#oh tae XD
borathae · 4 months
Chapter 16
okay this was like the calmest reaction to me being a vampire I have ever seen. hobari, my love, tae already told her thats why she is chill
I once had a girl literally run away from me screeching prayers.” xd HAHA imagine someone pulling out the cross at him and saying THE POWER CHRIST COMPELS YOU and him just blinking
hobi baby, ik your are excited, but its quite the wrong time and person to test your new skills
“No, I’m not like Jungkook. I don’t go crazy at the smell or taste of blood. Especially not when yours tastes like literal ass right now, wow thanks ig
holy shit no baby kook, im gonna fucking cry DONT PUNISH YOURSELF YOU SAVED US BOTH FUCK IM ALL TEARY EYES
I’m just waiting for the day when vampire hunters break through the front door and shoot you guys.” im imagining them coming in fbi style FBI OPEN UP WE KNOW ITS SANGUIS hobi's cute dumbass - how did u know seokjin- you just proved it
this is why she isnt scared of you both 😭😭😭 reminds me of that tiktok asking whose house will you rob and everyone straight up said hobi in the comments 💀
imagine someone seeing their bodies in front of the house also was it tae or yoongi or someone else??
ok hobi was 26 in 1982, so born in 1956 and is 68 so its 2024 hmm SO KOOK IS 94 WTF they are not even dilf, they are gilf 😭😭😭 wait in that case whats tae 😭 hold on jimin mentioned yoongi being older, is that in older than 800 years or turned at an older age?
I was turned in 1875 by some random prostitute”, bitch pls 😭😭😭 he doesnt have a sob story nor a heroic one
wait something doesnt add up jin is 217, so if its 2024, he should be born in 1807, but he was 27 in 1875
“Good that you ask because listen this is such a story”, ..“Oh god here we go again stop being a jealous bean just cuz u got turned by a hoe 😭😭
“Yeah, I know exactly what you mean. With that massive schlong that I carry around” you say sarcastically. you sure about that? was that foreshadow to the oneshot lol
“She bit my neck!” “And she bit my dick!” one got their throat ripped out and other ones dick. great just great. i just know, no vampire has a story like this, i mean sure neck being bitten but from a prostitute?? and dick being bitten hobi im sorry but thats a tragic comedy
A bang then a clash. bro this scared me so bad only to see its “Stupid raccoon don’t run away, come on let me spank your rubbish stealing buttocks!”
whats calling her?? where is she going?? who is down there calling? 2seokook wont have something suspicious down there right?
daisies and fresh sheets? is that jungkook? why is he down there? wtf HOW DID THE DARK CORRIDOR TURN BRIGHT???
damn how hard did he hurt himself this is so heartbreaking let me get my blanket 😭
As long as I’m paralysed I’m no danger to you NO STOP whos cutting onions
buckle in, that's where the angst begins 😭
okay this was like the calmest reaction to me being a vampire I have ever seen. hobari, my love, tae already told her thats why she is chill
Hobari gosh :( I miss them all together </3
I once had a girl literally run away from me screeching prayers.” xd HAHA imagine someone pulling out the cross at him and saying THE POWER CHRIST COMPELS YOU and him just blinking
JJADSFJ tbfh it's so valid though JFADJSJF
hobi baby, ik your are excited, but its quite the wrong time and person to test your new skills
“No, I’m not like Jungkook. I don’t go crazy at the smell or taste of blood. Especially not when yours tastes like literal ass right now, wow thanks ig
hhiihih he is so good in flirting hhiihih
holy shit no baby kook, im gonna fucking cry DONT PUNISH YOURSELF YOU SAVED US BOTH FUCK IM ALL TEARY EYES
imagine someone seeing their bodies in front of the house also was it tae or yoongi or someone else??
WHOOO KNOWWSSS not me (i know)
ok hobi was 26 in 1982, so born in 1956 and is 68 so its 2024 hmm SO KOOK IS 94 WTF they are not even dilf, they are gilf 😭😭😭 wait in that case whats tae 😭 hold on jimin mentioned yoongi being older, is that in older than 800 years or turned at an older age?
OKAY BEAR IN MIND!!!! I wrote this story in 2020 so it takes place in 2020. You have to subtract 4 years of their age during Sanguis Alpha. Also as far as your Yoongi question is concerned, we do not know yet what exactly he meant 👀
I was turned in 1875 by some random prostitute”, bitch pls 😭😭😭 he doesnt have a sob story nor a heroic one
fjajdfadjs he is so pathetic jfdajsf
wait something doesnt add up jin is 217, so if its 2024, he should be born in 1807, but he was 27 in 1875
Nooo it takes place in 2020 queen <3 no wait. WAIT my bisexual ass did the maths wrong HELP!!!! thanks for pointing it out I need to change the dates jfdjsjf
“Good that you ask because listen this is such a story”, ..“Oh god here we go again stop being a jealous bean just cuz u got turned by a hoe 😭😭
oh sweet summer child if only you knew jfdjsf
“Yeah, I know exactly what you mean. With that massive schlong that I carry around” you say sarcastically. you sure about that? was that foreshadow to the oneshot lol
“She bit my neck!” “And she bit my dick!” one got their throat ripped out and other ones dick. great just great. i just know, no vampire has a story like this, i mean sure neck being bitten but from a prostitute?? and dick being bitten hobi im sorry but thats a tragic comedy
aahhaha they're so chaotic I love them fjadjf
whats calling her?? where is she going?? who is down there calling? 2seokook wont have something suspicious down there right?
the suspicionn
daisies and fresh sheets? is that jungkook? why is he down there? wtf HOW DID THE DARK CORRIDOR TURN BRIGHT???
damn how hard did he hurt himself this is so heartbreaking let me get my blanket 😭
i'm crying so hard 😭
As long as I’m paralysed I’m no danger to you NO STOP whos cutting onions
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tinysnailtales · 3 months
Thoughts from reading Yona of the Dawn Ch. 10
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Ch.10 in summary: in a manifestation of her internal change, an enraged Yona takes a stand to try and save Hak from Tae-Jun and co but ultimately causes her and Hak's symbolic death when they fall from a cliff, leaving Tae-Jun and Soo-Won to grapple with the results of their actions as they grieve.
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"She's like...a raging firestorm. I can't look away. Did her highness...ever look like this before? At the palace she seemed so young...and weak. Just an ordinary girl. But now, even though she's lost everything..."
Really Yona's "Wind Tribe moment"!! "Even though she's lost everything," she is taking a stance. Acting in spite of suffering. Not letting it stop her.
Repeating my end of chapter 9 thoughts with saying Yona's hidden power has been unlocked inside her. But she seemed like "just an ordinary girl," and well, she's not but she is. And also maybe there is power in being an ordinary girl! But for Yona specifically, she is ordinary in that she doesn't seem to have any special talents or abilities, at least not yet. She's not "good" at anything. But she is learning her own power and strength.
Summing Yona moving forward as "passionate, not passive"
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"He's going to die" – look how big that text is! She cares so much about him.
We also get the very important and clear parallel to King Il's death. Yona did get there too late to prevent it, but upon seeing her dead father, she froze. Here, she dives into action.
No more just sitting and hiding and taking it. Yona embodies "stay afraid but do it anyway" What can she do? It doesn't matter. She has to do something.
The eyes here are really something. In Yona's expression you can see her terror and emotion and almost feel her shifting back into how she felt in the moment of her father's death. Tae-Jun's eyes are very expressive too.
It's also interesting how casual (and even excited) Tae-Jun and co are about killing Hak.
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Grabbed by the HAIR! And then BAM! She chops it off. HAIR SYMBOLISM, BABY. It is a physical representation of her internal change.
This contrasts the opening scene, where Yona is focused on her hair and her appearance. Now that seems frivolous and doesn't matter. It's not even in her thoughts at this moment. That's another part of her transformation– figuring out her priorities/what really matters.
And she's never used a sword, but that doesn't stop her! She'll do whatever she can in this desperate moment. She just keeps going, such a difference from her prior numb, frozen shock.
Hak is kind of the ultimate motivator for Yona here. She has become progressively more active, but with Hak, acting on someone else's behalf becomes more personal.
Also...Yona the beautiful badass (and again, look at her eyes! The depth there)
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"I won't let them kill him! I refuse!" – Yona's stubborn determination, like when she stood her ground against Hak ("I've made up my mind") when leaving the Wind Tribe but in a more perilous, escalated situation.
And the parallel to her father's death was clear before now, but here we get it explicitly spelled out. Yona won't let more people she loves die.
"I said...get away from Hak!"
I keep pointing to the eyes but there's such EMOTIONALITY in them. And Yona is an emotional character, so I love seeing that come across in her face.
We've got kind of the "looks like a mess but has never looked more beautiful" energy
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Oh look, a close-up on her eye XD (yes please)
"But...is this really...Princess Yona?" – the transformed Yona, her self-discovery and change is evident to others too. She's almost unrecognizable in her appearance + actions.
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"Hak! It's my turn to save you." – awww. There is so much weight to these words. How much Hak means to her, her feelings of guilt and incapability... This whole encounter has been a test of "new Yona" and it must really feel like it for her in this moment. It's a bit like if she fails to save him, then that's it for her.
The energy here is very "I rather than die (with you) than live without you" + "if we go down, we go down together"
"You idiot...run away! You can't do this! Hurry up and get away–" – I like this little combination of teasing Hak + serious Hak. Obviously he's not teasing her in this moment, but he affectionately calls her an "idiot." I feel like you get that a lot in dynamics like Hak and Yona, one calling the other an "idiot" when they prioritize the other instead of what's in their own best interest.
