#i LOVE writing king and the collector okay!!
acaciapines · 11 months
nano day eight
words today: 1503
words total: 15933
a bit less today because i actually wrote 1.3k for another creative project of mine jkfgdfg. and i got to a good stopping point here so i figured i'd just write the scene ive been so excited for all in one go tomorrow.
its just so WEIRD, to be here, yall. like, ive written some Monsters in my time, some massive fics that are in the hundreds of thousands of words, but this is longer than all of them. ive been writing it for like, over a year and a half now, and im almost DONE. im in end-game stuff ive been planning for so long, and its just...
wild, i guess. its always hardest to write the final arc, i think--i want, so badly, to do it well.
my favorite part of what i wrote today:
They whimper, the sound slipping out, and behind them King groggily lifts his head. “Collector?” King’s stardust moves sluggish as he shakes himself, creeps to the edge of his bed, and when they look back his head is tilted and his eyes so much like theirs are wide. “Did you—gah!” He jumps back, tail puffy. “You cut yourself! You’re bleeding!” “Don’t got blood.” They scrub their hand across the front of their shirt and wince at the way the fabric catches against the torn edges of their skin. “I’m fine.” “Clearly you aren’t,” King says, and his muzzle rests atop their head as he peers down at them, flattening their hat and hair. Their chest pounds like a heart, erratic. “Um, do you have any bandages? That’s what Eda always did when I got hurt.” “Not,” they say, shoving themself up, and King topples backwards onto his bed, and they tower over him ‘n float a bit higher, and under the glow of the light glyph their shadow cuts across him ‘n isn’t them, ‘cause they’re here and real and REAL and their hand aches still and REAL ‘cause shadows can’t feel that, and they squeeze the wound ‘n watch golden stuff drip onto the floor, “hurt. Don’t need help.” “Okay!” King puts up his hands as he stands, not meeting their eyes. Instead King looks to a point just to their side ‘n it makes something in them burn; burn sharp. “You’re fine. Sorry.”
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kindestegg · 2 years
"Maybe if I ask her real nice, I won't have to turn her into a puppet!"
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So... this line has been puzzling me for a WHILE because it feels like it goes against the idea Collector's go-to default is to just puppet-ify everything.
UNTIL someone in a server I was a part of pointed out that hey, doesn't it seem like Collector is also actively trying to nudge King to play something else? That they're tired of this game?
And I thought about the capture the flag game suggestion.
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"What if we switch it up? We could play capture the flag! Us versus... everyone on the Isles!"
Okay, aside from the obvious commentary that Collector sees himself and King against the world (which is. another thing. I need to write up on *biting down on my arm*), it's interesting this implies the people would probably not be puppets anymore, since you'd probably need people who are conscious to actively play in the game, and the whole "people breathing on the moon" discussion doesn't seem like it would happen if they were considering the people as puppets.
It's also worth noting that Collector turning Lilith and Hooty into puppets happens immediately after King tells him The Owl House Game is like playing pretend...
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And also, after Collector asks King what role he gets to play, and King presumably tells him, he uh, does this...
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Which I'm guessing means he was pretty happy to hear he's going to be the main character. And then immediately after...
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... Do you think there's a possibility Collector's go-to isn't in fact to just capture people as puppets, but interpreted this immediately from King's talk of the Owl House Game?
He also lashes out at King for criticizing him over turning Terra into a puppet, claiming he's just "playing pretend".
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And considering how, from King's talk with Eda and Lilith, he's only losing his fear of making Collector mad NOW...
It's possible most of this was born out of a misunderstanding. Collector interpreted the game as having "lots of players" as puppets, the whole Isles as King put it, and King was too scared to tell him that wasn't it. No wonder Collector lashes out when told not to do so, to him it makes no sense because this is how the game is played in his view.
If he's getting tired of this game though, it also explains why he suggested not turning Eda into a puppet first, why he wanted to play something that would keep people free from such a spell, and even why he seemed slightly disappointed that he ended up turning Terra into a puppet too by the end, which is another sentient playmate lost, even if she made him angry.
So... if all of this could have been avoided if King had told Collector that this game shouldn't entail turning people into puppets, I think I have a hunch of the narrative purpose of all this.
It's telling the truth. King has to tell the truth. That there was no Owl House game, that he made it all up, that he was a scared kid desperate to save the people he loved and the Isles and that yes, he did use Collector.
King wasn't in the wrong for lying of course, because it was this or losing everything he loves. But things have been regardless severely more complicated because of this lie.
And I suspect he knows this, as he says he wants to talk to Collector to solve things. Maybe this talking is him telling the truth after all. He does say this directly after communicating that he's losing his fear of making Collector mad. Maybe he's finally gotten courage to confess the truth.
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It's also worth noting again that Collector... doesn't care that King is lying about some things? He barely reacts with anger or shock at him talking to Eda and Lilith and seeing that they're keeping this as secret from him, he only cares when it sounds like King might want to hurt him.
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It sounds silly when you put it this way, but the biggest obstacle keeping their relationship from fully realizing and them resolving things is just a misunderstanding. King wrongfully believing Collector might hurt him and Collector wrongfully believing King is happy playing pretend with him.
Once they actually talk this out, they can finally resolve things.
... the only problem is that I think if King approaches Collector saying he wants to tell him something now...
Collector might just think it has to do with King getting rid of him, and things might turn for the worst.
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tentacledsnakelover · 7 months
The Owl House Finale Rewrite
I love The Owl House. The story, the animation, the music, the characters. It is no surprise the show stands out as a favorite, including mine. But even being a fan cannot make me ignore the flaws of something, no matter how much I love it. I feel while the story was wrapped up well, the series from a writing standpoint was messy. A lot of my gripes with the last two specials involved not using time wisely, the Collector's character being retconned, and ignoring themes of the show. Here is how I would have rewritten the last two specials. I am by no means a professional writer. I have no idea what was going on behind the scenes and I want to give the benefit of the doubt to Dana and her team.
For The Future: The special opens immediately as Luz and her family/friends enter the demon realm. Everyone is on edge after the confrontation with Belos, and everyone with magic is drained, after having used their powers signifcantly in a realm with no ambient magic. Luz offers to bring everyone to the Owl House to recuperate. When they arrive, a wave of starry energy engulfs the house and surrounding area, bringing the puppetfied citizens of the isles with it. Willow and Luz attempt to save Willow's dad from the puppet Owl Beast, but then the Collector arrives with King, having come to play the Owl House game. King is relieved to see Luz, but horrified to see she is now in harm's way. The Collector is shocked too. King kept the Collector from trying to find Luz and her friends by claiming they would want to ruin their game and that the Hexsquad should be left alone. King manages to convince the Collector not to hurt Luz, and he takes her back to the Archives. He leaves the others by encasing the Owl House in a dome at the request of King.
The rest of the Hexsquad and Camila are then saved by a group of resistance members, consisting of Raine, Darius, Eber, the CATTS, and some Hexside kids. Raine explains after the Collector stopped the Day of Unity, Eda attempted to stop the Collector with harpy mode but turned into the Owl Beast. While the Collector dealt with beast Eda, King dropped Raine his collar, who figured out the symbol etched on it neutralized the Collector's magic. Raine has spent the past few months saving the puppetfied citizens, taking them from under the Collector's nose while they play. The Hexsquad's arrival proved the perfect distraction for Raine to save Lilith and Hooty, who the Collector was keeping an eye on due to being important characters for the game, and use the symbol to undo their puppetification.
