#oh my! it looks like Bonnie has a special surprise!
meltyclownstudio · 7 months
Happy Valentine's Day!
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It looks like Bonnie's making some chocolate for the townsfolk! How sweet!
She's going around town and delivering them by hand!
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f10werfae · 2 years
Pregnancy On The Brain
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pairing: Lumberjack!Henry x Short!Shy!Wife!Reader
summary: Now that Henry’s successfully knocked up his precious darling wife, he has to keep an extra eye on her and their little miracle (Dom!Henry) (Emotional loving 🥹)
likes, comments and reblogs are appreciated🫶
Disclaimer: 18+ / Lumberjack!Henry Masterlist / Henry Masterlist / Full Masterlist
“Whas wrong sugar? What’s got my woman all teary” Henry frowned seeing his wife all upset in front of the mirror, her lips pouted and her face flustered. “I-I don’t f-fit into my d-dress anymore” Y/n whined seeing how the lemon printed dress barely made its way up her hips, stitches being ripped the harder she pulled on it. “Oi stop it, there’s nothin’ wrong, especially when there’s more of my bunbun to love on” Henry smirked groping the bits of skin Y/n was complaining about.
“B-but- well maybe I-I should e-exercise with you more?” She pondered looking up at him still visibly upset, in fact her chin was starting to wrinkle up from shaking so much, the new changes in her body clearly causing her distress. Henry could tell by the way her stutter started to make itself more visible. “No way. Precious things like you don’t belong on the heavy equipment sweetpea, you want exercise? Let me fuck your pretty pussy till ya sweat” He smirked bending down to nuzzle his nose with hers, his cock hardening once he saw her giggle n latch onto his bicep with both hands.
“T-That’s so naughty” She whispered cuddling the side of her face into his bicep, his other hand pulling back down the dress till it hit the floor, allowing him to play with her ass easily. “Listen while i’m out collecting log wood today, wan’ you to put on another pretty little dress that I bought ya last week, preferably the lilac one, n’ I want you to make somethin’ nice for us to eat when I get home. Can ya do that for me sugar bun?” He whispered running a finger up and down her cheek, his eyes having a dark glaze over them as he looked down at her.
“Mhm mhm! I can!” Y/n smiled happily, the ingredients for her cherry pie already listed out in her head, her cravings for it suddenly growing ten times in a mere few seconds. “Good n’ when I come home, i’ll have a surprise for ya” He grinned kissing her lips softly, before pulling away and grabbing his baseball cap, blowing kisses at her every two seconds as he walked towards his truck. Leaving his wife to her own special mission, the cherry pie.
“Oh I gotta get the cherries!” Y/n giggled slipping on her shoes, grabbing the wooden basket Henry had gotten her especially for her daily walks. Her face vibrant as she skipped down the secluded lane of their back yard, full of luscious fields, heading towards their cherry trees at the edge of the field. Her lilac dress flowing in the slightly cool breeze, her arms swinging the basket back and forth as she hummed a silly little tune she made up. Her eyes widening as she saw the amount of cherries on the tree, there were so many!
“Wow, y-you guys have all grown! Thank y-you so much” She said adorably picking a handful of sweet cherries from one branch, carefully grabbing her glass jar from the basket and plopping them in until it was full. “Well, I suppose it won’t hurt to taste one of ya” She whispered pulling out her blue blanket she always kept in her basket for emergency picnics, her several glass jars of cherries sitting snug inside the basket, while she lay down munching on her home grown fruits.
She still remembers the day she had complained to Henry about his poor eating habits and demanded he bought her seeds for her own plants; now here she was basically nurturing her own garden of babies, ranging from apples all the way to carrots.
‘That one looks like bonnie the rabbit’ Y/n thought looking up at the scarce white clouds flying overhead, her stuffed animal back home looking like one of them, then another looked like Henry’s axe and then one looked like a cherry. “Oh my phone, m-musta left it at home” She giggled realising, her hand reaching for the missing phone to try and take a picture to send to Henry. The warm sun gracing her face, distant sounds of birds providing a sweet lullaby, one which she slowly fell asleep to.
Meanwhile… Henry on the other hand was just about ready to head home, like clockwork he checked his babygirl’s location on life 360, smirking to himself to see that she had stayed at home like she said she would. Heading off back through the country in his pickup truck, he stopped off at a pharmacy by the gas station, picking up his surprise gift for his bunbun; one he knew would solidify their relationship forever. His body sweaty and hot, even though he was wearing baggy jeans a vest, his body painted with a light golden tan.
“Home sweet home” He whispered to himself, dusting off before going inside, remembering how much his precious wife despises their home being messy; Henry still smiles at the memory of her showing her domestic side, how she wouldn’t let him leave without breakfast and would always pack him lunches. Henry on the other hand wouldn’t let her go anywhere unless it was him driving her, after all what else was his purpose other than to look after his naive lover.
“Sugar pie, where are ya?” He shouted throwing his vest off to the side, his boots thundering against the creaky wooden floorboards, his steps leading him into the kitchen; the ingredients for her famous cherry pie laid out on the counter. But no Y/n. His nostrils flared seeing her iphone left beside the ingredients, who knows how long she’s been gone?
‘Did she really fuckin’ leave?’ Was Henry’s first thought, the veins on his neck popping out purely just from the thought, no wonder her tracker hadn’t moved once. Although the thought of her leaving dissipated once he saw Marly the cat coming inside from the fields, their backdoor was left wide open, the sunshine peeking in gratefully. “Ah the fields, the fuckin’ fields” Henry chuckled shaking his head, course she was out there, he knew how much his wife loved exploring the great outdoors; bringing him different coloured rocks and pebbles, watching giddily as he’d place them on the mantle as if they were to be treasured. And they were, because she got them for Him.
Walking out the backdoor he started off walking down the lane, the meadows further away shining green and healthily, but nothing deterred Henry from finding his little love.
Stopping at the start of the line of trees, he saw her, clearly snoring away on her soft picnic blanket; her basket full of jars of cherries beside her. Henry scoffed and smirked seeing just how silly she was, but he couldn’t blame her, not with her current condition. Looming over her figure, she whined and whimpered before opening her eyes fully, a sleepy smile gracing her lips when she realised it was none other than her husband.
“You fuckin’ scared me baby, didn’t know what ta do without ya, ya left your phone n’ everythin’” Henry whispered hunkering down onto his knees, watching as she slowly sat up, her face all puffy and sun-kissed from her nap. “m-m’ sorry I-I forgot it n’ I was too b-busy lookin’ at the clouds a-and”
“s’okay baby, your man knows, can’t blame ya for a little forgetfulness” He chuckled darkly, seeing how sleepy she still was, guiding her to hop onto his back while he gathered up her blanket and basket. “Missed you s-so much” She whispered kissing his back softly as he whistled a tune, “Ah was only gone for around three hours sugar” He chuckled walking down the smooth path, their large luxurious cabin coming into sight. “I-I know that, but I missed you a-anyway” She sighed rubbing her head against his warm back, her eyes threatening to close over once again.
“n’ I missed your pretty pussy-“
“My What!” Y/n’s eyes shot open at her husband’s vulgar words, his back vibrating from his chuckles travelling through, “n’ your tits and your-“
“Stop i-it that’s embarrassing and t-they ain’t pretty mister” She whined kicking her legs which were in his hands, his footsteps stopping abruptly with a deep sigh, “What do I gotta do to prove to you, that I think you’re fuckin’ sexy as hell, n’ I have to stop myself from whipping my cock out everytime I see ya smile” He grunted lifting her up a bit higher before continuing on down the trail, “W-whippin’ your wha out?!” She giggled loudly, her chin resting on his shoulder as she looked at his face from the side.
Henry smirked turning his head to the side, capturing her lips with his, his tongue reaching out for hers but quickly retracting once she wanted more. The tease. “You’re such a m-meanie, no more kissies for you” She grunted moving back to rest against his back, his hand leaving her leg to reach back and spank her ass with a pop; her body jerking up with an excited squeal.
“Try that again sweetheart n’ we’ll see what happens” He growled finally stepping into the cooler cabin, setting her down on top of their counters, beside his plastic bag from the pharmacy which had her small present. “I-is my present in here?!” She said excitedly picking up the bag, only to pout when Henry pulled it away from her grumpily.
“I dunno if you deserve it honey, ya worried me today, had me thinkin’ ya left your man up ‘ere in the mountains” He ‘tsk’ed and caged her in with an arm on each side of her, his nose rubbing up and down her cheek sensually, her hands fisting his shirt desperately as she pouted. “I-I dunno what happened H-hen, I swear! M-m jus’ forgetful nowadays” She whimpered nuzzling into his chest like a kitten, her legs caged around his waist, her face dipping down to place kisses onto his neck and up his chin.
“Alright alright fine, since you wan’ it so badly” He smirked cupping her face and kissing her nose, his hands reached into the bag and pulled out the small box, a clearblue box. “Ya know what this is bunny don’t ya?” Taking out the small stick and twirling it in his hands, he passed it to his wife, who was visibly shocked and shaken at what he’d just given her. “A-a pregnancy test?” She whispered looking at the foreign object, was this the condition Henry was talking about?
“I wan’ you to take it for me babybun, see if we have our present in there already” He smirked nipping her lip playfully, his hand rubbing over the bottom of her stomach affectionately, her small gasps filling his ears. “I-is this why my dresses d-don’t fit?”
“Find out n’ see baby” He smiled taking her hand in his, and pulling her into their large bathroom, with a bathtub big enough to fit four people at the most. “W-will you stay with me? M-m scared” She whimpered pulling up the skirt of her dress, her face flustered at the thought of him watching her pee, but then again this wouldn’t be the first time. There’d been multiple times where he’d simply barge into the toilet while she was in there, just for his routine goodbye kiss before work.
“Don’t worry sugar pie, m’not leavin’, not now and not ever” He smiled, almost sickly, his hands holding onto hers, quite comical because his wife was simply peeing yet needed all the support possible. “Alright pass it over ‘ere” He said watching her finish up, the test still in her shaky hands. “N-no way it’s full of my pee” She gasped horrified putting it down onto the counter herself, turning to distract herself by washing her hands.
Those three minutes felt like utter hell for them both, with Y/n ultimately sitting on Henry’s lap whilst he was on the toilet cover, his voice softly shushing her small whimpers and nervous hiccups as she looked at the test left on the table. “S’okay pretty girl, daddy will look after ya both” Kissing her neck wetly he could already feel her pussy throbbing at his words, even during a nerve wracking situation like this, a life altering moment.
“Ya promise?” Holding his deep blue eyes, her own looked glossy and scared, her hands fiddling with his fingers erratically. “I pinky promise” Linking their fingers together he kissed her lips softly, her head pushing forward wanting to deepen it, she missed three hours worth of his kisses today; she was not having it!
Although their little kiss session was interrupted by the beep of the timer on Henry’s phone, Y/n jumping up to her feet and leaning her head over to look at the plastic stick, her breath hitching in her throat. “what does a cross mean?” Her voice came out dry and hoarse, and for once not a stutter was in sight, she knew what it meant. “My gorgeous little wife is pregnant, with my baby” He smiled to himself still sitting on the toilet cover, he already knew the result, months of vitamins and unprotected sex would eventually have lead to this; all it took was some time.
“I-i’m gonna be a mommy?” Her hand softly slid down to cup the slight pouch on her stomach, her fingers grazing over her fabric slowly, a small smile finding its way onto her cace. “I-i’m gonna be a mommy!”
“mhm, so prouda ya babygirl” Henry smirked feeling up her thigh, his hand going up to grope her bare ass, his new baby momma still coming to terms with the fact she was carrying their little life; yet all he wanted to do was to fuck her good, and if he could he would knock her up again. The idea of his wife all round and big, full of him, got him so hot and bothered, her tits all swollen along with her belly, safely housing their own miracle.
“H-how do we know when i-it’s comin?”
“I’ll sort all that out baby, ya don’t need to worry your pretty self, after-all ya got pregnancy on the brain. Don’t want ya forgettin’ anythin” He cooed standing up to kiss her forehead, his arms enveloping her against him, feeling her nod and relax in his arms. All according to his plan.
After he was finally able to get her to come to bed with him, he found her hands naturally gravitating towards her stomach, her protective maternal instincts already kicking in so early. “I-if we have a g-girl can we name it a-after a flower?” She asked innocently looking up at him, her hands on top of his, on her stomach. “N’ what if it’s a boy babybun?” He chuckled kissing the tip of her nose, “I dunno haven’t t-thought of it yet! Stop stressin’ me out!” She whined almost inaudibly as Henry murmured sweet soft apologies, his lips coating the side of her face in gentle kissies, her favourite.
“T-thought you said you was sleepy” She whispered wrapping her arms around his neck, caressing his nape as he continued to plant little love bites on his lover, his kisses leaving her all hot and bothered. “I am, wasn’t lyin’” Henry pulled back quirking his eyebrow, “T-then tell it to calm down, o-or else ya won’t be able to sleep” Y/n said shyly pointing at the tent starting to grow in Henry’s trousers, ignoring the fact that Henry had basically bunched her dress up to her breasts, his fingers rubbing over her slick wet folds.
“Why don’t you tell my pussy to calm down” He grumbled rubbing her own slickness all over her, acting as if it was lube, his fingers greedily pinching her swollen jutted out clit. “Y-you started it! baby, tell your d-daddy to stop bein silly” She whined looking down and rubbing her still stomach, even though there was still no dramatic visible growth, the potential of it made her emotional and excited.
Licking into her mouth Henry held the back of her neck gently, both of her hands still on her stomach, while his other hand was busy messing with her second set of lips. Tugging, rubbing and spanking at her sensitive button, causing her body to jolt and shiver into the kiss, her tongue actively sucking on his passionately. Her chin slowly growing wet and slick, both of them not caring at how much filth there was. Kissing her sensually one more time he pushed her fully onto her back, his knees straddling her.
“Oh baby I hope they got your eyes, gon’ have me wrapped round their lil finger jus’ like their momma” He groaned seeing her just batting her eyelashes at him, a mischievous smile on her face as she felt up his torso, “I-I wan’ them to look l-like their daddy, s-so handsome” She whispered looking away from his eyes shyly. His hands now pulling the dress up fully over her head, giving her tits a bounce and grope; his voice chuckling deeply in her ear as he licked up her neck, “You’re so g’damn sexy, can’t wait to see ya all full of me, walkin’ around so everyone knows I pumped ya full of my cum”
“mhm s-so dirty” Whimpering and writhing, she felt his fingers go back down to her slick centre, the tip of his cock slapping against her clit roughly, almost imitating the spank of a hand. “Aw baby, we both know you’re the dirty one here, weren’t ya the one beggin’ me to kiss your pretty little pussy the other day?”
“Y-you said if I needed help w-with the tingles ya would help” She whined feeling the head of his shaft slip through her sensitive folds, his nestle of curls at the base of his dick softly scratching against her button, his heavy balls sitting against her swollen lips. His length slowly slipping in through her puffy pussy, both of them sighing out in relief and pleasure as he bottomed out inside of her; Y/n’s hands cupping his face to keep his forehead on hers, nuzzling their noses together for comfort like they always did.
“Gah hav’ knocked ya up and you’re still so tight, almost like when ya were a virgin honey” Henry growled pecking her pouty lips, her voice whining at his choice of words, her legs securely wrapped around his waist. “You take me so well honey, could fuck your pregnant pussy all day n’ night if a could”
“W-well you can, y-you jus’ don’t” She snarked back, clearly regretting her decision straight after when Henry quirked his brow at her, making her shut up in a mere few seconds. “Say that again n’ i’ll tie ya to the bed, won’t be leavin’ since ya want me to play with my pussy so much” He teased thrusting in and out at a slow pace, his one hand cupping her face, while the other toyed with her nipples. “Can’t wait to see these pretty tits fill up with milk, I already know it’ll taste as sweet as you do sugar pie, you’ll let me have a taste won’t ya?”
Small mewls left her slightly opened lips, her eyes widen open and already glimmering with tears as Henry slowly moved their position, where he was now spooning her, their hips smacking together to create a lewd sound. “Mhmhm” She moaned pushing her tits together just for him, knowing how much he adored just simply looking at them, sometimes he’d even hide her bras just so she’d walk about their home, her pebbles nipples poking through the fabric.
“So gorgeous, my pretty wife” He smirked leaning over and spitting right onto the valley between her breasts, hearing her squeak as he watched her massage his spit onto her globes, she was so dirty for him; only him. Before she had met Henry, Y/n L/n would never have even stepped a foot out of line, and now she was the one making the line. Hugging onto her, he kissed her shoulders and back so affectionately, he wanted to make her cum. “I-I love you so much pretty girl, ya make me so happy, you n’ our lil’ miracle” He moaned feeling her clench around him, his hand reaching over to momentarily slap her breasts together, before reaching down and drawing figure eights on her button.
Hearing no reply he looked over to see tears filing down her face continuously, her lip hidden between her teeth as she bit down harshly, her hands fisting the sheets tightly to keep her from squealing at how deep he was going. “What’s wrong bunny? Am I hurtin’ ya?” He said slowing down, concern lacing his voice as his rough calloused hands felt up her sides. “N-no, a-am jus’ really happy, love you too hubby” She smiled blinking away a few stray tears as she turned her head to face him, her tongue outstretched already waiting to tangle around his, muffled squeals leaving her lips as she felt him return back to his rhythm.
“I’m close babybun, ya wanna cum with me?” He asked breaking away from their kiss with a peck, their lips still touching as he spoke, her eyes staring up at his softly but intensely, her head nodding; her lips wanting nothing more than to his his soft ones. Thank God she had forced him to start wearing lip balm.
Y/n found herself clawing onto his arm that was wrapped around her waist, her teeth clenched, sobs wrecking through her body purely just because she felt so loved and so intimate. Henry’s warm cum flooding her almost instantly as she herself felt his fingers rub her button at the same time, her hole clenching around him for the last time, giving out once she let out a raspy breath.
“Did so good for me sugar plum, don’t worry I gotcha, ya can rely on me” He whispered kissing the shell of his ear, feeling her clench around him a few more times before pulling out slowly to not make her uncomfortable. After a few silent seconds of Henry combing her hair back with his fingers, his soft voice shushing her quiet sobs as he rocked her back and forth against his body.
Henry couldn’t help but worry, he’d never seen his precious give such an emotional reaction, had he pushed her too far? She hadn’t used her safe-word ‘cherry’ so he had assumed she was still okay during their intense love-making session. The tiny tattoo of a ‘H’ on the back of her neck receiving wet kisses while he waited for her to calm down.
“Hold on pretty, m’jus’ gonna run us a bath alright?” Receiving nothing but a shake of a head and a ‘don’t leave me a-alone’ He smiled picking her up against his still nude body, sitting her on top of the counter as he filled up the tub with warm water, making sure to put in some of lavender bubbles she adored so much to relax in.
“c’mere sugar, don’t worry i’m here too” He whispered helping her step into the purple coloured water, letting her sit sideways on his lap, her head laying on his shoulder; that’s how big their bath tub is.
“M-m sorry for bein’ a crybaby, I didn’t mean it” She whispered lifting her head up to kiss his beard covered cheek, her energy clearly spent and gone.
“Don’t you ever apologise for bein’ you, what’d I tell ya? If you’re cryin’, i’m here, if you’re angry then i’m here, you’re happy then i’m here. This is for life sweets, nothin’ is gonna put me off ya I promise. Well except sometimes ya stink but-“
“Stop it!” She said smiling a little, Henry’s heart lightening a little seeing her vibe jolt up a bit in comparison to earlier. “Now that i’ve seen that beautiful smile a’ yours, care to share what’s buggin’ my wife so much?”
“I-it really was nothin’ bad. Was jus’ thinkin’ about how- how happy I am w-with you. W-When I think back to when I was 17, I-I was always so worried i’d end up un-unloved because of my problems; but y-you’ve never made me feel like a burden, n’ now w-we’re havin’ a baby together” She smiled finishing her explanation, looking up at Henry with a blissful smile on her face, her hands bringing his to her stomach, “O-our baby” She giggled wiggling excitedly on his lap,
“There’s no other woman on this Earth i’d rather have a baby with-“
“So i-if an alien”
“Shut it you. Let me continue my speech to you now that you’ve done yours” He chuckled sprinkling water in her face playfully, “You’re the one for me, n’ you’d never be a burden because I want to bother with you, I want everything with ya. Gah, you’re just fuckin’ irresistible n’ I don’t think I can live without ya. I don’t know what piece a shit has said things to ya but, you’re my precious sugar plum princess. In our little world, right up ‘ere where no one can get us, I promise to keep ya n’ our little miracle safe. Cause you’re both mine n’ i’m not afraid to show it” He finished, twirling the wedding band round her finger, his eyes staring at her; simply smiling she leant forward connecting their lips together, “N’ y-you’re mine”
PSA: I really am proud of this piece, and hope you all enjoy reading it as much as I did writing it 🫶
Library blog of works: @f10werfaes-cosy-collection
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Hope you all have a lovely week🫶
Can’t wait to write more dad!lumberjack!Henry xoxo Fae
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klonnieshippersclub · 11 months
Where You Belong (Runaway Hope AU) Pt.2
In celebration of reaching 100 followers, here’s part 2 of the Runaway Hope AU (Where You Belong) from @cancerian-woman and @mythorhuman . Thanks so much for this special gift! More Klonnie works to come with Klonnie Weekend from Dec. 29 to Jan. 1. Please see Part One Here.
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To Bonnie’s surprise, she chickened out. Bonnie knew that she was not a coward, but she couldn’t bring herself to dial the old number she had for Klaus. She did NOT want to hear the laughter in his hypnotically smooth voice. It was seductive, and she did NOT need to be distracted as he inevitably taunted her for accidentally kidnapping his child. 
Maybe it was her social anxiety kicking in. It was easier to pretend to be more extroverted in her life before vampires. She was a former cheerleader, so being in crowds didn’t scare her. However, constantly being in danger did kill her social skills. Who even talks on the phone anymore? A text will do.
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  That man was ridiculous and had Bonnie aching to pull her hair out. Oh, how he knew the best ways to push all her buttons. She didn’t even send him her address but knew Klaus would find her. Her fingers fidgeted with nerves. It had been some time since she last faced an Original. Since then, she’s kicked the devil’s ass and stomped out hellfire. It wasn’t his physical strength that scared her. Bonnie was more concerned about the impact seeing Klaus would have on Hope.
Bonnie truly adored the youngest Mikaelson in the family, and she hoped that Klaus knew she would never harm a child. She was fully aware of his paranoia regarding threats to his family. The girl hadn’t seen her family in some time. Was Klaus showing up just to abandon her for the best? Bonnie didn’t think so.
She knew Hope would be excited to see her father. The disappointment from the child and parent parting again would crush Hope’s soul. All she could do was spend the rest of the day distracting Hope. When Bonnie first told Hope she would contact her father, the girl looked slightly distressed as she anticipated a lecture from her dad. Aware of their shared love for art, Bonnie planned to drag Hope to a museum before dinner, and then they could practice a little ballet before bed.
Hours in the early morning, Bonnie heard repeated knocks on her door. It was dawn, and some stranger seemed determined to get her attention. The Bennett witch hopped out of bed in her lilac satin nightgown with lace trim and reached for the matching robe. She rushed to the door with determination to end the knocking before Hope awakened. Bonnie pulled open the door to discover that it was NOT a stranger.
“What the hell, Klaus?” Bonnie asked with a dramatic eye roll. She was holding back the urge to slam the door in his face.
Klaus eyed her in the short nightgown before answering. “Hello, my little witch. My, have you grown, and yet it almost looks like you’ve barely aged.”
Bonnie wrapped the robe she was carrying around herself. She hated that she didn’t hate his stare and the way his eyes admired her body. “Dying over and over again is the best anti-aging solution out there. That and magic.”
“On to important things, where is my daughter?” Klaus shifted from playful to stern as he looked behind Bonnie. There was a coldness in his glare as he barged into Bonnie’s living room with the intent of finding his daughter.
“She is upstairs in my guest bedroom. Hope has my ancestor’s talisman around her neck that should protect her from the Hollow long enough for you to bring her back to school.”
The hybrid sighed in disbelief at the ludicrous nature of this situation. His child had run from the Salvatore Boarding School, and the only teacher to contact him about Hope being gone was across the ocean. “That school clearly isn’t capable of watching her. You know, Hope has written to me about you and your impact on her life.” There had to be another boarding school more qualified to care for Hope.
“Oh yeah? Did you write back?” With an arched brow, Bonnie couldn’t help but voice how unimpressed she was by Klaus’ lack of communication with Hope.
