#oh oh oh and his hair !! damn near looks like a mullet i like the short braid in the back
torawro · 4 months
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y’all . . . . . .
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strangerslxt · 1 year
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«────── « ⋅ʚ♡ɞ⋅ » ──────»
Devil In Disguise
“You look like an angel.”
“Walk like an angel.”
“Talk like an angel.”
You hummed along with the melody softly as you did your usual afternoon run around the block.
Head phones on your ears and Walkman safely tucked into the pocket of your polyester shorts, you jogged without a care in the world.
Oh but you would wish you did care.
A familiar Chevrolet Camaro was speeding up to you, slowing down enough so his car would be out of your sight for the time being, Billy kept his eyes glued to the round globes of your ass peeking under those shorts.
Exhaling from the Marlboro he had just hauled from, he could feel his jeans tighten.
You intrigued him, you were relatively friendly to everyone at school, except him.
“Bitch.” He muttered before revving the engine loudly enough that it came over your music.
Irritated you pulled your head phones off to see who it was that interrupted your vibe.
“Douche bag!” You holler at him while throwing up your middle finger for extra measure.
The corners of Billy’s lips turned up in a taunting smirk, you had balls, for a chick anyway.
He blew down on his horn while gritting his teeth and hitting the gas petal harshly, gravel spraying up from under his tires, right into your direction.
You cry out angrily as the tiny rocks pelted hard into your skin, and glare as the car disappears down the road quickly.
Angrily you jogged the rest of the way home in silence, your teeth grinding together as you thought of Billy Hargrove and his smug smirk.
You didn’t find him impressive or something to fawn over like all the girls at school did.
He was a jerk who just happened to have a hot mullet.
Shaking your head, cheeks slightly pink from complimenting him in your head, you kicked your sneakers off and padded to the kitchen for a cold glass of lemonade.
Looking at the little hand written note your mother had pinned under a magnet on the fridge you groaned, she was away again selling Mary Kay beauty products and wouldn’t be home till Saturday morning.
Sighing you leaned against the counter and sipped your beverage while looking out the window spacing out for a moment or two.
“Guess I should do some homework.” You murmured while taking your hair out of its pony tail and sat down at the table doing exactly that.
The next day in the school parking lot, Billy leaned on the hood of his car with a cigarette hanging from his lips and watched you with brooding eyes.
You were walking with your head down, books clutched tightly to your chest and those damn head phones over your head.
Flicking his ash, he watched you for a moment before smirking as your eyes suddenly met his, mouthing some obscenity to you which earned him a death glare but he seen the subtle blush creeping across your face.
“Fuck off hargrove.” You spit as you pass by him, avoiding his hard blue eyes.
“Panties in a twist princess?” He retorted back with a scoff.
You stop with a dirty look on your face, “You nearly stoned me to death with that stupid stunt you pulled yesterday. You drive like a moron.”
Billy gave you a crooked smile and shrugged before flicking the cigarette butt at you, “Watch where your walking then.”
Glaring, you puffed your cheeks for a moment before turning on your heel and stomped away quickly, fuming.
God he was such an asshole.
Billy chuckled to himself before noticing a tiny flash of gold on the ground near where you had been standing just a few moments ago.
Bending down he carefully lifted a small gold hoop earring, one he was familiar with.
The ones you always wore.
And now another mistake you’d come to regret…
A/N: pt.1 is finally done, I’m ngl I just wanted to get the boring shit out of the way and get into the juice😫
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prinvessdior · 3 months
Possibly a sneak peak of chapter four of HOFAH I need to change the title holy shit
This ends pretty abruptly bc it’s just a sneak soz ;(
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I must've turned on my heel too quick because the next second I collided with a wall face first, though it wasn't quite a wall, more like someone.
Unceremoniously, I fell backwards from the impact only being caught with an arm looped around my waist, and a cup of.. something sweet covering my favorite jacket in its sticky gooey goodness. My headphones jostled off my ears to hang around my neck, faintly I could hear a Billy Joel song playing.
"Sorry— I tried to get you before you put on your headphones." the brick wall said, oh no that was totally not cute blonde boy from the café, he was frowning looking down at my chest, woah back up buddy. I followed his gaze and realized there was a ugly brown stain in my former pink favorite jacket. My favorite jacket that I'd saved up for a month for.
"Oh," I said dumbly, still caught in the surprise of literally running straight into this guy and spilling his drink all over myself
"Uh- well I was trying to give you your drink back that you left in the café but uh." Totally not cute blonde boy said and released me his frown deepening. I hadn't even ordered a drink for myself, did he go through the trouble of buying a new one and walking all the way here with it? The chocolate was still warm as it seeped through my jacket to my sweater.
"It's-its okay!" I stumbled out flushing from the cold. Yep totally.
"I didn't really like this jacket anyway." I lied with what I hoped was a convincing laugh.
he tilted his head to the side at me, "Are you sure? That looks expensive?" Damn, how good was he at reading through lies. I strained a smile.
"I mean yeah- but it's not a big deal really!" I shook my head already peeling off the stained material.
I shivered when the nippy air seeped into the fabric of my sweater, and I was pleasantly surprised to find a new, warmer jacket wrapped around my shoulders. Totally not cute blonde boy had taken his own hoodie off, it was emerald green, like his eyes. While he busied himself I took another glance at his viridescent irises. Yeah, they were perfect.
"Can't have a pretty girl walking around in the cold." Oh god he was a flirt, my heartbeat picked up and another flush rose to my cheeks. "But- won't you be cold?" I asked though I pulled the green fabric tighter around my shoulders, he shrugged, "I like the cold."
"Could I uh- maybe get your jacket cleaned or something? I feel bad for scaring you." He cleared his throat, I held my pink jacket dumbly in my hands.
"It's okay! I can jus—"
He held his hands out in front of him for my jacket and frowned looking down at me from under his fringe. This close I really got to see him, his blonde hair was wavy and I could spot some curls near the back, it was cut in a mullet style, I thought they went out of style years ago.. but he could definitely pull it off.
"I insist." he flexed his fingers and then I noticed how big his hands were. You think if he put his palm on my face it'd cov—
NOPE. Stop it right there brain you don't even know the guy. Against better judgement I placed my favorite jacket into totally not cute blonde boy's hands and he beamed at me, it was comparable to the sun. He took my jacket and neatly folded it beneath his arms, and he was gentle with things that didn't belong to him, someone help me.
"Can I get your number? So I can text you to give back your jacket." and he was smooth I think I might melt the snow I'm standing on. I nodded a bit too enthusiastically and opened my phone, clicking on new contacts and handing my phone to him. Our fingers touched when he handed me back my phone and I let my fingers linger.
“I’m sorry again about your jacket.” He spoke up after he watched me deposit my phone into my—well his jacket’s pocket, it was muscle memory alright, totally.
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phantomenby · 2 years
Pretty boy
"Perfect, we know just the place."
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Theo hated the heat of his hometown.
He hated how he was always tired from it, how his skin looked like one of those moms who were obsessed with tanning beds, how he was always shiny and sweaty.
But he hated his job more. He had been working at Ray's for over a year now, being his first job as soon as he left high school so his parents would stop badgering him about being lazy all day. It paid decently enough and he wanted for nothing so his savings were simply growing until he decided to move out.
"What's on your mind bud?"
He had been spacing out, the evening was moving slowly for this time of year and he knew it had something to do with the new band that had come into town. His friend Charlie was in the kitchen, flipping burgers and pulling his hair that had been twisted a few days ago, now bouncing around as he bopped his head to the tunes playing on the radio beside him.
"Oh, nothin'"
"Nothin', nothin', nothin-" Charlie shook his head, turning to the counter behind him and pulling out the blender, grabbing two tall glasses and reaching around for ingredients, "it's always nothin' with you, yet boy, you look like a dog that's been kicked around all the damn time."
Theo watched as he scooped up some vanilla ice cream, dumping it into the blender along with some fresh strawberries and syrup, mesmerized by the colours swirling together. He had learned long ago that Char made the best shakes, but they were rarely made for staff unless it was just the two of them, like tonight. Luke was supposed to be on but had ditched for his break to go see the band play, stating he owed them one. That had been almost two hours ago.
"I'm tired-"
Charlie snorted, pouring the creamy goodness into the glass and swirling some sweet cream on top, topping it off with a cherry and sliding one of the glasses onto the opening in front of Theo.
"We're all tired kid, just gotta keep pushin'."
Theo nodded, sipping on his drink, leaning into the counter as he gazed out the window.
"Do you think you'll ever leave?" People often left Santa Carla, a few lucky souls made a better life elsewhere, and some just vanished without being heard from again.
Charlie thought on it, he had never been too ambitious, it was what made him and Theo get along so well. But he had thought of leaving, an intense desire to make something better of himself and see the world. He was nearing his thirties now, wise beyond his years and still in the same relationship with a woman he adored. Just like most people who survive this town he would marry, have a couple of brats and grow old if he was fortunate enough.
"Nah," he slurped his drink loudly to annoy the boy, pursing his lips, "too much work, maybe if I was young again, like you."
"You're twenty-seven."
"Tell that to my back man, I swear this thing was passed down from my grandmother, now that woman had a hump."
Theo barked a laugh, shaking his head at his friend. The two of them chilled out for a bit, listening to the vibrations from the other end of the boardwalk mixing in with the music from the radio.
He turned as the bell above the door rang signaling someone had just walked in, his hair brushing over his shoulders as he turned to say hello. There were four of them, tall and imposing, smiling like they had just told the best joke.
Theo beamed, soft lips widening into a boyish grin as he placed his hands on the countertop by the register, "good evening gentlemen, how can I help you today?"
They stopped in front of him, watching him with dark eyes. He took them in, noting just how intimidating they really were.
The one with a bleached mullet spoke first, voice gravelly like he had been smoking a pack a day for the past thirty years, "what you got?"
Theo glanced back to the menu behind him, more for show since he knew it off by heart, "uh, we got food and uh, drinks and if you're lucky the coffee machine works."
The dark-haired one smirked, pulling the shortest one with golden curls with him as they sought out a booth that had a good view. Meanwhile, the other two were still staring at Theo, the one who spoke gazing into his eyes like he was searching for something, he soon snapped out of it and clicked his tongue, "Paul get some menus."
Paul, who had wild sandy hair which made him at least two inches taller, waited patiently as Theo grabbed them a couple of menus.
"You come here often," it took a moment for Theo to realize he was speaking to him, hands holding one end of the menus while Theo still grasped the other.
Paul quirked a brow, biting down on his bottom lip. Theo ran what he said through his head one more time, trying to figure out why he would say that.
Theo pointed at his name badge, "I- I work here."
Paul's smile grew as he pulled the menus away, twisting and waltzing to where his friends were sat.
Theo turned to meet the eyes of Charlie who had been subtly watching on, rolling his own when his friend made kissy faces at him.
"Get off it man," he went back to slurping his shake, giving the new customers a little time to decide on what they want.
After fifteen minutes of feeling all of their eyes burning into the back of his head, he went over, flipping open his notepad and smiling the same damn smile he gave to every customer he knew would be driving him mad.
"Know what you're having boys?"
The one he had named 'snow-bunny' in his head nodded, looking away from the window, "number seven."
Burger and fries
It is nine PM are you serious-
Of course, Theo didn't say that out loud. The dark-haired one spoke next, or as Theo called him 'sweet-cheeks', "number nine, strawberry shake."
Loaded curly fries, good choice.
"Sweet, and you two?" Theo nodded to the one he knew as Paul, when he went to the restroom earlier on he had said his name at least forty times, testing it on his tongue. The four boys had heard it every time and Paul was now looking quite pleased with himself.
"Uhhhh-" his curly-haired counterpart, or 'noodles', spoke for him.
"Two number eights, punch and a coke."
Theo nodded again, chicken tendies and fries, before taking the menus that were held out to them.
"Will that be all?"
The unnamed three turned to Paul who was still thinking hard. After a few minutes, he ordered a plate of curly fries and a slice of apple pie, taking one glance at his blown-out pupils told Theo why.
Now he was back behind the counter, watching Charlie as he worked his magic.
"Do you think I would look good as a blonde?" Theo had been twirling his shoulder-length hair around his finger, watching the mellow brown lock with interest.
Charlie didn't even look at him, refusing to entertain Theo's boredom talk.
"Maybe a perm," thinking on it more he considered that option strongly, his hair tended to get frizzy, usually held half up with one of his scrunchies and some bobby pins. The humidity tended to leave him looking pretty scruffy by the end of his shift, some fluffy curls might balance that out.
"Maybe you need to cut it all off, do what I do and shave it all off every few years, saves buckets on shampoo and conditioner."
"Have you seen my hair Char, it is the only thing stopping me from looking like one of that surf-nazis down the beach."
Charlie snorted, sliding the plates now steaming with hot food in front of Theo, "last time I checked you swung more ways than a bat, last thing you gonna be is some blood purity freak like them."
Rolling his eyes Theo grabbed the first few plates, balancing them in his arms as he glided around the counter, heading to the boys who were now messing with each other.
"Sorry for the wait guys," Paul didn't wait a moment to stuff his face, his food being the first to arrive, as Theo walked back to grab the rest, hearing sweet-cheeks fighting to steal some from his friend's plate.
After giving them everything they ordered he looked towards them, pausing as snow-bunny shot him a look "everything good?"
All four of them turned to him, glancing at each other.
Snow-bunny shook his head, "what time you get off Theo?"
Theo froze, eyes flicking between the four men.
Shit, they probably heard Charlie calling me the gay tart of the town.
"Uh, why?"
Snow bunny's eyes flashed, a challenging look passing through them.
"Y-yeah," Theo gulped, suddenly feeling very flustered, "it's not often I get asked that."
"Oh I find that hard to believe," noodles was looked up at him with wide shiny green eyes, watching him like a lion watching his next meal.
Were they flirting with him?
"Um, I close when Charlie closes."
With that he walked away, feeling his face burning and wanting nothing more than to free himself of their presence to cool down.
They hadn't called him back after that, continuing their conversation when he came to collect their plates, watching him like hawks.
It had been over an hour since then and it was nearing eleven PM, and they were still here.
A couple of others had passed through, picking up drinks and orders to go, another group had four had taken up a spot on the other side of the diner. Two cute couples looking like they were still in their senior year, sharing fries and asking for two straws in their shakes so they could drink them together while making lovey dovey eyes at each other.
Theo sighed for the fourth time in the past ten minutes and Charlie gripped his spatula tighter.
"Kid if you sigh one more time-"
Theo caught the rag that was thrown at him, "yeah yeah, I know, you'll fry me like a pancake. You know if you stopped threatening me we could reenact the lovefest over there."
"I would rather lick day-old grease off of a hot stove than get that close to you."
"Awh, you don't mean that Charrr," Theo leaned over the opening, flicking Charlie's nose, getting a smack in return, "hey!- down boy, all I'm saying is if you and Sherri spiced things up for once the world won't end."
He turned back to look around the diner, if he was lucky they would close soon since it cost more to stay open than to close early at this point. Beginning to wipe down the booths that were empty and sliding the condiments and napkin boxes to the end, trying to ignore the whispers he caught snippets off from the four men he had been trying to avoid watching all night.
"-do you think he-"
"wait...suns not up until-"
"-Paul stop chewing napkins-"
Good lord. They're insane.
Shaking his head he finished wiping down, checking in on the two couples who were now pulling on their jackets and beginning to head out, cleaning up after them and heading to the kitchen where dishes were piling up.
"Right, give it an hour then we can go, hopefully by then the riffraff will be gone."
He was talking about the four who showed no indication that they were leaving, hinting at Theo to head over and 'check in on them', it was something their old boss had taught the staff to do when you wanted to close up but were still full of stubborn customers.
"You guys looking to order anything else tonight?"
The four of them turned to look at Theo, smirking. It was then they began to stand, grabbing their coats and following each other. The bleached blonde was the last to go, running his cold gloved hand over Theo's hip, placing it against his chest before turning and walking away leaving a very confused human behind.
Theo turned wide-eyed, looking at Charlie who was watching on slack-jawed.
"Oooooo baby," Charlie laughed at his friend, slapping his palms onto the opening, "Theo's got a boyfriend, Theo's got a boyfriend~"
He didn't even defend himself, wide eyes following the boys as they left the diner, disappearing into the crowds outside.
After thirty minutes the diner was sorted, clean, and shut down for the night.
Charlie was just finishing checking the locks while Theo sat on one of the tables in a booth by the door, swinging his feet and watching his friend.
"Ten minutes til midnight-"
"I know what time it is Theodore"
Theo grumbled under his breath, drumming his fingers and letting himself zone out. He jumped when Charlie appeared in front of him, pulling him to the ground and nudging him forward and out the door.
"You on tomorrow?" Theo chewed his thumb, he knew he was off tomorrow and would be until Monday, there were three more minutes left of Friday and then his weekend would begin. Hopefully, Charlie would be off so he would be on shift with him when the next week began.
"Nah, covering for Ray, mans got some family thing."
"Ray always has a family thing-"
"It's a big family thing"
"Oh?" Theo shifted, Ray always had something going on, but the way Charlie made it sound caught Theo's curiosity, "you gonna tell me?"
Charlie sighed, pulling down the chain door cover and locking it before turning to his companion, "let's just say the two of us are gonna be working triples soon."
Theo groaned, leaning back, "again? Thought bossman would have gotten a grip on things."
"Eh, don't think too much about the work, think about the money," Theo nodded, letting Charlie throw an arm over his shoulder as they began to walk to his car, "you need a ride?"
Theo shook his head, "Nah, gonna check out the band, posters said it would be on til the witching hour, something about serving the Devil."
"They're one of those bands"
"Great-" Char let go of him before they entered the lot, turning to place his hands on the smaller guy's shoulders, "stay safe kid, ya hear?"
"Yeah yeah, don't talk to strangers, don't accept candy from a van, don't eat yellow snow- ow!" Charlie pinched his ear, scuffing him.
"Shut up- you know what I mean."
The four bikers had been relaxing on a platform slightly above the crowd, two of them were tussling while the others watched while discussing who they had met earlier.
"Did you get anything good?"
Marko shook his head, slowly chewing a hole through his gloves, "minds a steel trap, got nothing more than enough to keep tracking him."
David nodded, icy blue irises glowing in the moonlight, "and his friend?"
Marko grinned, slapping his hands on his thighs.
"An open box, can't touch him though our Theo is like a son to him, any harm to that guy and he'll hate us for eternity."
"Fine, what else?"
"Lives with his parents, don't want much, likes cats, favourite colour is yellow-"
"-and he likes long walks on the beach, give me something we can use."
Rolling his eyes Marko went over everything he learned, sharing it with David and letting Paul dip in and out of the conversation, Dwayne could keep up on his own.
"-oh and he's...Dwayne where are you going?" Paul stopped as he watched his friend walk into the crowd without a word, trying to spot what he was heading towards.
They could see a familiar head of hair bobbing across the crowd, heading for the side closer to the beach where fewer people were gathered.
David grinned, tossing the end of his cigarette and leading the three of them to the man they had been so enamored by, stalking slowly to allow Dwayne to make the first move and butter him up.
Theo had become quickly absorbed in the crowd still lively and running on booze and whatever the locals were selling, he had already been offered acid twice but thought it unwise to trip that hard when he was all alone.
He was planning on going to the railings above the beach so the breeze would flow over him and help with the heat, still in the same clothes he had been stuck in all day and feeling fairly grimy.
When he hopped up he realised just how far back he was, the crowd was still fairly large but he could breathe without being suffocated by strangers bodied pressing against him.
If he had been more observant he would have noticed how the crowd parted, instinctually shifting away from the dangerous stalker moving through them. But Theo wasn't observant, and it wasn't until the brunette had descended upon him that he noticed his position was much like a lion being trapped by a lamb.
He had been gazing out into the ocean, looking towards a large boat one of the richer tourists from down the coast had brought up, admiring how it looked so odd in the black void of darkness around it. He was sure if the night had been peaceful he would have been able to hear the laughter of the occupants, though later it would become screaming, as far as the boys were concerned chasing rich snobs out in the ocean was just a fun game to be enjoyed.
"See something interesting?"
"AH!-" Theo fell back, almost falling off of the railing and into the water below, he made it halfway before an arm wrapped around his waist and pulled him up. Finding himself pressed against a bare tan chest, Theo was feeling rather bashful, face growing redder by the second as he stared awkwardly at the glorious sight before him.
He was snapped out of it by a rumble passing through the being's chest, a deep purring that made his chest warm and his mind calm.
Dwayne hadn't really noticed that he was behaving much like a cat, simply too happy to have the man he had been adoring in his arms, his hand squeezed the soft flesh of his waist and his rumbling only grew in volume at the gasp Theo let out.
"Uh-" Theo didn't know what to say, being in such a scandalous position with another man was something most would look down on him for, he was only grateful that the guy was somewhat of a behemoth and his body was being nicely showed by him.
"Oh Dwayne, you've caught something!"
He hadn't even noticed the three other gentlemen coming from behind, the tall blonde with wild hair had been the one to speak, hands on his hips and a grin on his face that could outshine the moon. Theo flushed even further, fumbling in Dwayne's grip as he fought to gain his bearings.
Dwayne simply soothed him, pulling the boy to stand against him and turning them both to face the rest of his pack, "that I have Paul."
Paul. It was the men from the diner.
The name passed through Theo's mind like a whisper, he shivered involuntarily as he stared into Paul's eye, feeling a slight pressure in his mind.
"Awe are you shy pup?" god he was going to look like a damn tomato by the end of the night if snow-bunny didn't hold out on the pet names, "we waited for you, you know."
Theo must have looked confused because the four men laughed at him, he quickly forced himself out of the arms of the brunette, who he could have sworn let out a warning growl in response.
"I never said I would come out with you-"
"Oh?" the snowy blonde looked at Theo with a slight tilt of his head, danger passing through his eyes, "so you were just going to hang out all alone out here?"
Theo rubbed the back of his neck awkwardly, "uh yeah," the curly blonde came up beside him, wrapping an arm around Theo's neck and pulling him close.
"Sounds like a danger magnet to me, all sorts of unpleasant folks out at night."
"Like you?" Theo was testing the waters, foolishly so since he was already surrounded by sharks, but he couldn't get over how nice it felt when the golden-haired boy pressed against him.
Marko pressed his lips to Theo's ear, sharp teeth grazing his soft mortal flesh, "maybe."
He shuddered, inching away from the quartet, trying to calm his racing heart, "look as nice as it would be to have some company, I'm not good with strangers-"
"That's why you gotta hang out with us! Then we're not strangers anymore babe," Paul's blunt nature was both a blessing and a curse, looking down at Theo as he wrapped an arm around the boys' shoulders, pulling him along.
"Well I uh-" Theo was finding it harder and harder to think, the thought of spending the evening with the boys sounding quite pleasant, his anxiety easing off of him like waves, "I guess I could-"
"Perfect," David grinned, wrapping his arm around Theos waist, squeezing possessively, "we know just the place."
Somewhere in the back of Theos mind there was a voice screaming at him, a warning bell drowned out by Davids smile, if he had heard it he might have come to his senses before even climbing onto the bike, and racing off into the night.
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Ghost of You — Chapter 2
Masterpage <last next>
Pietro Maximoff x fem!Mutant!reader
Warnings: mentions of abandonment, mention of daddy issues, mentions of nausea and dizziness, mentions of hate.
Word Count: 1082
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When we arrived it was pretty late. The moon was at its highest point and the only sound came from the air moving the leaves in the ground. I stepped out of the car, Pietro following behind, and looked around with awe written all over my face, as well in Pietro's.
"Let's go inside, your father's waiting for you" Happy said as we followed him out of the car. We reached a big crystal door where Happy typed some sort of code and the door opened after a robotic ''Welcome, Mullet" I looked at him with a raised brow.
"You know how's Tony" he said shrugging. No, i don't, I wanted to say, but I bit my tongue, it isn't Happy's fault, if there's someone to blame it's absolutely not him, Happy was the only one who fought for me.
"I guess" I laughed awkwardly while resting my hand in my neck. Inside the building everything looked the same, white walls, long corridors, white lamps, it reminded me of the asylum where I spend my whole teenage years. The nausea and dizziness those memories gave me were exactly the same as I walked the hallway. I felt Pietro's eyes on me but decided to ignore it. We arrived at the elevator and Happy pressed the button for floor 3. The doors opened revealing a big room. The atmosphere here was different, the walls were some tone of brown, there were plants everywhere and kids toys? Huh, weird, I wonder who they belong to. We stepped into the room and as if I had called his name Tony appeared in front of us.
