#his va ate that up too
diorsbrando · 30 days
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y’all . . . . . .
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adrienneleclerc · 1 month
just read The Happy Throuple and I love it so much, i would love to see more of them whenever you have time, like maybe the internet's reactions and / or the drivers. meeting the parents, baby showers, the bay being born, etc. I just think it's a great fic with lots of potential.
YES!!!!!!! I’m thinking the internet’s reaction is the first half and then the drivers’ reaction, meeting the parents, baby shower/gender reveal, and the baby’s birth will be separate, all of them will be in my Masterlist in the same bullet as “The Happy Throuple”
Nobody Everybody Knows
Pairing: Charles Leclerc x Hispanic/Latina! Reader x Alexandra Saint Mleux
Summary: posting their relationship for everyone to see means that now everyone gets to comment about something they know nothing about
Warning: spelling and grammatical errors
A/N: Y/N faceclaim will ALWAYS be Becky G for social media posts just because I love her. There will be MULTIPLE “chapters” of the happy throuple’s story. For all intents and purposes, all the drivers who live in Monaco hang out outside the paddock except for “adults” like hulkenberg and Bottas. I also changed how Y/N and Alexandra know each other so they met at a party when Alexandra was 19 and Y/N was 18, okay? Okay
Since Charles posted on Instagram that he has another girlfriend and that he’s expecting a child, everyone has opinions. What’s great about Charles is that he disabled the comments, but that doesn’t stop other accounts from talking about their relationship.
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f1gossip Charles Leclerc reveals that he was been in a polyamorous relationship with Alexandra Saint Mleux and her best friend, Y/N L/N. Not only that, but Y/N is carrying his child. How do you feel about the news?
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charlosfan Charles got tired of white girls and started dating Latinas 😂. Alexandra is half Mexican and Y/N is _____, he really does have a type. Y/N seems sweet though
user92 Y/N baby trapped him for sure, like what does she even do?
queenalex Charles and Alex seem so happy with Y/N,
user19 Y/N is only with them for money
xoxolando doesn’t anyone find it weird that Y/N started dating them AFTER Charles and Alex got together? Like “oh he’s dating my best friend, I want to date him too”
user23 yes!! What is up with that?
heartf1 Y/N seems super messy imo
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f1wags Y/N M/N L/N was born in 2002, making her younger than Alexandra. Y/N is actually a singer signed with RCA Records
user59 say what you want about Y/N but that outfit ATE
kikafan25 she must not be a successful singer because I have never heard any of her songs.
user54 you’ve heard her songs. All those dilf edits to “a mi me gustan mayores”, that’s Y/N’s song
y/nbae she is so pretty! I love her music and now she’s going to be a mom, I’m happy for her
2 days after Charles posted, Y/N was washing dishes when she received a phone call from her mom.
“Hola mami, qué pasó?” Y/N asked.
“Como que ‘que pasó’, tu papá y yo nos enteramos por Despierta America que estás de novia con el piloto ese de fórmula uno y la otra niña, y encima de eso, estás embarazada. La relación va en serio? Sabes que ese muchacho cambia de novia cada 3 años, por dios. Y el bebé? Sigues siendo muy niña para criar a un bebé, por qué no usaste protección? No te eduqué para que salieras embarazada antes del matrimonio. Ni siquiera conozco esos dos, y te va a pedir matrimonio el Chuck ese?” Her mom lectured her. What do you mean ‘what happened’, your dad and I found out on Wake Up America that you are dating that F1 driver and the other girl, and on top of that, you’re pregnant. Is this relationship serious? You know that boy gets a new girlfriend every three year, for god’s sake. And the baby? You are too young to raise a baby, why didn’t you use production? I did not raise you to get pregnant before marriage. I don’t even know those two and is this Chuck guy going to propose?
“Mami, no quería que esto pasara, tuvimos cuidado, te lo juro.” Y/N said. “Estas cosas pasan, lo siento mucho, de verdad.” I didn’t want this to happen, we were careful, I swear. These things just happen, I’m sorry, really
“Bueno, está bien, pero habla con tu papá que él está más enojado que yo, te hablo luego, bye,” Y/N’s mom hung up, Y/N sighed and continued to wash dishes until she felt someone hug her from behind, placing a kiss on her shoulder. Okay, it’s fine, but talk to your dad, he’s angrier than I am, I’ll talk to you later
“Mi reina, of you keep doing that, I’m not going to finish the dishes,” Y/N said. Alexandra turned her around and kissed her lips.
“Then rest, ma papillon, you’re pregnant, you shouldn’t be doing dishes.” Alexandra said, leading her to the couch.
“Have you seen Instagram lately? Everyone’s been talking about me.” Y/N said,
“Yeah, everyone was talking about me too when I first dated Charles. It comes with the territory I guess. We should go shopping!” Alexandra said.
“For what? We won’t know the baby’s gender until it’s 4 or 5 months old. Wait, google it to make sure.” Y/N said. Alexandra pulled out her phone,
“It says 18 to 22 weeks.” Alexandra said.
“Eh, I was close. So what are we going to shop for?” Y/N asked.
“For you! Now that people know we are dating, you get to come with us to events! So we need fancy maternity clothes, cocktail dresses, shoes, purses, this is going to be perfect.” Alexandra said,
On the other hand, Charles was getting calls from other drivers left and right so he decided to have Max, Lando, George, Lewis, Daniel and Alex over at his apartment.
“I ordered pizza, there are drinks in the fridge, I will answer all the questions you have about my relationship.” Charles states, putting Leo on the ground so he could roam around
“So Y/N and Alexandra are together?” Lando asked.
Yes.” Charles answered.
“But you are also together with them?” Lando followed up,
“Yes, that is how a polyamorous relationship works, mate.” Charles said.
“How did you decide to have Y/N join?” Max asked.
“Alexandra and I were dating for a while, sometimes Alexandra would invite Y/N if we were shopping or going out to eat. Sometimes I would be left alone with Y/N and we would hit it off so well, I felt the same thing for her as I felt for Alexandra. One night Alexandra told me the reason why she kept inviting Y/N was because she had a crush on her and I confessed the same to Alexandra. So one day all three of us went to the movies, we told Y/N our feelings, Y/N took time to think about it, and when she said she had feelings for us too, we started taking it slow.” Charles said.
“So the relationship is all about love and not wanting to spice up the relationship?” Daniel asked.
“Nope, all love.” Charles answered.
“Do you even know Y/N’s parents?” Alex asked.
“I do not, they love back in New York.” Charles said.
“Do you think you’re going to marry Y/N and Alexandra and have a polyamorous marriage?” George asked,
“I would like to in the future, I love both of them so much, I have never felt so strongly about anyone.” Charles said.
“For ultrasound appointments, will both of you go with her?” Lewis asked.
“Yes, both of us will go with Y/N, it is more likely that Alexandra goes if the appointment falls on a Wednesday, Thursday, or Friday during race week.” Charles answered.
“So if Alexandra is doing something, and it’s only you and Y/N, that’s okay?” Lando asked.
“Yes, it’s okay if I’m just with Y/N. It’s okay if I’m just with Alexandra, and it’s okay if it’s just Alexandra and Y/N, it’s alright. Since Alexandra is still studying art history, Y/N is a singer, she is able to with me a lot more and now she Can because our relationship is public.” Charles said.
“Until she hits the 3rd trimester.” Max stated.
“Anyway, our relationship is healthy, we love each other very much.” Charles said, the doorbell rang. “Must be the pizza.”
Charles was glad that his colleagues understood his relationship and didn’t make any crude remarks. He would have to talk to Pierre whenever he goes to Maranello. For the most part, the internet’s reaction was more positive than negative and that makes Charles more than happy.
The End
Hope y’all liked this installment, I am also working on more installments of Meet and Greet if you wanted more of Charles, Y/N, and Vidia
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matrixbearer2024 · 4 months
Ahhhh I hope you take in smutt requests cause I got an idea 🙏
Vox eating out the reader while they are sitting on his face <3 but suddenly his screen cracks
Smutt turned funny or smth hihi
Also would be very fun if reader was afab but like with gn pronouns
Glass Breaks
Vox x gn!afab!Reader
A/N: I've seen some posts going around talking about Vox and an S/O that had some... mishaps- during a face sitting session and I am LIVING for it. Granted I wrote this really late so I don't know if it'll be any good or if Vox is a little OOC but I hope you enjoy it anon!
Vox had a pretty rough day.
Dealing with his company, reporters, the other Vees-
He wanted nothing more than to just collapse in your arms and forget the day's stresses.
Instead, he came back to an extremely sexy surprise.
He'd taken his coat off, hanging it by the door as he strolled in and looked for you.
The dead silence was quite rare when it came to you.
Hell, he expected you to just be waiting by the door with your arms outstretched for a hug as always.
But the second he'd opened the bedroom door, Vox quickly wished he'd done so sooner.
You were laying on his bed in some lingerie, a sheer robe leaving nothing to the imagination.
Not that he was at all complaining!
Vox couldn't tear his eyes away the second he stepped in.
You knew he was entranced, the tech overlord often was when you gave him surprises.
Wholesome ones or not.
It also went without saying that you loved tempting him.
So definitely his libido shot through the roof when you teased him further, making a "come hither" motion that had your beloved's screen overheating.
The fans in his head quickly kicked on to high gear as a blush quickly settled on his face.
Despite that, an eager smile wormed onto his face as he made his way over to you.
Not willing to let just anyone stroll in however, accident or not, Vox of course locked the door.
"Tough day~?"
"If I get to come home to this? Makes it all worth it."
You cooed as your neck was peppered with gentle kisses and nips.
It wasn't rare for Vox to be this soft with you in bed, but you garnered it was probably because he was tired.
Oftentimes if he needed to release stress he'd just fuck you silly into the mattress no matter what you were wearing.
You were kind of expecting the same today really, hearing his ranting over the phone just a few hours prior-
Even so, this wasn't too far fetched of a scenario either.
On the other hand, if he was tired?
He would just service you until you were sated.
Then you both could have a passionate round two in the morning.
You exchanged gentle kisses with Vox while he did away with your clothes.
His claws carefully grazing your skin as he groped so he wouldn't hurt you.
A shiver ran up your spine as one of his claws rubbed against your slit.
Your panties even gained a damp spot from all his ministrations.
Vox only chuckled at the revelation, pulling away from the kiss to gaze at your flustered expression.
He loved making a mess of you, it was extremely fun and exhilarating knowing that only he could do this to you and nobody else.
Leaning over to whisper in your ear, his claws gently caressed your sides.
"I wanna try something, follow my lead?"
"Of course."
And that's how you found yourself in this current situation.
