#oh god y'all I am sorry
amrv-5 · 2 years
OK OK OK As a writer myself I know this is BAD to ask… but considering there are two major ways of reading the AoS epilogue (they are both actually dead and in an imagined/real afterlife vs BJ was ‘turned’ and they both run off into the sunset together)… in your heart of hearts… what do you feel happened? I ask only because yday when I expressed my EXTREME sadness you commented back something that would imply to me that the latter interpretation might be the ‘true’ one? I KNOW IT doesn’t WORK LIKE THIS BUT!!! I KNOW it’s MEANT TO BE OPEN TO INTERPRETATION I KNOW THIS!!! I do! But.
Ough again I am so sorry LOL. Okay I'll say in my mind when I initially wrote this, I was thinking of a sort of "medium" happy ending. Like, they're both too deep in at this point to just Go Home like nothing has changed. Hawkeye would be an active danger to his father / community, and, if BJ brought him home, would be the same to his wife and kid, hence "You found me in a war zone, BJ. There’s nothing you could pick up in a minefield you should take home to your family." He sees the path he's on and thinks, okay, well, this could be the last time I'm really "human." Maybe I can get this under control, maybe I can't, but I can't know, and it's the best thing to do to remove the risk entirely.
And so I envisioned that as a sort of dual Lot's wife / Orpheus moment for BJ. I wanted to sort of set up this idea of, okay, if he 'looks back,' so to speak, what's going to happen? Well, one idea is that Hawkeye kills him, now or later. Pillar of salt'd, and Sodom still burns. But then again, if BJ can do this, maybe Eurydice/Hawk is "saved" from the underworld (becoming monstrous), and lives on in memory, not as a shade. But he doesn't really account for a third option, which is, like, what if Orpheus looked back, saw Eurydice get yanked into the underworld, and just...followed? Like, okay, not ideal, but better to be together in hell than separate in life. And the thing about pillars of salt/ash is that they don't burn. They can just hang out in a flaming city no problem. Sure, some things are worse now: their options are really limited, for one, as it's pretty damned hard to go back to your old human life when you're just loose ash, and also it's hard to do a lot of other things when your city that you love more than anything, more than even God, maybe, is on fire all the time, but if you really love your city (and it turns out that you do) you're going to stay with it.
That's more or less how I saw this ending. It's the "happiest" ending possible under the circumstances. Though I will say I initially wrote it with the idea in mind that BJ's still fully human (in body.....) and Hawk's in some ambiguous, you-interpret-how-much-of-him-is-still-human state. But so far people seem to be reading it as they're both immortal, which, while not something that honestly ever entered my mind while writing, makes total sense, and is definitely not a bad reading at all.
Re: the afterlife thing... hmmmmmmg very very very interesting. I'll say that interpretation literally never came to mind at all LOL I was thinking of it as all very concrete, especially after Hawk's speech to Frank and later BJ about the Nothingness of death, but I'm intrigued! But then again what's an afterlife, really. This could be an afterlife of sorts. Especially given that one (or both, depending on your reading) of the guys did definitively die. It's an afterlife of some sort for Hawkeye, at least, and the rest is who knows what.
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fate-defiant · 1 year
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There is a Duckling,, LOOSE in the archives
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quick-drawn · 9 months
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hehe — nice.
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margaritalaux-antille · 7 months
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ephemeralgalaxies · 2 years
ayo another meta post for wangxian (but nightless city flavored)
Alright y'all bare with me here since I cannot for the life of me upload screenshots or gifs (I swear I'll figure out my weird computer eventually but today is not that day). Absolutely in love with the gifset @cherryysundae posted, so I'm gonna attach that here for reference to the scene: (XX) (pls work)
TLDR; I have way too many emotions about the cliff scene, but especially the part where WWX realizes that JC is going to send LWJ down with WWX and WWX can't take that so he wrenches away to save LWJ bc he can't lose any more than he already has, even if that means dying alone (but then him realizing 16y later that maybe he still has reasons to live and he'll do whatever he can to keep them this time).
Once again getting emotional about wangxian, specifically the Bloodbath of Nightless City when WWX dies.
