#oh my god what a cutie
bellelovesyou · 2 months
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                     터지는 synergy 딱 맞아 우린
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                     우리 뭐야 마치 heartris!ᯓ★
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tiyoin · 2 months
I'm gonna throw up omg 😭 forget everything else, get this event in EN stat!
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acuérdate iteration of my reaction
do you think we’re gonna meet vil’s dad??? CAUSE I WANNA SEE WHAT VIL WOULD LOOK LIKE AS A DILF
god i’m think such.. thought about that azul that i’m actually calm enough on the outside to type normally. that’s when you KNOW i’m bad
cause he’s just - HES JUST SO
MY FIRST THOUGHT WAS ‘i want- need to suck his dick. ITS A MUST AT THIS POINT’
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ghastigiggles · 7 months
trickle down
RAAAAAAHHHH WOMEN!!! Furina Content for the hungry masses, apologies that it's not longer. I was very inspired by a particular post and speedran this at like 4 in the morning.
Finally. Women in the Genshin Content tag. Let's Go Lesbians
usual disclaimer; safe-for-work tickling content ahead, very cute, very fluffy - also very vague 4.2 spoilers? but you wouldn't get it without context so it should be okay for the uninitiated o7
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Being human comes with a lot of fun little quirks.
Furina loves being human. 
Furina does not, however, quite enjoy the prideful appearance she's been forced to keep for so long – so it's very nice and refreshing to finally have more and more friends at her side to drop that guard around.
At least, it's certainly nicer for Clorinde to no longer be alone in suffering Furina's drama, because –
"Would y – eeEEeeh! Ahaha – help mehehe already…!"
Paimon shuffled awkwardly in the air, glancing towards the Champion Duellist. 
"Should we, um, do something…?"
"No. Let it run its course… She'll be fine."
Lumine snorted softly, biting down her smile in an attempt to look as bemused as Clorinde when Paimon looked over haplessly. Before the three of them, taking advantage of their relative privacy and distance from society, was poor Lady Furina, her arms held above her head by Gentilhomme Usher – thus allowing Surintendante Chevalmarin and Mademoiselle Crabaletta to pinch and prod at her torso, sending her into the undignified fit of giggles she was in now. 
( very necessary A/N; the names of furina's staff are needlessly complicated even for a french speaker. sweet jesus. )
"Ahaha – y-you – yohohou are cruel! How c-cohould you fff – ahaha! – forsahake me this way?!"
"Lady Furina has a habit of, er…. Well, this," Clorinde explained poorly, nodding her head towards the scene with a tired look; "I gave up on actually helping after the first dozen repeat offenses."
The traveling pair nodded, exchanging a mildly amused look between themselves as Paimon took over replying for them both.
"Don't worry, we get it… We've got a few friends who are very similar, ehe…!"
Lumine nodded as well, turning her gaze back to Furina's song and dance. From the way her legs shook, it seemed like she'd collapse if Usher released her arms; and though she was flushed in the face, she also seemed genuinely happy…
It made the traveler's fingers itch, and she hummed, glancing towards her fairy friend.
"Hey, Paimon – since we're just waiting, why don't you and Clorinde scout up ahead? I'll stay here to keep her safe if anything creeps up on us."
Paimon started to object, but shut her jaw with an audible click when their gazes met, her eyes widening with sudden understanding. Offering a more nervous smile, Paimon nodded quickly, whipping back to Clorinde.
"... R-right! Come on, miss Clorinde!"
"Right. Shout if you need help."
Almost grateful for the out, Clorinde marched up the path, Paimon hovering just beside her as she went. Lumine watched until they disappeared through a few trees before approaching the giddy Furina, waving her arms to shoo away her staff members.
"Alright, that's enough…"
"... Haah, ahah… ah –!"
Abruptly, they disappeared with a burst of bubbles, and, as predicted, Furina collapsed entirely, opting to commit entirely to the fall and flop back onto the grass, her hat rolling away when she landed. 
"Ahh, ow… haah, you could've been faster with the save, you know…"
"Oh, please, you could've gotten yourself out of it anytime," Lumine giggled, crouching beside the Chief Justice and savouring the flustered glare her comment got.