Sitting on your boyfriend's screen while he voraciously ate you out.
Vox honestly couldn't even get enough of your moans.
You cried his name out so much he wouldn't dare forget it now.
His hands held down your hips while his tongue worked wonders.
He was just totally drowning in you when you sat on his face.
Why didn't he think of doing this before?
Usually he'd be above you if he was giving oral but honestly this works too.
Of course- there was a really good reason why you shouldn't be sitting on his face.
Which was further proven when you heard a small cracking sound before losing yourself in the throes of passion.
Both of you froze in shock from the sound before you slowly got off Vox and your suspicions had been proven right.
His poor screen had a crack running along the edge where you were leaning most of your weight.
Your beloved only raised a hand to feel his screen to confirm what he'd been guessing before groaning in frustration.
Vox just promptly wrapped himself up in a blanket cocoon annoyed and embarrassed.
So much for that, not to mention the mood was gone.
You couldn't help but giggle at just how random it all was.
Oh well, it just wasn't meant to be.
That didn't help Vox's grumpiness at all.
"It's not funny doll."
He tiredly muttered, you didn't think he'd be so defeated by such a small thing.
Then again, maybe it wasn't exactly a small thing for him.
You shifted closer to your TV lover and lightly tugged at the blankets until he looked at you.
His eyebrows were pressed together in what you could only describe as annoyance.
Though it quickly dissipated when you started just lightly leaving kisses all over his screen.
Being mindful of the cracks that you inadvertently caused of course.
"Wh- Wait- (Y/N) what are you- mmPHF-"
You quickly shut him up with another sweet kiss, pulling away to gently stroke the side of his head.
"It's okay hun, really. We tried, and well- now we know why you're not supposed to sit on a flatscreen TV-"
Vox half-heartedly groaned at your attempt at hilarity, flipping you both over and tickling you in retribution for such a poorly landed joke.
Your joyful laugher was more than enough to sweep away his annoyance and irritation at his hardware durability failing.
Afterwards, he held you close for cuddles until the next morning where he'd inevitably have to go and get his screen repaired.
Though that was trouble for tomorrow's him to deal with.
Valentino wasn't the only one who noticed the condition of his colleagues' glass screen during a meeting.
Well it's not as bad as it could possibly be, but a cracked screen was a cracked screen.
"Geez, what happened to you? Did you get into a fight with the missus yesterday?"
"Uh... something like that."
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bloodreddemons · 5 months
Hazbin Hotel Episode 1-4 Hot Takes! ~
They finally dropped. They are finally here, and I have A LOT to say. (Good & the bad, my opinions of course.)
Episode 1 was kinda boring and it just seemed overall weird and off. It didn't really pick back up that well, or align with the pilot too much, and the pilot slapped.
I feel like for those who haven't seen the pilot would be so confused with what is going on or who the characters even are. It feels like you also have to do a bit of digging to actually figure out other details.
I wasn't expecting to like Adam he was funny asf and I loved his singing. Love Alex Brightman he's great.
I can see what people are saying now when they were talking about the premise changing or being different, it definitely seems that way. It just feels like it's all over the place and there's multiple things happening at once. A bit confusing.
Charlie just looks weird to me I don't know why, I kinda like how she used to look.
Sir Pentious new voice is better. Again, love Alex Brightman. Lol.
Loser, Baby, Hell is forever, Poison, & Respectless are the best songs so far. Stayed Gone is ok too tho.
I'm interested in finding out why Lilith & Alastor were gone for like 7 years. I wonder where they went and it just makes me wonder if the war against heaven was possibly planned?? 🤔
I love Brandon Roger's but I didn't really like him as Katie Killjoy I think I liked the other VA. I just don't hear Katie, I hear Bryce Tankthrust.
I wish Vivzie designed Sir Pentious with more of a steampunk look since that's what era he's from so he's not wearing almost the same exact suit every other Overlord has.
Nifty is literally fucking iconic. I enjoyed her every time she was on screen even if it was for a short time. She's so funny.
I was expecting Vox & Valentino to have deeper voices but they still sounded great.
Velvette fucking ATE I was pleasantly surprised by her. I love her so much. She's my favorite of the VVV's and her singing is so good.
Charlie & Vaggie's fight wasn't that impactful, it kinda just came out of nowhere and seemed like something that should have happened way later. It didn't even seem like such a big deal either to be an argument.
I don't really like Vox as a person for letting Valentino treat Angel Dust the way he does. Just trash. He has to know about it.
Vox is just too obsessed with Alastor. He wants his cock soooo bad it's kinda crazy. It's the most fakest beef ever. Bad meat.
I like the new VA's they're amazing, but I do really miss the old ones. Most of them.
I think Vaggie's singing is better than Charlie's and that's fucked up because singing is like her whole thing.
Camilla killing the Angel wasn't that impactful because we don't really know who she is.
I don't really care to know how they will be trying to redeem people...idk I always thought that those parts would be boring.
So far I don't think the show was worth a 4 year wait....
Huskerdust WILL be canon at this rate. They might just be the best couple.
Charlie should have lit Valentino's ass up for treating Angel Dust the way he was. She shouldn't have listened to Angel and just fucked him up. Stop crying omfg!
I get that Husk & Angel are like in the same boat & all but....is being Alastor's minion really as bad as being constantly knocked around by Valentino?
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r3starttt · 3 months
fic M.list | read this or DNI
cw: mentions of masturbation
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After the very boring and award familiar dinner you had, without Abby, your whole family reunited at the inside of the house.
You found yourself lying on a large couch as your cousins watches something in the huge tv, almost at full volume. Your mom was talking with your aunt about whatever, they could talk for hours.
Your dad was busy serving everyone something to drink, some small snack and having small talk with everyone making sure they felt comfortable. Paying attention and taking care of everything and everyone but you.
Until everyone suddenly remembered you existed. But you’re way too stubborn to please them so easily, besides you were already feeling your heart in your brain, palpitating loudly enough to make your whole body vibrate. Abby, without being there had caused you such discomfort.
And you weren’t in the mood for anything but sleeping. Yet attention is always welcomed because you adore people noticing you, deep inside you that’s something you crave.
You were took out of your trance by your dads voice right next to your ear, his voice cooed your name, followed by his hands on your shoulders, maybe not the best thing to do after Abby did the same thing just some hours ago. It felt like a ghost, she wasn’t there but you could feel her and see her and hear her everywhere.
“Play something” he asked, patting your shoulders before walking away, next to your mom and aunt sitting next to you on separate couches of course, to not bother you more. “non mi va” you replied, hiding your face on the palm of your hand and crossing your legs more if that was even possible as a desperate attempt to pretend you weren’t there.
“perché non ti va? mhm?” your mom asked, hearing her felt like an insult “perché non mi va” you answered again, feeling your words coming out of your mouth as bullets piercing your own skin. You’ve never experienced such a migraine. “You’re spoiling everyone’s fun”
Her words sank on you, if you could describe it, physically there was something fuzzy in your throat running down your stomach, she was right. So you stood up, walking towards the piano as your family clapped at you, sarcastically.
They made you play the piano.
Naturally next day you were exhausted, feeling a headache hangover and overthinking every single time you’ve spoke to Abby. Why was she so present in your mind?
You had nothing planned for today, just stay at home and wait for the day to end. And you really hoped, needed that Abby wasn’t here today.
She kept haunting you, making you feel and think and experience physical and mental pain. That’s the most accurate word, it was discomfort mixed with pain and annoyance. But also empathy because she was probably trying her best and felt the same way about you.
And she was the adult here, the one that should know what to do, where and when put the limits. She should be smarter than you, like all your mom’s students. Otherwise she would be here.
So she probably knew about you and how you were feeling, and as well knew about her and how she was feeling. And it kept bothering you how she was being so childish about this, how she didn’t let you read her mind like others did.
How here brows were always furrowed and her fat lips were naturally pouting, always looking so annoyed and serious and like she was keeping a secret. How she purposely leaned on you to grab some shit from the table every time she ate with you and your parents and how she would disappear all day after that, not making a sound whenever she arrived.
It bothered you how she ran her hands through her hair whenever it wasn’t made in a braid, how her collar looked so tentative whenever you noticed it, how she’d let her underwear everywhere in the bathroom you shared and how she’d be so normal, changing with the door or windows fully open, like you weren’t there.
It bothered you how inviting she looked and how much you craved her, how impossible she seemed to get but how easy she became whenever she’s around you. It bothered you how good it felt to stare.
It bothered you to feel something ache in between your legs and breasts whenever you saw her. And it was extremely hurtful how you could never satiate it.
Before you realized your hand was already over your cunt, making small circles above your clit, teasing yourself by the pure thought of her.
And how could you not when she looked delicious under the sun, lightening her blonde her, and the breeze, warmly making the front stands of her hair gracefully dance over her cheeks, how could you not when the sweat made her usually white blouses stick to her back, when her muscles were always fully displayed.
Three knocks, less than one second each, and the door was already opened.
Your hand moved away as fast as it could, grabbing the first thing it could catch. A book, small, you’ve never seen it before but somehow it was next to your bed. Maybe it was something you grabbed on a sleepy night where you refused to let the day end.
“Hey” “hey” your voices overlapped, she walked inside your room as you were still readjusting yourself on your bed, trying to look natural, trying to hide your chest practically trying to jump out of your body, shifting your eyes to keep them fixated in your book.
She was wearing a white tank top -a black bra under- practically transparent. And some shorts, she was planning on go swimming based on the little you’ve get to know her.
Her arms rested on the old metal footboard, and maybe it was just you but you felt like her eyes could look trough you, like she could perceive how annoying yet desired her presence was for you at this moment. “How come you’re not down with everyone else by the river?”
You, on the other hand, we’re resting on your elbows. Back almost pressed against the mattress and legs bended, knees pointing to the window in front of you and eyes moving quickly side to side on every verse in the book, trying to ignore her body, which unconsciously had you drooling some seconds ago. You hummed, thinking about an answer.
“Not feeling good t’day…have an allergy” Abby’s voice overlapped with you, purposely interrupting your lame excuse “Yeah me too, maybe we have the same one” you furrowed before realizing, confused and conflicted by her words. Why couldn’t she just ignore you?
Why was she always so smart?
“Why don’t you and I go swimming?” your hands positioned the book down, facing the mattress without closing it properly, quickly folding the edge of the sheet you were currently acting to read. Smart movement that she would hopefully notice as a non verbally response to her sudden invitation.
“Right now?” She nodded, pressing her lips together and grabbing you by the arm that wasn’t supporting your body from falling on the bed. “Do we have to go right now?” Abby sighed, annoyed by how childish you were being right now. She did notice, she knew you more than you imagine, but as the older one between you both she tried her best to make things work, and it was painfully annoying that you refused to let her do the job.