There he was. He looked the same as the last time I saw him. The same grin, the same eyes, the same hair but this time there was something different. This time, when I looked at him I didn't feel love or admiration all I felt was hatred towards the man who threw me into a prison and called it help. This time, when I look at him I remember the little girl who used to cried for him, who used to eagerly wait for her birthday hopping he would remember and visit her. This time I look at him and I see him for what he really is, a monster.
"You're skinnier" he said surprised. Yes dad, that's what happens when you only get fed once day. I didn't answer, I stood put and I looked at him in disbelief.
"It's been a long time, right? How long has it been? 6? 7 years?"he asked, scratching the back of his neck. I guess I already knew, but it still hurt, seeing how my absence and confinement meant nothing to him.
"12" I answered. He looked confused.
"12 years. I spent 12 years in that madhouse you sent me to, not 6 or 7, 12." I clarified. I clenched my fist and dug my fingernails into the palm of my hand to try and grasp the little bit of self control I had left before I lashed at him and turned this place into a death anonymous meeting. A while ago I learned that the number of ghosts were dependent of my emotions, meaning if I get mad ghosts start to appear out of nowhere which can lead to a lot of really bad things.
"Not trying to be a party pooper, you know how much I like beef, but this place is starting to look a lot like a public pool" Pietro whispered as thought not trying to disturb the ongoing conversation. I looked around and he was right, we were pretty much reenacting A Christmas Carol scene. I took a deep breath and one by one the ghosts started to disappear.
""Y/n-" Tony started but I cut him. I knew there was no way for us to have this conversation without this place looking like an hotel.
"I'm really tired, it was a long trip." I faked a yawn.
"Yes, of course. Happy will show you to your room." Tony said rapidly, watching you as if looking for something.
My room is on the 4th floor. I was told other people lived in the building and that I would therefore share the floor with them, but as it was really late they were all asleep. I bid Happy good night and enter "my room". It was bigger than my room in the asylum and nicer, but it still felt wrong, as if somethings was missing.
"I don't know about you, but this place rocks" Pietro said from the bed in the middle of the room. It was pretty big, king size maybe, and somehow it still looked little on Pietro. My bag was situated near the closet. I opened it and took my pajama out. And as I was walking to the bathroom, his voice stopped me.
"That's why you never told me" he said, his eyes focused on me. He didn't have to specify, I knew what he was talking. If anyone was ever to see through my act, it was him, he sees too much, I hate it. I sighed as I sat on the bed.
"Yeah, I guess I just... I don't know, he abandoned me, you know? In 12 years I never got a damn call from him, it's not really something I like to think about. It depresses me and I have enough shit going on, the last thing I need is to add daddy issues to the list" I explained, while fidgeting with my shirt avoiding his eyes. For a minute none of us said a word, just kept silent.
"Wow, it must suck being you."
That was the last straw, I bended over laughing. He knew exactly what I needed to hear.
"Not as much as yours, you're dead" We looked at each other and started chortling so hard he felt off the bed.
After a few seconds we managed to get ourselves together, but one look at each other was enough for us to start convulsing with laughter over again.
"That's getting old" he managed to say catching his breath.
"But you aren't"
"I definitely just peed myself" he said rolling with laughter which only caused me to cackle with laughter.
This was a new life and it scared me, but I knew in my heart that as long as I had him with me, everything was going to be just fine.
Oh how wrong I was.
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lunaekalenda · 3 years
hi! i have a request about jean and reader that are internet friends who have never seen each other in a real life. they just chat somewhere using nicknames. one day they accidentally meet irl and jean invites reader on a date. later they text each other about this date and both feel jealous. they are just sooo confused, cause they like someone irl, then why they don't want their internet friend to find a s/o? and happy ending, please? i hope that you take good care of yourself, love u <3
omg sure! i just got heavily inspired about this, i hope you like it!! take care of yourself too, anon ! <3
jean x reader
jkst is online
jkst is typing...
jkst: hi
Your phone rings at this last notification. You take your phone. The world-wide used avatar chat app sound comes with another message.
jkst: that sounded awkward lol
You unlock your phone and enter the chat, reading the two new messages. You type fast, a smile on your lips.
outofcoolnames: hey, Kir.
He told you his name was Kir. The first day you met, you received a little document with all the chat rules, in where you can't share your name, your city or pictures of you. It has to be safe for everyone. On the other side of the chat, Jean chuckles. He always does when he reads your username.
outofcoolnames: yeah like it sounded as if we were having a normal conversation.
outofcoolnames: what are you doing awake so early? it isn't noon yet lol go back to sleep.
Kir never, never messaged you before noon, and he always tells you he has been sleeping, so finding his message at 10 on the morning while you're working surprised you a lot. Fortunately, there isn't a lot of people on the book shop, so you can answer him calmly.
jkst: oh, you think you're funny? us adults have to wake up early for adult things. you'll never understand, child.
You don't know exactly his age, even when it is legal to share it on the chat, but you know he's on his early twenties. You raise a brow quietly. You tip fast while a couple enters the bookshop, with a little girl on their hands.
outofcoolnames: sure, geezer. now, if you let me, i have to work because i'm an adult.
You put your phone on your pocket, getting closer to the family. "How can I help you?"
The little girl tells you that she wants a "huge, no, enormous book about fairies with some dragons and a huge festival?"
You need almost an hour to let the girl decide between all the books you showed her. She finally decided for a illustrated book full of classic tales. You give it to her mother and, thanking the family, you open the door for them. When you close, looking at all the books you have to put back in the shelves, you hear an unpleasant sound followed by a deep moan. When you look at the crystal door, you can see a tall boy rubbing his forehead, his other hand on the door. You realize you hit him.
“Oh no, sorry, sorry.” you say, opening the door. He takes his honey eyes to you, his forehead a little red and his big hand rubbing the place where he got hurt. “Come in, please.” you say. You think you have a pomade inside.
“Yes, that was what I was trying to do, actually.” he jokes. You blush, you hit him and he’s literally joking about it. 
“Please sit here.” You show him a little sofa you have for kids to read. He’s not sure his knees will enter on the little couch, so he says he doesn’t need to sit. You run to the back of the store, taking a pomade from the bathroom. “Here, put this. It should avoid a bump.” He thanks it and puts a little on his forehead. You look at him while he does it. 
He has to take his light brown fringe out of his face to rub the pomade on his forehead. His hands are big, with bony and really long fingers that end on good-cared nails. His eyes are honey like color, and he has a mullet on the back of his head. He ends applying the pomade and takes his hand back down. He offers you the other.
“Jean Kirstein. Just in case you want to pay me a coffee.” You blush. After all, you hit him. Maybe you should invite him to drink something. Your half morning break starts now, so you take his hand.
“Y/N. And, casually, I have a break now. Where do you want to take a cup?”
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Jean opened the door this time and that made you laugh. He closed behind him and searches a free table with his tall body. He walks towards one.
“Sorry, I opened it, I still have war flashbacks.” You laugh and you both ask for your drinks. “So, Y/N, you should look more at doors.” you laugh.
“I know, I know. My bad, sorry.” you say. He shows a big smile.
He’s attractive, you can’t deny it. From his marked jaw to his smooth clavicle, seen through the open buttons of his shirt. Also, he has a really cute smile. He looks around, to all the people in the café. He smiles at you.
“So, you work on a book shop?”
Jean and you keep talking while you drink your coffees. He tells you he has been working on some art pieces lately. As you could suppose, he’s a painter. 
“I wish I could live just by painting. I work on an office all afternoons.” He says. The smile on his face fades a bit when he talks about the office. You listen to him quietly, his face quietly changing when you ask him more about his paintings. The break passes fast and he decideds to give you his number.
"You know. That way you don't need to hit me on the face with a door." you laugh and blush again. Is he going to forget it?
"Please, don't tell anyone..." you ask. He nods and leaves, a huge smile on his face. You feel butterflies.
Does liking someone feel like this?
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jkst: sorry, i disappeared today. i had a date.
You let the towel fall from your head while you read the message, the other towel around your body.
outofcoolnames: oh wow, a date.
You felt uncomfortable. Kir had a date. But well, you don’t know him. He has to search someone to date, after all.
jkst: jealous? :P
outofcoolnames: nah. i also got one.
Now is Jean the one looking at his phone with frown brows. He has no shirt on and he’s lying on his bed. He sits to read that message twice. You look at the paper with Jean's telephone number. Should you call him today? maybe tomorrow? or maybe send a message to let him know your number.
outofcoolnames: i think that silence means you’re jealous :D
Jean doesn’t know why, but he is. Damn, of course he is. He shouldn’t because you’re just internet friends, you didn’t saw each other. He doesn’t know how you look, what personality you have or if you’re even on the same country as him! 
jkst is typing...
jkst is online
jkst is typing...
jkst is online
jkst - last connection, now
You look at it. Has he just left? The hell? What is wrong with this guy? You let out a sigh and change to the other app. You introduce Jean's number and search him on the list, your lip between your teeth. You find him. His profile picture is a cute selfie of himself and a little cat. You message him.
y/n: hey, i'm y/n. this is my number if you want to adress it.
His answer comes in seconds.
Jean: oh, the door friend. cool, adding you.
That way of jocking, that way of tyiping. Why does it remember you to Kir? You shake your head. It doesn't. It's just that Kir left unexpectedly.
y/n: yeah i'm sorry, i hit you with the door. should we see each other another time?
Jean: sure. why not tomorrow? when's your break?
Wow, tomorrow. The guy is fast as hell. You check the other app, but Kir isn't online. You send him a quick message.
outofcoolnames: hi?
Again, no response, no connection. You go back to the other chat quickly. You answer that your break is tomorrow at 11:30, as it was today.
Jean: i'll make the effort to wake up that early. see you tomorrow.
y/n: bye :D
You go to sleep, but you check the other app a couple times.
On the next street, lying on his bed, Jean checks it too.
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"Good morning, y/n" he says when you enter the café. You search Jean. He's playing with his phone, moving it between his hands. You take a seat in front of him. You put yours on the table, side up. He does the same and you order some coffee. As the other day, you talk casually about a lot of things.
"Jean!" you hear a boy calling him. Jean looks around and finds the owner of the voice. He's a tall man, with a bun. Holding his hand, a black-haired girl smiles at Jean.
"Wow, Eren and Mikasa, the happy married couple!" Jean looks at you. "Could you excuse me for a moment? I promise I'll be back as fast as I can." He winks at you and gets up. You take your phone from near his. You enter the app. Kir has entered before, but he didn't answer you. You sigh and type.
outofcoolnames: look, kir, i... i was joking. i really like this guy and i think he also likes me but... when i'm here... i think about you. it is dumb because i don't know you. but i do. please, come back.
When you hit the send button, Jean's phone illuminates and sounds. The same sound your app has.
Wait a damn minute. Why did his app sound when you sent the message?
It has to be a coincidence. You debate between trying again and leaving it, but one more message isn't going to be a catastrophe. You tip again.
outofcoolnames: kir?
Again, his phone illuminates and sounds. Does that mean he is Kir?
You look behind you. Jean keeps talking with the couple. He said his last name before, it was something with a K, right? K, K, K....
Kirstein. Kirstein, right? He's not called Kir. It is a part of his surname. You enter fast his user. jkst. Jean Kirstein. Jean Fucking Kirstein. You look at him again. That's why his way of texting reminds you of him. That's why you think of Kir when Jean talks. Because it's the same person.
You like Kir. You like Jean. You like the two versions of the same person. Jean comes back quickly and he sits. He takes his phone. "Oh, did it sound?" he asks. But you can only look at him. You look at his hazel eyes. The eyes you wanted to see for so long, the lips you wanted to meet. They are all there. Kir is there.
"Do you use... ChatApp?" you ask, with quite voice. Jean smiles, blushed.
"I... I do.. I've met a person there. We chat often. Their username is really cool."
"The username is literally outofcoolnames." you reply.
"Yeah, but it gives like... What?" he looks at his phone. "Did you read my messages?"
You take your phone from under the table, the chat with jkst opened.
"No. I wrote them."
Jean looks at your phone. That's his ChatApp account. That's your ChatApp account. That is your chat. His head was a mess. He liked two people. But you're both of them? Is this fortune?
"You... You don't know how much I wanted to meet you." he sighs. He admires every single detail of your face. They all are like in your descriptions. He has been so blind.
"I also wanted to meet you. But Jean appeared before Kir. I liked Kir, but I assumed he had his partner, and you looked really interested..." you whisper.
"Do you believe in destiny?" he asks. He takes his phone to the table again. You shake your head. "Then, how do you explain that I fell in love with the same person twice?" he says. "Not once. Twice. With your personality through a screen, and with you all in your book store. This are signals. We belong together." you look at him. That's Jean, but he's also Kir. Your Kir.
The boy that made you feel so much through a simple screen. The one that is smiling at you now. Looking at you with sweet and hazel eyes. He uninstalls the app in front of your asking eyes.
"We don't need this anymore. Now we are face to face. And I hope it is for a long time."
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fear-and-delight-l · 3 years
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-Jill is very avid about getting her sister, Georgia back. Well, at least the killer anyways. 
-Jill has never finished any of her writing, until she is an adult. 
-Jill gives hugs hugs hugs!!!
-everyone wants her hugs. 
-ok, Jill is very sexually confused. Bradley Marsh is good looking...but so is McKenna Hanlon with her pink lipstick and her always good looking pigtails....then there is Sarah Uris, who is so cute with her blonde/brown curls and her little cheerleading outfit. 
-suffers from stuttering simp disorder 
-simp simp simp
-simp? Yes. 
-ok but I think she would like Plastic Hearts by Miley Cyrus lmao
-FLANNEL GODDESS!!! Has flannels in so many colors. 
-”R-R-Riley, stop m-making fun of m-my j-j-jorts.” 
-oh yeah. She is rocking the jean shorts. They either go to around her knees or near the middle of her thighs. 
-shoulder length brown hair. Screams bisexual. 
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-just gonna put this out there, take it as you will, but her glasses make her look like a fish. Her eyes are HUGE 
-goddess or (what is a non-binary god? Godthem?) of dad jokes. But not the corny kind. The kind of dad jokes that include sleeping with him and “riding him like a horse.” 
-”so not fucking funny.” -Edith Kaspbrak, who’s dad isn’t even present in her life.  -yeah, bisexual.  -sexual for Edith Kaspbrak.  -And Sarah Uris
-And Bradley Marsh
-and Jill Denbrough 
-and Brenna Hanscom
-and Patrick Hockstetter (she regrets this. But when Patrick isn’t chasing her with Bowers and Criss and Huggins, she likes to notice that Patrick is definitely good looking)
-crazy wavy hair. Seriously, she wears it in a pixie cut, and it is CRAZY. But she help Bradley cut away his mullet. 
-the friendship dynamic between Riley Tozier and Bradley Marsh is UNSTOPPABLE!
-plays softball with Jill. She is pitcher, and damn is she good. (Jill plays third base, for reference)
-the girls on the softball team sort of like her, sort of not. She’s a loser, and they don’t like her because everyone thinks she’s queer.  -still a trash mouth 
-still a smartass 
-Rildeth? Edithley? Redith?
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-all right, here we go. 
-He came out to Riley, and Riley came out to him. 
-daddy issues  
-daddy issues
-daddy issues
-anyways, Bradley had a mullet that his dad made him wear, and when Riley helped him cut it....freedom!
-when he and the other losers are going to the quarry, he likes to help McKenna pick flowers so Sarah will have some to turn into flower crowns  
-is totally charmed by Jill  Denbrough. He is a simp for how charming she is. Bravery, art...
-Bradley also likes to draw. 
-Brenna may be totally smitten with him....
-Bradley is the same age as all the other losers, but the losers all see him as older. 
-hates his father, feels weak around him. 
-he and Riley often share cigarettes. (I love the friendship dynamic here.)
-Bradley has little freckles, and when he and Brenna get together as adults, Brenna likes to kiss all of them. 
-Bradley loves to hang with Sarah, and she is such a sweetie. She gets annoyed, but when she is around Bradley, she is calm. 
-Bradley likes to put his arm around Sarah, ALWAYS
-I’m in love
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-yes, Sarah Uris is cheer captain. The other cheerleaders are skeptical of her, but treat her ok nonetheless. 
-Sarah Uris is a softie who will tell you to fuck off. 
-bridwatcher. Sarah loves her birds. She likes to sit with Jill. Jill draws birds while Sarah quietly talk about the birds. 
-Brenna loves to play with her curls, braiding them and doing fun styles with them with the help from McKenna. 
-sundresses one day, shorts and a shirt the next. 
-her hair is so nice! Think...classic curls. Google for reference. 
-the cheerleaders don’t go to track meets or softball games. So, since Brenna and Edith are both in track and Jill and Riley are softball players, she goes in her own cheerleading outfit, and even snags one for McKenna, (who isn’t a cheerleader.) and they both cheer at track and softball. 
-must I remind you that Jill is a simp for BOTH OF THEM. AND BRADLEY?? HE CHEERS THEM ON TOO.
-one time Bradley actually got into a cheerleading skirt??!!
-anyways, back to Sarah.  -she loves to give everyone kisses before leaving. Here’s how she gives them:
Jill: cheek kiss, runs a hand through her hair.  Edith: takes Edith’s face in her hands and kisses her nose. Edith sometimes backs up a little when she feels a little panicky about germs, but always accepts Sarah’s kiss.  Bradley: forehead. She ruffles his hair, and sometimes, Bradley kisses her chin as she is kissing his forehead.  McKenna: near her lips. Like, the corner of her mouth. 🥺 Brenna: cheek kiss. She holds brenna’s chin while kissing her.  Riley: straight on the lips. Or the forehead if you song ship stozier. -ok, I am a huge fan of Sarah+Riley....but then there is Edith. Poly??? Possibly 
-anyways, Sarah loves to make flower crowns and put them in bradley’s hair. 
-she and Brenna are very close. If Sarah isn’t next to Bradley, or has Riley’s arm around her shoulders, she is with Brenna, either holding her hand or showing her stuff about plants or birds. She gives Brenna constant praise about the barrens 
-very grumpy a lot.
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ok, Brenna is straight. I didn’t change that.  -Brenna thinks constructively, and is a visual learner. Constantly thinks about the future. 
-ok, she is so so so sweet. Likes to wear this cute pink skirt, but only around the losers. 
-She loves to read and wrote poetry. It’s so cute I just can’t aaaah-
-ok, so she’s on the track team. Edith convinces her in 10th grade. 
-HAIR CLIPS! she has them in her hair, and tons extra in her backpack. 
-Bradley loves it when Brenna plays with his hair and puts clips in it. 
-she and Bradley are very good friends. 
-she may be straight, but isn’t uncomfortable when Sarah holds her hand or Riley talks about her gay situation or when Jill tells her she’s pretty. She just isn’t gay but she loves and supports her gay friends. She even kissed McKenna in a game of spin the bottle
-poor baby has body insecurities...
-ugh, she hates Henry Bowers. But she loves ice cream! She likes vanilla because it’s sweet and plain. 
-when they have sleepovers, everyone always has a disc of New Kids on the Block to play for her (AAA!)
-Riley literally swore to protect her. Even though Riley’s sarcasm can be demeaning, she trusts her. 
-Brenna Hanscom, a sweetie that will fight for you.
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McKenna Hanlon, the badass vegan who definitely has WAP. 
-ok, I didn’t change her race, she is still black. 
-McKenna is a sign of hope. Everyone feels so uplifted around her. 
-she has this signature pink lipstick she wears everyday the Greta Bowie makes fun of, but she still wears it. 
-she loves bubblegum. McKenna has it ALL THE TIME. 
-inspiration? Yes. She is a goddess. 
-ok, she is so nice, but that gun she has? Pennywise doesn’t stand a chance. McKenna is a fighter. 
-McKenna has these cute little pig tails that she wears with purple ribbons. Jill loves to listen to her talk. 
-definitely the least insane of all the losers, but girl knows how to have fun!
-not a huge smoker, but occasionally will share one with Bradley. 
-the friendship between McKenna and Bradley is impeccable. They are a badass duo. 
-I don’t know what her sexuality is. She definitely doesn’t. Although she and Jill got caught making out in a closet. They said it was no strings attached....suspicious.
-she is indeed vegan. She just has a special love for animals and can’t bring herself to eat them. She isn’t protesting everyone to go vegan, she just eats how she wants. She occasionally slips and goes for ice cream though😉
-at the rock war, after she recovered a little from Bowers, SHE BEAT HIS ASS!
-my queen, gosh I love her!
-she is so much fun to be around. One time, in the barrens, she installed a swing so she could sit in somethin because Riley and Edith and Sarah are always in the hammock together. (It’s bound to break). 
-need a therapist? She’s ya girl. 
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-ok, so this looks very soft girl, but Edith is fiery!  -her mom makes her worry a lot about disease and what not, but her anxiety about what her mom may do is worse. 
-seriously, she is scared of her mother. She doesn’t even know if her sickness are real. 
-anyways, don’t fuck with her. She will bite you. 
-no seriously, she will bite you. One time in a fight with Hockstetter, she bit him. She was worried she might have gotten something in her mouth, but Sarah calmed her down.  -she may bicker with Riley, but really, she loves her. Her and her stupid glasses, 
-anyways, she is a sweetie. She runs track, but as long as Riley is waiting on the sidelines with her inhaler at the end, she is alright. 
-someone give this girl a hug. 
-internalized homophobia towards herself. 
-she and Bradley are good, they just aren’t as close. Edith is closest with Jill. 
-Edith looks up to Jill, big time. 
-Edith hates her mom very very much. 
-she wears cute little tops with shorts or skirts. Occasionally she will wear overalls. 
-fuck greta Bowie campaign? Yeah, Edith started it.
-Fanny pack! She has an extra pair of glasses for Riley, Bobby pins for Sarah, an extra pen or pencil for Jill, a mini stick of Bradley’ favorite deodorant, hair clips for Brenna, and McKenna’s favorite bubblegum. 
-Riley calls her Eds. She hates it because it sounds like a boy name. She hates it even more when Riley calls her Eddie. 
-kisses tears away. Crying? She will kiss your cheeks and wipe those tears away. She did that when Brenna got cut by Bowers. 
-inhaler? Yes. It’s her little beacon of safety. 
-ice cream and comic books with Riley, bird watching and flower crowns with Sarah are her favorites! 
-doesn’t know her sexual preference, she’s just not straight. 
-butterflies always land on her when she’s outside. One landed on her nose once and Riley and Sarah started rock-paper-scissoring for who got her. (That was long forgotten since Riley is a sore loser.)
-my baby has long hair is very slight waves. It goes down to her breasts. 
-likes to wear Jill’s Flannels. 
-Edith is cold? Never. She always has someone’s something, whether it’s McKenna’s iconic leather jacket or Jill’s flannels
Ok! Those are my headcanons. Feel free to repost, I don’t give a damn. If you want drawings or more headcanons of them, I am always open. I had this posted on my old account but that got taken down....I was previously coffeeandweasleys
@im-a-rocketman​, @nate-isnt-great​ @imreddieimreddieimreddie​ @ur-not-reddie​
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constructedparadox · 3 years
Watching Samurai Cop (dir Amir Shervan 1991) and it's an experience that must be blogged about
They wasted no money on these credits. Straight up plain white text on a black background with a keyboard solo for the intro music
I swear it looks and sounds like they dubbed English voices over English speaking actors
Boss man's mullet is on point 👌🏾
Don't bring martial arts to a gunfight
Either this guy has some incredible hair or they spent a great amount of money on one luxurious wig
That wasn't even flirting that was sex talk over an official channel, I bet they end up fucking later
I cannot begin to describe the hilarity that is this car chase omg 😆😆😆
Yeah, they fucking... I think. It's more like a rubbing together of near naked bodies 🤨🤨🤨
Miss Nurse said get that little dick outta here
This black dude keeps making authentic nigga reaction faces and it is moving me lolol!
"Kitana means Japanese sword"!?!? Sir, I believe that is incorrect
Is- is this waiter supposed to be gay?