Raine takes the group back to Hexside, which is hidden using the symbol. The group formulates a plan. Using Lilith's memory of Philip's teleportation glyph combo and her knowledge of the architecture of the Archives, the Hexsquad, CATTS, and Camila, teleport into the Archives, to find and teleport all the puppetfied citizens back to Hexside where they can be safe.
They manage to teleport all the puppetfied citizens to safety, but Odalia turns up. Having been reduced to the Collector's servant, she decides to capture the group in an effort to win the Collector's favor. The group is divided, with Willow, Gus, and Hunter in one group (Willow has her breakdown arc here with Hunter, as she blames herself for getting Luz caught and not being able to do anything). Amity and Camila manage to defeat Odalia and regroup with the kids and the CATTS.
Meanwhile, after having been captured, Luz was brought to the Archives. When they arrived, the Collector dropped Luz to the floor, the impact causing Luz to go unconscious until she is revived by the Collector (While unconscious, she appears in the In-Between Realm, where a mysterious figure tries to get her attention). King is mad at the Collector for hurting Luz, though they try to brush this off, claiming they fixed Luz, and thus it is okay. The Collector asks King to bring Luz to where Eda is being kept underguard by the puppetfied Titan Trappers. Eda is in fact, back in control of herself, and she and King embrace Luz. Eda explains she has seen that the Collector, despite his apathy towards people, is still just a kid, and she has been complying evidence to try and get him to see the error of his ways. However, the Collector arrives, having placed a bug on Luz. The Collector is furious that King lied to them about Eda being stuck in beast form and Luz leaving the demon realm on purpose. The Collector attempts to puppetify the girls but King intercepts the shot, though he remains unchanged.
The Collector now gets nervous, and after being prodded by King reveals Titans are immune to Collector magic, and that he didn't let King know that because he was afraid King wouldn't want to play with him otherwise unless he believe the Collector had control over him. The upset Collector reveals he is the last of his species, who after years of distrust and suspicion of the Titans, led to a war where the two species wiped each other to near extinction. The only surviving adult Titan, King's dad, angrily imprisoned the Collector using the tablets as a catalyst. The tablets were made by the Collector as a gift for the Titans. That way, he could always communicate with the baby Titans, who weren't afraid and distrustful of him like the adult Titans.
Luz, Eda, and King take the Collector on a tour of the isles, trying to get him to understand the importance of empathy and ethics, though the efforts end up striking a nerve with Luz, as the Collector points out Philip thought he was justified by doing what he did, and that Luz also thinks she is justified because she is a 'good guy' too, which worries Luz because she cannot handle the idea of being like Belos. (This references a cut storyboard in which the Collector questions why Luz would say other people but Belos are complex)
The trio are able to make the Collector open to the idea of being more empathetic, and he brings them back to the Archives, where they reunite with the Hexsquad and Camila. Camila and Luz have a heart to heart, which allows Stringbean to hatch. But then they notice the ground below the Archives is shaking, and the sky turns green, with the eye sockets of the Titan glowing blue. The gang realizes Belos is doing something with the Titan, and the special ends on a cliffhanger.
I will try and post my ideas for the rewrite of "Watching and Dreaming later"
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raineydaywhispers · 1 year
I want to write an essay about Raine's (short, but sweet) arc in The Owl House now that the show is officially over, but for now I just want to put my thoughts somewhere about their arc in the final episode, as to not lose them. Thoughts under the cut!:
I am glad that Raine had an active role in defeating Philip, and had their own symbolic break away from the covens when they broke their violin.
I also loved the return to the bard magic they invented- the whistle-during both the struggle to cast Belos out of their body, but in the last fight as well. It was a part of their return to self agency, a nod to a time before the coven system where they were allowed to be free and explore magic on their own terms.
It's interesting to me that Philip calls them "annoyingly powerful," and it makes me believe honestly that their ascension to being a coven head was, while based on skill, also based on the fact that he knew they were. Belos always wanted to take advantage of that power, and control it. We see this with Lilith, and Eda as well. I believe it stands as a further explanation for the brain washing and the only time we see a sigil used against somebody.
Raine is one of the most powerful witches on the Boiling Isles, even with the constraints of their coven sigil. They not only broke out of the collector's puppet spell as a show of that true power, but would break from being possessed by Philip as well multiple times- and they almost stopped him on their own.
But Raine failing to stop Philip on their own is also significant. Raine needed help to do that- and Eda being the person to put their glasses on them, pull them from Philip's corruption of the isles, and show them that they're safe was the final crossing of the threshold for Raine. It's another return to a time before they lost their agency, but in a way that shows both themself and Eda have changed.
If they're going to defeat Belos and share the new future free from constraints with somebody, why not Eda their childhood friend, and her adopted children Luz the human and King the Titan. Why not end it all by quite literally stomping out the coloniser monster that caused them so much pain and heartbreak?
I'm also okay with them not returning to being a bard in the epilogue. I wish we would've been able to explore why exactly, and I'd like to think that their arc that was scrapped due to cancellation would've. But I think their separation from that part of themself makes sense no matter the reason. It's part of an old, long lasting traumatic experience. Maybe they did return to it and we just sadly don't get to see it. Or, maybe they'll return to bard magic on their own terms. Maybe they won't. I guess I'm going to have to fill those gaps in on my own time through writing and fan content.
But in summary, I guess, I'm glad that they finally had a way to regain agency over themself. I'm glad they got an ending where their skills as a leader are respected and put to use. I'm glad the show continued this notion of trust with Raine working with the old Hexsquad and new Hexsquad members to rebuild. And I'm glad they get to share a community with Eda that they can both flourish in, with each other. Even if we didn't get a Raeda kiss.
I'm going to be mourning the loss of a character that as an nb transmasc person, is the first time I've really felt represented on screen. I'm so thankful to Avi Roque, Dana Terrace, and the entire crew of the show for bringing to life such a good, kind character. Eda's Requiem aired during a time where I was questioning what my gender meant to me, and was struggling to find the light in my life as a trans person. I will always be grateful.
Though I'm not optimistic that we'll get extra content in the future, I hope we do. I want to explore the Boiling Isles again, this time as it heals, and I want to do it with Raine, Eda, Luz, King, Lilith, and all the other characters that made this show so special to me.
But for now, I'm content I got to experience The Owl House. It was such a weird, proudly neurodivergent and queer show. Though I would've preferred a full third season I'm glad the ending was a sound, well written send off. Until we see more (if we ever do) I'm going to be watching and dreaming for the future, thanks to them.