Ofc we see that WWX has lost virtually everything at this point, right? Lost his adoptive parents (no matter how cruel they might have been, they still raised him so it's gonna be a shock a person just doesn't recover from in even a year). Lost the respect of the cultivation world because he wasn't willing to fit into their mob mentality and charge the innocent for the crimes of a war. Lost his clan, his home, his family when Jiang Cheng rejected him; people he's known and fought beside his whole life, places he's grown up in, foods he's connected to every little moment. Lost his new family, seeing the Wens dead and disgraced with crowds of people able to witness their bodies and talk shit on them (he doesn't see A-Yuan, ofc, but surely he wouldn't believe a little kid to survive the indiscriminate wrath of the entire cultivation world. He knows what's coming, he knows A-Yuan is done for if not already. He can't protect him anymore). He looses his sister, his tether to the world, the one person (he knew of, at least, as we know that even when he came back via MXY, WWX thought LWJ never actually trusted him) that truly believed there was good in him --- that maybe he was doing a good thing. And she died right in front of him with him believing it was his control of the spirits that caused the chain of events (IT WASN'T EVEN THE SPIRITS THAT SURELY KILLED HER. SHE WOULD HAVE LIVED JUST FROM THAT. It was some other cultivator determined to take down WWX in his moment of vulnerability and family mourning that lead to Jiang Yanli pushing him out of the way so the sword would run her through instead). And then, if there was any hope in rekindling his relationship with Jiang Cheng, that surely suffocated it. He's lost everything.
And the worst part? They can't even see what they've all become. Wei Wuxian just stands there, overlooking the destruction they're all spiraling into, no longer even trying to control the spirits. He breaks the Yin Tiger Seal and scatters it to the animalistic crowd below. Now, he really has nothing. What more to lose? There's no coming back from this, nothing more for him to do, no one else for him to protect.
"Trust me," LWJ told him when they still stood on the rooftop together before it all got so out of control. It's the fact that even before WWX lost control of the spirits (with someone else's flute taking over and causing the destruction), LWJ is there with WWX trying to calm the situation, help him the only way he knows how. "Lan Zhan, do you think I have any other choice now?"
"The situation changed ... You must trust me. It's not that simple."
FIRST OF ALL IM SCREAMING The change this represents for Lan Wangji??? "It's not that simple" --- after years of trying to understand WWX and this growing tension within the cultivation world and their tyrannical systems, consulting Lan Xichen about "black and white, good and bad" and how not simple it all is. "Do you think I have any other choice now?" Because WWX thinks he understands LWJ by now; that the Perfect Golden Child of the Lan Sect would of course cherish and uphold every rule and regulation and surely the Lan Sect wouldn't allow for WWX's reputational actions (he should know, he memorized (almost) all of them, cocky lil shit reciting them to Wen Chao instead of the Wen Clan's). So surely, LWJ would believe there's nothing else for WWX to do --- he's too far gone. Everyone else seems to think so, why not him? If even his own brother could reject him like that, why would some High Moral guy who "hates [his] guts" (thanks, JC, for completely misreading LWJ's gay frustration) think that any of this is still salvageable?
"Situation changed" "trust me" "not that simple" --- bc LWJ understands now, he does. He watched what they did to the Wens, he knows that A-Yuan is still out there somewhere, all alone surrounded by resentful spirits. He hears how the crowd refuses to even try to reason, how they attempt to shoot WWX down, scorn him for defending himself --- others can harm him, but he can't touch them. Most of all, Lan Zhan knows Wei Ying. He just needs WWX to trust him now, and they can figure out a way --- even if it means leaving everything else behind.
In my opinion, I think LWJ was willing to sacrifice everything for WWX in this moment. I think he was ready. Before JYL died, before WWX lost control of the spirits, before the crowd broke out into monsters slicing and smashing each other for a piece of the Yin Tiger Seal. He would have done it. But then... "situation changed" again. Wei Wuxian lost everything (everything except him, but LWJ was never WWX's to begin with, was he? Who was LWJ to think he would be enough to make him stay? to make him "come back"?)
"Wei Ying... come back."
