#oh there's also SA2 i guess
21rstrejectedsoul · 1 year
Yeah, I do love Metal Sonic and I'm obsessed with him which means I do lots of edits of my special boi
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magnetic-dogz · 29 days
I'm not gonna really talk about the movie outside of those posts I reblogged and "why the fuck is Gerald alive." I was excited for the movie before but the more I hear about it the more disappointing it sounds and the more I don't care about seeing it
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upperranktwo · 8 months
Shadow getting extra content in the sonic generations port is so random but im not complaining 😭 just hope it's good because seeing Black Doom again is so fun! I'm one of the few people on earth who enjoyed the Shadow solo game enough to max every level 😭
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thankskenpenders · 29 days
At long last, the trailer for Sonic movie 3 is here, giving us our first look at Shadow! It looks like a fun time, though my excitement is probably more tempered than a lot of peoples' due to a few things I have mixed feelings on. Here are my off-the-cuff thoughts about it.
Yes, it does seem like they've really nailed Shadow here. Fowler's attachment to the character clearly shows. The action looks cool and really sells Shadow as a serious threat. He's got his bike, he's doing Chaos Control all over the place, it's great. Keanu is very much just doing his regular voice, but it fits well enough. The backstory from SA2 seems to mostly be there, though I'm sure some details will be adjusted. Mostly I'm still just amazed that we're getting a major tentpole blockbuster movie this Christmas starring Shadow the fucking Hedgehog that treats him as a serious character worthy of respect. We've come such a long way...
I mean, just... what an image to see on the big screen.
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I also really like the way they're setting Shadow up as a foil for movie Sonic, kind of his dark mirror image as a Mobian hedgehog whose family life on Earth ended in tragedy and turned him into a vengeful antagonist. It's pretty straightforward, but it works well.
Welp. They put Jim Carrey in a fat suit. I suppose we knew this day would come eventually.
I guess a small part of me is glad that movie Eggman finally actually looks like Eggman in every way that matter, but they're completely playing it as a joke at his expense here. And, yeah, the Sonic franchise isn't immune to fat jokes, the early years of the franchise (particularly Western adaptations) gave Sonic tons and tons and tons of jabs about Eggman's weight. But I thought we'd moved past that. But here we are with a depressed movie Robotnik binge eating and gaining a lot of weight like Fat Thor and the other characters think he's so GROSS and look his clothes don't even fit him anymore, haha! There's so much of this crammed into the trailer. I can only pray they don't do this in every fucking scene he's in in the movie.
I do like the plot of Sonic reluctantly teaming up with Robotnik to try and stop Shadow, though. It's very different from SA2, but we knew it would be, and I think that gives the movie some potential for Sonic to have kind of a dark turn of his own that mirror's Shadow's. I have a feeling that Sonic will try to get back at Shadow for something he does - maybe hurting Tom or something like that - and in the end Sonic sympathizes with Shadow and decides they have to stop their cycle of revenge, teaming up to stop some final threat.
Oh, and, of course... Jim Carrey is also playing Professor Gerald. Who might still be alive? Or maybe it's a hallucination on Ivo's part? I don't know, but either way, I'm here for it. Everyone joked about them doing it and then they went and did it. Yes, it risks playing him as a joke character, but the shot of him and Shadow mourning Maria while surrounded by GUN soldiers makes me believe he won't be a total joke. I wouldn't be surprised if he was the true final antagonist of the film, which would diverge a lot from the games but would work as its own version of the story.
And again, WHAT an image to see on the big screen lmao
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Everyone else
The human cast is VERY downplayed in this trailer, but let's not forget that they're still going to get a lot of screentime one way or another. The Sonic 2 trailer barely showed anything from Hawaii. Where oh where is my best friend Wade?
Speaking of the Wade show, Knuckles... frankly still seems to be mostly a comic relief character heavily influenced by MCU Thor here, getting some jokes in the trailer but immediately getting Worfed by Shadow when it comes time to fight. Tails seems to be flying the gang around in a real-ass helicopter, and his big pilot's helmet is funny, but otherwise he doesn't really do anything here aside from getting stomped by Shadow. I really hope they don't get sidelined too hard, but frankly I fully expect them to, Tails especially.
And, of course... I can't help but think about who isn't here. Namely: the girls. Yes, three movies and one streaming miniseries into this film franchise, exactly zero of the female (animal) characters from the games have made the jump to live action. Please allow me to bitch about this.
Despite her being both 1) a main character in the game this movie is loosely adapting and 2) my fave, I suppose I can understand why Rouge isn't here. Paramount took one look at that bat cleavage and went "nope," cowards that they are. There was some speculation that Kristen Ritter could be playing Rouge, but we now know she's just playing someone at GUN. But, again, I at least get why they'd be hesitant to include her.
