#oh maybe it's the 6 hours of sleep i got 🥲
elliesmainhoe · 1 year
Streamer!Ellie X fem!Reader
Summary: Ellie's introduces you to her stream
(Set early in their relationship and when Ellie's channel was still small 💙)
Contents: fluff, swearing/cursing, body shaming a cat lmao, sitting on Ellie's lap, kisses, references to social anxiety.
Part 2 - Part3
My Masterlist
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It had been 6 hours since Ellie had disappeared into the abyss you called your guest bedroom and now Ellie's newly turned office. Her rooms grey walls were plastered in posters of a various games and bands she liked. LED lights ran around the ceiling, usually on the blue setting, sending the hue beaming out through the crack underneath the white paneled door.
Your small ginger cat was scratching irritably at her offices door. "Garfield stop it," you hissed at him, giggling at the ridiculous name Ellie chosen out for your chunky British shorthair.
"Garfield, I'm serious" you hushed at the creature, picking up the skittish chonk from Ellie's door. Garfield let out a loud, dramatic 'Yowww' throwing his head back. you sighed "You really want Ellie cuddles right now huh"
"yeah, me too..." You looked at the beautifully majestic ginger chunk of a cat and sighed in pity for yourself. "Fine go in then..." You whispered at him, grabbing the brass handle and slowly nudging the wooden door ajar, letting Garfield scutter in enthusiastically, before shutting the door again.
Ellie was caught off guard as a fuzzy orange thing flung itself onto her lap, making her hands stop button smashing her keyboard angrily.
"Oh hey Garf"
User: Omg he's so cute 😭🥲
User1: Give me the baby. Now.
User2: Bro how did he get in here, didn't Ellie shut her door?
User3: Garf? As in garfield?
Ellie's hands grasped the cat turning him in a Simba like fashion towards the camera.
"This is Garfield, if you couldn't tell he has a super power to walk through walls" she joked, obviously realising that her chat was curious about how he got into the enclosed office.
User 4: He's fat
"Do not talk to my child that way." She snapped sarcastically, covering his ears with her palms "he's plump." She corrected before letting out a breathy laugh.
The cat began purring incredibly loudly, now laying across her keyboard vibrating the desk with every exhale of breath.
She picked up her phone discreetly, texting you a quick.
Ells: Gonna have to gaslight my chat into thinking our cat can phase through walls now.
Ells: Oh the things I do for you
You: He was being so annoying thoughhh
Ells: Garf is never annoying, he is perfect in everyway. You're just in denial.
You :🙄
User5: nah but how did it get in
User6: Ghostcat?!?!?
"Yes this is my ghost cat, it seems like he's going to chill with us for a bit.... Aren't you baby~?" she cooes at the purring creature scratching underneath his chin.
Just outside the closed office door, you were pacing back and forth. Shit... Why the fuck did you let the cat in her room, that was the stupidest shit you've ever done. Now everyone was going to know Ellie lived with someone. Then maybe they'll investigate, because some of her fans might be nutjobs. What if they dig something embarrassing up of you?!?
"shit, shit ,shit, shit, idiot, idiot, fucking idiot." Damn you and you're soft heart when it comes to cats.
"Y/N. Just forget it happened, go to bed sleep it off, yeah let's just... Sleep it off..." You mutter to yourself, sulking off to bed in defeat.
"Hey... Hey baby... Wake upppppp~~" she whines squishing your cheeks with her hand, stirring from your slumber. "Hmm hi Ells..."
At the confirmation you were awake she started peppering your face with kisses. "I made you coffee, I tried to make pancakes but I uh burnt them, so ughh toast?!" She smiles suspiciously giddy.
"oh thank you baby," you murmur back, slowly sitting up, back against the bed's backboard and begining to sip your coffee.
"I don't know how you can stomach that liquid, it tastes like shit."
"It is gross, but I can't physically function without it" you looked over at her, she was showing you puppy eyes. Suspicious.