“I’ll go get changed, meet you downstairs”
Todays hot was bearable, relaxing even. So after fulfill her whim and swim with her you two grew exhausted of it, and probably each other’s presence as well, ending up resting each in a different way.
You, on a lounger and her on the side of the small pool the cottage had on its large garden. The only thing heard was the water running down the fountain, along the pool, and the usual chirp of birds accompanied by the trees moving.
You were falling asleep, the warmth of the sun embracing your body comfortably couldn’t cause less. And since she didn’t make any sound the moment you closed your eyes you obliviously assumed she was in your same situation. Until her voice was hear, asking for your attention by practically screaming your name. “You sleeping?” “I was”
“Listen to this drivel, tell me what y’ think” “No, wait” you quickly responded, still half asleep. As your back cracked gracefully for you, her laugh got to your ears, was she making fun of you? bothering you on purpose?
You stood up, walking towards her. Which she ignored by speaking before you even got close as you intended, to actually hear her and pay attention to whatever she planned on saying.
“For the early Greeks, Heidegger contends, this underlying hiddenness is constitutive of the way beings are, no only in relation to themselves but also in relation to other entities generally. In other words, they do construe hiddenness merely or primarily in terms of entities’ relations to human beings”
You didn’t understand nor hear any word she just mentioned, still stretching your body and sitting next to her as she spoke, placing your legs in the water and making small circles with your feet, completely amused by the way the water looked. You find it relaxing how transparent and brilliant the water looks any time for he day, how it lightens your skin, how it moves.
“Does that make any sense to you? Doesn’t make any sense to me” you shifter your eyes to look at her, her muscled arms flexed to the sides of her body, sighing as she grabbed the sheet with some force, wrinkling it’s corners. “I don’t think it makes any sense to your dad either” “Maybe it did when you wrote it”
You extender your arm to grab the sheet and take a proper look of whatever she wrote, making her put some effort on it as a small revenge of her waking you up. “That’s the kindest thing anybody has said to me in months” you grabbed the sheet, being interrupted by her voice again “kind?” a ‘yep’ brushed her lips, almost too quiet for you to hear.
Before you could read any of it, even glance at the piece of paper your hands contained, she threw herself on the pool, purposely just to get you wet again, and probably to ruin the stupid text that sheet had. Which she failed on achieving since you moved it away the moment you noticed her body rolling to the side.
She’d be dancing something in between 9 and 12 minutes based on how much each singed has played so far lasted. Yes, you counted.
Today was the day in the week you went out with your friends, being interrupted by Abby’s presence you ended coming to a small party in town, with her as well. Marzia was there, not letting go of you since you arrived.
Which was extremely annoying considering the fact you weren’t paying attention to her at all by how Abby’s hands were placing on a woman’s ass, non ashamed. They were adults and the place was safe, she, they, could do whatever. And if it wasn’t her then it would probably pass ignored by you. But it didn’t and it’s the most disgusting thing your eyes have seen her do so far.
Marisa’s body felt somehow heavy, and her words were like random letters being pronounced right to your ear, loud and not understandable at all.
Your friends, which where sitting next to you as Marzia was on your lap, were drunk already, making fun of Abby and the woman who had been desperate to feel her touch since Abby became the center of attention to practically everyone present.
You had a cigarette in hand, pressing your free hand on the sides of Marzia’s waist at every move Abby made. Bitting the inside of your lips and cheeks whenever the cig had to leave your mouth or replacing it by some beer.
You’d ended dancing as well when the fifth song appeared. Marzia right next to Abby who seemed unbothered by the two of you eye fucking each other right in front of her. Because as much as you craved Abby, Marzia was there first, and she’d been waiting for you longer than anyone else has waited.
You knew what she craved, and also knew you couldn’t give it to her, but there was no harm in trying your best to cheat both you and her. It’s better to try and fail than do nothing and regret.
You just had to find the courage to reach out and touch, she would say yes.
“I just heard from the people in Sirmione, they say they’ve come up with something so, going there today, yeah?” Your mom murmured to you during breakfast. Abby was sitting next to you so she heard as well.
Not in your plans but not something you could refuse to do, it wouldn’t take long, It never did. Marzia would be waiting for you till night, and even if it did took long then she won’t leave, if she’s been holding herself for years already, what’s some minutes more?
“Please, stay silent” your mom said, giving the first bite to her food “Silent as in ‘she has too many opinions’ or silent as in ‘just not telling anybody what amazing thing you’ve dug up’” that was Abby’s voice, vibrating in your ears as how deep and loud she was whenever she spoke to your parents.
You were all day outside, with both your mom and Abby. You ended up swimming till night and god how things were so perfect that day you forgot about the plans you've made with Marzia.
You didn't even bother to went and look for her later that night, if she was there she would tell you how immature you are with this, if she wasn't there then this was it.
And to be honest, after actually spending a decent evening with abby you didn't feel like going trough her shit today. Or tomorrow, or in a week until she won't mad at you anymore.
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duchezss · 27 days
I've taken a bit to try and assemble my thoughts of jwct, and frankly I still don't know how to feel. Not in a "oh that was bad" kinda way, but in a "that was life changing how can I move on" kinda way. So I'm gonna do what I do best and just ramble on here, you know me. Spoilers of course.
Overall thoughts:
Holy cow the animation!! Not to say jwcc was ugly, but you can instantly see the budget differences. The lighting was gorgeous and the sequences were great. It was just so clear how much love was poured into every scene, the thought behind every move was so clear.
The story was so engaging and good. I thought I was gonna get tired of the "picking everyone up" trope, but it worked so well. I think the difference is this show knew how to take it's time. Ben and Darius had a few episodes to themselves, then Sammy and Kenji were given time to express their grievances. Hell we didn't even get to Yaz till ep 6 and I loved that. The dinosaurs were great too, and the overall plot was just amazing. I loved how it all slowly enfolded and how it was clear they had only scratched the surface with what they found out.
The voice acting was great as always, but it did kinda make me emotional at first to hear how much Paul had grown up. Getting used to Kenji and Brooklynn's new VA's was kinda odd, especially for Kenji, but by the end I was mostly cool with them.
The characters (and trust I'm gonna talk about all of them individually in a sec) were just superb. Their overall maturity and growth was outstanding, especially seeing how their trauma really effected them all differently. All of their arcs before and throughout the season were simply breathtaking. I think this season might be the best in terms of balance, it handled it's action, humor, and emotional moments so well.
This kinda relates back to the animation, I can't explain it, but they all just felt so much more human this season. Everyone's body language was so fluid and lifelike. They would talk over each other and mumble, they would hunch and roll their eyes and all of this sounds normal, but it really stood out. I think it's safe to say the animators really popped off this season, the direction was so clear this is truly a masterpiece. Also I felt like all of them were so touchy and I loved that so much. Like yes hug, hold hands, grab shoulders, pat on the back, I LOVE.
Darius, my god Darius. Of course I've always loved him, he's an amazing mc and he is just so lovable. That being said I generally couldn't get over how much I loved him this season. He blew me away in ways I couldn't have imagined. His grief is so understandable and the way he shifted his ideology on dinosaurs because of Brooklynn was just heartbreaking. The way his character was handled was amazing, and it was wonderful to see that the writers do know how to let the others shine while still showcasing that he is the mc. I was also so in love with how sassy and witty he was, like when did he become so funny? His vulnerable moments were just as good and I loved how they showed his anger and frustration as well. His arc about learning to accept his grief and his regret was so poignant and beautiful. It's clear he needs a shoulder to cry on and yet he still puts everyone first, god I didn't think I could love him this much. He was easily the best character this season, I feel like they FINALLY showcased how amazing he is, just 10/10 no notes they ate.
I was kinda shocked by how goofy Ben was, but man I'd be lying if I said I didn't love it. Still can't get over how tall he is, and while I hated his design at first, it's really grown on me now. I really don't get how a lot of people are saying he felt like a shell of himself, cause frankly this season just cemented him as one of my favorite characters ever. He was kind, caring, understanding, humorous, he cracked jokes and messed around, but also got emotional and real. Him being a conspiracy theorist and living out of a van just makes sense, and the way he's the opposite of his germaphobe self now is hilarious. It was also interesting to see him as the meditator since he was the only one that got along with everyone else. He tried to help Darius with Kenji, he tried to give advice to Yaz about Sammy. It was just so lovely to see him so content and yet still himself? His scenes with Bumpy were so sweet and sad I can't stand them. Also I'm kinda obsessed with the fact that he's so big yet sucks at fighting and defending himself...king. I loved his mini arc about almost regressing on his fear, and how he grew from that. Ben ily light of my life, still the goat I fear.
Sammy's whole story just felt so heartbreaking. When they found her on the farm all alone it hurt me so bad. The way her family was her whole world and now they aren't on speaking terms? I hope the writers explain a bit cause I just can't fathom why? And Yaz moved away and she was really all alone. The way she approached her grief and her whole life in denial, and how she refused to accept anything was so heartbreaking. It hurt even worse because despite all of that pain she was still her. She was headstrong, kind, and passionate, for people and for dinosaurs. I did love how they still showcased her flaws and weaknesses. She had a hard time treating Yaz differently, but she also just wanted someone to actually be there for her. It's so clear she's tired and wants to be the one taken care of for once. Sammy stories feels heart wrenching in perhaps a more subtle way than the others. I really loved the direction the writers took her in this season. They showcased so much good and left us wanted more and ugh someone just give her another hug please.
If there's one thing the writers can be consistent on is making me despise Kenji. He was annoying me at first because of how he was approaching things, but he really grew on me by the end. He was this season’s punching bag and it was so heartbreaking. Brooklynn died and he blamed Darius and it's like he couldn’t escape his anger. It's interesting to see how him and Darius secluded themselves in different ways, and the way he still calls their mom? Oh I'm gonna cry. Yes Kenji is mad and he has every right to be, but it's clear his anger is misplaced. The whole scene with his father was so sad for so many reasons. Yes Kenji didn't like his father, but he literally watched him die. His breakdown was so painful to watch. I like how we can see Kenji kinda mature again over the season. It's as if he's relearning that not everything is in his control, and he shouldn't dwell on that. Sometimes his VA sounded too uninterested or nonchalant, which is a shame because the thing about Kenji is he pretends not to care but it's really the opposite. I am intrigued to see where this show will take his journey.
