#oh um. papers please and please dont touch anything. those. do those count
triptychofvoids · 5 months
Heyo! You mentioned being a fan of puzzle games, what are some of ur other favorites (besides portal)? Also have you played “The Room”? Very fun puzzle game imo :)
mm... im suddenly blanking on anything that is not actual physical puzzles and board games and card games.... think like sudoku, patience, etc. i can be easily entertained with logic puzzles. but yes i do like portal! and i have not played the room, but i may look into it! what else... does tetris count....?
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katsukikitten · 5 years
Going down?
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To say you were the luckiest and yet most unlucky person in the world would be an understatement.
You were a living, breathing contradiction considering the quirk you have and where you've ended up.
Most people are envious, even jealous of the position you have.
A secretary to both of the top two number one heroes!
You were lucky, your little meek self landed the spot wholly by accident.
On a train ride bumping into the Director of the agency by mere fucking chance, agitating your already hyper active quirk.
For a moment time slows, you do not have much time to inform him of what is happening.
The train doors will be shutting soon, sealing his fate and losing out on something big.
Detrimental to the company even.
"Oh um, excuse me sir." You stammer, lowly enough that he does not hear you, "Sir?"
You breathe in deeply trying once more as his fingers fly across the lit glass in his hands.
"S...sir?" He is too distracted by whomever is on the other side to notice you.
In your mind's eye you see the train director reaching for the button for the doors. Anxiety rips through your body only to be out won by your fear.
Fear of small mistakes leading to much bigger disasters.
"SIR! YOU'RE ON THE TRAIN HOME! YOU NEED TO BE ON TRAIN D OR YOU'LL MISS THE MEETING YOU'VE FORGOTTEN!" You huff, hands shaking as the man stares down at you with a mix of horror and awe.
All before he grips onto your wrist dragging you along with him.
And that's how you became secretary to Midoriya Izuku and Bakugou Katsuki.
Better known as Deku and Ground Zero.
One made your life heavenly, touching them, seeing them and the details of their work and interpersonal lives was easy. The fact that you had a crush on them made it even better.
While the other, well the other made your life a living hell. Considered you too meek and seemed to hate your guts with a burning intensity that rivaled the heated gaze in his eyes.
Again you were the luckiest and yet most unlucky person alive.
You stare at the screen as your quirk has you hyper fixated on the janitor's next few hours of possible futures and unnecessary details of his life all because he brushed your fingers while passing you something you've dropped.
"Y/N." Deku calls softly and you cannot hear him, "Y/N."
He steps towards your desk just outside of the two opposing offices, leaning closer to you.
"Y/N." It comes out like liquid honey, and your gut flutters. You flush bright red as you blink furiously.
"I.. I'm sorry. Oh! Izuku-sama you need to be leaving in the next five minutes or you'll be late for your..." You struggle when you see it.
The beautiful woman with short chesnut hair sitting in a chair at an upscale restaurant in a deep pink dress.
Showing off her curves and her breasts in a tasteful manner.
Your heart sinks to your stomach like a brick, weighing heavy as you realize what is happening and suddenly you are crushed
The word date cannot escape your lips so you clear your throat.
"Your day is free tomorrow until 4pm and nothing extra will come up." You add instead and he nods.
"Thank you Y/N." He smiles sweetly before beginning to leave, "Don't stay too late okay?"
"Oh and um Izuku-sama...."
"Yes?" He stops turning back to face you. He did not mind you looking into his personal life.
Or at least never said anything agaisnt it.
"Please be sure to charge your phone on the way there. Other wise it will die and you won't be able to capture a special moment." You say softly, unable to keep eye contact with those shining emeralds.
It hurt too much to.
You could have kept it to yourself, or forced yourself not to look like you have to do with thathot head but...but if his phone would have died..
He would be missing the picture that would lead to them dating.
"Thanks Y/N." He says smiling so brightly before turning on his heel.
All the while you try to forget about the kiss they share after their failed selfie.
He leaves without another word and you stare after him longingly.
That is before your quirk pulls you to the only other body on the floor.
He'll be running out of coffee soon and he will be angry, distracted even to have to leave his desk when he is finally making some progress on his paper work.
The coffee pot in the break room is finishing up at the perfect time thanks to the director's secretary. You pull out Bakugou's second favorite mug from your desk and stand.
Before stopping as you relive a memory.
"Quit using your quirk to spy on me."
His snarl so dark and upsetting that you could no longer attend the hero ceremony.
You begin to pack your things instead. Bakugou won't be in a good mood for the rest of the evening on top of that nothing is happening and even if something was he wouldn't want your help anyway.
You hesitate, only for a moment, maybe he would want that cup of coffee. You stare at the mug as if it would have answers but it would never know.
Just like you wouldn't, unless you touched him.
And he would never allow that.
So you shrug your purse higher on your shoulder before heading to the elevator.
Your press the button and count loudly in your head to help calm your nerves.
Inanimate objects are almost as difficult as people if you don't touch the right part of them.
You know at some point this thing is going to break down and get stuck between floors.
You just don't know when.
Why not take the stairs?
Well the stairs had a worse outcome.
"It's only possibilities Maybe futures."
You try to remind yourself.
What you dont remind yourself of is your 95% accuracy rate.
The elevator dings pulling you to the here and now.
You step into the shiny death trap with smooth tiles and walls that reflect your fearful face.
Bland music takes up the space in the background as your eyes fly over the seemingly endless buttons.
You hit G and the elevator dings again before shuttering as the doors begin to close.
They never get the chance to close, instead a toned forearm is hit by the two sheets of steel before the safety feature forces the doors back open.
You freeze like a mouse caught by two shining eyes in the dark.
Burning red eyes.
"Tch." He sucks his teeth as he steps in, standing to the far side of the elevator.
You look at him expectedly, waiting for an answer on the floor he needs and when none is given you assume he is leaving for the day too.
The elevator begins its descent to the safety of the garage.
But not quickly enough.
Numbers flash on a panel with an annoying ding that inturpts the flat music, your eyes stare at the white digits watching them shrink.
As you feel yourself shrink as you always do beneath that gaze. The details of his life creep in first and you try your best to focus on something else.
Izuku comes to mind and with it, wonder on how he date is going, your heart pulls harshly on the muscles in your chest.
The failed selfie is happening right now and they should be kissing soon.
You hold onto your purse tighter and the digits read 22.
Suddenly the descending box of steel groans before jerking causing you to lose your balance.
You begin to fall towards the middle of the elevator, of course you couldn't have fallen towards the damn railings less than three inches from you.
You just had to fall to be met face first with cold harsh tile. You squeeze your eyes shut for impact but mostly so you cannot read the disappointment in the ash blonde's face.
But the cold slap never comes, instead a warm, almost comforting touch holds you. Callused hands wrapped around your bare shoulders as they right you to your feet.
The possible futures flood in along with the details of his last 24 hours.
First comes the past, he smells of perfume, floral with hints of amber, lipstick stains on his throat and collar. Before anger ignites in your belly, half your own from anyone "marking" Bakugou and the other half is his. Katsuki yells at this mystery woman, he spies a text from another man on her phone. The present begins to overwrite the past his phone is sitting in his office on his desk. He has unintentionally forgotten it, leading you to remember that yours is still locked in your top drawer.
Lastly comes the future, your breath begins to hitch as it unfolds, and your premonition from when you first started almost a year ago is finally coming true.
"THE ELEVATOR IS GOING TO STOP!" You grip onto strong forearms as you scream. Nails biting into toned flesh as tears begin to prick your eyes.
"Wha..what?" Is all Bakugou gets out before the machine comes to a grinding halt.
Fear seizes your very bones while rage grips the blonde's.
"What the fuck?!" He snarls, "Did you know this was going to happen the whole fucking time? You let me on here anyway?"
"N..no." Fat tears begin to drip down reddened cheeks, "It was just because we touched."
His fingers squeeze tighter on your shoulders as he watches the tears cascade down. You see a few more seconds into the future before he let's go.
"Fuck." He hisses. A series of explosions erupt busting out one of the lights and something in the corner.
"P...please be careful, you've destroyed the camera. I..its close to the electrical panel." You speak to the floor loudly and he turns his ire onto you
"Be careful?! You're the seer why didnt you tell anyone about the elevator? Or tell me not to get on?" He invades tour space spiking your panic. His agitation over the situation is amplified as it is mixed with a conflicting feeling that has pulled has his gut for majority of this year.
"BECAUSE YOU WONT ALLOW ME TO SEE YOU!" You huff and as quickly as that rage came it melts away. Leaving you a mess of impossibly fatter and bigger tears.
You bend over slightly, losing your breath to panic as you gasp for air.
Bakugou damns himself as he looks over you.
He always seems to make you uneasy or upset, he could live with those emotions considering that's how most people felt around him.
But to watch you cry has knives plunging into his Godly abs.
"Oi..." He says softly and when you do not move he comes closer.
"Oi." He tries again, righting you once more as he rubs a deadly hand on your shoulder.
His skin is electrifying, sending a shudder through your body that you must suppress. He's close enough that you can smell the sweet smell of burnt sugar that seems to cling to his skin. You dare meet his heated gaze from beneath long lashes only to be surprised.
His eyes are far from carrying the weight from annoyance or anger as you thought them to be.
No they hold something else for once.
You swallow thickly as your chin is lifted before a padded thumb swipes at a tear.
Your breathing hitches harshly.
"No need to cry okay. I'm sorry I yelled that was an asshole thing to do." His other hand continues its soothing cirlce, "Why don't you take a deep breath with me?"
He breathes in deeply through his nose, eyes expecting you to mimic and you do.
He holds it for just a moment before letting his diaphragm push the air naturally from his mouth.
After a few times your head feels a bit clearer and Bakugou takes notice as your cheeks are no longer flush.
"Now what will be easier to see my future or the elevators?" He asks softly and his manner throws you off.
You had heard rumors of his cruelty when it came to inconvenience, some dating back to before he was a pro.