But WWX can't let that happen. He can't trust him, can't get too close. To him, he's hurt everyone he's touched. (ok, now we start the gifset references) So, he goes to the point of no return.
And Lan Wangji catches him. He catches his hand with Lan Wangji's wounded arm, literally pouring blood down as he grips onto him (and as @cherryysundae said, blood is slippery as shit. so that's a strong ass grip right there, fighting against both the pain, the weight, and literal fucking physics against him and he still manages. It's taking all he has just to hold WWX there, but he does. And then JC is there, and maybe he'll help; reach down and pull WWX up from the cliff, save his brother, fix what they have left of their grief-ridden family and sect (would anyone else besides the Jiang sect have noticed the change in spirits? When they refused to brutally harm anyone, but not even daring to touch the sect? because "Wei Wuxian hasn't forgotten us!" and then the utter horror when they think he has?)
But instead, LWJ sees that bloody sword, sees it gripped tight, JC's unmoving stance. "Jiang Wanyin! Stop it." The tears in his eyes here, the unspoken 'please stop falling with them, stop pushing him away, stop ignoring everything you've been raised upon and realize that some things need justice and sometimes those things are the systems you've base your life on. Stop grieving what you've lost to the point of blinding you from what you still have.' And JC pauses another moment, so LWJ turns his attention back to WWX --- make sure he's okay, that he's alive, that he's not planning on going anywhere just quite yet, just a moment more please---
And then Jiang Cheng draws his sword back and plunges it into the cliff side. (and now we get into why I specifically love The Untamed's version of this scene, maybe even more than the novel/manhua/donghua versions). Jiang Cheng doesn't stab Wei Wuxian, he hits the rock. He digs into the cliff, makes it unstable, twists his sword just so in a way that would force the loose stones to crumble beneath not just WWX, but also LWJ. And Wei Wuxian sees this, he knows what will happen if Lan Wangji continues to save him here, hold him there against the cliff without the strength to pull him up alone. He's lost everything... he can't lose Lan Zhan just as he starts to realize that maybe he can have him. And he realizes here that Lan Wangji would die for him. He would give up everything, and Wei Wuxian knows what it feels like to have nothing left.
"Do I have any other choice now?"
So he forces himself out of LWJ's grasp, falls into the pit, away from all the pain and nothingness and from Lan Zhan--- who still, even after JYL died and the spirits created a bloodbath and insanity fell upon the crowd in desperation for power of the amulet, still thought Wei Ying was worth saving. To the point that he'd die with him if that's what it took. Or maybe, LWJ doesn't notice the loose rock, doesn't see exactly what JC does with the sword, too focused on making sure WWX just stays right here, stays as safe as he can be. And maybe WWX knows this, knows LWJ won't be prepared for what's to come, knows he won't have the strength to save them both anyways, let alone himself if it came to it. I mean, you can see the moment WWX realizes what could happen: the way he stares at the sword, eyes wide, then in an instant they widen even more and that quick gasp before he wrenches his arm away from LWJ, pain and tears and guilt and fear on his face.
The pure devastation on Lan Wangji's face as he stands there frozen, arm still outstretched, even after JC walks away. He screams, Lan Wangji, Han Guangjun, Second Jade of the Lan Sect screams. I think this might be the most expressive we ever see of LWJ in the series, though he does let down his walls more after the 16 years (for The Untamed) than during their youth, but nothing ever quite like this. not even when faced with the possibility of losing WWX again via JGY (see: the other half of the referenced gifset). I mean, dude is PISSED, tho, absolutely staring daggers at JGY here, but he's calmer. He's grown. He's gotten stronger. And he knows that if it came to it, he would gladly give his life to save his Wei Ying. He's not letting him go again. He's tired of WWX's savior-complex; he loves him for it, but damn it's starting to get on his nerves when WWX keeps pushing LWJ away to save him. Just the:
WWX: "Lan Zhan, you go first to find reinforcements."
LWJ: bitch, who do you take me for?
WWX: my god we're both doomed
JGY and LXC: you're both hopelessly in love, actually, but yeah also doomed.
