#oh its so MESSY its gonna get SO MUCH WORSE before it gets better
acaciapines · 11 months
nano day eight
words today: 1503
words total: 15933
a bit less today because i actually wrote 1.3k for another creative project of mine jkfgdfg. and i got to a good stopping point here so i figured i'd just write the scene ive been so excited for all in one go tomorrow.
its just so WEIRD, to be here, yall. like, ive written some Monsters in my time, some massive fics that are in the hundreds of thousands of words, but this is longer than all of them. ive been writing it for like, over a year and a half now, and im almost DONE. im in end-game stuff ive been planning for so long, and its just...
wild, i guess. its always hardest to write the final arc, i think--i want, so badly, to do it well.
my favorite part of what i wrote today:
They whimper, the sound slipping out, and behind them King groggily lifts his head. “Collector?” King’s stardust moves sluggish as he shakes himself, creeps to the edge of his bed, and when they look back his head is tilted and his eyes so much like theirs are wide. “Did you—gah!” He jumps back, tail puffy. “You cut yourself! You’re bleeding!” “Don’t got blood.” They scrub their hand across the front of their shirt and wince at the way the fabric catches against the torn edges of their skin. “I’m fine.” “Clearly you aren’t,” King says, and his muzzle rests atop their head as he peers down at them, flattening their hat and hair. Their chest pounds like a heart, erratic. “Um, do you have any bandages? That’s what Eda always did when I got hurt.” “Not,” they say, shoving themself up, and King topples backwards onto his bed, and they tower over him ‘n float a bit higher, and under the glow of the light glyph their shadow cuts across him ‘n isn’t them, ‘cause they’re here and real and REAL and their hand aches still and REAL ‘cause shadows can’t feel that, and they squeeze the wound ‘n watch golden stuff drip onto the floor, “hurt. Don’t need help.” “Okay!” King puts up his hands as he stands, not meeting their eyes. Instead King looks to a point just to their side ‘n it makes something in them burn; burn sharp. “You’re fine. Sorry.”
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This is just me rambling and stuff, and this is the only way i could get out my monty brainrot and a little bit of yves brainworm out of my head, but just ignore it if it's cringe or too insane
I think with the way Yves would take care of me thoroughly and know me so well would unsettle me at times, but ultimately it would probably cement his place as a comforting and caring platonic partner in my head 😭😭 cause i know i would be thinking like "oh! He's so inspiring! I think he's the perfect role model for how i should take care of myself and love the people close to me ^^" <- absolutely missing the point and every romantic gesture i would misunderstand (what lacking romantic experience does to a mf) as something he does with other ppl, even though i would imagine that he's barely seen with anyone else than his darling :'); or maybe he would account for the fact that i misunderstand things? But i have a feeling that he would catch on to the fact that I'm a bit of a blockhead
Imo i think that i would choose Monty over Yves, despite everything that he did for me; maybe because he's done so much for me, i would probably feel immeasurably guilty even if he does say he likes doing it and personally, the power imbalance in both his material and physical qualities as well as the lack of vulnerability would intimidate me 🫠🫠 errr in a way, Monty I love so much because of how loving, protective and accepting he is, he's got characteristics that are close to my type!! (might also be the fact that to some extent, he can be controlled :3); he's endearingly trying his best and flopping a lot, but at least he listens to valid criticism 🥰🥰 he's... Cute... And maybe because of the food too, since receiving and giving food is a big sign of love for me <3 His messiness is a bit of a charm to me, because personally it takes a lot of guts and vulnerability to show someone how messy you are physically and mentally, or well, maybe its pity over the depression mess 😔 One thing i want to know is if he'll ever get immune to his darling's romantic and sexual advances and throw it right back similarly? Or is still gonna be giggling and kicking his feet on the bed over it? And i wonder how his reaction would be towards a darling that starts off meek and quiet, but gets more dominant and pursues him as well? Man, i want this guy pegged <3 And to get him pregnant <3 I want to give him backshots that make him better or worse :3
Anyway, this is also a way of grieving over not choosing Monty over Cyprus 😔 because i read Cyprus first before Monty and i regret picking him for the poll 🤧 but, I'm looking forward to any potential Monty content and how this silly guy locks in or flop <3
Boy oh boy do I have the ask for you
Thanks for the ramble anon it was a good read 👍
Well Yves does act accordingly to your personality. If you are pretty clueless BUT would accept him as your ONLY romantic partner for life, he would be extremely straightforward, cutting to the chase and be clear in what he wants the relationship to be (it was exhibited in Best and Worst of Both worlds)
But if he predicts that you will reject him or eventually cheat on him later in the relationship despite all the measures to stop you from doing so, he will remain platonic. And his prediction model is horrifyingly accurate. Mans will even reject YOU if he knows you can't keep it in your pants 💔
Oh yeah if it's vulnerability you're looking for Yves is ABSOLUTELY FUCKING NOT the man you're looking for homie 😭 he is THE fort knox of mental illness, you can (almost) never catch him lacking and is always locking in while Monty is human
Literally Yves isn't actually human anymore
Here are other pieces of writing that has monty in it, idk if you seen them yet but it was all clumped together with Yves's MASSIVE sections
What makes Monty wanna fuck you (the lower half of this post is just Yves waffles)
Montgomery as a dad (scroll to like half of it to skip Yves's part)
Yves isn't necessarily okay with being only a platonic yandere
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inbarfink · 1 year
Okay so there’s a lot of DHMIS fans out there who try to rank or analyze the Teachers and which ones are worse and which are better, and I thought I might as well throw my own proverbial hat in the proverbial ring and give my own take on the matter.
I’m going to go over all of the (central) Teachers in the DHMIS Web Show + DHMIS TV Show and give my own read of how ‘bad’ they are. I’ll be looking primarily at their focus episode where they actually act as teachers. I know a lot of the Webshow teachers came back in a much more chill and friendly role in the TV Show, but for me the things they did while they were acting as teachers is more important than how they act on their ‘off hours’ (if those even count as the same people in the same continuity)
And obviously, this is going to be a very personal sort of reading, very much based on my interpretation of DHMIS and its themes.
So let’s start with the Teacher who started it all! Sketchbook!
So I am gonna… try and start with the pros. So, before Sketchbook comes into the scene, our Trio was just sitting very, very still around the breakfast table. As per the creators’ own word, this is meant to show that our trio lacks creativity. So, learning how to Get Creative is a lesson that, in general terms, our trio could use to learn. Plus, not all of her lessons are that bad. Like, imagining silly faces on oranges, seeing images in clouds, using hair to express oneself - that’s all… alright I guess. And she can sometimes be entertaining and engaging to our trio, even including the not-easily-impressed Red Guy!
Sketchbook: Now, when you stare at the clouds in the sky, don't you find it exciting? Red, Duck, and Yellow Guy: No. Sketchbook: Come on, take another look! Yellow Guy: Oh wait! Together: I can see a hat! I can see a cat! I can see a man with a baseball bat! Together: I can see a dog! I can see a frog! I can see a ladder leaning on a log!
But, as we all know, the devil’s in the details. Alongside her kinda-alright lessons in creative thinking, she hides a pretty strong overcontrolling tendencies.
She has no way to engage her students when they go ‘off-script’ by not being immediately impressed with her lesson - outside of just vaguely telling them they’re ‘not thinking right’ - 
Duck Guy: I don't see what you mean. Sketchbook: 'Cause you're not thinking creatively!
Or just ignoring their words entirely. 
Sketchbook: I use my hair to express myself! Red Guy: That sounds really boring. Sketchbook: I use my hair to express myself!
And she clearly has a pretty strong idea of what is ‘good’ or ‘correct’ creativity. Making her shut Yellow Guy’s creative expressions down if he’s ‘doing it wrong’ according to her inexplicable restrictive standards.
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And, well, this seems to be the Point where my opinion diverges quite a bit from that of the majority of the fandom… But, I’ve seen people say that the Sketchbook’s ‘never be creative again’ line proves that she might not be that evil, cause, well, look at all the horrifying shit the trio did while they were Creative! Not wanting this to happen is a perfectly understandable and moral position! And shows that she can actually be a responsible and moral teacher!
Well…that’s not my interpretation.
Yeah, the Creative scene is creepy and gross. But… I dunno if it represents something truly harmful and evil going on. Yeah they were using organs as decorations and baked that awful meat cake but… but while that gore is Gross, there’s not really the implication that they killed or harmed something to get it, you know? 
I think the Creative scene is not just our characters ‘going CRAAAZY’, I think it’s more like… both literally and metaphorically, the characters are being Creative in those kinda weird and off-beat ways. Expressing their creativity and feelings in messy and odd ways found in art pieces much like… well, Don’t Hug Me I’m Scared itself. 
That awful gore cake is almost a perfect metaphor for DHMIS, actually. A pleasant childish facade revealing an inner layer of gore and horror. 
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They’re just making art that’s maybe a little gross. And maybe a little scary. And maybe a little too raw and visceral for themselves to handle. But that’s not inherently a bad thing. You know, even if it is pretty messy and they are kinda emotionally rattled from their own creative expressions, that might be something they would need a guiding hand in channeling in healthy and better ways…
But certainly not just “well, don’t you ever do this again”.
Now let's all agree to never be creative again.
For me this is just an extension of pouring oil all over Yellow’s Clown Painting. The Trio is still Doing Creativity Wrong by the Sketchbook’s standards - and she has decided they are doing it so Wrong that they shouldn’t be Creative ever again. It’s basically equivalent to some sort of hypothetical art teacher who watches DHMIS and goes “this is so creepy! I don’t think the people who made this should make art ever again!”. I think it’s clear why this kind of person would be a bad teacher when it comes to teaching art or anything to do with creativity!
Well, look at the time, looks like we should move on to...
Tony the Talking Clock! Okay, so I think… Pretty much all of the pros I was giving the Sketchbook are lessened with Tony. It certainly feels like there is an escalation with the Badness of the teachers going on. While one can argue that the trio needed to learn about the basics of Creativity - just not from a person like the Sketchbook - I think it’s harder to make the same argument about Tony’s very basic Time lesson. Like, before he shows up Red Guy and Duck just make a super-generic comment about time - 
Red Guy: Come on, guys, stop mucking around. We only have five minutes until our show is on. Duck Guy: It's not enough time!
And if you just compare the way the trio participate in Tony’s song versus Sketchbook’s song….
Sketchbook: I see a silly face! Yellow Guy: Wow! Sketchbook: Walking along and smiling at me! Duck Guy: I don't see what you mean. Sketchbook: 'Cause you're not thinking creatively!
Yellow Guy: This tree that is old, has circles inside! Tony: This tree that is older has shriveled and died. Duck Guy: The apple that's fresh is ripe to the core!
They don’t really appear confused by the concept of time or surprised by Tony’s explanation of time. Red Guy asks one question (“And then what happened after the olden days?”) but that just might be out of politeness. It all seems to be stuff that they already understand about time. And he was doing this while the trio had other things planned.
But we don't really want to, we're going to miss our show.
And he just whisked them away on a musical adventure repeating ideas they already knew. So even if he didn’t do all of the Bad Shit that he did, he’d still be wasting their time. 
But of course, we can’t forget about all the Bad Shit he does! 
First and foremost, he’s got the same Issues as Sketchbook with his students going ‘off-script’, but he is even less patient. Almost immediately resorting to name-calling and violence.
Don't be STUPID, friends!
There's a time and a place for mucking around!
And in addition to just being a very simplistic view of Time, his lesson also contains some stuff that’s closer to straight-up inaccuracies. Namely his overly-romanticized presentation of both the past and the future.
And once they start actually questioning the lesson, and asking questions more advanced than he was prepared too, at first he deflects in a similar manner to the Sketchbook -
Duck Guy: But when did it start? Yellow Guy: And when will it stop? Tony: Time is important and I am a clock.
But then he quickly resorts to shutting them down with his loud beeping, until their ears bleed. Just a more indirect form of violence. It’s clear that his idea of ‘teaching’ is not one that encourages actual curiosity about the world, it’s just about following and repeating his points. And while the Sketchbook had a similar worldview, she never seemed to have more than Words and Oil to shut her students down, Tony has Time on his hands.
Namely the infamous final scene of the episode, where the group withers away and dies.
Here, there is no doubt that what is happening is harmful and is causing them suffering, and while Tony denies it, the Trio seems to believe that he is responsible for it. Considering the amount of seeming-reality-warping he was capable of during the rest of his musical number, it’s not that implausible.
It’s unclear WHY he did that, I think it’s most likely yet another way to punish them for not respecting him and his lesson, and for asking questions they shouldn’t. It’s also possible he just has a sadistic streak and tormenting them was always his goal, but considering how much his Control Freak aspect was emphasized during the rest of the episode, I am kinda leaning towards the former option.
Also in general “teacher bad because they are a control freak who ties too much of their ego into being smarter than their students” is more compelling to me than “teacher bad because they love cruelty”
Oh! did I just mention... LOVE?
And now, Shrignold (and the rest of the Love Cult!)
Okay, so let’s cut to the chase here. The thing about Shrignold is that he’s literally a cult recruiter. And that fact invariably corrupts any sort of ‘positive’ I could possibly say about him.
Like, yeah, Yellow Guy was very emotionally distressed and in need of a pick-me-up and Shrignold’s lesson seems to be comforting him - at least at first. But that’s less of a matter of his Lesson having some useful elements as it is a matter of Shrignold finding an emotionally vulnerable and isolated person to prey on - because he’s a cult recruiter.
And yeah, some of Shringnold’s initial explanations of love weren’t all bad and they only turned restrictive and Weird later. But that’s because his whole strategy is to sell Yellow Guy on Love as a general concept representing happiness and togetherness -
But you know it doesn't have to be; I hate you, you hate me. Cause even though we're different, it doesn't make a difference and we can live in harmony. I know you don't know who I am, but maybe I can hold your hand and together we can understand about love!
Shrignold: To love each other is to care, to be kind… Flower: …and to share! Rabbit: I love my friend, so I give them a hug! Purple Guy: I made this for you cause I love you so much! Beaver: I love my pet cause he's a crab.
And once he is committed to the idea that he needs Love to be happy, that is when Shrignold starts to conflate that general concept of Love with a more restrictive one and start shoving Heteronormativity down the child’s throat. Because he’s a cult recruiter.
Shrignold: No, no, no, that's not how it's done. You must save your love for your special one! Yellow Guy: My special one? Unicorn: Everyone has a special one.
Beaver: He's made for her… Unicorn: …and she's made for him! Rabbit: And that's the way it's always been. Beaver: And it's perfect. Purple Guy: And it's pure. Shrignold: And it's protected with a ring. Tree: That's the way that old love goes. Unicorn: Like a flower it grows and grows! Purple Guy: And it's forever. Flower: And forever.
And yeah, Shrignold is one of the only teachers who never loses his temper with the students, even when they’re doing something that is ‘wrong’ in his eyes. But that’s because he is trying to Lovebomb Yellow Guy in every meaning of the word. Because he’s a cult recruiter.
There’s a level where I’m, like, ‘well does that make him that textually different from all the other Teachers in the show?” I mean, you can very well argue that Sketchbook didn’t have a ‘few decent points in her lesson before it turned sinister’ - she was just trying to make them follow her ideas of creativity by getting them excited about the idea of being Creative in general and then narrowing the focus into just the creative expressions that she liked.
Buuut… this is still more obviously textually what’s going on when it comes to Shrignold. And the fact that he seems to be intentionally trying to isolate Yellow Guy from his friends and preying on him when he’s especially emotionally vulnerable, trying to manipulate his emotions and decide for him what's he feeling and why
Yellow Guy: But what is love, is it in the sky? Cloud: No it's a feeling, deep inside. Yellow Guy: Because I'm hungry? Shrignold: No, you're lonely. I can see it in your eyes.
Just gives him that extra edge of Sinister. Tony might be more obviously violent, but something about Shrignold and his friends’ passive-aggressive manipulation of Yellow Guy that feels even more dangerous.
So yeah, Shrignold’s lesson was self-contradictory and nonsensical, he keeps reinforcing obviously wrong falsehoods about relationships and emotions, he condescends to his student when he’s just trying to apply his lesson. But most importantly, he’s a cult recruiter.
And also probably homophobic.
I don't have a clever segway this time but anyway, here's...
Colin the Computer!
So while ‘Creativity’ and ‘Love’ featured the characters arguably needing to learn the Lesson (just not specifically from these terrible teachers) and ‘Time’ featured the characters just kinda minding their own business before being pulled into a totally unnecessary lesson - ‘Computers’ add a new wrinkle in the situation. In this episode, the characters are explicitly unquestionably interested in learning - just not about the subject the teacher has come to teach.
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If you wanna talk about DHMIS as a metaphor for an education system that forces children to conform and recite information mindlessly while punishing their genuine curiosity - you really can’t find a better example. The Trio was practically seeking a lesson this time, but their will was overridden because that is not what they were supposed to learn. 
And with the fact that they were robbed from learning about the world in favor of computers could be a metaphor for people isolating themselves from the ‘real world’ by focusing on technology. Or, to go more in line with the themes of DHMIS and how I interpret them - a metaphor for the internet and digital culture spreading misinformation and thus distorting one’s understanding of the world. 