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musicalmoritz · 2 months
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My name is Roxy. This blog is mainly for my rambles and shippy posts (not mutually exclusive). I am a writer on ao3 under the same name as this account. I’m just here to put my thoughts out into the world like an open diary, and to reblog cute shit💞💞💞
Fandom Interests:
• Current Hyperfixation- TBHK
• Other Animes (in no particular order)- Hunter X Hunter, Chainsaw Man, Fruits Basket, Madoka Magica, Kakegurui, Jujutsu Kaisen, Bungou Stray Dogs, My Hero Academia, Cowboy Bebop, Ouran High School Host Club, I’m In Love With The Villainess, Sk8 the Infinity, Adachi and Shimamura, Banana Fish, Demon Slayer, Mob Psycho 100, Spy X Family, Vampires In The Garden, High Rise Invasion, Kyo Kara Maoh, Kase-San and Morning Glories, Haikyuu!!, Death Note, Attack On Titan, Neon Genesis Evangelion, and Full Metal Alchemist
• DC Comics, mainly the female characters and anything related to the Teen Titans/Batman. I’ve been in this fandom for years due to adaptations but I’m relatively new to the comics themselves. Currently reading Batwoman's New 52 run and anything Cass Cain related I can get my hands on
• I do like Marvel but like mainly Spider-Man, the X-Men, and Black Widow. I'm refraining from posting about it for the time being due to the boycott
• I'm a big filmbro, my top 3 movies of all time are Dead Poets Society, Pride & Prejudice (2005), and American Psycho
• Classic lit is my favorite thing to read (aside from fan fiction). Currently reading The Idiot by Dostoevsky
• I love listening to musicals, my top 3 being Les Miserables, Falsettos, and Spring Awakening
• Some shows I like are Breaking Bad, Glee, Stranger Things (not posting due to the boycott), Gravity Falls, First Kill, Bly Manor, I Am Not Okay With This, The Middle, Adventure Time, Modern Family, Merlin, Doctor Who, and probably others I can't think of rn
• I'm really into classic fairytales🦋
• As far as music goes I am a critical Swiftie. I also enjoy Fall Out Boy, Marina, early Panic! At The Disco, Megan Thee Stallion, Nirvana, David Bowie, Stevie Nicks, and various other artists
• Some other fandoms I've been involved in include It by Stephen King (all media types), Twilight, Percy Jackson (boycott), The Hunger Games, Marauders, Camp Camp, Archie Comics & Sabrina, Dan & Phil, Hellaverse, Homestuck (save me), aaaaaand I think that's everything??
• My favorite piece of media of all time is Les Miserables, especially the book and the musical. I love it with all of my heart and it truly changed the way I live my life as well as my outlook on the world and religion💕
• My favorite character of all time is Dazai from BSD, I adore his character development and all the subtle details that add to his characterization💕
• I enjoy analyzing and yapping about my interests so expect a lot of that
Other Interests:
• I am a psychology major with an AS degree in psychology
• I practice wing-chun, though I am still somewhat of a beginner (white belt, my si-fu makes his students earn them)
• Writing is my passion and I have been working on my own novel for many years now. It is meant to be a three part series but I don’t want to publish the first book until it’s perfect
• Proud Cat Mom
• Being an older sister is like 50% of my personality
• I am a lesbian and a Christian and both of those identities are very important to me
• Believe it or not I am employed, though I won’t say where for obvious reasons💪🏻
• Raging Feminist
• Antique collector
• Complainer, not a hater
• Optimist
• Lover of all things pink
Again, this blog is really just a side quest, I’m much more active on TikTok so you might want to follow me there (femslash.enthusiast / #1 aoinene lover). I’m just here to yap about my interests and spread good vibes💕
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lollytea · 1 year
in a hypothetical toh/Peter pan au (bc the parallels are interesting to explore) The Collector is probably the closest equivalent to Peter (eternal child who's repressed all their troubles in the name of Fun and Whimsy and has an ambivalent approach to morality) (though keep in mind I'm not a scholar and it's been a while since I last interacted with a pan adaptation. You're the more knowledgeable one here feel free to correct me)
And then Wendy's closest equivalent as the viewpoint character who learns the main lesson about growing up and moving on and while not losing the part of yourself that made childhood seem so wonderful would probably have to be Luz (though obviously if we're going for this lineup then the peter/Wendy dynamic would have to be decidedly not romantic. Probably lean more into the "mother" thing from the book or Luz and Collie's like. Babysitter and baby dynamic)
Though again I'm very interested in what you, Lollytea, local Peter Pan scholar and toh enthusiast has to say and whether or not I'm off the mark on these ideas. P.S I feel very seen w/ u obsessing about an early 1900s western children's Isekai (/j) bc I did the exact same thing w/ the wizard of oz.
Okay okay okay okay okay okay this is a huntlow AU for my little huntlow brain but I decided to develop the universe a little and give some info on where all the main characters currently are and what they're doing.
Yes absolutely the Collector is this universe's version of Peter. The island adores them for mysterious reasons and their mood and temperment has complete control over the elements. All his whims and dreams and fantasies become a reality here so the place is very chaotic. I'm imagining that the island has the same starry sparkly aesthetic as the BL in S3.
The Collector is heaps of fun and the Lost Boys love hanging out with him and going on adventures. However....he's also prone to tantrums and his tantrums can have devastating consequences so.....none of them are really his true friends either. They're afraid of him, they tiptoe around him, they try to keep him happy.
His only real friend is King, a Neverbeast whose species is as ancient as the Island itself. King has a depthless cavern of power that he just....hasn't really developed yet. He might be a few centuries old but he ages similarly to the Collector. Just a pair of babies. Boys will be boys.
Luz is the most recent Lost Boy in a whole village of Lost Boys. You know how they had that epic village in Hook (1991) Yeah that shit was so cool, I'm giving them one of those. Anyway Luz's reasons for taking the Collector's offer are very similar to her reasons for choosing to stay in the BL. Fantasy as a form of escapism, struggling with the conventional education system and also grief and her mom trying to get her help that she doesn't want. It lands her here.
Amity is a girl who used to be frequently visited by a fairy named Willow when they were both little kids. However, Willow's friendship influenced Amity's overzealous imagination. She was drawing pictures of and writing about fairies and the stories her friend told her about Neverland and this got her in trouble with her parents. Cracking under the threat of more severe punishment, Amity got into a huge fight with Willow, ending in her declaring "I don't believe in fairies!" before slamming her window shut. This is the most cutting thing you could possibly say to a fairy.
Now, years later, Amity is residing in the world she tried so hard to forget about all those years ago. You see, she was at the age where her parents were preparing to send her off to finishing school and were having discussions about future arranged marriages. But Amity is not ready for that just yet. She wants to be a teacher!! She wants to be an inventor!!! So she runs away to Neverland where she can live out her dreams for a while until she's ready to return home.
She's currently running a "school" for the Lost Boys and is affectionately referred to as "Miss Amity", while also tinkering in her spare time. She feels very comforted by the order and control she has over her life now.
It's Luz's arrival that throws it all into disarray. Luz doesn't agree with Amity's style of teaching and though she doesn't deliberately try to interfere, a lot of Lost Boys do end up gravitating towards her, preferring her strange anecdotes and insane hyperfixation infodumps to Amity's lessons. This ends up putting the two of them at odds.
Gus is a Lost Boy....with a gift!!! The Collector was initially drawn to Gus because of their fascination with his primative human "Magic" tricks. Cards, coins behind the ear, cute silly stuff like that. He chose to go to Neverland because the stress of his Dad's high expectations was getting to him and he wanted a bit of a break (a case of miscommunication between father and son).
However, after being spirited away, Gus became Neverland's official Magician, knighted by the Collector himself. And by that I mean the Collector went "Haha I like you. I wonder what you could do if you had real magic!" and then proceeded to snap their fingers and gave Gus powers beyond his comprehension. Like waaaaay too much power. Gus is currently struggling to control his new magic and it tends to come out in uncontrollable bursts and its actually more of a curse than a gift. But he's pretty optimistic about his ability to eventually master it. And also the Collector refuses to change him back so....[shrug]
Willow and Gus? Besties. They're kinda like Peter and Tink in that Willow's favourite place to chill is atop Gus' shoulder or in his pocket.