I like how they just leave the dead bodies with no follow-up or anything
Shot down again by a good Christian woman smh. Good thing this female officer is damn hoe
Seriously, she's had sex with main guy, offered to have sex with the black guy and two seconds later asked the married priest/cop (wth?) if he wanted to fuck
This boss fight music is lively
The fact that NONE of this movie was shot at night makes it hard to keep track of time. They ask for hired thugs from New York and they show up in Beverly Hills in very next scene. It all looks likes it's happening in one afternoon but they keep referencing passing days and weeks
Hmm. More near naked body rubbing. This time it's the main henchman and his red head partner tho
Oh no, not Priest/Cop (and wife who died with a titty out)! 😨😨😨
These guys are complimenting this man's dick while threatening to cut it off
"I can either kill you now, or I can relieve you of this gift... this black gift" 🤣🤣🤣
White Hoe Cop turned out to be the weakest link
Guess good Christian women need some near naked body rubbing, too
The Captain was the best actor in this entire film
This nigga is making visual puns at the worst possible time
The white samurai are fighting (with swords)!
I mean dead bodies all over town and, again, no follow-up whatsoever. These cops deserve to be fired
That was a feature length YouTube video that ended with the "sex" scene music playing over the credits. I always say great editing makes a great movie. In this case bad editing (and acting) made a hilariously awful movie. Every scene was shot at the exact same time of day and there were no transitions, just a split-second cut to the next plot point. But, to be fair, it's exactly what I expected it to be. Hell, maybe even worse. I still had fun watching it, tho, so that's a plus
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Bad Hair Day
Fandom: FBI
Character/s: OA x Reader
Warning/s: none
Word Count: 822
Request: Could you possibly do an imagine for OA Zidan comforting his s/o who just got a bad haircut? Okay, it’s me. I have the bad haircut and need comfort. 😭
Summary: OA knows how to make everything better, even a bad hair day...
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“Are you going to come out?” Your boyfriend, OA Zidan, asked you yet again as he sat on your bed, facing the bathroom doorway expectantly. Needless to say, OA hadn’t thought it was the best idea for you to give yourself a Quarantine haircut, but you’d insisted that you needed one and you were sick of it being so long, so who was he to tell you not to?
“No.” You said, and he bit his tongue, resisting the urge to say ‘I told you so’ as he grinned and shook his head. 
“So you’re what, going to live in our bathroom forever?” He replied, trying not to sound too amused as he heard you sigh through the door.
“Maybe?” You replied, standing in front of your mirror as you surveyed the damage, wondering if he’d mind you wearing a hat at all times. You could pull of hats, right? Urgh, worst hair day ever.
“Oh, come on Y/N, I’m sure it looks fine, just show me.” OA sounded a little impatient and you couldn’t really blame him, you’d been in there way to long, but you figured if you stared at your hair long enough, you’d figure out a way to fix it, or just magically grow back.
“No.” You replied, debating staying in here until it just grew back properly on its own. OA had told you it was a bad idea, but you were sometimes way too stubborn for your own good when you got an idea into your head, and this was definitely one of those times.
“Am I just going to have to come in there and drag you out?” He suggested as you ran your hands through your hair. You could hear him standing up, and you knew he was serious.
“Don’t you dare!” You yelled, locking the door quickly and casting a glance to the mess you’d made in the bathroom, looking guiltily at the pile of hair you wished you still had on your head.
“Fine, I’ll just finish off your leftovers then since you’re clearly not going to be coming out to eat them,” he decided, knowing damn well how to push your buttons and get you to come out.
“Omar Zidan do not touch my food!” You yelled, also knowing that he would do exactly as he said if you kept sulking in the bathroom.
“Come out and stop me,” he told you, trying the handle of the bathroom door. With a sigh and a quick glance at your bad haircut you unlocked the door, hearing him take a step back as you swung it open.
“See, it’s awful,” you said as he surveyed your new look.
“It’s not, really,” he tried, and failed, to sound reassurring as you both headed back to the bed, OA looking away as the corners of his mouth twitched up.
“Don’t lie to me, I can see you trying not to laugh,” you said, folding your arms as he turned back to you, trying to utilise some of those FBI skills as replied.
“I’m not- I’d never laugh at you,” he told you sincerely as he could, eyes trying to look at your face but sliding to your hair every time.”
“Uh-huh,” you replied, unconvinced as you waiting to see what he actually thought.
“Seriously,” he protested, arms up as if to say, help me out here, what do you want from me?
“Uh-huh,” You knew there was nothing he could actually say to convince you any which way, you knew it was looked bad, and you knew he knew it too.
“It’ll... grow back?” He attempted, earning him a light shove. “Ow, okay sorry, no I think it looks sexy, really, it’ll be all the rage, brand new trend,” he tried again with a different approach, earning him yet another shove.
“OA!” You shook your head, but you were both laughing.
“Ow okay okay would you stop hitting me,” he caught your arms the last time, grinning as he pulled you in to him instead.
“Tell me the truth OA,” you said finally, being cut off by a kiss as he took the opportunity to wrap his arms around you.
“The truth is I’d love you even if you shaved all your hair off, or got like, a mullet or something,” he teased between kisses.
“Well now you’re just making fun of me,” you pouted as he moved his hands, running them lightly through your hair.
“Maybe a little, but it doesn’t mean it’s not the truth-” another kiss, “I love you,” he told you sincerely.
“I love you too,” you replied, not knowing how you’d gotten so lucky. 
“...but there’s no way I’m letting you near my hair.” He said playfully as you laughed, trying to shove him away from you as he tightened his grip, causing you to both fall onto the bed giggling, maybe it wasn’t such a bad hair day afterall...
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psicostyles · 4 years
The one where I get to know you
This might be a sequel since I don’t have a script or ideas to continue yet, but who knows?? This is a draft I found lost on my phone and tumblr and kinda liked the way I used to think when younger. Let me know what you think anyways
It’s not like I hated him.
We just don’t get along. I met Harry - the guy I don’t hate - a few months ago. 
We were at a pool party of a friend we have in common. They though we would like each other right ahead since we have “similar taste” according to them. Alright.
We started to chat about nothing in the corner of the pool and I felt a little bored, to be honest. He is a nice guy, don’t get me wrong. But not for me. We haven’t spoken since that. And well, I’m still good this way, thank you. 
But let me tell you what happened. The same friend who threw that party is now hosting a baby shower because guess what? She’s pregnant. Well, that was kinda obvious I guess. 
Back to the point. 
I’m here talking to myself in the same spot we chat the last time we saw each other, about a story who I rather forgot because I got nothing better to do…
I look up, seeing a tall man holding two drinks.
"Oh, hey" I answered back.
 "I don’t know if you remember me…“ he said reluctantly "I’m Ha…”
 "Harry," I said interrupting him “yes, I remember you" 
 He smiles nodding at me, sitting by my side afterwards.
 "Here, I brought you a beer” I murmur a silent thank you, and drink my beverage.
 He still sits there, moving his leg inside the water with his beer in his hand looking from one side to another. And I stare at him.
I’m about to say something when Kendra - my pregnant friend - walks from God knows where with her husband by her side holding hands with a massive smile on their faces. They are in the middle of the yard with a massive box in front of them.
 "Thank you so much for being here today" she started “it’s a very special day for us, not only because it’s our baby’s shower…but because we are about to found out our baby gender” everyone starts to clap exited.
Even though this gender things it’s super cliche and way too inappropriate, even for a unborn baby, it’s their day! Not mine. So I clap along, because either way I’m also happy. And I don’t need to be a brat about it. I can have a conversation with them in a near future about this whole thing, can’t I?
 "Let’s do this," said Alex, the husband. 
The box was opened and pink balloons were floating in the air. Classic.
Oops, I mean, yay.
Everyone started to clapping and cheering, and so do I.
 I get up and go hug them - trying not to soke them with my wet legs, and congratulate my friend. Then she started to speaking again. 
 "Enjoying the situation, Alex and I wants to request something from my friends over here. Can you come here, Harry?“ 
 Harry got up from the ground - also a little wet, and came to where we were.
 "Well… Y/N, you know, we’ve been friends for awhile now” Said Kendra “and you’ve been with me through my ups and downs, you are really important to me" 
 "And Harry,” she said facing him “Although we know you not so long, you became our best friend, our personal jokester and our precious baker" 
 Harry chuckled. 
 "All this speech is for actually ask you both if…” we four stared at each other.  ”…you want to become our baby girl’s godparents," they said together. 
Harry cheered exited hugging they both screaming yes, yes!!
 I stayed frozen. Too shocked to say anything. 
Meeting my failed date and being invited to become the grandparent to a child in the same day? Might be too much to handle.
Who I’m trying to deny? It’s too damn excited. 
 The three of them - after their hugging section - stared at me waiting for an answer. 
 "What do you say Y/N??“ Said Alex. 
 "Yes” I finally answered “I will be her godmother”
Like I said, Harry and I don’t get along.
We’ve been seeing each other lately on behalf of our goddaughter Nina - she’s the cutest little thing I must say.
We had a dinner at Kendra’s place the other night, with a delicious meal and a fantastic glass of wine. I might have had two or three glasses.
Nina is eight months now and I have to admit she’s too smart for age, she skipped the ‘crawling processes’ and went straight to walking. The result was me and Harry chasing her the whole night. Not that I mind, it’s nice to spend some time with him, but after five minutes you get tired and want to get rid of him. At some point, Nina got tired of walking and decided to watch Peppa Pig while she’s was peacefully laid down in her crib.
The adults kept chatting about adult stuff, Harry was sat in front of me and every now and then I feel his glare on me and when I stare back he pretends he wasn’t looking. Nina was already asleep when we decided to leave but, I don’t have a car so, add this to a credit card with no credit you will find a woman who can’t order an Uber. So now, Harry is now taking me home. Might be the excess of wine in my veins talking but in this second I wasn’t so bothered to be in this same space as him for the first time.
The traffic got us stuck in the middle of the avenue at 11pm. He had turned the radio on with music I’ve never head, but I was tipsy that I don’t really know what I was listening to. Both of us didn’t say a word since we got in the car. While he was facing the road I could watch him better, even though was dark you could notice how sharped his jaw is. Or how his hair is getting curly, or-
‘‘Are you staring at me?’‘ I face the road again without saying a word. ‘‘So...’‘ Harry says trying to break the silence ‘‘Are you free next Friday?’‘
I chuckle 
‘‘Are you seriously asking me out?’‘ he looks at me confused 
‘’Is that a problem?” he stares the road. I look to him surprised.
‘‘Not at all, it’s just...awkward” I said “We just started to speak again because of Nina you know... If wasn’t for that I bet you wouldn’t even remember me”. 
He is the one who chuckles now. He starts to drive again and decided that silence was the best option after all. Half an hour later he parks the car in front of my house when I’m almost leaving he stops me saying:
“You know, even if it wasn’t for Nina or Kendra or whatever, I would still try to talk to you. And I respect your decision, it’s okay if you don’t want to hang out’‘ we both smile. I got off the car and he calls me again ‘‘But if you change your mind...” I roll my eyes.
‘‘Good night Styles” he smiles turning on the car and leaving.
Kenda asked me if I could spend the night with Nina since her and Alex wanted to spend some time together, I said yes, of course. So after work at a Friday night I’m at their place. They left around 7pm or so and since they I’m playing the babysitter with the happiest baby in the world. Nina is a very - very - excited child. She never stops. Never.
Now it’s around 8pm and I’m already tired. The thing is she loves climbing their’s stairs, from the bottom to the top, and once she get’s where she wants to start over again, and again, and again. Remember I said she learned how to walk very fast? Yeah, maybe she should have waited.
I’m in the middle of the stairs with Nina giggling when the doorbell rings. I take her with me with a pouty face, getting surprised when I answer the door
‘‘Nina!” he says ignoring me. Nina straightway leave the comfort of my embrace so she could have his “How you doing my love? Are you good?” 
“Harry?” I try again. He looks at me “May I help you?” 
He enters while I close the door. I follow him ‘til the living room where he puts Nina into her crib. He turns around and faces me with his hands inside of his jacket.
‘‘Alex called me told to come over so I could help you out’‘
‘‘Well,” I said “I appreciate but they didn’t warned me of anything”  
“It was sudden” he said “Are we hungry?”
“We already ate, but thanks”
He shrugged and face Nina again.
“Who missed the nestes grandfather in the word hmm?” Nina giggles. Cheater “I heard you wanna play some more, yeah? Let’s go then”
She grabs her again and says she’s taking her upstairs to the playroom. Now I “can take some rest” according to him. Yeah, okay. Suddenly I don’t feel so tired anymore. I clean the mess we made earlier and hear the giggles from upstairs. I climb the stairs carefully and move to Nina’s room. Her door is almost closed so I give a little peek inside the room and caught Nina playing with muppets laughing with everything Harry - well the mullet Harry was playing, a frog I belive.
“Why don’t you come from behind the door and come play with us, Aunt Y/N” said Harry, the frog with a strange but yeah, actually funny voice.
And so I did. At every terrible imitation of animal he did Nina giggle like it was the funniest thing in the world, as she understood everything we said. I was playing a very badly sheep but she didn’t mind at all. A few hours later she felt asleep right when Alex and Kendra got home.
“We don’t know how to thank you guys” they said.
“Tell me he is coming next time” I thought but I kept myself quiet.
So yeah, here we are again like the last time. I did not have a drive so Harry, the saviour offered to take me home so I accepted. The silence it’s not the uncomfortable as before, most of the time we talked about Nina and how special she is. From one second to another we where at my place. Before I could get out of the car he said
“Remember last time? I asked you out and you rejected me like...Well, you rejected me” he said uma playful tone.
I got out of the car and supported myself on the window.
“Oh, well. Maybe if you ask me a second time maybe I can accept”
He smirked.
“Are you free anytime?”
I smiled at him.
“You know what? Who knows maybe at third time you convince me”
We both smiled. He left and I watched him go.
He wasn’t so bad after wall.
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geekgirles · 4 years
I Was Made For Loving You
Well, my dear @foxlanaeshrek​, as we say around here: lo prometido es deuda. This one-shot is based on our Rock! Branch AU. To be more specific, on your headcanon that Rock! Branch would sing rock ballads to Poppy. Hope you like it!
Branch had always known he was unusual for a Rock troll. 
 Despite his dexterity playing the most hardcore tunes with his electric guitar, he would often find himself playing more subdued and forlorn melodies. Sometimes even ballads that didn’t sound all that rock-n’-roll-ish. 
Even with his stern or even aggressive temper and his sarcastic mouth, always ready to deliver some snarky comments to whoever pushed his buttons more than what was medically recommended (basically, because most patients the doctors from Volcano Rock City tended to were usually sent there for messing with Branch in the first place), he had an uncanny ability for translating his thoughts in the form of the most beautiful verses. 
 Ugh, poetry. What a corny thing to do. If the other Rock trolls ever found out, he would never hear the end of it.
 There was also his lone wolf persona. One of the main reasons he’d been chosen as Queen Barb’s Captain, in fact. He was known for being level-headed, precise, infallible, independent, never needing anyone but himself or anything but his queen’s approval. He always got the job done. Always. And yet, he was so touch-deprived he could barely process what was happening when he received physical affection.
 Yes, he was unusual for a Rock Troll. But he’d never thought he’d be unusual enough to fall in love with a Pop troll. The Queen of the Pop trolls, of all people!
 Although, on second thought… He maybe should’ve seen it coming. 
 To make things even more unusual, Poppy was actually the only mission he had ever failed at fulfilling.
 He was supposed to send her people Queen Barb’s message, but just as he was about to, he saw her. The moment he laid eyes on her he was convinced he’d died and gone to Heaven, for only an angel could ever be good enough to compare itself to her. That voice, that laugh, those eyes, that smile! Any artistic masterpiece and its beauty paled in comparison to hers.
 And then is when he realised he’d been drooling like a hormonal teenager over the freaking Queen of the Pop trolls. Wait to go…
After finally delivering the message, he tried convincing himself that if meant nothing. He just happened to think the pink troll was hot, that’s all. It wasn’t like his heart would then threaten to burst out of his chest just at the mere thought of her, let alone having her near.
Except it sorta… kinda… low-key… high-key… did. It definitely did.
He was such a mess around her that he’d gone and made the greatest, most embarrassing mistake of his life; he’d recited poetry to her! He, a hardened Rock troll and second-in-command of the troll responsible for her imprisonment, had recited poetry to her, a happy-go-lucky queen who proved herself to be the biggest threat to their plan. And it that weren’t mortifying enough, the poetry happened to be about her. Because, why not? Since he was already digging his own grave, might as well engrave the words in his tombstone…
When he finally realised what he’d done he expected to be mocked. To be looked at as if he were completely insane (he probably was, anyway). To be laughed at… What he didn’t expect, though, was to be stared at with such single-minded devotion by a wide-eyed, blushing pink queen.
Her mesmerised voice somehow managed to bewitch and simultaneously free him from his trance, “Wow… Branch, t-that was… That was beautiful!” she praised, “No one’s ever said anything like that about me. Thank you, I also love your eyes.”
The smile on her face as she uttered those words was enough for him to realise his loyalty now laid beside her. And he’d be damned if he ever let anything bad happen to her.
Although, a shameful part of him had to admit he’d been drooling over how smothering hot she looked as a Rock troll. But nobody had to know about that.
And now that the trolls were finally united, regardless of the kind of music they worshipped, he was lucky enough to have won the Pop queen’s heart. He just needed to find a way to show how aware of his luck he was.
Luckily, he knew just the perfect thing. 
 Poppy still couldn’t believe she was dating a Rock troll. And what a Rock troll he was! Branch was everything she could’ve ever hoped for in a mate; he was smart, he was reliable, he was down-to-earth (something hard to find amongst her subjects), he had the most incredible voice! And he was, oh, so handsome. So, so handsome. She’d caught herself shamelessly devouring him with her gaze more than once. Her eyes would wander around his naked chest, completely mesmerised by his physique. Or her hands would try and touch that mullet of his, in an attempt to pull strands of hair because she could barely control herself!
But if anyone noticed and asked about it, it was always the same answer, “Oh, I just thought he had some fuzz in his hair, that’s all”, or, “Oh, I was just looking at your tattoo! I didn’t notice that one before…”
But most importantly, she loved the way he treated her. She never would have expected a Rock troll to be so caring, so attentive. But alas, that was Branch with her. And she loved every second they spent together.
Which was all the more reason to be excited about their date tonight!
The night before Debbie delivered a letter from him to her, asking to meet him at one of the clearings of Troll Village the following night. He said there was something he wanted to show her.
So there she was, dressed in a simple violet dress with pink hearts adorning the hem and a tiara to match. She could already feel her heart beating faster the moment their gazes met. She ran to him, knowing he would catch her in his open arms.
“Branch!” she greeted him as she nuzzled his cheek with his own, enjoying the embrace he had her in.
“Poppy”, he chuckled in response.
“It’s so great to see you! How’ve you been these past week?” Has it been a week already since she saw him last? How did she manage to survive that long?
“It’s been fine”, he shrugged before leaning in closer so he could whisper into her ear, “I missed the presence of the only ray of sunshine I need in my life, though.”
Touched by his beautiful words, she put a heart on her chest before pecking his cheek. He was so romantic!
 “So! What did you want to show me?”
 “Actually,” he started as he guided her to a picnic mat that was already set, “I think we should eat first and leave the best part for the end.” He winked at her, “Wouldn’t want to work on an empty stomach!”
 She just giggled before she complied, sitting down next to him.
 Their little night picnic was simply delightful. They spent hours doing nothing but eating, sometimes feeding each other; flirting, laughing, and generally having a good time. Finally, just when the moon was highest in the sky and the lighting was just right, Branch took out his guitar from his hair and began to play. After a few notes, he soon accompanied the melody with his voice.
Tonight I want to give it all to you
In the darkness There's so much I want to do And tonight I want to lay it at your feet 'Cause girl, I was made for you And girl, you were made for me
 Poppy certainly didn’t know what to do, she was still getting used to the Rock trolls’ customs and norms, not to mention their music. So she wasn’t sure how to interpret Branch’s song. But the more she listened to the lyrics, the more she could understand it was somehow… Beautiful. Touching even. 
I was made for lovin' you baby You were made for lovin' me And I can't get enough of you baby Can you get enough of me
Despite his cool exterior, Branch was freaking out inside. What if Poppy was weirded out by his choice of song? What if she didn’t like it? He meant every word of it as he was composing it, his feelings for Poppy resurfacing at full force as he wrote down the words. But she was still a Pop troll, and their views on romance could be even more different than their views on music. He just hoped the song was getting through to her.
Tonight I want to see it in your eyes Feel the magic There's something that drives me wild And tonight we're gonna make it all come true 'Cause girl, you were made for me And girl I was made for you
As Branch kept singing, Poppy couldn’t help but grin widely at him. This song spoke about them! About how he truly felt about their relationship! Her boyfriend was really too wonderful for words. Without even realising it, as if under a spell, she slowly rose from her seat, getting closer to him with every step. 
I was made for lovin' you baby You were made for lovin' me And I can't get enough of you baby Can you get enough of me
The moment he saw the smile on her face he knew he would do anything to see that expression on her face until his last day. She truly was too enchanting for words. But he was going to try and express how he felt through this song. Although he, himself, could barely keep the dopey smile off his face when she started getting closer to him. And the moment she started singing along? Hair, he was a goner.
I was made for lovin' you baby You were made for lovin' me And I can give it all to you baby Can you give it all to me
Oh, can't get enough, oh, oh I can't get enough, oh, oh I can't get enough Yeah, ha
I was made for lovin' you baby You were made for lovin' me
When the song finally ended and they looked into each other’s eyes they knew nothing needed to be said. As they leaned closer together, they sealed their feelings for each other with a kiss. They were truly made for loving each other.
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artificialqueens · 4 years
Favorite Place, Chapter 2 (Crygi) - Lily Bee
Summary: Crystal works at a French literature book store, and can’t help but fall for the pretty girl that comes in -also known as a cheesy bookstore au :)
A/N: hey guys its lily! thank you so much for the love on the first chapter :) thank you so much jazz for editing as per usual! trigger warning for panic attacks / mention of abusive relationships for this chapter! its just a bunch of angst i’m sorry… not really though :)
“Hey Crystal,” Nicky called across the bookstore. Crystal looked up from her book to see her boss staring at her.
“Yes?” Crystal yelled back, hoping she wasn’t in trouble for seeming to only ever be reading at work.
“Do you mind staying an extra hour tonight and closing up the store for me?” she asked. Crystal really didn’t want to, but extra money was always good, and she knew Nicky would be thankful. Plus, she would get an extra hour of reading in.
“Yeah, that’s fine. I can stay,” Crystal responded.
Around 9pm Nicky headed out for the night, thanking Crystal again for closing up.
Crystal had not done much besides read, and it seemed there were no customers left in the shop, so she got on with cleaning. She put away the books that people had moved around throughout the day and left discarded in the wrong spot. Nicky had a particular way of organizing so Crystal had to make sure everything was in the right place.
As she was finishing up, multiple rushed knocks came from the front of the store. Crystal began to panic; who in the hell would be trying to get into a bookstore past 9pm? She had never dealt with an intruder before. Did she call the police? Did she hide?
Over the sound of the knocks she heard a panicked female voice yell, “Hello, is there anyone in there?” The voice sounded distressed and familiar to Crystal. She couldn’t put her finger on it, but she knew she had to help. She rushed up to the door, and saw a worrisome Gigi peering through the glass. She stepped back as Crystal unlocked the door, opening it softly.
Gigi rushed in, tears rushing down her face. She paced around the room, fingers grabbing her own hair and pulling on it, small strands coming out. Her breaths were staggered and she coughed as she continued to cry. Crystal could see her hands were shaking.
Gigi mumbled, “I had to get away. I couldn’t stay near that damned house any longer. I couldn’t look at it. There was too much of a risk of someone walking out of it and trying to talk me out of my decision. I was stranded. Drive, and I could cause an accident. Not drive, and I was still too close to what had happened.” Her words were rushed and staggered, not making much sense.
She didn’t even register Crystal as she continued. “I clutched the steering wheel, my hands wrapped so tightly around it that my nails dug into my palms.” She glanced down at her hands, which still had marks from where she had gripped them.  Breathing was hard. Really hard. She cried harder, her chest growing tight as bile rose in her throat. She felt the blood pounding in her ears.