And not only is Colin taking the Trio away from a topic they actually sincerely want to learn about - his lesson is about as uselessly overly-simplistic as Tony’s. Like Red Guy said, they already have a computer - and it actually seems a bit more advanced than Colin is.
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So it’s probable that they actually know all about the Wonders of Computers. The vibe I get from Colin’s song is that Duck and Yellow Guy are kinda dazzled by Colin’s bells and whistles, but Red Guy’s bored reaction is the correct one - there really is nothing new to learn here.
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If anything, Colin is limiting their information of the digital world by shoving them into this infinite feedback loop of doing the same three things over and over again. Rather than the countless other things you could do in the digital world (including, you know, learning more about the world).
Colin also tends to ignore questions that are Inconvenient for him to acknowledge, constantly talks over his students…
Red Guy: Oh, maybe you could help us answer this question. "What is the biggest thing--" Colin: Clever! I'm very clevery guy. Yellow Guy: Wow!
…and there is his infamous freakout.
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The notable thing for me is that just before that moment he himself already got all up in the personal space of his students. He’s a hypocrite, he thinks that he’s allowed to do whatever he wants to the Trio but they should respect him. Just another variation of that egotistical prideful streak that Tony also showed. 
Also, I feel like a lot of people tend to kinda gloss over his bombardment of questions just before that freakout.
Colin: Great! Great news! Now before we begin our journey, I need to get some information from you! What's your name? Where do you live? What do you like to eat?
But to me this is clearly, like, a reference to websites collecting data from their users to sell to advertisers and suchlike. Colin is trying to pull the trio into using him more and more so he could spy on them and sell their data or whatever is the DHMISverse equivalent of that is. 
But his big episode climax breakdown by the end is… a bit complicated. Like I said, I think the climax of ‘Creativity’ is both caused by our protagonists and is mostly benign - while the climaxes of Eps 2 + 3 are under the control of the teachers (Tony sped up time to punish his Students, Shrignold is a cult recruiter). But with ‘Computers’… I think what’s going on is Colin’s fault but not necessarily under Colin’s control.
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Like, what’s happening here is that the digital world is getting overloaded due to Colin’s endless and repetitive lesson, right? He wanted to keep them in his digital world as much as possible, and when keeping their attention constantly focused on his digital wonders became too much for him - he started to glitch. It’s his fault, since it’s driven by his own ego and control-freak nature (and desire to harvest their data), and I don’t know if he’s necessarily feeling bad about that - but it is distinctive from Tony actively and knowingly punishing them.
(Also I know some people say that he intentionally caused Red Guy’s head to explode somehow and killed him at the end but considering he is unscathed in the next two episodes I am choosing to read it as Red Guy simply having his mind metaphorically blown)
So while Colin (at least Webshow Continuity Colin) is absolutely a Bastard, this is the first case where it is hard for me to say there is an escalation in the Terribleness of the teachers?? Maybe it’s just my personal biases talking? like, is spreading misinformation to manipulate you to join a cult better or worse than spreading misinformation to manipulate you into spending all your time on social media so he can monitor, harvest and sell your data? I can at least see the argument that the latter is worse?
And I do think the intention is to continue the escalation, considering that up next is…
Lamb Chop and the Rest of the Healthy Band!
Okay, so, I think it’s pretty clear by now that I’m doing this list with an attempt to prioritize actually evaluating the Teachers as teachers. You know, how bad their lessons are, how mean they are to the students, who much their behavior discourages actual curiousity or creative thinking… But, well, with these guys - there’s kind of a big elephant in the room about it. 
Like, yes, their lesson is basically self-contradictory nonsense, they do nothing but ignore and override their students’ words and desire, and they don’t even seem particularly good at the ‘entertainment’ part of ‘edutainment’ - their song does nothing but annoy and distress the puppets for the most part. I mean, the circumstances around the song are probably a bigger factor but it certainly doesn’t help it’s so disjointed and chaotic. 
 But all of this feels kinda small potatoes (small potatoes make your teeth go gray!) against the fact they had one of their students killed and force-fed to another!
And unlike the thing with Tony, this doesn’t seem like a punishment for misbehaving (at least not on their specific lesson), it seems like Duck was doomed to die since the episode began.
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It feels more like the Healthy Band was sent here to distract the puppets from Red’s disappearance and Duck’s oncoming demise over any attempt in education, even a very misinformed and misguided one.
But also, yeah, their level of education is quite bad and the way they treat their students even when they’re not killing them is very shitty. It's just kinda the culmination of all of the badness we already seen so I don't really have anything new to say about that.
Don’t murder your own students. That’s bad.
Lamp might be a bit harder to judge, because despite ‘officially’ being the main Teacher in Ep 6, he basically has like, a total of a scene-and-a-half to really show off his lesson. But… even in this scene-and-a-half he really demonstrates that he is a terrible teacher.
Much like the Healthy Band, he totally ignores and overrides his students… urn, student’s adamant refusal to join in on his lesson. Which is espacially obvious this time as Yellow is just TERRIFIED through the whole lesson.
And similar to Tony, he punishes Yellow for ‘misbehaving’ in a terribly cruel manner. 
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And there’s one more thing unique to him, and that is that the subject of his lesson is even more ludicrous than normal.
How can you be sleepy if you don't know how to have dreams?
It’s not something like ‘what are dreams’, but specifically ‘how to have dreams’. There were already a few lessons in DHMIS that seemed to teach the students stuff they already knew (or at the very least, stuff that they knew more/as much about as the teachers did) but now we’re really moving into the territory of things no one needs to learn. Just another way to demonstrate the continued degradation of the teachers even with Lamp's limited screentime and also this time no one gets murdered. 
And now, let’s pull the plug on the Webshow Teachers…
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And start up the TV Teachers with… 
Briefcase! Again, I will start with whatever pros I can find… I think you can argue the Trio at least needed some sort of lesson about jobs? In the sense that Duck at least wanted to do something with his time - and also Yellow thought his welch was a ‘Job’. So I think that the Trio could probably use a lesson about what jobs are, just you know… not from this asshole.
Because while Briefcase isn’t as actively punishing or hostile as some of the DHMIS Web Teachers, he is incredibly misleading - first presenting an idealized version of the working world…
you can be anything you want to do It's totally up to you
Presenting work as a wonderland of infinite choices, including artistic pursuits…
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But also publicly shaming his own brother for trying to chase his own career aspirations because they’re not successful at the moment.
And then trapping our Three of Us in a drab, unrewarding and utterly superfluous job. 
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He might not be as big of a jerk as some of the Webshow Teachers but he’s certainly pretty condescending - and he adds a new wrinkle into the wide tapestry of Teacher Awfulness: he is intentionally misleading. 
Like, okay. This is kind of up for interpretation. But to me it feels like most of the teachers we’ve seen so far are true believers in their bullshit. Maybe not the Healthy Band or Lamp due to just how incoherent their lessons are and how much they’re seemingly motivated to just distract/punish their students. But even with them I’m not sure, the forces behind them might be more actively malicious, but the Teachers themselves could be just warped enough that they believe they make sense.
But this isn’t the vibe I get from Briefcase. I mean, there’s his blatant broad-daylight hypocrisy with Unemployed Brendon. And… he seems to be fully aware that he’s trapping them in Peterson's and Sons and Friends Bits & Parts Limited - doing the exact opposite of what his song says by forcing them into one of the least desirable workplaces he has access to. I feel like he must know that his song is just a way to entice suckers to give their life to the Capitalism Machine.
Like, y’know, maybe in his mind it was “it’s for their own good, they need to have jobs! Any jobs! And that’s the only one they’re good for!” but he certainly doesn’t believe ‘you can be anything you want to be’.
Especially when all that’s needed to get them back home is for him to finish his song, and yet he instead watches over quietly in disguise until Duck accidentally uncovers him. So while he might not be directly responsible for everything that happened to the trio over the factor, he’s at the very least complicit in it. 
Was he planning to wait until they all retire before finishing his song? Was he planning to have them all die from old age at Petersons? Did he pull them out due to Yellow’s workplace accident or just because Duck ruined his cover?
Not to mention the way he pulled them into and back from that Time Hole proves his general emotional callousness, especially when you consider the effect this whole thing had on Yellow Guy.
My hand... My child...
Nor does it seem like he cares about his pound being lodged in Duck’s eye, which reinforces the idea he would’ve just let Yellow Guy bleed out and die in his retirement party if Duck hadn’t forced him out. 
Speaking of Death…
So Coffin’s the guy who really starts the trend of DHMIS TV Teachers being… different from their Webshow Equivalents. Both in the sense that they tend to be less actively and obviously malicious and in the sense that they tend to suffer some sort of Terrible Fate - this, combined with the main trio themselves proving they are capable of some Fucked Up Shit, make them more sympathetic to the audience. For a lot of people, folks like Coffin are actually pretty decent teachers. 
My opinion is… a bit more complicated. Now, it is true that he showed up offering an important and necessary service to the trio - he’s basically a funeral director who got summoned because someone died. While he can be a bit of a jerk and that’s Bad- 
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This level of jerkiness is, like, the maximum he reaches when even Duck pees inside him. Compared to basically every other teacher and even our protagonists, that makes him remarkably even-tempered. Even the more seemingly-fucked-up stuff he did - like removing Duck’s organs and y’know, sealing him underground forever while he’s still conscious - seem to be pretty normal for Dead people in this bizarre world.
So yeah, I do generally agree that Coffin is not nearly as bad the teachers we’ve had before and he certainly did not deserve to get pissed in and then die, but…
The important thing to remember, from my perspective, is that Coffin isn’t just a Funeral Director. He’s still supposed to be a teacher, who teaches the trio about death. And judging him from this metric, he did an abysmal job. Literally all of the troubles in this episode; from Red and Yellow’s emotional anguish, their shitty treatment of Stain Edwards to, again, poor Coffin himself getting pissed in and smashed to bits - those all stem from the same root cause. Which is that our Main Trio just doesn’t know shit about dealing with Death. 
Out of the Three of Them, Red Guy seems to be the only one who’s mostly aware of what Death even means and even then only from the perspective of the deceased - he had absolutely no idea how to deal with the grief of losing Duck. TEACHING the Trio about Death IS supposed to be Coffin's responsibility. And instead of making sure they actually understand what is going on, he pretty much immediately roped them into the excitement of preparing for the Big Day, Big Day - leading to pretty much every conflict in the episode. 
Plus, the funeral he arranged (the part of his job he seemed to actually put effort into), had a bunch of inaccuracies (most notably the David Blunder)... And he might be the one responsible for sending the mourners to the house with the Make a New Friend Kit. All of these - seeing Duck being memorialized inaccurately, and having all of these super-performative grief forced on him, and then being pushed to explicitly move on and replace Duck as quickly as possible… Although it seems they were done with some good intentions, all of these pretty much exacerbated Yellow Guy’s Issues with dealing with his grief - in addition to never really having the permanence of Death explained to him before the event.
I mean, you have to make some consideration towards the fact that the Puppets themselves were not really able to admit that they didn’t really understand Death - so it’s not like Coffin was willfully ignoring requests for knowledge from his students. He didn’t know that they didn’t know! But I also feel like it is his responsibility as their teacher to take the initiative and make sure they understand the material he is teaching. (and of course, the Puppets not taking the initiative to ask questions themselves is pretty understandable when their educational environment has a history of punishing questions). 
Coffin is a pretty interesting anomaly in the continuum of DHMIS Teachers. Because a lot of the time the Teachers are, implicitly or explicitly, redundant at best. Telling the Trio about things they already know in a way that is condescending, or overly simplistic, or just filled with inaccuracies even the Trio can spot. Coffin, however, is here to teach the Trio about something they legitimately don’t know and should probably know about - but he just fails to divulge that basic information that our main characters need. I think you can read it as, like, a statement about the way our society stigmatizes the discussion about Death. Especially with all the performative inaccurate mourning and then the quick push to move on (in this case by literally replacing Duck).
But whatever he was motivated by a desire to avoid actually discussing the ramifications of Death, or it was literally just a goofy misunderstanding and he thought the Trio knew what they were getting themselves into - I still feel like it was his responsibility and his failure that caused all of the troubles. I mean, it still puts him pretty high in the ranking as far as DHMIS Teacher Quality goes just cause the bar is so low - and it still doesn’t mean he deserved the Duck Piss. But this is why I don’t feel 100% comfortable with calling him a ‘Good Teacher’.
Lily and Todney!
Now with these two, the Terribleness is a lot more clear-cut. Lily and Todney are a pretty classic example of what I was talking about just before in the Coffin entry. The Trio already had a pretty good understanding of the ACTUAL concept of Family at the start of the episode. 
Sure, we're not technically a family, but we live together and we have the same lawyer and it works for us.
They didn’t need a lesson about that. And Lily and Todney were less ‘teaching’ them as much as trying to ingrain in them arbitrary nuclear standards for ‘Family’ in their heads. ‘Your idea of ‘Family’ is Wrong, we are here to teach you how Wrong you are’ is their thing, basically.
They are also pretty condescending to the puppets, put them in many uncomfortable situations, and do the Classic DHMIS Teacher Move of being deflective and avoidant when one of their students calls them out on their bullshit. 
Faulbchdt... That's not a word! That's right, isn't it, Lily? Family is much more than just a word!
They punish their students for failing to follow rules they have not actually properly established to them before they ‘broke’ them (see: the Mother's Piece debacle). 
They also, like, ate a fellow Teacher???
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All of these are pretty standard practice for DHMIS Teachers by now (I guess not the Teacher-Cannibalism), the thing that makes Lily and Todney notable is the way they try and exploit our puppets. Their main motivation is explictly not just to 'educate' the trio/make them think the 'right' things.
The reason why they try to reinforce the idea that the trio is doing family Wrong and only the twins can teach them how to do it Right is because they have something to gain out of it. On the micro-scale you can see it in the Family Tree sequence. Where Lily and Todney’s, um, roommate (relative?) is literally sustained by the blood of Red Guy - which was given willingly because Red Guy bought into L&T’s constant insinuations that he needs to be with his ‘real’ biological family in order to belong.
But more obviously, there’s the whole scheme of turning Yellow Guy into their new mother. In fact, if you watch the episode closely, it’s pretty clear they had their eyes on him from very early on.
So this whole ‘lesson’, with all of its nonsense arbitrary morals and rules, was nothing but a ploy to get the Trio into their house and isolate Yellow Guy from his friends.
But the interesting thing for me is the motivation. On some level, Lily and Todney might be the most sympathetic Teachers we’ve had - because we actually know for certain what motivates them. And that’s desperation.
Lily and Todney are HUNGRY. It’s implied that it’s not actually an uncommon occurrence in that family, since it's also mentioned in the home movie that they made before Mother was gone. 
Despite having a bigger house than the Trio, it seems like this family is really financially struggling to keep themselves fed. And the Grolton Chicken Family Discount seems to be the only affordable food option they have. I mean, it doesn’t justify, y’know, driving the trio apart with their nonsense or drinking Red Guy’s blood or kidnapping Yellow Guy. They would definitely be a lot more sympathetic if they just stole food from the trio’s kitchen or something. But it gives them some sort of non-abstract material reason to do what they do where most teachers seem to do the same or worse purely out of a sense of ego, or a warped ideology, or just plain sadism. 
Plus, there is the factor of the terms and conditions of the Family Discount themselves. Where, like, either Grolton’s Chicken refuses to give a Family Discount to any Group of People that is not a “Real Family” as defined by having a ‘dad’ and a ‘mom - or Lily and Todney are simply under the false impression that the Family Discount require that they’ll be a ‘Real Family’. So either there is a restaurant out there reinforcing this restrictive idea of family through financial discrimination. Or Lily and Todney have this concept of ‘family’ so deeply ingrained in them that they can see no other way.
Even with their ulterior motive to get the trio to listen to them, they probably actually believe only Real Families can open Family Packs. A lot of teachers seem to be True Believers in the nonsense they enforce, but Lily and Todney are our first example where the implication is that this ideology harms them just as much as it does the puppets. Either BECAUSE of that deluded belief or because there's a more influential organization that is also enforcing it. It’s a much bigger social system, and Lily and Todney are just cogs bringing it along to the next victim.
I mean, at the end of the day, I am trying to judge their value as teachers to the Puppets. And while this aspect makes them maybe a bit more sympathetic, it doesn’t make them any better as Teachers. This is just a new interesting flavor of Teacher-Badness - where they are directly harmed by the values they try to enforce and harm our trio with. Just one more link in a chain of harm, kinda reminds me of the way our trio treated Stain, actually. A new Wrinkle to consider when thinking of the teachers’ awfulness, I suppose.
And speaking on things that are Wrinkly, it is time for…
Warren the Eagle!
So the thing about Warren is, the lesson he has to teach our Trio was actually a necessary one. While all Three of Them care about each other, their friendship is also really dysfunctional for a variety of reasons - as you can see in this very episode’s ending.
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So yeah, a lesson about how to ‘be better best friends’ would be something they needed, and especially on that day when they were so mean to Yellow Guy! And most of the lessons he has to teach them make good points! It’s just that Warren is the worst person who could deliver them. Like, leaving aside he’s a negative hole of charisma and talent the trio just does not want to listen to. He’s also a huge-ass hypocrite! 