I just,,, I love wangxian so much, right, and they have so many beautiful moments, but I will never get over the cliff scene. Everyone always talking about what LWJ would do for WWX, I think we need to focus on this scene more and just what WWX gave for LWJ in that he didn't try to break the hold UNTIL he saw that it was going to put LWJ in danger. He would've stayed. He would have come back. But it couldn't happen, not yet, not with everything still in shambles. No, he needed to go --- let fires settle, let systems overturn and stir into a rolling boil, give Jiang Cheng and Jin Ling time to grow together and grieve what they'll never know, give Lan Wangji time to grow as a leader of his sect, have disciples under his command and care, let A-Yuan become Lan Sizhui (fucking "chasing memories" I'm sobbing, LWJ), let people question whether WWX was ever actually wrong to separate from order and protect the Wens. Let Wei Ying come back sixteen years later to face a Lan Zhan who knows how to protect him now and by god will never let him go again. Let Wei Wuxian grow into a person that no longer wants to die; he doesn't fear death, he knows it well -- but he doesn't want to die anymore. For the first time since probably the Cloud Recesses days, he finally has hope, finally joy and love, he has reasons to stay. He won't fear death, he understands it now. But by god he'll rage against it if he can.
"Come back..."
And so, if just to see the ones he loves finally full of joy and not mourning him for another sixteen years, he'll do it. He'll come back.
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koishua · 1 year
i lived 🤭🤭
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womp womp
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killerchickadee · 2 years
Sometimes I have to bite my tongue so I don't show everyone what an asshole I am about cosplay. But. I just want to say like.... 90% of the fun of cosplay for me is trying to match an actual outfit as much as possible. Like. Making most of it myself, and having things I just purchase outright look as close as possible to what a character is wearing. And then of course, you know, spending hundreds of dollars and hours of labor on putting something together only to have someone who slopped some shit out of their closet is. A little frustrating. Just vaguely matching a character's aesthetic isn't cosplay to me.
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oh my gosh. i just realized... sukuna would read mlp creepypastas...
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folatefangirl · 2 days
Old fandom experience I had last night:
I see a cool fan art dedicated to a fanfic from several years ago and yay, the art links to the fanfic!
I open the fanfic for sleepytime reading.
I immediately realize the fan art >>> fic writing bc it was written during the verrrry early fandom phases when fans took whatever writing they could possibly get.
Very quietly click back button, as is polite fandom etiquette.
My distracted ass should probably a) work on the fanfics I'm supposed to be writing and b) finish the fanfics I was in the middle of that I was actually enjoying.
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loser-brain · 5 months
I am just... mad... at my older sister... like she had the audacity to say I'm paranoid when her baby is just outright destroying everything in this house. Girl, you do not live here anymore who do you think cleaned up after you. Every. Single. Time. You. LEAVE.
The fact she said I'm paranoid is because I'm worried for her son like yeah. You neglected him and your other kid of course I'm worried but ya know what I am more worry the fact you don't correct your son about what he can play with and what he cannot because expensive shit like the TV is something that is not in your budget to replace and neither is it in mine because we both are broke bitches.
That is why I am more "paranoid" because I know damn well my mother will yell at me and not at you because I did not produce a child. I am a bum with fucked up hands living in this house 24/7 keeping it clean and taking care of my dogs.
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majormeilani · 6 months
i haven't checked my ao3 in literal months and i didn't realize how many reads my stories have had in my absence
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teethrotter · 8 months
cis male college freshmen are singlehandedly responsible for my torment
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illdothehotvoice · 1 year
I think ignoring the uh. problems with Spirit of Justice, I've come to the conclusion that I think my biggest issue with it is it really just kind of went "Oh! You want more focus on Apollo Justice: Ace Attorney and it's characters? Sure, here you go! *retcons like. The entire game*"
Anyways I am about to complain a LOT about Spirit of Justice in the tags.