Not to mention you had witnessed it first hand, so to see those normally hash scarlet red eyes softened for you has your stomach doing flips.
"Ummm..." You gulp, fearful to answer but by lying will that make it worse.
After a few brief seconds you choose to tell the truth with a heavy heart, wholly expecting a violent reaction.
"You..." A breath of a word as Bakugou purses his lips for a fraction of a second.
He liked his privacy bit not being stuck in this tin can would be worth violating it.
"Alright. Then see our way out of here little Oracle." You blush from his nonchalant tone and the use of the nickname.
Little did he know you had once picked that out to be your hero name.
But dreams die as we get older.
Especially if one doesn't feed them.
You look into the future a few minutes, hoping you'll see whatever will lead you to freedom.
But you see something else instead, it pulls your stomach lower heating your core a bit.
The blood rushes to your face as Bakugou scrunches his own.
"I..." You are suddenly hyper aware of the proximity the two of you share.
Of his warm hand resting on your bare shoulder, of the closeness of his face and the gentle touch of his fingers. He gives a look as if to say go on, you look down as you speak again.
"B..Bakugou-sama, I think my quirk might be acting up. I may be seeing the implausible possibility..." Eyes squeezed shut as you expect an explosion.
But it never comes.
"What do you mean? I've heard your information is always good, little Oracle." His thumb swipes at another stray tear, "What did you see?"
Cheeks burn impossibly hotter as you look again only to receive the same result.
Truly truly implausible.
He tilts your face to his and his gaze is too much.
"I...ummm....we....yo..you kiss me." You bite your lip as you speak and the action fills Bakugou with desire, more than he's ever possessed for you before.
And always more than what he's felt for another woman.
You being able to see some of that no matter how slim the chances of him acting on the feeling is the MAIN reason he actively "hated" and avoided you.
But to feel your smooth skin beneath his rough palms, to smell your sweet mango perfume and to hear your adorable voice fill up the space that only posses the two of you becomes too much.
Too quickly.
Katsuki pushes you against the wall, the railing bites into your back but it goes unnoticed as your eyes flutter.
Dominat tongue swirling around your own has your core molten.
Had you like Bakugou?
Had you ever been attracted to him?
The answer was yes and had always been yes. You just tried to make it easier on yourself, hoping that devloping a crush on kind Deku would eventually push your feelings for the hot head to the background.
It worked. But only if the emerald haired man was around.
When he wasn't your mind always floated to the hot head.
He rips the buttons from your blouse and you gasp with both pleasure and concern.
He reads you like a book as he pulls the fabric open to look at you in all your glory, even pulling the scratched white fabric from your black skirt.
"You said I took out the camera right?" He drinks you in before his mouth finds a sweet spot on your throat, "Don't worry I'll give you my jacket when I'm through with you, my little Oracle."
You swoon, knees becoming weak from such little contact. His mouth works wonders as he un hooks your bra, pulling it and your shirt from your chest. Greedily lapping at your perked nipples. A moan escapes you then, further encouraging his advancement to which you wouldn't dream oppose.
Not with how good you feel now. Soon his hands find your hips as he crushes his lips to yours, pulling the bottom of your skirt up over your thick thighs and ass before letting it stay at your natural waist.
"Are you wet for me?" He asks by way of permission.
To which you surprise both of yall with your answer.
"Go and find out."
Katsuki gives you a deadly smile as your face deepens in hue. His fingers snake slowly down your chest, teasing when he gets close to the hem before sliding over your laced underwear.
You watch as his eyes flutter slightly before a groan escapes his kissable lips, you clench at the sound.
"You're soaking through your underwear." He voice drips with desire by your ear, "Does the director know how naughty you are?"
He leaves a trail of kisses before biting down on your neck, fingers still relishing the feeling of soaked fabric.
"Does he know that you're wet for one of your bosses?" He begins pressing against your throbbing button through the thin fabric. You buck your hips agaisnt his touch and moan when he chuckles darkly.
"I didn't hear an answer, baby girl." Your mouth moves without thought as he presses harder.
"N..no. No one knows."
"And who are you wet for?" His other hand is preoccupied with your breasts. Tweaking the nipples pushing you closer to a surprisingly close edge. His strong hand moves away from your needy nipple to find your throat.
He applies the right amount of pressure that your breathing becomes labored.
"Y..you Bakugou-sama!" You squirm, wanting, needing to be touched by the man before you.
"That's my good girl." He slips his fingers past your underwear finding the swollen bud he was teasing, swirling two fingers as his palm presses down on your mound.
You're moaning loudly, uncaring if anyone will hear as his fingers work you over like magic. His grip tightening just enough as you get closer and closer.
Finally your vision blurs in your peripheral before his husky voice is back at your ear.
"Just one more thing, do you see yourself getting fucked little oracle?"
You do not need to look into the future to answer
"Yes...yes Bakugou-sama." With a deadly smirk he sends you over the edge, not letting up as your crescendo once, twice, three times from his fingers alone. You see stars as your body convulses beneath his touch, voice caught in your throat as you shudder.
Your knees become weak as he slowly eases away after teasing at a hint that a fourth time could have been coaxed from you.
He holds you steady kissing you sweetly on the lips. He gives you a moment as you lean on him before you're flipped around.
You stare at your reflection. Hair disheveled, falling from its normally tight bun, breasts exposed as you're bent over and lips tinted with the best of red hues.
Red eyes admire you as he unbuckles his pants.
"You're such a gorgeous mess. And who are you a mess for?" He asks, placing your hands onto the railing.
"Y..you." Breath fogs your slightly distorted reflection and he smiles.
"God damn right." He purrs in your ear, pressing himself against you and you moan, "Hold on tight, it's going to be a bumpy ride."
You wiggle your hips, pressing your ass as close to him as you can before he grabs onto you with a bruising grip.
He eases himself in slowly, keeping you from pushing agaisnt him until he's filled you completely. He stays still for a moment and the feeling of fullness alome has you squirming, begging for more.
"Pl..please Bakugou-sama. Please..." He grabs a fist full of your hair, pulling your face to meet his reflection.
"Please what?" He grins devilishly and you cannot fathom how he holds back so well. You feel him twitch within you, your eyes roll for a moment before you answer him.
"Please just fuck me and fill me. Please please Bakugou-sama." You cry out trying your best to rock against him, hoping his one hand would not be enough to stop any friction from happening.
But some how it is.
"Now be a good seer and watch how well you take my cock baby girl." He purrs, pulling harder on your hair until you meet your gaze.
He begins to pound into you, hard and fast. The sound of your meeting bodies echoes off the four walls and for once you cannot see anything.
Because you cannot focus on anything aside from the feeling of aggressive thrusts and the ash blonde reflection. He grunts as he looks you over. Your skirt makes your ass seem bigger than what it is and you're so wet you make a delectable sound with each withdraw not to mention your thighs are beginning to dew.
The sensation, sound, and sight of you being so pleased and submissive for him begins to make Bakugou spiral.
And it shows with each thrust as it gets harder, faster, and sloppier.
He fucks you with enough force that the metal box begins to rock.
Your eyes flutter as you begin to climb again, feeling him getting closer and closer himself before he hits you just right as he groans out a delightful "fuck"
You scream, gripping onto him in pulses before he loses himself. Burying himself deep within you with a satisfied growl.
You both still for a moment before he withdrawals. His seed spills from you making him want to fuck you again.
But instead he moves your underwear back into place, smooths your skirt back down your hips and ass before pulling up his own pants.
He turns you around, peppering your dazed face with kisses before he sheds his jacket and places it on you.
Zipping it up to your throat. He pulls you into him and you note the heavy smell of his caramel sweat. You kiss his neck tenderly causing a rumble to emit from him.
"Are you okay little one?" He asks softly, "Was I too rough? Too much?"
"No...perfect." You snuggle into him and he holds you for a moment. Your nose brushes against his exposed throat before you see it.
"Oh!" You push away from him enough to see his face before you blush deeply.
The elevator whirls back to life, the ding of floors pulls you back into reality and for a moment you think it a dream.
You expect him to shove you away now that he is done, especially so since that the moment of an almost claustrophobic disaster no longer hands over your heads.
But the look of hated annoyance does not return to his eyes as he gazes down at you.
If anything he looks at you softly expectant of an answer before it dawns on him.
"Oh." He says with a deadly smirk, "Was fucking the only way to fix it?"
You laugh nervously before admitting.
"I never looked past that kiss. I.."
He kisses you softly again before a final ding rings out and the two of you are met with the cool summer air of the parking garage.
"Hmmm I think I saw something." He smirks and you look puzzled, the world only slowly beginning to beg for your attention.
"W..what did you see Bakugou-sama?" You ask timidly as he pulls you out of the sinful box. Guiding you to his black motorcycle. You stop to blink over the bike, trying hard to see whatever he could be alluding to without allowing yourself his future out of habit.
"I see you calling me Katuski over dinner." He smiles as he places his only helmet on your head before his powerful leg swings over the body of the bike.
You stare down dumbfounded, dazed over everything that has happened in the last hour and a half.
When you do not move he pets the seat behind him.
"Coming to make my prediction true little oracle?" You nod swiftly pulling up your skirt enough to straddle the bike. You delicately wrap your arms around a muscled torso.
"Hold on tight." He says, squeezing your hand before the bike roars to life, "Its going to be a bumpy ride."
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winter reminiscence pt. 3
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Summary: Y/N and Timothee go about the day, causing mischief and reconnecting, but where will they end up now?
word count: 1,967                                                                                     reading time aprox: 7 mins
“Yes?” I spoke with reluctance, biting the insides of my cheeks as I felt the warmth radiating off of the gentle grasp he had of my dainty hands. “Do you need anything?” I added with underlying intent, a part of me hoping he’d recognize that deep longing for him I’ve suppressed, so I wouldn’t have to recognize it myself. 
“I just-” He paused, clearing his throat and dropping his hand from mine, the sudden chill of the air biting at my fingers from the loss of his touch. “I was wondering if you’d like to sit?” He gestured, pointing to the empty chair in front of him. 