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The lessons he says are actually good friendship advice (presumably just parroted verbatim from the ‘Okay Stop! learning materials) - but he himself fails to follow them even on the most basic level. For him, these are lessons he needs to Teach others, not anything he needs to learn from himself. He only interacts with them when they can be an Excuse for his own shitiness. They’re just slogans to repeat without actually understanding them himself. (Which is extra sad cause Warren IS primarily motivated by his lonliness. If HE could learn how to be a Better Best Friend, that would benfit him more than anything!)
Much like many other Teachers on DHMIS, this also feels like a reflection of problems in Real Life Early Childhood Education. How often are children taught basic concepts such as friendship, honesty, respect or kindness by parents, teachers and other authority figures - who utterly fail to actually follow these same ‘basic childhood lessons’ themselves and especially towards their own students? How many children are taught 'kindness' by the unkind?
So while Warren being an obnoxious and toxic person who shows no remorse as he destroys Yellow Guy’s mind for the sake of his own ego and self-satisfaction and, y’know, turned into a giant monster is bad enough if he was simply the puppets’ peer - the fact that he is also supposed to be ‘teaching’ an actually important lesson to them, kinda makes it worse? Because now they all know that Warren sucks, it’s also a lot easier for them to just ignore everything he told them. To just process them as empty slogans like Warren himself did, and therefore…
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This one’s another kinda Complicated one, and much like Lily and Todney, a rare case where we might need to consider Outside Factors when evaluating the character - so let’s take this one at a time.
First, while there is not much Wrong in his lesson - it’s unclear how necessary it is. While the puppets didn’t know much about, like, travel and driving a car - all of those are things that Red Guy taught himself on his own while Choo-Choo was kinda MIA. Choo-Choo’s own lesson was mainly just about listing various kinds of vehicles and transportations methods and I think the Trio are at least aware of what a bicycle is. So it’s probably yet another case of a Teacher giving them a lesson so simplistic and condescending it’s totally unnecessary.  
Yeah, he came as a reaction to a Need one of the Puppets had, but in the sense he seems to be here as a way to try and passively placate Red Guy’s dreams of escape by offering him a faux ‘trip to the outside’ that actually never leaves their living room. It’s kinda like the Healthy Band maybe, although at least Choo-Choo isn’t distracting them from anything terrible well at least not anything more terrible than the general background terribleness of their existence. 
And while he’s certainly not the worst Teacher we’ve had so far, he’s got a rather short temper, he tends to hit his students, even if it seems to be mostly by accident, but not always… And he often fails to engage with the actual questions his students ask of him…
Now, that’s the whole thing of Outside Factors. Because all of these issues with Choo-Choo’s teaching methods aren’t really Flaws In His Personality, as much as it is just… him being old and not-in-very-good-health. He’s not really ignoring or dismissing his students’ questions, he just legit has a problem hearing them properly. And he seems to be straining himself very much to the point of pain and death just to give them that lesson - which makes him easier to read as genuinely, if misguidedly, invested in Educating the Youth.
Plus, while he’s got a bit of a temper, it never really gets beyond ‘exasperated gruffness’ - not even when the trio hijack his own body to go on their little escape plan and drink all of his oil and force-fed him raisins and cigarettes -which would certainly be a justified point for someone to get angry!
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And then there is the fact that he’s yet another Teacher who ends up dead due to the Actions of of the Students, so a lot like Coffin, that automatically makes him more sympathetic. (I think the Students actually killed Choo-Choo like three different times in that episode). I can totally see why he’s considered, at least, one of the ‘least evil’ teachers. 
But… Well, while he might be one of the better-intentioned and least villainous teachers out there - he’s still not very good at his job? If you want to talk about how good the Teachers function as actual Edutainment for their students… yeah, Choo-Choo is not very good. We’ve certainly seen worse teachers, but his interactions with the students are generally unpleasant, the contents of his lesson are probably entirely redundant, he can't really engage with the students, and - you know- he DIED mid-lesson. Which is generally considered a downside.
I mean, Choo-Choo can’t help but be Sick and Old, I don’t want to blame him for that… There are people who can manage to be good teachers while being Sick and/or Old. The important factor here is that… while on some level it might seem admirable that he’s pushing himself despite his health - that just kinda made things worse both for everyone involved! If Choo-Choo toned things down a bit to make the lesson plan more accommodating to his own health problems (as in, take Duck's advice and Stop Morphing), that would’ve led to a more pleasant experience for both his students and himself (as in: he wouldn't have died!)
The question, I guess, is why did he feel the need to physically push himself like that? I know for a lot of people, Choo-Choo’s whole vibe reminded them of elderly and/or sick people who are forced to work and unable to retire due to financial pressures or other kinda crappy job conditions. I noticed the parallels too and it’s possible Choo-Choo is going through the anthropomorphic puppet train equivalent of this dire situation. On the other hand, part of Choo-Choo jerkish behavior is constant denial and insecurity about his own health problems. Being super-defensive about them even when his students bring them up with genuine concern.
Yellow Guy: Is that supposed to…? Choo Choo: Doesn't matter.
Duck: Can you stop morphing? Yellow Guy: Yeah! Stop morphing! Choo Choo: I'm not morphing, you're morphing!
 Which of course, reminds me of the General Vibe of insecurity and condescension coming from a lot of the DHMIS teachers - clearly having their ego harmed by being outsmarted by their students or even just being asked questions they are not sure about. You know, it’s this mindset of ‘I’m the teacher and you’re the students, therefore you must Respect everything that I say because I’m always right and if you disagree with me you are Wrong’. And I think Choo-Choo’s defensiveness might come from that same source? That it is embarrassing if you have to admit your students are actually right about something, even when this thing is literally threatening your life and health.
It might be a balance of both of these. Maybe Choo-Choo has been forced into Teaching by, like, Lesley’s lackluster pension fund for her inanimate-object-nightmare-puppet-teachers or something but ALSO he feels too proud to admit any of this in front of his students or even ‘tone down’ the physical intensity of his lesson-plan once called out on his health problems by his students of all people!
Much like Coffin, Choo-Choo is sympathetic because his flaws cause mostly problems (and death) for himself. I think more so in Choo-Choo’s case since he didn’t even cause a lot of anguish for other people. His sense of pride over his students only harmed himself - in the worst possible way.
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Farther complicating the issue is the fact that Red Guy was literally encouraging all of this! While Yellow Guy and Duck were clearly worried about Choo-Choo's health, Red Guy was goading him to keep going!
Yellow Guy: Maybe you should have a sit-down. Red Guy: No, don't sit down.
I dunno if that makes Choo-Choo's death Red Guy's fault (I mean this FIRST death after the song, the other two are absolutely Red Guy's fault) - I think it's likely things would've gone just the same with Choo-Choo's personal pride even if Red Guy was on Team Stop Morphing. But this moment seems so intentful and calculated (I mean, even YELLOW GUY noticed that Choo-Choo is not doing well) - that it feels even harsher than Yellow Guy smashing Coffin in his grief. Maybe Red Guy was just that hopeful that the song will eventually actually take them Elsewhere that he was willing to risk that guy's health. Maybe he was already considering hijacking his corpse?
And unlike with Coffin's death, I can't say this was caused by the problems in Choo-Choo's lesson. So it's not even a teacher's flaws coming back at him. I mean, I GUESS that was caused by the fact this supposed song about Transport wasn't actually going anywhere which was agitating Red Guy - but REALLY, Red Guy is more motivated by larger-scale wider issues about how he's trapped within the Format and thus he is THAT desperate to have a chance to escape, not anything to do with Choo-Choo individually.
I guess that's actually something you can connect with Choo-Choo's 'old teacher unable to retire' coding. Both Choo-Choo's problems as a teacher and the way Red Guy treated him are caused by wider-scale and more powerful systemic issues inflicted on them, which then reflect back on the way the act during the lesson.
So good ol’ Electracey the Meter is generally regarded as one of the best Teachers in the whole show and that is… a pretty accurate assessment. But it’s also kinda grading on a curve, y’know? Being the Best Teacher on DHMIS is a pretty low bar to clear. So I am going to go over her problems - because I think they are often overlooked - but I do want to emphasize that, yes, while she is far from perfect, she is also the Best One we’ve had so far!
First things first, her lesson is entirely necessary and important. The Trio legit did not know what Electricity was and why it was important before she showed up.
Duck: I always assumed it was some kind of natural phenomenon, some sort of weather or something. Electracey: No, what about the lamps, and the lights, and the plug-in blanket? Red Guy: Uh… magic? Some kind… Like a spell?
And she obviously excels in the Entertainment Part of Education.
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And just genuinely seem nice and cordial towards her students, which is a welcome change of pace!
She’s not even very angry when Duck steals her batteries and leaves her almost to die. 
But while all of these are true, it is important to remember that she still has some Issues. For a starter, she seems to not have a Full Grasp of the Mortality of Organic Beings.
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AND, like a lot of other teachers, she kinda Struggles when her students go off-screen:
"Now tell me, could you make a phone call on a phone that was just made out of rocks and soil?" "No, probably not" "Go on, try it!" "N- Why?" "Try it!"
Which honestly kinda reminds me, of, well
"I use my hair to express myself!"
And the most important thing is… there is another Point to her Lesson outside of ‘electricity is useful and you should pay your bills’. Electracey doesn’t just believe Electric Devices are cool, she believes they are superior to non-electric-devices. 
"Soon everything in the home will be plugged-in and part of the electric family!"
Which is a pretty Dubious message to send to the impressionable puppets.
Now, Electracey’s saving grace is what happens when the students actually start following her lesson - as a combination of their newfound excitement for electricity and trying to distract themselves from Yellow Guy being Smart now, Red Guy and Duck do indeed start making sure everything in the house is ‘plugged in and part of the electric family'. Filling it with useless and gimmicky Smart Gadgets.
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And Electracey, through her low-power shitty-battery gaze does actually try and warn them this is not a good idea.
(And it was not a good idea, obviously)
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So while some of her lines are a bit ominous, maybe she at least didn’t want them to go that far, and that’s something, at least. Or maybe it was only a problem specifically because it was overloading the power on herself and the house? 
Like I said, definitely the Best Teacher we’ve had so far, but she’s still far from flawless…
The big thing I am thinking about is the general fandom assessment that the TV Show had Better Teachers in general compared to the Web Show. It is true, but I think it’s important to consider why it is like this.
First and foremost, it’s because the Webshow had a clear element of escalation in the awfulness that the TV Show does not have. The difference in quality between the two Teacher Groups would’ve been a lot less clear cut if we had to compare all the TV Teachers just with Notebook, for example.
In addition , I think part of the reason the Badness of the TV Teachers is a lot more subdued has less to do with a change in tone and more to do with a change in the format. The longer, more character-driven narrative of the show allows for a more subtle and complex exploration of what makes the Teachers terrible - as well as having to explore a more diverse range of motivations and reasons for their terribleness. 
Again, this is a very personal look at DHMIS Teachers, I would be happy to hear your perspectives on the matter assuming anyone made it this far into the post.
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rand0mfangurlstuff · 4 months
Sing Yourself to Sleep - Bucky x Y/N - Part Nine - The Last Time
This chapter is what truly inspired this series. It is inspired by The Last Time by The Script. For anyone who hasn't heard it, I highly recommend you give it a listen. Danny O'Donohue's voice carries so much pain it makes the song all the more intense. This chapter is entirely Bucky's pov. As always please like, reblog etc. And feedback is always welcome :)
Bucky sat on the wing of the plane, anxiously awaiting Y/N's arrival. He knew she was afraid to be seen too closely with him, so out here with nobody to see them but the planes in the hanger was perfect. He had a bottle of whiskey with him, just like that first night they spoke.
Thinking on that first night, he never thought it would lead to something like this. They bonded over their grief, and that mutal respect for eachother turned into something magical. He didnt want to love her, he didnt want to be a homewrecker, especially when the husband was someone he actually liked and respected. But he couldnt help it. John Egan knew a thing or two about fate, and he knew this was fate. He and Y/N were meant to be together. Yes, it was messy, but it would all be worth it in the end.
She was late. He had never known her to be late. He was starting to worry she wasnt coming. The box in his pocket grew heavier. He knew Y/N didnt want a be an adulterer, and he knew she felt both shame and regret at their affair. No not regret, theres no way she could regret the love they share. But she was shameful. Bucky knew he had to do the right thing by her.
She finally arrived at 2:11pm. 'I'm sorry I'm late' she said, offering no explanation as to why.
'It's okay doll. Let me help you.'
He hoisted her up onto the wing of the plane. He pulled out the bottle of whiskey, taking a sip straight from the bottle before offering it to her. 'I don't think thats a wise idea John.'
'Course it is! Just like that first time we spoke, remember?' he said, once again offering her the bottle.
'Of course I remember.' she took a small sip from the bottle. 'I could never forget that.'
'Me neither' he said. They stared into eachothers eyes, the love and attraction thick in the air. Y/N cut the moment short.
'So, why'd you bring me out here?' she said in a tone that made Bucky think she wanted to leave.
'Because, I uh... well I wanted to talk to you... about us. About what you said about Clarke.'
'I'm certain he knows. He has to. He's been acting so strange.'
'Well we don't need to worry about that anymore.'
Y/N looked at him with confusion plain on her face. Bucky reached into his pocket and pulled out a small velvet box. He opened it to reveal a beautiful diamond ring.
'It was my Ma's. I wrote to her asking her to ship it over to me.'
'Oh Bucky... We can't.'
'I know, the wars not over yet. I want to be able to give you a real life outside this place. But divorces take time so I figure you get things started with the Colonel and then-'
'Bucky no! We can't. I can't.' she interrupted him.
'Why not? I know its gonna be tough, I do, but we'll get through it together. I'm not saying right this minute... But soon, when this war is over... I love you.'
'I love you too Bucky, but I can't marry you. I wont leave Bertie.'
'What? If its because you think he can give you more than I can...' Bucky was spiraling. This was not how he thought this would go. He thought she would say yes. He thought she would kiss him sensless and they would celebrate with the whiskey he brought. He never thought this. 'Well maybe right now yeah but... I'm a Major. I could be a Colonel some day, I can support you! I'll buy you whatever-'
'Oh Bucky it's not about that!' There was a brief moment of silence, Y/N bit her lip before she spoke again. 'It's about Me and Albert. He is a good man. And for better or worse I married him. I devoted myself to him. And he has loved me unconditionally in return. I was wrong to ever let myself get involved with you. I came here today to end things Bucky.'
No. She couldn't. She couldn't be ending things. He loved her. He wanted to marry her. He never thought he'd want to marry anyone but he wanted to marry her. What they had wasnt wrong, It wasnt the best start to a relationship sure, but it couldnt be wrong. She made his heart swell, made him smile so much his cheeks hurt. This could not be the last time she made him smile like that.
'You don't me that.' Was all he could manage to get out.
'I do. I'm sorry Bucky. But I need to focus on my marraige. If we end things now, It might have a solid chance.
This is the last thing that Bucky ever thought would happen. He never thought she would do this to him, because he knew it was the last thing he would have ever done to her.
'No! You can't. We are meant to be together. After all we've been through, everything we ever told eachother. All the times we kiss? Made love? It can't be the last time.'
Y/N reached to touch Bucky's cheek, his eyes sliding closed as she did. She reached to place a gentle kiss on his other cheek. Then she slid off the wing of the plane and landed as elegantly as she could. 'I'm sorry Bucky, it is.... Goodbye John.'
She walked away then. Back to her husband Bucky presumed. He couldn't believe it. If he had known that the night he made love to her in London would be the last time, he would have never let either of them leave that bed. His heart was broken. He could feel it in his chest. It was worse than any bullet or flak.
For the first time since he was a child, John Clarence 'Bucky' Egan cried. He cried, and he drank.
Buck Cleven found him several hours later, passed out drunk on the wing of the plane. He needed Harry Crosby to help him get his friend down safely.
The following day he was told he was being given another weekend pass to London. London was the last place he wanted to be but his leave was non-negotiable. He didn't bother to ask who approved the leave, he didnt need to. He knew Colonel Clarke would be responsible.
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thefirstknife · 1 year
I think the issue with people complaining about a cliffhanger is that there's different ways to tell a story, and they aren't expecting how D2 does it. For some series, they have an overarching plot but by and large you can pick up entries in just about any order, or even omit some, and get a good experience. Other stories you really have to go through them in order without skipping or you'll be confused. The problem with Destiny is that the cliffhangers try to treat it like the latter, but the simple fact that a bunch of relevant story and lore content is only accessible via write-ups and YouTube videos (so not actually accessible at all to some people) rather than in the game means it's forced, in many regards, to be treated like the former type. Which doesn't work great. It's trying to run something on framework designed for the opposite. So when people hear that story elements get removed yearly (seasons) and entire expansions are gone (vaulting) the reasonable assumption is "every story expansion is pretty much entirely self-contained" except then it turns out not all of them are, and LF ended up having a lot more plot hooks for TFS. Which makes the annoyance very understandable when they looked at the game's model and reasonably expected a different storytelling format. (It still doesn't excuse the vile behavior many people have displayed, but it makes more sense the more i step back from the game and see that it seems like they've evolved themselves into a messy corner with their choices for how they run and unfold things.)