#ace attorney spoilers#Also I know this isn't soj but OH my god it's been like 2 years and there is still ONE retcon in dd that pisses me off to no end dshjgkfg#what do you MEAN Phoenix got his badge back because ''Edgeworth asked me to uwu''!?#Love it when capcom retcons Phoenix's biggest character growth moment in AJ and argueably the entire series#JUST to keep baiting Narumitsu dghjsdgn like. Y'all.#I am a Narumitsu enjoyer. Like. a LOT but even I can see when it's bad writing dhgjkdshukgjfdh#Ouuugh Phoenix retaking the BAR exam at the end of AJ shows that he's healing and he's growing and he has hope again#and that he's willing to give life in general another try. He's finally being positive#he's starting to be okay#and then Dual Destinies is just like ''Whaaaat? Phoenix Wrigth NEVER had depression! Here take some narumitsu moments B-)"#And we do NOT have time to get into how much they butchered Phoenix in 5 and 6 dhgjkdfd#I am a FULL believer that Phoenix shouldn't have been a lawyer again until at the EARLIEST 5's last case.#Also unpopular opinion: I actually enjoy Apollo's SoJ lore but I think it would have been better suited for a different character dghjkfhg#I am a sucker for found family but I am also a sucker for not changing characters until they are unrecognizable#Like the stuff in 5? That's fine. I am a Clay Terran fan sorry for liking a character who doesn't have any screen time lol dshjgkfg#at least that one was like. Realistic???#Like yeah Apollo can have a best friend we've never heard about that we grew up with that's cool I guess dghjkfgdsdg.#And SoJ had the right idea of like. Where DID Apollo come from?? but like. eeeeeeeeeeh????????#Oh sure let's have a case where Trucy get's accused of murder and Phoenix isn't picking up his phone that's cool.#Do not get me started on how Maya Fey was treated oooh my god dshjgkfsg#But like. introducing a secret member of the Gramaryes (even if his breakdown IS one of my favorites in the series)#oh my god...I forgot..that they.#THEY LITERALLY CHANNELED ONE OF THE VICTIMS OH MY GOD???? DL-6 WHO?? GREGORY EDGEWORTH WHO??#Me when I completely ignore the biggest event in the original trilogy that sets the entire fucking plot in motion#you cannot have the consequences of DL-6 without Misty Fey channeling Gregory Edgeworth#Also really love how they set up bringing Mia back and then. Didn't.#OH and also just. completely retconing Dahlia being exorcised put of Maya.#and retconing pretty much all the fey lore why the fuck not dhjgkdfgh#There is SO much more but SoJ is an entire game of just references to the games people like#but also whule referencing those things they are actively retconing them
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kindestofkings · 2 months
lando norris x reader
dets: an international pop star and a f1 driver could never be secretly dating right? right?
authors note: this is kinda chaotic but its been still in my drafts since that damn espresso song came out, how is it so good?
faceclaim: sabrina carpenter
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liked by ynfan1 and others
yourusername me laughing at all y'all trying to figure out who my hot songs are about LOOLLLLLL you'll know when I want you to know MWAH xx
melbourne tonight :)))
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ynfan1 you are so unhinged I LOVE
charli_xcx just tell them its me !
yourusername you're right sorry wifey xx
ynfan2 wait are they still around??
ynfanupdates wait whats happening in melbourne tonight ???
ynfan3 she's so secretive, I didn't even know she was dating anyone
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liked by martingarrix and others
landonorris tralia mate
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danielricciardo looking fresh mate
landonorris thanks babe xx f1fan1 landos longest relationship right here f1fan2 bahahah for real man is chronically single
oscarpiastri 👍👍
f1fan1 best of luck this weekend !
yourusername just posted to their close friends!
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[caption: baby just had a great weekend at the office <3]
maxfewtrell disgustingly sweet
↳ jealousy is a disease, better get checked out xx
alexalbon ugh you two make me sick
↳ oh yeah and yourself and lily aren't worse 😐
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liked by martingarrix and others
yourusername missing tour hours, should we do it again??
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oliviarodrigo you never rest queen
yourusername lol duty calls ynfan1 huh? hasn't she been off for ages ? ynfan3 singers can have other responsibilities you do know that right
ynfan2 I just want to know who you're dating..
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liked by ynfan1 and others
ynfanupdates yourusername out in monaco tonight !
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ynfan1 huh wonder what has her in monaco? she's there alot recently
ynfan2 looooveee the orange
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liked by landoupdates and others
landofan1 firstly tell how is a man so hot?? also look at how much he's vibing to yourusername's feather remix??