She does not tell Gus about her secret romantic rendezvous with a certain pirate because that pirate tried to kidnap her once and Gus is very protective of his best friend.
Eda is.....a lot.
Okay. Originally a rebellious but insanely intelligent human girl, Eda and her sister were preparing to take on the world together. They were both aiming to attend the same university on a scholarship, but due to circumstances, the opportunity was only available to one of them. Eda's sister Lilith, panicking about all her dreams being ruined, wound up doing something she'd regret.
She snitched. She told a representative of their dream school of one of the delinquent acts Eda committed. Things quickly got out of hand. One person told another, things getting warped and exaggerated and other people who knew Eda personally began chiming in with their opinions of her. Some things were true. Others were not. But the most hurtful thing is that everybody was willing to believe all of it, because that just seemed to be the person Eda was. All of a sudden, it felt like the whole world had turned on her.
Life became very difficult Eda, she felt isolated and detested. She felt like a monster. This resulted in her running away to Neverland, but she carried her outcast feelings with her. She continued to stew in her own self loathing but that had terrible consequences.
Neverland is unpredictable. Its wishy washy. Its very attuned to imagination and dreams. Because Eda felt so strongly about being a monster, she gradually became a monster.
The Owl Beast is like the Crocodile to Belos' Captain Hook. She sees him as a reflection of the way she was treated back home, while he views her as everything vile and disturbing about this wretched island. Plus when he looks in her eyes, she reminds him of somebody he used to know. Somebody he hates with his whole heart and soul. He needs her dead. She needs him dead.
A huge part of Luz's goal in this AU is uncovering the mystery of the Owl Beast and eventually bonding with her and maybe even helping her return to her human form.
Anyway so yeah thats what's poppin on the island if anybody was interested. We can have our fun with this stuff, incorporate it however we want. I'm very focused on huntlow being silly tho. It's fun to me.
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I like to daydream to my playlist a lot, and most of the time I'm imagining my MC singing the song I'm listening to and the M6 hearing it in some way, shape, or form. One of my favourite scenarios is in the Palace ballroom, Nadia let's the staff use it sometimes to play music and on occasion MC will climb up the stage and sing alongside the staff playing instruments.
Another one is MC has their own magical realm like asra, sometimes they escape there to sing their feelings and the environment responds by making musical sounds. In this one, MC unintentionally connects to the M6 through water communication or something, and that's how they hear it.
In both versions, it's usually a surprise to the M6. If you're open to writing a headcanon or a prompt for this and the M6 reactions, I'd really appreciate it !! I love you're writing a lot 💛
If it helps to know, here's some of the songs I like to use for daydreaming:
ASRA - Dandelions by Ruth B, Slow Dancing by Aly & AJ, Me and My Husband by Mitski, Enchanted by T Swift
JULIAN - Doctor by Jack Stauber, Wildest Dreams by T Swift, Still Into You by Paramore
MURIEL - Gotta Have You by The Weepies, Butterfly by Deb Talan, The Bug Collector by Haley Heynderickx
NADIA - The King by Sarah Kinsley, With a Smile by Maiah Manser, Bewitched by Laufey
PORTIA - Strawberry Blonde by Mitski, Hell Yeah by Corook, She by Dodie
LUCIO - Vienna by Eleni Drake, Kiss Me More by Doja Cat, Little Bit More by Suriel Hess
Sorry this was so long! Thanks for reading :-)
Hi friend!
I love this scenario, and these song selections! Would it be okay if I added them to the playlist for the characters?
I've also written full-length headcanons for M6 reacting to MC singing :D
If you'd like me to do a mini-prompt for them getting a surprise water call from MC, though, I'd be happy to write that! ^.^
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blogthebooklover · 5 months
Movie Recs In Honor of Kingdom of the Planet of the Apes
I decided to write out a list of movies to watch in honor of Kingdom of the Planet of the Apes coming out very soon. This list will feature movies with apes besides the POTA movies, or movies with weird and bizarre friendships/found families.
The Original Planet of the Apes Franchise (1968-1973, Amazon Prime)
Honestly, I've only watched the 1968 movie a handful of times. I decided to watch all of the original franchise leading up to the release of Kingdom. They're all a lot of fun, with social/political commentaries at the time of each film. If you're a movie collector, or like behind-the-scenes/director's commentaries, I highly recommend buying the Blu Ray compilation pack.
2. Tim Burton's Planet of the Apes (2001, Disney+ or Amazon Prime)
I know, hear me out. Yes, it's over-hated, and yes, there was A LOT of potential for this movie. There were definitely too many "cooks in the kitchen" when drafting this movie. Imho, I think it's a guilty pleasure, popcorn movie. If you're a fan of makeup effects, Rick Baker (THE modern makeup effects master) does an absolutely phenomenal job with the designs of the apes in this movie (and check out his Instagram too). I do like the production and the ape costume designs for this film as well.
Tim Roth and Paul Giamatti are such a blast in this movie, too!
And the posters for this movie look so cool.
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3. Planet of the Apes Reboot Trilogy (2011-2017, Amazon Prime)
I think this is what the 2001 movie should have been, and was trying to go for. While the three movies did make their money back at the box office, I have two theories why they almost went under everyone's radar (again, this is my opinion):
A. Because of the mixed reception from the 2001 movie.
B. Because of the abundance of comic book & remake movies coming out during the 2011-2017 years.
I put this trilogy right up with the Lord of the Rings and Star Wars. The storytelling is great, the special effects hold up well, and this reboot's version of Caesar has became one of my favorite main characters in modern film.
4. Mighty Joe Young (1998 remake, Disney+)
I don't know why this movie doesn't get talked about that much. Rick Baker, once again, does incredible work on the special effects for Joe. There's also a great musical score by James Horner. And Bill Paxton and Charlize Theron give amazing acting performances. And I think it's actually one of the better remakes that came out from the late 1990s.
In fact, the team that worked on the 1933 King Kong also made the 1949 film. Even Robert Armstrong (Carl Denham) came back for the '49 film. Ray Harryhausen worked under the supervision of Willis O'Brien for the special effects for the original movie. He also has a cameo appearance alongside Terry Moore (Jill Young) in a party scene.
Aaaaand I just found out the writers, Mark Rosenthal and Lawrence Konner, also did an uncredited rewrite for the 2001 POTA movie.
5. Tarzan (1999, Disney+)
Of course, who doesn't love Tarzan??? And Phil Collins's A.M.A.Z.I.N.G soundtrack???!!!
6. King Kong (1933, 2005, Amazon Prime/MAX)
Okay, technically it's a giant monster movie and the OG prior to Godzilla. And it also set the standard of film making overall. However, it is also a bit of a Beauty and the Beast story, hence the lines: "It was Beauty killed the Beast" and the "And the prophet said: And lo, the Beast looked upon the face of Beauty. And it stayed its hand from killing. And from that day forward, he was as one dead." I also recommend watching the extended cut of the 2005 remake.
7. Lilo & Stitch (2002, Disney+)
Again, who doesn't love Lilo and Stitch???
8. How to Train Your Dragon Trilogy (2010-2019, Amazon Prime/Peacock App)
Once again, who doesn’t love HTTYD (and why are they remaking it as a live action movie????)???