Oh, that's definitely a problem Destiny has always had. Even before vaulting, though obviously vaulting made things worse. Like, Destiny 2 was advertised as a game anyone can pick up when it came to the PC for the first time, without the need to play the first one. This was not the case at all. When I jumped into D2 at launch, there was not a single tutorial or explanation for anything that was happening and I was definitely not gonna watch 50 hours of footage of lore on youtube or playthroughs or buy a console I don't have just to understand a video game.
But the game was playable. Obviously I didn't understand anything, but the game was perfectly playable and is still playable now. Basically, the only people bothered by this weird lore stuff are people who get immediately invested into the lore itself and let me tell you. That is by far not anywhere near any significant level of people. It may seem like something normal to go into the lore section and read the lore, but the overwhelming majority of people never do that.
This is obviously a bigger issue for players that do care but skipped parts or don't want to spend hours and hours of their free time backreading everything. However even with that, I don't think that the cliffhanger stuff could really be handled any differently by itself (vaulting notwithstanding, since that's a whole different problem that isn't tied to Lightfall itself as an expansion). By the virtue of it being a cliffhanger at the tail end of the saga, it's by default not going to be exactly friendly to new players (story-wise). Actually, in some way, by introducing something brand new that even veterans had to learn from scratch (Neomuna, Veil, Cloud Striders, new discoveries of Light and Darkness...), we were all pretty much on the same playing field, veterans and new players alike. But basically, Lightfall had to be a cliffhanger, given its position in the overall story.
I don't think Destiny was ever newcomer friendly, not in at the time I started, not later either (despite having free campaigns in Shadowkeep, every new player I got into the game struggled immensely to understand what's going on). The story of Destiny definitely suffers in a lot of ways due to D1 being locked to console, vaulting and various other issues with lore delivery, though a lot of it has gotten better over time. I still wouldn't expect Lightfall to really be drastically different no matter what, except maybe if the whole structure of expansions and time between them was changed.
These issues certainly didn't help Lightfall (and many other expansions), but I wouldn't say that Lightfall was particularly affected by continuity. In part specifically because it introduced so many new things. Nobody had any reference point for Neomuna or Cloud Striders. We all learned it at the same time. And from a vast majority of people online, I've seen that they didn't even bother trying to learn (I've also seen people being personally offended that they're not getting the veteran's treatment and that they weren't able to immediately understand everything through their vast knowledge of Destiny lore). There are fantastic lore books and quests that follow the campaign that expand on Neomuna expontentially and people have simply not played them. I genuinely believe that a lot of people went into Lightfall thinking it's going to be the big showdown with the Witness and that there's a bigger badder evil behind the Witness. When that didn't happen, people declared Lightfall "worst expansion ever" that "Bungie lied about." It's a very strange situation to me. I won't say that the story was the best ever, as I generally think Destiny campaigns tend to be fairly basic, short and more cinematic. But the response is so overwhelmingly negative in a way that reveals, to me, complete misunderstanding of storytelling.
I obviously can't get into the shoes of someone whose first interaction with Destiny was Lightfall and I've seen people who were put off as well as people who got immediately hooked. I can only say from my experience with vanilla that I spent a year with zero information and references and the only way i could've gotten them was to go watch youtube and it didn't really bother me all that much, since I didn't care a lot about the story in the first place. The game worked fine gameplay wise without understanding the story. And when I did get interested, I still had to go watch youtube to understand it. There's no summary in the game and never was. Lore books are exactly informative of the basics or the timeline or things that happened in the past. My ordeal of learning about Destiny lore is actually largely what made me make the blog so I can help others.
But yeah, no matter what Bungie advertises, Destiny has never really been friendly to new players story-wise. It's actually one of my biggest pet peeves because it would be super easy to create some kind of in-game encyclopedia with detailed summaries of everything that unlock as you play the game. You know, kill your first dreg in Trostland, unlock "Eliksni" entry in the encyclopedia. I hope that whatever is coming after TFS the first thing they're working on is the ability to NOT vault anything. Like, that's first priority to me. When this saga concludes, whatever is coming after, it has to be set up from the start in a way that we don't have to ever lose any story content or render it unplayable. On my knees begging.
I'm not sure if this would've helped Lightfall as I don't think there would be any new player or returning player going through 20 seasons worth of content and 5 expansions just to hop into Lightfall. I think that no matter what, there's always going to be people disappointed in the story as it nears the end. I just wish people gave it a reasonable chance and if they were able to accept that maybe they got it wrong and that their first impression is not entirely grounded in reality (mostly because I'm 100% sure people missed stuff on their first playthrough. As an example, people were mad about "how does Osiris see what's happening to our Ghost at the end! It makes no sense!" meanwhile as you get into the facility, Ghost has a line saying he'll be directing "visual feed" to Osiris to help them navigate. There are a lot of details like this that people repeat over and over as "proof" that Lightfall's story made no sense. It relies on no previous knowledge. To be clear, I missed things too). As usual I'll say that my critique is that a few things could've been structured better and a few more details added to make things tighter for understanding what's going on.
This is definitely a conversation worth having more than any other mindless critique online that's borderline Cinemasins level of engagement. I'd actually be interested to know what's the split on how veterans and new players perceived Lightfall and what were the specifics that confused them or that they disliked, and especially with a combination of how much they were into lore before and after Lightfall.
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littlefroginthegarden · 10 months
Sold to Heartsteel 1/24
its a liiiittle bit late but whatever... im trying to write an advents calendar fic, theres some buffer but ill write during the month so im also open to input if you have any good ideas :)
hope you enjoy!
Tags: semi-ironic adaptation of 'sold to one direction' trope so yeah theres obv selling involved, angst, fluff, friendship, romance, maybe smut, mlm, transmasc character, some transphobia but mostly just parents being shit but nothing explicit or slurs or stuff, yeah i think thats about it, ill update this if anything changes xoxo
Part 1
Hi, my name is Hwei and I’m a misunderstood artist. Well, that’s not exactly true. My Parents hate my art and they think it’s just a waste of time. But under the name DemonBrush I’m known all around the world, my art account just recently hit two million followers. Which didn’t help me at all in my real life. I’ve been 18 now for a few months but my parents still act like I’m 16. I haven’t finished school yet and I can’t move out because my anxiety has made working impossible so far. My parents don’t allow me to get therapy or meds and I’m on their insurance so there’s nothing I can do. I sigh and try to think about something else but looking out my small window into the dark December morning isn’t helping. I go and pull the curtains, turn on my fairy lights and sit at my small desk that is crammed between the bed and the heavy wooden dresser. 
My reflection stares at me in the mirror, dark shadows under my amethyst eyes, a sign that I slept terribly, once again. The nightmares wouldn’t leave me alone. I sigh and start doing my makeup, nothing bright, just some smudged dark eyeshadow and black eyeliner on my waterline. My mom was probably gonna complain again but I don’t care. Last week she told me “People might think you’re gay!” Yeah, sure mom. I mean, why do you think I have all these Heartsteel posters hanging in my room? Because I love their one song so much? But when she says "gay" she means "lesbian". She would have an aneurysm if I tried to explain to her that I’m trans. And then she would probably throw me out. As if she could read my thoughts, I hear her shouting from downstairs “Come down immediately, Hwa! I can hear that you’re up.”
I throw on a black oversized hoodie that matches my skinny jeans (also black) and put my dark juniper green hair in a messy bun before I run downstairs as quick as I can. Better not make mom wait, she’s awful enough as is.
When I enter the kitchen, I almost bump into a large man in a suit that is standing next to my mom.
“Oh fuck, sorry!” I quickly say, getting a death stare from my mom but for once she doesn’t even berate me for swearing. She just looks between me and this dude, who was wearing dark sunglasses (in December!) for some fucking reason.
“Who is this?” I ask after a few moments of awkward silence.
“My name is Mr. Mundo, nice to meet you, Hwa.” His voice fits his impressive stature perfectly.
My mother steps forward and puts her hand on my shoulder, looking at me more seriously than I have ever seen her. “You know that we haven’t had the easiest time since dad lost his job. And since you refuse to work and pay your share, we had no other choice.”
“What do you mean? What choice?” I ask, slowly starting to panic.
“You’ll go with Mr. Mundo, he has a job for you where you’ll work for six months. You’ll get a room and food and the money goes to pay back all the debt you owe us.”
“Debt? What do I owe you?”
“Darling, you've been living and eating here for free for 18 years!”
“This is insane!” I yell at her. “You’re selling me? You are a monster!”
“Selling? It’s just temporary honey, and it’s a decent job, don’t make it sound worse than it is!”
“You can’t do that, I’m an adult, you can’t force me!” At this point I’m full on panicking. This can’t be happening, it should just be another nightmare. But I know it’s real. My nightmares are way different.
“You are right and nobody is forcing you. But think about this, it would give you the perfect opportunity to get some good job experiences while at the same time helping out your family! Also –” she adds “if you don’t take this offer then you’ll have to pack your bags, we can’t pay for you any longer.”
“If you stayed off the booze you could.” I press through my teeth, anger winning over panic.
She just ignores it and tells me “Please Honey, think about it. If you go with Mr. Mundo at least you’ll have a roof and food. We just want what’s best for you! You’ll thank us in a few years, mark my words.” With this she turns around and leaves me alone in the kitchen with this absolute hunk of a man.
“Go pack your stuff, we leave in an hour.” He hands me a big suitcase before sinking down onto the washed-out red leather couch in the living room, turning the TV on, unfazed by all of this as if it was his daily job. Which it probably was.
Still in shock, I go back to my room and just stare at the mirror for a solid minute. I still haven’t processed what just happened but I start throwing my most important stuff into the suitcase. I have a lot of clothes but most of them are from my parents and I hate wearing them. So it’s not too difficult to fit all my favorite pieces into the suitcase, some skinny jeans, flowy tops and hoodies and of course accessories, I can’t leave my choker collection here. Then I go to my bed and from under the mattress I pull my binder. I put it under all the other things so it won’t be visible if my mom checks my suitcase. She would freak out. I gather the rest of the stuff, making sure I have my laptop, makeup and favorite books, and check the time. I still have 15 minutes left but at this point, the quicker I’m gone the better. I grab the heavy suitcase and try to carry it down the stairs. Two steps in I nearly slip and the suitcase crashes onto the step with a loud Thud. Before I’m even up I can hear heavy steps on the stairs.
Mr. Mundo grabs the suitcase without saying a word and carries it down. I awkwardly follow him, hoping my mom is distracted and hasn’t noticed the commotion. For once I seem to be lucky, she’s nowhere to be seen. At the door, Mr. Mundo turns around and asks me “Are you sure that you have everything? You won’t be able to come back here anytime soon.”
“Yeah I’m not planning on doing that anyways. Can we go?” I ask impatiently.
He doesn’t answer and just opens the door and walks down the driveway towards the black car with darkened windows that is waiting at the end of it. He puts my suitcase in the back of it with ease and opens the door in the back, gesturing for me to get in. I hesitate for a second, but when I can hear the front door of the house open again, I quickly get in before I can hear whatever my mother wants to tell me. He slams the door behind me and gets into the driver’s seat, which I can’t even see from back here because there’s a divider between the front and the back of the car. Like in a limousine. Or a cop car. It feels more like the latter, like I’m a prisoner.
The car rumbles to life and even though the windows are heavily tinted, I can see the shadows of trees racing past us. Where are we going?
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ellies-enrichment · 1 year
I don't think I will be able to survive tv Tommy being left alone and miserable like in the game 😭😭😭😭😭😭
Like getting shot and Maria leaving him
Although they might change it since he is now expecting to become a father bc it would be really weird if both Maria and Dina leave the Millers with their young children bc they kept obsessing over killing Abby
Hope this makes sense lmao 😑
This makes sense dont worry it makes so much sense that it activated my Tommy is my Favorite Miller gene and I'm gonna word vomit
If it makes you feel better, I like to believe it was actually a mutual decision and that it wasnt necessarily Maria's. It doesnt make it better but all things considered, he begged her in the note he left to keep Ellie safe and not let her follow him. I can only Imagine how much he talked to her about it in person before leaving and because she let Ellie and Dina go(encouraged them to), Jesse died. He had two hurt kids, himself, no horses, and Jesse's body that he had to drag back to Jackson (someone said it was a few weeks on horseback & they were definitely on foot at this point) It's a messy situation but I truly do believe that it WAS a mutual decision in the game for them to break up. It was Mutual or it was Tommy in my mind.
I can't handle either Tommy or Ellie being broken and alone when all they have is the other so I'm desperately hoping that gets changed somewhere so at least maybe at the end they come back together. The way they end things badly makes me upset more than anything and I understand why Tommy was frustrated but I hope he and Ellie will be okay in the show
I also think since Maria is having a kid that they wont do JJ. I think they'll trade JJ for TJ because I can't see them having two babies. Idk why it just seems unreasonable to me. Ever since that episode I've been like "oh well rip Jesse Joel its Tommy jr now" I dont know how that will work for Ellie and Dina in a time jump but I hope Tommy and Maria can at least figure out their issues for this.
ALSO tv Maria is worse(tm) when it comes to rules than game Maria. Ellie shouldn't get permission from her it would feel wrong. (Preferably she'll leave with Tommy but he wouldnt let her do that) so Ellie leaves without permission and Tommy and Maria can't argue about her letting Ellie, Dina, and Jesse get into trouble.
Again though, having a baby may change her attitude. She might be like "bring the dumbass home so my kid isnt fatherless" in front of Ellie, the once again orphan.
The writers have themselves a sticky situation I'm not even on surface thoughts ive spent so much time thinking about how season 2 Tommy is going to be and how the whole situation with Abby will play out
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leafcabbage · 1 year
yes, each universe has their own tommy and tubbo and rip-anboo
in tommy’s universe (#1), he and tubbo were close before meeting ranboo but after meeting them, it was rare that any of them were seen apart. i picture his universe to be very picture-perfect, snappy colors and clean lines. all of his relationships are so seemingly perfect, but with tubbo and ranboo it really actually IS for once. there’s no arguements, no hangups. they are all as perfectly close as can be, like they’re pulled by gravity together to form this brightest star. tommy’s past is undeniably messy in a world where clean perfection is commonplace, and he finally feels complete with his trio.
after ranboo dies, both tommy and tubbo are crushed. it doesn’t take long for tommy to reveal his identity to tubbo, and while he’s accepted with tiredly open arms there’s little comfort in it. while they are still friends, undeniably close, he cant imagine his life ever being as perfect as it was for those six months that they knew ranboo, and tubbo knows it too.
in tubbo’s universe (#2), he and tommy were on and off friends that were eventually tied together by ranboo- they were the glue really holding the two of them together. tubbo’s world is a lot darker than tommy’s (#1)- muddy colors, consistent rain. ranboo was able to part the clouds for him and tommy, in a relationship where they loved him like the sun and each other like drinking buddies. it’s not that they weren’t close, but more that they were brought together by a common thread.
when ranboo died, tubbo almost instantly is ripped from tommy’s company. he takes this to mean that maybe they weren’t ever as close as he hoped, though really it was tommy’s way of coping. having lost the light of his life and the next closest moon, the city went without a spiderman for a year. he was devastated. eventually he returned to clean up the mess he had left but he never, ever got over it.
in ranboo’s (#3) universe, he doesn’t know tubbo or tommy well. they have a ‘say hi in the hallway’ kind of relationship; due to him never having to be saved by spiderman, they dont have much reason to talk. ranboo’s universe is softly bright, like there’s consistent dappled light with a little bit of haze. he would like to get to know either of them better but views them as almost too good for him.
he has lost both of his parents in the same accident as the books- unrelated to any supervillains, just an unfortunate circumstance. he still experiences seizures, which was what he attributed his spidey-senses too for over a year. out of fear that his health was getting worse, he began to isolate himself more and more where he eventually noticed the other changes that had come about at similar times and eventually became spider-pog. he does not believe that he can truly save anyone as he is, even with radioactive powers, which is a large contributer to his under-appearence as spider-pog. for the most part before meeting tommy (1) and tubbo (2), he dealt with civil disputes in cases where the police may have overlooked the situations due to lack of violence. he wasn’t un-helpful, but he did save most of the crime-fighting for those he thought were more suited for it.
none of the boys have met their alternate universe counterparts. in the case of tommy’s world, the boys are scared tubbo (1) would put pieces together about an alternate ranboo. in tubbo’s world, he has not made up with tommy (1) and does not feel the need to reconnect with him (just yet?)
im. so. autistic. about. this. i am VIBRATING im LOSING IT oh my GOD okay okay okay
first of all. im now imagining ranboo having spidey sense go off and them being like "oh god is this a new aura thing. am i gonna have a seizure" and when they dont theyre like "oh was that a new kind of seizure? i should tell a doctor" and then they dont tell a doctor. ever.
seconds of all. LOVE the descriptions of how each of their universes look. like i LOVE that so much its so perfect holy shit. i can imagine it so vividly. i especially love what you chose for ranboo !!!!
universe 1's relationship between tommy and tubbo is making me CRAZY btw. losing ranboo... having each other but its not the same... and comparing that to tubbo losing tommy after ranboo dies in universe 2... god i love the comparisons of how grief hits them... how sometimes it does tear people apart. like obviously they had a different relationship from the start, but still.
oh this is just making me think like... when ranboo finds out about tommy and tubbo's ranboos, and about what happened, i think they would just be so sure that all they are is a chance for tommy and tubbo to do things right. theyre a do-over, something to alleviate some guilt, its not about them as an individual, its about them being a ranboo. i guess im assuming here that tommy and tubbo would Not tell ranboo about the versions of them that died. but i can totally imagine ranboo asking why they cant see tommy and tubbos universes, and the boys are especially adamant about ranboo not seeing tommy's just in case they happened to meet universe 1's tubbo... that would be Bad
but yeah i think if ranboo found out about other ranboos, they wouldnt want to even see tommy and tubbo anymore, at least for a while. they thought they finally had people who cared about them for who they are but no. no they were just there to make the two feel better about themselves.
