#oh this interaction is also my fav!!!!
You know how you look up to someone and how someone looks up to you? Okay, now make it g/t
Lemme explain via example: Imagine a writer who types all their stories on their computer. Maybe they share them online maybe they are way too nervous to do that, and just keep it a secret hobby. Anyway, one day they leave their desk to do something only to come back and notice that their writing document moved to a different page, and their computer didn’t fall asleep like it usually did. This confuses them but they brush it off, telling themselves that maybe they were faster than normal and maybe accidentally moved the page.
However, it keeps happening. Each day they walk away for a moment or even longer, their computer never falls asleep and is on a completely different page. This starts to freak them out. So, they decide to walk away and then sneak back as quietly as possible. When they peek their head inside, they see a tiny little person at their computer, just staring at the screen. The writer watches as the tiny continues to read their story, and that’s when they realize, they’re reading the writer’s story. They walk in, spooking the tiny. The tiny is in shock, they can’t tell if it’s just fear of being seen or getting the chance to actually talk to the writer whose work they adore, perhaps a mix of both. Maybe the tiny gets overwhelmed and before the writer can ask the classic “What are you” question, the tiny burst into a bunch of questions about the story the writer is writing. The writer taken aback by this, just awkwardly answers them and tries to ask them a question only for the tiny to continue asking questions. Eventually the tiny remembers that “Oh right… I’m not supposed to be seen…” and cautiously asks if the writer is upset with them and whether they will hurt them. The wrier assures them that they are mad and won’t hurt them and are honestly glad that their computer wasn’t hacked or there was a ghost or something. Also, how could the writer ever hurt their biggest…well smallest fan?
Maybe they build a friendship where the tiny helps the writer with ideas and getting over those writing hurdles. Hell, maybe the tiny even was inspired by the writer and tried writing their own story and shares it with the writer. Maybe the writer gains the confidence to share their stories online or even publish their work all because one little person loved their work. Perhaps the tiny, with the help of the writer, shares their own stories while hiding their identity as a tiny from everyone. So many possibilities! Just tiny little fans, forgetting they should probably focus on not being seen and not “What is Character’s favorite thing to do when they are bored?” Like sweetheart probably not the best time, but go for it.
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sawyarts · 10 months
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They didn’t interact bc they would have been too funny together
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dojutsufuryfray · 2 years
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Day 5 Duende | Day 7 Forelsket
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27treks · 5 months
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only the 2nd time I've been able to get barcus to camp as the first two times my grymforge rescue quest was bugged, is it normal for my man to assert dominance over camp members? idk if he's bugged or what but I love him sm I wish my mc had a tent he could linger at instead 😘
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surreal-duck · 9 months
hi!! i just wanted to say that ive liked midoyuzu since i was like 14 and its been a few years since then (obviously) but seeing your midoyuzu art now is so!!! its so fulfilling to my past self who had like NO art to go off of, i guess? anyway! your art is super good and i love it so much <3
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im glad omg? extremely late to the party but by god i am bringing snacks in here or die trying o7 was pretty baffled the first time finding out more abt their dynamic and looking them up on here to find maybe like two more recent posts and the rest from no sooner than 2017 or so askjdghsjkgdhjks but really THANK YOU!!!!!!!! happy to be of service to your inner 14yo somewhat ;v;
yknow what though the really funny thing is that i wasnt even that into them initially. just remembered that cute interaction at the end of xmas live and thought "huh these two r kinda sweet actually" and that curiosity is always a slippery slope into genuine investment and by god is tripping into it a favorite pastime of mine
#if i had to say tho honestly these two were both the last ones of their units i managed to get attached to properly#yuzuru has definitely become my fav of fine though but my actual rst fav is kanata LOL#also finding out yuzuru likes to draw in general is everything to me you go you funky master artist#cute critter line took me out back w a metal chair why r they so. auhhg#actually my good friend who got me in here Knows i was actually on track to becoming an ibyz liker but then. anvil fell comically on my hea#before i knew it theyve taken over almost every corner of my brain get them out!!!!! get them out!!!!!!!!#and i was already a ryuseitai fan and enjoyed fine casually but oh. oh god im a yuzurup too now arent i goddammit#SORRY THIS BECAME A RAMBLE UM. THANK YOU VERY MUCH!#asks#anonymous#sometimes i forget that their actual interactions probably amount to no more than 6 or 7 times in canon and the rest is just in my head#that and i just think its rather nice for both of their characters to get along!! romantic or platonic#really sweet to see midori so pumped up and passionate about the things he loves and yuzuru getting thrown off his rhythm of the always#perfect butler who resigns himself into the background most of the time. theyre just having fun!!! silly guys#and yuzuru rly does enjoy art and nonsensical doodles even if people generally find it horrifying midori loves them wholeheartedly its. yea#okay im still rambling. ill shut up now i havent slept properly in a bed in nearly 48 hours i should go do that