9. Gorillas in the Mist (1988, Amazon Prime)
This movie is about Dian Fossey (played by Sigourney Weaver), a primatologist who studied mountain gorillas and she was part of a trio of women who studied great apes; the amazing Jane Goodall and her study of chimpanzees, and Birute Galdikas who studies orangutans. The movie is also based on her book of the same name.
I use past tense for Dian, because she met a tragic and horrific death while she was conducting her research on gorillas. I have in-lined a link to Dian Fossey's Wikipedia article for further reading.
Rick Baker, once again, does some amazing practical creature effects work for the gorillas.
10. George of the Jungle (1997, Disney+)
One of my favorite Brendan Fraser movies, and such a fun, and a bit of a campy movie based on the cartoon series (which is also a spoof of Tarzan). I quote this movie every so often. Unfortunately, Rick Baker did not do the ape designs for this movie. The creature effects this time around was done by none other than the Jim Henson Creature Workshop!
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sergeantsporks · 2 years
Writing request: post king’s tide, Gus and Hunter talking about the events in it and what they’re gonna do now (What Gus saw with the Belos thing. And also how Gus feels in the human realm now that his first experience with it is basically soured.)
(I hope you don't mind I changed the prompt a little bit to fit what we got from Thanks to Them)
“I knew.”
Hunter poked a stick in the fire Luz had lit with a glyph. “Hm?”
Gus drew his knees up to his chest. “I knew. That you were a Grimwalker.”
Hunter’s grip tightened on the stick. “Oh.” He poked the coals again, then jumped up. “OH.” He jabbed a finger at Gus, mouth fumbling and stumbling on the words he wanted to say. “You’re Captain Avery,” he managed to spit out.
“Hah. Yeah. I’m Captain Avery. I thought you were picking up on what I was trying to say when you made that O’ Bailey costume.”
Hunter ran his hands through his hair. “Cosmic Frontier—you were… ohhhhhhh.” He sat back down with a groan. “I completely missed that.”
Gus’ nose crinkled. “In hindsight, it was probably a liiiiiitle too nuanced as a way to let you know that I knew. I mean. Book code? How were you supposed to know that meant I knew?” He twisted his hands. “I just… wanted to let you know that it was okay. That you could trust me.”
“I do.”
“But… not with that.”
“I needed more time to find out more. About where I came from, about… how I related to Belos, who my ortet was. Caleb Wittebane.” The words were foreign in his mouth.
“Heh. Caleb, huh? That’s a weird coincidence.”
Hunter clutched at his chest where Flapjack had last been. “Yeah… weird…”
“He seems like he was okay.”
Gus rubbed his arms. “When I… did that spell on Belos, I saw him. Caleb Wittebane. That was how I knew. I saw him, I saw your… birth…”
“Sorry about that.”
Gus chuckled. “It wasn’t so bad, you just crawled out of a mudpit. As far as how people are born, that’s probably the least traumatizing thing to see!” He settled back down. “But he seemed like an okay guy, your ortet. I know Masha said he got spirited away by a witch, but I think he went because he wanted to. And he stayed because he wanted to.”
Hunter tugged on the new strand of hair. Maybe Willow would cut it for him again. “He was still a witch hunter. He still brought his brother to a place where everyone was a witch hunter, Belos wouldn’t have been a witch hunter without him. He went to the isles looking for him, he’s the reason Belos was there. He’s the reason Belos didn’t leave.”
“Maybe.” Gus sighed. “Belos killed him.”
“They had a fight. I don’t think he was a witch hunter at the end. He was a witch protector.”
“Fat lot of good it did anyone.”
“Hey. Don’t be so hard on him. He made mistakes, sure, everyone does. But we’re not blaming Luz for accidentally helping Belos meet the Collector, are we?”
“No,” Hunter muttered, “We’re not.”
“So maybe be a little nicer about Caleb. Your ortet did the right thing at the end, and that’s what matters.”
“And it doesn’t matter anyway. None of that affects who you are.” Gus nudged him. “Not… any more than who O’ Bailey was cloned from affected who he was.”
Despite himself, Hunter smiled. “Heh. Yeah. That plotline was a bit contrived, huh? It was the ‘enemy planet’ thing that mattered.”
Hunter leaned back. “Would you ever go back?���
“To the human realm,” Hunter clarified, “Would you go back?”
“I don’t know. I always wanted to go, I’ve loved the idea of the human realm for as long as I can remember, but…”
“Your first experience wasn’t under the best of circumstances?”
“Yeah.” Gus glanced over at the blanket lump that was Luz. “I’d go to visit Luz and Camila, I think. If we could make a stable portal.” He sighed. “It wasn’t all bad. There was so much cool stuff there! And the giraffes were… terrifying. But I just… I don’t know, I think I would have enjoyed it more if I wasn’t missing my dad the whole time.”
“So bring him next time,” Hunter suggested.
“Bring your dad. Show him the things you liked. Let him see. Then the human realm won’t be a place where you missed your dad, it’ll be a cool place you showed him.”
“Yeah,” Gus said slowly, “Yeah! He can be the first Boiling Isles reporter to cover the human realm!” Gus’ ears wiggled up and down. “And I can be his tour guide!” Gus settled down, leaning against Hunter’s shoulder. “Thanks, Hunter.”
Hunter nodded, staring into the fire. “Thank you. For… being understanding about the Grimwalker thing. For trying to reach out, even if it didn’t work.”
“Hm? Yeah, sure. We made a secret handshake and everything, I’m not going to be put off by a little cloning and witch hunter ancestry.” Gus held his fist out for a bump. “You’re stuck with me.”
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sepublic · 2 years
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So on his Twitter, JBO just released this in-universe poem to the Titan, which he claims will be displayed alongside other art pieces at the gallery nucleus for TOH this Saturday... I’ll add a transcript at the end, but first, let me TRY to analyze...?
Okay, that bit at the beginning mentions bathyspheres, or rather bathysFEARS, because Boiling Isles puns. Love them, truly. The mention of an early version of Apple Blood is interesting, and at first made me consider that Evelyn wrote this; But we know this was discovered DURING the late Deadwardian era. Of course, an entire era is a wide range of time, and this was late into it; So while we know Evelyn was alive during Deadwardian times, it’s possible she did write it, and eventually by the end of her era, her poem was rediscovered.
If this is Evelyn’s work, then the jab towards humans at the end, musing that if they did originate from the Titan, it’d be from its butt, is interesting; Suggesting that Evelyn may have had a prejudice towards humans at first, but then changed her mind with Caleb. Or most tragically, loved Caleb, but after Philip ruined everything, developed a soured feeling for the rest of her husband’s species. However, the intro does mention it’s the EARLIEST poetry of the isles, so Evelyn probably isn’t the writer; But maybe her ancestor is?
The prose was... SOMETHING, but from what I can discern, the narrator is asking King’s dad (who of course doesn’t respond) where witches and demons came from, if they were born of his flesh, descended from the parasites and scavengers that ate it, etc. I think the narrator is suggesting that witches and demons were born of the eyes in particular? I need a dictionary for this... I wonder if this is a hint that we’ll get info on this in S3, perhaps by whoever wrote the Unauthorized History of the Boiling Isles?
