and completely oblivious to anything else, Mr Broken-Nose charged at her – and she side-stepped, causing him to ram straight into his buddy. 
“Y’all gotta stop being so predictable for real,” she said in an unsettlingly cheerful voice, before gazing through the car's windows and trying to catch view of Lee. As far as she could tell, he was standing and alright, with only one other man visible and seemingly injured; he wasn’t standing completely straight at least and was holding his side. 
She probably should quit messing around as well. 
While the two guys on her side were still trying to detangle themselves from each other and get up, cursing and swearing at each other the whole time, Cylas bend down to pick up the crowbar. Had the men looked over, they had gotten the view they had harassed her over earlier. She snorted and turned back around to them, being the one closing in on the harasser this time around. He had managed to get up into a kneeling position, and she decided that that was far enough. Her eyes met the one's of his friend, winking at him, before letting the crowbar collide with the other man’s skull, a satisfying crunching sound rewarding her effort. 
Once again, he fell forward, but Cylas caught his shoulder and instead pushed him to the side with ease. His friend, now realising the shitty position he was in, started to crawl back while also trying to push himself up, and she didn’t follow him, instead deciding to step on his knee. Hard. The men screamed, even louder than his friend, and somewhere in the back of her mind she realised that the ‘thwacking’ sound she had heard from Lee’s side had stopped. 
However, she had a plan and she’d follow through with it. The man was still wailing, but she didn’t let that distract her; she decisively grabbed his ankle and pulled him back towards his broken-nosed buddy, who was still on the floor, just groaning and looking around with an unfocused gaze. The mean screamed again, calling out for help, apologising and begging for her to let him go. If he was trying to fight back, she didn’t notice, and just unceremoniously dropped him next to the other one, before rolling him onto his stomach and partially pulling him up by the back of his neck. The men were facing each other now, bruised-nose dude trying to keep his eyes on her and his friend, while the man she was holding was sniffling. 
She smiled, still, and stepped a little closer, opting to hold the man against her chest instead. 
“You wanted something to look at, yeah? Wanted me to show you something?” she asked, eyes locked with the one’s of the man on the floor, who only groaned in response. Not like she’d expected an answer, “I’ll show you something, alright.” 
Apparently having grown somewhat used to the pain, or somehow strengthened by adrenaline, the guy that was pressed to her torso started to struggle, and she rolled her eyes, “Okay, if you’re in such a hurry I’ll just get it over with.” 
Before he could make another sound, she had pulled her knife again and slowly dragged it across his throat, making sure the blood gushing from the cut was dripping all over her former harasser’s head and chest. He seemingly tried to turn his face away, but his movements were very uncoordinated and sluggish, so he still ended up swallowing quite a lot of it, making him gag and choke. 
“Enjoying the view?” she said, grinning, before dropping the other guy’s body right on top of him, “Having fun yet?” 
The man just coughed and sputtered, and she got distracted by the feeling of eyes on her. She looked up to see Lee watching her, his hands, lower arms, and shirt covered in blood, along with some splatters in his face. He let his eyes wander over the scene before him, before meeting her gaze, “Well, are you having fun?” 
“Um, well,” she began, awkwardly shifting her weight and taking a step back, as if she could hide her involvement in the situation, “Yeah, actually. A good way to get out some frustration. What about you?” 
He stared at her for a moment, piercing gaze seemingly analysing her, before he chuckled, “I can’t argue with that. You done there, or...?” 
“Just about, yeah. Probably shouldn’t stick around for too long,” she said, crouching down to slit the last man’s throat as well, “All done. You wanna... move the bodies? I got some cleaning stuff and change of clothes in my backpack, but we really should hurry up.” 
He nodded, “Yeah, I’ve got some bleach, disinfectant and all that as well, did you touch any of their weapons?” 
“The crowbar,” she said, once again grabbing one of the bodies by the ankle, “Wanna just drag them a bit into the forest or the trunk of their car? If anyone comes by, they’ll see the bloodstains anyway.” 