"Y-yes, well! Perhaps I was testing your friendship – looking to see how fast you would save me if I was in dire straits!"
"Oh, you're testing something, alright…"
The traveler shifted, somehow managing to straddle Furina where she lay before she had a chance to react – though it was less than graceful, with how their skirts overlapped. Furina stared up at Lumine with shock, stammering wordlessly while the blonde traveler smiled, a mischievous glimmer in her eye.
"I've got a question for you, Lady Furina – in operas, how much do you enjoy twist villains?"
"... Oh," Furina squeaked finally, her cheeks red – though her next words made Lumine soften the act a bit; "I – I, um… You're really…?"
"Yeah. Unless you don't want me to?"
"N-no! I mean – yes? I – mngh…"
The verbal stumbling made Lumine laugh, and Furina huffed petulantly, squirming in place with a thoroughly flustered expression.
"Just… Stop when I say so, okay?!"
"Promise. I won't push it."
Furina hesitated, gauging Lumine's sincerity before letting out a soft breath and nodding – only to tense when the traveler dug her fingers into her sides, wasting no time to profit off of the okay.
"Now, let's see how loud you can really sing…"
"AahhaaaAAH – Wait wait wahahait –!"
As Clorinde and Paimon rounded the bend again, they were greeted with Lumine helping a very breathless-looking Furina to her feet, slinging an arm around her shoulders to support the wobbly-legged damsel with an amused look to their companions.
"Unfortunately, Madameoiselle Crabaletta did a number on her… I think we might have to give up on the rest of this trip."
Clorinde sighed haplessly, shaking her head; "It's alright… It wouldn't be the first time. Come on, let's get back to the city…"
"... Haah, haah… S-sorry, everyone…"
Paimon giggled, collecting Furina's hat from the ground as they began their trek homeward and trying it on her own head, giving Lumine a knowing side-eye.
"It's okay! Paimon had fun anyway! What about you, Traveler?"
"Yeah – lots of fun. We should do this again soon."
Lumine grinned, drumming her fingers against Furina's side where they rested just to make her flinch and giggle, leaning into the traveler a little harder and ducking down to hide a giddy smile.
Furina loves being human – especially now that she has proper friends to be human with.
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daydreambonsai · 10 months
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princeconsortroad · 6 months
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Matthew via his Instagram stories; 26.12.23.
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chouettecrivaine · 9 months
dead woman walking
Fandom: @shepherds-of-haven ! A little drabble of my MC who I have grown unexpectedly attached to and now she dances around in my head all of the time
Characters: Trouble/OC
Notes: 1.6k, angst, depressing introspection, the world's most OVERDRAMATIC girl has the most OVERDRAMATIC kiss
Summary: Lark has decided that the best course of action is to go on the mission alone, even if fatality is certain. She plans to leave in the middle of the night when nobody can stop her, but first there are some feelings she needs to put to rest.
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Even if the trip from her room to Trouble's was familiar, Lark couldn't help but slow her steps as reticence pulled against her on every step. The magelights lining the hallway, for once, didn't seem as warm and homey as before - instead, Lark could only focus on that one spot of darkness between each fixture. It didn't matter how far the warm light stretched; the shadows always made their way to her.
She stopped just outside the door to Trouble's room, standing perfectly still and taking a deep breath. In the stillness, time didn't exist to her. Lark could pretend that she wasn't heading off to her final battle, a one-woman army marching straight into extinction. Maybe this was the battle she was created for - or maybe she was damning everyone by throwing herself away when she knew her reality couldn't be remade. Either way, the thought hollowed out her body and filled it with ice, the way she had been before. Somehow, Lark always knew she was going to die alone. At least this way, she could save anybody that she had tricked into caring for her from riding straight into the maws of death for her sake.
Lark had made peace with it, as much as she could. Her time in the Shepherds had reminded her all too well how to want to live, but blind hope wasn't something she had been able to afford for a while. This was her last stand, and she could accept that. It was bound to happen eventually in this line of work. There was just one thing she needed to do - one box left to check - before she could leave her loose ends in the hands of others.