“What are you talking about? What happened?” Crystal didn’t know what to do. The girl was clearly having a panic attack. Crystal didn’t want to get too close, didn’t know how she would react.
“I ruined everything! I fucking always ruin everything!” She collapsed to the ground in defeat. “Of course this fucking happened to me! I shouldn’t be surprised ‘cause god, I deserve it!” she shrieked as she clenched her fists, forcing her eyes shut.
“Gigi,” Crystal spoke as she got on the ground facing the girl, “Gigi! You need to calm down.”
“Don’t tell me to calm down!” Gigi snapped. “You don’t get it!” Too tired to fight more, she collapsed into Crystal’s lap, tears still falling from her eyes.
“He fucking cheated on me,” she mumbled amongst the cries.
“Oh my god,” Crystal uttered. “Hey, this is not your fault. This is his fault, not yours.” She tried to assure Gigi, but she just shook her head.
“I went to his apartment to give him the fucking book to apologize for ever thinking he would cheat on me, but when I walked in, he was with another fucking woman. God, she even looked like me. He didn’t even see me, his tongue was so far down her throat to notice.”
Crystal just rubbed her head, brushing her fingers through the blonde locks, detangling it carefully. “He’s a bastard to ever do something like this. None of this is your fault. You were being a supportive girlfriend, and you don’t deserve this,” Crystal assured her.
“I just can’t believe he would do this,” Gigi weaped. She layed in Crystal’s lap for a while in silence, the only noise being an occasional sniffle from Gigi as she tried to settle her breathing. It felt like they had been sitting there for hours when Gigi finally pushed herself up.
“I need to speak to him. I didn’t even break up with him, I just left.” Crystal could sense the wheels turning in Gigi’s head as she continued to speak. “Oh my god, all my stuff is there. I was living there, I can’t go back, not tonight.” The panic in her voice started to come back.
“Hey, don’t worry, you don’t have to go back,” Crystal said. “If you want, you can crash at my apartment tonight.” It’s not like Gigi seemed to have any other option.
“Really? I don’t want to impose, but that would be great.” Her words were sincere. She looked like she was minutes away from passing out so Crystal quickly finished closing down the shop. She locked the register and switched off the lights as she led Gigi out the door.
When the pair got to Crystal’s house, they were greeted by her bookshelves, beloved and beautiful. Crystal looked around the living room. The shelf in the corner by television she didn’t really want (but let her old roommates get so they could play video games while she read) held her hardcover nonfiction. The shelf next to it featured antique hymnals and schoolbooks nearly a hundred years old, from her grandfather’s childhood.
Against the wall, the bookshelf with the plants on it had her childhood favorites. Fantasy, young adult fiction, children’s books, Shakespeare—she couldn’t tell you exactly where and when she got each and every one of those books, because getting a book was a privilege and she considered herself a collector. The other shelf was full of textbooks and reference material more recently acquired.
There were books on her shelves that she hadn’t even opened yet—ones she’s waiting to review, others she just wanted to own. It was easy to buy more books than one person was ever capable of reading, and Crystal had every book imaginable and more.
Gigi took one look around the room before mumbling, “Wow, you’re a nerd.”
Crystal elbowed her sharply in her side. “Hey, I’m the one giving you a place to stay.”
Gigi just giggled, having calmed down on the way home. “I’m only kidding. Your home seems lovely.”
“I hope you don’t mind sleeping on the couch,” Crystal said, gesturing towards it, “though it is a pull-out.” She started to remove all the cushions, discarding them on the floor.
“Here, let me help,” Gigi offered. They pulled the bed frame up until it was brought toward them as the frame started to unfold. They dragged the frame gently down to the floor and unfolded the last third of the mattress.
“Voilà,” Crystal beamed, gesturing towards the bed.
“Thank you again,” Gigi said. “I feel bad asking, but can I borrow something to sleep in?”
Oh shoot, Crystal hadn’t even thought to offer. Looking at Gigi, she was still wearing the dress and heels from when she met her this morning. “Yeah of course, let me grab you something.” She scurried off towards her room, digging through her draws for a shirt. She found one of her old band t-shirts and a pair of sweatpants and walked back out to Gigi. She tossed her the clothes and pointed towards the bathroom.
“Thank you,” she mumbled, walking out of the room. Crystal wasn’t exactly sure what to do, didn’t know whether she should leave Gigi alone quite yet. She walked over to her shelf above the television and grabbed a book she had wanted to read for a while now. She took a seat on the bed, resting her head on the headboard, and started reading.
She managed to get a few pages into the book, not even realizing that Gigi had walked back into the room and was sitting next to her. Gigi stared at Crystal, observing her features. She had curly dark auburn hair cut into a mullet with little pieces of hair that fell into her face; it was a strange look for a girl, but somehow she pulled it off. Her face was gorgeous: She wore a lot of makeup, with bold eyeliner and overdrawn red lips. She sat still in her work uniform, not even seeming to care about anything besides her book.
“Like the view?” Crystal asked laughing at herself after. Gigi was taken aback. Had she known that Gigi was staring the whole time?
Instead of responding she just layed down on the bed trying to make herself comfortable.
“Here, let me get you a blanket,” Crystal offered. She placed her book to the side and headed back to her bedroom. Gigi was too tired to respond, instead resting her head on her arm as a pillow.
Crystal returned with a huge rainbow blanket and draped it across Gigi. The girl clutched to it immediately, wrapping herself in the soft fabric. “Thank you,” Gigi breathed.
Crystal just smiled and headed to her room for the night.
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astralkoo · 5 years
Beautifully Misfit 3
Tumblr media
‣ Genre: fluff, smutt, hybrid au
‣ Word Count: 7.18k
‣ Pairing(s): skunk!Jimin x reader, puppy!Taehyung x reader, bunny!Jungkook x reader
‣ Warning(s): strong language, little kids being douchebags, angst, wetting bc Tae’s an excitable lil baby ;(, Jungkookie’s speech is still developing, Jimin being a nearsighted angel
‣ to be aware of: sub!jimin, switch!taehyung, switch!jungkook, dom!reader, some kinky ass future happenings, BDSM themes, some heavy angst, and triggering themes.
Summary: you never really saw yourself as a hybrid person. that is, until your best friend introduces you to his hybrid, and you suddenly find yourself craving the companionship. you only intended to bring home one. somewhere between the lines you ended up with three beautifully misfit hybrids who craved nothing but your love.
part. i, ii, iii, iv (coming soon)
A/N; sooo someone mentioned a tag list on my last post and I’ll be starting one! let me know if you’d like to be added! thanks for reading!! and yes. taehyung has his mullet. deal with it.
You were nervous.
But the good kind of nervous.
Standing outside of Taehyung’s door with Hoseok, you felt your heart thudding in your chest.
“Tae…” Hoseok’s knuckles connected gently with the large white door, “I have someone here that would like to meet you.”
There was a quiet shuffling, and then the door was being pulled open. You swear to fuck your heart did a triple backflip at the sight of him. How had you not noticed how beautiful he was before?
He had this beautiful honey skin, free of any blemishes or flaws aside from a faint scar near the round curve of his chin and two adorable freckles, one on the tip of his nose and the other hidden beneath his dark bottom lashes. His cheeks were full and tinted by a faint pink color, matching that of his pouty lips. His eyes were these dark pools of melted chocolate, sparking faintly as he peered through his thick eyelashes. His dark slightly wavy hair was just long enough to form a slight mullet.
Now, on any other person literally in the entire universe you would probably have been repulsed. But on the boy standing in front of you—… oOooOh. It was honestly kind of unfair. The adorable set of dark ears peeking out of his locks and the fluffy tail flicking behind him only added to his precious appearance.
“Hobi!” The hybrid cheered excitedly, launching himself at your guide and wrapping him up in what looked to be a smothering hug. You’d never seen someone so excited to see someone they’d been talking to not ten minutes earlier.
Hoseok only laughed, patting the canine’s back.
“What’re ya doin’ here? I thought I was on punishment? Am I not in trouble any more? That’d be real great because I don’t quite like bein’ in trouble— who’s this?” The hyperactive hybrid’s attention was suddenly directed towards you.
“This is y/n, she asked to meet you.”
You offered a soft smile and a rather coy wave.
Taehyung’s eyes widened in what appeared to be utter disbelief, blinking slowly. “M–me? You wanted to meet me?”
“Of course I did, I saw you and you were just too adorable to resist,” you teased, giving him a lopsided smile.
Flirting was kind of a defense mechanism for you. That and cursing. And drinking. And pretending that you live in a on a secluded island in the middle of nowhere where no one can talk to you, annoy you, or distract you from doing absolutely nothing. But that last one’s just a distant fantasy.
His face blossomed a deep crimson, his ears flopping and his tail tucking between his thighs. He quickly slapped his hands over his rosy cheeks, whimpering, “oh my gosh, oh my gosh,” over and again to himself as he desperately fanned his face.
“D–did I say something wrong?” You murmured to Hoseok worriedly.
He only chuckled and shook his head. “No, don’t worry, Tae just isn’t used to being complimented by such pretty girls, isn’t that right, Tae?” The canine let out a sound of agreement, nodding quickly.
“You’re very pretty,” he blurted loudly, staring at you with massive shining eyes.
You laughed softly, feeling your own face between to jump up a few degrees at his bluntness. “Well, thank you, Taehyung.”
“You can call me Tae if you want! All my friends call me Tae,” his booming voice quickly quieted towards the end of his statement as a shy smile touched upon his lips. How much fucking cuter can he get, Jesus H. Christ have mercy, you silently fawned, biting at the inside of your cheek to keep yourself from lunging at him and wrapping him up in the kind of hug that would protect him from all the evil in the world and never letting go.
“Alright, Tae. My name’s y/n,” you grinned, holding yourself from spitting out the cheesy pick up line that dangled on the tip of your tongue.
“Tae do you mind if we come in?” Hoseok chimed up, gesturing towards his room.
Taehyung quickly shook his head and to your surprise grabbed your hand and eagerly began tugging you into his room.
It was small, but the cozy kind of small. There wasn’t much else beside a bed, bedside table, and a few toys scattered around. What caught your eye most were the many colorful stuffed animals piled up on his bed. It was child like and innocent, and you felt the maternal instinct in you begin to stir impatiently.
“I–it’s a little messy, I’m sorry,” he apologized, ears lowering.
“It’s fine, really! My room is ten times worse than this,” You admitted with a soft chuckle.
That much was true. Just because you had your own house didn’t mean that you were anywhere near responsible enough to keep it clean. In fact, the only time it’s actually tidy is when your aunt comes over and reprimands you for living in a pigsty and— being the clean freak that she is— cleans up the place. While yelling at you, of course.
Taehyung giggles, tail flicking behind him. “Really?”
“Really. I’ve got clothes all over the place, not to mention all of the toys,” you spoke in an exaggerated voice. That last bit about the toys might’ve been a tiny white lie. They were all still boxed up, neatly packed together in the closet of what had previously been your storage room, but would now act as a bedroom for your new hybrid.
His entire body seemed to straighten out, ears raising to their full height while his tails wagging rapidly sped up.
“Toys?” He repeated, eyes getting all wide and shiny. There was a bit of a whine to his voice, his lips beginning to tremble in excitement. You hummed, nodding slowly as a grin touched your features. “Lots of ’em?”
“Too many to count,” you chimed.
This time, the whine that reverberated in his throat was loud and desperate. His tail thumped against the outside of his thighs with each heavy swing.
“What kinds?” He pressed, practically squirming in place.
“All kinds! Sticks, stuffed animals, balls, squeaky toys—”
“Squeaky toys!” He shrieked, quite literally leaping a foot into the air. At this point, his tail was whirling around faster than helicopter blades, and his body was physically vibrating with the raw excitement coursing through his veins.
“Tae, calm down before you—” Hoseok began to warn, stepping forward quickly, eyes wide and worried. But his warning was too little too late. All at once, Taehyung froze, a pathetic whimper leaving his suddenly pouting lips as his cheeks were doused in bright shades of pink and his eyes brimmed with glistening tears.
It took a lowered glance at the slowly darkening crotch of his pants to realize what you had just witness occur.
You blinked, surprised. “Oh shit.”
Within seconds, Taehyung had broken into sobs, collapsing into a crouching position, hands tucked between his thighs in an attempt to hide his little accident from your shocked gaze.
“Tae,” Hoseok sighed, lowering himself at the wailing hybrid’s side, soothing stroking his back, “it’s okay, it was just an accident.”
But his consoling words fell on deaf ears as the puppy howled hopelessly, “s–she ha–hates me n–now! She–she’s dis–disgusted by m–m–me!” Upon hearing his words, you hurriedly shook yourself out of your state of shock and rushed to his side. Dropping to your knees, you began to quickly shake your head.
“No! No, I don’t hate you at all, Tae. I promise, I’m not upset with you in the least!”
“B–but I’m disgusting!” He insisted, words unsteady and strained between gasping cries.
“You’re not disgusting at all, please don’t think that. It’s not your fault, I shouldn’t have gotten you so riled up,” you cooed, hands instinctively going to cup his warm cheeks, thumbing away salty tears from his drenched skin. He whimpered, nuzzling his face into your palms and inhaling deeply. Noticing he wasn’t going to reply, you continued, “one little accident isn’t going to change the way I look at you okay? You don’t have to feel embarrassed or ashamed, I’ll never judge you.”
He was silent for a moment, his big teary eyes shimmering with hope as he stared up at you.
Oh shit, there goes your heart again doing those fuckin’ gymnastics tricks.
His voice was so meek and uncertain, yet singed with sanguine.
You could see it now.
How broken he was. The truth shone in his eyes like a god damn lighthouse.
The distrust in his mind, yet the longing to believe your words in his heart. He knew he’d be making himself vulnerable once again if he trusted you. And once he opened up his heart to you, there was no going back. You could chew him up and spit him into the gutter and he’d still come crawling back to you.
He needed you to prove to him that you weren’t going to break his heart like all the others. That you wouldn’t throw him to the curb and abandon him like those in his past. It made you angry to think that someone could be so heartless as to desert this tender hearted boy when he had put his faith into them. How could anyone have toyed with his innocent heart?
You were suddenly filled with determination. The determination to mend his broken heart. To prove to him that you weren’t like his past owners. You would never abandon him. Never bring harm to him.
In a bold gesture, you leaned forward and pressing a feathery kiss to his forehead. He whined softly, eyes fluttering at the unexpected but very welcome show of affection.
“I promise.”
“D–does this mean…” he swallowed anxiously, “you’re… adopting me?”
You paused for dramatic effect.
“Bold of you to assume there’s even the slightest chance that I wouldn’t.”
You could he was about to launch himself at you from the massive boxy grin that ripped itself across his features and how his legs shifted beneath him, but Hoseok was quick to subdue the excitable pup with a gentle shoulder hold. “Woah, lets not get over excited again, Tae. Why don’t you go get washed up and changed, alright?” Taehyung blushed, having realizing his near mistake.
“Okay! I’ll be right back! Don’t go anywhere!” He cried out over his shoulder and he scrambled into what you assumed to be a connected bathroom, not able to calm the smile that had his round cheeks aching. You also couldn’t rid your lips of a smile as you watched him go. It was only then that you felt the thundering of your euphoric heart, and the rush of adrenaline in your veins ease up.
“Holy shit,” you whipped around to face Hoseok, “I’m adopting a hybrid.”
Hoseok snickered at your astonished expression, nodding in confirmation. “Indeed you are. You like him?”
“Like him? Are you crazy? I love him, he’s so fucking cute it’s not even funny. Not to mention a total sweetheart. He’s perfect.” You retorted, hands swinging around for emphasis.
“I’m glad you think so,” he laughed, standing up, “come on, I’ve got some paperwork you’ll need to fill out.”
“But he said to wait,” you blinked up at him as he offered you a hand, which you took and rose to your feet. You didn’t want to leave Taehyung already. But Hoseok shook his head with a soft smile.
“Don’t worry. He’ll catch up as soon as he’s done. I don’t doubt he’s already committed your scent to memory.”
You laughed in surprise, “wonderful.”
He guided you out of Taehyung’s room, and you followed despite your initial hesitation. The sooner you finished the paperwork, the sooner you’d be able to bring him home with you. And good god did you want to take him home with you as soon as humanly possible.
“There are probably a few things you should know about Taehyung,” he cleared his throat, glancing over at you as you made your way down the hallway. You gave him your full attention, nodding for him to continue. “First of all, accidents like that aren’t too uncommon for him. He has a tendency to have accidents when he gets too excited or scared, just as a forewarning. That doesn’t… affect your decision… does it?”
“Of course not! Everyone has their little quirks,” you reassured with a dismissive wave. He let out a breath of relief before continuing.
“Secondly, I might’ve mentioned earlier that he’s been in and out of homes since he was little. Nine to be exact.” Your eyes widened. He’s been in nine homes? And not a one of them stuck? “None of them could handle him properly. And several were abusive.”
“No.” You breathed in horror, feeling a knot for in the pit of your stomach. But Hoseok only nodded solemnly. “I would have never guessed with how upbeat he is.”
“I was surprised, too. But the truth is in his scars. I think he has tried to block that part of his life out instead of facing it. But sometimes, it can all come back to him in an instant. He’s had several panic attacks while in our care, and a few while in homes. He once bit the man who adopted him during one of his fits, bad enough that he had to get stitches.” He explained carefully.
“Does he have specific triggers?”
“I know of a few. Cigarettes, fire, chains, certain words and names can get him sometimes as well. There should be more information in his file.”
You gnawed at the inside of your cheek. It wasn’t that you were second guessing this adoption, not in the least. But you were scared. How could you not be? What if you accidentally triggered a panic attack? What if he hurt himself? What if he hurt you? What if—
“What can I do?” You asked, “if he has a panic attack, what can I do?”
“Help him to breathe properly, that’s most important. He would most likely start hyperventilating and you’ll have to guide him. Reassure him that you’re there. His stuffed animals calm him down pretty quick, too. Just don’t smother him, don’t try to hug him or grab him in any way because he will lash out. Doing that would just make him feel cornered.” You nodded, taking in the information as thoroughly as you could, muttering to yourself to make notes of everything he just said.
“Hopefully, if you’re careful and understanding and good to him, you won’t have to worry about one occurring. He’ll be okay. It’s scary, but I can tell you’ll be able to handle it.”
You cocked a brow. “How can you tell?”
He smiled lightly to himself, simply shrugging with a knowing glint in his eyes. You narrowed your own eyes at him, but just as you were about to question him further, something like a brick wall slammed into you.
“What the fuck—!” you cursed loudly as the air was knocked from your lungs, sending you stumbling backwards. But whatever had rammed into your chest swiftly maneuvered itself behind you, preventing you from falling flat on your ass.
“Jeon Jungkook! Get back here this instant you mutant bunny!” A furious Latina came storming into the hall, soaked from head to toe, with what looked to be soap suds in her dark wavy hair. Her tan face was flushed with an angry crimson, lips pulled into a snarl that had even you cowering under her glare. You felt a harsh tug at the back of your shirt then sent you stumbling into something large, firm, and warm.
There was the unmistakable sound of growling and snorting by your ear. Okay. What the fuck is happening.
“Ms. Navarro, what happened?” Hoseok gasped at her disheveled state.
“That rabbit happened!” She sneered, pointing an accusing finger in your direction. Raising your brows, you pointed a finger first at your own chest (receiving a deadpan look from the woman) before throwing a thumb over your shoulder at whatever was making low grunting noises in your ear.
“What’d he do this time?” Hoseok sighed, rubbing a hand down his face.
“I was trying to get him to take his stupid bath because he’s beginning to stink up the place and he threw me into the tub, fully dressed!” She hissed, before beginning to spew out livid profanities in a Spanish.
“Jungkook,” Hoseok groaned, shooting a disapproving look in the rabbit’s direction, “why would you do that to Ms. Navarro? She was only trying to help you.”
“Bath bad. Don’t want it.” He hissed, the grip he had on the back of you shirt tightening, effectively drawing you even closer to him.
Shit, was it bad that this is the most intimate you’ve been with a guy in a hot minute? You almost snorted out loud at the thought, but stifled it in fear of being reprimanded by the short, yet admittedly terrifying woman standing before you.
“No, bath good for stinky bunnies like you,” She retorted sharply, hands curling into tight fists as the rabbit hybrid stuck his tongue out tauntingly before ducking down behind you. “Why you little—” Hoseok was quick to jump in as she began to storm over to where you stood, effectively scaring the piss out of you.
“Ms. Navarro, why don’t you let me deal with Jungkook, okay? You know how he can get. You can go dry off and get into some new clothes, is that alright?” His voice was like the calm in a hurricane, and the fury seemed to melt from her features within seconds.
She gave a short nod of agreement, shooting one last look of disdain in Jungkook’s direction before turning and stomping off, muttering something about giving him a right whooping with her chancla. When she vanished from sight, you let out a breath you didn’t realize you were holding in, body deflating.
Placing your palm flat against your chest and feeling the thunderous beating of your heart, you turned to Hoseok with wide eyes. “Well wasn’t she just a ball of sunshine and rainbows.”
He let out a laugh. “That was Ms. Navarro. She’s like the mother figure around here, always keeping everyone in their place. She can be very sweet, believe it or not.”
“Yeah, I don’t,” you grinned playfully. You heard a soft chuckle from behind you, and it was only then that you recalled that there was a bunny hybrid latched onto the back of your shirt. Swiveling your head around, you cocked a curious brow in his direction.
You don’t know exactly what you were expecting him to look like, but it sure as hell wasn’t a large, muscular boy with a face that bore an incredible resemblance to his animalistic half and two proud, brown ears sprouting from his messy dark locks of hair.
“God damn,” you muttered to yourself. His ears twitched in recognition of your words, head tilting adorably in confusion. “Jungkook the mutant bunny, I presume?”
He nodded, staring into your soul with big black sparkling eyes.
“Not much of a talker, huh?”
He nodded, blinking slowly.
“Ah, Jungkookie don’t be rude. Introduce yourself,” Hoseok spoke up, giving the hybrid a look stare.
The bunny stood up straight all of a sudden, hand shooting out in front of him as a look of determination graced his features. “Name Jeon Kookie, twenty year old, rex bunny. Nice meet.”
You stared at him blankly, pondering if it would be possible to fit him in your pocket and bring him home with you right then and there.
Jesus fuck he was adorable.
When you realized he was still waiting for you to shaking his hand, you quickly snapped yourself out of your daze.
“Pleasure to meet you, Kookie. My name’s Y/n,” you smiled up at him, gently sliding your hand into his. It was warm but rough, knuckles covered in scabs and bruises. “Jeez, how’d you get these, huh?”
“Jungkookie can be a little clumsy at times, can’t you, bud?” Hoseok chuckled with a fond shake of his head.
“Kookie plays rough.” The bunny hummed honestly, tapping the back of his hand.
You snorted, “yeah, I can see that— whaaat are you doing.”
The hybrid had unexpectedly leaned forward as you were speaking, getting incredibly close to your face. Close enough that the tip of his nose nearly brushed against yours. Speaking of his nose– it was twitching in a ridiculously bunny–like manner, lips puckering in concentration as his brows furrowed.
“Smells nice. Kookie like.”
“Jungkook, what have I told you about sniffing strangers.” Hoseok scolded him like mother scolded her child for snagging a piece of candy from a convenience store without paying.
The large bunny turned to Hoseok with a faint pout on his lips. “Might not like.”
“That’s right, so you have to ask first.”
Jungkook stared at you unblinkingly, ears twitching forward, “can Kookie sniff?”
Your eyes flashed over the Hoseok, and he must’ve easily picked up on the uncertainty in your eyes. “Smelling helps him determine if you are a potential friend, and assures him that you aren’t a threat. It’s more of a comfort thing for Jungkook, he feels more at ease around people once he knows their scent,” he explained softly, while the bunny awaited your response.
“Uh— I, um… sure, I suppose?” You managed through your confusion, clearing your throat as your voice cracked.
Despite having given him your permission to sniff you— you still yelped in surprise as he buried his nose in the crook of you neck, inhaling deeply. A deep groan vibrated on your skin, making your entire body go rigid, eyes all but popping out of their sockets. Scratch what you said earlier. This was by far the most intimate encounter you’ve had with a man in the past few months– er, years, but who’s counting?