We took a while to get to Yaz, but I'd say it was worth the wait. I liked how this series didn't shy away from talking about her ptsd, and it took it even a step further by exploring peoples ways of coping. It's also interesting to see how fear has driven Yaz and how that has effected her relationships with all of them, but particularly Sammy. She's trying so hard to do better, but healing isn't linear and building a glass house around yourself can only do so much. I really hope they'll let us see how all of this is effecting her next season, because for someone is deathly afraid of dinosaurs this season put her through the ringer. That being said, I think there's no denying the bravery she showed. No matter how terrified she was she was always there for her friends. When Sammy needed her she knew how to calm her down, when her friends needed her help she let her instincts drive her. She even learned to let herself enjoy the moment, adding humor to trying to make the best of things. I feel for Yaz and I want to see her find comfort in her friends again, because she also just needs a hug.
Character: five stage of grief
While writing this I stopped and realized that in a way all of them really represented the five stages of grief regarding Brooklynn and just their life in general. So I wanted to take an interlude to talk about that for a moment.
Denial: Sammy - It's clear that Sammy has been trying to deny anything and everything, if only to pretend all of her problems are nonexistent. She doesn't want to believe that her family won't talk to her, and that Yaz won't either, and that her friend is just gone. Denying makes it all of it easier and so she makes herself busy so she won't even have a second to think about it all because then maybe she'd have to accept it.
Anger: Kenji - He's blaming everyone, especially Darius for Brooklynn's death. He blames the Allosaurus and he blames his father and through it all his anger never dwindles. Eventually it's all too much and he lets his anger become sadness, but it's clear his frustration and aggravation are not exactly gone. He can forgive but still feel mad at his situation and I think that's ok.
Bargaining: Yaz - Her's almost borderlines on denial like Sammy, but I think it's a little different. Because unlike Sammy she thinks everything is ok. She's convinced herself that this dino free island is fool proof and if she hides away like this nothing bad could ever happen. Obviously she comes to find out this isn't true and she has to accept the fact that her reassuring herself can only do so much. She has to face her fears, and boy does she.
Depression: Darius - From the get go we knew Darius wasn't doing too good. He's locked himself away in his bunker, cut off everyone, and had just become obsessed with catching the Allosaurus. Loosing Brooklynn was hard on all of them, but it's clear he took it the worst. It also didn't help that Kenji blamed him so much, so he fell into this hole. It's not the typical signs of depression, but his behavior is so different than before. Old Darius would have never cut everyone off and reduced dinosaurs to simple killers.
Acceptance: Ben - He's perhaps the only one that can speak so plainly about Brooklynns death. He constantly reassures Darius that it wasn't his fault and he's the one that rallies all of them together. His acceptance of her death is what allows him to put the pieces together that someone is after them. Of course he still mourns her, but the difference is he wants to get her justice and make sure all of them are safe as well.
To get the elephant out of the room THANK GOD brookenji broke up. I know they have a lot of shooters but I have and will never support or understand them. They just didn't work and had like zero chemistry. I really hope they stay broken up please writers I can't take it anymore. That being said I was pleasantly surprised Kenji's whole character wasn't just about Brooklynn. Yes she was a big factor, but without her there it's like he could be his own character again. That was always my biggest gripe with s4-s5 brookenji. I couple should not be reduced to their partners, they need to be their own person too.
Yasammy you will always be famous. The two of them were absolutely wonderful this season. Their fight was so warranted and valid and I loved that both of them were right in some ways. It's never black and white and it's up to communication to resolve those issues. The two of them are just so in love, they are actual soulmates like I can't. No notes, I think their relationship is proof that you can balance a couple and the individual. Sammy has her problems, Yaz has her problems, and together they can be a mess, but that's what so wonderful about it. The scene with them after they got out of the van was generally so beautiful I LOVE THEM.
Darius "I was in love with Brooklynn" Bowman....I USED TO PRAY FOR TIME LIKE THESE?? When I tell you I screamed I mean it so bad, I almost fell out of my chair. I know a lot of people aren't a fan, and they think it reduces their friendship, but I disagree. I think Darius still would've been heartbroken, but this just adds a layer. I also love it cause it's just so messy, and I think that makes it feel more real. What do you do if you love your brothers ex? I have been a dinostar defender for years, and I think there's no deny how much they mean to each other. I know he said Brooklynn didn't replicate his feelings but until we see the scene I'm gonna deny that. I think she rejected him because she didn't want him to get hurt in her investigation, that or she doesn't want to hurt Kenji. Let me just say writers you have a chance to get this all back on track PLEASEEEEE do not mess it up I can't take the heartbreak again.
Ben and Darius' friendship was kinda the best thing ever and I wasn't expecting it at all? I know they've had a rocky relationship before but this was so playful and I loved it so much. The way they goofed around and got into trouble, the show couldn't handle them together all season I guess. I also love how tender it was. Ben was so patient with Darius and it was clear he only wanted the best for him. Darius was just as patient with Ben and he helped him through his little paranoia relapse. They were such a good time and a blast to watch like the amount of times the two of them had me busting out laughing was insane.
Sammy and Ben duo oh how I've missed you. Another one I really didn't expect but they were so lovely. I loved how much they messed around yet they also dropped everything to commit a few crimes. Ep five was full of them and I loved it so much. Also the way Sammy constantly defended Ben was so special to me, that girl knew how to throw a punch lmao. Nothing too crazy, but so welcome and sweet. Also the way Ben was terrorizing Sammy on the phone with Yaz, peak cinema.
MIGHT AS WELL KILL ME NOW KENJI AND DARIUS. WHY are they always fighting Kenji don't make me mad. I loved their relationship so much. The way Kenji was so angry at Darius and yet Darius held him so close while he had a breakdown? Might just kms. They friendship is so rocky and real and I love that. I also love how Kenji wasn't angry when Darius said he had feelings for Brooklynn. He just listened and the maturity they both have is insane. I'm terrified of Brooklynn coming back and causing a love triangle, but honestly I'd be fine if they all just stayed friends if that means these two end up alright. When the brothers brother >>>
Ben and Yaz bestfriendism back everyone cheered. The way they still call each other by their last names actually kinda tears me to pieces. I love how Ben offers advice to Yaz even if it's in his own silly way. They're both so gentle and yet so playful with each other I love. I love that Yaz just let's Ben go on his side quests like yeah he's got it. They didn't get that many scenes but I still love them so dearly anyways.
The return of the king, Sammy and Darius. I know they didn't get that much but they were always one of my fav limited screen time duos. The way they constantly comfort each other just pulls on the heartstrings. Like when they just hugged in the back of the van? And when Sammy raced to hug him again in the warehouse? Ohh I love them. And despite it all Darius trying his best to defend Sammy? Save me older sister-younger brother duo save me.
Kenji got very limited time with Sammy and Yaz and I can't wait to see more cause those just iconic duos, I also would love to see more of Darius and Yaz since they also didn't meet till the very end. I really hope S2 (I'm pretending like it's already confirmed) let's us see more of this, especially Kenji and Yaz please I've missed them so much.
Ohhhhh Ben and Kenji. Benji nation we're kinda so back, living off crumbs is better than living off nothing. Ok but in all seriousness their relationship is so sweet. Ben trying to make Kenji see reason in the beginning, then letting Kenji hold Bumpy's egg cause it was clear that's what he needed at the moment. Then Kenji helping Ben when he got hurt. It's clear they speak in actions, not words. I need more of them like actually I've missed my pookies so bad.
Lastly I wanna talk about Yaz, Sammy, and Ben with Brooklynn. Their flashbacks broke my heart, and it also showcased how different their love and grief for her was. THE FACT THAT WE FINALLY GOT B DUO AND IT'S AFTER SHE'S GONE...my heart shattered. I love how funny and chill they were, we were so robbed of this in jwcc I swear. It's also kinda sad because the implication that Ben introduced Brooklynn to dark jurassic which subsequently lead her down the path that got her "killed"...I'm done. Also the fact that they were so casual implies that Brooklynn would constantly visit him at college which is just so sweet? I can't stand them bye. Sammy casually having Brooklynns old jacket tells me Brooklynn used to come over a lot, perhaps more when they were younger. Also Sammy seemed shocked to go in that room so I might be reading into this too much, but I see it as maybe that was Brooklynns guest room at one point? I am also a firm believer that Sammy dyed her hair pink for Brooklynn. Like Ben, everything just felt so casual and therefore more heart aching. Sammy wants to pretend like she could open that door and Brooklynn would just be there, researching and chilling. I think Yaz's flashback with Brooklynn is the saddest. All these years later and Yaz still confides and trusts Brooklynn to help her through her struggles. It's hard to believe they used to fight so much. Brooklynn is so understanding and kind, and I also find it interesting that it appears that Brooklynn was the one that really kept up with all of them. She wanted to be there for them, and it makes her supposed death that much sadder.
Random things of note:
I have always been a Benjamin denier AND NOW THEY'RE JUST DROPPING THAT OUT OF NO WHERE?? I can't have anything fr. Whatever, I'm still on my Sammy is short for Samantha box sue me.
Bumpy being a mother is so silly goofy but I'm hear for it, just glad she's ok cause if they actually tried to kill her I would've had to intervene.
I really loved the way they let everyone show emotions this season. Like yes of course they showed emotions before, but this felt so much rawer and realer if that makes any sense. Literally all of them cried once throughout the season and I loved that. But not just that, they let them be frustrated, and angry, and happy, and everything in between. KEEP IT UP.
All of the dinosaurs looked amazing, but man the Allosaurus stole the show. Also I loved the white eye, it made us want to view the dinosaur as evil in a way, and I think that was good for putting us in Darius' shoes.
The flashback sequence with Darius and the Allosaurus was so wicked. The team knew how to kill a dramatic moment oh my lord. This is kinda related to the animation too but so many shots were so cinematic. LIKE LIGHTING AND BLOCKING IS BACK PEOPLE. Brooklynn's apartment was gorgeous, Sammy's ranch during the sunset was beautiful. The scene of the explosion behind the T. Rex was iconic. We're so back
I'm so in love with how this show handled grief and not only that, but grief in a group setting. I think this might one of the only pieces of media I've ever seen that really shows how messy found family can be, and that's ok. It's not supposed to perfect, it's only as good as they make it.
Kenji saying dad in Japanese after having that conversation with his father about not being able to speak it, and the implication that he might've learned that word to try and talk with his father? Someone kill me like actually.
Darius wearing yellow agai- [GUNSHOT]
I could go into the color theory with all of their outfits but I won't cause I'm trying to not go that insane (it's not going well)
Ben's fanny back going across his torso, Yaz's iconic bangs.
The fact that Sammy found the map implies that A. Brooklynn came over right before she died and after Darius' confession, and B. That despite everything she still wanted and needed to talk to him about something.
Microbangs lady was actually scary as hell. I really liked her though, she was menacing and interesting. And she clearly valued her relationship with the raptors, I hope we see more of her.