“Thank you, but I won’t be long” I returned with a polite smile. His eyes seemed to get duller as he understood my avoidance and gave me a courteous nod. Thus, sending me into a frenzy of guilt and confusion, my stomach churning at the thought of the possibility of this event occurring again. 
But, did I want our paths to meet again? 
“But..um” I interjected, raising my eyes to his hopeful ones. “I could stay a little bit” I reasoned, a soft smile guiding the corners of my lips, which seemed to have matched Timothee’s own. 
“Yeah, that’d be cool” He replied, hiding the enthusiasm in his tone as he stood up to pull out the chair in which I would be seated at. I gracefully sat down, and by that I mean ‘almost missing the chair completely’ in which Timothee had come to my saving grace by catching the small of my back. I uttered another coy ‘thank you’ and began going through my social media. 
Anticipating that Timothee would start a conversation with me, I was thoroughly disappointed when he dug his nose into his textbook. A few minutes had passed and my knee naturally began to bounce in impatience, while I scrolled madly through tumblr. 
Are we going to speak? Should I just get up and leave? Would he even notice if I left? 
To test my hypothesis, my fingers crawled to a sugar packet that laid conveniently at the edge of the table, then, with a nudge and a secretive glance at Timmy, the packet was whisked onto the floor. With haste, I withdraw my hand back quietly, examining the room around me before cautiously picking up the sugar packet, noticing the brief inquisitive looks I would receive from Timmy.
Wow, so he would notice me
I nodded to myself, taking pride in the silly experiment I conducted. A victory smile spread across my face, reveling in a feeling of claiming his attention, Though, the feeling was cut short and replaced with a much rather painful and literal knock to the head, while picking myself up, courtesy of these oak tables. 
“Ow, shit!” I cursed under my breath, holding my scalp in discomfort while my brain cells felt like they were threatening to jump out of my skull any moment.
“Are you okay?” Timothee said in a panic, jumping out of his seat and kneeling beside me to hold onto my arm. His eyebrows were contorted in anguish and his lips pouted like the way they always do whenever he was stressed. Squeezing my eyes in humiliation, my hands were glued to the side of my head, reassuring him that I was alright. 
Timmy then began climbing back to his seat, until a loud thud could be heard with an audible ‘Fuck! Shit!’ that had rang out from in front of me. I opened my eyes to investigate, and there was Timmy clutching his left shoulder in absolute agony. 
In that moment, we both stared at each other in disbelief and began laughing our absolute lungs out. My chest burned as we got ourselves into a fit, intensifying when one or the other clutched their bruised areas and winced, creating an amusing sound. 
We both had paused at tightening breaths, transitioning into a fit of coughs and half giggles, while we came off of our shared highs. We bore our eyes into each other with incredulous looks, feeling the passion and love that used to filter our eyes when in each other’s company. We both had caught our breaths, lingering at each other for a while before reserving ourselves back into our seats. 
Timothee inquired about the atmosphere around us, as people began shooting us glares and looks of disapproval. “Uhhh, as much as I enjoy losing a few IQ points from tables, I don’t think everyone’s, um, an enthusiast of us” He pointed out, gesturing to the audience we were gathering. 
“I’m waiting on a book right now, do you wanna wait with me?” I asked, my voice decreasing in volume as the words strung out from my lips. 
“Of course” He replied, wearing that same lingering stare we held earlier, with a hint of shock and enthusiasm at my proposition. 
With that, we maneuvered through the aisles of chairs and the sea of subjective eyes, dispensing apologetic smiles and nods to the people we had disturbed. 
Walking across to the bookstore, he held the door open for me and we both went inside, basking in the heat coming off of the radiator next to the front entrance. 
“Oh, hello dear!” The old women exclaimed. “Back so soon? Oh! And you’ve brought your boyfriend with you” She added, sending a youthful and compassionate look to both of us. 
My heart leaped into my throat, while my eyebrows furrowed in dread, unable to correct the women. To make matters even worse, she began talking about how Timothee somehow resembled Laurie from the book I sought to read and how he was a ‘fine young gentleman’ that I held on my arm. 
Timothee’s muffled snickering was audible behind me, while he relished in his mistaken glory. “You hear that Y/N? ‘a fine young gentleman’” He teased, straightening up his posture to impersonate a prim and posh figure. 
“Yes, and that’s why you hit your shoulder on the underside of the table, right?” Referring to the events that took place previously, which made him swallow his words right away, although the glint of mischief he wore remained. 
“I think your sorely mistaken miss, I was compensating for when YOU hit yourself over the head. I didn’t want you to- ya know, to bear the embarrassment alone” He cockily explained, holding his head high and peering at me from the tip of his nose. 
We set ourselves in a fit of amusement again, filling the air with harmonious laughter and pure energy, resembling the moments we had when our relationship was also harmonious and pure. 
It was those first introductions that I missed the most; the first hello, the first hug, the first touch. All fueled by a kindled and mutual sense of hesitation and puppy love that reminded our hearts of vulnerability. The first time when touch became electricity that flooded every molecule, when the first kiss was awkward and unfavorable, yet made you forget to breath, and the time where laying next to him felt like a home you never knew you had. 
“Anyways, if you don’t mind me asking, is my book ready?” I asked, breaking away from Timmy and facing the woman, in order to eradicate or at least dwindle the onset of nostalgia that threatens to wash over me. She hurriedly searched through the drawers behind her, shuffling through what seems to be a void of paper bags and forgotten trinkets.
“Here you go love. Come back anytime you please” The lady said as a last farewell, turning around and going about her business, staring out the glass window solemnly as the autumn leaves fell victim to the winter air. 
“Little women, huh?” Timothee inquired, gesturing to the book that rested between my palms. 
“Yes, is that a problem?” 
“Well, I find it ironic actually. A little women reading ‘Little Women’” He explained, alluding to my height, which unfortunately was always a target that Timothee would tease upon. 
“Oh, so now you think you’re funny?” I remarked, now migrating towards the entrance of the building, walking backwards as I faced Timothee. 
“Well, actually, I know I’m funny” Timmy exaggerated, following me to the outdoors, grinning with an impish smile on his face. The air seemed to be frigid and unforgiving as Timmy’s curls flew spirals around his head while the wind blew, and my hands found refuge in the creases of my elbows. “Why? You don’t think I’m funny?” He suggested, closing in on me as I drew closer to a lampost on the side of the street. 
Still facing him, “Well...I think a lot of things of you, actually” I slyly replied, squinting my eyes at him to study his reaction as my evocative words slowly registered in his mind. 
The distance between us begun to decrease, the bleak air no longer affecting my arms and legs as Timmy drew closer, keeping steady eye contact with me. He wore a dark and unreadable expression, tilting his head to the side to analyze me. “And...what things are those?” He interrogated, with an obscene tone. 
A feeling of young love and excitement surged through me like a new kind of energy filling the emptiness within my heart.
But, what was I really doing?
I would’ve let the comforting warmth infiltrate the void that filled me, but it was too soon, the feeling was only temporary. Timothee was right here, right in front of me with his boyish charm and irresistible smile that complimented the pools of green and blue, that painted his eyes. 
But, that was my mistake last time. All those times of hurt, was not because of Timothee, but because I let myself drown in the evergreen of his irises, I succumbed to his warmth and let him suffocate me with his lips, that could’ve been on another’s. I kept digging my own grave and it wasn’t anyone’s doing, but mine. 
“I was thinking that...I should, go” I explained dimly, the welcome in my voice no longer present as realization hit me like a tidal wave. 
“Why?” He voiced with concern, his expression also turning a complete 180, surprised by my unsatisfying response. 
“Because-I dont- it’s- What are we doing Timothee?” I confessed, admitting defeat as I struggled to find the right words. “I mean, what are we really doing? We’re going to talk again, then text and flirt. Why? Because it feels good” I explained. 
“But, Y/N-” He tried to interject. 
“Timmy, you and I know, whatever this is, will be temporary. We’ve been through this multiple times, on and off. Aren’t you sick of it? Aren’t you sick of starting over?”
“Y/N, it’s not like th-” 
“But it’s always like that Timmy. Don’t you see it, whenever things get hard, you walk away, and you expect me to wait for you. I don’t want to do that anymore Timmy” 
“Y/N- just let me explain” He stuttered, combing his fingers through his ruffled head. “I know, I did you wrong many times, and I understand that I’ve hurt you- and I’m sorry- If you want to leave, I’d understand it, but I want you to know that I’ve never felt the way I felt with you, with anyone else. I know, you don’t trust my words, but-” He paused, reaching for my hand and placing it on his chest. “You need to know, I put it on my heart and soul, that I’ve never felt love, the way I feel it with you” 
Complete submission emitted from his eyes, flooding my chest will all sorts of emotions that was almost impossible to resist. I could’ve sworn tears began to seep up and brim as his eyes became glassy, casting a film atop the green I used to love. 
“Timmy-” I began, taking his hand in mine and giving it a tight squeeze, watching his innocent smile form on his cheeks, but soon took a change as I dropped his hand to his side and took a step back. “I can’t Timmy, I can’t anymore. You just- you need to understand that being with you is mentally draining- and apologize if that comes off a bit mean, but it’s true” 
“Y/N, I know what I did-” 
“Timmy, we can’t just stand here and spend all winter reminiscing on what happened before, or else we’ll miss out the beautiful things during spring” 
“Why can’t we head out till spring? Why can’t we give it another chance and let it bloom into a beautiful thing, like you said?” 
“Because Timmy, I’m tired of being replanted, then ripped from the ground, and thrown out whenever you think things aren’t pretty anymore. I think it’s best if we spend this time apart” 
“Y/N, I think-” 
“I loved you so much Timothee, and you might not love me as much as I wish you did, but we need to be our own people. We keep manifesting toxicity and finding comfort in them, and it’s not doing either of us good.”