A loud gasp snapped your mind right out of the gutter, your wide eyes easily spotting where it had come from. Taehyung stood at the end of the hall, absolute horror shining in his eyes at the scene laid out before him.
“No! Shoo, bunny! Mine, she’s my owner,” Taehyung shrieked, waving his arms around while rushing to your side and frantically trying to shoo the rabbit off.
The bunny blinked at the puppy hybrid before a cheeky smile graced his features and he turned to you, possessively wrapping his arms around your neck and tugging you into his large body.
“No! Bad bunny, she already said she’s adopting me, you can’t have her,” Taehyung whined loudly, glaring hard at the larger hybrid.
“Oh my god.” Your words were strained as the bunny squeezed you hard enough to have your ribcage constricting. Any tighter and he’d pop something out of place.
“Y/n! Tell him! You’re taking me home, not him, you said so!” Taehyung insisted, trying to reach you, only to be bumped to the side as Jungkook maneuvered his body to block the other hybrid.
“Kookie’s now.”
A forlorn howl erupted from Taehyung’s throat, his head tossing back as his knees crumpled beneath him.
You desperately looked towards Hoseok for help, having absolutely no clue what to do in the current situation. Your first time in a hybrid shelter and you’ve managed to break an innocent puppy’s heart and nearly get crushed to death by a gigantic rabbit hybrid.
“Jungkook, Taehyung, that’s enough! You are obviously overwhelming her, please show some consideration,” Hoseok voice boomed in the hallway as he scolded the two hybrids, “Jungkook, let go of her immediately. Taehyung, get off the floor.”
The bunny slowly let his arms drop, taking a sheepish step away from you. Taehyung bit his lip in embarrassment as he pushed himself up, shuffling on his feet. You were surprised at how easily they complied to Hoseok’s demand, especially having seen how Jungkook acting around Ms. Navarro. They must really respect him. Or were mildly terrified of him. Either or seemed fathomable.
“Thank you. Now please go to the common area for a little while and allow y/n to make a decision without you two hounding her and making it more stressful than it already is.”
Taehyung let out a weak protesting whine, only to slump in defeat at the pointed look he received from Hoseok. As both disappeared down the hall, you turned to look at Hoseok, distraught and confused. “What in the actual fucking hell just happened?”
He sheepishly scratched the back of his neck, “well… you see… it would seem that Jungkook has also taking a liking to you.”
“So… he wants you to adopt him as well.”
Holy mother of shitness.
Two hybrids? Wanted you to adopt them? You? Why? You’re probably— scratch that, definitely the least qualified person in this entire building to be owning two hybrids. So how the fuck did this happen?
“What do I do?” You asked, desperation seeping into your words.
“Well, you can either choose one…” you had a presentiment of the or that was about to come from his mouth, “or…,” there it is, “you could adopt both.”
“B–both?” You sputtered, damn near choking on air at the suggestion. You owning two hybrids? You owning two hybrids… a puppy and a bunny… they would definitely make the house feel a lot less lonely, that’s for sure. And wasn’t that why you wanted a hybrid in the first place? To rid yourself of the empty, cold feeling of isolation? “Shit, am I crazy for considering it?”
He shrugged, with a quiet chuckle, “only a little. They’re both great hybrids. Both with their… quirks.”
“What’s Jungkook’s deal?” You found yourself curious to learn more about the odd hybrid.
“Jungkook has been here for a two years, just about. His original owners adopted him as a toddler and neglected to teach him basic language skills that young hybrids usually receive from the online courses. He was initially dropped off here because they hadn’t expected him to get so big. It is unusual for a bunny hybrid to reach his height and weight. And he just hasn’t been adopted since. When people are looking for rabbit hybrids, the majority are looking for something small and cute and cuddly. He’s just… not what they’d expect.”
You frowned. “Why are people so shitty.”
“I ask myself that everyday! Working here comes with its perks, but it also makes you realize just how messed up some people are.”
You unfortunately didn’t doubt that for a moment.
Getting one hybrid was a big enough change in and of itself, but two? Could you handle it? Probably not. Would you end up losing your mind before the age of thirty? Most likely. Were you crazy enough to do it anyway?
Yes. Yes you were.
“Alright. I’ve made my decision,” you clapped your hands together loudly, grinning up at Hoseok.
“Already?” He blinked in surprise at how quickly you were able to make up your mind.
“B–both?” He sputtered in disbelief that you’d actually listened to him, expression mirroring the one you had work earlier. Snickering softly, you nodded. “Do you think you’ll be able to handle it? Taking on two hybrids is a big responsibility. Especially hybrids like Jungkook and Taehyung.”
“Are you trying to dissuade me, Jung Hoseok?”
“No! No, not at all! I just don’t want you to take both home, then realize that you’re not able to handle both of them and end up bringing one or both of them back—” Hoseok let out a yelp of surprise as you took an abrupt step towards him, staring him dead in the eyes.
“I would never do that to either of them. I’m mature enough to know what I can and cannot handle. And if I knew I wouldn’t be able to love those boys the way they deserve to be love then I wouldn’t even be considering taking them in. I’m not some ignorant kid looking for a play thing to enjoy them throw away when I get bored. Like you said earlier… I’m looking for a family. And something about those boys tells me that they’re the perfect fit.”
“Ding, Ding, Ding! Right answer.” He grinned, patting you on the shoulder before smoothly stepping around you and trotting down the hall, “now let’s go adopt you some hybrids.”
You scoffed in amused disbelief upon realizing that that entire little conversation was a set up. “Clever, Jung Hoseok. Real clever,” you chuckled, trailing behind him. He guided you back to the front desk, grabbing all of the paperwork that needed to be filled out in order for the hybrids to legally become yours. The entire way, you couldn’t shake the smile so big that it was making your cheeks ache.
This was crazy, absolutely crazy. Adopting two of the cutest hybrids you’d ever seen in your life in one day… you were definitely questioning your own sanity. But Namjoon said that he’d always be there to help when you needed it. It wasn’t like you were going into this alone, which you were more than just grateful for.
You wondered about every possible thing that came to mind as you filled out the paperwork, page by page, reading over every line with scrutinizing eyes. Most of it was just legal stuff, who would be their vet and such. You’d already gone over most of it with Namjoon in the nights prior to actually coming here so it wasn’t difficult to recall.
Somewhere between the lines you heard a commotion. A group of three teenaged boys (couldn’t be more than thirteen years old) had walked into the shelter, laughing loudly and shoving one another. But their rowdiness quieted as they caught both your and Hoseok’s suspecting gazes, smiling innocently and waving. You got a bad vibe from them, but you tried to focus on finishing the paperwork as Hoseok (begrudgingly) asked what he could help them with.
After another ten some minutes, you reached the last page, brows raising as you read over the last line.
Hybrid’s signature of approval, it read. A faint smile touched your lips.
Hoseok, who’d returned from showing the group to where the hybrids were, must’ve seen the look on your face because he tapped the desk, drawing your attention back to him. “Ready?” You jumped out of your seat, nodding rapidly. He smiled happily at your enthusiasm, nodding towards the door, “let’s go get ‘em.”
By the time you reached the familiar door, your body was buzzing with excitement. All the hybrids had to do was write their signature of approval and they’d be yours.
But unfortunately, they weren’t the first people to catch your attention when the door swung open. In fact, it was the same group of boys as earlier, huddled together in a corner, jeering at a cowering hybrid who was weakly begging them to stop.
“Yah! Get away from him immediately.”
Oooh, Hoseok was maaaad.
The kind of mad where every vein in his neck and forehead was bulging and his face was slowly shifting into fifty shades of red. He stormed over to the group, who now seemed frozen in place at being caught in the act, you following close at his heel. He gathered them up by the backs of their shirts, sharply admonishing them.
“How dare you come in here, into their home, and harass them. How dare you think it’s the least bit acceptable to treat anyone with such disrespect. What will your mothers think about this?” He snarled, glaring eyes jumping from one boy to the next, committing their faces to memory.
“Please don’t call my mom!” One cried out as he dragged them away.
As Hoseok guided the boys out of the room, your eyes flickered back towards the boy. He was crouched against the wall, head tucked into his knees, arms hugging himself with whatever strength remained in his small form. Every few seconds, his body would quiver with what you guessed to be silent sobs. The sight was enough to have your heart shattering into a trillion tiny shards.
Before your mind could ration with your body, your feet were carrying you over to where he sat.
Quietly, you fell to your knees in front of him. He didn’t lift his head, but you knew that he was aware of your presence from the way his small black ears twitched forward, angling themselves attentively in your direction.
“Hello,” you uttered softly, as not to scare him. He was obviously already shaken and deeply upset by what had just occurred and you had no intention of worsening that feeling. When he failed to reply, you continued in that same gentle voice, “are you alright?”
The hybrid scoffed into his arms in disbelief.
You smiled weakly, “stupid question?” He only hummed. “I’m sorry… I’m not great at the whole consoling thing. Kids like that are inconsiderate assholes. Whatever they did or said— don’t believe it, they only want a reaction.”
“But it’s true,” The sharpness of his words caught you off guard, muffled but rigid with hurt and anger, “everything they said was true.”
“What’d they say, hun?” You coaxed carefully, tempted to reach out and touch his hand but knowing that may be crossing a line. He shook his head, burying his face further into the fabric of his sleeves. Sighing, you scooted closer to him, “It’s alright, you can tell me.”
His ears fluttered, as he rolled his neck just enough that he could peek up at you from the corner of his eye, squinting in attempt to get a clear view of your face. There was a moment of hesitation before he spoke again.
“They said… that nobody will ever want to adopt me… because I’m just a disgusting smelly animal… and—“ his voice croaked, “and they made fun of my tail.”
Instinctively you tried to glance behind him. But it seemed he’d tucked his tail safely out of sight of prying eyes as the only parts you could make out were soft looking tufts of black.
“Do you mind if I see your tail?”
He went rigid at the request, still feeling the painful aftershocks of insecurity stinging at his heart. He didn’t want to be judged. He didn’t want anyone else to think of him as a disgusting animal, something to be ashamed of. His body language easily portrayed this uncertainty.
But he took the chance nonetheless. Nestling his head down again to prevent himself from seeing your reaction, he rocked forward, his tail smoothly uncurling. The telltale snowy white stripes, split cleanly down the middle by a thick stream of black instantly gave away exactly what species the boy was. Silence followed, and it had him wanting to start balling all over again. But little did he know you weren’t gawking in disgust like so many others had, rather admiring.
“If my opinion counts for anything,” your voice, the soft genuineness of it surprised him, “I think your tail is very pretty. You should be proud of it.”
He didn’t say anything. And you guessed that was the end of your conversation. Saddened, you were about to stand when a small, nearly inaudible mumble came from hybrid.
“What was that?”
He took a deep breath, and lifted his head. You had to suck in a deep breath and hold it to keep yourself from squealing out loud at just how lovely he was. The sweetest brown eyes, wide and glossy and heavily lidded, a pair of the most beautiful lips you’d ever laid eyes on, along with the most squish-able cheeks imaginable; he was utterly breathtaking.
“You really… think it’s pretty?”
A smile touched your lips. “I think it’s beautiful. I think you are beautiful.”
A warm, pink blush illuminated his cheeks. “I’m not beautiful,” he quickly shook his head, but his ears were peeled forward, searching for more praise.
“You’re right, you’re not beautiful,” his face fell, tail dropping, “because beautiful isn’t a strong enough to describe you. You’re gorgeous, stunning, magnificent, ethereal!” He laughed loudly –a bubbly sound that was ridiculously contagious–, pressing his face into the palms of his hands once again. Only this time it wasn’t in shame or humiliation.
“That’s ridiculous…” he giggled.
“It’s the truth!” You insisted, once again tossing your hands around for emphasis. You giggled together, the smile alighting his features one of the prettiest you’d ever seen, and you quickly realized you’d do just about anything to see him smiling like that again.
Ah, shit. Here we go again.
“My name’s Y/n,” you introduced yourself for the fourth time that day, biting back a wide smile as his cheeks tinted pink.
“Jimin…” dear god even his name was pretty.
“Jimin,” you asked softly, “how would you feel about possibly—”
A low whine cut your question short. Taehyung and Jungkook scrambled up to you, the puppy latching onto your arm while the bunny pushed his nose against your cheek, sniffing and nuzzling affectionately.
“I missed you, y/n!” Taehyung whimpered, looking up at you with big shining eyes and a delicate pout. Jungkook hummed in agreement, not bothering to remove his nose from your skin.
“I just saw you,” you giggled, reaching up and gently ruffling his hair. He sighed, pushing into your pets and allowing his eyes to flutter.
“I know, but I still missed you.”
“Choose?” Jungkook impatiently interjected.
“Yes, I did choose.” You nodded, feeling Taehyung tense up at your side, his grip of your tightening tenfold. Jungkook’s ears perked, eyes going wide as he stared at you expectantly. “I chose both of you.”
“B–both of us?” Taehyung reiterated quietly, “you’re taking both of us home with you?”
“Is… is that alright?” 
You suddenly began to feel worried. You’d forgotten to ask them how they would feel living with one another. What if they didn’t want to be one of two hybrids, what if they wanted to be your one and only?
But all concerns were thrown out the window as Taehyung tackled you to the floor with a hug, yipping ecstatically while lathering your face in slobbery licks. You bellowed out laughs as the needy bunny hybrid quickly squirmed his way into the embrace, making soft grinding sounds with his teeth. “Kookie come, too?”
“Kookie come, too,” you confirmed, unable to control the grin that conquered your lips.
The bunny made a noise that prominently resembled that of a cat’s purr, eyes wrinkling at the corners as he smiled contently. You had almost lost yourself in the comfort and warmth the two large bodies of the hybrids were providing you with when you remembered the third sitting not a few feet away. You immediately sat back up, gently nudging the puppy and bunny away from you.
Jimin remained in the same spot, only now he looked deeply disheartened, tail and ears drooping, eyes downcast, lips twisted into a soft frown.
There was absolutely no way in hell that you could leave him here.
What was one more hybrid, huh? How much damage could the adorable little guy really do?
And at this point— fuck it.
“Jimin, would you like to come home with me— with us?”
He seemed taken off guard by the question, blinking rapidly before his face when hard. “I don’t need your pity.” He spat, quickly facing away from you. But you’d already seen the glimmer of hope in his eyes.
“It’s not pity. I want you to be part of my family, Jimin.”
“It’ll be fun, Jiminie!” Taehyung suddenly exclaimed, scrambling over to the skunk hybrid with wide eyes and a wagging tail, “we can play all the time! And– and cuddle! And y/n is real nice; really really nice! We’ll have a home Jiminie! Like we’ve always wanted.”
You guessed the two must be friends from the affection way the hyper puppy nuzzled against the smaller boy affectionately and he didn’t flinch away. “Home…” Jimin murmured softly, with a hint of a smile, “that doesn’t sound so bad, I guess.”
At that very moment, Hoseok came bounding back into the room, immediately making a beeline to where you sat with the hybrids, “Jimin, are you alright? I can’t believe the audacity of kids now a days! Don’t worry, I made sure that they’ll never step foot in this facility again— did I… miss something?”
“I was just asking Jimin if he would like to come home with Jungkook, Taehyung, and I,” you explained with a brief side glance in the skunk hybrid’s direction. He was gnawing at his thick bottom lip, and you could practically see the gears turning in his head. Hoseok looked at you with wide eyes, as if silently asking ‘anotha one?’ to which you smartly replied with, “go big or go home!”
“In that case, it’s up to Jiminie,” he squatted down beside Jungkook, ruffling the bunny’s hair and smiling softly, “would you like to be adopted by her?”
“Could you–” he cleared his throat as a humming red filtered into his cheeks, “come a little closer? I can’t see very well… and I–I’d like to see your face.”
You cooed softly, heart fluttering at his bashful confession before complying, leaning closer to him. He mirrored you, straining his neck and rapidly blinking his chocolate eyes. Your faces were inches away when suddenly his eyes popped open wide, his entire face becoming a throbbing crimson and he quickly ducked back into himself, curling his tail around his legs.
Shit, were you that hideous that you scared him back into the fetal position?
“A–are you good?” You coughed uncertainly. He nodded rapidly, still hiding his face.
“She’s real pretty right? Like an angel!” Taehyung gleefully squealed, nudging the flustered skunk. Your mouth open and shut quickly, on the verge of objecting when Jimin squeaked weakly, murmuring a shy agreement.
“V–very pretty…”
Queue your blushing cheeks and inability to take a compliment. “Okay, enough of that!” You shot a lighthearted glare in a grinning Taehyung’s direction.
“Jimin come?” Jungkook spoke up, blinking at you with an adorable tilt of his head. Your gaze shifted back to Jimin hopefully. He paused, glancing between the four of you before slowly nodding his head.
“I… I want you to adopt me.”
Taehyung let out a squeal of excitement, launching himself at Jimin as you smiled widely. Jungkook once again weaseled himself into the embrace, large body effectively shielding Jimin’s tiny form from view.
You felt a gentle hand come down on your shoulder, looking over to see an amused Hoseok holding out a slip of paper. It had his number on it and a funny looking winking face. “Good luck with that bunch. Text me if you ever need any help, one hybrid can be handful enough, but three?” He whistled, and you swatted him away with a playful glare. Giggling, he backed off, sending one last fond glance at the cuddling hybrids. “You’ve got this. I believe in you.”
Yeah... you were in for a wild ride.
@kimsamueldeservesbetter @xxqueenwxtchxx
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agent-kihyun · 5 years
Plus One [chw]
Pairing: Hyungwon x Fem!reader
Words: 4.5K
Warnings: SOFTNESS, ROMANCE, LOVE, CHEESY LOVE lmao fr tho it's just soft
A/N: so after a long hiatus i am finally back and better than ever. Here is my first Monsta X fic and it’s for Hyungwon! I don’t see enough love for him on this site and I decided to write something for him in hopes that other Hyungwon stans find something new. Hope you enjoy <3
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Weddings. Probably one of your favorite events to attend. To say that you loved love was an understatement. Unfortunately, you didn’t get many opportunities to go to weddings seeing as most of your friends were also still in college and broke like you were.
So when you received an ornately decorated ivory and gold envelope in your mail today, you were excited, to say the least. You practically shredded the thing open just to make sure you weren’t dreaming.
You furiously pulled the card out and there, in beautiful gold script, sat the words “save the date!” You read the words several times over before realizing that, hey, your cousin was getting married! You squealed in excitement, jumping up on the couch before plopping down to sit.
“About damn time,” you muttered before picking up your phone. You immediately dialed your cousin’s number to congratulate him.
The minute you hung up, your best friend walked through the door, not prepared to deal with your giddy attitude.
Hyungwon didn’t hate social settings. He just preferred to stay at home where he had access to his favorite foods, shows and movies, and his bed. Often times you would drag him out to small outings with your mutual friends, but he never disliked it, because he was with you. And as long as you were by his side, he liked going out a little more than usual.
When he spotted you on the couch, giggly and smiley, he was baffled.
“What’s got you all excited? Did you pass your test?” He asked with a small smile as he pocketed his key to your apartment (which you gave him).
“I did! But that’s not why I'm happy!” You exclaimed.
“So? What’s the reason?” He pushed.
“I got invited to my cousin’s wedding!” You yelled with glee. You shoved the invitation into Hyungwon’s face as you danced around the living room singing Bruno Mars’ “Marry You”.
“Hey hey! Pipe down, you’re gonna piss your neighbors off and then you’re gonna have to live with me,” Hyungwon chuckled before looking back at the invitation.
“I’m finally gonna be able to go to a wedding! I’m so excited!” You sighed dreamily.
“Well I’m happy you’re happy,” Hyungwon said as he handed you your invitation and sat on your couch beside you. “Do you mind if I take a nap? I’m exhausted.”
“You always come here to take naps,” you laugh.
“Because your couch is comfy, and you’re a real nice human pillow,” Hyungwon gave you a crooked grin.
“Fine whatever. Take your nap.” You said playfully and continued to re-read your invitation until you came across words you hadn’t noticed before.
“You are allowed to bring a plus one. Check in either box below to confirm you will bring someone along.”
“A plus one?” You said, puzzled. You were sure your cousin knew you weren’t dating, so why would he give you a plus one?
“Hm,” you hummed before glancing over at a knocked out Hyungwon, his baseball cap slightly covering his face so you wouldn’t catch a glimpse of his sleeping face.
You’d have to ask him once he woke up. Disturbing his sleep could only result in your demise.
6 months later
You glanced in the mirror at your reflection, somewhat satisfied by your appearance. Something was missing but you didn’t quite know what. You searched your room for the finishing touch, all while trying to figure out what it was that you were looking for.
Hyungwon had knocked on your door for the third time in the past 5 minutes, glancing at his watch to check on the time. Eventually, he grew tired of waiting for you to answer his door and used his key to come in.
“Y/N!” He called when he came into your apartment. No answer.
You could hear Hyungwon’s voice from your living room, just as you finished putting the necklace your mother gave you for your 18th birthday. You grabbed your phone and clutch before opening and closing your bedroom door and walking out to meet Hyungwon in the living room.
Time seemed to come to a near stop as the two of you laid eyes on each other. Hyungwon was speechless, to say the least. There was always that voice at the back of his head that told him you were gorgeous, but to avoid falling for you he pushed it away, instead, deeming you incredibly average. However now he couldn’t push it away. Now the fact was sitting right in front of him.
You had seen Hyungwon in a suit several times before this moment. Whether it be high school graduation or interviews or important events, you’d seen him in a suit. But this was different. Maybe it was because his hair was a tad bit longer, a sort of pseudo-mullet, and it was clear he styled it a bit. Or maybe it was because his suit was more form-fitting and clung to him so that you could see the outlines of his arms, legs, and torso. Or maybe it was just how flawless and put together your usually sleepy and sarcastic best friend looked. You couldn’t quite pin it down.
You were the first to say something.
“Hyungwon,” You exhaled his name.
“Y/N...you look...phenomenal,” his lips quirked up in a small smile.
You returned the smile and walked over to him, tossing your phone and clutch on your couch. You dusted off Hyungwon’s jacket and straightened his tie a bit.
“You clean up pretty well yourself, Chae Hyungwon,” you grinned, avoiding looking into his pretty brown eyes. You knew you’d be done for if you did so.
“Thanks. Are you ready?” He asked. You nodded in response and finally looked up at him.
Oh shit. This was going to be a long day.
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The wedding ceremony was outdoors, which was a great idea since it was such a beautiful day. It was set near a lake, in a slightly wooded area but still open enough that you could catch a glimpse of the beautiful blue sky. It wasn’t too hot, nor too cold, quite literally the perfect day for a wedding.
Upon your arrival, some of your cousin’s friends were asking to see invitations. You showed them your invitation and led Hyungwon into the seating area to take your seats.
“Wow, they really went all out,” Hyungwon leaned down and said quietly into your ear.
“Trust me I'm equally as surprised about how incredible this is,” you said back and took your seat, Hyungwon sliding in to sit next to you. He looked around at the area, noticing how incredibly beautiful everything was and mentally noted that he would have to come back to this location on his own time. Maybe with you again.
As his eyes wandered the area, he began to notice people staring at him (mostly women), which he found odd. He nudged you twice and you looked up from your phone at him in confusion.
“What? Is something wrong?” You asked him.
“All these people are staring at me,” he whispered to you. You looked around at all the women who were staring at Hyungwon, now looking away upon realizing that you were looking at them. You chuckled when you figured out what was going on.
“I think they just think you’re hot,” you smiled at him before looking back at your phone. Hyungwon raised his eyebrows in surprise.
“You think I’m hot?” He asked with a small smirk.
“I didn’t say that. I just said that they think you’re hot. I didn’t say I did,” you scoffed amusedly at him. Hyungwon jokingly pouted, but truth be told that he did feel more confident now knowing that all these random people thought he was handsome.
“You think I should try my luck?” He joked. You stopped whatever you were doing on your phone to make full eye contact with him.
“I didn’t realize you were into older women and...teenagers, Hyungwon,” you double-checked who exactly was looking at Hyungwon before raising your eyebrow at him.
“Hey hey! I was kidding!” Hyungwon laughed. You rolled your eyes and gave him a playful scowl. The two of you continued your usual witty banter and sarcastic jokes until more people started taking their seats and the ceremony began.