I'm kinda sus of Mateo but I think that's just the trauma of every adult always betraying them. Hope he was chill and we won't see him again pls.
Sammy being such a great fighter is so random but I love it so much?? Like yes let her kick ass in cowboy boots that's my girl.
Where is Darius' necklace? When did he stop wearing it? It is important to the plot or did the animators just find it unnecessary?
Closing thoughts:
Overall WHAT A SHOW!! I had kinda fallen out of love with this show because s4 and s5 were kinda eh. I've never stopped loving the characters though, so this show was like a dream come true. Finally an amazing story to support these amazing characters again.
The character relationships felt at an all time high and I'm so grateful. These characters literally feel like my family too it's kinda bad how much I'm attached. I just love how much they love each other.
The only thing that kinda confused me was the ending. Why did they have to get on the boat right then and there? Why did no one stop the boat before it left? I'm not sure but I'm very excited to find out.
And lastly surprise surprise Brooklynn is alive. Of course I'm happy to know, but I kinda don't like the circumstances. I thought she was gonna be kidnapped or something so there would be a valid reason why she wasn't reaching out. But she's free and is just choosing to hide from the crew, with a good reason I assume. I think this will make her reunion with them more bitter than sweet, but I did just say I love messy so I'm excited anyway.
Y'all my fault I know I have a habit of rambling and making essays but this is just too much fr. Whatever I LOVE TALKING ABOUT WHAT I LOVE LMAO.
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milgram-tournament · 5 months
MILGRAM Best Song Tournament, Round 2, Match 2 BRING IT ON vs. THIS IS HOW TO BE IN LOVE WITH YOU
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Propaganda for both options under the cut!
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Propaganda for BRING IT ON:
"Reasons why Bring it On should win:
- Just by starting the song, the instrumentals are BANGER. Like his more rock style is very cool, even better than After Pain’s more mellow style - Arthur’s voice (Futa’s va) had bills due because have you HEARD his singing?? His raspier voice fits Futa so well - It feels so explosive and like a call to action in a sense, which very much matches Futa’s mentality during trial 1. He also wasn’t playing victim like a CERTAIN girl… (jk, love you mu!) - SAA HAJIMEYOU USOTSUKI KARIDA - UNDEAD HEROOOI YES SLAY KING HIS HIGH NOTE HERE IS HEAVENLY - His scream at the end. Oh my god. HE LITERALLY ATE THIS NOTE. AFTER PAIN COULD NEVER. BRING IT ON FTW 🔥🔥🔥" - His range goes WAAAAAY higher than Mu. She would end up like PHG if she even tried hitting any of his high notes in the last chorus /j
- The vocals are amazing, those growls are so well done - You’re able to get Fuuta’s crime and motive pretty succinctly, only based on the visuals - But it still leaves a lot up to interpretation, like how he only attacked once in the final fight scene. It lead to some cool theories. - On that note, the game aspects are so cool!! Especially when paired with him going after people online, just good synergy with awesome style! - Fuuta’s scared face after he realizes what he did. The great contrast of other foes simply being knocked out then being met with blood splatter. - The tempo of the song changing with his mood is a really good touch as well. Make the song more chaotic which highlights his character traits well
"propaganda for bring it on: the music FUCKS it genuinely slaps so hard listening to it. song style is incredible its perfect for fuutas personality and gamer vibes. also the way the mv frames everything as a game? the only time real blood and real gore happens being when killcheroy dies? the little details of all the usernames, the different monster designs, the generally distorted feel of everything being too lighthearted?
okay i could go on about the mv for hours but lets not. aside from that: the FEEL of the song!!! the vocals!!!! it really feels like fuuta putting his whole heart into it, into this point of view that both blows problems out of proportion and minimises them, and DEEPLY fucking up. my darling little hypocrite gamer boy twitter user. he makes his witch hunt genuinely sound like something that could sweep people up into it. also the instruments goddddd. the guitar and synth the bass and the drums the DRUMS. im relistening to it to write this propaganda and it keeps making me headbang when i should be writing. if you arent headbanging to bring it on you are LYING.
the way the lyrics are written is wonderful too!!!! they feel so brash and brave and powerful and like. cocky about it. and it fits PERFECTLY. its gets someone swept up into it and it FUCKS. vote bring it on im serious. lets go!! a victory march!! dan da dan!!"
Propaganda for TIHTBILWY:
okay so like the thing im most in love with: the VOCALS!!!! this song has an absolutely AMAZING singer and AMAZING vocals!!!! the way the conversational talk-singing lines still feel so musical!!!! the cute cute cuteeeee mahiru voice!!!! it brings you so much energy!!!! its a song sung with so much love!!!! mahirus va brings such an amazing feel to the song with such amazing talk-singing!!!! its very skillfully done and it happens in i love you too!! mahiru songs r the QUEENS of musical talk singing
the silly phone call bit. kurururu~!
the little vocal flourish and the way her voice raises up like an excited exclamation in the final prechorus!! daijoubu nante kirai DA!
its such a fast song but everything flows so well!!!! it makes it feel so bright and cheery and peppy!!
the instrumental is so underrated just LISTEN to that catchy bass line thats so pretty in the verses!!!! no for real even if u dont vote this is how to be in love with you go listen to the bass line in the verses it works to move both the song and the listener forward at mahirus sweeping breakneck pace. and the cute keyboard sounding and synth instruments!!!! its SUCH a danceable song!!!! i cant listen to it without bopping along in my seat
the way the ominous bits are subtly hidden? it all sounds so cute but there are just these Things that she sings that are really kind of concerning and unhealthy when she sings them!! and the veiled desperation to be in her relationship- listening to that and the cheery tone and breakneck, quick song pace, it really does represent mahiru SO well. she throws in all these little bits that just go noooo teehee the relationships just fine!! when it REALLY isnt
i would listen to mahiru talk for hours
the MV!!!!!! HER FASHION SENSE THE MAGAZINE STYLE!!!! the magazine style especially works so well with her character!!!! its so cute and stunning and just looking at it you have a blast. also her birdcage!!!! her birdcage and the bright orange and the pink bars!!!! the way everything desaturates and becomes more sickly looking when she wakes up at the end!!!! its such a happy carefully curated and designed dream and then it drains away!!!! also god all her outfits are stunning. mahiru call me
the way she sings "overheat de~!" cutest thing in the WORLD.
the little faces she makes!!!! godddd shes so expressive
actually the whole songs so expressive!!!! shes putting her all into it!!!! her words have so much expression in them!!!! once more praising mahirus va the way her voice can soften and become bright or subtly desperate so quickly is MASTERFUL control of expression when singing and its so underrated. join me in being insane over miho okasaki delivers her lines. shes such a perfect mahiru.
funniest es cover. hands down. funniest es cover.
this is how to be in love with you is FREE serotonin!!!! free energy right there!!!! this is how to be in love with you sweep!!!!!
-The song is so cheerful!! I always feel like dancing and singing when this one comes up in my playlists!! Absolute banger, mood definer, kicking sadness in the shin with those high-heels and then hitting its face with a cute purse -THE HIGH-HEELS STEPPING TO THE BEAT OF THE MUSIC IN THAT ONE SCENE (0:50). SIMPLY ICONIC. NO ONE DID IT LIKE HER. -👠💅👝👗 -She is slaying. Look at her outfits. She put so much effort there. She gave it her all. Absolutely serving. -SUKITTE KIMOCHI WAKATTA TSUMORI? NARA KONO MAMA FUTARI O-VA-HI-TO- DE -The storyline of the mv MAKES SENSE and you can form a COHESIVE TIMELINE OF EVENTS (unlike other unspecified contestants' mvs you know 🙄) -look at herr 🥺 she beby 🥺 all she did was love too much 🥺 we all love mappi don't we 🥺 she deserved more let her win this pleease 🥺 -No medical malpractice happened in the making of this mv 👍
I care so much about This is How To Be In Love With You- it's visuals are brilliant in the ways it conveys its themes and narrative. I'm never normal Ever about the "Love as marketing" symbolism that is brought in by the use of magazines. It's a lovely upbeat song but the Horrors are Always Lurking under it, the breakup Ritual line is my Favorite Line cause its so horrifying but its said so casually and its so good oh its so good-
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Why do you think Ironwood was turned out to be the antagonist of vol 8? And why is he getting so much hate fron the fandom (besides shooting Oscar)?
I vaguely remember that M*les wanted to write Ironwood in V7 as a hero falling into villainy with his decisions and acting as the main characters' opposition during their stay in Atlas, which is a trope that we've seen before.
But unfortunately, Ironwood was written too well as a complex character while the MCs are still being fucking goobers, which made that whole plan go to shit because, "oh wow, the audience actually REALLY like Ironwood! But why?? He's the villain! Let's have him shoot a child in the sternum so they can finally see that!"
It's a fucking narrative dissonance and further highlights their incompetence as writers, and we've seen this before with the WF story line where the people fighting back against an oppressive world should be seen as villains because they didn't nicely ask for their rights back. Ironwood is a villain because god fucking forbid he actually act like a general, HIS FUCKING JOB, in the face of a crisis while our protags dick around drinking tea and giving classified info to a federal burglar.
The FNDM ate it up because they do not have two brain cells to rub together and realize that they're being duped by the writers, and the further demonization of Ironwood in V8 was enough of evidence to them that he's always been evil, EVEN THOUGH IT'S SO OBVIOUS THAT THE WRITERS ARE SCRAMBLING TO JUSTIFY HIS DOWNFALL AT THEIR HANDS.
Ironwood isn't fucking evil from the get go, the writers fucked up and tried to back track on their own character. But because of this, the stannies begin to call Ironwood a fascist, a groomer (because of Winter which is another can of worm), as well as ableist fucking comments about him because of his prosthetics and even calling him white, even though his VA and design model is Asian. Ironwood is designed to look like an ASIAN MAN, and him having prosthetics doesn't equate to him being less human. But this FNDM is gross.
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lz-didyounotice · 3 months
Baking weekends : The oncomming 'flour' storm
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This gif doesn't belong to me
Heyyy! How are you lots ? Long time no see right ? Been struggling a bit with writing for the past few days. Anyway! First time I write for 12th, so I hope to have got him right. This follows the series of the Baking week-ends. Hope you enjoy!
Warnings : English is not my first language. No warning  for this one, just pure fluff. Preestablished relationship.
Translations : “C’est qui le narvalo qui a bouffé tous mes cookies ??!! ” : Who’s the fool that ate all my cookies??!!  
“Comment ça va, la miss?”  : How are you, miss?
"Je suis chez moi" : Here I am
“C’est qui le narvalo qui a bouffé tous mes cookies??!! ” 
echoed an all too familiar voice from the TARDIS kitchen.