"No! Never! If you die...I'll never forgive you!!" – this is the second time Yona has said this, the first being in chapter 3 after Hak and her flee from the palace. Here, we get a significant pause/reaction from Hak, almost like he didn't believe her before or didn't take it seriously considering the circumstances. But Yona is showing him how serious she was and is. He's seeing her choose him + staying by his side over her own survival.
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Just...woah, wow, yes. Beautifully depicted.
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And all that's left behind is...HER HAIR.
We see that Tae-Jun actually does care about Yona and that there's more to him than appears. He can be short-sighted and irrational + take things too far (compare his "flirting" in the flashback of chapter 3 with Hak's flirting– I don't love all of Hak's flirting but he is self-aware of when he's doing or saying something somewhat repulsive/off-putting whereas Tae-Jun is not).
Tae-Jun is a mess and a menace, but as the second son, he's also probably trying to prove himself, and thinking Yona has died clearly leaves him feeling horrified and dead inside.
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Like Tae-Jun, Soo-Won is shocked and affected by Yona's "death." And OOOOH giving Soo-Won the hair he so loved HA
"Princess Yona...has left this world" – and HELLO I scream not just about the HAIR SYMBOLISM but Yona's SYMBOLIC DEATH (and REBIRTH!) that is happening. She's crossed a threshold.
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More of Tae-Jun's reaction: he's feeling guilty + ashamed and can't live with himself. He's tortured by his actions and wants (begs!) to be punished.
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"Punish me! Please!" – the desperation. Tae-Jun's outward display works as an expression of what Soo-Won is feeling on the inside and holding in.
Soo-Won thinking of Hak and Yona and their shared past brings me back to Hak and Yona facing the Soo-Won revealed by his betrayal: "Would you authorize this awfulness, Soo-Won?" + "Are you satisfied, Soo-Won?" Soo-Won is facing the results of his choices. And he did choose this, but he didn't want this result specifically. He didn't want his friends to die, but he must accept the responsibility for what happened.
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YOON! (I love Yoon) What an introduction lol "What a pain. A pair of corpses" (also also more symbolic death and HakYona are tangled together in it, both having tried to protect the other)
But hello to whatever he was singing prior to finding Hak and Yona. "Long, long ago...the great red sun was devoured. And when the world went dark..." is he also describing what's happening/what is about to happen with Yona and co?
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4town4lyfe · 9 months
feelings in the cabin chapter 3 - reflections in the tracks
clarifying things, this story is in imanis pov
my age 4 the band
jesse - 26
aaron z - 23
aaron t - 22
robaire - 21
imani - 21 (ignore the 22 in ch 1 LOL little mess there)
tae young - 18 ( he is also lack toes intallerants T-T)
Aaron Z is referred to as 'Z'
Aaron T is referred to as 'T'
i decided to just use t and z bc i was scared it would be confusing and i also got confused XD
SEVENTEEN is a kpop group and so is SHINee
spoiler translationnnn "por favor fale comigo" means please talk to me
i am definitely not finishing this b4 the end of the month LOL
ok plz read and leave comments k bye
After driving for a bit and accidentally getting Robaire and Z into SHINee and SEVENTEEN, we make it back to the cabin. I get out of the van first, followed by Robaire, then Z. 
Robaire grabs the drinks that he talked about before, he must have bought them when me and Z were shopping. My mind suddenly reminds me of that flustering moment we shared, making me feel frustrated with myself. I'm in a loving relationship, I shouldn’t be feeling how I am about this. 
But, wouldn’t anyone feel flustered if that happened to them? That’s my justification. As Robaire goes inside, assumingly to put the drinks away and hopefully tell the guys to come and help, me and Z grab our fair share of groceries before heading inside as Jesse opens the front door for us, only wearing a jacket, although I can’t scold him, this stuff is getting heavy. 
Me and Z make our way to the kitchen to place the bags down as Taeyoung and T head outside, thankfully bundled up. The two of them, along with Jesse, come back inside with the rest of the groceries, joining us in the kitchen. 
The six of us put everything away in the fridge, cupboards, and pantry. With all of us, it’s a fairly easy task, and we finish rather quickly. I grab the big bag of Doritos that I got for myself, and head to the living room as everyone else grabs their own snacks and follows suit. T stands in front of me, no snacks in hand. 
I assume he wants some of my chips, but then I remember him telling me he wanted to talk before we left, and he looked oddly serious. “Imani, can you come here?” He asks, and I unflatteringly shove some chips in my mouth before getting up. He gently grabs my hand, leading me to our room. 
“Ey! What are y’all ‘bout to do?” Robaire shouts out in a suggestive tone, making me shake my head. 
“Just start the movie!” T responds back as we turn the corner to the hallway and disappear from their sight. He pushes our bedroom door open, letting me go in first before cutting the light on. I sit down on the bed as he shuts the door and he sits beside me, the radio I brought playing nonstop Christmas music saving us from an awkward silence.
“What’s up? Are you okay?” I tilt my head, turning to him with a slightly concerned expression.
He sighs, shaking his head. “I’m okay, but are you?” Okay… what’s going on?
“Yeah, I’m fine. Why?” I ask, my voice laced with confusion as he grabs my hands, holding them in his own. “On the way here, when you came back from the gas station, you… were crying.” He reminds me.
Oh, that. “Uhm, yeah. Uh, it was just these two fans, they thought I was Robaire at first, they didn’t seem to like me much.”  I half explain.
“What did they do?” He asks, concern etched on his face, making my heart melt. Gosh, I love him. “Uhhh..” I begin fiddling with his ring. 
“They didn’t really do much. They were just kinda mean, and…” I stop, genuinely trying to recall, but then I remember the event, making me grimace, I don’t really want to bring it up to him.
“They… just said some mean stuff. You know I’m sensitive. They just wanted to see Robaire, that’s all.” I try to explain without saying too much, but he obviously knows that isn’t the full story.
“Meu amor. Por favor fale comigo.” He pleads, making me look away. He just had to switch to Portuguese, just to make me give up, but I won’t.
“I-I am! They just thought I was Robaire and they were a little upset that he wasn’t with me. Apparently I shouldn’t be in the band because I’m a girl.” I say with a chuckle, beginning to find it a bit amusing.
“And maybe they brought up what happened on my birthday for some reason.” I mutter under my breath, but he, with his super hearing, heard every word.
“They what?” He exclaims, letting my hands go to throw his hands in the air in annoyance. “It’s not a big deal. I was just feeling a bit emotional that day anyways. It’s in the past, babe.” I try to make him see that the memory doesn’t affect me anymore, although it does, in ways more than one.
“Imani, you know I’d never do anything to hurt you, right?” He asks, referring to the non consensual kiss he received from our ex manager. I know it wasn’t his fault, he just naturally attracts people, it’s his silliness and charm. I know he loves me. I know that.
So why did it hurt so bad? I saw it with my own eyes, I saw her kiss him, and he pushed her away just as quick as everything went down.
“Yeah, I know.” I simply respond as he pulls me in for a tight hug. He gives the best hugs, he’s just the best. He pulls away, giving me a peck on the lips before we hear a knock on the door. We both stand up and walk to the door, it’s Z. His gaze goes to me, staring for a bit before looking at T.
“We’re watching Home Alone. Are yall okay?” He asks, his trademark stoic voice barely  showing emotion, although we’ve known him long enough to know that he’s not some heartless robot, so don’t worry, he’s concerned, just on the inside.
“Yup, we were just talking.” T nods, his usual cheerful demeanor coming back, although a flicker of… something in his eye as he looks at Z, I can’t put my finger on it, doesn’t go unnoticed by me as the three of us walk back out to the living room. 
I grab, well, snatch my chip bag from Robaire's hands, that little heckler stole my spot, before sitting down on the spot on the couch that Jesse was lounging on, pushing his legs away to make space, earning a glare from him. “Sorry grandpa!” I say with a grin, plopping down in the empty spot, before T sits to my left, and Z joins, sitting on my right.
Me and Z haven’t said much since the whole thing at the store, so it’s a tiny bit awkward at the moment. He leans back, crossing his arms, seeming intrigued by the classic movie we watch all the time each year, but lowkey, I am too. I catch him glancing at me every once in a while, so I assume he wants some chips.
“You want some?” I ask, tilting the bag toward him, but he turns his head to me, simply shaking his head no before turning back to watch the movie. “I want some, I want some!” T jokingly whines, and I happily tilt the bag in his direction, though I end up just leaving the bag between our legs, just in case he wants more.
“Man, I wish I was in that family.” We hear Taeyoung say, making us chuckle. “Why?” Jesse asks with a grin. “Just look at that house! All that food! I’d be like,” He makes a cute face, puppy eyes and all. “Omma! Can I please stay at cousin Kevin's house tonight?”
“Dude, we can make that here! We just have frozen stuff.” Robaire chimes in, making Taeyoung remember that we just majorly stocked up, and since they brought me along to shop, I may or may not have bought a bunch of junk.
“Oh. Em. Gee. You’re totally right!” Taeyoung practically jumps off the couch and heads to the kitchen, and I decide to come along with him, suddenly having a taste for that ice cream that Kevin is chowing down on. “Tae, look.” I bring him over to the freezer, opening it and showing him the multiple options of ice cream. I may have gotten a lot but, there are six of us, it’ll run out quickly. Vanilla, strawberry, chocolate, mint chocolate chip, moose tracks, coffee, cherry, so many more. We have a big sized freezer, so it’ll be okay.
As he excitedly pulls out the moose tracks, I head over to a cupboard and grab chocolate sauce, caramel sauce, and mini marshmallows, setting them down on the counter. He brings the ice cream over and sets it beside our ingredients for sweetness galore. I grab two bowls, setting them down as Taeyoung gets a scooper and puts it down.
Jesse comes in, wanting to join in. He grabs the pista ice cream, making me grimace.
“Pista… I got that for you, by the way.” He's the only one who actually enjoys it. “Yep, thanks pookie.” He says, making me wheeze. 