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dykeyote · 1 year
This might be more specific of an ask than you are looking for, so if it is, feel free to talk about just Seddie in general, but one thing I’d love to hear someone else’s thoughts on is how Sydney and Jedediah’s history will affect their romantic relationship. Like, they both have so so much trauma, and so so many issues (please, put these kids in therapy) and while that stands as a testament to all that they’ve been through together, I think it could also have a pretty negative repercussion on their relationship. I mean, heck, it already has in the first season! I feel their situation is just vastly different from the typical romances written in media. Personally, I actually really love that and am glad this kind of dynamic is being explored, but what do you think? Do you have predictions, thoughts, or opinions on “Toxic Cecil and Carlos” or Blue’s decision to write a relationship like theirs?
OH MY GOD NO I LOVE SPECIFIC QUESTIONS THIS IS SO GREAT im probably gonna have this be the last one i reply to before i go to bed bc i just think its such a fun question ...... will talk abt the rest tmr ........ BUT i absolutely think its going to affect their relationship no for certain . mainly because i think they havent worked out their issues at All before diving into dating each other and i think thats really gonna come back to bite them, how can you go from years of ignoring someone to dating them straight away? and we already kinda see that this isnt gonna go well, seeing as adams apparently a couples therapist - i wouldnt be surprised if we see them either break up or almost break up at some point, i Really think things are gonna be rough for them. mainly i think itll be difficult for jedidiah to be able to provide sydney with the attention and love that a growing relationship needs due to his Completely unresolved guilt and trauma surrounding sydney's reanimation, and i think sydney will have a difficult time trusting him and being comfortable around him with the fear we know he has for him. not to mention jedidiahs feelings of undue responsibility and his underlying ableism that seems to still be incredibly unresolved - i really think theres a Lot of issues theyre gonna need to work through and i think things will probably get worse before they get better. and you know what? i think thats AMAZING. i love that their relationship is so complex!! normally im not a huge fan of couples getting together early in shows because i feel like their dynamic becomes less interesting the moment after they get together. but they still have so much to work through!! theres gonna be so many problems!! im honestly unsure if theyre going to remain together in the end and while obviously as a sydidiah enjoyer to the grave thats sad 4 me . but its so good narratively because it means theres still uncertainty!! sydney and jedidiah dating does not mean that theyve stopped being flawed and interesting characters and i actually think its going to exacerbate things!! i hope theyre able to work through it and be able to be together healthily obviously but the fact that i Have to hope is really good narratively because it means that their dynamic hasnt lost what was so compelling and tragic in the first season. also from a representation standpoint i think its great because i think gay people need the messy rep that straight people get that doesnt take "messy" and turn it into "homophobic" or "queerbaiting". and thats what they are!!!! delightful!!!!!! i want to study these freaks in a lab
(also every time theyre called toxic cecilos it makes me giggle because it just makes me think of 70a bc kevin and carlos r the closest thing to toxic cecilos in the show which i find funny bc there the avoidant scientist is the one in the right but i digress . i like wtnv and calling them that makes me laugh)
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purple-babygirl · 3 years
Oh oh what about Bucky's little staying over at Steve's for the weekend cause Bucky is busy. She's being a brat but whenever Steve calls Bucky to show him she's a Angel. So Bucky sneaks by unexpected & sees her being a brat
Word Count: 2,901 (i tried to cut it short, i tried, but i'm hopeless when it comes to soft stuff)
Warnings: ddlg dynamics, and angst i think? the rest is fluff
A/N: Nonnie, thank you so much for sending this and sharing your idea with me. i hope i didn't take too long and i hope i didn't disappoint?:" please enjoy xx.
Alternative ending
bratty angel
“Give her the phone, would you? I missed her,” Bucky requested, desperate to hear the little one's voice.
“Quick question while I still have you though,” Steve scratched the back of his head, not sure if he should tell Bucky.
“What do you usually do with her if she's being a little.. troublesome?” Steve didn't want to get her punished; he just wanted a way to deal with her behavior.
Steve obviously knew he could punish her the small punishments, like no screen time for a day or a timeout, but he didn't want to. She already seemed to dislike him enough, he wasn't about to make it worse. He didn't want to punish her but he also couldn't take all the brattiness and backtalk.
He was a kind uncle and he actually enjoyed being around her. But her behavior has been driving him crazy this time and it needed to stop. He knew she didn't want Bucky to leave this time and was most likely punishing Steve for telling him he could take care of her while he was gone. She probably thought Bucky would've stayed if there was no one to tend to her during his absence, and she had Steve to blame for it.
“Being what? What did she do?” Bucky's angry voice asked from the other side of the phone, and Steve could picture him narrowing his eyes.
“It's nothing major, Buck-”
“What did she do, Steve?”
“Well, uh, for starters she says no to almost everything even if she's eventually gonna do it anyway. She knocks stuff over when I don't do what she wants and pretends it was an accident,” Steve stopped and sighed, “she's giving me a hard time and it all goes away when you call!” Steve almost whined.
He sighed again when Bucky went silent, knowing she'd really get it now but she didn't exactly leave him much of a choice.
“I'm gonna handle it. I'm sorry, Steve,” Bucky said, sounding pissed.
“Hey, it's all good. Hold on, I'll give her the phone.”
“Yeah, please do.” Bucky wasn't as excited to talk to her anymore.
He could hear Steve softly calling out for her to come talk to Daddy and her feet hitting the wooden floor as she came to the phone. What he didn't hear though was a thank you to Steve.
“Dada!” Her happy voice spoke and Bucky couldn't help but smile a little.
“Hey, doll! How've you been?”
“Been good, dada. Missed you,” she sighed, pouting.
“I missed you too, baby. Are you behaving for Uncle Steve?”
“Yes, daddy,” she lied all too quickly and Bucky clenched his jaw.
“Good girl.”
“Sweetheart, please get in your skirt,” Steve sighed again, holding the item of clothing low for her to step into.
“No.” Her naked leg kicked the mini skirt from Steve's hands before she crossed her legs and leaned on her bed.
“Don't make this hard now!” Steve rubbed his face in frustration.
“I'll do what I want. You're not my daddy,” she said stubbornly before snatching the skirt off the floor and slipping it up her legs to her waist. If she looked messy, she didn't care.
When she turned around to leave the unorganized room, Bucky was standing there with the biggest scowl on his face. Her heart stopped and her world froze. How come they didn't know he was arriving today? How come they didn't hear him come in?
“Dada,” she whispered in mixed fear and shame, making Steve look up, a look of utter relief washing over him when he saw his best friend.
Everything was about to get better now that Bucky was here, including her temper.
“Is that what I taught you, little one?” Bucky's tone dripped of disappointment.
“Dada.” Tears quickly came to her eyes as she saw the letdown look in Bucky's.
“And here I was thinking you were my good girl, returning home early to see you.” Bucky shook his head at her.
“Dada, I am your good girl. I am,” she begged, walking closer to him, but Bucky didn't reciprocate.
“Dada, I missed you.” She went to hug Bucky but he stepped away. She tried to hold his hand and he slipped his fingers out of her grab.
“You don't get to welcome daddy home after you've disrespected Uncle Steve like that, little girl,” Bucky told her, his frown not disappearing, only deepening.
“Dada, I'm sorry.” Her lower lip trembled.
She’s missed Bucky so much. She was touch-starved because she hadn't given Steve a chance to come anywhere near her all weekend. She refused to let him hug her, kiss her, or carry her. She was distant and bratty and rude. She needed Bucky's warm touch but he was far too mad at her.
“I'm not the one you should be apologizing to.” Bucky crossed his arms, looking at Steve behind her.
“Uncle Steve, I'm s-sorry,” she mumbled quickly, without even looking at the blond man, moving to hug Bucky again but he still wouldn't let her.
“Dada,” she called, tears leaving her eyes.
“You have to mean it, little one.”
“Daddy, I mean it,” she whined. It frustrated her little heart that Bucky kept calling her little one. He only did that when he was mad at her; too angry to use a pet name.
“Enough lying already!” Bucky raised his voice and she flinched.
“I'm not going to talk to you or touch you until you've made it up to Uncle Steve. Until then I'm gonna pretend I haven't come home and saw what I just saw.” Bucky left her room, walking over to his and slamming the door behind him.
He didn't normally choose to be hard on her; she was his baby doll, but what she did with Steve was just unacceptable. Bucky couldn't let her get away with disrespecting anyone, especially Steve, not after witnessing it all himself.
He'd thought it over on his way home. If he spanked her or took her favourite things away, she'd dislike Steve even more, if not hate him. Bucky couldn't give her more things to blame Steve for or more reasons to refuse him.
“Sweetheart,” Steve called, feeling bad after Bucky left and she stood by the door frame and started crying.
He didn't really want Bucky to punish her; he just wanted to know how to deal with her bratty behavior. He just wanted a way to communicate better. Steve never intended on making her cry. Bucky surprised him with that punishment.
“'S all because of you. I hate you!” She cried harder, throwing herself on her bed to hide her face in the mattress as she sobbed.
Her words broke Steve's heart to tiny pieces and he felt even worse now that Bucky was here. His mouth opened but no words came to him so he closed it again. He gathered her clothes from the floor and hung them back in her closet before leaving her to cry it out, giving her some time.
“I'm so sorry, Steve.” Bucky shook his head, embarrassed by her behavior towards his best friend.
“Hey, it's alright. I know she's a good girl; she just missed you.”
“You know I missed her too but she can't just get away with such stuff,” Bucky sighed, taking another sip from his beer.
“I know.”
“Dada.” She entered the room after a good crying session, rubbing her puffy eyes.
True to his previous words, Bucky didn't answer her, swallowing the lump in his throat with his beer. He couldn't give in.
“What is it, sweetheart?” Steve responded instead, not wanting to leave her hanging, which made her pout in annoyance.
Like him and Bucky had agreed, if she wanted anything she'd have to go to Uncle Steve for it and relearn to use her manners.
“Dada,” she called again and got the same reaction. Bucky pretended he wasn't there.
Tears gathered in her eyes again and she hid her face in her hands and began crying. The sound shook Bucky's heart and he almost broke and forgave her.
“Hey, hey, no, it's alright,” Steve cooed, immediately coming to her side.
He hated this. Once he got her to stop crying he was going to talk to Bucky about calling it off. He didn't care if she was bratty or bad-mannered, he just wanted her happy again.
Steve led her back to her room and sat down on the bed beside her.
“Daddy's never gonna speak to me again!” She sobbed and Steve's heart ached for her.
“Sweetheart, please don't cry.” He gently patted her back.
“Can't you just tell him I said sorry and I mean it?” A pair of teary eyes implored Steve's blue ones.
“I will, but no more tears, okay?” Steve quickly agreed, wanting her to calm down.
“You will?” She wiped at her cheeks and Steve nodded with half a smile, his thumb catching her new tears.
“You'd lie to daddy for me?” Her red eyes widened.
“I'd do lots of stuff for you.” Steve chuckled.
“Like what?” She mumbled, sniffing and wiping her nose before Steve grabbed her a tissue off the bedside table.
“Like let you pour your milk on me and pretend it was an accident.” Steve smiled fondly, dabbing the tissue on her wet cheeks and under her nose.
In that moment as she looked up at the man with tear-filled eyes, her little mind seemed to recall all the ways she'd tortured him all week. She'd disobeyed nearly everything he'd told her and he still didn't hurt her or even raise his voice at her. She'd 'accidently' dumped all the salt in the salt shaker on his dinner. She'd dropped his phone on the kitchen counter multiple times after talking to Bucky, adding to the cracks on its screen. She'd wet him and got soap in his eyes during shower time. She'd constantly knocked stuff out of his hands whenever he held them out for her. She's been a real demon. If it was Bucky he would've punished her in every way in the book. But Steve didn't. He didn't make her pay for any of it and he was ready to lie to Bucky to save her bratty, ungrateful ass from having to endure his silent treatment.
“And then you leave?” She wondered.
She saw Steve's face fall at her question. She really did hate him, didn't she?
“And then I leave.” He still nodded with a kind smile.
“But could you not though?” She whispered, playing with the ends of her mini skirt.
“What?” Steve looked at her in surprise; he must've heard her wrong.
“Don't leave,” she told him, clearer this time, awkwardly extending her hand to touch his.
“I'm sorry, Uncle Steve,” she started tearing up again in regret, “I didn't mean to be so bad.” She shook her head and cried.
“Aw, sweetheart, it's okay.” Steve hugged her to his side, smoothing a hand on her head.
That was all he needed to hear.
“You know I like you, right?” She asked, sniffing in his shirt and Steve chuckled.
“Yeah?” He asked cheekily and she nodded, silently crying.
“Yeah, you make the best cookies, but don't tell daddy,” she said and Steve chuckled, “I'm sorry.” She cried more.
“I like you too, darling. Don't cry now, we're good.” He assured her, holding her closer to him and gently patting her back.
“So you’ll stay?”
“If that's what you want.” Steve's thumb wiped her tears away as she nodded again.
She wanted to make things up to Uncle Steve like Daddy wanted and Uncle Steve deserved. She wanted to show him she truly was a good girl.
“On one condition though,” Steve said playfully, slipping her hair behind her ear.
She looked up at him, waiting for his next words.
“You let me take care of you like I was supposed to.” Steve's face was serious. It was all he wanted all weekend.
“Okay.” She nodded, smiling tearfully.
How kind was Uncle Steve and how blind was she to not see it!
Steve kissed her forehead and smiled down at her, wiping the rest of her tears away. He adjusted her skirt before they walked back out hand in hand and he sat her down on the couch beside Bucky, who on his turn pretended she wasn't there.
Was Bucky curious about what happened in there? Yeah, he was. But he wasn't about to ask her. He was just glad Steve has got her to stop crying because nothing hurt more than seeing her pretty face all sad and teary.
Steve prepared her snack and came back. He lifted her on his lap and handed her the plate before grabbing the remote to turn on her favourite afternoon show.
“Thank you, Uncle Steve,” she whispered shyly, kissing the man's cheek.
Steve smiled and kissed her temple, rubbing her back as he encouraged her to eat, even feeding her a couple of times and she let him, thanking him every time.
Bucky raised an eyebrow at the scene unfolding beside him but still held back from interfering or interacting with her. He was still mad and she needed to prove herself good again. He bit back a smile, pressing the beer bottle to his lips instead.
As the day came to an end and Steve put her to bed, she was keeping her 'please' and 'thank you's up, using her manners just right and Bucky would secretly, proudly grin every time she did.
“Would you please tell daddy I said goodnight?” She asked Steve, trying not to cry again before bed. She'd wished he'd forgive her by bedtime but he clearly didn't.
“I will, sweetheart. And I'm sure he wishes you a good night too,” Steve pecked her forehead and she smiled.
“Goodnight, Uncle Steve.” She pecked his cheek before resting back, pulling the covers to her chin.
If Bucky was listening, he made no effort to let any of them know.
The next morning Bucky was the same, still giving her a taste of her own medicine. She wanted to cry again but didn't, focusing on fixing things with Uncle Steve, whom she'd been awful to.
“Uncle Steve, please come with me?” She held onto Steve's wrist while he stood with Bucky in the kitchen.
Steve mumbled a 'sure', tilting his head in confusion as he followed the shorter girl.
She sat him on her bed and stood on her tiptoes till she reached her pink piggy bank on the upper shelf on her wall.
She walked to Steve and put the small safe in his lap, “I thought all morning long,”
“What's this, sweetheart?” Steve eyed the object before looking at her.
She smiled sheepishly before shaking the safe left and right in his lap, “to fix Uncle Steve's phone.”
Steve's heart soared in his chest and he remained speechless. She waited for him to take the money but he didn't.
“'S a lot of money. Dada gave me some to keep with piggy every day,” she assured Steve, taking his big hands and wrapping them around the pink safe, wanting him to accept it.
“Sweetheart,” Steve mumbled, setting the piggy bank on the bed before holding her to his chest.
She let herself be squished in his embrace as she stood between his legs, not really understanding what was happening, but at least he wasn't mad at her.