Glancing down at the last packet of biscuits he was consuming, the Doctor hurriedly stuffed the last one in his mouth, attempting to hide the disappearance of your last batch of cookies. 
For the past three weeks, he had been raiding your personal stash of sweets, snatching bits and pieces before stashing them away in his pockets.
Setting his book aside. The timelord found himself drawn to the chalkboard standing in front of him, a poor attempt at diversion for the inevitable confrontation. Unfortunately enough, he only had been half way through his writing when the gentle voice of his wife came around.
“Darling, did you eat my last cookies ?” Your voice, though soft, carried a subtle undertone that he couldn't quite decipher.
“If I did,  as in ‘if I hypothetically did’. Would I be in trouble ?”He ventured. Tiptoeing around the accusation.
Your smile made him more apprehensive, his back slowly pressing a bit more against the board. “Of course not! Why should I be angry? You didn’t eat them.”
It all seemed too easy, too rehearsed. You had to know. Of course, you did. The glint of mischief lurking behind every line of your face was unmistakable. Had he not witnessed it countless times before, he might have missed it entirely. “Anyway, ‘got a call from Clara, she needs my help to surprise her students.” 
Turning on your heel, you could practically feel the weight of the Doctor's gaze boring into the back of your head as you input Clara’s coordinates. With a few  pulls of levers and punching buttons, the TARDIS was nearly ready for departure. Glancing back at your husband, you decided to grant him the honor of pulling the final lever. 
With crumbs of cookies smudging the corners of his mouth, he looked at you like a child caught red-handed with his hand in the cookie jar. Suppressing a laugh, you let him roll his eyes before reaching for the lever. His brow furrowed as he observed your mischievous smile. “What's so funny?” Your grin widened, even eliciting a small snort. “Nothing, Darling…”
Before long, the TARDIS materialized at its destination. Snatching your leather jacket, you darted toward the door, leaving your husband to ponder the source of your laughter as you passed the threshold. Did he have something on his face? Checking the monitor for his reflection, his cheeks flared up as he used his sleeve to wipe away the dead giveaway.
It had been a long week for the brunette, yet she still had the courage to fulfill a promise she had made her students a while back. Putting out two aprons, the girl double-checked her supply of flour, ensuring she had enough for the multiple batches to be made that evening.
Just as she was about to take a mixing ball out, the familiar sound of the TARDIS reverberated through the room, accompanied by excited footsteps. “Clara ?”
“I’m in the kitchen!” She said, head still in the cupboard.
Coming around the kitchen’s door, you had the biggest smile on your face upon seeing her. “Comment ça va, la miss?” 
“I’m doing great ! Where’s the Doctor?” she inquired, turning to face you, a curious expression on her face. She hadn't heard him enter the apartment yet. “What have you done to him?”
Playing dumb, you stepped forward to join her, ready to lend a hand. “What have I done? Do you think I would harm my own beloved?” Despite your attempt to conceal your mischief, she shot you a skeptical look .“Okay, he ate my last batch of cookies…” 
“That’s all?” She scoffed “What? Not my fault if he was caught red handed.” You complained while taking a second ball out.
Chuckling softly, the brunette shook her head in disbelief. “You’re unbelievable.” Sticking out your tongue, you finally laughed with her before standing up, the mixing ball finally found.
In no time, you had already begun making batches, “Je suis chez moi” blasting around the room. Making you both laugh as you danced around the kitchen, dough still sticking to your hands. 
But laughter soon became playful fighting threats, all orchestrated after you had attempted to reach the bag of flour in the upper cupboard. Unfortunately enough, even if you were taller than the brunette, your hand slipped, the white powder spreading everywhere. Including Clara’s hair.
“Oops- Sorry” You sheepishly excused yourself. 
Turning around to face you, Clara was clearly annoyed. Her black t-shirt now tainted white, she was already plotting for yours to turn the same color.
“Hum… I didn’t touch the dough did I ?”
The doctor had come worried about how much fun the two of you seemed to be having. Not that he didn’t feel included, you had tasked him to bake some of the batches in the TARDIS kitchen after all. As much as he found it childish, he couldn’t help but want to see you smile at him, as you proudly presented the TARDIS-shaped cookies. He was fascinated with how such simple things could have you beaming with so much joy.
Finally taking the last batch of cookies out of the oven, he put them to cool down on the aisle. And as he closed the heat inducing contraption, the sound of war cries came from outside.
“Pudding brains” He muttered, running out of the box with a slightly annoyed look. Taking the first door, the kitchen was the second line of action. And as he opened it, he was welcomed with both of his companions covered in white powder, laughing their asses off trying to get the other to stop the carnage. 
Taken in the crossfire, the doctor could only stand in the doorway, and try to stop the two warriors. Unfortunately enough, his voice wasn’t as loud as the music, overshadowed by the manic laughter of the two girls, too concentrated on throwing whatever ingredients came their way.
And what was bound to happen, happened. All it took was for Clara to dodge the icing sugar, letting the sweet powder cover half of the Doctor's coat. Your eyes bore an horrified look as you traced the form in the middle of the doorframe.
“Clara…? Keep absolutely still, his vision is based on movement-” You sheepishly let out trying not to laugh at the very crossed face of your husband.
“Now that’s just insulting sweetie.” And yet all you could do was give him a small smile.
After what seemed to be like a day of cleaning, Clara’s kitchen was finally in order. The dough had been stored in the fridge for now, being the only thing saved from this carnage. 
“My back-” You complained as you finally got up from the floor. Bending the other way around to release the pressure, you heard your back pop in a satisfying manner. “That’s more like it.”
“Please, make me remember to not let you grab the flour next time.” Insisted Clara as she washed the now watered down flour, off her sponge.
“Oh come on, it was fun-” You let out while whipping off the excess water on the aisle.
“ ‘Could have been spared from it-” Commented the grumpy man now seated in the hallway. 
“I've had enough with one grumpy sister, Dear. I don’t need a Scottish husband into the mix-” You let out without  much mind. 
“-Sister?” Clara seemed surprised by your statement. Yet you decided not to pick on it, and put out the stored dough to make new cookies.  This time, Clara,  being in charge of the flour.
“Let’s make the last few batches. We still need to surprise your classroom now don’t we?” 
After this little “incident”, everything went rather smoothly. With five more boxes of biscuits on the counter, you had enough to live on it for the next two months. At least you were hoping. With your husband roaming the TARDIS, you could count maybe two weeks before two of the boxes disappeared. 
As much as the doctor wanted to take Clara on an adventure after such a “Boring” day, you had insisted for him to let the girl sleep before trying to make her run from aliens again. She still needed to teach the next day, and your little session had been quite an eventful one.
That left you and the doctor alone in the TARDIS, the Doctor still covered in flour. You would have supposed he would have changed by now, yet here he was, still in his whitened coat. 
Sighing, you came closer to his side, your hand stretched out for him to hand over his  precious coat. “Come on, hand it over, it needs a wash.”  
“I can do it, you know ?”
“Hand it-” You insisted.
After looking at your hands for a good minute, he finally gave in. “Fine…” Signing the Doctor gave you the coat, leaving him in his white shirt and matching vest. 
Quickly you disappeared in the wardrobe, handing over the coat to the TARDIS’s pressing. Landing her a compliment, you got back to the console room, and quitted your own leather jacket before wrapping it over the doctor's shoulders. “Here, you can have mine for the time being.” 
A small smile drew itself on the Doctor’s lips. Your caring attitude, making his hearts flutter with thousands of butterflies. Smiling back at him, you scooted over as much as you could, taking his pinky finger with yours in a caring manner.
Always so caring. The soft and smooth touch of your hand made him realize how old his was. If he was being honest, he hated being so old, yet you almost made it bearable. He always was questioning why you stayed with him looking this gray, and being so grumpy. Yet the three rings on your fingers told him you would follow everywhere he would. Support him through whatever was to come.
You, (Y/N), the infinite girl. His infinite girl. His everything.
Bonus : 
When he emerged around the console in the morning, he was still clad in your jacket. Despite the fact that the TARDIS had hung his own in the room you both shared, he had made an exception for today. Oddly enough, you had risen from bed before him. You had left your coat, leaving him to speculate that you were probably wearing one of your favorite hoodies.
“Hello, my little thief,” you greeted from the top floor. You were hunched over small scraps of paper, diligently piecing something together.
“What are you making?” the Doctor inquired, intrigued by your latest project.
“A keepsake for Clara,” you replied, without looking up from your work.
“Why?” he asked, genuinely curious.
“It’s her birthday next week,” you finally looked up at him, and from his expression, he clearly had forgotten. “You forgot, didn't you?”
Attempting to play it off, he quickly realized that with you, there was no use in pretending. “Scoot over.”
“Thought you were not the crafty one,” you teased, making room for him beside you.
“Surprise then,” he quipped, grabbing the glue stick.
Laughing softly, you bumped shoulders, working together to create the perfect collage of all your adventures with Clara. Occasionally, you glanced over at his concentrated frown, finding amusement in his determination.
Planting a kiss on his cheek, you thanked him for his help before returning to search for the perfect photos. His neck flushed up to the tips of his ears, his hearts fluttering in his chest at your affectionate gesture.
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meownotgood · 2 months
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mags. look at this aki cosplay also - he's missing the earing and the topknot turned into a normal ponytail but the vibe is sooo live action aki i- gggghhsgsg *slams table
this cosplayer boi is zab odney, unfortunately this is the only aki (and live action-ish) cosplay he does, and he isn't professional and not too active... but he ATE with this one
i have.. quite specific analyses when it comes to realistic aki's appearance (and haven't quite found anyone as a brief example yet), but there're people whose vibes pass and this boi is one of them,,
also do you kind of notice that sakasho (aki's va)'s side profile is very aki..? sometimes i look at sakasho's face and my brain went "aki" automatically. double aki energy bc he's literally his voice too
HE'S SO HANDSOME AND SO AKI AAUUGGG (slams my fist on the table).... I've never seen this cosplay before but his face is pretty similar to what I imagine for aki, also for some reason I can't stop staring at the mole on his neck... always imagine aki to have a few small moles and scars as well so I feel seen.......
AND YES shogo just reminds me of aki in so many ways... it was so cute when for some of the events he kind of dressed up as aki haha. I would do anything to see him do a proper cosplay of aki someday
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mrsmiagreer · 8 months
“Hold still i’ll grab you one of mine” UGHHHH
“What do you think babe? How’s my hair?” EVEN MORE UGHHHHH😩😩😩
Yes Milo I AM laughing 😂
Vincent cut himself off, i wanna know what he wants to say :’(
“She sounded— nevermind”
wouldnt it be cool if this was like… the way of Royal Vampiric Engagement?