“Let’s do the trunk, faster that way, and you’re right, probably doesn’t really matter.” 
“Alright then,“ she agreed, heading for the men’s car. 
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Clean-up was certainly the most annoying part of these situations, but important anyway. Cleaning the weapons and their skin was simple enough, just as getting changed, but Cylas had also left some bloody footprints that they could only attempt to at least roughly remove with water, bleach, and a sponge. They also moved the men’s car to the side of the road, at this time unwilling to waste any more time by taking the long way around. 
Back in the car, Cylas sighed, “This might have been a very dumb thing to do.” 
“Yep,” Lee agreed without hesitating, “But freeing anyway. Otherwise, I would’ve been walking around with that rage simmering under my skin for the next couple... days. Weeks. Whatever.” 
“Same,” they snorted, “I’ll just hope that they made sure no one saw them leave or come after us. Ultimately, police shouldn’t be able to prove what way we went after leaving.” 
He nodded, “Yeah, guess we can only wait and see now.” 
“I can’t wait to take a shower,” they groaned, before perking up a little, “Oh, I just remembered – do you like chocolate? I got a small box of Celebrations at the gas station and was gonna offer to share, but then these guys... happened.” 
“I mean, can’t really say no to chocolate, can I?” 
“Any preferences?” she asked, grabbing the plastic bag and trying to undo the messy knot she had made earlier, before giving up and just tearing it. 
Lee shrugged, “Dunno. I like Snickers, I guess? But anything will do.” 
“Good choice,” she replied, smiling at him, “Let me find one for you.” 
The rest of the drive was spent in mostly silence, save for an occasional chocolate bar request. Cylas and Lee agreed that he’d just drop her off by her cabin, he certainly had more personal knowledge about her now than an address, and they decided to exchange phone numbers. Just in case something came up, or so she could maybe share some info she got from Tony. 
“Okay, good night then, drive safely and thanks for bringing me home,” she said before closing the door. Lee smiled and waved, and then drove off. 
Cylas yawned, and made her way inside, where she was promptly greeted by her cats. While walking towards the bathroom, she pulled out her phone and saw a few messages by Darrell, asking if she was okay. 
Well, shit. They hadn’t meant to worry him, but over all the stress and trouble she had completely forgotten to check her phone. And she had been kind of busy as well. 
“Hey Dee, sorry I’m only responding now. Got a ride with a nice dude, but had to stop at a gas station basically right before Serendipity, but home now. And more than ready to collapse into bed and pass out. Talk to you later,” she wrote and was just about to hit ‘Send’ when she had another thought, “But I swear on everything, these were some of the longest ten minutes in my life so far.” 
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@rottent33th @bluecoolr @ace-of-hearts-and-spades @myers-meadow @immortal-velociraptor @solmints-messyocdiary
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joker-ace · 5 months
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Academics HATE me and my raccoon need to collect stuff in this game
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caeslxys · 2 months
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“i will not let you go”/“what if i’m holding you back?”
yes i’m late on this one. woops
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yea-baiyi · 6 months
say what you want about svsss but hands down the most distraught i have ever been while reading a mxtx novel is after the bing-ge extra. what do you mean he asked shen qingqiu to come with him. what do you mean “it’s not fair”. what do you mean he looked back.