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Still, the speculation and invoking of the Titan’s brain is interesting; If witches DID first arise from the eye sockets of the Titan, then perhaps the first civilization of the Boiling Isles (circa the Hecktaceous period?) lived within the skull... And thus, the first witches may have created the lair where the Collector’s disc was later found by Philip, Luz, and Lilith.
The first generation may have honored the Titan’s wishes by constructing this prison for his enemy, the Grand Huntsman; And the mention of eyes (of which they are two) and the fact that there are two confirmed Collector discs, makes me wonder if the discs were fashioned from the Titan’s eyes... Regardless, early witches must’ve then migrated out of the skull through the eyes (leaving behind a prehistoric Stonesleeper), and reverence for the Titan and/or memories of this area as a birthplace for their kind led them to deem it sacred ground.
The narrator also speculates, I believe, that the Titan’s ‘nodes’ are still active in some form, perhaps alluding to the idea that King’s dad IS still conscious to some extent and influencing things, such as who sees Glyphs or not; Hence why looking at his face from the Knee is necessary. All this mention of dreaming also reminds me of the final episode’s title, Watching and Dreaming, which makes me wonder if King will get his dad’s consciousness and memories involved for the series finale; Or if it’ll be his own utilized, as he discovers an ability to create life from himself? Does this connect to Jean-Luc’s species?
(Also, if witches did originate from the eye sockets/skull of the Titan, inheriting the power of sapience from his brain to become a civilization; Did the Titan Trappers arise from other Titans, and aren’t aware of/don’t care about this?)
As for a transcript (under the cut);
Discovered during the Late Deadwardian Era on a bathysfearic expedition, the Titansong Trove is a cache of the earliest extant poetry of the Boiling Isles. The Trove is comprised of eleven complete poems addressed to the Titan, along with dozens of scraps. Nothing is known the author, except that the parchments are saturated with aepleoffal, an early precursor to Apple Blood.
From what rot-region did we rise, Ruler
of all abiding in ageless aeons,
longlost, lore-scant?
(Ruler? As like that
hemmed-in horizons were thine heritage--
Or, born beastly and then badgered 
unto a dreary doom, down-falling into 
scalding seas with stones side-slashing.
Yet lordly and low alike, on death leak
putrid pus, parasite-packed, potent, smearing 
sickly-sheened stains, sights at which 
strong witches wobble and warworn demons
void appleblood-vaults all over, everywhere.
O, O, O, they say, O, O.
*A morbid misstep sends corpsejuice mouthward*
O, no, O, no. O, it got in my mouth.)
Digression done. Now digestion:
For torpid time turned torrid
thy formidable folds. And formerly 
enmarbled muscles melted to mire.
Battered bones broke; then, with boldness,
miniscule motes made a flesh-feast.
Such wondrous waste did they somewhen sup,
little by little old limits were lost,
till they were then: We. That is how
marvelously magilicious 
was thy tumescent Titanglut.
So. Where didst we wax? Where now are owed
our odes of awe?
...Okay, honestly?
Tis less to laud, and really more like:
Damn it, divulge, dude. Just tell us!
Not even poeming here. We just want to know where we came from
and why and everything else. Secrets. Answers. Everything.
Anything! Please. Come on. Hello? Hello? Hello?
So suspected: silence supreme.
Maw motionless, mind sense-mined,
eyes ember-empty. Empty sockets...
As if... eaten all away.
Well, then:
Could we not claim, conceivably, 
eye-rot excrescence our earliest eaves?
Think of them: those wriggling strings 
that float the fluids, forever fitful,
even with eyes closed, ever-lingering,
...Bombarded by outer beauty,
wilded by brainwaves, darkling dreamwoven....
Would not these nodes, when “ever” ended,
oscillate on? And as thine orbs’
juice turned jelly, clouding with junk, 
vital vitreal echoes prevail?
Resonant, reminding those remnants that
beyond filthbogged bariers, a
beaming beacons of new beauty.
Movement-making, masticating,
upwards we urged. Up, up, out-eating. 
To surface. Silence. Skimming the slime,
doused in dreamdew, our own day dawned.
Well? What say you? Were we thus born?
...Of course. Onlysilence. Well... one
thing is totally true at least for sure:
If Humans were hewn also from thine hide, 
‘twas thy butt begat those bozos. Ha.
Haha. Haha.
Aaahaha. Ahhhhh.
Got ‘em.
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stelladoesstuff · 1 year
Okokokok. I watched Watching and Dreaming several hours ago at this point, and the hype still hasn’t gone away. So here were are: Welcome to Stella’s ranting about different parts of the Owl House finale to cope with the absolute insanity in my brain.
This is all incoherent rambling.
1. Raine. Raine Whispers is a fucking badass. They were fighting against being possessed not only by the Collector but by Belos at the same time, and still managed to break through TWICE. The Collector lost control over them the first time, and they managed to push Belos out second. And then. After ALL OF THAT. They get up and chase Belos into the throne room to try and stop him from possessing the Titan. Absolute powerhouse.
2. King’s DAD???!!! Bi-gender icon, over here wearing a bad girl coven t-shirt and pajama pants. And a tiny Hooty sticking out of his eye?? Gosh, I really wish he’d been able to talk to King, but the bread pun message hit hard regardless. He’s been watchinggggg ;-;
3. Eda and King’s reactions to Luz’s ‘death’ were HEARTBREAKING. And the Collector processing the concept of death- that entire sequence hurt. Seriously, I cried twice during that scene alone- once when Luz died, and once when she came back. Eda and King immediately calming down from their rampage upon seeing she was okay I’m not ok-
4. DARIUS AND HUNTER. All of the parent-child reunions were adorable, both Gus and Willow seeing their dad’s again dhdhdh, but Darius and Hunter’s little moment aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa. And Eberwolf too! I really wish we could have gotten more, but the show gave us so much with what little time Disney gave
5. The flapjack tattoos. And Hunter being a palismen carver. AND HIS NEW PALISMEN- I heard Dana confimed the new bird’s name was Waffle and I love him so much. ALSO HUNTLOW SIDE-HUG???? I’m going to need fanfics for all of these ships and moments to cope with this finale istg. I’ll probably write a pile of them
6. RAEDA EARRING SWAP. I was already crying watching the end credits, and then I spotted Raine’s earring on Eda and immediately had to rewind. I didn’t even notice Raine wearing Eda’s earrings until I went back- canon or not, I’m interpreting the earring-swap as a boiling isles alternative to wedding rings. Sue me.
7. DALADOR CONFIRMED??? I now need content about Amity and Hunter being step-siblings because that shit is hilarious. And when Amity and Luz eventually get married that would make Hunter her brother-in-law ddhdhdh I’m fine. Also, Alador removing the coven sigils- we love to see it. And the fact that Odalia is nowhere to be seen is perfection
9. Lilith and Hooty’s reunion was everything I hoped it to be. Their friendship means so much dhdhd. Lilith aroace icon u.u
Ok, that’s some things out of my system for now. I might be back with rambling round two later because I’m sure there’s a dozen tiny details I’ll notice upon rewatching and looking at other people point things out. Till then, I shall be writing fanfic and drawing fanart :D
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acaciapines · 1 year
“I can put it back,” they say. “Collector?” Luz asks. “What do you mean?” “The light glyph. The one in the sky? I can put it back up there.” Luz doesn't want him too. But she asks him to stay, instead, and for some reason, they can't help but say okay. I will. (Or: a star-child tries to make sense of the world around him, so warm and bright and alive, and where he's supposed to fit into all of it. After all, stars aren't supposed to stay on the ground, right?)
a companion fic to my postcanon owl house fic but then a bigger heart grew back! this time following the collector, trying to figure out home and being alive and all those messy things stars don't have to think about.