Vincent sounds so cute when he’s nervous 🥺
Sam’s loud ass truck rolling up lmao
I just know Sam slicked his hair back into the tightest ponytail. His formal look HAS to be super cute
“Your human” LMAO
The thoughts about seating were actually really sweet
Porter now wtf are you talking about?
Vincent’s irritation is so warranted right now 💀
He’s up to something fs
“Bye now—” AND HES JUST GONE??!!
“Hey Bud!” Awe Ash we love you
Vincent sounds like he memorized this shit😂
Eccentric he says🤨
“Blink twice if you need a way out buddy” WE LOVE YOU EVEN MORE NOW ASH
Bennet you meanies >:(
Alexander and Christopher count your fucking days
A bit formal?? This is a SUMMIT?!
Take a breath BOY?!
Stfu both of yous
“Where’s Alexis?” Anything to get YOU out of my face 😒
she’s so snarky and condescending everything she says means something underneath but she sounds so sweet its annoying
Honestly if i was tank i would think about her words all night and for a few more days after that she dug deep fr and was actually making sense
Yeah okay darlin’ calm it down, don’t wanna get my head snapped off in front of 3810 year old vamps🤨
“Pettiness isn’t childish at all” 😒
You turned him because you wanted him but we don’t all get what we want huh?
“I don’t like you, and I’m not going to” first of all, i’m so glad the feeling is mutual and secondly, this is my new favorite quote. I might not like Alexis but she ate with that one
“Oh darling as if i have a gag reflex” UGHHH😩
Sam to the rescue??
“What the fuck did she say??” “Where is she??”
I love the fact that it when tank ran away you can hear their footsteps. Since my Darlin’ is a girl, it sounds like she wore Combat Boots to the summit😭
Random message for David?
The music in the back is fucking hilarious
Quinn is coming back?? Yall knew it
William a bad person?? He’s a little shady but i think he has good intent honestly
Why does he lowkey sound like Christian’s VA?
“Don’t EVER speak to them again. Do you hear me???” Samuel don’t get me started🫦
“But playing is what I do best🥰🤭” she kinda ate with that one too
The fact that he even had to say anything along the lines of “if you care about me even a little you would do this for me” like If i was Tank i would cry because she agreed so fast😭 Like i know yall had something but like damn she still loves you?
Loser ass response 😒
Awee Asher stumbling over his words
Why is Porter in everyone’s business 😭
Milo’s protective tone when he talks to Porter is tickling my insides🤭🤭
Closeknit??! Awe here we go😟
Porter is so suspicious right now…
“Hold the fuck up” MILOOOO😩😩😩😩😍😍😍😍
“Wait what’d you do that night?—” THEY DIDN’T TELL ASHER IT’S BEEN LIKE A YEAR AND MORE LMAO
Asher still being scared of making big decisions🥺
“Babe…” 😫😫🫶🏽🫶🏽
Tank being worried that Alexis threatened him is so real
“She was exactly who she appeared to be, i was the one trying to pretend i didn’t have a problem with that” REALLLLLLL
I don’t give a damn about her beat up heart
“I don’t want you to think that i felt like you needed saving” Honestly i appreciate this line because i hate the way it feels for someone to step in for you
“Maybe I wanted a chance of my own to tell the bitch to shove it if i’m being honest” 🤷🏽‍♀️😅🥳
knock knock
oouuuuu Asher’s telling David
Asher sounds in trouble 😭 David sounds like somebody daddy fr fr
the eye contact 😭😭
Ain’t this Loveboldly? All i hear is Crux😂
“Lower. Your. Voice. ” 💀💀
Alexander is so mean to his prince😭
“You’re showing your age Christopher. Or lack thereof” Damn he snapped him up
“We’re about to have a fight. Be convincing” Uhh okay???
What the fuck is going awnnnn?!
Getting Vincent riled up for god knows what in insane💀
Glad he didn’t bring Treasure 😭
“Consider yourself crossed”😲😲😲😲
“He’s dead” 🤨🤨😟😟 ALEXIS WHAT??? HOW’D SHE KNOW?!
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ahhh just finished the haikyuu movie and it was sooooo amazing holy shit
like genuinely almost teared up at the end i wish i could inject that movie into my brains.
there were so many great moments like the storytelling was great and while they couldn’t fit everything in from the manga what they chose was so great.
my boy bokuto was in it so much too (i especially loved his lil “whack him again for me tsukki” from the sidelines and ofc him double checking his usage of slang with akaashi) mikashou were entertaining as always yachi was a standout with her lil expressions in the back had everyone laughing. so did fukunaga and tendou with their lines. the old coach ukai moments were sooo good and emotional holy shit. everyone in the theatre was chuckling when suga was on screen.
the tsukki scenes were also just sooo good like him and kuroo. no words. the whole teacher student bit and the flashbacks that went with it ate the lil bit at the end where they hug each other was so cute
hinata and the crow/cage imagery. made me so emotional like yall don’t even understand. hinatas journey this movie overtakes ball boy arc for most emotionally moving for me
now if haikyuu was about the nekoma match first and foremost it was about falling in love with kuroo second. like his character shined soooo much from the flashbacks to his lines in the present it was just amazing (also had everyone in the theatre ooing and awing and dayuming like that was everyone’s husband by the end)
kenma felt like the main character of the movie lowkey and it was cool. don’t get me started on the last point of the match being from his pov that was epic had everyone in my chatty theatre absolutely gagged like the animation was just toooo good.
idk if it was just cause i was in a movie theatre but sound design ATE DOWN like genuinely the music and vaing was good but the SOUND EFFECTS incredible. the sound of the balls of sneakers of breathing the use of SILENCE all of it so good
the animation was so good like the MOTION that was conveyed was crazy and the pov work like a said had me screaming it was just so good
it was genuinely so beautiful like don’t get me started on the flashback scenes chosen or the end like i almost teared up. the messages the way the characters interact the music all of it was so beautiful i was vibrating in my seat the whole time.
want to go back and see it for all of the remaining screenings it was so good they need to drop the dvd ASAP
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spanish music hcs for the gang because i'm latino and mentally ill:
darry curtis: bro TEARS up corridos. the first time steve showed him los tigres del norte he was nodding slightly, but i'll tell you he ATE UP the whole damn album the moment he left. same with vicente fernández, the moment he hears the grito in volver, volver he's a divorced dad with multiple kids that don't speak with him because they forgot spanish in america (not too far off to reality) his favorite song is hands down pedro y pablo, not that he'd admit it because the lyrics reminds him of himself and ponyboy and he cries every time
two-bit mathews: anything he can shake ass too. jk. but he really like reggaeton, especially daddy yankee. 9/10 times rompe is playing on full volume in his headphones. he's also chill with mexican party music. just. party music in general and he's eating that shit up. el sondito gave him a seizure in the best way possible fr. but rompe just hits different to his brain yknow
dallas winston: the first time he listened to gasolina he had an aneurysm. the second time and he was begging steve to tell him what the hell that genre was because it was fire. probably would tear up bad bunny, ozuna (😶), and a bunch of other reggaeton artists. tití me preguntó would have a special place in his heart, and every time he plays diles steve dies a little inside since it's basically dirty talk the song. but he doesn't have to know that. (and he'd probably play it anyways)
steve randle: ah the half mexican himself. he little bit of everything. to his friends, he's all dance music and bachata and reggaeton, but deep down he cannot get enough of señora music. ana gabriel, rocío dúrcal, yolanda del rio, he eats it up every time. and his love of boleros is genuinely concerning. he's like a 70 year old man with that taste. but he can't help but listen to eydie gormé's gorgeous voice, he just can't.
johnny cade: sad mexican mom/dad music. no se va, tu falta de querer, desvelado, he eats up the sad lyrics and sobbing out lyrics. it just feels powerful to his ears. he always smiling when listening to it too, and steve just watches in horror as he listens to amor eterno while giggling and shit. steve's always in his señora era when he's around him (not that he minds)
sodapop curtis: salsa and bachata (and reggae ofc) bro adolescentes orquestra does things to his brain dude. he is a proud romeo santos stan, he'd kiss that man on the mouth if given the chance. he just loves swaying to latin music, and he unironically loves the yoshi ai cover of la noche más linda. he forces steve to dance with him and steve (not so reluctantly) complies.
ponyboy curtis: indie spanish music. victor internet, cuco, juanpalitoschinos, juan pablo vega, he LOVES it. if he could have the lyrics of el rincón (chachachá) tattooed in his brain he would do it in a heart beat. he listens to shit like "el amor de tu vida tiene derecho encontrar el amor de su vida" and sodapop is already sleeping by the time he's finished the title. basically his music taste from english transfers to spanish.
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Buck & Eddie: Tsunami and Lightning Parallels
Several of Buck’s and Chris’ Tsunami experiences in 3x2 “Sink or Swim” and 3x3 “The Searchers” were paralleled with Bobby’s and Buck’s Lightning Strike experiences in 6x10 “In a Flash” and 6x11 “In Another Life”.  In 6x11, Bobby was FINALLY CANONIZED as Buck’s dad even though the audience already knew it. The audience also knows Buck is Chris’ second dad and it appears that fact could be CANONIZED by the end of season 6.  Therefore, the parallels between the things that happened to Buck and Chris during the Tsunami and Bobby and Buck during the Lightning Strike can’t be just a coincidence. Reminder, Buck looks like Bobby and Chris looks like Buck and even though they’re not biologically related, the fact that they all look alike is not a coincidence either.  Since Bobby is Buck’s found dad and Buck is Chris’ second dad that means Bobby is Chris’ future granddad and Eddie’s future father-in-law.