“I love you too, Y/N” 
“I just- we can’t keep getting stuck on our reminiscence of each other, we both need to move onto better things at the moment. Maybe one day we’ll cross paths again, and we’ll introduce our children to each other-” 
“But, we were supposed to have those children together”
“I hope life treats you well, and I hope you treat life well also. You’re tremendously smart, and I know you have a lot to give. Just know that I support you in whatever you do. Just keep moving forward, Chalamet” 
With that, I reached up and gave him a chaste peck on the cheek, turning around to walk away. My heart swam in a pool melancholy, but my soul swelled with a new form of freedom. 
Silence perturbed the air, as I felt his sorrowful eyes digging at the back of my head as I walked away
But now, I was the one that needed to look forward. 
for the both of us
part 1
AN: That was it guys, I hope you enjoyed the little narrative and I apologize profusely for the lateness, I’ve been bombarded with college application supplements. Anyways, have a good day, see you on the next one :)
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vanillamilkcloud · 5 years
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pairing: Single Dad! RM x Baker! Reader
word count: 2,497
tags: fluff, some cookies were burnt, flour got in some spots, theres hot cocoa, domestic as hell, christmas obviously.
summary: after a visit to their favorite baker, Namjoon cant wrap presents for his boys. so with snagging your number some previous hours ago he decides to call for some help.
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Kids were always hard, no matter what anyone did to try and help. Especially having two and also being a single dad. Though Namjoon had a way with the two that almost everyone wished they had with their kids. He had coaxed the boys into waking up this morning only to have them instantly asking about going to the bakery. It had become a sort of routine, once a week he’d show up at the door and instantly Hoseok would babble about everything he wanted while Yoongi pointed to things while hiding behind Namjoon’s leg. 
And that was exactly your situation right now. Covered in flour, and some frosting on your cheek, standing behind the counter of the store.
“I want this and this and a cake pop and cake!” Hoseok giggled happily, his gloved hands pressed against the glass happily. Namjoon looked at you apologetically before glancing at what his son wanted.
“Cookie, you know you cant have all of that-” The blonde male had only started to speak before he saw you walking around the counter, handing the 4 year old a cake pop. At 8am, might you add. His baby voice was too hard to resist giving the sweets to him.
“Says who?” You gave an equal smile to the toddler’s as he squealed.
“Thank you noona!” He had already devoured the sweet in a happy fit of giggles. You couldn’t help but giggle at the bits of chocolate around his mouth. For a moment you had thought you heard Yoongi speak, only to be correct as he held his arms up. Namjoon chuckled softly. 
“Sugar, what are you doing?”
“I want up.” He murmured, taking his chance to hide behind you now. You shrugged then picked up the small boy. Yoongi had instantly nuzzled into your chest, his little cheeks red from the cold. It made you frown though you knew you couldn’t help it.
“Can I give them mini mugs of hot cocoa Joonie?” You asked, fluttering your eyes in that way you knew would make Namjoon give into you. He let out a small groan as you looked absolutely perfect to him right now, and like the kids were actually both of yours. But Namjoon hadn’t had the courage to ask you yet to see if this relationship could actually.. be something. He had to think about plenty of other things right now besides having his bed warm again, and the boys having a mom finally.
“Do you even have mini mugs?”
You grinned happily before nodding, walking behind the counter with Yoongi in your arms and Hoseok trailing behind you. It was a bit hard to lean downward before pulling out two baby mugs and some straws. You put them on the counter carefully. “I got them just for these two little dudes. Just make sure to bring them when you guys come.”
Yoongi made grabby hands at one of them, so you let him take the cup. His eyes held a type of curiousity you hadn’t ever actually seen in him. The boy was generally shy and quiet but you seemed to understand now how Namjoon managed to know what he wanted constantly. It was rather cute in your eyes as you could catch Hoseok almost drooling over all the pastries behind the glass, and then whining as he wanted up too. You couldnt carry the both of them though. 
Namjoon on the other hand, was more than happy with his open fawning over you. You were such an angel with the boys and it made him more than happy with his trips. Hoseok was more than ready to expose his dad though.
“Daddy staring!” He giggled brightly, looking up to his dad through the glass. It caused a chain reaction as Yoongi was more than happy to join in. “Does dada like noona?” 
A bright blush covered the male’s cheek in an instant. He was quick to recover though as you couldnt help but to laugh while filling up the two mugs, hanging mini candy canes off the edge. “No, I dont like _____ Sugar.” Namjoon replied.
“Not what Uncle Jinnie said!”
Namjoon facepalmed, shaking his head with a groan. He’d need to have a serious talk with that man later. “Uncle Jinnie tricked you okay? What do you want for breakfast?”
That seemed to change the topics easily, you placing the hot chocolates in Namjoon’s hands to cool off before letting the boys point while behind the glass. Both of them seemed rather happy to have your candy cane donuts, the one treat youd serve only on Christmas Eve and Christmas. Namjoon had asked for his usual strawberry bagel with cream cheese, so then you were free to go back to the kitchen once more. 
“Byebye noona!!” The boys called out, making you grin. 
“Youll see me next week, this isnt bye babies!” You replied. Namjoon couldnt help but laugh as the two were instantly excited all over again. Except, he came here to do something too, so he came up to the window to your kitchen quickly.
“Wait, ___,” The blonde seemed shy, but you couldn’t help but to smile at him.
“Did you forget something?” 
He gave you a nod, and you looked at him curiously. “I forgot your number, can you give it to me again?”
The words that fell out of his mouth made you laugh, as you had essentially walked into him saying that yet you still felt dumbfounded. How was he that smooth? "Mm, give me your phone then, I'll put it in." 
Namjoon complied with the words as he was smiling happily; a few of the customers in the store seemed to only cheer for him. You wanted to run away from the situation but you couldn't deny him like that! On Christmas Eve either, you had no hope. Within a few moments you handed the phone back with a bit of flour over the case.
"Oh lord, I'm sorry. I didnt mean to get flour on it."
"Don't be," Namjoon grinned. "Im used to you leaving flour prints on what you touch by now."
He gave you a wave, and went back to his kids. You hummed softly as you went into the back of the store before finding yourself trying to quietly squeal. Namjoon had actually asked you for your number! What you didn't know was that everyone had actually heard your little squeal, and it couldnt help but make everyone laugh as you fawned over your crush. Everyone knew for ages that you both had a thing for each other and now it seemed to get somewhere.
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After a long day at work, and perhaps burning a few things in your distraction, you’ve finally made it home. The call of your bed seems almost instantly heeded. But there’s other things you need to do.
Namjoon, on the other hand, is struggling to wrap presents. He had taken quite some time just to wrap simple box shapes and now this gift wrapping thing seemed impossible to him. There was blankets and stuffed animals to be wrapped still, along with pillows and bed sheets that Hoseok had wanted because of them being PJ Mask themed. It was also an issue of he didn’t happen to have enough paper to finish wrapping anything. The blonde combed a hand through his hair with a soft groan; He couldn’t leave the house to get any extra paper because then nobody was home with the boys. The male also didn’t want to leave them with anyone, so he scrolled through his phone contacts, clicking your name with a soft hum.
“Hello?” You asked, clearly a bit tired so Namjoon was almost tempted to hang up then and there.
“Hey _____.” He chuckled softly as he once again couldnt figure out how to wrap the damned elephant plushie.
“Oh, hi Joonie! What’s up?”
“I, um, well. I can’t wrap the kids presents so I thought you might be able to help. I don’t happen to have any paper or that left either, and I cant leave to get any.” Namjoon sighed softly as he tossed the paper in the trash once again, leaning against the sofa as he sat on the floor. “I swear I’ll pay you back for it, I just didn’t know who else to call.”
You giggled through the line, pretending to think in silence. It was almost audible how nervous he was. “I can come help. Can you text me your address then?”
“Yeah I can, thank you so much.”
The line went dead after that, as Namjoon sent you their address. He took the opportunity to go check on the boys. It had to be quick because Yoongi was a light sleeper unless Hoseok happened to move into his bed. Namjoon was certain those two would be inseperable later on, so he never bothered to seperate them. He opened the door quietly after making sure the hall light was off, only to chuckle as the boys were indeed under one blanket. With similar quietness he shut the door once again before walking to the kitchen and starting to brew a pot of coffee. The father didn’t happen to have any more hot chocolate either right now, as much as he knew you had a preference for the drink.
Namjoon let his thoughts wonder about you as he drew two mugs out of the cabinet, and not mini ones this time. The house was quiet besides the gentle christmas songs playing on the radio. Gingerbread had filled the air as hours ago the boys insisted to make gingerbread men for Santa, even left out with the milk on a plate with their notes. They were such precious things to him, the father felt a bit sad to realize that this is what their mother had decide to miss out on. But he also was happy because she wasn’t the type of woman to enjoy this type of stuff. She’d simply go about her business as she please. It was like a household housing two seperate families. 
The knock on the door pulled Namjoon out of his mind, and he quickly answered it before you could knock again. Snow had covered your hat, the bits of your hair that decided to peek out under it, and on your shoulders. He was quick to let you in, even taking the bags of gift wrap and tape and perhaps a gift for each of the boys.
“Thank you so much-” He smiled warmly, rubbing his temples as he sat the bags on the sofa. You shook your head at him.
“Don’t thank me you dork. I’m more than happy to help you with anything.” The words were perhaps a bit more implying than what either of you cared to admit, but Namjoon was still happy none the less. Once you were free of your extra layers you took out the rolls of gift wrap and tape. You also made sure to put your gifts under the tree too.
Namjoon watched as you didnt bother to speak in your focus now. He couldn’t help but to admire your small form in his living room, almost expertly wrapping each thing he had struggled with. You simply didn’t want him to notice the bright blush on your cheeks. It made you excited to actually be here as much as it didn’t feel the same without the boys. You had spent so much time around them as a group that you felt shy when you both were alone.
“Here’s some coffee, since the boys drank all the hot chocolate.” Namjoon’s voice made you squeak, and he couldnt help but laugh brightly. His grin made his dimples show; you wanted to kiss him right there but you knew better.