Didn’t the Bennett witch know all about doing things for the betterment of others? Not speaking with Hope hurt him as much as it pained his daughter. “Limited contact was for the best.”
“Hope needs her parents. She needs her family and not to be sent to a boarding school where she feels like an outcast.”
“Thank you for caring for my daughter, Ms. Bennett, but you are not her parent.”
“Maybe I should be,” Bonnie challenged with her hands on her hips. Both Klaus and Bonnie turned at the sound of little feet scampering towards them.
“Daddy!” the redhead child appeared at the top of the stairs. She rushed down each step and launched herself into her father’s arms. Finally, everything felt right to Hope. She had her two favorite people in the world with her. It felt like home. A part of Hope longed for the three of them to be a family.
Thank you to @mythorhuman and @cancerian-woman again for this beautiful AU! I can’t wait to see more works from the Klonnie fans out there.
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tobiasdrake · 6 months
I've made my bed and now I get to lie in it. We're going south.
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Oh, this must be where all the giant rocks that smush me are manufactured. Cool. Cool. Cool-cool-cool.
Hey, you think if I punch that person in the junk a bunch of times while they're frozen, all of the punches will sync up and be delivered at once after we slay the King?
I think we should test it out. Y'know. For science. Time Craft is uncharted territory, after all. We can be pioneers.
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Yes, because I'm Scissors, I get it. Here, let me write you a Paper on how dissatisfied I am with your hospitality and nail it to your door.
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HA. Choke on that, Odile. The math never lies.
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Is it me or did the temperature just drop by about fifteen degrees? Guess it should come as no surprise that the philosophy of Change applies to the air conditioning too.
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It's okay. You're well within your rights, especially since we found the proof in his pockets and everything. Why don't you take a moment. Go with the others. Breathe. Let it out. While I....
...test out a hypothesis.
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Well fuck that noise I'm never feeling safe again. I'm going to be in a perpetual state of anxiety after reading this book.
Not even tactically! I am not making plans. I am simply stating the reality of the situation. This is the most wicked trap ever.
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No it does not nothing will ever feel safe again
Also there's like a tendrilly thing sticking out of the doorway over there. So. I don't. Trust that.
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I still don't feel safe but I can't say no to snack time. Snack time is immutable. Snack time is eternal.
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I figure we're all doomed to time-freeze without me so prop my body up in a way that looks cool and lifelike. That way, if someone comes along and cures the time freeze some day, my corpse will fall over and freak them out.
They'll think they killed everyone. It will be hilarious.
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Check. We will fashion you into necklaces and wear your corpse with honor.
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Plant food, got it. Doubt it will come up since we're all extra-special doomed without you specifically but I've made a note of it all the same.
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We can do the time-frozen corpse gag for you too then. If we both die then our corpses will prank the future together. Hand in hand.
Unless we actually win despite the two of us dying. Seems unlikely. But then I guess it's the janitorial staff's problem. It will be my honor to be grumpily carted away in trash bags by underpaid maintenance staff with you.
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What she said.
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That sounds like some chthonic shit but for Bonnie's sake, I'm down.
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I feel like Bonnie's running low on supplies. They're a fantastic cook but they can only do so much with what they have.
Hm. I. Seem to recall. Being warned about pineapple recently.
Pretty sure I was told that pineapple is delicious and I should savor it immensely.
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Yep. I am a pineapple eating master. Probably. I've never actually had it but I am a fiend for fruity flavors so I'm certain that I'll be an expert at this.
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Huh. That's a peculiar flavor for pineapple to have. Oh, right, I think my Lemonfriend said I'm actually allergi--
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This is everybody's fault except mine.
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bonniebird · 2 years
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Tyler x Fem!Reader
Requested by Anon
December event
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Caroline and Tyler had been in the middle of an argument when you giddily hurried over to them. They stopped and Caroline looked at you carefully. “What’s happened to you?” She asked suspiciously.
"I had my first kiss under the mistletoe!" You exclaimed. Caroline smiled and chuckled despite the mood moments earlier between her and Tyler. Tyler, however, scowled over the way that you’d pointed. “Over there. Just now.”
“You had your first kiss and it happened to be under the mistletoe or you had your first kiss under mistletoe?” Caroline asked.
“I suppose both?” You muttered.
“Shouldn’t your first kiss be special?” Tyler asked quickly and frowned at Caroline who gave him a funny look.
“It was special. It was snowing and it was under the mistletoe. It’s so romantic.” You gushed. Tyler started to look rather furious. 
“Why don’t you go over to Elena and Bonnie? They’re running the snack stand.” Caroline said. You nodded and hurried off while Caroline grabbed the back of Tyler’s jacket. “You need to calm down.”
“I am calm.” He snapped back to her.
“You are not! Someone other than you kissed (Y/N) and it’s making you angry. Calm down. Go and cool off. If you’re really upset then you should see if (Y/N) would like a second kiss under the mistletoe. Maybe this time you’ll be picked.” Caroline smiled smugly when Tyler glared at her. His face softened and he took a deep breath before sighing.
“Fine.” He snapped and stomped off into the woods. Caroline saw him half an hour later. He was talking with you and slowly wandering through the winter fate towards a sprig of mistletoe that was hanging nearby. Elena and Bonnie hurried over to her and she smiled.
“Tyler is about to give (Y/N) a kiss under the mistletoe.” She muttered to them.
“Oh good. Because apparently that first kiss was terrible and (Y/N) was disappointed that it wasn’t with Tyler.” Elena informed Caroline who beamed. “Well, this has all worked out well then.” She said smugly. They watched as Tyler stopped under the mistletoe, looked up, pretending to be surprised and leaned in. Just as you almost kissed the snow near you shifted and you both slipped.
“Ah. Well. Maybe next time they’ll get it right.” Bonnie said quietly. They hurried away so that they could burst into laughter without you or Tyler seeing. Tyler wouldn’t have noticed either way as he was busy helping you up and making sure that you hadn’t hurt yourself.
tyler tags:
@elenavampire137 @zoomdeathknight @pheonix4269 @bloodrose @sarahbullet235 @lovelyy-moonlight @stellasblog @DeanWinchestersgirl87 @thekayarlene @linkpk88 @babypink224221 @lisainhell @spiderwebs-blog @gryffindorqueensworld @rockyrascal @twerp8999 @greekktragedyy @alexxavicry @daughterofthenight117 @multi-fandom5 @akshi8278 @kaylantus @ssa--holmes @salemsnothere @supernatural-wolfie @yougottalovefandoms @babygrinchsblog @love1deandra @archaeologydigit @im-eating-rn @bucketbunny @littlefreakingfangirl @gillybear17 @gatefleet @lucyqueenofthestars @Kaitieskidmore1 @123cxcv @slxthxrxn-sxmp @readingbookelf @gatefleet
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mrsbsmooth · 1 year
Scripts - S07 - Episode 4 (Part 1 of 2)
Raunchy Races
NARRATOR: Welcome back to Love Island, where the new girls just spent their first night in Casa Amor!
NARRATOR: I wish I could have a first night in Casa Amor…
NARRATOR: I wish I could have a first night anywhere other than this shed!
NARRATOR: I’ve tried to make it cosy but the Spanish weather doesn’t allow blankets and slippers…
NARRATOR: Anyway, let’s get back to the action!
You wake up in bed beside {0}. He smiles sleepily at you.
{0}_HAPPY: Good morning, {1}.
PLAYER_IDLE: Hey, {0}.
{0}_HAPPY: Happy to see me?
Of course
PLAYER_FLIRTY: Of course I am.
PLAYER_FLIRTY: There’s no better way to wake up than beside a hot boy like you.
{0}_FLIRTY: Glad to hear that.
I wish I’d slept alone
PLAYER_EMBARRASSED: I wish I’d had the bed to myself actually.
{0}_SAD: Really? I’m pretty sure I don’t snore.
{0}_IDLE: I guess I’ll have to up my game today then.
I’m not telling
PLAYER_IDLE: I’m not telling. Gotta keep some secrets.
{0}_FLIRTY: Oh, I see. Don’t want to reveal too much just yet?
{0}_HAPPY: Well, we’ve got plenty of time to get to know each other.
You wake up in bed beside Bonnie. She smiles sleepily at you.
BONNIE_HAPPY: Good morning, {0}.
PLAYER_IDLE: Hey, Bonnie.
BONNIE_HAPPY: Happy to see me?
Of course
PLAYER_FLIRTY: Of course I am.
PLAYER_FLIRTY: There’s no better way to wake up than beside a hot girl like you.
BONNIE_FLIRTY: Glad to hear that.
I wish I’d slept alone
PLAYER_EMBARRASSED: I wish I’d had the bed to myself actually.
BONNIE_SAD: Really? I’m pretty sure I don’t snore.
BONNIE_IDLE: I guess I’ll have to up my game today then.
I’m not telling
PLAYER_IDLE: I’m not telling. Gotta keep some secrets.
BONNIE_FLIRTY: Oh, I see. Don’t want to reveal too much just yet?
BONNIE_HAPPY: Well, we’ve got plenty of time to get to know each other.
You wake up alone to your first full day in Casa Amor.
You notice Rafael entering the bedroom carrying the extra bedding he took outside.
RAFAEL_HAPPY: Morning, {0}. Hope the bed was comfy.
RAFAEL_HAPPY: Sleeping outside was actually pretty fun.
The rest of the Islanders wake up around you.
SUMMER_FLIRTY: Morning, everyone. Ready to get grafting?
UMA_FLIRTY: I sure am!
SUMMER_FLIRTY: Maybe some of us started grafting last night.
SUMMER_FLIRTY: I heard a few telltale sounds coming from somewhere in the room.
BONNIE_HAPPY: Are you sure those sounds weren’t coming from your own bed, Summer?
SUMMER_FLIRTY: But Casa Amor is about more than one night.
SUMMER_FLIRTY: And maybe about more than one boy?
Summer smiles devilishly at you, before looking over at {0}.
SUMMER_FLIRTY: I’m just being honest. There’s all to play for.
SUMMER_FLIRTY: Don’t you agree, {0}?
I agree completely
PLAYER_FLIRTY: I’m with you on that one, Summer!
PLAYER_FLIRTY: Still plenty of hot options in here.
{0}_SAD: I kinda felt special there for a moment.
{0}_IDLE: Aw well, still early days.
I heard what you said last night!
PLAYER_SERIOUS: No, I don’t, Summer! In fact I heard what you said last night.
PLAYER_SERIOUS: That you were gonna make moves on {0}!
PLAYER_SERIOUS: I’d be grateful if you didn’t step on my toes.
SUMMER_FLIRTY: I hear you, I’ll try my best not to.
I don’t care what you do
PLAYER_IDLE: You do you, Summer. I’m not bothered what your plan is.
SUMMER_SURPRISED: Wow, ok. Normally I get a bigger reaction than that!
SUMMER_FLIRTY: Guess I might have to step up my game.
UMA_HAPPY: I can’t believe it’s the first full day for us girlies.
BRYSON_HAPPY: I’m so pumped to see what today has to offer.
JOYO_FLIRTY: Yeah, gotta make the most of the time we have here.
ALEX_IDLE: We’re not here for long. Can’t waste it.
RAFAEL_HAPPY: What do we think we’re gonna be doing?
UMA_HAPPY: There’ll be some surprises. I wouldn’t mind some breakfast first though.
BRYSON_HAPPY: I’ll get right on that, Uma!
ALEX_HAPPY: I’ll get right on that, Uma!
{0}_HAPPY: If breakfast is on the menu, what would you like, {1}?
Fruit salad
PLAYER_HAPPY: I’d love some fresh fruit please, {0}.
{0}_HAPPY: Fruit? Delicious. I’ll whip up a tasty fruit salad in no time.
{0}_HAPPY: Be right back!
PLAYER_HAPPY: I’d love some toast please, {0}.
{0}_HAPPY: Toast? Classic. It can’t be beat.
{0}_HAPPY: Be right back!
Just coffee
PLAYER_IDLE: Just some coffee for me please, {0}.
{0}_HAPPY: Just coffee? Perfect to get the day started.
{0}_HAPPY: Be right back!
Nothing for me
PLAYER_IDLE: No breakfast for me thanks, {0}.
{0}_HAPPY: No probs, {1}, whatever you say.
{0}_IDLE: I’m gonna grab myself a coffee.
The boys all excitedly rush out of the bedroom to prepare some breakfast.
SUMMER_FLIRTY: I wanna know what you did last night, {0}?
UMA_FLIRTY: Yeah, spill!
Reveal the deets
PLAYER_FLIRTY: I’ll tell you what you want to hear.
PLAYER_FLIRTY: Me and Bryson had this real deep chat.
PLAYER_FLIRTY: We kissed. But that’s it.
UMA_HAPPY: Yes! That’s so cute.
SUMMER_FLIRTY: Love that for you.
PLAYER_IDLE: We just had a chat and went to sleep.
UMA_HAPPY: I reckon Bryson can get quite deep.
PLAYER_IDLE: Kept it chill and cute.
BONNIE_HAPPY: Love that for you.
PLAYER_FLIRTY: Me and Joyo had this real deep chat.
PLAYER_FLIRTY: We kissed. But that’s it.
UMA_HAPPY: Yes! That’s so cute.
SUMMER_FLIRTY: Love that for you.
PLAYER_IDLE: We just had a chat and went to sleep.
UMA_HAPPY: I reckon Joyo can get quite deep.
PLAYER_IDLE: Kept it chill and cute.
BONNIE_HAPPY: Love that for you.
PLAYER_FLIRTY: Well, we had a really nice chat and got to know each other a little better.
PLAYER_FLIRTY: We had a cheeky spoon. But that’s it.
UMA_HAPPY: Yes! That’s so cute.
SUMMER_FLIRTY: Love that for you.
PLAYER_IDLE: We just had a chat and went to sleep.
UMA_HAPPY: I reckon Alex can get quite deep.
PLAYER_IDLE: Kept it chill and cute.
BONNIE_HAPPY: Love that for you.
PLAYER_IDLE: Nothing happened with Raf.
PLAYER_HAPPY: We talked. Got to know each other a little more.
SUMMER_IDLE: I would have wanted a hug at least.
PLAYER_FLIRTY: Well, we had a really nice chat and got to know each other a little better.
PLAYER_FLIRTY: We had a cheeky kiss. But that’s it.
Bonnie gives you a sexy wink.
UMA_HAPPY: Yes, girl! That’s so cute.
SUMMER_FLIRTY: Love that for you.
PLAYER_IDLE: We just had a chat and went to sleep.
UMA_HAPPY: I reckon you can get pretty deep, Bonnie.
PLAYER_IDLE: We kept it chill and cute.
SUMMER_HAPPY: Love that for you both.
I’m not telling you anything
PLAYER_SERIOUS: Nah, I’m not telling you girls anything!
PLAYER_SERIOUS: I want to keep some things to myself.
SUMMER_SERIOUS: Ok, {0}. Message received.
PLAYER_HAPPY: That would be kind of difficult when I slept alone.
SUMMER_FLIRTY: Speak for yourself!
SUMMER_FLIRTY: It was only the first night I suppose. More drama and naughtiness to come.
SUMMER_FLIRTY: Uma, did you have some fun?
UMA_HAPPY: Me and Bryson had a little cuddle and a kiss. It was sweet.
SUMMER_EMBARRASSED: Just a cuddle and kiss? Please tell me it was a proper snog not just a peck!
UMA_HAPPY: Me and Alex had a cuddle but that's it.
UMA_HAPPY: Me and Alex had a cuddle but that's it.
UMA_HAPPY: It was cute.
UMA_FLIRTY: But there was some real sexual tension between us. It was electric.
SUMMER_FLIRTY: That’s what I want to hear!
SUMMER_FLIRTY: Bonnie, how was your night?
BONNIE_HAPPY: I enjoyed my night for sure.
SUMMER_HAPPY: Well, we need to make sure we turn the boys' heads to get back to the main villa.
UMA_HAPPY: Easily done. Look how amazing we are. They’d be lucky to twist with us.
SUMMER_FLIRTY: Let’s get our graft on to make sure though.
BONNIE_HAPPY: You love a graft, Summer.
SUMMER_FLIRTY: It’s my fave sport.
Suddenly, a phone pings!
SUMMER_HAPPY: That’s my phone!
She looks down at her phone.
SUMMER_HAPPY: Somebody grab the boys!
PLAYER_SURPRISED: Why? What’s going on?
Summer reads out the text.
LITEXT: Islanders, it’s time to compete against the main villa in a game of Raunchy Races! The prize for the winning villa will be a party tonight! {0}Who’llComeFirst {1}WinnersParty
The boys return to the bedroom to hear the news.
SUMMER_FLIRTY: I am so excited for this!
BONNIE_HAPPY: Yeah, this is gonna be fun.
UMA_FLIRTY: Time to get dressed up then, girls.
SUMMER_HAPPY: Yeah, I’m bringing my A-game…
Summer runs away to the dressing room.
BONNIE_SURPRISED: Looks like Summer is racing her way back to the main villa already!
UMA_HAPPY: Let’s not let her get too far ahead.
You and the other girls chase after Summer.
{0}_HAPPY: See you out there, {1}!
UMA_FLIRTY: So, what are we wearing, girls?
BONNIE_HAPPY: I wonder if any of my clothes are raunchy enough?
SUMMER_FLIRTY: Mine definitely are!
BONNIE_HAPPY: I’d really like to win that party.
UMA_HAPPY: Let’s show those boys that Casa girls go all out!
SUMMER_FLIRTY: How about you, {0}? You ready to compete?
PLAYER_FLIRTY: This feels pretty raunchy to me!
SUMMER_FLIRTY: Looks like I have some competition at last.
PLAYER_IDLE: I think I’ll just wear what I have on now.
SUMMER_EMBARRASSED: You sure about that?
SUMMER_FLIRTY: We need to secure these boys, remember!
I’ll take another look
PLAYER_FLIRTY: This feels pretty raunchy to me!
SUMMER_FLIRTY: Looks like I have some competition at last.
I’m good in this
PLAYER_SERIOUS: I think I’ll just wear what I have on.
UMA_SERIOUS: Fair enough, {0}.
UMA_FLIRTY: I wonder how the boys will act during this game?
UMA_FLIRTY: They might reveal some hidden talents we don’t know about.
BONNIE_HAPPY: Maybe we should reveal some of our own?
Bonnie smiles at you
SUMMER_FLIRTY: No time to waste, girls.
UMA_HAPPY: Let’s go.
You all rush down to the firepit.
The Islanders gather at the firepit, excited for the start for Raunchy Races.
The boys seem a little tense.
SUMMER_FLIRTY: I’m not sure the girls in the villa are gonna be able to keep up with us.
UMA_FLIRTY: I second that.
UMA_FLIRTY: What do you think, {0}?
They don’t stand a chance
PLAYER_HAPPY: We’re winning this, no problem.
UMA_HAPPY: That’s the right attitude, {0}.
BONNIE_HAPPY: Yeah, Casa Amor girls got this!
I’m not confident we’ll win
PLAYER_IDLE: I’m not feeling great about this. They could beat us.
UMA_SURPRISED: Don’t think like that, {0}.
UMA_HAPPY: There’s a party at stake here.
BONNIE_IDLE: Don’t worry, I’ve got your back, {0}.
Let’s not be too competitive
PLAYER_IDLE: Let’s just try and have fun instead of being competitive.
SUMMER_FLIRTY: Oh, don’t worry, I plan on having plenty of fun too.
UMA_FLIRTY: Same here!
You get a text.
PLAYER_HAPPY: That’s me!
You read the text out to the group.
LITEXT: Islanders, it’s time for Raunchy Races to begin. It’s Casa Amor Vs Main Villa!
LITEXT: Each team will receive identical instructions. Whoever completes the challenge fastest will win a point.
LITEXT: The team with the most points at the end will be rewarded with a party later tonight! {0}SexySpeed {1}OnlyOneWinner
ALEX_IDLE: I wonder how the girls in the villa are feeling?
BRYSON_IDLE: Yeah, doubt the boys over there will be able to compete with us though.
JOYO_IDLE: I agree with you on that one, bro.
RAFAEL_EMBARRASSED: I wonder if Daphne is gonna get proper involved?
ALEX_IDLE: We’ll find out during the game, I guess.
{0}_IDLE: Let’s not forget which team we’re on, boys.
{0}_FLIRTY: And which girls we get to have fun with.
{0} smiles at you.
Your phone pings again.
PLAYER_HAPPY: Here we go!
You read out the text.
LITEXT: The most creative boy must kiss the most creative girl.
ALEX_HAPPY: That’s probably me! I’m always building things.
ALEX_HAPPY: And {0}, your job is creative too.
PLAYER_IDLE: I guess so.
UMA_HAPPY: Well, kiss already. This is a race, remember?!
Snog Alex
PLAYER_FLIRTY: Come here, Alex.
Alex rushes over to you, and the two of you embrace.
Your lips meet and you kiss passionately as the other Islanders cheer you on.
{0}_EMBARRASSED: Steady on, guys.
ALEX_FLIRTY: That was amazing, {0}.
Give Alex a peck on the lips
PLAYER_FLIRTY: It’s you and me, Alex.
Alex rushes over to you, and the two of you lean in for a kiss.
Your lips meet gently before you rush back to your seats.
Kiss Alex on his cheek
PLAYER_IDLE: Get over here, Alex.
Alex rushes over to you, and you lean forward and kiss him on the cheek.
ALEX_HAPPY: Quick and direct!
You both rush back to your seats.
ALEX_HAPPY: But which girl is most creative?
UMA_FLIRTY: I can get plenty creative at my salon!
ALEX_HAPPY: Looks like it’s you and me then, Uma.
Alex and Uma run to the front of the group.
Uma jumps into Alex’s arms and the two embrace.
They share a fun and flirty kiss before rushing back to their seats.
ALEX_FLIRTY: I’m sure we’ll get a kiss soon, {0}.
You get a text!
LITEXT: Villa wins!
PLAYER_SAD: We were too slow!
PLAYER_SERIOUS: You were too slow!
JOYO_FLIRTY: Maybe they were just too fast. Daphne wasn’t mucking about.
JOYO_IDLE: Yeah, a movie makeup artist is as creative as it gets.
JOYO_SERIOUS: But, I wonder who the new creative boy is that she kissed?
A phone pings.
BRYSON_HAPPY: That’s me!
Bryson reads out the text.
LITEXT: The tallest boy must kiss the girl they fancy the most.
UMA_HAPPY: The tallest boy has to be Alex?
BRYSON_SURPRISED: Nah! We should stand back to back to check.
BONNIE_FLIRTY: There’s no time! Alex which girl do you fancy the most?
Snog Alex
You grasp Alex and the two of you kiss passionately.
You separate and run back to your seats.
ALEX_HAPPY: Wow, that was amazing… And fast! We have to have won.
Give Alex a peck on the lips
You rush over to Alex and give him a gentle kiss on the lips.
ALEX_HAPPY: Perfectly classy… And fast! We have to have won.
Kiss Alex on his cheek
You and Alex quickly meet at the front of the group.
You lean forward and give him a quick peck on the cheek.
ALEX_IDLE: That was fast! We have to have won.
You get a text.
LITEXT: Casa Amor wins!
ALEX_FLIRTY: We smashed that one, {0}.
{0}_FLIRTY: I think me and {1} would have been even quicker.
{0}_HAPPY: If only I was a little taller!
ALEX_HAPPY: Size isn’t everything, buddy.
A phone pings.
SUMMER_HAPPY: Come on, guys! On to the next one.
Summer reads out the text.
LITEXT: The most travelled boy must kiss the most travelled girl?
RAFAEL_HAPPY: Madrid to the States to London took a fair bit of travelling.
JOYO_IDLE: I’ve been diving all over the world.
UMA_SERIOUS: No time guys. I’ll decide!
UMA_HAPPY: Joyo it’s you! And I’ve been on loads of holidays. Kiss me already!
JOYO_FLIRTY: You got it.
Joyo and Uma quickly move together and share a quick fun kiss.
Joyo looks at you and smiles.
JOYO_FLIRTY: Nothing on you, {0}.
Joyo and Uma quickly move together and share a fun and flirty kiss.
You get a text.
LITEXT: Villa wins!
BRYSON_SURPRISED: We’re behind guys. We need to pull this back!
A phone pings.
BONNIE_HAPPY: That’s me.
LITEXT: The oldest boy must kiss the oldest girl?
RAFAEL_HAPPY: Alex! That’ll be you, grandad!
ALEX_HAPPY: Hey, at least I wear big boy clothes!
UMA_SERIOUS: But who is the oldest girl?
That’ll be me
PLAYER_IDLE: I’m the oldest!
PLAYER_FLIRTY: Get over here, Alex!