But Amy... Amy is such a glaring omission at this point. There's no excuse. She's the female lead of the franchise. She's one of Sonic's closest friends. (Honestly, these days it's more accurate to say Team Sonic is Sonic, Tails, and Amy, not Knuckles, especially in the comics.) And she's also a key player in Shadow's arc in the game. Shadow has his change of heart because Amy reminds him of Maria! And yet, she's nowhere to be seen. It sucks.
(I know some fans are still holding out hope for Amy, but the toys for the movie already leaked and she didn't get anything, so I have to assume she's not in it.)
It's not like I really expected either of them to be in this movie, but that doesn't make it less disappointing that they set up the film franchise in a way that makes it logistically difficult to include 90% of the characters and conveniently managed to leave all of the girls in the "low priority" pile. Yes, I know everyone points to how much Tails was downplayed in the third act of Sonic 2 as evidence that it's just so impossible to introduce more than one new Mobian character in each movie and give them the focus they deserve. Yes, I know having to come up with a story excuse to bring more characters over to Earth is an obstacle, especially when they're gonna have to devote time to Shadow's backstory. But these are excuses. It's a writer's job to figure out solutions to problems like this. They could make it work if they really wanted to. I'd take Amy having a suboptimal amount of screentime over her not being in it at all. It's just not a priority for them. That's what disappoints me. You can justify these absences from a logical perspective, but I just care way more about Amy and Rouge as characters than I do about Shadow, so there's no way for this to not sting.
But, at the end of the day, for what the movie is actually trying to do, it seems to be pulling it off well. Aside from the fat jokes. I don't like the fat jokes. But the Shadow stuff is good. As always, this live action version of the franchise is never going to be my ideal version of Sonic, but it's turned out far better than it had any right to, and I'll probably have fun when I go see this in theaters and hear Live and Learn.
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aphantimes · 7 months
Examples of Knuckles sensing all forms of Chaos Energy (and other things?) so I can aggressively point here whenever people forget about it
I see this part of Knuckles' abilities forgotten way too often and it drives me insane so here
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Very blatant. His entire gameplay in SA1 and SA2 revolves around this ability. He innately has the ability to sense the Master Emerald and its shards. Rouge meanwhile is given an Emerald Detector in SA2 to explain her gameplay.
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He senses "some strange energy" right before Sonic Chaos Controls right in front of him. Essentially predicting a Chaos Control. IDK how else you could read this lmao he literally sensed a Chaos Control. (I swear I never see anyone talk about this ever grrr)
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This interaction in Sonic Rush confirms that he can sense both Sol Emeralds and Chaos Emeralds. For him to be able to mistake Sol Emeralds for Chaos Emeralds without seeing them, he has to be using some sixth sense, and has to be familiar with sensing Chaos Emeralds as well.
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(This is from a Sonic Station Live segment, unofficial translation found here.)
Knuckles goes looking for a mysterious Emerald presence, and finds Tails' fake Emerald. Pretty straightforward. Also, evidence of the Master Emerald itself being sentient and able to direct Knuckles to investigate anomalies. (I wish more people made use of that, too.)
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(This is from a story on the Sonic Channel website. Original found here, unofficial translation from Windii Gitlord's blog found here.)
This is... a strange one. A bit of an outlier. I assumed that instances of Knuckles sensing treasures were purely gameplay mechanics, but here he appears to literally sense a pair of combat gloves, which is completely unrelated to Chaos Energy. So I guess he can do that too? But maybe it's only because he was led there by the ghosts of his ancestors? Who knows.
Oh yeah. BTW, Knuckles gets sent dreams by his ancestors' ghosts. That is canon. Someone pls use that in some way lol
So anyway. There. A bunch of examples of Knuckles sensing all forms of Chaos Energy, not just the Master Emerald. Throw this at someone if they question the extent of this ability and want evidence lol
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descendant-of-truth · 29 days
On principle I don't really like the idea of Sonic being sent after Shadow at the request of G.U.N for two reasons:
It robs us of the god-tier cold open of the original game where Sonic busts out of a helicopter to escape arrest
I always loved the setup where Sonic and Shadow meeting was pretty incidental - neither of them had any idea who the other was, but Sonic thought Shadow was impersonating him on purpose while Shadow just thought he seemed fun to mess with
But depending on what the surrounding context is, I can see how the movie could make this plot point interesting in a completely different way that still complements these versions of the characters, even if I don't prefer it to the original.
So, some ideas:
G.U.N has been the villain of the last two movies, so in order for Sonic to be working with them, they must have a pretty good deal for him. My guess is that they promised to leave him and his family alone - no more schemes, no more kidnapping, nothing of the sort - on the one condition that "Team Sonic" helps them deal with Shadow.