“Thank you.” You whispered. The girly girl in you was practically squealing with how close he was. A yawn passed Namjoon’s lips as your hands held the elephant plushie that he didn’t have patience for only about an hour ago. He looked tired, but he didn’t want to have you leave. Your fingers worked in a quick motion to wrap it like a giant candy. WIth the use of scissors you even made the ends all pointy. 
“Ill put them under, you can stay the night if you want.” Namjoon hummed, watching you look up at him curiously. The face you held seemed to depict that you were nervous to him. “I won’t do anything, at least right now.”
“What do you mean right now?” You looked more puzzled now. Namjoon facepalmed as he realized the words slipped before he had stopped it.
“Um, well, you see.” He started off, once again making you chuckle. You couldn’t read him often but this seemed to be one of the rare moments you could. Kim Namjoon was embarrassed and he couldnt change the topic. Hoseok and Yoongi were often his way of avoiding conversations like these with you. But they were fast asleep. “Consider it your Christmas present, but I’ve liked you for quite some time now. The boys even like you too. It means the damn world to me because I love those two to death and they almost always get excited as soon as I mention you.”
You couldn’t help but to blush with his confession, but it made you grin none the less. “Are we sure that isn’t because I give them sugar every time they come?” 
Both of you exchanged a bright laugh at the words. The boys were only 4 and 5, of course sugar could buy their hearts in an instant. Namjoon couldn't help but to smile at you in such a pure adoration.
“No, because they dont touch much of the pastries we have unless we make them ourselves, or we got them from you.” The father replied. “And also, I’ve known you’ve liked me for awhile.”
This was your turn to groan. “Since when!” You whined, rubbing your temple with your fingers.
“The squeal when you gave me your number. I had just gotten up to leave with the boys when I heard it.” 
You pouted softly, knowing that was probably the most obvious of times that you definetely had something for him. This you couldn’t try to deny either. “Okay fine, perhaps I’ve liked you for awhile now too.”
Namjoon smiled brightly, pulling you into a hug. There was something different about this though. It felt much more warm and loving than when he would be forced to hug you because of his kids. Only when you yawned did he realize you really needed to go to sleep, so he picked you up without a warning. The simple action made your heart swell as you realized this was probably one of the best things to happen just in time for the holidays.
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sincerlyyme-blog · 7 years
AUTHORS NOTE: hello!!!!! i am back!!!!!!! i wrote this little thing, in hopes of making it a multiple part series. so this is just part one! but if you guys dont like it, let me know and ill just leave it as it is. I also want to take a moment to say that i am back to UPLOADING A FIC OR HEADCANON ONCE A DAY!! when i first started this blog, that was my uploading schedule. life got in the way, but im back baby!!!!! 
Word Count: 2.4k ish
TW: suicide, suicide descriptions, swearing, therapy groups , etc
PS: i have been to many group therapies, so this is all just based purely on personal experience. so if this is triggering to you, please dont read any further!!!!
           Connor Murphy was special. Not special in the way you would describe a rare artifact or gem. He was special like the waves in the ocean, the colours in the sky, or oil paint on a canvas. He was special because you knew what to expect. Like a wave in the ocean, you expected to crash. Like the colours in the sky, you expected to fade out after hours of daylight. Like oil paint on a canvas, you expected to dry and harden after creating something beautiful. Connor Murphy was a synonym for beautiful; only the rarest of poets could find in a dictionary. He was the sound that rolled off of the tongue of a politician. He was the feeling of warm laundry, draping around your body. Connor was all of these things—which is why his downfall was to be expected.
           You had tried numerous group therapies in the past. None of them seemed to improve your feelings or behaviors. But they stabilized your health, which is all you could really ask for. There was something equally pleasing and eerie about joining group therapy. It was oddly satisfying to hear everyone bitch and complain, but also eerie that the painted beige walls would contain a group of kids who tried to kill themselves. Talk about a Suicide Squad.
           You drove yourself to group therapy. This one was named Youth Wonders: Group Therapy and Psychiatrics. The name was slathered on the brick building in bronze lettering. It looked ancient. Maybe it looked cool back in 2002, but it made you roll your eyes just at the sight. You were 5 minutes early. Your keys were still lodged into your car ignition. This was the hardest part: getting out of the car. There was always that part of you that was tempted to ditch, go eat some McDonald’s for the hour, and go back home to tell your dad that everything went well. The feeling of guilt spread over your stomach just at the thought. You have lied to your father many times before. He didn’t deserve to be lied to again.
           Finally, you slumped out of the driver’s seat and walked into the horrid building. It smelt like old carpet and candle wax. Kind of like a church. But nothing Holy grew an abundance to you whilst walking through the halls. A white, thick door was stood open with a brick. On the inside if the door, facing you, a pink slip of paper was taped up.
           They really don’t sugar coat anything here. Your footsteps grew heavier as you walked through the door. Plastic chairs were all set up in a circle. Inside there were only four teenagers, and a woman who had a strange resemblance to Whoopi Goldberg.
           “Name, please?” her scratchy voice echoed off the walls. Her dry hands where clutching a clipboard and her pink pen was held between her fingers, like a cigarette.
           “Oh, uh, Y/N L/N,” you frowned, taking a seat across from her.
           According to the amount of chairs set up, there were only six people in the group. You, an empty chair, Whoopi-Goldberg-lady, and an empty chair. The empty chair was to your left. You stared at it, feeling cold. The awkward tension in the room was thick enough to cut with a knife. You took this moment of silence as an opportunity to look around the room. All of the teens glared at their feet.
           The girl next to you had red hair. Her face was populated with cystic acne that looked painful to the touch. Her ginger locks were pulled into a low ponytail. She wore a large men’s sweater that hung off of her skinny body. Sitting to her left was a large Filipino boy. He wore a purple sweater and old hiking shoes. The toe of the boots were worn out and his big toe peeked out. His hair was greasy, and he looked in need of a shower. Down the line, in the circle, sat a Latina girl. Her hair was done perfectly and her ears were pierced. Big golden hoops dangled from the lobes, reaching her collarbone. She was chewing bubblegum, and wearing a croptop – even though the temperature was just above freezing. Finally, in the corner sat a very pale white boy. He was short and skinny. He looked like he was 12 years old. His minecraft shirt had large orange stains, and had blonde whiskers growing in on his upper lip.
           Whoopi-Goldberg-lady took a final sigh, clicking her pen. Just as she opened her mouth to speak, another person stomped in.
           “You finally decided to join us…” the woman looked at her clipboard before reading out loud, “Connor?”
           The boy grunted in response, throwing his body down onto the chair next to you. You winced at the sound. He had long hair. The ends curled into the collar of his denim jacket. Your eyes trailed up to his face. The muscles in his jaw flexed as he grinded his teeth together. The Whoopi-lady stood up, smoothing out the material of her chiffon blouse.
           “Welcome, everyone. My name is Liz,” she spoke above her gravely tone.
           Her name was Liz. Finally, you could stop referring to her as the Whoopi-Goldberg-lady, in your head.
           “I will be your counselor and guide for this group. Within our 9 weeks here, I expect all of you to hit a few goals. The first being: opening up. I want you to share your story, knowing that whatever is said in here, stays in here.”
           You could hear the boy next to you, practically scoff.
           “So the first thing we are going to do is; go around the room, say your name, age, and explain why you are here.”
           You could feel everyone tense up.
           “Let’s start with,” Liz glanced at her clipboard. “Jamie.”
           The red-haired girl sat up straight. She removed her fingers from her mouth, as she was just chewing on her cuticles moments ago. Her bleeding fingers dove into the sleeves of her sweater.
           “Hi, I’m Jamie,” she spoke softly, almost like a robot. “I’m 15 and I’m here because I overdosed on sleeping pills.”
           Liz nodded, “Ok. Great. Thank you, Jamie.”
           Next in line was the boy in hiking boots.
           “Hi, I’m Leroy. I’m 16 and I tried to hang myself from a tree,” his voice was a deep baritone. But was quickly cut off by the Latina girl beside him.
           “Did the tree break, fatty?”
           “Andrea,” Liz warned. “This is supposed to be a safe space.”
           “Ok, yeah, whatever. I’m Andrea. I’m 18. This is my third time here. I took too much meth and blacked the fuck out. So I’m here,” she snapped her gum, fingering the golden hoop on her ear.
           “Daniel, your turn,” Liz looked at the small pale boy.
“Hi, um, I’m Daniel. I’m 16 and I, uh,” the boy began to sob violently. Your heart broke a little bit. The boy next to you, Connor, scoffed. You were almost in disbelief at his heartless gesture.
“It’s ok, hun. Take your time,” Liz spoke softly.
Daniel continued, hiccupping and telling the group how he tried to end his life just two weeks prior. After many tissues, Liz continued down the line.
The boy next to you, shifted in his seat. He was now sitting up, straight. His long legs tangled over each other. His large, black combat boots looked heavy against his skinny shins. He was wearing a lot of layers.
“Yeah, hi, I’m Connor. I’m 17. I tried killing myself 3 weeks ago.”
“How? You have to say how,” Andrea twirled her hair around her finger.
“Why? Do you get off to people’s backstories or some shit?” he hissed back.
Liz waved the two of them off, gesturing that it was okay to keep those details private. Next was you. And you could feel your breath become heavy. All eyes landed on you.
“Well, uh, my name is Y/N. I’m 17, also. I tried killing myself last year, but I’m here because my therapist told me to,” you spoke softly.
“That’s fucking boring.”
 You were pouring coffee into a Styrofoam cup, rubbing the drowsiness out of your eyes. It was the half-way mark through group therapy. The group is given a 15 minute break between the two hours, and there is a small table full of shitty snacks and coffee.
“Coffee at 1pm?” a voice spoke from behind you. You turned to see that Connor boy offering you a lazy smirk.
“Yeah, what’s wrong with that?”            “Well it’s shitty filtered coffee, and no one drinks coffee in the middle of the afternoon.”