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xamaxenta · 3 months
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hidingoutbackstage · 18 days
Something about Tucker being held to a higher standard than all of the other Reds and Blues in the later seasons. Sure he likes sex and makes “that’s what she said” esque sex jokes, but like, especially during Shisno trilogy, the show seems to really like putting him down or treating his love for sex like a comedic punching bag. Oh, Tucker’s a single dad who genuinely loves and cares about his one alien kid despite how that kid was forced upon him? Well actually he had sex with a TON of women on Chorus by using the fuck temple and now has a ton of kids that he’s reluctant to pay child support for. And speaking of the temple, despite it being said to make everyone on the planet super horny and sex obsessed, Tucker says he didn’t feel any different, because making him hypersexual is funny (why is it funny, RT?). And remember how Tucker’s arc during Chorus had him emotionally dealing with Felix’s betrayal? Well now he falls for the most obvious manipulative lies from Temple, I guess he’s just dumber now. And you remember that funny scene in season 5 where Doc is giving Sister a physical exam, and Tucker obviously really wants to see her naked, but because Doc keeps telling him to not come in, and likely out of respect, he doesn’t, while Red Team is secretly perving on her (which they never fucking get called out for), plus all the funny moments of him trying to flirt with her, and her either being receptive or so fucking weird that it takes him aback? Well Tucker still REALLY wants her, but he’s now a childish asshole who can’t stand the idea of her not wanting to sleep with him, and is now super self centered despite the arc he went through showing how he values others, and the series basically keeps fucking with him and making him miserable and barely ever giving him a moment of relief. And you know how he was mercilessly tortured for M O N T H S during Restoration? Well he doesn’t get to process that trauma, and despite all the growth he’s supposedly gone through throughout the series, his last moment is an offscreen sex joke because Tucker’s the perv, get it? We can’t let him have a fucking break despite literally everyone else being treated comparatively nicer or given some kind of levity. Why specifically Tucker, Rooster Teeth? What has he done that’s so bad to you that you continually treat his character this way despite the fact that he’s truly the best (and should have been main) character in this whole series?
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shopwitchvamp · 8 days
Note to self: look into getting a little folding table or something, because if you sit on the ground for 1 1/2 hours to film a tarot video your back WILL hurt after
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cherrirui-official · 1 month
Friendlocke Violet Gijinkas (Part 4/7)
Hell yeah we're over halfway done! Isn't that crazy? I don't have too much to say here sooooooo onto the usual stuff
I plan on posting them in order by groups of three, so there's gonna be seven parts in total, all of which I'll be linking here when done vvv
(Part One) (Part Two) (Part Three) (Part Five) (Part Six) (Part Seven)
!! These will contain personal headcanons I have for the cast, little fun facts, and also spoilers for Friendlocke Violet (for both the edited vids and the streams) !!
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Designs under the cut!
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Vriska has an extra set of arms that they can retract and extract whenever they please. However, they usually keep those arms hidden.
The long needle she's holding is her trusty sword that she's used since her pirate days. She doesn't use it as much as she used too, but it's good to keep it on her for self defense in case of an emergency.
The marks on thier neck and shoulders aren't tattoos, they're birthmarks.
Good at sewing, as she often would have to fix her coat after getting into epic pirate sword fights. Sara and Vriska are sewing buddies!
It is unknown why they're unable to sleep, but while the rest of the team sleeps they often find themselves wandering around and doing whatever they want.
Artist's note: I based Vriska's design off the fact that I wanted to make her look like a bootleg version of the og Vriska. As in "Hey that's Vriska" but also "That's not VRISKA" if you get what I mean
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Trained herself to become resistant to poison (and by "trained" I mean she just ate a bunch of poison until her body became almost immune to it... please don't try this at home.)
Often goes scavenging for items when she's doesn't feel like robbing someone. If she's lucky enough she'll find some good items scattered around because "stupid trainers often leave good shit on the ground for some reason" (due to all the items you can pick up from the ground ingame lmao)
Mal lost her leg in one of her first heists, after she and another pawmi tried stealing from the wrong person at the worst possible time.
The gun she keeps with her wasn't originally hers, it belongs to someone else.
On a more positive note, Mal has plenty of stories and tall tales to share. She learned them from the eldest in her little pawmi group, as they would often tell her stories before going to sleep. Mal will often share those same stories with Peppy Jr and Mykyie Jr.
Can and will bite you. You won't be expecting it. Be warned.
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Due to his abundantly long hair, Grunpilo often lets Mal play around with it and style it however she wants.