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opinated-user · 2 years
Rewatching Lily's Top 5 Best, worst, and blandest Owl House episodes really drove home that Lily has no media comprehension whatsoever or that she only pays attention to what she likes and disregards the rest as bad writing. An example of this is when she talks about the King is a titan reveal. She says that King being revealed as a titan has no plot relevance, but it does. King being a titan is important because he is the only one that can free the collector and stop the draining spell from killing everyone. Also she says that in that same episode Luz is avoiding her own problems to focus on someone else. No, she is sent there by Eda and Lilith to keep her and King safe, and after she finds out that they are warriors tries to recruit them to fight Belos. Also I want to bring up that the difference between season one and beginning of season three are likely majorly different. In season one Luz wants to make up for Eda getting captured. Something on a smaller, more personal scale. Compare that too the guilt she feels for helping a tyrannical dictator that wants to literally kill an entire population of people, and getting her friends stuck in the human realm with no way if knowing if anyone they love is okay.
one time LO posted about how she manages to watch so much media by watching everything speeded up to get what is happening and immediately criticize it on that basis. i don't know if she's still doing that but it does like she does, because either that happened or she actually didn't paid any attention at the screen whenever underage sapphics weren't there being cute and gay.
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fandomsfan1 · 2 years
So, remember this post from a couple months ago?
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Well, I finally wrote the fanfic, and I'm thinking about making it a longer story, let me know what you think of this first chapter and maybe I will.
Also, I apologize in advance for something I wrote in the fanfic.
This fanfic includes: Raeda, fluff, hurt/comfort, possible OOC, but only barely.
On the DOU, right after the Collector moved the moon. 
Eda looked around and saw that there were quite a few witches moving around, almost as if a tyrant hadn't just attempted a mass genocide on them all. 
  Eda looked over at the coven heads to see if any of them were moving. None of them were awake. 
  Eda looked down at Raine and started to gently shake them awake with her arm and 1/2.
  "Rainestorm? Rainestorm, please wake up!" Eda shouted, trying and failing not to cry. "I love you. I love you so much." Eda whispered, hugging Raine, holding them close. Little did she know, Raine had just woken up.
  "Eda?" Raine called out.
  "Rainstorm! You're okay!" Eda shouted.
  "Yeah, I'm ok," Raine started, "and I love you too, Calamity." They said, cupping Eda's face. Suddenly, there was a loud "WEH" from the Titan's head. Eda looked over, horrified and saw a small figure floating towards another, bigger figure. Not wasting any time, she turned into her harpy form, put Raine on her back, and flew to the Titan's head before they could ask any questions. 
  On the way to the Titan's head, Eda was sure she felt Raine touch and pet her wings a few times, but she tried to ignore it. She made a mental note to ask and/or tease them about it later, though. 
           Timeskip because idk what to write.
  King fell asleep in Raine's lap, and they didn't know what to do, so they asked Eda for help. Just then, a boiling rainstorm started.
  Eda chuckled and said, "Looks like you're stuck here for the night, Rainstorm." She then took King from their lap and put him in his room, making sure he had a blanket, pillow and his plushie with him before walking back down to the living room and sitting next to Raine. Eda leaned on their shoulder. Raine wrapped their arm around Eda's waist.
  "So, when we were on our way to get King, I thought I felt you pet my wings. Were you?" Eda asked, blushing slightly. 
  "Uh, yeah, sorry." Raine responded, completely flustered. "I just wondered what your wings felt like and decided to pet them, and they were super soft so I kept doing it, but I'll never do it again if you don't want me to." 
  "No, it's fine. I don't mind it. I just thought I felt you petting my wings and wanted to ask if you were." Eda said. "It actually felt...kind of nice." She said, mostly because it was true, but partly to ease Raine's mind a bit more. 
  "Are you sure?" Raine asked, now a lot calmer, but still a little worried. They wrapped their other arm around Eda's waist and gently pulled her onto their lap and kissed her forehead.
  "Yeah, I'm sure." She said, as her face went red with embarrassment. Raine, noticing this, decided to tease her a little.
  "Aaaw, are you embarrassed, Calamity?" They said, making it obvious to Eda that they were teasing her. Eda blushed a little more, and nodded slightly, signaling to them that she doesn't mind the teasing.
  "That's so cute of you." Raine quietly squealed  and kissed her again, this time on the lips. 
  Timeskip because idk what to write again.
  Raine and Eda were cuddling in Eda's nest, they were both sleeping. Until the door creaked open. Raine awoke to this, and looked over towards the door and saw King standing there with his plushie. 
  "What happened, King?" They asked him, very quietly so they didn't accidentally wake Eda up.
  "I had a nightmare." King said, barely loud enough to hear as he hugged his plushie.
  (A/N:I keep writing 'his plushie' bc idk how to spell the plushies name.)
  "Do you want to talk about it?" Raine asked as King walked over to the nest. He shook his head as he climbed in. 
  Eda woke up, and saw King. "What happened, King?" Eda asked.
  "I had a nightmare. I don't want to talk about it, though." King responded. And without another word, Eda gently hugged King. Then, Raine wrapped their arms around Eda's waist.
  After a few minutes, King fell back asleep. "Ok, we need to work some things out." Eda said.
  "Hm? What do you mean?" Raine asked, clearly confused.
  "I'm sorry I lied to you about my curse. I was scared to open up about it after an incident where the owl beast hurt my dad. I was scared to tell you because I didn't want to hurt you, but I promise, I will never lie to you again." Eda apologized to them.
  "It's okay, I'm sorry, too. I lied to you at the coven day parade, I didn't want you to risk your life the way you did when we fought Darius and Eber. And, I also promise to you that I'll never lie to you again." Raine responded.
  Eda hugged them tightly, and they kissed her forehead. "I love you, Calamity." They said.
  "I love you too, Rainstorm." Eda whispered, and then kissed them on the lips. Eda then had an idea. She allowed her wings from her harpy form to activate and wrapped her wings around Raine.
  Raine gently pet her wings, and a few minutes later, Eda fell asleep. Raine kept petting Eda's wings until they fell asleep, too.
       Timeskip, at least 6 hours later.
  Raine woke up, and kissed Eda's forehead. She and King were still asleep. Eda snuggled closer to them in her sleep. Raine smiled at this, and fell back asleep. About half an hour later, Eda woke up, saw that Raine and King were still asleep, and just layed there in silence, enjoying the moment. 5 minutes later, Raine woke up again and started to gently pet Eda's wings again. "Good morning, Calamity." Raine said. "Moring Rainstorm." Eda responded, clearly still a little tired.
  "Still tired?" Raine asked.
  "Mhm, little bit." Eda responded.
  "Go back to sleep." Raine said.
  "M'kay." Eda said, then fell asleep.
  Raine hadn't realized that King was awake until he moved closer to them. "Thank you for taking care of m- Eda." He said.
  "It's no problem…did you almost call her 'mom'?" Raine asked him.
  "Yeah, I almost did." King said, seeming a little anxious about it. 
  "Why do you seem anxious about that?" Raine asked.
  "Because I'm worried about how she'll react to it." King said.