“I didn’t know you cared so much,” you spoke while moving to the side, putting creamer and 8 packets of sugar into the small cup. “I just didn’t sleep well last night.”
“Jesus Christ,” he gaped at the amount of sugar you put in.
“It’s good, you should try it some time,” you mused, taking a small sip.
Connor shook his head, pouring some of the filtered brew into a cup of his own. “No, thanks. I’d like to live well into my thirties.”
“Isn’t that the opposite of why you’re here?”
 The rest of the afternoon went as expected. Red-haired girl went on a rant about her dad never loving her, Daniel cried some more, and Liz gave us homework to complete for next week. The green folder full of worksheets will be added to the pile of therapy homework that you never do. You have other things on your plate. You have a job, school, and university to think about.
While walking to your car, you see the tall boy leaning against the hood of your car.
“Uh, hi?” you spoke, raising on eyebrow.
He jumped a little bit, not seeing you at first. “Oh, hey, can you drive me home? My dad is at work and my mom…” he trailed off, looking at his feet.
You scratched the back of your head, not really knowing what to say.
“I’m sorry, I barely even know you. I should just walk home-“ he began to ramble, grabbing his messenger bag from between his feet.
“Get in,” you sighed, unlocking the car.
“Wait. Really?”
“What’s your address?”
The car ride was pretty silent. It contained the sound of your humming motor, and the small murmurs of directions from Connor. You had asked him what street he lived on, but he just told you that he would direct you there. He lived on the outskirts of the city. By following his directions, you drove into the suburbs. The houses were all parallel to each other. Each of them very large, big two-car garages, and nicely trimmed lawns. It was the type of neighborhood that would give out the good candy on Halloween.
“It’s the house on left, here,” he mumbled once again. Your eyes practically bugged out of your head.
“This one?” you took one hand off the steering-wheel to point to the house in front of you. It was gigantic. It was painted yellow with a dark blue door. It must have been at least 4 stories high. The backyard, from what you could see, was massive. Two large pillars on other side of the front door, reminding you of pictures in textbooks about ancient Rome.
As you pulled into his driveway, Connor picked at his nail polish. “What? Are you surprised?”
“A little,” you laughed, looking over at him.
He began to pick up his bag, looking over at you. The sunset in the sky casted a pink shadow in your car, making everything a rose colour.
“Well, uh, thanks. I’ll see you next week,” he spoke, stepping out of your car.
You watched as the goth boy walked into the giant, yellow house. It was a sight to see.
 Next week rolled around, and you were five minutes early. You sat in your car, rubbing your temples. Another night without sleep. It was beginning to take a toll. Sitting in your car became a ritual you had. It gave you time to mope, before having to put on a brave face for wherever you were going. You let out a large sigh. Your head was pounding. Placing your forehead in the palms of your hands, you laid them down on the steering wheel. Closing your eyes, you were grateful to have a second to decompose.
It was quiet until you heard your passenger door open and slam shut. You let out a scream, sitting back, looking at the man who just entered. It was Connor.
“Chill the fuck out.”
“What? Get in someone’s car? I know. I’m not an idiot.”
You began to go on a slight rampage, telling him about how many girls get abducted by leaving their cars unlocked. He responded by telling you to ‘lock your fucking car, then’. Before you could shout another witty response, he shoved a cup of hot coffee into your hand.
“Here.”            “What… What is this?”
“Coffee, you dumbass.”
“Yeah, I know. But why?”
He just shrugged, taking a sip out of his own cup, leaning back in the passenger seat.
“So, why do you sit in here?” he mumbled against the warm lid of his beverage.
“It’s just nice, I guess?” you spoke out softly, rubbing your eyes.
Connor nodded, drinking his coffee quietly. You did the same.
  Lunch time came around. Therapy had been going well. But you couldn’t help but find yourself staring into space every other minute. It was no group participation. It consisted of Liz telling everyone that how they were feeling is “okay”. It wasn’t anything that you hadn’t heard before.
You stood up the moment Liz said that your 15 minute break began. You walked over to the snack table, pouring another cup of coffee. Connor watched you from his seat, chewing on his bottom lip.
No one else had picked up on your caffeine habits. Rather, the rest of the teenagers fought over the sugar cookies that were lined up on the table. You walked back to your seat, sighing loudly as your butt hit the chair. You took a large gulp of the cheap caffeine, letting your eyes settle close for a moment.
“You know, I never got to hear your story last week,” you spoke softly with your eyes still closed.
“Well, same goes to you, I guess,” he mumbled back, slouching into his chair.
You cracked an eye open, looking at him. “Mine isn’t as recent.”
He shrugged back, watching you as your eyes flutter shut once more.
“My family is shit. My parents hate me. Some kid wrote a weird letter about my sister. I freaked the fuck out. It was just kind of the last straw, I guess?”
 It was quiet for a few more moments. You opened your mouth to speak, then Liz clapped loudly, asking everyone to return to their seats. Group began again, and Connor avoided your eyes at all costs.
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luci-in-trenchcoats · 8 years
The Least I Can Do (Part 3)
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Summary: Jensen takes the reader on their second date where she experiences her first con...
Part 1 Part 2
Pairing: Jensen x reader
Word Count: 3,100ish
Warnings: language
A/N: They just keep getting longer somehow...
“Morning sunshine,” said Jensen when you opened your door, a small carry on by his feet.
“Morning,” you said, waving him in. “There’s coffee if you want some.”
“Already made some,” he said, holding up a thermos. “You ready to go?”
“You texted me like three minutes ago saying to pack some clothes and whatever stuff I wanted,” you said, walking past your couch and into your bedroom where your empty backpack sat on the unmade bed.
“Was that not enough time?” he teased. 
“Do I need a dress? Nice shoes? A parka? I need to know what this con weekend thing is. Or where it even is,” you said.
“Are you that obsessed with clothes?” he asked and you scowled. Oh, if there was one stereotype you hated as much as the sleeping around underwear model it was the superficial clothes and makeup obsessed thing. “Y/N, relax. It was a joke.”
“Maybe I shouldn’t go,” you said. “We really don’t know much about each other and-”
“If you don’t want to go, then that’s fine. But please don’t change your mind because I tried to tease you and touched a nerve. I don’t think you care about name brands and crap like that really,” he said. 
“So,” you said giving him a smile. “Jeans and tees?”
“That’ll be fine. We’re going to a concert tonight too,” he said and you raised an eyebrow.
“Okay, give me ten minutes?” you asked and he smiled, pulling your door shut before you stopped him. “I’m not worried about you seeing my underwear drawer.”
“I don’t want to see my presents early,” he said with a smirk. 
“Oh don’t try this cocky flirting game with me Ackles. You’re gonna lose,” you said, watching him hold up his hands.
“I’ll behave for the foreseeable future,” he said. “Let me know when you’re ready to go.”
“Alright. Oh and Jensen?” you asked, watching him whip his body around after heading into your living room. “How much do I owe you for the plane ticket and hotel and stuff?”
“Nothing,” he said. “I didn’t have to pay for it so don’t argue that you should have to.”
“Wait, this is a show thing?” you asked. He nodded as he sat down. “Awesome.”
“Awesome?” he asked, crossing his arms.
“I may or may not have binged like four episodes last night...” you said, walking back into your room to pack.
“So, are you a Sam or Dean girl?” he asked.
“What’s that?” you asked.
“Which one are you attracted to,” he said, a laugh in his words. “I’ve got an idea.”
“Oh, I like John,” you said. “He’s got that hot older guy thing going on.”
“You realize I’m currently older than he was when the show started, right?” asked Jensen.
“You’ve got that hot older guy thing going on ya know,” you said, popping your head out the door with a smirk. “Although you were an adorable baby boy back then. Your voice was so much higher.”
“Is this that flirty tease thing I’m getting now?” he asked. “I’ll give it right back sweetheart.”
“That’s a very Dean thing to say,” you said, walking into your closet and pulling on your airport outfit. A pair of leggings, the first tee in sight and a light hooded jacket. You slipped on your throw away shoes, the ten dollar sneakers that you didn’t give a crap about but held up amazingly well and threw your hair back in a ponytail. You tossed a pair of jeans, three shirts, pajama shorts, some underwear and your to go zip up with all your personal care crap in it. You quickly grabbed headphones, charger and a book before you were zipping it up.
“That was fast,” he said when you walked out after only a few minutes. “You sure you don’t want your laptop?”
“We’ll be busy probably,” you said. You glanced over to your dinner table covered with a few sheets of paper and your computer. 
“True. Okay. Everything off, and-”
“I have travelled before,” you said, walking over to your thermostat and turning it down.
“Thankfully it’s not across country today. Only a couple hours down to Arizona,” he said, stepping out before you so you could lock up behind you. 
“You still haven’t told me about what a con is Ackles,” you said, testing your door before walking with him.
“If you’re already binging the show, you’re going to have fun.”
“What?” you asked the front desk when you were checking into your hotel early that afternoon.
“We never received a request for a second room. Unfortunately we’re booked up,” they said and you sighed before heading over to where Jensen was talking to Jared in the lobby, waiting to go up to their rooms.
“Um, they don’t have a room for me,” you said, looking out the front doors. “I can try the hotel across the street.”
“Seriously?” said Jared. “They normally don’t screw up stuff like that.”
“I’ll bunk with Jared and you can have my room,” said Jensen, offering a smile. Jared seemed okay with that but you definitely weren’t.
“It’s your room, you should keep it,” you said. 
“I mean, you guys could share too. Not like you’re dating or anything...” said Jared, bumping his arm into Jensen.
“It hasn’t even been 24 hours,” said Jensen.
“I’m okay with sharing. We wanted to spend more time with each other. That’s the reason I came in the first place, right?” you asked. 
“If he annoys the crap out of you just kick him out and send him to my room,” said Jared, patting your on the back. “Want to meet up in a few hours and grab dinner?”
“Sounds good to me,” you said. “Apparently there’s a concert tonight he’s taking me to so we should be back in time for that.”