This would already function as a narrative parallel to Sonic enlisting Robotnik's help later for the same thing. The name of the game becomes "we don't like each other, we're enemies, but we need to work together to deal with this guy because he's too powerful," which becomes a triple threat if the whole cast including Shadow gets to team up at the very end to save the world
I think it would also be very fun if Sonic is trying so hard to talk things out with Shadow in large part because he heard that there was another hedgehog on the loose, and wants so badly to be friends with someone like him that it takes at least one full-blown beating before he gives up on that idea
(The other reason he keeps trying is "it worked on Knuckles" of course)
Now, this puts Sonic in a fascinating position, particularly when using the game as a frame of reference. SA2 was very straightforward with how it presented its conflict at first: you have a Hero Story and a Dark Story, and as such you're primed to think of everyone on both sides as either being good or bad.
And most people, I think, were inclined to play the Hero Story first; it's the one with Sonic in it, and the select screen hovers over it by default, too. It tells a very simple story of Sonic and friends stopping Eggman's (admittedly very threatening) evil plan, developing some new rivalries along the way.
It's already a little bit of a twist for Sonic and Knuckles to have formed a respectful relationship with Shadow and Rouge by the end, since you see them as villains initially, but they still remain antagonists by the end. Rouge returns the Master Emerald pieces, but she's still working with Robotnik. Shadow thinks Sonic is pretty impressive, but he still tries to kill him to stop him from saving the world.
But then you get to the Dark Story, and then the Final Story, and you think, oh. It's really not that simple.
For starters, you get to see more of Rouge's bond with Shadow. There's some conflict inherent to their relationship because Rouge is a spy and is only here to get information on Shadow, but after he saves her life, there's a definite shift to their dynamic. There's something genuine there, even if it doesn't get a lot of screentime dedicated to it.
But most important to the story is what we learn about who Shadow is, in part through his interactions with Rouge.
Shadow is cunning and ruthless - heck, his goal is to literally blow up the world. But whether out of compassion or survivor's guilt or both, he can't let Rouge die, so he saves her and then lies about his motivations for it to seem colder than he is.
And even though the things he's doing are definitely bad, his motivations are famously sympathetic; he wants revenge for his best friend, a young girl who was killed by the G.U.N military during a raid.
(It was implied that there was some sort of brainwashing done on him by Gerald after Maria died as well but that part of the story is incredibly vague)
By the end of the game, Shadow comes into his own as a hero and helps save the world instead of destroying it. And suddenly it makes sense why the stories weren't called Hero and Villain, because neither Shadow nor Rouge are especially villainous characters; Rouge is selfish, and Shadow is driven by grief and hatred, but they're ultimately kind at the end of the day. Both of them find people to care about - each other, as well as Knuckles and Sonic respectively.
But y'know, there wasn't a lot of ambiguity about who the heroes were in the Hero Story itself. Sonic, Tails, and Knuckles are pretty clearly The Good Guys, and nothing they do is really questioned because they're always fighting The Bad Guys.
So what I'm seeing here is an opportunity for Team Sonic to not be totally in the right for once. Yes, it's good to stop Shadow from going on a rampage and destroying the world, but look at who they're keeping for company here. G.U.N? Robotnik and Agent Stone? As if either of those groups are trustworthy enough to not stab them in the backs as soon as it's convenient. As if they're not going to find some way to exploit Sonic for their benefit.
And frankly, Shadow is totally in the right to hate G.U.N, and Team Sonic for working with them. Given that his backstory seems to be largely unchanged, it's kind of impossible not to be on board with him fighting the protagonists at least a little bit.
Besides, I don't think it's a coincidence that Shadow is doing the wrong thing for the right reason, while Sonic is doing the right thing with the wrong people (and maybe also for the wrong reason). That has the potential to be very clever if executed well.
I can only imagine the dawning horror on Sonic's face as he realizes just how much he's not on the right side of this conflict; when he learns about what happened to Maria and everyone else on the Ark. Especially if Tom's family was involved in it, like the current popular theory going around.
Also, last-second realization: what if there's something more to that line from Tom, "it wasn't always easy, but you didn't change who you are in here"? Most likely it's going to be used as a way to show how Shadow is different from Sonic, because he did change who he was in response to trauma and it'll be really poetic when he "finds himself" again
But also, consider: maybe Sonic does end up changing throughout the movie. Maybe he does something that goes against his core principles in order to get an advantage in some way, and they kind of play around with the idea that Sonic is similar to Shadow in ways that aren't always flattering to either of them. I want those hedgehogs to make each other worse before they get better
In any case, there's a lot of potential here, and I'm very curious to see what they ended up going with
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cuchufletapl · 2 years
Knuckles is so uninvolved with the plot of SA2 until like half-way through the Hero Story and that's such a funny choice actually.