“Did you just call me pookie?” I clutch my stomach, trying not to laugh. “Yes I did. Everyone keeps saying it so I’m joining in.” He walks over to me and Taeyoung, grabbing another bowl and the scooper from the counter, giving himself two scoops and going to rinse the scooper off for us, putting it back down and getting a spoon.
“Bye, pookies!” He calls out before walking out. “Bye…” Me and Taeyoung say in unison, looking at each other and laughing. “I didn’t teach him that word!” Taeyoung exclaims, putting his hands up before scooping us up some moose tracks, two scoops each. I grab the chocolate sauce, being generous with it, a big helping for both as Taeyoung gives us caramel sauce, being equally generous.
I open up the bag of marshmallows, pouring them into our bowls, making our dreams complete. “Wow.” I step back, putting my hands on my hips and admiring our work.
“This is gonna be so good!” Taeyoung grabs two spoons, giving me the smaller one, aw, little bro knows me well.
We grab our bowls and walk back into the living room, sitting back down in our seats. I immediately slam down on my sweet treat, but also taking my time and savoring it. I can see Z side eyeing me as if he wouldn’t scarf this down, and he so would. Well, maybe not with all the extraness. 
The movie goes on, the vanilla ice cream runs out very quickly. We get to the point of the movie where Kevin hears his mother, runs out and sees no one. Then, he finally gets to her. They hug, how cute. The moment just… makes me feel bittersweet.
Yeah, his mom seems a little harsh in the beginning, and even forgets him at home. Okay, this isn’t sounding too good. But, she tried to get home as soon as possible and was so happy that he was safe. She apologized too. For everything. She meant it.
She truly cares about her child.
“Oh my gosh, Imani! No way you’re crying at Home Alone!” I hear Jesse shout out, and I realize I’m full on sobbing. I quickly wipe my tears away, feeling a little embarrassed. I can hear everyone chuckling, well, all except Z.
“Ah, she will cry at every movie, cut her some slack!” Robaire says, hopefully knowing why I’m really crying. I feel a hand patting my back, the hand of Z. I look over at him with a small but grateful smile. 
“Ha ha, yeah.” I try to play off as I don’t care as I stand up, getting Taeyoungs bowl with my own as he is now in the bathroom and will definitely be a while. I head to the kitchen, rinsing our bowls and putting them in the dishwasher, shutting it with a sigh.
It’s late now, not late enough for me to sleep but I’m not really feeling like staying up. I walk back into the living room to grab my bag of chips, and I notice that T and Z are gone. Robaire is on his phone and Jesse is somehow knocked out cold despite me being gone for like two minutes. 
Maybe T is in our room… I head to the bedroom, pushing open the door and fully expecting to see him in bed or whatever, but he’s not there?
“Why didn’t Imani tell me?” I hear T… from Z's room?
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thedeluluverse · 1 year
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Summary: While you have been working for BTS for a little over a year, you and your boyfriend Taehyung have only officially been together for two and a half months. Everything is going well until he starts tagging along to your shoots with your other clients, Stray Kids.  Are his suspicions correct or is he seeing things?
Pairing:  idol!Taehyung x multi-group-photographerGF!Nari a.k.a. “Burning Film” couple
Rating: PG13
Genre: idol!au, mutual pining, angst, fluff, early relationship, jealousy, coworker!au, work crushes
Word Count: 1, 965
Warnings: angst, fluff, feeling insecure, slight teasing, jealousy,
Author's Note: Here is the "Burning Film" couple again! I have created an oc basically for this storyline of Tae named Nari who represents y/n! It isn't necessary to read BF first but it would help you understand what they've bee through already plus I am proud of it so if you do, let me know what you think! Also, we stan SKZ and Felix in this house so no hate, this was just an idea I've had for awhile. Enjoy!! :)
P.S.- yes I am going to go back into Burning Film and replace y/n with Nari but another time. I have work in like 6 hours so going to catch some sleep hopefully XD
The last three months have been much deserved bliss with your new boyfriend Taehyung; not only do you finally have the man of your dreams, but your work has garnered a plethora of attention earning you the title of official photographer for the kpop group Stray Kids as well! Tae is supportive of your dream but is having a hard time adjusting to you being away from him more than usual. Noticing his demeanor change every time you say you’re going to “other work”, you make a decision as you are getting ready one day.
Nari: “BAAABBEEE!!” – you shout from the bathroom as you put the finishing touches on your outfit.
Tae: rushes to you out of breath “Yes jagiya? Is everything alright?”
Nari: giggles and turns towards him “Yes silly, I didn’t scream fire or anything. Still cute though.”
Tae: kisses the top of your head “Fair enough but I just had to make sure, and you’re the cute one baby. Anyway, why did you summon me?”
Nari: blushes slightly Wellllll, I was going to see if you wanted to accompany me to the Stray Kids photoshoot today. I know it’s been rough having less free time together lately. If not I totally get if it’d be boring for you so no pres-“
Tae: interrupts you by picking you up and spinning you around “Oh I’d love to y/n that’s such a great idea!!! I’ve always wished I could see the magic behind the camera so this is perfect! I’ll meet you by the car in 5 minutes, you’re the best!”
You can’t help but chuckle at how puppy-like he could be, but it was endearing that he wanted to understand what you did for a living. In true gentleman fashion, he opens your door when you get to the SKZ location, carries your equipment inside for you, and even brings you a water and an easy snack for while you work. Halfway through the shoot, you tell the guys to take a 10-minute break so you can assess what else you need and so they can grab a snack as well.
Tae has been waiting nearby during the shoot in case you need anything, so he takes this opportunity to use the restroom and refill his water. As he returns he sees you talking with Han, Bang Chan, and Felix, which was fine until he heard Felix exclaim, “Woah Gracie, I love you for that!”. He doesn’t say anything, but he is not thrilled about the fact that he of all people has a special nickname for you. Before today he had no issues with the guy, so what changed? You and Nari will find out soon enough don’t worry!
The shoot comes to an end about a half hour later and Tae can’t help you pack up and get out of there fast enough. I mean, you can’t really blame him since y’all have been there for close to 5 hours but it’s not like he hasn’t had longer shoots. Guess time is more of a drag when you aren’t an active participant. In any case, after picking up a quick bite y’all are home bound! As soon as he puts the car in park you can tell something is different. He uncharacteristically grabs his meal and goes inside before you can even open your door. Chalking it up to him being hangry and missing Yeontan, you give a tired exhale and head inside.
As you kick off your shoes and scan the house, you don’t see Tae anywhere; you peak into the living room and his room because he likes to eat in there sometimes but still no luck. Assuming he must have something to work on after hearing him in his studio, you resign yourself to eating at the kitchen island alone with Yeontan peacefully asleep at your feet.
After eating, you shuffle to his studio door looking for some company, but your knocks are met with silence then a “C’mon Nari, can’t you tell I am busy right now? I’ll be out when I’m done, go watch TV or something aish!”. Tears pricking behind your eyes, you give a quiet “oh, okay sorry I won’t bother you anymore love…” before you walk away and curl up on the couch listening to calming lo-fi music as you try to quiet your brain. You didn’t do anything to make him upset as far as you can recall so unless something gets brought to your attention, you decide to enjoy the rest of your afternoon doodling in your notebook.
The sun has long set, and you can’t remember when you passed out on the couch exactly before you got awoken abruptly by the loud opening of Tae’s studio door and him stomping to take Yeontan on a walk. You are less in a daze when he comes back and are just looking up pleadingly at him only for him to bark out a “what?!” and in return you croak out an unconvincing “nothing” just for him to scoff at you. “Yeah sure, you’ve looked pitiful since we fucking got home. What’s the problem huh? Miss your strays?”.
You blink wide-eyed “what the hell are you talking about? You’re the one who has been in a shitty mood since a random point in the shoot. You wanna tell me what’s going on?” He sits in the big armchair near you, running his hands through his hair then gets up and paces for a good 3 minutes before sitting back down with his elbows on his knees and hands clasped; deeply sighing, he finally reveals the truth.
You sniffle, heart pounding in anticipation trying to look strong even though you were terrified you had blinked wrong or something and were about to be single. He takes a long sip of water then glares up at you, “So you wanna know what’s going on huh? Well, I don’t ‘knaur’ Gracie, what is going on?” Confusion shadows your features as you meet his eyes, “Why did you ask like that and why on earth did you call me Gracie???” He darkly chuckles and says, “Oh, is that an issue?” Nari rolls her eyes and says “Why are you laughing first of all? And it isn’t an issue per say, it just shocked me because you have never called me that once since we’ve met.”
Tae leans back in his chair manspreading trying to affirm his authority and explains, “Well, here goes and don’t you fucking interrupt me. If you somehow have questions, be a patient little cheater and wait until I’m done okay?” You nod in anticipation trying to stay strong and not react to his accusation yet. “Well, whatever name you’re going by, you are right. I haven’t been in the best mood, and it wasn’t a ‘random point’, it was when you had called for a 10-minute break. I had returned from the bathroom and saw you had relocated from our spot to near the Aussies and Han.”
You raise your hand giving him the grandest power complex to which he only tilts his head towards you beckoning you to speak. “You know I’m friends with all of them so why did seeing that turn you into a dick?”. Poking his cheek with his tongue, he clarified, “It didn’t turn me into a dick darling. I just don’t like people trying to take what is mine.” “Nobody was trying to take me you dumbass.” “Then why the shit does Felix have a special nickname for you AND said he loves you??” he slightly yelled with tears in his eyes.