GIFs 1 & 2 - In 3x2, after they arrived on the pier, Buck and Chris rode some of the rides, they took pictures together and they ate cotton candy.  Then Buck helped Chris win the point and shoot carnival game.  The things they did on the pier parallel with the way Bobby has been teaching Buck how to cook for six years.  In 6x10, Buck was cooking chili but he felt like something was missing. Bobby helped Buck complete his chili recipe by sharing his secret ingredient. GIFs 3 & 4 - Right before the Tsunami hit, Buck and Chris had a conversation about life and when Buck asked Chris what he wanted to be when he grew up, Chris said, “An astronaut or a pirate”.  But then he changed his answer and said, “No wait... a firefighter” and Buck went on to tell him that he hoped he would find something that mattered because it was going to show him the rest of his life.  In 6x10, while enroute to the scene of a fire at the McArthur Park Apartments, Bobby, Buck and Eddie all had a conversation about Buck’s life while they were inside of the firetruck.  Buck’s parents were in L.A. and he told Bobby and Eddie that having dinner with them and the Hans made it seem like they were an actual family. Bobby gave Buck more advice when he said, “That’s good. Life is too short to take those relationships for granted”.  Buck giving Chris advice about his life paralleled with Bobby giving Buck advice about his life. GIFs 5 & 6 - After Buck emerged from the water while holding onto Chris, he said, “I got you. I got you. I got you.” and that paralleled with Bobby saying almost the same thing to Buck after he was struck by lightning.  While Eddie was lowering Buck’s limb body to the ground, Bobby said, “Come here kid. I got you. I got you kid.”  They were both saving their sons. GIFs 7 & 8 - After Buck and Chris got separated in 3x3, Buck went to the VA Hospital to continue searching for him but he saw Eddie first, then he called Maddie.  But Eddie saw him before Maddie made it to the VA and Buck had to tell him what happened.  In 6x11, when Maddie and the Buckley parents arrived at the hospital, Bobby was the one to tell them what happened to Buck.  Buck telling Eddie what happened to Chris parallels with Bobby having to tell Philip what happened to Buck. GIFs 9 & 10 - In 3x2, Buck and Chris talked a lot while they were sitting on the 136′s firetruck waiting to be rescued.  Their conversation mainly revolved around Buck wanting to know how Chris never gives up and that parallels with the conversation Bobby had with Buck while he was in a coma in 6x11.  During his coma dream, Bobby told Buck that if he still cared about what people thought of him, he hadn’t learned a damn thing.   He also told him that being Buck was enough and that statement also parallels with the lesson he learned from Chris in 3x2.  Chris told Buck he thought about giving up once but when Buck asked him what he did, Chris replied, “I kept on swimming”. GIFs 11 & 12 - After Eddie took Chris back to Buck in 3x3 and then he left them so he could go to work, Buck walked over and sat next to Chris.  They had just gone through a traumatic experience together and it paralleled with Bobby sitting with Buck after he woke up from his coma.
Reminder, there aren’t any coincidences on 9-1-1, only patterns so it’s possible Buck could be CANONIZED as Chris’ second dad before the end of season 6.
Buck is Chris’ second dad and Bobby is Buck’s found dad.  Once Eddie and Buck get married Bobby will be Buck’s found dad, Eddie’s found father-in-law and Chris’ found grandad.
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frog-0n-a-l0g · 7 months
So ea spoilers
As I go
Porters cryptic as shit
Porters going up in the ranks
Omg alexys stop being a bitch
This is a game of fucking clue
Omg vin said it’s clue too
Relax??? RELAX???
Did they?? Pls tell me they did
Of fuck davidddd
Babes gon get snatched
it wasn’t sh???
Porter at that. That one lil thing? He ate that
Omfg David and Porter duke it outtttt
Hah duke ehh ehh? ^
Milo’s mate was in the room where it happened~
That was hot ngl…
Ok so Porter is an ally???
What the fuck is w these wars
Ok but his government take is so real tho
Ok ash he is obvi being truthful
Even when he did tell the truth they didn’t believe him bc of what Sam and Vince had been saying abt Porter. Him giving them an in was a good thing and they were phase clocked so no one should no and they can make their aura almost undetectable so they would’ve been fine babes. Ash needs to look for answers elsewhere
HE CAUSED THE COMOTION??? So then he knew he would die???
Don’t call the department right fucking now. Omg they gon call the opps
Oh yea I forgot they had vampiric discretion
The motherfucking omg the house of vas
Omfg the racism and the wolf is right there???
Also she says she “wouldn’t even get to enjoy the second half” like if she wasn’t the arbiter she would’ve been just fine w him dying. Kinda sis ngl
Also why are they not freaking out
Omg the shit is pointing to solair. Porter looking real sus. He def had a part in the murder but I don’t think he did it. Ok so alexys found him after he had already been dead for a minute so what the fuck was the prince doing??? Living his best life while his king was just killed in front of him??? Nah he’s on the suspect list
These theories bouta go crazy I swear
Only 14 mins in🙄
Not the beheading
Omg the prince is saying show respect but he was just saying he hoped he died??? Nahhh💀 me fr tho
Ok I believe alexys tho
Ok so Porter was out. So only Chris and the king was in there. He had been dead for a minute. That’s super fucking sus. But was was the force? Then he wanted alexys in there?
Yea where the fuck is will
He said he stepped out but sh said there was a force that knocked them BOTH back. Meaning they were both in the room. So that’s a fucking lie
Either that house is that fucking big that the porch is that far away from the room which I don’t think so cause he could’ve just zipped though. But I mean I could get if he was being courteous by walking and it’s a mansion. But the push still isn’t coming into play. I can’t remember if that was the distraction or just what happend. I’m leaning towards the latter
She told “her fellow progeny” which is also the host of the event, a part of her clan, and he would def need to know abt that. And why would she talk to anyone else? Just in small talk, “oh yea I just saw the kings dead body time for a stroll” bitch?
Literally everyone also thinks it’s weird that will isn’t there
Also he’s halfway across the country? Tf is he
He prob did order the death
Also yes fam is w fam in this type of thing
Also everyone hated Adam so fuck off
See Porter is eating
See they’ve all killed someone so quiet
Prodigal son??? Fuck that mean?
“My kings death is not a joke” “no but you’re acting like one” PREACHHHH POP OFF PORTER🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻
See?? No one can verify where the king was. The fight was witnessed and took place slightly after the fight bc of Alexys’s timeline and we don’t know where he was before that. Fucking w the distraction?? Nope that was before it. Where was he during?
Ok she said as soon as they’re killed that changes ALOT.
So I thought the prince used the distraction to kill the king and sh popped out right after that but the distraction was a noise. So in that case they would think they could get caught talking abt closeknit and if they were caught talking why wouldn’t he get caught killing? And wtf was the force????
If he had stepped out maybe the person who used the force killed him bc they said it was powerful magic. It was sh who said they used force right?? Cause if I’m remembering this wrong then shits abt to get wicked
Bitch this ain’t abt you idc abt ur enjoyment
Porter is eating rn
Omg he’s the king now
Ok he was
Are we just not gon acknowledge her leaving
Yea he makes sense but then again will AND Adam killed their makers sooooooo
Ok more to the story
Demon blood?
Ok so he COULDVE overpowered him bc it’s poisonous. The beheading could’ve been done like that
He didn’t debilitated??
Ok so it would be an equalizer so he could kill him if he just stabbed him rq
Bitch ur not even the one who’s explaining it it’s Sam that’s helping shut up
So the king wanted to stop funding closeknit and the prince was like dude wtf. It they are so close w close knit we know that they have a demon there, scorpius. What if Chris told them the situation and said that if he was dead they would still get more funding and since scorpius don’t have a choice, gave him his blood, making him able to kill the king with it!! I’m so fucking smart
Ok so he would need to access the demon easily which would make sense w my theory
Yes they have omfg
Yes but you wanted to continue paying for them
There is merit they literally have shades and a demon and a kidnapped human Blake is running this shit show. WAIT I JUST REALIZED THAT THEY HAD THE SHADE BC THEY STARTED THE INVERSION. I feel dumb now but HOLY FUCK
Propaganda??? Milo preach🙏🏻🙏🏻
Your former kings taste can reflect on your veiws and motives so yea it do
SEEE they didn’t even trace sh
Uh huhhhhhhh
See that’s fucking dumb
Everything points to Chris tho.
OK BUT THE PANIC BIT he DID plan but the comotion scared him right? He knew he only had a certain time frame to do it so he killed him and left quickly before people could come check out the comotion and lose his chance. Making him kill him quickly, hurry out and having no time to clear his aura and forgetting the knife in his panic
Both. You are both
it is not you’re deflecting
Now. It’s now.
Welp. Lovely trauma time😊 time for Adam flashbacks
Omg they’re so chill?
Well he’s dead either way so omg.
Omg they made me lose the game too
David is right fr
Ain’t that the truth
Oh my fuck
Wait where we going??
Well im fucking planning on it
That makes his “lost the game” quote hit harder
Oh my fucking god
Porter idk if this is a good timeeeeee
Ok but he sounds sweet tho
Well atleast we got some answers and sh ain’t dead. But then again lovely prob got some ptsd rn what’s David gon do. What’s Porter gon explain?????? UGHHHHHH
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rolloollor · 9 months
My thoughts on Rollo's card
I don't play the JP version so this is all from watching videos and reading what other people say. Get ready for rambling
First, kinda bummed that Rollo isn't actually in NRC and thus didn't interact with anyone else. I was hoping he'd meet Ortho at the least, but most of his vignette is just him talking to himself. I understand why this is and would rather have Rollo be playable and have a funky implementation than him remain an event character, but you know...
I was a bit nervous about how he would interact with other characters, though. Since I wrote a fanfic where he talked to Ortho already... if it went totally differently than what I imagined, I woulda felt bad. I was ready to accept that for a canon conversation. Mostly unfortunate, but a slight relief.
VP showed up and had a voice which is funny. I love that he wanted to have lunch with Rollo and he snubbed him. "Oh, I have to go, let's do it another time." Yeah, how often does he hear that? Man... and this the day after I post a chapter where he gets rejected hardcore, ugh, it's so good.
The fact that he eats the exact same lunch every day down to the precise amount of grapes is incredible, wow. I figured he mainly ate bread and grapes but like... to that level...
The gargoyles will never get official names which means I can keep using mine. Seeing them jump around was cute. He's a lot harsher to them than I had hoped, so I'll keep that in mind in the future...
The card art is amazing, both default and the groovy.
And he's officially Rollo Flamme, phew.
Rollo's in the handbell club... that's some churchboy nerd shit right there. Carol of the Bells is my favorite Christmas song, so now I can imagine Rollo ringing those bells whenever I hear it...
Also, cleaning is his hobby? Outside of VA jokes, what a fuckin dweeb. Him writing with a quill is pretty dang cute, too. But, again, what a nerd
His height is a bit disappointing since he's only 1cm taller than I am. I don't really wanna have to think about how tall Malleus is relative to me, but now it's inevitable
I'm glad that his eyes are green in the card art. I see all sorts of fanart where they give him blue eyes and it feels like the world is gaslighting me. They're green!!!!
It's good to know that he has parents and that they seem at least involved enough to be worried about him, though he doesn't talk to them like they're all that close
According to the flight lessons, the slits on Rollo's robe go up higher than I expected.... lewd... Makes me want to write something where Malleus slips his fingers under it in public...
He never says Malle's name, but he sure gets pissed off talking about him. This will sustain me
All in all, not perfect but I need him in the EN server ASAP. I have like 300+ rolls that I was gonna give to Masq Malle but I'll give 200 of them to Rollo if that's what it takes
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