“You don't have to do that.” Steve shook his head before kissing her head.
“But I wanna make it up to you, Uncle Steve. I can't take away the salt in your food or the soap in your eyes or the milk on your pants-” She stopped and pulled back and her smaller hand cupped Steve's cheek, “do you wamme to wash your pants?”
Oh, how precious! She spent her morning thinking about ways to fix what she'd done to him. And she wanted to give him all of her savings to fix his phone. She was even ready to try and clean his pants. She was such a kind little one.
He’d done it. She finally likes him. Steve was beside himself at the progress. This kind of connection with her was all he ever wanted and it made him forget about whatever evil things she'd done during that weekend.
And on the other side of the wall stood a very pleased Bucky.
When they walked back out to the living room, Steve was beaming as he helped her up on his lap. Her body was facing Bucky’s as she leaned onto Steve’s chest. She looked at Bucky and when he looked back she cast her eyes down in shame.
“Come here, doll.” Bucky beckoned, opening his arms for her.
She grinned happily, jumping into them as he lifted her to straddle him. She wrapped her arms around Bucky's neck, burying her face in his shoulders and smelling his scent. Steve smiled, satisfied with their reunion.
Bucky wrapped her up tightly in his arms, pressing a longing kiss to the side of her head, “I missed you too, doll. I missed you so bad.”
“I’m sorry, dada,” she sniffled, clutching Bucky’s shirt.
“I know, doll.” Bucky pressed his lips to her forehead and let the kiss linger there.
In each others' arms, now both, her and Bucky, were really home.
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subspencer · 3 years
the to-do list
Pairing: Spencer Reid x fem!Reader
Summary: Reader is worried that she’s not adventurous enough in bed. So, she makes a secret checklist of things to try with Spencer. Based on this request.
Category: Smut, 18+ ONLY, minors dni
Warnings/Includes: switch!Spencer, (sort of?) corruption kink, exhibitionism, mile high club, brief description of oral, unprotected sex, creampie, brief mentions of other stuff but no descriptions
Word Count: 3k
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Spencer’s girlfriend has a secret checklist. It could be called a bucket list, of some sort, but really all of the items on it pertain to sexual acts to perform with Spencer, on Spencer, or in front of Spencer. So checklist is a more appropriate term.
The list came into existence after a girl’s night game of Never Have I Ever, in which she discovered there was an embarrassing number of things she’d never done. Some of them seemed nearly impossible to have gone twenty-something years without doing, especially when in a committed relationship. That was made abundantly clear to her when the girls pointed it out, teasing her — and by association, Spencer — for being more than vanilla.
There was no real reason she hadn’t tried those certain things — she wasn’t adverse to the idea of most of them at all. Really, it was just that she never bothered to dip her toes beyond what was familiar.
When Emily, Penelope, and Tara had nearly all ten of their fingers down after a couple rounds, she finally realized she might’ve been coming up short in the sex department. She figured it was about time to find out what she’s missing, so she made a list of everything she needed to try. And one by one, she and Spencer checked the items off.
One of the more simple things on the list, and perhaps her favorite, was giving her first blowjob. It wasn’t something she felt compelled to try with any of the guys she’s been with before, and Spencer, though he was very curious about it, was too much of a gentleman to ask for one.
So when she asked him to sit on the edge of his bed and dropped to her knees in front of him, he didn’t stop to ask questions. His mind went blank the second her fingers undid his zipper. It was Spencer’s first, too, and his fingers knotted in her hair as she took him in as deep as she could, hollowing her cheeks around his cock and swirling her tongue as her head bobbed up and down. Spencer always made pretty sounds in bed, but in this instance she envied his memory because she wished she could replay his moans and gasps from that first blowjob all over again in her mind.
Another favorite was allowing the favor to be reciprocated until completion. She figured she might just be someone who couldn’t get off from oral, because though she always welcomed Spencer to go down, she got impatient every time and pulled his head up by his hair, demanding him to fuck her already. Spencer was one to oblige every request, but he couldn’t pretend that he wasn’t overjoyed when one time she never stopped him short.
There were no interruptions, no hands shoving his face away from its rightful place against her, just increasing moans and shaking legs as Spencer was encouraged to give more. She can still remember the half-moon shapes his nails left on her thighs from where he had to grip them so tightly as she rode out her high. And she definitely remembers the almost feral look in his eyes after, because since that first time he insists on doing it again nearly every day.
There were more or less a dozen other items that slowly but surely got ticked off the list.
Handcuffs in the bedroom — fun, but perhaps better saved for special occasions. Or if Spencer was being extra good and deserved a treat.
Various new positions — a reminder to stretch more. And that sixty-nine is not as easy as it sounds on paper.
She let Spencer put a blindfold on her — it was decided they both prefer it more when the blindfold is on him. It keeps him guessing.
Spanking — both of them like this one, either giving or receiving. Surprisingly, she thinks she might like receiving it a little more, and Spencer is always excited to give.
Shower sex — a bit of a logistical nightmare, yet still a weekly staple. It’s slippery, yes, but it’s also relaxing and intimate. And Spencer just enjoys putting his hands on her wet, soapy body.
Sending dirty texts — great, but Spencer prefers taking nude polaroids of her instead. He keeps a few in his wallet for easy access. And because he knows Garcia can’t hack his wallet and find them.
And there were more items that went in the same tune until there was just one left. The one she was most nervous to attempt.
She wondered if joining the mile high club was better or worse if it was on the BAU jet. They’d have ample opportunities to do it, but they’d also be surrounded by their colleagues, and there is no coming back from getting caught.
But the main challenge was convincing Spencer to do it in the first place.
The initial plan of attack was to drop some “subtle” hints. She brought it up for the first time one night in their shared hotel room, right after Spencer fucked her against the bathroom counter, her legs wrapped around his waist.
“We could totally do that in the jet bathroom.”
“Yeah, I guess the basics are the same. Cramped space and a ledge to lean on.” Spencer was completely aloof as he picked up the scattered articles of clothing from the floor, rattling off about the size and dimensions of the airplane bathroom and missing the entire point of the comment.
She mentioned it again a little later, hoping the repetition may help him catch the drift.
“What’s the craziest place you’ve had sex?” she asked, completely catching him off guard as he ate a breakfast of frosted flakes in his kitchen.
“Um.. I don’t know? You tell me,” he shrugged, knowing that whatever the craziest place was, it was definitely with her.
“What about doing it on the jet?” It couldn’t get more obvious.
“We haven’t done that, silly. OH! I’m gonna say it was in my car,” he nodded with a wide grin, confident in his answer that unfortunately brushed past the proposition far too quickly.
It was time to change methods.
The new plan was to see if she could get him turned on enough on the jet to motivate him to do something about it right then and there. It seemed easy enough.
She sat next to him on the small couch, as she always did, and cuddled up to his side as he read his book.
Once everyone was distracted, she snaked a hand onto his thigh, allowing it to rest there long enough for Spencer to get over his initial shock and relax into her touch. As soon as he let his guard down, she moved her hand up another inch or two, watching him squirm again as he fought his mind from wandering. She repeated that cycle every five minutes until it drove him insane, his willpower diminishing in tandem with the proximity of her hand.
When everyone finally fell asleep, she craned her head to press small kisses on his neck, alternating between quick pecks and lingering ones, sucking warm and wet little flecks onto his skin that drew soft sighs without fail.
“What are you doing?” his breath was raspy and low as he muttered into her ear.
“Nothing.” She kept her tone innocent and sweet as she continued to sprinkle the teasing kisses across the column of his throat.
Her hand finally found its way directly on top of the bulge straining against his slacks and gave it a gentle squeeze. Spencer grinded himself into her palm, desperate to feel some friction, his jaw slacked and pupils wide. She dragged a thumb across his length, stopping to rub slow circles over the sensitive tip, drawing out a wet spot at the front of his trousers.
But even with his skin flushed red and his cock leaking and half-near orgasm, Spencer still found the restraint to stop her from jerking him off right on the jet and ripped her hand away, placing it in her lap as if the action could permanently force her to keep her hands to herself.
“I can’t go to the crime scene with cum in my pants,” he hissed, squeezing her wrist tighter.
She smirked at the opportunity, wrapping her warm lips around his ear lobe and tugging with her teeth before whispering with hot breath. “Then put it in me.”
For a second she saw him consider it. His eyes had a dark cast, gaze flickering between her eyes and lips as he swallowed the thick lump in his throat. But then Emily woke up and it was yet another failed attempt.
She resigned to the fact that it just wouldn’t happen, and that the item might remain unchecked on the secret list. So she cleared the idea from her mind, not wanting to keep pushing Spencer toward something he clearly didn’t have an interest in, or to keep embarrassing herself by trying.
And then a couple weeks later, as the team wrapped another case up, she came back to their hotel room to find Spencer sitting on the bed, facing away from the door.
“Hey, baby,” she greeted. When Spencer didn’t respond, she crawled onto the bed behind him, placing both hands on his shoulders and attacking the side of his face with kisses, giggling into his messy curls. “I said hey.”
Still nothing. Her eyes followed his line of sight down to his hands and went wide with realization.
“Spencer, where did you get that!?” She tried to snatch the crumpled piece of paper from him, but he was too quick to pull it away.
“I was looking for gum in your purse,” he explained, reading the sheet over again in complete amusement, “but I found something better.”
Spencer was much too excited about it, bordering on smug, and she rolled off the bed away from him in annoyance.
“Is this what I think it is?” She remained silent, suddenly feeling very insecure about the note. “Did you... did you make a list of things to do in bed?”
“You weren’t supposed to see that, it’s so stupid.”
“Hey, who said it’s stupid?” He tugged on her fingers, pulling her back onto the bed next to him. “I just wanna know where it came from.”
“Well... when I went out with the girls, we started talking about all the things we’ve done…” she paused to see if Spencer could guess where this was going, and of course he didn’t, “... in bed. And I hadn’t even done half of what they have, so I wrote some of them down. I — I wanted to try them with you.”
“So you… you’ve never done these with anyone else?” Spencer’s eyes widened as he pieced the puzzle together. He looked down again at the discarded sheet laying on pillows, his pride swelling at how long the list was. “I’m the first?”
She nodded in assent and no sooner was Spencer pushing her back flat against the mattress, settling his body on top of hers.
“God, that’s so hot,” he spoke into her neck as he sucked purple bruises into it, allowing his hands to roam freely under her shirt. His nimble fingers made quick work of her bra clasp, pulling the hem of the top up to attach his lips to her exposed nipple. He rolled the other in his fingers, tugging gently as she arched into his touch, rolling her hips up to grind against his. He groaned and pushed back, nestling himself perfectly between her legs.
Suddenly his motions halted and he popped his head up, looking at her with wide eyes and freshly ruffled hair. “We haven’t finished the list yet!”
“I — I didn’t think you were interested in the last one.”
“If my girlfriend makes a list of ways she wants to fuck me, I’m interested.”
A devilish grin took over her face. “Well, we fly home tomorrow.”
And true to the plan, they arrived on the jet the next day with at least a vague sense of strategy: wait until everyone is asleep then go at it in the bathroom. It wasn’t the most elaborate of plans, but there wasn’t much else to think of.
Except for the possibility that the others might not go to sleep.
The flight was already halfway through its journey and everyone was still wide awake, and Spencer was growing incredibly impatient. Perhaps even more than his girlfriend, now that he knew this would be part of a long list of things he got to be her first for.
That fact seemed to encourage him, the thrill of forever being her first at something. Never mind that she’d be his firsts, too.
Spencer’s not stupid, he knows that bending her over the bathroom counter while everyone is awake to hear it is a horrible idea. But his willpower doesn’t extend far enough to stop him from dropping his hand to her exposed knee, rubbing it softly just to be able to touch her. It seemed innocent enough in case anyone might see.
He kept his eyes on the open book he was pretending to read as his fingers traced the inside of her thigh, pushing up the hem of her skirt ever so slightly.
He inched his hand up and slowly spread his long fingers apart until they covered the length of her inner thigh. The tips stopping just below her cunt, delicately tracing lines back and forth parallel to the seam of her underwear.
And she quickly discovers there’s no taste worse than your own medicine. There was gentle brushes and concealed touches, all the things that she did to him. But where Spencer would’ve stopped her teasing before it got too far, she wouldn’t have done the same.
She covered up his hands by bringing her own down to her lap, silently encouraging him to continue unseen.
Spencer looked down at her through his thick lashes, bottom lip stuck between his teeth. Looking for more confirmation that she wanted this. The answer came in the form of her shifting subtly down the seat, pressing her clothed pussy firmly against his hand.
His cock twitched against the confines of his slacks when he felt the damp patch on the fabric. His knuckles brushed against her clit and her knees clamped shut, holding him in place as she brought her lips close to his ear to let him hear her soft whines.
He has to put his book over his lap to cover how hard he is, and it almost makes him regret starting this game. Almost.
Because just as she starts desperately grinding against his hand, squirming for more friction, he notices that everyone’s asleep. And then it’s a race to the bathroom, Spencer positioning her directly in front of him to cover his bulge as they stand up.
Their mouths are on each other before the door even closes, her hands wasting little time in going for his zipper. Both desperate to have each other after all the anticipation. She immediately perched herself on the countertop, spreading her legs wide so Spencer could fit in between them, just like in that hotel room. A confused whine fell from her mouth when he lifted her off from the ledge, interrupting her plan.
“No. Like this,” he growled, turning her around and pushing her hips against the edge of the counter, bending her over it. She muttered a “Fuck,” under her breath as he pressed his cock against her backside, knowing he preferred this angle because he could get deeper.
His lips trailed down her neck as he tugged the skirt up to her hips and pulled her panties to the side, running his cock along her folds to gather the wetness that had been pooling there.
“Shit, you’re so fucking wet.”
He quickly inserted his thumb into her mouth to stop any sounds from escaping before lining himself up. Her moans vibrated against the digit as he slowly pushed in, stretching her out and letting her adjust before starting to move. Slowly and deliberately, at first, then quickly gaining speed.
She pushed her hips back to meet his thrusts until he pinned them against the ledge with his own, holding them still so he could set his pace faster.
The hand that was resting on her waist came up to her chest, groping at the flesh over her blouse. Her spine arched into his palm, bending forward to give him more leverage to get deeper to that spot inside her repeatedly.
He alternated between a few quick thrusts followed by a deep one, holding himself there for a moment before repeating.
Her cunt tightened around him as he held still against her, applying firm pressure to her spot with the head of his cock.
“Fuck, do that again, please,” he grunted against her neck, pushing his hips into her ass with bruising force to get impossibly closer. A loud whine nearly escaped her lips as he did so, the motion sending her over the edge.
She sucked harder around his thumb, using it to keep her cries at bay as she reached her climax. Her walls fluttered around him as she did, giving him exactly what he needed.
“Remember what you said before, baby?” he hummed in her ear, “Do you still want me to cum inside you?”
Immediately his thrusts became erratic, hips snapping forward a handful of times before he spilled into her in hot spurts, biting down on her shoulder to stifle his moan as he came.
Still heaving from the comedown, he pulled her panties back on, using the fabric to keep his cum from spilling out.
She turned to feverishly attach her lips to his, panting into the open mouthed kiss. When they finally broke apart, both looked completely wrecked with swollen lips, flushed skin, bruised necks. Still, they tried their best to fix themselves, straightening out their rustled clothes and smoothing knotted hair.
Before Spencer turned the door handle, he pulled her side into him, pressing a kiss onto her forehead. “We should make another list.”
taglist: @suburban--gothic @ssa-sarahsunshine @mercy-burning @reidspurple @mediocre-writer @honeyboysteezy @ssa-m-187 @calm-and-doctor @drayshadow @s1utformgg @you-sunshine @altsvu @reidtheprettyboy @goose-eats-god @sonnydoesrandomshit @rigatonireid @muffin-cup @amoeebaa @reidingmelodies
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cognitosclowns · 3 years
i love how everyone agrees that brett would love to have a family one day it makes me so soft for him do you have any hcs for how he would be as a father? him and s/o have their first child together, what kind of father would he be?
all sfw!!
this man has wanted to be a father since before he could remember MANDSMD
he'd be a stay-at-home dad w/o a complaint - he might even specifically offer it. He loves the idea of his job just being taking care of the kiddo <333
SO MANY BOOKS AND PARENTING CLASSES. He's probably gonna ask work-friends for tips (I HC that Gigi has a kid and im sneaking it in here - she's absolutely gonna lend a hand with this frazzled man smdnsd. Just a few little tips for stuff she wished she'd known before she'd had her kiddo!!)
 he knew newborns were a lot of work but he definitely overestimated his own abilities. Good thing you two are team, huh <3
SPEAKING OF THE FIRST FEW MONTHS?? he's definitely scared to hold them at first.
they're,,, so small. like absolutely minuscule, with the sweetest little hands and <333 he's scared he's gonna drop them or smth
THIS EVENTUALLY BECOMES,, he will constantly carry this kid around. Your kiddo just gets used to LEAPING AT HIM bc,, they know papa's gonna catch them!!
HE JUST :( its hard to say no to the kid, okay? if this kid wants to get away w/ something they know to ask Papa bc he just can't say no to that sweet face!!!!!!