As he hid his face in his hands, taking deep breaths to avoid sobbing, you were trying to process the words that just came out of his mouth. After stuttering and trying to form sentences, you explain the situation as he comes to sit next to you. Turning towards him and covering his hands with yours, you take a deep breath and bring him up to speed; “So the name thing first. Well as you know he and Bang Chan are Australian. So, them trying to say my first name just winds up in a 10-minute loop of aggressive ‘nauring’ you know? So, I decided to tell them my middle name and Bang Chan immediately fell in love with calling me ‘Gracie’ so only the Aussies call me that, for that reason only okay?” He cracks a small smile, “I guess that does make sense….. but why did he say he loved you?” You choke on air, and you ask incredulously, “Ummm when the hell did he say that?!?!”
He glances at the floor sheepish worried he misheard something now and is starting to feel like the biggest asshole to ever exist. “I dunno, I just heard him tell you ‘Woah Gracie, I love you for that!’ and just after the unexplained name thing it sent me spiraling.” You give a small smile this time and go “calm down tiger, I had just shown him a photo I had edited of him and hella fixed the lighting, so he was grateful because it was an important photo of him. That’s it I promise okay? I swear on Tannie!!”
It was his turn to go big eyed because he knew when you swore on a pet, you meant business! “Okay I believe you Nari I really do.” You breath the deepest sigh of relief ever until he interrupts with “But I do have one more question…” “Oh?” you question, “what’s up Tae?”. “Okay now don’t get mad, but are you sure there’s nothing there? I mean it seemed like there was some flirting, at least from where I stood.” “I mean I doubt he was flirting with me; he knows I am with you plus I double doubt you started a trend of fine Korean men finding me attractive.” you chuckle.
Suddenly his countenance darkened again in an instant as he backed away, “fine Korean men????” you gulp, “I mean, I didn’t mean fine fine, I just meant that I am a photographer, so I appreciate aesthetically pleasing things and people.” You say as you start to get off the couch, but he stands and pulls your hair getting you to look him in the eyes “So you aren’t attracted to him AT ALL then??” Tears form once again in your eyes as you explain yourself, yet again…”Okay so he maybe was my first SKZ bias, and you aren’t the first person to point out that he flirts with me a lot. I won’t deny that before we were together it was very nice, but I love you not him okay?”
There’s a long pause until you both sit back down, and he looks like he has seen a ghost, “wait…love me???” You chuckle, “Yes you idiot, lovingly of course!” He has tears in his eyes then asks, “Are you sure??? I mean, it has only been a few months and I know I’m taller, but my voice can’t get near his and I was an ass earlier…” “Hun, I agree you could’ve handled everything earlier better and come to me sooner and been upfront. But it doesn’t mean that you are inherently an ass okay? I don’t care that your voice isn’t just like his, I love your voice and it’s been my peace for years now.”
“Well, good points all around and I just…. I really am sorry that I freaked out so much earlier, I just love you too, so it lit a fire in my soul. I’m sincerely sorry and I’ll do better okay? I can’t lose you…”. You are both sobbing at this point and then while you pull each other into the most intense embrace, you reassure him
“You won’t”.
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eienias20 · 3 months
BanG Dream! It's MyGO!!!!!
I know I made a post about my love of BanG Dream! already but i left out one part of my journey because I believe it deserves its own spot.
The last piece of anime content was BanG Dream! It's MyGO!!!!! and I can not express how much those 13 episodes moved me. Such a short runtime in the grand scheme of things but they did absolutely stellar work, introduced many new characters to the universe and told a very emotional journey.
Anon, Tomori, Taki, Soyo, Raana, I've come to love them so dern much. Thinking back on it, the season had quite a few similarities with the 1st season of BanG Dream! which intro'd Poppin Party (Kasumi, Arisa, Rimi, Tae, Saaya) and even had its own dramatic moments that were well down with a satisfying finale.
This though, man this just hit in every way I'm sure it wanted to hit.
It's MyGO (Eps 1 - 7) Thoughts LINK
It's MyGO (Eps 8 -13) Thoughts LINK
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All I was told before i watched it, well nothing but a few comments stated that they were excited for me to watch it, really wanted me to get around to it and I can see why.
If I had known too much beforehand ESPECIALLY regarding episodes 7 - 10 idk if they would've smashed my feelings the way that they did so I am glad everyone was so thoughtful in their comments.
I cried a lot watching this series and when I watched certain episodes again, it still got me hard. Few things more devastating than hearing Tomori say she "hates bands" after what just went down, ep 10 is the greatest comeback of all time. everything before building up to that moment and executed perfectly.
I want more of this group. I know the next BanG Dream! anime is focused on Ave Mujica and it airs next year, January i believe and I am very excited to watch it. I just can't wait to see these girls again. And hey, since their last episode was like 75% Ave Mujica maybe we can flip that and have an episode next year be 75% MyGO XD
For real tho i think how the group was left off in episode 13 was a perfect place to put them for whatever is to come. Gosh i love them all.
Tomori is just so precious and I badly wanted to see her succeed. Anon is such a change for a POV character as she wasn't even committed at all in the beginning (shown by how lax she was on learning the guitar), Taki and Tomori's bond was great to watch and I love how it played out that even though the former wanted to this for the latter, she wound up breaking things even more tho she didn't intend to.
And Soyo. Oh Soyo. idk how I can sum her up beyond she is endlessly fascinating and tragic and different from pretty much every other BanG Dream! character
And Raana was just there for the ride, the stray cat. She's endlessly amusing and I came to appreciate her presence pretty quick. She is also one of the many things tying back to the first season.
I could continue to go on but all this just makes me want to watch it again.
This officially my second favorite anime of all time only behind Yu-Gi-Oh! 5Ds and I now leave you all with one last moment between Anon and Tomori that gave me the warm fuzzies.
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ryttu3k · 1 year
BG3 update, exploring Reithwin, a new team member, to about midway through Moonrise Towers!
Little snippety bits, team banter, etc that I've smushed into one image because I have a limit here:
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*eyeing that 'unknown elf' listing* Also I love how Astarion is genuinely bullshitting in the blood-taste bit because we know he hasn't been drinking thinking-peoples blood aside from enemies and, once, Tae.
Anyway. To Reithwin! Delightfully spooky, honestly, the atmosphere here is fun. Managed to talk three enemies to death - the tollkeeper (who reminds me of corrupted No Face in Spirited Away?), the absolute creep in the House of Healing, and, after the world's grosses drinking game, the bartender. More on the latter two later!
At the cemetery, we meet Arabella! Who has... picked up some new skills.
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Of course she can stay at camp while we look for her parents!
Into the bar for the world's worst drinking game. Plus side, got a boatload of approval from Astarion, Shadowheart, and Lae'zel from it! And some... really nasty mental images!
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"Really? Right in front of my drink?"
Stopping to camp for the night. Getting some much more genuine Astarion when asking if Cazador has other spawn. Larian let me hug him as a friend.
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Karlach brings up the whole... Gale thing. Which I still feel bad about tbh.
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On a more depressing note, telling Arabella about her parents hurts ;_; Apparently not everyone gets the scene that follows, so I'll include a Youtube link to it here! Man, given Withers'... everything, I have to wonder just what that destiny will involve!
Honestly, though, I goddamn adore him as a character. Even if he does warn Tae not to get distracted by Karlach XD;;
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Not the only intriguing camp companion we have, apparently!
Speaking of companions, visiting the House of Healing and retrieving Art's lute allows us to progress with starting to end the shadow curse, and properly recruiting Halsin!
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I really like when you can let companions speak for themselves, you get so much more lore, like letting Lae'zel speak at the creche.
Once Thaniel is restored, Halsin officially becomes a member of the Brainworm Squad, albeit minus a brainworm! The companions have assorted things to say about him (including Wyll calling him a 'thick hunk of an elf'), and Tae gets to know him better. He likes honey and knows it's funny! He likes whittling! He likes whittling ducks!
"I like ducks :)"
(Tae has officially decided he's their new grandpa now. The other companions have... less familial views, apparently!)
Back to the mission! Heading to the Thorm mausoleum, and oh dear, look what the cat dragged in...
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After getting some good advice to skip the mausoleum until prompted to go there later, we turn back, and this time, make for Moonrise Towers itself! (Minus Halsin, with the narrator very helpfully reminding me that, hey, may not want to bring someone without a brainworm there.) Discover some... concerning cargo:
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Yeah, we, uh, took the canister and now it's just. Sitting in the traveller's chest. What do we do with it?
Into Moonrise Towers, witnessing a group of goblins attempt to kill Ketheric and. Completely fail. That's concerning!! Tae is instructed to deal with the remaining goblins and opts to let them go, because who knows? Maybe they'll return the favour one day. Karlach hears from an old 'friend', Florenta the Garrotter, a cambion from her Avernus days, and gets given some soul coins (albeit with a story attached to each).
Lots and lots of concerning bits of evidence, all pocketed. Stuff on recruiting drow, shadow druids, goblins, et cetera, invasion plans for Baldur's Gate, and - what have we here? Collaboration between Ketheric Thorm and Gortash!
We meet Araj. We meet Tae's extreme urge to punch her in the face. We meet Astarion's genuine surprise and gratitude at someone giving him a choice on what he does with his body for possibly the first time in two hundred years I'm gonna fuckin' cry. Larian let me hug him as a friend, part two.
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We meet Steelclaw. Steelclaw I would die for you. ...Can we recruit her for the final battle?
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That done, time for a prison break!
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I don't like him much. Barcus sweetie you can do so much better. The tieflings are much happier to see us! (Lia: "Oh, you clever bastard. I could kiss you!" Cal: "Not in front of me, please. I've suffered enough.")
After the successful prison break, it's time for a rest. Is it weird to find, like, a 'realistic' place for them to rest? I used that office/tower in the middle of the prison, in the upstairs bit, where anyone awake could watch out for anyone approaching. Anyway, Gale has set up a hologram kind of... thing to invite Tae somewhere, finding him in a Weave illusion and in a... very melancholy mood.