“Yeah. I’m sure that’ll be fun for you,” said Jared, sharing some sort of silent look with Jensen. “Later guys.”
“What was that about?” you asked. Jensen threw his arm over your shoulders and started leading you over to the elevators. For a moment you forgot all about the conversation were absolutely focused on all the warm muscle around you. 
“Y/N? Hello?” he asked, waving a hand in front of your face. Whoops. 
“Um, sorry, zoned out. What’d you say?” you asked, Jensen’s arm moving away to press your floor button and you wished he’d put it back.
“I may or may not be part of the concert tonight. I haven’t decided yet,” he said. You tilted your head up at him to see his green eyes staring back. 
“Yes you have you little flirt,” you said.
“I have to make you think I’m cooler than I actually am. I’ll use this to my advantage in any way possible,” he said, bumping into you playfully. 
“Right, because tall blonde and handsome isn’t cool,” you teased. Jensen was about to spout off something flirty back but a hand caught the closing doors and his arm quickly fell away. Two young women around your age stepped in, their eyes a little wide. He must not have wanted to draw any attention to you yet.
“Hi,” one of them said to Jensen. 
“Hi,” he said back. “You guys here for the con?”
“Yeah, it’s our first one,” said the other women. Jensen seemed genuinely happy as you realized they were both a little nervous to be near him.
“Y/N’s too,” he said, pointing at you. “What floor you guys on?”
“Fifth,” they said, Jensen hitting the button for them. 
“Are you going to sing at the concert tonight?” one asked as they got to their floor.
“I was planning on it. Have fun this weekend,” he said, returning the wave they gave him as they slipped out. 
“You handled that really well,” you said when you were alone. He shrugged.
“I’m used to it. Most people are super nice. We don’t really do bad stuff or get in trouble so no one bothers us on a day to day basis. No one follows me around or takes my picture. I’m boring. This is the most attention I get really,” he said.
“I like that about you. You’re normal,” you said.
“Let’s see how this weekend goes first and see if I’m worth keeping around.”
“Hey,” said Jensen, hopping backstage after finishing up a song, covered in a thin layer of sweat. “Having fun?”
“I wish you could have seen the exact moment her jaw dropped,” said Jared with a laugh.
“Oh my...you’re like fucking amazing,” you said, not sure where to look at him first. “You look like a rockstar and sound like one and play guitar, not to mention all the acting stuff and-”
“Told you I had to make myself seem cool,” he said, grabbing a drink of water.
“Mission accomplished,” you said, still in awe over him.
“I wonder how long that’ll last,” said Jared, Jensen whacking him with his bottle. “Hey, you got to tease the shit out of me when Gen and I got together. Payback’s a bitch.”
“I was totally in favor of you guys!” said Jensen. “I didn’t do it the second day you knew Gen.”
“I’m making up for lost time,” said Jared. “I mean, I don’t see you saying anything to Y/N for saying how cute your butt looks in those jeans.”
“Jared! You were sworn to secrecy,” you said, slapping his arm. 
“I need protection from you two,” he joked. “Besides, we don’t have secrets in this family.”
“He’s right. We don’t. Seriously though, you think I have a cute butt?” asked Jensen with a wink.
“Your cool guy factor is going down you realize,” you said, crossing your arms.
“Twenty seconds. That was longer than I thought,” said Jared, standing and stretching. 
“Shudyup,” said Jensen. You listened to a few more songs before the show ended and you stood up to head back to your room. “Woah, where do you think you’re going?” he asked, catching your arm.
“Bed?” you said back.
“If you want to we can. Or we can go out for a few hours,” he said. 
“I’m game. Not sure about an old timer like yourself,” you said, Jared raising his eyebrows as Jensen squinted.
“Oh, we’ll see about that.”
“Why is your alarm going off. We went to bed three hours ago,” you groaned.
“Sorry. Morning panel,” he said, his voice thick with sleep but willing himself to get up from the other side of the bed. “You can go back to bed if you want and just see the afternoon one.”
“No, I wanna,” you mumbled, stretching out and slumping back into bed. 
“Sure about that?” he asked, pulling off his shirt and walking to the bathroom. 
“I’m sure,” you said. You flashed open your eyes and quickly shut them before your eyes started wandering all over him. “Why are you so perfect?”
“I’m really not,” he said. “Something’s obviously not right.”
“Hm?” you asked, sitting up and opening your eyes.
“Forget it. I’ll shower quick then you can have it. Panel starts at 8,” he said.
“Jensen?” you asked. You watched him take a long sip from his coffee just before his and Jared’s panel was supposed to start.
“This one is only thirty minutes or so. Then we can grab breakfast,” he said, offering a smile.
“You just didn’t meet the right person,” you said, his smile falling away. “I don’t think you should feel bad about not having met that person yet.”
“I didn’t say any of that,” he said. 
“You didn’t need to,” you said.
“Hopefully I finally met her. Even if she thinks I’m old,” he said, Jared rolling his eyes behind him, mouthing ‘idiot’ at him. “What is Jared doing?” he asked, turning around in his seat to see Jared walking away.
“Oh, just being a good friend,” you said. “Come on, I want to see my first panel.”
“This one is smaller so it’s a good place to start I hope,” said Jensen, standing and holding out a hand for you. You followed until someone pointed out where you could go so you could sneak into the audience. You were surprised at how informal the whole process was, how a simple question led to a story and then another but somehow they always seemed to stay on track. You found yourself wanting more by the time it was over.
“You two are adorable,” you said to the guys when you saw them after they’d finished. “No wonder you play such good brothers.”
“We spend a lot of time together. As you can tell by how much Jared’s been hanging out on our second date,” said Jensen. Jared didn’t take offense and asked if you’d met any of the other people at the con yet. “We’ve been hanging out so not really.”
“Do it before we head home. Everyone’s interested in meeting your new girlfriend,” said Jared.
“I haven’t even asked that yet,” said Jensen, his face heating up the more Jared teased.
“Jared, can you give us a minute?” you asked. You waited for the two of you to be alone in the hall.
“Thanks,” he said. “I know this is probably overwhelming on it’s own and-”
“Do you want to be my boyfriend?” you asked, looking up at confused green eyes. “Yeah, I was talking to you.”
“This isn’t scary or weird to you?” he asked. 
“I like you. You like me. We’ll be going on more dates. I think we check off those criteria for boyfriend and girlfriend,” you said, reaching out and taking one of his large hands in yours.
“You’ve got a point,” he said. “I guess we’re together then.”
“I guess we are,” you said back.
“Can I go show you off to my friends now?” he asked with a smile.
“I’d love to.”
“This weekend was a lot of fun,” you said, yawning as you opened your door to your apartment that night. Jensen nodded and yawned in turn. 
“I’m really glad you came,” he said. “Maybe you can come to another one if you want.”
“Uh, duh. Those panels were awesome. I’ve definitely got some catching up to do,” you said, tossing your bag down and walking over to your phone on the wall showing a message.
“You are so going to be a Dean girl,” said Jensen, watching you tilt your head curiously. “What’s wrong?”
“Nothing,” you said. “It’s just I haven’t given out this number in ages. The only people who have it is my modeling agency and even then they always call my cell or email, never this one.”
“Well now I’m intrigued. Let’s take a listen,” he said, walking inside and taking a seat on your kitchen counter.
“Let’s hope it’s fast. Walking Dead comes on in like ten minutes,” you said.
“Do you mind if I hang out and watch with you?” he asked, kicking his feet softly.
“No ya little cutie,” you said with a giggle. “Does someone like that show or something?”
“Yeah. Papa Winchester is on it now so of course I gotta watch,” he said.
“Now that’d be a hell of a crossover,” you said, remembering how to listen to your voicemail. It took a few tries before the message came through.
Hi Y/N. I don’t know if you remember me from Friday. I was the director in that orange baseball hat. I just wanted to say thanks for stepping in and helping us out at the last minute.
“That’s nice of him,” you said, turning to Jensen who looked skeptical.
We saw your resume from your agency and the producing team was wondering if you could stop down Monday at 10. We’re obviously doing this by the seat of our pants but if you could come in and read a few lines just to try for us we’d be forever grateful. Your agency said you just finished a contract and this might be a great opportunity for us all if you’re interested. I understand if you don’t want to, this is pretty far out of your normal realm of work. Thanks again.
“Oh,” you said, turning to look at Jensen.
“It’s your decision, not mine,” said Jensen. “Have you ever acted before?”
“The last acting I did was Girl #4 in my fifth grade play,” you said.
“Do you want to try this?” he asked, offering a soft smile. You had enjoyed the three seconds of doing it before. That really was getting to pretend to be someone else, kind of like when you modeled. But it was different. There was a story to it and you were lying to yourself if you said you didn’t want to at least go and try in the morning. 
“Yeah, I do,” you said, nodding your head.
“We’ll watch zombies another night,” he said. “You’ve got other homework tonight,” he said, standing and moving over to your couch.
“What homework?” you asked, watching as he turned on your TV and quickly got into Netflix.
“Supernatural silly. If you’re going to read for Dean’s love interest, you should watch some more of the show,” he said, patting the spot next to him.
“Do you...want me to get this part?” you asked, walking over and joining him.
“I get to act that I’m falling for a girl while I’m actually falling for the girl that plays her? Why would I ever want that?” he teased.
“I guarantee I’m going to be awful at this tomorrow,” you said, feeling his arm wrap around your shoulders, pulling you into him.
“You won’t know if you don’t take a chance,” he said.
“When it comes to you and chances they’ve worked out so far. I guess we see what happens tomorrow,” you said. Jensen kissed the top of your head and your face began to hurt from the wide smile that had formed. At least until you started paying attention to the episode.
“Are those kids playing Bloody Mary? That scared the crap out of me as a kid,” you said, snuggling a little closer to Jensen.
“This one still creeps me out,” he said. “Obviously we should watch with the lights off.”
“If I get nightmares I blame you Ackles,” you said.
“If you get nightmares, just call me and I’ll pop down and sleep on your couch. Make sure nothing bad gets you,” he said, wrapping both arms around you and squeezing you gently.