He's just been off trying to find the Master Emerald fragments, probably spent the entire night in the Aquatic Mines, emerges out of the fucking sewers like, "Oh hey guys how's it hanging, anything new?" Amy having to bring him up to speed, "You know, the usual, looking for the Chaos Emeralds to stop Dr Eggman. Oh, and we're running from the law because some guy robbed a bank and GUN mistook him for Sonic. Also half the moon is blown up."
And Knuckles just sat there and. Took it I guess. Like, "Oh. Fuck, okay. I, uh, was doing something else but I'm guessing you need a hand."
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milesprowerpower · 2 months
hot take on sonic forces - I don't mind Tails falling apart after Sonic died (or he thought he died) because, you know, grief is a powerful thing. I think it could even make sense as a sort of culmination of his insecurities. Sonic was desperately asking Tails what was up with Infinite when he was getting beat down and Tails couldn't provide any answers to help him. That probably stuck in his head, especially if we know he battles confidence issues. The self doubt spiral is "I couldn't save Sonic when he needed me, which means I must really be a burden to him, which means I suck, etc."
In the infamous scene with Chaos 0, he's beating himself up for not being "smart enough" to fix Omega. Tails always admired Sonic's athleticism and bravery, but nobody doubted that Tails was their mechanical genius. His inability to succeed in the one field where he's indisputably the best must have pushed him even further down the self-doubt spiral. (Before Infinite defeats Sonic, Tails also fails to interpret the data re:Infinite in time to give Sonic useful information, another example of him failing to be 'the smart guy' in time.) In a situation of despair like this, I don't think it's crazy to think he'd freak out at an enemy that he'd seen before (Chaos 0) and kind of lose control and cower. It's a bad moment for him!
A lot of people say this contradicts or negates his growth in Adventure, but I don't think that's true. Self-doubt isn't something you conquer once and then forget about for the rest of your life. It requires action and mental discipline. Even if you've been doing well, a traumatic incident (like someone who was basically your adoptive big brother dying) can shatter your coping mechanisms. That doesn't mean your growth never happened! It means that you can still fail, and you need to cope with the fact that growth is not linear.
What really bothers me are the beginning, where Tails is seen cowering in front of a group of villagers. There isn't any reason for him to be cowering here since Eggman attacks aren't new for him. There's no traumatic event to throw him off balance. He's defeated Eggman's robots before... it's not a novel threat. I know the point is to introduce Sonic being all cool, but I do think it's a bad move. It doesn't make sense with Tails' experience. I also think it cheapens Tails' breakdown by just making him seem cowardly in general? The breakdown would have been more impactful if we showed him being a fighter in the beginning, trying to hold off Eggman's robots while still needing Sonic's help to finish them off. That contrast would have shown just how much the events damaged him. I think that was a lost opportunity.
This isn't to say Forces had great writing in general. I just don't hate Tails having a breakdown! I think it makes sense given the circumstances that he would lose it in an especially tense situation. I think it could have been an opportunity to point out that growth isn't linear, you can regress, but that doesn't mean your earlier growth never happened. (This is what they did in Frontiers, at least.)
Oh yeah, another annoying thing, the "Sonic! Help me!" He does this in SA2 when he dies too, which makes him seem really clingy, but I guess it's not unprecedented. I guess you could interpret this as him being so defeated and desperate that he deludes himself into thinking Sonic can save him, but I don't love it. I think it's unnecessary to show that he's hit rock bottom.
If I cared enough I'd write a fanfic trying to incorporate this idea that you can hit rock bottom and regress but that doesn't mean the growth never happened and you never changed for the better. But I'm lazy and also too busy lol
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blazehedgehog · 1 year
"Shadow was made based on Gerald studying the ancient echidna prophecy in Hidden Palace Zone." careful, you're getting fandom theories and headcanon mixed with the actual text of what you're talking about. there's never been a mention of Gerald working from Hidden Palace- all the ruins we see in SA2 are SA1 ruins. Even if Ian Flynn now retcons that in in some supplemental material, it'll still be a posthoc retcon.
Oh sorry I didn't see the sign over there
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Not to be rude or anything, but I don't work for Sega or IDW or anyone official.
It's pretty clear Shadow is based on the look of Super Sonic. We never see Gerald investigate any ancient echidna stuff, but Maria does tell us some things about how the Artificial Chaos were created in the Shadow the Hedgehog flashback levels, confirming the obvious: that they were based on "the God of an ancient culture." (So, you know, Artificial Chaos were based on Chaos)
Now, what we see, both in Hidden Palace and Lost World, are murals depicting two things: a prophecy foretelling a fight between Eggman and Super Sonic, and Perfect Chaos. We never see any murals of lower forms of Chaos, but the Artificial Chaos are obviously based on something below Perfect Chaos.
When Chaos transforms for the first time, Eggman mentions "it's just as the stone tablets predicted." So there was possibly information on what lower forms of Chaos looked like. Where did he get them? Did he inherit them from Gerald?