The oldest girl is Uma
PLAYER_IDLE: Uma is the oldest.
PLAYER_IDLE: Hurry up and kiss you two!
You and Alex rush towards each other. You embrace and lean in for a kiss.
Snog Alex
You pull Alex into you and kiss him hungrily.
He responds to your kiss and you pull him closer.
You move away from each other.
He smiles at you as you go back to your seats.
Give Alex a peck on the lips
PLAYER_FLIRTY: We have to win this one.
You place your hand on Alex’s cheek and peck him quickly on his soft lips.
You rush back to your seats waiting for the results.
Kiss Alex on his cheek
PLAYER_IDLE: Anything for the win.
You pull Alex’s face towards you and quickly kiss his cheek.
ALEX_HAPPY: Best peck I’ve ever had.
You go back to your seats.
Uma and Alex rush towards each other. They share a flirty kiss.
JOYO_IDLE: I can’t help but notice that you’re getting all the kisses, Alex.
ALEX_FLIRTY: I’m not complaining.
BRYSON_IDLE: I can’t help but notice that we’re still losing.
ALEX_IDLE: Hey, I’m trying my best.
Your phone pings. You read out the text.
LITEXT: Villa wins!
UMA_SAD: I guess we took too long deciding again.
RAFAEL_SAD: The oldest girl is Daphne. Looks like she was quick to kiss someone.
ALEX_IDLE: It’s just a game, buddy, don’t sweat it.
Another phone pings.
UMA_FLIRTY: That’s me.
Uma reads out the text.
LITEXT: The best dressed boy must kiss the best dressed girl…
LITEXT: …Underwater!
Without a second thought, and with a huge splash, Bryson jumps straight into the pool.
BRYSON_HAPPY: So, which girl is gonna join me in here?
PLAYER_HAPPY: I’m definitely the best dressed!
You jump into the pool and move close to Bryson.
Snog Bryson
You put your arms around Bryson and pull him towards you as you dip under the water.
He places his hands around you.
Your lips meet in a passionate kiss. His lips move with yours.
You rise up above the water with a splash.
BRYSON_HAPPY: Best underwater kiss I’ve ever had.
Give Bryson a peck on the lips
You move quickly through the water towards Bryson.
You pull him towards you as you dip under the water.
You quickly peck him on the lips. You can feel him smile.
You separate and rise to the surface.
BRYSON_HAPPY: Best underwater kiss I’ve ever had.
Kiss Bryson on his cheek
You move quickly through the water towards Bryson.
Pulling him towards you as you dip under the water. You hold his face and kiss him on the cheek.
You separate and rise to the surface.
BRYSON_HAPPY: Best underwater kiss I’ve ever had.
You and Bryson climb out of the pool and return to the firepit.
PLAYER_HAPPY: Bonnie is definitely the best dressed!
PLAYER_HAPPY: Get in that pool, Bonnie. Quick!
Bonnie jumps into the pool and moves close to Bryson.
They dip under the water and kiss passionately.
PLAYER_HAPPY: Wow, they’re going for it.
UMA_HAPPY: C’mon you two! It’s a race!
They surface laughing and smiling.
BRYSON_HAPPY: Best underwater kiss I’ve ever had.
The two of them climb out of the pool and return to the firepit.
PLAYER_HAPPY: Summer is definitely the best dressed!
PLAYER_HAPPY: Get in that pool, Summer. Quick!
Summer jumps into the pool and moves close to Bryson.
They dip under the water and kiss passionately.
PLAYER_HAPPY: Wow, they’re going for it.
UMA_HAPPY: C’mon you two! It’s a race!
They surface laughing and smiling.
BRYSON_HAPPY: Best underwater kiss I’ve ever had.
The two of them climb out of the pool and return to the firepit.
PLAYER_HAPPY: Uma is definitely the best dressed!
PLAYER_HAPPY: Get in that pool, Uma. Quick!
Uma jumps into the pool and moves close to Bryson.
They dip under the water and kiss passionately.
PLAYER_HAPPY: Wow, they’re going for it.
BONNIE_HAPPY: C’mon you two! It’s a race!
They surface laughing and smiling.
BRYSON_HAPPY: Best underwater kiss I’ve ever had.
The two of them climb out of the pool and return to the firepit.
Joyo gets a text. He reads it out.
LITEXT: Villa wins!
ALEX_SAD: We lost again?
BRYSON_SURPRISED: I was in that pool rapid though.
JOYO_FLIRTY: Should have let me do it. I’ve had a few underwater kisses in my time.
RAFAEL_SAD: If we lost, I wonder which of the villa girls was so fast?
ALEX_IDLE: I mean, they’re all really well-dressed.
JOYO_FLIRTY: Yeah, it’s hard to work out which one it was.
ALEX_EMBARRASSED: Could’ve been any of them really.
BRYSON_HAPPY: At least I know the boy they kissed wasn’t as well-dressed as me!
JOYO_HAPPY: Keep dreaming, pal.
RAFAEL_SAD: Maybe they’re really enjoying this game? Maybe the new boys are better than us?
BRYSON_IDLE: Not a chance.
ALEX_IDLE: Yeah, chin up, Raf.
SUMMER_SERIOUS: Looks like the boys’ heads are still on the villa girls.
PLAYER_SAD: And we’re trailing 4-1.
SUMMER_FLIRTY: We need to turn them back to us if we want to win this.
UMA_FLIRTY: Yeah, {0}. Why don’t you tell the boys who to focus on?
Get the boys back in the game with a speech
PLAYER_SERIOUS: Boys? I need your attention.
PLAYER_SERIOUS: Not sure if you’ve noticed, but we have a game to win!
PLAYER_IDLE: And you boys need to keep your minds on the girls in front of you.
{0}_IDLE: Sorry, {1}. You have our undivided attention.
{0}_HAPPY: Let’s win this thing!
Get the boys back in the game with a sexy dance
PLAYER_FLIRTY: Boys? I need your attention.
PLAYER_SERIOUS: Not sure if you’ve noticed, but we have a game to win!
PLAYER_FLIRTY: And you boys need to keep your minds on the girls in front of you.
You perform a slinky sexy twirl to get all eyes back on you.
{0}_FLIRTY: Wow, I am fully focussed on you now, {1}.
{0}_HAPPY: Let’s win this thing!
Their focus is their problem
PLAYER_IDLE: I’m not doing that. If they don’t want to win, that’s their problem.
SUMMER_SERIOUS: If you won’t, I will. Oi, boys!
SUMMER_SERIOUS: If you boys wanna win that party, you better keep your minds on the right girls…
SUMMER_FLIRTY: …The one’s in front of you!
{0}_IDLE: Sorry, girls. You have our undivided attention.
{0}_HAPPY: Let’s win this thing!
A phone pings.
ALEX_HAPPY: My turn. Let’s do this!
Alex reads out the text.
LITEXT: The girl on the furthest left must kiss the Islander they think is the sexiest.
ALEX_FLIRTY: {0}, that’s you. Who’s the sexiest?
PLAYER_FLIRTY: The sexiest Islander is Alex.
Snog Alex
You and Alex quickly embrace each other.
His lips are soft on yours and you both move in perfect rhythm.
You separate and see Alex’s wide grin.
ALEX_FLIRTY: The sexiest Islander and an amazing kiss? I don’t even care if we win now.
BRYSON_SERIOUS: We better win, Alex!
Give Alex a peck on the lips
You and Alex quickly move towards each other taking his face in your hands.
You press your lips to his as you peck him.
You separate and see Alex’s wide grin.
ALEX_FLIRTY: The sexiest Islander and an amazing kiss? I don’t even care if we win now.
BRYSON_SERIOUS: We better win, Alex!
Kiss Alex on his cheek
You and Alex quickly move towards each other.
You softly kiss him on the cheek and as you separate, you see Alex’s wide grin.
ALEX_FLIRTY: The sexiest Islander and a sweet kiss? I don’t even care if we win now.
BRYSON_SERIOUS: We better win, Alex!
PLAYER_FLIRTY: The sexiest Islander is Bryson.
Snog Bryson
Bryson rushes over to you and lets you pull him into an eager kiss.
His lips move with yours as he winds his arm around your waist.
UMA_HAPPY: It’s a race, not a leisurely snog!
Bryson breaks away with a smirk.
BRYSON_FLIRTY: I can’t help it if {0} has the most kissable lips.
JOYO_EMBARRASSED: Most kissable? That’s the best you can come up with?
BRYSON_HAPPY: Jealousy doesn’t look good on you, mate.
Give Bryson a peck on the lips
Bryson rushes over to you and lets you pull him in for a peck. His lips stay on yours.
UMA_HAPPY: It’s a race, hurry up!
Bryson breaks away with a smirk.
BRYSON_FLIRTY: I can’t help it if {0} has the most kissable lips.
JOYO_EMBARRASSED: Most kissable? That’s the best you can come up with?
BRYSON_HAPPY: Jealousy doesn’t look good on you mate.
Kiss Bryson on his cheek
Bryson rushes over to you and lets you pull his face towards you.
You softly kiss his cheek. He smiles sweetly as you let him go.
BRYSON_HAPPY: Didn’t think I’d like a cheek kiss so much.
BRYSON_FLIRTY: But I guess anything you do is special, {0}.
Bryson winks at you as he takes his seat.
PLAYER_FLIRTY: The sexiest Islander is Joyo.
Snog Joyo
You and Joyo meet in the middle for a quick and steamy snog. He takes your face in his hands, lingering slightly.
SUMMER_FLIRTY: No time for that, you two!
JOYO_FLIRTY: Didn’t want to stop…
He smiles at you as he sits back down.
Give Joyo a peck on the lips
You and Joyo meet in the middle. You lean in and kiss him tenderly and quickly.
JOYO_FLIRTY: That was cute, {0}.
JOYO_FLIRTY: I wish it had been longer.
SUMMER_IDLE: There’s no time for that!
Kiss Joyo on his cheek
You and Joyo meet in the middle. You kiss him gently on the cheek. He puts his hand up to his face as you pull away.
JOYO_FLIRTY: I kinda liked that, {0}.
SUMMER_IDLE: No time for chit chat!
PLAYER_FLIRTY: The sexiest Islander is Rafael.
Snog Rafael
You dash over to Rafael. He hesitates but then his eyes light up and he leans in to kiss you.
You kiss tentatively, he seems to want more, melting a little into the moment.
SUMMER_FLIRTY: Enough now, we gotta win!
You pull apart. Rafael grins, then looks slightly guilty.
ALEX_HAPPY: Just a game remember, bro.
Give Rafael a peck on the lips
You dash over to Rafael. He hesitates but then his eyes light up and he leans in.
You graze his lips with a quick peck.
You pull away. He grins then looks down at the ground, slightly guilty.
ALEX_HAPPY: Just a game remember, bro.
Kiss Rafael on his cheek
You dash over to Rafael and kiss him tenderly on the cheek.
His eyes light up, then he looks at the floor, slightly guilty.
ALEX_HAPPY: Just a game remember, bro.
PLAYER_FLIRTY: The sexiest Islander is Bonnie.
BONNIE_FLIRTY: After you, of course.
Snog Bonnie
You and Bonnie don’t hesitate. You wrap her arms round her neck and give her a deep and steamy snog.
SUMMER_FLIRTY: No time to linger, you two!
BONNIE_FLIRTY: Sorry, Summer.
BONNIE_FLIRTY: We got lost there for a moment.
Give Bonnie a peck on the lips
You and Bonnie don’t hesitate, she takes you by the waist and you kiss her quickly but tenderly on the lips.
SUMMER_FLIRTY: That’s enough, gotta win!
BONNIE_FLIRTY: You got it, Summer.
BONNIE_FLIRTY: I wanted to get lost there for a moment.
Kiss Bonnie on her cheek
You and Bonnie don’t hesitate. You take her face in your hands and gently kiss her on the cheek. Her eyes shine.
BONNIE_FLIRTY: That was so cute, {0}. I’ve got butterflies.
SUMMER_IDLE: Enough idle chit-chat! We gotta win.
Your phone pings.
LITEXT: Casa Amor wins!
The Islanders all cheer together.
SUMMER_HAPPY: That’s more like it.
UMA_FLIRTY: I knew we could count on {0}.
A phone pings.
JOYO_SERIOUS: It’s me. Time for the ultimate comeback.
BRYSON_HAPPY: Don’t get too competitive, Joyo.
JOYO_FLIRTY: Sometimes you need to be competitive to win, bro.
RAFAEL_SURPRISED: Read it out already!
Joyo reads out the text.
LITEXT: Can the shortest girl dance for the most tattooed boy?
JOYO_FLIRTY: This is definitely me!
SUMMER_FLIRTY: And it’s definitely me!
Summer rushes over to Joyo and immediately performs a sexy dance against him.
Joyo looks at you with an awkward smile.
Your phone pings. You read out the text.
LITEXT: Casa Amor wins!
RAFAEL_HAPPY: Nice, back in the game people.
The rest of the group cheer and laugh.
RAFAEL_SAD: Do you guys think that Daphne is the shortest girl in the villa?
SUMMER_SERIOUS: Rafael, what did we say? Focus!
RAFAEL_EMBARRASSED: Sorry, I’m just over-thinking.
Rafael’s phone pings.
ALEX_IDLE: If we get this one, it’ll be all square again.
JOYO_SERIOUS: Let’s not mess this up!
BONNIE_HAPPY: I need that party already!
Rafael reads out the text.
LITEXT: The boy who thinks he’s the most popular must kiss the girl with the best smile?
{0}_FLIRTY: I’m gonna take the dive and say that’s me. We don’t have time to waste.
BONNIE_HAPPY: And the girl has gotta be {0}.
Snog {0}
{0} moves towards you as if nothing else matters. He takes you by the hand and twirls you into his lips.
You kiss him with passionate enthusiasm. He responds by twisting his fingers through your hair.
BONNIE_FLIRTY: Break it up, break it up.
UMA_IDLE: You can carry on later! Hurry!
You disentangle and smile at one another.
{0}_FLIRTY: I really hope so…
{0} moves towards you. He pauses for a brief second and looks into your eyes.
He pulls you in and you snog him gently but surely.
He touches your shoulder when you part.
RAFAEL_IDLE: I’m into it, {0}. Just got things on my mind.
SUMMER_HAPPY: All I’ve got on my mind is winning!
Kiss {0} on the lips
{0} moves towards you as if nothing else matters. He takes you by the hand and twirls you into his lips.
Your lips meet quickly but with underlying passion.
BONNIE_FLIRTY: Break it up, break it up.
UMA_IDLE: You can carry on later! Hurry!
You step away and smile at one another.
{0}_FLIRTY: I really hope so…
{0} moves towards you. He pauses for a brief second and looks into your eyes.
He pulls you in and you kiss him quickly but surely.
He touches your shoulder when you part.
RAFAEL_IDLE: I’m into it, {0}. Just got things on my mind.
SUMMER_HAPPY: All I’ve got on my mind is winning!
Give {0} a kiss on the cheek
{0} moves towards you. You grab him and touch your lips to his cheek.
UMA_HAPPY: Nice and quick, good job.
{0}_FLIRTY: Do I have a lipstick mark?
Your phone pings. You read out the text.
LITEXT: Casa Amor wins!
{0}_HAPPY: Yes, we did it!
BONNIE_SERIOUS: We’re level aren’t we?
You get another text and read it out.
LITEXT: Islanders, the villa and Casa Amor have scored equally!
LITEXT: It’s time for a tie-break!
SUMMER_SERIOUS: On your marks everybody. This is our last chance.
LITEXT: Can all the Islanders jump into the pool to cool off!
*Go for the win!
PLAYER_HAPPY: Come on everyone! Don’t worry about your hair.
You rally your fellow Islanders to the pool as quickly as you can!
SUMMER_HAPPY: For the win!
BRYSON_HAPPY: Cannonball!
You all speed over to the pool and jump in with a series of splashes!
UMA_HAPPY: Victory had better be ours!
PLAYER_HAPPY: We got this.
Admit defeat!
PLAYER_IDLE: Nooooo thank you, no pool for me.
PLAYER_IDLE: Let’s admit defeat.
UMA_HAPPY: Aw, come on, I think we still have time!
{0}_FLIRTY: Let’s do it, {1}!
*Go for the win!
PLAYER_HAPPY: Come on then everyone! Don’t worry about your hair.
You rally your fellow Islanders over to the pool as quickly as you can!
SUMMER_HAPPY: For the win!
BRYSON_HAPPY: Cannonball!
You all speed over to the pool and jump in with a series of splashes!
UMA_HAPPY: Victory had better be ours!
PLAYER_HAPPY: We got this.
Admit defeat!
PLAYER_IDLE: Nah, really. I bet they already won anyway.
SUMMER_EMBARRASSED: Ohhhh, {0}! We’re gonna lose.
{0}_IDLE: It’s just a game, Summer. We’re all good here.
Your phone pings from where you left it on the lawn.
You all dash out of the pool to check the text!
LITEXT: Casa Amor wins the party! {0}PartyAnimals {1}WinnersTakeItAll
BONNIE_HAPPY: Yes, girls!
SUMMER_HAPPY: I knew we’d win it.
UMA_HAPPY: Way to go, {0}.
{0}_HAPPY: Yep, {1}’s the true MVP here.
Your phone pings.
LITEXT: Main villa wins the party! {0}BetterLuckNextTime {1}CasaTakesTheL
BONNIE_SAD: Bad luck, guys.
SUMMER_SAD: I can’t believe they beat us!
UMA_SAD: Good effort, {0}.
{0}_SAD: Not the best result.
{0}_IDLE: But we tried our best, at least.
BRYSON_HAPPY: I guess we’ll just have to have some kind of Losers party instead!
UMA_HAPPY: I’m down for that!
RAFAEL_EMBARRASSED: That was way closer than I thought it would be.
JOYO_IDLE: I didn’t expect the girls in the villa to go that hard.
RAFAEL_SURPRISED: So hard they won!
ALEX_IDLE: Maybe the villa girls were never really that into us?
BRYSON_FLIRTY: Chin up, boys! If they’re making moves, so should we.
{0}_HAPPY: We don’t want to waste the time we have with these girls…
{0}_FLIRTY: …Especially {1}.
{0}_IDLE: Yeah, you might be right.
{0}_IDLE: How could I not focus on a girl like {1}?
{0}_IDLE: Maybe this is the real connection I’ve been looking for?
BONNIE_FLIRTY: {0}, time for a catch up.
UMA_FLIRTY: Yeah, let’s go!
You follow the girls over to the poolside.
SUMMER_FLIRTY: That was so much fun!
SUMMER_EMBARRASSED: Even if we lost.
UMA_FLIRTY: The boys really showed another side to themselves.
SUMMER_FLIRTY: An even hotter side!
BONNIE_HAPPY: I think we might all be in with a chance of getting to the villa.
BONNIE_IDLE: What do you think, {0}?
BONNIE_IDLE: Do you think the boys’ heads are turning in our direction?
We’ve got their full attention
PLAYER_FLIRTY: How could they not?
PLAYER_FLIRTY: They are in the palms of our hands now.
BONNIE_HAPPY: Loving that confidence, {0}.
We’ve still got work to do
PLAYER_SAD: I think we’ve got a ways to go still.
PLAYER_EMBARRASSED: It feels like the villa girls have still got the boys’ heads on them.
SUMMER_FLIRTY: I suppose we’ll have to do something about that then.
I’m still not certain
PLAYER_IDLE: I really don’t know, girls.
PLAYER_IDLE: It’s too difficult to tell.
BONNIE_IDLE: I know what you mean, early days still.
SUMMER_FLIRTY: Well, I’m staying positive.
UMA_FLIRTY: Yeah, me too.
SUMMER_FLIRTY: I’m completely convinced that the boys are open to us.
BONNIE_HAPPY: So now we change our approach?
SUMMER_FLIRTY: Tactics change sometimes, gotta be adaptable, ladies.
SUMMER_FLIRTY: And talking of tactics...
SUMMER_SERIOUS: I think the more we learn about the villa girls…
SUMMER_FLIRTY: …The more we can outshine them. Information is power after all.
SUMMER_IDLE: Don’t you agree, {0}?
Sounds like a great plan
PLAYER_HAPPY: Absolutely. We need to know as much as we can.
PLAYER_HAPPY: That way we can work out how to secure our place in the villa.
SUMMER_IDLE: Exactly. That’s what I’m talking about.
I don’t need to use tactics
PLAYER_SERIOUS: Summer, that sounds like nonsense.
PLAYER_FLIRTY: I don’t need to play games to get what I want.
SUMMER_SERIOUS: I never said I was playing games, just don’t want to be beaten.
I don’t know
PLAYER_IDLE: I really don’t know.
BONNIE_IDLE: I’ve gotta agree with {0}, we can’t be sure.
SUMMER_FLIRTY: Speaking of boys.
RAFAEL_FLIRTY: Are my ears burning?
SUMMER_FLIRTY: They might be if I get my hot lips anywhere near them.
RAFAEL_EMBARRASSED: I think I’d prefer {0} to nibble my ears actually.
There’s a slightly awkward pause.
RAFAEL_IDLE: Anyway, I need to pull you for a chat.
RAFAEL_EMBARRASSED: Oh no, sorry, Summer.
RAFAEL_IDLE: I meant {0}.
RAFAEL_IDLE: Follow me, {0}.
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anywayshapeorform · 11 months
question: why are there so many zorses around?
God's mistake probably. Those things look at Death in the face and refuse to go in peace. They gather in groups and if you pass near them, you can feel their rancid vibes for the whole day. If you see one, kill it without mercy.
ah, that's why aha- the... the ca- him. you know who. this is why he hunted down so many zorses, i guess
Oh, yeah, I saw Bonnie when I was around earlier. He's not eating the blood anymore, don't worry.
of course he isn't!! his dad finally washed off all that blood, thank fuck. imagine, you go to someone's place, normal day!! just to see him standing there, blood all over him and the grass, not even counting his own house, and his kid just around waving a picture of him in that state, while licking the blood from the ground!?!? how is that man even alive!?
Zorses don't attack back.
not my point. i meant that in a "what kind of person has to wait for someone to drag his ass to a body of water in a situation like that?", didn't he notice the state he was in?!?!
I have a vague memory of you being very neutral about the blood in his ritual room, though.
when you walk inside what you identify as a ritual room, it's normal to see blood. when you set foot into someone's place, like you did multiple times before, it's normal to be surprised by your friend dripping blood. specially if he doesn't even have blood!!
Would you rather it being his own blood??
look. you don't get it. in less than 24 hours, it was my second time walking up to a place and seeing a friend covered in blood. i am very glad it wasn't his blood, but i think i deserve a break from walking into bloodied rooms and people
Fair, fai- wait. Second time???
0 notes
multiversediaries · 2 years
Could you do an imagen where the reader(vampire) is like Caroline in 3x11 where it’s her birthday and the get biten by a werewolf and klaus goes to heal them and then gives them a choice like he did to Caroline (and if you want could the reader like declare a love for klaus even though they know he is in love with Caroline and klaus stays the night.)if not it’s okay.(hope ur having a wonderful day )
dying secrets
a/n: this is such a cute idea! i hope i did it justice :3
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klaus mikaelson x reader
warnings: mentions of death, werewolf bites, small angst, soft klaus
part count: 1/1
“happy birthday!” you heard your friends scream as you walked back into your house. you jumped a bit, surprised by them. you looked back at them, shocked. you giggled as you looked at elena, bonnie & caroline, who were all holding bottles of wine in their hands.
“what are you guys doing here?” you laughed a bit, caroline offering you a hug, one you gladly accepted.
“it’s your birthday! we're here to celebrate!” bonnie said, waving the wine bottle she was holding. you giggled a bit, shaking your head.
“we don’t have to celebrate it! i’ll have a billion more birthdays, remember?” you said, walking past them.
you loved being a vampire. you loved the power and confidence it gave you. you loved how you could defend yourself, not needing anyone’s help for anything. yet, there were days where you despised it. today was one of those. you felt upset at the thought of never having children, of never growing old with someone. watching those you care for die, while you stayed the same wasn’t easy either. being a vampire wasn’t as perfect as everyone made it seem.
“don’t say things like that! your birthdays with us are still limited, y/n.” elena said, following right behind you. you sighed, she was right. most of your friends were human. you and caroline being the only vampires in your friend group, asides from the salvatores, of course. you turned around, nodding.
“we can go to the grill and have a few drinks, if you want to keep it small.” caroline said, excitedly. you smiled, nodding rapidly. you weren’t in the mood to celebrate your birthday this year. but at the same time, you wanted to spend some times with your friends in this day that used to be so special to you.