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Was definitely concerned this would lead more romantic. Thankfully, the game allows it to be played completely platonically, which is good as! Gale is a friend! A friend who's hurting and terrified and needs support and anyway Gale haters can fight me.
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Genuinely beautiful scene, and I absolutely got misty-eyed.
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Fight me, Gale haters.
Back to Moonrise. We do some more exploring, finding the third part of the tale of Orpheus. Lae'zel is... not impressed in the slightest. We also meet Ketheric's dog :( And private chambers. And stuff relating to his dead wife, and their daughter, who I have definite suspicions about. (It's Isobel, right? Isobel is Ketheric's daughter, right? Don't tell me either way, but that definitely seems to be the vibe I'm getting.)
We meet with Disciple Z'rell, and get a new mission - go to the Thorm mausoleum, and retrieve the artefact for Thorm. Now we can go! Also, at the least, she seems to trust us?
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Back to the Last Light for some happy reunions! Alfira is ecstatic to have Lakrissa back (who proceeds to flirt with Tae, Lakrissa please their girlfriend is standing right there), Barcus is so excited to see Wulbren again... who doesn't appear to feel the same way.
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Do you think Barcus would mind overmuch if Tae stuffed Wulbren in their pack and threw him back in a cell? Just saying.
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Then back to camp for a rest, and a conversation with Astarion that punches me in the emotions!!
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Full scene (including the initial confrontation with Araj) available here. The options I picked were, "Why has she upset you so much?", "Have you even enjoyed having sex, in these last decades?", and "You aren't a slave any more, Astarion, you're free."
Anyway that scene emotionally kicked my ass and I still couldn't even hug him. Larian let me hug him as a friend, part three!
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Au terms and service request!!
Reactions to playing Five Night at Freddy's with circus performers plz hehehe
yessss I love it! FNAF has a special place in my heart; I was playing Toy Bonnie, Springtrap, and an OC on RP blogs back when the first games came out! (actually I still play them all, I just moved most of my RP muses to a multimuse... I love my lil fuzzbutt bunnybots and my spooky tour guide lady XD)
I'm super pumped for the movie to come out next month! I currently have the Peacock streaming service and the movie is coming straight to that as well as theaters. soooooo... pizza party and everyone's invited!!!!
anyway this is such a great concept eeeeee
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God, she hates it!! Get the door! Wait, no, the other door! Fuck, is that Foxy on the camera?! Aaaaand Mr. Schmidt is dead. Oops. This is definitely not her favorite game, if only because she’s easily freaked out by jumpscares. If you laugh at her reactions, she’ll probably force close the Kuroshitsuji app and sulk for a while… meaning that every time you open it and try to talk to her specifically, she’ll make the app crash. She finally moans that life is hard enough, why couldn’t you pick a nice, wholesome farming game or something?? Gah. She’ll play it with you again, if you really want; just don’t tease her when she screams!
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Ah, no, stop checking the camera!! Y’re gonna run down the power! Er… well… okay, y’ can check it this once, but… ugh! He’s hung up on the strategies rather than being too scared of the animatronics. At first, anyway. The first time you let Mike die to a jumpscare, he shrieks like a banshee. Those animations are just too detailed and creepy, as far as he’s concerned. If nothing else, he’s happy to keep playing despite the fear of getting another one of them. Actually, he considers it a point of pride to see all the animations. Come on, he won’t let you wimp out and stop playing until you survive the night!!
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Oh, God, oh, God, oh, God, turn the lights on! They were so sure they heard one’a those damn robots comin’!! Aaaaah… dead because you guys were too slow to close the door. After the two of you die the first time, they’re urging you to try again. Of course, they screamed at the jumpscare, so you might ask if they really are sure they want to play again. They do, though! They talk about how their heart was racing (even though they, er, don’t have one, do they??), and how it was so much fun. Did it scare them? Absolutely. Did they enjoy it? No doubt! It’s something they love doing with you, so, they’ll play it as many times as you like.
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Haha, Lord, this is an awful waste’a time and ‘e couldn’t be ‘appier tae be playin’ it with ye! What ‘appens if th’ lights go out, again…? … Oh. Right, death! He manages to crack jokes the whole time, but some of the content in this game actually sort of gets to him. Being trapped in an enclosed space with no options to just run, and only your own reaction times to keep yourself safe? That’s one of the scariest situations he can imagine to be in. That said, he’s quite fast, so if you’d prefer to give him commands, he can connect to the Five Nights at Freddy’s app itself and do things almost instantly rather than you pressing buttons. He’s helpful if you’ve tried a few times and are just a bit slow to survive. He’ll play with you as much as you want… just maybe play something a little bit more lighthearted before closing the Kuroshitsuji app for the night??
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Y’ sure y’ really wanna play this one, eh? The premise is a li’l odd, ain’t it? ‘N’ the mechanics are so simple, is it even a challenge or… FUCK, THAT’S A GIANT ROBOT ANIMAL, CLOSE THE DOOR!! For as much as he isn’t usually rattled by things (in fact, there are times he seems stoic and emotionless), he pays dearly in finding out how scary this game is, because he severely underestimated it. When you let Mike die for the first time, the Kuroshitsuji app crashes; upon opening it back up, Jumbo will bashfully apologize and ask if you want to try playing again. He’s prepared now, he promises! Well, until that music box starts playing. It’s so pretty, isn’t it? … Dammit, okay, try one more time!
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Oi, y’ sure this is s’posed t’ be a, y’know, a ‘orror game? From wot ‘e sees, it looks like a game f’r li’l kids ‘r somethin’. All colorful ‘n’ cheesy ‘n’… GOD! Rabbits shouldn’t be that fuckin’ scary!!! After letting Mike die for the first time, Peter just sort of zones out for a second. He’s got the horror game equivalent of a thousand-yard stare, as if he’s trying very hard to comprehend what the hell just happened. After a moment he snaps out of it and demands that the two of you try again. He’s fully committed to playing it until you survive the entire five nights, if only to prove that he’s not scared. In fact, find all the secret stuff! He’ll do those five nights and more! No stupid game gets the better of him!
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(Aww, why isn’t there a snake animatronic? That would be so much fun!) Yes, he supposes it would be, Donne. (Let’s jus’ play it, we’ll show ‘em w’o’s boss!) Snake doesn’t share the aggressive enthusiasm, Wilde, but he’s willing to give it a go. He gets spooked quite quickly, though, and comments that he wishes he was a real person so he could hide behind you. (Of course, the snakes do the talking. It’s less embarrassing to admit that way.) He can barely get through one night without getting so scared he crashes the Five Nights at Freddy’s app. If he does manage it, however, his confidence grows a little and he’s able to formulate some better strategies for getting through another. It’s… fun to bond with you like this, even though he gets scared. He’ll keep playing, if you want.
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Eep!! Good God, ‘ow do these ‘uge, ‘ulkin’ things move so damn fast?? It don’t seem fair at all! ‘Ow are y’ two s’posed t’ keep from dyin’? Well, she s’poses that’s wot makes it a challenge. That’s the whole point of the game, so she can’t really complain too much that it’s difficult. She jumps at every little sound in the game, and urges you to check the cameras often. This isn’t something she’s good at — she ends up having you check the cameras so often the power runs out, and you don’t last till 6 A.M. It’s a miracle if you last till 3, the way she plays. She at least is the only one to explain that because she’s part of an app inside the phone, it feels so much more… real to her! Thankfully, she’s a good sport. Even if she ends up screaming at every jumpscare, she’s fine playing it until you get bored. It beats just sitting round doing nothing! (Though, even that isn’t so bad with you.)
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deepdarkdelights · 1 year
I've been religiously reading your works although I never had the guts to actually give any feedback till, well, now lol. Your writing always manages to give me that weird queasy feeling and I simply l o v e it. I read Instinct last night and just had to say something! It was *chef's kiss*. I actually had to pause when the MC decided to run because I was just too AHH to keep reading. (Of course I was AHH in general because yandere Tae is, um, nomnom material XD). It's a shame it was a shorter fic, though I saw in another ask that you might continue it in multiple chaps and I'm definitely on board with the idea!
Also, because I'm feeling a little bold, can I ask whether you have considered making something even darker/disturbing and explicit since you do dark themes anyway? Asking for a friend 👀
I hope you're doing well and wish you a good day/night! <33
Wow, thank you for reading! Oh, and thank you so much for sending me an ask, I know how hard it can be so I really do appreciate it!
You know - I think this fic could function like a prologue of sorts considering how short it is! If it keeps getting good interaction / attention and people want more I wouldn't mind fleshing it out.
Would I make darker and more disturbing works? Maybe, I definitely hold myself back a lot so that I don't scare or upset anyone - I am very conscientious of that. I would love to push my boundaries but at the same time I don't want to turn anyone away from my works if they become to much. I mentioned before that JK's family in 10 series was originally planned to be cannibles but I scrapped that because I thought it would be too scary and upsetting,
It's definitely something I will keep thinking about because there are so many things I want to do!
I hope you have a lovely day/night as well my dear 💜
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mrs-monaghan · 1 year
Anons running to your blog talking about tk promotions.. I sense some disturbance in the Force because their friends on tw screaming about how Tae's invited JK along because they are so loud and tk are always together 24/7 and they already came out at least 10 times and it's not a BH event so the comp can't hide them..And this is not for promotions and they can't wait the Marvels premier in November because Seojoon plays in that movie too.. yk, same bs different day..
The main lead in the movie is Tae's friend playing a soccer player in the SK national team...let me think who sang the official soundtrack of the WC? who met with the SK national team in Qatar? Tae can support his friend and JK can tag along with him in a soccer related movie, just saying..
But Jk doing a 1,5 hours live for Jm all by himself was fanservice and comp driven promotion bc JM needed it for his flop album? But suddenly JK is not same baby who has no own will and controlled by the company because he apperead in a premiere?