Maybe he got them from The Lost World ruins. I mean, it's right outside of Final Egg, so maybe. Final Egg is also in the heart of a vast jungle, and from within Lost World itself, we can even see more ruins far in the distance. And if Eggman got them from Gerald's estate, who even knows where he got them from.
So there was detailed documentation about these things probably in multiple locations from both before and after the event that nearly wiped out Knuckles' ancestors and lead to the creation of Angel Island. After all, Lost World and Final Egg (plus the jungle surrounding it) aren't part of Angel Island -- only Icecap and Red Mountain are. (And a datamined list suggests Mushroom Hill was originally going to be represented in some form, too)
Through deduction, we can assume there's probably more than one Super Sonic mural. Maybe by different artists! Maybe even statues! Just like there are many different ancient hieroglyphs depicting Anubis in different shapes, styles, and forms.
It's splitting hairs. Live a little. It is an extremely educated guess that Shadow the Hedgehog is meant to be an interpretation of Super Sonic, wherever in ancient echidna culture that came from. The suggestion is pretty clear that Gerald was looking at that material around the same time both Biolizard and Shadow were created. It makes a hell of a lot more sense than "aliens from space made a blood pact."
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sonicjustbecause · 3 months
(Sonic X Shadow Gen 2)
Because I had no more space for pictures...
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Now, those distorted world make me think to...
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I loved those world, it was weird, like vintage paintings that were animated. Shadow's worlds aren't as cool, the very modern enviroment is not vintage, but they have the same vibe, something psychological. Shadow has always been mostly a psychological character. His greatest battle is against himself.
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Blinking animation alone give so much life (he does blink). Is important.
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Not too fond into getting wet (and always using mostly his left hand first for virtually everything. From little gestures to weapons...)
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Shadow, 2005, following the rythm of music, finger snapping (left hand).
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Literally, the biolizard's conception...
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I guess most Shadow's lines are addrssed to us. He'll give hints about what's going on. Those things that can't be shown
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He/she uses his/her wings like arms... memory...
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Actually I like that. The Biolizard in SA2 was more like a beast. This one seems more sentient. Certainly not as smart as an average human.
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oh... this one makes me think to what happens to Shadow later... foreshadowing?
A couple of complains...
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Too short death animation! he falls and then we get to the last savepoint. No cool. I think they should last longer.
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Of course not near as this goofy, but a bit more creative and some seconds longer won't hurt.
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No oxygen bar? About this I forgot we have the - by many - hated countdown and it's jingle, yet Frontiers has the oxygen bar. Has the drowing been forgotten? Or we just need to wait for the jingle/countdown?
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Last thing...
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This look painful, Shadow's reaction is dramatic and the black thing is still visible in the darkness of space.
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Also, the wing come from his back but he holds his head, this is another of his battles agains himself.
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squeiky · 7 months
Go tired of seeing "old hedgehog" designs of sonic and shadow with them just having greyed out quills and decided to do something about it
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So yeah qpr sonadow (yeah shadow is 50+ fucking finally. Im considering giving him a cane. An asthetic or an actual one idk. Maybe both?)
Sonic grew his quills out (wanted a kind of longhair rockstar kinda hair thing idk if i achiebed i though. Also still unsure on what he'd wear so i just slapped on his sa2 beach costume and added sandals (and possibly socks).
(Oh and there a scar from the Mephiles blast on his stomach- as well as top surgery scars because of course he had top surgery its sonic)
(Oh and also the "old lady swagger" sonic is just him crossdessing/going lady mode because he always rocks the look )
Shadow styled/shortend his quills and i put him in a nice black collared sweater. He wears glasses because my guy has eye problems
(Btw. Im horrible at telling ppls ages so if they dont feel old then idk what to tell you guys i have no idea what aging is at this point)
Then, instead of simply making old yaoi i ended up getting obbessed (and happy) and started making everyone old
So next up was amy and Blaze. (Silver is here too)
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I think theyre a little bit on the younger side of the old yaoi? I did consider the fact that some people age differently (some look older whilst others look younger) so Amy and Silver got the more "youthful-ish" complexion whilst Blaze and Espio got the more older one.
Thoughhh im still working on their design. I can always make older old lady Amy (now that i think about it i should 100% make Amy a granny looking buff woman because i feel like thats beautiful)
Either way amy and Blaze kept their uh.. "hair" short. Amy still wears supergirly clothes and Blaze wears more masculine type clothes nothing else.
Next is espilver
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You cant sue me for making Silver a short king menace to society.
Not really much on design so far other than Silver is way more plump (pearshaped) now because life got better, and Espio is taller because what is he if not a tree?
Ask them how they met? It was at bowling. Why bowling? Its because thats less weird then "was investigating the multiple crimes husbando commited and ended up getting said yet-to-be husbando arrested, but after he got out we totally fucked"
Oh, and because i couldnt choose, Espio is trans AND intersex! Yeah!