“oh, come on. damon isn’t as bad as you all make him out to be!” you said, taking a sip from the cup of red wine you were holding. all of your friends started laughing after your comment.
“i’ll just pretend those words didn’t come out of your mouth.” bonnie said in between laughs. you giggled, raising your hands in defense. you looked over at the band that was playing.
“i just hope stefan comes back to me.” elena said, gaining your attention again. you frowned at her, you hated seeing your friends upset. caroline rubbed her shoulder gently.
“why don’t you just ask klaus to make his hybrids leave town, caroline? you seem to have him on the palm of your hand.” bonnie snickered. your mood instantly worsening. you liked klaus. no one knew of your feelings towards the deadly hybrid, of course. your friends would absolutely kill you if they knew you had feelings for the man who has tormented their lives all this time.
“stop it, if all the hybrids leave, so does my boyfriend, remember?” caroline said, looking at bonnie. you nodded, looking at your glass. “why won’t stefan just return the caskets?” caroline said, a bit irritated.
“because one of those caskets holds the weapon to finally killing him, care.” elena said, looking back at caroline, who nodded. you drank what was left of your glass, soon reaching over to grab the bottle and pouring yourself another glass. you hated this conversations you were having.
“it’s y/n’s birthday, why don’t we talk about something else?” bonnie said, noticing you were a bit uncomfortable. you smiled, looking at bonnie.
the night passed so fast. you spent the entire night, drinking, dancing and talking with your friends. you ended up enjoying yourself. you were so glad you went out tonight. you all talked about your future plans, boy problems, and so much more. it was a good night. now, you were saying goodbye to your drunk friends, standing outside the grill.
“are you sure you want to walk home, y/n? i can give you a ride!” bonnie said, looking at you. you shook your head.
“i want to walk. my house is close by, and i’m a deadly vampire, i’ll be fine, bon! plus care will be with me!” you said softly, earning a laugh from her. “no protection spell needed!” you added, your best friend softly hitting your arm. you laughed, giving her one last hug before she got in her car.
“happy birthday, again!” elena yelled at you from the passenger’s seat. you waved at her, smiling widely. you watched as their car drove away. caroline grabbed your hand and looked at you.
“let’s get going.” she said as you nodded and started walking next to her. your house was pretty close to the grill, along with caroline’s. you both lived a few blocks away from each other.
you both walked, still talking. it seemed like you guys never ran out of things to talk about. it was quite a breezy night, the moonlight illuminated your path perfectly. you just noticed it was a full moon, it looked beautiful. you were almost at your house, only a few miles left, before you heard some strange noises. you stopped walking and so did caroline. you both looked at each other, as to confirm you both heard the same thing. you started looking around, using your hearing as well. after you both saw and heard nothing else, you started walking away. you even called yourself paranoid, as you continued your conversation with caroline. that was until you saw something standing a little bit away from you.
“is that a..?” caroline started, standing in fear. a wolf. there was a werewolf right in front of you both. you stayed frozen in place, looking at caroline terrified. what were you supposed to do in a situation like this?
in the blink of an eye, the werewolf was on top of you. you screamed, trying your hardest to get it off you. you felt absolutely petrified as you dodged the wolf attempts to bite you, or so you thought. you kept punching the wolf, with all the strength you had. you fought as hard as you could, yet it seemed useless. after a few seconds of fighting, caroline stabbed the wolf with a pocket knife, drenched in wolfsbane, that she always carried with her. you thanked alaric in your head. the wolf growled in pain, backing away from you, and soon after, leaving you both alone.
“oh my god, y/n! are you okay?” she asked, as she helped you up. you nodded, still in shock of what had happened. you looked up at her once again, meeting a terrified caroline. you laughed just a bit to ease the mood, after all, you both were fine.. right?
“oh my god.. you were bitten.” caroline said, terrified. what? there was no way. you didn’t feel anything. her hand reached out to your shoulder, touching the bite gently, causing you to hiss in pain, your eyes widening as you saw the small bite on your shoulder. you were bitten. you started panicking, looking back at caroline whose hands were covering her mouth, and tears were running down her cheeks. you didn’t know what to do. you were in a state of shock. you were going to die.
you were finally at home, laying in your bed. the hallucinations had already started, you started seeing your family members, and relieving old memories. you knew you were close to dying. breathing got harder by the minute, you were in excruciating pain. death seemed better than having to go through all of this.
caroline had called klaus. she was still by your house, taking care of you, and making sure you wouldn’t hurt yourself, or others. she kept pacing around the room, waiting for klaus’ arrival. he soon did. caroline sighed in relief, as she knew you were now safe. klaus told caroline to head home, reassuring her you’d be alright, she nodded, and headed home, leaving you alone with klaus.
klaus walked into your room, finding your lifeless self, laying in your bed. he stared at your weak state, his eyes locking on your pale skin and chapped lips, he felt pity for you. he wondered who could’ve done this. he sat in your bed. you opened your eyes once again, as you felt him sit. you gave him a small smile, figuring this was another one of your hallucinations.
“are you really here?” you asked, weakly. klaus nodded, removing your hair out of your face. you closed your eyes, feeling his touch. you smiled weakly, before opening your eyes again.
“what a lovely birthday you’re having.” klaus said, smirking a bit, his eyes examining the bite, who kept getting bigger as the minutes passed. you coughed a bit.
“who would have thought i’d die the same day i was born? ironic, isn't it?” you replied, clearing your throat. klaus moved your shirt aside, taking a better look at the bite.
“can i tell you something?” you asked klaus, finally looking up to meet his eyes for the first time. he looked back at you, nodding. you offered him a small grin. you looked at klaus, knowing you were on the verge of death. you didn’t want to die without being honest with him, and with yourself.
“i love you, klaus.” you said, klaus immediately freezing at your words. you... loved him? he looked at you, stunned by your words. how could anyone love him? he thought of himself as unlovable. all of his life he had never been a receiver of love, not by his family, not by anyone. he started believe no one would ever love him. yet here you were.
“but you’re in love with caroline. and that’s fine.” you said, swallowing the lump in your throat. he looked at you, worried. he was afraid you were running out of time. he wanted to feed you his blood and save you. he now felt connected to you. he felt anxious, as he saw the one and only person who seemed to loved him so close to death. he couldn’t lose that, he was selfish like that.
“i just wanted to go without any regrets.” you laughed breathlessly, looking back into his blue eyes. “i love you, niklaus. and i will continue to do so. i hope you find the happiness you deserve.” you finished, closing your eyes, the pain getting worse, almost unbearable. he looked at you, conflicted.
he didn’t know when it happened or why, but he seemed to want you, or should i say, need you to stay alive. you were the first person in centuries to love him. he didn’t know how love starved he was until you confessed your feelings for him. he was selfish, he knew that. he wasn’t in love with you, caroline seemed to be the one to hold his heart, but he needed the one person who seemed to cared for him, and surprisingly love him, alive. he now cared so much for you.
“i have the ability to save you, y/n. if that’s really what you want.” klaus said, softly and gently, his hand reaching over to hold yours. you opened your eyes, already too tired.
“if you truly believe you have no regrets, and are ready to die. if you believe your life serves no purpose. if you believe your existence is meaningless, i can let you die.” he said, as you reflected on his words. truthfully speaking, he didn’t want to let you die. but the least he could do is offer you a way out of vampirism. he had seen how difficult it was for you once you turned, he thought you has turned out to be a good vampire. but regardless, he wanted you to have a choice.
“but let me tell you something. there’s a whole world out there, waiting to meet you, just waiting to be discovered by you. so many gorgeous places, delicious food, soul healing music and art.” klaus started, looking into your eyes, his thumb starting to caress your hand.
“you have a whole life ahead of you. you can have many more birthdays, form more relationships, fall deeply in love, you can have it all, y/n. all you have to do is ask.” klaus finished, waiting for your reply. your eyes started to water, as you thought of the life you could have.
you couldn't deny that being a vampire had taken a toll on you. having to give up someday being a mother was so difficult for you. you spent the first months as a vampire in agony, missing your human life. but after a while, you became used to it. you overcame it. once in a while, like today, you'd miss it when you were normal, but most of the time, you were happy, and okay with yourself. klaus was right, there were so many things out there waiting for you. being a vampire had its pro's and con's, but in your opinion, there were far more pro's to it. you didn't want to die, not yet.
“i’m not ready to die yet, klaus.” you broke down, waterfalls starting to fall from your eyes. his heart ached at the sight of you. you hadn’t lived yet. your life was just starting. you didn’t want to die. there were so many things you wanted to do.
klaus nodded, moving to sit behind you, his back resting on your bed frame. you laid on his chest, as he brought his wrist to your mouth. his other hand caressed your hair, softly running his fingers through your hair. he looked at you, worried at your state.
“there you go, love. have at it.” klaus said, as he bit his own wrist, noticing you were too weak to do so. again, he brought his wrist to your lips, where you started to drink his blood. he closed his eyes, continuing to pat your head as you helped yourself. you could feel yourself becoming you again. you regained your energy. you felt happy knowing you were feeding off the man you cherished. you soon stopped, as you thought you had enough. you looked up at klaus, removing yourself from his chest. you still felt weak, so you laid your head back on your pillow, needing more rest.
“thank you, klaus. i don’t know how to repay you.” you said, still feeling exhausted. he offered you a small smile.
“consider it your birthday present.” he said, causing a small laugh to leave your lips. he felt relief, knowing the one person who truly loved him was alright, and all thanks to him.
“i know you came to save me because care called you.” you said softly, his eyebrows furrowing at your words. “i know you don’t love me. i know i probably mean nothing to you.” you continued, and he felt troubled by your words. he wouldn’t say you meant nothing to him, and now even more after your confession.
“i know i’m not the one you’re in love with. but would you please stay with me tonight?” you said, klaus astonished at your words. “i don’t want to be alone.” you finished, wiping the tears that rolled down your cheeks, as you acknowledged that the hybrid would never love you.
you knew klaus would never see you in a romantic way. you were just caroline’s friend. you even felt foolish for confessing your love for him, in what you thought were your dying moments. you felt his thumb, wiping away some tears by your cheeks. you looked up at him, startled by his actions. it was the least he could do for you, after you had laid your heart on the table, just for him.
klaus laid down next to you, placing your still weak body in his chest once again. he held you in his arms, in the most gentle way possible, as if he was scared of hurting you any further. you closed your eyes, whilst you listened to the heartbeat of the man you were in love with. klaus’s hand rested on your waist, where his fingers traced circles in your skin. you felt as if you were dreaming. you never would have thought niklaus could be so.. kind. you had fallen in love with him, only seeing his bad side, yet only paying attention to his good moments. but, you had no idea klaus was such a compassionate person. you felt yourself falling deeper as you dozed off in his arms. you kept falling for someone you knew you could never have. he was your forbidden love.
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ijustwant2write · 2 years
The Shy Bride-Bonnie Gold x Shelby!Reader
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(GIF credit to @chimestims)
Requested by anonymous: 'Can you do a Bonnie gold fic where the reader is a Shelby and he has to marry her for a business deal and they end up getting to know each other even tho the reader is all shy and innocent and doesn't really like anyone that isn't family and the golds love her'
Characters: Bonnie Gold x Shelby!Reader, Shelby family x Shelby!Reader, Aberama Gold x Reader (in-laws), Esmeralda Gold x Shelby!Reader (in-laws)
Meanings: (Y/N)=Your name
Warnings: Arranged marriage, swearing, shouting/arguing, sadness, drinking, fluff
As I returned home, I eyed up the beautiful dress hanging over the kitchen door, feeling the fabric and admiring it. I had never seen this dress before but it was gorgeous, an extravagant evening gown that every girl would be envious of. But why was it hanging up in Pol's kitchen?
"Pol, who's this dress for?" I asked.
"Would be nice if you greeted me first."
"Sorry, got distracted."
Polly smiled, but it didn't seem genuine."It's for you actually. A gift from Tommy."
"For me? Why is Tommy buying me dresses? He's got good taste actually."
"For a special occasion apparently. We're going out somewhere this afternoon."
"Oh, where?"
"I don't know (Y/N)." there was a slight snap in her tone, but I assumed she was annoyed by my questions."Sorry, just got a lot to do."
"Need help with anything?"
"No, I can handle it. Why don't you start getting ready?"
"Alright, as long as you're sure."
I brushed off Polly's behaviour. My family could have terrible mood swings at times. I understood why, we were in a gang, life could never be simple and sweet. Taking the dress, I quietly squealed to myself, excited to try it on and get myself dolled up. We must have been going somewhere really fancy, probably just to show our faces, show that Tommy was a real family man to benefit the legitimate side of business, give him a good image.
Luckily I had shoes and accessories to match the dress, spending time on how to style my hair and what lipstick to wear. I was never one to boast, but I looked lovely in this outfit. I didn't even question where we could be going or who we would be meeting, not if Tommy was going to buy me a special outfit for each occasion. Headed downstairs when I heard my brother's voices, I was surprised to see them all waiting in the hallway, dressed in their finest suits, and Polly also in one or her best dresses.
"Oh, sorry, am I making us late?"
"No, not at all." Tommy smiled, which was rare. It made me slightly nervous.
"Right. Um, when are we leaving?"
"Might as well head out now. Come on."
Tommy took the lead, walking out of the door, Arthur followed with his head down, whereas John looked at me a little longer, seeming angry. Polly had to nudge him to make him move. Once he walked outside, she held her hand out to me, giving me the same smile from earlier. Either something was going on that I didn't know about or they had just had an argument.
"Pol, me and (Y/N) are going to share a car. The rest of you in the other one." Tommy informed her.
Pol didn't even try arguing back. She squeezed my hand before getting into the car in front of us. Tommy had brought two chauffeurs, he didn't drive as much as he used to now. I wondered why he didn't just meet us at the place we were going to instead of driving all the way here, though I supposed it was for another photo opportunity.
Nothing was said as we set off, both of us just looking out of the window, watching the landscape around us change. My head turned to look at him as he started taking.
"(Y/N), do you know where we're going?"
"No, Pol didn't say anything."
"Good. Right, uh...This is to do with business."
"Oh, OK. Is it the usual, stay with you for a bit then mingle with Polly or the boys whilst you get on with business?"
"No, nothing like that. It actually involves you."
My heart rate had already increased."Me? What? Am I in danger?"
"You're perfectly safe. You're actually going to be even safer after today."
"Can you just tell me what's happening Tommy? The nerves are making me breathe funny."
"I...I had to arrange something."
"Arrange?" I let out a laugh as a thought came into my head."You're not marrying me off are you?"
He didn't reply.
"Oh my god, you are marrying me off!"
"If I told you before, you wouldn't have come."
"Of course I wouldn't! Who am I marrying? Why am I marrying them? Tommy, how could you do this to me?!"
I placed a hand over my chest, feeling like my heart was going to burst out of my chest, my lungs were so tight, I couldn't breathe properly.
"(Y/N), calm down, breathe."
"How can I? You're selling me, you're making me live the rest of my life with a stranger!"
"They're not a stranger."
"Who is it then?"
"It's Bonnie Gold."
This was so random. Why was I marrying him? I didn't know him, all I knew about him was how he and his family were now helping protect ours. Tommy also got him a boxing deal, but what did that have to do with me? Why was I being forced to do something? It was just like John all over again.
"It was part of a deal."
"A deal you didn't think to ask my opinion on?"
"Would you have said yes?"
"No!" I tried to steady my breathing but nothing was working."Oh my god, oh my god, I'm getting married to someone I don't know."
"You do know him."
"Not well enough to marry him! We've never even said hello to each other! I think I'm going to be sick. Pull over, please!"
The driver did what I asked, and I immediately jumped out. My legs began walking along the road, I didn't even think about it. Tears were welling up in my eyes over my brother's betrayal. What had I done to deserve this? John needed a wife, he had loads of kids that needed looking after, they worked. What if me and Bonnie didn't? What if he was actually a horrible person? Tommy didn't know him as well as he thought he did, they could be hiding anything.
"(Y/N), get back in the car please."
"No! Why am I getting married for a deal? I'm not out of control, I'm not rowdy, I do what I'm told all the time and I'm nice to everyone! And this is what I get for following the rules, your rules?"
"I wouldn't let you two marry if I thought he would hurt you. Bonnie is going to treat you well (Y/N), I know he is."
"Am I going to have to live in a wagon?!"
His head tilted back as he sighed."Fuck me. No, you're not, you'll be living in a house."
"I can't do it, Tommy, I can't, I really can't do this."
"You have to, I have to keep my end of the bargain."
"Do you know how angry I am with you?!"
"I think so."
There were so many things I wanted to scream at him. Who else knew? Why did they let him do it? Who's idea was it in the first place? I couldn't though. My breathing was out of control, my eyes were stinging with tears, and loud sobs were coming out of my mouth.
Tommy gently put his hands on my shoulders, making me stand up straight."We do things for this family, yeah? We go through hardships to make our family stronger. And I'm asking you (Y/N), please go along with this. If we can keep an alliance with the Gold's, it will only bring us good. I wouldn't ask you if I was desperate or if I didn't think you could do it."
I contemplated running away there and then. However, I wasn't going to get far in these shoes. Home was too far away by now, the roads weren't clear and if anyone recognised me, I could be dead within hours.
"I really have to do this, don't I?"
Tommy nodded, cautiously wrapping an arm around me to slowly take us back to the car. For the rest of the drive I hung my head, staring at the pretty shoes I had picked for today. This was it. I was getting married. Married to a man I had only seen but never talked to, married to a man to settle a deal. My brother, who I trusted and loved, had thrown me to the dogs, not even glancing back to face the consequences of his actions; it was all to benefit him.
We pulled up at Tommy's house. He explained that since this was a quick arrangement it was easier to hold the ceremony there, it was more personal, they knew it was safe. My stomach cramped up as I stepped inside, spotting the bouquet of flowers everywhere. They even fucking decorated. Ada and Polly were at the entrance, both looking as pissed off as I was. Unfortunately, Ada held my own bouquet in her hands.
"You can't do this Tom. Just cancel it, go in there and say the wedding is off. She's just a girl." Ada spat.
"Ada." Polly warned.
"You can't go along with this Pol. She's being forced into a marriage!"
Tommy cleared his throat."Ada, Pol, please take your seats."
"Hold on," Pol pulled out her powder box from her purse, dabbing the brush on my face,"need that beautiful face of yours back."
I knew she was trying to cheer me up, and clean me up so I would look like such a mess. It would all just stream off my face later. My hands shook as I held the flowers, the petals and leaves slightly rustling. Polly and Ada left hesitantly, shushing everyone in the hall where I assumed the ceremony was taking place.
"Are you going to be sick?" Tommy asked.
"Not sure." I whispered.
"Just know that I hate this too. I wouldn't-"
"Shut up Tommy."
I never snapped at Tommy, or anyone really. But this called for it. I could have called him every nasty name under the sun there and then. When he held out his arm for me, I reluctantly took it, wishing I could sprint to the stables to steal a horse, ride off into the sunset. But it was too late, because the doors to the hall opened, and there everyone stood, watching intently as I walked down the aisle. I didn't even have a proper wedding dress.
It felt like I had never worn heels before, I was wobbling all over the place. Bonnie looked miles away, though I was beside him in seconds. His family were here, my family sat on the opposite side. Tommy gingerly pressed a kiss to my cheek before going to sit down. And here I was, stood next to my soon to be husband. He kindly smiled at me, though I couldn't bear to even look at him, eyes flickering away. I stared at Jeremiah who was officiating the wedding, the poor man must have thought I was evil the way I was looking at him.
The ceremony felt muffled, as if I couldn't hear anything properly. Jeremiah waffled on, until we had to say our vows and exchange the rings. I focused so much on his words to not get them wrong, only realising that after we had said them to each other, that was it, we were now married.
"I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may kiss the bride." Jeremiah announced.
Both our families clapped to fill the silence. Bonnie leaned down but I retracted out of instinct. He halted before moving again, slower this time, to kiss my cheek. Taking my hand in his, he walked us out of the hall, the doors closing behind us. I let out a shocked breath, looking at the ring on my finger. Bonnie went to speak.
"So, I-"
I snatched my hand out of his, scurrying to the kitchen to find a bottle of wine. I needed a drink, and a lot of it. I also wanted to get out of any awkward conversations that were about to ensue. There was way too much going on right now to start small talk.
Unfortunately he had followed me, watching as I popped open a bottle. I glanced at the glass in my hand, deciding to set it down and drink from the bottle.
"I'm not that bad am I?" Bonnie tried to joke.
I didn't say anything, leaning back against the counter.
"Look, I'm sorry this has happened. We don't know each other, back in there was the first time we've spoken, it's a lot. But I want you to know that I'm going to look after you. We'll go at your pace, whatever you're comfortable with. I want us to be friends at least."
He sounds genuine. When Bonnie first joined the Peaky Blinders, he hadn't been overly cocky like some of the others. Of course he was a bit more boastful when it came to the ring, though that was all part of his image. And he was the only peaky boy to not try it on with me. Ironic.
"Sorry for just going in for the kiss too. I thought a small peck wouldn't hurt."
"It's fine." I mumbled, casting my eyes to the floor.
He took a few seconds before speaking again."Never been much of a wine person."
I looked up at him as he stood opposite to me, also leaning back in a countertop.
"Suppose that could change." he held out his hand for the bottle, indicating that I pass it over.
He took a swig, scrunching up his face and coughing after. The corner of my mouth twitched at how silly he looked, but didn't show him that.
"God, that is so sweet. How do you chug it back?"
"I don't usually." I squeaked out."Just...just flet like I needed to."
He passed the bottle back to me."I won't lie, I don't exactly want my new wife to be drunk on our first night together."
My eyes widened.
"No, not like that! Nothing is going to happen. I just meant, I would like to use this time to get to know you."
I was being stubborn. I wanted to go against him, just to spite Tommy. But I was too shy, I couldn't even hold eye contact with him.
"I'll leave you alone for a bit. But please come up to the party, my family can't wait to meet you." he made his way to the door, stopping and turning around."You look beautiful tonight."
I didn't let him see me blush, turning away as I drank more from the bottle. I hated how easily I was embarrassed. Boys tried flirting with me, though I knew that was because they wanted to say they had shagged a Shelby girl. Of course I knew their intentions, hence why I was still a virgin.
After a few more swigs, I knew I had to go back upstairs. Setting the almost finished bottle aside, I took a deep breath, adjusting the bottom of my dress, checking my face in a mirror before heading to see my family and new in-laws.
When I returned, everyone was gathered in the lavish front room. Music was playing, champagne was being handed out, and everyone seemed relatively happy chatting with one another. Finn, John and Adawere the only ones not mingling, scowling faces on them as they observed the others.
"(Y/N)," a man caught my attention, it was Bonnie's father,"welcome to the family."
I politely smiled."Thank you sir."
"Call me Aberama. I appreciate the manners though. And I understand you're not entirely happy with this marriage."
I glanced away from him."But believe me when I say that Bonnie has been just as nervous. Although he is also very determined to ensure you are comfortable and feel like a part of the family."
That was nice, I guess.
"He has multiple sisters who you might find easier to talk to rather than an old man."
He raised his drink to me, smiling as he walked away. I really didn't want to talk to anyone, scurrying to my three siblings who were most against this arrangement.
"You alright?" Finn draped his arm around my shoulders, and I quickly hugged him, clinging on.
I shook my head no.
"Of course she isn't. This is all a big mistake, we should have come up with a plan to get her out of here." Ada huffed.
John scoffed."Oh yeah, that would have gone down a treat with both families."
"You were just as much against it all as we were."
"No one was for this marriage, well, besides Tom. But it's done now, innit? I'll just have to keep a special eye on the new in-law."
"Can we stop talking about it please? Just talk about anything else." I asked quietly, realising some of the others were looking over at us, and that made me incredibly nervous.
Before we even had a chance to change the topic, someone from Bonnie's side of the family made her way over. I looked anywhere but her, until she was stood beside me. She was beautiful, probably around the same age as myself, though her confidence gave her a more mature look.
"I thought I would come over and introduce myself. I'm Esmeralda, one of Bonnie's sisters."
"Nice to meet you."
Get a grip woman.
"There's actually three of us, sisters I mean. Poor Bonnie didn't have any brothers to rough around with. Though I suppose it is only you and Ada amongst all these men."
Ada smiled at her, though you could tell it was out of sarcasm. I cringed, hoping Esmeralda hadn't seen that.
"I was wondering if you wanted to join us?" she gestured to where her other sisters were, who waved.
"Um, yes."
It sounded more like a question, but Esmeralda took that answer. I worriedly looked back to my own siblings, annoyed at my politeness. Where was my Shelby fire?