Finally composed, Lark turned and knocked on the solid door, each in rapid succession of the last. Her heart thundered in her chest, pounding against her ribcage and rising into her throat with every beat. Her mouth went dry, though she couldn't figure out exactly why. She heard a soft shuffling on the other side of the door and forced herself to swallow, determined to keep up with her own façade. 
Trouble opened the door, more alert than Lark had expected, and gave her a friendly once-over. Despite not being bleary-eyed and half asleep, he still blinked a few times as if to make sure it was Lark in front of him. Easily, he smiled at her, unsuccessful in keeping his gaze covert as it lingered on her untied hair. During the day, Lark kept it in two braids circled around her head and pinned closely to her skull. She only ever kept her hair down when she was sleeping, and the few times Trouble had seen it, he'd been silently fascinated. Without fail, the attention would send a wave of excitement through her body, but now her apprehension was too strong for even that to shine through. Still, she smiled back at him.
"What're you doing here, Birdie?" Trouble asked, leaning casually against the doorframe. He only stood there for a moment before hurrying to make room for Lark. "Oh, I mean, you're welcome to come in. If you want."
Lark shook her head. "No, that's alright. I just needed to tell you something important."
Though he kept the mood light, Lark noticed how Trouble's face immediately softened. She noticed that when he was happy to see her - so, normally - his eyes seemed to sparkle as if the golden rings around his pupils were pure ore. Now, everything was warm seawater and honey. "Of course. You can tell me anything."
Lark's heart stopped beating, only to grow so quickly she thought it might burst out of her chest. God, she wanted to stay. An overwhelming affection flooded her senses, choking her up and forcing her feelings to well behind her eyes. Lark gripped at her nightshirt, trying to blink away the tears before they became too obvious. She thought heartbreak was supposed to be a shattering of glass as someone tossed her heart aside; maybe it could be your own heart tearing at the seams and spilling out all the love you were foolish enough to hide, too.
"Well, I have to tell you the second half later." At the end of her sentence, her voice trembled, and she covered it up with a shaky laugh. Trouble didn't seem to notice.
"Alright, then what's the first half?"
A beat of silence passed.
Then another.
Lark wasn't normally the type to be at a loss for words. She never felt comfortable unless she had a plan at hand to lie her way out of - or into - a situation. But Trouble made her honest, and the truth didn't seem survivable in that moment. Not if it was to be spoken aloud in a voice that would hurt Trouble the most.
So she stepped forward instead, brought her hands to his face, and pulled him down to her height so she could kiss him.
For a brief, terrifying second, Trouble went entirely rigid. Lark couldn't tell if he was staring at her, bewildered, or if his brow was furrowed as he tried to figure out how he got in that position. It didn't matter, because both were endearing, and neither would have stayed for long. His surprise melted away and his arms wrapped around her back, holding her close against his body. Lark almost sagged in relief.
Beneath her gentle hands, she felt his face gradually warm, certainly a few shades darker than before. In fact, she could feel his warmth all over, radiating from him and almost burning where their skin touched. In this moment, she could have anything she wanted, and she could delude herself into thinking it would last. In this moment, Lark was safe. Loved.
She wasn't ready for Trouble to pull away, yet he did. It was only an inch, and the many questions he undoubtedly had died on his tongue, but she could feel it. The ground was fracturing beneath her, and reality was swallowing her whole. Lark could only think of two things, and their certainty dug into her like claws: she loved him, and she was going to die.
So, even if it was selfish, she pressed her lips against his again, desperate and rough and scared. This kind of emotion, passionate and raw, was more up Trouble's alley. He kept her ferocity, yet held her with the care he'd give glass, like she was to be wrapped up and kept safe forever. Maybe he should've. Or maybe he should have kissed her breathless. It would have been a far kinder fate - but her fate was never meant to be kind.
Lark hoped that he could tell in the way she held his face, in the ease with which she leaned into him. If she was worth protecting, he was worth cherishing, and even if she never said it she hoped he knew. Trouble was always dense, but he had his moments. Now that she realized simply wanting him wasn't enough, had never been enough, there was nothing she could do but hope he was getting it now, and ignore her desire to stay ripping through her soul.