"What did you do ells...?" You sighed
"Last night I may or may not have accidentally let it slip that uhh, I had a uh girlfriend." She stammered, smiling sheepishly at you " And I was wondering and you can obviously say no!! Like no pressure at all, but I was wondering if you feel ready yet to be introduced by my stream" she rushed out words practically incoherent, and if you didn't know her so we'll you wouldn't have been able to understand.
"you can even bring Garfield with you for emotional support!" She chirped happily.
"I don't know baby... I don't know if they'll like me, all my friends know me for being awkward on camera."
"Listen to me right now. You are the most amazing, beautiful, funny, charismatic and smartest girlfriend, person and mother to our fur baby to ever exist. If they don't absolutely love you then they're blind and have no taste. But they will absolutely love you! Because I love you!" She says enthusiastically, a stupid smile spread on her face as she wraps her arms around you, placing sloppy kisses onto your cheek.
"Pfft" you say, her enthusiasm and happiness seeping from her into yours "okay, I can do that...I think" "You will!!! You'll do amazing!" She squeals "I'm so excited!"
"Gosh, your like a puppy Ells" you chuckle, petting and playing with her hair. She let out a quiet 'hmph' as she nuzzled into your neck happily.
It was 6:55pm, Ellie had started her stream, the words 'STARTING SOON' sprawled across the monitor, blocking out the view of the viewers, It was unnerving, siting Infront of a camera, and one push of a button hundreds of people would see you. Ellie was sat next to you, swiveling on the dark blue gaming chair absentmindedly.
"y'know baby, you don't have to be so rigid, or quiet, they can't see or hear you yet."
"I can't do it Ells..." You mumbled out. "Hey babe, you absolutely can." she reassured you grabbing your hand, and squeezing it slightly. "How about this. You sit on the couch, out of view with Garfield, and once I've done the intro you can come say hi. Hows that sound?" She asked softly, tucking your hair behind your ear.
Nodding in conformation you shuffled out of view for the camera sitting next to your curled up cat, petting him as he purred loudly, pushing up against your palm. You tapped your phone screen, it lit up revealing the photo of you and Ellie in a photo booth on your first date to an arcade.
Infront of your smiling faces, the time was shown.
"Hey guysssss!"
It took ten minutes for Ellie to finish the introduction, answering questions, thanking donators and talking to moderators.
"Right so, before we start I have a suprise for you guys" she spoke happily, eyes flicking towards you expectantly. You picked up Garfield, your heart immediately slowed and cradled him like a baby in your arms as you entered the frame.
Ellie had moved the extra chair from the frame, trying to keep the suprise as unexpected as she could for her chat. You stood somewhat awkwardly for a second or two saying a quick "hi" to the camera, you looked at Ellie eyes slightly wide with nerves.
She pats her thigh, gesturing you to sit down. "This chat, is my girlfriend"
User7: I ❤️ lesbians
User8: Ugh I'm jealous.
User9: Is Ur gf single?
User10: forget Ellie I want her gf 🤤
Your eyes everted the chat, trying to focus solely on your cat and to not read the comments, when a robotic voice, you recognized as a donators announcement, caught you off guard.
User11 donated $25 'Bro she's so pretty.'
"Oh um thanks *user11*" you hummed. "Told you they would like you" Ellie said, smirking in content.
"shut up."
Here you go!!! I finally finished it. It's not great but it's done!
Part Two
Streamer!Ellie Headcanons
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thoraeth · 2 months
A/N: 850 words, gn!reader. You're the personal assistant of the weirdest punk band in the Grand Line and today you're having a breakdown. Unfortunately, Buggy has no intentions of leaving you alone.
[One Piece punk band AU/ modern AU]
Cut out for the job
The door slams closed. You kick your sneakers away, enjoying the silence of your hotel room.
You haven't been able to catch your breath all day: Mr. Trafalgar called at 6 am because Ace was held at the police station; third time this month. Then it was Barto's turn. He needed your opinion on a nice gift for his nana, but kept arguing that your ideas were stupid. Franky gave you a migraine, shouting left and right during the band's weekly meeting and Buggy…oh, Buggy. He was insufferable these days: snappy, needy, tense, constantly asking you to fetch him stuff, to take him places.