Also Amy is silvers ex (Silver has like.. 2 exes... Possibly more?)
And then theres everyone else who arent a "ship" persay:
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So i call this the moreso young adult group with Tails, Charmy, Ray and Cream.
Tails (in college) and Charmy (not in college) obviously hang out and play videogames.
Cream, because when she was little she didnt get invited to fight deadlt monsters, grew up, and decided shes going to fight deadlt monsters. So i tried to make her a cool suit but idk.. it needs reworking cause the whole "secret agent" vibe works! But not the way i like.
Rouge is forever foxynand will continue to be the most attractive woman on planet earth no matter what age. Shes also still a meance to socitey and we will forever love the jewel thief (old) woman.
Knuckles doesnt cut his quills so those shits are LONG hes also old as well but idk what he'd wear
And yes Metal (also Chaos) is here too. Metal is a bit rusty (literally) but overall well kept and fancy. I think eggman would be dead by now, so i gave it a crown on its ears to symbolize how it took over i guess.
Blaze x Amy ( bio kid): Flare (was thinking "Spark" because of the love idea but idk yet)
Espio x Silver (bio-kid): Greybell
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And then heres the fun part:
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So Sonic and Shadow dont function like the others here, in that- while saving the world and whatnot, every so often they'd either find a kid following them (similarly to Amy and Tails back in the days) or save a kid during their whole adventure.
The first time this happened was just Luca (a black jaguar) who followed Sonic during one his little solo adventures and Sonic was like "do you have parents i can take u back too" and she was like "nah" so of course, after seriously looking for her parents through ppl with database accesses like tails and rouge, he was like "u wanna stay with me?" And Luca was like "YEAH!"
And then Sonic called Shadow like "Shadow do u want kids" and which he replied "what?" And then suddenly they adopted Luca. This is how it began.
Eventually, as one grew up, theyd find another, and then another and then well now they have like 11 kids in total.
Now, after ALL of this, they took a break and after that years worth of a break were like "wanna make a kid? Like for the challenge of having to that from scratch"
And sonic was like "what?"
So they hit up the labs and made a bio kid who is 2 months old and is the most hectic fucking thing theyve ever had to deal with so thanks for the prior 10 experinces (alas they do not compare to the mega menace)
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yellowvixen · 9 months
Wait, if Rime's ice powers are not innate to her, being the result of her endure to her frozen imprisonment, does it mean she struggled to control them in the first moments? Or even in the first days? Maybe months 🤭?
If so, does it mean she fought/met with Blaze three times while still figuring out how to control her powers? (Because it would be really hilarious if she posed all like "the superior fighter" and pulled some "ultimate yadda yadda" speech, like Shadow did with Sonic, even though she was still learning to properly control her powers)
Definitely!! She didn't even realise she HAD ice magic until she used it by accident, and then immediately went "oh this is sick as hell!!!" and threw herself into learning how to use it, but that would have taken a while.
I don't have an exact plot down, but if Rime and Blaze's first few meetings/fights are similar to sa2, then Rime would actually have used her original power of magic absorption/nullification to make Blaze powerless for the first few fights. Then both of them would just be punching and scratching each other like normal cats LOL. Once Rime learns about her new magic, she decides to fight Blaze with it as "it's way cooler" <- pun intended.
So, yeah. She's fighting Blaze while not really having any idea how her magic works lmfao. It's fairly strong magic but she doesn't know how to use it as she's never had training in that regards, while to me Blaze would have been trained from childhood to use her fire magic (even if she couldn't control it fully before meeting Sonic, she still has more control over it than Rime). I guess for Rime, being the superior fighter would be referring to literally fighting - Blaze is good but Rime is the better brawler! She's used to fighting without magic so usually comes out on top if they both fight like that. However you also need to know that Rime likes being beaten by Blaze. In a lesbian way. The rituals are intricate and all that LOL. Where's the fun in nullifying Blaze's magic and then beating her up when Rime could let Blaze pin her to the ground and threaten to burn her? She thinks it's hot!! <- pun intended again.
Her "ultimate [???]" speech would no doubt be pretty different from Shadow's too. Rime doesn't consider herself as an ultimate lifeform, if anything she considers herself less human (or mobian lol) than others due to her upbringing (Gertrude treated her as a non sentient animal) so I'm not entirely sure yet how that would go. Lots to think about!!! A lot of my thoughts on Rime are based on half baked headcanons I have for the Sol dimension, I rlly need to bulk those out and properly write them down djhfhd
Thank you for the ask 🩵🩵🩵
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skaruresonic · 1 day
🤍, 🖤, 💖, 💔, 💕?
🤍: Which character is not as morally bad as everyone else seems to think?