“Oh shhh, the ceremony is starting,” you repeatedly excitedly hit Hyungwon. You didn’t notice the fond smile he sent your way as you watched the aisle for the bridesmaids. A soft song [not the bridal march] began to play and one by one the bridesmaids began to walk down the aisle.
You watched in wonder as the beautiful friends of your cousin’s fiancée walked toward the altar gracefully, like swans. Hyungwon watched as well, but in the back of his mind, a voice was shouting at him that you were far more stunning any of the women in the area.
And then suddenly a feeling of absolute, unadulterated bliss filled the air as the sun shone perfectly right as the bride and her father started to walk down the aisle. Your eyes lit up in wonder as you watched her glide past you, and you hoped one day that could be you.
Hyungwon missed the moment entirely, for his vision was entirely focused on you, that same fond smile aimed at you. The way your eyes captured the sunlight perfectly, your wide grin, the happiness he felt radiating off of you, it all warmed his heart. Looking at you at that very moment, he realized how he truly felt about you for all those years. Because one thing was for sure: if the bride was supposed to be the most beautiful one in the room, but he found you more beautiful, it was clear how he really felt about you.
The ceremony went smoothly, but the minute vows were being read, sniffles could be heard all over the area. You didn’t cry but found yourself reflecting and thinking about what your cousin and his wife-to-be had said to each other. You were in such deep thought, you hadn’t realized that Hyungwon brushed his hand against yours to see if you would hold his hand. That was what brought you back down to earth. You looked up at him and looked down at your hands next to one another before giving him a small smile and interlocking your fingers with his. You both looked back at the ceremony just as the priest said the important words
“You may now kiss the bride.”
Cheers and applause erupted from everyone, and both you and hyungwon let go for a split second to clap but went back to holding hands moments after. Your cousin and his wife broke away and excitedly ran down the aisle, away from the altar and to their car. Many people followed them, but you hung back with Hyungwon.
“That was so...I don’t know how to explain it,” you looked up at him, the same smile you’ve been holding the whole ceremony still on your face. “My face hurts from smiling so much.”
Hyungwon laughed and he had an idea to help you stop smiling, but was unsure of himself so he decided against it. Instead, with one hand, he squished your cheeks so your lips were puckered.
“Does that help?” He asked, an eyebrow raised.
Your heart nearly stopped beating at the scene in front of you. It felt like you were in a movie, with the lighting, how close Hyungwon was to you, just everything about what was going on. You nodded slowly in response and Hyungwon let go of your face.
“We better get going to the reception,” you looked down and started walking towards where Hyungwon’s car was parked. Hyungwon watched as you walked to his car and sighed, frustrated that he let another moment slip between his fingers. Literally.
He followed you to his car and soon the two of you were on your way to the reception, the car-ride silent the whole time. It wasn’t a bad thing, necessarily. Both of you were lost in your thoughts, contemplating the events of the day and most definitely contemplating each other. Not to mention, there was surprisingly nothing you had to say to one another.
When you finally got to the reception venue, Hyungwon, in a gentlemanly manner, held open your car door as you got out and closed it for you. Then you both walked inside the lavish hotel and found your way to the ballroom.
Before you stepped inside, Hyungwon impulsively grabbed your hand to hold once more. You were surprised but didn’t let it show and simply didn’t retract your hand. The two looked at each other, anxiety evident in both pairs of eyes. You took a deep breath and opened the doors to...well...an actual ballroom. High ceilings with chandeliers complete with grand staircases and a marble floor took your breath away. You made a mental note to ask your cousin how much this cost.
As you walked into the ballroom and down the stairs, several pairs of eyes fixated on the two of you while you searched for your table on the main floor. You were almost positive that they were staring at Hyungwon more so than yourself, but alas, you were wrong, for they were staring at the two of you together.
Eventually, you found your table and sat down together, the attention finally off of you.
“I’m hungry,” Hyungwon noted.
“Me too. I can’t wait to eat,” you rubbed your hands together excitedly. Hyungwon laughed, knowing that you liked to eat almost as much--if not--exactly as much as he did.
“I hope your cousin has good taste in food,” Hyungwon glanced around in search of the man himself.
“Speak of the devil,” you gestured to the opening doors where your cousin and his new wife came through, holding hands. Everyone began to cheer and whistle for them as they descended the stairs while you and hyungwon stood and applauded.
The bride and groom took their seats and the wedding party was introduced and a brief speech was given by your cousin. Then, the bride and groom had their first dance, and after that, the bride and her father. It was a beautiful moment, truthfully you were happy for your cousin, but you had zoned out and missed everything because you were thinking about Hyungwon while staring in the direction of the dance floor. Fortunately, he was paying attention to the dancing and had no idea that you looked like a zombie just staring at the floor. When the dancing ended, Hyungwon nudged you, snapping you out of it.
“You okay?” he asked.
“Oh yeah, I just got lost in my thoughts is all,” you waved it off.
“Okay, well...dinner is gonna be served now right?” Hyungwon asked.
You laughed and nodded, “I think so. Why? Are you hungry?”
“Starving,” Hyungwon patted his stomach, “I wonder what they’re serving.”
“I don’t know, but I have a feeling it’ll be something with chicken,” you guessed, knowing that your cousin really liked chicken dishes.
“If Kihyun were here, he’d be excited for that,” Hyungwon chuckled, a sound that you could listen to forever.
“Yeah, he does love chicken,” you agreed with a nervous laugh, to which Hyungwon became confused at, but shook it off. Eventually, the food came out and you and Hyungwon dug in, occasionally conversing while waiting for the next course to be served. When the two of you finished your meals, Hyungwon sat back, hands on his stomach as he threw his head back and groaned. You nearly had a heart attack on the spot but you contained yourself.
“Damn that was delicious. Next time I see Kihyun, I’ll tell him that this meal is better than anything he’s made. Wanna get a rise out of him,” Hyungwon laughed before clearing his throat and turning to you, “so when is dessert?”
You stared at Hyungwon anxiously, then looked down at the table cloth as if it was going to give you the answer.
“Uh, hello? Earth to Y/N?” Hyungwon waved at you, causing you to look back up at him.
“Hm? What’s up?” you feigned having not heard him.
“I asked you when dessert was and you completely ignored me, are you okay?” he asked.
“Yeah, I’m okay, sorry I was...daydreaming and I didn’t hear you,” you lied.
“Well get out of your head, when is dessert? When will we get to eat that massive cake over in the corner of the ballroom?” Hyungwon nudged you.
“Uh...I think it’s after the toasts...we might be waiting a while to be honest,” you told him.
“Damn,” Hyungwon cursed, so you decided to finally break out your secret stash of cookies you put in your purse before you left for the wedding. You hoped they weren’t smushed, that would’ve defeated the whole purpose.
“Do not fear, cookie bag is here!” you cheered as you pulled out a sandwich bag filled with variations of cookies: chocolate chip, Oreos, sugar and peanut butter.
“Holy shit, you came prepared,” Hyungwon grinned.
“I had a feeling this would happen, so I packed this bag just in case,” you said while handing over the bag, “when I went to a wedding as a kid, my mom did this for me and I figured it would be a good idea.”
Hyungwon plucked out two Oreos and a chocolate chip cookie, munching happily on his treats.
“Y/N, I love you,” he said before eating another cookie. Your heart did flips, but all you did was offer him a nervous smile.
“Love you too,” you mumbled. Hyungwon gave you the bag back just in time for the toasts. Those flew by quickly and soon it was time to dance. Most everyone got up, but you stayed seated with Hyungwon. You knew he wanted to dance, he was a dancer after all (in addition to being a model, yes), but you didn’t consider yourself the dancing type (even though you could dance okay).
Hyungwon glanced at you, finding you wringing your hands anxiously. He placed a hand over yours and gave you a soft smile.
“We don’t have to dance if you don’t want to,” he told you.
“No! No, we have to, I just…don't really like this song,” you lied.
“You don’t like...Uptown Funk by Bruno Mars? Shownu would be so disappointed,” hyungwon smirked.
“Shut up,” you laughed, “okay I’ll dance, but I’m warning you it’s not gonna look pretty.”
“I don’t care,” Hyungwon said as he stood up, offering you his hand. You gave him a small smile and took his hand. He practically yanked you out of your chair and dragged you to the dance floor, then began to dance. You awkwardly began to side-step to the beat, playing it safe, but a grooving Hyungwon wasn’t having it and grabbed your hands to help you get out of your comfort zone. You gave him a mildly terrified look, but he returned it with a calm smile and encouraged you to keep dancing, even if you didn’t think it was good. At some point--after a few drinks I might add--you finally let loose and were dancing with Hyungwon without a care in the world. As he watched you move, he couldn’t help but smile, thinking your dancing was the cutest thing. You were half dancing, half just wiggling around, but he gave you an A for effort.
After a couple of more upbeat songs, including but not limited to Footloose, Happy, September, and Moves Like Jagger (which Hyungwon completely ate up), the two of you decided to take a break. Hyungwon escaped to the bathroom and you got some water.
“Well, well, well, if it isn’t my little cousin, Y/N,” you heard your cousin’s voice behind you. You whipped around and beamed at the man of the hour.
“C/N! Oh my god, congratulations!” you enveloped him in a hug. He hugged you back and the two of you began to chat as you walked back to your table.
“So...I see you did bring a plus one,” your cousin changed the subject.
“Yeah, I did,” you said fondly.
“Is he your boyfriend?”
“What? No, no! C/N, it’s Hyungwon! You know, my best friend since high school you’ve met him a few times,” you reminded your family member.
“Oh, that scrawny kid?” C/N replied.
“He’s not scrawny,” you defended your best friend.
“Okay okay,” your cousin backed off, “so you two are just friends.”
“Yeah...we are,” you confirmed, but your cousin was able to pick up the slight disappointment in your voice.
“Do you like him?” he asked.
“What? Oh my god, no!” you exclaimed before taking a large gulp of water.
“Y/N…,” your cousin said your name as if he knew the truth. You turned to him with a nervous expression, once again wringing your fingers out of habit. Your cousin shook his head and gave you a small smile.
“You really didn’t think I wouldn’t notice? I know what love looks like, I literally just got married. I can see how you look at him, you dork. Why don’t you tell him?” your cousin slightly teased you.
“C/N, it’s just...complicated. Hyungwon has been in my life for years, we’ve established a solid friendship and it works! If I tell him how I feel, that could go away like this,” you snapped your fingers, “and then I’d lose him.”
“Do you know why Hyungwon said yes to being your plus one?” your cousin suddenly asked. You blinked at him a few times, trying to come up with an answer.
“Because I’m his best friend and he can’t say no to me?” you tried. You truly didn’t know, though. You reminded yourself that Hyungwon wasn’t a big socialite, so why would he say yes to a wedding with people he didn’t know?
“Y/N, when someone invites you to a wedding, it usually means they like you and want to spend time with you. A wedding is romantic and intimate. You knew that when you invited him,” your cousin told you, to which you slightly rolled your eyes. He was right, you knew that.
“If he accepted, maybe it’s because he wanted to spend time with you as well, in a romantic setting,” your cousin suggested. You sighed, not really believing your cousin.
“C/N, don’t give me false hope. I don’t think he likes me like that,” you crossed your arms.
“Okay fine, don’t believe me, but here’s something you should know. If you don’t tell him soon, he could slip through your fingers and find someone else. Take it from someone who almost lost my own wife like that. You don’t know what could happen, but it could be good,” your cousin gave you a hopeful smile. You tried not to smile, but couldn’t help yourself, for even the thought of Hyungwon easily brought a smile to your lips.
“I’ll consider it,” you told your cousin, to which he pumped his fist and said  “Yessss”. Suddenly, a slower, more romantic song began to play and your cousin stood up.
“Now if you excuse me, I need to go find my wife for this song. Good luck, Y/N,” your cousin waved as he left you. You looked down for a split second, but as soon as you looked up, Hyungwon, in all of his glory, was standing in front of you, hand held out for you to take. His facial expression was one of adoration, which made your heart beat faster. You took his hand and he led you to the dance floor, where various couples were swaying to the song. The melodies played your heartstrings like a harp, they carried your soul to cloud nine.
Hyungwon placed one hand on your back and the other held your other hand. You put your hand on his shoulder and the two of you joined the other couples in dancing.
You found it difficult to maintain eye contact with Hyungwon, so you kept looking off to the side or down. Hyungwon wanted you to look at him but he figured you were nervous and let you glance around. He really got to study you in this time, taking in your appearance, illuminated by the light of the chandelier and candles in the ballroom. His heart was doing flips by the second, just being so close to you. He wanted to say something, but his words were caught in his throat.
At some point, you put your head against his shoulder, a small smile on your lips. All of the nervous energy that you and Hyungwon carried dissipated as the music relaxed you. The song went right into another slow song, and you changed positions, wrapping your arms loosely around Hyungwon’s neck. He put both his hands on your waist and this time, you managed to make eye contact for a bit longer.
Once more, you put your head against his shoulder, your hands coming down to rest on his chest. Hyungwon, feeling rather sentimental, decided to take action.
He leaned down a bit and very delicately whispered three words that made your heart implode:
“I love you.”
You looked up at him in surprise, but you weren’t sure if that was supposed to be a friendly “I love you” like he said when you took out your cookies or if it meant more.
“You mean...like a best friend type of ‘I love you’?” you whispered.
“I mean this type of ‘I love you’,” he said and before you knew what was happening, Hyungwon leaned down and captured your lips in a soft kiss. It was magical, so much so that it was hard not to smile into the kiss. You wrapped your arms around his neck to bring him closer, while he wrapped his own arms around your figure, the two of you completely halting your dancing. A few other people were surprised, but kept swaying, while your cousin, who spotted the gesture from across the dance floor, smiled in approval.
When you and Hyungwon broke away, you pressed your forehead against his, trying to catch your breath. You laughed softly, happy that your feelings were returned.
“I love you too,” you whispered back. Hyungwon smiled widely before going in for another kiss, not being able to get enough of you. He had waited long enough, he wanted the feeling and taste of your lips against his ingrained in his brain forever.
The song changed to Maroon 5’s Sugar, causing you and Hyungwon to break apart to dance with one another again. You made a mental note to thank your cousin for his advice.
Needless to say, you were glad Hyungwon accepted your invitation to your cousin’s wedding.
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nobody7102 · 5 years
We Are Here
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Paring: Eddie Kaspbrak x reader
Warnings: Slight abuse(physical and sexual), swearing, attempted suicide, fluff, bad spelling.
Word count: 2284 words
Request by @artlovingbre​
Prompt: I was wondering if you can do an Eddie Kaspbark x reader when they are at the hotel and Eddie was cleaning up after the leaper part at the pharmacy and the reader is in her room looking for something and Henry is in her room instead of Eddie’s and he tried to force himself on her and Richie, Eddie, Ben, and Benverly saves her. And Eddie comforts her in the end.
A/N: Sorry it took me so long to post this, I’ve been a little busy with school but I’m proud that I finally have this done. I altered it a little bit from the request, I hope you enjoy!
     The water of the shower could be heard through the thin walls of the hotel, and the smell of vomit wafted in the air though there was no vomit in Y/N’s room, there was however vomit in Eddie’s room next door. 
     Y/N had been lucky in getting her token, yes her quest for it was horrifying due to nearly getting trapped by your own mind. 
     That damn flower, your token had been in the form of a bundle of bloodroot. Given to you by your personal living hell Henry Bowers, after the losers club disbanded in 1989 Bowers had for some reason taken an interest in you, and thus for the last few weeks of summer you were his personal indentured servant. Doing whatever he wanted you to do, but the line in the sand held up when it came to anything illegal and sexual. He never got more than a makeout.
     In Derry the flower was only found near the river, so that’s where you went. From the other Loser’s standpoint they would have thought that Bowers was the challenge Pennywize made that you had to get past in order to get your token. But it was yourself.
     You watched yourself emerge from the river, and almost was pulled into the river itself. When she had gotten back from the river Eddie had met her outside of the hotel doors taking in each other's shaken state, and upon entering Beverly, Ben, Bill, and Mike could be found in the lounge all faces covered with terror as Richie stormed up to his room. No one bothered to ask why you smelled like a wet dog or why Eddie was covered in vomit simply because they knew getting a token was like going through hell.
      What the others didn’t know was that Eddie was the only one who knew about what happened between Y/N and Bowers that summer and he made sure to let you get away from everyone else first knowing you’d be shaken up the worst of the two. Eddie was her rock, and the only girl in Derry that Mrs. Kaspbrak trusted to be alone with her little Eddie-kins. When Y/N wasn’t with Bowers when the losers temporarily disbanded, she was with Eddie calming him over his health worries, him helping her deal with Henry, the two just worked together. And everyone of the losers knew it..
     So here there Y/N sat, water dripping from Y/H/C hair as she tried to calm her racing thoughts. 
     Walking along the bank Y/N watched were the sand met the grass and a tree, that was were she’d find her token. 
     “You know you’ll just end up going back to him” The voice sounded familiar but she couldn’t pinpoint who it was. Nonetheless she continued to walk. 
      “You’ve been his and always will be. Did you really think you could get rid of him by leaving” Looking to the water there stood Y/N, but not Y/N….. another Y/N. Dripping water, lips blue and skin sunk in and her hand outstretched to the Y/N standing on the sandbank.
     Moving to sit father back on the bed Y/N retreated under the blankets, burrowing into them. Closing her eyes and thinking of being back at her apartment ...being wrapped up in a blanket on the couch with Eddie reading a book or just talking. 
     You two were a bit more lucky than the rest of the losers. After you all went off to college and forgot your horrid childhood in Derry, you and Eddie had the luck of meeting at a college party. Since then you and he had been inseparable. He helped you through your time looking for a job and an apartment. You helped him through his divorce with Myra, and long story short you two had already kind of reconnected, became roommates, and needless to say when you and Eddie both got the call from Mike about coming back to Derry, both of you were absolutely terrified. 
     Feeling a shift in weight on the bed, with her eyes still closes Y/N rolled into her side feeling a hand rest on her face. 
     “Eddie?....could you maybe dry off from your shower then do that.”
     “That freak wishes he was me”
     The hand went to your throat and your eyes shot open. Ladies and Gentlemen the one and only Henry Fucking Bowers. 
     “Miss me baby?” A shit eating grin came upon him. 
     Running of the water filled the air as the Y/N from the watery grave stood at the edge of the bank holding a hand out to Y/N. 
     “You know he won’t go away. He will never go away.”
     “...N-no..” she forced herself to speak, “he is locked away, he is in the mental facility….he….he is gone.” 
     “We both know that’s a lie Y/N” water dripped down her face “...and we both know how this’ll end… He will never be gone…..you know what we have to do, do what Mom did. What Stan did… you know its what we have to do.” the watery Y/N backed away submerging herself into the water once again before her head disappeared below the water.
     Y/N slowly made her way over to the water and began to walk in, she knew she shouldn’t but… the memories that came flooding back…. Memories that not even Eddie or derry knew of.
      In his other hand he held a knife gliding it along her cheek “Because I missed you” he dragged it closer to her mouth “I want you to know that I forgive you for that summer baby…..and if you scream” he leaned down to her ear “I’ll do what I should have done 27 years ago.” licking the shell of her ear Bowers slowly moved himself to stand and moved the knife to her abdomen. 
      Looking to the night stand he noticed the flowers
     “I want you to strip baby.... Just like the old days”
     “I didn’t give you jack shit in the old days.” Y/N spat sitting up.
     “Thats what you think baby. But if I rem-” a knock came to the door, “You keep your fucken mouth suck you whore.” digging the knife further into her abdomen but not enough to draw blood. Another knock came. 
     “Y/N, we were all gonna order a pizza.” 
     It was Bev, regardless of what he heard Bowers kept all his attention on Y/N. mumble came from the hall as the conversation about food for the night continued.
     “What did she say?” Ben, he was wise enough to know that Y/N would say something if they interrupted her sleep… he remembered that right?
     “I don’t know, she hasn’t said anything” 
     “She’s probably asleep.”
     No! Come on Ben she yelled at you for waking her up one time after she gave you a warning.
     “Fuckers why haven’t we ordered pizza, is Eddie being picky about having to share?”
     Richie, finally someone who would barge into her room. 
      “Eddie Spaghetti! We are having pizza get over it!” he banded on Eddie’s door, 
     “Fuck-face I have no issue with pizza, they’re waiting for Y/N”
     “Oh...has she given you a warning?”
     Bowers glared daggers at Y/N mouthing “what warning?”
     “This!” she quickly backed away from the knife, grabbing the lamp off of the nightstand on the other side of the bed. Throwing it at him.
     By now everyone outside had heard the lamp being thrown, and shouts of concern filled the air as they rammed the door. 
     “You little whore!” Henry shouted nearly avoiding the lamp. Charging over to the other side of the bed Y/N scrambled trying to get to the bathroom. Catching her arm, Bowers yanked her backwards as the door finally was forced open. 
     Holding the knife back to her abdomen he turned her towards the losers. 
      “Move and the bitch dies.” 
     Bev, Ben and Richie all slowly put their hands up but Eddie tried to make his way over to Y/N and Bowers. 
     “Take one more step and see what happens! I dare you!”
     Water up to her shoulders, tears streaming down her face thoughts flowed through her head and the thought of Eddie… she hadn’t told him how she felt… that she loved him, that she had loved him since childhood, that she fell in love with him again after they had met in college, that coming back to Derry had made all those feelings stronger. Forcing her feet to move back towards land Y/N Felt hands on her shoulders as a force shoved her head below the water. 
     Arms flailing about as the water became a muck with bubbles and dirt she tried forcing herself upwards but the force held her in the same spot. Suddenly everything started to go dark her flailing became weaker and her eyes slowly started to shut. 
     “Eddie plea-”
     “Not another word out of you!” The knife went back into her side, this time drawing a little blood. “Look at all of you, weak. Pathetic.” 
     “Have you seen yourself? You still have that same fucken mullet, it been like fifty yea-”
 “SHUT UP! Shut up germ freak, or your little whore here dies.” 
     If looks could kill Eddie would have just committed over-kill. Fist forming, eyes wide, yet his feet didn’t move knowing the risk of that could happen.
     “Here’s what we’re gonna do fucktards, All of you are gonna go into the next room, and I’m gonna take what’s mine and go back to the barnes. If any of you try anything I will gut her right here righ no-” CLANK! 
     Henry’s grip on Y/N loosened she bolted over to Eddie collapsing into his arms tears streaming down her face..
      Henry had fallen to the ground unconscious as Bill stood over him, the back lid of the toilet in his hands. 
     “Woah Big Bill! How the fuck did you get into the bathroom?!” Richie slowly staggered over to Bowers and Bill, taking the knife out of Bower’s hand. 
     “T-turns out c-limbing in a win-w-window isn’t that h-h-hard.” he dropped the porcelain lid.
     Feeling the weight leave her shoulders she felt someone pull her up from the water. Hearing a voice she thought been dead.
     “Come on Y/N, You know Eddie’s gonna kick your ass. It’s not your time! You’re not meant to be here yet!”
     Groaning feeling the rocks of the sandbank the voice continued. 
     “That’s it Y/N, wake up! You still have to get the flower. Come on I believe in you! Besides you need to tell Eddie, we both know you need to tell him.”
     “Stan?..” Slowly opening her eyes she glanced around before sitting up.
     She was alone. Yet she knew Stan had been there… she felt his presence, had…..had he saved her?
     Seated on the couch in front of the fireplace of the hotel Y/N and Eddie sat next to one and other, Eddie had wrapped a blanket around Y/N he continued a conversation will her trying to take her mind off of what had just happened. This wasn’t the first time Eddie’s had to distract Y/N from having a panic attack, but this was the first time it was after a life or death situation so the steaks were a little higher. 
     “So you think Stan saved you?”
     “I swear to god it was his voice Eddie…..and he…… he pulled me from the water” Y/N had pulled the blanket tighter around herself. “.... he told me it wasn’t my time, and that I-....” she stopped herself taking a breath debating whether she truly wanted to open this door.
     “Hey. You know you don’t have to talk about it if you don’t want to… we’ve known and lived together long enough for you to know that I’m not gonna push you to say anything.” he took her hand in his. 
     “I know…. But if I don't say this now I don’t think I’ll ever do it… and god I need to say this.” Y/N let out a sigh moving to more face Eddie, squeezing his hand a bit.
     “Eddie… we both know that the relationship that we had as kids was a bit…..”