You’re starting to feel like you’re never enough, drowning in this chaotic routine.
You can almost hear your mother's voice in your head: “Are you really throwing your life away to follow a band of idiots?!” Well, in your defense, being a band’s personal assistant was supposed to be fun. But now? Here you are, tired, sad and underpaid, living in yet another horrible hotel room. Maybe you're not cut out for this job.
Your phone glows up, a text from Buggy. “It's 11 pm for fuck's sake!” you shout, throwing the buzzing device on the sofa.
Buggy has been doing it for weeks: every night he sends you tons of messages for the most trivial stuff. He’s lost his mascara, bought ten pairs of shoes, whines about his paycheck. A bratty, pushy attitude he’s never had before.
In fact, the two of you used to have the most interesting conversations and a special chemistry that made you feel some type of way more than once. Like that night, backstage. The glances, the gentle touching while you helped him get dressed…you can still feel the goosebumps on your skin.
You pick up your phone, puffing at the crowd of notifications.
[Hey, you still up? Listen, face paint is running out, I’m thinking cherry 3.2 this time but I’m not sure if 1 or 2 cans.
Heyyyy are you ignoring me?? 👺😭 You sleeping already?]
[Oi Bug, can we discuss this tomorrow? It's way past my working hours.]
[Today's been rough, I really need to unwind 🥲]
[ Wanna hang out? A little fun will make you feel better.]
[ Thanks but I’m done with work, see you tomorrow!]
[seen 00:15 AM]
[Buggy? You ok?]
[seen 00:50 AM]
“Shit. He's upset now.” You whisper, your eyes and mouth wide open “What if he gets me fired?”
You feel low-key furious: you shouldn't be punished for setting boundaries. If he’s playing the cocky boss during the day, you can play that game too and clock out at night. Screw him.
The sudden sound of the doorbell makes you jump out of your skin. “Hey it's me.” A familiar voice comes from outside the door, muffled.
Stomping to the peephole, you see Buggy. He’s nervously thinkering with his blue hair, pacing back and forth in the duck hoodie you got him for his birthday.
“Are you serious?” You ask, opening up.
“I know, I’m sorry. Just five minutes and I'll be gone.”
Buggy's not wearing his piercings and face paint; he looks serious, a bit scared. His ice blue eyes stare at you in silence and all your anger seems to melt away as he sits on the sofa.
“I need to talk to you.”
“Am I fired…?”
“What? No!” He shrieks, outraged. “Just sit, please.”
The second you're next to him, Buggy focuses on his boots, hands twitching on his knees.
“I-I know I've been a bit of an asshole lately.” He stutters. “I drove you crazy asking tons of stuff and…”
“You’re being a pain in the ass. Yes.”
“I’m sorry. I was just trying to spend more time with you but I messed up.” Buggy side-eyes you, his face red and flustered.
“I think I like you. A lot.”
Those words make your heart race so fast you can barely breathe.
He continues: “I tried to write to you, but every time… I couldn't say it the way I wanted.”
“Is that why you kept texting me for hours every night?!” you snap, breaking your silence.
Buggy jumps back in his seat “I didn't realize I was bothering you! I've always enjoyed our silly chats. But I'll stop, I got it now. We're just colleagues.”
You burst out laughing. Buggy leans towards you, shouting things you can't hear over the joy exploding in your chest.
He's about to get up, distraught, when you reach for his neck and pull him towards you, pressing your lips on his. Still a bit surprised, Buggy melts into your kiss, holding you so tight it almost hurts.
“For a second I thought I didn't want this job anymore.” You chuckle in between kisses.
“I’ll ask Trafalgar to give you a raise, then.”
“He's gonna fire us both when he knows about this.”
You dive your back into the sofa, pressed under Buggy’s weight. As he kisses and laughs into your neck, you remember why you decided to follow this band of idiots in the first place: there’s no other place in the world where you’ve felt more alive.
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bubblegumlefty · 10 months
Okay. So I'm leaving the Bridgestone Arena and on my way home now. Imma give a few of the highlights that I saw. I'm very tired, so I'm only going to talk about a little bit of what I saw. And I'll give more about it in the morning once I'm finally home and relaxed.