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glowexxy · 25 days
talking abt ships is kinda weird im usually like. liking dynamics in any way be it romantic platonic or queerplatonic and i think it would be neat if shipnames would be considered appliable to any interpretation more
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saltymongoose · 2 years
Hellooo uhh, since everyone's showing their fan art, thought I'd show my old doodle of Giant Player with tiny grunts on the fourth of July
Unfortunately Player made the mistake of basically giving Hank a mini flame thrower (it's just sparklers though)
Warning, I suck at drawing :')
Keep up the good work, I always get excited whenever a notification pops up and you're there. :)
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Oh hello, I recognize you! You're always one of the first people to pop up in my activity feed whenever I post something; thanks for all the support‚ I truly appreciate it! ☆ ~('▽^人) <3
And of course, thank you so much for the doodle as well, it's really cute! I love the motion blur on Hank and Dei (and the lens-flare eyes, can't forget that) as Hank chases him around, and the juxtaposition of that with the more well-behaved members of the group just watching the Player demonstrate what their sparklers are. (Though perhaps in hindsight it wasn't the best idea to let Hank have one lol.) This is great though, I love it! (And nice job on the fireworks too, I like the way you drew them haha.) ❤️💕💖 💗
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aikotos · 11 months
i hope we get to see more of baby makoto in p3re 🥺🙏
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he is 3 apples tall & very important to my mental health
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number-one-hog-hater · 11 months
Just kinda saying shit
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paraffinliquidum · 1 year
Girl who has only seen Nige Haji, watching her second tv series: Getting a lot of 'Nige Haji' vibes from this…
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happy to report that i still desire aragorn carnally 🙏🙏🙏
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buggygerm · 2 years
i also want to write more little kid tails fics bc i just think little kids r so funny man. i work full time in childcare and the shit these kids say… fav moment from last week was multiple times last week different kids went “hey ms ava watch this” and then they just spun a stick around in the air .
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girlsonic · 2 years
man i love sonic x i loved watching sonic x . and so unpopular opinion apparently but i loved chris
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kitausuret · 2 years
"I didn't come looking for Venom. And I'm not here in any official capacity." Wanda lowered her voice. "I know you worked with Victoria Montesi—" "—to take out Carnage," he interrupted. "It was that or the Vault. And the feds didn't want me; they wanted Toxin, and as I'm sure you're smart enough to surmise, I'm no longer Toxin."
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laceycoffins · 13 hours
ummm posted a oneshot written out of spite..! sorry if sum parts r wonky af bcs no beta we die like moths to a flame!
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maganne-bonete · 4 months
Every generation of shows and media will always have their own version of superwholock. And as much as how the internet cringes at superwholock it's always gonna be an expected phenomenon because people will always find different media that they enjoy and they will always want to see them together. And there's nothing really that bad about it because it's made with pure fun.
So yeah, enjoy your superwholocks. Enjoy your Rise of the Brave Tangled Dragon. And enjoy your pinescones and morditwi. What matters is that your having fun with what you're doing. And if people are bothered by it then that's their problem.
#fandom stuff#posting this because I started looking into ben 10 crossovers again#gonna be honest it really does feel like its own genre#like the whole teenage chosen one needing to juggle highschool and saving the world thing#idk much thoughts about them and how the trauma and expectations placed on them is such a specific experience that#people from their world may not be able to understand hence why it's a fun idea to have ben 10 interact with people like jake long#also I grew up watching them and the idea of your favs interacting would have any 8 yr old foaming in the mouth#and I guess reading excerpts of greek heroes in legends along with common themes and archetypes in different stories and epics#makes me think about these tropes and archetypes and how these myths affect people#or is affecting me right now#but yeah the superwholock thing#I kinda remember how in the post-homerica and in retellings of jason and the argonauts they sometimes put in their have heroe in there#like oh yeah herakles was in the argo along with that one guy he supposedly killed in one of his myths#along with you oyher fave greek heroes#yeah they were all in the argo with Iason#and you know in the trojan war? actually the amazonian queen hyppolita was there and inspired a short lived feminist revolution in Troy#while killing so many of the greek armies#although I haven't checked my sources in a long time#but yeah humanity has always been putting their favorite heroes together for as long as we could remember#so the superwholock phenomena is pretty normal in literature and mythology#idk idk where I'm going with this now and I'm just rambling at this point and there's so much for me to think about#so yeah#marge's stuff#superwholock#rise of the brave tangled dragons#honestly idk how else to tag this#cringe culture is dead#have fun#disclaimer I am not in the superwholock fanbase nor the other one#the most I got into were gravity falls crossovers that happen here and there
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