  "I'm sure she'd be okay with it." They reassured him. King still looked a little nervous, so Raine offered a hug, and King accepted.
  "Trust me, Eda wouldn't mind at all if you called her mom." Raine said reassuringly.
  "Okay, thank you." King said as he pulled away.
  "No problem, King." Raine said.
  Around an hour later, Eda woke up. King was asleep in Raine's lap, and Raine was petting Eda's wings again.
  "Aw, that's cute." Eda said, which startled Raine. They hadn't realized she woke up, and they had been lost in thought until Eda spoke. Despite this, they were still able to reply before Eda could apologize for startling them.
  "What, King sleeping in my lap, or me petting your wings again?" They asked, clearly trying to flirt.
  Eda blushed a bit and responded, "Both, also sorry for startling you."
  "It's alright, Calamity." Raine said, then kissed her forehead, making Eda blush a bit more.
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scorbleeo · 7 months
Book Chat: God of Pain
Legacy of Gods (Book 2) by Rina Kent
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Source: Google Images
I made a terrible mistake.
Being a mafia princess, I knew my fate was already decided.
But I went ahead and longed for the wrong one.
Creighton King is bad news with a gorgeous exterior.
He’s silent, brooding, and obviously emotionally unavailable.
So I thought it was over.
Until he awakens a beast inside me.
My name is Annika Volkov, and I’m Creighton's worst enemy.
He won’t stop until he breaks me.
Or I break him.
Source: Goodreads (2022)
This Book Lived Up to its Title
I had such high hopes for God of Pain because of how much suffering I went through with the previous book's romance. Like, can it get any worse than boring? However, it isn't even the high hopes that thoroughly disappointed me. It was everything about the book; the main characters, the plot and the pacing. Reading this book was a mentally painful experience...
I came across someone talking about the weak points in Kent's writing. In that video, the person mentioned that Kent tends to butcher her main characters when its their book, and I completely agree with that sentiment. Back in God of Malice, I was looking forward to reading this book because I wanted to see how Annika, this bundle of joy, managed to warm Creighton, a rock, up. Yet upon coming to their book, it's like reading another Glyndon and Creighton. The beginning of the relationship when Annika was the active chaser made sense but immediately right afterwards, it made no sense. There literally was no reason for Creighton to go from ignoring Annika to becoming jealous because she considered Brandon to be her fake boyfriend? It's okay if Kent wants to write instant love but to do it so much and much less one after the other? I thought Kent's writing would improve but sadly, it's very obviously becoming stagnant.
Moving on, I really, really loathed the third act breakup in God of Pain. I hated that Creighton forced Annika's hands knowing full well how much family means to her. One does not simply let her beloved sibling die at the hands of someone she believes she's in love with for not even half a year yet. I understand the concept of prioritising the person you love but when both parties just barely got together, do not give me bullshit and expect me to think they are supposed to prioritise each other. At least in Elsa and Aiden's case, they already had an actual connection years before reconnecting. What does Annika and Creighton have except for an intensely new attraction during the time he forced her hands? Then to have everybody else blame her for shooting Creighton? And then for her to forgive them because she thinks she's wrong for choosing her family when forced to choose? To people who sided with the British nepo babies, please actually remember Annika is a mafia princess, she was born into the mafia world. Loyalty, brother/sisterhood, familial ties are everything, no matter how un-mafia-like Annika is, she's still mafia since she took her first breath. For Ava to slap her as if this mafia princess was not going to protect her own brother? Bitch, please.
Both main characters and the mystery behind their story was much more interesting in God of Malice. This book? It's definitely one of Kent's worst books. The only reason for that 0.5 is for that scene between Brandon and the kidnapped Nikolai.
Rating: ★☆☆☆☆ (1.5/5)
P.S.: Does Aiden really think he can take Adrian? Like this old-money wealthy businessman who came into power because of who his father is? Versus the intel collector, one of the most powerful person in the inner cricle of the freaking Bratva, one of the mafia leaders? Who the hell does Aiden even think he is... Yes, I hated his chapter the most.
More on the Legacy of Gods series here: God of Malice (#1)
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mitamicah · 1 year
Spoilers for The Owl House 3.03 Watching and Dreaming
Okay so .... I have a lot of words about this episode!
Since I’ve just watched it don’t expect anything here to be cohesive since I am basically just ranting from memory and getting all my thoughts down in writing. No profound meaning behind everything here, just vibes :’D
The Collector - their mini arc in the episode and having them learn to appreciate life, forgiveness and friendship was such a treat - I screamed and actually feared for their life when they ran to Belos then to scream at Luz breaking apart (dying) afterwards - I had no idea this was the way the crew would go with the collector but I loved it
Belos - fucking hell, I am glad he finally died!! I am a little sad that we didn’t get more of his backstory with Caleb but I think what we did get about Belos especially though the words of the titan to Luz in the inbetween fits well with the story and gives closure to Luz and her doubts about being as ‘bad as Belos’. Also him melting in the boiling rain and Luz being over him to the point of not even flinching when Belos tries to manipulate her? Good stuff!! So was the call back to the first episode with the Good Witch Luz pulling Belos off the dying heart of the titan!!
The dream sequences ... I actually thought those and the games would take up more screentime but I am not too sad about it since what we got was pretty much just as angst as I’d thought it would be - and giving time to Raine being badass resisting Belos and Luz meeting the titan was a far trade off for me
I did get some Amphibia the Hardest Thing vibes from the Luz meeting a deity in the in-between after “death” only to get back to life bit but again I don’t mind it since it ended in a pretty badass finale seeing Luz, King and Eda fight side by side 
Seeing the rest of the Hexside squad helping to free the other inhabitants of the Boiling Isles with the help of best mom Camila was pretty fun although a part of me had wanted to see them have a bigger impact on the story: still, it was nice checking in with them once and twice and gosh I adored Amity for being the first to genuinely giving up her hand of friendship to the collector after Luz has just told them about friendship - it was a perfect moment in my mind.
The scenes of people meeting up with their family was so sweet - I enjoyed it a lot especially with Hunter getting his found family in Darius and Ebberwolf :3
Yet to me the real beauty was the epilogue - seeing all the different ways that the peeps on Earth and the boiling Isles have grown up and their new looks! I love Luz’ eyeshadow, and gah, Vee’s piercings look so cool!!! (I wonder if the nose piercing is a nod to the voice actor also being the voice of Amethyst? I believe she had a nosering  (Amethyst?)? I could be wrong, this is literally my unhinged, first thoughts written down unedited) - Willow being a badass sports girlie fits so well and I love the short hair for her, Gus looks incredible with those gold accessories in his dreadlocks, and Amity as a badass air explorer with a sidecut? Hello!!!? Hunter is killing me being this adorable taking up the mantle as apprentice of Dell and aaaaa the blue bird is gorgeous and somehow fits Hunter so well :’D what really killed me about him tho was two fold 1) Flapjack’s grave and 2) the red thing on Hunter’s arm that king of sort of looks like a Flapjack tattoo to cover up his empire coven sigil OVO
And then hello white haired Raine!? Why do they slay with that haircolour and the ‘tear down’ scars!? this look fits them so well, and I am so happy seeing them together with Eda, finally :’3
The ending sequence with the collector sending the fireworks and all the casts saying “Bye” feels like the biggest nod to the fans - thank you so much Dana, the crew, the cast, the animators, everybody for this wonderful show!!
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