It is unknown how or why he picked up on puppetry specifically, but it makes him happy so who are we to judge?
Speaking of which, he creates his own puppets by hand, from simple sock puppets to marionettes on strings. The two hand puppets shown are his favorite ones though.
Sometimes he'll be found speaking to them as if they're real.
Not good in social situations or confrontation, so Mal will sometimes have to speak for him. ("EXCUSE ME! He asked for no pickles!" /ref)
EXTREMELY light, very easy to pick up.
And that's all! Only three more batches left woo, hopefully I can finish them by the end of the year lol.
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queen-boudicca · 8 days
Okay it's two am here (happy pride everyone lol) but I just finished rewatching the new doctor who episode and I'm still blown away by how well done the "his last name is coombs" scene is. Like before that it was a kind of generic episode where there's a bad situation and people are escaping it and the main character seems kind of dickish and incompetent but presumably their arc is to grow and improve over the course of the episode and there might be a moment where this more capable person who's helping them sacrifices themselves to save them and—
And then we get the first big subversion and when I tell you that hit me like a fucking truck and the whole perspective shifts and you realize that this is not the story you thought it was
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disposal-blueeee · 5 months
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another super self-indulgent chapter 20 / 21 drawing
edgar belongs to jhonen vasquez
scriabin belongs to @zarla-s
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deankarolina · 2 months
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cleaning and found some old pens and the mkik mv is always on my mind so <3
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puppyeared · 1 year
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I made a lmk oc
#they’re supposed to be some sort of experiment to see if people could recreate Sun Wukongs stone egg. the goal was to make a more controlled#and tame version using carved wood and cultivation. but eventually they got worried about it becoming too powerful and scrapped it#eventually they come to life and live in the abandoned temple they were built in#their bottom half is made of wood because when they came to life their creator/s left them unfinished when they scrapped the project#they had to carve the rest of their body out of hunger and frustration because they couldn’t eat or move much by crawling on their top half#this is also why they spite their creators and hate irresponsible creation. because of abandonment issues and feeling like they have no#purpose or direction in life#their power is also very limited to due being man made since they were originally a wood carving#meo gave me the idea but one reason would be because they’re half finished. the sculpture was still half stump so it was completely untouche#that half can channel power in its raw form but the other half cannot once it’s been carved by man#so technically they could have the same level or potential for power as the stone but that was dampened#the other thing is how they were created to be a duplicate or recreation of a stone monkey and a celestial looked at that and was like#‘we’re not doing that again’ LMAO#i think the case of them carving their own legs doesn’t take away their power though. that balance was made#before they came to life so carving the legs or not can’t affect it anymore. like making a cake and slicing it#their energy levels are also naturally low because of that so their movements are sluggish and they aren’t very active overall#constantly lying in the sun to charge their batteries and get some stuff done. just like me fr#I actually don’t know what I’m gonna do with this character besides Put Them In Situations with other ppls ocs.. so if you have#a lmk oc you have been warned /lh /j#I wanna make some backstory art for them though.. maybe even the animatic treatment if I can get through dear wormwood which is 25#SECONDS OUT OF 3 MIN BTW#doodles#Lego Monkie kid#lmk#Monkie kid#lmk oc#monkie kid oc#myart#my art#xin ya
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sukugo · 2 months
sukuna and gojo use binding vows for sex, taking things like orgasm denials or touch deprivation steps further, where the other is contractually bound to not be able to do certain things, like touch themselves or touch the other etc etc 
one such instance being a vow where gojo has a vibrator up his ass, but he can't touch himself or remove it, until sukuna specifically, pulls it out.  
he keeps the vibe in throughout the day, with sukuna controlling it remotely, even as they both go throughout their separate days.  
gojo goes to have his usual breakfast, and meets yuuji at the dining room, they greet and sit next to each other. yuuji is, as always, energetic and excited to see him 
they make conversation, until gojo gives a jolt and starts twitching and huffing. sukuna has turned the vibrator up all the way. yuuji worries and panics and asks him what's wrong. gojo gives a breathy laugh and reassures him. he motions low and tells yuuji about the vibrator inside him, through sudden jolts and soft whimpers.  
satoru complains about it, and yuuji advices to remove it or go and take care of himself.  
except gojo states that he can’t and yuuji puzzles.  