D-Day just dropped a few days ago, the tour hasn't started yet, maybe we got more content from Nj too and anons already talking about "tk promotions starting" thinking they are doing something? :D
But changing the subject: did you the Namgi Suchwita? how they talked about JK CK photos and they mentioned Jm being half naked too in SMf pt2? again with the "members can't mention jkk without the other" moments.. XD buy one, take 2.. :p
Buy one get one free indeed!
(Sorry I'm late anon)
Jikookers have consistency because Jikook have consistency. The cult's story is always changing because Tkk are not a couple so they don't have repetitive behaviour to compare to and analyse.
Just because I helped my friend carry her bags today, doesn't mean I'm gonna do that tomorrow if I don't feel like it. But i will always help my other half carry their bag if they want and need me to. Because I love them and I like helping them. Maybe I've even gotten into the habit of doing so that I don't even notice anymore. But my friend, my friend can sort themselves out. They have two hands just like me.
That's Jkk and Tkk in a nutshell. And that's how u tell friends from lovers. The vermin are always complaining oh JK didn't do this for V but he did this for Jimin. And the amount of of times it happens too! Like what will it take for these people to finally wake up???
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whatifyoulivelikethat · 10 months
finished peppermint gum and im gonna ramble lol
jk after waking up - dumb ways to die~
sorry kook
Hyungu shoveled some rice in his mouth. He was a man of equality. All carbs were his friends. PERIODT RICE GANG RICE UP * giggles
“Your stunned face tipped me off enough. And the literal five seconds of silence and constant staring when I sat down. he is definitely the type of dude to do that
“I use reason and logic in my everyday life to interact with others. To maintain relationships. But love? Love is something that has no reason. I don’t know how I feel towards the idea. I would not say the emotion is afraid, but it is not a positive one either. oh boi u really decided to just full on attack me eh
Jungkook couldn’t intimidate you for shit. It was the big peepers, probably. that was soo cute in the middle of the hot scene
it was soo amazing and cute and hot
if anyone was curious, Kang Hyungu is based off the guitarist in ONEWE (stage name Kanghyun)
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he's currently serving rn but will be back in Feb 2024
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and he does in fact love Pingu hahaha
I also may or may not have chose him because his main stage guitar is a really cool purple guitar hehe
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I'm glad you enjoyed it, the moments you mentioned are some of my favorites (god I love writing maknae line conversations, they're so unhinged XD) I'm also glad you liked Hyungu as a character, it was a fun challenge to write him, I really wanted someone who wouldn't "know" BTS (I would like to think the BTS members would always be friends in every universe qᴗq is that delulu, oh well)
plus I just love the band ONEWE hehe
but most of all I clearly love writing JK, being a dork, being helpful, being in love XD
can't let him pee in a bush though, smh, silly bun
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aralezinspace · 10 months
was tagged by @gabessquishytum
Were you named after anyone?
Nope. My aunt was going to use my name for my cousin, but didn't like how it sounded with his last name so she let my mom have it xD
Do you have kids?
Nope. Possibly in the future
Do you use sarcasm a lot?
Oh yes, when the occasion calls for it xD
What's the first thing you notice about people?
Vibes/mood, like if they seem happy sad angry tired distracted etc. If it's just in passing, probably if they're wearing anything cool
What's your eye colour?
Brown :P
Scary movie or happy ending?
Both? Both. Depends what kind of mood I'm in tbh. also love scary movies with happy endings
Any special talents?
I swordfight xD also an actor
What are your hobbies?
OH god so many: theatre, dance (mostly ballet), crocheting, reading and writing fic, video games (mostly pokemon and assassin's creed), reading in general... I"m sure there are more xD
Have any pets?
One, a miniature lionhead rabbit named Chewbacca Eliza Hamilbun. She's a brat and I love her.
What sport do you play/have you played?
I played volleyball all through high school and did martial arts for 10 years (I have a black belt in tae kwon do)
How tall are you?
Favourite subject at school?
History and music/theatre classes
Dream job?
Acting, hands down. Movies, TV, theatre, all of it.
Tagging with zero pressure: @chromehoplite @honeybeezgobzzzzz @7-wonders@dotieeee@roguelov@delta-pavonis@teejaystumbles @lecalcifer @bitteraristocrat@demonicspiracle
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borathae · 2 months
Chapter 35
it was a pretty bad dream. I tried to make it stop”, MOM I LOVE HIM
we are in his room 👀👀 what happened afterwards “You got pretty drunk last night and then insisted on sleeping with me so I wouldn’t feel lonely.” oops lets see what all she did 😭😭
“I wouldn’t take advantage of you like that.” PERIODT
“You’re a terrible fighter, especially when drunk.” 😭😭😭
are you telling me that you were awake the entire night?” EDWARD CULLEN WHO??
he want to see her happy oh oh
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WAIT IS THAT FORESHADOW OR SOMETHING or just me overthinking?? didnt say something like that last chapter( wait that was me jumping into conclusion in the review🤡)
“Nuh-uh you’re not. XD this is so funny, like she just did that haha i love them both pls
You shouldn’t assume the worst, especially when Yoongi is trying so hard to be better for you. You should be better for him too and finally stop doubting him. He is a sweet man, a little rough and cold at times, but at his core Yoongi is a good man. wow just called us all out for having mixed feelings about him BUT I ALSO LOVE HIM STINKING SOO MUCH
HE GAVE US SWEET DREAMS, taking "sweet dreams/goodnight" to another level
“You should have come to me whenever it happened. I could have calmed them down.” oh my yoongi bear
she is so nice, cuz i would have chosen violence for joon
“it offends me that you think so lowly of me.” im sorry 🤷🏻‍♀️
“No, of course not”, he grumbles. ofc he is 😭i love him and his new feelings, the way u subtly describe those changes aah
“Test you?” you giggle, “come on Yoongi Boongie, relax”, you tell him, leaning down to kiss his tensed neck. you have officially broken him
“It’s just how the pants are cut”, he mumbles. sure sure i believe you
The Creator of vampires possesses a sensitive neck and is shivering from mere kisses. AAAAH
another panties ripped #justiceforpanties #stoppantyabuse2024
their chemistry is just 😭😭
“Yeah?” you try not to sound too affected by his confession, but honestly you are. me at you
His voice was made for such dirty words, they sound so sinful when his tongue forms them. HISVOICEINCONCERTSAAAAAA
“Tell me what to do next” I HAVE ASCENDED
“uhm, damn Yoongi, give me a moment. I, I wasn’t ready for you to be so into this.” sis is shooketh, im her she is me
Since when did he get so hot? "Always was”, he says.  WTF SHUT UP U DIDNT HEAR THAT SNEAKY MY
"Christ. Stop teasing hold on yoongles is bc, LIKE BC cuz he is 3000 holy shit, my mind is blown
His hair tickles your nose, it smells of mint and green apple. where did he get green apple scented shampoo
"I think”, he croaks, fingers squeezing your hip.  HE IS HAPPY YES MY YOON
HE IS ARCHING HIS BACK “Princess, s-slow down”, he chokes out. YOONGI UR TOO HOT UR KILLING ME
Yoongi furrows his brows and lets out a soft sob. It sounded desperate and high-pitched.  I HAVE DIED, RESURRECTED AND DIED AGAIN
“I’m your willing s-slave”, boi u cant just say that out of nowhere my heart just gave out
they are so hot and adorable together i wanna give them my unborn child
it was a pretty bad dream. I tried to make it stop”, MOM I LOVE HIM
“I wouldn’t take advantage of you like that.” PERIODT
he is actually so important to me
“You’re a terrible fighter, especially when drunk.” 😭😭😭
jJFASJDF he is so sassy I love himm
he want to see her happy oh oh
*sobs so hard she dies*
omfg "my lil yogurt" is unironically such a cute nickname OMFG I MIGHT NEED TO MAKE HER SAY IT TO HIM ONCE IIIHIHIHI
WAIT IS THAT FORESHADOW OR SOMETHING or just me overthinking?? didnt say something like that last chapter( wait that was me jumping into conclusion in the review🤡)
mhhhhhhhhhhm 👀👀👀
“Nuh-uh you’re not. XD this is so funny, like she just did that haha i love them both pls
fajdsjf I love her she is so hot
You shouldn’t assume the worst, especially when Yoongi is trying so hard to be better for you. You should be better for him too and finally stop doubting him. He is a sweet man, a little rough and cold at times, but at his core Yoongi is a good man. wow just called us all out for having mixed feelings about him BUT I ALSO LOVE HIM STINKING SOO MUCH
HE GAVE US SWEET DREAMS, taking "sweet dreams/goodnight" to another level
“You should have come to me whenever it happened. I could have calmed them down.” oh my yoongi bear
“No, of course not”, he grumbles. ofc he is 😭i love him and his new feelings, the way u subtly describe those changes aah
jadjsf htank you!! heheeh
“Test you?” you giggle, “come on Yoongi Boongie, relax”, you tell him, leaning down to kiss his tensed neck. you have officially broken him
boy is officially fainting (real)
“It’s just how the pants are cut”, he mumbles. sure sure i believe you
jfajsdf I love how he is always lying lIKE BOOy
The Creator of vampires possesses a sensitive neck and is shivering from mere kisses. AAAAH
*feral noises*
their chemistry is just 😭😭
“Yeah?” you try not to sound too affected by his confession, but honestly you are. me at you
His voice was made for such dirty words, they sound so sinful when his tongue forms them. HISVOICEINCONCERTSAAAAAA
“Tell me what to do next” I HAVE ASCENDED
I forgot that I made him say that- OGOODBYE
Since when did he get so hot? "Always was”, he says.  WTF SHUT UP U DIDNT HEAR THAT SNEAKY MY
"Christ. Stop teasing hold on yoongles is bc, LIKE BC cuz he is 3000 holy shit, my mind is blown
jfasdjfjas he is indeed JFJADSF
His hair tickles your nose, it smells of mint and green apple. where did he get green apple scented shampoo
"I think”, he croaks, fingers squeezing your hip.  HE IS HAPPY YES MY YOON
boongie yoobi baby :(
HE IS ARCHING HIS BACK “Princess, s-slow down”, he chokes out. YOONGI UR TOO HOT UR KILLING ME
Yoongi furrows his brows and lets out a soft sob. It sounded desperate and high-pitched.  I HAVE DIED, RESURRECTED AND DIED AGAIN
I forgot about this too *dies*
“I’m your willing s-slave”, boi u cant just say that out of nowhere my heart just gave out
they are so hot and adorable together i wanna give them my unborn child
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skyward-floored · 11 months
Speaking of fainting stories...