When they parted for a second time, neither of them said anything as they tried to catch their breath. Lark kept her lips parted, knowing that if she closed them it would be too obvious that she was trembling. Trouble didn't realize it,but even through his crimson fluster he was positively giddy. It was almost enough to convince Lark to stay.
But that was dangerous thinking. So she slowly untangled herself from him, her fingertips trailing down his shoulders and to his arms until there was nowhere left untouched. As he sorted his thoughts, Trouble's arms fell slack to his sides, a metal filament falling when the magnet attracting it moved away. Lark bit her tongue.
"So, uh…what does…this mean?" He asked, rubbing the back of his neck if only for something to do. Bashfulness wasn’t something Trouble was well acquainted with, yet he couldn’t look Lark in the eyes all the same. 
“That’s the second half,” She answered quietly. “I’ll have to tell you later.”
Trouble narrowed his eyes in the way he did when he knew Lark was keeping something from him. Void of any heat or anger, it was more of a way to make her feel guilty than get her to actually admit anything. But he let it go. This was something they had been dancing around for a long time; a little while longer wouldn’t hurt.
Clearing her throat, Lark reluctantly backed away from Trouble and towards the door, keeping her eyes on him. It was difficult to swallow and even harder to breathe, yet she twisted the handle anyway. The hallway air rushed in, cold enough to send goosebumps down her arm. The moment she left this room, it’d be the beginning of the end.
Just before she turned around completely, Trouble interrupted her. Looking at him over her shoulder, Lark could tell that he was worried about her. “You can stay, if you want. You’ve done it before.”
An arrow of regret shot through her chest. “No thanks. I need some time to calm down.”
Trouble chuckled at that, muttering something small and proud about the effect he seemed to have on her. Then, lifting his head, he nodded once and let Lark take two steps backwards, his gaze undeniably fond. “I’ll collect you tomorrow, then. We can go to breakfast together.”
Lark nodded once, firmly, and put on her best, brightest smile. “I’d like that.”
It wasn’t a lie, not entirely. She would like that.
If only she’d be alive to do it.
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jeremyissuperchill · 5 months
i need the squip(s) carnally
(broadway and two river at the same time)
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illiana-mystery · 2 years
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Oooh I want to kiss his sweet little old face.
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luvring · 1 month
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boyfriend + my girls / '97 liners (Matt Maltese) (not mine. irl's.) / (bippy &) han quokka 4 a different irl. go quokka... go quokka.. !!
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hopezzy · 1 year
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“It’s because of me. That’s why he’s late.” —Max and Nat as Hia Yi and Kon-Diao in Cutie Pie Special Episode 1
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bonkerssoup · 7 months
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how do ponies and suits work..
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lovebot4jasper · 2 years
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eldritchships · 1 year
Ben 10 for that s/i game if you're still up for it
I'd LOVE to have a Ben 10 s/i but I've never been able to settle on a concept I really gel with.
I definitely would want to be an alien. Realistically I'd probably be an Upchuck, but. I wanna be one of the really cool ones, y'know? 😂 So a Snare-Oh, Blitzwolfer, or XLR8 are my top choices. He comes to Earth basically as a tourist, causes a bit of panic in people (Bigfoot-style sightings of a Rogue Alien walking around in the woods) before Ben and Co intercept. This would be around Alien Force or Ultimate Alien onwards, so he's met the gang before Omniverse. He's just Some Guy but people keep acting like he's either scary or really skilled because of his abilities (which EVERY member of his species has, so he doesn't think it's that impressive). I think it'd be funny if he owns a Polaroid camera or something (because Tourist) and him taking pictures is a consistent running gag.
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kindaichiyu · 2 years
oikawa insists that kyoutani only listens to heavy metal. his #1 artist is p!atd
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airenyah · 2 years
one thing about thai dramas that really botheres me that they'll all use the same (royalty free? i assume?) music. or maybe they all have the same go-to website for music idk
anyway, it's a Problem bc i have such a strong emotional reaction to music that has been on theory of love and so when other series use that music i just. cannot™ deal
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possuminnit · 1 year
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hi, would you like a dingo?
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