Lmao how many people can I piss off if I jokingly say "Eggman"?
Huh, this is a tough one. Can't really think of any.
I guess I'll fall back on an oldie but goodie and say the ARK, as a whole, was morally ambiguous. While they weren't performing unethical surgery on Shadow, you also don't develop WMDs in secret without some kind of agenda.
I also think GUN's shadiness fluctuates depending on the game. They seem to have shaped up after the events of ShTH and started acting towards a more collective good in honor of Gerald's memory, but their actions in SA2 suggest an inept government. And, well, you know the old saying about stupidity becoming indistinguishable from malice after a certain point.
I tend to wonder what the Commander's plan was during the events of SA2. Although the game portrays GUN as a bunch of flat-feet until it's revealed that they raided the colony, I can't help but wonder if he in some part manufactured Sonic's framing in order to head public scrutiny off at the pass, much like how they portrayed the raid as an accident reponse. I can't imagine the Commander would have liked it to be known that Eggman stole Project Shadow while it lay under his jurisdiction.
🖤: Which character is not as morally good as everyone else seems to think?
...Eggman. Just because he speculated on his grandfather's motives once or twice doesn't mean he's rethinking his life choices. The war criminal life didn't choose him, he chose the war criminal life lol.
💖: What is your biggest unpopular opinion about the series?
Tumblr media
that being said I will agree that Death Chamber and Egg Quarters suck a bag of dicks, particularly Egg Quarters Hard Mode which leaves you at the mercy of the Kikis' wonky AI. motherfuckers always blow themselves up and ruin my A-rank
💔: If you had to remove one major character from the series, who would you choose?
You all are really gonna hate me, but Blaze. You could remove her from '06's plot and nothing would change. Hell, the fact that she resides in a different dimension inherently means you could remove every single aspect of her circumstances and nothing of the series at large would change.
Idk man, I just don't think she adds much, honestly. Her personality is kind of Mary-Suish while also being underwhelming, as well as largely informed: her fear of heights, for instance, doesn't impact Rush's gameplay at all. She enjoys special exceptions other girl characters don't, and it's a pain in the ass to even include her in a future game because you have to explain why she isn't back in her own dimension.
💕: What is an unpopular ship that you like?
Is Shadria unpopular enough to count? Guess it's only unpopular with antis.
Oh, well. I'll say Sonegg :P
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prowerprojects · 1 year
If you have about 20 minutes to spare, there's a comic dub on it on YouTube. (Be warned as before, it does have a bit of blood and deaths in it.)
Ah, are you familiar with the term "satellite character"? Characters who have their personalities or motives mostly dictated by or based on who they're being written around. (They're not inherently bad characters; far from it if the dynamics they have are solid, but you'd be hard-pressed to find plots where they function as their own character, and it being done enough to be considered a subsection.) For a character who states he wants to branch out and grow, this hurts progression on Tails' end when he's glued to Sonic constantly.
I have seen some talks to whether we might get a bit of a timeskip after Frontiers. (And not in a "it's been 6 weeks since then" throwaway, but something more 'visual' to mark a new era going forward.) All depends on how the next main 3d title goes.
Heh, at least we have Tailstube for now. Maybe one of these days we could get an animated miniseries/shorts with him as the main.
Yeah, I've come across it. I usually don't have a problem with gore, but rn probably not in the best mindspace for it, maybe sometime later.
Oh yeah, I know that term. I see what you mean now. Yeah.
I lowkey even think Tails got too much development too soon, sa2 made him act super competent, so that in Heroes when he goes back to being more of a little kid character it already feels wrong, but I wish we got more of Tails with this characterization before he got as mature as he is now, and him not being super independent wouldn't come off as weird and/or unsatisfying (not to say that he's super mature now but it reads more like preteen immature rather than little kid immature, if you get me).
(Also maybe a little bit of an unpopular opinion moment, but I don't think his arc in sa1 was about independence necessarily, at least not the same way as Frontiers. In sa1 it's more like Tails proving to himself that he can handle himself and doesn't need Sonic to constantly hold his hand; while in Frontiers it's more like. Tails knows that he should be able to handle himself at this point, but is disappointed in himself because he feels like he still ends up falling back on Sonic. Sonic tells him it's fine, but he still desides to go off by himself, I guess because then he wouldn't be tempted to fall back on Sonic? (This is the only thing I'm a little confused on, because Sonic is like "It's ok to ask for help", and Tails is like "Thanks! Now I'm going on a journey where I'm gonna do everything by myself") One plot follows the other. It's still a little circle-y, but eeehh it works)
Speaking of timeskip, you cannot convince me that sa1 Tails and Frontiers Tails are the same person at the same age. It just doesn't feel right. He's clearly older. On the other hand... I personally don't think there'll be an official timeskip. At least not drastically obvious in a visual way, probably. It's been over 20 years with these designs, and we remember how it went with Boom (there's probably still green eye discourse somewhere out there). Maybe we'll get new character models though? (Maybe they'll bring back Tails's mullet haha? Haven't seen that since Zero Gravity. Hair growth is a good way to show the passage of time djdndnd) Though maybe they wanna risk it, who knows.