     “Different” he chimed in chuckling
     She smiled “Yes. Different…. I don’t know if its because we just spent too much time together as kids or because you were there for me when Bowers was my living hell…” she paused taking a breath. “Eddie…. I-......I loved you, I have science middle school and i don’t know how I forgot but after we found each other again in college…. Everything, all of my feelings for you were amplified. And coming back here” she looked at their intertwined hands “It was like opening the floodgates. And Stan was right… I needed to tell you this..” 
     “Oh thank god” Eddie let out a sign squeezing Y/N’s hand back “....Stan would always tell me in high school ‘come on man just tell Y/N how you feel’.... And I never thought anything would happen from it…. Looks like I was wrong… and like you said coming back just heightened everything…...then when I saw Bowers I-...I was terrified, but we’re here and he is gone, far far gone, and I swear to you Y/N I won’t ever let that happen… but we are here and…..and that’s enough right now because I love you and that’s all that matters.”
     Y/N looked up form their hands seeing the smiling Kaspbrak. Moving closer to him she rested her head on Eddie’s shoulder as he wrapped his arms around her waist. A soft humm came from the two as he kissed her forehead, not long after that the two passed out on the couch in front of the fire. And they were there. Together in their own little bubble for the time being.
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bangtanlalaland · 5 years
in case we die | kth (m.)
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synopsis ↳how could you fall for the living when you’re dead? when all you wanted was to haunt the man that murdered you?
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— 1980′s!au
→pairing: serial killer!kim taehyung x spirit!female reader     ↳featuring: bf!kim seokjin
→genre: smut, angst, low key crack
→word count: 10.3k
→contents ⨯ warnings: 10 year age gap (idk if that’s important lolol), spectrophilia (sexual attraction to ghosts), hybristophilia, lots & lots of angst, tiniest bit of fluff, murder (obvi), obsession, hair kink¿ (is that even a thing?), mentions of death, blood here & there, spirits (duh), swearing, dirty talk, masturbation, voyeurism, orgasms, unprotected sex (protect yourselves!), oral (m receiving), deepthroating, cum swallowing, creampie
↳inspired by: Tinashe’s “In Case We Die” mixtape
☞ disclaimer: Please do not take this story 10000% serious. I promise I’m a normal human being with morals. This body of text is for entertainment purposes only. All characters, settings, scenarios, and dialogue are fictitious. Any similarity to events or persons, whether living or dead, is coincidental.
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The flash of lightning from the storm and shuddering sound of thunder overtake the gloomy night. The lock clicks as Taehyung pries open the back door of his neighbors’ family-style home. Silently creeping through the kitchen, the lingering scent of a delicious dinner from hours ago fills his nostrils. His senses are peaking, adrenaline is rushing, skin perspiring.
No, this isn’t his first time killing someone. But it’s the first time that he feels things are a bit off. Like he chose the wrong house kind of off. Sweat drops dripping down his forehead, palms are sweating profusely. He knows every single crack and crevice of this house but the feeling is still uneasy.
He stammers in his tracks, thrown off completely. What is the matter? I’ve been doing this for years, he thinks to himself. Is it the fact that he has history with this family? The numerous framed pictures on the wall catch his attention as he stands before the stairs. Or maybe it’s because of you.
He sees the family portrait, with you placed in the middle surrounded by your parents. His heart suddenly drops. The sight of you staring back at him through the photo causes his fists to clench.
Why does he want to kill you? Should he rethink his entire plan? He was 10 years older than you, but had known you and your family for just as long. He wanted you all to himself. Sure you were a young, eighteen-year old, naive, high school senior but he knew it wouldn’t be possible. Especially since you have a boyfriend.
Prom night was a memory he would never forget. Your parents asked him to escort you and your boyfriend in his stationwagon. When he arrived at your home to pick you up, he admired the way your prom dress hugged your figure in the most sexiest way. So much that it made him have wild thoughts about you, leaving him a horny mess at the end of the night.
He remembers storming into his home and locking his bedroom door shut. His fingers run furiously through his black mullet, chest heaving up and down, sweating profusely. Full of rage, frustration, lust, and regret. He unbuckles his belt to drop his pants and briefs all in one go, aching to release his tension.
His member pops straight up, rock hard as he plops on his bed lying on his back. Closing his eyes and picturing you in your prom dress, he wraps his slender fingers around himself and gradually pumps. “Fuck,” he whispers. If only he could rip the material away from your tight bod to expose what he’s been craving for so long. He relishes in the memory of your bouncy, curled hair, filled of volume and basked in the scent of hairspray.
The simple thought of how it would feel to tug your strands between his fingers whilst he penetrates you. He continues to play your voice over and over again in his mind, when you called his name: “Taehyung!” greeting him with open arms, when he arrived at your home. The tantalizing aroma of your being captivated him in that moment. He pumps faster, the sound of your voice echoing through his eardrums.
Lips begin to part, his breathing hitches in the moment. Your face is all he can see. Your voice is all he can hear. Your scent is all he can smell. Your body is what he needs. His member leaks of pre-cum, coating his tip in the liquid as it oozes out. He lets out a breathy moan, calling your name.
The feeling of your skin clinging to his, while he’s on top of you. Both of your bodies scorching and sticking to one another, binded with perspiration. Your moans escaping your lips from under him, inspiring him to pound deeper into you. Your nails scraping his back, your squeals and cries for him are what send him over the edge.
“Taehyung!” you yelp.
He loosens his grip on his throbbing cock, gently stroking up and down. His chest rumbles as a lengthy moan slips from his lips. His lower area tenses up, and his member spasms. He uses his unoccupied hand to grip his bed comforter, twisting and turning the material around as the pleasure washes over his body. The stream of liquid, pooling from his balls to his tip, shoot up in the air and land back on his pelvic area.
“I’m... cumming, fuck.”
The strands of his jet, black hair soaking in sweat and sticking to his forehead. His eyes flutter open, chest heaving up and down, he continues to escape from his orgasmic high. Taehyung stares up into the ceiling, and takes a deep breath.
He props himself up on his elbows to gaze at the cum that’s smothered on his lower half. If only you were there to clean his mess with your mouth, so that he wouldn’t have to waste another tissue to wipe away his jizz and toss it in the trash. He swears, under his breath, at the thought of it.
Then, he’s reminded just how lonely he is. He couldn’t stand seeing you with your boyfriend. Just the thought that someone else got to touch you, kiss you, and worst of all: fuck you. All the things he’d been dying to do to you. He always wished he could snap your boyfriend’s head to end it all. But he knew that wouldn’t solve anything.
He didn’t want to see you hurt, and most importantly he didn’t want you to hate him. Besides, he knew you would never accept him if you found out he’s a serial killer. For years, he became obsessed with the idea of death. He targeted women, because he knew how much more vulnerable they are than men.
That gave him authority and control. In college, he’d done an ample amount of research on life after death, near death experiences, the supposed “afterlife,” and even spectrophilia. There had been a few rare cases of humans having sexual encounters with ghosts.
He also found that if a spirit was not rested, it would linger on Earth within the Spirit World or “Afterlife” as they call it. And based on the research he had done, spirits mostly were not rested in peace because the body itself was murdered.
That was when the idea sparked.
He had finally came to the conclusion that he has to kill you. If he can’t have you in this life, then he could have you in the afterlife. His plan was going to work, and he was going to make sure of it.
Yet another clash of thunder snaps Taehyung out of the pondering thoughts he’s having of his premeditated actions. He shakes his head. Snap out of it! Must not have any second thoughts at this moment. It’s important to stick to the plan. No distractions.
His eyes follow his path ahead of him. He quietly removes his shoes before proceeding further. His light weight causes a slight creak in the stairs, as he mindfully approaches the second level. His eyes dart toward your room, and his heart beats profoundly.
He continues to scan his surroundings, reassuring that no one was around or watching. Being careful in case someone were to awaken. Lightning strikes again, creating a brief flash of light throughout the home. Taehyung silently treads toward your room. He stops in front of your door, inhaling a deep breath.
Taehyung carefully wraps his hand around the door knob, slowly turning it in a counter-clockwise motion. He takes one last breath before pushing the door open gradually. The slight creak in the door startles him, but he’s back at ease when he steps inside your room to find that you’re still sound asleep under your covers.
The door behind him is shut quietly, and he turns around. He shuts his eyes and inhales deeply, taking in the aroma of your room. His right hand slips into the knife pocket attached to his jeans, pulling out the weapon with a needy force, exposing the blade of his bowie knife. He places the knife face down and sneaks it between his chest, inside his corduroy jacket. He continues to stand there simply admiring the view of you in your slumber.
It’s time to put an end to it all.
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It’s Sunday in the month of May. You’re home alone with your parents enjoying the remainder of the night. Seated on the couch between your parents, you hear a ding! Your mouth waters at the sound of the microwave beeping. Your buttery popcorn is ready.
You hurriedly skip to the kitchen before the next program on TV comes on. The air from the steamy kernels fills your senses. You quickly grab one of those big, plastic bowls to dump the popcorn in.
“Sweetheart, it’s the news!”
Coming! you respond. You make it back to the living room and plop down on the sofa. The TV stutters a few times, as it did 20 minutes ago. This time your dad gets out of his comfy spot and he does not look happy.
“Goddammit! Nancy, I told you we shouldn’t have bought this from that damn yard sale. You know Tim would sell a lemon for a car if his life depended on it.”
“Oh hush it, Carl. At least we have some kind of entertainment. Right, sweetheart?” your mother asks directing to you.
You nod your head while stuffing your mouth with popcorn. Your dad continues to swear under his breath and pound on the TV with his fist. He fumbles with the antenna and the television gradually comes back to life.
“There we go,” he says, wiping his forehead with the back of his hand and finding his way back to his spot beside you on the sofa.
I repeat. This is John Turner with Channel 4 News. For anyone that is just now tuning in.. Today we have received new information from the local police department on “The Silent Creeper” who has yet striked again.
“Are they still trying to find that crazy man killing all of those women?”
“Last I heard he was about 10 miles from here.”
“10 miles?!”
You can’t hear reporter John at this point, with your parents going back and forth, “Shhh!”
The three of you stare at the TV, in need of answers. Someone hands the reporter a vanilla folder.
“I will now read the statement that the police department has released.”
“To the townspeople, we want to make everyone aware that our team is working diligently to capture the criminal that has continued to terrorize the surrounding areas for the past 3 years, but whom has now reached our town as well. The Silent Creeper was last seen in our town on Friday night.”
You hear your mom gasp. “Oh my God! Friday was prom night!”
“He assaulted a victim with a deadly weapon and attempted to strangle her with a telephone cord, only to be startled when the cord sparked as the victim was still alive. Realizing that he had not succeeded, he fled the scene. Unfortunately, we had not been able to arrive on scene in time enough to catch him from the time the victim called the station.”
“As each day passes, we are getting closer to putting The Silent Creeper to an end. In addition, we were able to get a brief description from the victim. He is a fair-skinned male standing at about or around 6 feet tall with black hair, medium length. Long enough to touch the base of his neck along with bangs that cover his eyebrows. He is said to have large hands and a slim figure, carrying a knife blade. He is also known to have a hair fetish, collecting samples of head hair from his victims.”
“We ask that everyone locks their doors and windows. Please leave at least one light on in your home that can be visible in the front section of your home, as well as your front porch light. We advise that no one goes out at night unaccompanied. We highly recommend that no one leaves their homes past 10 p.m. whether accompanied or not, until we catch this criminal. Should you have any dire reason to leave your home past those hours, please call the station before doing so.”
“Lastly, we ask that everyone remains calm but stay alert and aware of your surroundings. Please do not answer your doors for anyone late at night, unless you are expecting a visitor. We are currently working on a sketch of the criminal and plan to release it by tomorrow afternoon. Should anyone have any information regarding this case, please give the station a call.”
“Well, there you heard it. Stay safe out there, folks. This is John Turner with Channel 4 News, signing off.”
There’s a brief moment of silence, and the program shuts down. Leaving the TV screen in a color coded background. Your mouth is agape, not believing that the town you grew up in is now not safe. The one place that you called your home, is now a prison.
“He was here?” you slip.
“I don’t think I’ll be able to sleep tonight,” your mother says with a pokerface.
“Honey, don’t worry. Everything is going to be fine,” your father responds almost nonchalantly.
“Don’t worry?! Everything is going to be fine? There is a murderer out on the loose and that could have been OUR daughter! She was out all night for prom with Jin!”
Your head begins to throb with a slight pain, hearing your parents constant bickering. You place the popcorn bowl on the couch and get up to walk towards the stairs, but stop in your tracks and rub your temples with the tips of your fingers.
“Yeah, at the school! That’s why Taehyung escorted them both! At least we are well aware of what the hell is going on in this damn town so we can be prepared!”
“Oh, it’s just so easy for you to brush this off because you are too wrapped up in that... that job of yours to be concerned about your own child’s safety!”
“I don’t have to put up with this! If it makes you feel any better, I do care about Y/N’s safety! She is MY daughter.”
“Well if you care, Carl. Start acting like it!”
You finally crack. “ENOUGH!”
Both of your parents snap towards you.
“Can you both please just stop? It doesn’t make the situation any better with you two arguing.” You pause for a brief moment, recollecting your thoughts.
“Dad, it’s okay if you’re scared. I know your my father and I know you feel obligated to protect me. But I want you to know that I know you’re human. I know you aren’t invincible. And there’s nothing wrong with being scared.”
They both look at each other then drop their heads low.
“Mom, I don’t want you to worry yourself to death. Dad’s right, I was with Jinnie and Taehyung on prom night. And nothing happened. Maybe it’s for a reason. We just have to believe that everything will be okay. At least we know now what we should be aware of and what to do to protect ourselves. I love you both.”
Your dad looks up and walks towards you, with your mother following behind him.
“We love you more, pumpkin.” He states with open arms, embracing you with a hug filled with love. You mother joins the two of you, wrapping her arms around you both.
Meanwhile, Taehyung sits in the dark, at his kitchen table, sipping coffee. He stares into space. Today’s newspaper article sits in front of him on the table, with the headline that reads:
He knows he’s fucked. He sips the last swig of his coffee, rises from his seat, and angrily throws the mug at the wall ahead him, the ceramic pieces shattering onto the cold tile.
His fingers find the newspaper, and he tears it apart. Paper pieces landing on the ground. Rage fills his being and he lets out an absurd growl, while pounding on the kitchen cabinets. He runs his hands through his dark mullet, replaying Friday night over and over again in his head.
After coming home that night and releasing his tension, he was alone and he knew it. He needed another rush. Something to get him going. Something to get you off of his mind, because you were all he could think about.
So, what did I do wrong? What is happening to me? What if they catch me? Numerous questions continue to run through his mind. He had been doing this for over 3 years. Why would it all end now?
He's like an expert at this. If he gets caught now, that means all of his work meant nothing. All those times, he had elaborate plans and every one fell through perfectly. So what is the difference now?
He rests his hands on the counter with his arms extended all the way out. Sweat trickles down his forehead as his breathing calms down. The kitchen is filled with silence, leaving a ringing noise in his ears when suddenly it stops as his eyes trail up and through his kitchen window.
The blinds to the window in your room were open, and he could see you. Then it finally hit him, it was like a light-bulb flicked on with an idea in his head. He realizes that he can’t function because of you. You are a distraction. You are ruining his ways. And it is in this moment, Taehyung realizes that he has to kill you tonight.
Before he gets caught for good.
You remember your last night on Earth as if it were yesterday, literally. It wasn’t until you felt an unbearable stinging sensation on your neck that you had awaken from your deep sleep. You felt a warm liquid pooling from your throat, delaying your breathing. Your eyes shot open, and there was Taehyung Kim towering over you. Small spurts of blood shot onto him, covering his cheeks, chin, and forehead.
You couldn’t believe your eyes. It was him. The man you called your neighbor for so many years. Whom you trusted your entire life. You would have never guessed that it was him all along. That he’s The Silent Creeper.
The shine of the moonlight reflected off of his knife, as he held it up. With a hungry force, he plunges the knife into your abdomen. Completely taking your breath away. As much as you tried to fight, you couldn’t.
He had you pinned down with his thighs. You couldn’t move or scream. His large, cold hand covered your mouth to conceal any noises you attempted to make. He removes the blade from you and plunged into you again, causing you to choke. You gather up enough strength to claw at his biceps with your nails, only to fail because of the jacket that conceals his arms.
It was useless.
You knew that it was over. You were going to die. You try opening your mouth to question him. To beg him to stop what he was doing. To probe him as to why he was doing this.
Had I done something wrong? Did I say something wrong? What could cause him to kill me? Why would he want to kill me?
But the last plunge into your tummy makes your hands drop. Noticing this, he drops the knife on the floor and busies himself by cutting a portion of your hair.
Bringing it to his nose to take a lengthy wauf of it, he inhales deeply into his lungs. Your vision blurs as you lose consciousness. You attempt to grab him again, only being able to reach his right cheek. You wanted to scratch his face, to dig into his flesh in hopes that he would makes enough noise to awaken your parents.
But you didn’t have the strength. Unfortunately your hand could only caress him instead. Something you did not want to do. Your hand slowly lost its control as it slid down from his face, to his chest, then to his abdomen, and finally plopped onto his thigh.
Your breathing stopped, but your eyes remained open. You can no longer move, not even a finger. That’s when you knew you were dead. It was strange at first. When you realized you were no longer looking up into his eyes.
Instead, you were watching him from above. Like a birds view.
Where am I? Why am I not lying in bed? I mean, I am still in bed but it’s like I’m floating in the air, staring at my body lying in bed.
You watch Taehyung as he observes your body drenched in a pool of blood, that continues to soak your bed sheet. He simply sits there, tilting his head left and right and caressing your cheek.
“Why couldn’t you just stay out of my way?”
He takes another sniff of your luscious locs in his hand. What does he mean by that? How was I in his way? You attempt to reach out to him but nothing happens. You have no arms, no hands, no fingers. Nothing. You were just there. The fact that you’re dead and can no longer defend yourself, let alone stop him, pissed you off.
“Now look at you. My work here is done.”
His work? What?
He may be “done” with whatever it is he’s talking about, but you weren’t. And you were going to make sure of it. Once you figure out how you can control what’s happening to you. You take a moment to accept what’s already happened.
So why now? You hadn’t even begun to start your life. Graduation was this week, and you couldn’t even make it! And Jin? You can’t imagine how devastated he would be once he finds out you’re dead, murdered actually. Is there anyway you could see him for just one last time?
All you want is to see his gorgeous face light up as his plump, pink lips curl up into the brightest smile that could blind anyone that looks his way. It hurts you to know that you couldn’t even say goodbye. Or just a simple I love you. Just one more time. You needed him, and you know if he could have been there for you to save the day then he would have done so and much more.
Your thoughts are interrupted when you noticed Taehyung lifts himself off of you, planting his feet on the floor of your room. He wipes his forehead with the back of his hand and cracks his neck. What is wrong with him? How could one be so cruel? You always saw him to be such a gentleman. Guess you never really knew him all along.
Taehyung kneels down to grab his knife, and quietly sneaks out of your room. You can’t believe that he manages to escape, without a trace. Without anyone knowing what has happened. Only you knew who killed you. You knew who The Silent Creeper is, and there’s nothing you could do about it.
You can’t stop him. You can’t just call the police station to let them know: “Hey guys! You know that creepy guy that’s been killing all those women? Yeah, The Silent Creeper. He’s actually my neighbor. Oh, how do I know? Because he killed me!”
You’re filled with a grand amount of anguish just thinking about it. Your killer walks free as if nothing has happened, as if he didn’t just stab and slice you to your death. You want to scream, fight, hell maybe even just pound on something. But you can’t. You’re stuck “here,” whatever “here” is.
And you want out. You want to end his life. Just as he ended yours. But you won’t back down, not until he gets what he pays for. Even if it takes to haunt him for the rest of his life.
He will pay.
I’ve got to get out of here. You attempt to walk, knowing that you can’t yet you try anyway. But instead of actually moving, you find a way to float down, so now you’re eye-level with your surroundings - as if you were actually walking. Your essence floats throughout the room. You focus your direction towards your room door and just like that you float straight through it and now you’re on the other side.
You continue to float, making your way to your parents room, just so you could see them one last time. You find them sound asleep. The anguish slowly dissipates, and now there’s an overwhelming feeling of gloom. You didn’t get the chance to say goodbye. Your mother lays there on her side, as you watch her chest heave.
Your father on the right side lies on his back, snoring with his mouth open. You approach your mother closer, and try yet again to touch. Just to see if she could feel your presence. You reach out to her, hopefully that you could feel her and her hair strands rise up into the air. She shifts tosses over in the bed; and you immediately let her strands go, afraid that you might awaken her.
I love you mom. I love you dad.
After leaving your parents room, you guide yourself downstairs and through the front door. Then, the world you see from your perspective is revealed. It’s quiet, cold. Everything just seems blue. And there are others like you. Ghosts, souls, spirits, or whatever you call them. They float through the night. It’s like nothing you’ve ever seen before. It’s almost like another world.
Where am I? Is this where people go when they die? If so, what is “this” called?
Faint whispers echo around you. You can’t quite hear what is being said or who is saying it. Then a sudden voice from behind scares you.
You’re startled to find a spirit within your path. She was beautiful, but she seemed young. Maybe just as you or younger.
“My names Katie. And you?”
You continue to observe your surroundings, noticing you both are now the only ghosts in plain sight.
“My name is Y/N. Where exactly am I?”
She clears her throat, attempting to speak.
“Well, you’re in the Spirit World as we call it.”
Your eyes widen. Spirit World? Seriously, what the hell is going on?
“I don’t understand. Why am I here? I mean.. I know that I died, but.. why here? Why do I have to be here?”
She watches you in concern, gathering up the correct words to explain.
“Please, come with me. I will tell you as we float.”
Katie leads you on the way down the road of the town. She explains that souls wander Earth when they haven’t been rested. In your case, your soul was not rested because someone murdered you. She also made it clear that throughout time, you’ll find yourself shifting into different ambiences, usually replaying old memories or high peaks during your previous life; or sometimes shifting due to something deeper - such as a premonition. You also learned that she’s 18, just like you.
“Well, if that’s true then were you murdered?” You question her, curious to know as if any more information would make you grow more at ease.
“Yes, I actually was.” She whispers, barely audible.
“Do you also know who your killer is?” She grows silent. You almost take it as a sign that she wouldn’t answer you.
“I’m sorry. You don’t have to tell me.” You plead, feeling a slight bit of guilt.
“It’s.. it’s okay. It was my mother that murdered me.”
Your jaw drops, and you immediately feel a thousand times worse for even asking.
“Katie.. I-I’m so sorry. I can’t even imagine how you feel. How long has it been?”
“18 years.”
You’re confused as you ask, “18 years? But you said you’re 18?”
“Oh, silly me. I also forgot to mention that in the Spirit World, you don’t age.”
It all makes sense now. Which brings you to yet another question.
“Well, how come you’re still here? I mean, after all those years. I’m sure that we don’t just die to be stuck in the world we once were in, right?”
“That is true, but from meeting others like us, I’ve learned that the reason why souls like mine end up trapped is because our killer is still alive. And in my case, my mother is still alive, even though she’s been captured for her crime many years ago.”
You both re-approach the street where your house sits next to Taehyung’s. Then, immediate thought hits you. What if he gets caught? Then what? I’ll still be stuck here? I don’t want to be here forever. I want peace. Everlasting peace. You attempt to probe Katie with more questions, but as soon as your mouth parts, all you can grasp is that your surroundings are swiftly changing, as if you’re slipping into a different atmosphere.
“Shit, Katie! Everything is changing! What do I do?”
“It’s okay. Remember? It’s totally normal! You’ll be fine. I promise.”
Everything around you dissipates, until there is absolutely nothing left. You watch as your home vanish piece by piece before your eyes. Your mouth flies agape, paired with that feeling of somber again. Your cries can’t be heard, as you helplessly reach out to the place you once called home. The one place you don’t want to leave. Everything you’ve ever felt and experienced was in that house. As the last remaining portion of your home dissolves, you immediately feel yourself being pulled down into a vacuum. It’s pitch black.
No air, no light, no humans, no spirits, just pure blackness. The feeling of a wet substance under you causes you to look down. Water? Your eyes trail up ahead of you, and you’re stunned to find Taehyung yet again. He looked as if he was in a rush. He removed his jacket, flannel, boots, and jeans.