After some stressful driving, we arrived a little past seven o'clock, just in time to see Chris Jericho's promo with the painting. Said painting was beautiful but ended up getting destroyed. The seats we got weren't as great as I expected. They were on the main floor, which you'd think would be cool. Well, not if you're a short person like Moi. First off, there were these three tall ass men one row in front of us who would just not sit the fuck down at any point (then again, I'm only a little over 5 feet, so it probably wouldn't have made much of a difference if I was taller). So my plan to get good pictures almost went entirely out the window right there. Ngl, I was actually tempted the tiniest bit to "accidentally" jab one of them on the head or back with my fansign, but I kept my cool. Side note; when on the main floor of a wrestling show, buy hightops beforehand. 😔
Special mention for Joker Sting Cameo tonight. That was amazing. 🃏
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Then here's the meat of my post; the Texas Chainsaw Massacre death match. I really didn't know what the hell I was getting into, but the experience was... well, I have to be honest here, a little disappointing... or maybe a lot disappointing. I don't know if my expectations were set much too high or what, but I was just not vibing too hard with what was happening. It wasn't anything like I expected. At least I got to dance along to Jeff's entrance and got glimpses of the magical man himself. The pop he got was amazing. But I sadly didn't get any good pictures besides the one I'll show below. There was blood involved, but it was fake blood. So Crimson Mask Jeff Hardy is gonna have to wait a little bit longer to see reality. Then there was an appearance by Leatherface, because #sponsored. Oh, and shortly after getting distracted by said Leatherface, Jeff then lost to Jarret, which being a big fan of him, obviously pissed me off and made me salty. Like, the only two memorable things I can even remember from the entire match was Jeff wearing a leatherface mask and wearing white clothing during his entrance, that leatherface cameo, and that Jeff Hardy painted guitar, which should honestly be a custom weapon for the AEW Fight Forever game. Seriously, someone get on that if it's possible, cause that would be sick. If there's one bright side to all this, it's that my good friend managed to record nearly the entire match on my phone... for a reason I don't have. Guess I just wanted to keep this memory sealed? Oh, well. Overall, it definitely could've been better, but I'll give it a high 6/10. At least I got to see my dream man with my own two eyes. Somewhat. 🥲
During a break, we decided to go to the merch stand. And whaddya know, no Hardy Boy merchandise. Like, at all. No necklaces, armbands, not even t-shirts. Nothing. Not only is this offensive, this should be a legit crime that they didn't carry anything Hardy Boyz related. (Obviously I'm joking and I don't really think that, but that definitely was a legit letdown for me. So between that and the fact Jeff lost the death match, that's two disappointments in a row for me. Man. 😮‍💨)
Once Rampage was over, we decided to leave early due to the fact that they had a hotel room booked that they needed to get to over two hours away from Knoxville, and we were just overall exhausted. So we didn't stick around for ROH, but I did get the fortune of at least seeing Claudio spinning around his opponent forty times. Literally. So that was a small treat. (Let me know if you want the live video, cause I got it. 🤭)
That's all I'll bring up for now. I got a five hour ride ahead of me, so Imma go to sleep. I'll talk more about my first AEW experience tomorrow. Good night, everyone, and reblog this one creepy picture of Jeff I managed to capture for good luck. 🍀
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matchaalmondmilk · 1 year
Yay it’s a weeek 2
Hey there! How’s your day’s going? Everything fine? I hope it is🥺🫶🏻
So, I’m just understand how to using all of this app features *hehe*
Started this week with a lot of new information with my University and other stuff. I haven’t procrastinated on this week yet, I spent a whole day at uni, I’m just woke up at 7 went to the class and came home around 6-7pm *screaming*
I was studying, eating and sleeping all things I did on this week🥲
Can you just imagine that?! We as individuals spend a whole life just for this stuff, sometimes we change time from dreaming to our relationship or maybe hobbies btw I should find another way to schedule my time and manage my time. Days goes sooo fast
Anyway I guess I didn’t mention that, but I got flowers on this Thursday morning after class😭 my boyfriend is the one of the best person in my life who knows me most and he knows how makes my day better. I love him! He just ordered this cute and adorable bouquet for me, just because he loves me. Just without the reason. Oh that’s Americans🙄 *hehe*
That’s all thank you for your attention and don’t forget to love yours boyfriends and girlfriends and don’t forget to give them all your hours and bring flowers because they are deserve it!