HE DOES KINDA SPOIL THEM <33 not with gifts so much as experiences?? he was super neglected as a kid and he wants his kid to have a better childhood than him.
So like!!!! Taking them fishing, playing sports, dance, all the things he never really got to do when he was little!!
(smdns you may have to remind him that,, They Don't Have To Do Everything At Once, There's No Rush. Otherwise he'll get caught up in the excitement and,, accidentally over-book a bunch of activities to do w/ the kiddo-)
OH whatever the kid is interested in, Brett is gonna support the hell out of it!!!
IN THE SAME VEIN?? God The Gang is gonna get absolutely pestered with photos of the kid. And stories. Brett's office is gonna have so many,, Painfully Cute Photos of them spending time together. <33333 its cute but also the Gang is One More Picture Day Photo away from killing him smdns.
If they wanna do sports he WILL TRY TO COACH THE TEAM <33333333333333
YOU EXPECT IT TO GO WORSE THAN IT DOES?? Like sure theres a bit of chaos but he also played,, Every Sport Ever during uni, so he's got some experience under his belt.
he brings freezies n candies n GIFTS WHEN THE TEAM DOES WELL????? HE IS THE COOL DAD <3 dream achieved, he can die happy.
OH AND YOU JUST KNOW THIS MAN ISN'T AFRAID OF BEING GOOFY. when he plays make believe he does NOT HOLD BACK. expect to return home to a very messy 'castle' made of pillows, and your kid 'battling' against 'The Evil Knight'. It's extremely cute <3
OVERALL??? very good dad <333 not perfect but he does his best <333
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johnsamericano · 3 years
𝔖𝔲𝔤𝔞𝔯 ℜ𝔲𝔰𝔥 𝔧.𝔧.𝔥 •3•
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I hope this ain't getting shitty. Thank you for reading, sexy people. Send me a message or an ask if you'd like to be added to the tag list.
warnings: hungover jaehyun, age gap, hospitals, nothing too extreme.
sugar rush m.list.
taglist: @thoreeo @trustmahluv @sunny-nyu @nanascupid @silent-potato @painted-hills
Yoonoh woke up on a strange bed, the mattress stiffer than the one he had back home. He refused to open his eyes, fearing that the daylight would worsen his headache.
Yoonoh woke up on a strange bed, the mattress stiffer than the one he had back home. He refused to open his eyes, fearing that the daylight would worsen his headache.
“Wake up, sunshine.” He groaned, all the memories from the past night hitting him like a truck. “Come on, I made breakfast.”
His eyelids finally fluttered open, frown softening at the sight of you in a messy bun and your cute pajamas.
“How come you look so fresh?” The dark circles under his eyes had deepened in the span of a few hours. Thank God he didn't have to work that day.
“I always look fresh.” You seemed to be more comfortable around him. Perhaps it was because you had to tuck him in last night. “Up.”
You tugged both of his limp hands, forcing him to sit up.
“What did you cook? It smells nice.” He scrunched up his nose like a little kid.
“Eggs, bacon, and hash browns.” Fast as lightning, he got up from bed. On his way to the kitchen, he noticed the blanket hanging from the edge of your sofa. Disappointment pinched his heart.
“Why didn't you sleep with me? You would've been more comfortable.”
You set two plates on the small table, pulling the pan out of the stove to serve them.
“You spread yourself all over the bed as soon as I laid you down.” You lied successfully. You didn’t have the heart to tell him you weren’t that comfortable yet.
You let the pan down on the kitchen counter, taking a seat in front of him.
“Do you still want to visit my father?” Sparkling orbs stared at him timidly, fearing his answer would be negative.
“I mean…” You hummed, trying not to give it as much importance. “I do want to go!” He quickly corrected himself, frantically shaking his hands. “It’s just that I don't want to meet your father like this.” He pointed at his bed hair, which had only become messier since he woke up.
“You’re acting like he's gonna see you.” There was a slight bitterness in your tone, along with a fake grin.
“Alright, let's do this instead...” Yoonoh sat up straight, clearing his throat as if he were about to give a speech. “We’ll have breakfast, you'll shower quickly, and then we’ll drive to my house so I can fix myself. How does that sound?”
“So I'm finally gonna see your mansion? How exciting.” You kicked his leg teasingly under the table, his cheeks inevitably dipping as he tried to suppress a smile. “I bet you have some peacocks in your backyard.”
“And there's also a dolphin in my pool.” He let out a hearty laugh, extending his arm over the table to grab your hand.
His house was most definitely not what you expected.
It was about the size of the one you grew up in, the decoration inside minimalistic. There were no expensive paintings framed with pure gold, only pictures of him and his family. There was a small backyard you could access through the French door in the kitchen. Half of it was occupied by a greenhouse.
“I had to donate the peacocks to the zoo.” He whispered as you looked through the glass door, squeezing your shoulders with his slim fingers.
“What a shame.” Hesitantly, he wrapped both of his limbs around your torso, letting his chin rest stop of your head. Your heartbeat was thumping loudly against your chest. Yoonoh surely felt it but decided not to comment on it.
“There’s a Tv in my room in case you want to watch something while I shower.” A hint of mischief adorned his honey-like voice. “Or you can come in and watch me instead.”
“Stop!” Your elbow connected with his ribs out of pure panic, making him bend in pain with his hands covering the injured spot.
“It was a joke...” He whispered, teeth gritting together.
I made him mad, you thought. Should you escape or face the consequences of his anger? All thoughts erased from your mind as he grabbed your calves, lifting you over his shoulder.
“Put me down!” You hit his back with closed fists, unable to see the expression on his face. “Yoonoh!”
He went up the stairs, proceeding to enter his room and throw you on his bed. Thousands of dirty scenarios crossed your mind before he threw himself on top of you, crushing your bones under his muscular body.
“Oh, sorry, what is that?” To make matters worse, his fingers tickled your sides, provoking a fit of desperate giggles to escape your mouth. “I’m not hearing an apology.”
“Sorry! Sorry!” His hands finally stopped, giving you time to breathe. Nonetheless, he remained laid on your chest, using his forearms to lift his weight. “Aren’t you gonna shower?”
“I like you.”
The confession was so sudden, so raw it took you some time to finally react. But you had no words to give him an answer, instead, you combed your fingers through his long hair, massaging his scalp while waiting for him to speak up again.
“I never thought I'd be feeling more than friendly affection for you. Our agreement doesn't include love, after all. But I've started feeling like a teenager all over again. I can't help but get excited whenever you call me. Do you know how sweet your voice sounds through the phone?” He sighed, discouraged at your lack of response. “I guess you're not there yet.”
Instead of verbally answering, you planted a sweet kiss on his head, right where small, grey hairs had started growing.
“I’m not good with words.”
“That’s alright.” He snuck his hands under your back, holding you tightly as a sudden need to nurture you took over him. The mature image he had of you faded in less than a second, leaving behind a young, troubled woman. “I’ll shower quickly so we can go see your pops. I bet we’ll get along just fine, maybe even go golfing when he wakes up.”
“I forgot you're almost the same age. Creepy.” He smiled, though uneasiness started steering in his guts.
“Does that bother you?” He asked without giving it a second thought.
“I don't know yet.”
The man with high cheekbones and bruised skin laid limp on the hospital bed. Yoonoh had been working on his case for about a month, yet, it only started feeling real the moment he entered the room.
“This is my dad.” All emotions had escaped your eyes as if your soul wasn't there anymore. Only an empty shell.
“You look so much like him.” he was afraid touching you wouldn't be the right thing to do, so instead, he said: “He seems like a suitable golf buddy.”
Tension finally loosened its grip around his body as you snorted, pigment returning to your cheeks. Finally, he wrapped his hand around yours.
“He will wake up, y/n.”
“He’s taking his sweet time.” You glanced back at the laying figure, skinnier with every day he spent asleep. “I want someone to pay for taking away the last person that loved me.”
The last person that loved you. Would Yoonoh be able to fill that spot? Not yet, probably. He couldn't modify the depth of his feelings, but he could surely give you the vengeance you longed.
“Do you trust me?” With your eyes still glued to your father, you nodded. “Then I can assure you we’ll win the case.”
“I know we will.”
He sat silently with you, holding your hand without saying a word. The smell of alcohol and the beeping noise of machines made him nauseous. He hated hospitals. You noticed the change in his demeanor, his hand becoming cold while holding yours with strength.
“Do you wanna go?”
“No!” He smiled through the pain, scooting his chair closer to lay your hand on his lap.
He wouldn't agree to get his ass off the plastic chair. You had to tell him you were hungry for him to finally stand up, still clutching your hand like your father did when you were still a kid. His parental behavior caused several emotions to stir inside your guts, so mixed up you couldn't quite put a finger on any of them.
“What do you want to eat?” The tension finally left his body once out of the building.
“Soup.” You smiled while swiping your thumb on top of his knuckles. “I know a place, but to be honest, it isn't good. So we can go to the store and get the ingredients to- but you can't cook.”
“I’m up for a cooking lesson if you are.” He wanted to see your pretty smile again. Maybe making a fool of himself would help. “Let’s hit the road.”
“Wow, so cool.”
“I know.”
“Can you grab that can of chicken broth?” You pointed at the high shelf, letting go of Yoonoh’s hand to allow him to move freely
“I have a better idea.” He dragged you by the arm so you were standing in front of him, trapped between his body and the shelf. “I’ll lift you so you can reach it.” Matching his words, his hands grasped your waist, ready to carry you.
“Stop!” You slapped his hands repeatedly between giggles. Ignoring your complaints, he started lifting you. “Yoonoh!”
“Yoonoh?” A feminine voice had him placing you back on your feet in less than a second.
“Seryeong, I didn't expect to see you here.” His hands remained seated on the curve of your waist.
“Neither did I. I was surprised when Sungchan told me you'd left early yesterday.” She seemed a bit older than you but still younger than the man behind you.
“I had some matters to take care of.” She eyed you from head to toes with a smug grin plastered on her lips. Just by the look of her clothes, you could tell she was as wealthy as Yoonoh. You feared the scene would turn into a tv worthy drama.
“I’ll go get the chicken breast.” You tried escaping his grip, only to be pulled closer to his warmth.
“No need to. It's already inside the cart.”
Why am I so dumb?
“Does your father know about your little girlfriend?” She asked without hesitation.
“I guess.”
“And why didn't he tell me anything?” She cocked an eyebrow, his hands finally loosening around your body and allowing you to move from your position.
“Look, this is something you should talk about with him. Now, if you excuse us...” With a hand on your shoulder, he began pushing the cart to the next aisle, the chicken broth long forgotten.
“Is this some kind of arranged marriage situation?”
“Something like that.” His hands were tense while holding the cart, knuckles turning white from the strength used. “Before you start asking, I'm not really in the mood and I don't want to direct my bad mood toward you. Let's talk about something else, alright?”
Who was that woman that had the power to turn him into a literal raging ball of fire with just a few words?
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monaisdark · 4 years
i like how u write Shigaraki 😳❤ can u do maybe some bully reader with a sprinkle of virgin!shiggy hehe 🥰 reader can be dom or sub its up to you!! ❤
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AH i’ve been meaning to check my inbox but ommmg this motivates me so much, thank you ! <3 I decided to do some dom reader - hope its ok!
➨ paring — Virgin! Tomura Shigaraki x Fem! Bully! Reader 
➨ warnings —  Sub! Shigaraki, Dom! Reader, slight mommy kink, slight masturbation, humiliation, degradation, cum denial, begging
Shigaraki slumped into the ground, his back against the now wet wall. It hasn’t even been 3rd period yet and you already completely ruined his day. You and your group of followers threw water at him, something about him smelling bad. His papers and books were thrown out of his bag, soggy and falling apart from the water poured on them and his favorite hoodie now uncomfortably wet. 
Shigaraki would already be late to class by now so he didn’t bother to scurry off like your friends did when they heard the late bell for class. You walked a bit behind them, turning your head back at him a few times before completely disappearing down the hall. 
Shigaraki wasn’t sure what he did for you to hate him so much. It was almost like you were out to get him since day one. And of course, you being so popular, it made him the school outcast, well, even more of an outcast.
He tried everything — ignoring you, doing everything you asked him, even trying to fight back. The last try left him with a sprained wrist and bruised cheek. So in the end, everything left him either humiliated, damaged, or hurt. 
He finally stood up as he heard footsteps from a hall monitor coming down the hall he was in, grabbing his backpack that contained the remaining contents of his school stuff before running off into a nearby bathroom to hide. Luckily, nobody was there to see how disheveled he looked.
Shigaraki took off his hoodie, thankfully the hoodie was thick and caught most of the water, leaving his long sleeved undershirt a bit damp but nothing he couldn’t handle for the rest of the day. He set everything wet under the hand drier, letting the hot air dry them a bit. 
As he dried his face, something at on the floor caught Shigaraki’s eye. It was a small piece of paper that was also damp. He picked it up confused, did it fall out of his hoodie pocket? 
‘’Shigaraki, meet me in room 204 after school today. Be there.’’  He could read out from the smudged, running ink. Shigaraki looked at it confused, yeah it was definitely for him but why? How did this even get into his pocket? He’s usually always alone, he didn’t hang out or spend his school days with anyone.
“Hey! Get to class!” The voice of the hall monitor outside of the bathroom almost made him yelp. He stuffed the note into his back pocket, grabbing all his stuff that was thankfully a bit more dry before leaving.
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You eyed Shigaraki from across the cafeteria, a small smirk tugged your lips as you saw him pull out the tiny piece of paper for the 12th time that lunch. A wave of satisfaction overcame you every time you saw his eyebrows furrowed at the paper. 
You tried to make the note as vague as possible, you could tell from the confused look on his face that he didn’t have a clue on who sent it. Just how you wanted it.
You turned your thoughts back to your friends, mixing your laughter with theirs. You had no idea what they were laughing at. These people are assholes, why do you hang out with them again? A small boy whimpered on the floor, his food spilled all over his body. Oh, that's why. Like hell you’d be on the receiving end of their bullying.
It’s not like you felt bad. School was a hierarchy, these poor people were just at the bottom. When you first got here, you quickly rose to be at the top. Not like you expected to be anything less. You held yourself to a high standard, of course you’d be at the top.
So it made you sick seeing how some of these people held themselves, especially Shigaraki. He looked and smelled like he only showers every other day, he alternated between 2 hoodies each week, did he even bother to wash them?
He barely talked to anyone, usually playing some videogame on his phone. Does he not care about himself? Well maybe that was why you targeted him, you just wanted him to be better. Nothing else.
Then you noticed how much of a pervert he was. If a girl was ever near him, his eyes would automatically shoot to their chests before awkwardly shifting away from them. In P.E, you found it funny how he’d try to hide his boners after seeing all the girls in their shorts. How gross, he’s a horny little virgin.
You almost felt bad, maybe if he smelt better, maybe if he wore better clothes, maybe if he just tried to take care of himself. It was no surprise that he wasn’t getting chicks. But then again, he didn’t look too confident in anything. Yet alone girls.
That’s when you had came up with a plan. You’d sleep with him. Don’t get it wrong, you had dignity. If it was anyone else, you’d probably make fun of them even more, maybe even expose their perverted behavior.
But Shigaraki looked so helpless, if he kept up with this he’d never get better. Maybe he’d become desperate enough to start touching girls on the train to school, how disgusting.
You were doing everyone a favor. This is just charity work.
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“Hey.” Shigaraki jumped, what? He was even more confused then before, you? Why would you send him a letter to meet him alone after school? He stayed quiet, he backed into a desk as he heard the click of the door. Locked, shit, you locked the door. You probably were gonna beat him up, usually you’d have other people pick on him, was today finally the day you’d take more action?
“Stop sweating, I’m not here to do anything bad.” You walked in front of him, Shigaraki would be lying if he said he wasn’t terrified. “Um — why.. why did you want to meet me?” Shigaraki’s voice cracked and you almost laughed, has he ever even been alone in the same room as girl?
You decided to be blunt, there was no sugar coating what was about to happen. “You’re a virgin right, Shigaraki?” You brought your hands to the buttons of your shirt, slowly unbuttoning your top.
Shigaraki immediately felt himself starting to get hard at the sight of your bra. “What—” You rolled your eyes, doesn’t he get it? How dense can he be? “Just answer me.” 
Shigaraki felt so humiliated, this was honestly worse then all the bullying he experienced from you. He has to admit to his bully that he’s a virgin, or better yet, that he’s never even gotten close touching a woman.
He couldn’t lie, I mean look at him! The most action he’s gotten was those JOI videos he’d watch late at night. “Yeah..” He whispered enough for you to hear, just incase anyone else was hiding in the room. “..Why?” 
A smirk spread across your face, just like you thought. His red face was honestly so enjoyable to see, almost just as enjoyable as seeing him try to hide how hard he was.
“I know you’re hard, Shigaraki.” Your hands moved to his crotch, palming him. “Ah, ah! Wait! I’m—“  Holy shit, did he cum? Just from a bit of palming?
Your hands retracted from the damp fabric, “God, how pathetic can you be?” Shigaraki lowered his head, you didn’t want to know. You’re the first girl to ever touch him, he didn’t want to come that fast!