I used to do tae kwon do during middle and high school. I stuck with it for around 6-7 years, and was in the process of testing for my black belt right at the beginning of 2020. Anyway, I have two younger brothers who did it with me for a little bit, but after they reached a high enough rank they dropped out due to reasons. So normally what would happen during tae kwon do practice is that my mother would wait outside or take one of my brothers to the park or the library since practice was only an hour long.
Anyway, I was a pretty hardy teenager with a decently high pain tolerance and a general lack of awareness for what normal bodily functions are. So when I felt queasy during practice I figured I was dehydrated because people were always telling me that and trying to make me drink water. Then, when my vision started blacking out my thought process went something like "hey this is inconvenient... wait, why is the world so wobbly? Oh so this is what fainting feels like!"
Lucky for me, we were ending practice and I was standing right next to everyone so I ended up landing on my butt in the middle of a bunch of now rather concerned guys. My instructor hauled me up by the armpits and took me over to the bench and had my brother get my mom who was parked outside. Apparently he thought I was having a seizure because I was never fully unconscious while it happened, and to be honest I still feel bad about it, but I have since learned how to avoid fainting by taking better care of myself.
So that's the story of how I nearly gave my tae kwon do instructor a heart attack.
Oof yeah, that’s rough. It’s good there were a lot of people around helping you though! Interestingly enough mine was a little different then that?
So I worked at this restaurant one summer (more like had the job dropped on me, but this isn’t about that), and the thing is, this restaurant used to be a food truck. They only recently moved into the building they got, and so there were some things that hadn’t been purchased or installed yet, and stuff that hadn’t been figured out.
One of those things was the air conditioning for the kitchen. There was a big fan in the window, but when you have three or four people all crammed in there with a grill running, it got hot pretty fast. And I’ve never had much of a tolerance for heat, but I guess it was just too much for me that time since it was one of those days where there were only three of us on shift.
It’s weird though, I remember feeling nauseous, brushed it off as just feeling anxious (because my goodness that job gave me horrible anxiety), and then one minute I was grabbing something and the next someone was running my arms under cold water and asking me if I was okay.
Apparently I didn’t even fall over, I was just standing there and not responding to anything (though from what my sister says I might’ve started to wobble when they finally realized what was up. My sister happened to be working that day too), and even after I woke up I was just like “??? what happened”
But after that, the kitchen got a very nice air conditioner XD
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4town4lyfe · 11 months
So I have been in writers block 4 like a month but I had this very short one shot or whatever u call it scenario with some sibling angst between Robaire and Imani having some issues hehehehe
Okay here XD
A new album means a tour, a tour means dance practice many times a week. Dance practice means tension rises, and it’s usually between these two people.
In the midst of the poppy beats and the quiet stomps of high top sneakers, tension is brewing. Everyone can feel it, but they choose to ignore it, I mean, this happens a lot, but nothing really hurtful happens, so why intervene?
Sharing death glares and smirks almost continuously, Imani and Robaire are at the center of this tension, Robaire’s cocky and almost perfectionist way of thinking has Imani brewing. But Imani is beginning to falter with every quip and comment that Robaire says, and everyone can see.
“Imani, we’ve been practicing this for so long, you’d think you would be able to get it down.” Robaire comments with a smirk as they finish their routine, breaths heavy and hearts beating quick.
“Could you not criticize me for one second, Robaire?” Imani claps back, heading toward the boombox to cut the CD. But, Robaire isn’t one to just back down.
“I mean, it’s really not that big of an insult. Maybe if you could keep up instead of falling behind as usual, you wouldn’t be so upset…” Robaire says with a slight frown, muttering that last part, though Imani hears every word, and so do the others.
“What did you say?” Imani exclaims, whipping her head towards him, Aaron T immediately coming over to calm the situation, placing a caring hand on Imani’s shoulder.
“Hey, let’s just calm down and take a breather, okay? We’re a team, we shouldn’t get upset over little things.” Aaron T calmly speaks, giving Imani a temporary sense of comfort.
“Yo, let’s go for a walk, man.” Aaron Z speaks up, walking over to Robaire and gently grabbing his arm, as Jesse and Tae Young observe, Tae feels overwhelmed with these emotions, and Jesse is there to help him, watching everything go down.
Robaire, fueled with ego, shrugs Aaron Z off and walks over to Imani. “You’ve always been like this, Imani. You’ve always been so sensitive. Can’t take a little heat, eh? Welcome to the real world.” Robaire harshly says to Imani, going to ruffle up her hair before Imani grabs his wrist, not looking him in the eye.
“Dude. Don’t escalate this.” Aaron T tries but fails to dimish the problem, as Robaire continues.
“Oh, she’ll be fine. We always banter like this, she’s just too sensitive to take it, like she’s always been. Never able to get back at me. Never at my level.” Robaire continues with a smirk, both thinking that it’s all in good fun, but also knowing that he’s purposely making her upset.
Really upset.
With a swift movement, Imani’s hand slaps Robaire’s face, the sound echoing throughout the practice room. The pain in his face matching the shock in his eyes.
“I’ve never said anything back to you, I’ve let you walk over me. But this time, you crossed this line.” Imani angrily confronts, her voice shaky, pointing her finger in her face as Aaron T begins to pull her back and Aaron Z grabs Robaire yet again.
“Let’s go, Imani, this isn’t worth it.” Aaron T says as he pulls her toward the exit, his grip gentle but firm. Robaire, always with the last word, retorts with a low blow, one of her biggest insecurities.
“Maybe you’re just upset because you’ll always be in the shadow of your brother.”
Imani glares at him, her expression filled with hurt and anger, her tears beginning to fall as she quickly walks out, not wanting anyone to see her like this.
Aaron T and Tae Young quickly rush after her, and Aaron Z and Jesse quickly let Robaire know that was too far, and Robaire stands there, the weight of his words sinking in, realizing that his pride and ego may have costed his the flow of this hardworking band, and the relationship with his favorite person, whose been there through thick and thin, his very own sister.
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thedeluluverse · 1 year
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This is my first foray into the world of drabbles but please gimme allll the feedback! 😊 I just couldn’t get this damn chair idea out of my head so hope y’all enjoy, let me know XD
Summary: You normally aren’t the type to go home with a handsome stranger from the club but today is different. Stressed with life and a long day at work, you let loose for once! But what will the morning after bring?
Pairing:  idol!Taehyung x cashier!f!reader.
Rating: PG13 ig lmao
Genre: idol!au, strangers to lovers!au, fluff,
Word Count: 1,787
Warnings: swearing, 2nd hand embarrassment, making out, some hair pulling, mentions of smutty night before, customer service job (yes that’s a warning lmao), sleepy pure bean Tae
You have been living on your own for about a year, and so far, so good until you started your new retail cashier job at a little-bit-of-everything store. It isn't the worst job ever, but it tends to attract all kinds of people in varying shades of odd, so it can be quite mentally draining in addition to all the Karens you encounter. Feeling more tired than usual, you don't even notice the tall, handsome customer walk in and head straight to the back clearance corner where the weird things you might find at a garage sale live.
Until the rest of your coworkers leave for the day, and you are alone because your dumbass manager doesn't know how to make a schedule. So, he has no other option to check out besides you. The sound of approaching shopping cart wheels alerts you to look professional. Still, you almost lose your balance once your eyes focus on this customer. Though his appearance is barely seen with a baggy hoody, baseball cap, and a mask, you can tell this is one handsome dude. The flustered sensation fades slightly once you see him place the only item in his buggy up on the counter to be scanned; a chair with more cake than most people that you threw in the back months ago. Gulping hard at the familiar object, you ask,
Y/N: *turning the chair around to find the tag to scan* “Wi..will this be all for you today, sir?"
CM: *raises an eyebrow with an amused look and chuckles* "Yeah, that's it, but you don't need to be so formal; it looks like I'm not much older than you."
Y/N: *you blush b/c omg he looked at me lmao* "Oh…okay… I didn't mean to offend you; just part of my job. *Bags up the item and places it back in the cart* "Have a nice day…well, what's your name Mr. not old."
CM: *has a fake annoyed look on his face* "Someone is quick-witted, I see… well, sadly for you, I'm not keen on revealing such personal things. Not like this, at least. See you around, Sassy." *Leaves store*
You sit back down on the bench with a hand on your heart beating out of your chest from the mere presence of that man, much less you had playful banter?? And did he just give you a nickname?? Taking a deep breath, you are energized by this interaction and start cleaning up the store so you can leave on time to meet your friends at a new club tonight. One other person comes in before closing, so you can leave work at 8 o'clock on the dot for once! Much as you try not to, you just can't help replaying that mysterious stranger in your head the whole drive home. Once you get home, you blast your upbeat boss bitch vibes playlist as you freshen up and get ready to head to the club.