"it's... a pact—mmh!" 
"a pact???" yuuji's voice rises in volume, but he visibly calms, shoulders dropping into a fond sigh. "sensei, you really are..." that's all he can manage to say. reprimand is useless. gojo likes it, yuuji is well aware, he is enjoying every second of this, even as he complains.  
gojo gives a few odd jolts, undoubtedly an odd pattern of intensity from the vibe, yuuji can guess. sudden irregular ups and downs that are not taken well by the man.  
satoru clicks his tongue. "what is that guy doing?" he actually looks irritated for a moment—a look yuuji doesn’t get to see often—until it’s broken with a sigh and his pleased, calm demeanor returns, mimicking the soft waves of pleasure across his thighs. 
still, yuuji can see his hands crumpled at his sides, undoubtedly wishing to use them.  
that's when satoru perks flares up all of a sudden.  
"actually, yuuji,” he turns to look at him, grinning. “you can help me" he opens his legs and lifts the edges of his kimono, his dick peeking out the fabric. yuuji gulps at the sight. satoru motions to it, giving yuuji a wordless look. yuuji hesitates for a moment, but complies, taking his hand to the cock, and starts stroking. 
satoru crumbles under the touch, immediately breathing out his nose and muffling moans. he leans into yuuji, wrapping an arm around his shoulders, fingers clasped in yuuji's kimono, nuzzling into his hair and whining in his ear.  
satoru's sounds fluctuate in pitch and volume, making it known when his vibe's gotten stronger. yuuji keeps his pace and satoru spills in his hand. he twitches and sighs, soft breaths against yuuji's flushed ear. 
yuuji stares at the cum in his hand.  
"you can wipe it on me,” satoru tells him with a breath that's calmed much too fast. “my clothes are already soiled anyways". and yuuji feels bad for it, but he obeys nonetheless.  
satoru takes a hand to yuuji's chin and turns his face to him and gives him a kiss. short and sweet.  
"as a reward." he smiles at yuuji. the boy surprises but takes it happily, cheeks warm and eyes softened, albeit a bit timidly. a tinge of disappointment colors the edges of his face. 
"you want more?" satoru brings his face to yuuji's again. the vibrations have reached a slight plateau, so his voice is steadier.  
yuuji’s face widens a bit, but he nervously chuckles, pulling back from gojo's face. "no, it's alright," he lies. "i don't want sukuna to kill me" 
but satoru’s already pulling into him, breathing into his lips. "i won't let him <3"
"that's...actually reassuring......" yuuji’s eyes flutter shut as satoru's lips meet his again.  
and with that, they're kissing and slowly the vibrations and gojo’s twitching start again. satoru moves atop yuuji's lap to straddle him, and while they kiss, yuuji takes his hand between them and jerks him off again. satoru moans and gasps into his mouth, each jolt mirroring the pulses against his prostate.  
they separate for gojo to bury his face in yuuji's shoulders, arms hugging his neck. he humps into yuuji's hand until he comes against him again. 
he pants and huffs atop the boy, catching his breath. yuuji's gentle arms hold him, fingers rubbing slow circles at his back.  
satoru's breathing calms against yuuji’s neck. 
"yuuji, u're such a good boy."  
yuuji's heart and dick swell. 
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the-gene-mile · 7 months
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screenshot redraw for tonight's episode bc no original idea could ever top whatever the fuck is happening here
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raveartts · 10 months
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nosleepgummitato · 8 months
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"Zooble, draw my like one of your French Gloinks."
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