I sat by Esmeralda, the others sitting across from us. She instantly started up a conversation, it was easy to see she was fine around strangers. I only wished to half as confident as her. Her sisters also chimed in now and then, trying to involve me in the conversation. There was no talk about the wedding, just typical girly things; dresses, makeup, dances, they even spoke about their traditions. It slowly moved onto the topic of Bonnie, though past stories about him, tales of how he was as a child. I even managed to break out a smile.
"And obviously we'll all be getting to know each other a bit better once we're all moved in together." Esmeralda exclaimed.
Esmeralda and her sisters held a serious look, bursting out laughing a second later. I was confused, had I missed a joke?
"Sorry, I was trying to lighten the mood. Of course we're not living with you two!"
"I don't even know where we're living."
"Well, neither do we, but I'm sure your brother has sorted it."
"Sorry, have I upset you?"
"No! No, I'm fine." I was tempted to excuse myself, but I went against that. I was going to be social."So, is there abythibg else I should know about Bonnie?"
Perhaps this was my way of getting to know my husband without actually talking to him. Even if it was a subconscious thing, I was getting information about him. And there didn't seem to be a bad bone in his body unless he was in the ring, or defending his sisters from a man who had disrespected them, though that was more chivalrous.
"Sorry ladies, may I borrow my sister?" Tommy asked, gesturing for me to follow him.
I smiled at the girls, catching up with my brother who was making his way to his office, grabbing Bonnie on the way. I faltered when he stepped in line with me, not used to having a boy so close to me. Bonnie let me go first into the office, closing the door behind him. Tom nodded his head towards the two chairs at the desk, sitting behind it. We sat down, waiting to hear why he had brought us here.
"So, seeing as you two are married now, you'll be needing a place of your own." Tommy started."And I have provided that for you."
"No, Tommy, we couldn't accept that." I protested, feeling awkward about situations involving money.
"I agree Mr Shelby, that's way too generous. You already let us get married in your house."
"It's my fault you two are married right now. And I just hope that I can gain back some trust and..." he glanced at me,"love, by doing this."
I picked at the skin around my nails, a bad habit."Are you sure Tommy? Nothing too big right?"
"No. It's a new build but out in the country. You also have a big patch of land, I thought you might appreciate that Bonnie. It's secluded, like this. Three bedrooms, kitchen, front room, all the other shit."
"Thank you very much Mr Shelby." Bonnie stood, reaching out his hand.
Tommy shook it, no expression on his face.
"Thanks Tom. I guess it's a start to your apology."
I felt guilty for saying that, but I wanted it to sting. He had really hurt me today, I wasn't going to fall to his feet because he bought me a house.
Tommy then informed us that it was time for us to leave. He had one of his chauffeurs waiting, and everyone had followed us outside. They had rice to throw at us as we went to the car. In a way, I appreciated the effort they were putting in to make it seem like a happy occasion, I also found it demeaning. You're now being forced to marry a man you don't know, but here's a pretty dress and some champagne.
"I don't have anything with me." I pointed out before I got in the car.
Polly stepped forward, quietly speaking so no one else would hear."Tommy made Ada pack some of your things before she came here. Obviously she didn't want to, but you need your clothes at least. I'll be round with the rest of it soon love."
Wow, they weren't waiting around to get rid of me. Sadly getting into the car, I didn't even acknowledge Bonnie as he opened and closed the door for me. Once Bonnie was inside the car, the chauffeur drove off. I coukd hear our families cheering for us, I didn't bother looking back, whereas Bonnie was waving.
"You alright?" he asked softly.
I nodded, pressing my lips together as I looked away, trying to hold back my tears. Thankfully he left it at that, he knew I needed time to process everything.
The house Tommy got us was no where near the size of his, though I didn't want that. It was still big for two people, and despite it being a new house, it had an old fashioned look to it. It had the feel of a farm house without the barn, different stones making the structure with vines growing all over it. I loved it, which was irritating because Tommy knew me so well.
"This is going to be strange." Bonnie said as he helped the chauffeur with the bags."Never lived in a house before."
"Oh...hope you like it."
It was a wonder why I never had a boyfriend.
I had wished that the chaffuer had taken more time with the bags. Because Bonnie was a gentleman, he insisted helping, and the task was completed far too quickly. Now it was just me and Bonnie, in our house, our house we loved in together as a married couple.
"Shall we take a look around? See what's actually in our house?"
Bless him, he was trying so hard. I agreed, letting him lead as we checked each room. It was all furnished, there was even some food in the kitchen, soap and towels in the bathroom, any little things we wouldn't have packed with us were provided. He was in awe of the place, I knew he was used to travelling to different places, it was just strange to see his expressions over a house.
"Your brother is very generous."
"Yes, though I know why he's given this to us."
"To make up for marrying me?"
"No, well yes, but not in the way you said. Sorry Bonnie, you must think I'm horrible. It's just...I'm really shy around new people, it took so much energy out of me talking to everyone today, not to mention the actual ceremony itself. I probably would have fainted if I wasn't concentrating on acting normal."
"I didn't think you were horrible. I knew you were scared. I'm afraid your acting skills need some work."
We had walked into one of the bedrooms as we spoke, my stomach dropping again. Was I going to have to share a bed with him? I had never done that before.
"Choose which room you like. I'll sleep in another." he said.
"I'm not going to sleep in the same room as you, I wouldn't put you under that pressure."
"Oh, thank you. Then, you should choose."
He smiled at me."Fine, then I choose you having the master bedroom, and I shall go see what other room I prefer."
I managed to smile back, bashful over how sweet he was being. That was a huge relief lifted off my chest. If he hadn't mentioned anything before bedtime, I wouldn't have said anything, I didn't want to bring up topic.
We both got changed (separately) into something comfier, weirdly emerging from our rooms at the same time. Deciding it was time to eat, we rummaged through the kitchen cabinets to see what we could muster up. I took charge, seeing as Bonnie had only ever cooked over a fireplace.
"Sorry it's not much, it's bits and pieces really." I set his plate down in front of him, thinking how much of a wife I looked right now.
"Thank you. Don't worry, I'm sure it will be delicious. We can go shopping for food tomorrow if you want?"
That's what couples do.
"Yeah, that's a good idea."
We kept to our food, eating in silence. I tried to eat as quickly as I could, wanting this dreadful tension to lift and be over with. I felt terrible because he was trying so hard to be a good husband to me already, or just a good friend really. And here I was, not even able to eat a meal with him, he must have been dreading the rest of his life with me.
As he finished, I quickly stood to clear everything away, already starting to clean up as he protested. We still had a whole evening ahead of us, what were we supposed to do? I caught him moving in my peripheral vision, grabbing two wine glasses and the bottle of champagne gifted to us. He held them up to me.
"Fancy sharing a bottle?"
We were sat in the front room on opposite ends of the sofa, the lit fireplace crackling in front of us. Bonnie was casually facing me whilst I stared into the flames.
"You surprised me you know, when I first saw you." he said.
"What do you mean?"
"When I first joined the blinders, I remember seeing you, and I obviously thought 'wow, she's gorgeous', though I knew to stay away."
There I went, blushing again.
"But you weren't like your family. You weren't harsh or outspoken, you were so quiet. I've seen you around your family, I know you are different with them, and I get that I'm a complete stranger to you so it will be different. I just hadn't expected a Shelby to be so....reclusive."
"A lot of people say that."
"That wasn't me saying it's a bad thing by the way!"
"It is a bad thing when you're a Shelby. I'm not trusted to do anything within the business. This is the first time they've used me. And they didn't even ask."
"That's a good thing though, isn't it? About not being involved in the business?"
"I guess."
"Let's talk about something else, eh? Uh, why don't you tell me...your favourite colour?"
"Favourite colour? Really?"
He laughed."I need to get to know my wife don't I?"
Although I had been answering his basic questions terribly (and boringly, I was just giving one word answers), Bonnie somehow made me open up to him. Not about anything deep or meaningful, just generic facts about my life; what I enjoy doing, funny anecdotes from my childhood, what I liked to do when I went out with friends. In turn, I began asking him questions. We were talking for hours, but we didn't realise that until I happened to glance at the clock on the mantelpiece.
The next week still felt awkward. We slept in our separate rooms, trying to work our different routines to fit each other. Although we were able to talk to each other for more than two minutes, I was always trying to figure out what to talk about next. I didn't want to be in a situation where we were stuck on what to say, I hated that. Looking back on it, I had never spoken to someone so much or so freely besides my family and my small handful of friends.
Both of our families came to visit us. Polly and Ada stayed for a day, mostly catching up but also helping me make the house feel more homely. Aberama only came some mornings to get Bonnie, doing whatever work for my brother, though he always made sure to say hello. Bonnie was gone for a majority of the day, luckily I liked being by myself. Surprisingly, Esmeralda also came for a visit.
"Lovely flowers." she pointed out as we sat in the kitchen, each with a cup of tea.
"Bonnie got them for me."
"Did he?" she smirked."He's a sweetheart isn't he?"
I couldn't help but shyly smile."Yes, it was a lovely gesture."
"A romantic gesture. He may be a tough man and a fighter but he's a big sofite really."
I hummed in agreement.
"Are you alright? How have you two been over the last month?"
I wanted to say that although I did like Bonnie, I knew I was lucky to be in an arranged marriage with him and not some fifty year old, slimy man, I didn't want her to get excited at the thought we might already be in love.
"I won't lie, it's been slow. That's not to say I don't enjoy Bonnie's company, it's just...everyday when I wake up, I still get a little confused at the ring on my finger, then in a second I remember I'm married."
"Yeah, that's never going to be something you can easily forget I guess."
"And I'm not being rude about your brother. Bonnie has been amazing, he's kept his boundaries, made sure I felt respected. But, your wedding day is supposed to be the happiest day of your life. Choosing your dress, what hair and makeup you want, the venue, the cake, it's all part of it. I didn't even have a proposal."
"Oh (Y/N)."
"And when those doors open, you're supposed to look down the aisle and see your soul mate waiting for you. You both smile and start crying because the day has finally come. I had none of that. I'll never have any of that."
She placed her hand over mine."I think over time, you and Bon will learn to love each other. And as frustrating as that is, I believe it will happen."
Esmeralda was a huge comfort. I felt better after talking with her than I did my family. I guessed that it was because she was a new person to talk to, I didn't know what she was going to say, so I wasn't listening to the same dribble I was used to.
It was like any other evening when Bonnie came home. I was reading a book in the front room, sprawled out on the sofa. He called out as he entered the house, I replied but didn't move. He was rustling around in the kitchen, things were being moved around, cupboards opening and closing. Perhaps he was hungry and needed a snack before dinner. I left him to it for a few more seconds, deciding to investigate when he didn't stop.
Just as I was about to walk into the kitchen, Bonnie blocked the doorway, trying to use his whole body to limit my view.
"Hi." he said breathless.
"Hello. Um, are you alright?"
"Yeah, yeah, just...just doing...something."
Whenever I tried to look around him, he moved in my way.
"If you've broken something Bonnie, I don't mind. I'd rather help clean it up."
"No, nothing like that. Could you just...jist trust me?"
I looked up at him, thinking about it.
"Uh, yeah."
"Is it alright if you wait in front room? It's nothing bad, I promise."
I turned around, glancing back at Bonnie before I returned to the sofa and my book. What was he doing? Was he trying to cook? It was sweet if he was, though when we had cooked together before he was never this clumsy. I couldn't ignore the racket coming from the kitchen, unable to concentrate on any of the words in my book.
"Bonnie? Are you sure you're OK in there?" I shouted out to him.
"Yeah!" he quickly replied. Only moments later was he in the front room, a huge grin on his face."If you would like to follow me to your surprise."
He nodded, holding out his hand to me. I took it, letting him guide me back to the kitchen. The lights were off, the only source of light was coming from a few candles in the centre of the table, more dotted around the kitchen too. There were two plates with nothing in them, instead, there were different foods on scattered on the table like a picnic.
He stood in front of the table."I spoke with my sister the other day. I wasn't snooping, I just wondered how you were with her, if you told her something about me that I needed to change. She told me how upset you were that you couldn't experience your wedding day properly, and I thought I could help with that. So, I asked Ada and Pol what your favourite food was, all types, and I thought we could have a romantic dinner together. "
I was gobsmacked. A man who was forced into marrying me, who didn't know me, had put all this effort into a dinner together, something no other man would probably do.
"You did this for me?"
"Yeah. You deserve it. You deserve a lot more really, but I'm still learning to cook other recipes besides rabbit stew."
I giggled.
"I hope you don't mind, but they also told me how you've never been on a date before."
That wasn't embarrassing at all.
"And I want you to know, that's because of you brothers. Men tremble at their feet, what do you think teenage boys are going to be like? But I am very honoured to be the first man to take you on a date."
"This is the kindest thing anyone has ever done for me. I'm shocked, honestly."
He pulled out a chair for me, and I sat, feeling giddy. Bonnie tucked me in, taking a seat beside me before pouring out a glass of wine for me. My mind argued with itself over my next choice, but I bit the bullet. I confidently leaned over, very quickly pecking his lips. I couldn't look at him when I next spoke.
"Thank you Bonnie. And thank you for being the best husband."
"Well thank you for being the best wife."
"What have I done to be a good wife?"
"Just being you."
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glitchy-anime-fan · 3 years
How I think the FNAF Security Breach characters would react to the paintings I made of them; ft. Bonnie and Foxy
You can find all of the paintings on my Instagram, tiktok, and art blog
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Sundrop ☀️
Very excited just to see a friend enter the daycare, like always
Is a little confused about suddenly being handed a gift, but then starts excitedly asking if it was hand made and for him
Would then excitedly yell for Moon to look at the painting, forgetting that him and moon share a body
Would spend all morning looking for the perfect spot in the daycare for his new favourite gift (it would be hanging up in his room 💕)
Is very excited when Moon leaves a note telling him that the paintings glow in the dark
Will probably sit on the floor with his hands under the security desks b/c it’s dark enough for the painting to glow in and he doesn’t risk changing into moon
Will leave both his and Moon’s paintings under a lamp all day so that it glows nice and bright at night for Moon to enjoy 💕💕
Sun: Good morning, Sunshine! Oh, is-is this for me? Did you make this yourself? *loud gasp* MOON LOOK-!
Moondrop 🌙
Received his painting probably during nap time (the one day he was willing to bend the rules)
Seems indifferent about the gift, is secretly very touched because almost no one gives him anything nice ;-;
You’re going to have to rip the painting out of his cold, decommissioned hands before he’ll ever let it go.
Hangs it up next to Sun’s because they match
Gets really excited when he finds out the painting glows in the dark, will deny his happy gasp to this day
Leaves a note for Sun to put his under a table or something (just somewhere dark enough to see it glow but not trigger the switch between him and moon)
Moon: What’s this?
Me: a painting of you! You don’t have to keep it if you don’t want-
Moon: No! It’s mine! I’m keepin’ forever, back off!
Freddy 🐻
Probably gets art and things often from his fans
Loves every piece of fan art he’s ever been gifted (given it’s pg) he has a little art wall in his dressing room
Isn’t too surprised at being given the painting, though is impressed it’s painted on wood and not paper
Says it looks great and goes to put it in his dressing room for safe keeping
Is probably really shy when the others ask about it after hours 🤧
Is kind of excited to find the painting glows in the dark (though not as much as Sun)
He thinks it’s very cool 😎
Freddy: Did you make this for me? It looks great superstar!
Bonnie 🐰
Probably didn’t get many gifts before he was decommissioned, or after he was brought back (poor bunny T^T)
Didn’t know what to do when he was handed the painting
Thought for a moment that it wasn’t for him, but then cried when he realized it was for him
Immediately ran to Freddy to show him the painting and probably didn’t put it down for anything
Later puts it in his room because he’s worried he’ll lose it or break it some how
Gets very excited to see it glows in the dark
Bonnie: is…is this…for me? Freddy loOK WHAT THEY MADE ME!! 😭💕
Foxy 🦊
I think he would occasionally be given gifts, like drawings, that were made by the quieter kids who spent time in the cove
Like Freddy, he keeps all the little gifts and trinkets he’s given
He has a little spot in his room that he calls his “Treasure Trove” that’s just filled with all these things
Like Freddy, he was very appreciative of the painting and said it looked great
Literally leaves whatever he’s doing to immediately put it with the rest of his treasure 💕
Already thought the painting was special, but thinks it’s even more special when he finds out it glows in the dark
Foxy: This for me? It looks great matey! You know what, I’m addin’ it to my treasure trove right now!
Roxy 🐺
Also probably gets a lot of gifts and fan art from fans (pretty much all the Glamrock performers do)
Acts all narcissistic and haughty like she normally does when actually being given the gift (still says thank you though)
But immediately starts tearing up as soon as she’s off stage or away from the crowds
Will deny it till the day she’s decommissioned though, she has a reputation!
Even though she doesn’t act like it in front of others, Roxy loves all the gifts she gets because it makes her feel like her fans really love her 🤧💕
Has it sitting on her vanity table and is very mesmerised by the fact that it glows in the dark
Roxy: This for me? Well of course it is, I am the best after all!
Chicka: Roxy, are you crying?
Roxy: *tearing up* nO!
Monty 🐊
Also probably has that “this for me? Of course it is!” reaction, but like way toned down
Is very chill about being given gifts by fans and always hypes up the gift giver!
Will usually ask for a fist bump or high-five as his was of saying thank you 😌
Like Freddy and Foxy, Monty also has all the gifts he’s been given safely stored in his dressing room
Is very protective, will harm anyone who touches any of the awesome gifts he’s gotten from fans!
Thinks the fact that it glows in the dark is like the coolest thing ever
Monty: you make this for me? Looks awesome, Rockstar! Give me a fist bump!
Chica 🐤
Very happy to be given anything really
Didn’t realise it wasn’t food and tried to eat it 💀
Got scolded by Freddy after they stopped her from taking a big ol’ bite of out it
Immediately started apologising when everything calmed down (it’s okay Chicka 🤧)
Very happy when she actually looks at the painting and gets really excited about it
Does the little bird neck feather thing, you know the one where they puff up their neck feathers and just nuzzles her face into it (there’s a comic where Gregory gives her a stuffed animal and she does this, I just can’t find it)
Keeps it in her dressing room for safe keeping along with the few other drawings she’s been given (she probably gets more food gifts than object gifts)
Very excited, like probably Sun excited, when she finds out it glows in the dark
Definitely will sit in the dark before and after shows just to see the painting glow 🤧
Chica: Aw, Thank you! *tries to eat painting*
Everyone: Chica NO-!
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I hope you enjoyed this very silly and very self indulgent post 😌
If you want to see what the paintings I made look like, the social media they’re posted on is linked at the top!
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fanficimagery · 4 years
Wildest Dreams.
Imagine it's a couple days before your wedding and your friends start coming in for your last days of freedom. Only you start having second thoughts, old feelings crop up, and you end up having a breakdown.
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Words: 5.1K Warnings: This happens to be an AU with no children and Liz is alive. If a character isn't mentioned, I'm sorry. I had too many characters already.
The Mikaelsons, plus a couple of significant others, are sitting around a fire pit in the backyard of their mansion down in New Orleans after a surprisingly calm family dinner. The only one missing is Rebekah who'd gotten up to answer the door when one of Klaus' minions was dropping off some things inside. But mere seconds later she's returning, a smile gracing her lips as she reads from what appears to be an invitation in her hands.
"You have been cordially invited to witness the celebration of love between Landon Wesley and Y/N Y/L/N," she says as she retakes her seat next to Marcel. "Aw. Our little Y/N grew up so fast."
Elijah, who'd been staring into the fire, suddenly frowns. He sits up a little straighter in his seat. "Y/N is getting married?"
Skimming through the invitation, Rebekah doesn't see her brother's expression. But Klaus, Marcel, Freya, and Keelin do. "Mhm. In two weeks, but she wants me down there a couple days before for a girls thing. She said I could bring whoever I wanted, so Freya and Keelin are coming with."
"Oh. Okay," Keelin huffs. "So I guess we don't get a say in this?"
"Nope. Not at all."
Keelin rolls her eyes, but she's smiling all the while. Freya pats her wife on the back of the hand, chuckling, just as Elijah clears his throat and stands up. "Well if you excuse me, I think I'm going to call it a night."
As Elijah makes his exit, Rebekah finally lifts her head from the invitation. Klaus hides his smirk behind the glass tumbler he's sipping from as everyone else watches Elijah go with their interest piqued.
"Am I the only one who found that weird?" Keelin asks, gesturing towards where Elijah disappeared off to.
Marcel chuckles, shaking his head. "Not at all. Someone please tell me what the deal is there?"
Rebekah sighs. "Y/N holds a special place inside Elijah's heart."
"Dear Y/N is cousin to one Caroline Forbes of Mystic Falls, part of the scooby gang we once loathed." Klaus smirks. "But we never loathed Y/N."
"Not at all." Rebekah now starts to smile. "Y/N was kind, even when her family and friends plotted our deaths. She was the only one whose word we could trust and the only other person who purposely engaged 'lijah in conversation."
"We obviously thought our dear brother had a thing going on with Y/N, but he denied it every time," Klaus says. "It was because she was only seventeen at the time, but it's been years now."
"Y/N is definitely all grown up." Rebekah slowly smirks. "And definitely still asks after Elijah."
Klaus chuckles. "And it appears Elijah still harbors something for our favorite Mystic Falls resident."
"Well damn," Marcel mumbles. "We're so going to this wedding. We haven't had normal people drama in a while."
Keelin raises her glass in salute to Marcel's words. This was definitely going to be an interesting trip.
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The Salvatore brothers have given up the Boarding House for the night so you could meet with your girls. Caroline took care of getting food and drinks, and Bonnie and Elena knew it was best to just stay out of Caroline's way. Because as Maid of Honor, Caroline took her duties a little too seriously.
"Can we eat yet?" Bonnie asks, already munching on a breadstick. "What are we even waiting for?"
"I'm expecting a few more friends," you say. "They're about five minutes out."
"And which friends are these?" Caroline wonders.
"Rebekah." Caroline immediately groans whereas Bonnie and Elena look uncomfortable. "Don't even give me that look," you tell your cousin. "I made Rebekah promise to be on her best behavior and she did so long as none of you made snide comments towards her. And the other two are Freya and Freya's wife Keelin."
"Freya and Keelin? How come we've never heard of them before?" Elena asks.
"Because Freya is a Mikaelson and her story was really sad," you say. "I didn't think I should tell you when I had first found out." All three girls look at you and you sigh, locking your phone and shoving it into your back pocket. "So long story short, Freya is the eldest Mikaelson. She was taken hostage by her aunt, forced to live for one year and then magically sleep for a hundred." Bonnie's eyes widen in shock. "She escaped and sought out her siblings who helped her kill their aunt so she'd finally be free. It took them a while to trust one another, but they eventually did and then Freya met Keelin. I've only spoken to them a handful of times, but they seem like great people. Just give them a chance."
The girls are quiet after learning that, but then Elena can't help but ask, "So is Freya human or..?"
"She's a witch and her wife is a werewolf." The girls all blink in surprise and you sigh. "Please. Just please give me this night and the day of my wedding. I don't need any drama."
Your pleading expression is enough to have the three of them agree and just in time as well. Elena and Caroline alert you and Bonnie that a car is pulling up, and it's not long until Rebekah, Freya, and Keelin and walking right on in.
The tension is obvious when Rebekah says hello to everyone, but the genuine smiles come out when you greet Freya and Keelin for the first time face to face, and then introduce them to Caroline, Bonnie, and Elena. Caroline, having put her best hostess persona, then leads everyone into the dining room.
Caroline and Bonnie are the only two to remain standing as everyone takes their seat, Caroline then dishing out either spaghetti or chicken alfredo while Bonnie serves up the wine. Conversation is a bit stilted, but the moment Bonnie asks Freya a question about magic it's like the flood gates open. You're surprised Freya gives up more of her story so freely and it's like a weight is lifted off your shoulders when Rebekah cracks a joke about how deranged her family is that has everyone laughing.
The food is devoured between the seven of you and by the end of dinner you've finished two bottles of wine. The third wine bottle follows you all into the lounge where more comfortable armchairs are carried in so everyone has a seat of their own after Freya and Keelin take over the loveseat.
"So," Caroline chirps as soon as she's comfortable, "are there any other Mikaelsons we should be expecting?"
Rebekah grins. "Is this your subtle way in trying to figure out if Nik is coming?"
Bonnie and Elena giggle as Caroline scoffs, but everyone sees right through her. Even Freya and Keelin who have no idea of the history between the two blonde vamps. But suddenly Freya stops giggling and leans forward in her seat, looking quite pensive. "Wait. Are you the Caroline that my brother couldn't help but compare every female to? You're that Caroline?"