“You can always just crash here just in case,” you said, letting him decide if he wanted to stay over.
“Good idea,” he said with a nod. “Now we should be quiet seeing as there’s a ridiculously good looking man on the screen,” he said.
“I’ll let Jared know you think so fondly of him,” you said.
“Shudyup and learn how cocky but good of a guy Dean Winchester can be.”
A/N: Read Part 4 here!
@charliebradbury1104 @everyday-supernatural-af @squirels-angels-and-moose@youwerelikeadream @drugpug @darkx143 @kristaparadowski @tom-is-in-my-tardis  @tanithlowisabamf @smoothdogsgirl @dancingalone21 @ktrivia @demonic-meatball@feelmyroarrrr @cojootromuelle@illisea  @gallifreyansass @fangirl1802 @itstheprincess@casgetoutofmydiddlydarnass @mogaruke @secretlyfurrydragon @ria132love @heycassbutt-67@aingealcethlenn @docharleythegeekqueen  @missmotherhen@smacklesandstretch67@tumblinwith-me @awkwardcupcake95 @heaven-is-aplaceonearthwithyou @hey-um-misha@imissyoualittlemoreeveryday @lovelife-tothefullest @safehaven1097 @under-general-asthetics @perpetualabsurdity @emilytehrani  @supernaturalismalife @laurenw1025
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michaelreaderreblog · 8 years
My truemate
Word Count: 2,197
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You are an unmated which you dont mind considering you werent ready for the big commitment thing in the first place but you are well guarded by your older Alpha brothers. Dean who is unmated and than there is Sam who is also unmated.
This wasnt the idea of a lifestyle your parents wanted their children to have, they always wanted to have a house full of grand pups before they passed on but that never came to reality.
Your father passed away just before you presented as Omega, your dad was killed in a mugging gone wrong while the mugger is a tweaked out drug addict and pulled the trigger and the bullet got to his major arteries and bled to death.
You and your bothers moved out of Sioux Falls after his death leaving behind Bobby but he understood why the move is of importance, between the three of you decided to move to Washington the small town of Kamloops.
After countless apartments and houses none of which seemed to be appealing to Dean but you just wanted to settle already and got weary of his pickiness.
By the end of the week is when he finally settled on a house in a secluded area surrounded by trees, a mile long drive way and knowing your brothers would need to get a bob cat to plow when the snow came.
When the realtor Naomi, who is a Beta showed the house and the garage you were surprised the bob cat is even included but would need a fixing but thank goodness your brother Dean is good with his hands.
Your brother Sam is also great for fixing things but when he doubted himself he would always ask Dean just to make sure he got things right and he always did.
Dean and Sam never liked the idea of you living on your own and always wanted to be there to protect you and honestly you didnt like the idea of living on your own either knowing what happens to unmated Omega's.
You heard about the kidnappings, the trafficking, abuse, and very terrible things that they do to Omegas all together and that scared the crap out of you knowing very damn well it can happen at any given moment.
Once you heard about a brothel being raided on the news is when you called your brothers telling them to switch on the news at their work place. They saw everything about the information being told is when they got angry especially Dean.
Thinking what if that could have been you, having you to come back being damaged, terrified, untrusting of the world, being deathly afraid of him and Sam because they are Alpha's and thats what brought your older brother to tears streaming down his face.
After seeing the news thats when he asked Bobby if he could have the afternoon off which he didnt seem to mind about that, he came home to you and held you in his arms until you told him you were fine and couldnt breath any longer if he held his grasp on you.
He wouldnt know what to do if anything ever happened to you, he and Sam made a promise to both of your parents to make sure that nothing would ever happened to you for as long as you lived well until you found a mate anyways.
“So what do we think?” Your older brother asks while looking around the property outside the house.
“Looks beautiful De. There is even a trail that leads to the lake at the back of the house” You answer your brother while motioning your hand in the direction of the house.
“Are you serious?” Sam asks while walking around the house to see where the trail starts.
You smile as Sam passes you to look around the corner of the house to see the trail and he clearly sees the lake he hasnt even noticed as soon as you got into the house.
“That is amazing, Dean we should just get this house” He says looking in the direction where Dean stood, you see from the corner of your eye he is making his way towards you.
“Y/n what do you think? Buy? Or keep looking?” He asks while the realtor has a smile just looking so hopeful to sale the place.
“I hope you dont mind me asking but are you three looking for jobs as well?” She asks from the front of the porch and looking at us with a smile spread across her face and just looking at her you knew that she is sincere, kind hearted, and obviously someones mother.
“My brother Sam is and I will be opening up my new business in furniture making and refurbished. My sister here will be working from home with the crafts she does and hope that her business will boom like it did in Sioux Falls” Dean says turning his direction to Naomi.
“Lovely, your business in furniture making will be very popular. What sorts of crafts?” She asks turning her gaze away from Dean and unto you.
“I nit and make plushie toys” You answer to her.
“That is wonderful, you know we dont have anyone around here who make those types of toys or stuffed animals. I know for a fact your business will take off once you start to advertise or I could do that for you. Show them your products and so forth well thats if you would like me to.” She volunteers and to your surprise she is willing to help you with your business in making these toys.  
“Wow um that is so generous of you, I will let you know the minute I have finished products and are you sure that wont be any trouble for you?” You tell her while jumping on the inside out of pure joy, when you first met her you thought that she was going to be completely rude towards you because you are an Omega.
Turned out that she has a son who is also an Omega and thought it would be a great idea for the two of you to meet, that way you wouldnt feel completely alone in the new town and it would be nice to have a friend around, you didnt seem to mind about the idea.
“Oh please no trouble at all, I like to see small business turn into a success. My son Michael has his own hardware store that he started from the backyard of his house than he bought an old warehouse and ever since then he has been doing incredibly well. I mean who knows there is a possibility you could open your own crafts store like build a bear” She tells you every excitedly talking about her son opening his own business in town and just thinking how this town even survived with out a hardware store well the drive to Olympia wasnt that long so that was another solution.
“Other than that um I love the house, De lets sign the damn papers and move in. I am already getting annoyed with your pickiness and just want to settle” You look to your older brothers direction who has a victorious smile spread across his face as you agree upon the house selection.
The house appears to have a cabin feel to it with refurbished oak cabinets in the kitchen all throughout the house with ceiling beams, three bedrooms upstairs, two downstairs one of which will be your office in creating your plushie toys. Recreational room which is perfect for your brothers knowing Dean would want to turn that into a man cave you dont mind since you have always wanted one.
The other room is for you when your heats come along and would need to get away from your brothers and placing the box of toys in a closet once all of you begin to move in.
“Alright alright alright, now where do I sign?” He asks looking to Naomi who also has a joyous smile spread on her face, once the papers were signed and a cheque is all made out to purchase the house is when she gave the keys to Dean.
When she is saying her farewells she turns to you and hands you her personal phone number along with home phone for a set up for the showing of your products.
Over the next couple of days all three of you start moving into the new house and get settled in all the rooms. Your brothers settle everything that will be needed for your heats in the future.
“I hate to say this but y/n dont you think its time to get a mate, I mean you shouldnt have to go through your heats alone. I worry about you enough as it is especially when your heats come.” Dean says while he comes up the stairs from the lower level of the house as you stand in the kitchen putting the stuff away into the cupboards.
“Dont you think its time for you to find a mate Dean?” You look to him with a stern expression on your face as you cross your arms across your chest leaning against the counter.
“Touche baby girl touche” He says with hands up in surrender.
“Hey you havent called me that in a long while” You soften your expression as you still hold your gaze on Dean.
“Yeah well why not, you are the baby after all and you know we practically raised you so why not bring it up for old time sake” He says as he comes closer to the kitchen to stand in front of you and hold his arms out to pull you slowly to his chest.
“Just like how dad used to say it” You say as your voice is all muffled up by his embrace, you know there is a smile slowly forming at the corners of his mouth.
After your mother passed away from breast cancer is when your father started to drink on a nightly basis. When that wasnt enough for him is when it got worse on a daily and hourly basis.
Your brothers stepped up to take care of you right up until he passed away while going on an evening grocery/liquor run than things turn to worse for you and your family.
Loosing another parent three years after your mom passed away. You and your older brothers have always been close growing up, your father feared if you presented as Omega and had your first heat that there would be no way in fighting for you to stay at home with your family where him and your brothers could protect you.
When a person presents Omega at the ripefull age of 16 or even 14, families were usually forced to sell them off to high paid Alpha's. That was always the worse solution because when the Omega disrespected their Alpha they were allowed to beat them to teach them a lesson into never repeating the same. When the Alpha beat their Omega it would always end up horribly gone wrong to the point where they died.
As the years went by the government banned that law and went on to having schools for Omega's to be more traditional child bearer's that they are made to be, stay at home and were always told that they never would voice an opinion.
They also added a law if the parent escorts their child who has presented Omega to the doctor for suppressants for their heats will be visited by officials from the Academies to collect the child and register them into the school system until the rightful Alpha came along to claim them.
The moment is ruined by the time Sam came up from the stairs as he looks to his siblings having a moment to themselves is when he clears his throat.
“Im getting pretty hungry, how about you two?” He asks leaning against the beam that separates the kitchen from the foyer.
“Yeah I guess I could eat” You tell him as you pull away from Dean.
“Agreed, so what are we doing for supper?” He asks looking between you and Sam.
“I was thinking we could go out, find a couple dvds to rent since we dont have wifi or cable so” He asks looking between you and Dean.
“Sounds like a plan, good thing we set up the TV and DVD player. Lets go see what our options are and go from there” Dean says as we make our way to the door to put on our shoes and jackets.
Dean is the last out of the house to close and make sure that the house is locked. Once we got into town and looking for a place to eat is when we settled on a restaurant called Connor's Diner. We enter the place and there are people having family dinners, dates and so forth. As you walk behind Sam is when you felt a hand grab your ass, you turn around to see who the douche bag was.
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