“I’m sorry! Please.. I’m still hard!” Now he’s begging? He was ready for you to laugh at him and leave him a gross mess. He would understand.
“Take it out.” Shigaraki could cry right there, you were serious! He didn’t know what made you want to do this now but he didn’t care. All that matter’s was you wanted to fuck him.
His mind flooded to what you guys could do, would you rub his now exposed dick? Would you take it in your mouth? Better yet, what could he do to you? He’ll learn quickly, he just wants to touch your boobs!
Suddenly, he was on the floor. He couldn’t even process what was going on before you straddled him. We’re skipping straight to it? This wasn’t necessarily what he saw in those porn videos but that’s okay. His hands moved to your chest, he saw this in the porn videos too! But your hand slapped his away, “Don’t touch me. You still stink.” 
He frowned but it was quickly gone as he felt you lower yourself on him. Shit, shit, shit, he’s inside you! Inside a pussy! You already started moving and Shigaraki already lost it. This was better than what he could ever imagine! 
You smirked at the scene, its barely been a minute and he’s out of it. His eyes were rolled back and he was moaning louder than you! You had to admit though, you were a bit surprised he even got past 30 seconds of being inside of you. 
“Mhmm— m...mommy!” Now you could laugh, “Mommy? Really Shigaraki?” Tears were forming on the corner of his eyes, you weren’t sure if it was from your words or the pleasure but you preferred if it was from both.
“I’m sorry! It’s just— ah!” You angled yourself to hit deeper, “No, no, Shigaraki. Go ahead. I should’ve known you’d be into something like that.” His moans filled the room, you were lucky this hallway was always empty after school was done.
You felt him begin to twitch, already knowing he’s about to cum. Eyes narrowed down at his messy face, he’s trying to cum inside you without you knowing? 
You stopped moving and brought him up so he wasn’t laying down anymore, “Y’know, for a virgin I’m a bit impressed.” Shigaraki whimpered when he felt you get off of him, the feeling of your warm cunt no longer around him.
“Wait! Please, please— I wasn’t done!” He whined watching you put your panties back on and button your shirt back up, “You were about to. You think I want your battery acid cum touching me?” 
Snickering as he heard his desperate whimpers begging you to finish him off, an overwhelming feeling of power filled you. A fake annoyed sigh caught his attention, “Take a shower tomorrow. Also wear a different top for god’s sake. If you do— “You brought yourself to his level on the floor, “I might let you touch me.” 
Shigaraki nodded furiously, “Yes! I promise! I will, I will!” You turned and unlocked to the door to leave, catching one more look at his messy state. A sigh was let out of you as you closed the door, the sounds of him moaning ‘mommy’s pussy’ as he finished himself off, made you giggle. How sad.
You rolled your eyes, clicking heels down the hallway. You might’ve just created a new problem for yourself. 
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pugh-bug · 3 years
Scott Lang x Reader Chapter 13
This chapter follows directly on from chapter 12 I REALLY need to make a master list I know. Ended up way longer than I expected but I hope you enjoy! :)) and let me know if you want to be added to my tag list <3
Warnings: smut, age gap, swearing as fucking always
‘Oh fuck,’ his eyelids fluttered as he rode into you. You wanted to take his shirt off and take all of him in but the pleasure was keeping you lay down. Scott felt your walls tightening as you struggled to decide where to look and what to do with your hands. He seemed to sense the indecision because in a surprisingly wholesome twist, Scott’s hand found its way in your hair before caressing your cheek. All you could hear was both of your heavier breaths matching each other’s rhythms. You’d known before (and of course said before) that you loved Scott but having him look at you with such compassion in bed made you know for certain.
You both let the pause continue but Scott’s impatience was obvious, despite him trying to hide it for your sake. ‘You’re wearing too many clothes,’ you finally said before smirking up at him. The atmosphere took an instant shift as the two of you fought with the fabric and felt it rip off of his chest. And oh fucking hell was the sight of Scott shirtless a treat. You knew he worked out, Tony had a gym everyone used for training, but you never knew he had actual ab muscles. Scott chuckled as he watched you stare at them in awe. Fuck fuck fuck. You couldn’t believe what was happening.
Scott’s finger below your chin guided your gaze back to his green eyes. There was no hesitation after that. As the two of you kissed with lust filled ferocity, you postured up and pushed down on Scott’s shoulders so you could sit in his lap. You tried to continue devouring each other’s taste but the sound that slipped from you as you sank down onto him was pornographic and distracting as hell. You rode him slowly because after such a long wait why not tease him? He could have made this happen ages ago. Selfish of him really.
‘Jesu-fuck Y/N,’ the poor man struggled to keep his head facing you and not back looking at the ceiling. ‘You feel amazing,’ you couldn’t help but beam at his praise. After spending so many nights touching yourself to the fantasy of riding him, having it happen in real life was overwhelming. His large hands gripped your waist while you continued your torment of slowly filling yourself up and down. You didn’t want this to just become another memory in the past that would never happen again. Scott’s firm hands digging into your waist brought you away from the nagging thoughts. ‘Fuck you’re so tight.’ He felt so good it was driving you insane. As he hit your g-spot dangerously slowly you let out a whine.
‘You..can go,’ he already sounded wrecked which made you smug as anything. ‘Faster than that Y/N.’ His eyes were closed but you were determined to keep yours open to look at his face. The obvious pleasure he was feeling. You decided to oblige him and speed up, never once did his cock grazing your g spot not send wonderful shivers down your spine. Your face felt hot- your whole body was on fire.
It was your turn to throw your head back. No one had made you feel as high as Scott, not even close. The man was fucking addictive.
All you could focus on was the full feeling you had in your stomach, Scott’s wrecked voice and his firm grip on your waist. Part of you wished they were around your neck. Maybe next time. ‘Scotttttt….’ you moaned. He fucking adored hearing you moan and hearing you say his name was going to send him over the edge. You wanted to see it. With desperate, yet shaky hands, you thought about crawling his back but it felt forced for a moment. Once again he sensed your minor uncertainty and handled it for you. ‘Come here,’ his voice was husky but breathless as he pulled you into a kiss while you rode him faster and faster.
Your walls were tightening and your toes began to curl on the bedsheets but you felt a sudden impulse to move so you pulled him on top of you. It broke the kiss but it meant on Scott’s next thrust you felt him even deeper and a prolonged moan left your open mouth as you came. Your eyes closed and your body jerked and writhed underneath Scott’s panting chest. He didn’t move for a moment, completely lost in witnessing you enjoy every second of your orgasm. It hit you in waves that felt endless for a moment before your entire body stopped its uncontrollable writhing that pushed Scott over the edge.
He came inside you and, for a moment, almost lost balance. You were so in shock from the huge mass of pleasure you’d just felt that your chest was rising and falling heavier than it did after a run. That orgasm had hit you like a brick. You struggled to sit up as you felt Scott, to your surprise, move down your body. How did he have any energy left? You were exhausted.
One more feeble attempt to sit up was not needed because Mr Scott Lang had decided to surprise you by inserting his fingers in your pussy and smugly licking your clit. Without the much needed warning. ‘Ah- too sensitive!’ You squealed, backing away from Scott on the bed to escape. He was definitely amused. ‘You okay over there?’ Wow. After the sounds he had made?! He was going to make you out to be overwhelmed? However his confident side made you wet and you were not one to complain after sex so:
‘I’m great.’ You smiled coyly and closed your legs as if you weren’t leaking his cum all over the bed and just there to talk. Scott smiled and made his way back over to you like a panther on some sort of sick hunt. ‘You’re trouble.’ He responded, almost judging but still humorous. When you didn’t respond you saw his face change to show some insecurity about his actions. ‘Are you already regrett-‘
‘I regret not getting you to slam me against a wall to be honest.’ You hugged your knees, your breath had returned to normal and you were grinning at Scott like a cat that had gotten its own way. Finally.
‘Well shit,’ he paused with his hand on his forehead and a raise of his eyebrows. ‘That can be arranged.’
Yes but not now, you thought, too tired for that. Must sleep. Must lie down.
The bed, despite being wet, was so inviting and Scott following your lead and wrapping his arms around your waist even more so. You felt safe next to him. At peace. You heard Scott’s breathing normalise but neither one of you spoke. There was no awkwardness like you’d feared and apart from the horrible intrusive thought ‘Am I better or worse than his ex wife’ you felt calm and… happy. Really happy. Tentatively, Scott’s hands found themselves stroking your hair. He ran his fingers through it gently and you smiled and closed your eyes. The smell of sex had filled the room but your arousal was somehow being overpowered by the calm. And there was one question you were curious about.
‘How long for you?’
You expected a brief silence or atleast a ‘Huh’ due to your vagueness but Scott just knew exactly what you’d meant.
‘Atleast a year,’ you quietly turned to face him so he knew he had your full attention. ‘But I really knew when you came to comfort me, on my anniversary.’ You couldn’t help but raise your eyebrows and scoff. ‘You mean when I came to annoy you on the roof?’ Scott’s smirk grew into a full grin at you. ‘And why is that so surprising?’ To be quite honest you’d felt like an intrude that night and not much help to him at all but it was nice to know he felt differently. He looked so pretty lay opposite you, your hands found their way into his hair ruffling it even more. ‘I don’t know.’ You lied.
‘What about you?’ It was his turn to play with your hair again. Oh that was easy. Too easy. ‘First day I met you,’ it was growing harder to look Scott in the eye as you admitted it. ‘I kept thinking about y- I only ever asked you dumb questions as an excuse to talk to you until- well until we were friends.’ He was listening intently which you were not used to men doing. “Were?” Scott questioned knowingly, he waited for your response and you could practically see his ego growing by the second. Of course ‘were’.
‘Well would you call this friendship?’ You laughed, gesturing to the two of you in bed slightly sweaty from moments earlier. After a second too long for your liking passed your eyes widened at the sight of Scott’s hoodie on the floor. You’d forgot he’d brought it with him and it looked comfy as anything. ‘Hold on I’ve always wanted to do this,’ you grinned excitedly like a little kid and Scott watched you in amusement. Struggling for a moment, you pulled the black hoodie over your head (because your hair wasn’t messy enough already) and gestured proudly to your new (stolen) outfit. It smelt like him which just made you giddier.
‘You’ve never slept with a guy and stolen his hoodie before?’ Scott raised his eyebrows clearly not believing you or understanding the appeal. ‘They’ve been out the fucking door too fast.’ You shrugged trying not to let that harsh fact sink in. Oh well. You were feeling good now at least. Scott frowned but once again you couldn’t help but not wait for his reply- just in case it hurt you in some way and brought your high down. ‘Kinda hungry not gonna lie.’ You hadn’t even eaten yet but that wasn’t what you were really thinking about as you stood over Scott as he sat on the bed.
Slyly, he ran his calloused hands under his hoodie and up your torso making you gasp. He couldn’t help but grin at the strong reactions you had to his mild touches. Deciding to really tease you, Scott’s hand traveled down to your pussy so he could finger you but being overstimulated you whined and grabbed his wrist. The man just thought you sounded pretty. ‘Fuck- you’re dripping sweetheart.’ You grinned once again at his words and clenched your thighs together. ‘Who’s fault is that?’
Tags: @supraveng @thottio @wandamaximoffshoe @aliceblxck @merleisapartygod @brianmayscurls
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thatslikely · 3 years
a little too much - s.s.
a little too much - stiles stilinski x gn!reader
warnings: alcohol consumption (the reader is sober), hilarious drunk stiles
word count: 1.1k
a/n: this is pure fluff of just the reader taking care of drunk stiles <3 see 1x08 for reference!! also I am so, so proud of this one so yay! go me!
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“And then… and then… he… what was I saying again?” Stiles slurred, a goofy grin wide on his face. 
Saying that the party you and Stiles were currently in attendance was loud would be a monumental understatement. Every beat of the song rattled the interior’s posters tacked on the walls, every adolescent swaying violently through the night air was practically submerged knee-deep in glossy, amber alcohol; uncomfortably stuffy air ascended high above the wooden fence cooping the drunken teenagers in the backyard. 
You didn’t answer Stiles’ question, allowing him to continue his intoxicated ramblings; he bubbily informed you of any stray thoughts that hitchhiked into his mind.
Through Stiles’ eyes, his surroundings were reduced to an unfocused haze. The cliques the huddled together in celebration were nothing but abstract splotches against the canvas that was the dim yard. The only thing anchoring him from seemingly floating away in the lawn chair he occupied, as if he was filled with helium, was you. While the outline of your figure was still spotted with smudges of the night air, it was in more focus than anything at all. You were his tether, his lifesaver.
“Hey, Y/N, is that Lydia over there?” He droopily raised his hand to a point- the one that wasn’t loosely gripping the neck of a half-empty bottle of jack. 
“Um, I don’t think that’s her,” you cooed softly, smoothing out some astray strands of his chocolate-brown hair that he had ruffled haphazardly only seconds prior. It was Lydia, in fact, and she was, for lack of a better term, dancing with some boy whose name you couldn’t place.
His teeth dug into his lips lightly, the corners of his mouth upturned slightly. “She must have a twin then.” Short bursts of giggles fluttered in his chest, only barely escaping his lips. 
His body heaved with every increasing laugh, lifting his back from its slouched position in the foldable lawn chair. The bottle of whiskey insecurely gripped in his palm nearly slipped from his grasp, but with your gentle guiding, its base rested stilly on the concrete slab of a patio.
“I’d like to go meet Lydia’s twin, Y/N. Let’s go.” The last ‘o’ was elongated until his voice became airy and faded. Any hope of a levelheaded Stiles was gone for tonight. 
He attempted to get up from his seat with a stumble, which was successful for all of about two seconds before he stumbled to the floor, his palms flat in front of him on the ground. He clumsily reached for a random terracotta pot, which was housing a small plant. His fingers gripped the rim for dear life as he gagged over the soil. 
“Stiles, oh god, Stiles,” you said, concerned. You lightly grabbed his shoulders, feeling the rough fabric of his graphic tee between your fingers. One hand supported his back, resting on his shoulder blade; the other was holding his hand, helping him rise to his feet, all the while he was both gagging and giggling out of his mind. “Stiles, we’re gonna go on a little trip to the bathroom.”
“Ooh,” he babbled, “sounds like a bowl of fun!” 
You slid open the backdoor, leading him to the nearest restroom. “A what of fun?”
“Nevermind.” He hunched over the icy porcelain toilet once you both were inside. The fluorescent lights of the bathroom stung the corners of his eyes, and the faint smell of bleach only intensified his gagging. 
Eventually, his hurling motions slowed to a stop, to your relief.
He straightened his spine, lifting his grip off the toilet that previously supported all his weight. “I’m fine. I’m fine. Let’s go have another drink, get absolutely wasted!” 
“Stiles, you’re already plenty wasted. We’re gonna go home now, okay? You’d be even worse if you have another round.” 
“Aww, c’mon Y/N, lighten up,” he groaned, his words still blending together and the end of his sentences stretched out like a rubber band. You tugged on the collar of his tee with an eye roll, forcing him to trail behind you to the front door. “I don’t wanna go home.”
Once he was buckled up safely in the passenger seat of his well-loved jeep that the both of you had arrived in, you revved the vehicle to life, feeling each familiar crease and flaw on the steering wheel under your fingers.
The majority of the drive to the Stilinski residence was silent, to your great surprise. Looking through the window, watching the blurs of shadowy trees and the occasional house seemed to lull Stiles to a peaceful sleep, though he sporadically uttered something inaudible between his soft snores.
You could’ve sworn you heard your name sprinkled in his drowsy babblings. 
The golden porchlight of Stiles’ house tinged your heart with sadness. Every moment you spent with Stiles, whether he was wasted out of his wits or not, was comparable only to a breath of fresh clean air after being submerged in a pit of water. He was your lifeline just as much as you were his’, but you had yet to tell him of the love residing in your heart for him. 
You’ll admit it to him soon enough though, just maybe when he’s sober.
“Hey, Stiles,” you whispered while lightly tapping his shoulder, “wake up. We're here.” His head of messy, brown hair slowly lifted from its spot against the window, a trickle of drool dripping from the corner of his mouth. He wiped it away with the back of his palm while furiously blinking.
“Oh, okay,” he replied hushedly. “Why are we whispering?”
“I just didn’t wanna startle you, that’s all.” Stiles popped the passenger side door open, nearly hopping out of the pompadour jeep with the seatbelt still slung across his chest. You got out with him, once he was unbuckled, and you escorted him to the door, arm linked with his’ supportively.
He turned the doorknob while pivoting to face you.
“Stiles, if you need anything, call me, okay?” He nodded with the goofiest smile you’d ever seen etched onto his face. You melted at the almost child-like joy in his enrapturing umber eyes, but before you could be fully reduced to a puddle of slush, he dizzily shut the door.
You walked out the curb, taking a seat as you pulled out your phone, intending to text someone for a ride. Before you could though, Stiles’ ringtone, the song you both loved to belt on late night drives in his CJ5, echoed through the idle street.
“Hey Y/N… sorry for calling. I know we saw each other like two seconds ago but I- um, just missed the sound of your voice."
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