"Yes. Yes she is," you say and take another sip of your wine.
"Huh. Now I get it." Freya chuckles. "You're cute and feisty, and can apparently keep up with Klaus. I approve." Keelin can't help but nod along as everyone laughs at Caroline's surprised expression.
The surprised expression quickly morphs into smugness, but then Caroline is quick to shake it off. "We're not here to talk about me. We're all here for Y/N. I was just wondering because you know how Damon and Stefan are with Klaus."
You sigh. "Which is why I've talked to them too," you say. "I know everyone has issues with each other, but it's my goddamn wedding and there will be no death threats or neck snapping or so help me I will stake somebody." Your friends and guests are stunned into silence before Keelin snorts, everyone then giving into their laughter quickly after. You too, eventually, and then you groan as you attempt to hide your face in the palms of your hands. "I just- I don't want any issues. I'm already freaking out as it is."
The laughter fades off, sympathetic expressions taking over, and it's Keelin who then leans forward in her seat, reaching for your hand and gripping it in comfort. "It's going to be fine. You have nothing to worry about. If you love- er, uh what's his name?"
"Landon! Yes, Landon," she chuckles. "If you love Landon, you'll be fine." Your smile falters and you don't have to be an onlooker to know that the light in your eyes dims just a little. Your pretty sure everyone's noticed it if the sudden intake of breath is anything to go by. "You do- you do love him, don't you?"
"Yes!" You blurt a little too fast. Your response is a little cringeworthy and you sigh, retaking your hand and slumping in your seat. "I mean we've been together for three years. I love him. I do, but.."
"But he's not 'lijah."
"Rebekah!" Freya is quick to scold.
"What?" The blonde Original shrugs. "You haven't seen them together. You don't understand."
"I'm not one to ever agree with your sister, but she has a point," Elena says. "Y/N and Elijah-"
"But there is no me and Elijah." The girls fall silent at the tone in your voice. "There never was." You retake your glass of wine, chugging the rest of its contents before setting your glass back down. "Now if you guys will excuse me, I need some air."
No one tries to stop you as you go and you end up on the back patio, hopping up onto the brick railing and then leaning your back against the brick pillar. The cold air outside cools your flushed face and you try not to let your mood tumble down the rabbit hole.
You knew inviting the Mikaelsons was bound to bring up the past, but you didn't think it'd affect you quite like it is now. Elijah was, for obvious reasons, a touchy subject with you and your friends knew not to bring him up. But then Rebekah broke the ice and Elena, of all people, just had to agree with her.
"Here. Put this on." You're surprised to see Freya offering you a jacket, but you take it nonetheless and offer her a small smile in thanks. She grins, placing a smoking bowl down on the railing next to her. "Sage," she explains. "It keeps the vampires from hearing."
"God I love magic."
Freya chuckles and then after a moment passes, she says, "I'm sorry about what my sister said in there. They shouldn't bring any of that up so close to your wedding."
You shrug. "It is what it is. And if I'm being honest, she's not totally wrong."
You shake your head. "I almost didn't invite Elijah because I knew my stupid crush on him would resurface, but then I thought I'd look like an asshole if I sent out personal invites to everyone else and he saw he didn't receive one." Freya chuckles quietly and you sigh longingly. "And the closer it comes to my wedding, the more I find myself longing for those talks with your brother rather than what Landon has to offer. I miss our talks about history and just life in general," you say. "And the more I listen to Landon talk about the latest Xbox game or the stupid jokes he's heard from his coworkers, it feels like I die a little more every day on the inside."
Freya frowns a little. "I apologize if I'm overstepping, Y/N, but do you honestly love Landon? If you continue to compare him to my brother, you're just setting yourself and Landon up for heartbreak down the line."
"I know. And I love Landon. I do, but I don't think I'm as in love with him as I once thought."
The first tear falls and you huff a laugh as you wipe it away. Quietly, you rhetorically ask, "Why couldn't your brother just love me? It'd have made things so much more easier." You're so caught up in your feelings that you don't see Freya tense or her eyes widen in surprise. "I don't even know what I'm saying," you then mumble. "I'm getting married in two days. Maybe I should just lay off the wine until then."
"Uhh, yeah. Maybe." Freya agrees.
You snap out of your spiral then, eyes widening. "Oh my god. I'm so sorry for laying that on you."
"No. Don't be," she laughs. "You needed to vent and I'm glad it was me, an unbiased ear."
"Really. You're fine," Freya assures you. "Now come on. Let's get you inside before we freeze."
As you hop off the railing, heart aching and mind going a mile a minute, you can only hope that your mind clears in time for you to say I do to Landon. It would really be terrible to enter a marriage while longing for someone else.
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The morning of your wedding dawns bright and early, and you immediately know you're in no shape to be getting married. Since Rebekah, Freya, and Keelin have come into Mystic Falls you've put on a brave face for everyone, but now there's no hiding exactly what you're feeling. Because the moment aunt Liz, Caroline, Elena, and Bonnie wake you for your big day with party horns and confetti, you burst into tears.
Immediately the cheerful atmosphere vanishes and the girls are stunned into silence. "I can't do this," you cry. "I can't do this to myself or to Landon. It's not fair to him."
"Oh sweetie." Liz takes a seat next to you on the bed, putting a comforting arm around your shoulders. "What's going on in that pretty head of yours?"
"I'm so sorry, aunt Liz, but I can't- I just can't get married today."
Elena shifts uncomfortably next to the bed. "Y/N, if this is about us bringing up Elijah the other night I'm so sorry."
"No. No, you don't have to be sorry." Sniffling, you wipe at your eyes and look at those in the room. "I will admit to being nervous about seeing Elijah again after only talking about him brought back this stupid crush on him, but the more I thought about it," you trail off, shaking your head. "Can I really marry a human?"
Bonnie frowns. "Y/N, you are a human."
"I know that, Bon, but after everything we've been through.. knowing all that I know, can I actually settle down behind a white picket fence and pray every night that Landon doesn't ever find out about the supernatural? Whether you guys want to admit it or not, Liz and I will always be in danger because of our ties to you guys." Seeing their frowns makes your heart break just a little bit more.
"I don't mean to offend you," you say. "I love you guys alot. But I've put Landon in danger for years now and I can't risk it anymore. Because what happens when he asks for kids? I won't bring a family into our already messy lives."
"Y/N," Caroline murmurs. "The wedding is in nine hours. What are we supposed to do?"
"Compel them to forget or to be okay with the wedding being called off. I don't care. Just please do something."
"What are you going to tell Landon?" Bonnie wonders.
"I'm not sure. If I have to, I'll call in a favor from Klaus. He likes me enough to compel the groom away."
"And the caterers?"
The bedroom door suddenly swings open and Rebekah sighs as she leans against the door jamb. "Don't worry. Us Mikaelsons have a bit of money to throw around. All caterers will be told the wedding is off and to not to mention the money they've already been paid, and Landon's family will find that they're not missing a penny from their bank accounts."
It feels like a weight has been lifted off your chest. "Thank you, Bex. Thank you so much."
"Don't even worry about it," she assures you with a smile. Then pushing off the door jamb, she pastes on a smile and claps her hands once. "Okay. All vampires and witches with me. We've got a wedding to cancel."
Caroline and Bonnie are quick to rush out of the room, but Elena lingers by the bed. When you meet her gaze, she says, "If you need some time, my family's lake house is empty. You're more than welcome to take a week or two for yourself there. We'll give you some space."
"Thank you, 'Lena. Some space and time actually sounds pretty good."
"Well then it's settled," Liz says. "You go freshen up in the bathroom and I'll pack you a bag. We'll grab some groceries while everyone cancels your wedding, and then I'll drive you down to the lake house. Does that sound like a good plan?"
You offer her a faint grin. "Yeah. It does."
The moment Elena leaves the room, it seems like everything is in a fast forward motion. Liz ushers you to the bathroom where you have a good cry in the shower and then as you're getting dressed you have numerous text messages from your friends coming in to tell you how all the compulsion is going. Damon even offers to compel Landon for you, admitting that he never quite liked the human blood bag and he was glad you had come to your senses before you took the guy's last name. That had earned your first chuckle of the morning and even Liz chuckled when you had read her Damon's text.
Liz helps you put the groceries away at the lake house and then makes you promise to call her should you need anything, no matter the time. And only after you've agreed does she finally leave you all alone.
You send off one last text to your group of friends that your phone is going to be off for the time being and then promptly fall asleep in the master bedroom.
When you wake up again, it's only a little past one in the afternoon and you decide to make yourself something to eat. You eat and then settle on the couch for a little tv, only to end up outside on the dock and staring out into the water.
The time your wedding was to take place comes and goes, and you can't help but turn your phone on to see if you have any notifications. The only messages you have are from Caroline who assures you that everything's been taken care of and that she thinks you made the right decision. Hearing confirmation from your cousin eases some of your worries and you don't feel as bad about what you did.
By the time night falls, you're snuggled up on the couch and watching the best horror has to offer in order to keep your mind off any romance for the time being. You're in the middle of watching The Conjuring when there's a knock on the front door, startling a yelp out of you. Cursing your overbearing friends and their need to make sure you're really okay, you pause the movie and get up to see who it is.
Only when you open the front door you're more than a little stunned to find Elijah standing there by the top of the porch steps as he turns to face you. There's a moment where you both drink each other in and then your eyes narrow into a glare whereas Elijah's lips stretch into a smile as he steps closer to you.
"Hello, Y/N."
The butterflies take flight and your heart beats double. "Not that I'm not happy to see you, but what are you doing here?"
He huffs a quiet laugh. "Someone near and dear to me had to make possibly one of the most difficult decisions in their life this morning. Did you really think I wouldn't come to check up on you?"
You do your best not to swoon, smiling softly at him as you shake your head in amusement and open the door wider as an invite. "You're lucky you've already been invited in otherwise we'd be stuck out on the porch. Come on. Let's go take a seat."
Elijah follows you into the living room after shutting the door behind him and you turn off the movie so you can place all your focus on him. There's a fire going in the fireplace, but you still turn on a few lamps so you can see him properly. And when you turn back around it's to see that Elijah already made himself comfortable smack dab in the middle of the couch.
Grinning, you drop in the spot next to him with one leg curled beneath you and the other hanging off the front of the couch so your foot is planted on the floor. "Hi," you muse.
"Is it too soon to ask you what happened?"
Straight to the point as usual, his question makes you faintly cringe. But before he can take the question back, you decide to tell him. "I'm too involved with the supernatural world, Elijah. What kind of person would I be if I had dragged Landon into the mess that is our lives? He deserves to have a normal and happy life."
"And what about you? Don't you deserve to be normal and happy?"
As he speaks, you notice how his gaze drops to your mouth before quickly darting up and looking elsewhere. You try to play it off but you know your damn heart gives you away immediately when he fights off a smile. "Normal and happy is so overrated," you then manage to say. "After all that I've seen and been through, a normal life would be boring."
Elijah finally allows himself to smile. "Is that the only reason why you wouldn't marry him?"
You tense at his knowing gaze, heart beat tripling as it's your turn to avert your gaze. You'd never been good at confronting your feelings head on, especially with the person said feelings are for. So as the seconds tick on by, you can feel your face flushing. You quietly groan. "Do I really have to say it out loud? It's embarrassing."
"Elijah," you retort. You manage to hold his gaze for three seconds before you break eye contact and sigh. "It was obvious I had a crush on you back when I was seventeen and apparently it's still obvious now."
"I think it's adorable."
"Of course you do." Against your better judgement you reach out to swat at his arm and your breath hitches as he catches your hand and then maneuvers it so he can press a kiss to the back of your hand. You smile sadly. "It's been you since I was seventeen and I don't think anyone can ever compare to the Elijah Mi-mmph."
Elijah stuns you by pulling you into his lap and quickly maneuvering you so your knees are on either side of his lap, his mouth slotting against yours with such ease. There's a moment where you don't know what exactly to do with your hands, but the second his hands tug on the hem of your shirt, your hands find purchase on his shoulders before sliding up the side of his neck.
It's you who breaks the kiss for some much needed air, but you don't go far because Elijah keeps you close. His hand cups the side of your jaw, but his thumb runs gently under your bottom lip. You nip at his thumb, he grins, and then you groan when your predicament finally settles in. Elijah chuckles as you drop your head to his shoulder, your hands clutching at his sides under his suit jacket.
"What are we even doing?"
"I believe you're finally going after what you truly wanted."
"And you? What about you?" You ask, shifting nervously in his lap as you sit back.
"I am making my move," he says as he tucks a loose strand of hair behind your ear, "before someone else comes in to ask for your hand in marriage." You roll your eyes and he chuckles softly. "Since I made you admit something earlier, I will admit that I too have compared everyone to you. My family knew I held you above all else and they were quick to rub it in my face that you were to wed this evening. And earlier when I got Rebekah's call, I knew this was our chance."
"You're a big 'ol softy, Elijah Mikaelson."
"Only when it comes to you, Y/N Y/L/N."
You can't help but smile at his words, leaning in for a quick kiss. But it's not so quick as Elijah pulls you back in, peppering a few kisses across your mouth and cheeks. You giggle, but then that giggle turns into a groan. "The girls are going to be unbearable."
"Niklaus too, but I'm willing to put up with it as long as I have you by my side." You make a noise and facial expression as if you have to think about it, and Elijah gently squeezes your waist in retaliation which makes your jerk in his hold. "If you're that worried about their reactions, we can go away for a bit until everyone has had enough time to get used to our new situation."
You huff a laugh, but upon seeing Elijah's expression your amusement fades away. "You're serious."
"I am. New Orleans is a bit crowded at the moment and if I remember correctly you've always wanted to see Ireland. So what do you say to a spontaneous vacation with me?"
You blink owlishly at Elijah before your lips stretch into a smile. "Yes!" Your excitement makes him chuckle, but then you're quick to to come down. "My friends won't go for it. They'll continuously ask if I know what I'm doing and want daily updates and everything."
"They won't. And if they do, they'll have Sheriff Forbes to answer to." Your brow furrows in confusion and Elijah smirks. "How do you think I found you all the way out here? I stopped by the Forbes residence and Elizabeth was kind enough to point me in the right direction. It seems we already have one person in our corner."
"Jesus Christ," you huff. "Are we really doing this?"
"Only if you're sure you want to."
You take a moment to think things through, but before that moment can stretch on too long, you say, "Yeah. Let's do this. When do we leave?"
"Whenever you want," he tells you.
"As much as I wanna leave right now, I kind of just want to take you up to bed and get reacquainted with you."
Elijah slowly smiles. "I quite like the way you think, Miss Y/L/N."
"Then what are you waiting for, old man? Take me to bed already."
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Freya and Keelin have just gotten home, a stack of mail on the hall table catching Freya's attention. Her siblings are out as usual, wrecking havoc no doubt, so on her way to the kitchen she grabs up the stack to sort through it.
As Keelin goes about grabbing the wine from the fridge and two glasses, Freya starts to filter out the trash from the stack of mail. Only halfway through the stack, one particular envelope catches her eye.
Freya starts to smile. "It seems like Elijah finally broke his silence."
"Oohh," Keelin coos. "What does he have to say? How is Y/N doing? Because last I heard not even the girls in Mystic Falls know."
Freya opens up the envelope, pulling out a picture and a letter. She smiles brightly upon seeing her brother and Y/N smiling under the Northern Lights- which is utterly adorable, in her opinion- and then goes on to read the letter to herself. Her smile slowly falters as her eyes widen in surprise. "No. They didn't," she breathes in awe. She quickly scans the picture again, her eyes lighting up as she laughs joyously. "They did!"
Keelin startles. "What? What did they do?"
Freya drops the letter and quickly flips around the picture for her wife to see. "They got married!"
"WHAT!?" Keelin practically shouts. "Let me see," she says as she hurries around the kitchen island.
Freya openly laughs now. "They got married under the Northern Lights last month. They'll finally be coming home in a couple of weeks."
Keelin grabs the photo so she can study it itself, her smile blossoming. "Oh my god. They really did get married."
"In the letter, Elijah said only Caroline and her mother know. They're going to come here first so they can figure out living arrangements and then they'll go see everyone else."
"Rebekah is going to be so pissed," Keelin muses.
"I can see it now, she's going to force a small ceremony on them when they're settled in."
"As long as I get to see Elijah smile in person as he is in his wedding photo, I'm all for it. Jesus looks at how adorable they look together."
"I know," Freya says. "I don't think my brother could have found anyone better for himself. We had only met Y/N and I immediately knew they'd be perfect for each other."
"Right?" Keelin then huffs. She looks at the picture one last time before setting the picture down. "We need to blow that up and hang it on the wall. Getting married under the Northern Lights was such a neat idea."
"Mhm. So much better than that Christmas themed wedding she originally had planned."
Keelin chuckles. "I thought I was the only one who thought the Christmas theme was tacky."
"Oh no. Rebekah secretly hated it too, but she didn't want to upset Y/N. She will, however, be upset she missed the Northern Lights wedding."
"I mean I'm pretty bummed, but I'm also excited for them to get home so we can pick their brains and get to the bottom of whatever the hell they were thinking. I'm super stoked for them, but I also want to know who proposed to who and everything!"
"Same here." Freya turns towards her wife, wrapping her arms around her waist while Keelin settles her arms around Freya's neck. "But until then we got family to inform of the couple's new status. Not it!"
"Not i- dammit!" Keelin pouts, she now having to be the one to inform Klaus and Rebekah. "I hate it when you do that."
Freya laughs. "Better luck next time. Now let's go. I can't wait to see their reactions."
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arctickat2400 · 3 years
Grace - Part 2 <> Damon Salvatore
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Ten years later
Grace looks so much like her mother. So beautiful and she turned into her mother each and every day as she grew.
And today is her 16th birthday. She’s been waiting for today for so long, and all these years she hasn’t asked about her mother once. I don’t know if that’s a good thing or a bad thing, but she’s been so happy.
Our friends are coming today for her birthday. Caroline, Elena, Matt, Bonnie, Stefan, Alaric, and Jeremy.
Grace never liked to make a big deal of her birthday. It may have been ‘cause Y/N died on her birthday, but I never told her that. I never told her how her mom died or that Bonnie had to save her life.
We decorated the dining room in red and black, her favorite colors, and Caroline had set the cupcakes in the center of the table when she got here. Grace didn’t like having a big cake for her birthday. Always something small.
It was almost 12 in the afternoon and Grace should be waking up soon. Everyone was here and everything was ready.
I walked upstairs to Grace’s bedroom. When she was about ten, when she decided she wanted to redecorate, we painted her walls red, put a few posters up, she had a black leather bed and her room was mostly just made of red and black.
I knocked on her door, but received no answer.
I walked in, looking around. Her room was as clean as it always was, her bed was made with her bear set on it, yet she wasn’t anywhere to be seen.
She wasn’t in her bathroom and she wasn’t at her desk, where she would usually be writing in her diary.
Just then, I almost fell to the ground in surprise as Grace fell from above and onto my back. She always did that, surprising me whenever and wherever she could.
“Hey, Dad.” She smiled at me as I looked back at her with a smile of my own.
She jumped off of me, walking in front of me as I took her hand in mine and spun her around. I always did that. She was my princess and I was her king.
I spun her towards me as I held her in my arms, kissing the top of her head.
“How is my stunning princess this fine morning?” I questioned her with a smile.
The weird thing is that whoever didn’t know that I was a vampire, which mostly every knows, they would think Grace is my age, or close to my age.
“I’m pretty good. I’m clean and energized and ready for the day.” She smiled.
Grace’s POV
Today was my 16th birthday and even though dad didn’t say anything, I know that he and our friends are planning a party for me.
I couldn’t hear anything downstairs, since I was human and I didn’t have vampire hearing, but I knew our friends were down there. It was always like I could read minds. Everyone believed I could.
Wearing a red and black sweatshirt with black jeggings, I slid on my glasses and some rings. I, then, picked up my bracelet with a music note on it and slid it on my wrist. But I noticed something.
There was a charm bracelet laying next to it. I don’t remember having this.
I looked to dad as he smiled at me.
“Oh, yeah. Happy Birthday.” Dad smiled, and I let out a little laugh. “It was your mother’s and she wanted me to give it to you for your 16th birthday.” He told me. I smiled at the thought of my mother. I’ve never met her or seen her, but from how dad described her, she seems incredible.
“Thanks, Dad.” I told him as he brought me into a hug.
I slid the bracelet along with my other, adding my red heart necklace on my neck. Dad had given it to me when I was old enough, maybe three years old, and he told me to never take it off. I never have.
“You ready?” Dad asked me. I nodded as he held out his arm for me to take.
Intertwining my arm with his, we walked out of my room, walking down the stairs and towards the living room.
We walking into the living room, but no one wa there. But, within the second, everyone jumped out and yelled, “Surprise!” Even though I hated surprises. I just smiled.
“Hey, guys. Thanks so much.” I told them, hugging them all. Caroline, Elena, Bonnie, Matt, Alaric, Stefan, Jeremy, they were all here.
“Happy Birthday, Grace.” Dad said, pulling me into a side hug as I set my hand on his chest and stared at all our friends.
We started with presents, everyone sitting in the living room. Gifts were piled up on the coffee table. I don’t see how anyone knew what to get me. I mean, I didn’t even know what I wanted myself.
I opened my first gift as everyone stared at me. Never liked to be stared at either, but no one cared.
This one was from dad. It was a new journal with a dark sky lit up with stars and mountains on it.
“I saw that you didn’t have many pages left in your other journal and I know I get you a journal every year, but I knew you needed it.” Dad confessed.
“Thanks, Dad. And I do need it.” I told him, leaning over and giving him another hug. Hugging was always our thing. There were always things that dad and my mom did to show their love for each other and dad did some of those things with me. It was our thing.
After maybe 10 minutes, I had opened every gift and most of them were small but there were also some big ones. Lots of jewelry, a sketchbook, pens and colored pencils and a new iPhone. And my favorite, a new laptop. Dad knew I needed a new one. My old one had lost one of its screws and was all broken and beat up. I kept telling him how much I needed a new one.
After I had hugged and thanked everyone for their very appreciated gifts, Elena passed out the cupcakes and after we ate, everyone just hung out in the living room.
“So, what should we do? Maybe go to the grill for some pool and burgers? My treat for Grace’s birthday.” Matt suggests as he looked at me and smiled. I smiled back.
“Thanks, Matt. That actually sounds great. But, I need to go do something first. I’ll meet you all at the grill in a few, okay?” I told our friends. They all agreed, heading out the door and to the grill. I headed upstairs as it was only dad, Stefan and I left at the house.
I snuck up to Dad’s room, hoping he wouldn’t find me.
I’ve been thinking a lot about my mom lately. I never mentioned her to dad since the night after the incident, but I’ve always thought about her. I’ve always wondered what she looked like and who she was.
Dad must have a photo of here somewhere in his room, and it’s today that I’d like to see and know about her.
I looked through his bookshelves, looking in books that he always seems to have out and a few that he seems to never even touch. I looked inside his dresser and in his closet. I couldn’t find anything. Did he even have a photo of her?
Just then, I remember that one night I saw a box on the mantle of dad’s fireplace. It looked special. I didn’t want to go through his private stuff, but I just had to see mom.
I walked to his fireplace, taking the box down and walking to his bed. I sat down opening the box. There was so much in there. There was jewelry and then there was a note and a picture. I looked at the jewelry. There was a ring in there that had an engraving in it.
I love you. Always and Forever. Is what it said. I guess that was her wedding ring that dad gave her.
I, then, saw a necklace in there. It was a silver chain with a diamond heart. It was beautiful. I took out the note. It read:
My beautiful Y/N,
I love you so much. Nothing can describe the love I have for you. You are the best thing that has ever happened to me. You make me a better person and I can’t thank you enough for the love you have for me. I will never stop loving you for as long as I live.
I love you, baby girl.
Always and Forever.
I wonder what the note was for. It’s sweet.
I, then, took out the photo and I couldn’t believe my eyes. She was so young. It was a photo of her and dad together. They looked so amazing together, with his arms wrapped around her as he placed a kiss on her cheek.
I ran into dad’s bathroom with the picture. I stood in front of his mirror and held up the photo. I look exactly like her.
I walk back to dad’s bed, sitting down as I stare down at the photo. A few tears come from my eyes as I hear someone coming up the stairs.
Dad steps through his doorway, staring at me with wide eyes.
I look up at him as we stare at each other.
“I look just like her.” Is all I could say. Dad sped towards me, sitting next to me and taking the picture from my hand.
He set it back in the box along with the note and the jewelry.
Out of nowhere, “What happened to her?” I went right out and asked.
He just looked up at me with sad, but sympathetic eyes.