Hurriedly throwing his belongings into the washer. He bends down to grab a box of baking soda, pouring copious amounts on his clothes, and slamming the washer door shut. The atmosphere ascends, slowly piecing itself together. A few blinks later and you realize that you’re in the basement of his home. He rushes up the stairs and slams the basement door shut, locking it. You continue to observe the area.
Your attention is caught by a small area behind you in the corner. You lightly float to the spot and pull the light metal beads that hang from the light which sits above you. The light flicks on, and you’re instantly taken away. It’s an entire wall of newspaper articles about The Silent Creeper and photos of numerous women that were reported missing and/or bodies have been found.
You scan through each report, only to find that all of them had things in common. They were stabbed to death, with patches of their hair missing. You also noticed for each photo he had of every victim, their wads of hair were attached to them.
Are these all of the women he’s killed? If so, then why? What possesses him to commit such horrid acts?
Then you noticed your photo, along with your hair attached to it. Your thoughts are interrupted by a loud thud from above.
Curious to know, you move up the stairs and through the basement door. You float through his home, searching for the source of the noise you heard. You make a slight left turn after passing the kitchen, and gently walk down the hall. You hear faint sounds coming from the room at the end of the hallway.
Ones that sounded like… moans.
The door slightly cracked, you peeked through the small space that granted you access to see. Taehyung plops onto his bed, and you’re startled when you see he’s furiously pumping his erect member.
“Ugh, Y/N.”
You stop dead in your tracks when he mentions your name. Are you kidding me? He kills me just a few minutes ago, and now he’s moaning my name while jacking off?! That’s it! I’ve had enough! That feeling of rage courses throughout your spirit, and you forcefully enter the room he’s in, before thinking of what you are doing.
Taehyung hears a slight creak from the door and feels a gush of wind washing through him. His eyes immediately snap open and he flinches. Goosebumps appear on his arms. He stares into the space where the door is and looks like he’s seen a ghost, literally. He notices that the door is open – more than what he originally positioned it.
Did the door just move on it’s own? He thinks to himself.
Oh shit, you thought. Can he see me?
He quickly pulls his white undergarment over his member, and slowly walks toward the door. You simply stand there, shocked at what just happened. He treads through you and peeks down the hallway. His deep voice resonates within the home.
Nothing and no one responds.
“Is anyone there?”
Still no response. He takes this as a sign and steps back into the room, shutting the door behind him. He walks through you again and falls back onto the bed, removing his tight fitted briefs staring at the door. Cock springing free, he bends his arm in a “V” shape and rests it behind his head.
His fingers find his cock again and he pumps slowly. Pre-cum dripping from within his tip, creating a squelching noise as he continues to pump. You can’t help but feel uncomfortable watching your killer masturbate. But, you have to admit that he does look hot.
After all, he’s a guy. And you’d be lying if you said you didn’t think Taehyung was attractive. Of course, you always thought he was. But, that’s besides the point. You shake your thoughts off, and focus on the real reason as to why you’re here. Which brings you to more questions…
Why am I here? What am I to do to him? If I couldn’t physically touch him, how could I ever hurt him? How am I supposed to kill him? Do I even want to kill him? I just want all of this to end already. I need answers, but most of all I need Seokjin. I have to find a way to get to him.
Maybe I could write a note or something. To tell him I miss him and love him, and that even though I’m gone, I will never forget him. But how could I do that? If no one can see me, feel me, or touch me, how could I ever say goodbye to Jin who was once my boyfriend?
“Ahh, baby. Fuuuck, cumming.”
You’re interrupted by the sounds of Taehyung moaning again. Your gaze trails over to him on the bed, pumping furiously as streams of white sperm gush from his throbbing member. He moans your name over and over again as if it were a chant. You’re disgusted and amused all at the same time.
You simply cannot comprehend how he could jack off after murdering someone. He’s seriously sick. If he just killed you, why would he moan your name as he orgasms? It just doesn’t make sense. You can’t take seeing anymore of him, as you’re convinced he’s mentally ill. No person with benevolence would do such a thing.
Let me out of here! I have to see my boyfriend. Please! I just need to see him.
Once again, the atmosphere deteriorated. Gradually shifting the ambience.
The world pieced itself together once again, and here you are standing in the gym entrance of your high school. The sound of music booming from inside, students standing in line waiting to enter the building, and roars emanating from cars entering the parking lot.
Prom night? But... why am I here?
You stand there dumbfounded. Then the sight of you and Jin walking with arms interlinked catches your attention.
You wouldn’t want to spend your prom night with anyone else other than your boyfriend Seokjin Kim. You were attired in a hot pink satin dress, with ruffles at the bottom and on the shoulders paired with the white corsage. Your hair was curled in the most bounciest way. Jin stood tall, wearing a black and white tuxedo along with a hot pink bow tie, rocking his signature dirty blonde mullet.
Before entering the schools gymnasium, you look back to find Taehyung’s stationwagon is still parked at the entrance. He waves you both off. Jin nudges your arm to get your attention.
“Babe, look!”
You both stare at how well everything came together. Admiring the streamers and disco balls hanging throughout the gym, the confetti scattered over the floor, and the heart pounding bass of Wham! playing.
“Woah, the school committee really did an amazing job!”
Jin spies the area where the photographer is taking photos of each couple in front of a backdrop.
“Hey, let’s go get our picture taken!” he pulls you along with him, almost making you tumble.
On the other side, Taehyung still stands in the same spot from when you last saw him. He takes a deep breath while making his way into the automobile, closing the door shut. He rests his head on the steering wheel.
If only I could have her instead of that douche bag of a boyfriend she has.
He sits there contemplating on his next move. What should he do? Should he stay here? Or should he leave then return an hour later? He needs to blow off some steam, and being here another second is not helping him at all. He slips the key in the ignition and pushes the gas pedal with his foot, taking off into the night.
After releasing his tension at home, he still felt like something was missing. He couldn’t stop thinking about you, and he needed so desperately for it to stop. And he needed it to stop now. He hopped back in his stationwagon to scout for his next victim. Several minutes later and he finds a ranch on a farm.
He parks his car, and reaches under the seat to grab his infamous knife. He exits the vehicle and pops the trunk to acquire a tire iron then hikes up the trail towards the home. It was a small home, and no lights were on. He assumed whoever was inside may have been asleep, noticing a car parked in the driveway.
Gripping the tire iron firmly, he makes his way toward the back of the home to find an entrance inside. To his luck, he finds a back door and smashes the lock with the tire iron, prying the door open. He quietly steps inside and just when he thinks he’s got things under control. An older female flicks the kitchen light on, startling Taehyung.
“Shit,” he drops the tire iron on the floor.
The woman lets out a piercing screech and rushes over to reach the rotary phone on the wall.
“Hey! Get back here!”
Ignoring his commands, she grasps the phone, yet it slips between her fingers as Taehyung races toward her and plunges her against the wall with his body, pulling her away from the phone and against him. He wraps his arms around her, holding her still.
“No! No, please don’t! No, I don’t want to die, please!” The woman sobs, as her fingers graze across Taehyung’s jacket.
“Now, now don’t worry. It’s okay. Shh, shhh..” Taehyung whispers, caressing her face as he slips his other hand into his pocket to obtain his clippers.
“Please don’t hurt me, I promise I won’t say anything!”
Taehyung chops a wad of the woman’s hair, taking in a quick sniff before stuffing it into his pocket along with the clippers. The woman gathers enough strength to kick Taehyung in the knee. He groans at the pain and releases his grasp around her.
“Ahhh, fuck! You bitch!”
He limps to the tire iron and lunges it toward the woman’s head, causing her to drop on the floor of the kitchen. She lies there with a small gash to the head, blood slowly streaming down her face.
Taehyung bends over to pick up the phone that was hanging on the ground. He kneels down to lift the woman up, wrapping the cord around her throat.
“I’m sorry, but I can’t let you off that easily.”
Despite her breathing, he pulls the cord tighter around her throat, attempting to strangle her to ensure she was dead. And out of nowhere a powerful spark emits from the cord and the woman’s eyes shoot open. Taehyung bounces up on his feet and stares in awe, the woman gradually awakens and coughs, using her arms to prop herself up on the floor.
She turns her gaze to him, getting one glance before he storms off into the night. He bolts down the trail, panting, and nearly out of breathe. It was like nothing he’d ever experienced before. His plans never failed. His fingers shaking, he fumbles around in his jacket pocket to get the car keys so he can open the door.
Moments later, he’s speeding down the road, en route to the high school.
Someone had clearly spiked the punch, because after a few cups, you and Jin suddenly became hornier than usual. And after a few dances, it really set the mood. “Careless Whisper” started playing. It was your favorite song and he knew it.
“Come on Jinnie, dance with meeee.” You whined, pulling on his arm.
“Babe, I’ll be right back I promise okay? I have to pee really bad.”
“Pinky promise?”
“I pinky promise.”
“Bring me back more punch!”
He smiles at you and blows a kiss, walking away to the boys restroom.
You couldn’t believe that you didn’t notice this that night. But Jin never went to the restroom. Your spirit follows him as he sneaks out of the gym door, and entered the hallway of the school. He kept looking back, to make sure no one was following or watching him.
At the end of the hall, he makes a left turn. And enters one of the classrooms, shutting the door behind him. It was Mr. Hopper’s chemistry class. What’s he doing in there? You’re startled when you peek through the window of the door. He was inside with another girl.
You float inside the room to find that he was making out with her. Oh my God! He cheated on me with Jessica Jefferson?! The rudest, blondest bitch of the school. She runs the clique with other mean bitches and they always torment freshman.
That familiar feeling of rage fills you. You’d been dating Jin since junior year. Everything was perfect. I mean, sure you both had arguments here and there. But you both were inseparable. You were convinced that you’d spend the rest of your life with him.
Is this why I’m here? To see that he cheated on me?
You decided to leave the classroom and check on your human self. You remembered sitting on the bleachers of the gym, waiting for your boyfriend to return. You also remembered seeing Taehyung through the door of the gym entrance. You waved at him at first, with a bright smile. But, he didn’t wave back. He simply stood there, eyeing you like a hawk.
It was such an uncomfortable feeling. You awkwardly look over to the students dancing, to try and break the eye contact. After a few beats, you look back to see if he’s still standing there but he wasn’t. Just like that, he was gone. Why was he watching you? More importantly, how long was he standing there watching you until you noticed? You never understood why. That is, until now.
You screamed as your boyfriend startled you from your trance.
You shove him on his arm. “Asshole! Why would you do that?”
“I’m sorry, babe. Just thought it would be funny.” Your expression gives it away, as you continue looking at the door Taehyung was standing behind.
“What’s wrong?”
“N-nothing. Let’s just go.” You grab Seokjin’s hand.
“Hey, I know the perfect place.” You stare into his almond-shaped eyes, admiring the way they curl as he smiles.
You follow yourself as Jin drags you to the boys locker room.
Although, you’re still curious to know why you’re back at prom night, this day merely now a memory. You watch as the being that was once you, straddled Jin on the bench before the lockers. Your tongues dancing with each other.
He supports your back with his hands, running down to your waist. Your fingers tugging through the thick strands of his mullet, while your hips grind onto his erect member that hides underneath his suit. Gushes of arousal coat your panties.
“Mmm, babe. I’m so horny for you,” Jin moans.
He plants kisses along your jaw, your head falls back taking in the nostalgic feeling all awhile simultaneously laughing. The alcohol clearly in your system. You bring yourself up to whisper in his ear.
“Let me suck you off, baby.”
You stand up to give him room to remove his trousers and briefs in one go. His cock is rock hard, sprouting up and free. You bend over to drop a line of spit on his cock, using your hand to spread it all over his shaft. He hisses at the feeling of your warms hands massaging his member.
“You’re so hard, Jinnie.” You giggle as you let yourself down on your knees. You tease him, first giving his tip a few kitten licks before opening your mouth wide enough to fit his thick cock inside. You enclose your mouth around him, gaining another moan.
He watches you from above, teeth grazing against his bottom lip.
“Yes, Feels... so good.”
His hips buck, moving to the rhythm of your mouth. You use his thighs as leverage. Moans escape you as he continues his pace, sliding his lengthy cock against the soft texture of your tongue. Saliva trailing from your mouth onto his member, and back toward you sliding down your chin and neck.
Jin places his hand on the back of your head to push his cock further down your throat.
“Fuck.. Just like that. Don’t fucking stop.”
The gargling sound of your spit echoes throughout the room. The stretch your throat feels from his cock causes your eyes to water, making it difficult to keep them open.
“Look at me, babe.”
You follow his commands and look up at him. The sight of you stuffed full of him in your mouth along with watery eyes is nearly enough for him to climax all over your face. The burn in your lungs to breathe approaches. You graze your nails rapidly against his thighs hoping he would get the memo. Thankfully, he pulls out the way out.
You let go of his cock with the sound of a pop, taking a deep inhale to regain your breathing back. You look up at him while pumping his cock in your palm.
“Jinnie.. do you love me?”
His eyes widen at your question.
“Are you kidding? Of course I love you, baby. You’re my everything.” He wipes away the tear that falls from your eye, still gathering your breath together from the deepthroating session. With a lustful look in your eyes, you plead,
“Show me, then.” His lips curl into that gorgeous smile. He guides you up on your feet.
“Bend over,” he commands. You support your weight on the bench with your arms, doing as he tells you so. You feel your dress being lifted up. His fingers trace along the shape of your vulva, feeling the dampened material.
“How horny are you, baby?”
“Mmm so horny. Please just show me already.”
His fingers find the seam of your panties, pulling them all the way down until the drop to the floor. He licks to the pads of his fingers and rubs them along your folds.
“Wow, so wet. Just how I like it.”
Your pussy pulses, aching to feel his cock inside of you. A small groan leaves your lips.
“You want me baby?” He coos while brushing his soaked member across your drenched folds.
“Yes, please. Need your cock.”
His hand grips your waist while the other eases himself in you. The bulbous tip stretching your lips, causing you to whine. Your wet coats his cock as a lubricant as he pushes in further, making it easy to slip in all the way.
He uses his remaining hand to place on your waist and he completely bottoms you out.
“Fuck, Jinnie!”
“I love you, baby.” He pulls out of you completely and rams back all the way in, balls deep inside your pussy, making you buck forward and your mouth to fly open with a gasp.
“I love you too... Oh my gosh, so deep.”
Your arms reaches around to push him back, attempting to ease his pace, but he slams harder into you. You claw his thigh with your nails, in response. The pain of him pounding himself deep inside you, hitting your cervix combined with the pleasure of your walls being stimulated leaves you in a state of reverie.
“Mmm, I love your pussy and how tight you are around me. Wanna make you cum all over my cock, babe. Can you do that for me?”
“Y-yes! I can, baby.”
Jin picks up the pace, literally hammering into you. The sound of his balls slapping against your ass, mixed with your moans, ricochet off of the walls. He licks the pad of his fingers and reaches down to rub your clit in circles. Applying just the right amount of pleasure.
Your spirit continues to watch, remembering that prom night was not only the last time you’d saw your boyfriend but it was also the last time you both had sex with each other. You miss the way he felt inside of you. He filled every bit of you and never failed to please you in the most sensual way. He always made sure you orgasmed before him.
“Oh, Jinnie... I’m cumming, baby!”
“Yeah? Cum all over my cock, babe. There you go...” Your walls pulse rapidly around his length and your body trembles below him. The constant contractions of your kitty around Jin causes him to twitch inside of you.
“Oh, babe! Fuck..” His cock shoots streams of his warm jizz, coating your inner walls white. He holds himself inside, making sure to bury his seed deep within your core. Your legs still shaking, he holds you to support you up from your orgasm still washing over you as thick ropes of his cum oozes out of your pulsing core. He bends over to whisper.
“Do you believe me now?”
Funny that he asked me that in the moment. Because I actually believed him. I really loved him. And I thought he loved me too. So, why would he do this to me? He continued acting like nothing ever happened. He lied to me. He never went to get punch. Would he even care that I died? What am I supposed to feel like now?
That familiar feeling of rage returns again, and you storm out of the lockers room. This time, you decide to find your way to Taehyung. Maybe you can get an answer as to why he was staring at you.
You find him sitting in his stationwagon, in the parking lot of the school, frozen. A million questions run through his mind. He’s lost, and he knows he’s doomed for good. Gently floating inside, you sit in the passengers seat. His hands are nervously rubbing his thighs up and down.  As if, he were afraid of something. Then you’re shocked to hear him speak.
“I have to kill her... but when? And how? What if I try and things don’t work out just like tonight. What will happen then? Was this a sign?”
His fingers trail through his mullet, and he keeps looking back.
“Fuck! I don’t know what to do. Don’t know what to do.”
He was talking about me? Wasn’t he?
“She’ll never accept me for who I am. I just want her. Want her so bad. Why can’t I just have her, God? Why?!”
Was he into me this whole time? Is that why he killed me? Because he somehow thought we could be together?
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As time went on, you still roamed the Earth as a spirit. The sketch of The Silent Creeper had been released, and it wasn’t long until everyone figured out it was none other than Taehyung Kim. The town constantly tortured him. Kids threw eggs at his home windows, others threw rocks at his car, and some teenagers spray painted on his garage door:
But you were there for him through it all. The night he’d found out that you were here all along, startled him. Even though it was part of his plan. There was a sense of pride that filled him, knowing that it had worked. But as the days came and went for some reason, you felt drawn to him. You thought at first maybe it was because of pity, but it was something that pulled you in closer. That made you more vulnerable. Maybe it was the sex? As the weeks went by, you both continued having sex with each other. You never thought it was even possible to have sex as a ghost, but here you are yet again.
“Oh fuck, baby.. yes! Just like that, Y/N. Don’t stop.” Taehyung moans as you continue to ride his cock. From his point of view, it literally looks like he’s fucking air. But his eyes are closed, as all he can imagine is your tits bouncing up and down, your head falling back with lips parted, relishing in the way his cock feels filling up your walls. He feels the warm, wet of your arousal clenching tight around him. He uses the palm of his hand to grip your hips, helping to guide you up and down on his cock.
He feels your walls suddenly escaping from him, and he frowns. Looking down at his throbbing, stiff member. Then a warm slick feeling encases his cock, and traces of saliva are visible. He throws his head back after realizing you’re sucking him off. His fingers reach out into the air, wanting to find where your hair is so that he can feel you. A small smirk appears on his face when his fingers are finally entangled in your mane.
It’s smooth, silky, and feels like Heaven between his fingers. He tightens his grip, pushing your head further down onto his cock. He watches as his member leaks of pre-cum, mixed with your arousal and saliva. The mixture streaming all the way down to his balls. He’s on the verge of cumming any moment now. He feels the texture of your tongue along the underside of his shaft, moving down to his testicles. Your nails gently grazing across his thighs, leaving behind a small trace of scratches.
His breathing hitches, as he feels himself near his orgasm. You hold his cock in your throat, swallowing him whole and you take this chance to hum. Your vocal cords vibrating around his cock. The sensation deep within the pit of his groin bursts. His eyebrows furrowing together at how intense his orgasm feels.
“Fuck, Y/N.”
The muscles of his pelvic area tenses up, his cum shooting into streams down your throat. He watches as it disappears into thin air. He knows you’ve swallowed his seed. He sighs of relief, completely satiated of his hungry desire for you. That is, for now. Chills run through him as he feels your lips pressing against his. His eyes naturally closing.
What feels like your hands gripping his arms, caressing his sides, makes him melt within your touch. He reaches his hand up, caressing what feels like your cheek. He doesn't want to stop kissing you. He’s waited for what felt like an eternity for this. In an instant, you pull away. Watching him as his eyes slowly open.
How have I come to fall in love with a murderer?
Taehyung’s confession on prom night had continued playing itself over in your thoughts. Leading up to now, you hadn’t been able to stop thinking about him ever since. After thinking of the first time when you visited him, and he saw the door open when no one was physically there, you contemplated visiting him again. It was the first time you both had sex, ever. Well more specifically with you as a ghost.
Just as before, he was in his room masturbating. This time he was fully naked and his door was opened wide. He was a lot more lanky than you thought, with a faintly visible six pack. His hand slithered up and down his shaft, and small moans escaped from him. You actually loved the sight of him getting off. It’s pretty hot.
You had taken the chance to show him you’re here, just as he always wanted. It was that day you learned Taehyung isn’t able to exactly see you, but he can feel you. As if you are actually there, in the spirit. Either way, the sex was like no other. He even told you that he was ready to die, just so that he could actually be with you. Not only to feel you, but to see you. Touch you physically. You being there as a ghost was like a hallucination for him, and he knew eventually he would grow tired of not being able to see your face as you writhe underneath him.
Your parents immediately moved out of state after finding out who The Silent Creeper really is. They were completely stunned. Before moving, your dad quit his job. On the contrary, your mother couldn't move on. After all, she was the one that found your body mutilated in your bedroom. It became so horrifying for her that her doctor ordered her off to a licensed therapist.
Things were bad. Really bad. Seokjin appeared at your funeral. After it was over, you followed him home. He was so full of rage that he completely tore down his entire room. Ripping off the wallpaper that once decorated his walls,  cracking his vinyls in half that he had tucked away under his bed, until he came to a specific one. It was for “Careless Whisper” by George Michael.
He pops the vinyl into the record player, and sets himself on his bed as the songs begins.
“Should've known better than to cheat a friend And waste the chance that I'd been given So I'm never gonna dance again The way I danced with you”
Tears stream down his cheeks, and he covers his face. His sobs can be heard throughout the room. You observe as his back rises up and down from his heavy crying. You wish that you could kiss him and slap him at the same time. You wish he never cheated on you, and you wish you never died. Maybe it would hurt less not knowing he did such a thing.
After sex with Taehyung, you decide to visit your home again, wanting to bathe in the memories there. But something has caught your attention. Just as you floated outside, four police cars were parked in the street in front of Taehyung’s home. They were all armed with their guns, aiming at the front door.
One officer had a megaphone, calling Taehyung out of his home.
“On the count of three, we ask that you please come out with your hands up in the air! Should you try to harm anyone, we will have no other choice but to open fire.”
You watch as Taehyung cracks the door open slowly and exits with his hands in the air. Then, he stops, quickly reaching into his jacket pocket, pulling out his bowie knife. You’re shocked at the action, but he had been at the end of his ropes with everything. And just like that, the officers open fire.
Piercing his body with bullets, and one going straight though his forehead. His body grows limp, falling into his knees and the weapon drops to the ground. Taehyung falls face forward onto his lawn.
The environment shifts again, and you’re blinded by the color white. Holding your hands up to cover your eyes, trying to escape the brightness that causes your eyes to shut closed. Then the sudden sound of a deep voice captures your attention.
“Do you wish to repent your sins before me?”
Looking down, you carefully open your eyes and notice that you’re able to see yourself, your hands, skin, feet, toes, everything. Standing above you is the Almighty, a bright source of light that is still difficult for your eyes to adjust to.
I must have been sent to my judgment.
You hear numerous cries below you, noticing the Underworld below the clouds under your feet. Lightning flashes as several fallen angels snatch souls away, sweeping them into oblivion. You’re instantly distracted by another deep, baritone voice ahead of you. Not like the previous voice you’d heard. It was a voice you found to be familiar.
“Are you calling me a sinner?”
You can barely make out the figure, but realize that the being is suddenly caught by one of the Fallen that sprung into the air down below, flying away. You hear a faint call of your name in the distance. You look down below you and spy a familiar face. It was Taehyung. 
“Y/N!” His hand reaching out toward you. A tear falls from your face watching him being pulled away from you.
The first voice you heard speaks again, directing His question to you this time.
“Do you wish to repent your sins before me?”
You turn your gaze toward the Almighty towering above you. Your eyes closed shut yet again from the light. You shake your head and slip with a slight confidence in your tone:
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a/n: aaaand that’s all everyone! can you guess what happened to Y/N after not repenting her sins? let me know in the comments! I’ve had this idea in mind for soooo long now & wanted to release it on Halloween but I’m a thousand days late pls forgive me. also pls forgive me if this is horribly edited ok it’s like 1 AM, oh & I’m wondering if I should write a sequel to this (promise it will be much more smutty smut & focus more on Y/N’s perspective) let me know in the comments if you’d like to read more! anyways, I hope you all had a fun and safe Halloween!
much love, 💜
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