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landofan1 I could take him (not in a fight)
ynfan1 he is just like me fr
f1fan1 no WAY whats he doing playing yn? 👀
ynfan1 I mean she is one of the biggest pop singers in the world rn f1fan1 orrrrrrrr ynfan2 haha you wish
yourusername oooh whos he ?
landofan1 bahaahahha girl, you are everything I want my popstars to be
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liked by chapellroan and others
yourusername pookie is away (again) so heres some pics of me looking hot for pookie, and pookie only <3
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ynfan1 what boyfriend would ever leave you??
yourusername I know right?? poor me !
chapellroan need a sub ?
yourusername I don't know what you're abbreviating but yes. yes please.
reneerapp god DAMN
(liked by yourusername)
f1fan1 hmmmmmmhmmm away? and theres a grand prix this weekend
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liked by ynfan1 and others
lando.jpg returning the favour x Race weekend was gud
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landofan1 people died.
oscarpiastri such a poser
lando.jpg my lady loves it 🤷 landofan1 IS HE IN A RELATIONSHIP landofan2 since when wtf
f1fan1 I don't even care how delusional I am, he'd be so hot for yourusername
ynfan1 Ikr but they don't even follow each other :((
yourusername just posted to their story!
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[caption: pookie has returned <3]
landonorris I don't know how I feel about pookie...
↳ but POOKIE I love it (and you)
↳ landonorris ugh okay fine (love you too)
charli_xcx this soft launch is mean, and I know who it is
↳ hehehhe lol its SO fun tho
f1fan1 is that papaya ?
yourusername just followed landonorris!
landonorris just followed yourusername!
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liked by landonorris
yourusername need a pick me up ?
Espresso 4/11 @ 8pm ET,
Music Video 4/12 @ 10:00am ET
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ynfan1 woooo queen is back
ynfan2 LOVE the vibe of this
landofan1 is that the JOLLY ???
landofan2 do we think lando is in the video?? cause thats defo him!
landonorris uber rating ?
yourusername 4 stars out of 5 ! missing star is because you kept making me laugh during filming landonorris always knew being so funny was a double edged sword. georgerussell sorry just confirming, do you think YOU are the funny one? ynfan1 what a random friendship, but so cute
f1fan1 finally followed each other, my delusions don't feel so crazy
landofan1 I would loveee if they became friends
landonorris just added to their close friends!
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[caption: we just hard launched via music video and people are thinking FRIEnDshIP ?]
yourusername babyyyy they're so stupid
↳ told you it's crazy you're dating me..
↳ yourusername UGH no enough of that
danielricardio the landonorizz lore is to deep I'm afraid..
lilyme cons of dating a hottie
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liked by landonorris and others
yourusername guys this is my POOKIE! I just hardlaunched my muse, y'all should be blessed !
(last pic is not mine but like look at how he looks at me teehee...)
tagged: landonorris
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landonorris love of my life fuck
ynfan1 damn y'all are in love love aren't you
fan1 this is crazy to me lando and THE pop it girl??
yourusername me and THE lando norris who is a professional hottie and my pookie xx landofan1 ugh im obsessed with you two
ynfan1 you're telling me you've been dating another celebrity for at least 3 years and we've seen ZERO pap pics?
f1fan1 for real tho we would've seen her at a grand prix, theres thousands of cameras landofan1 yeah seems suss yourusername ugh guys !!! why are you making me spell everything out for you landonorris time to cook darling
mclaren finally the parents are insta official
yourusername get hyped to see me at a gp wigless xxx
ynfan1 you wear wigs??
yourusername have you worn wigs?? landonorris will you wear wigs??? ynfan1 omfg I get it now
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liked by yourusername and others
landonorris meet my three year pr relationship x
tagged: yourusername
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yourusername yes sorry guys the warming climate is all our fault !! just so fucking hot we cant help it eek
oscarpiastri you two are so unbearable already please go back to being a secret landonorris after 3 years of norizz jokes, I thinkkkk no !
landofan1 THREE yEaRs ???