“I guess it’s time to tell you now.” Dad admitted. He closed the box, setting it back on the mantle and walked back to me. He sat down next me and began telling me the whole story.
“So, her name was Y/N. She was the most amazing person in the whole world. One day, she had come home from Caroline’s house and it was a full moon that night. I was at the bar and when I came home, she was lying on the driveway… dead.” I could tell he didn’t want to say that, but he did. He went on.
“She was covered in blood and she had gotten bit by a wolf. By Tyler Lockwood. At that time, she was still pregnant with you, and we were able to save you, but we couldn’t save her.” He was almost crying now. I already had tears streaming down my cheeks as I stared at him in sadness and terror.
“We were able to get you out and Bonnie was able to use her power to bring you back. You were okay, but your mother wasn’t. When she died, and I wasn’t there for her, I could barely keep it together. I didn’t even want to live. But then, there was you. I couldn’t leave you. Your mom would’ve wanted me to stay for you. And I did and I made it my responsibility to protect you and keep you safe.” I could barely keep it together. I stared down at my hands as I was so close to breaking down.
“Grace, I’m so sorry.” He said to me, taking my hand in his.
Tears streamed from my eyes as I finally broke down. I cried my eyes out, bawling, as Dad brought me into his arms, holding me close as I wrapped my arms around his neck, burying my head in his chest.
“I’m so sorry, princess.” He repeated. “She loved you. Even when she hadn’t met you yet, she loved you and she wanted so much to see you. And I know she can.” Dad added.
Damon’s POV
Grace has been upstairs for awhile. Stefan and I were waiting for her so we could leave.
I walked upstairs, going to check on her to see if she was okay. I didn’t hear anything except a steady heartbeat.
“Grace?” I called out. She wasn’t in her room, and the only other room up her other than Stefan’s was mine. I walked through my doorway only to see her sitting on my bed with Y/N’s box beside her.
I stared at Grace with sadness and sympathy.
I can’t believe she found it. She found the picture and now she knew. She looks exactly like Y/N.
Grace looked up at me and said, “I look just like her.”
I walked to her, gathering Y/N’s picture, jewelry and my note to her and putting them back in the box.
Just as I set Y/Ne’s necklace back in the box, Grace spoke.
“What happened to her?” I knew this time would come at some point. I knew Grace would ask about Y/N. She saw her and now she needs to know.
“I guess it’s time to tell you.” I told her. I set Y/N’s box back on the mantle and sat back down beside my daughter.
“So, her name was Y/N and she was the most amazing person in the whole world. One day, she had come home from Caroline’s house and it was a full moon that night. I was the bar and when I came home she was lying on the driveway… dead.” It pained me to say that. But, I continued.
“She was covered in blood and she had gotten bit by a wolf. By Tyler Lockwood. At that time, she was still pregnant with you and we were able to save you, but we couldn’t save her.” I almost couldn’t hold in my tears . It was so hard for me to talk about Y/N, but i had to be strong for Grace. She needs to know. Grace was already crying, tears streaming down her cheeks, her eyes filled with sadness and terror.
“We were able to get you out and Bonnie was able to use her power to bring you back. You were okay, but your mother wasn’t. When she died, and I wasn’t there for her, I could barely keep it together. I didn’t even want to live. But, then there was you. I couldn’t leave you. Your mom would’ve wanted me to stay for you. And I did and I made it my responsibility in life to protect you and keep you safe.” I told her. She looked so heartbroken and sad. I could understand that. She stared down at her hands, tears streaming from her eyes.
“Grace, I’m so sorry.” I told her, taking her hand in mine.
She finally broke. She was bawling now as I took her in my arms, holding her close as she wrapped her arms around my neck, her head buried in my chest.
“I’m so sorry, princess.” I repeated. “She loved you, so much. Even though she hadn’t met you yet, she loved you and she wanted to much to see you. And I know she can.” I added.
I held her in my arms as she cried.
After a minute or so, she sat up. I set my hands on her cheeks, wiping away her tears.
She put on a small smile as I did as well. She let out a small laugh.
“Thanks, Dad. I love you.” She told me and I loved hearing her say that.
“I love you, too, princess.” I told her, bringing her back into another hug and kissing her head.
“Now, let’s get to the grill. Everyone’s probably getting worried.” I told her.
We walked downstairs, meeting with Stefan by my car.
“Before we go, I have one more gift for you.” I told my daughter. I want Grace to have Y/N’s car. I had never taken it out of the garage and I’ve never shown Grace before.
I led her and Stefan to the garage, revealing Y/N’s 2014 Chevrolet Camaro.
“Oh my god! This is amazing!” Grace screamed in excitement.
“It was mom’s car. She would’ve wanted you to have it.” I mentioned.
“Mom had amazing taste.” Grace laughed. I smiled.
She hugged me once more before we got into her car, driving to the grill.
Grace’s POV
We arrived, answering everyone’s question to where we were and why we took so long.
For the rest of the night, we hung out at the grill, eating burgers for dinner and Dad even compelled the bartender to let me have a couple drinks. Not enough to get me drunk, but he let me have a drink or two.
I played a game of pool with each of our friends, the best game being with Dad.
He was my favorite person in the world. He’s always kept me safe, as he has wanted to for my whole life. He’s loved and cared for me and I couldn’t ask for more.
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kalosstarters · 3 years
I finally saw the new Jn opening and here’s my reaction (sorry in advance):
-Awww a flashback to Ash getting Pikachu! It’s been a long... journey indeed.
-And Go seeing Mew as a kid! I like what they did with this sequence. They have both been going for their dreams so long. 
-Dawn with Koharu (I can’t use her English name) during holidays... I wonder if this is purely for the op reasons or if she will still appear...
-ALOLA ALOLA Ash playing with his Alola mons ♥♥ That made this OP worth it (pls pls pls let him go back soon ok?)
-Wow, things are getting serious for Ash when it comes to the championship tournament. I just wish I felt more attached to his mons bc... I feel I don’t ‘know’ them the way we knew f. ex. his Alola and Kalos mons... Give them more screentime ok. Also, I need to give a special shoutout to Ash turning his cap bc that feels v nostalgic
(at this point I need to cut this post bc too long)
-Either way that sequence was pretty badass, looks like Ash will be using all 3: dyna/gigantamaxing, mega evo and... :’) pika’s z-move in the future (listen, I’m partial to everything Alola. No you can’t change my mind)
-I don’t care about Go but if they show more Gary during project Mew stuff, I’m here for it :’D
-Oh Koharu... why does her sequence look exactly like Serena’s in the xy openings. I’m not sure how to feel about that. May costume tho?
-TR in the balloon also reminds me of one of the xy openings, perhaps xy&z? (can you guys tell which 2 seasons are my favorites???)
-yay for Wallace and Lisia even tho the pokeani twitter ‘spoiled’ that :’D
-Iris ♥♥ Pls I wanna see her again too (idk what this part of the op rly means tho, pls tell me what you think. Will all of these characters be back? Or are they just showing them to showcase different regions...?)
-Marnie, yay, even tho I still haven’t watched her first ep yet! Maybe tomorrow. 
-Bonnie and Clemont ♥♥♥ (not surprising bc of.... pokeani twitter, but I’m still happy)  Altho it kinda seems like Bonnie might be talking to Ash via a video call but... idk. I definitely hope we will see them properly in some ep tho. 
-Perhaps one of the biggest surprises in this op: Paul.... What is he doing there??
-Glad that Tokio has a bayleef, best mon ♥
-Greninja tho??? What does THIS mean?? I’m not sure I’m ready to know (someone on yt speculated that perhaps Ash will also see Alain on his future Kalos journeys and pls I need that in my life even tho I’m like 99,9% sure it won’t happen)
-Glimpses of Ash vs Leon... this season really is coming to a close v soon and I’m not sure how they’ll have time to make ALL of this happen before that???
-The Ash&Pikachu moment (btw you have no idea how hard it is for me to write the full names when I and my friend always speak like ‘pika’, ‘Clem’, ‘Bae’....) at the end ♥ :3
And that was it! So! While I’m a bit sad that the pokeani twitter didn’t leave us a lot of surprises, it looks like there’s a lot of interesting stuff coming up and I’m definitely feeling a bit more hyped than earlier into this season. (Only Alain and Mairin’s return & Alola lab fam ep would /really/ manage to chance my mind about this season tho. I’m a petty person like that)
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medea10 · 3 years
My Review of Flowers of Evil
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How did I get into this anime? Because Flowers of Evil is something no one says, “Oh I want to see that, this looks like a masterpiece”! Oh, I was well familiar with the rotoscope nightmare stories from this and hoped to God my randomizer wouldn’t curse me with watching Flowers of Evil. I was however intrigued to learn that there was a yandere in this anime that’s on Yuno Gasai AND Shion Sonozaki levels. But intrigue can only get me so far when you spend 13 episodes watching…
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No this is not an exaggeration. Everyone has this kind of cringe face throughout the entire anime series. Be afraid children.
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So the story is about this guy named Takao Kasuga. He loves to read and he loves the class smarty-pants Nanako Saeki. He doesn’t just love her, he sees her as his muse and his Venus and all that bullshit. But this is an admiration from afar. Pretty sure Saeki doesn’t even know he exists! One day, Kasuga forgets his book in his classroom. And on the ground, he notices a gym bag that belongs to Saeki. Oh come on, he’s not gonna go down the perverted route and steal a girl’s gym…
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So he steals Saeki’s gym uniform. And surprise, one person knew what happened. The class loner, Nakamura! She forces Kasuga to form a contract with her. It wasn’t written or anything, just verbal. However, that doesn’t stop Nakamura from forcing Kasuga to do whatever she wants. But does Nakamura really like Kasuga or is she just into torturing this shit-faced pervert?
BETWEEN THE SUB AND THE DUB: You know, I’m too thrown off by the animation here that it has temporarily paralyzed me from catching voices or even giving a damn. I’m familiar with only two of the cast mates and the rest is literally my first time hearing it. Okay, I have one comment here. I often forget Mariya Ise could do some damn-ass scary characters like Nakamura. And when she does those murderous screams, forget about it! Here’s what you might recognize these folks from.
*Kasuga is played by Shinichirou Ueda
*Saeki is played by Yoko Hikasa (known for Bea on Pokemon Journeys, Rias on High School DxD, Mio on K-ON!, Hina on Domestic Girlfriend, Kirigiri on Danganronpa, Frieda on Attack on Titan, and Diana on Little Witch Academia)
*Nakamura is played by Mariya Ise (known for Bonnie on Pokemon XY, Levy on Fairy Tail, Ray on The Promised Neverland, Stocking on Panty & Stocking, Mika on Durarara, Dorothy on Black Clover, and Yuuko on Yuri on Ice)
SHIPPING: Oh please, anime Gods, do not turn this into another School Days fiasco. I find myself praying for this a lot these days. But in this anime’s case, please do not go down that route!
So, it was clear from episode one that Kasuga had a crush on Saeki. But this got very perverted very fast when he stole her gym clothes and that lead to the contract with Nakamura. Now is Nakamura romantically invested in Kasuga or is she just a crazy bitch. Let’s chalk this up to a 50-50 split here.
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It wasn’t until the fourth episode where Kasuga and Saeki actually spoke to each other. And one episode later, they go on a date and end up in a relationship. One has to wonder if Kasuga would have one day acted on his own and ask Saeki out. All of this happened because he was being forced by that psychopath Nakamura. She tortured this kid and forced him to do so many unethical things. Stripping him naked and putting Saeki’s uniform on him for one! Who does that? So would Kasuga have done these sporadic actions if Nakamura wasn’t in the picture? After he stole that uniform, anything is possible. Now here’s the crazy shit here, Saeki loves Kasuga and she doesn’t care that he stole her gym uniform and did fuck-knows-what with it. She’s mad that Kasuga hid it, but still loves him.
Girl, the fuck is wrong with you?! You must be some special kind of crazy!
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By the end of this series, you do see a shift in Kasuga and who he wants to chase after. Saeki or Nakamura?! Let’s just say that during a running away scene, Kasuga was going to go home with Saeki until he saw Nakamura and he chases after her. That’s a pretty good sign that Kasuga has switched gears on who he likes. I won’t delve any further than that as the anime only gives us so much and the rest of this love turmoil between these three characters is covered only in the manga. Probably a sign I should read the manga!
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LOOOOOONG NO DIALOGUE MOMENTS: Dude, I know you’re trying to set the mood for certain moments, but I think you can dial it back a bit. This complaint isn’t just what happened at the beginning of episode 9; it took forever to get the main gist of this story in the very first episode. I had no idea what the main premise of the story was until the last five minutes of the first episode when Kasuga stole Saeki’s gym uniform.
Now I’m not knocking serious moments where there is no dialogue between characters for a long period of time and we just watch the animation of them walking or doing something. Hell, Neon Genesis Evangelion had famous scenes like that. But the elevator scene didn’t last six fucking minutes. Neither did the scene where Shinji kills Kaowru. In episode 9, we watch Nakamura and Kasuga walking from the school to home and watch the whole walk after destroying the classroom. I guarantee you, you could leave this episode running, fix yourself a bowl of cereal and toast, eat it up, go to the bathroom to have a good yank, then finish it off with watching a Che Guevara documentary…and Nakamura and Kasuga would still be walking home! I’m exaggerating and I don’t care. I feel like being an asshole here.
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OH DEAR GOD, WHAT THE FUCK IS THAT?!: Very rarely will I ever look at an opening or ending theme song in literal fear. In fact, the last one to be so morbid was with Attack on Titan’s second season ending. I mean, the imagery alone should tell you that this is full of spoilers and possessed by the devil itself. Now that I think about it, that’s still undefeated. But Flowers of Evil’s ending theme is a close fucking second. Have you heard this thing? It sounds like Bjork singing in Japanese, synthesized, while a cat walks on a keyboard and having a seizure at the same time. Thank God there are no actual visuals for this other than the flower featured on Kasuga’s book. I don’t think we can handle anymore animation from this nightmare fuel.
ENDING: The writing is on the wall!
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And the floor, the ceiling…that classroom is just a fucking mess!
Kasuga’s one bad deed led to another and another in a domino effect. And instead of a little devil on his shoulder, he has a classmate that’s a sociopath. Kasuga has guilt about hiding so much from Saeki in this relationship and he wants to tell her everything he did. Nakamura says, “Nah, you’re going to write it all over the classroom and let the whole world know what a piece of shit you are”. Let’s just say Nakamura and Kasuga went overboard and completely destroyed their classroom. Kasuga gets a bit of a lucky break as the other vandalism covered up his name on the chalkboard confession. But two people have caught onto Kasuga’s crime, Saeki and Kasuga’s mother.
Saeki put two and two together when she noticed the ink smearing on the ground resembled the flower art work on Kasuga’s book “Flowers of Evil” and her stolen gym uniform was placed right there. As for Kasuga’s mother, she put two and two together when she heard what happened to his classroom and noticed Kasuga’s behavior and dirty clothes from the night of the crime. Won’t be long before everyone knows what Kasuga did.
What now, shit-face?
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Run away with Nakamura to the next town. Yeah, why the fuck not?! Saeki ends up tracking them down and tried to convince them to come back and for Kasuga to be truthful. Saeki wants Kasuga and I almost want to say the same, except hanging around this psycho-bitch for a while has caused him to try to stop Nakamura from leaving. Having Saeki see Kasuga go after Nakamura isn’t really a good look! At this point, it really feels like his love for Saeki was nothing more than lust.
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Dude, isn’t there a rule about not messing with crazy…like, don’t stick your dick in crazy?! This dude has got one crazy bitch on psycho-yandere levels and the other that’s about to turn into Kotonoha from School Days in about five seconds. Well, no one left town today as the police were called to look for Saeki because her parents are overprotective types and they take the other kids in.
We get a small time-leap of one month after the night in the police station. Nakamura’s been ignoring Kasuga and Kasuga ends his relationship with Saeki. Dude, stop trying to stick your dick in crazy! Kasuga tries to speak to Nakamura again and it fails. So he visits her at home and meets Nakamura’s father and grandmother. Then, he sneaks into her room and reads her private journal that talks about Kasuga a lot. Dude, you are stepping in uncharted territory! Drop the journal and get the fuck out before Nakamura comes home. So Nakamura comes in her room and finds shit-face reading her journal.
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First, I would like to acknowledge that Mariya Ise has one hell of a throat to scream as much as this crazy bitch does. Second, the fuck did I just say, ya dumbass?! Here we get another chase scene between Kasuga and Nakamura. What follows is…I can’t place my thoughts on this. Weird imagery, out of place dialogue, and possible scenes of future stuff to happen! A rape scene involving Saeki, a festival, a hideout, a knife, and fire! Thanks for the cryptic message guys, really appreciate it! Either the anime ran out of money or they’re fucking with the audience. Kasuga says he wants to form a contract with Nakamura and that’s the end!
Hmm, this anime came out in 2013 and it is now 2021. All the buildup and no word on a sequel! We all know that sequel ain’t ever coming. You have a better chance of a continuation to Haruhi Suzumiya than you do with this hunk of shit.
Okay, maybe ‘hunk of shit’ is too mean. This wasn’t a terrible anime. It was weird as fuck, the animation leaves a bad impression, but overall it wasn’t that bad. Now the manga to Flowers of Evil is a favorite to many. Probably because the characters don’t look like a cringey meme and there aren’t so many awkward pauses with no dialogue. Unless there’s a whole volume of Flowers of Evil out there where we just look at pictures of Nakamura and Kasuga walking home where they don’t say a fucking thing! I am not letting that go! Charlie Brown movies didn’t go to that level you guys did!
I was interested with each passing episode to see what Nakamura was going to do next and what she was capable of. I couldn’t make out if she was going to be homicidal or suicidal or just impact psychological warfare on her prey. It was the latter for this series, but I heard of some attempted seppuku going down in the manga. I’d like to think maybe one day a different studio would pick up this series, but I seriously doubt it with the rotten reception this adaptation received. It was said that the director to the anime saw this more as a live-action series than an anime and that’s why we have the rotoscope animation. It wasn’t until 2019 that we got a live-action adaptation to Flowers of Evil. Not sure how people felt about that adaptation, but even I have a feeling that it was much better than the anime. Hell, a Netflix adaptation probably would have turned out a better product. It would be nice for this to get a reboot, different studio, different director, and smash everything that has the word ‘rotoscope’ on it
Yeah, if you can get over watching the animation, give it a watch. Episode one drags, but it picks up the second Nakamura confronts Kasuga.
If you would like to watch Flowers of Evil, Crunchyroll and Hidive have all 13 episodes available for streaming.
Okay, now that I’m finished with that sociopathic nightmare let’s pick another Sentai Filmworks anime.
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HELL NO! I am not reviewing, “My Teacher Accidentally Made Me Horny”. That’s what I’m calling it and you should all do the same. NEXT!
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Okay…I have no idea what the hell this anime is, but it looks harmless enough.
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leossmoonn · 4 years
hi can i have a stefan x fem reader fluff ig? idk stefan has been living in my mind rent free i miss him so much lol😌
yes 🥰
imagine - having your first offical date w stefan! (fem!reader)
note - this wasn't meant to be a blurb in the first place,  but this is like super long. i got kinda carried away.. like 3.2k words...... enjoy :
“Oh, you look so cute!” Caroline squealed. She jumped on her heels in excitement, standing back to look at her work. 
You were going on a date tonight with the very handsome, very mysterious Stefan Salvatore. He had been in town for a few months, and while you knew all about vampires and witches, you never actually had a chance to talk to him one-on-one. There were many occasions where you had to save your best friends, and you had to work with him. From what you gathered by working with him he was kind, smart, funny, and extremely handsome. You were very surprised he asked you out, considering you two never actually spoke to one another. 
He had asked you out after Isabel came into town. Amongst all the crazy, there still seemed time to enjoy a nice date out with a nice boy, so you took the chance. There was really no reason to say no, anyways. 
You had told your best friends about the date, making them very excited and very pushy in helping you. Caroline, who was the head in all of this help, planned your outfit, makeup, and gave you pointers on what to say and how to act. You felt a little annoyed by her, but you knew she meant well. Plus, she really did dress you in something cute.
You looked in the mirror, seeing yourself in a dark-blue dress and a black belt that went around your waist. The dress was spaghetti-strapped, so you had to wear a black jacket over it. The dress ended just right above your knees, and you had black heels to match. Caroline had insisted on you leaving your hair in its natural state so Stefan could see the real you, but you decided to put it up in your favorite hairstyle. Your makeup was natural, all but the red lipstick on your lips that Caroline also insisted on. You couldn’t help but smile, you loved what she did.
“Thank you, Care,” you smiled. You turned back to your friends, seeing Bonnie and Elena’s faces in big smiles. 
“What?” You asked. 
“You just... you’ve never been on a date before. I’m so excited for you!” Elena exclaimed. 
You chuckled, “I’m excited for me, too. After tonight, I won’t be the friend who hasn't been on a date anymore!”
“Well, I haven't been on a date before,” Bonnie said. 
You scoffed, “Uh, yes, you have. You just haven’t had a boyfriend before, which is something I haven’t had, either.”
“Yeah, Elena’s the only one who has had a boyfriend,” Caroline smirked. 
Elena rolled her eyes, “Yeah, and we all saw how that worked out.”
You chuckled a little. A knock on the front door got your attention. 
“Is that him?” Bonnie asked. 
You nodded, suddenly getting nervous. Caroline sensed your nervousness and pulled you into a hug. 
“You will do great! He asked you out without even getting to know you, don’t stress,” she said. 
“Thanks, Care. I gotta go. I can’t keep him waiting,” you sighed and pulled away. 
The girls followed you to the door, making you roll your eyes and try to shoo them away. You opened the door, your anxiety almost immediately disappearing  once you saw Stefan. 
He was wearing jeans, a grey-fitted shirt and a leather jacket. He had a big smile on his face as he looked at you. 
“You look beautiful,” he spoke, looking into your eyes. You looked down at the ground with a shy smile on your face.
“Thank you. You look really, really um, handsome,” you said, bashful. 
“Thank you,” he smiled. “Are you ready to go?” He held his hand out for you to take. 
You lifted your head up, putting your hand out hesitantly and slipping it into his. Tingles ran up from your fingers to your arm as you interlocked hands with his. 
“Have fun!” Elena giggled. 
“Not too much, though!” Caroline exclaimed.
You looked back, rolling your eyes at them. You went out of your house, shutting the door behind you. Stefan walked you to his car, opening the door for you. 
“Wow, and he’s chivalrous,” you teased, stepping into the car. 
“Back in my day, women were treated like princesses. Every man did everything for them,” Stefan said. 
“Wow, sounds like heaven. I mean, despite all the rights we didn’t have,” you snorted. 
Stefan chuckled, “True.”
Stefan got in the driver’s seat, starting the car. 
“So, where are you taking me?” You asked. “My house,” Stefan answered. 
“Oh, I should’ve put on something more... chill,” you chuckled, looking down at your date attire.
“No, no! This is proper date attire, anyways. I’m cooking for us,” Stefan glanced at you, smiling.
“Woah, I feel so special,” you smiled. “I like to cook for the girls I take out,” Stefan said. 
“And do you... take a lot of girls out?” You asked. You started to feel nauseous as you thought of his answer.
“No, honestly. Just whenever I do, I cook,” he shrugged. 
You nodded. “When was the last time you had a girlfriend?” 
“Um, 1964, I think,” he answered. Your eyes widened, “You waited 45 years?”
“Well, it’s not like I waited to find the right one or anything. I was just never very interested in dating or anything,” he answered honestly. 
“What made you change now?” You asked. “Oh, well,” Stefan started. Now it was his turn to be shy. 
“Well, first off, you. I know we’ve never talked a lot, but whenever I would see you, I’ve always would think you were pretty. And, Caroline and Damon wouldn’t stop teasing my about my “very apparent crush”,” he explained. 
“I never noticed it. Then again, most people are oblivious to those types of things,” you chuckled.  “Agreed. But yeah, so, you’re basically my reason.” You smiled, “You know you to make a girl feel special.”
“I try,” Stefan smiled and parked his car the the Salvatore house entrance. Stefan got out, hurrying to open the door for you. 
You giggled, “Thank you.”
Stefan hummed a “you’re welcome”.
You two entered the house. You had been here plenty times before, so it wasn’t a big surprise to you. But the kitchen table was. 
The table had a white cloth on it, candles, silverware on napkins, and a pretty bouquet of flowers on it. You smiled, “This is so beautiful.”
“Thank you,” Stefan said, moving past you to the stove. You went over to him, watching him grab a pan and different ingredients. 
“So, what are you making?” You asked. “Ratatouille,” he answered. 