See ya soon🪬🧿
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meetmeatthecoda · 2 years
I know that you don't watch the 9th season (and you're probably right because even the occasional Agnesgate content, Cooper's new nope-nothing's-out-of-ordinary-is-happening-here attitude when compared to the fact that literally everything that's happening in TBL right now is insane and hilarious in their absurdity dialogues don't really make watching this season worth it) but I must admit that I miss sharing thoughts about latest episodes with you when this show was still salvageable AND you do know that Red read Agnes a bedtime story in the last episode, so I just thought that I might as well write it here for the old times' sake:
I'm greedy for this fluffy daddy-daughter content, so now that we've gotten a 'Red reading Agnes a bedtime story' scene, I want to see Red and Agnes having a pillow fort sleepover 👀
P. S.: I'm kidding but also not but also... imagine Liz joining them (in the only canon I accept where they're just happily living together as a cute little family they are... or, maybe, they're not officially living together yet but Red is more than welcome at Liz and Agnes' flat whenever he feels like coming by and the girls always set the table for three for dinners because Red joins them as often as he can – meaning: nothing short of an assassination attempt during which he's heavily injured can keep him from joining his Lizzy and Agnes for dinner – and then he's obliged to read Agnes a bedtime story and then often enough it's too late for him to leave – it's not really and it's not like Red's life is safe during the daytime but if Liz said something on the lines of "Don't be ridiculous, it's too late for you to go home. Besides, we've got this very important thing we have to do first thing in the morning together, so it doesn't make much sense for us to split up for what? 6-7 hours?" Red would have no choice but to agree that it really doesn't make much sense – and so he stays on most nights – and more often than not he and Lizzy have very little sleep but rest surprisingly well – and then Red makes breakfasts in the mornings and packs lunches for both Liz and Agnes – while Agnes and Liz pack him a little food stash that can fit inside the inside pocket of his coat with a little note that reminds him to be safe – and then Liz, Red and Dembe drive Agnes to school – or, sometimes, Dembe does it alone, if Red and Liz have some pressing matter that morning – so yeah... officially, they're not living together 😁)?
Oh, anon 🥺 Firstly, thank you for understanding & supporting my decision to not watch the post-Terrible Awful™ Apocalyptic Wasteland of Season 9... & you're so sweet bc I miss sharing thoughts with you & our peeps too!! 😭 So, please never hesitate to drop such lovely, warm little headcanons in my ask box "for old times sake"... or, ya know, just cause!! ❤️ SECONDLY... more daddy-daughter Red&Agnes content?! A Reddington fam pillow fort sleepover?!?! CAUSE RED&LIZ ARE OFFICIALLY NOT LIVING TOGETHER/UNOFFICIALLY DEFINITELY LIVING TOGETHER??? 🥲🥲🥲 Perfect, 10/10, love more than life itself, god bless, amen. Also, honorable mention to: 1) Liz & Agnes setting a place for Red whether he has time to show up for dinner or not, ya know, just in case 2) Red staying after dinner for dessert, movie time, and/or Agnes' bedtime story 3) Red just staying over cause "it's too late & pointless to leave at this point, come on, Red, I left a toothbrush for you in the bathroom, meet me in the bed 4) Red making breakfast for his little family in the morning cause Liz is slightly incapable & doesn't value the first meal of the day as much as Red feels she should & Red also packing lunches for his girls & then them packing him little Suit Snacks & Love Notes in return cause this family loves each other anddddd 5) Uncle Dembe, Mama Liz, & Papa Red take Agnes to school. Cause yeah, that's the best 🙃🙃🙃 Anywayyy this is a blessed ask, anon, thank you so much for sharing!! 🥰 Much love to you, my dear friend!! ❤️
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