Oh yeah TailsTube! It's super cute and Tails is the perfect character to host it. I don't know if I would want a whole Tails-centric series, but a some shorts? I would love it. Also I just now realized that the guests on TailsTube were all the main characters (Sonic, Eggman (sorta), Knuckles and Amy), I wonder if we'd get Shadow and/or Rouge next. (It's a great opportunity for Tails to interact with the characters he usually doesn't!)
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patchdotexe · 7 months
I take inspiration for my visual art from a variety of sources, though most are video games.
Despite my first fandom being Sonic The Hedgehog, my first fanart I can remember is of Puyo Puyo. I remember so vividly the desire to replicate that art style, that I just began drawing without a thought.
Then, Miitopia. Then, Animal Crossing. Then, Kirby—specifically, Kirby's Dream Land 3 and Kirby 64: The Crystal Shards.
However, I take a notable amount of inspiration from my friends' art and fanart. Yours included, of course. Your art and art process is very inspiring.
aw, thank you...
i can trace back a lot of our art influence to not just sonic but also the general sonic fandom - there's a specific fanartist that blends sonic with general furry and they were a pretty big influence when we were younger and are why our own sonic art is usually a weird midpoint. actually no there's two specific fanartists and theyre both great and were huge inspirations to ica
after that we entered our lapfox era and that was a heavy influence on a Lot of things. so was lupisvulpes once we watched audience!, there's a specific frame in the 2017 version of come back down that we look at and go "oh, yeah, that's lupis vibes"
we generally stagnated on drawing humans for a long while until we started studying the art of a yogscast fanartist (who is also responsible for how we draw goggles). i remember specifically the way we drew noses for a while was based off of a zelda comic we saw on tumblr? also dunedeca's art, especially switchout
stellarmass was an influence on our alien designs, especially zuraki. also the way somebody we ran into on iscribble drew giegue ended up being the start point that mutated into the limoli. we also spent a lot of time in the deviantart arpg community, specifically dracostryx + world-of-reos + ketucari, and have a strong love of certain closed species like grem2s
i know for a while (2014) we drew fists like the chunky polygonal hands in sa2 because we liked how it looked. the way we draw noses and eyes in our more chibi mcyt fanart style is inspired by someone who i think doesnt draw mcyt stuff anymore?
oh, also, homestuck. just.. homestuck in general. and mlp. i think by now that's gotten mostly shaved off though. most of the time we're shaped by artists in the fandoms alongside us - taking note of what they do and what about their art catches our eye. the thing is, we bounce from fandom to fandom so much that it all kinda blurs together and i guess that's how our style formed - everything's a patchwork
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cartoonartistpng · 2 years
Sonic Fic Idea/Search
Are there any fanfics/AUs where Amy’s a reincarnation/clone of Maria?
There’s already the joke about Amy wearing inhibitor rings, not to mention that scene from SA2, (one could also argue both characters like the color blue lol) so it seems like a pretty easy step to take
(Would also add more to the Shadow-Sonic rivalry lol
Shadow constantly declaring Amy is too good for Sonic
Amy and Sonic just try to hang out, but Shadow keeps separating them like they’re two hormonal high schoolers trying to have a sleepover
Amy finds it endearing at first, then becomes more and more annoyed
Shadow gets overbearing and panicked whenever Amy’s sick or injured because the slightest bacterial-exposure to Maria threatened to kill her
I don’t think Gerald got a solid death-date either. Could easily say “oh in his madness and grief, he tried to bring her back but only had the remaining hedgehog DNA from Project: Shadow and his own to work with.” I mean, the guy managed to sneak Shadow some altered memories (meaning he had reoccurring access somehow), so I’d say he’s smart—and desperate—enough to try recreating his granddaughter.
G.U.N. would still discover the project, of course. Maybe they’d try to relocate her to a different facility, maybe get rid of her altogether, and something goes wrong and little Amy’s abandoned in the woods.
OR maybe Commander Towers has a spark of empathy and leaves her with some family he trusts or something. Maybe he wasn’t 100% sure if Amy had chaos powers or not, so left two extra inhibitors with her just in case.
Whether she actually needs the inhibitor rings or keeps them for sentimental value is up for personal preference. The latter would be more canon-compliant though, meaning less change pre-SA2. Plus Amy’s inhibitors could then act as back-ups if Shadow lost his
I just think the idea is cute lol
If there are any fics out there tho, lemme know. Currently reading a “Silver reincarnates as Maria” fic so I guess I was curious
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