mclaren wearing papaya off season? oh shes a keeper
ynfan1 heheh admin gets it
danielricciardo rip norizz it was fun while it lasted..
landonorris fun for WHO??
hehe im working lateeee, cause I procrastinated doing assignments all day xx
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midwestprincesss · 30 days
never say sorry -sub!art donaldson x fem!reader smut
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notes- this was literally supposed to be super short but i got carried away cause i am a whore (and proud of it)
cw- art is a little insecure:( , mentions of him having sex with tashi before (NO TASHI SLANDER I LOVE MY GIRL BUT IT'S FOR THE PLOT😭) , he cums prematurely (like...really..) art's a whiny little slut, art keeps calling reader love ( i got a thing for that pet name sorry y'all) , reader calls art 'artie' once cus it's cute&idc.
thinking about art constantly apologizing while having sex :( like ur unzipping his pants and he's already bucking his hips up into your hand, and then immediately muttering "sorry":(( my babyyy
so at first you think that okay, whatever, it's just something that slips out
but then he does it SO many times that you're actually starting to be concerned
like, you're giving him head and he moans a little too loudly- he's apologizing again. while kissing, you pull back for air and he still follows you, mouth half-open, wanting more - but then he realizes and he apologizes again.
but one time he really caught you off guard-
it had been a long day for him, spending almost all day training for his upcoming match. he barely had any time to rest, so he comes back to his dorm, taking off his shirt and pants, getting into bed with you only with his baby-blue boxer briefs on.
he kisses you. he's so fucking tired, but he still kisses you. 'cause he needs you, especially after the day he just had. you could feel his hard cock, practically begging you to take his boxers off.
"please love, wanna see you" he says while tugging at your top, watery eyes glistening with tears waiting to be spilled.
you take it off and unclasp your bra, little whimpers leaving his lips at the sight of you over him, with your tits out. you would love to take your time with him, really. to hear him beg and plead for you. but he's so eager, and so polite about it too- you just can't do that to him right now. so when you take off his boxers, his cock immediately jumps up, slapping his lower abdomen, right over his strawberry-blond happy trail.
"aww baby, look at you. you're so pretty aren't you?" you smile down at him, admiring how his legs shake slightly at every word you say. "hmm? aren't you?" you repeat. "mmghn- yeah, i- uhh i am" he says, eyes almost rolling back from the lack of touch. "you're what? say it." he sighs. you do this a lot. 'self love is important' you usually tell him- but not now. not when his dick is out, aching and leaking and begging to be touched. but just for the sake of it- just because he wants to please you, he says it. "i'm pretty"
"good boy," you coo, finally bringing a finger down to his cock, only to circle his pink, wet tip. and with that, he loses it. his mind goes blank, and he can't help it- all the waiting, the anticipating made him lose control of his body. he really didn't want to cum, he wanted to be good for you, but you were just so hot, he couldn't hold back. so immediately after his white, thick and warm liquid lands partially on his stomach and a bit on your hand, he starts babbling out apologies.
"i'm sorry, i'm so sorry love, please don't be mad, please- i'll clean up after myself- oh my god i'm so sorry-" he was so obviously tired, he could barely make up the words, yet he still continued apologizing. until you cut him off.
"art, baby- you dont need to apologize to me! what's up with this" you ask, softly. "you know i love making you feel good. and it's even better when i get feedback like this" you giggle. his cheeks turn bright pink as he covers his face.
"but i literally came the second you touched me" he mumbles, shyly.
you kiss his shoulder, smiling. "and it was hot."
"i- I don't know how to explain it to you, love- i just don't want to disappoint you. tashi used to hate it when i did any of this, she hated hearing me, and stuff like that- sometimes it made me feel like i was an object to her or something, y-you know? she'd get mad at me, and uh- it wasn't great."
"oh." you could actually feel your heart breaking for the boy. he was so sweet, he never deserved any of that. "well i'm not tashi, and i definitely won't get mad at you for anything like that. i like hearing you, and believe it or not, this was really fucking hot. you're letting me know i'm making you feel good. what's wrong with that?"
"just don't wanna upset you." art shrugs.
"i promise you artie, you could never upset me." you peck his lips and he smiles. "now let's clean you up"
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