You cocked up a brow. “Like from the movie?”
“Yeah,” Stefan smiled. 
“Cool,” you smiled. 
“Do you mind helping me?” Stefan asked. “Nope. Not at all. I must admit, I like cooking, but I'm really bad,” you chuckled. 
“I bet you’re not that bad,” Stefan said. “We’ll see. So, what do you need me to do?” You asked. 
“Preheat the oven to 375, please,” he directed. 
You nodded and walked over to the oven.
“Now, help me with slicing some vegetables. Which one do you want to slice, eggplant, squash, tomato, or zucchini?” Stefan asked.
“Um, I’ll take the squash,” you said. You went over next to him, taking a knife and placing the eggplant on the cutting board. 
“So, what was life like in the 19th century?” You asked. 
“Hm, peaceful. Fun, relaxing. Of course, there was a war going on, and vampires running through town,” Stefan said.
“Like Katherine?” You asked. Stefan sighed, “Yeah, like Katherine.”
“What about your childhood?” You asked. 
“Um, rough? My mom died when I was little and my dad was always tough on us. We were expected to be men by age 6.”
“Wow, that sounds fun.” Stefan chuckled, “It was. How about you? What was your childhood like?”
“Fun, relaxing, never boring. Well, that was before I met Elena, Caroline, and Bonnie,” you said. 
“What was it like before then?”
“Um.. horrible? I had like, no friends,” you chuckled. “I was the weird, book-carrying girl that no one liked and everyone teased. Bonnie and Elena adopted me soon after I was in one of their classes in middle school. I’ve been best friends with them ever since. Granted, I'm more closer with Bonnie and Elena, Caroline was kind of jealous of me I think, but we all are best friends. I couldn’t imagine my life without them.” Stefan smiled, “That’s sweet. Damon was, and well, still is, my best friend, as much as I hate to admit it. We’ve drifted apart. A lot. Ever since we were vampires we have been.”
“Wow. Well, it's nice to at least have someone like that you can ask for help, always. I'm a single child. But, Caroline and Bonnie are like the two sisters I’ve never had. Elena, of course, has Jeremy,” you said. “Who isn't here, but hey, that’s why she has us.”
“That’s nice. Well, wait, now thinking about it, I do have a best friend, other than Damon,” Stefan said. 
“Ooh, who?”
“Her name’s Lexi,” he said. “If she’s your best friend, where is she?” You asked. 
“In New York. We send emails to each other and whatnot. She’s the one who helps with my bloodlust,” he explained.
“Wow, she sounds really nice,” you smiled. “Yeah, she is. And don’t worry, there is nothing romantic going on there. She just makes me a better person,” he explained. 
“That was my next question. Well, I hope I get to meet her someday. She sounds awesome,” you smiled. 
“I hope so, too. Hey, maybe I’ll email her and have her come over next time. She's actually very interested in you,” he said. 
“Oh, really? She knows about me?” You asked. 
“Well, I mean, she asks me all the time if I'm seeing anyone, and I told her I liked you, and well I told you about her,” Stefan blushed. 
You giggled, “Well, good to know. I'm even more excited to meet her now.”
“Good, good. I’ll tell her that,” he winked. Your face began to feel warm again and you hid your face from his view. 
He had a big smile on his face. He moved over to the stove, turning on the heat and put on a saucepan. 
“What happens now, chief?” You asked, settling your hands on your hips. 
“Well, now we make the sauce. You mind dicing these bell peppers?” He asked, getting one yellow and one red one out of the fridge. 
You nodded, washing your hands and beginning to dice them. 
“Do you want some wine?” Stefan asked, holding a wine bottle.
“Sure,” you smiled. 
“This is the good stuff. We keep all the good liquor in this cabinet. Don’t tell anyone,” Stefan said. 
You nodded, “Lips are sealed.”
Stefan smiled and poured you a glass, setting it next to him. You thanked him, dicing up the bell peppers. Once you were done, you let Stefan take over. He put olive oil in the pan a few minutes before, then put the bell peppers, onion and garlic he was dicing earlier. 
“How did you learn how to cook?” You asked.
“Um, kind of just by watching my mom. I learned more by doing jobs and stuff. You know, I can’t be a lazy vampire the whole time, so I went to culinary school. It was a good hobby for me and soon became a fun, creative, and easy thing for me to do. It distracted me a lot from the bloodlust and family, too,” he explained.
“Culinary school, huh? That’s really cool,” you said. 
Stefan chuckled. “Thanks .”
You hummed in reply. You two talked more about your childhoods, interests, what you want to do after high school. After a few minutes of the vegetables sautéing, you had put the veggies that you had sliced up into a pattern in the pan. Stefan put the pan in the oven, setting the timer. 
“So, what do we do now?” You asked. “Well, we could drink more wine and talk or, we can drink more wine and I can give you a house tour,” he said. 
“Ooh, I want house tour!” You exclaimed. 
“Alright. Follow me, m’lady,” Stefan said, holding his arm out for you.
You giggled, “Don’t mind if I do, kind sir.” You wrapped your arm around his, your hand intertwining with his. Your other hand held the wine glass that he had refilled. 
“So, that’s the kitchen, as you saw. This is the living room, and the Salvatore study is on the other side. You’ve already seen those, though, so let’s go upstairs.”
You nodded, walking with him up the stairs.
“So, over here are a few guest bedrooms. This is Damon’s room,” Stefan said, opening the door a little. You peeked into it, your eyes widening. 
“Wow. Never knew Damon was such an alcoholic,” you snorted, pulling your head back. 
“All vampires are, honestly. We’re basically immortal so, you know, no liver disease or anything for us,” Stefan said. 
“Wow, lucky. I mean, I don’t drink much anyways. I usually just have one beer at every party I go to. I don’t like the taste of cheap beer,” you explained. 
“Wow, I may have just found the perfect woman,” Stefan teased. 
You giggled, “Yeah, my friends think I'm too picky, but you know, if I’m gonna drink, I wanna drink the good stuff.”
“Exactly! See, I understand you, don’t worry,” Stefan smiled. 
You smiled, leaning into him a little as he led the way down the hall. You put your head on his shoulder, enjoying the warmth that he was exhibiting. You liked how you felt while being close to him, too. You felt safe, comforted. At home.
He looked down at you, smiling. “Here are a few more guest rooms, and here is my room,” he said.
“Can we go in?” You asked. 
Stefan nodded, opening the door. You stepped in the room, looking over everything. 
His bed at across the room, against the wall. He had his desk in the middle of the room, a bunch of books on it. He had a couch next to his bed and a few other chairs around the room, too. There was a huge bookshelf with lots of other books and other decorative objects. 
“Wow. your room is huge,” you said. 
“Yep,” Stefan said, standing in the doorway. 
You went over to his bed, taking a seat. Stefan went over and took a seat next to you. 
“This is a... wow,” you said, bouncing on the bed slightly. “This is a comfortable bed. Where did you get this mattress?” 
“Um... I’m not sure,” Stefan chuckled. 
“Ugh, I am jealous,” you smiled. “I wish I could sleep here.”
“Maybe you can if we continue uh, going on dates and stuff,” Stefan said. 
You turned to him, smiling big. “I’d like that.”
Stefan smiled at you, putting his hand on your cheek, rubbing his thumb up and down on your cheekbone lightly. Your stomach did flips and your whole body became warm from his touch. You saw him leaning in and you started to get nervous. You had never kissed anyone before. Well, you have, but your first kiss was just a peck. And you had a feeling that this wasn’t gonna be just a peck. 
You leaned in, too, taking a deep breath to try and calm yourself down. Unfortunately, that didn’t work. Stefan’s face got closer and you felt his lips brush on yours with feathery-light pressure. Your body jolted back, your eyes going wide. 
Stefan looked at you, worried. 
“Did I... did I do something wrong?” He asked. 
You started to blush profusely. “No,” you shook your head. “I just um... the feeling really was new and surprising to me.”
Stefan smiled, “Yeah, kisses with the right person are like that.”
“You didn’t even kiss me, though,” you chuckled. 
“Do you want me to?” Stefan asked, looking into your eyes. 
You smiled and nodded slowly, scooting closer to him. Stefan put his hand on your face again. bringing his lips to yours. He kissed you and your whole brain exploded. You saw bright colors as you kissed him back, loving the feeling he gave you. His lips were soft and warm, and were really really good at kissing. They kissed you back slowly, softly. He was going gentle on you, which was something you appreciated immensely. Your hands went up to his neck, wanting him closer.
You pulled away for air, though, your eyes meeting his instantly. You went back to your flustered and shy behavior, looking away from him and biting your lip in excitement. Stefan couldn’t help but smile at how cute you were. 
The oven beeped downstairs, singling that the ratatouille was done. He took your hand, pulling you up. 
“Hungry?” He asked. 
You smiled, “Very.”
You two walked back downstairs. You set two glasses and poured wine in them while Stefan took out the pan. He put the food on two dishes, mixing up a salad and getting some dinner rolls. 
You went over to him, getting your plate and setting it down on the plate by your chair. Stefan brought over the rest of the food, sitting down with you. 
“Dig in,” Stefan smiled. 
You did as he said, groaning at how amazing the food tasted. 
“You are... ugh, amazing. God. What can’t you do?” You asked. 
Stefan smiled. “Um... I can’t bake.”
You scoffed, “Everyone can bake. Sorry, Stefan, you're perfect.”
Stefan smiled, “Nope, that’s you.”
“Oh, yeah?” You smiled. 
“Yeah,” he smiled bigger and nodded.
You blushed profusely again. “I think the wine is catching up to us.”
“Hm, maybe. But you asked,” Stefan smiled. You laughed, “I did.” You two ate and talked a little more about your hobbies. After a third glass of wine, you decided that it was time for you to go. So, Stefan went and drove you home. The drive home was silent, but comfortable. Stefan had asked to put a hand on your thigh, to which you smiled and granted him access to. His touch made you warm and fuzzy inside, which was something you would be able to experience again with him. 
Stefan got to your house, walking you up the the door. 
“I had an amazing time,” you smiled.
“I did, too,” Stefan smiled.
You took his hands in yours, leaning up and pressing a kiss to his lips. He kissed you back for a few moments before you two pulled away for air. 
“I’ll call you, uh, later,” you said. 
“Alright. I’ll be waiting. Have a good night, Y/n,” Stefan smiled. 
You smiled back at him. “I will. See you tomorrow.” You unlocked your door, going inside your house.
“You, too,” Stefan smiled, watching you close the door with a big smile. 
You shut the door behind you, putting your back to the door, seeing Elena, Caroline, and Bonnie in your living room. 
“So, how was it?” Bonnie asked. 
“I think I’m in love.”
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trashyswitch · 3 years
Jeremy and the Unusual Reunion
Jeremy ends up being pulled into an animatronic reunion. Literally. But the reunion ends up full of laughs with old companions, laughs with new companions, and an unexpected meet up with an old coworker.
Sequel to 'Jeremy and the Mysterious Robots'.
I feel like I've been on roller coaster ride after roller coaster ride...and some of them have not been very pleasant. But, I'm making the best out of the situation. I hope you enjoy this fanfic! And if you offered up a fanfic, don't worry! I'm working on it!
Jeremy was going for a walk in the street. He was enjoying the sunny day with the nice little breeze that filled his face. Today was really the perfect day to go walking. Cars driving by, the sun shining on your face, the birds flying through the buildings, even younger and older kids biking up and down the street in groups of 4 or 8.
But all the happiness quickly changed when he felt his hand get grabbed. He was about to turn to see who it was, when Jeremy was yanked backwards into an alleyway. Jeremy yelped as he was pulled really quickly past the bricks, and grunted as his body hit a wall. Jeremy had the air knocked out of him as a result, making it extra hard to breathe for a few moments.
A being with what felt like electrical cords for hands, grabbed his upper arms and held them against the wall beside his middle. “Why hello, Michael~” Ennard greeted. “Still alive, I see?”
Jeremy looked up, and immediately started screaming! It was a huge animatronic abomination made primarily of cords and a clown head with a party hat and a big red nose. Oh no...Not the Pizzeria beings again!
Ennard slammed Jeremy’s body into the wall again. “SHUT UP.”
But Jeremy refused to shut up. “LET ME GO! I’M NOT MICHAEL! I DON’T KNOW WHO MICHAEL I-”
Suddenly, a white feminine-looking hand covered up Jeremy’s mouth. “There! Soooo much quieter!” The being talking was a version of Foxy that Jeremy had never seen before. It...looked very feminine and had girly attributes to it. An example: Pink long nails.
Jeremy didn’t know how to feel about this.
“Funny...He was right. This isn’t Michael…” Ennard reacted calmly. “Michael has darker hair...and a similar facial shape…”
Suddenly, a worn down version of Toy Chica walked up to the person and gasped. “Jeremy! Fancy seeing you here!” Chica squawked.
Jeremy widened his eyes. Oh no...Not the toys…
Hey boys! Jeremy’s still here!” Chica reacted.
Toy Freddy, Toy Bonnie and Foxy walked themself to Jeremy and smiled. “
Did someone order an old friend?!" Toy Freddy asked enthusiastically.
"You won't get tired of my voice... will you?" Toy Chica asked.
To save his butt, Jeremy shook his head no.
“Okay! Good!” Chica replied.
"Is there someone here who needs some extra-special cheering up?" Toy Freddy asked.
Uh oh...That’s not good. Not good at all!
Toy Freddy smiled and turned to the other animatronics. “My friend here is very ticklish! I remember all his ticklish spots too!” Freddy told him.
Oh no...OH GOD NO!
“Oooooh! That tickles me just thinking about it! Do tell!” Funtime Foxy begged.
“Aaaalrighty!” Toy Freddy started pointing to different spots. “His belly is very ticklish! But his armpits are really bad! His hips are a good spot too! And don’t forget those toesies!” Toy Freddy explained.
Jeremy curled his toes, just thinking about it. This cannot be happening...What ever happened to his peaceful walk? Is that just thrown out the window now?
“Alright Jeremy! Time for the tickle tickle tickles!” Freddy decided as he started tickling and poking Jeremy’s belly.
Jeremy jumped and widened his eyes, and quickly covered his mouth. He wasn’t breaking. He wasn’t gonna give them the satisfaction. No way, no how-
Theeen someone went for the armpits…
Well...so much for ‘no breaking’...
“That was quick! Have you been getting more ticklish while I was gone?” Toy Freddy asked curiously.
Hell if he knew! Does anyone get more ticklish over time?! Or is it just him?!
Jeremy squeaked and laughed as his armpits were attacked and played with. This was NOT how he imagined his day to go. But, he had to admit: tickling is better than death.
“OOooooh! He really IS ticklish! Can I try?” Funtime Foxy asked.
“Of course you can! Your nails will work perfectly for what we’re doing!” Toy Freddy replied.
Funtime Foxy walked to Jeremy’s foot and picked it up. Jeremy immediately grew nervous as he stared at the pink nails. They looked sharp! But they looked SUPER ticklish too…
“Aaaalright! Time to work my magic!” Funtime Foxy started wiggling their fingers eagerly at the toes. Then, they touched down and started skittering all over. “A kitchy kitchy kitchy koo! A kitchy kitchy kitchy kitchy kitchy kitchy koo!”
Jeremy squealed out of surprise and clamped his teeth. His lips began to ripple into a smile as he struggled to handle the ticklish feeling that covered his feet. He soon started humming and giggling a little. “MMmmmmmhmhmhmhmhmhmhm! Hmhmhmhmhmhm-nohohohohohoho!” Jeremy whined. “Stahahap it that ticklhlhlhles!” Jeremy whined a little more.
“Oh really, giggly Jeremy?” Toy Freddy teased. “I couldn’t tell! I thought you found something funny to laugh at!” Toy Freddy teased.
BonBon looked up at Funtime Freddy. “Maybe he was giggling at you!” Bonbon teased to Funtime Freddy.
Funtime Freddy gasped and huffed. “How dare he!” Funtime Freddy looked down at Bonbon and smirked. “Hey Bon-Bon! GO GE-GET HIM!” Funtime Freddy threw Bonbon right at Jeremy. Bonbon smacked Jeremy in the face, but slid down to his belly. Quickly, Bonbon started giggling and wiggling into his shirt.
The little version of Bonnie wiggled and shook itself further under the fabric of his shirt, and started tickling with his nubs and blowing robotic raspberries into his belly button.
Jeremy SCREAMED and pretty much tripled his wiggling! He was wiggling so much at this point, that an average human adult would’ve lost grip of his ticklish spots! But NOPE! These were ROBOTS with EXTRA strength on their side. There was NO WAY he was getting out of THIS grip. No way for a long shot!
“HAHAHahahahaAHAHAHAHAHAHA- HEHEHEHEHELP! HEHEHEHELP MEHEHEHEHE!” Jeremy begged to Funtime Freddy’s general direction.
Funtime Freddy just chuckled. “Sorry buddy. But I only have one hand right now! You’re just gonna have to let Bonbon do his tickly thing.” Funtime Freddy replied casually.
If these robots were programmed with any sort of artificial ticklishness, then Jeremy would 100% go for all the spots at once. This was SO unfair! It was 1 against 10-12 animatronics! How was THAT ever fair?! This is like being licked and played with by 12 horses! Though, even horses would offer more empathy to Jeremy than these robots.
Bonbon was giggling along with him as he scurried up Jeremy’s armpit. Almost on cue, Ennard grabbed onto Jeremy’s arm and held it above his head. With the arm open and out of the way, Bonbon wiggled itself to the upper chest and started attacking Jeremy’s armpit with both little nubby hands, AND with the ears! Literally! Even the ears were bending up and down and tickling his armpit! And it felt like being tickled by four nubby hands!
“You’re so silly!” Bonbon declared rather happily.
“That’s enough…” a raspy voice told them. Bonbon jumped and stopped immediately. He refused to come out of the shirt though...Perhaps it was afraid of the voice.
“Come on Bonbon! It’s just-” Funtime Freddy widened his eyes as he realized who it actually was. Funtime Freddy moved out of the way for the creature and stood to the side. This allowed Jeremy a moment or two to see who was talking.
Jeremy stared at the creature in horror and surprise…
It was a green, completely ruined animatronic in the shape of a bunny!
Jeremy felt intense fear filling his thoughts as he gazed upon the green bunny. He felt the desperate need to get the hell out of there! But these freaking robots wouldn’t let him go without another evil tickle attack on the way!
The bunny hobbled closer and stared at the human. Jeremy grew uncomfortable super quickly. The bunny moved into the light, revealing its human, and animatronic mixed appearance. It was hideous to look at!
Jeremy SHRIEKED and wiggled more as he stared at the huge metal buck teeth. IT WAS GONNA EAT HIM! IT WAS GONNA CHOMP HIM LIKE THE OTHER ANIMATRONIC DID! AAAAAAH!
The green bunny scoffed. “Pathetic…” The green bunny muttered before looking a little closer at him. “Wait a minute...This isn’t him at all…” The green bunny turned to the animatronics with a blank animatronic expression. But his inner face could easily tell you he was pissed. “You useless machines! This is the wrong person!” The bunny yelled.
“We know, sir Afton. But the old ones remember him!” Funtime Freddy told him, pointing to the toy animatronics like a toddler.
“What?!” The bunny asked, turning to the toy animatronics.
“This was the security guard that worked at night!” Toy Freddy declared. “Gerald was his name!” he added.
Jeremy couldn’t help but chuckle at that. “It’s Fitzgerald, Fazbear.” Jeremy clarified.
‘Fitzgerald…’ The bunny thought...
“Wait…” The bunny grabbed onto Jeremy’s head and started looking for something on his head. Jeremy started to freak out at first, but slowly calmed down as the bunny moved his bangs out of the way in a surprisingly gentle manner. “It can’t be…”
The bunny soon took notice of the scar on his face and very softly felt it like a blind person would feel braille dots. Jeremy had calmed down rather quickly, and seemed to have grown more curious rather than concerned.
“It is…” The bunny muttered. “Jeremy Fitzgerald…What a pleasant surprise to see you again.” The bunny spoke.
Jeremy looked super nervous and yet, quite confused. Truth was, he was more focused on how boney and hard the bunny’s fingers were…
The bunny quickly noticed this strange reaction. “I see...I imagine you don’t recognize me at all…” the voice told him.
“I...don't, sadly. Do I know you?” Jeremy asked. “You seem to be the only...humane animatronic so far.”
“Humane is not far off, Fitzgerald…” The bunny showed Jeremy his hand and showed him the skull.
Jeremy widened his eyes. “The animatronics have hu-”
“I was in a workplace accident thirty years ago...I still don’t fully understand why I survived.”
Jeremy felt like all the air had evaporated from his lungs. “M-Mike…”
“Mike? Oh no no no…” The bunny opened its mouth as if to smile. “William...William Afton. Former co-owner of Freddy Fazbear’s Pizza...And founder of Fazbear Entertainment.” The bunny cleared up.
Jeremy was 5 seconds away from shrieking. William Afton was also a murderer! And he’s alive after all this time!
Jeremy finally pulled his hands out of Ennard’s grip and pulled Bonbon out of his shirt. “Get away from me! You MONSTER!”
The bunny widened his eyes and narrowed his eyes in anger. “And I treated you quite kindly…”
“YOU MURDERER! HOW COULD YOU?!” Jeremy reached into the suit and grabbed the first thing he could. Whatever it was, it was hard and felt like a vertical puzzle piece. “I’ll- I’ll break whatever’s in my hand!”
The bunny chuckled in its very low voice. “There is a metal spine attached to the suit that holds me together. Even if you broke my spine...I will still be able to kill you.”
Jeremy widened his eyes and finally settled for kicking him in the groin to run. But Jeremy’s entire body froze to a halt as intense, mind-numbing pain filled his foot.
Jeremy SCREAMED and pulled his pulsing foot back. He grabbed his foot and hopped backwards to the wall. “Ow-ow-ow-ow-ow-ow-ow! What are you MADE OF?!” Jeremy shouted as he hissed and rubbed his paining foot.
The bunny bursted out laughing at him. “You thought you could immobilize me? I believe you have forgotten I’m partly made of metal.” The bunny reminded him calmly.
The bunny got closer to Jeremy, and stared into him with his icey eyes. “You should’ve went for spine…”
The bunny backed away from Jeremy and looked over at the animatronics for a moment. Then...he looked back at Jeremy with an evil glare on his face. “Seize him.”
Jeremy shrieked and struggled to get away as a crowd of 12 or 15 animatronics completely surrounded Jeremy.
The bunny opened his mouth more, showing his bucktooth smile. “Have some fun with him.” He told the animatronics.
It didn’t take long for squeaks and laughter to fill the backstreet again. Jeremy squirmed around like a worm, and laughed hysterically as multiple ticklish spots were attacked at once.
“You don’t want me to help you...I might just kill you.” The bunny joked in a dark manner.
Jeremy just about lost it when he said that. Okay! Screw that! Scratch him off the list of people to be saved by!
But there was no one else to save him! Only the murderer Afton could save him from the tickle attacks! And he was the one that caused them to continue!
“Oh! Hey Funtime Foxy! Go for his sides! They’re really bad too!” Toy Freddy suggested.
“Oooooh! Okay!” Funtime Foxy reached her hand out and started squeezing and skittering her pretty pink nails onto both of Jeremy’s sides. “Kitchy kitchy kitchy kitchy koooooo!”
Freddy chuckled. “Hey, where’s the puppet? We should get him here too!”
Jeremy yelped and pulled on his bound arms. “NO! NOT THE PUPPET! NAHAHAT THE PUPPET! PLEASE NO!”
Suddenly, a music box sound went off in the background...and a black and white thin creature slowly rose from the box.
“Hey Puppet! Jeremy’s back! Wanna come help us?” Toy Freddy asked.
The puppet climbed out of the music box and tilted his head.
“Yeah! Look at Jeremy! Hasn’t he changed since we last saw him? He looks old now!” Toy Freddy told the puppet.
“HEY! Shut up, you dinosaur!” Jeremy shot back.
Toy Freddy gasped at the retort. “Excuse me?!”
“Yeah! You heard me! Or did you, old hag?” Jeremy teased.
I recognize you, but I’m not afraid of you. Not anymore.” The puppet said with a giggle.
“Oh...Oh that’s wonderful.” Jeremy muttered.
Toy Freddy grabbed Jeremy’s sides. “CHEER UP TIME!” he shouted before squeezing his sides.
Jeremy bursted out laughing wildly and flopped around. It tickled so much! Oh my goodness! Jeremy was a mess of hysterics, and he was growing to love it! Maybe this wasn’t as bad as he thought...
The bunny sighed and rolled his eyes with a little smile as he thought:
‘What a child…’
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