Entering the club, you spot your friends, and instantly, the stresses of life fade away in the aesthetic lights and boppy music blaring through the stereo. It doesn't hurt that you feel fine as hell, either! After about 2 hours of songs and 2 shots, you sit down at the bar for a breather and some water as you were too busy for dinner, so a couple of shots don't necessarily agree with your stomach despite your attitude feeling fantastic. You close your eyes for a moment as you enjoy the crisp water going down your throat, feeling the cooling sensation all the way down. The relaxation doesn’t last long until you feel a presence beside you. This isn't odd since you are in a public space, but it has the energy of someone waiting to talk to you. Turning to your left and swiftly standing up to show you were stable to whoever was near you didn't work out according to plan. Your legs buckle as soon as you are upright, and you can feel your balance slipping from getting up too quickly as you aren't buzzed enough to be unstable. Thankfully, a solid but gentle pair of arms catch you before you hit the ground and slowly turn you to face him to ensure you are okay. Before any words are said, you recognize him as the customer from earlier today. Your eyes widen suddenly, and you are very nervous about how good you look because most men you've met in clubs have been scum. You start to dart away, but his honey-like voice pulls you back.
CM: "Hey, hey, it's okay; you're safe, alright? I was worried when you came to sit down, so I was on standby to protect you.
Y/N: *is confused* “But wh..why? You don't even know me; why do you care?" *slight pause* "Oohhh, right, you're a guy. I bet you are just trying to play the hero card to get in my pants."
CM: *frowns* “I am a guy, but everything else is wrong. Do you not recognize me from earlier? You are the same cashier, right? Sheesh, that'd be embarrassing if you weren't…."
Y/N: *astounded he recognized you* "Woah… I did, but I didn't think you'd remember me!"
CM: *chuckles and shyly rubs his neck* “I mean.. how could I not? Hard-working, funny, and beautiful, it'd be a crime to not commit you to memory."
Y/N: *bibi di nobody bo you’re a tomato* “I..well.I’m flattered.” *looks down, biting your lip, then head snaps back up with hands on your hips* "Wait… so can I know your name now?? You already know mine because of my stupid uniform name tag, so it's unfair."
CM: *tilts head in, 'You have a point'* "Fair enough, the name is Tae. Nice to formally meet you, y/n."
Y/N: *butterflies a flurry in your stomach, hearing him say your name* "Trust me…the pleasure is all mine. So I have to ask, do you really think I'm beautiful? Like, I know I look hot right now but earlier, different story. "
TAE: "I mean what I say and vice versa, gorgeous. I normally don't do this, but I've been going a little crazy since the store. Sooo, would you be okay if I.. again, it's fine if not, I just wanted to ask because..”
Before he can finish the sentence, your arms are thrown around his neck, engaging in a passionate kiss. You don't break away to breathe until about 10 minutes of your hands roaming all around each other’s bodies and through your hair without a care. Communicating wordlessly, you bolt out of there hand in hand to his car, where the makeout continues for another 5 minutes before you agree to take it to his place. You usually are never the type to have a one-night stand, but something just feels so right with this guy. You feel safe enough to let go of your worries and let something other than your vibrator give you release for once.
Waking up in a new place in a baggy Celine t-shirt, the events of last night slowly replay in your head as you goofily grin, feeling elated for the first time in a while. Looking over, you notice Tae is not in bed still. It shouldn't worry you, it's a hookup, after all, but you can tell he's not that type of guy. Curiosity getting the better of you, you wander out of the room, greeted by the cutest little fluffball of a Pomeranian. Squatting and letting it sniff you, it instantly jumps into your arms; walking into the living room, you meet Tae's shocked eyes.
TAE: "He let you pick him up? It normally takes several meetings for him to be comfortable with someone."
Y/N: *shrugs as you release the upper, excitedly panting for his dad* "I've always been good with animals, honestly. What's his name?"
TAE: *picks up the dog and kisses head* "Names Yeontan but I call him Tan for short."
You melt at all the cute you have witnessed in the last few minutes, then you stare off into space, looking shocked about something.
TAE: * waves hand in front of your face* “Hey, y/n, you okay?”
Y/N: *doesn’t blink* “You…you’re…The.. as in motherfucking Kim Taehyung Tae????? I thought you looked familiar, but I wasn't sure about you looking undercover as fuck in the store and then the low lighting at the club. Holy shit… tired brain went away and immediately put the puzzle together, and I… I need to sit..”
He guides you to the couch and rubs your back, making sure you are alright but also thinking your reaction was adorable and is honestly surprised his disguise was that good. Once he feels your breathing stabilize, he kisses your temple and pats your leg as he gets up to make the two of you breakfast. As he turns around to face the stove, he notices you look like you've seen a ghost.
Y/N: “Tha..that wasn’t a gift? You actually wanted that for your own house.. oh my god, what is life...”
TAE: *follows your gaze to the ass chair he bought yesterday and looks confused* "I mean, yeah, why wouldn't I? It's unique, and I liked it so voila! What's so odd about that? Plus, it's Jimin's designated seat when he comes over because, I mean…booty and harder for him to fall out of that one, haha."
Y/N: *shakes head, trying to process* "No, I get it just..ugh, I swore nobody would know this, but here we are… that used to be mine. So the fact that our tastes are this similarly odd and you own something that my ass used to be on is just a little overwhelming since you may or not be my ult bias since I was like 15… “ *blushes and twiddles fingers nervously*
TAE: "Everything you just said made me that much giddier, and I wasn't sure that was possible… I don't mean to weird you out, but I'd like to see you again. Outside of work or the club, maybe go get boba tea and a snack this weekend if you're free?"
Shocked that this is how your life is playing out but not questioning it too long, you agree. That date leads to another and another until 6 months later, you are officially dating and the happiest you've ever been. You do a lot for and with that man, but no way in hell are you ever using that chair again or getting over the fact that he actually bought your ass chair from you and proudly displays it. He's lucky he's adorable, but even still, you wouldn't want him any other way.
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mikuni14 · 1 year
Thank you @nieves-de-sugui for tagging me 😘 I've already tried to do it twice, but I'm one of those people who, wearing a T-shirt of their favorite band and asked about the band's songs, can't remember any of them 😄 it's so emabarssing, like "what's your fav BL" me, a BL enjoyer: "blank stare". But I'll do my best! and I'll probably remember what series and characters I could write about 10 minutes after posting
Worst soundtrack / weirdest song choice in a BL I honestly don't pay much attention to music in BL's, as it's mostly pop music, I rely on @troubled-mind who is my guru when it comes to the music stuff in BL series 😎
Most cringe-inducing line (cute) um, recently? Munchkin, but it's probably just bad translation :D
Most cringe-inducing line (actually bad) idk, let me think... uugh..hmmm a lot of the stuff Toh says in SCOY, although I love that show
Most stupid decision made by a character oh gosh, most dramas are made of stupid decisions lol. But there are stupid-stupid reasons that I tolerate and stupid-annoying decisions, that I hate. All "I will keep my beloved in the dark, for his sake" or "I will leave my beloved for years because of some stupid reason", or "this shit could have been solved by 1 (one) honest converstation" stuff falls into latter category. The drama that comes to mind is Step by Step, the characters made so many stupid-annoying decisions. oh wait, I know! I LOVED Ghost Host, Ghost House to death, and then one of them made a stupid decision. I'm not over it to this day 😤
Worst plot line if I have to choose one it's probably White pretending to be Black in Not Me
The most problematic show you've watched I think... Dangerous Drugs of Sex? it's not a series though
A show people love but you find bad people are gonna hate me for this 😬 but it's Not Me, Never Let Me Go, Between Us, Theory of Love or recently La Pluie. There are also series with a very devoted fan base that where just ok for me, like Bad Buddy
A show people find bad but you will defend I don't feel the need to defend my favs 😃 when I like something, I'm happy when others like it too, but when they don't, it doesn't bother me at all. I WILL defend a series, or character when I think they are misjudged or misunderstood though, not necessarily my favs. hmmm, I think Oh! Boarding House is one of my favs, that people probably find mediocre or even boring 😄
A show that is just objectively bad but you enjoyed it that's like 78,24% of my fav series 🥳
A bad show that you kept watching because you were intrigued/fascinated I watch many series just to see how they end, sometimes out of morbid curiosity, sometimes thinking that the ending will make up for something I didn't like. It doesn't necessarily mean they're bad, they just don't spark joy. Spoiler alert: the ending almost never is worth the wait.
A bad show that you kept watching because you were horny ummmm, TharnType? Together with Me?
A bad show that you kept watching because of that one character hmmmm, I suffered La Cuisine for literal crumbs of the side dishes
A bad show that you would still recommend shows that I would recommend are not bad 😎
The character that ruined a show the most ummmmm Phat from La Pluie, Pat from SBS
Most awful character that you hated I agree with @nieves-de-sugui : The fucking ex in Mr Cinderella. Also all characters that should ACTUALLY be in prison, like that guy from TharnType. The doctor and the girl from Together With Me, the bitches from The Eighth Sense
Most awful character that you loved Boston? :D
A character that wasn't awful but that you just don't like in the end, Kawin from GHGH and Woo Tae Kyung from Light On Me
A hero that should have been a villain umm, Theo from Enchante, Jaab
A morally bad character you're into Boston XD
A morally bad character you're not into and you wish people would stop being into people are gonna hate me for this too, but... VegasPete, I mean, I loved BOTH of them before they were together, but their arc was just so stupid and not done well.. I know it's weird but I just like them separately and hate them together so much
The show that disappointed you the most series that started so good but disappointed me in the end, hmmm lets' see: Light on Me, Ghost Host, Ghost House, Never Let Me Go, Chains of Heart
The Worst Show of Them All Because of Your Own Reasons due to personal reasons I think I dislike La Pluie the most 😃
Ok, that was fun, whoever wants to do it, go! 😘
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